Gaseous States
Gaseous States
Gaseous States
Q.1 At constant temperature, in a given mass of Q.7 In the gas equation PV = nRT, the value of
an ideal gas - universal gas constant would depend only
(A) The ratio of pressure and volume always on -
remains constant (A) The nature of the gas
(B) Volume always remains constant
(B) The pressure of the gas
(C) Pressure always remains constant
(C) The temperature of the gas
(D) The product of pressure and volume
always remains constant (D) The units of measurement
Q.2 Three flasks of equal volumes contain CH4, Q.8 8.2 L of an ideal gas weight 9.0 gm at 300
CO2 and Cl 2 gases respectively. They will K and 1 atm pressure. The molecular mass
contain equal number of molecules if - of gas is-
(A) the mass of all the gases is same (A) 9 (B) 27 (C) 54 (D) 81
(B) the moles of all the gas is same but
temperature is different Q.9 Energy in an ideal gas is -
(C) temperature and pressure of all the flasks (A) Completely kinetic
are same (B) Completely potential
(D) temperature, pressure and masses same (C) KE + PE
in the flasks (D) All the above.
Q.3 A certain mass of a gas occupies a volume
Q.10 A 0.5 dm 3 flask contains gas 'A' and 1 dm 3
of 2 litres at STP. Keeping the pressure
constant at what temperature would the gas f lask contai ns gas 'B' at the same
occupy a volume of 4 litres - temperature. If density of A = 3.0 gm dm –
3 and that of B = 1.5 gm dm –3 and the molar
(A) 546ºC (B) 273ºC
(C) 100ºC (D) 50ºC mass of A = 1/2 of B, then the ratio of
pressure exerted by gases is-
Q.4 At 100 ºC a gas has 1 atm. pressure and 10 (A) PA /PB = 2 (B) PA /PB = 1
L volume. Its volume at NTP would be -
(C) PA /PB = 4 (D) PA/PB = 3.
(A) 10 litres
(B) Less than 10 litres
(C) More than 10 litres Q.11 The density of a gas i s equal t o ?
(D) None (P = pressure ; V = v olum e ; T =
temperature, R = gas constant, n = number
Q.5 If 500 ml of a gas 'A' at 1000 torr and 1000 of moles and M = molecular wt) -
ml of gas B at 800 torr are placed in a 2L (A) nP (B) PM/RT
container, the final pressure will be- (C) P/RT (D) M/V
(A) 100 torr (B) 650 torr
(C) 1800 torr (D) 2400 torr Q.12 One litre of an unknown gas weighs 1.25 gm
at N.T.P. which of the following gas pertains
Q.6 Two flasks A and B of 500 ml each are to the above data -
respectively filled with O 2 and SO 2 at 300 K (A) CO 2 (B) NO 2
and 1 atm. pressure. The flasks will contain- (C) N2 (D) O 2
(A) The same number of atoms
(B) The same number of molecules Q.13 If the density of a gas A is 1.5 times that of
(C) More number of moles in flask A as B then the molecular mass of A is M. The
compared to flask B molecular mass of B will be-
(D) The same amount of gases (A) 1.5 M (B) M/1.5
(C) 3M (D) M/3
Alpha Section :
RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh
Q.29 In which of the following pairs the gaseous Q.36 At S.T.P. the order of mean square velocity
species diffuse through a porous plug with of molecules H2, N2, O 2 and HBr is -
the same rate of diffusion - (A) H2 > N2 > O 2 > HBr
(A) NO, CO (B) NO, CO 2 (B) HBr > O 2 > N2 > H2
(C) NH3, PH3 (D) NO, C2H6 (C) HBr > H2 > O 2 > N2
(D) N2 > O 2 > H2 > HBr
Q.30 Which of the following expression does not
give root mean square velocity- Q.37 Most probable speed, average speed and
RMS speed are related as -
1 1
3RT 2 3P 2 (A) 1 : 1.128 : 1.224
(A) (B) (B) 1 : 1.128 : 1.424
(C) 1 : 2.128 : 1.224
1 1
(D) 1 : 1.428 : 1.442
3P 2 3PV 2
(C) (D)
Q.38 The root mean square velocity of an ideal
gas in a closed container of fixed volume is
Q.31 Which one of the following gases would have increased f rom 5 x 10 4 cm. s –1 t o
the highest R.M.S. velocity at 25ºC - 10 x 104 cm. s–1. Which of the following
(A) Oxygen (B) Carbon dioxide statements might correctly explain how the
(C) Sulphur dioxide change accomplished -
(D) Carbon monoxide. (A) By heating the gas, the temperature is
Q.32 If the r.m.s. velocity of nitrogen molecules is (B) By heating the gas, the pressure is made
5.15 ms–1 at 298 K, then a velocity of 10.30 four times
ms–1 will be possessed at a temp-
(C) By heating the gas, the volume is tripled
(A) 149 K (B) 172.6 K
(D) By heating the gas, the pressure is
(C) 596 K (D) 1192 K doubled.
Alpha Section :
RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh
Q.1 V versus T curves at constant pressure P 1 Q.7 A flask of methane (CH4) was weighed.
and P2 for an ideal gas are shown in fig. Methane was then pushed out and the flask
Which is correct - again weighed when filled with oxygen at the
same temperature and pressure. The mass
of oxygen would be -
(A) The same as the methane
(B) Half of the methane
(C) Double of that of methane
(D) Negligible in comparison to that of
(A) P1 > P2 (B) P1 < P2
(C) P1 = P2 (D) All Q.8 A balloon filled with methane (CH4) is pricked
with a sharp point and quickly plunged into
Q.2 If pressure of a gas contained in a closed
a tank of hydrogen at the same pressure.
vessel is increased by 0.4% when heated by
After sometime, the balloon will have -
1ºC its initial temperature must be -
(A) Enlarged
(A) 250K (B) 250ºC (B) Shrinked
(C) 2500K (D) 25ºC (C) Remain unchanged in size
(D) Ethylene (C2H4) inside it
Q.3 At a constant pressure, what should be the
Q.9 Contaniers X, Y and Z of equal volume
percentage increase in the temperature in
contain oxygen, neon and methane
kelvin for a 10% increase in volume -
respectively at the same temperature and
(A) 10% (B) 20%
pressure. The correct incereasing order of
(C) 5% (D) 50% their masses is -
(A) X < Y < Z (B) Y < Z < X
Q.4 There is 10 litre of a gas at STP. Which of (C) Z < X < Y (D) Z < Y < X
the following changes keeps the volume
constant - Q.10 Two flasks X and Y have capacity 1L and 2L
(A) 273 K and 2 atm respectively and each of them contains 1
(B) 273ºC and 2 atm mole of a gas. The temperature of the flask
are so adjusted that average speed of
(C) 546ºC and 0.5 atm
molecules in X is twice as those in Y. The
(D) 0ºC and 0 atm pressure in flask X would be -
(A) Same as that in Y
Q.5 The density of oxygen gas at 25ºC is 1.458 (B) Half of that in Y
mg/litre at one atmosphere. At what pressure (C) Twice of that in Y
will oxygen have the density twice the value- (D) 8 times of that in Y
(A) 0.5 atm/25ºC (B) 2 atm/25ºC
Q.11 The partial pressure of hydrogen in a flask
(C) 4 atm/25ºC (D) None containing 2gm of H2 & 32gm of SO 2 is -
Q.6 If a gas is expanded at constant temperature- (A) of total pressure
(A) Num ber of mol ecul es of the gas
decreases 1
(B) of total pressure
(B) The kinetic energy of the molecule 2
decreases 2
(C) The kinetic energy of the molecules (C) of total pressure
remains the same
(D) The kinetic energy of the molecules (D) of total pressure.
increases 8
Alpha Section :
RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh
Q.27 In case of hydrogen and helium the Vander Q.34 At what temperature will be total kinetic
Waals forces are - energy (KE) of 0.30 mole of He be the same
(A) Strong (B) Very strong as the total KE of 0.40 mole of Ar at 400K-
(C) Weak (D) Very weak (A) 400K (B) 373 K
(C) 533K (D) 300 K
Q.28 W hich of the following represents the
avogadro number - Q.35 Four particles have speed 2,3,4 and 5 cm/s
(A) Number of molecules present in 1 L of respectively. Their rms speed is -
gas at N.T.P. (A) 3.5cm/s (B) (27/2) cm/s
(B) Number of molecules present in 22.4
ml of gas at N.T.P. (C) 54 cm/s (D) ( 54 /2) cm/s]
(C) Number of molecules present in 22.4 L
of gas at 298K and 1 atm. pressure Q.36 The RMS velocity of an ideal gas at 27 ºC is
(D) Number of molecules present in one mole 0.3 m sec–1. Its RMS velocity at 927 ºC is -
of gas at any temp. and pressure. (A) 0.6 m sec–1 (B) 0.9 m sec–1
(C) 2.4 m sec (D) 3.0 m sec–1
Q.29 Which of the following can be most readily
liquefied ? )Given value of 'a' for NH3 = 4.17, Q.37 Average velocity is equal to -
CO2 = 3.59 , SO 2 = 6.71 , Cl 2 = 6.49)
(A) 0.9213 RMS velocity
(A) NH3 (B) Cl 2 (B) 0.9 RMS velocity
(C) SO 2 (D) CO 2 (C) 0.9602 RMS velocity
(D) 0.9813 RMS velocity
Q.30 Which of the following is true -
(A) urms > > . (B) urms < < .
Q.38 Which of the following expression gives the
(C) urms > < . (D) urms < > . variation of density of ideal gas with changes
in temperature ?
Q.31 Hydrogen and Argon are kept in two
separate but identical vessels at constant d2 P2 T1 d1T1
temperature and pressure - (A) d P T (B) d2 T
1 1 2 2
(A) Both contain same number of atoms.
(B) The number of atoms of argon is half d2 T2 d2P2 T2
(C) d T (D) d2 P T
that of hydrogen. 1 1 1 1
(C) The number of atoms of argon is double
that of hydrogen Q.39 In the below experiment, the value of P is -
(D) None of these
1mol gas A 2 mol gas B Partition Pr essure
Q.32 The vapour densities of CH4 and O 2 are in
250 mm 250 mm removed at P
the ratio 1 : 2 . The ratio of rates of diffusions same tem
perature( T )
of O 2 and CH4 at same P and T is -
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (A) 250 mm (B) 500 mm
(C) 1 : 1.41 (D) 1 : 4.14 (C) 300 mm (D) 400 mm
Q.33 The volume of ammonia obtained by the Q.40 Which of the following molecule has the
combination of 10ml of N2 and 30ml H2 is - lowest average speed at 273 K ?
(A) 20ml (B) 40 ml (A) CO (B) CH4
(C) CO2 (D) C2H6
(C) 30ml (D) 10ml
Alpha Section :
RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh
Q.15 W hich expression among the following Q.21 Statement I : The equation PV = nRT does
represents Boyle's law ? not apply to real gases at all conditions of
(A) (dP/dV)T = K/V (B) (dP/dV)T = –K/V2 temperature and pressure.
(C) (dP/dV)T = –K/V (D) (dP/dV)T = K Statement II: For real gases the attractive
forces between the molecules cannot be
Q.16 The values of critical temperature (TC) and
critical pressure (PC) for some gases are given
below. Which of the gases can not be liquefied
at 100 K and 50 atm? Q.22 Statement I : The value of Vander Waal
Gases (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) constant a is higher for NH3 than for N2.
PC (atm) 2.2 14 35 45 Statement II: Hydrogen bonding is present
TC (K) 5.1 33 127 140 in ammonia.
(A) (iv) only (B) (i) only
(C) (i) and (ii) (D) (iii) and (iv) Q.23 Statement I : 1g of SO2 and 1g of CO2
contain same number of molecules under
Q.17 Let f 1 and f 2 be the fractions of molecules in similar conditions.
the range c and c + dc for SO2 at 2T and O2 Statement II: 64g of SO2 and 44g of CO 2
and T, respectively which of the following contain same number of atoms under similar
expressions is correct -
(A) f 1 > f 2
(B) f 1 < f 2
(C) f 1 = f 2 Q.24 Statement I : K.E. of all the gases approach
(D) f 1 and f 2 cannot be correlated zero as their temperature approach zero kelvin.
Statement II: Molecular motion ceases at
Q.18 For a monoatomic gas - absolute zero.
(A) Molar heat capacity at constant volume
C V, m = (3/2) R Q.25 Statement I : Helium shows only positive
(B) Molar heat capacity at constant pressure
deviation from ideal behaviour.
Cp, m = (3/2) R
Statement II: Helium is chemically inert
(C) The ratio of Cp, m and CV, m is 3/5
(D) The difference between Cp, m and CV, m is 2R noble gas.
Q.19 At what temperature one gram of helium will Comprehensive type questions.
exert a pressure of 2.075 bar when enclosed
in a vessel of two litre capacity ?
(Q. 26 to Q.28)
(A) 200 K (B) 200º C
(C) 100º C (D) 473 K Real gases deviates from ideal behaviour
because of the following two faulty assumptions
Q.20 The value of RT for 5.6 L of ideal gas at STP of kinetic theory :
is reported to be x times the value of PV. (i) The actual volume occupied by molecules
The value of x is - is negligible as compared to the total volume
(A) 2 (B) 0.25 (C) 1 (D) 4
of the gas.
Each of the questions given below consist of (ii) The forces of attraction and repulsion
Statement – I and Statement – II. Use the following between molecules of the gas are negligible.
Key to choose the appropriate answer. The extent of deviation of a real gas from
(A) If both Statement- I and Statement- II are ideal behaviour is expressed in terms of
true, and Statement - II is the correct compressibility factor(z)
explanation of Statement– I. Hence suitable corrections were applied to
(B) If both Statement - I and Statement - II the ideal gas equation. So that it can also
are true but Statement - II is not the
explain the behavior of real gases. The equation
correct explanation of Statement – I.
obtained by applying the two corrections to
(C) If Statement - I is true but Statement - II
is false. the usual gas equation is known as Vander
(D) If Statement - I is false but Statement - II Waal equation.
is true.
Alpha Section :
RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh
(Question asked in previous AIEEE & IIT-JEE)
Q.4 Which one of the following statements is NOT Q.2 In a closed room of 1000 m3 a perfumed bottle
true about the effect of an increase in temperature is opened up. The room develops smell. This is
on the distribution of molecular speeds in a gas ?
[AIEEE-2005] due to which property of gases ? [IIT-1994]
(A) The fraction of the molecules with the most (A) Viscosity (B) Density
probable speed increases (C) Diffusion (D) None
(B) The most probable speed increases
(C) The area under the distribution curve remains
the same as under the lower temperature Q.3 The ratio between the root square velocity of H2
(D) The distribution becomes broader at 50 K and that of O2 at 800 K, is - IIT-1996]
(A) 4 (B) 2
Q.5 Equal masses of methane and oxygen are (C) 1 (D) 1/4
mixed in an empty container at 25ºC. The
fraction of the total pressure exerted by Q.4 X ml of H2 gas effuses through a hole in a
oxygen is – [AIEEE-2007] container in 5 seconds. The time taken for the
effusion of the same volume of the gas specified
2 1 273 below under identical conditions is - [IIT-1996]
(A) (B)
3 3 298 (A) 10 seconds : He
(B) 20 seconds : O2
1 1
(C) (D) (C) 25 seconds : CO
3 2
(D) 55 seconds : CO2
Alpha Section :
RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh
Q.15 Rate of diffussion of helium with respect to Q.16 A gas described by Van der waals equation -
methane at same temperature and pressure - [IIT-2008]
(A) behaves similar to an ideal gas in the limit
of large molar volumes
(A) (B) 2 (B) behaves similar to an ideal gas in the limit
of large pressures
(C) 4 (D) 1 (C) is characterised by v an der W aals
coefficients that are dependent on the
identity of the gas but are independent of
the temperature
(D) has the pressure that is lower than the
pressure exerted by the same gas behaving
Alpha Section :
RPS Sr. Sec. School, Khatod, Mohindergarh