Cylinder in Fluid
Cylinder in Fluid
Cylinder in Fluid
Moscow, Russia
The motion of a rigid circular cylinder and N point vortices in an unbounded volume of perfect fluid is treated here on
the basis of a potential framework. The formulas for the hydrodynamic force and moment acting upon a cylinder of
arbitrary cross section are obtained. The equations governing the motion of a circular cylinder interacting with vortices
are derived. For the greater part this paper coincides with [4] in which, however, only the case of one vortex was treated.
It so happened that (due to a makeup man‘s fault maybe) [4] was printed with no pictures in it. In this paper we
reproduce those figures and extend the previous results.
Here ϕ1 , ϕ2 are the potentials that correspond to translations along the axes Oξ, Oη, respectively.
The potential ϕ3 describes the velocity field due to the rotation of the cylinder with a unit angular
velocity about the axis perpendicular to the plane of drawing. The impermeable boundary condition
on the contour C and a proper decay at infinity are
= 0, ϕ4 = ϕ∗ + ϕ̃,
∂n C
∂ ϕ̃ ∂ ϕ̃
lim = lim = 0, r 2 = x2 + y 2 .
r→∞ ∂x r→∞ ∂y
Here n is an outward normal vector to C. The explicit expression for ϕ4 is well known if C is a circle.
Anyway, the derivation of this expression using the conformal mapping method is worth mentioning.
Consider a circle C̃ of unit radius on a complex plane of variable ζ. The center of the circle is at the
origin. The motion of the fluid induced by the potential w(ζ) = ϕ + iψ = ln ζ is a pure circulation
around C̃. This motion could be obtained as well by placing vortices of strengths −Γ and Γ at the
origin and infinity, respectively. Let the inverse image of C̃ under the mapping
1 − ¯lz
be our circle C on a complex plane of variable z. Let W (z) = Φ + iΨ = − Γ ln ζ. Note that Ψ = const
on C, hence for the motion induced by the potential Φ the impermeable boundary condition holds.
The sought potential ϕ4 can be found from the relation
w4 (z) = ϕ4 + iψ4 = W + Γ ln z
here l is defined through 1/¯l = l0 . The constant Γ∗ − Γ is a measure of fluid circulation around C.
Remark. Theoretically, the constant Γ∗ can take any value (this is exactly the case we consider in the
paper). However, it may seem reasonable to put Γ∗ = Γ. This can be justified by the following: away from the
cylinder the velocity field pattern must look approximately the same as that induced by a single vortex in the
absence of the cylinder (i.e. the cylinder is a small disturbance for the velocity field induced by the vortex). In
this case, l0 is a single branch point of w4 (z).
Let the complex numbers l, 1/¯l1 locate the center of C and the vortex Γ (Fig. 1). The potential
ϕ4 reads
Γ Γ ∗
ϕ4 = − arg(z − l1 − l) − 1
arg z − − l + Γ arg(z − l). (2)
2π 2π ¯l1 2π
Figures 2, 3 illustrate the streamline patterns for Γ = 1 and 10, respectively (the velocity vector of
the center of C is directed towards the vortex, Γ∗ = Γ).
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
The values of ϕ on the two sides of AB and A1 B1 differ by Γ and Γ∗ − Γ, respectively. Thus the
corresponding integrals vanish. We have
P = Px + iPy = i
z dϕ − i
z dϕ − i
z dϕ.
C2 C1 C
Denote by RC , RC1 , RC2 the hydrodynamic forces applied to the circles C, C1 , C2 , respectively. The
time rate of change of the impulse is known to be
dP = i
d z dϕ − i
d z dϕ − i
d z dϕ = −RC − RC1 + RC2 . (4)
dt dt dt dt
C2 C1 C
Let us prove that the difference RC2 − i
d z dϕ vanishes as r2 → ∞. The pressure can be found
through the use of the Cauchy – Lagrange formula
v 2
p = −
− + F (t).
∂t 2
RC2 = i p dz = −i
dz − i
v 2 dz.
∂t 2
C2 C2 C2
d d z dϕ + dϕ ∂ϕ 2
z dϕ = zd = (vx + ivy ) dϕ − + vx + vy2 dz.
dt dt dt ∂t
C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
The result is
2 2 2 2
vx − vy vy − vx
RC2 − i
d z dϕ =
vx vy dx − dy + i
− vx vy dy + dx . (5)
dt 2 2
C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Since v = O r12 as r2 → ∞, we see that both integrals in the right-hand side of (5) vanish as
r2 → ∞.
Find the limit of RC1 − i
d z dϕ as r1 → 0. Let the origin of the inertial frame coincide with
the center of C1 (Fig. 4). For a fixed time t we have
−Γ y
vx + ivy = + ṽx + i Γ 2 x 2 + ṽy .
2π x2 + y 2 2π x + y
Here ṽx , ṽy are analytic functions of x, y in a vicinity of the origin. Let ṽx (0, 0) = u0 , ṽy (0, 0) = v0 .
Using (5), we get
RC1 − i
d z dϕ = (−v0 y + u0 x) dx − (−u0 y − v0 x) dy −
dt 2πr12
C1 C2 C2
− (v0 x + u0 y) dx − (−v0 y + u0 x) dy + . . . ,
C2 C2
where unwritten terms vanish as (x, y) → 0. Consequently, the sought limit value is Γ
v0 − iΓ
u0 .
Letting r2 → +∞ and r1 → 0 in (4), we finally obtain the expression for the force acting on C
RC = i
d z dϕ − Γ
v0 + iΓ
u0 . (7)
Comparing this formula with (3), we see that the presence of a vortex results in additional terms in
the formula for the force.
Now let us calculate the moment about the origin of the inertial frame acting upon C. The
angular momentum of the fluid in D reads
∂(xϕ) (∂yϕ)
− dτ = −
ϕ(x dx + y dy) =
r 2 dϕ −
r 2 dϕ −
r 2 dϕ. (8)
∂y ∂x 2 2 2
D ∂D C2 C1 C
The forces acting upon C1 and C2 produce no moment since their lines of action pass through the
origin. Hence the moment applied to C is M = −dK/dt. Consider the time rate of change of the
integrals in (8). The equality
lim d
r dϕ = 0
r2 →+∞ dt 2
holds because the flow velocity decays at infinity approximately as r12 . The time rate of the integral
along C1 is
r 2 dϕ =
d r 2 dϕ =
xv 2 + yv v dx +
yv 2 + xv v dy.
x y x y y x
dt 2 dt 2
C1 C1 C1 C1
It can be easily shown, by use of (6), that the expression in the right-hand side becomes zero as
r1 → 0. Differentiating (8) and letting r2 → +∞, r1 → 0, we obtain the expression for the moment
acting on C
M =
d r 2 d ϕ. (9)
dt 2
This equation is identical in form to (3) but note that now the moment is calculated about the point
that coincides with the vortex.
Calculate the integral in the expression for the force (7). Again consider a complex plane of
variable ζ and let C̃ be a circle of unit radius centered in the origin. A conformal mapping of the
exterior of C̃ on the exterior of C is
z = f (ζ) = kζ + k0 + k1 ζ −1 + . . .
here k = dz > 0. By use of this relation, (7) can be rearranged as follows:
dζ ∞
−Γ ∗
z dϕ4 = kζ + k0 + k1 ζ −1
+ ... d arg(ζ − l1 ) − arg ζ − 1/¯l1 + Γ arg ζ =
2π 2π
C C̃
−Γ kζ + k0 + k1 ζ −1 + ... kζ + k0 + k1 ζ −1+ ...
= dζ − dζ +
2πi ζ − l1 ζ − 1/¯l1
C̃ C̃ (10)
∗ kζ + k0 + k1 ζ −1 + . . .
+Γ dζ =
2π ζ
−Γ k1 ∗
= 2πi(f (l1) − ) + 2πik1 l1 + Γ 2πik0 = −Γf (l1 ) + Γ∗ k0 .
2πi l1 2π
Note that replacing ϕ by ϕ4 in (7), we find that part of the total force applied to C which is induced
by the vortex and circulation. Of course, an additional influence of the ambient flow on the cylinder
appears through the added-mass effect, which is well known and requires no special considerations.
Finally, in view of (7) and (10), the force induced by the circulation and the vortex is seen to be
R = iΓ∗
d k0 − iΓ
d f (l1 ) − Γ
v0 + iΓ
u0 , (11)
dt dt
The first term in the right-hand side is due to the circulation. This force is defined by the velocity of
the point k0 fixed in the cylinder. It is also seen from (11) that the cylinder is subjected to a force
(the last two terms) that depend on the velocity of the vortex and of the point f (l1 ).
Again let C be a circle of unit radius. Setting k = 1, k0 = l, kj = 0 (j ∈ N) in (11), we see that the
force on the cylinder due to one point vortex together with circulation is as follows:
R = iΓ∗
d l − iΓ
d l1 + Γ
v0 − iΓ
u0 .
dt dt
This force depends on the velocities of the points l1 , 1/¯l1 and l (Fig. 1). The result can be easily
extended to the case of N vortices. Assume that the axes of the frame Oξη are aligned with the axes
of the inertial frame. Then the force on the cylinder is
R = iΓ
d l − i
d (am + ibm ) + i Γm
d (Am + iBm ).
dt dt dt
m=1 m=1
Here Am , Bm are the coordinates of the m−th vortex of strength Γm in the cylinder-fixed frame;
am , bm are the coordinates of the inverse point in this frame. Let d l/dt = u + iv. The velocity of a
j−th vortex is
∂ϕj (ξ, η)
Ȧj = −u +
ξ=Aj ,η=Bj
∂ϕj (ξ, η)
Ḃj = −v + ;
ξ=Aj ,η=Bj
uξ + vη Γm η − bm Γm η − Bm Γ ∗ η
ϕj = − 2 + arctg − arctg + arctg .
ξ +η 2 2π ξ − am 2π ξ − Am 2π ξ
m=1 m=1, m=j
Thus, on rearrangement
A2j − Bj2 − rj4 u + 2Aj Bj v
Ȧj = +
Γm Bj − Bm Bj − bm
+ − −
m=1, m=j
2π (Bj − Bm )2 + (Aj − Am )2 (Bj − bm )2 + (Aj − am )2
Γj Bj ∗ Bj
− −Γ 2 ,
2π Bj + Aj − 1 2π Bj + A2j
2 2
Bj2 − A2j − rj4 v + 2Aj Bj u
Ḃj = +
Γm Aj − Bm Aj − am
+ − +
m=1, m=j
2π (Bj − Bm )2 + (Aj − Am )2 (Bj − bm )2 + (Aj − am )2
Γj Aj
+ Γ∗ Aj
2π Bj2 + A2j − 1 2π Bj2 + A2j
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
where µ∗
= Γ∗
and µm = Γm
/a. The constant coefficient a involves the added mass of the
cylinder. Upon use of the obvious relations
Am B
am = , bm = 2 m 2 ,
A2m 2
+ Bm Am + Bm
we get
2 − A2 − r 4 Ḃ − 2A B Ȧ
Bm m m m m m m
u̇ = −µ∗ v − µm 4
A2m − Bm
2 − r 4 Ȧ − 2A B Ḃ
m m m m m
∗ 2
v̇ = µ u + µm 4
, rm = A2m + Bm
These equations together with (12) constitute a complete set of equations governing the motion of a
circular cylinder of unit radius plus N point vortices. A special case of these equations (Γ∗ = Γ, N = 1)
was treated in [4]. The integrability of the equations from [4] was proved in [5].
For the case of one vortex and Γ∗ = Γ, some trajectories of the vortex (the solid line) and the
center of the cylinder (the dashed line) are shown in Fig. 5, 6.
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