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Abstract Seaweeds or marine macroalgae are rich in Keywords Seaweed Macroalgae Biofertilizer
diverse compounds like lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, Biostimulants Osmoprotection Soil Agriculture
phytohormones, amino acids, osmoprotectants, antimicro-
bial compounds and minerals. Their potential for agricul-
tural applications is used since antiquity, but recent Introduction
demands of organic farming and organic food stimulated
much the application of organic treatments like seaweed Seaweeds or macroalgae are aquatic plants belonging to the
extracts in agriculture. The benefits of seaweeds applica- plant kingdom Thallophyta (Silva 1992; Dhargalkar et al.
tion in agricultural field are numerous and diverse such as 2001; Kerswell 2006; Jothinayagi and Anbazhagan 2009;
stimulation of seed germination, enhancement of health Arioli et al. 2015). These organisms are often regarded as
and growth of plants namely shoot and root elongation, an under-utilized bioresource, although many species have
improved water and nutrient uptake, frost and saline been used as sources of food, industrial gums, and in
resistance, biocontrol and resistance toward phy- therapeutic and botanical applications for centuries (Khan
topathogenic organisms, remediation of pollutants of con- et al. 2009). Many studies concerning plant growth stim-
taminated soil and fertilization. In this review, scientific ulating effects of marine algae have been performed
progress in this field was collected and critically assessed (Challen and Heminway 1965; Russo and Berlyn 1990).
to lay grounds for further investigations and applications. Seaweeds have been proven as a source of antioxidants,
plant growth hormones, osmoprotectants, mineral nutrients
and many other organic compounds including novel
bioactive molecules (Akila and Jeyadoss 2010; Ramarajan
Editorial responsibility: J. Aravind, M.Tech. et al. 2013; Ismail and El-Shafay 2015; Pacholczak et al.
2016a). The utilization of seaweeds as biofertilizer was
& E. Nabti considered to compensate for the lack and deficiency of N, P and K in soils (Sangeetha and Thevanathan 2010; Srijaya
Laboratoire de maitrise des Energies renouvelables, Equipe
et al. 2010; Sunarpi et al. 2010; Tuhy et al. 2015; Singh
de Biomasse et Environnement, FSNV, Université de Bejaia, et al. 2016; Vyomendra and kumar 2016). The importance
Targa Ouzemmour, 06000 Bejaı̈a, Algérie of seaweeds as manure has been recognized in many
Discipline of Marine Biotechnology and Ecology, Central countries. The possibility of seaweeds’ exploitation in
Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Council of modern agriculture has been widely explored, and different
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), G. B. Marg, varieties of preparations of these marine algae as liquid
Bhavnagar, Gujarat 364021, India
fertilizer and either whole or finally chopped powdered
Research Unit Microbe-Plant Interactions, Department algal manures are being used.
Environmental Sciences, German Research Center for
Recently, attention of scientists has been paid to novel
Environmental Health (GmbH), Helmholtz Zentrum
München, Ingolstaedter Landstrasse 1, 85764 Neuherberg, extraction methods, such as enzyme-assisted extraction,
Germany microwave-assisted extraction, pressurized liquid
Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
Table 1 Mineral composition Mineral compounds Red alga (Lithothamnion Green alga Brown alga
of three genera of algae (Aslam (lg/g of extract) calcareum) (Ulva lactuca) (Stoechospermum
et al. 2010) marginatum)
high level of soluble and insoluble fibers. The composition The observed benefits of seaweeds as natural bioactive
of chemical constituents changes with the seasons and material and source of organic matter and fertilizer nutri-
according to different environmental conditions, such as ents led to their wider application in the agricultural
temperature, salinity, light and nutrient availability (Reeta domain (Chapman 1980; Nelson and Van Staden 1984). It
1993; Marinho-Soriano et al. 2006; Karthikai Devi et al. has been reported already more than 50 years ago that
2009; Anantharaman et al. 2010; Hanan and Shimaa 2013). some brown seaweeds are used to fertilize soil, because
In the case of Ulva, it was shown that the amount of sol- they are rich in alginate which is decomposed as additional
uble, insoluble and dietary fiber of both species Ulva per- organic matter by soil microbes (Thivy 1964). Recently,
tusa and Ulva intestinalis ranged from 25.0–39.6%, the application of micronutrients from different seaweeds
21.8–33.5%, and 51.3–62.2% dry weight, respectively led to increased plant biomass, which is due to the presence
(Benjama and Masniyom 2011). A big difference in of a high amount of zinc (Tuhy et al. 2015). A new gen-
nutrient composition occurred between the cold and rainy eration of seaweed liquid fertilizer was developed as nat-
winter and the warm summer season (Benjama and Mas- ural organic fertilizer rich in nutrients which promote, e.g.,
niyom 2011). High amounts of lipids, phenols, chlorophyll faster generation of seeds, increase crop yields and stim-
a and b and total cholorophyll were observed in different ulate pathogen resistance of many crops (Sathya et al.
species of the genus Ulva, in particular U. rigida (Satpati 2010). Therefore, liquid fertilizers based on seaweed
and Pal 2011) and U. lactuca (Abd El-Baky et al. 2008) extracts, originally introduced by Milton in (1952), are now
(see also Table 2). In additon to carbohydrates, a richness successfully used as fertilizers in horticulture and agricul-
in pigments (chlorophyll, caroteinoids and phycobilipro- ture (Hurtado et al. 2009; Srijaya et al. 2010; Shahbazi
teins) was also noticed (Chojnacka et al. 2012). et al. 2015; Ciepiela et al. 2016).
In the following, further examples for the application of
seaweeds as biofertilizers are given. In some cases, marine
Seaweeds as biofertilizers macroalgae are not only used as biofertilizers but also as
soil stabilizers (Abdel-Raouf et al. 2012; Bhardwaj et al.
Historically, seaweeds had been used since ancient times 2014; Arioli et al. 2015). Temple and Bomke (1988)
directly or in composted form as a soil amendment to reported that fresh kelp (Macrocystis integrifolia) has an
improve the productivity of crops in coastal regions and for excellent effect in fine-textured soil on crop growth and
reclamation of alkaline soils, where nutrient deficiencies nutritional response. Fertilizers derived from seaweeds
are frequent (Zodape 2001; Craigie 2011). It is reported (Fucus, Laminaria¸ Ascophyllum, Sargassum etc.) are
that in the second half of the first century, seaweed manure biodegradable, non-toxic, non-polluting and non-hazardous
had widely been used (Metting et al. 1990). Seaweeds had to human, farm animals and birds (Dhargalkar and Pereira
been mixed with sand or soil or composted with straw, peat 2005). Nedzarek and Rakusa-Suszczewski (2004) showed
or other organic wastes (Craigie 2011). that a mixture of macroalgae released high quantities of
Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
organic matter and different nutrients, especially very rich extract from Ascophyllum nodosom affected the regulation
in NH4-, NO3- and NO2-, and phosphate. Furthermore, of phytohormone biosynthesis and accumulation in Ara-
growth stimulation of okra was found after foliar applica- bidopsis (Wally et al. 2012). Aslo, the induction of cyto-
tion (Abbasi et al. 2010), stimulation of Vigna mungo by kinin-like activity in Arabidopis thaliana due to the
Sargassum myriocystum extracts (Kalaivanan and application of extracts from brown macroalga Aqcophylum
Venkatesalu 2012), induction of amylase acitivity in barley nodosum (Khan et al. 2011) was reported. Many more
(Rayorath et al. 2008a), effect of Ulva fasciata on seed different seaweeds were studied as sources of biofertilizers
germination, growth parameters, pigment and carbohydrate (Reitz and Trumble 1996; Kavipriya et al. 2011; Lola-luz
content of wheat var. Charman (Shahbazi et al. 2015), et al. 2013; Pramanick et al. 2013; Zamani et al. 2013;
enhancement of rice and maize growth by seaweed sap Jayasinghe et al. 2016).
(Singh et al. 2015a, b, 2016), and improvement of root and
shoot length with increased numbers of leaves. Very Phytohormones content of seaweeds
recently, overall growth stimulation of Vigna sp. by using
different macroalgae as biofertilizers (Reddy et al. 2016; Seaweeds and their extracts have been used for centuries in
Vyomendra and Kumar 2016; Gopalakrishnan and Binu- agriculture to improve plant growth and stress tolerance. It
mol 2016) was found. The treatment with a commercial was concluded that their phytohormonal compounds may
Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
modulate innate pathways for phytohormone biosynthesis evaluated in the presence and absence of different seaweed
in plants (Wally et al. 2012; Divya et al. 2015ab). Seaweed extracts (Sargassum latifolium, Ulva lactuca and their
extracts are known to promote and enhance vegetables, mixture) (Kasim et al. 2015). A pretreatment with seaweed
fruits and various other crops because of their richness in extract led to a stimulation of antioxidant activities and
growth regulators such as auxins (IAA and IBA), gib- thus to the alleviation of the damaging effects of drought
berellins and cytokinin, in addition to osmoprotectant on the vegetative stage of Triticum aestivum. Sargassum or
betains and micronutrients (Ghoul et al. 1995; Renuka Bai Ulva extracts antagonize the oxidative damaging effects of
et al. 2007; Divya et al. 2015a, b; Mathur et al. 2015; drought not only directly through activating the antiox-
Pacholczak et al. 2016b). idative system (catalase, peroxidase and ascorbate), but
Liquid fertilizers based on different seaweed extracts also through providing phytohormones and micro-nutrients
are useful for achieving higher agricultural production, essential for wheat growth (Kasim et al. 2015).
because the extract contains growth-promoting hor- When seeds of Phaseolus aureus were treated with
mones, like cytokinins or gibberellins—in addition to extracts from the red marine algae Asparagopsis taxi-
trace elements, vitamins, amino acids and antibiotics formis, a promotion of root and internode length of shoot,
(Craigie et al. 2007; Sathya et al. 2010; Wally et al. as well as on petiole and leaf surface area, were reported by
2012; Divya et al. 2015a; Mirparsa et al. 2016). Also Renuka Bai et al. (2007). These authors suggested that
Zodape et al. (2010) concluded in their studies that the plant growth stimulation by extracts of these red algae is
effect of seaweed extract is due to plant growth regu- due to high quantities of cytokinins. Many studies con-
lators such as cytokinins. Ascophyllum nodosum extracts cerning the composition of liquid seaweed fertilizers
have been used as biostimulant to promote growth and demonstrated that they are rich in plant growth regulators
productivity in a number of agricultural production such as the auxin indole acetic acid (IAA), kinetin, zeatin,
systems (Rayorath et al. 2008b). It is well established gibberellin, cytokinins, abscisic acid, ethylene, in addition
that gibberellic acid (GA3) is responsible for the stimu- to betaines and polyamines (Kingman and Moore 1982;
lation of seed germination of different plants (Brink and Nelson and Van Staden 1985; Crouch and Van Staden
Cooper 1947). This substance induces hydrolytic 1993; Zahid 1999; Tarakhovskaya et al. 2007; Zhang and
enzymes in the aleurone layer surrounding the endo- Ervin 2008; Zodape et al. 2008). Savasangari et al. (2011)
sperm (Cooper and Brink 1945; Scott et al. 1998). Jen- concluded that the growth enhancement of the cluster plant
nings (1968) confirmed that green and brown algae are Cyamopsis tetragonolaba (L.) Taub. is due to the presence
very rich in gibberellic acid, which is involved in seed of cytokinin and magnesium, which are considered as an
germination. In fact, gibberellic acid acts as a signal in essential growth-promoting hormone and chief constituent
the germinating process of seeds by activating amylase in chlorophyll biosynthesis, respectively. The same expla-
genes in aleurone cells (Sun and Gubler 2004). Rayorath nation about the richness in phytohormones (auxin and
et al. (2008a) reported that the organic components of cytokinins) in seaweeds liquid fertilizers was reported by
Ascopyllum nodosum induce gibberellic acid (GA3)-in- Sridhar and Rengasamy (2010b). Similarly, Stirk et al.
dependent amylase activity in barley. The analyzed As- (2014) showed that Ecklonia maxima extracts present a
copyllum nodosum extracts revealed high concentrations high potential for application in agriculture due to its high
of cytokinins (CKs), particularly trans-zeatin-type CK, content of several plant hormones such as abscisic acid,
and abscisic acid (ABA) (Wally et al. 2012). Since many gibberelins, brassinosteroids and castasterone. It was also
phytohormones stimulate root development, the reported observed that the enhancement of germination, growth and
increased plant growth and vigor after application of productivity of brinjal by using Sargassum wightii liquid
seaweeds may be through increased efficiency of nutri- fertilizer is related to the presence of high levels of several
ents and water uptake (Russo and Berlyn 1990). Thus, phytohormones in this extract (Divya et al. 2015b).
seaweed cultivation and its utilization is an economically Liquid seaweed extracts also have been successfully
successful approach in agricultural production (Sridhar applied to restore plant growth at hardness conditions such
and Rengasmay 2011; Gireesh et al. 2011; Michalak as high pH and temperature conditions (Briceño-Dom-
et al. 2016a). ı́nguez et al. 2014; Bradáčová et al. 2016) as well as at very
Seaweed extracts stimulate various aspects of plant low pH and water content (Arthur et al. 2013). It was
development (Pramanick et al. 2013; Ismail and El-Shafay commonly reported in these studies that the main effect of
2015). Drought generates oxidative stress and increased seaweeds extracts against environmental stresses is due to
cell membrane leakage in stressed wheat plants resulting in cytokinins as well as gibberellic and abscisic acid, which
an increased need for antioxidant (enzymatic and non-en- help to support plant growth under nutrient-stressed con-
zymatic) activities. Physiological effects of the application ditions and to recover plants after damage (Reitz and
of seaweeds during drought on Triticum aestivum were Trumble 1996; El Shoubaky and Salem 2016).
Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
Biostimulant effects which improved the size and quality of fruits and reduced
variations in fruit yield during different seasons in apple
Liquid extracts of brown and green algae are being sold as trees (Spinelli et al. 2009). Recent studies also showed that
biostimulants or biofertilizers in different brands (Kavi- some algal extracts exert potent biostimulation of vegeta-
priya et al. 2011; Sharma et al. 2012; Divya et al. 2015a; tive growth and yield of fig trees (Ficus carica L.) (Al-
Shahbazi et al. 2015; Gopalakrishnan and Binumol 2016; Hameedawi 2016).
Mirparsa et al. 2016). Algae, particularly seaweeds, are Application of a variety of liquid seaweed fertilizers
used as biofertilizers, resulting in less runoff of nitrogen were repeatedly reported to be able to decrease application
and phosphorus fertilizers after application of livestock doses of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as well as to
manure (Abdel-Raouf et al. 2012), which could be due to stimulate plant growth and yields of many crop plants.
stimulated nutrient uptake in crop plants. Many results There are at least 59 species of seaweeds that were shown
were obtained with seaweed extracts such as improvements to stimulate germination, growth and yields of some hor-
of seed germination and root development, frost resistance, ticultural and legume plants (Sunarpi et al. 2010). Sunarpi
nutrients uptake, increased resistance to pathogenic fungi, obtained satisfactory results when using a mixture of 10
reduced incidence of insect attack and salt stress (Abetz seaweeds to improve growth and production of rice. Sea-
1980; Nabti et al. 2010; Battacharyya et al. 2015). weeds are much better than chemical fertilizer to improve
Adequate amounts of potassium, nitrogen, micronutri- soil fertility, because they contain a high quantity of
ents, humic acid, polysaccharides laminarin, alginates and organic matter which additionally improves available water
carrageenans, in addition to growth-promoting phytohor- and mineral uptake in the upper soil level (Ramarajan et al.
mones, present in seaweeds, makes them excellent biofer- 2012). Seaweed liquid fertilizer of Sargassum wightii, Ulva
tilizers (Sathya et al. 2010; du Jardin 2015). The lactuca and Enteromorpha intestinalis enhanced seed ger-
application of seaweed saps in green gram (Pramanick mination, growth, and biochemical features of legume
et al. 2013) resulted in growth and yield increases. An plant Glycine max (Mathur et al. 2015). These extracts
increase in chlorophyll content was achieved in different were shown to induce seed germination and growth
crops (tomato, dwarf French bean, wheat, barley and parameters more strongly than chemical fertilizers (Ra-
maize) treated with Ascophyllim nodosum alkaline extracts. marajan et al. 2012; Godlewska et al. 2016). Finally, Par-
The authors explained this increase in chlorophyll content tani (2013) showed an extraordinary effect of seaweed
by the presence of betaines in the seaweed extracts extract on corn growth and performance.
(Blunden et al. 1997). In addition, when Ecklonia maxima
extracts was applied as a foliar spray or a root drench for Osmoprotective effects
promotion of growth and development of marigold Tagetes
patula, significative enhancement of both vegetative and Soil salinity constitutes a major obstacle for agriculture in
reproductive growth could be demonstrated (Staden et al. arid and semiarid regions. 20% of the world’s cultivated
1994). A seaweed-based liquid fertilizer of Rosenvingea area and almost half of the world’s irrigated soils are
intricata was used successfully to increase growth and severely affected by the lack of water and increased salinity
pigment concentration in Cyamopsis tetrogonolaba and and are thus lost for agriculture (Nabti et al. 2010).
Abelmoschus esculentus (Thirumaran et al. 2009a, b). A Salt stress leads to yield decreases by inhibition of dif-
growth stimulation of egg plants (Solanum melongena L) ferent plant growth parameters such as seed germination
by Ascophyllum nodosum extracts (Bozorgi 2012) and (Sharma et al. 2004), photosynthesis and transpiration rates
enhancement of seed germination of fenugreek by seaweed (Sharma et al. 2005), as well as biosynthesis of phytohor-
extracts were reported (Sabale and Pise 2010). Sridhar and mones and plant growth regulators (Sarin and Narayanan
Rengasamy (2010a) successfully applied Sargassum 1968). High osmolarity can also affect plant growth by
wightii (brown seaweed) mixed with Ulva lactuca (green inhibiting plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR),
marine alga) to increase peanut growth (Arachis hypo- because rhizospheric microorganisms play an important
gaea). Additonally, a combination of Azotobacter chro- role in soil processes that determine and modulate plant
coocum and Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum mixed productivity (Tilak et al. 2005). Hence, in order to over-
with marine algal extracts stimulated growth of bitter come salinity problem, osmotolerant PGPR were applied to
orange seedlings (Ismail et al. 2011). Furthermore, develop tolerance toward salt stress through strategies of
Azospirillum brasilense strain NH combined with Ulva osmoregulatory mechansims (Hartmann et al. 1991;
lactuca extracts was able to enhance the development of Galinski and Trüper 1994; Miller and Wood 1996). The
durum wheat under saline and non-saline conditions (Nabti direct application of osmolytes turned out to be not suffi-
et al. 2010). Moreover, a commercial algal extract of As- cient or not of practical relevance in this respect. However,
cophyllum nodosum was proven as potential bioregulator due to their high contents and diversity of osmoprotective
Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
molecules, seaweeds can be used as solution for reclama- amounts of secondary metabolites, including terpenes,
tion of saline soils and to overcome osmotic stress affecting lipid-, steroid-, and aromatic-like compounds, acetogenins,
plant growth. amino acid derived products, phlorotannin and other
Seaweeds living in marine waters are exposed to a polymeric substances (Ballantine et al. 1987; Febles et al.
continuous salt stress because of the high salinity of the 1995; Ozdemir et al. 2004; Zbakh et al. 2012; Thinakaran
marine environment. Under hyperosmotic conditions, and Sivakumar 2013; Shri Devi and Paul 2014). Marine
organic compounds such as proline, betaines, as well as algae produce also bioactive metabolites in response to
polyamins and sorbitol are synthesized and accumulated at microbial activities (Taskin et al. 2007; Younes et al. 2009;
high concentrations which are intimately involved in the Alam et al. 2014; Michalak et al. 2015; Watee et al. 2015;
osmotic stress adjustment in macroalgae (Brown and Pérez et al. 2016; Sahnouni et al. 2016), insects (Cetin et al.
Hellebust 1978; Karsten et al. 1991; Karamanos 1995; Van 2010; Asha et al. 2012; Holden and Ross 2012; Abbassy
Alstyne et al. 2003; El Shoubaky and Salem 2016; Ghoul et al. 2014), and viruses (Serkedjieva 2000; Mendes et al.
et al. 1995; Kiene et al. 1998; Van Bergeijk et al. 2002). It 2010). It was revealed, that red macroalgae show the best
also has been revealed that many marine algae produce production of halogenated compounds (Pereira and Teix-
3-dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a potent osmopro- eira 1999). However, studies concerning products of green
tective compound; its degradation product dimethylsulfide algae utilized against microbial activities are relatively
plays a central role in the biogeochemical S-cycle scarce.
(Pichereau et al. 1998; Summers et al. 1998). Tertiary Numerous studies have been performed about antimi-
sulphonium (DMSP) and quaternary ammonium (like crobial activities of seaweed extracts, such as antifungal
glycine betaine) compounds were reported as efficient activities. It has been demonstrated that the strong
osmoprotectants for agricultural bacteria and plants as well antimicrobial activities of many seaweed algae is due to the
(Reed 1983; Rhodes and Hanson 1993; Fang et al. 1996; presence of terpenes (Paulert et al. 2009; Peres et al. 2012).
Asma et al. 2006; Rezaei et al. 2012; Manaf 2016). Activities against fungal phytopathogens were also
In order to make best use of particularly osmoprotective demonstrated for different algal extracts (Coşoveanu et al.
substances of seaweeds, many experiments have been 2010; Thinakaran and Sivakumar 2013). In this way, six
performed in order to restore plant growth under saline organic extracts of five seaweeds belonging to Phaeophyta
conditions by using different algal extracts. It could be (Sargassum vulgare, Cystoseira barbata, Dictyopteris
shown that, e.g., U. lactuca was able to restore the leaf area membranacea, Dictyota dichotoma and Colpomenia sinu-
and pigment content in soy bean under saline stress con- osa) were tested for their antagonistic effect on eight fungal
ditions (Ramarajan et al. 2013). Furthermore, maize growth species (Alternaria alternata, Cladosporium cladospori-
under cold stress has been restored after addition of sea- oides, Fusarium oxysporum, Epicoccum nigrum, Asper-
weeds extract (Bradáčová et al. 2016). It could also be gillus niger, Aspergillus ochraceus, Aspergillus flavus, and
demonstrated that the addition of extracts of Sargassum Penicillium citrinum). These experiments showed that a
vulgare improved the germination behavior of two bean variety of seaweeds from different sites had pronounced
cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris) under salt stress (Latique antifungal activities (Khallil et al. 2015).
et al. 2014). Other examples for successful use of seaweed The capacity to utilize seaweeds as biocides was also
extracts are: application of seaweed extracts of Ascophyl- revealed after using extracts of green marine algae of Ulva
lum nodosum to Amaranthus tricolor enhancing flowering fasciata and Ulva lactuca against nymph and adults of
and its chemical constituents under high salinity conditions cotton pest (Dysdercus cingulatus) (Asha et al. 2012).
(Abdel Aziz et al. 2011), the utilization of seaweed extracts Many brown seaweed species were shown to be effective
to stimulate germination and growth of tomato (Lycoper- in controlling plant diseases (Peres et al. 2012). Extracts of
sicon spp.) seedlings under salt stress (Alalwani et al. different marine algal species like Sargasssum tenerrimum,
2012), and the application of liquid extracts of U. lactuca at Padina tetrastromatica and Melanothamnus afaqhusainii
high salinity conditions to restore growth of durum wheat were used for nematicidal activity tests against the root-
(Triticum durum var waha) (Nabti et al. 2007, 2010). knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica (egg hatching and
Finally, Durvillaea plantarum application could substan- larval mortality), which showed maximum egg hatching
tially improve growth and yield of bean plants under water (96%) and larval mortality (99%) (Khan et al. 2015).
suppression (Bastos et al. 2016). Some seaweeds have only low antifungal activities.
However, when combined with some plant growth pro-
Biocontrol activities moting bacteria, they show a significantly higher activity.
This is, e.g., the case with some seaweed species when
Seaweeds are generally known as a rich source of a high associated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Pae-
diversity of natural molecules. Seaweeds can produce high cilomyces lilacinus protecting roots of sunflower (Ara et al.
Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
1996). Thus, seaweed application in biological control inexpensive and reliable method to remove, for example,
studies is currently a much advanced area of biotechno- cadmium and lead ions from aqueous solution using dry
logical research (Abdel-Raouf et al. 2012). A very recent seaweed biomass as adsorbents (Vinoj Kumar and Kalad-
study revealed that polysaccharides, fatty acids, haran 2006). Therefore, seaweeds offer great opportunities
phlorotannins, pigments, lectins, alkaloids, terpenoids and for biosorption because their macroscopic structure pro-
halogenated compounds isolated from green, brown and vides a convenient basis for production of biosorbent par-
red algae have potent antimicrobial activities (Pérez et al. ticles suitable for applications as sorption material (Vieira
2016). A mixture of brown, red and green seaweeds was and Volesky 2000; Michalak et al. 2016b).
successfully used, e.g., to control root-infecting fungi on Novel methods were recently used to characterize and
okra seedlings, demonstrating a highly effective inhibition determine the detailed mechanisms, how seaweeds are
of plant pathogenic fungi by seaweeds (Sultana et al. capable to remove heavy metals; ‘‘green synthesis’’ of iron
2005). Foliar sprays of seaweed extracts were able to oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles together with brown seaweeds
inhibit fruit rot and to increase yields of strawberry, as well contributed to successful lead bioremediation (El-Kassas
as to efficiently reduce the gray mold development et al. 2016). Furthermore, heavy metal adsorption studies
(Washington et al. 1999). using Kappaphycus sp. from aqueous solutions showed
Seaweed extracts are readily commercially available clearly that this red seaweed can be used as a potentially
and their impact on yield and health of different crops is low-cost biosorbent for removal of heavy metal ions from
very significant (Norrie et al. 2002). The addition of As- aqueous solutions (Rahman and Sathasivam 2015). Some
cophyllum nodosum extracts to carrot plants inoculated seaweeds, such as Gracilaria corticata varcartecala and
with the fungal pathogens Alternaria radicina and Botrytis Grateloupia lithophila, were also shown to efficiently
cinerea resulted in a strong inhibition of disease phenotype. remove heavy metals (Cr(VI), Cr(III), Hg(II), Pb(II), Co
In parallel, the activity of certain defense-related enzymes, and Cd (II)) by a biosorption process (Tamilselvan et al.
such as peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase, phenylalanine 2013; Duraipandian et al. 2016). A mixture of green, red
ammonia lyase, chitinase, and b-1,3-glucanase was sig- and brown algae was prepared to eliminate chromium
nificantly increased after seaweed extracts application. pollution by biosorption. Seaweed material analysis
These latter efficiently enhanced disease resistance in revealed that chromium was adsorbed by two functional
carrot probably through defense-related genes and proteins groups of polysaccharides at seaweed surface (Abirami
induction (Jayaraj et al. 2008). Studies about biocontrol et al. 2013). Other species of seaweeds (Kappaphycus
activities of seaweed extracts and their effects on disease alvarezii and Eucheuma ddenticulatum) were also utilized
control require more detailed assessments in several successfully for Cadmium (II) biosorption (Figueira et al.
respects in future. Detailed studies on the induction of 2000; Kang et al. 2012). In addition, a red algal extract
systemic resistance in addition to direct inhibition of named ‘‘Acadian’’ was successfully applied to remove lead
pathogen development need to be performed. For example, pollution (Abdalla and El-Khoshiban 2012).
in biocontrol active Bacilli it has been shown that antibi- Some researchers found that DDT [1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-
otically active secondary metabolites not only inhibit bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethane], which is a major environ-
phytopathogens but are also able to trigger plant resistance mental pollutant, is progressively biodegraded after the
mechanisms (Chowdhury et al. 2015). application of seaweed extracts. Probably, it is due to the
high level of dissolved organic carbon present in soil
amended with seaweed, which significantly retarded DDT
Recovery of polluted soils biodegradation (Kantachote et al. 2014; Michalak et al.
2016b). It is known that seaweed amendments modify soil
Various industries, such as mining, leaching, surface fin- conditions including dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of
ishing industry, energy and fuel production, fertilizer and soils, ionic strength, redox potential and pH. These sig-
pesticide industry, metallurgy, iron and steel factories, nificant physicochemical changes influence the increase in
electroplating, electrolysis, electro-osmosis, leather work- DDT bioavailability and transformation in seaweed-
ing, photography and electrical appliance manufacturing amended soils compared to the unamended soil (Sudharsan
industries, discharge heavy metals into the environment, et al. 2013). However, it remains an open question, whether
which leads to locally dramatic ecosystem pollution (soil, a considerable part of the added DDT, which was not
surface water, ground water) (Davis et al. 2000; Nahmani detectable as original compound or metabolites, is already
et al. 2003; Tamilselvan et al. 2013). Heavy metals are completely mineralized to CO2 or is still tightly bound to
major pollutants in marine ecosystems, lakes and ground- soil components as so-called bound residue. More detailed
waters, originating from industrial effluents even if they are studies using radiolabeled DDT may allow to answer these
treated for contaminant reduction. Biosorption is an questions. Investigating the bioremediation efficiency of
Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
organic pollutions from shrimp hatcheries using the green microbial ecosystem. Furthermore, since seaweeds are
alga Ulva reticulata, the authors found that this green colonized by complex microbial communities, which
macroalga could successfully be used as effective biofilter themselves produce, e.g., antimicrobial compounds (Egan
for nutrient removal from shrimp hatchery effluents (Rabiei et al. 2013; Singh et al. 2015), it would be important to
et al. 2014). examine, whether or to which extent these seaweed-asso-
ciated microbes establish themselves in the soil. This sea-
weed-influenced soil microbial community may finally
Possible limitations of seaweed applications even exhibit improved functions of nutrient turnover in
soils, which could be the basis to benefit plant development
Until now, no severe general limitations of the application and soil health.
of seaweeds as biofertilizer are known. However, due to
the high salt content of seaweeds (Na?, Cl-, K?, and Ca2?, Soil conditioner in organic farming
etc.) the long-term or excessive application of seaweeds
may contribute to the development of saline soils and may Seaweed extracts have gained significant attractiveness
increase the salt content in plant tissues. Such problems worldwide as liquid fertilizers in recent years (Khan et al.
could be avoided by including intermitting pauses of sea- 2009; Kumar and Sahoo 2011; Shah et al. 2013), although
weed application and allowing rain-rinsing periods to their successful application as agricultural biofertilizer
decrease the salt content of soils (Angus and Dargie 2002; goes back to its original application as soil conditioner for
Ruperez 2002; MacArtain et al. 2007). Furthermore, if horticultural crops (Aitken and Senn 1964). Nowadays, the
enriched subfractions or purified preparations of seaweed forms of application of seaweeds as fertilizer include foliar
extracts are used instead of crude seaweed extracts, this spray, granules, powder and manure (Kumari et al.
problem can be minimized. Since seaweeds are known as 2011, 2013; Gharakhani et al. 2016). Recent trends of
potent accumulators of heavy metals and other contami- organic farming and increased demands of organic foods
nants in marine environments (Vasquez and Guerra have opened a wide window of opportunities for seaweed
1996; Fourest and Volesky 1997; Dadolahi-Sohrab et al. reinvestigation for its potential applications as a soil con-
2011; Karthicka et al. 2012; Sudharsan et al. 2012), the ditioner, biofertilizer and biostimulant (Khan et al.
application of seaweeds collected from contaminated sites 2009) (Table 3). Seaweeds are known to contain several
in agricultural soils would increase the content of these organic contents, particularly carbohydrates, proteins and
contaminants in both soils and plants (Wosnitza and Bar- fatty acids which are helpful in retaining moisture and
rantes 2003). Therefore, the contaminant levels of sea- nutrients in the upper layers of soil. Numerous studies
weeds need to be examined routinely before application reported the beneficial impacts of seaweed-based fertilizer
and contaminated seaweeds should not be applied. Fur- on soil and crop growth by increasing water-holding
thermore, the anaerobic decomposition of sulfated organic
compounds of seaweeds was reported to lead to the pro- Table 3 Commercial seaweed products used in agriculture (Khan
duction of sulfides. The microbial oxidation of these sul- et al. 2009)
fides to sulfate increases the concentrations of protons in Product name Seaweed name Application
soils and hence may create soil acidification (Brady and
Weil 2008). Acadian Ascophyllum nodosum Plant growth
Ascophyllum stimulant
The typical organic compounds of seaweeds, like car-
Agri-Gro Ultra Nodosum Macrocystis Plant growth
rageenans, laminarins and ulvans, are different from the pyrifera stimulant
major polymeric carbon compounds of terrestrial plant, AgroKelp Ascophyllum nodosum Plant growth
such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, and expose the stimulant
soil microbial community to novel and possibly less readily Bio-GenesisTM Unspecified Plant growth
degradable compounds (Jiménez-Escrig and Sánchez-Mu- High TideTM stimulant
niz 2000; Jaulneau et al. 2010). In addition, alginate, a Fartum Ecklonia maxima Biofertilizer
brown seaweed molecule that acts as a water-holding Kelpak Durvillea antarctica Plant growth
compound, may affect water distribution within the unspecified stimulant
soil (Fourest and Volesky 1997; Jiménez-Escrig and Sán- Profert Unspecified Plant biostimulant
chez-Muniz 2000). In this context, a thorough examination Sea Winner Durvillea potatorum Plant biostimulant
of the effect of long-term or excessive application of sea- Seanure Plant growth
weeds on the microbial community of soils using DNA- stimulant
based deep sequencing high throughput approaches should Seasol Plant growth
be performed to follow up consequences for the whole
Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol.
capacity, stimulation of microorganisms’ activity and Abdel Aziz NG, Mahgoub MH, Siam HS (2011) Growth, flowering
improving soil texture. Seaweed fertilizers are helping soil and chemical constituents performance of Amaranthus tricolor
plants as influenced by seaweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) extract
to create an environment suitable for root growth by application under salt stress conditions. J Appl Sci Res
increasing microbial diversity and improving biological 7:1472–1484
activities like respiration and nitrogen mobilization and Abdel-Raouf N, Al-Homaidan AA, Ibrahem IBM (2012) Agricultural
mineralization of mineral nutrients (Haslam and Hopkins importance of algae. Afr J Biotechnol 11:11648–11658
Abetz P (1980) Seaweed extracts: have they a place in Australian
1996; Selvaraj et al. 2004; Battacharyya et al. 2015). agriculture or horticulture? J Aust Inst Agric Sci 46:23–29
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Conclusion chromium biosorption using brown, red and green macroalgae.
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In this review, main beneficial roles of the exploitation of conditioner for horticultural crops. Bot Mar 8:144–148
seaweeds as biostimulants in agriculture are emphasized. Akila N, Jeyadoss X (2010) The potential of seaweed liquid fertilizer
Trends toward organic farming and increased demands of on the growth and antioxidant enhancment of Helianthus annuus
organic foods have increased the demand for biofertiliza- L. Orient J Chem 26:1353–1360
Alalwani BA, Jebor MA, Hussain TAI (2012) Effect of seaweed and
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conditioner and biofertilizer. It is well established that Alam ZM, Braun G, Norrie J, Hodges DM (2014) Ascophyllum
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carrot associated with increased root-zone soil microbial activity.
lite compounds, which make them resistant to different Can J Plant Sci 94:337–348
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foster plant growth. Due to the diversity of these com- Sci Pollut Res 2:87–89
Alves RC, Mercês PFF, Souza IRA, Alves CMA, Silva APSA, Lima
pounds, seaweeds or seaweed-derived products are also VLM, Correia MTS, Silva MV, Silva AG (2016) Antimicrobial
being utilized successfully in many different applications activity of seaweeds of Pernambuco, northeastern coast of
in industry, medicine, food and agriculture. However, Brazil. Afr J Microbiol Res 10:312–318
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Balasubramanian T (2010) Mineral composition of marine
fields of applications diversified. On the other hand, more macroalgae from mandapam coastal regions. Southeast coast of
basic microbiological and soil ecological investigations India. Rec Res Sci Technol 2:66–71
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Arioli T, Mattner SW, Winberg PC (2015) Applications of seaweed
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Mr. Abbaci Hocine (University of Bejaia, Algeria). We also express Phycol 27:2007–2015
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