Art App Part 56 Reviewer
Art App Part 56 Reviewer
Art App Part 56 Reviewer
Chiaroscuro technique
The Northern Renaissance was famous for its
trait of Baroque art
advanced techniques in oil painting,
refers to the interplay between light and
realistic, expressive altarpiece art, wooden
dark, often used in paintings with dimly lit
panel paintings, woodcuts and printmaking.
scenes to produce a very high-contrast,
Dutch art was determined by empirical
dramatic atmosphere
The Dutch aimed to get the bottom of the Arts Period and Movement
mysteries of the world with a precise Neoclassical
observation of all things. Characteristics
Arts Period and Movement Art that recaptures Greco-Roman grace
Mannerism (1527 – 1580) and grandeur
Popular Artists and Major Artworks
Characteristics David, Ingres, Greuze, Canova
Art that breaks the rules; artifice over
nature Significant Historical Events
Enlightenment (18th century)
Industrial Revolution (1760 – 1850)
Neoclassical painting and sculpture involved Significant Historical Events
an emphasis on austere linear design in the Franco-Prussian War (1870 – 1871)
depiction of classical events, characters and Unification of Germany (1871)
themes, using historically correct settings and
Arts Period and Movement
style of painting that emerged in the mid to
Romanticism (1780 – 1850)
late 1800s.
Characteristics it emphasizes an artist’s immediate
the triumph of imagination and impression of a movement or scene
individuality impressionist painters painted quickly and
Popular Artists and Major Artworks
freely and often used modern life as their
Caspar Friedrich, Gericault, Delacroix,
subject matter
Turner, Benjamin West
featured short, visible strokes – dots, commas,
Significant Historical Events
American Revolution (1775 – 1783) smears, and blobs
French Revolution (1789 – 1779) the term “impressionist” was originally
Napoleon crowned emperor of France intended as a derogatory term, used by art
(1803) critics appalled at this style of painting
first conceptual art movement where the refers to a group of movements that began
focus of the artists was not to craft in the late 1950s and early 1960s, during
aesthetically pleasing objects but create which artists rejected established practices
works that upended bourgeois sensibilities and questioned the importance of their roles
aimed to generate difficult questions about in the artistic process
society, the role of the artist, and the their work has an irrelevant, almost mocking
purpose of art view of artistic importance
Dada artists are known for their use of postmodern artists include minorities and
readymade objects women who were not previously part of the
art establishment
B. History of Instrumental Music
its aim is to channel the unconscious as a
means to unlock the power of the Instrumental Music
a musical composition that is without lyrics, or were invented; important advances in all
singing, although it might include some musical groups
inarticulate vocals Most popular composers were
music is produced by musical instruments Monteverdi, Corelli, Schutz, Purcell, Lully,
its beginnings paved the way for the Bach, Handel, Telemann, Couperin,
invention and development of musical Scarlatti and Vivaldi
instruments with particular tonal qualities
marked the beginnings of the elements of
vocal and instrumental music were both
harmony, rhythm, and melody
can mimic the sound of nature so well that it
ensembles such as chamber orchestras
can effectively stir the deepest human
became popular
strings were the main section of the chamber
orchestra, and woodwind and brass were
Medieval Music (1150 – 1400) used for solo effects
Secular music with notated manuscripts energetic, driving rhythms were frequently
showing connections with the church; used during this period
organum indicated the beginnings of short, melodic and rhythmic phrases were
harmony common
Gregorian Chant and Plainsong which are tempos were faster and slower than earlier
monadic or written as one musical line periods
emotion was frequently expressed through
melodic devices
music was primarily vocal often polyphonic and forms included sonata,
instruments were used to accompany vocal suite, concerto, concerto grosso, oratorio,
lines or to improvise instrumental dances cantata, opera, and fague
rhythm was not notated
melodic intervals and sacred melodies were
Classical Music (1750 – 1830)
often based in church modes
harmony and tonality were not functional Sonata form, development of modern
music appears to have been constructed concerto, symphony, trio and quartet;
and heard as separate lines rather that obsession with structural clarity
vertical sonorities Famous composers were Friedman,
popular genres : sacred vertical music such Christian, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and
as plainchant, masses, and motets; and Schubert
secular vocal songs
Renaissance Music (1400 - 1600)
a transitional period between the Baroque
Increased freedom in music showed and Classical periods which set the stage for
harmony and polyphony; composers still the emergence of the Classical style
devoted to choral writing Rococo music was characterized by
15th century composers include Dunstable, delicate, frivolous expression designed more
Ockegehm, Despres and Dufay 16th to please than to excite the listener
century composers include Dowland,
Byrid, Gibbons and Tallis Classical Music