I J W H R S: Effects of Watermelon Seed Extract (Citrullus Vulgaris) On Spermatogenesis in Rat
I J W H R S: Effects of Watermelon Seed Extract (Citrullus Vulgaris) On Spermatogenesis in Rat
I J W H R S: Effects of Watermelon Seed Extract (Citrullus Vulgaris) On Spermatogenesis in Rat
doi: 10.15296/ijwhr.2013.16
Article History: Objective: Citrullus vulgaris is an antioxidant that has been
Received July 2013 shown to reduce oxidative stress. Worldwide studies have been
Accepted September 2013 done in order to use as herbal medicine in different fields of
Available online September 2013 medicine. Based on ancient Persians traditional books use of
herbal medicine has positive effect on treatment of different
Keywords: diseases. Previous studies confirmed antioxidants have
Citrullus vulgaris, significant effect on infertility by their role on reactive oxygen
Rat species. The aim of this study was to see effect of this herb on
Sperm spermatogenesis.
Material and Methods: Wistar male rats (n=20) were allocated
Corresponding Author: into two groups, control group (n=10) and citrullus vulgaris
Arash Khaki, Women’s (C.V) group (n=10) that received 55mg.kg-1.day-1 C.V by
Reproductive Health Research gavage method for 4 weeks; however, the control group just
Center, Tabriz University of received an equal volume of distilled water daily. Animals were
Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. kept in standard condition. In 28th day, testicle tissues were
Tel: +989143138399 collected then prepared for sperm analysis.
Email: arashkhaki@yahoo.com Results: sperm parameters significantly increased in
experimental group in comparison to control group (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Since in our study 55mg.kg-1 (C.V) has significantly
increased sperm population, motility and viability,it seems that
using it in infertile patients has beneficial effects.
1- Women’s Reproductive Health Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran.
2- Department of Pharmacognosy, Tabriz University of medical sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Int J Women’s Health Reproduction Sci Vol. 1, No. 3, Autumn 2013 ISSN 2330-4456
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Int J Women’s Health Reproduction Sci Vol. 1, No. 3, Autumn 2013 ISSN 2330-4456
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albumin (15).After 5 min incubation at 37°C with the oxidation process by reacting with
(with 5% CO2), the cauda epididymis sperm free radicals, chelating catalytic metals,
reserves were determined using the acting as oxygen scavengers (20, 21) and
standard hemocytometric method and preventing lipid auto oxidation (22, 23).
sperm motility was analyzed with Worldwide studies have been done in order
microscope (Olympus IX70) at 10 field and to use of herbal medicine in different fields
reported as mean of motile sperm according of medicine. Based on ancient Persians
to WHO method (16). traditional books use of herbal medicine has
Statistical analysis positive effect on treatment of different
Statistical analysis was done using the diseases especially infertility. Several
independent sample T-test for comparison studies have reported that antioxidants and
of data in the control group with the vitamin A, B, C, and E in diet can protect
experimental groups. The results were sperm DNA from free radicals and increase
expressed as Mean ± S.E.M (standard error blood-testis barrier stability (24, 25).
of means). P-value less than 0.05 were Evidences suggest that certain
considered significant and are written in the phytochemicals found in citrus sources, such
parentheses. as flavonoids and limonoids, have major role
Results : in treating or retarding chronic diseases.
Weight of Epididymis: Positive properties of these phytochemicals
The obtained results in this study were include anti-oxidative, anti-carcinogenic,
illustrated in table 1. There was no cardiovascular protective, neuro-protective,
significant difference in epididymis weights bone health promotion and anti-
between two groups. inflammatory protection. Antioxidants
Sperm motility, viability and count : protect DNA and other important molecules
Administration of 55 mg/kg Citrullus from oxidation and can improve sperm
vulgaris extract for 28 consecutive days quality and consequently increase fertility
significantly increased Sperm rate in men (26). Therefore, it is suggested
concentrations, motility and viability in that, increased use of herbal medicine, fruit,
experimental group as compared with the vegetables, onion, tea and black burgundy
control group (P<0.05) (Table 1). grape which are full of flavonoids and
citrullus vulgaris seeds such as herbal
Discussion: antioxidant can improve sperm parameters
In this study, male rats were subdivided into
and increase chances in infertile couple to
two groups, control and experimental group.
get new life.
Experimental group receiving watermelon
seed extract (citrullus vulgaris) showed Conclusion:
increased sperm motility, viability and This study shows increase in sperm viability,
concentration in comparison to control motility and population so it seems it as
group. This increase could be due to the positive effects on male infertility.
protective effect of citrullus vulgaris seed Acknowledgments:
extract administration. Phytonutrients with This research was supported by Women’s
significant role in human health and disease Reproductive Health Research Center,
prevention decline incidences of several Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,
physiological threats (17). These Tabriz, Iran. The code of this research
phytonutrients have anti-oxidative activity protocol was 9018.
due to having phenolics and carotenoid
compounds (18). Watermelon has
numerous antioxidants (e.g. lycopene, beta-
carotene) and some specific amino acids
(e.g. arginine, citrulline). Fresh watermelon
consumption ¬is considered a healthy
addition to diet owing to the presence of
lycopene (19). Antioxidants can interfere
Int J Women’s Health Reproduction Sci Vol. 1, No. 3, Autumn 2013 ISSN 2330-4456
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Table 1. Sperm parameters and epididymis weight of control and experimental groups.
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