Diethyl Ether Production Process With Various Catalyst Type: Widayat, Achmad Roesyadi, Muhammad Rachimoellah
Diethyl Ether Production Process With Various Catalyst Type: Widayat, Achmad Roesyadi, Muhammad Rachimoellah
Diethyl Ether Production Process With Various Catalyst Type: Widayat, Achmad Roesyadi, Muhammad Rachimoellah
ISSN: 2086-5023
Abstract - Several H-zeolite and HZSM-5 catalysts was preparated ethylene. The result showed that H-modernite with ratio of
and their characters have also been investigated. H-zeolit Catalyst SiO2/Al2O3 90 is more stable than H-modernite with
was preparated from Natural Zeolite that obtained from Malang SiO2/Al2O3 20[5]. Haber, et al [6] has a research about ethanol
District and Gunung Kidul District. Diethyl ether was produced by dehydration process with Kalium saline and silver from
Ethanol with concentration of 95%. This research use fixed bed
reactor that 1 gram of catalyst as bed catalyst, atmospheric pressure
tungstophosphoric acid (HPW) by varying the type and the
and temperature 140oC as the operating condition. Ethanol vapor number of cation KxH3−xPW12O40 and AgxH3−xPW12O40. In his
from vaporization tank was driven by 200 ml/min Nitrogen stream. research, value of x was varied in the range of 0<x<2 for
The responds in this research is liquid product concentration; diethyl KxH3−xPW12O40 and 0<x<3 for AgxH3−xPW12O40. The result
ether, ethanol, methanol and water concentration. The results showed that the catalytic activity of the both process was
showed that the largest ethanol conversion was produced by the use improved. This result shows that catalytic activity has a
of 56.44% HZSM-5 and the largest yield of diethyl ether diethyl was relation to proton acid and proton that is produced by silver
produced by the use of alumina and H-zeolite catalyst. The larger cation. In a high temperature (T > 573K), the highest yield of
ratio between natural zeolite with HCl solvent will produce the larger acetaldehyde from dehydrogenation ethanol oxidation is
surface area of catalyst and ethanol conversion. The largest ethanol
conversion was produced at reactan ratio 1:20.
produced by using AgxH3−xPW12O40 catalyst [6]. Zaki[7],
studied about the effect of transition metal from Fe2O3 and
[Keywords: catalyst; ethanol conversion; dehydration process; yield Mn2O3 in catalytic ethanol dehydration process. The result
of diethyl ether; natural zeolite]. showed that there was an improvement in ethylene selectivity
I. INTRODUCTION Varisli et al [8], also studied diethyl ether and ethylene
Diethyl ether is one of the most important commercial production process with dehydration ethanol reaction on
ether. In industry, Diethyl ether is often used as a solvent of various catalysts. In this research, TPA
organic reactions such as oil, fat, latex, micro cellulose, (tungstophosphoricacid), STA (silicotungsticacid) and MPA
perfume, alkaloid solvent. This ether is also used as a separator (molydophosphoricacid) catalyst was used. The result showed
of organic compound from its natural material sources. In that the highest Selectivity of ethylene (>0.75) was produced
addition, diethyl ether is identical to anesthesia in medical at 250oC with TPA catalyst. At temperature 180oC, the main
science [1]. product was diethyl ether. Furthermore, the presence of water
Diethyl ether can be produced using homogenous vapor decreased the catalyst activity. Trends of Polyacid
catalyst (sulfuric acid/Barbet process) and heterogeneous catalyst activity can be arranged from the largest value as
catalyst. The difficulty of Catalyst separation becomes the STA>TPA>MPA [8].
weakness of Barbet process. Furthermore, the corrosive The recent research is objected to investigate the type of
behavior of Barbet process causes this process becomes costly. catalyst in ethanol dehydration process to produce diethyl
The second process, heterogeneous catalyst, uses alumina ether. The types of catalyst, which are used in this research, are
catalyst. In this process, ethanol conversion per pass and its alumina, HZSM-5, and H-zeolit. In addition, H-zeolite is
yield is 60-80 and 90% respectively [1]. Butt, et al [2] and de made of natural zeolite from Kabupaten Gunung Kidul district
Boer, et al [3], studied kinetic reaction of this process. and Malang district.
Evidently, the use of alumina catalyst in ethanol
dehydration process produces a low ethanol conversion and II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
diethyl ether yield. Therefore, researchers develop the type of Zeolite is synthesized from natural zeolite, whereas
catalyst that can be used for ethanol hydration and dehydration chloride acid is produced from Brataco. AgNO3 is used as
process such as Alumina, MgO, alumina silica and WO3 indicator of chloride ion washing. Materials to create HZSM-5
catalyst [4]. In addition, zeolite can also be used for this catalyst are aquadest, waterglass, alumonium sulphate,
process. Takahara, et al [5] used H-modernite type of zeolite for sulphate acid, natrium hydroxide and amonium chloride.
ethylene production. In this production process, ethanol was Materials for diethyl ether production process are tehnical
dehydrated to be diethyl ether and subsequently becomes ethanol (95%) and nitrogen gas. ZSM-5 catalys is produced
IJSE Journal
Internat. J. of Sci. and Eng., Vol. 4(1):6-10, January 2013, Widayat et al. ISSN: 2086-5023
based on Latourette, et al method [11]. Solution A which (Temperature Conductivity Detector) with helium gas as gas
contains alumonium sulphate, sulphate acid and water is carrier with flow rate 20 ml/menit, temperature 125- 250oC
mixed with solution B which contains waterglass and aquadest. and detector temperature 275 oC. Components which are
Solution C contains NaOH 40% which is added to solution A analyzed are diethyl ether, ethanol, water and methanol.
and B. Afterwards, this solution is strirred to make a
homogenous solution at PH 9.5. After this step, the solution is III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
placed and stirred in an autoclave with a heating at Characteristics test is analyzed with X-ray Diffraction
temperature 150oC within 24 hours. The produced crystal is (XRD). Figure 2 shows the analysis result of the difractogram
washed, dried and calcinated. In order to get HZSM-5, the ion analysis for zeolite catalyst with raw material from Gunung
of the product is exchanged with amonium chloride and Kidul district (KZ A) and Malang District (KZ B). It can be
continued with the washing, drying and calcinating. observed that KZ A has more peak than KZ B at degree of
In this experiment, alumina catalyst/alumonium oxyde theta 20-30. With a domination of Si composition, Catalyst
from a merck which have specification of surface area in the tends to have a form as Silicate for KZ A and Modernite for
range of 190 m2/gram is used. As stated before, H-zeolite is KZ B. Intensity of KZ B catalyst is higher than KZ A catalyst.
produced from natural zeolite which is obtained from The diference of peak can also be observed at degree 2 theta 13
Wonosari district, Gunung Kidul district and Malang district. and 15, where the intensity of KZ A is higher thatn KZ B
Characteristic of zeolite is shown in a result of the research of catalyst.
Widayat, et al [12]. The catalyst is produced with chemical
treatment, washing, drying and calcination process. The
chemical treatment is processed in three-neck flask which is
equpped with cooler, water heater, and magnetic stirrer.
Washing is processed to remove the Cl- ion. Drying is 800
catalyst product from natural zeolite of Malang district is
called KZ B. In addition, H-zeolite catalyst is shyntesized by 300
variying the ration og the weight of zeolite and chloride acid 200
solvent. 100
Catlytic test equipment is shown in figure 1. Fixed bed
reactor is placed in a furnace. Feed/ethanol vaporizer tank and
nitrogen gas is used as gas booster and inert. The condensorr is -100
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
used to cendense the is reaction producet. The dimension of o
2 theta
the fixed bed reactor is ½ inci of diameter and 1 gram of
catalyst weight. In order to create catalyst bed, the reactor is
eqipped with mesh buffer and glasswool on the both side Figure 2. Difractogram of H-Zeolite catalyst product
r a tio H C l: Z A = 1 :2 0
300 (RT 5.89 min), ethanol (RT 7.18 menit) and diethyl ether (RT
200 9.86 menit).
r a tio H C l:Z A = 1 :1 5 b e fo r e c a lc in a tio n
0 10 20 30 40 50
2 th e ta
IJSE Journal
Internat. J. of Sci. and Eng., Vol. 4(1):6-10, January 2013, Widayat et al. ISSN: 2086-5023
Catalyst type Yield DEE (%)
conversion (%)
KZ A 10 4,68 1,78
KZ B 15 5,34 0,14
alumina 11,59 2,41
HZSM-5 56,44 0
b. KZ A KZ A: 1/10 15.27 2.98
b. KZ A
KZ A: 1/15 34.66 0.21
KZ A: 1/20 39.28 0.85
KZ A: 1/30 6.78 1.35
Result of this research can be concluded as follows; XRD
analysis result of catalyst product showed that KZ A catalyst is
H-zeolite with silicalite type and KZ B is H-zeolite with
modernite type. The highest Specific surface area and total
pore volume is 184,52 m2/gram and 108,243 x 10-3 cc/gram
respectively at dealumination time 10 hours for KZ A catalyst.
Production proess result of diethyl ether showed that alumina
c. KZ B
catalyst, KZ A and KZ B, can be used to produce diethyl ether.
However, HZSM-5 could not be used to produce diethyl ether
and only increase the amount of water and might produce
ethylene. The largest yield of diethyl ether was produced
alumina, KZ A and KZ B in decreasing order. The largest
ethanol conversion of 56.44% was produced by using
HZSM-5 catalyst. The higher value of natural zeolite and
chloride acid solvent ratio the higher surface area and ethanol
conversion. The highest ethanol was produced at reantant
ration of 1:20.
The author would like to convey the acknowledgement to
Dr. Suminar for the XRD analysis assistance, also sincere
d. HZSM-5 thank to Dr. Ir. Melia Laniwati as chief of instrumentation
Figure 6. Khromatograph of liquid product ethanol laboratory of ITB Bandung for the BET analysis assistance.
dehydration Special thank to Mr. Kalyawan from Polytechnic Malang for
the gas chromatography assistance. The writer also
This is because KZ A catalyst has the largest surface area, acknowledge to DP2M DIKTI as the sponsor of this research.
IJSE Journal
Internat. J. of Sci. and Eng., Vol. 4(1):6-10, January 2013, Widayat et al. ISSN: 2086-5023
IJSE Journal