This document contains test cases to validate the login functionality of a gmail login page. It includes 4 test scenarios to test valid and invalid login credentials. Each test scenario contains test steps, preconditions, test data, expected and actual results. The test cases were executed by 4 different testers on different dates and all test cases passed as expected.
This document contains test cases to validate the login functionality of a gmail login page. It includes 4 test scenarios to test valid and invalid login credentials. Each test scenario contains test steps, preconditions, test data, expected and actual results. The test cases were executed by 4 different testers on different dates and all test cases passed as expected.
This document contains test cases to validate the login functionality of a gmail login page. It includes 4 test scenarios to test valid and invalid login credentials. Each test scenario contains test steps, preconditions, test data, expected and actual results. The test cases were executed by 4 different testers on different dates and all test cases passed as expected.
This document contains test cases to validate the login functionality of a gmail login page. It includes 4 test scenarios to test valid and invalid login credentials. Each test scenario contains test steps, preconditions, test data, expected and actual results. The test cases were executed by 4 different testers on different dates and all test cases passed as expected.
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Project Name Project_05_11__2019
Module Name Login
Created By XYZ Creation Date DD-MM-YYYY Reviewed By Test Leads/Peers Reviewed Date DD-MM-YYYY
Test Scenario ID Test Scenario Description Test Case ID
TS_GM_001 Verify the login functionality of gmail login page TC_GM_Login_001
TS_GM_002 Verify the login functionality of gmail login page TC_GM_Login_002
TS_GM_003 Verify the login functionality of gmail login page TC_GM_Login_003
TS_GM_004 Verify the login functionality of gmail login page TC_GM_Login_004
Test Case Description Test Steps Preconditions
1.Enter valid emailid 2.Enter 1.Valid URL
Enter a valid emailid & password valid password 3.Click on login 2.Test Data button
1. Enter a valid emailid 2.
Enter a invalid password 3. 1.Valid URL Enter a valid emailid & Invalid Password Click on the sign button 2.Test Data
1.Enter invalid emailid 2.Enter 1.Valid URL
Enter a invalid emailid & valid Password valid password 3.Click on login 2.Test Data button
1.Enter invalid emailid 2.Enter 1.Valid URL
Enter a invalid emailid & Invalid Password invalid password 3.Click on 2.Test Data login button Test Data Post Conditions Expected Result Actual Result Status
Password:1234567900 EmailID and Password" A pop message A pop message window will window will show an error show an error message message Fail
Username: Error message"Invalid
Password:1234567901 EmailID and Password" A pop message A pop message window will window will show an error show an error message message Fail
Username: Error message"Invalid
Password:1234567902 EmailID and Password" A pop message A pop message window will window will show an error show an error message message Fail Excecuted By Excecuted Date Comments(If any)
Project Name Module Name Created by Creation Date Reviewed by Reviewed Date Test Scenario ID Test Scenario Description Test Case ID Test Case Description