Phishhaven: An Efficient Real-Time Al Phishing Urls Detection System
Phishhaven: An Efficient Real-Time Al Phishing Urls Detection System
Phishhaven: An Efficient Real-Time Al Phishing Urls Detection System
• The project is focuses to detect and prevent the phishing URL attacks.
• It is a machine learning-based detection system called PhishHaven to identify AI-generated as well as
human-crafted phishing URLs.
• PhishHaven employs lexical analysis for feature extraction.URL Hit approach for detecting and classifying
tiny urls.
• URL HTML Encoding as a lexical feature to boost our detection system on-the-fly detection of URLs
• We are using tkinter to create GUI for the application.
• In machine learning project there are two stages :- Training and prediction. There are ten models for
training and prediction.These models will be trained and saved.
Front-end :- Python
Back-end :- Python
Python is an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language. Its
design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its use of significant indentation.
Its language constructs as well as its object-oriented approach aim to help programmers
write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.
It is a machine learning project and any type of normal user can use the is a desktop application
1. Preprocessing dataset
• Feature extraction using lexical features
2. Training
• Create 10 models
• Train train 10 models parallel using the extracted features
• Use output of 10 models to train second layer SVM
• Save trained models
3. Prediction
• Load URL
• Expand URL
• Extract features of URL
• Calculate output of first layer
• Calculate final result using second layer SVM
4. GUI creation
• Using tkinter (Desktop application)
• Option to enter URL
• Button to start prediction
• Option to view result in the same window
• Currently started coding section
• Submission of synopsis and Diagram is completed
Synopsis :- 10-09-2021
Diagrams :-24-09-2021
• PhishHaven is a Desktop based application designed with a purpose of detecting and prevent phishing urls.
• We can use this application to prevent the cyber crimes like email spoofing,website forging,social engineering
etc.we can build potential cybersecurity system with this project.
• By applying multi-threading technique at an input unit we can work on multiple URLs simultaneously, hence
incorporating the scalability factor in PhishHaven for classifying multiple URLs at a time.
• PhishHaven has achieved a signicant accuracy in classifying both AI-generated and human-crafted phishing