02-RCC1 Analysis of Flexural Members
02-RCC1 Analysis of Flexural Members
02-RCC1 Analysis of Flexural Members
Reinforced concrete sections are heterogeneous (nonhomogeneous), because they are made of
two different materials, concrete and steel. Therefore, proportioning structural members by
strength design approach is based on the following assumptions:
1. Strain in concrete is the same as in reinforcing bars at the same level, provided that the bond
between the steel and concrete is adequate.
2. Strain in concrete is linearly proportional to the distance from the neutral axis.
3. The modulus of elasticity of all grades of steel is taken as Es = 29 × 106 lb/in.2 (200,000
MPa or N/mm2). The stress in the elastic range is equal to the strain multiplied by Es
4. Plane cross sections continue to be plane after bending.
5. Tensile strength of concrete is neglected because (1) concrete’s tensile strength is about 10%
of its compressive strength, (2) cracked concrete is assumed to be not effective, and (3)
before cracking, the entire concrete section is effective in resisting the external moment.
6. The method of elastic analysis, assuming an ideal behavior at all levels of stress, is not valid.
At high stresses, nonelastic behavior is assumed, which is in close agreement with the actual
behavior of concrete and steel.
7. At failure the maximum strain at the extreme compression fibers is assumed equal to 0.003
by the ACI Code provision.
8. For design strength, the shape of the compressive concrete stress distribution may be assumed
to be rectangular (ACI Code, Section 10.2).
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1) Tension Control: Steel may reach its yield strength before the concrete reaches its maximum
strength, Fig. 3.3a. In this case, the failure is due to the yielding of steel reaching a high strain equal
to or greater than 0.005. The section contains a relatively small amount of steel and is called a
tension-controlled section. The ACI Code adopts this type of design
2) Balanced: Steel may reach its yield strength at the same time as concrete reaches its ultimate
strength, Fig. 3.3b. The section is called a balanced section.
3) Compression Control: Concrete may fail before the yield of steel, Fig. 3.3c, due to the presence
of a high percentage of steel in the section. In this case, the concrete strength and its maximum strain
of 0.003 are reached, but the steel stress is less than the yield strength, that is, fs is less than fy. The
strain in the steel is equal to or less than 0.002. This section is called a compression-controlled
section. The beam collapses immediately without warning. The ACI Code does not allow this type of
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Strain Limits:
Load Factors:
The magnitude of the load factor must be adequate to limit the probability of sudden failure and to
permit an economical structural design. The choice of a proper load factor or, in general, a proper
factor of safety depends mainly on the importance of the structure (whether a courthouse or a
warehouse), the degree of warning needed prior to collapse, the importance of each structural
member (whether a beam or column), the expectation of overload, the accuracy of artisanry, and the
accuracy of calculations. Based on historical studies of various structures, experience, and the
principles of probability, the ACI Code adopts a load factor of 1.2 for dead loads and 1.6 for live
loads. According to the ACI and ASCE 7-10 Codes, the required strength U, shall be the most
critical of the following factors
In the case of dead, live, and wind loads,
1. U = 1.4D
2. U = 1.2D + 1.6L
3. U = 1.2D + 1.0L + 1.0W
4. U = 0.9D + 1.0W
5. U = 1.2D + (1.0L or 0.5W)
In the case of dead, live, and seismic (earthquake) forces, E
1. U = 1.2D + 1.0L + 1.0E
2. U = 0.9D + 1.0E
[More combinations/possibilities for determining load factors can be found on page 84 of the book
Structural Concrete Theory and Design, Fifth Edition by M. Nadim Hassoun]
The ACI Code, Section 9.3, specifies the following values to be used:
1. For tension-controlled sections, φ = 0.90
2. For compression-controlled section
a. with spiral reinforcement, φ = 0.75
b. other reinforced members, φ = 0.65
3. For plain concrete, φ = 0.60
4. For shear and torsion, φ = 0.75
5. For bearing on concrete, φ = 0.65
6. For strut and tie models, φ = 0.75
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For the transition region, φ may be determined by linear interpolation between 0.65 (or 0.75) and 0.9.
The linear equations are as follows:
To derive a simple rational approach for calculations of the internal forces of a section, the ACI Code
adopted an equivalent rectangular concrete stress distribution, which was first proposed by C. S.
Whitney and checked by Mattock and others. A concrete stress of 0.85f’c is assumed to be uniformly
distributed over an equivalent compression zone bounded by the edges of the cross section and a line
parallel to the neutral axis at a distance a = β1c from the fiber of maximum compressive strain, where
c is the distance between the top of the compressive section and the neutral axis (Fig. 3.8). The
fraction β1 is 0.85 for concrete strengths f’c ≤ 4000 psi (27.6 MPa) and is reduced linearly at a rate
of 0.05 for each 1000 psi (6.9 MPa) of stress greater than 4000 psi (Fig. 3.9), with a minimum value
of 0.65.
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Two basic equations for the analysis and design of structural members are
the two equations
of equilibrium that are valid for any load and any section:
Balanced Section
Let us consider the case of a balanced section, which implies that at
maximum load the strain
in concrete equals 0.003 and that of steel equals the first yield stress at
distance dt divided by
the modulus of elasticity of steel, fy/Es . This case is explained by the
following steps.
Substituting Es
= 29 × 103 ksi,
Substituting the value of cb the general equation of the balanced steel ratio
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can be written as