EE8552 Power Electronics
EE8552 Power Electronics
EE8552 Power Electronics
Regulation – 2017
Prepared by
Academic Year : 2019 – 20 ODD
SYLLABUS: Study of switching devices, SCR, TRIAC, GTO, BJT, MOSFET, IGBT and IGCT- Static
characteristics: SCR, MOSFET and IGBT - Triggering and commutation circuit for SCR- Introduction to Driver and
snubber circuits.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence COs
1. Define the term pinch off voltage of MOSFET. BTL-1 Remembering CO1
2. List the advantages of GTO over SCR. BTL-1 Remembering CO1
3. di dv BTL-1 Remembering CO1
Examine how is and protection provided in SCR?
dt dt
4. Name the limitation of high frequency operation of a power BTL-1 Remembering CO1
Electronic device.
5. Mention the advantages of ‘RC’ triggering over ‘R’ triggering. BTL-1 Remembering CO1
6. Tabulate the various forced commutation techniques used to BTL-1 Remembering CO1
turn off SCR.
7. Distinguish between SCR and TRIAC. BTL-2 Understanding CO1
8. Predict the secondary breakdown in BJT BTL-2 Understanding CO1
9. Discuss reverse recovery time in diodes. BTL-2 Understanding CO1
10. Summarize the conditions under which a transistor operates as BTL-2 Understanding CO1
a switch.
11. List any two advantages of TRIAC over SCR. BTL-3 Applying CO1
12. Illustrate the need of snubber circuit. BTL-3 Applying CO1
13. Classify the types of diodes. BTL-3 Applying CO1
14. Compare the merits and demerits of IGBT and MOSFET BTL-4 Analysing CO1
15. What is meant by commutation of SCR and list its types. BTL-4 Analysing CO1
16. Mention the merits and demerits of GTO. BTL-1 Remembering CO1
17. Define the term holding current and latching current. BTL-5 Evaluating CO1
18. Why are IGBT becoming popular in PE based applications? BTL-5 Evaluating CO1
19. Draw TRIAC characteristics. BTL-6 Creating CO1
20. Why TRIAC is not popular as compared to SCR? Justify BTL-6 Creating CO1
1. Examine the structure and different modes of operation BTL-1 Remembering CO1
with the characteristics of TRIAC. (13)
2. Explain the working of current commutation technique . (13) BTL-1 Remembering CO1
3. Describe with circuit IGBT static I-V, transfer and turn –on and BTL-1 Remembering CO1
turn–off characteristics. (13)
4. Describe the UJT triggering circuit with neat sketch. (13) BTL-1 Remembering CO1
5. (i) Discuss the different modes of operation of thyristor BTL-2 Understanding CO1
with the help of its static V-I characteristics. (7)
(ii) Discuss why TRIAC is rarely operated in I quadrant BTL-2 Understanding
with –ve gate current and in III quadrant with +ve gate
current. (6)
6. (i) Snubber circuit for an SCR should primarily consist of BTL-2 Understanding CO1
capacitor only. But in practice a resistor is used in series
with the capacitor, Why-Discuss. (7)
(ii) Discuss the turn off characteristics of SCR and explain BTL-2 Understanding
the mechanism of turn OFF. (6)
7. Summarize the various types of commutation circuits for SCR BTL-2 Understanding CO1
8. (i) Explain the steady state and switching characteristics of BTL-3 Applying CO1
MOSFET with aid of diagrams. (7)
BTL-3 Applying
(ii)Demonstrate the working of a complementary
commutation. (6)
9. Examine the basic structure of IGBT and Explain its BTL-3 Applying CO1
working .Give its equivalent circuit and explain the turn ON
and turn OFF processes. (13)
10. (i) Explain and draw steady state and switching characteristics BTL-4 Analysing CO1
of SCR. (7)
(ii) With a neat diagram explain how the snubber circuit BTL-4 Analysing
protects the MOSFET. (6)
11. (i) Analyze the constructional details of an SCR. Sketch its BTL-4 Analysing CO1
schematic diagram and explain its operation. (7)
(ii) Explain turn-ON and turn-OFF characteristics of SCR. (6) BTL-4 Analysing
12. (i) Analyze the various types of power diodes. (7) BTL-4 Analysing CO1
(ii) Explain and draw steady state and switching characteristics
of SCR. (6) BTL-4 Analysing
13. Explain the principle of operation and characteristics of GTO BTL-5 Evaluating CO1
14. Design a suitable snubber circuit for BJT which is used as a BTL-6 Creating CO1
switching device in AC to DC conversion circuit. (13)
1. Design the switching model, equivalent circuit and BTL-5 Evaluating CO1
switching waveforms and times of MOSFET. (15)
2. Design a suitable driver circuit for MOSFET which is BTL-5 Evaluating CO1
used a switching device in AC to DC conversion circuit. (15)
3. Design the switching model, equivalent circuit and BTL-6 Creating CO1
switching waveforms and times of IGBT. (15)
4. Design a suitable driver circuit and snubber circuit for SCR BTL-6 Creating CO1
which is used a switching device in AC to DC conversion
circuit. (15)
SYLLABUS: 2-pulse, 3-pulse and 6-pulse converters– performance parameters –Effect of source
inductance–– Firing Schemes for converter–Dual converters, Applications-light dimmer, Excitation system,
Solar PV systems
Q.No Questions BT Competence COs
2. Examine power factor of semi converter is better than BTL-1 Remembering CO2
full converter.
3. Examine the effect of source impedance on the performance of BTL-1 Remembering CO2
4. Express the displacement factor for two pulse converter. BTL-2 Understanding CO2
5. Predict the circuits turn –off time for single phase full BTL-2 Understanding CO2
6. Illustrate the PIV of a thyristor. BTL-3 Applying CO2
7. Classify the various modes of operation of single phase fully BTL-4 Analysing CO2
controlled bridge converter.
8. Distinguish between symmetric and asymmetric semiconductor BTL-4 Analysing CO2
9. Why power factor of semi converter is better than full BTL-5 Evaluating CO2
10. Predict by what power factor the DC output voltage of 6-pulse BTL-2 Understanding CO2
converter is reduced due to the effect of source inductance.
14. Examine is the cause of circulating current in dual converters. BTL-2 Understanding CO2
15. A two pulse converter is fed with a 230V, 50 Hz supply. BTL-6 Creating CO2
The load on the converter is a pure resistance of R=10 Ω.
Obtain the average output voltage for a firing angle of α
16. Examine the harmonic factor for converter. BTL-3 Applying CO2
17. Examine the term voltage ripple factor. BTL-3 Applying CO2
18. Explain the inversion mode of converter. BTL-4 Analysing CO2
19. Summarize the roles of freewheeling diode in a Full BTL-5 Evaluating CO2
20. A single phase full converter feeds power to RLE load Creating CO2
with R= 6Ω, E=60V.The full load inductance value is very BTL-6
large so as to maintain the load current continuous and ripple
free .The ac source voltage is 230 V and
50Hz.Find the average value of the output voltage for a firing
angle delay of 50°.
1. Describe the operation of three phase semiconverter BTL-1 Remembering CO2
with R load and also draw the output voltage waveforms
for 30° and 90°. (13)
2. Explain the operation of a single phase full converter with RLE BTL-1 Remembering CO2
load using relevant waveforms. obtain the expressions for its
average output voltage and RMS value of output voltage . (13)
3. Analyze the effect of source inductance in the operation BTL-4 Analysing CO2
of single phase fully controlled converter with relevant
diagram and analysis. (13)
4. (i) Discuss the effect of series inductance on the BTL-2 Understanding CO2
performance of the single phase full converter indicating
clearly the conduction of various thyristors during one
cycle. (13)
5. A 230 V ,50 Hz supply is connected to load resistance of BTL-3 Applying CO2
12Ω through half wave controlled rectifier .If the firing
angle is 60m degree ,Calculate
(i) Average output voltage (4)
(ii) RMS output voltage (3)
(iii)Ratio of rectification and (3)
(iv)Transformer utilization factor (3)
6. Explain the operation of a three phase ,fully controlled BTL-4 Analysing CO2
bridge converter with associated waveforms. (13)
7. Summarize the operation of single phase two pulse BTL-5 Evaluating CO2
midpoint converter with relevant voltage and current
waveforms. (13)
8. (i) Label the operating principle of single phase dual converter BTL-1 Remembering CO2
BTL1 Remembering
(ii) A single phase full converter is connected with R-load.The
source voltage is 230 V 50 Hz.The average load current is 10A
For R=20 Ω find the firing angle. (6)
11. Describe the operation of single phase dual convertor BTL-2 Understanding CO2
with aid of relevant waveforms. Obtain the expression of
its instantaneous circulating current. (13)
12. (i) A single phase bridge converter is utilized to produce BTL-3 Applying CO2
regulated DC output voltage. The input voltage is 230 V
and the load current is 8A for a firing angle of 30 degree.
(a) Calculate the dc output voltage
(b) Calculate the dc output voltage and current if a
freewheeling diode is used at the output for the same
firing angle. (7)
(ii) Examine the single phase half wave rectifier circuit
BTL-3 Applying
with RL load and freewheeling diode. (6)
13. (i) A three phase full converter charges a battery from a BTL-4 Analysing CO2
three –phase supply of 230 V,50Hz.The battery is 200 V
and its internal resistance is 0.5 Ω. On account of
inductance connected in series with the battery, charging
current is constant at 20 A. Compute firing angle delay
and supply power factor. (7)
(ii) Explain briefly the working of dual converter with a BTL-4 Analysing
neat circuit diagram. (6)
14. A single phase half wave rectifier with an AC voltage of BTL-6 Creating CO2
150V has a pure resistive load of 9 Ω. The firing angle of
the thyristor is π/2. Determine the (i) Rectification
Efficiency (ii) Form Factor (iii) Transformer derating
factor (iv) Peak inverse voltage of the SCR (v) Ripple
factor of the SCR. Assume the transformer ratio is 2:1.
1. The full-wave three-phase controlled rectifier has a BTL-5 Evaluating CO2
three-phase 415V, 50Hz source (240 V Phase), and
provides a 100A constant load current.
(i) The average and rms thyristor current.
(ii) The rms and fundamental line current
(iii) The fundamental apparent power. (15)
2. Explain the working of Semi Converter. Draw and Find BTL-5 Evaluating CO2
out the expression for the output voltage. (15)
3. Explain the working of Dual Converter. Draw and Find BTL-6 Creating CO2
out the expression for the output voltage. (15)
3. Explain the working of buck converter with neat waveform BTL-1 Remembering CO3
and also derive the expression of peak to peak voltage
across the capacitor. (13)
4. With a neat power circuit diagram, explain the operation of BTL-1 Remembering CO3
boost converter. Draw the load voltage and load current
waveforms and derive the expression for the output voltage.
5. Discuss L Type and M type zero current switching BTL-2 Understanding CO3
resonant converter. (13)
6. BTL-2 Understanding CO3
Draw the power circuit diagram of a buck-boost regulator
and explain its operation with equivalen circuit for different
modes and waveforms. (13)
7. BTL-2 Understanding CO3
What is resonant switching? Explain its concept with
relevant circuit diagram. (13)
8. A step down DC Chopper has input voltage of a 230V with BTL-3 Applying CO3
10Ohms load resistor connected, voltage drop across
chopper is 2 V when it is ON. For duty cycle of
(i) average and RMS value of output voltage (7)
(ii)Power delivered to load. (6)
9. (i)A type –‘A’ chopper has supply voltage Vs and duty BTL-3 Applying CO3
cycle of 0.4 and 0.6 for these duty cycles, calculate
(i)average and rms values of output voltage (3)
(ii)output power for R load of 10 Ohm (2)
(iii)ripple factor (2)
10 Draw the diagram of voltage commutated chopper and BTL-4 Analysing CO3
explain its operation with different mode diagrams and
relevant waveforms. (13)
11 Explain in detail the different modes of operation of load BTL-4 Analysing CO3
and current commutated chopper with relevant circuit
diagram. (13)
12 Explain the different classes of chopper with neat sketch. BTL-4 Analysing CO3
BTL-5 Evaluating CO3
13 Draw and explain the block schematic of SMPS and
mention its advantages over linear power supply. (13)
14 A battery operated electric car is controlled by a voltage BTL-6 Creating CO3
commutated chopper. The battery voltage is 100V, starting
current is 100A,thyristor turnoff time is 20µsec,chopper
frequency is 400Hz. Design the value of commutating
capacitor C and commutating inductor L. (13)
1. For a current commutated chopper, peak commutating BTL-5 Evaluating CO3
current is twice the maximum possible load current. The
source voltage is 230V dc and main SCR turn-off time is
30µsec.For a maximum load current of 200A,Evaluate
a)The value of the commutating inductor and capacitor. (5)
b)Maximum capacitor voltage (5)
c)The peak commutating current. (5)
2. A load commutated chopper, fed from a 230V dc source BTL-5 Evaluating CO3
has a constant load current of 50A.For a duty cycle of 0.4
and a chopping frequency of 2kHz, Evaluate the
a)the value of commutating capacitance (4)
b)average output voltage (4)
c)circuit turn-off time for one SCR pair (4)
d)total commutation interval (3)
3. For Type A step down chopper of dc source voltage = BTL-6 Creating CO3
230V, load resistance = 10 ohm. Take a voltage drop of 2V
across chopper when it is ON. For a duty cycle of 0.4,
calculate (i) average and rms values of output voltage and
(ii) chopper efficiency. (15)
4. Explain the application of DC to DC Converter. (15) BTL-6 Creating CO3
SYLLABUS: Single phase and three phase voltage source inverters (both1200 mode and 1800 mode)–
Voltage& harmonic control--PWM techniques: Multiple PWM, Sinusoidal PWM, modified sinusoidal
PWM – Introduction to space vector modulation –Current source inverter, Applications-Induction heating,
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence COs
1. List the various advantages of using PWM control of inverters BTL-1 Remembering CO4
2. What is the advantage of 120 ᵒ mode of inverter operation over BTL-1 Remembering CO4
3. 180ᵒ
space vector modulation. BTL-1 Remembering CO4
4. Tell why diodes should be connected in antiparallel inverter BTL-1 Remembering CO4
5. circuits?with
What the thyristors
is harmonic in inverter
elimination by PWM? circuits? BTL-1 Remembering CO4
6. What is meant by voltage source inverter? BTL-1 Remembering CO4
7. Express the applications of a CSI. BTL-2 Understanding CO4
8. Discuss PWM control and types of PW techniques. BTL-2 Understanding CO4
9 What is a current source inverter? BTL-2 Understanding CO4
are What are the advantages of PWM control in inverter.
10 BTL-2 Understanding CO4
11 What is the function of feedback diodes in bridge inverter. BTL-3 Applying CO4
12 Show the methods of reduction of harmonic content. BTL-3 Applying CO4
13 What are the main differences between voltage-source and BTL-3 Applying CO4
current source inverters?
14 Compare SPWM and SVM BTL-4 Analysing CO4
15 Differentiate CSI and VSI. BTL-4 Analysing CO4
16 List the application of Inverters BTL-4 Analysing CO4
17 What is meant by space vector modulation BTL-5 Evaluating CO4
18 Evaluate the disadvantages of the harmonics present in the BTL-5 Evaluating CO4
inverter system?
19 Why thyristors are not preferred for Inverter? BTL-6 Creating CO4
20 State the necessity of return current diodes in inverter. BTL-6 Creating CO4
1. Describe the operation of 3 phase bridge inverter for 120 degree BTL-1 Remembering CO4
mode of operation with aid of relevant phase and line voltage
waveforms. (13)
2. Describe the principle of operation of 3 phase voltage source BTL-1 Remembering CO4
inverter with 180˚conduction mode with necessary waveforms
and circuits. Also obtain the expression for line to line voltage.
3. BTL-1 Remembering CO4
State the different methods of voltage control inverters. Describe
about PWM control in inverter. (13)
4. BTL-1 Remembering CO4
Describe in detail, the various types of PWM methods available
for voltage control employed in an inverter. (13)
5. BTL-2 Understanding CO4
Explain the SPWM and modified SPWM techniques for inverter
switching. (13)
BTL-2 Understanding CO4
Write in detail about voltage and harmonic control with neat
6. diagram. (13)
7. Explain the principle of operation of 3-phase auto sequentially BTL-2 Understanding CO4
commutated CSI with power circuit. draw the equivalent circuits
and relevant waveforms (13)
8. Examine the operation of single phase capacitor commutated BTL-3 Applying CO4
CSI with R load. (13)
9. Demonstrate the working of a single phase full bridge inverter BTL-3 Applying CO4
supplying R, RL loads with relevant circuit and waveforms.
BTL-4 Analysing CO4
10 (i)Explain Multiple PWM. (7)
(ii) Explain Sinusoidal PWM. (6)
11 Explain the different methods of voltage control adopted in an BTL-4 Analysing CO4
inverter with suitable waveforms. (13)
12 With neat diagram explain the need for space vector BTL-4 Analysing CO4
modulations employed in inverters also explain the advantage
SPVWM over other technique employed in inverters. (13)
13 Explain in detail the different types of harmonic control of BTL-5 Evaluating CO4
inverters. (13)
14 Design a circuit diagram and explain the operation of modified BTL-6 Creating CO4
mcmurray half bridge Inverter with different mode of operation.
1 Design and develop the gating signal using a modified pulse BTL-5 Evaluating CO4
width modulation for an inverter. (15)
2 Explain the Application of inverter in Induction heating and BTL-5 Evaluating CO4
UPS. (15)
3 Design a suitable gate scheme for proper functioning of three BTL-6 Creating CO4
phase voltage source inverter in 120ᵒ operating mode and obtain
phase and line voltage waveforms. (15)
4 Design a suitable gate scheme for proper functioning of three BTL-6 Creating CO4
phase voltage source inverter in 180ᵒ operating mode and obtain
phase and line voltage waveforms. (15)
SYLLABUS: Single phase and Three phase AC voltage controllers–Control strategy- Power Factor
Control – Multistage sequence control -single phase and three phase cyclo converters – Introduction to
Matrix converters, Applications –welding .
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence COs
1. Write the principle of operation of cycloconverter. BTL-1 Remembering CO5
2. List the merits and demerits of AC voltage controller. BTL-1 Remembering CO5
3. Why half wave AC voltage regulator not used. BTL-1 Remembering CO5
15 Differentiate phase control and sequence control of voltage BTL-4 Analysing CO5
16 What is the control of firing angle in AC voltage controller BTL-4 Analysing CO5
with RL load.
17 Evaluate the application of cycloconverters BTL-5 Evaluating CO5
18 Compare integral cycle control and phase control in AC BTL-5 Evaluating CO5
voltage controller.
19 Generalize a positive converter group in cycloconverter. BTL-6 Creating CO5
20 Mention the advantages of matrix converter over BTL-6 Creating CO5
conventional converter.
BTL-1 Remembering CO5
1. Draw and Describe the circuit diagram of single phase AC
voltage controller with RL load. Explain the circuit
operation with necessary waveforms. (13)
2. Describe the operation of two stage sequence control of BTL-1 Remembering CO5
AC voltage controller. (13)
3. Describe the operating principle of single phase to single BTL-1 Remembering CO5
phase cycloconverter with continuous and discontinuous
load current with circuit and waveform. (13)
4. Write a short note on the following BTL-2 Understanding CO5
(i)Integral cycle control (7)
(ii)step-up cycloconverter (6)
5. Discuss the operation of three phase to three phase BTL-2 Understanding CO5
cycloconverter with neat diagram and waveforms. (13)
9. A resistive load of 5 Ohm is fed through a single phase full BTL-3 Applying CO5
wave AC voltage controller from 230V 50 Hz source. If
the firing angle of thyristor is 120 degree. Calculate the
(i) output RMS voltage (5)
(ii) input power factor (4)
(iii)average current of thyristor. (4)
14 Design a matrix converter and explain the operation with a BTL-6 Creating CO5
neat diagram. (13)
1. A single phase fullwave ac voltage controller has a resistive load BTL-5 Evaluating CO5
of 5 Ohm and an input voltage 230 V, 50Hz. The firing angles of
thyristors T1 and T2 is 120 degree. Evaluate
(i)the rms value of load voltage (3)
(ii)input power factor (3)
(iii)average value of current of thyristor (4)
(iv)rms current of thyristor (3)
(v)load power (3)
2. A 1 Ø full wave ac voltage controller feeds a load of BTL-5 Evaluating CO5
R=20Ω with an input voltage of
230V,50 HZ .firing angle for both the thyristor is 45 º.Evaluate
1.rms value of output Voltage
2.Calculate load power and input power factor
3.average and rms current of Thyristors
Also calculate above parameters when both thyristor firing angle
is 30 degree. (15)
3. Design a single phase full wave ac voltage controller with BTL-6 Creating CO5
resistive load and obtain the rms output voltage and load current
expression . (15)
4. Design a single phase to single phase step down cyclo converter BTL-6 Creating CO5
with centre –tapped transformer configuration and also explain
the operation with output current and voltage waveforms. (15)
Course Outcomes:
Cos Course Outcome
CO1 Ability to analyse different types of power semiconductor devices and their switching
CO2 Ability to analyse operation, characteristics and performance parameters of controlled rectifiers
Ability to analyse operation, switching techniques and basics topologies of DC-DC switching
Ability to analyse different modulation techniques of pulse width modulated inverters and to
understand harmonic reduction methods.
CO5 Ability to analyse operation of AC voltage controller and various configurations.