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Soran University

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Petroleum Engineering

Fluid Mechanic

Title: Reynolds Number

Experiment No: 04
Name: Muhammed Star Braim
Group: A1
Date: 21 Oct 2019
Supervisor: Mr. Shahab & Mr. Sarkar
Aim ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Theory .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Apparatus .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Materials .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Equipment ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Procedure ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Calculation ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Result and discussion .................................................................................................................................. 5
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Reference ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

List of Figures

Figure 1 Osbourne Reynolds Number Apparatus ......................................................................................... 2

Figure 2 Stop Watch ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 3 Cylinder .......................................................................................................................................... 2

List of Tables

Table 1 Result ............................................................................................................................................... 5

To illustrate laminar, transitional, and fully turbulent pipe flows, and to determine the
condition under which these types of flow occur.

The Reynolds number is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces. The Reynolds number
is a dimensionless number used to categorize the fluids systems in which the effect of viscosity is
important in controlling the velocities or the flow pattern of a fluid (Ellenberge 2014).

Mathematically the Reynolds number is NRe = ……... (eq 1)

V= ……... (eq 2)

Q= ……... (eq 3)

The flow of real fluids can basically occur under two very different regimes, namely laminar and
turbulent flow. The laminar flow is characterized by fluid particles moving in the form of lamina
sliding over each other, such that at any instant the velocity at all the points in particular lamina is
the same. The lamina near the flow boundary move at a slower rate as compared to those near the
center of the flow passage. This type of flow occurs in viscous fluids, fluids moving at slow
velocity and fluids flowing through narrow passages. The turbulent flow, on the other hand is
characterized by constant agitation and intermixing of fluid particles such that their velocity
changes from point to point and even at the same point from time to time. This type of flow occurs
in low density fluids, flow through wide passage and in high velocity flows (Betz 2014) (Biswas
and Eswaran 2002).

A critical Reynolds number is determined as a limit where the laminar flow changes to turbulent
flow. If the calculated NRe is greater than the critical Reynolds number NRec, the flow regime is
turbulent; otherwise the flow regime is laminar. For Newtonian fluids NRe of 2,100 is usually used
as the critical Reynolds number. However, the value of the critical Reynolds number depends on
the fluid behavior and properties. For typical drilling fluids the critical Reynolds number is in a
range of 2,100 to 4,000 (Rehm et al. 2013).



Graduated cylinder: to measure the volume (show in figure 3).

Stop watch: to measure the time (show in figure 2)

Osbourne Reynolds Number Apparatus: (show in figure1)

Figure 1 Osbourne Reynolds Number Figure 2 Stop Watch Figure 3 Cylinder


A. Fill Osbourne Reynolds Number Apparatus with water.
B. Fill the dye reservoir with ink.
C. Open the valve.
D. Left it until the required volume of mixture poured into the cylinder.
E. Measure the flow time.
F. Calculate calculation to measure the Reynold number.
G. Repeat the test for 5 times at various velocity of mixture flow.


Result and discussion

Table 1 Result

No. Volume of Time Volumetric flow Velocity Reynolds Flow Type

water collected (sec) rate (m3/s) (m/s) number
1 0.0001 30 3.333x10 - 6 0.025 325 Laminar
2 0.0002 7.56 2.645x10 - 5 0.199 2593 Transition
3 0.0003 13 2.307x10 - 5 0.173 2261 Transition
4 0.0002 12 1.666x10 - 5 0.125 1633 Laminar
5 0.0001 17 5.88x10 - 6 0.044 572 Laminar
6 0.0001 9 4.444x10 - 5 0.335 4355 Turbulent

By using the (eq 1,2, and3) find the Reynolds number, measure flow rate exponentially by using
(eq 3) and other parameter was given and use (eq 2) to measure velocity, after that use (eq 3) to
measure Reynold numbers to determine the type of flow. Based on the result the Reynold
numbers is different that means the type of flows is different because the flow rate and flow time
of each case is different. The result may be wrong if the volume of outpoured mixture and/or the
recorded time be wrong, And the used water is not fresh water but in calculation use its
properties like fresh water.

The type of flow divided to three type which are Laminar, Transition, and Turbulent. this
experiment is useful to determine the type of flow of fluid when it flow into the cylindrical pipeline.
a Reynolds number can still be calculated without viewing the flow characteristics if the fluid’s
viscosity, density, and velocity are known and the pipe dimensions are known. The color of dyed
fluid must be different than water to the type of flow be observed.

Betz, A. (2014), Introduction to the theory of flow machines, Elsevier.

Biswas, G. and Eswaran, V. eds. (2002), Turbulent flows: fundamentals, experiments and
modeling, CRC Press.

Ellenberge, P. (2014), Piping and Pipeline Calculations Manual, Construction, Design Fabrication
and Examination, Butterworth-Heinemann.

Rehm, B., Haghshenas, A., Paknejad, A.S., Al-Yami, A. and Hughes, J. eds. (2013),
Underbalanced drilling: limits and extremes, Elsevier.

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