Controversial Environmental Issues: Objectives & Outcomes
Controversial Environmental Issues: Objectives & Outcomes
Controversial Environmental Issues: Objectives & Outcomes
Students will research and debate multiple topics in the topic of environmental health. The
class will take sides on whether they are for or against the controversial issue.
Materials Needed
computer lab
various copies of the worksheet for each student
Opening to Lesson
The teacher will ask the students what controversial environmental topics they have
heard of and that are important to them.
Lead a discussion about the issues that are happening now in the environment.
Body of Lesson
Students will be assigned a controversial topic and they will be assigned the “for” or
“against” viewpoint.
2 students should be assigned each topic, but one will research for and one will
research against the issue.
Students use time in the computer lab to find credible sources that argue their side of
the issue.
Students will write a short summary of their issue that is concise and clear and
accurately describes the viewpoint of the issue.
The next class period, students will present their summary to the class.
The rest of the class will write notes on each student’s topic and choose whether they
are for or against the topic using the attached worksheet.
Students can discuss their issues through a presentation.
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Controversial Environmental Issues
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Students will understand food scarcity and unequal distribution through a simple, yet
concrete demonstration.
Ozone Layer
Students will think about how people affect the environment and what they can do to help it
and prevent further damage.