Remarketing Features
Remarketing Features
Remarketing Features
Volume 3 Issue 6, October 2019 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Remarketing Features
M. Isoraite
Applied Sciences, Vilniaus Kolegija University, Didlaukio, Vilnius, Lithuania
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28031 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 6 | September - October 2019 Page 48
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Social Remarketing - Ads on social networks for people who never visited your site but searched for keywords relevant to
visited your site. Retargeting is offered by Facebook, Twitter your business.
and YouTube, while LinkedIn does not yet have this
capability. Remarketing is process, during which customers are
attracted to visit website again , advertising are shown and
Search Ads Remarketing Lists (RLSA) - Exclusively Google customers are promoted to buy products. Table 1 show
AdWords provides the ability to display text ads in search different remarketing definition. Kantola, J. (2014) stated
results for users who have visited your site. that remarketing can be used target audience, which is
interested in product. Arsenault (2012) define that
Search remarketing differs from all other forms of remarketing is marketing tool which attracted customers by
remarketing in that they seek to re-reach people who have cookies. Gürbüz1, A., Kiliç. L., I., Yeğġn, T. (2016) stated that
already been in contact with your business in one way or remarketing is internet and traditional marketing strategy.
another. Meanwhile, search remarketing allows you to Helft, M., Vega, T. (2010) define remarketing as marketing
display advertising banners on other sites for people who tool, which show ads timely and timely manner.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28031 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 6 | September - October 2019 Page 49
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
IV. REMARKETING STRATEGY needs. In order to make remarketing effective, it is important
Remarketing process consist three steps[8]: to develop a communication strategy tailored to your
1. Find out the purpose of return. Remarketing helps only specific business. Many entrepreneurs who use the
work with visitors who visit your site, so it's important remarketing service mistakenly think that this is just a
to understand why a visitor has to return to your site a preparation of the Google Adwords system codes. Believe it
second or more times. is just a technical job that guarantees efficiency. Really not. It
2. Invite to take action. it is important that both the is also communication with customers, taking into account
promotional panels you show in remarketing and the their needs.
site's landing page, which are visited by visitors to this
panel, are the elements of the action promotion and remarketing Consider what you have to offer to customers to
their continuity. come back to you? What do website visitors turn into
3. Returning Information. This step is closely related to the buyers? Remarketing effectively contributes to the
first, but it is worth understanding that if the user promotion and reputation of your brand. Continuous "strong
returns to the page 3 or more times, the page support" with customers will encourage them to feel more
information itself is familiar to him, so the user is not important.
surprised to see the same content. Information for
returning visitors should also vary, depending on what Search advertising is useful for anyone using Google's search
the user has done on the website. engine:
The remarketing of advertising to the client helps to find the
The goal of remarketing strategies and tools is to force target customers.
consumers to buy goods and services at the lowest possible
cost and time. Mass media do not fit this concept. Knowing The virtual world browser sees the ads that are relevant to
that repetition users are exposed, but the ad is it. The advertiser wins because advertising gets attention,
inappropriate, it is necessary to look for a channel where the and at the same time, potential buyers.
repetition of each message is as expedient as possible, both
for the user to whom the message is displayed, and where The advertising system earns revenue from every click.
the message is displayed [9]. It's a service where everyone wins. The most important
thing to remember when using remarketing services is to
If you sell products online, refusing a basket will be one of keep in touch with target customers and use visuals that are
the biggest challenges for your marketing efforts. The good attractive, relevant, useful.
news is that you can use remarketing to drastically reduce
your cart refusal rates, and you can use the same method to V. CONCLUSIONS
increase conversions, even if you're not e-mailed. Mail. Remarketing is one of the most targeted and effective forms
of advertising on the internet, because advertising is only
Create campaigns for existing customers. It is important to targeted at people who are involved with this advertising
create a good campaign for existing users. You can use e-mail because they are recently interested in the production of a
for this purpose. Email marketing, but remarketing particular company and later browsing the web, seeing it in
reinforces your efforts. different places, namely the advertising of this company. If a
consumer currently decides which company should buy a
Search advertising remarketing list. You can predict what service or product, such targeted advertising can encourage
your buyers are going to look for after they purchase you the consumer to make a decision. And with a cleverly
and direct them to relevant product ads. Get started with designed remarketing advertising strategy, repetition of
email Email registration from remarketing traffic. Promoting targeted messages to a targeted visitor can increase sales to
website content in social media is the ideal place to start this three or more times [9]. Remarketing is visible only to users
strategy, even if you can do this with Google ads if you who are already interested in your goods or services.
choose the right keywords. Opportunity to publish customized messages and special
offers based on visitor's needs, behavior and interests.
Apply a similar target market. Google and Facebook help 90% of lost visitors can be reached and up to 50% returned
reach a new target market. Use dynamic remarketing. to the site. Increasing website traffic and sales. Reminds of
Dynamic remarketing makes it easier for users to look at your services and goods, gives you the opportunity to
specific products or services on your site. "convince your visitors by another message", why it's worth
your client. Brand awareness and credibility are enhanced.
Major users when shopping. You can monitor user behavior Remarketing directly affects the return on investment of the
in a variety of ways and target them to different ads, campaign, no matter what the advertising campaign strategy
depending on their position in the purchasing process and is: brand-focused, campaign performance, or more.
how their needs change. Combining Google Adwords advertising and remarketing
campaigns can increase your campaign's conversion rate
Offer more target audiences. Over time, you'll want to try while increasing your Quality Score, which reduces your
different bidding strategies, but start with many suggestions campaign costs.
for high-intelligence audiences Reduced Online Advertising
and Cost-per-Action: Relocating ads is a very cost-effective REFERENCE
way to reach qualified prospects. [1] Kantola, J. (2014). The Effectiveness of Retargeting in
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Emarketing benefits not only the entrepreneur but also the
[2] Gürbüz1, A., Kiliç. L., I., Yeğġn, T. (2016). Effects of
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Remarketıng Implementatıons on Consumers’
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28031 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 6 | September - October 2019 Page 50
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD28031 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 6 | September - October 2019 Page 51