Low Volume Roads - Manual
Low Volume Roads - Manual
Low Volume Roads - Manual
The UniTed RepUblic of Tanzania PAGE I
November 2016
ISBN: 978-9976-9974-0-8
Reproduction of extracts from this Manual may be made subject to
due acknowledgement of the source.
Although this Manual is believed to be correct at the time of
printing, the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication does
not accept any contractual, tortious or other form of liability for its
contents or for any consequences arising from its use. Anyone
using the information contained in the Manual should apply and
rely on his/her own skill and judgment to the particular issue that
they are considering.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
This Low Volume Roads Manual (2016) forms part of the Ministry’s series of Road and Bridge Design
documents. It applies specifically to the design of new, or upgrading of existing unpaved, roads which
carry relatively low volumes of traffic, typically less than about 300 vehicles per day. Such roads would
typically be classified as Class D5 to D8 (Collector, Feeder and Community roads) but, in particular cases,
could also apply to higher classes of roads that carry relatively low volumes of traffic. Hence it al is a
complementary document to the Pavement and Materials Design Manual (1999) which deals primarily
with high volume roads, as well as to other existing manuals such as the Laboratory Testing Manual
(2000), the Standard Specification for Road works (2000), the Field Testing Manual (2003) and the Road
Geometric Design Manual (2011).
The purpose of the Manual is to serve as a nationally recognized document, the application of which is
deemed to serve as a standard reference and ready source of good practice for the planning, investigation,
design and construction of low volume roads (LVRs) in the country. In so doing, it will assist practitioners in
developing the country’s LVR network in a cost effective, environmentally optimized and sustainable manner.
The Manual was developed under the policy direction of a Roads Technical Committee comprising senior
representatives from MOWTC, President’s Office-Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-
RALG), TANROADS and Road Fund Board (RFB). Technical guidance was provided by a Technical Working
Group comprising representatives of the MOWTC, PO-RALG, TANROADS, Local Government Authorities,
RFB and the local consulting industry.
The design standards set out in this Manual shall be adhered to unless otherwise directed by the MOWTC.
However, it is emphasized that careful consideration to sound engineering practice shall be observed in the
use of the Manual, and under no circumstances shall it waive professional judgment in applied engineering.
On behalf of the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication, I would like to thank the UK Department
for International Development (DFID) for their support of the development of the Manual through the African
Community Access Programme (AFCAP) and the implementing organisation, Cardno Emerging Markets,
UK. I would also like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to all of the roads sector stakeholders who
contributed their time, knowledge and effort during the development of the Manual.
It is my sincere hope that this Manual will herald a new era in the more efficient and effective provision of low
volume roads in Tanzania. In so doing, it will make a substantial contribution to the improved infrastructure
of our country and, in the process, enhance economic growth and development and assist in poverty
alleviation in the country.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
The President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), is responsible for
providing national level coordination and support for programmes implemented at the local government
level by local government authorities (LGAs). These LGAs are responsible for managing the classified
district road network to an acceptable standard.
In order to cater specifically for the provision of Low Volume Roads (LVRs), i.e. those roads that typically
carry less than about 300 vehicles per day - a category within which almost all the LGA roads fall - it was
decided to develop a Low Volume Roads Manual. This Manual incorporates the most recent research and
experience in the field of LVRs emanating from the African region and internationally. It promotes the use
of locally available resources in an environmentally optimised manner, thereby offering considerable cost
savings over conventional approaches. It also takes into account the needs of all road users, including
non-motorised transport, with road safety being a primary consideration.
The aim of the Manual is to provide all practitioners with comprehensive guidance on the wide range of
factors that need to be addressed in a holistic manner when undertaking the upgrading of unpaved roads
to a paved standard. To this end, it serves as a standard reference and source of good practice for the
planning, investigation, design and construction of low volume earth, gravel and paved roads.
PO-RALG expects all practitioners in the LGAs to adhere to the approaches set out in the Manual. This will
ensure that a consistent, harmonized approach is followed in the provision of LVRs in the country.
The Manual will require periodic updating to take account of the dynamic nature of developments in LVR
technology. PO-RALG would welcome comments and suggestions from any stakeholders as feedback on
all aspects of the Manual during its implementation. All feedback will be carefully reviewed by professional
experts with a view to amending future updates of the Manual.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
The Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication wishes to acknowledge the support that was
provided by the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) for the preparation of
the Low Volume Roads Manual. The project was carried out under the aegis of the Africa Community
Access Programme (AFCAP) – a DFID-funded research programme that promotes safe and sustainable
access for rural communities in Africa.
The development of the manual was guided by a Roads Technical Committee and a Technical Working
Group comprising professionals from both public and private sector organizations. The manual was also
reviewed by teams of experts from MOWTC and PO-RALG as listed below.
The contributions made by AMEND to the road safety aspects of the project, as well as the AFCAP peer
review of the Manual undertaken by Jan Bijl are also gratefully acknowledged.
Project Management:
The project was managed by Cardno Emerging Markets, UK and was carried out under the general
guidance of the AFCAP Technical Services Manager, Eng. Nkululeko Leta.
Manual Development
The manual was developed and written by the following team of consultants led by Infra Africa (Pty) Ltd,
Mr. Michael Pinard (Team Leader)
Dr. John Rolt
Dr. Philip Paige-Green
Mr. Charles Overby
Eng. Abdul Awadh
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
The terminology used to describe various components of a low volume road are illustrated below for ease
of reference in the use of this manual.
Base course
In situ subgrade
Cross Section
Construction width (Varies)
Roadway width
Slope of cutting
Traffic Lane
(side slope)
Side Ditch
Side Ditch
Slope of
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Drainage Elements
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
A Area
AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic
AFCAP Africa Community Access Programme
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transport Officials
ACV Aggregate Crushing Value
ADT Average Daily Traffic
AI Accessibility Indicator
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIV Aggregate Impact Value
ALD Average Least Dimension
ARL Areal Reduction factor (for rainfall catchments)
ASIST Advisory Support Information Services and Training
ASTM American Society for Testing Materials
B Width of a box culvert
BDS Bid Data Sheet
BS British Standard
C Degrees Celsius
C Rainfall catchment run off coefficient
CB Cemented Base
CBR California Bearing Ratio
CEC Cation Exchange Capacity
CESA Cumulative Equivalent Standard Axles
CI Complementary Intervention
CMA Cold Mix Asphalt
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
CP Collapse Potential
CPT Cone Penetrometer Test
CML Central Materials Laboratory
CS Cape Seal
CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
CUSUM Cumulative Sum
D Diameter of culvert or height of box culvert
DBM Dry Bound Macadam
DC Design Class
DCP Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
DES Discrete Element Surfaces
DESA Mean daily Equivalent Standard Axles
DF Drainage Factor
DFID Department for International Development
DN The average penetration rate in mm/blow of the DCP through a pavement layer
DOS Double Otta Seal
DSD Double Surface Dressing
DSN800 Number of DCP blows required to penetrate top 800 mm of a pavement
DSS Double Sand Seal
E East
EF Equivalence Factor
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIP Environmental Impact Plan
EIS Environmental Impact Study
EMP Environmental Management Plan
ENS Engineered Natural Surface
ESA Equivalent Standard Axle (80 kN)
EOD Environmentally Optimized Design
ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
ESP Exchangeable Sodium Percentage
ETB Emulsion Treated Base
EVT Equiviscous Temperature
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
F Weighing Factor
FACT Fines Aggregate Crushing Test
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FIDIC International Federation of Consulting Engineers
FMC Field Moisture Content
g Gradient
G60 Gravel with CBR of 60%
GB Granular Base
Gc Grading Coefficient
GE Grading Envelope
GM Grading Modulus
GPS Global Positioning System
GVM Gross Vehicle Mass
H Horizontal
He/D Headwater depth in terms of culvert diameter, D
HDM-4 Highway Development and Management Model - 4
HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle
hmin Height minimum
HV Heavy Vehicle
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HPS Hand Packed Stone
HVR High Volume Road
I Intensity of Rainfall
IKONOS Commercial earth observation satellite
ILO International Labour Organization
IRAP Integrated Rural Accessibility Planning
ITB Instructions to Bidder
k Coefficient of permeability (nanometre/second)
K Horizontal distance required to achieve a 1% change in grade on a crest curve
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
kg kilogram
kg/m3 kilogram per cubic metre
kJ kilojoule
km kilometre
km2 Square kilometre
km/h kilometre per hour
kN kilonewton
kPa kilopascal
LAA Los Angeles Abrasion Value
LBM Labour Based Methods
LCC Life Cycle Cost
LGA Local Government Authority
LGV Light Goods Vehicle
LL Liquid Limit
LVR Low Volume Road
LVSR Low Volume Sealed Road
m metre
m2 Square metre
m3 Cubic metre
m3/s Cubic metre per second
MC Moisture Content
MC Medium Curing
MDD Maximum Dry Density
MESA Million Equivalent Standard Axles
Mg/m3 Megagram per cubic metre
MGV Medium Goods Vehicle
mm millimeter
MN Meganewton
MOID Ministry of Infrastructure Development
MOW Ministry of Works
MPa Megapascal
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
n Roughness coefficient of water courses
N Design period in years
N/A Not Applicable
NGO Non-Government Organisation
NMT Non-motorised Traffic
NPV Net Present Value
NRC Non-reinforced concrete
n/s Not specified
O/D Origin & Destination
OGL Original Ground Level
OMC Optimum Moisture Content
ORN Overseas Road Note
OWP Outer Wheel Path
P Axle load
P075 Percentage material passing the 0.075 mm sieve
PCU Passenger Car Unit
PDM Pavement Design Manual
pH Scale indicating how acidic or basic a substance is and ranges from 0 to 14
PI Plasticity Index
PIARC Permanent International Association of Road Congresses
PL Plastic Limit
PM Plastic Modulus
PMO-RALG Prime Minister’s Office-Regional Administration and Local Government
PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal
PS Provisional Sum
PSD Particle Size Distribution
PV Present Value
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
q Flow of water in a channel (m3/s)
Q Water discharge volume flow rate
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
r Used for growth rate as a percentage
R Hydraulic depth
RC Reinforced Concrete
RED Roads Economic Decision Model (a World Bank Model)
RFP Request for Proposal
RGDM Road Geometric Design Manual
RRA Rapid Rural Appraisal
RRPM Retro-reflective Pavement Markers
RS Rapid Setting
RSE Road Safety Education
RTC Roads Technical Committee
S Hydraulic gradient
S2, S3 Subgrade Classes 2, 3 etc.
SA South Africa
SADC Southern African Development Community
SAR Sodium Adsorption Ratio
SID Spot Improvement Design
SLS Single Slurry Seal
Sm-1 Conductivity (Siemens/metre)
SME Small and Medium Enterprise
SN Structural Number
SNC Structural Number with subgrade contribution
SNP Adjusted Structure Number
SPT Standard Penetration Testing
SOS Single Otta Seal
Sp Shrinkage Product
SS Slow Setting
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
t time
T Surfacing thickness (mm)
Tc Time of Concentration (Seconds)
TLB Tractor Load Bed
TLC Traffic Load Class
ToR Terms of Reference
TRL Transport Research Laboratory
Tsh Tanzanian Shilling
TWG Technical Working Group
UCS Unconfined Compressive Strength
UK United Kingdom
UKAID Development Assistance provided by the UK Department
for International Development
URC Unreinforced Concrete
USA United States of America
v Velocity (m/s)
V Cross sectional average velocity (of water flow)
VEF Vehicle Equivalence Factor
VHGV Very Heavy Goods Vehicle
VOC Vehicle Operating Costs
vpd Vehicles per day
WA Water Absorption
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Preface....................................................................................................................................................... I
Foreword.............................................................................................................................................. II
Acknowledgements.................................................................................................................................. III
List of Abbreviations.................................................................................................................................VI
1. General Introduction
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Scope
1.4 Development ................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.5 Structure ....................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.6 Benefits of Using the Manual......................................................................................... 1-3
1.7 Sources of Information................................................................................................... 1-3
1.8 Updating of the Manual.................................................................................................. 1-3
1.9 Departure from Standards.............................................................................................. 1-3
3. Physical Environment
3.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Physical Features........................................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Climate........................................................................................................................... 3-3
4. Rural Accessibility Planning
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Planning Framework .................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 Planning Tools................................................................................................................ 4-6
4.4 Stakeholder Consultations ............................................................................................ 4-8
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
5. Site Investigations
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Preliminary Site Investigations ...................................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Detailed Site Investigations ......................................................................................... 5-6
5.4 Site Investigation Methods ............................................................................................ 5-7
7. Construction Materials
7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Material Types................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.3 The Use of Locally Available Materials ......................................................................... 7-6
7.4 Assessment and Specification of Material Quality ......................................................7-12
7.5 Material Improvement................................................................................................... 7-23
7.6 Construction Materials Requirements..........................................................................7-25
7.7 Material Location.......................................................................................................... 7-30
7.8 Material Processing ..................................................................................................... 7-34
8. Traffic
8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Surveys.......................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.3 Procedure for Determining Design Traffic ....................................................................8-7
8.4 Design Example........................................................................................................... 8-12
9. Geometric Design
9.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.2 Fundamental Design Principles...................................................................................... 9-2
9.3 Selecting Geometric Design Standards .......................................................................9-3
9.4 Other Geometric Design Elements...............................................................................9-12
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
15. Surfacing
15.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 15-1
15.2 Bituminous Surfacings.................................................................................................. 15-1
15.3 Non-Bituminous Surfacings.......................................................................................... 5-18
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
17. Construction, Quality Assurance and Control
17.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 17-1
17.2 Health, Safety and Environmental Issues ...................................................................17-1
17.3 Construction equipment .............................................................................................. 17-4
17.4 Construction Issues...................................................................................................... 17-9
17.5 Compaction................................................................................................................ 17-16
17.6 Quality assurance and Control...................................................................................17-20
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Part A:
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
1. General
3. Physical
5. Site Investigations
6. Geotechnical
Investigations and Design
Investigations 7. Construction
8. Traffic
9. Geometric Design
15: Surfacing
16: Life-Cycle
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
1.1 BACKGROUND..........................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 PURPOSE...................................................................................................................................1-1
1.4 DEVELOPMENT.........................................................................................................................1-2
Table 1-1: Structure and content of manual................................................................................ 1-2
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Low volume roads (LVRs), defined as those roads which, over their design life, are required to carry an
average of about 300 motor vehicles per day, and less than about 1.0 million equivalent standard axles
(MESA) in one direction, comprise a substantial proportion of the road network in Tanzania (> 75%). The
importance of this category of roads extends to all aspects of the economic and social development of
the country, particularly in the rural areas of the country where a large percentage of the population live (>
80%) and where agriculture is the dominant economic activity. In such a situation, Tanzania’s LVRs fulfil
a critical function in that they generally provide the only means of access to these rural communities and
provide for the essential mobility of people and movement of goods from the fields to the market place.
Whilst there are potentially significant life-cycle benefits to be achieved from upgrading unsurfaced LVRs
roads to a paved standard, the cost of doing so following traditional standards and specifications can
be prohibitive. This is because these approaches tend to be overly conservative and ill-matched to the
dictates of the local road environment. As a result, they are generally far too costly for application to most
rural road networks in Africa. This has led to a need to develop a new Low Volume Roads Manual in
Tanzania that takes account of the many advances in LVR technology that have taken place in the region
and internationally.
The main purpose of this Manual is to provide practitioners with the requisite tools for undertaking a
holistic, rational and affordable approach to the provision of LVRs in Tanzania. Such an approach is
aimed at minimising the life-cycle costs of road provision by taking account of the many locally prevailing
road environment factors that impact on the performance of LVRs.
The Manual draws on the outputs of a number of research and investigation projects that have been
carried out in the region since the 1990s. The corroborative findings of these projects provide a wealth
of performance-based information that has advanced previous knowledge on various aspects of LVR
technology. This has allowed state-of-the-art guidance to be provided in the Manual which is expected
to serve as a nationally recognized document, the application of which will harmonize approaches to the
provision of LVRs in Tanzania. The Manual is intended for use by road authorities at central and local
government level, as well as by private sector consultants.
The Manual consolidates in one document the latest approaches to the provision of LVRs that mirror the
sequential activities that are typically undertaken in providing such roads, i.e. activities that progress from
the planning stage through to investigations, design and implementation. In so doing, it complements and
links to the latest versions of other relevant Manuals in Tanzania that include:
●● Pavement and Materials Design Manual (1999).
●● Laboratory Testing Manual (2000).
●● Standard Specification for Road Works (2000).
●● Field Testing Manual (2003).
●● Road Geometric Design Manual (2011).
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
The Manual caters for a range of road types, from basic earth tracks to bituminous sealed roads, that are
typically found in rural environments. The environmentally optimised approach to the design of such roads
is a key feature of the Manual that can be applied to interventions that deal with individual critical sections,
or to the total length of a road link. In the latter case this could comprise different design options along
the total road length. The design of road pavements and surfacings in sub-urban/urban environments is
also addressed, but that for road/sub-surface drainage, stormwater management systems and access to
dwelling units in such built-up areas is outside the scope of the Manual.
The development of the Manual was overseen by a wide range of stakeholder organisations in Tanzania
including representatives from the following organisations.
●● Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication (MOWTC).
●● President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG).
●● Road Fund Board.
●● Association of Consulting Engineers Tanzania.
As a result of the high level of local participation in the development of the Manual, it has been possible
to capture and incorporate a significant amount of local knowledge in the document.
The Manual is divided into five separate parts which follow the distinct stages of LVR provision as
presented illustrated in Table 1-1.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
●● Any proposed amendments should be sent to the Director of Roads, MOWTC motivating the need
for the change and indicating the proposed amendment.
●● Any agreed changes to the Manual will be approved by the MOWTC after which all stakeholders
will be advised accordingly.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
obtain written approval and authorization from the Director of Roads, MOWTC. The designer shall submit
the following information to the Director of Roads:
●● The facet of design for which a Departure from Standards is desired.
●● A description of the standard, including the normal value, and the value of the Departure from
●● The reason for the Departure from Standards.
●● Any mitigation to be applied in the interests of reducing the risk of failure.
The designer must submit all major and minor Departures from the Standards and his/her proposal for
approval. If the proposed Departures from the Standards are acceptable, such departures will be given
approval by the Director of Roads, MOWTC.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Behrens L C (1999). Overview of Low-Volume Roads: keynote Address, 7th International Conference on
Low Volume Roads. Transportation Research Record No. 1652, TRB, Washington, DC.
Faiz A (2012). The Promise of Rural Roads: Review of the Role of Low-Volume Roads in Rural
Connectivity, Poverty Reduction, Crisis Management, and Liveability. Transportation Research Circular
No. E-C167. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC.
Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) (2003). Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads. SADC
House, Gaborone, Botswana.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
1. General
3. Physical
5. Site Investigations
6. Geotechnical
Investigations and Design
Investigations 7. Construction
8. Traffic
9. Geometric Design
15: Surfacing
16: Life-Cycle
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
PAGE 2-8
2.1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Background ................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.2 Purpose and Scope........................................................................................................ 2-1
BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................................................................. 2-14
Table 2-1: Classification of low volume roads: geometric classes.................................................. 2-3
Table 2-2: Classification of low volume roads: structural classes................................................... 2-4
Figure 2-1: Dust generation on gravel road...................................................................................... 2-3
Figure 2-2: Crops adversely affected by dust................................................................................... 2-3
Figure 2-3: Relationship between road class and road function....................................................... 2-4
Figure 2-4: Upgrading stages of low volume roads.......................................................................... 2-6
Figure 2-5: Non-engineered natural soil track/road.......................................................................... 2-6
Figure 2-6: Engineered gravel road.................................................................................................. 2-6
Figure 2-7: Concrete strip road......................................................................................................... 2-6
Figure 2-8: Low volume paved road................................................................................................. 2-6
Figure 2-9: Various road environment factors affecting design........................................................ 2-7
Figure 2-10: Traffic loading versus dominant mechanism of pavement distress................................ 2-8
Figure 2-11: Environmentally optimised and spot improvement design............................................. 2-8
Figure 2-12: Framework for sustainable provision of LVRs.............................................................. 2-10
Figure 2-13: Level of influence of activity in relation to life-cycle cost of LVR provision................... 2-13
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
2.1.1 Background
The traditional approaches to the provision of LVRs in many tropical and sub-tropical countries tend to
be based on technology and research carried out in external environments that are not reflective of those
that prevail in these countries. While these “standard” approaches might still be appropriate for much of
the main trunk road network, they remain conservative, inappropriate and too costly for application on
much of Tanzania’s rural road network. Thus, in facing the challenges of improving and expanding the
country’s LVR more appropriate approaches need to be considered.
The approach to the design of LVRs follows the general principles of any good road design. However, there
are a number of important differences from the traditional approaches that need to be appreciated by the
designer in order to provide designs that will meet with the multiple social, economic and environmental
requirements of Tanzania in a sustainable manner.
2.2.1 General
Apart from the traffic volume and traffic loading characteristics indicated in Chapter 1 ‒ General Introduction,
there are a number of other specific characteristics of LVRs that affect the manner of their provision that
need to be fully appreciated as follows:
●● They are constructed mostly from naturally-occurring, often “non-standard”, moisture-sensitive
●● Pavement deterioration is driven primarily by environmental factors, particularly moisture, with traffic
loading being a relatively lesser influential factor, and drainage being of paramount importance.
●● The alignment may not necessarily be fully “engineered”, especially at very low traffic levels, with
most sections following the existing alignment for which there must be careful attention to road safety.
●● There is a need to cater for a significant amount of motorcycles, which commonly make up the vast
majority (up to 90%) of all motorised vehicles, as well as non-motorised traffic, coupled with a focus
on the adoption of a range of low-cost road safety measures.
●● There will be variable travelling speeds that will seldom exceed about 80 km/h, as dictated by local
●● An appreciation that conventional economic analysis (focussing on consumer surplus or road
user savings) often cannot fully justify the investment of public funds in the provision or improvement
of LVRs and that it can be relatively difficult to quantify the many other benefits that are of a broad
socio-economic and environmental nature.
●● Environmental and sustainability factors are important components of economic analysis and
life-cycle costing.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
PAGE 2-2
Based on the above characteristics of LVRs, it should be apparent that certain types of roads do not fall
under the heading of LVRs as defined above. For example:
●● A functionally classified trunk or regional road carrying less than 300 vpd and less than 1 million
MESA over its design life would not necessarily be classified as a LVR. This is because the level
of serviceability that it would be expected to provide would be dictated by its function (characterized
by a relatively high design speed and corresponding geometric design) and the low risk of failure.
●● A haul road serving, for example, an industrial, mining, agricultural or quarry area, in which heavy
loads are transported for just a few months of the year during the rainy season even though the
design traffic loading may be less than 1 MESA.
A holistic appreciation of the attributes that characterise LVRs will guide designers in producing more
appropriate designs with an emphasis on using a fit-for-purpose, context sensitive, environmentally
optimised approach to their design and construction. This will place an onus on the design engineer to
provide an affordable road that meets the expected level of service at least life-cycle cost based on a full
understanding of the local environment and its demands, and to turn these to a design advantage.
The unique characteristics of LVRs as described above challenge conventional engineering practice in a
number of aspects, including materials and pavement design, geometric design, drainage, road safety and
maintenance, to which particular attention should be paid in the development of new guidelines and manuals.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Figure 2-1: Dust generation on gravel road Figure 2-2: Crops adversely affected by dust
The major technical challenges associated with the provision of unpaved roads include: a need for
durable and functional water crossings; surfacing with materials that provide the desired level of service;
and effective maintenance management. These challenges are recognised in the Manual and options
and solutions are offered to mitigate and manage potential problems.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
PAGE 2-4
As would be apparent from Table 2-1, and as illustrated in Figure 2-3, all District roads fulfilling a primarily
access function and classified as Collector, Feeder or Community roads (functional Classes C, D and E)
and some National roads, fulfilling a partly access/mobility function (functional Class B), would typically
qualify as a LVR for design purposes.
Road Class
Class C: Collector
Road Function
Thus, a National road (functional Class A), even though the traffic loading over its design life may be less
than 1 MESA, would not be classified a LVR, because the level of service that it is expected to provide
(primarily a mobility function) is characterised by a relatively high design speed and related geometric
design standard. Similarly, a haul road serving, for example, an industrial, mining or quarry area, in which
heavy loads are transported for a few months of the year during the rainy season would not be classified
as a LVR even though the road may be functionally classified as Class C, D or E and the design traffic
loading may be less than 1 MESA.
For structural design purposes, the traffic load class, rather than road design class, is used with the
relationship between these two parameters being shown in Table 2-2.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
of expertise and to understand implications of their recommendations or decisions on all other elements
of the design. This will require:
●● A full understanding by the design engineer of the local environment (physical and social).
●● An ability to work within the demands of the local environment and to turn these to a design
●● Recognition and management of risks.
●● Innovative and flexible thinking through the application of appropriate engineering solutions rather
than following traditional thinking related to road design.
●● A client who is open and responsive to innovation and practitioners who are able to explain
and convince the client to adopt LVR practice as a cost-effective solution to road infrastructure
Design engineers are traditionally conservative and build in factors of safety that cater for their perceptions
of risk. This approach prevents the application of innovation, uses scarce or inappropriate resources and
results in high financial costs for the client and the country. There is also often a temptation to provide or
upgrade roads to a future level of service not justified by the socio-economic or road user requirements.
This type of approach unnecessarily absorbs available resources and prevents the provision of additional
access to other constituents.
Generally, the design of LVRs will be guided by the client and will build on information and data collected
during the planning stages of the project. The client will have a project in mind with an indicative budget,
desired service level and route alignment. The client may also have views and guidance on how to
apportion the works and other social, environmental and time constraints.
Ultimately, the design engineer is responsible for developing the project within and around the boundaries
and limitations defined by the client, whilst at the same time highlighting any issues and problems that
may limit or require adjustment of expectations. In so doing, the engineer will need to draw on his/her
engineering skills, judgement and local experience to produce an appropriate design without incurring
unacceptable levels of risk.
This Manual provides the design engineer with the requisite tools that will provide the client with an
optimised design based on the financial, technical and other constraints that define the project.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
PAGE 2-6
Minor Gravel
Natural Soil Road
Natural Soil
Figure 2-5: Non-engineered natural soil track/road Figure 2-6: Engineered gravel road
Figure 2-7: Concrete strip road Figure 2-8: Low volume paved road
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Road Safety
Regime Climate
Maintenance Surface/sub-
Regime Surface Hydrology
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
PAGE 2-8
Percentage contribution
Area of
interest Traffic
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Traffic (million ESA)
Figure 2-10: Traffic loading versus dominant mechanism of pavement distress (schematic only)
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Because of this uncertainty, an appropriate measure of the anticipated performance of the proposed
pavement – its design reliability – must be ascribed to the pavement design process.This design
reliability may be viewed as the probability that the pavement, when constructed, will reach its perscribed
serviceability level, usually in terms of acceptable rutting, cracking and roughness, by the end of its
design life.
Different levels of design reliability normally apply to different categories of road, with the chosen reliability
levels, and related termuinal serviceability criteria, being commensurate with the standard and functional
serviceability of the road. Thus, in the case of HVRs, non-attainment of the perscribed terminal service
condition is likely to have relatively costly consequences in terms of disruption to traffic and increased
vehicle operating costs. Consequently, the level of design relaibility would be relatively high, typically 90
to 95% for the highest classes of road.
In the case of LVRs, the consequences of non-attainment of the prescribed terminal service condition are
seldom significant and a lower degree of design reliability, typically 50%, can be accepted as appropriate.
This is because the terminal serviceability criteria can be lower, without adverse economic effects. To
design a LVR with a higher level of reliability, and related higher terminal serviceability criteria, would not
be cost effective as the consequences of undertaking the required maintenance over the affected length
of the road would be significantly less than the cost of using more expensive pavement materials. This
rationale assumes, of course, that reasonable maintenance will be carried out during the life of the LVR.
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PAGE 2-10
2.4.1 Context Sensitivity
In addition to ensuring that the design developed is technically appropriate and is within the financial
envelope, the design engineer needs to bear in mind other factors that could influence the success of
the LVR design approach, its implementation and its long term sustainability. This requires a broadly
focused, multi-dimensional and context sensitive approach in which a number of other influential factors
are considered, as illustrated in Figure 2-12.
Technologically Economically
Appropriate viable
Political support
Demand for low volume road provision needs to be framed under a national policy driven by Government
and should be supported at the highest level. The cross-sectoral influence of low volume road provision
and its role in under-pinning other sectoral development strategies and poverty alleviation programmes
should be highlighted, quantified and understood.
●● The approach adopted for LVR provision should complement national plans, policies and
strategies and should be responsive to wider needs and demands, including:
○○ the social and economic goals of poverty alleviation and development;
○○ increasing rural accessibility;
○○ the use of appropriate technology, promotion of the domestic construction industry and
employment creation;
○○ protection of the environment;
○○ Cost minimisation and improved efficiency.
There is a need to maintain dialogue with political and public stakeholders in order to highlight the
advantages of design approaches and alternative, often unfamiliar, solutions selected for LVR provision.
The language used for advocacy should be carefully chosen and should avoid negative connotations
such as “low standard”; “low cost”, “marginal” and “relaxed”.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Social acceptance
Provision of low volume rural road networks should be managed in a way that:
●● Ensures community participation in planning and decision making.
●● Eliminates gender bias and promotes participation by women in the roads sector.
●● Promotes activities and investment for sustainable livelihoods (including Complementary
Interventions (refer to Chapter 4 – Rural Accessibility Planning).
●● Promotes road safety in all aspects of LVR provision.
●● Supports cost-effective labour-based and intermediate equipment methods of construction and
●● Minimises resettlement and mitigates unavoidable resettlement through appropriate compensation.
Institutional capacity
Road authorities and clients should:
●● Promote institutional, economic and technical understanding in the provision and management
of LVRs.
●● Promote commercial management practices.
●● Provide a conducive environment for the development of local contractors.
●● Ensure that design, construction and maintenance approaches for LVRs are represented on all
tertiary civil engineering training curricula.
Technology choice
Technologies for designing, constructing and maintaining LVRs should:
●● Employ appropriate design standards and specifications.
●● Take into account the users of the roads, in particular for roads with high numbers of motorcycles
and non-motorised users.
●● Utilise intermediate equipment technology options and reduce reliance on heavy equipment
●● Promote road construction and maintenance technologies that allow for community participation and
creation of employment opportunities.
●● Use types of contract that support the development of domestic contractors and consultants.
●● Be robust to the vagaries of climate and recognise potential impacts of a changing climate.
Economic viability
Economic appraisal for LVRs should:
●● Employ tools for LVRs that should be capable of quantifying social, economic and
environmental costs and benefits.
●● Ensure investment decisions are based on an assessment of whole life costs.
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PAGE 2-12
Financially sound
Sustainable provision of LVRs depends on the sustainable provision of funding to the sector in that:
●● Roads should not be upgraded to engineered standards if funding is not in place for routine
and periodic maintenance requirements.
●● Designs should not be forwarded that require excessive allocation of maintenance resources.
Environmentally sustainable
The design and management of LVRs should:
●● Minimise the physical impacts of construction and maintenance activities on the natural environment.
●● Take account of socio-cultural impacts (community cohesion).
●● Minimise the carbon footprint.
●● Optimise resource management and allow for recycling of non-renewable materials.
●● Minimise impacts and emissions that might contribute to climate change.
The risk of premature failure will depend on the extent to which the above factors are negative – the
greater the number of factors that are unsatisfactory, the greater the risk of failure. However, this risk
can be greatly reduced by adhering to the prescribed material specifications, by ensuring that the
construction quality is well controlled and that drainage measures are strictly implemented and, probably
more importantly, that maintenance is carried in a timely manner and vehicle overloading is reasonably
well controlled.
2.5.1 Level of Influence of Key Activities
The various LVR implementation activities addressed in this Manual, when aggregated into the main
components of the project cycle – planning, investigation, design, construction and maintenance - all exert
a decreasing level of influence on the quality, and hence cost efficiency of the final output in terms of the
total life-cycle cost of LVR provision. This concept is illustrated in Figure 2-13.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Level of Cumulative
Influence Total cost
100 % 100 %
Increasing Expenditures
50 % 50 %
Decreasing Influence
0% 0%
1 Time (Years) 10 - 15
Figure 2-13: Level of Influence of activity in relation to life-cycle cost of LVR provision
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
PAGE 2-14
Behrens L C (1999). Overview of Low-Volume Roads: keynote Address, 7th International Conference
on Low Volume Roads. Transportation Research Record No. 1652, TRB, Washington, DC.
Gourley C S and P A K Greening (1999). Performance of Low-Volume Sealed Roads: Results and
recommendations from studies in southern Africa. TRL Project Report PR/OSC/167/99. TRL,
Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK.
Faiz A (2012). The Promise of Rural Roads: Review of the Role of Low-Volume Roads in Rural
Connectivity, Poverty Reduction, Crisis Management, and Liveability. Transportation Research
Circular No. E-C167. Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, DC.
Greenstein J (1993). Issues Related to Administration of Low-volume Roads in Developing
Countries. Transportation Research Record 1426. TRB, Washington, D.C.
Kelly K and S Juma (2015). Environmentally Optimised Design for Low-Volume District Roads in
Tanzania. Transportation Research Record No. 2772, TRB, Washington, DC.
Naidoo K, Purchase R and T Distin (2004): Blacktop Roads to Developing Communities Using
Appropriate Technologies. Proc. 8th Conference on Asphalt Pavements for Southern Africa, South
Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) (2003). Guideline on Low-volume Sealed Roads.
SADC House, Gaborone.
South East Asia Community Access Programme (SEACAP) (2009). Low Volume Rural Road
Environmentally Optimised Design Manual. Department of Roads, Ministry of Public Works and
Transportation, Lao PDR.
Transport Research Board/National Research Council (1995). Assessing Worldwide Low-volume
Roads: Problems, Needs and Impacts. Transport Research Circular No. 446. TRB, Washington, DC.
World Bank (2001). Technical Paper No. 496 – Design and Appraisal of Rural Transport Infrastructure:
Ensuring Basic Access for Rural Communities. World Bank, Washington, DC.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
1. General
3. Physical
5. Site Investigations
6. Geotechnical
Investigations and Design
Investigations 7. Construction
8. Traffic
9. Geometric Design
15: Surfacing
16: Life-Cycle
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
3.1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Background.................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Purpose and Scope........................................................................................................ 3-1
3.3 CLIMATE..................................................................................................……..………….………3-3
2.3.1 General........................................................................................................................... 3-3
2.3.2 Rainfall........................................................................................................................... 3-3
2.3.3. Climatic Zones................................................................................................................ 3-4
2.3.4 Temperature................................................................................................................... 3-5
BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................................................................................................... 3-6
Table 3-1: Main climatic zones ................................................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-1: Map showing main climatic zones in Tanzania......................................................... 3-4
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
3.1.1 Background
The physical environment, in terms of the country’s physical features and climate, affects many aspects
of the design of LVRs in that such features impact, either positively or negatively, on the options open to
the design engineer. By way of example, a soil through which a road may be located will be characterized
by type, geotechnical properties, depth to bedrock, etc. Similarly, the design of drainage and anti-erosion
systems depends largely on topography as well as the expected climatic conditions in terms of rainfall
intensity, duration and frequency, while temperature may affect the choice of bituminous binders used in
There is also a relationship between the physical features themselves which can assist the engineer to
better understand the road environment and support the design process. For example, a knowledge of
the type of vegetation might give some clue to the type of soil and the parent geology of an area interacts
with rainfall and climate to produce certain types of soils. Thus, the designer would be expected to have
a good knowledge of the various factors that comprise the physical environment to ensure that design
solutions are compatible so as to avoid “working against nature”.
3.2.2 Topography
The country has the following four main topographic types:
●● Lowlands (mainly the coastal plain below 200 m above mean sea level, with isolated hills up
to 300 m in height).
●● Broad nearly flat areas of inland drainage, notably the Malagarasi swamp.
●● Plateau: 1000 – 1500 m above mean sea level; characterised by gently sloping plains broken by
scattered hills and wetlands.
●● Highlands: mountainous and steep rolling terrain.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
The highlands include the following mountain ranges of altitudes generally between 1500 m and 3000 m:
●● Northern Highlands - Usambara, Pare and the volcanic peaks stretching from Kilimanjaro (5895 m)
westwards to the Serengeti plains.
●● Central Highlands - stretching from Morogoro to the Iringa area.
●● Southern Highlands - Tukuyu - Mbeya – Sumbawanga.
●● Western Highlands - forming much of the western boundary of the country.
The diverse features of the topography, in terms of whether the terrain is flat or mountainous, impact on
a number of technical and economic (cost) aspects of LVR design including:
●● Geometric design in terms of horizontal, vertical alignment and road cross-section.
●● Drainage and anti-erosion measures.
●● Traffic safety measures.
●● Choice of road surfacing.
3.2.3 Geology
Metamorphic granitic rocks of the early Archaean age - more than 3000 million years old - occupy much
of the central plateau of Tanzania, forming a large 'block' surrounded by younger fold belts, also of
Precambrian age. Sedimentary rocks of the Karoo age - 220 to 140 million years old - occur to the north-
east of Lake Nyasa.
Distinctive volcanic features of Neogene age are the recent volcanic centres in northern Tanzania and
near Mbeya in the south. In the north, widespread volcanic activity that probably started 13 to 15 million
years ago, stretches westwards from the Kilimanjaro peaks to Serengeti and into Kenya. Some volcanic
centres in this area are moderately active today.
Younger marine deposits, associated with reef formation, are seen along the coast line and are in places
raised by local warping to form low hills of reef limestone, commonly called coral rock whilst lake beds and
Neogene deposits of limestone, sand, silts and clays that are formed in basins with restricted drainage,
are widespread in the interior of the country.
Over the millennia, the climate of Tanzania has changed considerably and has led to the development of
deeply weathered rock formations and thick overlying lateritic and related soil horizons. The long, evolved
drainage history of the country has led to a complex series of fluvial, eluvial and alluvial deposits.
The rock types (lithologies) beneath the surficial soil cover can be used to get a preliminary indication of
the type of residual material that would form from the underlying rock. For example, residual materials
derived from granites and quartzites would usually be gravelly with low plasticities compared with those
derived from basic volcanic rocks, which would have higher clay contents with high plasticities.
Large scale geological maps should be obtained in each district as a basis for planning site investigations
and materials prospecting.
3.2.4 Hydrology
The hydrology of any project area requires very careful consideration in terms of determining not only
the quantity of water that the drainage system must accommodate, but also with the detailed design of
the internal and external drainage requirements that are crucial for the successful performance of a LVR.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
3.2.5 Vegetation
The vegetation of Tanzania is characterised by large areas of woodland, bushland and thicket. However
considerable stretches of savannah, grassland and cultivation are found in several locations and occupy
large areas in the northern part of the country. Forests and swamps occur in comparatively small localised
areas, and mangrove forests are found in the tidal zone along the coast line. The swamp areas are typically
associated with the occurrence of expansive soils and impeded drainage conditions which require special
attention in the design process.
The type of vegetation that exists is partly a function of the properties of the soil and this feature can often
be used as an indicator of soil type.
3.2.6 Soils
The soil map of Tanzania shows the surficial materials (usually in the top 1 to 1.2 m below the surface) and
the relative congruence between this and the geological map is notable. Use of the two maps in unison
can give a strong indication of the types of potential construction material likely to be found in any area.
The coastal zone is mainly covered with deep, sandy to heavy textured soils. Most of the central and
western plateau areas are mantled by sandy loams whilst drought-prone soils cover a great part of the
northern portion of the country, including the Masai steppe and the southern plateau. Eroded land and
deeply weathered soils, susceptible to erosion, occur on hill or mountain slopes and in the central highlands.
Volcanic soils with a high ash content are found in the northern rift zone and the volcanic areas in
the northern and southern highlands. The soils of the western highlands are developed on basaltic or
argillaceous rocks.
3.3.1 General
Climate can have a considerable influence on road performance and should be taken into account by the
design engineer in terms of the intensity, duration and frequency of rainfall and its impact on the design
of drainage systems and anti-erosion measures.
Tanzania’s climate is characterised largely by its rainfall pattern over the country which is driven mainly by
the migration of the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone which migrates southwards through the country in
October to March, reaching the south of the country in January and February, and returning northwards in
March, April and May. This causes the north and east of Tanzania to experience two distinct wet periods
– the short rains (or “Vuli”) in October to December and the long rains (or “Masika”) from March to May
– while the southern, western and central parts of the country experience one wet season that continues
from October through to April or May.
3.3.2 Rainfall
Altitude plays a large role in determining the rainfall pattern, with higher elevations receiving more
precipitation. Country-wide, the mean annual rainfall varies from about 500 mm in the semi-desert central
and north eastern part of the country to about 2500 mm in the north-eastern and southern Highlands of
the country.
In the relatively high rainfall areas that occur in the mountainous and steep rolling terrain of the highlands,
concentrated precipitation does occur. This can lead to high surface run-off and erosion of shoulders and
side slopes, increased soil erosion, flash flooding and siltation of waterways by disturbance of soil. In
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
such situations special attention must be paid to installing effective drainage systems and measures to
control erosion.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
3.3.4 Temperature
Tanzania’s tropical climate has regional variations due to topography. In the highlands, temperatures range
between 10 and 20◦C during cold and hot seasons respectively. The rest of the country has temperatures
rarely falling lower than 20◦C. The hottest period extends between November and February (25 - 31◦C)
while the coldest period occurs between May and August.
The relatively high solar radiation levels that prevail in the dry zone of Tanzania, combined with extreme
temperature conditions, result in relatively rapid ageing of the binders and reduced seal lives as well as
surfacing problems such as bleeding of the binder and loss of aggregate. Thus, careful account should
be taken of temperature conditions in the design of surface treatments to ensure maximum durability.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Hathout A S (1983). Soil Atlas of Tanzania. University of Dar es Salaam, Geography Department.
Ministry of Works, Tanzania (1999). Pavement and Materials Design Manual, TANROADS, Dar es
Quennell A C M, McKinlay J and W G Aitken (1956). Summary of the Geology of Tanzania, Part 1:
Introduction and Stratigraphy. Geological Survey of Tanzania, Dodoma.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Part B:
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
PAGE 4-8 Rual Accessibility Planning
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Rual Accessibility Planning PAGE 4-9
1. General
3. Physical
5. Site Investigations
6. Geotechnical
Investigations and Design
Investigations 7. Construction
8. Traffic
9. Geometric Design
15: Surfacing
16: Life-Cycle
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
PAGE 4-10 Rual Accessibility Planning
4.1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Background.................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Context and Scope......................................................................................................... 4-1
BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................................................................................................... 4-11
Table 4-1: Stages/activities in the planning process ................................................................... 4-2
Table 4-2: Project cycle and related planning activities............................................................... 4-3
Table 4-3: External factors that affect the planning of LVRs........................................................ 4-5
Figure 4-1: Sustainable livelihoods framework............................................................................ 4-7
Figure 4-2: Stakeholder consultation meeting............................................................................. 4-9
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Rual Accessibility Planning PAGE 4-1
4.1.1 Background
The planning phase of a LVR project can rightly be viewed as the foundation on which the subsequent
implementation phases are based. It is an activity aimed at considering a wide range of options with
the objective of providing an optimal, sustainable solution, i.e. one which satisfies the multiple needs of
stakeholders at minimum life-cycle costs. It should take full account of Government policies and strategies
in the road transport sub-sector.
Planning should be undertaken in a context sensitive manner in which all dimensions of sustainability are
addressed. This places more weight on multi-disciplinary planning in which teams of planners, engineers,
environmentalists, etc., work together with stakeholders in order to reach optimal solutions in the most
cost-effective manner. Such an approach provides the best chance of achieving long-term sustainability
of projects and, in so doing, ensures that the available resources are used in the most cost-effective
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
PAGE 4-2 Rual Accessibility Planning
The main features of the planning and appraisal processes for new road projects are as follows:
●● Selection: This is a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary process which should generate sufficient
projects to ensure that no potentially worthwhile ones are excluded from consideration. The output
is a long list of projects determined on the basis of an unconstrained policy resource analysis that
satisfy national road transport policy.
●● Screening: Defines the constraints within which specific planning solutions must be found,
i.e. a constrained policy resource analysis. The output is a shorter list of projects that justify
further, more detailed, analysis.
●● Evaluation: Evaluates the shorter list of projects in more detail by subjecting them to a detailed
cost-benefit appraisal for which various methods are available. The output is a final list of
projects which satisfy a range of criteria – political, social, economic, and environmental – at
least cost.
●● Prioritisation: Ranks the “best” projects in order of merit up to a cut-off point dictated by the
budget available
For existing roads which need to be rehabilitated or upgraded, it would not be necessary to undertake
the identification and feasibility phases but, rather, to concentrate on the design and commitment and
negotiation phases that lead to implementation of the project.
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Rual Accessibility Planning PAGE 4-3
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PAGE 4-4 Rual Accessibility Planning
Comprehensive guidance on all aspects of labour based technology is provided by the Ministry of Works’
Appropriate Technology Based Road Works Technical Manual (MOW, 2000) which sets out guidelines on
policy, recommended standards and technical procedures to be followed by practitioners.
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Rual Accessibility Planning PAGE 4-5
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PAGE 4-6 Rual Accessibility Planning
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Rual Accessibility Planning PAGE 4-7
More income
influence Levels of STRATEGIES well-being
& access Government
P F Reduced
Private vulnerability
sector Laws
Policies food security
Culture More sustainable
use of NR-base
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
PAGE 4-8 Rual Accessibility Planning
The condition of each road link is assessed and a score allocated. This is known as a “Condition Index”.
Roads in poor condition have a high Condition Index. Priority factors are then determined for traffic,
population, agriculture and social facilities, with weightings applied to each factor depending on their
importance. A “Priority Score” for each road link can be then calculated by multiplying the Condition Index
by the traffic, agriculture, social and population priority factors. The equation is as follows:
Priority Score=Condition Index ×TF ×AF ×SF ×PF
TF= Traffic factor
AF = Agriculture production factor
SF = Social facilities factor
PF = Population factor.
The result of this analysis is that roads in poor condition but with high social and economic importance are
selected first for maintenance or improvement interventions. The Priority Score for each road link should be
determined on the basis of weights and points allocated to each factor in a participatory and transparent
manner. This will ensure that the outcome is accepted by all stakeholders.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Rual Accessibility Planning PAGE 4-9
Decisions on transport planning and prioritisation are often taken without considering the transport
requirements of the people being affected by the investment. Insufficient consultation can led to the
inappropriate use of resources both in terms of their usefulness to rural communities but also in terms of
their impact on social and cultural traditions. To rectify this shortcoming it should be ensured that:
●● Local people are involved in the selection, design, planning and implementation of programmes
and projects that will affect them.
●● Local perception, attitudes, values and knowledge are taken into account.
●● A continuous and comprehensive feedback process is made an integral part of all development
It is important to ensure that women’s needs are heard and addressed as part of the stakeholder
consultations indicated above.
Some other interest groups are important in the decision-making process, even though their own lives
may not be affected directly by the project. These include:
●● District leadership.
●● District's works departments.
●● National roads agencies.
●● Local and national politicians.
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PAGE 4-10 Rual Accessibility Planning
Because leaders' standpoints can differ significantly from the experiences of "average" village members,
it is important for any consultation process to go beyond the leadership to the grass roots.
The above methods include a range of activities with a common thread: enabling ordinary people to play
an active and influential part in decisions which affect their lives. This means that people are not just
listened to, but also heard; and that their voices shape outcomes.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Rual Accessibility Planning PAGE 4-11
Archondo-Callao R S and M Desthuis-Francis [editor] (2001). Roads economic decision model (RED) -
economic evaluation of low volume roads. Africa Region Findings No. 179. World Bank. Washington, DC.
Bental P, Kimambo I N, Shirima F J and N M Lema (1999). The Development of Labour Based
Technology in the Road Sector in Tanzania, Achievements and Proposed future Direction, Ministry
of Works, Tanzania.
Carney D (1998). Implementing the Sustainable Rural Livelihoods Approach. Sustainable Rural
Livelihoods – What Contribution Can We Make? (Diana Carney, Ed.). Papers presented at the
Department for International Development’s Natural Resources Adviser’s Conference.
Davis ASC (Ed.) 2001. Participatory Rural Appraisal. TRL Ltd, Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK.
Donnges C (2003). Improving Access in Rural Areas: Guidelines for Integrated Rural Accessibility
Planning. International Labour Office, Bangkok.
Ethiopian Roads Authority (2011). Design Manual for Low Volume Roads: Part C - Complementary
Interventions. Ethiopian Roads Authority, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Mbara T C (2003). The Study of Local level Planning Systems and the Application of Integrated
Rural accessibility Planning (IRAP) in Malawi. ILO/ASIST, Africa.
Ministry of Works, Tanzania (2000). Appropriate Technology Labour Based Road Works Technical,
Vols. I, II, III and IV. Dar es Salaam.
Schelling D and J Lebo (2001). Design and Appraisal of Rural Transport Infrastructure: Ensuring
Basic Access for Rural Communities. Technical Paper No. 496. World Bank, Washington, DC.
Thevoz L (2001). A Toolkit for Promoting the Sustainability of Rural Transport Infrastructure. Swiss
Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the International Forum for Rural Transport and
Development (IFRTD).
TRL Overseas Road Note 20 (1999). Management of rural road networks. TRL Limited, Crowthorne,
Berkshire, UK.
World Bank (2003). Technical Note on Rural Transport in Multi-Sectoral and Community Driven
Projects. World Bank, Washington, DC.
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PAGE 4-12 Rual Accessibility Planning
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Part C:
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
1. General
3. Physical
5. Site Investigations
6. Geotechnical
Investigations and Design
Investigations 7. Construction
8. Traffic
9. Geometric Design
15: Surfacing
16: Life-Cycle
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
5.1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Background.................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Purpose and Scope........................................................................................................ 5-1
BIBLIOGRAPHY....................................................................................................................... 5-19
Table 5-1: Summary of requirements for the desk study and initial survey............................... 5-3
Table 5-2: Summary of requirements for detailed investigations .............................................. 5-6
Table 5.3: Frequency of DCP testing......................................................................................... 5-8
Table 5-4: Materials testing frequency..................................................................................... 5-15
Figure 5-1: Carrying out a DCP test on a paved road................................................................. 5-8
Figure 5-2: DCP effects where large stones are present............................................................ 5-9
Figure 5-3: Test pits for LVRs are commonly excavated using labour...................................... 5-10
Figure 5-4: Standard laboratory tests are used to characterise the material properties............5-11
Figure 5-5: Localised problem materials require special design and
construction considerations.................................................................................... 5-12
Figure 5-6: Sufficient construction material of the required quality must be located................. 5-13
Figure 5-7: Variable weathering in quarry................................................................................. 5-15
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
5.1.1 Background
Site investigation and surveys are a vital and integral part of selecting the alignment, the design and the
construction of a road. They provide essential information on the characteristics of the soils along the
possible alignments, hydrology, availability and properties of construction materials, topography, land
use, environmental issues, and socio-political considerations. Survey information is required to:
●● Asses the condition, level of accessibility and inventory details of any existing road or track.
●● Select the alignment of a road.
●● Identify the best location of water crossings and drainage structures.
●● Provide information for the design of the road pavement, bridges and other structures.
●● Identify any areas that might require a specialist geotechnical investigation (refer to Chapter
6 – Geotechnical Investigations and Design).
●● Identify areas of potentially problematic soils requiring additional investigation and treatment
(refer to Chapter 6 – Geotechnical Investigations and Design).
●● Identify and assess suitable, locally available borrow and construction material.
Not all projects will require the same detailed surveys. Road projects fall into one of the following categories:
●● A completely new road.
●● A new road that follows the general alignment of an existing track or trail.
●● Upgrading a lower class of road to a higher class.
●● Rehabilitation or improvement of an existing road including spot improvements.
Site investigations for an entirely new road are very comprehensive because none, or very little, of this
information will be available beforehand and collecting it usually requires a range of skills. In contrast,
for upgrading an existing road to an all-weather access standard, the required site investigations are
considerably simpler because much of the required information is already available. For LVRs in Tanzania
it is very unlikely that an entirely new road will be needed where no existing track or road already exists
and therefore surveys for new roads are not included in this manual. For such a project the reader is
directed to the Field Testing Manual (MOW, 2003).
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
The chapter provides practitioners with the necessary tools to develop suitable site investigation
programmes and to identify the need for more detailed geotechnical investigations, as described in
Chapter 6, if they are required.
It is not the purpose of the chapter to describe individual site investigation techniques in detail. Where
additional information on the type, use and interpretation of site investigation techniques is needed, the
reader is referred to the appropriate manuals such as the Tanzania Field Testing Manual (MOW, 2003).
For LVRs, investigations should employ relatively standard and simple engineering methods. These
include visual inspection and description of test pits along the proposed alignment, use of Dynamic
Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing to identify uniform sections and use of simple material testing kits to
assess the grading and plasticity of in-situ soils and borrow materials. More sophisticated and expensive
procedures should only be employed when a severe geotechnical problem is encountered or suspected.
Under such circumstances it is advisable to seek specialist assistance.
It is the decision of the design engineer to determine frequency and type of testing necessary for the
specific road project and to assess when samples should be taken for laboratory testing in accordance
with the appropriate standard.
The benefit of using materials test kits is that a large number of simple tests can be conducted in the field
relatively quickly and cheaply and the frequency of testing will not be compromised. However, verification
tests in the laboratory will also be required. Strength, compaction, swelling and other types of test can only
be conducted by appropriate sampling and laboratory testing. A detailed explanation on the application
and use of the test kits is provided in the ASIST Technical Brief Number 9: Material Selection and Quality
Assurance for Labour-based Unsealed Road Projects.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Although additional surveys may be required if significant problems are identified, for example, a new bridge
crossing, the next stage after the initial assessment is essentially the final engineering design.
Table 5-1: Summary of requirements for the desk study and initial survey
Stage of design Study Comments
Engineering Probably a road or track is in existence already. Major engineering problems
Social The need for the road will have been based on the current planning process at
regional or local level. Social assessment based on desk study information and
Desk study concentrated on major issues such as land take and resettlement, if any.
Environment Assessment based on desk study information but concentrated on major
issues such as land take, re-instatement, existence of any conservation areas.
Cost estimation Historic data only. Based principally on terrain and number of structures.
Accurate to only ±100%.
Consultation with Social and economic issues. Flooding (high water levels) and stream flows,
local people adequacy of culverts, accident locations, weak sections of road that are
impassable for part of the year, the nature of impassability, availability of
materials etc.
The following aspects should be addressed:
a) Confirm information obtained from consultation with local people.
b) Assessment of defects visible on the road surface.
c) Assessment of geometric characteristics.
d) Assessment of road drainage, stream and river crossings and extent of
flooding of water crossings and low-lying areas.
e) Location of all possible bridge sites and water crossings
requiring more than a small culvert.
Site Visit f) Slope stability and potential landslide problems.
(General) g) Other possible major hazard areas such as poorly drained
soils, problem soils, springs, and erosion in river courses.
h) Extent of erosion problems with road drainage requirements.
i) Possible sources of water for construction.
j) Possible sources of construction materials.
k) Assessment of land acquisition/site clearance problems.
l) Traffic.
Environment Many common environmental issues associated with major roads are unlikely
to be significant for LVRs but attention must be paid to borrow and spoil
areas and likely changes in drainage patterns plus possible effects of the road
on biodiversity and ecology.
Cost estimation Largely based on historic records but now supplemented with more detail
about the scale (and therefore likely cost) of the pavement and structures.
If there is an existing road or track, the basic route is already determined and potential problems will have
already become apparent, for example:
●● Inadequate water crossings.
●● Poor or dangerous alignment.
●● Problem subgrades.
●● Areas likely to flood.
●● Possible slope instabilities.
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Furthermore the sources of materials for the existing road may still be useable and there are unlikely to be
any major problems of land use . However, encroachment into the road reserve, often affecting drainage,
is common and it is good practice to request local authorities to warn farmers not to do so at least a year
in advance of the roadworks.
Minor realignments may also be necessary and thorough site investigations are essential to obtain all
data that are required for a professional engineering project.
Desk Study
Desk studies are much less expensive than site investigations, therefore, by making use of existing
information, the project can (at the very least) be improved, the cost of new site investigations reduced,
and the effectiveness and efficiency of carrying out the required new site investigations can be considerably
enhanced. However, care is required to ensure that any existing data are reliable. In particular, old data
might be out of date (e.g. traffic data) or incomplete (e.g. hydrological data).
Sources of information typically include:
●● Historical data from previous construction and maintenance activities may be available. These
should be collected for review. Any sections of poor alignment and accident black spots should be
identified for attention in the design.
●● Aerial photographs and satellite images (e.g. Google Earth). These provide a very useful source
of information, including road environment factors such as the alignment of the road, catchment
areas, drainage patterns, low-lying areas, locations of settlements, land use etc.
●● Previously collected information on the location and variety of materials used in constructing the
gravel road. This is usually available from the Central Materials Laboratory.
●● Geological maps.
●● Topographical maps.
●● Social/economic reports.
●● Population census.
●● Climatic data.
The scope and level of detail of desk studies obviously depends on the type of project, the type of
information under consideration (e.g. geotechnical, hydrological, traffic, environmental, social) and the
amount of information that is available, but the results are usually very valuable.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
It is important to distinguish between those defects caused by inadequate structural capacity of the
existing pavement, if any, and those caused by poor drainage, particularly in the shoulders or outer
wheelpath. Whereas the former will probably require increasing the structural capacity of the existing
pavement, for example, by importing one or more new pavement layers, the latter defects could be
rectified by improving the drainage without importing new layers. A spot improvement approach where
isolated problem areas are rectified individually rather than taking them as representative of the section
as a whole is often adopted based on the severity and extent of the problem areas. This requires that a
DCP survey be carried out in a discriminating manner.
In general, traditional, full-scale topographic surveys (e.g. road corridor surveys) are not necessary to
carry out the geometric design of LVR road improvements or upgrading. Instead, they can be achieved
with the use of a handheld simple GPS device which is sufficiently accurate for preparing the line diagram
and cross referencing road inventory and road works. Where drainage may be a problem, for example, at
low-lying points on the road, cross-sections are will be required along the road alignment, downstream of
the structures or crossing and through the river bed using survey instruments.
An assessment must be made of the source and availability of all materials required to upgrade the road
including the surfacing, pavement layers, construction water and concrete as well as the cost implications.
Every effort should be made to obtain materials that are as close as possible to the road alignment to
reduce haulage costs.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Traffic assessment
Assessment of traffic is described in detail in Chapter 8 ‒ Traffic.
Characteristics of the climate, such as historical annual rainfall data, should be obtained, if available (from
site visit as well as desk study). The rainfall data required depends partly on the method to be used for
designing the drainage (refer to Chapter 11 – Hydrology and Drainage Structures).
Hydrological data
Hydrological data is necessary to design water crossings or to improve them, particularly if there is visual
evidence that their capacity is insufficient. Such data will also provide valuable information on the moisture
regime in which the road will operate. This information will alert the designer to the potential sources of
moisture infiltration into the road pavement and the measures that should be taken to mitigate such entry.
●● More detailed investigations to provide enough information for the Final Engineering Design.
The need for a feasibility study is likely to be an exception rather than a common requirement. The
requirements for these more detailed investigations are summarised in Table 5-2 and details are provided
in Section 5.3.2.
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Erosion is closely related to drainage and depends on soil type, grade, climate and site conditions. A
general assessment of erosion potential is needed for embankments, cuttings, road reserve and borrow
areas, leading to design of anti-erosion measures where necessary.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
DCP surveys
The DCP is light and portable and DCP tests are quick and simple. The advantage of the DCP is that
information can be gathered without disturbing the in-situ material. Using this test, the strength characteristics
and thickness of the subsurface materials at field moisture and density conditions can be obtained directly.
It is also useful for quality control during construction.
The frequency of the DCP measurements depends on the variability in road conditions and level of
confidence required. Where obvious changes of surface conditions occur, the frequency of the tests
should be modified to include the changes. Similarly, where surface conditions are uniform, the frequency
of testing may be reduced. A guideline for the frequency of testing for upgrading an existing track or road
to a paved standard is shown in Table 5-3.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
A number of correlations exist to link the DCP penetration rate (mm/blow) to the more familiar CBR strength
parameters. These correlations are based on CBR values versus DCP penetration rates measured in
different soil types. It is important to make sure that the correlation being used is the correct one for the
purposes of the study. In general, the correlation should be between the DCP penetration rate and the
actual CBR of the material being tested (i.e. the CBR at the density and moisture content of the material
at that time). In this way the in-situ strengths can be determined.
The structural assessment also requires test pits along the road, typically 2 – 3 per uniform section, to
obtain samples for laboratory testing.The procedure for undertaking the structural assessment is as follows:
(a) Cone cannot (b) Cone breaks stone. DCP profile (c) Rod pushed aside and tilts at an (d) Normal result.
penetrate. shows a plateau and subsequent angle. Excessive friction on rod gives
readings may be low. low reading.
Figure 5-2: DCP effects where large stones are present
Step 2: Analyse DCP data to obtain strength and thickness of pavement layers.
This can be done by hand but it is simpler to use a computer program designed for the task as discussed
in Chapter 13.
The in situ strength of the material is strongly dependent on the prevailing moisture (and density)
conditions. The results from the survey can be used directly to determine uniform sections along the road.
Figure 5-3: Test pits for LVRs are commonly excavated using labour
The location, frequency and depth of pits and trenches for characterising the subgrade depend on the
type of the road and the general characteristics of the project area (the soil type and variability). The
DCP testing carried out to assist delineation of uniform sections can be used to target areas for pitting
and trenching. Generally three such pits should be excavated in each section of road that is deemed to
be uniform from other investigations, primarily the DCP survey and the road condition survey. Spacing
will decrease when the sub-surface soils demonstrate more variability. In these areas, pits can also be
staggered left and right of the centreline to cover the full width of the road formation.
The depth of pits and trenches is determined by the nature of the subsurface. For the purpose of sampling and
description, pits should be dug to at least 0.5 m below the expected natural subgrade level. In cut sections,
the depth can be reduced to 0.3 m. For upgrading and rehabilitation projects there is usually vehicular access
hence pits can be excavated using a backhoe through all the existing pavement layers. In these circumstances
the depth could usefully be increased to 1.5 m below the subgrade. Some problem subgrade conditions may
require deeper exploration and greater depths may also be needed for high embankment design. A limited
number of deep pits may also be needed to ascertain groundwater influence and irregular bedrock.
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The location of each test pit should be precisely determined on the route alignment and all layers, including
topsoil, should be accurately described and their thicknesses measured. All horizons, below the topsoil should
be sampled. This will also provide an assessment of the materials excavated in cuts that are to be used in
embankments. The samples should be taken over the full depth of the layer by taking vertical slices of materials.
It is sometimes impossible to dig trial pits to the depth of all layers of soil or weathered rocks that need to be
assessed for the foundation design of structures or the treatment of weak or problem soils. In this case it is
recommended that hand or power augers are used for identification (AASHTO T203). Borings could also be
necessary to investigate the materials that lie below pavement layers. This is especially true in areas where
a thick layer of problem soils and soft deposits exist, and where the road alignment passes through landslide
zones, solution cavities, and unconsolidated soils.
Figure 5-4: Standard laboratory tests are used to characterise the material properties
Most of the subgrade test samples should be taken from as close to the top of the subgrade as possible
(excluding material containing organic remains), extending down to a depth of 0.5 m below the planned
subgrade elevation. Potential fill materials should be sampled to a greater depth.
Some regional road authorities have considerable experience and performance data on specific soil types
in the local climate and topographic conditions. Use of this information can supplement and reduce (but not
replace) the overall requirement for subgrade evaluation. The approach involves the assessment of subgrades
on the basis of local geology, topography and drainage, together with regular routine soil classification tests.
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Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
If the project is in an area where good quality construction materials are scarce or unavailable, alternate
solutions that make use of the local materials should be considered to avoid long and expensive haulage.
For example consideration should be given to:
●● Eliminate the need for regravelling by using a surfaced road.
●● For a surfaced road consider:
○○ Modifying the material (e.g. mechanical or chemical stabilization).
○○ Material processing (e.g. crushing, screening, blending).
○○ Innovative use of non-standard materials.
Materials investigations should also take into account any future needs of the road. This is particularly
important in the case of gravel roads where re-gravelling is normally needed regularly to replace material
lost from the surface. Sources of good materials could be depleted resulting in increased haul distances
and subsequent costs. Furthermore, good quality material may be required at a later stage in the road’s life
when the standard needs to be improved to meet increased traffic demands.
Figure 5-6: Sufficient construction material of the required quality must be located
A comprehensive list of the location of potential borrow pits and quarries is needed, along with an
assessment of their proposed use and the volumes of material available. Apart from quality and quantity
of material, the borrow pits and quarries must be:
●● Accessible and suitable for efficient and economic excavation.
●● Close to the site to minimize haulage costs.
●● Of suitable quality to enable cost-effective construction with little or no treatment.
●● Located such that their exploitation will not lead to any complicated or lengthy legal problems and
will not unduly affect the local inhabitants or adversely affect the environment.
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Records of roads already built with the material can be a valuable source of data, not only on the location
of construction materials but also on their excavation, processing, placement and subsequent performance.
Potential problems with materials can also be identified. Construction records are often available with regional
road authorities, or by road design consultants and contractors.
In general, location and selection of fill material for low volume roads poses few problems. Exceptions
include organic soils and clays with high liquid limit and plasticity. Problems may also exist in lacustrine
(stratified deposits at the bottom of a lake) and flood plain deposits where very fine materials are abundant.
Where possible, fill should be taken from within the road alignment (balanced cut-fill operations) or by
excavation of the side drains (where materials meet the requirements). Borrow pits producing fills should
be avoided as far as possible and special consideration should be given to the impacts of winning fill in
agriculturally productive areas where land expropriation costs can be high.
Improved subgrade
The subgrade can be made of the same material as any fill. Where in-situ and alignment soils are weak
or problematic, the import of improved subgrade may be necessary. As far as possible the requirement to
import material from borrow areas should be avoided due to the additional haulage costs. However, import
of strong (CBR>9) subgrade materials can provide economies because pavement thickness design can
be reduced (refer to Chapter 13 – Structural Design: Paved Roads). Where improvement is necessary or
unavoidable, mechanical and chemical stabilisation methods can be considered.
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Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
The frequency of testing will depend on the variability of the material in that the more homogeneous the
material, the less testing will be required. However, it is important to carry out sufficient tests to quantify
the variability of the material within the pit during the site investigation stage and prior to construction.
For LVRs, irrespective of the testing techniques and methods used, it is recommended that test samples
are taken from at least five randomly selected locations per borrow pit (covering the full depth of the layer
to be used) to quantify the variability. The variability provides an indication, for process control, of the
variation in material quality that can be expected during construction.
Settlement problems are unlikely if rock is encountered at a shallow depth. However, if the underlying
foundation is covered by transported soils, problems are likely to occur as the material may vary from
soft alluvial clays to collapsing silts (sands) or expansive clays. It is therefore important to understand the
particular transportation history and mechanism and the result that this has on the nature of the soil and its
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
The type of field investigation will depend on the types of soils encountered. If soils are predominately
cohesive, the primary design issues will be bearing capacity, side slope stability, and long-term settlement.
These design issues will usually require the collection of undisturbed soil samples for laboratory strength
and consolidation testing. The vane shear test can provide valuable in-situ strength data, particularly in
soft clays (for more information on vane shear tests, see the Field Testing Manual (MOW, 2003).
Where embankments cross alluvial deposits, there will probably be a stream requiring a structure.
Therefore investigations should assess the interaction between these structures, the embankment and
the in-situ material. Most embankment problems at streams are a direct result of poor drainage and
consequent high pore pressures. During the site investigation it is important that all sources of water
along the alignment are identified and their impact on the design assessed.
5.4.6 Groundwater
If groundwater is not identified and adequately addressed early, it can significantly impair constructability,
road performance and slope stability. Claims related to unforeseen groundwater conditions often form
a significant proportion of contractual disputes. Many of these claims originate from a failure to record
groundwater during site investigation.
Groundwater is frequently encountered along road cuts. In areas where springs and seepages are
present, there are several good indicators that may be used to determine the height that groundwater
may rise in a slope and roughly how long during the year that the slope remains saturated. For example,
in the highland areas where weathered basaltic lava flows are common, iron containing soils within the
slope usually oxidize when in contact with groundwater and turn rusty red or bright orange and give the
soil a mottled appearance. The depth below the ground surface where these mottled appearances first
occur indicates the average maximum height that the fluctuating water table rises in the slope.
At locations where the water table remains relatively stable, iron compounds reduce chemically and give
the soil a grey or bluish-grey appearance. The occurrence of these gleyed soils indicates a slope that is
saturated for much of the year. Occasionally, mottles may appear above gleyed subsoil, which indicates a
seasonally fluctuating water table above a layer that is subjected to a prolonged saturation. The practitioner
should be aware of the significance of mottled and gleyed soils exposed during road construction. These
soil layers give clues to the need for drainage or extra attention concerning the stability of the road cut.
The Field Testing Manual (MOW, 2003) can be referred to for more information on investigation of major
road cuts and embankment. The basic principle for low volume road engineering design is to minimise
cost. As far as possible this requires minimising the earthworks cut and fill operations. In some geo-
technically fragile areas, increased earthworks can lead to an increased risk of landslides.
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Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
ASIST (1998). Technical Brief Number 9: Material Selection and Quality Assurance for Labour-
based Unsealed Road Projects. International Labour Organisation Advisory Support, Information Services,
and Training (ASIST) Nairobi, Kenya.
Bennet C R, Soliminiha H and A Chamaro (2006). Data collection technologies for road management.
Transport Note 30. World Bank, Washington, DC.
Ministry of Works and Transport, Botswana (2000). Guideline No. 3: Methods and Procedure for Prospecting
for Road Construction Materials. Roads Department, Gaborone.
Cook J R, Bishop E C, Gourley C S and N E Elsworth (2001). Promoting the Use of Marginal Materials. TRL
Report PR/INT/205/2001. TRL, Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK.
Ministry of Works, Tanzania (1999). Pavement and Materials Design Manual. TANROADS, Dar es Salaam.
Ministry of Works, Tanzania (1983). Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Works. TANROADS, Dar
es Salaam.
Ministry of Works Tanzania (2000). Standard Specification for Road Works (2000). TANROADS, Dar es
Ministry of Works, Tanzania (2003). Field Testing Manual. TANROADS, Dar es Salaam.
Ministry of Works, Tanzania (2000). Laboratory Testing Manual. TANROADS, Dar es Salaam.
Paige-Green P, Coetzer K, Lea J and C Semmelink (1993). Appropriate use of locally available materials in
concrete, bituminous surfacings and layer works for roads in rural areas. CSIR Transportek, Research
Report RR93/263, Pretoria, South Africa.
Robinson P, Oppy T and G Giumarra (1999). Pavement Materials in Road Building, Guidelines for Making
Better Use of Local Materials. Australian Road Research Board, Transport Research Ltd. Victoria, Australia.
SANRAL (2013). South African Pavement Engineering Manual, Chapter 7: Geotechnical Investigations
and Design Considerations. South African National Road Agency. Pretoria, South Africa.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
1. General
3. Physical
5. Site Investigations
6. Geotechnical
Investigations and Design
Investigations 7. Construction
8. Traffic
9. Geometric Design
15: Surfacing
16: Life-Cycle
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
6.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................6-1
6.1.1 Background.................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.2 Purpose and Scope........................................................................................................ 6-1
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Table 6-1: Relationship between road class, importance of problem and necessity
for specialist geotechnical input..............................................................................6-2
Table 6-2: Standard ground investigation techniques..............................................................6-4
Table 6-3: Materials testing frequency.....................................................................................6-6
Table 6-4: Trial pits: requirements and locations...................................................................6-22
Table 6-5: Suggested Cut-Slope Gradients...........................................................................6-25
Table 6-6: Suggested Fill Slope Gradients............................................................................6-26
Table 6-7: Stabilisation options for problems above the road................................................6-28
Table 6-8: Stabilisation options for problems below the road................................................6-28
Figure 6-1: Key ground investigation objectives........................................................................6-4
Figure 6-2: Cracking on expansive clay....................................................................................6-8
Figure 6-3: Identification of expansive clay soils and estimate of expansion............................ 6-8
Figure 6-4: Possible solutions for roads on active clays related to expansiveness................. 6-10
Figure 6-5: Typical moisture regime under roads on expansive clays.................................... 6-10
Figure 6-6: Countermeasures used to increase zone of moisture equilibrium........................ 6-11
Figure 6-7: Dispersive soil showing formation of “pipes”.........................................................6-12
Figure 6-8: Dispersive soil in water showing suspension that does not settle out.................. 6-12
Figure 6-9: Mechanism of soluble salt damage to bituminous surfacings............................... 6-14
Figure 6-10: Permissible intervals between priming and surfacing ..........................................6-16
Figure 6-11: Typical manifestation of collapsible subgrade.......................................................6-19
Figure 6-12: Decision chart for design of road cuttings.............................................................6-20
Figure 6-13 Effect of cut within a higher slope.........................................................................6-20
Figure 6-14: Scour at base of bridge pier foundation................................................................6-23
Figure 6-15: Cut-Fill situations..................................................................................................6-27
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Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
6.1.1 Background
Prior to the design of a road, the site and geotechnical investigations need to be carried out. The site
investigation is done early in the project as described in Chapter 5 ‒ Site Investigations, and should provide
sufficient information to locate new roads and stream crossings, identify the optimum road structure and
preliminary sources of suitable construction materials and identify potential subgrade problems.
The geotechnical investigation described in this chapter is a more sophisticated exercise than that described in
Chapter 5 ‒ Site Investigations, during which aspects such as the types and extent of excavations, foundation
works and control of problem subgrades is assessed. This usually requires sub-surface investigations and
the development of geological and geotechnical models related to the road and structures. The information
will allow the engineer to:
●● Design stable and safe road pavements, bridges and other structures.
●● Identify areas for specialist geotechnical investigation (deep cuts and high fills).
●● Identify areas of potentially problematic soils requiring additional investigation and treatment.
There is a fine line between site investigation and geotechnical investigation. In many cases, especially
smaller projects, the geotechnical investigation may actually be included as an integral part of the site
investigation as discussed in Chapter 5 ‒ Site Investigations, whereas in other situations (mountainous
regions, areas with particularly poor subgrade or drainage conditions, additional construction materials,
etc.), independent and more comprehensive geotechnical investigations may be required. Because of
this possible overlap between the two activities discussed in Chapters 5 and 6, some duplication of
philosophies may occur.
Geotechnical investigations are progressive in nature, only requiring more sophisticated and costly
investigations as the project progresses, when they are seen to be necessary. The primary steps are to:
●● Understand the engineering objectives.
●● Adapt the investigation to the project scope, local conditions and expected soil profile.
●● Identify potential problems at an early stage.
●● Investigate those sites identified as potentially problematic.
●● Foresee potential difficulties, risks and consequences of failure.
●● Facilitate an adequate and cost-effective design.
●● Identify the need for additional investigations.
Each geotechnical investigation is unique, depending on the specific ground conditions and pavement/
structure and should be planned as such. It is thus not possible to give a general step-by-step procedure
applicable to all investigations.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
component of the geotechnical investigations is therefore focused on providing the engineer with the
information necessary to carry out the most cost-effective and safe structural and foundation designs.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
6.3.2 Techniques
The choice of methods for geotechnical investigation is determined by the type of road project and the
nature of the issues likely to arise from the site conditions, geology, terrain and climate. The primary
objective of such investigations is to obtain sufficient information such that the overlying structures are
not subject to any unacceptable deformations related to ground subsidence or movement. The methods
used should also be available locally and should be accompanied by experienced interpretation.
A wide variety of techniques is used for geotechnical investigations as presented in Table 6-2, but
relatively simple and standard techniques should be used as much as possible. More sophisticated and
expensive techniques should only be employed when a significant geotechnical problem is encountered
with potentially severe consequences should failure occur. Under such circumstances, it is advisable to
seek specialist assistance as indicated in Table 6-1. Ground investigations need to be carefully planned
and must take into account the following:
●● The nature of the ground.
●● The nature and phase of the project.
●● The project design requirements.
Results from the Desk Study and the initial assessment (walk-over survey) as described in Chapter 5
should be used in the planning of cost-effective ground investigations.
Figure 6-1 outlines the key objectives of ground investigations which may be undertaken using a variety
of sampling and testing techniques, outlined in Table 6-2.
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samples for
and testing
Develop under-
Define in situ standing of
geotechnical soil-rock profile
characteristics nature and
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Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
A specialist service provider who can undertake boring, sampling, field and laboratory testing, and soil
mechanics analysis is necessary for sites where problems may be expected. It is advisable to use a single
organisation to undertake the whole investigation, as this provides continuity between the field, laboratory
and office work. The description of the soil profiles should follow a systematic standard process, typically
used in Tanzania. Details in this regard are included in the Field Testing Manual (MOW, 2003).
The engineering properties necessary for design are best obtained from laboratory testing of soil samples
recovered during subsurface explorations. Testing programmes vary greatly in size and scope depending
on the type and phase of the road project and associated works. Testing should not be commissioned on an
arbitrary or ad hoc basis but should be part of a rationally designed programme to fulfil clear objectives in
order to avoid unnecessary costs: for instance, carrying out unconsolidated-undrained triaxial tests which
are deemed to be the cheapest and quickest triaxial tests but give results that are effectively meaningless
on unsaturated soils. The relationships between in situ conditions and the in-service performance of the
sampled and tested material need to be carefully considered when designing and developing the test
regime and the effects of sample disturbance must always be considered.
In the majority of cases no single test procedure will satisfy all requirements and a battery of tests will be
needed. An appropriate test programme will include a logical selection and sequence of tests that are a
function of the geotechnical environment, the nature of the investigation and the road design requirements.
It is necessary that testing requests be clear and sufficiently detailed. The owner should require that
all testing be performed in accordance with appropriate specifications for laboratory testing as in the
Laboratory Testing Manual (MOW, 2000).
For existing gravel roads, test pits should also be excavated (at lower frequencies than for new roads)
and a full DCP survey should be carried out along the road. The objective here is to determine the in situ
strength of the existing road structure. Minimum frequencies of testing are also shown in Table 6-3. The
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
DCP tests should follow a pattern of left outer wheel track, centre-line, right outer wheel track, centre-line,
left outer wheel track, etc.
The main objective of the centre-line survey is to identify uniform sections so that the materials can be
brought up to formation level such that the material at this level will provide a uniform layer of the required
strength. For an environmentally optimised design, this is typically at an in situ DCP DN value of less than
14 mm/blow (CBR of about 15%) at the expected density and design (expected worst) moisture condition.
Any pavement structure above this would then have similar support and provide a similar response to traffic.
Certain subgrade materials, if not identified timeously, can lead to ongoing road performance problems.
Such materials need to be located and some form of remedial action taken. These materials and the
actions necessary to minimise their effects are described below and additional information can be found
in the Materials and Pavement Design Manual (MOW, 1999).
The simplest way of identifying the presence of expansive soils is through field observations where the
surface expression of cracking in dark grey, black or sometimes red soils is evident as shown in Figure
6-2. However, the presence of a thick non-expansive transported or topsoil cover can sometimes mask
these cracks and excavation of a test pit, in which cracking and slickensiding of the material will be
observed is necessary. The identification of smectite in subgrade soils is best done using X-ray diffraction.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
By their nature, smectites will tend to be more plastic than other clay minerals and a measure of the
plasticity index, or better still the activity (ratio of plasticity index to clay fraction) is a good indication of
the presence of smectites. This is one of the earliest methods of indicating potentially expansive soils
using Figure 6-3 based on the clay fraction of the soil (minus 2 μm) and the standard Plasticity Index
(PI), which remains very useful for the preliminary identification of expansive soils. It should be noted that
the estimates for the degree of swell using this technique do not take into account the initial moisture
content of the material, assuming that they move from a state of dryness normally used in the laboratory
to wet. It is known that an equilibrium moisture content develops under a road structure and the moisture
fluctuation in this zone is minimal. However, from beneath the outer wheel track of roads with unsealed
shoulders to the edge of the fill, significant and variable moisture fluctuations occur. It is unlikely that the
initial moisture content in these zones is, however, particularly dry. An alternative method of estimating
Very High 8 %
Medium 2 %
Low < 2 %
High 4 %
PI of whole sample
Low < 2 %
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Clay fraction (%)
Figure 6-3: Identification of expansive clay soils and estimate of expansion (Van der Merwe, 1976)
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
potential expansiveness of a soil using the weighted shrinkage and plastic limits is provided in Appendix
6 of the Materials and Pavement design Manual (MOW,1999) and this can also be used. It is often useful
to apply a number of methods and base the design on more than one value.
An indication of potentially expansive soils can also be obtained from land type soil maps where materials
identified as “vertic” soils will always have expansive characteristics, while soils with a high base status
(or eutrophic) and clay content should be investigated more thoroughly, as they have the potential to be
Although the estimation of potential heave is imperative for structures on expansive clay, it is not as
critical for subgrades under roads. It is more important to identify the possible existence of the problem
and the potential for differential heave along the road and take the necessary precautions. These will
generally be based on the expected degree of swell determined from Figure 6-4.
If the calculated potential heave exceeds 25 to 50 mm countermeasures should be installed. If there is
likely to be significant differential movement as a result of variable material properties or thicknesses,
changing loading conditions or localised drainage differences, the countermeasures will need to take this
into account to avoid localised sections of road with poor riding quality.
Where culverts or small bridge structures are involved, it is usually necessary to quantify the potential
movement more accurately. This is best done using oedometer testing of specimens cut from block samples.
Correct orientation of the block samples is imperative as expansive clays tend to be highly anisotropic with
significantly lower swells in the horizontal direction. This testing needs to be carried out in conjunction with
good estimates of the potential changes in in situ moisture content from season to season.
Solutions that can be considered for LVRs over expansive clays include:
1. Flattening of embankment side slopes (between 1V: 4H and 1V:6H).
2. Remove expansive soil and replace with inert material (between 0.6 and 1 m depending on depth
of clay).
3. Retain the road over the clay as an unpaved section.
4. Pre-wetting prior to construction of the fill or formation (to OMC).
5. Placing of uncompacted pioneer layers of sand, gravel or rockfill over the clay and wetting up,
either naturally by precipitation or by irrigation (100 to 500 mm depending on clay thickness and
potential swell).
6. Lime stabilization of the clay to change its properties (expensive – up to 6% lime may be required).
7. Blending of fine sand with the clay to change its activity (blend ratio to be determined by laboratory
8. Sealing of shoulders (not less than 1 m wide).
9. Compaction of thin layers of lower plasticity clay over the expansive clay to isolate the underlying
active clays from significant moisture changes.
10. Use of waterproofing membranes and/or vertical moisture barriers, which are generally
geosynthetics (only limited success has been achieved using these methods.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Figure 6-4 provides a preliminary indication of possible counter-measure options (numbered as above)
as a function of potential expansiveness. It should be noted that usually a combination of these is most
effective and all should go together with careful design and construction of side-drains, which should
preferably be sealed.
Options: Options:
Medium (2 -4%) 1, 4, 5, 7, 8,9 1, 4, 5, 8
Determine % age
Options: Options: Options:
High (4 - 8%) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 1, 4, 5, 8
Figure 6-4: Possible solutions for the construction of roads on active clays related to potential expansiveness
In many cases for DC8 class roads, it may be more economic to retain the road as a gravel road over the
expansive clay sections and apply the necessary maintenance.
One of the most important considerations is to try and minimise the zone of seasonal moisture movement
beneath the road, as shown in Figure 6-5, and to increase the zone of moisture equilibrium. A combination
of slope flattening, material replacement, sealed shoulders and lined side drains as shown in Figure 6-6
is usually the most cost-effective means of achieving this, but the design of counter-measures needs to
be specific to any situation.
Progressive development of
cracks as moisture enters cracks
and moisture content increases
in zone of equilibrium
Zone of seasonal material
movement causing rotation
about hinge X
Zone of moisture
Zone of seasonal
moisture movement
Figure 6-5: Typical moisture movement regime under roads on expansive clays
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
3 Sealed shoulders
2 Flattened side 2 Flattened side
slope slope
1 Line concrete
4 Replace clay with
NGL inert material
Zone of moisture
Zone of seasonal
moisture movement
Expansive clays are often thick and laterally widespread and this makes the implementation of
countermeasures costly. The most successful technique for counteracting subgrades susceptible to high
movement is to remove the expansive clay beneath the road structure and replace it with a raft of inert
material. This would typically involve the excavation and removal of between 600 and 1500 mm (or
even deeper in some cases) of material over the entire footprint of the road prism (or at least beneath
shoulders and side slopes) combined with drainage structures that remove all water from adjacent to
the fill slopes and culverts. Removal of material results in the reduction of the swell potential as well as
slightly increasing the load on the expansive subgrade with a usually denser, better compacted material.
Unfortunately, this is often impracticable or uneconomic for LVRs, unless the problem is localised. More
frequently, expansive materials cover a wide area and the importation of substitute material involves the
haulage of large quantities of inert material over long distances.
The recommended, and probably most economical solution specifically for LVRs showing high to very
high potential swell, is to partially remove the clay from the subgrade and replace it with a less active
material, increase the fill height using inactive material to provide a greater load on the clay, seal the
shoulders of the road and flatten the fill slopes using the material removed from the subgrade and side
drains. This has the effect of moving the zone of seasonal moisture fluctuation away from the pavement
structure and inducing movements and cracking in the more flexible fill slopes rather than in the stiffer
pavement structure.
Particular attention should be paid to culverts. The clay beneath them must be replaced with an inert
material, all joints must be carefully sealed to avoid leakage and inlets and outlets well graded to avoid
ponding of water. It is essential, however, that a proper understanding of the potential moisture movements
in and around the road is obtained and this is related to the swell potentials of the various pavement
materials (fill, shoulders, subgrade, etc.).
It is also good practice to remove and control the re-establishment of “water loving” trees. The roots of
such trees seek water beneath the pavement and remove it from the clay, causing significant depressions
in the road during the dry season, which may or may not recover in the wet season. This is usually
associated with arcuate and/or longitudinal cracking.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Dispersive soils are those soils that, when placed in water, have repulsive forces between the clay particles
that exceed the attractive forces. This results in the colloidal fraction going into suspension and in still
water staying in suspension as shown in Figure 6-8. In moving water, the dispersed particles are carried
away. This obviously has serious implications in earth dam engineering, but is of less consequence in
road engineering except when used in fills. Dispersive soils often develop in low-lying areas with gently
rolling topography and relatively flat slopes. Their environment of formation is also usually characterised
by an annual rainfall of less than 850 mm.
Figure 6-8: Dispersive soil in water (crumb test) showing suspension that does not settle out
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Erodible soils will not necessarily disintegrate or go into dispersion in water. They tend to lose material as
a result of the frictional drag of water flowing over the material that exceeds the cohesive forces holding
the material together.
Slaking soils disintegrate in water to silt, sand and gravel sized particles, without going into dispersion. The
cause of this process is probably a combination of swelling of clay particles, the generation of high pore
air pressures as water is drawn into the voids in the material and softening of any incipient cementation.
Slaking and erodible soils when occurring as subgrades or even when used in fills are unlikely to cause
significant problems unless rapid flows of water through the fill or subgrade occur. Problems are thus
mostly associated with poor culvert and drainage design. The inclusion of dispersive soils in the subgrade
or fill on the other hand has been seen to lead to significant failures through piping, tunnelling and the
formation of cavities in the structure. It is therefore important to identify dispersive soils timeously.
The testing and recognition of dispersive soils requires various soil engineering and pedological laboratory
tests. These include:
●● Determination of the Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP).
●● Pinhole test.
●● Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC).
●● Crumb test.
●● Double hydrometer test.
●● Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) and the pH.
The crumb test on undisturbed lumps of material is usually the best first indication, but is not always fool
proof. Dispersive soils tend to produce a colloidal suspension or cloudiness over the crumb/lump during
the test, without the material necessarily disintegrating fully. Disintegration of the crumb in slaking soils is
very rapid and forms a heap of silt, sand and gravel. Erodible soils do not necessarily always disintegrate
in the crumb test as they require a frictional force of moving water to loosen the surface material, without
any of the loose material remaining in suspension.
Soils with a low sodium component have also been seen to be highly dispersive. These materials usually
contain significant quantities of lepidolite (a purple lithium mica). Lithium is of course the most reactive
metal in the alkali series (Li > Na > K > Mg, etc.) and this should be investigated where the sodium
content is low but dispersion seem to be prevalent.
It is not very important (or even really possible) to quantify the actual potential loss of dispersive material
from subgrades and fills as the process is time related and given enough time, all of the colloidal material
could theoretically be dispersed and removed, leading to piping, internal erosion and eventually loss of
material on a large scale. It is, however, important to identify the presence of dispersive soils, and their
differentiation from erodible and slaking materials, so that the necessary precautions can be taken if they
affect the constructed pavement.
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The countermeasures for avoiding dispersive soil damage in the road environment are relatively simple:
●● Avoid its use in fills as far as possible.
●● Remove and replace it in the subgrade.
●● Manage water flows and drainage in the area well.
As the presence of sodium as an exchange cation in the clays is the major problem, treatment with lime
or gypsum will allow the calcium ions to replace the sodium ions and reduce the problem. The use of
gypsum is recommended over lime as lime may lead to soil stabilisation with its associated cracking,
allowing water to move through the cracks.
It is also important that the material is compacted at 2 to 3% above optimum moisture content to as high
a density as possible.
To avoid problems with slaking and erodible soils, the drainage must be well controlled. Covering of the
soils with non-erodible materials and careful bio-engineering, assisted by geosynthetics where necessary,
is usually effective. Once erosion has occurred, the channels and gullies should be back-filled with less
erodible material and the water flows redirected.
Soluble salt damage to roads has been reported primarily from arid, semi-arid and warm dry areas. Salts
can originate from the in situ natural soils beneath the structures as well as from imported material for
the pavement layers or from saline construction water. Only the presence of soluble salts in subgrade
materials is considered in this report as the materials for other layers can be controlled provided the
problem is identified timeously.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Subgrade materials in areas where the land surface shows some depression resulting in seasonal
accumulation of water are particularly prone to the accumulation of salts leached from the surrounding
areas. In other flat areas, capillary rise of groundwater and precipitation in saline soils can result in the
upward migration of salts to or near the soil surface.
In some cases, the visible presence of crystallised salt deposits at the soil surface is a certain indication of
the need for additional investigation for possible salt problems. This is often associated with the presence
of animals licking the soil surface. In most other cases, the presence of salt is best confirmed by using
laboratory test methods.
In the conventional road engineering context, the identification of possible soluble salt problems is based
on the pH and conductivity of the materials. Most roads departments do not differentiate between the
subgrade materials and the imported layer materials.
It should be noted that the results of the electrical conductivity and pH tests can vary significantly depending
on the pre-treatment, the moisture content at which the measurements are made and particularly on the
material size fraction tested.
Limits for the use of saline materials are generally based on work in specific countries and their applicability
to other areas is unknown. In general, an electrical conductivity on the passing 6.7 mm fraction in excess
of 0.15 Sm-1 (or an electrical resistance of less than 200 Ω on the minus 2 mm fraction) should raise
concern and indicate the need for further investigation. Similarly, soluble salt contents in excess of 0.5%
should be a cause for possible concern and lead to additional investigations.
The following measures should be considered:
●● As soluble salt problems arise from the accumulation and crystallization of the salts under the
road surfacing and in the upper base layer, minimisation of salts in the pavement layers and
subgrade should be attempted.
●● If the surfacing is sufficiently impermeable (coefficient of permeability, k in nanometre/second)/
surfacing thickness, T in mm or k/T < 30 (μsec)-1) to avoid water vapour passing through it,
crystallization will not occur beneath the surfacing.
●● Construction should proceed as fast as possible to minimise the migration of salts through the layers.
Only impermeable primes should be used, e.g. bitumen emulsions. Figure 6-10 provides an indication
of the allowable delay between priming and sealing for various material subgrade salinity.
●● The addition of lime to increase the pH to in excess of 10.0 will also suppress the solubility of the
more soluble salts.
Even for the lowest classes of road (DC8 and DC7), the effects of excessively saline materials can lead
to a rapid and total loss of the bituminous seal and precautions should thus be taken for all road classes.
The use of non-bituminous surfacings should be considered over saline materials.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
<2 30 days
(> 0.84%) Immediately
(< 0.36%) No limit
Non-saline 2 days
(> 0.84%)
< 3.4
(< 0.6%) 30 days
Saline 3.4-8.0
(0.6-1.32%) 5 days
> 8.0
(>1.32%) Immediately
< 3.4
(< 0.6%) No limit
Non-saline 10 days
> 8.0
(>1.32%) Immediately
Figure 6-10: Permissible intervals between priming and surfacing related to subgrade salinity
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
usually interlayered with silts and sands, which provide more permeable drainage paths than would be
determined from oedometer testing of undisturbed clay samples. However, the depths and strengths of
the materials are such that inspection of the materials in test pits or auger holes is not recommended.
The in situ condition of these materials is one of their most important properties that need to be considered
– testing of disturbed samples will usually provide results that are meaningless. It is thus better to use in
situ test methods such as Standard Penetration Testing (SPT), vane shear or Cone Penetration Testing
(CPT) to determine the depths, presence of silt or sand layers, strengths and if possible, permeabilities.
If these can be identified to a reasonable degree of confidence, estimates of the quantity and rate of
settlement and the potential stability of embankments over the materials can be made.
Road embankments built on soft clays thus need careful control during their construction to avoid stability
failures as pore water pressures increase under the applied loads. It is recommended that embankments
in these areas are constructed slowly, layer by layer, while monitoring pore water pressures and additional
layers are only added once the pore water pressures have dissipated adequately. Despite these measures,
long-term settlement continues and problems are often encountered with large differential settlements
between the approach fills founded on the clays and bridges founded on piles. These long-term differential
settlements require ongoing maintenance to provide an adequate performance of the road.
The use of the wide range of geosynthetic products as separation layers and to facilitate and accelerate
drainage has contributed to improved construction over such areas in the past decade or two, and
specialist advice in this respect should be obtained.
It is usually easy to recognise potential wet conditions, which are characterised by areas of standing
water, specific types of vegetation (reeds, papyrus grasses, etc.), localised muddy conditions and often
the presence of crabs and frogs.
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The treatment of wet areas for roads can be costly if the aim is to reduce the water tables using sub-
surface drainage systems. These would seldom be warranted for low volume roads.
The only cost-effective measures for low volume roads are to raise the level of the road to at least 750
mm above the natural ground level, with a permeable gravel or rock fill layer (at least 100 to 150 mm thick)
on the natural formation (after removal of the topsoil and vegetation). Properly designed and graded side
drains should also be constructed to avoid the presence of standing water adjacent to the road.
The installation of sub-soil drainage systems is seldom warranted for low volume roads because of the
cost and the ongoing need to maintain them diligently. However, in cases where they are considered to
be essential, they should be designed by a drainage/ground-water specialist.
6.4.7 Others
Collapsible Soils
Collapsible soils result from a unique condition in which “bridges” of fine materials (usually clays or iron
oxides) within a framework of coarser and harder particles (mostly quartz) become weak when wet and
collapse under load. The important condition is that the material must be in a partially saturated condition
and then wetted up and loaded simultaneously, which is a common situation beneath road structures.
Collapsible materials can occur on both residual and transported materials but are not widespread in
Tanzania. Many granites and feldspathic sandstones when weathered result in the feldspar altering to
kaolinite with the quartz particles staying intact. This forms a honeycomb type of structure, which, when
wetted up and loaded, results in shearing or “collapse” of the clay bridges and a settlement or reduction
in volume of the material. Certain basalts and dolerites with dry densities of 1200 to 1300 kg/m3 have also
shown collapse potential.
If potentially collapsible soils are identified, specialist assistance should be use for DC5 roads to avoid
excessive rutting. The deformation that is likely to affect lower classes of roads will seldom have a major
impact on their performance.
The result of collapse of the subgrade is mostly manifested by the development of a deeply rutted and often
uneven road surface and significant deterioration of the riding quality of the road as shown in Figure 6-11.
In areas with carbonate rocks (coral-stones, limestones, etc.) the potential for dissolution of the rock
material to form voids beneath the ground surface always exists. Care should thus be taken in such areas
to ensure that no voids large occur beneath the road. Specialist advice should be sought in areas known
to have such dissolution features.
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Scars, anomalous bulges, odd outcrops, broken contours, ridge top trenches, fissures, terraced slopes,
bent trees and misaligned fences, abrupt changes in slope or in stream direction, springs or seepage
zones all indicate the possibility of past ground movements.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
These areas often require carefully designed drainage structures (usually in conjunction with the cuts and
fills) in order to convey concentrated water flows down to lower altitudes and these flow paths need to be
identified. Evidence of active erosion and the transportation of large boulders usually make such water
courses obvious.
Natural slopes, road cuts and existing embankment fills in the vicinity of the planned project provide
preliminary evidence of expected ground stability and likely requirement for detailed surface and
subsurface investigations.
Initial investigations for cuts and excavations should concentrate on identifying those areas where
additional specialist investigation is necessary. A simple flow-chart can be used for this purpose as shown
in Figure 6-12.
The question as to whether the cut is at a foot of a higher slope is extremely important. If the cut does
not undercut a higher slope, failure will have minimal consequences as shown in Figure 6-13a. However,
where the slope continues above a cut, failure of the cut will usually result in large quantities of material
higher up the slope becoming unstable and moving onto the road as shown in Figure 6-13.
a. b.
Rock strata
Excavated material Rock strata
Excavated material
Cut face
Cut face
It is usually necessary to inspect the material to be excavated in order to assess the depth of weathering,
material types and the inclination of the strata. Trenches are preferable to pits to inspect cuts because of their
dimension. Depending on the geology and degree of weathering, up to five trenches are normally enough
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
to investigate a 100 m long slope cut. The trenches should be located at points where material changes are
expected and range between 1 m and 3 m in depth. For safety reasons great care needs to be taken by personnel
accessing trenches or pits greater than 1 m in depth. Adequate support to pit or trench walls is essential and any
investigators entering the pits or trenches must be accompanied by surface safety supervision.
During the investigation for cuts, the material that will be removed should be assessed for use as fill or
even pavement construction materials. This will entail sampling and laboratory testing. However, as large
excavations usually involve a wide range of material qualities (and even different materials), this sampling
needs to be carefully planned in order to get accurate assessments of the quantities of different materials
for later use.
The investigation for fills (or embankments) is somewhat easier than for cuts as the fill material itself is
selected and constructed to specified standards ensuring adequate shear strength to avoid failure within
the fill. This leaves only the underlying subgrade and support areas to be investigated.
The problems that are likely to be encountered are essentially one of settlement of the fills or shear
failure, both of these being influenced by the properties of the underlying material. The aim of the
geotechnical investigation for fills is thus to determine whether the thickness and compressibility of the
underlying material is significant enough to cause excessive settlement and whether the shear strength
of the underlying material is sufficient to avoid shear failure. Both of these properties are strongly related
to the moisture content and this thus needs to be taken into account in the testing and catered for in the
design. The design issues will usually require the collection of undisturbed soil samples for laboratory
strength and consolidation testing. The vane shear test can also provide valuable in-situ strength data,
particularly in soft clays.
Typically, test pits or trenches would be the first investigation requirement. These are normally excavated
to about 3 m and the materials in the pits classified and described. Any soft or wet cohesive materials less
than 2 m thick are likely to result in settlement of the fill and/or possible shear failure of the base. Such
materials should be removed or treated or pre-loading in stages should be planned to accommodate
the settlement and dissipation of pore water pressures. Where soft or wet cohesive materials extend
deeper than about 2 m, they should be considered as potentially problematic and specialist geotechnical
investigations should be carried out. These should aim at providing quantitative estimates of the amount
of potential settlement and its rate as well as providing sufficient data to carry out stability analyses.
For fills higher than 3 m, if there is any doubt in the investigators’ mind following the site investigation
and preliminary geotechnical investigation, specialist assistance should be sought, as failures can have
significant consequences.
If groundwater is not identified and adequately addressed early, it can significantly impair constructability,
road performance and slope stability. Claims related to unforeseen groundwater conditions often form
a significant proportion of contractual disputes. Many of these claims originate from a failure to record
groundwater during the geotechnical investigation.
6.5.3 Foundations
Bridge Foundations
Areas requiring water crossings or where water will naturally cross over the road if not catered for must be
identified during the site investigation. Those areas that will necessitate the provision of large culverts or
bridges need to be identified, as they will require detailed geotechnical investigations for their foundations.
The sub-surface investigation for the final design stage is typically performed prior to defining the proposed
structural elements or the specific locations of culverts, embankments or other structures. Accordingly,
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
the investigation process includes techniques sufficient to define soil and rock characteristics and the
centreline subgrade conditions.
For small, simple structures such as drifts, culverts and vented fords it is normally sufficient to ensure that
the proposed foundation material consists of well drained, firm (compacted) material. This will require the
excavation and description of a number of test pits (usually to slightly weathered or hard rock) at critical
points under the structures with simple material descriptions and strength testing (e.g. DCP or plate loading)
where necessary. These will allow material types, depths and estimated strengths to be determined for use
in the design.
Weathered rock, clays and silts that are at least “firm”, or sands and gravels that are at least “loose”,
will be suitable for design purposes. Such conditions can also be determined on site by checking for
footprints when walking on the proposed location. If more than a faint footprint is left it will be necessary to
improve the ground before construction commences. Additional useful information for design can usually
be obtained from similar structures in the area.
The number of trial pits that should be dug will depend on the complexity of the structure and the uniformity
of the soil. Table 6-4 gives a guide to the number and depth of trial pits that should be dug for different
structures. If the ground conditions are known to vary over the proposed site, or two trial pits show
markedly different results, then further trial pits should be dug as appropriate. The trial pit depth is only
given as a guideline figure. If the soil conditions are very poor, it may be necessary to increase their
depth or carry out deeper investigations using boring or drilling. Where bedrock exists close to the ground
surface this offers the best foundation. MOW (2003) should be used as a guide for additional information.
If the ground conditions are poor at the proposed or expected level of the structure’s foundation it will be
necessary to continue excavation to firm material that can provide sufficient bearing capacity.
For larger structures, a range of foundations could be used depending on the materials at site. It is useful
to carry out a geophysical survey (seismic or resistivity) to identify the general strata in the area and to
provide a basis for siting further exploratory points. This can substantially reduce the number of boreholes
or deep auger holes required. Detail can be found in MOW (2003).
Information on aspects such as the depth to bedrock, the strength of overlying soils and the underlying
bedrock, scour resistance, etc. need to be identified so that the most cost-effective and appropriate
foundation solutions can be designed. Such structures are normally founded on spread footings if
acceptable materials are present in the upper 2 or 3 m of the underlying soil profile or piles if weak
materials extend to greater depths.
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The ground underneath the proposed structure should have an adequate bearing capacity to support
the load of the structure itself and the vehicles, which pass over it. If the soil has insufficient strength it
will compress and the structure will subside, possibly causing failure. The bearing capacity will depend
on a range of different factors including; the proportions of sand clay; organic and other material in the
soil; the mineralogy of the clay materials; and the level of the water table. As the type of soil may change
with depth it is necessary to dig trial pits at the proposed site to determine the bearing capacity at the
proposed foundation level. By identifying and sampling the material excavated from different depths of the
trial pits the bearing capacity of the soil can be determined. Bearing capacities are particularly important
in the design of structures where large localised loads are expected, (e.g. bridge abutments and piers) as
the soil must have a high bearing capacity to support these loads.
The geotechnical investigation should thus provide sufficient information for the engineer to make this
decision on the most appropriate design, as the strength and durability of any structure will be determined
by the quality of its foundation in relation to the bearing capacity of the underlying material.
Scour is the erosion of material from the river sides and bed due to water flow as shown in Figure 6-14.
Damage due to scour is one of the most likely causes of structural failure. Minimising or eliminating the
effects of scour should therefore receive adequate attention when designing any structure. Scour can
occur during any flow but the risk is generally greater during floods. There are three major types of scour
to be considered and the potential for these should be assessed during the geotechnical investigation:
1. River morphology: these are long-term changes in the river due to bends and constrictions in the
channel affecting the shape and course of the channel.
2. Construction scour: this is the scour experienced around road structures where the natural channel
flow is restricted by the opening in the structure. The speed of the water increases through the
restriction and results in more erosive power, removing material from the banks and bed.
3. Local scour: occurs around abutments and piers due to the increased velocity of the water and
vortices around these new unnatural obstructions.
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The proposed site of the structure and the watercourse upstream and downstream must be inspected
for evidence of existing scour, erosion or deposition in the watercourse and banks. However, it is difficult
to accurately predict the level of scour that may be experienced for a particular design as the changes
on the flow characteristics of the water depend on the actual design as well as the stream channel
geometry and water flow rates. The prediction of scour depth can be done using ORN 9 (TRL, 2000).
However, the geotechnical investigation should provide the engineer with a basic knowledge of the scour
characteristics of the materials.
6.6.2 Earthworks
In order to comply with horizontal or vertical geometric guidelines and thus permit reasonable access for
users, LVR alignments in hilly or mountainous areas may require the construction of cuts or embankment
earthworks. On low plain areas liable to flood it may also be necessary to raise roads on embankments. In
general terms these earthworks should be designed to minimise subsequent slope failure by implementing
designs and construction procedures that are compatible with the engineering properties of the excavated
soil-rock or the placed fill, whilst at the same time taking into account the impact of these earthworks on
existing slopes or foundations.
The aim of any low cost approach to earthworks design is to excavate to safe slope angles without having
to resort to extensive use of support structures. However, the interaction of LVR route alignment and the
geometry or instability of the natural slopes may be such that construction to recognised safe angles
is not an economical or engineering feasibility. Engineered stabilisation may have to be considered,
particularly in areas of identified natural hazard. If temporary road closures and debris clearance can be
tolerated and allowed for in maintenance, then a steeper slope may be more economic.
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A particular difficulty in steep terrain is the disposal of excess material (spoil), therefore every effort should be
made to balance the cut and fill. Where this is not possible, suitable stable areas for the disposal of spoil must
be identified. Spoil can erode, or may become very wet and slide in a mass. Material is carried downslope and
may cause scour of watercourses or bury stable vegetated or agricultural land. Material may choke stream
beds causing the stream to meander from side to side, undercutting the banks and creating instability.
High level embankment foundation investigation should, as a minimum, consider; the range of materials
and settlement potential; side-slope stability; groundwater; moisture regime and drainage requirements;
erosion resistance; haul distance; and environmental impact.
Where possible, LVR cut slopes are generally designed on precedent or modified precedent principles
(i.e. past experience) as discussed in Section 6.4, based on past experience with similar soil and rock
materials. Cut slopes greater than 3 – 6 m in height may require a more detailed engineering geological
assessment depending on the complexity of the ground conditions. This would include an assessment of
the type of the soil-rock materials and their mass structure as shown in Figure 6-13.
The slope angles indicated in Table 6-5 have been provided as a general guide for LVRs and should be
used in conjunction with Figure 6-13. Note that these angles cannot be applied without due consideration
of the ground conditions.
Cuttings in strong homogenous rock masses can often be very steep where adverse structure is not
present, but in weathered rocks and soils it is necessary to use shallower slopes. In heterogeneous
slopes, where both weak and hard rock occur, the appropriate cut-slope angle can be determined on
the basis of the location, nature and structure of the different materials and the variations in permeability
between the different horizons. One of the most effective ways to decide upon a suitable cut slope is to
survey existing cuttings in similar materials along other roads or natural exposures in the surrounding
areas. Generally, new cuttings can be formed at the same slope as stable existing cuttings if they are
in the same material with the same overall structure. In rock excavations, persistent joint, bedding or
foliation surfaces may determine the final cut slope profile.
Excavation of rock slopes should be undertaken in such a way that disturbance, for example due to
blasting, is minimised. It should also be undertaken in a manner to produce material of such size that
allows it to be placed in embankments in accordance with the requirements.
Cut slope profiles can be single-sloped, or benched. Single-sloped profiles are usually cut in uniform soil
or rock materials or excavations less than 5-10 m. Benched slopes are generally used in deeper cuts
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
or where layered soil rock profiles are encountered. The construction of benches should be considered
to intercept falling debris and control the flow of water. There is no hard rule regarding the dimension of
benches, but a preliminary approach is to provide bench widths that are one third of the height of the
cut immediately above. Outward sloping benches are generally not recommended because this may
concentrate and erode channels through the bench if the bench is in weathered rock or soil. If the bench
is in strong, unweathered rock then this erosion will not occur and outward sloping benches are permitted.
In weaker materials the water should be encouraged to drain along the bench to a discharge point rather
than over it. Maintenance of these drains is important to prevent water accumulating on the bench.
Embankments may be required to:
●● Raise the road above flood level on low-lying flat ground.
●● Reduce steep gradients and minimise excess spoil in hilly terrain.
●● Facilitate suitable access in steep hilly or mountainous terrain.
Embankment design must accommodate two related elements; the design of the embankment itself using
available materials and the strength or compressibility of its foundation. Embankment slopes should be
designed taking into account both elements; typical angles for embankment fill on sound foundations are
presented in Table 6-6.
Fill slopes over 3 m in height or any embankment on soft soils, in unstable areas, or those on expansive
clays may require site-specific geotechnical assessment depending on specific ground conditions. Fill
placed near or against a bridge abutment or foundation, or that can impact on a nearby structure, may
require specific stability analysis.
For embankments founded on soft soils the most usual design option in low-cost road engineering is
recommend excavation down to satisfactory strength materials where possible. Where this is not feasible
then detailed geotechnical analysis will be required. The options of access route alignment to avoid soft
soils areas is the most suitable course of action.
The overall stability of a fill slope on a hillside may be difficult to assess. Before constructing a fill slope
on side-long ground, it is necessary to terrace or step the formation in order to prevent a possible slip
surface from developing at the interface between the fill and the natural ground. The potential for failure
along a deeper surface in the ground beneath should be considered, although this rarely happens since
the strength of soils tends to increase with depth. Problems can occur when strata or foliations in the rock
masses beneath the fill are dipping parallel to the ground slope, or where the groundwater table is at or very
close to the surface.
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Slope drainage
Slope stability is greatly influenced by hydrology, either by the erosive impacts of surface water or the
changes in pore pressure resulting from rainfall infiltration and concentration within the slope mass. Water
may decrease pore suction in the underlying soil or increase pore water pressure, thereby reducing the
effective stress and hence the stability of the slope. The construction of surface and sub-surface drainage
structures is therefore often vital to ensure that excess water can be intercepted and conveyed to a safe
location where it will not create instability problems.
Principal earthwork drainage options include the following measures which are discussed in more detail
in Chapter 12 ‒ Drainage and Erosion Control.
●● Cut-off drains.
●● Herringbone (or chevron) drains.
●● Counterfort drains.
●● Horizontal drains.
●● Lined channels or cascades.
●● Scour checks.
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Groundwater behind the wall that is not dissipated also exerts a horizontal hydrostatic pressure on the
wall and must be taken into account in the design. Dissipation of ground water is normally achieved by
constructing horizontal drains behind the wall with weep-holes.
Gravity walls depend on their mass to resist pressures from behind the wall that tend to overturn the
wall or cause it to slide. A factor of safety of 1.5 should be applied to the calculations of overturning and
sliding. Gravity walls are normally designed with a slight “batter” to improve stability by leaning the wall
back into the retained soil. The foundations should be wide enough to ensure that excessive pressure is
not applied to the ground.
The design and construction of gravity retaining walls, including gabion walls, dry stone walls and mortared
stone walls are briefly introduced below.
Gabion walls
Gabion walls are built from gabion baskets tied together. A gabion basket is made up of steel wire mesh
in a shape of rectangular box. It is strengthened at the corners by thicker wire and by mesh diaphragm
walls that divide it into compartments. The wire should be galvanized, and sometimes PVC coated for
greater durability. The baskets usually have a double twisted, appropriate size, hexagonal mesh, which
allows the gabion wall to deform without the box breaking or losing its strength.
Gabion walls are cost effective because they employ mainly locally available rock and local labour. Gabion
structures are commonly used for walls of up to 6 m high. Gabion walls are usually preferred where the
foundation conditions are variable, the retained soils are moist, and continued slope movements are
Because of their inherent flexibility, they are not preferred as retaining walls immediately below and
adjacent to sealed roads due to the likelihood of movement of the backfill behind the wall and subsequent
pavement cracking. Where gabion walls are used to support a sealed road, care should be taken to locate
the base of the wall on a good foundation, in order to reduce the potential for movement.
Gabion walls have the following advantages:
●● Gabions can be easily stacked in different ways, with internal or external indentation to improve
the stability of the wall.
●● They can accommodate some movement without rupture.
●● They allow free drainage through the wall.
●● The cross section can be varied to suit site conditions.
●● They can take limited tensile stress to resist differential horizontal movement.
For retaining walls supporting roads this can result in potentially problematic settlement behind the wall,
although this can be prevented by the use of a geo-textile (filter fabric) between the wall and the backfill.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Dry-stone walls
Dry-stone walls are constructed from stones without any mortar to bind them together. The stability of
the wall is provided by the interlocking of the stones. The great virtue of dry stone walls is that they are
free-draining. The durability of dry-stone walls depends on the quality and amount of the stone available
and the quality of the work. In a slope management situation, they are useful as revetments for erosion
protection and as a means of supporting soil against very shallow movement. Dry stone walls should not
exceed 5 m in height.
6.6.4 Foundations
The geotechnical investigation for foundations should provide sufficient information for the engineer to
make a decision on the most appropriate design, as the strength and durability of any structure will be
determined by the quality of its foundation in relation to the bearing capacity of the underlying material.
Small structures such as culverts will normally be constructed on a concrete slab or “raft” and have low
bearing pressures requiring no particularly strong support. It is important, however, that the underlying
material is volumetrically stable otherwise some degree of reinforcement in the concrete may be necessary
to avoid cracking caused by differential movement of the slab.
The design of foundations for bridges will depend on the nature and dimension of each structure. The first
decision is whether spread footings or piled foundations are required and this will depend on the depth to
material with a suitable bearing capacity.
TThe ground underneath the proposed foundation should have an adequate bearing capacity to support
the load of the structure itself and the vehicles, which pass over it. If the soil has insufficient strength it will
compress and the structure will subside, possibly causing failure. The bearing capacity will depend on a
range of different factors including:
●● the proportions of sand and clay;
●● organic and other material in the soil;
●● the mineralogy of the clay materials;
●● the level of the water table.
As the type of soil may change with depth it is necessary to assess the bearing capacity at the proposed
foundation level, whether it be for footings or piles (end bearing or friction). By identifying and sampling
the material excavated from different depths through the soil profile, the nature and strength of the
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
material can be assessed and the bearing capacity of the soil can be determined. Bearing capacities are
particularly important in the design of structures where large localised loads are expected, (e.g. bridge
abutments and piers) as the soil must have a high bearing capacity to support these loads.
Small bridges are normally founded on spread footings if acceptable materials are present in the upper 2
or 3 m of the underlying soil profile or piles if weak materials extend to greater depths. Materials subject
to scour must be protected as far as possible using a foundation and pier or abutment design that will
minimise the scouring effects of fast flowing water, especially turbulence caused by the shapes of the
Larger structures on weak support materials will usually be founded on piles. Two types of pile can be
considered, depending on the foundation conditions. If strong material exists at moderate depths (5 – 10 m)
an end-bearing pile can be considered where the pile is supported totally by this layer. Enlargement of the
pile end (under-reaming) can be considered to reduce the pile loads. Where strong material exists at depth
below about 10 m, a friction pile, making use of the friction between the pile sides and the soil can be used.
It is often, however, economic to use a combination of end-bearing and friction properties to minimise the
length of the pile.
A common problem is the junction between the approach fills and the bridge deck. The bridge structure
is normally founded such that little if any settlement movement will occur. The approach fills, however,
are placed on the in situ material, (often alluvial silts and clays) that are subject to slow settlement with
time. This is difficult to compensate for during construction and usually results in a sag in the road as the
bridge deck is approached. It is common practice to repeatedly fill this sag with asphalt as it develops or
use a run-on concrete slab.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Bell F G and R R Maud (1994). Dispersive soils: A review from a South African perspective. Quarterly
Journal of Engineering Geology, 27, 195-210.
Bell F G and D Walker (2000). A further examination of the nature of dispersive soils in Natal, South
Africa. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 33, 187-199.
Clayton C R I, Matthews M C and N E Simons (1995) Site Investigation. (2nd Edition). Department of
Civil Engineering, University of Surrey, UK.
Mayne PW, Christopher B R and J DeJong (2001). Manual on Subsurface Investigations, National
Highway Institute, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC. (Publication No. FHWA NHI-01-031)
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications, Botswana (2001). Guideline No. 6: The prevention
and repair of salt damage to roads and runways. Roads Department, Gaborone.
Botswana Roads Department (BRD) (2001). The prevention and repair of salt damage to roads and
runways. Guideline No 6, Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications, Botswana.
Donaldson G W (1975). The occurrence of dispersive soil piping in central South Africa. Proc 6th
Reg. Conf. Africa on Soil Mech. and Found. Engng., Durban, 1, 229-235.
Elges H F (1985). Dispersive Soils. The Civil Engineer in South Africa, 27, No 7, 347-353.
Emery S J (1992). The prediction of moisture content in untreated pavement layers and an
application to design in southern Africa. DRTT Bulletin 20, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa
Evans R P and K J McManus (1999). Construction of vertical moisture barriers to reduce expansive
soil subgrade movement. Transportation Research Record 1652, (2), TRB, Washington, 108-112.
Jones G A and P Davies (1985). Soft clays. The Civil Engineer in South Africa, 27(7), 355-365.
Maharaj A L van Rooy and P Paige-Green (2015). Revised test protocols for the identification of
dispersive soils. J. S. Afr. Inst. Civ. Eng, 57(1), 31-37.
Ministry of Works, Tanzania (1999). Pavement and Materials Design Manual. TANROADS, Dar es
Ministry of Works, Tanzania (2003). Field Testing Manual. TANROADS, Dar es Salaam.
Netterberg F (1979). Salt damage to roads - an interim guide to its diagnosis, prevention and repair.
IMIESA (J Inst Municipal Engineers of South Africa), 4(9), 13-17.
Netterberg F (2001). Towards a greater application of soil science in civil engineering. Proc Joint
Congress 2001 Soil Science Society South Africa, Pretoria, 261-262.
Paige-Green P (2008). Dealing with road subgrade problems in southern Africa. Proc 12th Int. Conf.
of the Int Assoc. for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Goa, India, 4345-4353.
Paige-Green P (2008). Dispersive and Erodible Soils – Fundamental differences. SAIEG/SAICE
Problem Soils Conference, Midrand, South Africa.
Schwartz K (1985). Collapsible Soils. The Civil Engineer in South Africa, 27(7), 379-393.
Transport Research Laboratory (TRL). (2000). A design manual for small bridges. Overseas Road
Note 9, TRL, Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK.
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Van der Merwe D H (1976). Plasticity index and percentage clay fraction of soils. Proc 6th Reg. Conf.
for Africa on Soil Mech. and Fndn. Engng. (2), 166-167.
Weston D J (1978). Expansive roadbed treatment for southern Africa. Proc 4th Int. Conf. Expansive
Soils, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
1. General
3. Physical
5. Site Investigations
6. Geotechnical
Investigations and Design
Investigations 7. Construction
8. Traffic
9. Geometric Design
15: Surfacing
16: Life-Cycle
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
7.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................7-1
7.1.1 General........................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.2 Purpose and Scope........................................................................................................ 7-1
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Table 7-1: Weathering classification system............................................................................7-3
Table 7-2: Typical properties of residual materials derived from various rock types................ 7-6
Table 7-3: Pavement material types and characteristics.........................................................7-9
Table 7-4: Variation of CBR with moisture content................................................................ 7-11
Table 7-5: Sampling frequency..............................................................................................7-15
Table 7-6: Scope of compaction testing.................................................................................7-15
Table 7-7: Determination of laboratory DN values at varying moisture
contents and specific density................................................................................7-18
Table 7-8: Relationship between CBR and DCP DN values for various
material classes.................................................................................................... 7-18
Table 7-9: Relationship between required field DN and laboratory DCP DN values
for various base and subbase materials...............................................................7-18
Table 7-10: Pavement material types and abbreviated nominal specifications used in the
DCP-CBR design method.....................................................................................7-20
Table 7-11: Particle size specification for natural gravel road bases.......................................7-21
Table 7-12: Plasticity specifications for natural gravel road base materials............................. 7-21
Table 7-13: Subgrade class definitions ...................................................................................7-22
Table 7-14: Specifications for lateritic gravel roadbase materials ..........................................7-22
Table 7-15: Basic requirements for surfacing aggregate ........................................................7-28
Table 7-16: Basic Requirements for filter/drainage materials..................................................7-29
Table 7-17: Basic Requirements for rock used for fill and erosion protection.......................... 7-30
Table 7-18: Gradings of materials used for blending in Figure 7-15…..………………………..7-36
Figure 7-1: Transported material (red brown) in dissolution channels/pockets in coral rock.... 7-4
Figure 7-2: Typical laterite borrow pit showing variable nature of the material......................... 7-5
Figure 7-3: Impact of increasing the use of non-traditional road construction materials........... 7-7
Figure 7-4: Coarse gravel can be crushed and used for concrete and/or surfacing works....... 7-8
Figure 7-5: Illustrative soil strength/ suction relationship ................................................... ….7-10
Figure 7-6: MDD curve with DN values (mm/blow) determined on each mould ..................... 7-13
Figure 7-7: DN/density/moisture relationship..........................................................................7-14
Figure 7-8: Determination of laboratory DN value...................................................................7-17
Figure 7-9: Improvement of CBR strength of calcretes with the addition of sand…………….7-24
Figure 7-10: Crushed stone armouring on laterite.....................................................................7-24
Figure 7-11: Flow diagram of prospecting procedure................................................................7-32
Figure 7-12: Guide to estimating mass of sample required for routine testing.......................... 7-33
Figure 7-13: Grid roller..............................................................................................................7-35
Figure 7-14: Rockbuster............................................................................................................7-35
Figure 7-15: Ternary diagram for determining proportions during material blending................. 7-36
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7.1.1 General
A large proportion of the total cost of construction of roads is directed towards the location, excavation
and processing of materials for the structural layers of the pavements. This is applicable to both unpaved
and paved roads and by optimising the use of local materials, significant savings can be achieved.
Unpaved roads, by their nature make use of a sacrificial layer of wearing course material that is lost
over a period, typically between 3 and 5 years depending on the traffic, environmental conditions,
construction quality and maintenance. Materials most suitable for unpaved roads need to comply with
certain requirements for optimum performance and as these are directly related to the design of unpaved
roads, they are discussed in detail Chapter 14 - Structural Design: Unpaved Roads.
Suitable materials for the different layers in paved roads with the required quantities and qualities must be
identified within an economic haulage distance of the road. Previous experience in the area often assists
with this but additional investigations for material location are usually essential although efforts should be
made to make maximum use of in situ and nearby materials.
The materials usually utilised for low volume roads consist of gravels derived from the weathering of rock,
either occurring in situ or transported to a new location. The use of the geological and soil maps, together
with a knowledge of the rainfall and climate as discussed in Chapter 2 can assist in identifying potentially
useful construction materials.
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Figure 7-1: Transported sandy material (red brown) in dissolution channels/pockets in coral rock
These materials, collectively known as pedocretes, can be exceptionally good construction materials,
although they frequently do not comply with existing material specifications. Experience with their testing
(their unique properties usually require special sample preparation methods) and use will allow a good
understanding of their properties and a knowledge of how best to use these materials.
The dominant pedocrete in Tanzania is laterite, which is generally a good construction material, for all
layers up to basecourse, if the material properties are tested correctly and understood. A large number of
factors control how a particular type of laterite is developed and the material tends to exhibit both vertical
and lateral variability within a deep and irregular weathering profile as shown in Figure 7-2.
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Figure 7-2: Typical laterite borrow pit showing variable nature of the material
The behaviour of lateritic materials in pavement structures depends mainly on their iron and aluminium
oxide (sesquioxide) contents, particle size characteristics, the nature and strength of the gravel sized
particles, the degree of compaction as well as traffic and environmental conditions. The most important
requirements for a laterite to show good field performance are that the material is well graded with a high
content of hard particles with adequate fines content. However, when judging the gradation of a lateritic
gravel, it is important to assess its composition to decide if separate specific gravity determinations of
the fines and coarse fractions should be made. For example, for nodular laterites, the coarse fraction is
iron-rich whilst the fine fraction is often mostly quartz and kaolinite. Thus, if there is a significant difference
in the specific gravities of the coarse and fine fractions, the grading should be calculated by use of both
volume and mass proportions.
The requirements for selection and use of lateritic gravels for bases are different to those given for other
natural gravels and this needs to be taken into account during their testing. Conventional testing using
oven drying for instance, can have a major effect on the test results. Other aspects such as mixing times
for the Atterberg limits can also affect the results. For these reasons, the actual properties of laterites in
terms of conventional specifications may be quite meaningless.
Pedocretes are thought to have the property of self-stabilization (or self-hardening), in that, with time the
properties improve apparently as a result of alternating dissolution and precipitation or changes in the
chemistry of the cementing materials. This can certainly have benefits in the long term, but use of these
materials should ensure that the pavement layers have sufficient strength immediately after construction
and opening to traffic and prior to the development of any “self-stabilization”. The major benefits are that
in the long-term, the materials probably become less susceptible to moisture-related damage.
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Table 7-2: Typical properties of residual materials derived from various rock types
Rock type Typical rock types Dominant Particle Plasticity Material strength
Acid crystalline Granite, gneiss, Sands and gravels Sands and gravels Medium to high
felsite, syenite
Basic crystalline Basalt, lava, schist, Silts and clays Silts and clays Low to medium
dolerite, andesite
High silica Quartzite, chert, Gravels Gravels Medium to high
Arenaceous Sandstone, arkose Sands Sands Medium
Argillaceous Shale, schist, slate Clays Clays Low
Carbonate Limestone, marble, Mixed gravels Mixed gravels Medium to high
coral-rock, dolo-
Diamictite Tillite, greywacke Mixed gravels Mixed gravels Low to high
Pedogenic Calcrete, laterite, Mixed gravels Mixed gravels Low to high
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Material availability/usage
Materials target
Non standard
Standard A material
usage usage
t1 t2 t3 Time
Figure 7-3: Impact of increasing the use of non-traditional road construction materials
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The potential benefits of innovatively using natural and alternative materials for road construction are
illustrated in Figure 7-3, the potential benefits of innovatively using natural and alternative materials for
road construction. It can be seen that continued use of existing material standards (standard usage –
blue line A) and standard materials (red line B) will result in depletion of potential sources at time t1.
The increased availability of natural materials can only be achieved by changing the required materials
standards to those more appropriate for the road category, i.e. not using material that is suitable for high
quality roads in lower volume roads that do not require such high material standards, and will reduce the
cost of construction materials. This will result in the potential to build more roads (shown as improved
material usage in Figure 7-3 shown by blue line A1). By doing this, the life of the existing natural material
sources can be extended to time t2 in Figure 7-3. However, by increasing the use of alternative materials
(by-products or what are now considered to be waste materials as well as materials not complying with
current specifications) the availability of construction material resources will be significantly increased (red
line B1) and the time before usage exceeds availability will be extended to time t3.
If the project is in an area where good quality construction materials are scarce or unavailable, consideration
should be given to:
●● Modifying the design requirements.
●● Modifying the material (eg mechanical or chemical stabilisation).
●● Material processing (eg crushing (Figure 7-4), screening, blending).
●● Innovative use of non-standard materials (particularly important for LVRs).
Figure 7-4: Coarse river gravels can be crushed and used for concrete and/or surfacing works
Many material manuals classify construction materials into various categories, primarily dependent on the
material strength (e.g. G80 or G60 (MOW, 1999) with CBRs of 80% and 60% respectively). These categories,
however, also frequently have additional criteria for other properties such as grading, plasticity and particle
strength. Many local materials may comply with the material strength criterion but not the other requirements
and would thus be rejected. In low volume roads, it is the strength (or ideally stiffness) that is critical and
provided that this is mobilised (and retained under the expected prevailing conditions in the short and long term),
there is no reason why the material should not perform satisfactorily. In most cases the strength categories
are based on the soaked CBR, which is not necessarily the optimum design requirement, particularly in
moderately dry to dry areas and where the pavement drainage is properly designed, installed and maintained.
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The relative dependence of a material, and the influence of moisture, on each of the above components
of shear strength will significantly influence the manner in which they can be incorporated within a
pavement. In this regard, Table 7-3 summarises the typical relative characteristics of unbound and bound
materials that critically affect the way in which they can be incorporated into a pavement in relation to their
properties and the prevailing conditions of traffic, climate, economics and risk.
Unprocessed materials (Category 1) such as laterite are highly dependent on suction and cohesion forces
for development of shear resistance which will only be generated at relatively low moisture contents.
Consequently, special measures have to be taken to ensure that moisture ingress into the pavement is
prevented, otherwise suction forces and shear strength will be reduced (Figure 7-5) which could result in
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Equilibrium moisture content
Soil strength (CBR)
50 Optimium moisture content
1 2 3 4
Soil suction
Since most LVRs are constructed from unbound materials, a good knowledge of the performance characteristics of
such materials is necessary for their successful use as discussed below:
●● Category 1 materials: are highly dependent on soil suction and cohesive forces for development
of shear resistance. The typical deficiency in hard, durable particles prevents reliance on inter-
particle friction. Thus, even modest levels of moisture, typically approaching 60% saturation, may
be enough to reduce confining forces sufficiently to cause distress and failure.
●● Category 2 materials: have a moderate dependency on all forms of shear resistance – friction,
suction forces and cohesion. Because these materials have rather limited strength potential,
concentrations of moisture, typically 60-80% saturation may be enough to reduce the strength
contribution from suction or cohesion sufficiently to cause distress and failure. This would occur
at moisture contents lower than those necessary to generate pore pressures.
●● Category 3 materials: have only minor dependency on suction and cohesion forces but have a
much greater reliance on internal friction which is maximised when the aggregate is hard, durable
and well graded. Very high levels of saturation, typically 80-100% will be necessary to cause
distress and this will usually result from pore pressure effects.
●● Category 4 materials: rely principally on physio-chemical forces which are not directly affected by
water. However, the presence of water can lead to distress under repetitive load conditions
through layer separation, erosion, pumping and breakdown.
The management of moisture during the construction and operational phases of a pavement affects its
performance, especially when unbound, unprocessed, generally relatively plastic materials are used. It
is therefore very clear that emphasis should be placed on minimising the entry of moisture into a LVR
pavement so as to ensure that it operates as much as possible at an unsaturated moisture content. The
beneficial effect of so doing is illustrated in Table 7-4 which shows the variation of a material’s strength
(CBR) with moisture content.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Although it is necessary to have a fundamental knowledge and understanding of the traditional properties
of the materials in each layer, the design procedure will not make use of these. By following the proposed
paradigm shift in the use of material properties, it is easier to dissociate the knowledge and any conservative
philosophies of the past from the new techniques discussed.
A fundamental feature of the DCP design method is that it utilises the existing road structure without
disturbing its inherent strength derived from consolidation by traffic over many years and requires the
addition of a minimum thickness base (sometimes subbase) layer of appropriate quality. Such quality
is expressed in terms of the materials DCP resistance to penetration, i.e. its DN value, at the specified
compaction density and expected in service moisture condition – the parameter that serves as the criterion
for selecting the materials to be used in the upper/base layer of the LVR pavement.
The DCP design approach and related method of materials selection differ markedly from the more traditional
design approaches. In these latter approaches, pavement materials are traditionally evaluated using standard
classification tests, such as grading and plasticity. However, research and investigations from the region
and internationally have led to replacing these criteria with tests and specifications based on the composite
measure of a material’s ability to accept an imposed load without unacceptable deformation. More specifically,
it has been shown that provided the design DN value is achieved - essentially a measure of a material’s
shear resistance to penetration at a given moisture and density - the in-service performance indirectly takes
account of the actual grading and plasticity of the materials, which do not need to be separately specified
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
for LVRs. Thus, a poorly graded, highly plastic material would not be expected to provide a relatively low DN
value (high resistance to penetration) that might be specified for the base layer of a LVR.
Using the optimised in situ material properties, many local materials can be utilised in the road without
increasing the risk of failure. Essentially, a lower quality material can be utilised, e.g. a G25 in place of a
G45 for instance, assuming that the moisture content in the road will not exceed a certain percentage of
the optimum moisture content for that material. This assumption is taken care of in the design (refer to
Chapter 12 and Chapter 13).
The three material parameters that need to be specified for the imported pavement layers are:
●● Density: The density to which the material in the upper/base layer must be compacted should be
the highest that is practicable, i.e. “compaction to refusal”.
●● DN value: The DN value of the materials to be used in the upper/base layer of the pavement at
a specified density and moisture content. These values will be determined as an output of the
DCP design method.
●● Grading modulus: The minimum GM (typically > 1.0) and maximum GM (typically < 2.25) of the
material as a prerequisite for subsequent laboratory testing.
The above aspects are discussed in relation to pavement design in Chapter 13.
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making a decision as to whether to use the material or not, remembering that the proposed sealed low
volume road is unlikely to be subjected to excessive heavily loaded vehicles.
The following two sections focus on the use of materials related to two low volume road design methods,
the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) test method and a modified CBR method (taking into account
the local environmental conditions) and their relevant material characterisation processes. The design
procedures are discussed in later sections (Chapters 13 and 14).
The criterion to be used for selecting a material for use in a LVR should thus be based primarily on its
strength as measured by resistance to penetration, or DN value. A proper evaluation of the suitability
of the materials for incorporation in the pavement will require a knowledge of the DN/moisture/density
relationship as discussed below.
●● Strength – The required strength of the material is determined in terms of a laboratory DCP DN
value at a specified moisture and density.
●● The strength/density/moisture relationship: The moisture and density dependence of the strength
of the materials to be used in the imported upper/base layers of the new road must be evaluated
carefully so that a full understanding is obtained of the potential performance of the material under
the possible moisture conditions which may occur in service.
Achievement of the above will require that a normal borrow pit investigation is carried out with representative
samples being obtained for laboratory testing to determine the DN value at varying moisture contents
and densities. This should always be carried out on the traditional maximum dry density test moulds as
shown in Figure 7-6.
Dry density (kg/m3)
2000 3.1
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Moisture content (%)
Figure 7-6: MDD curve with DN values (mm/blow) determined on each mould
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Figure 7-7 shows the typical relationships between DN, density and moisture content for a naturally
occurring material which illustrates two critical factors that crucially affect the long-term performance of
the road:
a) The need to specify the highest level of density practicable (so-called “compaction to refusal”)
by employing the heaviest rollers available. This will result in a stronger material with lower voids
and a reduced permeability, enhancing the overall properties of the material. Compaction to
refusal is indicated by the point at which no additional density is achieved for any specific
compaction effort, but any additional compaction effort may result in breakdown of individual
particles of the material.
b) The need to ensure that the moisture content in the outer wheel track of the road does not rise
above OMC. This will require careful attention to drainage, as discussed in Chapter 11 ‒ Hydrology
and Drainage Structure.
DN Value
2 0.75 OMC
92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Compaction Level (% BS Heavy Compaction)
Testing of Materials
Potential borrow pits shall be surveyed by trial pit excavation and sampling at the detailed design stage
(Chapter 5). The survey shall prove sufficient quantities for all pavement layers and the sampling frequency
shall be as indicated in Table 7-5 per DN test.
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Testing of Materials
Potential borrow pits shall be surveyed by trial pit excavation and sampling at the detailed design stage
(Chapter 5). The survey shall prove sufficient quantities for all pavement layers and the sampling frequency
shall be as indicated in Table 7-5 per DN test.
The manner of dealing with oversize particles in the sample preparation for DN testing should be strictly
in accordance with the CML Method 1.9 (Procedure for coarse materials using CBR mould) which may
be summarized as follows:
●● Screen field sample on 20 mm sieve.
●● Crush oversize material to pass 20 mm sieve (maximum 30%).
●● Add to – 20 mm material from original sample and mix thoroughly.
Some natural, particularly pedogenic, gravels (e.g. laterite, calcrete) can exhibit a self-cementing property
in service, i.e. they gain strength with time after compaction. This effect must be evaluated as part of the
test procedure by allowing the samples to cure/equilibrate prior to testing in the manner prescribed below.
(a). Thoroughly mix and split each borrow pit sample into nine sub-samples for DN testing in a CBR
mould at three moisture contents, viz:
●● Soaked.
●● OMC.
●● 0.75 OMC .
and three compaction efforts, viz:
●● BS Light.
●● BS Intermediate.
●● BS Heavy as summarised in Table 7-6.
(b). The compacted samples should be allowed to equilibrate for the periods shown below before DN
testing is carried out to dissipate pre-water pressures and compaction stresses and to allow the
moisture regimes to equilibrate within the sample.
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●● 4 days soaked: After compaction, soak for 4 days, allow to drain for at least 15 minutes, then
undertake a DCP test as described below in the CBR mould to determine the soaked DN
●● At OMC: After compaction, seal in a plastic bag and allow to “equilibrate” for 7 days (relatively
plastic, especially pedogenic, materials (PI > 6)), or for 4 days (relatively non-plastic materials
(PI < 6)), then undertake a DCP test in the CBR mould to determine the DN value at OMC.
●● At 0.75 OMC: Air dry the compacted samples in the sun (pedogenic materials) or place the
sample in the oven to maximum 50°C (non-pedogenic materials) to remove moisture. Check
from time to time to determine when sufficient moisture has been dried out to produce a
sample moisture content of about 0.75 OMC (it doesn’t have to be exactly 0.75 OMC, but
as close as possible). Once this moisture content is reached, seal the sample in a plastic
bag and allow to cure for 7 days (pedogenic materials) or for 4 days (non-pedogenic
materials) to allow moisture equilibration before undertaking the DCP test at approximately
0.75 OMC. Weigh again before DCP testing to determine the exact moisture content at which
the DN value was determined.
The procedure to be followed for determining the DN value of a material is similar to that for the more
traditional CBR test except that a DCP is used to penetrate the CBR mould instead of the CBR plunger.
Each of the nine specimens should be subjected to DCP testing in the CBR mould as summarised below
and illustrated in Figure 7-8.
(a) Secure the CBR mould to the base plate and compact the sample in standard CBR as indicated
(b) Place the full mould on a level floor and place the annular weight on top of the mould.
(c) Place an empty CBR mould upside down next to the full mould as shown. Alternatively use bricks
or cement blocks to provide a firm platform for the base of the DCP ruler level with or slightly
higher than the top of the full mould.
(d) Position the tip of the DCP cone in the middle of the CBR mould, hold the DCP in a vertical
position, knock it down carefully until the top of the 3 mm shoulder is level with the top of the
sample and record the zero reading.
(e) Knock the cone into the sample with “n” number of blows and record the reading on the ruler after
every “n” blows as shown in the example. At OMC and 0.75 OMC “n” may be 5. At 4-days soak
“n” may be 1 or 2. “n” does not have to be the same number for all readings.
(f) Continue until just before the tip of the cone touches the base plate and stop in order not to blunt
the cone (the last reading minus the “zero blows” reading must be less than the height of the
mould 115 mm).
(g) Determine the weighted average DN value (An example is shown in Table 7-7).
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575 mm
upside down
CBR mould
or similar
Procedure for calculating weighted average DN value for DCP lab test:
1. Record the readings as shown and calculate the DN per “n” blows and Average DN per blow.
2. Calculate the Weighted Average DN for the whole test using the formula:
Note that the Weighted Average DN is different from the Average DN which is not representative
for the sample and is only to illustrate the difference.
3. Carry out at least 2 more tests on the same material and calculate the average DN for the
three (or more) tests.
4. Assess whether the material satisfies the design criteria from the DCP Design Catalogue
(refer to Chapter 13 ‒ Structural Design: Paved Roads).
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Table 7-7: Determination of laboratory DN values at varying moisture contents and specific density
4 Days Soaked OMC 0.75 OMC
98% BS Heavy 98% BS Heavy 98% BS Heavy
No of DCP DN per n Avg. DN No of DCP DN per Avg. DN No of DCP DN per Avg. DN
blows n Reading blows per blow blows n Reading n blows per blow blows n Reading n blows per blow
0 130 0 129 0 123
1 150 20 20.0 5 137 8 1.6 5 141 18 3.6
1 167 17 17.0 5 149 12 2.4 5 151 10 2.0
1 180 13 13.0 5 164 15 3.0 5 165 14 2.8
1 190 10 10.0 5 178 14 2.8 5 178 13 2.6
1 215 25 25.0 5 194 16 3.2 5 190 12 2.4
216 22 4.4 5 206 16 3.2
2 214 8 4.0
Penetration depth 85 87 91
Average DN 17.0 2.90 2.94
Weighted Average DN 18.62 3.15 2.96
Table 7-8 shows the relationship between the gravel classification of materials based on their laboratory
CBR (MOW, 1999) and the equivalent DCP DN values determined in the field or on CBR moulds in
the laboratory for comparative purposes. However, the actual in situ strength properties are of more
For many decades it has been known that the effect of confinement in the steel CBR mould increases
the strength of the material compared with that in a pavement layer. This needs to be taken into account
when interpreting laboratory DN values. In order to account for this, the following laboratory DN values,
as shown in Table 7-9, are necessary to provide the required field DN value for the strengths required for
base and subbase materials as shown in Table 13-2.
Table 7-8: Relationship between CBR and DCP DN values for various material classes (MOW, 1999)
Material class/property G80 G60 G45 G25 G15/S15 G7/S7 G3/S3
CBR (%) (wet areas) ≥ 80 ≥ 60 ≥ 45 ≥ 25 ≥ 15 7 -14 3-6
Equivalent DN (mm/bl) ≤ 3.62 ≤ 4.54 ≤ 5.7 ≤ 9.05 ≤ 13.5 24.5–14.3 48.0–28.0
CBR (%) dry areas ≥ 60 ≥ 45 ≥ 25 ≥ 15 ≥7 3 - 14 2-6
Equivalent DN (mm/bl) ≤ 4.54 ≤ 5.7 ≤ 9.05 ≤ 13.5 ≤ 24.5 48.0–14.3 66.0–28.0
Note: Equivalent DN values based on Kleyn relationship (Kleyn, 1982).
Table 7-9: Relationship between required field DN and laboratory DCP DN values for various base and
subbase materials
Max Field DN value (mm/bl) 19.0 14.0 9.0 8.0 6.0 5.9 4.6 4.0 3.2 2.6 2.5
Max Laboratory DN value (mm/bl) 17.0 12.0 7.2 6.2 4.7 4.4 3.4 2.9 2.2 1.8 1.7
Source: Adapted from Kleyn, 1982.
In the DCP DN design method, the material strength is the primary design parameter specified and this is
related to the required in situ strength, which depends on the traffic class of the road. These fundamental
specification principles are the basis of the DCP DN design method described in Chapter 13 – Structural
Design: Paved Roads.
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It will be noted that there are more groups (codes) in this classification than in the national standard (MOW,
1999) to allow the use of intermediate materials. The specifications also include a grading requirement
as given in Table 7-11.
Table 7-10: Pavement material types and abbreviated nominal specifications used in the
DCP-CBR design method
Code Material Abbreviated Specifications
G80 Natural gravel Min. BR: 80% @ 98/100% BS heavy compaction and 4 days soaking.
Max. Swell: 0.2%.
Max. Size and grading: Max size 37.5 mm, grading as specified.
PI: Dependent on material type, traffic and subgrade strength or as otherwise specified.
G65 Natural gravel Min. CBR: 65% @ 98/100% BS heavy compaction and 4 days soaking.
Max. Swell: 0.2%.
Max. Size and grading: Max size 37.5 mm, grading as specified.
PI: Dependent on material type, traffic and subgrade strength or as otherwise specified.
G55 Natural gravel Min. CBR: 55% @ 98/100% BS heavy compaction and 4 days soaking.
Max. Swell: 0.2%.
Max. Size and grading: Max size 37.5 mm, grading as specified.
PI: Dependent on material type, traffic and subgrade strength or as otherwise specified.
G45 Natural gravel Min. CBR: 45% @ 98/100% BS heavy compaction and 4 days soaking.
Max. Swell: 0.2 %.
Max. Size and grading: Max size 37.5 mm, grading as specified.
PI: Dependent on material type, traffic and subgrade strength or as otherwise specified.
G30 Natural gravel Min. CBR: 30% @ 95/97% BS heavy compaction & highest anticipated moisture content.
Max. Swell: 1.0% 1.5% @ 100% BS heavy compaction.
Max. Size and grading: Max size 63 mm or 2/3 layer thickness .
PI: Dependent on material type, traffic and subgrade strength or as otherwise specified.
G25 Natural gravel Min. CBR: 25% @ 95/97% BS heavy compaction & highest anticipated moisture content.
Max. Swell: 1.0% 1.5% @ 100% BS heavy compaction.
Max. Size and grading: Max sixe 63 mm or 2/3 layer thickness.
PI: Dependent on material type, traffic and subgrade strength or as otherwise specified.
G15 Gravel/soil Min. CBR: 15% @ 93/95% BS heavy compaction & highest anticipated moisture content.
Max. Swell: 1.5% 1.5% @ 100% BS heavy compaction.
Max. Size: 2/3 of layer thickness.
PI: Dependent on material type, traffic and subgrade strength or as otherwise specified.
G7 Gravel/soil Min. CBR: 7% @ 93/95% BS heavy compaction & highest anticipated moisture content.
Max. Swell: 1.5% @ 100% BS heavy compaction.
Max. Size: 2/3 layer thickness.
PI: Dependent on material type, traffic and subgrade strength or as otherwise specified.
G3 Gravel/soil Min. CBR: 3% @ 93/95% BS heavy compaction & highest anticipated moisture content.
Max. Swell: N/A.
Max. Size: 2/3 layer thickness .
Note: Two alternative minimum levels of compaction are specified. Where the higher densities can be attained in the field (from field
measurements on similar materials or other established information) they should be specified by the Engineer.
Source: Modified from Gourley and Greening, 1999.
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Table 7-11: Particle size specification for natural gravel road bases
Per cent by mass of total aggregate passing test sieve
Envelope A
Nominal maximum particle size Envelope B Envelope C
37.5 mm 20 mm 10 mm
50 mm 100 100
37.5 mm 80-100 100 80-100
20 mm 55-95 80-100 100 55-100
10 mm 40-80 55-85 60-100 40-100
5 mm 30-65 30-65 45-80 30-80
2.36 mm 20-50 20-50 35-75 20-70 20-100
1.18 mm - - - - -
425 µm 8-30 12-30 12-45 8-45 8-80
300 µm - - - - -
75 µm 5-20 5-20 5-20 5-20 5-30
Envelope D
1.65 < GM < 2.6
Source: Gourley and Greening, 1999.
The strength and plasticity specifications vary depending on the traffic level and subgrade class as
outlined in Tables 7-12 and 7-13. The soaked CBR test is used to specify the minimum road base material
Table 7-12: Plasticity specifications for natural gravel road base materials
Subgrade Limit of design traffic class
Class(1) Property
0.01 M 0.1 M 0.3 M 0.5 M 1M
S2 PI <12 <9 <6 <6 <6
PM 400 150 120 90 90
Grading B B A A A
S3 PI <15 <12 <9 <6 <6
PM 550 250 180 90 90
Grading C(2) B B A A
S4 PI Note (3) <12 <12 <9 <9
PM 800 320 300 200 90
Grading D(4) B B B A
S5 PI Note (2) <15 <12 <12 <9
PM n/s 400 350 250 150
Grading D(4) B B B A
S6 PI Note (2) <15 <15 <12 <9
PM n/s <550 <500 <300 <180
Grading D(4) C(2) B B A
(1) S2 to S6 are the subgrade classes defined by their CBR values (@100% BS light compaction as shown in Table 7-12).
(2) Grading ‘C’ is not permitted in wet environments or climates grading ‘B’ is the minimum requirement.
(3) Maximum PI = 8 x GM.
(4) Grading ‘D’ is based on the grading modulus 1.65 < GM < 2.65.
• All base materials are natural gravels.
• Subgrades are non-expansive.
• Separate notes are provided covering the use of laterites, calcretes (N>4) and weathered basalts .
PI Plasticity index.
PM Plasticity modulus.
n/s Not specified.
Source: Gourley and Greening, 1999.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
A maximum plasticity index of 6% is specified for higher traffic classes and also on weaker subgrades. For
designs in dry environments, the plasticity modulus for each traffic and subgrade class can be increased
depending on the crown height and whether unsealed or sealed shoulders are used as described in
Chapter 13.
The requirements for the selection and use of lateritic gravels for bases, as shown in Table 7-14, are
slightly different to those given for other natural gravels, as shown in Table 7-11. A maximum PI of 9%
has been specified for some of the higher traffic levels (0.3 – 0.5 MESA) and weak subgrades (S2). For
design traffic levels greater than 0.3 MESA, a requirement is set that the liquid limit should be less than
30%. Below this traffic level, this requirement is relaxed to a liquid limit of less than 35%. Where sealed
shoulders over one-metre wide are specified in the design, the maximum plasticity modulus may be
increased by 40 %. A minimum field compacted dry density of 2.0 Mg/m3 is required for these materials.
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In the moderate and dry zones of Tanzania, residual basic igneous rock can be used unmodified up to
a maximum plasticity index of 10%. However, it is suggested that the materials should not be used in
wet areas unless chemically modified. The risk of using the material can be minimised if consideration is
given to:
●● The variability of the material deposit, with good selection and control procedures in place for the
operation of the pit and on site.
●● The provision of good drainage conditions (many materials used for LVRs are particularly sensitive
to moisture).
●● The adequacy of the pavement design (refer to Chapter 13 ‒ Structural Design: Paved Roads).
●● The use of double surface treatments or similar.
With careful selection, cinder gravels can be used for lightly trafficked paved roads in accordance with the
requirements of the specific pavement requirements (refer to Chapter 13 ‒ Structural Design: Paved Roads).
If well compacted and kept dry, natural sands can exhibit high load bearing capacities and can be
successfully used as basecourse materials. Experience has shown that red sands with an appropriate
grading and plasticity on the minus 0.075 mm fraction typically have relatively high CBR values (40 to
70%) and can be used for both subbase and base courses in paved roads. It should be noted that this
CBR is measured at the expected in situ moisture conditions and the specimens should be prepared by
vibrating hammer to 100% BS heavy MDD (AFCAP, 2013).
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0 10 20 30 40 50
Proportion of aeolian sand by volume
Figure 7-9: Improvement of CBR strength of calcrete gravel with the addition of sand
The properties of the final blended material must meet the requirements of the design catalogue for
granular materials for the layer in which it is intended for use. The blend ratio that meets these requirements
in the most economical way should be used.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Coarse aggregate is used for this purpose. If the material used to build the base is sandy it is possible
to mix the sand and the aggregate only in the upper part of the base to a maximum depth of 50 mm. If,
on the other hand, the material is clayey the aggregate shall be applied on top and rolled into the base.
This minimises contamination of the interface with plastic materials which are, by their nature, deleteri-
ous to surfacing because they cause delamination or debonding of the surfacing from the base.
Some of these materials require extensive processing and will thus be costly. The road design should
thus be carefully planned to minimise use of the more expensive materials.
It should also be noted that the majority of low volume road designs for which this document is relevant
will be upgraded from an existing earth or gravel road, which may have been in service for many years.
The strength built up in the underlying material must be capitalised on and as little additional structure
as possible should be constructed (refer to Chapter 13 ‒ Structural Design: Paved Roads). Other aspects
such as shape, drainage and the repair of localised problem areas have also usually been attended to
over the years.
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There will, however, always be areas that require full construction or reconstruction, including any
realignment to improve the geometry or avoid particular problem areas and areas that may require
widening. In these cases, full pavement construction will be necessary, requiring materials for a number
of applications as discussed below. It is important, however, that any sections of road that are widened
have layers (and layer properties) as close to those of the existing road as possible, so that the upgraded
road behaves as an integral structure.
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The main aim of the selected subgrade layer is to provide a uniform platform on which to place the
subbase (where needed) and base course. This layer is also used to provide a suitable substrate on
which to compact the subbase and base.
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Adhesion failure implies a breakdown of the bonding forces between a stone aggregate and its coating
of bituminous binder, leading to physical separation. Mechanical failure by fretting and subsequent
ravelling of the surface is one possible, but invariable, consequence of adhesion failure. Basic rocks (e.g.
dolerite and basalt) are considered to have better adhesion properties than acidic rocks (e.g. granites and
quartzites). The comparatively poor performance of acid rocks may not only be related to the high silica
content but to the formation of sodium, potassium and aluminium hydroxides. This is considered more
likely in felspathic minerals.
Experience has indicated, for example, that coarse granite containing large feldspar crystals is likely to
experience bitumen adhesion difficulties.
Apart from the petrological nature of the material, its cleanliness or freedom from dust is also a factor.
Limits of less than 1% dust (<75 µm) are difficult to obtain by screening alone and washing of the aggregate
may be required.
The resistance to abrasion is related to the petrological properties of the material: the proportion of hard
minerals; the proportion and orientation of cleaved minerals; grain size; the nature of the interparticle
bonding or cementation and the proportion of stable minerals resistant to weathering.
Resistance to polishing is considered a function of material fabric, texture and mineralogy. Rocks which
contain a number of minerals of differing hardness and which show a degree of friability tend to give high
polishing resistance. Rocks that exhibit a moderate degree of decomposition give higher PSV results
than fresh unweathered rocks. There is, therefore, an inverse relationship between polishing resistance
and abrasion resistance.
The specification of aggregates for surface seals should comply with the requirements of the Pavement
and Materials Design Manual (MOW,1999) for conventional seals as far as possible. Where more
appropriate surfacings such as Otta seals or Sand Seals are considered, the requirements discussed in
Chapter 15 – Surfacing should be applied.
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Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Table 7-17: Basic Requirements for rock used for fill and erosion protection
Key Engineering Factor Material Requirement
Strength Aggregate particles need to be load resistant to abrasion and any loads imposed by
the road design.
Resistance to Degradation Aggregate particles need to be resistant to breakdown due to wetting and drying and
weathering during construction and for the life of the project.
Resistance to Erosion The as-placed material must be resistant to internal and external erosion.
Chemical Stability Aggregate should generally be inert and resistant to alteration by groundwater.
Weak surface coatings such as clay, iron oxide, calcium carbonate, gypsum etc. are
Commercial Products
Many commercially produced products are used in road construction. These include products such as
lime, cement, bituminous binders, bitumen emulsions, non-traditional stabilisers, etc. These are normally
procured from registered manufacturers or vendors and must comply with national or international (e.g.
ASTM, BS) standards where no national standards exist.
The use of commercial additives and stabilisers to low volume roads requires careful design and is
seldom cost-effective - it should be avoided as far as possible.
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The cost of haulage over long distance should be compared with that of treating the local materials and
the most cost-effective option chosen.
The materials investigations should also take into account any future needs of the road. This is particularly
important in the case of gravel roads where re-gravelling is normally needed every few years to replace
material lost from the surface.
Sources of good material could be depleted with the result that haul distances and costs will increase.
Furthermore, good quality material may be required at a later stage in the road’s life when the standard
needs to be improved to meet increased traffic demands.
The design engineer will need to ascertain the availability of sufficient suitable materials in the vicinity of
the road alignment. A comprehensive list of the location and potential borrow pits and quarries is needed,
along with an assessment of their proposed use and the volumes of material available. Apart from quality
and quantity of material, the borrow pits and quarries must be:
●● Accessible and suitable for efficient and economic excavation.
●● Close to the site to minimize haulage costs.
●● Of suitable quality to enable cost-effective construction with little or no treatment.
●● Located such that their exploitation will not lead to any complicated or lengthy legal problems and
will not unduly affect the local inhabitants or adversely affect the environment.
The process is summarised in Figure 7-11 and additional information is provided in the Field Testing
Manual (MOW, 2003).
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
• Specification and quantity of material required
• Interpretation of background information
• Decide survey methodology and procedure
• Carry out in-house or use consultant
• Environmental considerations
Records of roads already built can be a valuable source of data, not only on the location of construction
materials but also on their excavation, processing, placement and subsequent performance. Potential
problems with materials can also be identified. Construction records are kept by different departments
within the Tanzanian road hierarchy, regional road authorities, or by road design consultants and
construction supervising organisations and contractors. These and any other materials-related reports
should be consulted to assist with material location.
The recovery of a suitable material is, therefore, a matter of understanding the geological history and
weathering profile at the quarry site.
Prospecting and sampling: The earlier pre-feasibility and feasibility studies will have likely used desk
studies (topography, geology, soils, hydrology, vegetation, land-use and climate in the area), field survey
and possibly also laboratory testing programmes to make preliminary identification and location of
potential construction materials. This information will guide the verification process undertaken by the
design engineer in preparation of the detailed design.
To assist with material location, a number of techniques can be utilised. Many plants preferentially grow
on materials with specific mineralogical/chemical or physical properties. Certain plant species grow
particularly well on calcium-rich or iron-rich materials and by identifying these plants, the presence of
calcrete or laterite, for instance, in the underlying material can be identified. Other plants may have
a preference for sandy/gravelly (free-draining) materials compared with those that prefer more water-
logged conditions (clayey materials).
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
The geomorphology is also a strong indicator of potential materials. Specific features such as pans,
depressions, ridges or trenches can indicate material differences. Flat lying areas tend to have deeper
weathering profiles (or transported soils) than more steeply inclined areas.
It can also be useful to make use of termite hills and animal burrows to investigate subsoil conditions and
possibly isolate suitable prospecting areas.
Site investigation activities will include detailed prospecting for materials through surface mapping, test
pitting, boreholes and material sampling. A variety of sub-surface sampling and investigation procedures
appropriate for different materials is used to recover the samples needed for laboratory testing. It is
important that adequate representative samples of each material are obtained for testing. Figure 7-12
indicates the required quantity of material for routine testing as a function of the maximum particle size.
10 g
sample mass
2.36 mm
100 g
1 kg
Sample mass
10 mm
10 kg
100 kg
40 mm
100 mm 1 mm 10 mm 100 mm
Maximum particle size (mm)
Figure 7-12: Guide to estimating mass of sample required for routine testing based on maximum particle size
Laboratory Testing
The quality of the testing programme depends upon the procedures in place to ensure that tests are
conducted properly using suitable equipment that is mechanically sound and calibrated correctly. The
condition of test equipment and the competence of the laboratory staff are therefore crucial. There needs
to be a robust Quality Assurance (QA) procedure (overseen by a competent geotechnical engineer)
in place that will reject data that does not meet acceptable standards of reliability. There should be no
compromise on the QA procedure or quality of testing data just because the project is perceived as a low
volume road.
The laboratory testing programme should be part of a rational programme designed by the engineer
to give all of the information needed to adequately define the nature, use and volumes available of
construction materials. Typically, the material grading, Atterberg limits, compaction characteristics and
strength are determined as the primary laboratory tests. It is important that the CML methods (based on
the BS 1377 standards) are followed. Only if no CML or BS method for a specific test exists should an
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
ASTM or AASHTO method be followed. There are often significant differences in results obtained by the
different test methods. The biggest differences in the test results are obtained for the Atterberg limits and
the compaction characteristics/strength tests – other test methods have relatively insignificant differences
in the results.
Maximum use should be made of data and information compiled during earlier parts of the project design.
The construction materials used for low volume roads and the design philosophies that are adopted in
this manual, mean that it is important that the relationships between expected/in situ conditions and
laboratory conditions are considered when designing and developing the test regime.
Early phases of the laboratory test programme will generally concentrate on gaining clues to unusual
soil behaviour, e.g. swelling or collapse potential. Bearing in mind the difficulties of sample recovery,
statistical sample sizes and the cost of laboratory testing, most testing programmes will be based around
relatively simple classification tests that can be done quite quickly. More sophisticated tests will only be
used if absolutely necessary.
However, even at the stage of final design, there is always the problem that natural materials show high
variability in their properties and therefore obtaining design parameters at the ideal level of statistical
reliability is very difficult. As a result, considerable engineering judgement and skill is required.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
●● Rock crusher: The “Rockbuster” is a patented plant item which is basically a tractor-towed
hammer mill, as shown in Figure 7-14. The hammer mill action of the Rockbuster will act on the
material that it passes over, breaking down both large and small sizes. There is the potential to
over-crush” a material and create too many fines in the product. It may be necessary to windrow
out only the larger particles in a material and process these with the Rockbuster, with the crushed
material then blended back into the original product.
The following methodology, using a ternary diagram, is shown in Figure 7-15, has been developed
for determining the optimal mix ratio for blending two or more materials to meet the required grading
specification for unpaved roads (the optimum grading is shown by the shaded area) but could be applied
to improve the grading of any material. The points A and B in the figure shown are an example using two
typical soils, the gradings of which are summarised in Table 7-18.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
0 100
20 80
l (2
60 40
80 20
100 B 0
Sand 0 20 40 60 80 100 Silt and
Silt and clay (< 0.075 mm) Clay
Figure 7-15: Example of use of ternary diagram for determining proportions during material blending
1. Identify potential material sources that can be used to improve the available material.
2. Determine the particle size distribution of the available material and that considered for addition
or blending (wet sieve analysis recalculated with 100 per cent passing the 37.5 mm sieve).
3. Determine the percentages of silt and clay (<0.075 mm), sand (0.075 - 2.0 mm) and gravel (2.0
-37.5 mm) for each source.
4. Plot the material properties on the ternary diagram as points A and B respectively (see example
in Figure 7-15).
5. Connect the points. When the two points are connected, any point on the portion of the line in the
shaded area indicates a feasible mixture of the two materials. The optimum mixture should be at
point C in the centre of the shaded area.
6. The mix proportions are then the ratio of the line AC:BC (in this case 9.5 to 37 or 3.9, i.e. 4 loads
of material A will be blended with 1 load of material B). This can be equated to truck loads and
dump spacing.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
7. Once the mix proportions have been established, the Atterberg Limits of the mixture should be
determined to check that the shrinkage product is within the desirable range (140 – 400 (or 260
if necessary). The quantity of binder added should be adjusted until the required shrinkage product
is obtained, but ensuring that the mix quantities remain within the acceptable zone. If the line does not
intersect the shaded area at any point, the two materials cannot be successfully blended and
alternative sources will have to be located, or a third source used for blending.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
AFCAP (2013). Guideline on the Use of Sand in Road Construction in the SADC Region. http://r4d.
ASTM C88-13 (2013). Standard Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of Sodium
Sulphate or Magnesium Sulphate, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM C837-09 (2014), Standard Test Method for Methylene Blue Index of Clay, ASTM International,
West Conshohocken, PA.
Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) (1995). Laterite in road pavements,
Special Publication 47, CIRIA, London, UK.
Geological Society (1990). Tropical Residual Soils. Special Publication. Geological Society, UK.
Grace H and D G Toll (1987). Recent Investigations into the Use of Plastic Laterites as bases
for Bituminous-Surfaced Low-Volume Roads. Proc. Fourth Int. Conf. on Low-Volume Roads, TRB,
Cook J R, Bishop E C, Gourley C and N E Elsworth (2001). Promoting the use of marginal materials.
TRL Report PR/INT/205/2001. TRL, Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK.
Gourley C S and P A K Greening (1999). Performance of low volume sealed roads: results and
recommendations from studies in southern Africa. DFID/TRL Project Rep. PR/OSC/167/099, TRL,
Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK.
Kleyn E G (1982). Aspects of pavement evaluation and design as determined with the aid of the
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP). M.Eng. Thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria. South Africa.
McLennan A K (1986). Towards a strategy for the use of marginal and naturally occurring materials
in pavements. 24th ARRB Regional Symposium, Bundaberg, Queensland. Australia.
Metcalf J B (1991). Use of naturally occurring but non-standard materials in low-cost road
construction, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 9.
Ministry of Works, Tanzania (1999). Pavement and Materials Design Manual. TANROADS, Dar es
Ministry of Works, Tanzania (2003). Field Testing Manual. TANROADS, Dar es Salaam.
Mitchell M F, Petzer E C P and N Van der Walt (1979). The optimum use of natural materials for lightly
trafficked roads in developing regions. Transp. Res. Record 702. Washington, DC.
Netterberg F and P Paige-Green (1988). Pavement materials for low volume roads in Southern
Africa: A review. Proceedings ATC Conference, Vol. 2B – Appropriate Materials and Methods. Pretoria,
South Africa.
Netterberg F (1993). Low-cost local road materials in southern Africa. Geotechnical and Geological
Paige-Green P. (1994). Recommendations for the use of marginal base course materials in low
volume roads in South Africa, CSIR Transportek, Pretoria, South Africa.
Southern African Transport and Communications Commission (SATCC) (1994). Standard specifications
for road and bridge works. Maputo, Mozambique.
Weinert H H (1980). The natural road construction materials of Southern Africa, Academica. Pretoria,
South Africa.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
1. General
3. Physical
5. Site Investigations
6. Geotechnical
Investigations and Design
Investigations 7. Construction
8. Traffic
9. Geometric Design
15: Surfacing
16: Life-Cycle
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
8.1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................8-1
8.1.1 Background……............................................................................................................. 8-1
8.1.2 Purpose and Scope........................................................................................................ 8-1
Figure 8-1: Difference in wet season and dry season traffic levels on poor quality roads.......... 8-2
Figure 8-2: Errors in ADT estimates from random counts of varying duration............................ 8-3
Figure 8-3: Basis for traffic count adjustment in relation to seasonal characteristics.................. 8-4
Figure 8-4: Procedure for establishing design traffic class..........................................................8-7
Figure 8-5: Traffic development on an improved road.................................................................8-9
Figure 8-6: Multiplier to obtain AADT in any year for different growth rates.............................. 8-10
Figure 8-7: Multiplier for first year CESA to calculate CESA after any number of years........... 8-11
Table 8-1: Vehicle classification system.....................................................................................8-4
Table 8-2: Average equivalency factors for different vehicle types.............................................8-6
Table 8-3: Approximate ESA values to be used only when no data are available...................... 8-7
Table 8-4: Structural design period.............................................................................................8-8
Table 8-5: Lane width adjustment factors for design traffic loading..........................................8-12
Table 8-6: Traffic classes for structural design.........................................................................8-12
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
8.1.1 Background
Reliable data on traffic volumes and characteristics are essential for both geometric and pavement structural
design and also assist in the planning of road safety measures in the manner summarised below:
●● Geometric design: The volume and composition of traffic, both motorized and non-motorized,
influence the cross section design (carriageway and shoulders).
●● Pavement design: The deterioration of the pavement is influenced by both the magnitude and
frequency of individual axle loads.
●● Road safety: The volume, type and characteristics of the traffic using the road all influence the
type of road safety measures required to ensure a safe road environment.
In view of the above, a reliable estimate of existing (base line) and future traffic statistics is required so
as to undertake the design of the road in an appropriate manner.
8.2.1 General
The following types of traffic survey are typically carried out in the project area where the road is located:
●● Classified Traffic Surveys.
●● Origin-Destination Surveys.
●● Axle Load Surveys.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
The most common types of surveys for counting and classifying the traffic in each class are:
●● Manual Traffic Survey.
●● Automatic Traffic Surveys.
●● Moving Observer Methods.
Axle load surveys are also required to determine vehicle loading. Origin-destination surveys are sometimes
carried out for planning purposes.
Although the methods of traffic counting may vary, the objective of each method remains the same
- essentially to obtain an estimate of the Annual Average Daily Traffic using the road, disaggregated
by vehicle type. Prediction of such traffic is notoriously imprecise, especially where the roads serve a
predominantly developmental or social function and when the traffic level is low.
Usually motorised traffic volumes will fall in the wet season to, typically, 80% of their dry season level.
However, on poor quality roads this difference is even more marked and the wet season traffic can fall to
35% of dry season traffic levels as shown in Figure 8.1. For the purposes of this manual it can be assumed
that roads have traffickability problems when wet season traffic levels fall below about 60% of dry season
levels. It is also possible that dry season traffic may be lower than wet season traffic, e.g in coastal areas
where sands tend to become loose and less traversable in the absence of ground moisture.
Thus, the timing, frequency and duration of traffic surveys should be given very careful consideration in
terms of striking a balance between cost and accuracy. As indicated in Figure 8-2, short duration traffic
counts in low traffic situations can lead to large errors in traffic estimation.
Wet season as proportion of dry season traffic
Large bus
Small bus
4x4 ´s
Figure 8-1: Difference in wet season and dry season traffic levels on poor quality roads
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
< 75 vehicles/day
76-200 vehicles/day
201- 600 vehicles/day
601-1000 vehicles/day
Error (percent)
12 3 45 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
weekdays Duration of counting (days)
Figure 8-2: Possible errors in ADT estimates from random counts of varying duration
Source: Howe (1972)
Care should be exercised in selecting appropriate locations for conducting the traffic counts to ensure a
true reflection of the traffic using the road and to avoid under- or over-counting. Thus, locations such as
within villages or market places should be avoided
If any junctions occur along the road length, counts should also be conducted before and after the
The accuracy of traffic counts can be improved by increasing the count duration or by counting in more
than one period of the year. Improved accuracy can also be achieved by using local knowledge to
determine whether there are days within the week or periods during the year when the flow of traffic is
particularly high or low.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Mw M
Wet Dry
Season Season
Figure 8-3: Basis for traffic count adjustment in relation to seasonal characteristics
The weighted average of the traffic count in relation to the seasonal characteristics of the region in which
the counts were undertaken is obtained as follows:
Weighted average ADT = (ADTW x MW) + (ADTD x MD)
12 12
Where: ADTW = Average daily traffic count in wet season
ADTD = Average daily traffic count in dry season
MW = Number of months comprising the wet season
MD = Number of months comprising the dry season
Vehicle Classification
Table 8-1 shows the vehicle classification system used for compiling the results of the traffic survey
described above.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
The quality of the data obtained will depend on the type of equipment used, the duration of the survey
and the degree of quality control performed. In general, the higher the quality of the data, the greater will
be the resources required to collect it. Details for carrying out axle load surveys can be found in the Field
Testing Manual (MOW, 2003).
There is an almost inevitable trade-off between available resources and the accuracy obtainable from
a sample survey. The art of good survey design is to know when the optimal value for money from
the survey is achieved. Further constraints exist for the data analysis stage. Some analysis techniques
require expertise, computer hardware and software which may not always be available. Thus, the choice
of analysis procedures may also involve trade-offs.
Ultimately, an appropriate choice of equipment should be made in relation to such factors as:
●● Accessibility to back-up support (technical and maintenance).
●● Ease of installation and use.
●● Accuracy of measurement required.
●● Acquisition and operational cost of equipment.
It is also important that axle load surveys are carried out in a systematic and standardised manner. Axle
load information can also be obtained from weighbridge data but it is important to note that if vehicle
operators believe that the purpose of weighing is to enforce the legal limits, they very quickly reduce
the loads on their vehicles whilst the weighing exercise is going on but quickly increase them again
afterwards, hence very inaccurate axle load information is obtained.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
The minimum information typically derived from axle load surveys is:
●● Axle load of every axle of all heavy vehicles whether empty or loaded.
●● Vehicle category.
●● Loading in each direction of the road.
Each axle in a multi-axle combination must be measured separately. The survey point should also be
equipped with sufficient capacity to weigh all heavy vehicles that are passing in one direction at a time,
both empty and loaded.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Table 8-3: Approximate ESA values to be used only when no data are available
Dense goods for which the average ESAs in Table Light goods for which the load bearing axles can be assumed
8.2 apply to contribute only 0.5 x the ESA values in Table 8.2
Quarry products and ore Household products excluding white goods
Sheet or rod metal NA
Bulk liquids NA
Logging NA
Bulk agricultural products NA
Machinery NA
Estimate cumulative
STEP 3 ESAs for all vehicle
Estimate traffic growth classes over design
per vehicle class period
(in one direction)
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
●● The likelihood that factors other than traffic, e.g. a highly reactive subgrade, will cause distress
necessitating major rehabilitation in advance of any load-related distress.
Based on the above factors, Table 8-4 provides guidance on the selection of the structural design life.
Choosing a relatively short design life reduces the problem of long-term traffic forecasting whilst choosing
a relatively long design life requires greater care in estimating the design traffic loading if over/under-
design of the pavement, and the related cost implications, are to be avoided.
Both diverted traffic and generated traffic occur quickly after the completion of the road.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Total traffic
Development traffic
Traffic volume
Normal traffic growth
Generated traffic
Current traffic
Estimating traffic growth over the design period is very sensitive to economic conditions and prone to
error. It is therefore prudent to assume low, medium and high traffic growth rates as an input to a traffic
sensitivity analysis for pavement design purposes.
The growth rate of each traffic class may differ considerably. Motor cycles and motor cycle driven vehicle
modes, for example, are usually growing at a much faster rate than for other classes. This should be
taken into account.
There are several methods for estimating the traffic growth, including the following:
This is illustrated in Figure 8-6 which shows the multiplier for the AADT in the first year of analysis to
obtain the AADT in any other year.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Growth rate 0%
Traffic multiplier
3.00 6%
2.00 10%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (years)
Figure 8-6: Multiplier to obtain AADT in any year for different growth rates
EF = [P/8160]n (for loads in kg) or = [P/8.16]n (for loads in tonnes) = [P/80 ]n (for loads in KN)
Where: P = axle load (in kg, tonnes or kN)
n = power exponent (lies between 2.5 and 4.5. A value of 4 is recommended for LVRs)
The standard axle load is taken as 8160 kg, 8.16 tonnes or 80 kN.
Guidance on the likely average VEF for different vehicle classes derived from historical data in Tanzania
is given in Table 8-3. However, data from any recent axle load survey on the road in question or a similar
road in the vicinity is better than using countrywide averages.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
8.3.7 Cumulative ESA (CESA) for all Vehicle Classes over the Design Period – Step 6
For pavement design: The cumulative equivalent standard axles (CESA) in each direction for each
traffic category expected over the design life may be obtained from the following formula:
CESA = 365 x DESA x [(1 + r)N – 1]/r
Where: CESA = mean daily ESAs for each vehicle class in the first year (each direction)
(From Step 5).
r = assumed annual growth rate expressed as a decimal fraction.
(Different traffic categories may have different growth rates).
N = design period in years (from Step 1).
Figure 8-7 shows the multiplier for the CESA in the first year to calculate the CESA after any
other number of years up to year 20.
Traffic multiplier
Growth rate 0%
20 8%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time (years)
Figure 8-7: Multiplier for the first year CESA to calculate the CESA after any number of years
For geometric design: Four different basic geometric standards (DC5-DC8) are defined for LVRs based
on the number of 4-wheeled (and more) vehicles defined in Table 8-2. The traffic level is the sum for both
directions and is estimated at the middle of the design life period. When the expected traffic is within 10%
of a traffic class boundary, the higher classification should be adopted.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Table 8-5: Lane width adjustment factors for design traffic loading
Cross Paved Corrected design traffic Explanatory notes
Section width loading (ESA)
Single < 3.5 m. Double the sum of ESAs in The driving pattern on this cross-
carriageway. both directions. section is very channelized.
Min. 3 m but less than 4.5 m. The sum of ESAs in both Traffic in both directions uses the
directions. same lane, but not all in the same
wheel tracks as for the narrower road.
Min. 4.5 m but less than 6 m. 80% of the ESAs in both To allow for overlap in the centre
directions. section of the road.
6 m or wider. Total ESAs in the heaviest Minimal traffic overlap in the centre
loaded direction. section of the road.
More than one 90% of the total ESAs in The majority of vehicles use one lane
lane in each the studied direction. in each direction.
The traffic classes for structural design are shown Table 8-6.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
VEF (ESA/vehicle)
Vehicle Type
Direction 1 Direction 2
Large bus 2.4 1.2
Small bus 0.3 0.15
LGV 1.5 0.75
MGV 4 2
HGV 7 3.5
6. Power exponent = 4
B: Design calculations
1. Estimation of mean daily ESA (DESA) for all vehicle classes in Direction 1.
- Large bus 1 x 2.4 = 2.4
- Small bus 3 x 0.3 = 0.9
- LGV 5.5 x 1.5 = 8.25
- MGV 1 x 4.0 = 4.0
- HGV = 0
Total ESA/day = 15.55 (direction 1)
2 Estimation of mean daily ESA (DESA) for all vehicle classes in Direction 2.
- Large bus 1 x 2.4 = 2.4
- Small bus 3 x 0.15 = 0.45
- LGV 5.5 x 0.75 = 4.12
- MGV 1 x 2.0 = 2.0
- HGV = 0
Total ESA/day = 8.97 (direction 2)
(N.B: For roads 6 m wide and wider, the total ESAs in the heaviest loaded direction is required).
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
4. Estimation of Cumulative ESAs (CESA) per all vehicle classes over design life
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Fouracre P (2001). Rural Transport Survey Techniques. Rural Transport Knowledge Base, Rural Travel
and Transport Programme. TRL Limited, Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK.
Howe J D G F (1972). A Review of Rural Traffic Counting Methods in Developing Countries. RRL
Report LR 427. Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK.
Transport Research Laboratory (2004). Overseas Road Note 40. A Guide to Axle Load Surveys
and Traffic Counts for Determining Traffic Loading on Pavements. TRL, (2nd edition) Crowthorne,
Berkshire, UK.
Jacob B, O’Brien E J and Jehaes S (Eds.) (2002). Weigh-In-Motion of Road Vehicles: Final Report
of the COST 323 Action (WIM-LOAD). ISBN 2-7202-3096-8. Paris: Laboratoire Central des Ponts et
Chausses, France.
Parsley L L (1994). A Guide to Using Simple Inductive Loop Detectors for Traffic Counters in
Developing Countries. TRL Information Note, TRL Limited, Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK.
Parsley L L and Ellis S D (2003). Guidelines for Short Period Traffic Counts in Developing Countries.
Project Report PR/INT/270/2003. TRL Limited, Crowthorne, Berkshire, UK.
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016
Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication Low Volume Roads Manual: 2016