Chelating effect is caused by the polydenatate ligand, it is said to be more stable than
monodentate ligands. For example ethylenediamine; this is a bidentate ligand that donates 2
nitrogen atoms for every molecule of (en). The equation below shows 6NH3 molecules being
displaced by 6 atoms of (en). These donates electron density to Ni (single metal ion).
Chelating effect is driven by entropy. Many times the metal is solvated and so whenever the
atoms of (en) interacts with the metal, wáter is being dispersed and so its hydration sphere is
eliminated. This causes an increase in entropy that drives this reaction to spontanenity(-∆G). The
interaction is responsable for the stability of the complex. Therefore the chelating effect is
largely driven by entropy. A more positive entropy the more stable the complex (Stability of
tansition metal complexes, 2018).
Ni (NH3)62+ (aq) + 3en (aq) = Ni (en)32+ (aq) + 6 NH3 (aq) (en = ethylenediamine) for
which K = 109
4Compare a crystal field splitting diagram for an octahedral complex, with that of
square planar one. Account for the differences.
When ligands approach a central metal ion an electrostatic attraction occurs causing the d-orbital
of the metal ion to undergo a change in energy depending on the shape of the orbital and the axes
of approach. It results I breaking of degeneracy of transition metal complexes. The CFS theory
gives an insight of the strength of metal-ligand complexes which may lead change in magnetic
properties as well as color. Example octahedral complex and square planar complex.
Difference between the octahedral complex and the square planar complex.
Concerning the octahedral complex, six ligands approach the central metal ion. This causes the 5
d-orbital to split resulting in energies higher than the degenerate orbitals of the free metal ion.
Two of the orbitals jump to a higher energy level. This is known as eg ; dx2-y2 and dz2. This is so
because the 3dz2 and 3dx2-y2 orbitals directly touches the negative point charges which
approaches the x, y and z axes. This situation creates an unstable repulsion reaction between the
electrons and the orbital (Crtstal field splitting, 2019).
The diagram below shows the shape of the orbital and the electrons which approach along the x,
y and z axes.
On the hand the t2g; 3dxy, 3dxz and 3dyz have a lower energy level. This is so because the 3
orbitals are found between the x,y and z axes resulting in lower repulsion between the electrons
and the orbitals (More about 3d orbitals, 2018).
Diagram below shows the the shape and axes of the t2g orbitals.
Diagram showing the energy levels associated with octahedral complex ion
Squared planar complex.
In the case 4 ligands approach the central metal ion but its electrons are only attracted to the xy
plane. dx2-y2, dxy, dz , and both dxz and dyz. The orbitals in the xy plane will have the highest
energy level. Because the electrons are only attracted to the zy plane, the electrons approaching
the z plane will be negligible. However the energy level diagram is a modification of the
octahedral diagrams. After the octahedral splitting occurs there is further splitting which results
in the squared planar splitting. The eg energy level undergoes goes greater repulsion of dx2-y2
due to electron approaching which causes an increase in energy level as see on the diagram.
Therefore, the dz2 orbital goes to lower energy level because there is less repulsion. However,
the t2g energy level undergoes the similar energy change as well because the electrons only
approaching the xy plane. The 3dxy orbital jumps to a higher energy level and dxy and dyz
jumps to a lower energy level (Crtstal field splitting, 2019).
Crtstal field splitting. (2019). Retrieved from Chhemistry libretext:
More about 3d orbitals. (2018). Retrieved from
Stability of tansition metal complexes. (2018). Retrieved from