D and F Block Element
D and F Block Element
D and F Block Element
Metallic character
Except Mercury, all the transition elements have metallic structure. The metallic
character is due to the relatively low I.E and presence of unpaired e-. The
hardness of metal suggest the presence of strong interatomic metallic bonding
due to the overlap of unpaired e- between metal atoms.
Metallic bond, force that holds atoms together in a metallic substance. Such a
solid consists of closely packed atoms. In most cases, the outermost electron shell
of each of the metal atoms overlaps with a large number of neighboring atoms. As
a consequence, the valence electrons continually move from one atom to another
and are not associated with any specific pair of atoms. The atoms that
the electrons leave behind become positive ions, and the interaction between
such ions and valence electrons gives rise to the cohesive or binding force that
holds the metallic crystal together.
Melting and boiling point of transition metals are generally high. The high melting
point is due to the presence of strong interatomic bonding which involves the
participation of both (n-1) d & ns e-s. On moving along a period , melting points
of these elements increases to a maximum and then gradually decreases towards
the end. The maxima at about the middle of each series indicate that one
unpaired electron per d- orbital is particularly favorably for strong interatomic
Note : Manganese (Mn) and Technetium (Tn) have abnormally low melting
As there are no unpaired electrons in Zn, Cd, Hg, they are soft and have low
melting points.
Atomic and ionic radii
Among the elements of a particular transition series, on moving from left to right
( Z value increases) and atomic size decreases. There is a steady decrease till the
middle, almost constant ( difference in size is very small) and then increases
3d series
On moving from left to right, nuclear charge increases (Sc- Cr) , but the
corresponding electron goes to inner d- subshell. Since the shielding effect due to
inner d- e- is very small, effective nuclear attraction on the outermost e- increases
and the size decreases.
The increase in size at the end of the period is due to e- - e- repulsion between the
paired electrons.
On moving down a group , the size is not varying regularly. The atomic size of the
4-d series is more than that of 3d series. But the atomic size of 5d series is almost
same as that of 4-d series due to Lanthanoid contraction. It has been observed
that Zirconium and Hafnium have almost equal atomic radii.
Ionic radii: The ionic radius is similar to the pattern of atomic radii. Thus, for ions
of a given charge, the radius decreases gradually with increase in atomic number.
Enthalpy of atomization
In any transition metal series, enthalpy of atomization increases from left to right,
reaches a maxima at the middle. This maxima indicate that one unpaired electron
per d- orbital favorable for interatomic bonding.
Enthalpy of atomization is an important factor in determining the standard
electrode potential of a metal, thus metals with high value of enthalpy of
atomization tend to be noble in their reactions.
Metals of the 2nd and 3rd transition series have higher enthalpies of atomization
than the corresponding elements of the first transition series. This is due to the
occurrence of more frequent M-M bonding in compounds of heavy transition
The decrease in metallic radius coupled with increase in atomic mass results in
general increase in the density of these metals from left to right. Thus there is an
increase in density from Ti – Cu in the first series (due to its large size, Zn has low
Ionization Enthalpies
Ionisation enthalpy is generally high for each series of transition elements due to
increase in nuclear charge which accompanies the filling of d- orbitals leading to
small size of atoms.
In d- block elements, d- subshell being progressively filled. But the shielding effect
due to d- e-s is very weak. On moving from left to right, effective nuclear
attraction increases. As a result, I.E increases along each transition series. But this
increase is not as high as in representative elements.
The first I.E of Cr is less (653 KJ/mol) as it involves the removal of one 4s electron
and results in the formation of stable, half filled configuration.
The first I.E of Zn is very high (906 KJ/mol) as it involves the removal of an e form
a stable conf. [Zn => [Ar] 3d10,4s2]
[Cr+ = [Ar] 3d5, Cu+= [Ar] 3d10]. Both Cr+ & Cu+ are highly stable. Therefore it is very
difficult to remove the second e-.
Second I.E. of Zn is lower than that of Cu. This is because removal of 2nd e- leads
to formation of highly stable completely filled configuration (3d10 ).
All transition elements except first and last member of the series exhibit variable
oxidation state.
The elements which give the greatest number of oxidation states occur in
or near the middle of the series. Eg : Mn
In d- block elements, on moving down a group, stability of higher oxidation
state increases due to increase in the distance from the outermost shell.
Eg : In Group 6, Cr (VI) – less stable
Mo(VI)& W(VI) – highly stable
[In p-block elements, on moving down a group stability of lower oxidation
state increases due to inert pair effect.]
In lower O.S, bonds formed by a transition element are ionic, but in higher
O.S, bonds are covalent.
Eg : Mn2+ (ionic) and MnO4- & CrO42- bonds are covalent.
Low oxidation states are found if a complex compound has ligands capable
of π-acceptor character and sigma bonding .Eg : [Ni (CO)4], [Fe(CO)5]
Electrode potential depends upon the balance between the value of ∆hyH and the
sum of the values of ∆iH and ∆aH.
Lower the value of E0redn (more –ve), greater will be the stability of that
oxidation state.
The standard electrode potentials for M2+/M for the first row transition metal is
as follows:
Element: V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn
(i) The values of E0 across the series are less negative because of general increase
in the sum of ∆1H &∆2H. E0 for Mn & Zn are more –ve because of half filled and
fully filled orbitals. The exceptional value of Ni is due to its highly negative
enthalpy of hydration
(ii)Copper shows a unique behaviour in the series as it is only metal having a +ve
E0 value. This is because the high values of ∆subH & ∆iH are not compensated by
enthalpy of hydration. Because of this +ve E0value, Cu does not displace H2 from
[But strong oxidising agents (eg:- HNO3 & hot conc. H2SO4) react with Cu and
oxidise Cu to Cu2+.
Cu + 2H2SO4 - CuSO4+2H2O+SO2]
Transition metal shows their higher oxidation states with fluorine and oxygen
because F and O are small in size and the most electronegative elements.
Highest oxidation state is generally most stable with fluorine. This is due to either
high lattice energy (ionic compounds – eg: CoF3) or high bond enthalpy (covalent
compounds – eg: VF5, CrF6).
Eg: VF2 is highly unstable. Similarly CuF is not existing but CuCl, CuBr, CuI exist.
Among Cu(II) halides, CuF2, CuCl2,CuBr2 exist but CuI2 does not exist. This is
because, Cu2+ oxidises I- to I2.
2Cu2+ + 4I-→ Cu2I2 (S)+ I2
However most of the copper (I) compounds are unstable in aqueous solution and
undergo disproportionation.
2Cu+ →Cu2+ + Cu
The stability of Cu2+(aq) rather than Cu+ is due to the much more negative ∆hyH
of Cu2+ than Cu+ which compensates for the 2nd I.E. of Cu.
Oxygen also stabilizes the highest O.S. in the oxides more than fluorine.
Oxide is Mn2O7
This is due to the ability of oxygen to form multiple bonds with metal atoms.
Magnetic properties
(Diamagnetic substances are repelled by the applied field while the paramagnetic
substances are attracted.)
The d- and f- Block Elements attracted very strongly are said to be ferromagnetic.
In fact, ferromagnetism is an extreme form of paramagnetism. Many of the
transition metal ions are paramagnetic. Paramagnetism arises due to the
presence of unpaired electrons, each such electron having a magnetic moment
associated with its spin angular momentum and orbital angular momentum.
Coloured ions
Majority of the transition metal compounds are coloured both in solid state and
in aqueous solution. This property have been used for the detection and
estimation of ions.
Complex compounds are those in which the metal ions bind a number of anions
or neutral molecules giving complex species with characteristic properties.
Eg: [Fe(CN)6 ] 3–, [Fe(CN)6 ] 4– , [Cu(NH3)4] 2+
The transition metals form a large number of complex compounds. This is due to
the comparatively smaller sizes of the metal ions, their high ionic charges and the
availability of d orbitals for bond formation.
Catalytic properties
The transition metals and their compounds are known for their catalytic activity.
This activity is ascribed to their ability to adopt multiple oxidation states and to
form complexes.
Because of the presence of vacant d-orbital and ability to form multiple oxidation
states, transition elements can form intermediate complex compounds with
reactants. These intermediates provide reaction path of lower activation energy
and thus increases the rate of the reaction.
In many reactions, catalyst provide a surface for the reaction to take place.
Catalyst form bonds with reactant molecules and thus increases the
concentration of the reactants on the surface , also weakening of the bonds in the
reactant molecules.
2 I – + S2O8 2– → I2 + 2 SO4 2–
Catalytic action:
2 Fe3+ + 2 I– → 2 Fe2+ + I2
Interstitial compounds are those which are formed when small atoms like H, C or
N are trapped inside the crystal lattices of metals. They are usually non
stoichiometric and are neither typically ionic nor covalent.
(i) They have high melting points, higher than those of pure metals.
(ii) They are very hard, some borides approach diamond in hardness.
Alloy formation
The alloys so formed are hard ,have often high melting points and more resistant
to corrosion than the individual metal.
Eg : Cr, V, , Mo and Mn are used for the production of a variety of steels and
stainless steel.
Alloys of transition metals with non transition metals such as brass (copper-zinc)
and bronze (copper-tin), are also of considerable industrial importance.
(n-2) f subshell, i.e. inner to the penultimate energy level (antipenultimate level).
Their general outer electronic configuration is
Depending upon the last electron entry, f-block elements are classified into:
Lanthanoids :-
In these elements, last e enters into 4f orbital. They are called lanthanoids
because they come immediately after lanthanum. Lanthanoids include 14
elements Ce (Cerium) to Lu(Lutetium).
Actinoids:-In these elements, last e- enters into 5f orbital. They are called
actinoids as they come after Actinium. Actinoids also include 14 elements,
Th(Thromium) to Lr(Laurenium).
1. Electronic configuration
Oxidation state:-
Tb (Tb4+:[Xe] 4f7)
1.Lantanoids are silvery white soft metals and tarnish rapidly in air.
2. Density and melting point : Lanthanoids are highly dense metals and have high
melting point.
3.Metallic property : They have typical metallic lustre and are good conductors of
4. Alloy formation : Lanthanoids are used for the production of alloy steel (to
improve the strength and workability) for plates and pipes. A well known alloy is
mischmetal which consists of a lanthanoid metal (95%) and iron (5% ) and traces
The atomic and ionic radii decrease from La to Lu. This is due to the unique
property of lanthanoids known as lanthanoid contraction.
The steady decrease in atomic & ionic sizes of lanthanoid elements with
increasing atomic number is called Lanthanoid contraction.
The decrease in atomic radii is not regular but the decrease in ionic radii of their
M3+ ions are quite regular.
Sm2+, Eu2+ & Yb2+ can act as good reducing agents. Why?
Ans: The elements with +2 or+4 O.S. have the tendency to revert back to the most
stable O.S. , +3 . Therefore Ce4+ & Tb4+ undergo redn & Sm2+, Eu2+ & Yb2+ gets
oxidised to +3 O.S.
Note: The E0 value for Ce4+/Ce3+ is 1.74v, which suggest it can oxidize water. The rn
rate is very slow and Ce is used as a good analytical reagent.
Exception: Some elements show an O.S. of +2 or +4, even though their ions do not
have f0, f7 or f14 configuration.
Eg:- Pr, Nd, Tb & Dy also exhibits +4 state but only in oxides MO2. Sm exihibits +2
O.S. also.
Atomic radii and ionic radii of tripositive lanthanoids show a steady and gradual
decrease in moving from La to Lu. Atomic radii show some regularities but ionic
radii show a steady decrease.
The steady decrease in atomic & ionic sizes of lanthanoid elements with
increasing atomic number is called Lanthanoid contraction.
On moving from left to right, inlanthanoids as the size of the metal decreases, M-
OH bond strength increases. Therefore basic strength of the hydroxides decrease
from left to right.
anthanoids are used for the production of alloy steel (to improve the strength
and wor ability) for plates and pipes. A well nown alloy is mischmetall which
consists of a lanthanoid metal ( 5 ) and iron (5 ) and traces of ,C,Ca & Al.