Live Human Detecting Robot For Earthquak PDF
Live Human Detecting Robot For Earthquak PDF
Live Human Detecting Robot For Earthquak PDF
Abstract— the advent of new high-speed technology and the growing computer capacity provided realistic opportunity for new
robot controls and realization of new methods of control theory. This technical improvement together with the need for high
performance robots created faster, more accurate and more intelligent robots using new robots control devices, new drives and
advanced control algorithms.
Natural destructions that we can not stop.But humans are becoming increasingly aware in the concept of intelligent rescue
operations in such calamities so that precious life and material can be saved though calamities cannot be stopped. Still there are
lots of disasters that occur all of a sudden and Earthquake is one such thing. Earthquakes produce a devastating effect and they see
no difference between human and material. Hence a lot of times humans are buried among the debris and it became impossible to
detect them.
Keywords- DC motor, PIR sensor, ZIGBEE
A Passive Infrared sensor is used in the project which
emits infrared rays to detect humans. As live human
body emits thermal radiation it is received and
manipulated by the PIR sensor to detect humans. Once
the people are located it immediately gives audio alert
visual alerts to the authorities so that help can reach
the live person very fast. This PIR sensor is placed on
a moving all direction robot that can move in the
earthquake prone areas. The robot is driven on a
geared dc motor for increased torque and low speed
and stepper motor for increased turning accuracy
hence the precise control of position is monitored. The
robot consists of a three wheel geared drive with DC
motors attached to perform forward and reverse
movement. Detection by rescue workers is time
consuming; therefore here we are using the robot for
earthquake recue operation. III. WORKING OF THE SYSTEM
PIR Sensor:
The Passive Infra Red (PIR) sensor will, under typical
conditions, detect a human being moving around
IJRITCC | November 2013, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
IJRITCC | November 2013, Available @