Photoelectric Effect Notes
Photoelectric Effect Notes
Photoelectric Effect Notes
Photoelectric Effect
Emission of electrons from the metal surface due to exposure of light of suitable
frequency, is known as photoelectric effect. The emitted electrons named as photoelectrons.
Electrons should absorb energy continuously from the electromagnetic waves. As the
light intensity incident on a metal is increased, energy should be transferred into the
metal at a higher rate and the electrons should be ejected with more kinetic energy.
2. Time interval between incidence light and emission of electrons (time delay problem)
At low light intensities, ejection of electron should take some time from the surface.
This time interval is required for the electron to absorb the incident radiation before it
acquires enough energy to escape from the metal.
Electrons should be ejected from the metal at any incident light frequency, because
energy is transferred to the metal regardless of the incident light frequency.
There should be no relationship between the frequency of the light and the electron
kinetic energy. The kinetic energy should be related to the intensity of the light.
Experimental evidences
All experimental results contradicts the four prediction. So the classical theory does not
hold good in explaining the above phenomena. In 1905, Einstein made a successful
explanation on the basis of quantum theory. And he was awarded Noble Prize in 1921.
Einstein assumed light as steam of quanta carrying energy 𝑬 = 𝒉𝝂 (𝝂 read as nu), having
frequency 𝝂 moves with speed of light in vacuum.
Einstein’s Explanation