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Flooring: 1. General

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1. General
The contractor shall furnish all labour, materials, operations including fixing devices ,
equipment and incidentals necessary and required for the completion of all flooring and
paving work. The contractor shall pave the areas indicated on the plans and schedule of
finishes with materials therein called for. All flooring shall be laid to the best practice to
the trade. The flooring shall be laid the the level except; where slopes are called for on
the drawings. in which case the slopes shall be uniform and arranged to drain into the
indicated outlets particular care shall be exercised to ensure that all flooring, skirting and
dados are perfectly matched for colour and finish.

2 . Samples:

The contractor shall furnish for approval by architect samples of each type of floor and dado

2. Terrazzo in-situ:
All in-situ work shall be composed of 2 parts of well graded marble chips(6mm to
10mmsize) and one part of cement. Terrazzo shall be applied as 10 mm finishing to
cement concrete screeded bed of suitable thickness to give the total thickness of 50 mm
as called for.
3. Materials:
Cement ordinary grey Portland cement, white or clolured cement conforming to IS: 269-
1967 or blast furnace slag cement conforming to IS:455-1962.

White cement: white cement shall be vembabad brand manufactured by Messers

Travancore cements kottayam, kerala.

Aggregates: coarse and fine aggregate shall conform to the requirements of IS:383-1963.
Water: water shall be clean, free from oil, alkali, soluble salts etc.

Marble chips: marble chips for the terrazzo layer shall be of the colour, grade and size as
approved by the architect. They shall be machine crushed free from foreign matter and of
approved quality.

Workmanship: the whole of the work of laying, making, finishing, polishing, and setting
terrazzo, both in-situ and precast from shall be carried out by tradesmen fully experienced
in the class of work required. All terrazzo work shall be finished to true, even plane, and
line with abutting edges flush and corners and joints true ;and square.
Samples: the contractor shall submit samples of the various colour, if any proposed to be
used for approval before laying floors. The architect reserves the right to vary the
proportions of materials in terrazzo until a satisfactory sample is submitted.
4. Terrazzo panel size:
The floor shall be divided into ht panels not exceeding 2 sq.m both while laying the under
layer as well as the topping, so as to reduce the cracking of floor, the panels shall be
separated by means of dividing strips where called for. Where dividing strips are not
used the panels shall be formed by rigidly held strips where called for. Where dividing
strips are not used the panels shall be formed by rigidly held strips of wood or flat iron on
edge and the bays shall be laid alternately allowing for an interval of at least 48 hours
between the laying of adjacent bays.
5. Mixing of materials:
If the mixing is to be done manually, it shall be done in a though or tub. The entire
quality of cement and pigment required for and operation shall be dry mixed at the
beginning of the work and stored properly. Where different coloured chips are used, they
shall first mixed in the required proportions. The cement and pigment shall be
proportioned as required, thoroughly dry mixed and sieved before further mixing with
marble chips. The cement – pigment mix shall be mixed with the chips dry thoroughly.
After they are mixed thoroughly in the dry state, water shall be added in small quantities,
preferably in a fine spray. The mixture shall be plastic but not flowing. The mix shall be
used in the work within thirty minutes of the addition of water during proportion.
6. Underlayer :
Dividing strips; sall be fixed on the bases to the exact surface level of floors so as form
panels of required size and pattern.
Before spreading the under layer, the base shall be cleaned of all dirt, laitance or loose
material and then well wetted with water. It shall than be covered with cement slurry just
before spreading of the underlayer. After application of the cement slurry, the underlay
shall be spread, leveled and compacted . the surface shall be left rough to form a good
key for the terrazzo layer.
7. Laying Terrazzo Topping:
Terrazzo layer shall be laid over the under layer while the under layer has hardened
sufficiently say within 18 to 24 hours after the under layer has been laid. Cement slurry
of the same colour as the topping shall be laid. A cement slurry of the same colour as the
topping shall be laid over the surface before laying terrazzo. The entire work of laying
the topping shall be completed in one stretch.
The terrazzo layer shall be compacted thoroughly by tempering or rolling and toweled
smooth. The compaction shall ensure that air bubbles are cleared from the mix. The
junction of the floors and wall or dado or skirting shall be rounded off to a uniform radius
as shown on the drawings. The finished surface shall be true to required levels
8. Curing:
The surface shall left dry for air curing for a duration of 12 to 18 hours depending the
atmospheric conditions. It shall then be cured for about ten days by allowing water to
stand in pools over the floor.
9. Grinding:
The grading and processing of terrazzo, shall be commenced about ten days after the
terrazzo is laid. The surface shall be water and ground evenly with as grinding machine
using catborudum stone grade 60. The surface shall then ne washed clean and grouted
with a grout of cement and pigment mixed in the same proportion as the topping. It shall
then be allowed to dry for 24 hours and wet-cured for 7 days.
The grinding and grouting operation shall be repeated using carboundum stones grade 80
and 120 till a smooth finished surface exposing marble chips evenly, is obtained. After
thoroughly cleaning the surface grouting and curing as described earlier, the final
grinding shall be carried our using carborundum stone grade 320. The surface shall again
be washed clean, dusted over with oxalic acid at 32 gms. Per sq.m sprinkled with water,
rubbed hard with cotton waste and wiped clean the following day. Where use of machine
for grinding is not feasible, rubbing; and polishing shall be down by ;hand in the same
manner described above..
10. Final polish:
When all constructional and finishing work namely, joinery work, electrical plumbing
work etc. are completed and just before the area is occupied, the floor shall be worked
clean with dilute oxalic acid solution and dried. Non-slip wax polish shall then be
applied with soft linen on the clean and dry surface and polishing machine fitted with felt
or hessian bobs shall be run over the surface. Clean saw dust shall then ne spread over
the surface, polishing machine again applied, mopping up surplus wax and leaving glossy
surface, care shall be taken that the floor is not left slippery and that ordinary wax is not
used under any circumstances.
11. PVC Dividing strips:
PVC dividing strips where called for on the drawings or schedule ;of finishes shall be of
rigid pvc of approved make and colour. The strips shall be of size 30mmx2mm width
6mm dia. Perforationation at 50 mm centered throughout. The strips shall be fixed on
the base to the exact surface level of the floor to divide the surface into the required
arrangement of penals. The strips cut to profile of the skirting shall be carried our the
skirting to the full height. Anchorage arrangement shall be provided by fixing 50 mm
long C.I nails through the perforations to extend equally in either side of the strip.
12. Terrazzo to stairs:
Lay the treads, risers and landings of the staircase in terrazzo in situ as described above.
Finish neatly around railings to the approval of the architect. The nosing to rereads and
junction of treads and risers shall be formed as per drawings. After laying and cleaning
all exposed external surfaces shall be protected against damage. No patching to damaged
arises shall be allowed.
13. Terrazzo skirting:
Terrazzo skirting to walls, columns, cill blocks and other locations as called for shall be
genrally 100 mm high, recessed from the finished wall surface as shown on the drawings
and laid simultaneously with the floor. The skirting shall be laid tapring to a thickness of
abour 15mm at the top. The junction of the skirting with the ;floor shall be neatly
rounded to a radius of 15 mm. the terrazzo layer shall be 8mm thick, laid over the base
plaster of 1:3 (1 cement:3 coarse sand). The terrazzo layer shall be laid, cured, rubbed
and polished as described earlier.
14. Granolithic flooring:
Granolithic flooring shall consists of an under layer of cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement:
2 coarse sand : 4 crushed graded stone 20mm and down) and a granolithic topping of 12
mm thickness of 40 mm or as called for granolithic mix shall consist of one part cement
and 2 ½ parts crushed graded stone aggregates of size 3 mm to 6 mm. the materials
namely, cement sand aggregates and water shall conform in all respects in re4quirements
laid down for the same earlier under “concrete work”.
15. Workmanship:
The whole of the work of laying, making and finishing shall be carried out by tradesmen
fully experienced in the class of work required, all granolithic shall be finished to true,
even plane and line with a butting edges flush and corner and joints true and square.
16. Panels:
The under layer as well as the topping shall be laid in panels not exceeding 2 sq.m
formed by rigidly held strips of wood or flat iron on edge; the panels shall be laid
alternately allowing for an interval of 48 hours between the laying of adjacent bays.
17. Underlayer:
Before spreading the under layer, the base shall be cleaned of all dirt, laitance, loose
material etc. well wetted and covered with a coat of cement slurry. The under layer shall
be spread to the required thickness. Leveled and thoroughly compacted. The surface
shall be left rough, cross hacked if necessary to form a good key for the top layer. The
topping shall be laid within about 4 hours after the under layer is laid.
18. Topping:
The cement and screened aggregates shall be mixed in the proportion of 2:5. After they
are thoroughly mixed sufficient quantity of washed sand as approved and water shall be
added to make a stiff, plastic mix but not flowing the mixture shall be laid over the under
layers firmly grip each other. The top layer shall be well tamped, spaded, toweled and
brought true to required levels. The junction of the floor and wall dado or skirting shall
be rounded off to a uniform radius as shown on the drawings. The finished surface shall
be smooth, true, even, well compacted and free from transverse waves, hollow or humps,
the finished surface shall be subject to the approval of the architect. The flooring shall be
cured for at least 10days by allowing water to stand inn pools over the floor. The
finished floor shall be protected in approved manner against any kind of damage.
19. Granolithic skirting:
Granolithic skirting to walls shall be 100 m high, recessed from the finished wall surface
in accordance with detailed drawings. The skirting shall be 20mm thick, consisting of
one part cement and 3 parts coarse sand, applied to wall face, compacted and toweled
smooth with a floating coat of neat cement in approved finish to match with the
granolithic floor. The junction of the skirting with the floor to b neatly round3ed to a
radius of 20 mm. The surface shall be kept constantly wet for seven days.
20. Split kotah stone paving:
Paving to courtyards verandahs and other locations where called for, shall be of split
kotah stone slabs laid with 6 mm thick joint as per pattern shown on drawings. The slabs
shall be 25 to 30 mm thick free from flakes and other defects and of approved colour.
The size of the slab shall be shown on drawings to suit the paving pattern. The slabs
shall be cut to trapezoidal shapes where required. The slabs shall; be chisel dressed on all
the sides to the full depth. All angles and edges of the tiles shall be true and free from
chippings. The surface of the slabs shall have the natural finish and shall not dressed or
rubbed unless authorized to do so by the architect.
Cement mortar 1:6 shall be spread under the area of each slab to 20mm depth. Washed
clean slab shall be laid on top, pressed, tapped with wooden mallets and brought to level
with adjoining slabs. The joints between slabs shall be 6 mm wide. It shall be lifted and
laid aside. The tip surface of the ,mortar shall then be corrected by adding fresh mortar at
hollows. The mortar is allowed to harden a bit and a cost of cement slurry shall be spread
over the same at the rate of one bag of cement per 10sq.m area. The slab shall then be
placed back in position and tapped till it is properly bedded n level with adjoining slab.
Subsequent slabs are laid in similar manner. After each slab is laid, surplus cement on
the surface shall be cleaned off. The cut slabs and the full slabs with the sides properly
dressed as described above. Shall be laid to form a pattern as shown, with continuous
parallel joints in one direction. The joints in the other direction shall break with the
above parallel joints. After the slabs laid and tamped into their final position, the joints
shall be filled with cement mortar 1:3 struck pointed and finished neat. The surface of
the finished paving shall be thoroughly cleared of all surplus mortar and left cured fpr a
minimum period of seven days.
21. Polished Kotah Stone Flooring:
Lay to areas indicated on plane 25mm to 30mm thick grey kotah stone slab of approved
quality free from flakes and other defects. The slabs for polished flooring shall have the
top(exposed face polished before being brought to site. Before starting the work the
contractor shall get samples of slab approved by the architect.
Dressing of slabs:
Every slab shall be cut to the required size and shape and fine chisel dressed on the sides
to the full depth. The sides shall be table rubbed with coarse sand or machine rubbed
before paving. All angles and edges of the tiles shall be true, square and free from
chippings and the surface shall be true and plane. The thickness of the tiles shall be 25 to
30mm or 20 mm as specified.
Cement mortar 1:6 shall be spread under the area of each slab 20mm depth. Washed
clean slab shall be laid on top, pressed tapped with wooden mallet sand brought to level
with adjoining slabs. It shall be lifted and laid aside. The top surface of the mortar shall
then be corrected by adding fresh mortar at hollows. The mortar is allowed to harden a
bit and a coat of cement slurry shall be spread over at the rate of one cft. Of cement per
100 sft. Of area.
The RCC slabs or sub-grade concrete over which the slabs are to be laid shall be cleaned.
Wetted and mopped. The cement mortar shall be spread over a small area to an average
thickness 20mm. the slab, washed clean, shall be laid on the mortar, pressed, tapped, with
a wooden mallet, and brought to required level. It shall than be removed and laid aside.
The top of the mortar shall then be corrected by adding fresh mortar at hollows. The
,mortar is then allowed to harden and cement slurry of paste like consistency shall be
spread over the same at the rate of 1bag per 10 sqm area. The edges of the slab already
laid shall be buttered with slurry of cement and pigment to match the shade of slabs. The
slab to be laid shall then be placed back in position, pressed and properly needed in level
with adjoining slab with as fine a joint as possible. Other slabs are also laid in similar
manner to correct levels slopes with fine joints. The surplus slurry on the surface shall be
cleaned off. Slabs which are fixed in the floor adjoining the wall shall enter under the
skirting or dado as shown on the details. The junction b/w floor and wall finish shall be
finished neatly as directed.. the flooring shall be cured for minimum seven days. Any
slight unevenness at the meeting of the slabs shall be removed fin chiseling and grinding.
The surface shall be rubbed, polished and finished in the same manner as specified under
‘terrazzo in-situ flooring’ except that the first grinding with grade 60 stone shall not be
done and cement slurry shall be applied on the joints only after each polishing. The
finished work shall be true to level and lines and subject to the approval of the architect.
The slab shall then be placed back in position and tapped till it is properly bedded in level
with adjoining slab with as fine a joint as possible. Subsequent slabs are laid in similar
manner. After each slab is laid, surplus cement on the surface shall be cleaned off. The
flooring shall be cured for a minimum period of seven days.
Polishing & Finishing:
Slight unevenness at the meeting edges of slabs shall then be removed by fine chiseling
in a slant. The surface shall then ne polished and finished in the same manner as
specified for “Terrazzo-in-situ floor”
22. Polished marble flooring:
For polished marble flooring the slabs shall have the top face marble machine polished
before being brought to sit. Edges of marble slabs shall be fine chisel dressed on all sides
to a minimum depth of 10mm and table rubbed to a smooth finish so that a straight edge
laid along the side of the stone shall be filly in contact with it. The slabs shall conform to
the sizes called for on the drawings. All angles and edges of the slabs shall be true,
square and free from chippings and the surface shall be true and plane. The thickness of
the marble slabs shall be 20mm to 25mm. before starting the work, the contractor shall
get samples of slabs approved by the architect.
The slabs shall e laid over a bedding of cement, mortar 1:6 of average thickness 20 mm.

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