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Future Trends in Microelectronics - 95 - Kluwer

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Future Trends in

Reflections on the Road to Nanotechnology
edited by

Serge Luryi
Department of Electrical Engineering,
State University of New York,
Stony Brook, NY, U.S.A.

Jimmy Xu
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering,
University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Alex Zaslavsky
Division of Engineering,
Brown University,
Providence, Rl, U.S.A.


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Kluwer Academic Publishers
Dordrecht / Boston / London

Published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on
Future Trends in Microelectronics: Reflections on the Road to Nanotechnology
lie de Bendor, France
July 17-21,1995

A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress

ISBN 0-7923-4169-4

Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers,

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Future Trends in Microelectronics
Advanced Science Institutes Series

A Series presenting the results of activities sponsored by the NATO Science Committee,
which aims at the dissemination of advanced scientific and technological knowledge,
with a view to strengthening links between scientific communities.

The Series is published by an international board of publishers in conjunction with the NATO
Scientific Affairs Division

A Life Sciences Plenum Publishing Corporation

B Physics London and New York

C Mathematical and Physical Sciences Kluwer Academic Publishers

D Behavioural and Social Sciences Dordrecht, Boston and London
E Applied Sciences

F Computer and Systems Sciences Springer-Verlag

G Ecological Sciences Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, London,
H Cell Biology Paris and Tokyo
I Global Environmental Change

1. Disarmament Technologies Kluwer Academic Publishers
2. Environment Springer-Verlag / Kluwer Academic Publishers
3. High Technology Kluwer Academic Publishers
4. Science and Technology Policy Kluwer Academic Publishers
5. Computer Networking Kluwer Academic Publishers

The Partnership Sub-Series incorporates activities undertaken in collaboration with NATO's

Cooperation Partners, the countries of the CIS and Central and Eastern Europe, in Priority Areas of
concern to those countries.


The electronic index to the NATO ASI Series provides full bibliographical references (with keywords
and/or abstracts) to more than 50000 contributions from international scientists published in all
sections of the NATO ASI Series.
Access to the NATO-PCO-DATA BASE is possible in two ways:
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The CD-ROM can be ordered through any member of the Board of Publishers or through NATO-
PCO, Overijse, Belgium.

Series E: Applied Sciences - Vol. 323
This book contains the proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop held within the programme
of activities of the NATO Special Programme on Nanoscale Science as part of the activities of the NATO
Science Committee.
Other books previously published as a result of the activities of the Special Programme are:
NASTASI, M., PARKING, D.M. and GLEITER, H. (eds.), Mechanical Properties and Deformation Behavior of
Materials Having Ultra-Fine Microstructures. (E233) 1993 ISBN 0-7923-2195-2
VU THIEN BINH, GARCIA, N. and DRANSFELD, K. (eds.), Nanosources and Manipulation of Atoms under
High Fields and Temperatures: Applications. (E235) 1993 ISBN 0-7923-2266-5
LEBURTON, J.-P., PASCUAL, J. and SOTOMAYOR TORRES, C. (eds.), Phonons in Semiconductor Nanostruc-
tures. (E236) 1993 ISBN 0-7923-2277-0
AVOURIS, P. (ed.), Atomic and Nanometer-Scale Modification of Materials: Fundamentals and Applica-
tions. (E239) 1993 ISBN 0-7923-2334-3
BLÖCHL, P. E., JOACHIM, C. and FISHER, A. J. (eds.), Computations for the Nano-Scale. (E240) 1993
ISBN 0-7923-2360-2
POHL, D. W. and COURJON, D. (eds.), Near Field Optics. (E242) 1993 ISBN 0-7923-2394-7
SALEMINK, H. W. M. and PASHLEY, M. D. (eds.), Semiconductor Interfaces at the Sub-Nanometer Scale.
(E243) 1993 ISBN 0-7923-2397-1
BENSAHEL, D. C, CANHAM, L. T. and OSSICINI, S. (eds.), Optical Properties of Low Dimensional Silicon
Structures. (E244) 1993 ISBN 0-7923-2446-3
HERNANDO, A. (ed.), Nanomagnetism (E247) 1993. ISBN 0-7923-2485-4
LOCKWOOD, DJ. and PINCZUK, A. (eds.), Optical Phenomena in Semiconductor Structures of Reduced
Dimensions (E248) 1993. ISBN 0-7923-2512-5
GENTILI, M., GIOVANNELLA, C. and SELCI, S. (eds.), Nanolithography: A Borderland Between STM, EB,
IB, and X-Ray Lithographies (E264) 1994. ISBN 0-7923-2794-2
GÜNTHERODT, H.-J., ANSELMETTI, D. and MEYER, E. (eds.), Forces in Scanning Probe Methods (E286)
1995. ISBN 0-7923-3406-X
GEWIRTH, A.A. and SIEGENTHALER, H. (eds.), Nanoscale Probes of the Solid/Liquid Interface (E288)
1995. ISBN 0-7923-3454-X

CERDEIRA, H.A., KRAMER, B. and SCHÖN, G. (eds.), Quantum Dynamics of Submicron Structures (E291)
1995. ISBN 0-7923-3469-8
WELLAND, M.E. and GIMZEWSKI, J.K. (eds.), Ultimate Limits of Fabrication and Measurement (E292)
1995. ISBN 0-7923-3504-X
EBERL, K, PETROFF, P.M. and DEMEESTER, P. (eds.), Low Dimensional Structures Prepared by Epitaxial
Growth orRegrowth on Patterned Substrates (E298) 1995. ISBN 0-7923-3679-8
MARTI, O. and MÖLLER, R. (eds.), Photons and Local Probes (E300) 1995. ISBN 0-7923-3709-3
GÜNTHER, L. and BARBARA, B. (eds.), Quantum Tunneling of Magnetization - QTM '94 (E301) 1995.
ISBN 0-7923-3775-1

PERSSON, B.N.J. and TOSATTI, E. (eds.), Physics of Sliding Friction (E311) 1996. ISBN 0-7923-3935-5
MARTIN, T.P. (ed.), Large Clusters of Atoms and Molecules (E313) 1996. ISBN 0-7923-3937-1
DUCLOY, M. and BLOCH, D. (eds.), Quantum Optics of Confined Systems (E314). 1996.
ISBN 0-7923-3974-6
ANDREONI, W. (ed.), The Chemical Physics of Fullereness 10 (and 5) Years Later. The Far-Reaching
Impact of the Discovery ofC^ (E316). 1996. ISBN 0-7923-4000-0
NIETO-VESPERINAS, M. and GARCIA, N. (Eds.): Optics at the Nanometer Scale: Imaging and Storing with
Photonic Near Fields (E319). 1996. ISBN 0-7923-4020-5
LURYI, S., XU, J. and ZASLAVSKY, A. (Eds.): Future Trends in Microelectronics: Reflections on the Road to
Nanotechnology (E323). 1996. ISBN 0-7923-4169-4
RARITY, J. and WEISBUCH, C. (Eds.): Microcavities and Photonic Bandgaps: Physics and Applications
(E324). 1996. ISBN 0-7923-4170-8


All that Glitters isn't Silicon Or Steel and Aluminum Re-Visited 1

Herbert Kroemer

Si-Microelectronics: Perspectives, Risks, Opportunities, Challenges

-12 Statements 13
Armin W. Wieder

Mass Production of Nanometre Devices 23

Alec N. Broers

Active Packaging: a New Fabrication Principle for High

Performance Devices and Systems 35
Serge Luryi

The Wiring Challenge: Complexity and Crowding 45

T.P. Smith III, T.R. Dinger, D.C. Edelstein, J.R. Paraszczak,
and T.H. Ning

Physics, Materials Science, and Trends in Microelectronics 57

H. van Houten

Growing up in the shadow of a Silicon 'older brother'; tales of an

abusive childhood from GaAs and other new technology
siblings! 71
PaulR. Jay

Comments on the National Technology Roadmap for

Semiconductors 87
James F. Freedman


Critique of reversible computation and other energy saving techniques

in future computational systems 93
Paul M. Solomon
Architectural Frontiers Enabled by High Connectivity Packaging Ill
Steve Nelson

Processor Performance Scaling 125

G.A. Sai-Halasz


Quantum Devices for Future CSICs 139

Herb Goronkin
Challenges and Trends for the Application of Quantum-Based
Devices 151
Gerald J. Iafrate and Michael A. Stroscio
Wire and dot related devices 159
E. Gornik, V. Rosskopf, P. Auer, J. Smoliner, C. Wirner,
W. Boxleitner, R. Strenz, G. Weimann

Nonlithographic Fabrication and Physics of Nanowire and Nanodot

Array Devices - Present and Future 171
A.A. Tager, D. Routkevitch, J. Haruyama, D. Almawlawi, L. Ryan,
M. Moskovits, and J.M. Xu
Taming Tunneling En Route to Mastering Mesoscopics 185
MJ. Kelly and V.A. Wilkinson

Prospects for Quantum Dot Structures Applications in Electronics

and Optoelectronics 197
R.A. Suris

Architectures for Nano-scaled Devices 209

Lex A. Akers


Simulating Electronic Transport in Semiconductor Nanostructures 215

K. Hess, P. von Allmen, M. Grupen, and L.F. Register

Monte Carlo Simulation for Reliability Physics Modeling and

Prediction of Scaled (100 NM) Silicon MOSFET Devices 227
R.B. Hulfachor, J.J. Ellis-Monaghan, K.W. Kim, and M.A. Littlejohn


Superconductor-Semiconductor Devices 237

Herbert Kroemer

Field Effect Transistor as Electronic Flute 251

M.I. Dyakonov and M.S. Shur

Heterodimensional Technology for Ultra Low Power Electronics 263

M.S. Shur, W.C.B. Peatman, M. Hurt, R. Tsai, T. Yttterdal,
and H. Park

Lateral Current Injection Lasers - A New Enabling Technology

for OEICs 269
D.A. Suda and J.M. Xu

Wide Band Gap Semiconductors. Good Results and Great

Expectations 279
M.S. Shur

GaN and Related Compounds for Wide Bandgap Applications 291

Dimitris Pavlidis

Prospects in Wide-Gap Semiconductor Lasers 303

Arto V. Nurmikko and R.L. Gunshor

Organic Transistors - Present and Future 315

G. Horowitz

Microcavity Emitters and Detectors 327

Ben G.Streetman, Joe C. Campbell, and Dennis G. Deppe

Optical Amplification, Lasing and Wavelength Division Multiplexing

Integrated in Glass Waveguides 337
R.L. Hyde, D. Barbier, A. Kevorkian, J-M.P. Delavaux, J. Bismuth,
A. Othonos, M. Sweeny, J.M. Xu


Ultimate Performance of Diode Lasers in Future High-Speed

Optical Communication Systems 353
S.A. Gurevich

Increased-functionality VLSI-compatible Devices Based on

Backward-diode Floating-base Si/SiGe Heterojunction
Bipolar Transistors 365
Z.S. Gribnikov, S. Luryi, and A. Zaslavsky

Real-Space-Transfer of Electrons in the InGaAs/InAlAs System 371

W.Ted Masselink

Charge Injection Transistor and Logic Elements in Si/Sii-xGex

Heterostructures 377
M. Mastrapasqua, C.A. King, P.R. Smith, and M.R. Pinto

New Ideology of All-Optical Microwave Systems Based on the

Use of Semiconductor Laser as a Down-Converter 385
V.B. Gorfinkel, M.I. Gouzman, S. Luryi, and EL. Portnoi

Microtechnology - Thermal Problems in Micromachines,

ULSI and Microsensors Design 391
Andrezej Napieralski

Emerging and Future Intelligent Aviation and Automotive

Applications of MIMO ASIM Microcommutators and
ASIC Microcontrollers 397
B.T. Fijalkowski

Trends in Thermal Management of Microcircuits 407

Vladimir SzeTcely, Märta Rencz, and Bernard Courtois



Ever since the invention of the transistor and especially after the advent of
integrated circuits, semiconductor devices have kept expanding their role in our life. For
better or worse, our civilization is destined to be based on semiconductors.

The microelectronics industry is now at a crossroad; the hardware side of

microelectronics - that which concerns devices and technologies - is going through
breathtaking ups and downs. We are at a turning point in the logical evolution of the
giant VLSI industry, which, of course, is and will remain the dominant force in
microelectronics. The celebrated Si technology has known a virtually one-dimensional
path of development: reducing the minimal size of lithographic features. In the
meantime, the investment in manufacturing facilities has doubled from generation to
generation. There is a widespread fear that this path has taken us to the point of
diminishing return. This fear has slowed the pace of new hardware technology
development and encouraged investment in software and circuit design within existing

There is no shortage of opinion about what is and will be happening in our

profession. Some, haunted by the specter of steel industry, believe that the
semiconductor microelectronics industry has matured and the research game is over.
Others believe the progress in hardware technology will come back roaring, based on
innovative research.

Identifying the scenarios for the future evolution of microelectronics is the key
to constructive action today.

Perhaps this can be dismissed as "fortune telling" or, at best, viewed as a high
risk undertaking. Indeed, prediction is hard to make, especially when it is about the
future. And, too often did forecasts by well-informed and authoritative sources prove
wildly wrong. A few examples can be readily found in the field of computers - the most
valued "customer" of microelectronics:

"/ think there is a world market for maybe five computers."

- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943.

"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."

- Popular Mechanics, 1949.


"I have traveled the length and breadth of this country and talked
with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing is a fad that
won't last out the year."
- An editor for Prentice Hall, 1957.

"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."

- Ken Olson, chairman of Digital Equipment Corp., 1977.

However, advocates for new approaches and optimists of departure from the
existing path of established technologies usually fare no better. Critics of adventurous
new approaches, though not often cited, are frequently in the right. Even worse, we
have all seen superior technologies fail for reasons entirely unrelated to technical
Still, as we shed our illusions, we can not afford actions without vision.

What is needed is critical assessment of where we are, what lies ahead, where
new opportunities and/or alternative paths might be and what the limiting factors are...

It is in this spirit that we organized the NATO Advanced Research Workshop

on "Future Trends in Microelectronics - Reflections on the road to nanotechnologies",
which took place at the He de Bendor, France, July 17-21, 1995. The main purpose of
the Workshop was to provide a rare forum for the gathering of leading professionals in
industry, government and academia; and to promote a free-spirited debate on the future of
microelectronics, to discuss recent developments, to identify the main road blocks and to
explore future opportunities. The main topics of discussion were:
• What is the technical limit to shrinking devices? Is there an economic
sense in pursuing this limit? In the memory market? In the
microprocessor market?

• Review of nanoelectronics. Where is it heading? Are quantum-effect devices

useful? Is mass production of nanodevices technologically and
economically feasible?

• Are there green pastures beyond the traditional semiconductor technologies?

What can we expect from combinations with superconducting circuits?
Molecular devices? Polymers?

• What kind of research does the silicon industry need to continue its
expansion? What are the anticipated trends in lithography? Modeling?
Materials? Can we expect a "display revolution"? Will wide-area
electronics be integrated with VLSI?

• What are the limits to thin film transistors? Do we need three-dimensional

integration? SOI?

• To what extent can we trade high speed for low power? Is adiabatic
computing in the cards?
• Is there a need for (possibility of) integrating compound semiconductor
IC's into Si VLSI? What are the merits and prospects of hybrid schemes,
such as heteroepitaxy and packaging? What are the most attractive system
applications of optoelectronic hybrids?

What are the possible implications of opto-electrical-microwave

interactions? Are on-chip phased-array antenna systems feasible?
Desirable? What can we expect from photonic bandgap structures?

• What is happening in system and architecture evolutions (or revolution)?

• Review of the recent progress in widegap semiconductor technologies,

electronic and photonic. What are current problems and ultimate goals in
optical disk memories? Automotive electronics? Other potential markets?

• What is happening in narrow gap semiconductors? Are intersubband

devices a viable alternative? What are the potential applications of the
unipolar laser?
The format of the Workshop included prepared invited presentations, ad hoc
contributions and uninhibited exchange of views and rebuttals, in an attempt to reach
some consensus on these critical issues. Many dominant figures of our profession with
pioneering contributions to their credit came to share their opinions and to lead the
discussions. In keeping with our goal of providing a forum for promoting free-
spirited exchange and debate of ideas over the five days of the Workshop, each day started
with formal presentations by key speakers on subjects in one or two chosen themes, and
concluded with an evening panel session that began with two lead (and intentionally
provocative) presentations followed by debates among the five panelists and the
audience. The oral presentations, discussions and debates were complemented by
afternoon poster sessions.

This book is a result of this exercise. It is a reflection of the issues and views
debated at the workshop and a summary of the technical assessments and results

No holds were barred at the Workshop, however understandably, and perhaps

also wisely, some of the participants elected not to venture all of their opinions in

The Workshop was organized by a committee which, in addition to the co-

editors, included Francois Arnaud d'Avitaya, Jacques Derrien, Sergei Gurevich, Hans
Rupprecht, and Claude Weisbuch. Much helpful advice was provided ex-officio by Alec
Broers, Gerald Iafrate, Jan Slotboom, Klaus von Klitzing and Michel Voos. Alix
Arnaud d'Avitaya and Sandra Craig-Hallam had the all important tasks of local

arrangement and administrative support. In addition to NATO, the Workshop was

sponsored by a number of agencies, including ARO (US), DRET (France), ONR (US),
PHANTOMS Network (EU), Motorola (US), Nortel (Canada), and the US DOD
European Office.

For all those who came together to share ideas, and for all the prospective
readers, we hope that this publication will serve as a useful reference and a springboard
for new ideas.

Long Island, New York, USA Serge Luryi

Toronto, Canada Jimmy Xu

Providence, Rhode Island, USA Alex Zaslavsky


Or "Steel and Aluminum Re-Visited"

ECE Department, University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA

1. Introduction

At the 1974 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), Marty Lepselter gave an
invited talk under the title "Integrated circuits - The New Steel" [1]. His message was
that the emerging integrated circuit technology was likely to play the same central role
in the industrial revolution of the late-20th century that steel played in the great indus-
trial revolution of the early-19th century.
I have always found this an extraordinarily apt analogy, and it has long been my
conviction that this analogy can be extended to an important general analogy between
structural metallurgy in general and electronic metallurgy in general [2].
In structural metallurgy, steel has, for some two centuries, been the dominant
structural metal—and is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. Without steel, we
would have no modern industrial society. But we also would not have such a society if
we relied on steel alone. Modern society depends vitally on the diversity contributed by
such additional materials as aluminum, magnesium, titanium, etc. While we continue to
build automobiles and ships and other "heavy goods" (mostly) from steel, if steel were
the only structural metal available, we would still build airplanes from wood, and we
would not build spacecraft (and communication satellites) at all.
Similarly, in electronic metallurgy, Silicon is, without ant doubt, the dominant
electronic material—and is likely to remain so. But a mature electronic technology, too,
calls for a great diversity, more than can be provided by Si technology alone. Enter
other materials, such as GaAs and beyond.
Structural metallurgists divide metallurgy into ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy.
The analogy to Si and compound semiconductor technology is obvious. In a very real

S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 1-12.

© 1996 Khmer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
sense, GaAs may be viewed as the Aluminum of electronic metallurgy—or should I
say: Aluminum is the GaAs of structural metallurgy?
I believe that, by taking this analogy between structural and electronic metallurgy
seriously, we can get a good insight where exactly non-Si technology fits in with Si,
and what the future role of non-Si technology is likely to be. This is the central theme
of my presentation.

2. New Device Concepts: Where Do They Fit In?


Anybody involved in new device concepts inevitably encounters a number of counter-

arguments from what I call the Nay say ers' Dictionary, with the three most common
arguments listed here in order of increasing deviousness.

"It can't be done"

New device concepts often call for new technology, and the first argument against them
is: There is no technology that would be able to do this. This actually tends to be true—
and largely irrelevant. History shows that, given a strong incentive (and a sound
physical basis for the concept), technologies tend to develop to meet the needs. Be
suspicious of claims that some current difficulties are "fundamental" and hence cannot
be overcome. Historically, many such supposedly fundamental difficulties were not so
fundamental after all (or even were blessings in disguise); if they are solvable, the
solutions tend to be discovered by those actually working on the problems, rather than
by the naysayers.
If you make a strong case that the technology can and should be developed, the
naysayers' argument shifts:

"It can't compete with Silicon"

Probably true—and indeed deadly if your application is one that can already be done
with silicon. But suppose it isn't. Then you will very likely encounter the ultimate

"There are no applications for this"

It is the most insidious and fallacious argument of them all, and much of my presen-
tation deals with this issue. The negative claim actually flies in the face of historical
experience: Historically, almost any sufficiently new and innovative technology always
has created economically viable new applications that draw on the new technology. I
like to express my own counter-argument in the form of a "lemma":


I claim the following:

The principal applications of any sufficiently new and innovative

technology always have been — and will continue to be — appli-
cations createdby that technology.

The use of the new technology to obtain merely better quantitative improvements in
applications for which a technology already exists always has been—and will continue
to be—a secondary consequence of the success of the new technology in new appli-
cations, usually as a result of cost reductions brought about by the extensive use of the
new technology in the new applications.
The pattern of new science creating new devices that create their own applications
is likely to continue well into the next century.


2.3.1. The Transistor

Perhaps the most important example of this central historical lesson is the transistor
itself. Initially viewed simply as a replacement for electron tubes, it ultimately created
the modern computer and the new industrial revolution that followed it.. I have been
told that portable radios and hearing aids were also cases of new applications that
preceded IC's and computers, and they played an important role in getting semicon-
ductor technology started. True, but those earlier applications could never have formed
the basis for a true industrial revolution.

2.3.2. The Semiconductor Laser

Another example of a device creating its own application was the double-heterostruc-
ture laser. Having been the originator of this concept [3, 4], I recall painfully that I was
told in 1963 that there was no point in developing a technology for this new concept,
because this device would never become useful, because of its the low anticipated
power and a relatively poor spectral purity. If those skeptics had been right, we would
today not have optical fiber communications, nor compact discs. In fact, the optoelec-
tronics that developed in the wake of the DH laser is likely to be one of the "driving
engines" for device development well into the next century.
2.3.3. TheHEMT
A third example—of a different kind—is the HEMT. Although probably of lesser
importance than my two examples above, I like to mention it for some other lessons it
contains. It was initially widely hailed as a device for high-speed RAM's. If everything
else had been the same, the higher mobilities in GaAs would have given it a consider-
able speed advantages over Si-RAM's. But everything else just wasn't the same, and
GaAs-HEMT's never could compete with RAM's based on Si-CMOS—ultimately not
even on speed. In terms of our analogy to structural metallurgy, it was as ill-guided an
attempt as the use of aluminum in the superstructure of warships (remember the
Sheffield!). What happened instead was that HEMT's turned out to be superb low-noise
devices for the direct reception of TV signals from satellites, practically creating the
industry of those small (if ugly) dishes seen outside many windows worldwide. It
would in principle have been possible to do that with Si-FET's, but the better noise
performance of HEMT's permitted the use of much smaller dishes, and this created a
large economic leverage that more than made up for the higher cost of the FET itself—
not to mention the much better customer acceptance of the smaller dishes. Please keep
that concept of leverage in mind; I will return to it shorüy.
My list of examples could easily be extended ad nauseam, but I think I have made
my case.


If it is indeed true that the principal applications of any sufficiently new and innovative
technology will be applications created by that new technology, then this has the far-
reaching consequence that all of us must take a long-term look when judging the
potential of any new technology:

2.4.1. How NOT to Judge New Technology

New technology evidently must not be judged simply by how it might fit into already
existing applications, where the new discovery may have little chance to be used in the
face of competition with already-existing and entrenched technology. And it must not
be dismissed on the grounds that it has no realistic existing applications. Such actions
only stifle progress towards those applications that will grow out of that technology.
None of this is intended to relieve the researcher of the obligation to look for near-
term applications of his/her research, and {{credible near-term applications can indeed
be identified, so much the better. But often that will not be the case. In this event it
should be made a part of the researcher's obligation to consider what kind of totally
new applications might be created by the research. This is may be harder than simply
trying to squeeze everything into existing applications, and more often than not it will
not succeed—or run the risk of sliding off into irresponsible science fiction. In fact,
experience shows, that, more often than not, the applications of a new research dis-
covery are found by someone other than the original researcher, and this is likely to
remain so. Nevertheless, we should at least try.
Quite frankly, I do not think we can realistically predict which new devices and
applications may emerge, but I believe we can create an environment encouraging
progress, by not always asking immediately what any new science might be good for
(and cutting off the funds if no answer full of fanciful promises is forthcoming—a
worldwide problem. We must make it an acceptable answer to the quest for applications
if the researcher has sincerely tried to identify credible applications—near-term or long-
term—but has failed to do so.
What is never acceptable—and what researchers must refrain from doing—are
attempts to justify the research by promising credibility-stretching mythical improve-
ments in existing applications. Most such claims are not likely to be realistic, are easily
refuted, and only discredit the research they were intended to justify.

2.4.2. A Fable: Friedrich Wähler and the Discovery of Aluminum

Let me illustrate my homily with a little fable. In the year 1827 it came to pass that the
German chemist Friedrich Wöhler published the discovery of a new element, which he
called alum-in-ium, because he had extracted it from the mineral alum. Flushed by his
triumph, he applied for a grant for follow-up research. But his application was turned
down on the grounds that the new material had no conceivable applications: Being far
too soft, with little structural strength, and it oxidizing and corroding like crazy, it could
not possibly ever compete with steel. Wöhler was downcast, but a fairy sent him a
dream, and the next day he called his funding agency that aluminum would be the metal
from which "aircraft" would be built (he knew better than to admit it was just a dream).
"Aircraft, what's that?" was the reply. "Well, you know, flying machines, things in
which people can fly." Now, in 1827, the closest thing known to a flying machine was a
hot-air balloon; so Wöhler's proposal was re-evaluated for its promise of great progress
in hot-air balloon technology: one could build the balloons from thinly rolled-out
aluminum sheet metal. This would have two advantages: (a) Aluminum was less likely
to catch fire than the balloon fabrics used at the time, an important issue with hot-air
balloons, and (b) it wouldn't get soaked in rain, thereby making the balloon too heavy
and forcing it to land. Of course, the proposal got turned down again, and aluminum
remained an obscure metal for more than another quarter-century (and aircraft made
from aluminum had to wait for a whole century).
My fable is obviously ridiculous—and is intended to be so. But it describes exactly
what we are doing today when we try to force a researcher to tell us how a new
research direction on, say, quantum devices, fits into a CMOS world.
2.4.3. Everything isn't a Computer
In the wake of the triumphs of Si IC's, and of CMOS specifically, too much of a
tendency has developed—this workshop is no exception—to judge everything in the
context of digital IC's, especially high-density memories, and of the specific problems
associated with the voracious appetite for increasing complexity in computers, leading
to increasing density. No matter how important digital signal and data processing are,
they aren't going to be the only application that will be around. Precisely because so
much progress has been made already, other areas (for example, photonics) just might
turn out to be bigger beneficiaries of new technology than digital IC's.
At least one such direction is already under way: Just as there is no foreseeable
limit to the appetite for more and more complexity in IC's, I see no limit to the appetite
for more and more bandwith in communications. This calls for even more speed than
can be achieved in highly-integrated CMOS structures, and the push for ever-higher
speed, even at low levels of integration, will be an increasingly important driving force
in the decades to come. But there are bound to be many others.


Too many attempts to look at the future of semiconductor judge new device concepts
by whether they can be mass-produced at the huge volumes and low cost that are
characteristic of Si integrated circuit technology. This is of course appropriate for
concepts that are indeed intended to find their application in the same market as Si
integrated circuits, where it is indeed extraordinarily difficult to compete with the
existing technology.
But remember that the applications of new concepts are more likely to be applica-
tions that get generated by the new concepts than pre-existing applications, and here
the economics is an altogether different one. What matters for the economic viability of
the new technology is simply whether the added value of the new application can
support the R&D cost and the manufacturing cost of that technology. If a new technol-
ogy has enough of that crucial economic leverage I referred to earlier in the context of
HEMT's, it may be economically viable even at a low manufacturing volume and a
high attendant cost per device. For example, if a new but expensive-to-make $1000
device makes possible a new $20,000 instrument that simply cannot be built without
that device, and if there is enough demand for the enhanced capability of that instru-
ment to permit a recovery of the cost of making each device, then the technology for
making the device becomes self-supporting, and has a chance of surviving—never
mind that the increase in cost over, say, silicon technology is huge: The latter cannot do
the job. Recent history abounds with examples of such high-leverage devices, and one
of my predictions is that we will see much more of this, especially in the instrumen-
tation and sensor field, and that high-leverage applications in these fields will be
amongst the driving engines of device technology for the next century.
The number of such devices for any single such application, and even their asso-
ciated money value, may be minuscule compared to the number and money volume of
Si IC's, but this does not in any way diminish the attractiveness of the devices to those
working on them: Working on high-leverage special-purpose devices may, in fact, be
an attractive career path for a young scientist or engineer. Moreover, it is an excellent
way for universities to prepare future scientists and engineers for the technologies of
the future. Nor are such high-leverage activities negligible from the point of view of the
economics of an entire nation: While each individual example might indeed have a
negligible impact on that economics, the cumulative effect of the very large number of
such activities can be huge.

3. The Role of the Universities: Research as Part of Education



The idea that the principal applications of new technology will be applications created
by that technology, calls for an assessment of the role of open-ended research, not tied
to a specific application.
What I call open-ended research is often referred to simply as long-term research,
but long-term research need not be open-ended, as some of the discussion at this
workshop on the development of CMOS technology past the year 2010 demonstrates.
Some call it curiosity-driven, as opposed to being applications-driven, but this, too,
does not hit the mark: While the motivation of the individual researcher may very well
be pure curiosity, those of society at large, which supports this activity, are not: Ulti-
mately, society does expect a payoff even from open-ended research, be it direct or
indirect. Society is simply willing to leave it open what that payoff might be, based on
the experience that there always has been such a payoff, not necessarily on every
project, but certainly collectively. This specifically includes the recognition that the
payoff has often been indirect, through its impact on subsequent research one or more
research generations down the road.
One of the developments of the last decade that has deeply influenced and even
shocked all of us—and continues to do so—is the retreat of industry from this open-
ended research. I shall not analyze here the reasons why this happened, nor bemoan it,
but simply take it as a given that is likely to remain with us, and look at some of the
consequences, and specifically on the impact of this development on the universities: It
may very well turn out that the only places where open-ended research can be conduct-
ed in the future on a significant scale will be the universities. Let us turn to this issue.

3.2.1. Education versus Research?

The need of society for open-ended research, stated above, has not changed, hence the
retreat by industry from this field evidently puts a much larger responsibility for open-
ended research on the universities. However, we should not take it for granted that
society at large will automatically realize this and treat those of us who are at univer-
sities accordingly: In the eyes of most of society, the primary function of the universi-
ties—and the primary reason for supporting them—is education, not research. Put

The principal product of universities is people — highly educated


I actually agree with this idea wholeheartedly, but:

The open-ended research conducted at universities not only meets a

need of society for such research, but it is also an essential ingredient
in our educational mission, an ingredient without which we could not
fulfill that mission.

I believe it is essential that those of us who are engaged in this kind of work tale a more
active role in bringing this last point to the attention of everybody else involved—so
they don't hear on;y the other side.
I will say relatively little about that part of my assertion that implies that society
needs a healthy open-ended research activity, if not in industry, then somewhere else.
Superficially, it appears that society's own recognition of this need has not changed.
For example, we all hear such buzzwords as industrial competitiveness, presumably
acknowledging a recognition of this need. But much of what I hear and see seems to be
more lip service than evidence of positive action; in fact, there is plenty of talk that
actually conflicts with a true recognition of that need. For example, the loud clamor for
more "relevance" even in non-industrial research can be safely translated into a clamor
for less open-ended research—and sometimes for less research of any kind.
Let me concentrate on the other part, that such research is an essential ingredient of
the educational mission of the university.
In some circles, the research done by the universities is not even viewed as meeting
an essential need of society, much less as an ingredient in education, but as a luxury
embarked on by an elite fraction (presumably a derogatory term) of faculty at those
universities that we call research universities—themselves only a fraction of all univer-
sities. Being a member of that elite (and not at all ashamed of it), I will be the first to
admit that I am gratified to be amongst those who are able to embark on this supposed
luxury. But is it really a luxury?

3.2.2 The Educational Role ofPh.D.-Level Research

The educational mission of universities spans a wide range, from the 4-year bachelor's
level to the full Ph.D. level. When talking about research, we are primarily talking
about the Ph.D. end of this scale. Taking it for granted that the Ph.D.-level education
itself meets an essential need of society for future leaders in science and technology, I
claim the following:

There is no known better way to fulfill the university's educational

mission at the Ph.D. level than through research, with a significant
fraction of that research being open-ended.

Furthermore, even though the total number of Ph.D.'s is only a fraction of the total
number of university graduates, even at most Ph.D.-granting research universities, this
fraction has a huge leverage, not only in industry, but also on all levels of education.

The Ph.D. as Future Teacher. The overwhelming majority of the teaching faculty in
science and technology at all universities, including at the undergraduate level, are
themselves products of Ph.D. programs. I stated earlier that the primary product of
universities is people; on the Ph.D.-level, one of the most important groups of those
people are those whose mission is as future educators at all university levels.
It is absolutely essential that those individuals must themselves have an education
that is up to the state of the art in their field. But just as important, they must be pro-
vided with the intellectual resources that permit them to stay at this forefront through-
out much of their careers, rather than having become obsolete carriers of past know-
ledge before the midpoint of that career. A research Ph.D. provides this obsolescence
reserve by providing the student with a knowledge the fundamentals that will be part of
the foundations of future developments as well. A Ph.D. research project does that more
thoroughly than mere coursework ever can, and it provides an opportunity to develop
the skills of actually applying those fundamentals in a real context. It doesn't really
matter much what the particular set of fundamentals is that is drawn upon in a given
research dissertation: It is the acquisition of a methodology that matters: The method is
the message!
The Ph.D. in Industry. All the above applies just as well to a career in industry, but
there is more. Going beyond research per se, open-ended research provides a "live edu-
cation" in what I like to call the management of uncertainty, the need to make rational
decisions in the face of very incomplete knowledge. This is a skill important to any
future leader in science and technology, including the teacher at a university, but it
becomes indispensable in industry, where a scientist or engineer often has to make
decisions about major commitments to future technology, in the face of precisely the
kind of very incomplete knowledge that characterizes open-ended research. The experi-
ence provided by the latter is likely to lead to more rational decisions than simply being
conservative (missing valuable opportunities), or following a "gut feeling," or follow-
ing the bandwagon "consensus" of equally-uninformed others. An additional merit of
an education involving open-ended research is that it tends to create people with a
personal stake in innovation, rather than in the maintenance of the status quo. Now we
all pay a lot of lip service to the need for innovation, often under such national banners
as industrial competitiveness, but much of it is again just lip service. I know only one
way to "institutionalize" innovation, and that is by bringing in young people and
relying on that most reliable of all human motivations, self-interest: They have nothing
to gain by maintaining the status quo, and everything by being the leaders of



Properly understood and managed, the retreat of industry from open-ended research can
lead to a partnership in which both parties understand and serve their complementary
roles in society as partners rather than adversaries. But this partnership is not to come
about without an understanding of each other. There are problems on both sides.
The most serious threat coming from industry is the wide-spread clamor for "more
relevance" in university education. The reason for this is of course the desire of many
industrial managers to hire university graduates who make a positive contribution to the
"bottom line" from day-1, without requiring any further in-house training—let the long
term be damned! On the bachelor's level, economic realities may make this, to some
extent, inevitable (if deplorable). But it has very little, if any, validity on the Ph.D.
level, where it is nothing other than a thinly disguised call that universities abandon the
long-term research needs of society just as industry is abandoning them—and short-
changing their students along with society at large in the process.
We must resist these calls—but we must also communicate to society why! In the
last analysis, our obligations as educators are to our students and to society, not to
short-term-driven accountants at corporate headquarters, who—as recent years have
amply demonstrated—are increasingly viewing even the skills of their R&D staff as
short-term commodities rather than as valuable long-term investments. If career
changes are to be an essential ingredient in the future of industrial Ph.D.'s, we have
even more obligation to give them the broad long-term education that enables them to
make such changes. But that does not mean sacrificing a research education—to the


Having said the above in defense of our research/teaching mission, I turn to the list of
things where we ourselves must do a better job as part of the bargain.
Probably the first need is that the university needs to communicate its role better to
society at large—much better. Because otherwise, society, and the political decision
makers whose decisions presumably reflect society's will, will only hear the other side,
which tends to be rather vocal.
Next in line is a need to recognized the changed role of the research Ph.D. itself.
This has several aspects.
We must stop pretending that we are educating our Ph.D.'s students for "pure"
research careers, academic or otherwise. Only a minority of them will enter such
careers; most will enter teaching careers or applied R&D careers (with more 'D' than
'R'), and we must make this clear to ourselves and our students:

The research Ph.D. is an education in rational problem solving, rather

than a preparation for a research career.

A closely related need is to abandon a value system that rates "pure" research
somehow higher than applied research. What industry demands,—and justly so!—is
that we provide our students with a motivation towards the kind of shorter-term and
more applied work that is the very nature of industrial R&D, rather than creating people
who do that sort of thing only reluctantly. This is going to be one of the hardest changes
to make, because it is ultimately a cultural rather than scientific change, but it is
necessary all the same to make applied research at least as respectable as "pure"
research. This attitude seems to be highly developed in Japan, which goes a long way
towards explaining Japan's industrial success. A change in social values amongst the
rest of us might, in turn, go a long way helping us retaining our global competitiveness.
Finally, we must recognize that our Ph.D.'s will change their work many times in
the course of their careers, and that their education must enable them to handle such
changes. This calls for more breadth than is contained in a dissertation in which a
student spends too many years studying a single (usually rather narrow) topic in
"infinite-depth," often far beyond the depth the topic deserves. The Ph.D. should be a
certificate that says, in effect: "This individual has proven that he/she is capable to
perform independent high-quality engineering or scientific work, has adaptability to a
wide range of needs, and the ability to make, within a broad strategic context, the
decisions about how to conduct that work." This is far more useful than, say: "This
individual has spent over four years studying the low-temperature optical absorption of
sowhatnium, has honed the technique involved to perfection, and knows more about
this specific topic than anyone else in the world."

4. References

1. Lepselter, M. (1974) Integrated Circuits—The New Steel, IEDM Digest.

2. Kroemer, H. (1982) Heterostructure Bipolar Transistors and Integrated Circuits, Proc. IEEE 70, 13-25.
3. Kroemer, H. (1963) A Proposed Class of Heterojunction Lasers, Proc. IEEE 51, 1782-1783.
4. Kroemer, H. (1967) Solid State Radiation Emitters, U.S. Patent 3,309,553.

12 Statements

Siemens Corporate Research and Development
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
81730 Munich, Germany


The impressive progress in microelectronics in the last two decades has generated
enormous computational power and huge storage capacity at ever decreasing cost per
function. To carry on progress requires overcoming enormous challenges and likewise
will take advantage of great advances and opportunities. This translates into physics
overcoming all kinds of technical and technological limits. It requires technologists to
cleverly increase productivity and creatively define new products. Furthermore, it
requires overcoming the economic hurdles of exploding R&D costs and increasing
manufacturing investment. New opportunities, e.g. in the field of "system on chip",
will creatively integrate logic, memory and other functions on the same chip. New
schemes for cost-effective R&D and manufacturing will impose tremendous challenges,
especially on R&D personnel. These needs will require education, skills and creativity,
with much broader levels of expertise and knowledge ("research to production") in the
increasingly overlapping fields of devices, processes, circuits, chip architectures, product
definitions and manufacturing cleverness. The complex situation is condensed into 12
major statements.

1. Technology Perspectives

It took about 10 years after the invention of the transistor in 1948 to invent planar
technology and the integrated circuit: in 1959 the evolution of bipolar technology
started. It took another 10 years to overcome the interface problem of MOS devices, so
that the evolution of MOS circuits started in 1969. Since then every 3 years a new
generation of MOS technology emerges with 4 times the transistor count (complexity)
of the previous generation.
Today the leading semiconductor manufacturing companies are producing 4 Mbit
and 16 Mbit DRAM's and logic IC's with critical dimensions of 0.7 |im and 0.5 (Xm
respectively. Development in these companies is concentrating on 64 Mbit and 256
Mbit DRAM structures and the corresponding logic, with the 64 Mbit DRAM currently
entering the pre-production phase. Fully functional samples of the 256 Mbit DRAM's
5. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 13-21.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

are available in stacked as well as in trench implementations. R&D is successfully

focusing on 1 Gbit and 4 Gbit devices with 0.1 urn structures and exploratory research
is evaluating concepts for even higher complexity levels and finer structures < 0.1 |im.
The optimism for believing in the manufacturability of such complex devices
basically results from three sources. Firstly, it is based on the extensive use of
competent simulation tools indicating that today's MOS structures can be scaled down
to about 20 nm without reaching their functional limit. Secondly, exploratory devices
fabricated by "dirty processing" have confirmed these simulations: transistor structures
with critical dimensions down to 30 nm operate reasonably well for all kinds of binary
applications. Last but not least, R&D is pressured to achieve the results desired: about
15% of sales is being spent for research world wide. Therefore, the scientific and
industrial community is convinced that progress of microelectronics will not encounter
fundamental roadblocks for the next 15 years. Moreover the decrease of performance due
to Vrj)D-scaling W11l partially be compensated by ballistic transport (effective below 80
nm). Likewise Vrjrj-reduction will effectively help to overcome degradation problems.

Further progress sees no "show stoppers" for the next 15 years (1)

Nevertheless enormous challenges have to be met to make this happen. Research

in processing will no longer focus on the device level, but more and more on the
metallization and/or storage systems on top. Progress here requires substantial material
innovations. Metals need improving on electromigration, especially on stress
migration. Low e, high e and ferro-dielectrics have to be explored. The new materials
required in Si microelectronics are collected in Fig. 1.

Lowe Air(b—nl—d)
Quantum Leap by New Materials ■Ö Papers <L
Electrode ••'HUvft (IMMWI ;id«)
Materials r\ IrOyQiwiwioxid«) ?
c Electrics
'S _ PLZT7ljead,-Unt«n.
Si y
raffi • -.7..^.».—Bream»».
tio2 —- Titan*«)
(DRAM) B.$I.X^wti5tent«m.rJt»n««»)
- ■STtOtorniwi IT*»»«»)
03 TH4- --?•
c Metals
Cu/TOf :&r.:
M Suicides
o €e8fe
2 ^RSh
P Si n§®£

Figure 1.

Further progress increasingly needs material innovations (2)

The evolution of bipolar technology has resulted in integrated circuits with gate
delays below 20 ps, complexities of 105 components per chip and communication IC's
with data rates up to 40 Gbit/s and operating frequencies up to 30 Ghz. Further progress
will not encounter fundamental technical roadblocks, but bipolar technology is
challenged by the competing mainstream CMOS technology. Performance migration
and cost advantages of CMOS force bipolar more and more into analog and high
frequency and likewise force GaAs (and other III-V's) into super performance and
optoelectronic applications (Fig. 2).

CMOS technology wins in complexity, power dissipation and system speed (3)

|"H?MOS \^ ^i r \
/ I Inverter \ / / \ \

10n lOOn 1u 10H 100u 1m 10m 100m

Power dissipation (W/Gate) ->
Figure 2. Trends in power-delay-products.

Fundamental considerations show that there is "microelectronic life" beyond

CMOS. Chip complexity continues to increase by a factor of 4 every 3 years
(exponential growth). Power consumption per chip, however, has to be limited to some
reasonable value (e.g. 1 W for portable electronic devices and 100 W for high
performance systems). This leads to the consequence that the number of active electrons
per transistor has to be decreased, step by step, because it is directly proportional to the
power consumption of the chip. Calculation shows that between year 2010 and 2020
switching devices must have only a very small number of active electrons (e.g. 10). A
fundamental change of the functional concept is approaching: instead of controlling the
average behavior of a large number of electrons, control of a small number of individual
electrons is necessary; this consequently leads to single electron devices (also known as
quantum effect devices, or QED's). The potential functionality of those devices already
has been successfully demonstrated in nanoelectronic research.

QED's have the potential to carry on microelectronics beyond year 2020 (4)

The enormous know-how of mainstream microelectronics is driven by memory

(volatile and non-volatile) and logic applications (|^P, uC, ASIC's, analog, DSP's, etc.)
and moreand more by "system on chip"-type applications with "on-chip" memory and
logic functions. This knowledge base cost-effectively (nearly for free) will be used more
and more for "spin-off-technologies" like "smart power". The integration of "power and
intelligence" opens up large fields of monolithic solutions. Likewise the knowledge
will be used to cost-effectively realize CMOS-compatible microsystems. Monolithic
integration of "intelligence" and sensors & actuators will establish itself parallel to the
mainstream of microelectronics. Cost-effectiveness can be guaranteed by restricting
technology, equipment and manufacturing facilities to the current generation of
microelectronics (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Microelectronic mainstream and spin-offs

This also holds for the increasing need to develop novel packaging concepts,
passive as well as active, eventually ending up in vertically integrated circuits (cubic
integration) with higher packing density (with chip size becoming the same as the
packaging size), lower power consumption, and increased system speed.

Microelectronic spin-offs become important: smart power, sensors, packaging,

micro-machining, ... (5)

2. Economic Perspectives

The investment in manufacturing facilities has doubled from generation to generation.

This has resulted in dramatic increase of manufacturing as well as R&D costs. Cost
generating factors in this context primarily are the decreasing lithographic dimensions,
the likewise decreasing critical defect sizes, the increasing wafer size, the increasing
number of processing steps and, last but not least, the increased size of the
manufacturing facilities. To meet this economical challenge, smart fabrication and
smart R&D schemes will have to be developed, leading to more cost-effectiveness at all
levels. In the case of processing, this will lead to design and process development with
simpler, fewer, and more controllable process steps. On the equipment side it will lead
to standardization, reuse and modularity of equipment. The equipment will be a 100%
controlled unit with in-situ-monitoring and sensors, as well as embedded simulation
(equipment/process simulation). It will lead to higher equipment specific yields, as well
as higher utilization levels due to improved process control. Shorter cycle times will be
the key factor for reducing cost and increasing productivity. Instead of mass volume pre-
manufacturing, accelerated learning with smaller number of wafers and shorter cycle
times will become the reality. To this end, computer-aided failure analysis and
integrated simulation tools (virtual R&D, virtual manufacturing) look most promising.
A key factor for increasing control will be the gradual move to single wafer processing.
This will be motivated by improved control and compatibility with super-sized wafer
diameters. Also it facilitates accelerated learning and therefore in the long run will
become the most cost-effective way to develop and produce microelectronics.

Smart (accelerated) fabrication & development become the # 1 economic challenge (6)

Last but not least, decreased time to market and time to volume production require
concurrent engineering for development (whereby product development and process
development are completed simultaneously) as well as for concurrent manufacturing
design, ranging from equipment development to process development, product
development, facility design, and manufacturing operations.

3. Opportunities and Applications

The key performance yardsticks of modern microelectronics are 16 Mbit DRAM's with
40 ns access time; 300 k, 100 ps gate arrays; 0.5 (J,m CMOS with 107 components per
chip; and so on. This leads to figures of merit like computational power of about 200
MIPS. Future requirements of speech recognition and speech processing (e.g.
translation) with a vocabulary of 104 words in real time, however, will need about 10$
MIPS. Even more computational power will be needed for high quality (HDTV) real
time image/video recognition and processing: 106 MIPS. This also holds for
"intelligent" robots, expert systems, future man-machine-interface solutions, and other
sophisticated applications in information technology. All of these applications need an
increase of performance of 3 to 4 orders of magnitude.
This cannot be achieved by technological improvements alone. Novel architectures
are needed. All of them, however, need a massive increase in components per chip.
Therefore, by virtue of its superiority in yield, low power dissipation, design ease,
noise immunity, etc., CMOS will be the winning technology. Follow-up technologies
will have to be better in all aspects and not in just some of them.

Figure 4. Forward integration of Si-microelectronics into systems.

The possibility of having on-chip memory and logic will lead to rationalized board
solutions of current products and also to novel systems not feasible today with
"quantum leaps" in performance. The latter will be realized by massive parallelism in
space (complexity) and time (pipelining). Neural networks, for instance, look best for
handling the complex problems of real-time man-machine interfaces. The trend to on-
chip memory and logic functions will cause microelectronics to go on integrating
forward into systems with increasing system knowledge and value added in silicon. This
will enforce much more intensive cooperation of system and semiconductor
manufacturers than in the past, as illustrated in Fig. 4 where future devices are classified
by system content rather than, say, minimum feature size in |j,m.

Microelectronics integrate forward into systems (system on chip) (7)

DEC alpha
PowerPC 620 ^ ^UitraSparc
0 w PentiurrK^ 4 \^k <3Micro2000

c 10 *gg£ . ^ Microsparc III

o mWr >owerPC
a 101 T41:4*;::^486

o *i386
a 10° ■'*.#■■'


1990 2000 2010

Figure 5. Trends of chip computational power.

The trend to the decentralized "intelligence" of computers (PC/WS networks) and

to "intelligent" communication networks (ATM network management) likewise is
driving complexity, computational power and especially transfer rates of the operating
networks. All this, however, can only become true, when the #1 technological
challenge, the reduction of power dissipation per chip can be successfully met. Power
dissipation of today's IC's has to be reduced in order to allow for full portability of the
electronic devices (the forecast that by the year 2000 about 50% of electronic devices
will be portable was made already at the 1993 IEDM). This holds even when the

performance/functions will be increased by orders of magnitude. The power dissipation

needed per speed/function, therefore, will become the figure of merit for the Giga-era. It
will be met by harmonized contributions at various levels of development, including
the technological level (physical scaling instead of Vrjrj-scaling), circuit level (static
CMOS, carry save & pointer techniques), layout level (maximal local wiring), CAD
level (minimization of wiring & duty cycles) and the very important architectural level
(massive parallel in space (for suitable problems) and time (pipelining concepts)).

Low power dissipation becomes the # 1 technological challenge (8)

Under these conditions systems on-chip with "quantum leaps" in performance will
be manufactured. The dramatic progress can best be demonstrated by the prognosis that
in the year 2005 we will have the computational power of a CRAY-2 machine on a
single chip (Fig. 5)!
The computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAx) systems have to overcome
major challenges, too. On the one hand, deep submicron parasitics require CAx-systems
to deeply dig into physics, and on the other hand, the increased level of complexity
(Mega to Giga) requires solutions at higher abstraction levels. Furthermore, the aid of
computers and simulation tools is needed for questions ranging from physical, to
electrical, to economic: e.g. equipment, process, device, circuit and logic simulation,
accelerated yield learning, cost simulation, yield prediction, and so on all the way to
virtual factory and management tools. Here intensive cooperation between the
technology designer, the system architect, the system designer, the manufacturing
specialist, the manager, the business administrator, and the controller are mandatory in
order to provide relevant and cost-effective CAx-systems: ready for use simultaneously
with the corresponding microelectronic technology and the manufacturing facility.

Integrated CAx-systems from physics to economics become crucial (9)

4. Conclusions and Megatrends

The major changes in computer industry from 1980 to 1995 which led to the
decentralization of computers were primarily caused by the cost reduction of
computational power due to the progress of microelectronics. Today it appears that
further cost reduction and miniaturization of communication technologies, even greater
decentralization and networking of "computer intelligence" (PC's/workstations) and, last
but not least, the further reduction of cost of computational power will lead to the
redefinition of a new powerful industry emerging from communication, data and
consumer industry. TV's will become "intelligent" and gain communication
capabilities, the phone will be upgraded by "intelligent" displays and portability,
whereas the computer will get additional features like communications and portability.
Key competencies for this industry will be batteries, displays and low power IC
techniques like uP's, DSP's, uC's, DRAM's, E2PROM's, telecommunications IC's, ..

Interdisciplinary creativity becomes the #1 educational challenge (10)

To be successful in this industry, personnel will need a broad level of expertise,

ranging from processing and circuits, to systems and software, and cybernetics.
Interdisciplinary creativity e.g. for optimal hardware/software co-designs of complex
systems, therefore, will be a crucial success factor for future IC innovations, when
microelectronics migrates more and more into systems.
According to analysts, the world IC market is growing more than twice as fast as
the world electronics market. The dependence of the electronic industry on
microelectronics, therefore, will become even stronger. Microelectronics will continue
growing for another 10 to 15 years at the same pace as in the past.

Microelectronics will grow twice as fast as the world electronics market (11)

This, however, implies exponential growth for another 15 years: an exponential growth
of "technical intelligence" (complexity, computational power, transfer rates, speed, ..).
This gigantic increase in "technical intelligence" could offer the means for solving the
serious problems in various areas of our life: environment, traffic, medicine, office,
manufacturing, limited resources, energy, telecommuting, etc. This will become reality
by the shift of paradigms in the fields of technology (where the #1 challenge will be
low power electronics), economics (where the #1 challenge will be low-cost fabrication)
and education (where the #1 challenge will be interdisciplinary creativity). It is no
longer the device, it is the system that counts. And it will be in silicon.

Microelectronics and software will change the world more than any other
technology in history (12)

Churchill College
Cambridge CB3 ODS

1. Device and Circuit Requirements

It has become clear that the benefits of miniaturising electronic devices will
continue until dimensions enter the nanometre region, that is, below 0.1 /im. This is
beyond the resolution limit of the ultra-violet (UV) projection method used to
manufacture today's integrated circuits so a replacement will have to be found. The
major challenge for the new method is not resolution but the need to meet the extreme
image complexity and accuracy requirements at acceptable cost. Microchip images
already contain more than a billion pixels and if nanometre devices are to be cost-
competitive, the pixel count in a single 'chip' will have to approach a trillion. A pixel
is defined here as being four times smaller than the minimum feature size. Acceptable
cost is essential if there is to be commercial justification for further development. The
requirements of cost and pattern complexity will remain no matter what device
technology is used. The only way to avoid them would be to have the structures self-
assemble but as yet there are no methods for making contact to self-assembled structures
nor are materials that self-assemble suitable for electronics devices.

At present, in order to meet throughput requirements, circuit images must be

projected or shadow-printed from a mask. The mask can be written at a slower pace
with a scanning beam. The scanning beam cannot be used directly because it is too
slow. The fastest scanning systems, which are those that use variably shaped electron
beams, only run at an exposure rate of around 109 pixels per second and would take
about 200 seconds to write one level of a IG bit chip. A UV projection camera exposes
the same pattern in one or two seconds. The cost of the scanning systems is typically
five times that of the UV cameras ($15M versus $3M) so the electron beam approach
is hundreds of times more expensive. The cost of exposing the images is already
becoming excessive so any increase in the exposure cost per pixel is unacceptable.

In this paper the various lithography methods capable of producing nanometre

dimensions are assessed for mass-production. Ultra-violet light projection is discussed
first to justify the conclusion that it is incapable of producing nanometre dimensions.

2. Ultra-violet (UV) Light Projection

It is not possible to predict precisely the resolution limit for UV projection but the
ultimate camera might operate at a wavelength (A) of 160 nm and have a lens with a
Numerical Aperture (NA) of 0.75. Using the standard expression for the minimum
5. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 23-34.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

feature size, kA/NA, where k is typically 0.8, this camera would reproduce 0.17 /urn
lines, k depends on the mask type, the illumination and the resist contrast. With phase-
shift masks and off-axis illumination as described for example by Okazaki1, combined
with proximity-effect correction and a resist in which only a shallow surface layer needs
to be exposed2,3, a value of 0.5 might be reached for k and the feature size reduced to
0.1 /urn. This would allow the IG bit chip and its equivalents to be made with UV
projection and perhaps the 4 Gigabit generation as well. The depth of focus, A/(NA)2,
would fall to 0.28 /mi, but methods may be available for effectively increasing this, for
example, by using dual masks spaced along the optical axis.

In addition to small depth of focus, difficulties will remain with sources and with
the fabrication of optical components for the sub-200 nm region. Of these, densification
and colour centre formation in fused quartz, and the lack of suitably reliable laser
sources, have already been identified. The performance of lasers in the vacuum UV
regime will also have to be improved.

Overall, it will be extremely difficult to reach 0.1 ftm with UV projection

lithography, and to produce smaller dimensions would seem impossible.

3. Soft X-ray Projection and X-ray Lithography

The most obvious way to penetrate the 0.1 /urn barrier is to retain the basic
concepts of UV projection but to use much shorter wavelength radiation. Optical
components for wavelengths below 100 nm are difficult to make but reasonable
performance has been obtained with multi-layer mirrors at 13 nm and this has led to
proposals for projection cameras4'5'6. The major difficulty is that the mirrors must be
fabricated with an accuracy of a few tenths of a nanometre and which is impossible
today but may be achievable in the future.

The alternative method for using X-rays is shadow-printing7'8. This is known as

X-ray lithography and it is a technique that has received much more attention than soft
X-ray projection. The shadow-mask consists of a thin membrane with adequate
transparency to the soft X-rays and a thick metal layer to absorb the X-rays. Much
shorter wavelength (0.5 nm to 2 nm) X-rays are used than with the projection method
to avoid diffraction blurring. The accuracy requirements of the mask can only just be
met for 0.2 /an today and for nanometre dimensions may be impossible, particularly
because of the stresses induced by the thick metal absorber.

With X-ray lithography, the mask and wafer are separated by a gap that is large
enough to prevent them touching each other but not so wide that image degradation due
to diffraction is unacceptable. The minimum linewidth is approximately given by the
simple expression \/Ag, where A is the average wavelength of the X-rays and g is the
gap between mask and sample. -/Ag is the linewidth at which the intensity in a narrow
line first reaches that of the background with a transparent mask, assuming single
wavelength, coherent, illumination. In practice, the situation is more complex because
the source produces a spread of wavelengths, the absorber is not completely opaque and
the substrate is not completely transparent. In fact both introduce phase shifts and there
is the possibility of using these phase shifts to improve image contrast. Despite this
complexity, Vkg still gives a useful estimate of minimum linewidth. In the limit for
chip lithography, a gap of 5 /urn might be acceptable which, used in combination with
a wavelength of 1 nm, would permit 0.07 fan dimensions to be reproduced. In the
laboratory, intimate contact between mask and resist allows dimensions of a few tens
of nanometres to be reached but this would be impractical for production.

A major difficulty with X-ray lithography for mass-production is that it is necessary

to use an electron synchrotron storage-ring source rather than a simple point-source.
This is because point-sources do not produce a large enough flux of X-rays when placed
far enough away from the sample to produce acceptably small divergence. Divergence
produces distortion when the gap between mask and wafer varies as it invariably does
because mask and wafer cannot be perfectly flat. The source could be placed closer to
the sample if an efficient collimator lens could be made but techniques for making
efficient lenses are not yet available. Work continues on increasing the output of
electron bombardment, laser-induced plasma and spark-induced plasma point-sources
but so far their output remains at least ten times too low. An alternative is to improve
the sensitivity of the resist to 1 mJ/cm2 as compared to the practicable limit of
10-20 mJ/cm2 but so far attempts to accomplish this have failed.

The only source that provides an adequate flux of X-rays is the electron
synchrotron storage-ring. Electrons in a storage-ring emit electromagnetic radiation as
they are constrained in their circular orbit by the magnets that comprise the ring. Tens
of wafers per hour can be exposed with the X-rays produced from a few degrees of the
360° orbital path of a few hundred milliampere, 500 MeV to 1 GeV, beam. The
divergence of the fan of X-rays leaving the ring is so small that the beam may be
considered to be parallel and the placement errors, that occur because the source is
divergent, become negligible.

Storage-rings reliably produce adequate intensity for practicable lithography

although concerns remain about cost and about the manufacturing logistics of using a
single high output, high cost, source. Steppers for use with storage-rings have been
built which nominally meet the requirements for minimum features of 0.18 ^m (NTT
and IBM have both demonstrated the capability for 0.2-0.25 /*m groundrules) and it is
reasonable to assume that steppers capable of reaching the diffraction limit of 0.07 ^m
will eventually be built.

In summary, it should be possible to use X-ray lithography for the mass-production

of devices with dimensions down to about 0.07 /am, that is, marginally within the
nanometre regime. However, the problem of manufacturing with a single source, which
illuminates many exposure stations simultaneously, will have to be tolerated and the

difficulty of maintaining mask dimensional stability overcome. Projection printing with

X-rays is far from practicable realisation because the fabrication of the mirrors does not
look feasible for many years to come.

4. Direct-writing with Scanning Electron Beams

Electron beams are used successfully for three applications; mask-making, 'quick-
turn-around' production of ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits), and the
fabrication of devices in research and development. As already mentioned, they are too
slow and expensive for mass-production. Electron beams provide higher resolution than
any other method except local probe atom manipulation, allowing the size of devices
to be reduced to the practicable limit of resist processes, which at present falls at about
10 am.

To increase the throughput of scanning electron beam systems, methods are being
explored in which more and more of the pattern is exposed at each beam flash. The
slowest systems write the pattern one pixel at a time with a round electron beam whose
diameter is equal to the pixel size. This is very flexible and accurate but is extremely
slow. The next fastest systems use a beam which can take on any shape up to about
four times the minimum feature size9'10. This allows tens of pixels to be exposed at
each flash and makes it possible to manufacture ASICs. Finally, pattern cells
containing tens of shapes and thousands of pixels are projected in a single flash in what
are called 'character' or 'block' projectors. These are the only scanning systems
capable of potentially reaching realistic throughput for pattern replication11'1 ' .

Figure 1 shows estimates of the throughput (as a function of beam current density)
for the three types of scanning electron beam systems scaled to 0.05 ftm dimensions.
The following parameters were used in the estimates; minimum feature size 0.05 ftm,
pixel size 0.013 fim, pixel delay time for round beam 0.5 ns (this will only be possible
if the pattern is treated as a series of shapes with > 20 pixels per shape so that the delay
per shape is > ~ 10 ns), shape and character/block delay time 30 ns for shaped beam
and character projection systems, sub-field delay time 3 fis (it is assumed that there are
only two levels of deflection although three levels will probably be needed to meet the
required accuracy), chip delay time 100 ms, wafer change time 20 s, fraction of chip
area exposed 30% for round and shaped beam cases and 100% for character/block
exposure. Because the assumptions about electronic delay times are optimistic, the
throughputs in all cases are dominated by writing time and not by overheads and must
be considered to be higher than are likely to be achieved in practice.

In practice the maximum usable current density is set by electron-electron

interactions and therefore depends upon the total beam current. The electron-electron
interactions increase the velocity spread in the beam and therefore the beam blurring
due to the chromatic aberrations of the focusing lenses and deflection systems. To
minimize the interactions, the electron beam columns are made as short as possible.
At present for dimensions of 0.2 /un, current densities above 1000 A/cm are feasible
for round beams, but for the shaped and character systems the maximum current density
is only about 100 A/cm2 and 20 A/cm2 respectively.

The most serious problem with character/block projection is that the pattern must
be printed with a finite number of characters or blocks and yet customisation of design
rules to accommodate peculiarities of lithography systems has been considered
unacceptable in the past. A further difficulty is that proximity effects, which are
discussed later, can only be corrected by changing the shapes of the individual pattern
elements. The exposure dose has to be the same for all elements in a character or
block. Proximity effects are more easily corrected with single beams where it is
possible to change the dose as well as the shape.

10 . 1 1 111 1 10

■ Character Projec tion 0.05 micron :

3 '. 10.000 p ixel/shc pe
O features
1 r -. 1

5 0.1 _ Variable Shaped Beam ..-•"' -. 0.1
25 pixe s per s hape .-•''

0.01 r 0.01


S Round beam Vector

EJ1 0.001 0.001
1 pixel/shape

0.0001 HI i ■ i . i 11.1 i ii i 0.0001

10 100 1000 10000
Current Density — A/cm

Figure 1. Throughput for 0.05 fim scanning electron beam lithography systems.

5. Multiple Electron Beams

An alternative to exposing many pixels at each beam flash is to use multiple beams.
Two distinctly different approaches are being taken to implement this idea. One is a
version of the block projection concept in which the character mask is replaced by a
multi-aperture mask that in effect produces an array of about 1000 beams14. The other
is to use ten or more miniature electron beam columns to write on a single wafer. Each

column has a field emission or thermal field emission cathode and addresses several
chips15. There are practical difficulties to be overcome with both approaches. With
the large array of beams there is the difficulty of building a multi-deflection unit that
can blank and deflect each beam individually and at the same time keep them precisely
registered with respect to each other. The electronic drive unit for this multi-deflection
unit must produce relatively high voltages and operate at very high speed. Control of
the beams will be difficult to achieve as the degree of electron-electron interaction in
the column will change with the number of beams that are active. The miniature
electron optical columns promise very high electron optical performance because of
their extremely short focal length, very low aberration, lenses but severe mechanical
tolerances will have to be met to achieve these low aberrations. It will also be difficult
to keep the field emission cathodes emitting uniformly and to fabricate the dense array
of electron detectors that will be needed to keep track of the individual beams. Overall,
there are many problems to be solved before either approach will be a contender for
production lithography.

6. Electron Beam Full Pattern Projection

The final possibility for achieving competitive throughput with electron beam
exposure is to build the electron equivalent of the UV step and repeat camera. This was
first attempted in the early 1970s16. The resolution of the projected image for small
field sizes can approach that of an electron microscope, that is a few tenths of a
nanometre, and the demagnification can be high enough to make mask fabrication
practicable. The first systems demagnified the mask 10 to 20 times. Thin metal stencil
masks were used in the early systems and it was proposed to resolve the difficulties with
unsupported and/or fragile features by using two masks for each level. More recently
a very thin supporting membrane has been used and the electrons that are scattered by
the membrane are removed by the projection lens stopping aperture17. Provided the
membrane is thin, that is less than 0.1 /mi, and the accelerating voltage is kept
relatively high, for example > 100 kV, the loss of current due to scattering can be
reduced to about 50%.

The use of a membrane solves some of the mask difficulties but the scattering
reduces the target current density and means that the beam current in the upper column
has to be increased thereby increasing electron-electron interactions. As with the shaped
beam scanning systems, the increase in energy spread blurs the image and this effect
will ultimately limits the exposure rate. Preliminary estimates suggest that the exposure
speed should be adequate, at least for dimensions down to 0.1 /an, but below 0.1 pm
this difficulty may be insoluble.

The absorber for the mask can be a relatively thin (<0.1 /mi) layer of a high
atomic weight material such as gold that is easy to fabricate. This is a significant
advantage over X-ray lithography where the absorber must be up to 0.4 fim thick.
A key difficulty with electron beam projection is pattern distortion. Distortion
arises in the mask and in the projection imaging. It should be possible to keep mask
distortion at an acceptable level through the use of supporting ribs which can be
fabricated with silicon anisotropic etching, but image distortion will have to be
corrected. It is proposed to accomplish this with dynamic corrections. The mask will
be illuminated with a small beam that will only cover a fraction of the image.
Distortion will then be corrected by tilting this beam as it is scanned over the mask to
complete the exposure. Variable axis condenser and projector lenses will have to be
used and the signals to the correction coils in these lenses will have to be extremely
accurately synchronised. The size and current in the illuminating beam will be as large
as electron-electron interactions allow.

Another major increase in the complexity of electron projection systems arises

because, for realistic chip sizes, it will be necessary to scan the mask and the sample
to avoid the lenses becoming impractically large. Large lens diameter increases column
length and is intolerable because of electron-electron interactions, as discussed by

There will therefore be two scanning mechanisms operating simultaneously. The

illumination will be scanned to correct for distortion and the mask and wafer will be
scanned to allow the lens diameters to remain practicable. Both condenser and projector
lenses will have to be of the axis type because the field sizes will none the less remain
relatively large. The overall complexity will be formidable. It has taken many years
to resolve the difficulties with variable axis immersion lenses in scanning systems where
the beam diameter is small, there is no mechanical scanning, and there is no need to
scan the illumination. The situation with the projector will be many times more

In summary, electron beam reduction projection potentially offers higher

throughput than character or block projection systems, but to suppress distortion, the
optical system will have to be extremely complex and will take many years to
accomplish and it will be difficult to keep the cost within acceptable limits.

7. Ion Beams

Lithography systems that use ions have been investigated for many years but there
are a number of factors that place them at a disadvantage compared with their electron
equivalents. Firstly, they have to use electrostatic lenses which have higher aberrations
than the magnetic lenses used with electrons. It is also not possible with electrostatic
lenses to overlap focusing and deflection as can be done with magnetic lenses and coils.
This overlapping has been found to be essential with electron beam systems if adequate
field size and beam aperture are to be obtained. The disadvantage of the higher
aberrations is offset somewhat when diffraction limits are encountered because of the
shorter wavelengths of the ions but this is unlikely to allow te performance of Over-

lapping lens/deflection systems to be equalled. Secondly, the effects of particle to

particle Coulomb interactions are exaggerated. Thirdly, ion sources have poorer
performance in terms of chromatic spread, brightness and/or total current, and finally,
ions do not penetrate resist layers to detect alignment marks as do electrons.

There is one significant advantage and that is that exposure with ions does not
suffer from the deleterious proximity effect encountered with electron exposure. Ions
do not penetrate the substrate deeply and hence are not backscattered through the resist
into areas away from their intended point of exposure. However, the lack of
penetration means that the resist is not exposed uniformly throughout its depth unless
high (> 100 kV) accelerating voltages are used. If the energy of the ions is increased
until the ions do penetrate through the resist into the substrate then unacceptable damage
of the sample may occur. This is not a problem for mask writing, and for direct-
writing with surface imaging resists, but to date few have considered the advantage of
proximity free exposure to be significant enough to override the shortcomings of ion
optical systems.

The ultimate resolution of ion optics is more than 20 times worse than it is for
electron optics, ~5 nm versus ~0.2 nm because of the higher aberrations of the
electrostatic lenses and the larger energy spread of the sources. This difference is only
marginally important for conventional resist exposure, as the resolution of resist itself
is about 10 nm, but for inorganic resists, where dimensions well below 10 nm can be
obtained, the ion optical resolution limit will become the fabrication limit.

Ion beam systems have been shown to be valuable for mask and circuit repair,
particularly for the removal of unwanted material, but for direct-write lithography the
systems proposed do not seem to offer any advantage over their electron equivalents
either in scanning or projection configurations.

8. Local Probes

The difficulty of writing the complex patterns for tomorrow's nanostructures

becomes quite clear when one considers what would be required if local probes (as used
in Atomic Force and Scanning Tunnelling microscopes) were to be used for this task.
It has been shown that individual atoms can be manipulated and gold deposited
selectively with local probes and it has been suggested that this method might be used
for nanostructure patterning. It would certainly solve all difficulties with respect to
resolution, provided of course that suitable processes could be identified, but the writing
rate would present severe difficulties. At present the maximum patterning rate has
only been a few points per second but supporters of the concept suggest that it might
be possible to write at lateral tip velocities approaching 1 cm/second, corresponding to
106 pixel/sec for 10 nm pixels. A nanometre device 'chip' will have about 4x10
pixels, therefore, to expose it in 2 seconds, which is the rate required for a throughput
of 30 20 cm wafers per hour, 2xl06 tips will have to be used simultaneously. A 20 cm
wafer will contain about 60 chips, so if there are 2xl06 tips per wafer 33,000 will be
availably to write each chip. The difficulty will be that the tips will have to be
fabricated on 30 //m centres. Even more difficult would be the need to keep the cost
per tip, including the control and data-handling system, to less than $10 so that the
overall system cost would not exceed $20M. Neither of these requirements would seem
to be feasible today.

The likelihood that local probes will prove useful for mass-production of nanometre
scale devices would therefore seem remote. For scientific work, however, their unique
ability to manipulate single atoms makes them ideal for fabricating simple test
structures. For example, Eigler and his coworkers have created 'quantum corrals' by
placed single atoms in a ring with an accuracy of less than a tenth of a nanometre19.
This remarkable resolution could not have been approached by any other method.

9. Conclusions

If electronic devices with nanometre dimension are to be manufactured in the

volumes necessary to rival silicon integrated circuits then a new lithography approach
is needed. A wide variety of methods are being explored which meet some of the cost
and pattern complexity requirements but X-ray lithography alone appears capable of
satisfying them in the foreseeable future and even then only for dimensions down to
about 0.07 jum.

Electron projection methods can meet the resolution requirements easily but the
system complexity required to achieve practicable throughput will probably make this
approach too expensive and in any cases such systems will take years to develop. Ion
beam methods will be even more expensive and difficult with the difficulties
out-weighing their only advantage, which is lack of long-range proximity effect. In the
very long range, X-ray projection cameras may produce 0.05 //m capability but it may
take decades to perfect the methods needed to fabricate the mirror lenses. Multi-
electron beam columns may also offer a solution but precise control of hundreds of
beams presents a multitude of challenges.

In summary, it is not possible to predict that it will ever be possible to mass-

produce nanometre-scale structures particularly below the cut-off for X-ray lithography
which falls at about 0.07 fim.

Table 1 summarises the resolution limits of the different lithography methods. The
'Practical Limit' is the limit that should be achieved in production, and the 'Ultimate
Limit' is that which may be achieved in the laboratory under ideal conditions. Table 2
compares the different electron beam nanofabrication and nanostructuring methods.

The work discussed in this paper has been described by many workers in
publications that are too numerous to cite comprehensively. Further reading is available

in the proceedings of the International Symposia on Electron Ion and Photon Beams20
published each year in the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, the proceedings
of the International Conferences on MicroProcess published each year in the Japanese
Journal of Applied Physics21 and the proceedings of the Microcircuit conferences
published by Elsevier22.

10. References

1. Okazaki, S. (1991) J. Vac. Sei. Technol. B 9 (6), pp. 2829-2833

2. Coopmans, F. and Roland B. (1987) Solid State Technology, June, p 93.
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4. Tennant, D.M. et al., /. Vac. Sei. Technol., (1991) B 9 (6), pp. 3176-3183
5. Kurihara, K., Kinoshita, H., Mizota, T., Haga, T. and Torii, Y. (1991)
/. Vac. Sei. Technol. B 9 (6), pp. 3189-3192
6. White, D.L. (1991) Solid State Technology, July 1991, p. 37
7. Spears, D.L. and Smith, H.I. (1972) Electronics Lett., 8, p. 102-104
8. Smith, H.I. and Schattenburg, M.L. (1992) Proc. SPIE Symposium on
Microlithography, March 8-13, San Jose, CA.
9. Pfeiffer H.C. (1978) J. Vac. Sei. Technol., 15, p 887
10. PfeifferH.C. and Groves, T.R. (1991) Microelectronic Engineering 13, p. 141
11. Sohda, Y. et al. (1991) J. Vac. Sei. Technol. B 9 (6), pp. 2940-2943
12. Hattori K. et al. (1993) J. Vac. Sei. Technol. B 11 (6), pp. 2346-2351
13. Sakamoto, K. et al. (1993)/. Vac. Sei. Technol. B 11 (6), pp. 2357-2361
14. Yasuda, H. (1993) Proc. Microprocess Conference
15. Chang, T.H.P., Kern, D.P. and Muray, L.P. (1992) J. Vac. Sei. Technol.
BIO (6), pp. 2743-2748
16. Heritage, M.B. (1995)7. Vac. Sei & Technol., 12, p. 1135
17. Berger, S.D. and Gibson, J.M. (1990) Appl. Phys. Lett., 57, p. 153
18. Berger, S.D. et al. (1993) J.Vac.Sci.Technol., B 11 (6), pp. 2294-2298
19. Crommie, M.F., Lutz, C.P. and Eigler, D.M. (1993)Nature, 363, 524-527
20. Proceedings of the International Symposia on Electron, Ion and Photon
Beams, J. Vac. Sei. Technol., American Institute of Physics, New York.
21. Proceedings of the International Symposia on MicroProcess, Jpn. J. Appl.
Phys., published by Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Tokyo.
22. Proceedings of the Microcircuit Engineering Conferences, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, London, New York and Tokyo.

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Table 1. Present and ultimate capability for systems under development for chip


2.5/an 0.125 /an

Fresnel diffraction at minimum Fresnel diffraction for contact
Contact and
practicable gap and wavelength print with 100 nm thick resist
Wavelength 200 nm, Gap 25 /an Wavelength 160 nm, Gap 100 nm

0.1 /an 0.01 /an

Absorber aspect ratio and Fresnel diffraction for contact
Fresnel diffraction at practicable print and resist resolution limit
gap for step and repeat operation Wavelength 1 nm, Gap 100 nm
Wavelength 10 nm, Gap 10 /an

0.15 /an 0.1 /an

Fraunhofer Diffraction at N.A. set by Fraunhofer diffraction at
Ultra-violet fabrication and field-size limits wavelength set by transparency
Light With phase shift mask etc. of resist and optical materials
Projection Wavelength 157 nm, NA 0.75 Wavelength 157 nm, NA 0.9
Depth of focus 0.3 /an Depth of focus 0.2 /an
Field size < 200 /an

0.05 /an 0.01 /an

Fraunhofer diffraction at NA set Fraunhofer diffraction and
Soft X-ray by achievable tolerances on resist resolution limit
Projection optical components Wavelength 2-5 nm, NA 0.2
Wavelength 13-15 nm, NA 0.1 Depth of focus 0.07 /an
Depth of focus 1.4 /an Field size ??

0.007 - 0.02 /im

0.03 - 0.05 /an Resist
Lateral scattering of electrons in Delocalisation of exposure
resist and/or interaction range of (2ndary electrons/inelastic range)
exposure process
Accelerating voltage 100 kV 0.001 - 0.005 ftm
Direct exposure/sublimation
(In practice resolution is more often Combination of electron
limited by the beam size/current interaction range and
as determined by throughput needs) electron optical limits
(diffraction & spherical aberration)

0.01 - 0.02 fim

0.03 - 0.05 /an
Delocalisation of exposure
Ion optical limits (chrom. aberr.)
(2ndary electrons/inelastic range)
and interaction range with resist
Ion and ion optical limits
Beam (Chromatic aberration)
(In practice resolution is more often
limited by the beam size/current
0.01 /an
as determined by throughput needs)
Ion Milling
Delocalisation of sputtering process

Table 2. Practical and ultimate resolution limits for lithography methods.

Active Packaging: a New Fabrication Principle for High
Performance Devices and Systems

State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY, 11794-2350 USA

1. Introduction
In this work I shall discuss a new device fabrication principle which I would like to
refer to as active packaging (AP). The meaning of this term is that certain essential
fabrication steps (lithography, etching, metallization, etc.) are performed after the
partially processed device or circuit is packaged onto a host platform.
One of the most important goals of the AP concept is the combination of dissimilar
materials (notably, III-V compound semiconductors) with silicon integrated circuitry
(IC) on a single Si substrate [1]. This goal, now widely recognized as an important
research direction in microelectronics, is shared by other emerging technologies, such
as those based on heteroepitaxial and thin-film transfer techniques [2]. At the same
time, AP widens significantly the class of device structures that can be manufactured.
Our ultimate goal is not only to "teach the old dog new tricks" but also to greatly
expand the assortment of tricks available.
It is worth stressing that the word "packaging" is used somewhat unconventionally in
the AP context. Active packaging is a device fabrication technique, intended to
implement devices on a foreign (not necessarily even semiconductor) platform that
perform better than conventionally fabricated devices on their natural semiconductor
substrates. In many instances, AP enables the implementation of structures that
cannot be realistically obtained in another way, such as those requiring lithography on
opposite sides of a thin semiconductor film.
The principle of active packaging will be illustrated in the instance of a
heterostructure bipolar transistor (HBT) structure, schematically shown in Fig. 1.
Such a structure would reduce the parasitic capacitance between the base and the
collector electrodes, enabling ultrafast operation with oscillation frequencies in the
range of 300-400 GHz and even higher. This in turn would open up the possibility
of implementing on-chip millimeter-wave phased-array antenna systems [3].
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 35-43.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Fig. 1. Idealized cross-section of a heterostructure bipolar transistor to be

fabricated by active packaging. Dotted pattern indicates the conducting
(undepleted) layers, shaded pattern the contact metal. The emitter and the
collector stripes are defined by independent lithographic steps and aligned to
each other. If the upward direction is defined as that outward from the surface
on which the lithography is performed, then both the emitter and the collector
can be considered "up".

2. Active Packaging HBT Process

The process is based on flip-chip packaging, removal of the substrate, and backside
lithography. Fabrication begins with the following epitaxial structure:

5 n+ InGaAs collector
4 n~ InGaAs subcollector
3 p InGaAs base

n InP wide-gap
2 emitter

1 n+ InGaAs emitter
0 InP

Fig. 2. Epitaxial structure of InGaAs/InP HBT to be fabricated by active

packaging. The emitter contact layer 1 is also an etch stop for InP. For etch-
stop reliability it may be convenient to include a pair of sacrificial InP-on-
InGaAs layers between layers 0 and 1, so that the etching is performed in steps
and results in uncovering an ideal flat surface of the emitter contact.

Top side processing includes etching of the collector stripe down to the base layer,
evaporation of self-aligned contacts to the base, deposition of a passivating dielectric,
etching of via holes and metallization. At this point all the base and collector
contacts are connected in a circuit with lines running over the passivating dielectric.
The circuit is then covered by another ("interlevel") dielectric layer and a relatively
small number of selected points of the circuit are connected to "top" metal pads
through a second set of via holes. The top ("communication") pads may be relatively
wide (e.g., > 100 |xm). The interlevel dielectric (e.g., polyimyde) may be planarized.
No attempt is made at this stage to contact the emitter.
Flip-chip mount; "consulator" film. The circuit is then mounted on a "carrier" wafer
which has a mirror pattern of metallic communication pads. The carrier may be any
substrate, including glass, ceramics, etc., but first and foremost a silicon wafer that
has already undergone the integrated circuit processing. Connection between
communication pads is established with the help of an anisotropically conducting film
with electrical properties, illustrated in Fig. 3. The film must provide a short between
overlapping contacts and an open circuit otherwise. Such vertically conducting and
laterally insulating films, which may be called "consulators", can be prepared in a
variety of ways. The primary purpose of the consulator, besides providing vertical
electrical connections, is to provide a stable mechanical support for the packaged chip
- support that will become crucial when the InP substrate is removed.

Fig. 3. Required "consulator" film. For overlapping electrodes the film

provides a short, R (11') = R (22') < 10O, while nonoverlapping electrodes
form an open circuit, R (12) = R (12') > 108 Q.

In principle, a perfectly adequate consulator can be provided by the solder-bump

technology. One needs an adhesive dielectric that can flow to fill the narrow spacing
between the chip and the carrier wafer and then stiffen to provide the necessary
mechanical support. Another possible approach is to use the existing packaging
technology of anisotropically conductive adhesive films, used in liquid crystal display
assemblies. These materials are not intrinsically anisotropic, they conduct in a
preferred direction only after having been processed, Fig. 4.

t -10(im

Fig. 4. Anisotropically conductive adhesives (after Ref. [4]). Small conducting

spheres are dispersed in an epoxy matrix at a concentration below the
percolation threshold for electric conductivity. The assembly is compressed
until hard spheres touch both surfaces (extra epoxy oozes out). Electrical
connection is established only vertically, since neighboring spheres rarely touch.

emitter .—- GND

II backside



to Si circuitry

Fig. 5. Cross-section of the final assembly after active packaging. Emitter

stripe is aligned to and slightly overlaps the collector stripe. It is assumed for
simplicity that all HBT's are used at common emitter, so that the emitter final
metal is connected to the ground of the Si circuit. Of course, this may not be
true in general, and the emitter final metal pattern may be more complicated.
Connection to the rest of the circuit may go across the periphery of the chip, or
via the consulator film.

Substrate removal and back-side processing. It is quite possible to etch the entire
InP substrate down, stopping at a 0.1 urn InGaAs layer. This step is based on the
well-known extreme selectivity between the etch rates for InP and InGaAs in
hydrochloric acid solutions. It is essential that the uncovered surface of layer 1 is
uniformly flat, adequate for performing a fine line optical lithography. A large hole
etched from the substrate side would not do, because there would be problems with
focal depth. To make lithographic alignment to the base contact level, the contact
metal should be seen with a sufficient contrast through layers 1-3. If this proves to
be inconvenient, then special topography features for the back-side alignment must be
provided at the top-side processing stage.
The final assembly is illustrated in Fig. 5. The emitter contact is established by a
standard lift-off evaporation of a suitable metal. It is well known that ohmic contacts
to n+ InGaAs are good without alloying. No elevated temperature procedures should
be contemplated after the chip has been mounted, because of the limited thermal
stability that can be expected of a consulator film and the need to preserve the
integrity of fully processed Si integrated circuits on the carrier wafer.

3. Advantages
The reduced base-collector capacitance offers significant advantages for microwave
performance of HBT. An enhancement of the maximum oscillation frequency f^
by a factor of 2 to 3 has been predicted [5,6] over optimized collector-down
structures. Moreover, with a suppression of the extrinsic collector capacitance Cö it
becomes possible to implement HBT structures with coherent effects in the base
[7,8], resulting in a power gain above the conventional cutoff frequencies. Figure 6
shows the modeled microwave characteristics of a collector-up HBT, in which the
base bandgap is graded so that the total base propagation delay x is much shorter than
the diffusive delay in a flat base of the same width [8]. The magnitude of the base
transport factor a= |a| exp(-27ii/x) decreases so slowly with increasing
frequency / that it becomes feasible to activate transit-time resonances far above
/T = 1/27IX. The fundamental peak in U occurs near 7t/T [7,8].
The coherent transistor can be designed to have the first high-gain peak at any desired
frequency, provided the effect is not destroyed by the parasitics. For frequencies
below 100 GHz it is possible to use conventional structures (Fig. 6a), where typically
the extrinsic (parasitic) collector capacitance C^ is about twice the intrinsic (useful)
capacitance Cc. In order to push the peak into a sub-millimeter wave range (Fig. 6b)
it is essential to reduce C^ below Cc. The AP process opens a way to substantially
reduce the extrinsic capacitance.

10 100
Frequency, GHz

Fig. 6a. Common-emitter current gain \h2i\ and the unilateral power gain
\U\ of a model coherent transistor with a special graded-gap base design,
optimized for stable oscillation at 94GHz. Base total width W=l\im.
Transistor is assumed loaded with the parasitics with state-of-the art equivalent
circuit parameters, e.g. CCX = 2CC. Conventional current-gain cutoff is
/T ~ 32 GHz, however the transistor also exhibits a range of current gain
| h2i | > 1 at / = 2nfT (near the second peak in U). The fundamental peak in
U occurs near It/T (after Refs. [7] and [8]).

40 \l I
* \
\ \ 300 K
\\ \\
30 — \\ \\ _
\\ \\
\ \ \\
\* \\ ....
c 20 \ |U| -

\ M
o \ \ 1

10 \ |h2,l2 \ _
HBTby \ VI
Active Packaging » I
c« < cc \ ll
\ "
0 —^—J —JJ— 1
10 100 1000
Frequency, GHz

Fig. 6b. Reduction in the parasitic capacitance Ca by the active packaging

process enables a more aggressive design of the coherent transistor, optimized
for stable oscillation at near 300GHz. Base total width W = 0.3 |im. Transistor
is assumed loaded with the parasitics with state-of-the art equivalent circuit
parameters, except CQ which is assumed small, CCx < 0.5 Cc . The minority-
carrier diffusivity D ~ 25 cm2/ s. The base transit time (by drift) is xB = lps
and collector transit time Tc = 0.75 ps, resulting in a conventional
/T = 100 GHz.

An interesting further advantage of an AP HBT is the possibility of accommodating a

Schottky collector, Fig. 7. An important parasitic resistance in small area devices is
due to the metal semiconductor junction. Since the resistance of an ohmic contact
scales with its area, at small enough dimensions it must dominate other resistances
that scale with the contact perimeter. It therefore makes sense to dispense with the
n+ doped semiconductor layer in the collector (layer 5 in Fig. 2). Such an approach
has been successfully used in the fabrication of submicron resonant tunneling diodes
[9]. The high thermal conductivity of a metallic layer and its proximity to the n~
base-collector field region, where most of the heat is generated, is another important
advantage of a Schottky collector. Needless to say, a Schottky collector is realistic
only in a collector-up configuration. Its implementation is entirely compatible with
the AP process.


Fig. 7. Illustration of a conventional ohmic semiconductor-metal contact (a)

and a Schottky collector (b). Numbers in (a) refer to the layer labeling scheme
in Fig. 2. In a Schottky-collector device, layer 5 would be eliminated altogether
and a suitable metal deposited directly on the lightly-doped layer 4, completely
depleted of mobile carriers.

4. Applications
Based on AP HBT technology it is entirely feasible to implement local oscillators and
amplifiers that operate at millimeter and even submillimeter wavelengths. One
obvious application of such devices would be for satellite communication systems in
the atmospheric transmission window of 345 GHz.
Another extremely attractive application [3] is the possibility of fabricating
millimeter-wave phased arrays on a silicon chip. A X/2 spaced linear array of 20
elements radiating at 300 GHz would be about a centimeter long. The advantage of
having transistor oscillators is that the millimeter-wave beam can be electrically
steered off broadside by controlling the relative amplitudes of different oscillators,
while their relative phases are locked together by the evanescent wave interaction.
The point is that most available phase shifters used in centimeter wave phased array
systems are bulky elements that cannot be used in on-chip designs. Instead, we
should use electronic beam steering by controlling the amplitude of constant-phase

array elements [10]. As far as I am aware, this idea has not been employed in
practical phased-array antenna systems, perhaps because at centimeter wavelengths it
is more efficient to control the relative phases of array elements. In the millimeter and
submillimeter wavelength range amplitude steering appears to be the only realistic
way to implement purely electronic beam steering. Three-terminal devices are ideally
suited for this purpose. On-chip focal plane antenna arrays should have important
applications as steerable radar systems in avionics, automated manufacturing, and
especially in automobile collision avoidance and early warning systems.

5. Conclusion
Generality of the active packaging principle transcends microwave transistor
applications. The new degree of freedom in manufacturing - lithography on opposite
sides of a thin film - permits the implementation of a variety of new devices and
functions. Of the many possible examples, let me mention the possibility [11] of
fabricating a collector-up charge injection transistor with the channel-defining trench
etched in side 2 and aligned to the collector stripe on side 1. To indicate the scope
of contemplated applications, let us note that the technique makes feasible an active
directional coupler in which two edge-emitting laser resonators overlap in a portion of
their length. It also simplifies many schemes for integrating electronic and photonic
devices into a single functional unit to be placed within the integrated circuitry on a
silicon chip.
Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL) should have an important role in this
program, because such elements enable interchip communication directly from the
chip interior. Active packaging technology offers several advantages in the
integration of VCSELs with silicon VLSI. For example, it allows to use non-
epitaxial Bragg mirrors (such as stacks of ZnS and Si02 layers) not only for the top
but also for the bottom mirror of a VCSEL cavity. Also it permits the
implementation of tandem systems in which one VCSEL (master) works under
electrical injection of carriers while the other (slave) is optically pumped by the
I believe that most significant applications of compound semiconductor electronics
will be associated with its use in silicon electronics. In terms of the old debate on Si
vs GaAs, my view is that silicon is the ultimate customer for GaAs. The logic of
industrial evolution will motivate new paths for a qualitative improvement of system
components, other than the traditional path of a steady reduction in fine-line feature
size. The principle of active packaging, illustrated in the present work using the
instance of implementing ultra-high performance InP HBT on a silicon chip, will
become one of the central design principles of future microelectronics.

1. Luryi, S. and Sze, S. M. (1984) The Future of Microelectronics — Hybrid

Material Systems of IV/III-V Compound Semiconductors, AT&T Bell
Laboratories Technical Memorandum 52111-840920-01.
2. Deboeck, J. and Borghs, G. (1993) III-V on Si — heteroepitaxy versus lift-off
techniques, /. Cryst. Growth 127, 85-92.
3. Luryi, S. (1994) How to make an ideal HBT and sell it too, IEEE Trans.
Electron Devices TED-41, 2241-2247.
4. Lyons, A. M. and Dahringer, D. W. (1993) Electrically Conductive adhesives,
in K. Mittal and A. Pizzi (eds.) Handbook of Adhesives Technology, Marcel
Dekker, New York.
5. Kroemer, H. (1982) Heterostructure bipolar transistors and integrated circuits,
Proc. IEEE 70, 13-25.
6. Fonstad, C. G. (1984) Consideration of the relative frequency performance
potential of inverted heterojunction n-p-n transistors, IEEE Electon Dev. Lett.
EDL-5, 99-100.
7. Grinberg, A. A. and Luryi, S. (1993) Coherent Transistor, IEEE Trans.
Electron Devices ED-40, 1512-1522.
8. Luryi, S., Grinberg, A. A., and Gorfinkel, V. B. (1993) Heterostructure bipolar
transistor with enhanced forward diffusion of minority carriers, Appl. Phys.
Lett. 63, 1537-1539.
9. Allen, S., Reddy, M., Rodwell, M., Smith, R., Liu, J., Martin, S., and
Müller, R. (1993) Submicron Schottky-collector AlAs/GaAs resonant tunnel
diodes, 1993-IEDM Tech. Digest, 407-410.
10. Costas, J. P. (1981) An antenna beam steering technique comprised of
constant-phase array elements, Proc. IEEE 69, 745-747.
11. Luryi, S. (1994) Article Comprising a Real-Space Transfer Semiconductor
Device and Method of Making the Article, US Pat. 5,309,003.


IBM Research Division, T. J. Watson Research Center,
P. O. Box 218
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598


The complexity of state-of-the-art silicon technology places great demands on the

performance capability of each of the components of the circuit, from cell isolation to
wire-bond pad. High on the list of critical performers is the interconnect wiring, which
does not benefit from miniaturization as do devices. In fact, wiring performance worsens
with ground rule reduction and die size increases. We summarize state-of-the-art on-chip
wiring process technology as it pertains to microprocessor performance, suggest future
trends for microprocessor performance, and indicate both technology and design
solutions for the wiring bottlenecks created by today's most demanding processor
performance requirements. In addition, we address the feasibility of novel future wiring
technologies for solving issues which plague conventional VLSI designs.

1. Introduction

The economics of the semiconductor industry are such that increases in productivity
have come at a rate experienced by no other industry in history except perhaps those
transformed by the advent of the steam engine. This exponential rate of productivity
growth has been driven by the availability of new generations of lithography tools
which have ratcheted down device ground rules (G/R's) at regular intervals.
An important ingredient of this scenario is the capacity of VLSI technology to
show overall performance improvements with the trend toward increasing
miniaturization. A key component which has not benefited from this miniaturization is
VLSI interconnect technology, which is becoming increasingly hard-pressed to deliver
device performance in the face of its own inability to provide performance improvement
through scaling and increasing complexity brought on by ever increasing circuit
densities and chip sizes.
These problems are not new, but they are becoming debilitating to VLSI designers
as microprocessors approach 3 ns cycle times [1]. In fact, much of the proposed
solution has been perceived for many years [2]. The sobering fact remains that nothing
short of a revolution in VLSI technology will provide a solution to the interconnection
dilemma. New materials such as copper wiring and low-epsilon dielectrics can and do
provide some relief, but a renewable source of performance improvement for VLSI
interconnects is not on the horizon. Our intention is to examine current interconnect
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 45-56.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

technology in light of trends occurring and expected to occur within the semiconductor
industry and to discuss the potential of those alternative and future technologies which
may relieve some of the current wiring burden.

2. Current VLSI Wiring Technology Capability

Much of the robustness of current VLSI technology can be credited to a very solid and
extendable multi-level metal (MLM) technology. While this technology has benefited
immensely from rather recent breakthroughs in planarization (e.g. chemical-mechanical
polishing), many of its components are old stalwarts that have been reengineered
through several generations.
Some of the attributes that have benefited the Al/Si02 interconnect technology are
generally low line resistance, highly stable and rather low permittivity dielectric, metal
electromigration resistance, and overall compatibility with device processing


Shown in Figure 1 is a schematic cross-section of a state-of-the-art VLSI technology.

An interesting note is that, although the figure is not drawn to scale, an inordinate
amount of the volume (and therefore cost) of the structure is dominated by the
interconnect structures (shown as solid and shaded areas). It is estimated that for a
complex VLSI technology, such as that used for a CMOS microprocessor, fully half of
the manufacturing cost and more than half of the yield loss can be attributed to the so-
called "back end of the line" (BEOL) or interconnect process.

Figure 1. Cross-section of planarized multi-level VLSI interconnect technology.

A rather state-of-the-art description of the process sequences needed to construct

such a 3-dimensional wiring structure is given in Table 1. Such a process is typically

called a TACT-TiN process in reference to the materials set involved: Al(Cu) alloy line
metallurgy (AC), Ti layers (T) over and under this line for electromigration resistance,
and TiN antireflective coating. The process summarized in Table 1 also includes
tungsten studs lined with PVD Ti/TiN, and a PECVD TEOS SiC>2 dielectric.
It should be pointed out that the rather long sequence of process steps associated
with the line/stud portion of the build may need to be repeated 4-5 times for a high
performance microprocessor design. It is quite easy to understand where the cost and
yield loss due to the BEOL originates.

Table 1. TACT-TiN Wiring Process Sequence

• PECVD TEOS PSG Deposition
• Lithography
• Oxide RIE Etch Contact Levels
• Ti/TiN PVD Liner Deposition
• CVD W Deposition/CMP
• PVD Ti Deposition
• PVD AI(Cu) Deposition
• PVD Ti/TiN Deposition
• Lithography
• Metal RIE
• Metal Anneal Line/Stud Levels
• PECVD TEOS Oxide Deposition/Etch
• Insulator CMP
• Lithography
• Insulator RIE
• PVD Ti/TiN Deposition
• CVD W Deposition/CMP

• Terminal Metals Processing


It is interesting to remind ourselves of where the interconnect performance bottleneck

due to scaling originates. This has been treated by a multitude of authors, but bears
repeating [1, 3-4],
Ground rule scaling from one VLSI generation to the next can be described by the
scaling factor S (S > 1). Independent of this G/R scaling are die size increases which
have typically been occurring with time due to manufacturing improvements. These die
size increases can be described by a separate scaling factor (Sc > 1). The scaling factors
influence interconnect performance in several ways.
First and foremost is the impact on interconnection RC delay which is increased
by the factor S2SC2 due to the shrinking cross-sectional dimension of the wire and its
increasing length. Similarly, current density in the interconnect scales by the ideal
scaling factor S. Since reliability for interconnects (resistance to electromigration) is
given as a mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) related to current density (J) and interconnect
dimensions (Wjnt, Hjnt) by the relation:

MTTF oc WintHinteEABT/Jn (1)

where n is found experimentally to typically be 2, we find that the reliability of

interconnects to electromigration is degrading from generation to generation by a factor
of S4! This result is cause for alarm.

3. Future Trends for Microprocessors

It is fair to say that complexity in the design of state-of-the-art high performance

microprocessors is approaching a point of diminishing returns. The numbers of circuits
required has risen steadily in the past several generations of machines to the point where
reducing the number of cycles per instruction requires an unjustified increase in the total
circuit count. This situation taxes the CAD tools available to designers and increases
the likelihood of fatal design flaws.
It seems likely that this set of circumstances will lead to the following trends in
microprocessor design. First, the overall circuit counts in the leading-edge processors,
which is used as a gauge of machine complexity, will begin to plateau [1]. If significant
functionality were missing from today's processors, this trend would not obtain.
However, we believe that sufficient functionality is present in today's processors to
cause designers to focus their energy at cycle time reductions in order to improve
This leads us to the second trend that we expect in future CMOS microprocessors.
Assuming that the current trend in overall machine performance continues, which it no
doubt will, time-of-flight delays in interconnect wiring will begin to be of importance.
In order to drive cycle time down, designers will be forced to consider smaller chip
footprints in order to keep time-of-flight delays manageable.
Requirements for on-board cache will continue to increase in order to drive cycle
times down. This obviously tends to increase chip footprints so that optimizing design
for on-board cache vs. chip size will be necessary. We believe that in general, chip sizes
will begin to plateau in size even as additional on-board cache is required.
Finally, the market for portable computers will drive the industry to lower voltage
technologies, as is already occurring. While this requires extreme tolerance control in
the devices themselves, it also in creates constraints on the linewidth control for
interconnect wiring. Cross-chip and cross-wafer linewidth, difficult to control in today's
technology, will become even more difficult control as throughput increases and
linewidth tolerances decrease.

4. Limits of Wiring Technology

Much of what is present in today's VLSI wiring technology is perfectly adequate for the
bulk of designs. As microprocessors become more and more pervasive in consumer
goods this trend will increase. It is only with the highest performing microprocessors,
those limited to a very small percentage of the overall application space, that we run
into performance difficulties due to the interconnect technology. Unfortunately, or
perhaps not, most semiconductor manufacturers attempt to cover all of their design
space with a single technology, since semiconductor technology is fairly expensive
either to license or develop. For companies with a very narrow range of products, this
may not be a problem. For companies with large product scopes, this situation
typically results in a high performance technology being developed which is eventually
amortized by incorporation into lower performance chip designs. The following
discussion will treat such a high performance technology and will emphasize those
technology elements which act as bottlenecks to overall system performance.


Even in the best of circumstances, we have seen that ideal scaling results in RC delays
that are proportional to S2Sc2. This loss of performance due to scaling occurs purely
from line length increase and cross-section reduction. The really bad news is that today's
interconnect technologies, which contain parallel path conductors (cladding) for
redundancy to safeguard against metal voiding, do not even scale this well! This is
simply the result of the interconnect dimensions decreasing to the point where the
resistivity of the cladding layer itself becomes important. Figure 2 illustrates the
cladding situations encountered for both aluminum and copper wiring and the effective
resistivity that results as G/R's are shrunk. The curves labeled "future" are predictions of
where the technology might end up as new or thinner cladding layers are implemented.

Design Rule (um)

1 _1_ _1_ _1_ JL. _1_ J_

0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.75 0.0 1.05 1.2 1.35 1.5
Linewidth (um)

Figure 2. Effective resistivity (rhoeß) vs. linewidth for square cross-section

aluminum and copper interconnects.

Another interesting ramification of increasing circuit counts in high performance

processors is that the capacity of a given technology to wire a given design comes into
question. This topic has been treated by many authors and will be discussed elsewhere in
this volume. Suffice it to say that as complexity increases, more and more wiring levels
will be needed to ensure the wireability of the design. Such an effort has diminishing
returns, however, as the lower-lying levels block wiring paths to the devices so that the
upper levels have reduced utility. In addition, increasing the number of levels in an
interconnect technology does not come free. Increasing production costs combined with
lower overall chip yields will cause any production manager worth his salt to cast a very
suspicious glance at technologies which support increasing numbers of wiring levels.
Another result of loss of resistivity scaling is that the aspect ratio of VLSI wiring
has tended to increase in order to compensate for decreased horizontal G/R's. While this
results in obvious benefit to the wiring resistance, the effects on process complexity,
wiring capacitance, and noise immunity are not so beneficial. The most noticeable of
these effects is that in-plane cross-talk increases. As noise tolerances will decrease with
the push to low-power technologies, high-aspect-ratio interconnects will demonstrate
increasingly unacceptable performance.
Finally, the requirement for 4-5 levels of wiring makes a planarizing technology
extremely attractive. Depth-of-focus constraints in current lithography tools make
planarization desirable. Unfortunately, planarization of topography can result in a more
or less debilitating situation upon subsequent planar metal deposition ... where did the
alignment marks disappear to? The better the planarization process, the worse the
subsequent alignment process through the blanket metal. Additional (expensive)
processing either before or after metal deposition makes the process possible, but this is
clearly a limitation of the current RIE technology and one that will disappear with the
advent of a metal damascene approach.



(1) 20
ü 15
a. 5

1985 1988 1991 1994
Logic Technology Generation

Figure 3. Global wire RC delay as a percentage of the total microprocessor

cycle time for the past decade.

As Fig. 3 would suggest, the fraction of the overall microprocessor cycle time that is
attributed to wire delay has been increasing at an alarming rate over the past decade. The
cause for this rapid rate is obvious. As already discussed, interconnect RC delays are
increasing as S2Sc2 with each successive technology. At the same time, device

performance is scaling most effectively with miniaturization. Interconnect performance,

constrained by the laws of physics, just cannot keep up and becomes more and more of
the overall system performance constraint. There is no end in sight to this trend without
the implementation of technological band-aids as discussed in the next section.

5. Technology Solutions to Wiring Issues

While not very innovative, it is the belief of the authors that there is no white knight
on the horizon to alleviate the VLSI wiring bottleneck. Several novel future
technologies which provide hope for the very distant future will be mentioned in the
following section. But to address the requirements of the next couple of generations of
CMOS microprocessor design, we need to provide several shots of technological
adrenaline, and soon!


The most straightforward of the materials improvements which can be made is to

provide a copper conductor. While this may appear utterly straightforward, many hurdles
must be overcome to establish copper technology in the VLSI fab, not the least of
which is the over twenty years' worth of entrenched experience with aluminum. From
Figure 4, it is possible to see two paths of implementation which will increase overall
interconnection performance through the introduction of copper. The first path is to
provide copper at the same G/R's as aluminum within an Si02 dielectric. The effect in
RC is dramatic though the overall capacitance increases slightly in the copper case due
to details of the processing sequence.

' !""
■ ;

1.6 "i

■ i
■ I
■ !

■ I
0.5 -!
■ I.
- j.
■ V

Al/Ox Cu/Ox AI/PI Cu/PI Cu/Ox Cu/FP Cu/PI Cu/FP
scaled scaled scaled

Figure 4. Three-dimensional capacitance and RC for multilevel 0.5 (im interconnects

made in various technologies.
A second path of implementation would be to introduce copper at reduced G/R's
such that the scaled resistivity is the same as that for a larger G/R aluminum line. The
net result, as shown by the Cu/Ox (scaled) data points is a nearly 25% reduction in both
capacitance and RC. Various technologies incorporating polyimide (PI) and fluorinated
polymers are also shown for comparison. One must remember, however, that switching
the conductor metallurgy is a one-time bonus. There are no other serious contenders for
this role besides copper.
Changeover to a copper damascene metallurgy has several other potential
advantages to the current aluminum RIE process. Among these is simplicity of
lithographic alignment through blanket dielectric, potential for cost reduction through
simultaneous line/via deposition, commonly referred to as dual damascene processing,
and several orders of magnitude improvement in electromigration resistance [5].
The situation regarding future dielectric choices is, arguably, less clear. Many are
possible ... few will ultimately make the grade. Most current candidates have warts of
one type or another, but almost all suffer from similar problems such as poor thermal
stability and hardness. The exception to this rather general statement may be several of
the spin-on-glass (SOG) materials which do not appear to display the same via
poisoning problems that affect most SOG and polymeric materials when used in
conjunction with a hot W stud process. Among these materials is hydrogen
silsesquioxide, which has an overall dielectric constant of approximately 3.0. It should
be noted that transition to a copper damascene technology would also make the entry
barrier lower for many of the polymeric dielectrics, since the processing conditions are
not nearly so severe.
A further limitation to current interconnection technology is the general inability
to provide unsealed interconnections. Wiring theory suggests that any microprocessor
design will contain a small number of chip-length lines which will tend to be found in
cycle limiting paths. As Fig. 3 suggests, the effect of these long lossy lines on the
overall machine cycle time has been increasing. As chip sizes increase, G/R's decrease,
and clock rates increase (and all are happening), the effects of these long lossy lines
become more pronounced.


While materials changes can be used to provide performance improvement, they cannot
provide sufficient RC delay improvement to treat the long lossy line problem. An
obvious solution presents itself, that of providing additional levels of unsealed wiring to
specifically treat those circuits which are potentially cycle time limiting [1]. These
same "fat wire" levels can also by used for power bussing and clock distribution as is
currently done with the upper levels. The distinction between "fat wire" levels and what
is currently available is that "fat wires" have more cross-sectional area. In practice, this
is a fairly difficult structure to fabricate. Metal RIE is particularly unforgiving when it
comes to etching metal several microns thick.
Fortunately, copper damascene processing may provide an easier route to
fabrication of these large conductor structures [5]. Indeed, many of the types of
structures required have already been demonstrated using copper damascene technology.
Further discussion of the utility of unsealed wiring levels can be found later in this
volume [6].


Another solution to the long lossy line problem, but one which is much more
controversial and slightly less elegant, is to provide long cross-chip wiring in the form
of interposer wiring on a single- or multi-chip module. Such solutions will be
particularly attractive for multi-processor designs.
Current packaging technology is available to effect such a solution so the real
decision is as much an economic one as it is a technological one. Large chips (greater
than 15 mm) can benefit by as much as 20% in RC delay by going to thin film wiring
as opposed to using double-wide 0.35 G/R on-chip wiring. If the die size plateau is not
reached, as we are projecting, the use of alternative low resistance, cross-chip wiring,
such as is available in the form of thin-film wiring on SCM's or MCM's, will be a
viable alternative to additional BEOL wiring levels.

6. Future Technology

Very few viable technologies which directly impact the VLSI wiring bottleneck loom
shimmering on the horizon. There are glimmers of hope, such as room temperature
superconductors, which might make things interesting, but if we ground ourselves in
reality and make critical evaluations of what is available, the undeniable conclusion is
that materials technology is the only relatively near-term remedy for the interconnection
bottleneck, and that remedy only treats the symptoms. Some of the more exotic
technologies which offer some hope are the following.


Multi-level or multi-state logic is a concept which is currently available in many

respects. The most important of these is that CMOS devices built using currently
available technology can be used for multi-state operation. This situation is beneficial
since it removes the need to fight the large capital infrastructure in place in the
semiconductor industry. Unfortunately, system design using base R, where R is the
number of distinct logic states available, is not currently practiced and there is very little
momentum available to establish a new standard. Wiring reductions by a factor of
l°g2(R) maY be available [7], but this may not be enough to push the industry to
consider the considerable investment needed to move to a base R computing standard.
Another issue which is frequently addressed with regard to multi-state logic is that
of signal tolerance. A binary system is clearly very robust from this standpoint, but as
lower power technologies become available, it is clear that we are able to engineer lower
noise margins. At 2.5 V we are already equivalent to a three state technology at 5 V. It
is not clear that signal tolerance is an insurmountable hurdle with multi-state logic and,
of the alternative technologies conceived, this approach may be the most realistic.
Overcoming the entrenched binary standard will, however, be extremely difficult.


Several materials alternatives for VLSI wiring processes have already been discussed.
The purpose of this section is to address the feasibility of the more exotic forms of
physical interconnection available. Throughout the discussion we continue to consider
the current Si-based VLSI technology as the base with which any conceived alternative
must compete and ultimately displace.

6.2.1 Optical.
At this time there is no implementable scheme for optical interconnects in Si-based
VLSI technology. The more unfortunate point is that there is currently no obvious path
to implementation or that if a path was available, whether it would be practical [8]. One
might state that on-chip (Si) interconnects are not in the realm of reality for optical
interconnects and be pretty safe. It is apparent that the more easily obtainable and,
perhaps, more useful role for optical interconnects is as intra-MCM and, in the future,
as inter-MCM connections.

6.2.2 Superconducting.
For many years after the discovery of the high temperature superconducting cuprates, the
goal of producing usable on-chip (Si) interconnects was viewed as highly desirable.
Such an implementation still has many hurdles to cross [9], since many of the high
temperature superconductors are metastable phases in their own right, and more
seriously, since they react quite quickly with Si, SiC>2, polymers, etc. at the
temperatures required to deposit them in thin-film form. Another serious limitation is
their inability to carry the high current-densities required of on-chip interconnections.
Unless new discoveries occur, the usage of high Tc superconductors for on-chip wiring
appears completely out of the question.


One of the most exciting prospects for alternative computing which has major impact
on the wiring aspects of system design is the concept of quantum cellular automata
[10]. This concept is clearly many, many years away from usable products, but it does
contain some clearly valuable attributes.
Of these attributes, the most astonishing is that Coulombically coupled quantum
cellular automata do not require wires at all! Wires are constructed of the devices
themselves. In the most concrete suggestions for implementation [11], devices exist as
islands of nano-phase material patterned using an STM tip. While this fabrication
concept and the actual usage of such a cellular automaton scheme is clearly immature
[12], the ability to conceive of an implementation scheme is undoubtedly a step in the
right direction.

7. Summary

Modern VLSI technology is faced with a challenge in terms of its ability to reasonably
wire highly complex microprocessors and, at the same time, provide sufficient
performance in those interconnections to keep pace with steadily improving device
characteristics and system cycle times.
The current generation of VLSI wiring technology is superb. It has been
reengineered through many generations and is still capable of delivering on both its
reliability and density requirements. Wiring delay as a percentage of system cycle time,
however, has been increasing. Today's highest performing microprocessors are clearly at

the mercy of wire delay constraints. Increasing chip sizes and decreasing G/R's are
tightening these constraints.
Unfortunately, the avenues available to alleviate the wiring problem are not
numerous. Materials substitution in the form of copper metallurgy and low epsilon
dielectrics can provide some relief; there is increased activity and emphasis in the
industry to adopt these. In addition, it is expected that chip sizes and overall machine
complexity (circuit count) will begin to plateau. Design methodology will begin to
concentrate on cycle time reduction which will drive chip size and interconnect length
down, but will also demand extremely low RC wiring paths (fat wires) in order to
reduce time-of-flight delays.
While several novel technological concepts exist to address the wiring issue, none
of these seem sufficient to impact the industry in the near- to medium-term. This being
true, the semiconductor industry is left with the options of introducing new materials
technologies which give one-time boosts to wiring performance, introducing unsealed
wiring to treat cycle limiting paths, and awaiting the arrival of less complex and smaller
chip-size microprocessor designs.

8. Acknowledgments

The authors would like to thank the following people for both technical assistance and
critical comments: Rolf Landauer, John Heidenreich, J. Frank White, John Hummel,
Steve Greco, C.-K. Hu, George Sai-Halasz, and Kerry Bernstein.

9. References

1. Sai-Halasz, G.A. (1995) Performance trends in high-end processors,

Proc. IEEE 83, 20-36.
2. Bakoglu, B. (1990) Circuits, Interconnections, and Packaging for VLSI,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, New York.
3. Keyes, R.W. (1982) The wire-limited logic chip, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits
17, 1232-1233.
4. Taur, Y. et al. (1995) CMOS scaling into the 21st century: 0.1 |Jm and beyond,
IBM J. Res. Develop. 39, 245-260.
5. Edelstein, D.C. (1995) Advantages of copper interconnects, IBM Corp. Internal
Research Report No. RC 20097.
6. Sai-Halasz, G.A. (1996) Processor performance scaling, in this volume.
7. Etiemble, D. (1992) On the performance of multivalued integrated circuits: past,
present and future, IEICE Trans. Electron. E76-C, 364-371.
8. Chen, R.T. (1994) Guided-wave optoelectronic interconnects: their potential
and future trends, SPIE Optoelectronic Interconnects II 2153, 196-199.
9. Solomon, P.M. (1988) The need for low resistance interconnects in future
high-speed systems, Proc. SPIE 947, 104- 116.
10. Lent, C.S., Tougaw, P.D., and Porod, W. (1994) Quantum cellular automata:
the physics of computing with arrays of quantum dot molecules, Proceedings of
Workshop on Physics and Computing, IEEE Computer Society Press, Dallas.
11. Bandyopadhyay, S., Das, B., and Miller A.E. (1994) Supercomputing with spin-
polarized single electrons in a quantum coupled architecture, Nanotechnology
5, 113-133.
12. Landauer, R., (1990) Advanced technology and truth in advertising,
Physica A 168, 75-87.

Philips Research Laboratories
Professor Holstlaan 4
5656 AA Eindhoven, The Netherlands

From the end of world war II to the demise of the cold war, the expen-
diture on basic research in solid state physics and materials science has
often been justified by reference to the invention of the transistor, and the
resulting revolution in electronics [1]. It is the stated aim of this conference
to study the future of microelectronics, beyond the time when the shrink-
age of CMOS feature sizes will have come to a stop. While major western
industries are losing confidence in the business generating potential of ba-
sic research in physics and materials science, government funding agencies
are sponsoring research programmes on esoteric subjects such as quantum
devices, single electron tunneling, molecular electronics, atom manipula-
tion, or self-assembly [2]. In doing this, they are guided by the idea that
breakthroughs in these fields will shift the physical limits of the miniatur-
ization trend to the nanometer scale, and thereby ensure decades of con-
tinued growth for the electronics industry. The fact that this would require
"Revolutionary chip architectures which remove the current interconnec-
tion limitation to functional density", as well as "Revolutionary devices
which make use of physical phenomena on a much smaller scale than tran-
sistors" does not seem to deter the scientific community [3]. Indeed, similar
revolutionary ambitions abound in the fields of computing and data storage
(the all-optical computer, the biochip, scanned probe data storage,...).
This paper presents the view point that those of us trying to defend
the strategic role of research in physics and materials science should not
advocate such trendy goals, which remind us of failures from the past, for
example the Josephson computer [4]. This type of desired breakthrough is
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 57-70.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
indicated in Fig. 1 by a small cloud, situated at the intersection of a main
technology trend and its (perceived) fundamental performance limit. While
taking an ambitious - but naive and rather unimaginative - aim far beyond
such limits, these endeavours often have intrinsic flaws, do not fulfill all the
requirements, or do not address the real limitations or bottlenecks of the
existing solutions [5].
Instead, we ought to identify more realistic goals for our strategic physics
and materials research. Goals that make sense from a technical and business
point of view can be found, even in a world dominated by dreams of multi-
media systems, software, and services. To help assess such goals, it is useful
to distinguish between "trend feeding" and "trend setting" innovation. 1
The following definitions will be used in this paper.
- Trend feeding innovation is characteristic of an established prod-
uct/market combination. Support is given to an existing trend of im-
provement versus time of key performance parameters (data rate, data
density, instructions per second, packing density, cost per bit, etc).
It can be based on evolutionary or more radical technology changes
(see arrows in Fig. 1), but all technical and economical compatibility
requirements characteristic of the main trend must be met simultane-
- Trend setting innovation addresses a new product/market combi-
nation. The performance level of existing trends is often not met, at
least initially. One or two outstanding features of a new technology are
exploited, to create the initial market, and to set the new trend.
The nature of these two types of innovation will be described in more detail
in the next two sections. We also present some examples, which clarify the
difference, and which may point the way to some more general themes for
innovation based on physics and materials science.

System engineers tend to think in terms of hardware options available to-
day. Yet, system trends can provide directions for hardware research. The
Japanese company NEC has been guided over decades by their vision of
the merging of computers and communication (C&C)[7j. Today, several
companies are convinced that a further merging of these two product areas
with consumer electronics (CC&C) is imminent. Technical driving forces
behind this unification are digitalization, and the need for interconnect-
In an interesting paper, Bower and Christensen recently made a somewhat similar
distinction between disruptive and non-disruptive technologies[6]

Figure 1. Typical exponential trend in performance versus time, fed by evolutionary
or more radical technology changes (as indicated by arrows). According to conventional
wisdom, physics and materials science should create breakthroughs (indicated by the
small cloud) that would dramatically shift the perceived physical limits of the existing
technology (dashed line), thereby ensuring a continuation of the same trend for further

ing the traditional stand alone electronic "boxes" (such as a TV, a PC,
a telephone) using networks. Quite important is also the recognition that
a common layered system architecture may underpin quite different func-
tions. A service (a movie, or a telephone conversation) is distributed over
a general purpose utility (e.g. a cable network). The system is ruled by
an operating system, governed by (perhaps downloadable) software. The
hardware is typically build in a modular fashion, with a microprocessor, a
hierarchy of storage modules, a display function, a user interface, etc. A
fashionable concept on this emerging multimedia battle ground is that of
the value chain. In the trajectory from hardware component to service ren-
dered, each of the parties involved will strive for the most profitable slice
of the pie. While some see no compelling reason to remain active in hard-
ware, wishing instead to concentrate on the (more profitable) software and
services, others see interesting opportunities for "key components" or "key
modules", which constitute the core of the hardware (and which may have
added value through embedded software). The drive for increased function-
ality of key components is reflected in the slogans "a system on a chip",
and "a system on a display". The power balance between manufacturers of
components (e.g. a microprocessor) and set makers (e.g. a PC) is uncertain.
The vagueness of the demarcation line between components, modules, and
systems has a significant impact on packaging issues.


Supporting the system trends discussed above are some dominant tech-
nology trends. The relentless progress made in the fields of data storage,
processing, and communication is one of the most remarkable phenomena
of the twentieth century. For example, the areal density of information, data
rate, and cost per bit of magnetic hard discs, and of silicon based dynamic
random access memories have improved as an exponential function of time
over several decades. This development has not yet come to a stop.
This thrust is based in part on heavy investments in evolutionary tech-
nology development (such as successive generations of silicon wafer diam-
eters, clean room equipment, and CMOS processes). The significance of
this development is self-evident. Yet, it would be a mistake to think that
fairly radical technology changes are not required as well to feed the ongo-
ing trends (perhaps they seem less radical from the basic physicist's point
of view). The common aspects of both evolutionary and more radical trend
feeding innovations are that they must meet all of the demanding techni-
cal requirements characteristic of the main trend (in terms of performance,
manufacturability, cost, and compatibility with system requirements). Typ-
ically, such innovations lead to a next generation product on existing or sim-
ilar markets. The nature of the technology step (radical or evolutionary) is
often not noticeable to the end user. The decision on the introduction of the
new technology will therefore be taken based on an evaluation of critera
such as technical figures of merit, manufacturability, investment needed,
and expected benefits.

Radical technology changes, intended to feed main trends, have to meet
the same severe compatibility requirements (in terms of manufacturing,
standards, etc.) as more evolutionary ones - on top of a demonstrated
compelling advantage in one or several aspects. A boundary condition usu-
ally is that the increase in product cost should be negligible. Proving that
all of these demands can be met simultaneously is a major challenge for
industrial research, requiring a sustained commitment over an extended


Poly Si

Figure 2. Non-volatile ferroelectric memory cell consisting of a thin film ferroelectric

capacitor integrated on top of an MOS transistor.

period of time. Below, we will give some examples from the fields of em-
bedded memories, packaging, and magnetic data storage. These examples
were selected to illustrate four rather general themes for "trend feeding"
innovation based on physics and materials science:
— The enhancement of the performance or functionality of silicon based
microelectronics through new materials.
— Miniaturization enabled by sophistication in packaging.
— Opto-electronic technologies providing solutions for systems demand-
ing high performance in terms of processing (using electronics) as well
as communication (using photonics).
— The migration of LSI technology to application areas which are served
today by non-planar (i.e. bulk like) technologies.

2.3.1. Ferroelectric Memories

Solid state data storage addresses the high-price, high-speed, low-capacity
segment of the memory hierarchy, with magnetic or optical recording be-
ing complementary in terms of these performance indicators. Solid state
memories are perhaps most familiar as stand-alone products. The domi-
nant innovation trend is of course the ever larger memory size per chip,
at a cost per Mbyte that decreases as an exponential function of time. In
addition to this dominant trend, another very interesting market exists for
non-volatile memory, stand-alone or embedded in microprocessors. Today,
this memory is typically based on the electrically programmable read-only
memory (EPROM). An EPROM stores information without consuming any
electrical power - albeit at the expense of a limited number of read-write
cycles, and a low write speed. The reason is that writing requires the trans-
fer of (hot) electrons across an insulating layer to a gate electrode buried
in silicon dioxide. An interesting alternative option is depicted in Fig. 2,
which shows a ferroelectric memory cell, consisting of a ferroelectric capac-
itor integrated on top of an MOS transistor. Bits are stored at zero voltage
as one of the two possible states of remanent polarization of a ferroelectric
thin film (typically lead-zirconium-titanate). A read-out can be effected by
applying a poling pulse, and monitoring the charge transfer (restoring the
information subsequently by means of a write pulse).
The idea to use ferroelectrics for a non-volatile memory dates back to the
1950s, but it has taken a major research effort in oxidic thin film deposition,
patterning, and interface engineering to come to a viable technology that
is compatible with CMOS processes. Philips Research has played an active
role[8]. The ferroelectric memory technology has now proven to possess a
number of very attractive features: fast switching, long retention, high en-
durance, low switching voltage, and scalability to small cell sizes. It is this
combination of properties that makes ferroelectric random access memories
a likely candidate to replace embedded memories in CMOS-based circuits
(such as the EPROM)[8]. Once the hurdle of introducing this technology
into CMOS factories will have been taken, a range of additional possibilities
emerge, such as integrated pyroelectric sensors, or smart piezoelectric actu-
ators and sensors [9]. In addition, one can think of high dielectric constant
materials for capacitors, or for gate dielectrics.

2.3.2. Integrated Components Module

The continued miniaturization and enhanced functionality of (portable)
electronic equipment is a major thrust for innovation, but smaller feature
sizes and larger VLSI chip sizes are only one of the enabling technology
trends. What is needed as well is an increased sophistication in packaging.
To realize the significance, consider the example of an 8 mm video cassette
recorder, which today (1995) contains as many as 70 integrated circuits,
1400 discrete resistors and capacitors, and 200 discrete transistors. The
miniaturization of passive components helps - but their manufacture, han-
dling, placing, and soldering becomes increasingly untractable. A possible
solution investigated in Philips Research (see Fig. 3) and also at AT&T Bell
Laboratories is the integration of a large number of passive components on
a single substrate (e.g. silicon), using thin film technology. Provided a ded-
icated production line is used, the properties of advanced materials can be

HH o-WM^-o

Figure 3. Technology for an Integrated Components Module. From left to right one sees
an IC mounted upside down onto a Si substrate, containing a resistor, a capacitor, and
an inductor.

exploited without worrying about cross contamination of CMOS processes.

Thus, alloys (e.g. NiCrAl) can be used to tailor resistors with a vanishing
temperature coefficient, and oxides with a high dielectric constant can be
used to make small capacitors. CMOS integrated circuits can be mounted
on the same substrate with minimum interconnect lengths using a flip-
chip bonding technique, yielding improved high frequency perofmance and
electromagnetic compatibility. The resulting hybrid is referred to as an In-
tegrated Components Module.

2.3.3. Board Level Optical Interconnects

The discovery of efficient photo-luminescence from porous silicon spurned
a frenzy of scientific activity, tempered only moderately by the fact that ef-
ficient electroluminescence proved elusive [10]. This activity was motivated
by the idea that a Si based fight emitting diode would enable mira-chip op-
tical interconnects between logic gates, and thereby alleviate the so-called
"interconnect bottleneck". This bottleneck arises because down-scaling of
CMOS feature sizes leads to faster gates, while the RC time associated
with the charging of the interconnect fine is constant. In contrast, optical
interconnects have a delay time determined by the response times of source
and detector, and the propagation time of the fight. However, a straight-



Figure 4- Concept of a hybrid technology for optical interconnects on a printed circuit

board (PCB). A single laser (L) feeds a polymer waveguide acting as a bus (thin grey
line). Electro-optical modulators (EOM), addressed by the electical output pins of a
mounted IC, couple modulated optical signals into signal waveguides. These waveguides
may intersect each other without interference (thin grey lines). At the receiving end a
detector is used to convert the optical signal back into an electrical one. In addition to
the optical links, also conventional copper lines are used on the PCB.

forward analysis of the signal to noise requirements for a point-to-point

optical interconnect at the chip level shows that a Si-compatible microlaser
would be required, capable of modulation at GHz frequencies, and with
an output power of at least 10 micro Watt[11]. Demanding requirements
have to be met by the detector as well. These practical difficulties seem
unsur mount able at present.
Better opportunities for optical interconnect may arise at the next level
in the interconnect hierarchy, which is the board or module level. In this
case, the bottleneck is related to high digital transfer rates between IC's, at
distances on the order of 1-10 cm. Digital signal processing of video signals


Read gap

Figure 5. Schematic view of the play back part of two of the digital channels of a DCC
head. For clarity the left channel shows only the magnetoresistive element (with the
barber pole) and the lower half of the magnetic yoke. For the right channel the complete
read yoke is shown. In practice, a write yoke is processed on top of this.

will occur at even higher clock frequencies (exceeding a GHz in the near
future). This gives rise to significant electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
problems, which may conflict with government directives. An interesting
approach is to integrate the optical waveguides, a laser source, modulators,
and detectors on the substrate of a single "multi-chip module", using flip-
chip bonding to connect the IC's [12]. Such a hybrid technology has the
advantage that standard IC's can be used. An alternative low-cost approach
under investigation in Philips Research is to add a few optical links to a
printed circuit board (PCB). In addition to the benefits mentioned before,
optical interconnects on a PCB could eliminate the need for multilayer
electrical interconnects. The PCB environment also provides enough space,
and conventional electro-optical technology (e.g. polymer waveguides) can
be used. This approach, which focuses on studying a systems concept rather
than a single device, is illustrated in Fig. 4.

2.3.4. Thin film recording heads

In magnetic data storage, the longitudinal recording density is increasing
by a factor of 10 per decade [13]. The required narrow- and multi-track
recording heads can no longer be manufactured using a discrete inductive
ferrite head technology. Instead, thin film heads using magnetoresistive el-
ements for the read function are being introduced[14]. Fig. 3 shows part
of the play-back section of a multi-track thin film head. Such a head, used
in the Philips Digital Compact Cassette (DCC) player, contains nine par-
allel digital channels as well as two analog channels that enable also the
playback of standard analog compact cassettes[15]. The magnetoresistive
element is part of a soft-magnetic yoke that guides flux from the mag-
netic medium. A linear response is ensured in this case by forcing the read
current under a 45 degree angle to the magnetisation direction, using the
"barberpole" shaped conductive strips visible in the left part of Fig. 3, in
combination with a biasing magnetic field established by the current in-
dicated in the right part of Fig. 3. A second function of the barberpole
is that the skew sense current induces a small stabilization field along the
element that suppresses Barkhausen noise. Whereas this head currently ex-
ploits the anisotropic magnetoresistance effect in NiFe, it is expected that
in the future the giant magnetoresistance effect in metallic multilayers will
be introduced. The linearity of this effect will eliminate the need for com-
plicated biasing schemes, and the sensitivity will enable even higher bit
densities[15]. Other applications of integrated magnetic devices should be
expected to follow. One imagines, for example, miniaturized high frequency
magnetic circuitry in the front end of mobile phone systems, or automobile
sensors for control of car functions or navigation.


New combinations of existing technologies, and occasionally radically new

technologies, may also give rise to entirely new trends, addressing new prod-
uct or new market opportunities. At least initially, there is often no pos-
sibility of matching the performance or requirements of existing product
trends. Instead, a new product or product family arises which builds on one
or two strengths which the established technology did not possess. Thus,
the personal computer could not be compared to a mainframe in terms
of performance, but became a success because of the appeal of individual
ownership, and convenient size so that it could be put on a desk in the
office or at home. The development of applications such as text process-
ing and computer games were an important factor as well. The transistor
was a success because it enabled new battery driven miniaturized products
operating at low voltage and with low power consumption, while its perfor-
mance could not compete with that of the vacuum tube. Flat panel liquid
crystal displays cannot (as yet) compete with cathode ray tubes in terms of
brightness, or viewing angle. Instead, they entered the datagraphic display
market because they enabled the development of the lap-top computer.
It does not make sense to map trend setting innovations on existing
charts of performance versus time. Traditional market research (asking your
customers) is also of little use in trying to establish their potential in an
early stage. Similarly, cost prize analysis is a poor guide, as the cost of
manufacturing for the consumer market can often be made amazingly low,
as long as large volumes are made and sold. The successes of the video
cassette player and the compact disc player prove these points[16].
Researchers may have to consider quite different sources of information
to identify opportunities. Thus, one may think about the (possibly latent or
emerging) needs of the end user, the product designer, the manufacturer, or
the distributor. It is of little use to try to formulate general statements about
such needs. Instead, we will illustrate this point of view by an example.


The success of molecular biologists and organic chemists in synthesizing

highly complicated organic molecules has opened up the possibility to en-
gineer materials with interesting properties. The ambitions in this field
vary from the mundane (engineering a new type of plastic) to the exotic
(inventing a transistor based on a single molecule, "molecular electronics").
Where - between these two extremes - should one position the idea that
thin films of conjugated polymers can serve as the active layer in electronic
devices? Functional accumulation-type thin film transistors and Schottky
diodes (making use of heavily doped polymers) have been demonstrated.
Philips research laboratories is one of the active players[17]. In addition,
efficient light emitting diodes based on a sandwich of an intrinsic polymer
layer between electron- and hole-injecting electrodes have been manufac-
tured succesfully by various groups[18]. The technical problems faced by
these devices are considerable. Thus, issues such as reproducibility, lifetime,
and degradation are only beginning to be addressed. The understanding of
the underlying device physics is also rather rudimentary at present. It is
reasonable to expect significant improvements in these areas in the com-
ing years. Yet, one should be prepared to answer the sceptic's "so-what?",
because it is quite unlikely that conjugated polymer devices will be able
to compete in terms of performance, or reliability, with existing products
based on anorganic semiconductors. The answer could be that this is a
trend-setting technology, which may address new product/market combi-
To substantiate this statement, one should look at the potential intrinsic
"selling points" of organic technology. Two aspects come to mind. Firstly,
polymer layers can be deposited in patterns using printing technology (off-

injecting layer-
injecting layer-

plastic substrate

Figure 6. Concept of an electroluminescent display based on conjugated polymer films

serving as electron and hole injecting layers, and as light emitting layer. Cheap printing
technologies may be used to manufacture this device. Flexibility may be achieved by
using a plastic foil as a substrate.

set or silk-screen), which could yield a dramatic improvement in terms of

cost compared to standard photo-lithography[19]. Secondly, polymer lay-
ers can be deposited on flexible plastic substrates (foils). This would pave
the way to replace batch-type manufacturing with a continuous flow-type
process (leading to a low-cost large area electronics). In addition, it would
give product designers enhanced freedom of design. The non-planar dis-
play sketched in Fig. 6 is an example. On the longer term, one might even
conceive of fully flexible electronic portable equipment. It is important to
realize that a dramatic cost reduction might also create new markets ("low-
end electronics"). One may think of printed plastic electronics replacing bar
codes for identification purposes, to track the flow of goods, and to enable
flexible pricing (depending on the time of day). Similarly, anti-shop lifting
buttons might in the future be replaced by very cheap electronic solutions.
Further interesting ideas have been described in the literature[20].


We have argued in this paper that strategic roles can be found for physics
and materials science, in support of continued growth of the microelectron-
ics industry. Instead of defending the mainstream vision that physics and
materials science should attack perceived fundamental limits of downscal-
ing by adventurously trying to invent yet another successor of the transistor
(which could be labelled as "trend fighting"), we have sketched two alter-
native routes.
Firstly, there is room for "trend feeding" innovation. This may be based
on fairly radical technology, but it must be compatible with existing tech-
nologies, and it must meet all requirements characteristic of the main trend.
Secondly, there is room for "trend setting" innovation. Here one should
not try to compete with the dominant trend. Instead, the focus should be
on a new product/market combination, based on one or two outstanding
properties (with a reasonable performance in other aspects).
We stress that these two types of innovation do not rely on technology
only: they also offer challenging subjects for physics and materials research.
Examples are the phenomenon of giant magnetoresistance in metallic and
oxidic multilayers, and the interplay of transport and luminescence in dis-
ordered polymer films. Last but not least, an entrepreneurial attitude is a
prerequisite for success in both cases.

5. Acknowledgement

I thank my colleagues at Philips Research Laboratories for useful discus-

sions. I am grateful in particular to Rob Fastenau, Wiep Folkerts, Poul
Larsen, Dago de Leeuw, Nick Pulsford, Coen Liedenbaum, Emile Staring,
Robert-Jan Visser, and Gerjan van de Walle for providing me with infor-
mation and with the figures used in this paper. I have also benefitted from
the views of Gerard Vos from Philips Key Modules.

1. Physical Review: Centenary-from basic research to high technology, Physics Today,
October 1993.
2. Engineering a Small World, From Atomic Manipulation to Microfabrication, Science
254 (1991) 1300-1342.
3. R.T. Bate, G.A. Frazier, W.R. Frensley, J.W. Lee, and M.A. Reed, Prospects for
quantum integrated circuits, SPIE Vol. 792 (1987) 26-35.
4. W. Anacker, Computing at 4 degrees Kelvin, IEEE Spectrum May 1979, 26-37.
5. R. Landauer, Advanced Technology and Truth in Advertising, Physica A 168 (1990)
6. Joseph L. Bower and Clayton M. Christensen, Disruptive Technologies: Catching
the Wave, Harvard Business Review, January-February 1995, p. 43-53.
7. W. Aspray, Interview with Koji Kobayashi, in Engineers as Executives (IEEE Press,
New York, 1995).
8. P.K. Larsen, G.A.CM. Spierings, R. Cuppens, and G.J.M. Dormans, Ferroelectrics
and high permittivity dielectrics for memory applications, Microelectronic Engineer-
ing 22, (1993) 53-60.
9. O. Auciello and R. Waser, Science and Technology of Electroceramic Thin Films,
NATO ASI Series E, Vol. 284 (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1995).
10. L.T. Canham, Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 1046 (1990).
11. N.J. Pulsford, unpublished results.
12. T.E. van Eck, G.F. Lipscomb, A.J. Ticknor, J.F. Valley, and R. Lytel, Appl.Optics
31, 6823 (1992).
13. Y. Miura, Advances in magnetic disc storage technology, J. Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials 134 (1994) 209-216.
14. J.L. Simonds, Magnetoelectronics today and tomorrow, Physics Today April 1995,
15. W. Folkerts, Magneto-resistive thin film heads for tape recording: past, present, and
future, Read/Write 18 (1994) 8-11. W. Folkerts, J.C.S. Kools, M.C. de Nooijer,
J.J.M. Ruigrok, L. Postma, K.-M.H. Lenssen, G.H.J. Somers and R. Coehoorn,
Performance of Yoke type GMR heads, Proc. Intermag. '95, San Antonio.
16. P. Ranganath Nayak and J.M. Ketteringham, Breakthroughs, Arthur D. Little Inc.
17. See, e.g., A.R. Brown, A. Pomp, D.M. de Leeuw, D.B.M. Klaassen, and E.E.
Havinga, Precursor route pentacene metal-insulator-semiconductor field effect tran-
sistors, Appl. Phys. Lett, to be published.
18. D. Braun, A.J. Heeger, Visible light emission from semiconducting polymer diodes,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 58, 1982 (1991); J.H. Burroughes, D.D.C. Bradley, A.R. Brown,
R.N. Marks, R.H. Friend, P.L.Burn, and A.B. Holmes, high emitting diodes based
on conjugated polymers, Nature 347, 539 (1990).
19. F. Gamier, R. Hajlaoui, A. Yassra, Pratima Srivastava, All-polymer field effect tran-
sistor realized by printing techniques, Science 265, 1684 (1994).
20. R. Friend, D. Bradley, and A. Holmes, Polymer LEDs, Physics World November
1992, p. 42; P. May, Polymer Electronics - fact or fantasy?, Physics World, March
1995, p. 52.

Lessons from GaAs technology development.

Microwave Modules Group
Northern Telecom Ltd.
P. O. Box 3511, Station 'C
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y4H7

1. Introduction

Not surprisingly, the gallium arsenide community has been, for some years, the object
of focused aggression and resentment from their colleagues in the silicon industry.
Family psychologists will tell us that such types of "sibling rivalry" are not
uncommon, and that ultimately the older offspring will come to accept and even value
the younger upstart that has created such a distraction within the semiconductor family!
Perhaps this change of attitude is beginning to happen as GaAs technology is
establishing itself as an authority in certain applications areas, and the silicon
protagonists realize that the new technology challenges only certain niche areas, as
opposed to undermining the whole basis of the silicon economy. Indeed, it is becoming
apparent that certain aspects of technology developed to cope with the particular issues
facing GaAs (such as rapid thermal annealing) can be usefully applied to Si processing.
Having established this platform for a provocative discussion in a workshop
atmosphere, this paper aims to summarize some of the recent applications achievements
of GaAs technology, and to examine the history of the emergence of GaAs to determine
what lessons can be learned from the pitfalls encountered en route. This allows us to
look for some sort of "selection rules" that might be useful to test a proposed new
technology and estimate its right to survival. The analysis also begs the question
presented by continued progress down the paths towards further miniaturization of
existing technologies for higher performance and greater speed: "Is a fundamentally new
approach to device technology required?"

2. Background of GaAs Applications

In order to illustrate the fact that GaAs technology is now able to make useful
contributions to the electronics marketplace, this section will describe a few examples
of applications at different volume levels, many drawn from a workshop presented a few
years ago at the IEEE GaAs IC Symposium [1]. The range of successful applications
now runs from relatively low volumes of complex, high-performance IC's to substantial
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 71-86.
© 1996 Khmer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

volumes (in excess of millions of IC's per year) usually involving IC's optimized for
minimum size and cost. It is interesting to observe that whereas some of the earlier
applications fulfilled by GaAs involved very high speed digital functionality, the major
markets currently creating a renewed interest in GaAs are principally driven by the needs
of microwave functions in telecommunications and wireless transmission.


For many years now, Hewlett-Packard have been employing linear and microwave GaAs
IC's in their high speed test and measurement instruments [2]. The introduction of GaAs
chips was usually done on a case-by-case basis where functional benefit was evident
from the prototype demonstrations in terms of a simplified overall architecture and an
associated performance enhancement. The types of series volumes involved are not
necessarily large, but the value of developing an application-specific IC (ASIC) for one
product line can be justified even for product runs of 5,000-10,000 units, where an NRE
cost of $100k would involve only $10-20 additional cost per unit. In order to evaluate
and introduce these codes, HP sustains an in-house production line to supply their
commercial needs. Typical functions involved are microwave amplifiers, switches, and
high frequency dividers, and a number of the applications have enjoyed additional
advantages as simplifying retrofits in field service situations.


In 1989 a UK company (Continental Microwave Technology Ltd.) designed a small

GaAs microwave chip to down-convert 11-12 GHz signals received from a 30 cm square
satellite dish that is lightweight enough to be mounted directly on the outside wall of a
consumer's premises. The resulting 0.9-1.75 GHz IF signal is then fed directly to the
set-top unit of the TV receiver. The chip concerned integrates onto a single die all the
high-frequency RF-IF operations of the receiver front-end, without the need for costly
assembly and tuning of multiple components.
This DBS (direct broadcast satellite) chip is still manufactured by Anadigics' New
Jersey GaAs foundry, in volumes of more than a million a year, at less than $5 per part.
The capability of this type of technology has now stimulated interest in
telecommunications applications of a similar approach, aimed at bringing voice and data
capability to the consumer without the need for costly cable laying and network hook-
up. Quite obviously these types of market are taking GaAs manufacturing and
packaging technology beyond the traditionally perceived low-volume markets, and a new
type of aggressive cost-sensitive development is taking place.


Building on the successful experience derived from programs such as the 'ALTAIR'
Wireless Ethernet project [3], Motorola have in recent years established a $100 million
GaAs IC facility handling 4" wafers, and are currently preparing to run 6" GaAs through
their process as substrates of the required quality become routinely available.
The ALTAIR system uses 18 GHz wireless links to provide up to 15 Mb/s of data
connectivity in a LAN (local area network). Key to the low cost and flexibility of this
application is the implementation of the microwave functions on GaAs MMIC
(monolithic microwave integrated circuit) chips operating at between 2 and 20 GHz. In

ramping up to volumes of several thousand assemblies, Motorola commented on

various lessons learned, some of which will be discussed in the next section. With their
extensive Si experience, especially in statistical process control (SPC) of manufacturing
processes, and the added advantage of vertically integrated access to radio system
developers, Motorola are well positioned to couple their major fabrication capability
with the exploding wireless communications business in a very competitive consumer


The whole field of GaAs technology in North America (and to a large extent also in
Europe) owes a major acknowledgment to the support received over the years from
military funding programs. Although recent years have seen a considerable swing away
from that type of application, there are still several companies pursuing the application
of GaAs to the perennial problem of cost-effective (and weight-effective) manufacture of
large arrays (around 3000 RF modules per face) for use in beam-steerable radar systems.
The advantage of this type of design is that each module embodies individually-
controllable transmit and receive functions, such that the focal point of the radar beam
may be steered electronically rather than mechanically, thus offering a much greater
degree of agility to deal with multiple hazards at different heights and distances.
Especially for airborne systems, the integration possibilities and performance
advantages of GaAs IC's enable the required functionality to be concentrated into a
minimum volume, and Westinghouse Electric have been able to apply their long
experience in all aspects of GaAs technology [4,5] to this subject. Among topics
currently being addressed in their planned evolution, the use of HBT (heterojunction
bipolar transistor) technology offers improved linearity and power efficiency across the
very large number of output stages in a given system. Recent announcements indicate
that Westinghouse is further enhancing investment in their GaAs capability to supply
commercial MESFET, HBT and p-HEMT IC's.


The supercomputer industry has had an interest in GaAs that focuses more on high level
integration of high speed digital functionality, and has met with rather more severe
challenges than the microwave side of the business. This type of need has driven work
aimed at high performance in a context of reproducibility and uniformity as required for
VLSI GaAs. Early in 1991, Convex Computer Corporation announced the development
of a 2 Gigaflop supercomputer based on GaAs IC's in combination with other high
speed technologies. By October of that year they had successfully delivered their first
C3800 machines based on an architecture using as many as 30 different GaAs IC
designs with up to 45,000 gates/chip. The Convex experience grew out of confidence
gained in GaAs substitutions for high speed Si bipolar IC's in earlier machines, which
enabled equivalent performance but for lower dissipated power. The IC's were realized
through a close and successful collaboration with Vitesse Semiconductor, whose self-
aligned gate (SAG) FET process with direct coupled FET logic dissipated the low power
levels that enabled the C3800 to be air-cooled.
In contrast to the air-cooled Convex machine, the CRAY-3 machine from Cray
Computer Corporation was based on an innovative packaging approach using total
liquid immersion of several thousand MSI (medium scale integration) GaAs chips for
effective heat removal. This architecture, together with the 100 ps gate delay of the
GaAs logic chips gave the CRAY-3 its 2 nanosecond clock speeds; more than twice the
overall performance per CPU as compared to its CRAY-2 predecessor. The first CRAY-
3 went into service in 1993, and work at Cray was focusing on more highly integrated
GaAs chips using a SAGFET technology for the 1 nanosecond clock CRAY-4, until
the recent announcement of the unfortunate demise of the Cray Computer Corporation.
At the time of writing, efforts are underway to sustain the 4" captive GaAs facility
developed at Cray, with a view to helping meet the current increased demand for
microwave GaAs.
Both the Cray and Convex programs have suffered from the drop in market share
of the supercomputer manufacturers rather more than from inadequacies of the GaAs
technology per se although it is clear that the demands of highly integrated GaAs digital
circuitry require a greater degree of process maturity and uniformity than is sufficient for
microwave IC's. In addition to this constraint, both of the supercomputer applications
pushed GaAs into a ground breaking domain of high-speed interconnect and packaging.
At least in the Cray case, the packaging issues rather than the GaAs capability seem to
have been the limiting factor in the commercial viability of the project.


In 1989 Northern Telecom introduced a family of fiber transmission products called

"FiberWorld" which has become a world-leader in high-capacity transmission systems,
and makes extensive use of GaAs IC technology. The system architecture is based on
optical links running at rates from 150 Mb/s (OC3) to 600 Mb/s (OC12) and as high as
2.488 Gb/s (OC48) using the SONET protocols for signal multiplexing and assembly.
The "FiberWorld" family also includes Digital radio links running at 4—8 GHz,
frequently used to complement the fiber capability in regions where fiber installation
may be difficult or inconvenient (for example in mountainous terrain).
Decisions of where to use GaAs, and why, varied from one application to another.
In the case of the 2.4 Gb/s digital multiplex and demultiplex functions, as well as the
clock-recovery circuitry, the GaAs technology was the only solution available in that
time frame that offered all of the following: design margin sufficient for state-of-the-art
manufacturability; sufficient integration levels; acceptable power dissipation; and
appropriate packaging technology. For the microwave circuits the semi-insulating
substrate was a key factor enabling the cost-effective integration onto the GaAs chips of
key components such as balanced inductors, digital switches and microwave amplifier
and mixer stages. In all, about 12 different GaAs chip designs were used in various parts
of the FiberWorld products.
More recent Northern Telecom products have used GaAs MMIC's in a set of
microwave modules used to perform transmit and receive functions in a 900 MHz
cellular radio basestation. This "Dual-mode radio" product offers the capability of analog
or digital interfacing for cellular users into the rest of the network capability of
Northern's transmission and switching systems, and requires upwards of 100,000 GaAs
Sourcing for these parts includes both internal and external suppliers (TriQuint,
Vitesse, Anadigics, Harris/Samsung, Fujitsu), and, as noted by other shared-source users
(e.g. Motorola), a close relationship between chip developer and supplier is essential to
a smooth introduction of the new technology into volume product. Now, as the
products mature, further generations of GaAs capability are being used to improve

performance, reduce power dissipation, increase the integration level of separate

functions, and in some cases (e.g. at 150—600 Mb/s), functions that previously needed
GaAs can now be done with high performance silicon technology. Recent advances in
SiGe bipolar technology are enabling some impressive laboratory level performance
figures, however most of the transmission technology manufacturers developing OC192
(10 Gb/s) systems seem to opting for the more generous performance margins offered
by GaAs-based heterojunction bipolar technology.

3. Lessons Learned in the Introduction of GaAs Technology


The materials technology of the GaAs system is inherently more complex than that of
Si, and this inevitably also contributes to a process technology requiring control of
more degrees of freedom. GaAs technologists have learned many valuable lessons
concerning the material purity, its stability under thermal treatments, and especially the
sensitive nature of its surface and interface chemistry. Even armed with this new
knowledge, the Si technology still has a major advantage of many years of high volume
manufacture, and the authority and empirical understanding conferred by that history
carry considerable weight in comparisons with the III-V systems.
As an example, the Si circuit designer knows from detailed statistics that for a
given geometry, the performance of his design medium will follow a well-defined set of
rules, within quite close tolerances. Even the degradation of the tolerances at
progressively smaller dimensions is relatively predictable. The GaAs designer, on the
other hand, has to contend with a much smaller body of statistics for his prior data, and
even now is dealing with relatively small batches of "identical" substrates from each
boule. As a result, to ensure that his circuit will operate over the required range of
operating conditions and process parameters, the designer must expend extra performance
margin, power budget, and even real estate, to guarantee the objectives. This maturity
penalty for GaAs IC's is eroding more rapidly now as large volume applications become
established, but it has severely narrowed the predicted performance gap between GaAs
and Si for a number of situations.
Such an argument admits that GaAs is still on the learning curve, and this is both
good and bad news. It is good in that the performance margin against Si can be expected
to widen as volumes further increase, but bad in that a major area for improvement is
the relationship between starting materials and wafer processing technology, which is
all too often a "vendor-supplier" one, rather than a true team effort with open
understanding on both sides. Nevertheless, the performance/cost combination still leaves
much encouragement for GaAs, such as illustrated by the comparative extrapolations of
cost vs. yield for GaAs IC's by Skinner [6], who demonstrates the extent to which (for
large high speed IC's), packaging and testing dominate the cost much more than the
contribution from the cost of the processed wafers.


One of the key beneficial aspects of GaAs technology is the semi-insulating nature of
the high resistivity substrates which enables the close proximity of high frequency
components with low parasitics and minimum interaction between adjacent devices.
Assuring the stability of the insulating condition and especially its electrical
completeness at all frequencies, has been a major subject of study over the last 15-20
years. The unusual physics of this deep-level system has enabled the database to be
substantially enriched by research programs from many related disciplines and has
provided the materials growers with a wealth of models and solutions by which they
may understand and control the seemingly delicate semi-insulating situation.
Unfortunately, the subject of deep level studies became so interesting in its own
right that the burgeoning body of data eventually added little to the knowledge of how
best to control the material, and perhaps even started to cloud the issue. Ultimately the
solution evolved more out of practical adaptation based on statistical experiments at a
manufacturing level, than out of a detailed understanding of the processes involved.
A feature of this is that, even now, many different GaAs fabs use substantially
different "recipes" for dealing with implant annealing, backgating etc., and this
translates to different demands presented to the substrate suppliers, and thereby hinders
the convergence of requirements of the base material, and so sustains higher substrate


It is inevitable that during the parallel development of a new IC technology and the
circuit designs that will use it, some mismatch will occur between the needs of the
designers and the readiness or optimization of the wafer fab. At this point, especially in
a race for market share, the pressures to deliver can easily result in situations that are
less productive than "perfect teamwork", especially if the two groups are parts of
different organizations.
Many new product developers have commented from their experiences that the
notion of IC design on the basis of "Foundry PCM (process control monitor)
Parameters" is fundamentally flawed in that no PCM set can perfectly guarantee
operation of the circuit, and reciprocally, no foundry would wish to be constrained as
tightly as the spreads of an "ideal" PCM set would require.
The resultant compromise has to be an atmosphere of close cooperation between
designer and wafer fab, and this is most often achieved by the two functions being part
of the same organization. In many cases, development groups have found that a mutual
training activity in the form of in-house "User-design courses" serves both to sensitize
product and system designers to the new technology's capabilities and limitations, and
to create a shared sense of ownership in advance of the issues that are bound to arise.
Most of the original GaAs foundries have now moved towards a basis of more
"selected customers", and have recognized that the notion of "uncommitted ASIC multi-
project chip designs" tends to show a relatively low yield of true product developments,
whilst requiring substantial levels of engineering support. For this reason, most new
product developments for GaAs now take place either as customized ASIC programs,
(with the associated NRE costs) or as in-house developments in a vertically integrated


In spite of the fact that they are more proof against damage from radiation effects
(because of the absence of an oxide layer), GaAs devices and IC's are potentially
sensitive to ESD (electrostatic discharge) damage, as many manufacturers have

discovered by experience. An oft repeated adage is that "you don't realize that you had a
major ESD loss problem until you have installed all the measures to eliminate it!" This
is due in part to the latent nature of many forms of ESD damage, which will only show
at some later stage as a failure apparently due to something else. Operating practices and
disciplines need to be upgraded and constantly reinforced to eliminate this problem. A
typical example frequently encountered in system development labs is the use of heat
guns to either test the temperature sensitivity of a suspect GaAs part, or even to remove
it from the board. Since heat guns are an excellent source of charged ions, the
suspicions about the GaAs part were often proven apparently true as a result of this
barbaric treatment.
True reliability data on a brand-new technology can only be obtained after the
requisite number of hours of in-fhe-field operation on a statistically significant batch of
samples. Nevertheless, useful predictive data can be derived from studies based on
accelerated life-tests, although the variety of activation energies quoted for similar GaAs
technologies suggests that some subjectivity is still involved. In general, for GaAs
FET's using recessed-gate technologies (usually with Pt or Pd and Au gate electrodes),
the predominant failure mechanism over time is referred to as a "sinking-gate"
mechanism, and this is generally slow enough not to be an issue in most applications.
In technologies using refractory metal gates (such as SAG processes with WSi gates)
the ability of the gate metal to withstand the high implant temperatures means that it is
very stable at typical operating temperatures, and the failure mechanism of the Ohmic
contacts then appears as the next "layer of the onion".
More recent studies have highlighted an additional mechanism that occurs when
recessed-gate devices (using Pt or Pd gates) are exposed to hydrogen-containing
atmospheres in a confined enclosure. This can occur when a recessed-gate GaAs IC is
hermetically sealed in a Kovar package, since the outgassing of H2 from the walls of
the package is sufficient to provoke an effect [7]. Although this effect is now understood
and largely under control, its recent appearance highlights the need for exhaustive
reliability evaluation of new technologies before they are introduced to field


The spectacular operation of a new high speed technology is of little value if it cannot
be communicated to the rest of the system, and yet for the most part the packaging of a
GaAs IC is frequently treated as a design afterthought. Inappropriate termination of
digital input/output cells or poorly-matched RF ports on a microwave IC can seriously
degrade the simulated performance of the circuit, and both cases have caused GaAs
designers to address issues of high speed packaging necessary to deliver their
Indeed, one of the strengths of a multi-chip-module (MCM) approach has been that
it encompasses all the "troublesome" components into a single well-controlled unit that
can be tested for total functionality before being put onto a circuit board. It is likely
that, as individual component yields improve, and as the tolerances and losses
achievable with chips auto-placed on high-quality printed circuit boards permit, then the
need for separately testable enclosures will face serious competition on a cost basis.
Another of the issues addressed by the packaging environment is that of heat
dissipation, as an important factor in determining the correct conditions of operation,
and especially for maintaining the correct junction temperature from a reliability

viewpoint. Key to the understanding of this facet of IC design is the ability to correctly
model the thermal characteristics of the circuit, including the package and heatsinking
hardware. In spite of the rigorous demands of 'mil-spec' quality requirements, the need to
satisfy commercially-competitive environmental specifications in adverse customer
premises applications (e.g. usable on the wall of a house in either Alaska or Africa) is
driving the packaging technologies to a new domain of cost-effective solutions.


It is fair to say that some of the early GaAs technology proponents oversold their
claims, frequently promising performance advantages based on isolated devices, but
without taking account of manufacturing and operating margins. A consequence of this
enthusiasm was the disappearance of a number of the early GaAs enterprises, and a
major rethink for some of the survivors. As mentioned in section 3.1 above, a realistic
designer is obliged to trade some of the performance margin to compensate for non-
uniformity of devices within a circuit as well as interconnect losses, etc. This
cautionary comment is intended to warn against comparison of technologies in differing
contexts. A research result on an isolated device, or a carefully chosen and "tweaked"
circuit does not necessarily represent what can be achieved on a manufacturable basis. It
is, however, curious to note that, whereas a few years ago Si defenders were pointing
out that GaAs results were only obtained on laboratory specimens, the reverse situation
now prevails, where GaAs IC's are being assailed by highly-tuned Si circuits from
university research groups! A sad fact is that a number of otherwise promising devices
have been culled from the route to development because they were unable to meet their
original expectations, even though in some cases the basic design contained intrinsic


This section considers issues of comparability, somewhat as discussed in the preceding

section, but particularly in respect of digital GaAs. This is an area where the Si
community has sustained the strongest opposition to GaAs, even though as
demonstrated by Vitesse, it is possible to deliver higher speed performance at lower
power dissipation than for bipolar Si. The pitfall here is that for GaAs to achieve
system insertions normally occupied by Si, there is usually some modification of the
system architecture needed to optimize the overall performance to the power supplies,
gate counts, and switching speeds appropriate to GaAs. There seem to be very few cases
where the full accommodation is allowed, with the result that most of the GaAs
demonstrations are disadvantaged in some way.
On a basis of cost analysis, the sheer scale of Si technology (wafer size, fab
throughputs, etc.) renders a dubious comparison with GaAs, even though for many Si
technologies the number of process steps (or mask levels) considerably exceeds the
simplicity of a GaAs MESFET process. Again, reference to the article by Skinner [7]
illustrates that an 80,000 sq. mil. digital IC made in GaAs would cost only 15% more
than the same device made in Si at the same yields. Whether or not yields can be
comparable is a relevant question at this stage, although for GaAs there is still much
progress to be made in manufacturing maturity and materials costs/wafer sizes, whereas
Si is in a much flatter part of the learning curve. The relative simplicity of the GaAs
process (largely a consequence of the semi-insulating substrate) is clearly one of its
strongest redeeming assets.
My opinion on the future of VLSI GaAs is that if it can survive the next few
years without getting "killed off" by pressure from silicon technologies, then the
increasing maturity, volume and stability of the GaAs technology will help to diminish
the remaining barriers, and will provide an opportunity for the GaAs designers to realize
a true advantage of the high speed and low power capability at reasonable (100k
gates/chip and above) levels of integration.

4. Selection Rules for a New Technology to Reach Commercial


It is valid to question at this point whether or not commercial viability should be taken
as an objective for selecting future technologies, especially given that some new
technology ideas which are not in themselves commercially viable may nevertheless
spark off a more cost effective version that does provide a better end-result. A
stimulating discussion of the subject by Kroemer [8] highlights the fact that pushing
towards applications solutions and cost effective mass-production tends to limit
creativity and stifle original approaches (such as described in the example of VLSI
digital GaAs development mentioned above).
Nevertheless, my aim here is to consider what type of features of a technology
may enhance its chances of survival to the point of usefulness, in the hopes that fatal
setbacks experienced by other technologies could be averted, or at least anticipated.
Many of these features go beyond the normal technical considerations that might be
addressed in a research paper, and embrace significant aspects such as economic factors,
timing and competition, related supporting technology demands, etc.


The following set of "twenty questions" could stimulate a "pre-graduation" analysis of a

proposed new technology. Such an analysis could of course reject a very interesting
technology simply because there is no interest for it at that time. As in the analogy of
show business, timing and marketing can dominate the effects of talent!
The questions are then summarized in Table 1, and (very subjectively) applied to a
comparative analysis of the GaAs MESFET against the Permeable Base Transistor
(PBT) and the type of multi-state resonant tunneling devices referred to as Quantum
Functional Devices (QFD).
4.1.1 Are there multiple ways to make this device?
Since the first publications on GaAs FET's, different variants have co-existed (e.g.
junction FET's, SAGFET's, heterojunction FET's, recessed gate FET's, power FET's
etc.) and have learnt from one another. As in husbandry, this type of cross fertilization
can strengthen the species.
4.1.2 Are there multiple applications for this device?
GaAs was fortunate in being able to address microwave, digital and analog applications
with only slight variants of the same technology. At different times in its history,
predictions of the "winner" have varied. Currently it appears to be microwaves, but that
could change, and meanwhile the manufacturing base is growing and maturing. A
"single-application" technology is very vulnerable to the competition. As in show-
business, versatility helps!
4.1.3 Is the technology simpler than that of its mature competition?
As mentioned in section 3.2, GaAs technology uses only 11-12 mask levels, as
compared to 18-22 mask levels required for Si bipolar or BiCMOS technologies. This
simplicity has helped to offset the increased costs of the raw material and low yields
during development. Most commercial GaAs FET technologies are also implantation-
based, rather than dependent upon epitaxial material.
4.1.4 Are there applications for which this device is the only solution?
This question depends very much on context; for Northern Telecom, GaAs was the only
solution for 2.4 Gb/s digital IC's in 1989, and around that time the same choice was the
only cost-effective way for Continental Microwave to meet their microwave requirement
for DBS. The issue here is one of driving force.
4.1.5 Is there enough performance advantage to trade some of for manufacturing margin?
For GaAs, many of the early claims of performance advantage had to be scaled back
somewhat to meet the demands of production margins, non-uniformity, packaging
losses etc. If a new technology only has a marginal advantage over other alternatives,
this may disappear altogether in manufacture.
4.1.6 Is there a packaging/interconnect solution for this device ?
Especially at higher frequencies, the ability of a device to drive interconnect is crucial to
its survival, but especially for a device seeking to move into a new frequency domain,
the developers must prepare a suitable package with which to interface their new
function to the outside world.
4.1.7 Does the technology benefit from conventional processing equipment?
Much to the advantage of GaAs, its processing was largely based on conventional
process steps already developed for Si. This continues to be of value as many 4" GaAs
fabs equip themselves with ex-Si machines at reduced prices. A new technology that
requires substantial process technology development will have a very expensive (and
perhaps prohibitive) learning curve.
4.1.8 Are there fully descriptive device models ready for IC design use?
Assuming that the aim of a new electronic device is to become part of an integrated
circuit, it is necessary to provide a representative set of (scalable) credentials for the
designer to manipulate and simulate into a circuit. In most cases, if the models and
design system are not there, the system designer will look for another technology, and
the designer's opinion counts heavily !
4.1.9 Does the technology allow for testing prior to process completion?
Though not essential, it is very helpful if a device's functionality can be verified to
some extent, at some intermediate point in the process sequence. This can reduce the
cost of processing failed wafers, and expedite the feedback needed to correct certain
process steps.
4.1.10 Are costing estimates for this device technology complete?
When offered better performance, system developers will ask "what does it cost me?" A
smoother journey to commercial viability is assured if the technologist can offer a

description of the costs that anticipates all the potential contributors: materials,
fabrication, yields, testing, packaging, test and package development, reliability
programs, and especially how these costs will evolve as the technology matures.
4.1.11 Does the device have a weak point, fatal flaw or Achilles' heel?
If there is some type of operating condition that is highly unfavorable to the device, it
is better to be "up-front" about it, and to propose design considerations or a
development program to alleviate the impact of the potential weakness.
4.1.12 Does the device need unusual or extra power supplies compared to competitors ?
Certain digital GaAs architectures have found difficulty as "drop-in" replacements for Si,
simply because the logic family needed different power levels. Compliance is better
unless it seriously undermines the performance advantage.
4.1.13 Will the device need to push the edge of some associated technology envelope ?
As in 4.1.6 above, the technology developer may also be faced with developing some
aspect of a related technology on which the new device depends, such as special epitaxy
(e.g.: overgrowth of metal arrays for the PBT), lithography (for nanodimensional
devices), special packaging solutions, cooling technologies for cryogenic devices etc.
4.1.14 Are there environmental factors e.g. toxic chemicals, limited raw materials?
Early allegations suggested that the world supply of metallic gallium would limit the
volume use of GaAs devices; this has not proved to be a problem yet. The toxicity of
As does not emerge as a significant problem either, although some of the metal-organic
chemicals used in epitaxy of certain III-V compounds are being studied to find more
acceptable substitutes.
4.1.15 Are there major technical or commercial risks involved?
This aspect could reflect instances where several technology areas (e.g. 4.1.6, 4.1.7,
4.1.13) could compound to represent a very high level of necessary investment to ensure
success. If this is coupled with an uncertain marketplace and a unique application, then
risk is high.
4.1.16 Are there any potential reliability exposures or sensitivities?
The first heterostructure devices were faced with proving that their atomically thin layers
were not a major liability. Nevertheless, some surprises can occur in a new technology,
e.g.: the "purple plague" in Si ICs, or the H2/gate issue mentioned in 3.4 above.
4.1.17 Does the device require any special operating conditions (e.g. cryogenic cooling)?
Josephson junction devices are a clear example of a technology that had to support a
major "selling" exercise to market the ultra-fast functionality available. Even with a
solution in hand, the unfamiliarity of a major constraint can seriously undermine the
confidence of investors!
4.1.18 Is the operation difficult to explain, or the name hard to remember?
This may seem trivial, but the new idea will have to be "sold" to prospective supporters
of a non-technical background, and if the barrier of comprehension and retention is too
high, then the chance of obtaining the required support may be reduced.
4.1.19 Does the device face comparable responses from competing technologies?
One of the best things to happen to Si over the last 20 years is GaAs. The competition
of GaAs pushed Si technology into new areas that might otherwise have taken longer to

emerge. By the same token, the advances of Si sometimes surprised the otherwise
complacent GaAs engineers!
4.1.20 Are there any patents limiting free competitive development"!
Given a marginal choice between two competing technologies, the one which is
constrained by legal limitations may face a battle on a different playing field, at least
until the rights of the party concerned expire, or the limitations are removed.

4.2 Comparative table of technology assessment

TABLE 1. Questions applicable to the evaluation of a new technology; for 1-10, 'Yes'
scores 5% and 'No' scores zero; vice versa for 11-20. 'PBT refers to Permeable Base
Transistor [9] and 'QFD' to Quantum Functional Devices [10].


1. Multiple ways to make? Y N Y
2. Multiple applications? Y Y N
3. Simpler technology than competition? Y N N
4. Only solution for some applications? Y N N
5. Performance headroom to trade for mfg margin? Y Y N
6. Is there a packaging solution? Y Y Y
7. Uses conventional processing? Y N N
8. Are there models for IC design? Y Y N
9. Testable before process completion? Y N Y
10. Does costing account for everything? N N N
11. Any weak point or "Achilles heel"? Y Y Y
12. Need unusual power supplies? Y N Y
13. Pushing envelope of support technology ? Y Y Y
14. Any environmental limitation? N N N
15. Major technical or commercial risks? Y Y Y
16. Potential reliability exposures? Y Y Y
17. Need special operating conditions? N N Y
18. Complex operation or description? N N Y
19. Significant competition? Y Y N
20. Patent constraints? N N? ?
Scores: 65% 45% 25%

This attempt to quantify the judgments listed above is not intended to be either
exhaustive or exact; for example there is no real assessment of the magnitude of
technical advantage of a proposed technology, nor is there any relative weighting of the
various aspects in generating a "score". The two examples chosen for comparison
against the GaAs FET are the PBT [9] which came into prominence around the 1980s,
and the QFD-type of devices, as described for example in a recent review article [ 10].
The PBT is essentially a vertical field-effect transistor where the gate is made as an
array of electrodes buried within an epitaxial structure. Pinch-off is then between
adjacent fingers of the gate electrode (and therefore more effective than between a gate
and a hi-resistivity interface), and the gate length is determined by the thickness of a
deposited metal layer, and is therefore potentially very short indeed. Excellent
simulation work showed the potential for this device to offer very high frequency
performance, but in spite of the elegant nature of the structure, the practical problems
associated with the overgrowth eventually lead to conclusions that the device would be
overly difficult to manufacture. Variants of the structure (e.g. by implantation of the
gate regions) offer some of the useful features, but sacrifice many of the advantages.
Quantum Functional Devices refers to the various types of III-V (or Si-based)
devices that aim to use tunneling between well-defined states to create I-V characteristics
with regions of NDR (negative differential resistance). With such a multi-state
characteristic, circuit designers could potentially realize certain logic functions or
frequency-doubling operations with a single device where normally several devices
would be needed. The potential savings in device count, interconnect, and chip size
could be significant, however the battle is currently to achieve the requisite functionality
at room temperature and above, and in a manufacturable architecture. Many of the
"answers" in the table are arguable, and their status will certainly improve given the
level of activity on these types of devices.

5. Trends in the Development of New Technologies

The discussion of the previous section highlights the fact that a new technology usually
needs a substantial performance advantage if it is to overcome the various other hurdles
en route to industrialization. Typical advances now tend to be factors of 2 or 3 in speed
or power or size. The QFD family may ultimately provide a factor of 5-6 in integration,
and possibly some associated speed/power advantages, but only with a much more
complex technology. Clearly the stage is set for a major change that could offer
improvements of 10-100 times, but that sort of advance does not seem to be on the path
of current semiconductor developments.


New devices are usually selected for further development on the basis of reported
characteristics of peak performance, but only rarely for intrinsic advantages of easier or
cheaper manufacturability. Since the answer to future requirements may not always
mean faster or smaller, it is helpful to reconsider the criteria. Most devices now stem
from evolutions of the basic 3-terminal function, whether bipolar or field-effect in
operation, however an ideal device would have totally flexible coupling from input to
output, with no committed common terminal. Possible new architectures could perform
powerful single-device operations (such as the QFD) and have multiple inputs and
outputs, with options for optical interaction or programming of interconnect. Of course
the right technological environment is necessary to encourage such progress.


Some may take exception to the recently-quoted phrase "Real men have Megafabs!"
Apart from the political incorrectness, this suggests that the only solution to cost-
effective manufacturing is scale, and that the only successful technologies are the very
high volume ones. It is easy to show that wafer production facilities operating with
large batches of 12" wafers are inhibiting to the development of small prototype circuits
for low-volume applications. Even with 4" GaAs, the opportunities for, say, university
groups to exercise design ideas in the medium are severely constrained by the needs of
the big bill payers, and flexibility of design rules or rapid turn-around are not generally
available. In the pursuit of lower costs in a given medium, the megafab philosophy
may be creating a monster so large as to find difficulty in maneuvering for survival
when a different, much cheaper technology presents itself.


Spurred on by ingenious developments in micro-lithography, the scaling of all

semiconductor devices offers a route to faster performance and higher levels of
integration, both of which can translate to lower cost. As the various technologies
compete by sharpening their gate lengths or increasing the sophistication of their
materials structures, the number of carriers per active region (electrons/channel etc.)
becomes smaller, to the point where the information contained in a given device state
becomes of questionable stability in relation to thermal or electromagnetic upset
At the same time, the smaller devices have to be connected together and yet the
ratio of interconnect to device is becoming larger and more of a proportional burden on
the device's drive capability. This tendency to increased organization at smaller physical
dimensions is heading towards an era of diminishing returns. It would now be
appropriate for device designers to consider ways of working with larger arrays of less-
well specified (even potentially redundant) devices and the statistical handling of such
operations for effective computation etc. This may involve a more malleable medium of
interconnect than the current multi-level metal/poly schemes, and should certainly
pursue the development of the third dimension and address the associated issues of heat
extraction. The notion of reorganizational capability within a circuit suggests some of
the attributes of neural networks.


Neural network technology has many attractive features, but generally involves very
high component counts. Most of the development has therefore tended to focus on
architectures that may be realized within conventional VLSI technology, and relatively
little work has looked at the possibilities of a substantially new technology specific to
neural functions. Features such as variable interconnect, variable thresholds and
weighted responses are key to the adaptability and learning incentives of neural
networks, but are difficult to achieve in hard-wired semiconductor technology.
Nevertheless, the mix of functionality possible within, say, the III-V family (optical,
digital, analog) presents some interesting options for e.g. integrated retinal
detection/processing, and some operations such as optimization of digital signal
recovery from optical signal streams might be more efficiently done using a neural
approach than in the conventional manner. It seems unlikely however that such
architectures will really "take off until they are given a more sympathetic medium in
which to operate. When that happens, the learning derived in the current technology will
be able to bloom.
Perhaps a candidate for the necessary material for neural architectures will be
polymer electronics. Although the mobilities of conjugated polymers are substantially
less than we use in semiconductors, the cost is potentially much lower, the volume
usage more efficient, and the potential for applications more flexible (in the true sense
of the word!). It is in this context that one should imagine how the semiconductor
industry would respond to competition from a medium that was so low cost that
volume became no object, and could be conformally applied to the walls/support
structures of any mechanical equipment. There is also potential for an integrated
marriage between the technologies whereby slower operating layers of e.g. polymer
memories/neural routing networks could be deposited onto conventional higher speed
circuits to offer hybrid functionality and intelligent interconnect.

6. Conclusions, Ideas, Provocations

An overriding theme of the discussion in this paper has been towards application-
oriented development. It is tempting to say that the applications must therefore be
clearly identified up front, but history shows that many technologies have to be
developed and matured before their best applications are found. This suggests that
pursuing the trend to cheaper functionality for larger volume applications (because that
pays the bills) may eclipse some valuable new initiatives. Perhaps by focusing further
out on more radically different technologies, we can create some extra flexibility to
distract developers from the limiting trends currently underway. Key features for future
emphasis should be:
• Anticipate the "end-of-the-road" for miniaturization of current devices.
• Avoid the technology development being dominated by "megafabs".
• Pursue the development of small less-precise devices and statistical architectures.
• Encourage true 3-dimensional device and interconnect topologies.
• Develop some cross-disciplinary bridges to e.g. polymer electronics to enhance the
intermediate benefits and lead into the next generation.
• Be aware of the advantages of an easily-manufacturable technology.
• In taking a new technology through to industrialization, expend more up-front
effort on the surrounding issues to smooth the transition.

7. References

1. Jay, P.R. et al. (1991) IEEE GaAs IC Symposium: Short Course Handbook.
2. Peterson, V. (1988) Applications of GaAs IC's in instruments, IN Proc.
10th IEEE GaAs IC Symposium, Nashville, TN, pp. 191-4.
3. Malone, H. R. et al. (1991) High volume GaAs MMIC applications, in
Proc. 13th IEEE GaAs IC Symposium, Monterey, CA, pp. 135-138.
4. Thomas, R. N. (1980) Large-diameter, undoped S-I GaAs for high mobility direct
ion-implanted FET technology, in GJ. Rees (ed.), Proc. 1st International Conf.
on Semi-Insulating III-V Materials, Nottingham, 1980, Shiva Publishing, UK,
pp. 76-82.
5. Shannon, L. C. (1990) Increased yield of microwave devices due to subsurface
damage reduction in SI GaAs wafers, in A.G. Milnes and C.J. Miner (eds.),
Proc. 6th International Conf. on Semi-Insulating III-V Materials, Toronto, 1990,
Inst. of Physics Publishing, Bristol, UK, pp. 359-366.
6. Skinner, R. D. (1991) What GaAs chips should cost, in Proc 13th IEEE
GaAs IC Symposium, Monterey, CA, pp. 273-276.
7. Hu, W. W. et al. (1994) Reliability of GaAs p-HEMT under hydrogen containing
atmosphere, in Proc. 16th IEEE GaAs IC Symposium, Philadelphia, PA,
pp. 247-250.
8. Kroemer, H. (1994) Devices for the Future: a peek into the next century, in
Ext. Abstracts of 1994 International Conf. on Solid State Devices & Materials,
Yokohama, pp. 397-399.
9. Nichols, K. B. et al. (1985) Fabrication and performance of GaAs permeable base
transistors, in Proc. IEEE/Cornell Conf on Advanced Concepts in High Speed
Semiconductor Devices & Circuits, Cornell, pp. 61-71.
10. Goronkin, H. et al. (1994) Progress in quantum functional devices to
overcome barriers to ULSI scaling, in Proc. 16th IEEE GaAs IC Symposium,
Philadelphia, PA, pp. 9-12.

Semiconductor Research Corporation
79 Alexander Dr., Bldg. 4401, Suite 300
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709


The SIA National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (NTRS) [1] represents a
coordinated effort by leading technologists from all sectors of the U.S. semiconductor
infrastructure. Led by industry and coordinated by the Semiconductor Research
Corporation (SRC) and SEMATECH, this effort involves industry, academia and
government agencies in defining a unified description of the semiconductor technology
requirements for ensuring advancements in the performance of integrated circuits. The
NTRS provides a fifteen-year horizon, extending through the year 2010 and covering an
anticipated six generations of future product and technology needs.

1. NTRS Methodology

Building on the experience gained from the first roadmap [2, 3], the current revision
uses a structured approach to assure unification. A Roadmap Coordinating Group was
established to define the overall strategy and a standardized template. This resulted in the
creation of eight Technology Working Groups (TWG's). Each TWG represents a
technology area critical to semiconductor product development and manufacturing
operations and is assigned the responsibility of identifying the current technology
status, the roadmap of technology needs, potential solutions, other dependencies and
potential paradigm shifts. The eight TWG's (technology areas) are: 1) Design and Test;
2) Process Integration: Devices and Structures; 3) Environment, Safety and Health; 4)
Lithography; 5) Interconnect; 6) Materials and Bulk Processes; 7) Assembly and
Packaging; and 8) Factory Integration.
Since each TWG has a limited number of members, an open workshop was held to
solicit a broad critique of each TWG roadmap prior to publication and release. There was
nation-wide representation and the open discussion resulted in a consensus document.

2. NTRS Purpose and Scope

A common misconception of the roadmap is that it is a literal forecast of the integrated

circuit (IC) industry's future technology. However, the document identifies only the
problems and possible approaches, but not the solutions, and is intended not only to
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 87-91.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
preserve, but to encourage innovation. In the document, the evolution of technology is
graphically described through an analogy with paved roads, unpaved roads and footpaths.
Basic research, now concentrated heavily in universities, provides the first explorations
of the technology "countryside" by providing an understanding of the lay of the land and
creating the first footpaths. The main purpose of the NTRS is to adequately define the
industry's future needs so that the basic research will be selected to solve specific
problems, therefore defining where the footpaths are located, as well as their direction.
This "problem-driven" motivation is key since it is a well-known historical
characteristic of roads that those chosen to be developed and improved are those most
widely used.

3. NTRS Framework

To provide a unified framework for the eight TWG's, an Overall Technology

Characteristics Chart (OTCC) was defined that projects the key elements of the
technology areas. The framework of the current Roadmap, besides being extended to
2010, was broadened over the 1992 version by segmenting the characteristics according
to the IC product design, since different applications drive different aspects of the
technology. The OTCC major market areas addressed are: memory, including dynamic
random-access memory (DRAM) and flash memory; high-volume microprocessors; and
low-volume application specific integrated circuits (ASIC's). In all three areas, the
primary driving assumption is Moore's Law [4]. A condensed version of the OTCC is
shown in Table 1, which summarizes shows the projection algorithm assumed and the
requirement in 2010 for the driving market area. For more detailed parameter
projections, refer directly to the NTRS.
While the end of technology scaling as defined by Moore's Law has been forecast
many times in the past, technology progress has continued unabated. Nevertheless, the
key question still remains: when will the industry forecast deviate from Moore's Law?

TABLE 1. Moore's Law Trend Projections

Die Area 1.5X every 3 years 14 cm2 DRAM
Min. Feature Size 30% reduction every 3 years 0.07 um
Transistors/Die 4X every 3 years 64 Gb DRAM
On-Chip Circuit Clock 1.5X every 3 years 1 GHz UP
Cost/Transistor >50% reduction every 3 years $0.00001 (Logic)
Fab Cost 2.3X every 3 years >$10B

4. Analysis

Although technology scaling has been the driving force for technology advancement, it
is the improved cost per function that has generated the market growth and revenues that
have fueled the research and development (R&D) costs. For example, of the 4X
improvement in DRAM capacity per generation, 2X has been attained from lithography
(1.4X per linear dimension), 1.5X from chip size increases driven by improved
manufacturing, and the remaining 1.3X from innovation related to cell size reduction
and other technological and architectural advances. Although it is recognized that
continuing improvements in lithography are required to meet the OTCC cadence, these
alone are inadequate to continue the 30% cost-per-function improvement that has fueled
the global growth of the industry.
Consider the following simplified manufacturing cost-per-transistor analysis:

Cw = Ki (FC/(FT x Y)) (1)

Cw = wafer cost Kj = constant Y = yield
FC = capital cost of factory FT = factory throughput

Cb = Cw/(NcxNb) (2)
Cb = bit cost Nc = no. of chips on a wafer
Nb = no. of bits on a chip

Nc = K2 D2/(Nb x L2 x PE) (3)
K2 = constant L = resolution level (lithographic)
D = wafer diameter PE = packaging efficiencies

Cb = K (FC/(FT x Y)) x L2/D2 X PE (4)

Equation (4) demonstrates the importance of the factory (including the use of large
diameter wafers) in addition to lithography and packaging (or design) efficiency.
Factory productivity assessments [5] from 1970-1990 show that wafer starts per
month increased from 10,000 wafers/mo. to 40,000 wafers/mo., yield increased from
30% to the 80-90% range, and wafer diameter increased from 75 mm to 200 mm, which
is the norm in modern factories. The result was a total throughput improvement of 65X
when the total factory cost increased by only 10-15X, resulting in a real capital cost
decrease. The fifteen-year period covered by the NTRS indicates a potential new (and
negative) factory paradigm, where there will be increased capital costs per silicon unit.
Clearly, the yield factor has been almost completely exploited. Factory productivity
demands the movement to not only 300 mm wafers but also to 400 mm wafers mid-
way through the projection period. With the larger wafers and the current equipment
utilization, it is questionable whether a further increase in the volume of wafers per
month will have any beneficial effects, especially when nanometric shrink technology is
driving the need for unit wafer, in-situ processing.

5. Challenges

Considerations such as these were factored into the NTRS, resulting in the
acknowledgment that the semiconductor industry faces new challenges as it moves to
production of feature sizes that are less than 150 nm.
Clearly, the first challenge is to develop the cost-competitive lithographic
processes that will allow exposures of sub-150 nm lines. It is generally recognized that
optical (deep-UV) lithography will be extended and used down to 0.18 (im. However,
this extension requires complex enhancements with a large development expense —
both for the tool and for the process. Critical dimension control and overlay are
becoming crucial, placing an increasing demand on metrology tools and masks. The
challenge is to contain the manufacturing cost associated with this increased
complexity. In addition, there is no clear manufacturing solution for dimensions below
100 nm.
Furthermore, the NTRS identified four challenges that span the entire spectrum of
technology and require a major effort to resolve. Termed the "Grand Challenges," they

1. Productivity improvement: Previous agreements were presented to argue the need

for a new paradigm to compensate for the diminished contributions of factory
productivity. The demands on "innovation" to increase the cleverness factor must be
increased to provide new approaches to satisfy the 30% per-year per-function cost

2. Complexity management: The historical perspective shows that process

complexity increases to accommodate the appropriate manufacturing and design window
required for smaller dimensions. This is clearly expected to continue as the wireability
levels are increased and dimensions continue to shrink. As complexity increases, a
competitive advantage can be generated by developing the engineering support tools that
can sustain this increasing complexity. This is also true for device and circuit computer-
aided design tools if one expects to control the non-recurring design cost that will allow
the design of ASIC chips containing tens of millions of devices. The challenge is to
define and solve the problem before a crisis.

3. Advanced technology programs: In the United States, global competitiveness has

drastically changed the contributions of industrial research laboratories like IBM and
AT&T. Universities have been called upon to fill the gap, but many aspects of
semiconductor research require a large investment in facilities or equipment to allow
state-of-art research to occur. This escalating cost is occurring simultaneously with a
decrease in funds and sponsors. The competition for resources places a high demand on
immediate applicability of the results, diminishing the support of truly long-term
research. The identified challenge is to provide the required distribution of funds and the
programs to meet the most demanding technology requirements.

4. Technology funding: The cost of new factory capital and the escalating cost of
R&D can only be funded out of current profits. The pressure has already driven the
industry to establish cost-sharing consortia like SRC and SEMATECH and to establish
individual partnerships and other relationships. The trend towards common research
funding will and must continue as solutions are defined to address the issues discussed

above. The reality is that the available funds will never be adequate to address all the
issues raised as trie industry moves to nanotechnology. The challenge is to implement a
funding strategy that covers all critical needs and to demonstrate the viability of new
concepts prior to funding the development of commercializable solutions.

6. Summary

By focusing on needs rather than solutions, the National Technology Roadmap for
Semiconductors provides a broad description of the technology challenges requiring
resolution in order to extend the integrated circuit revolution into the 21st century. It
realistically addresses the major barriers to this extension, recognizing that the cadence
will not continue if these barriers are not removed. The challenges are great, but the
promise is even greater.

7. References

1. The National Roadmap for Semiconductors, SIA, 1994.

2. Semiconductor Technology, Workshop Conclusions, SIA, 1993.
3. Semiconductor Technology, Workshop Working Croup Reports, SIA, 1993.
4. Moore, G.E. (1975) Progress in digital integrated circuits, IEEEIEDM Tech.
Digest, 11-13.
5. Finan, W. and Vardaman J., Semiconductor clean room technology in the 1990's,
7990 Dataquest Report.

IBM Research Division
T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. Box 218
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598


The capability of silicon technology has increased and cost of doing computation has
decreased to the point where vastly expanded personal computational facilities become
available to a large class of users. In this environment the energy cost of computation
becomes a critical issue, especially for portable applications, but even in desktop,
household and office environments. The capability of the upcoming technologies to
deliver performance for some future yielded chip will vastly exceed the power budget
allotted to the application desirous of using that performance. The concept of "excess
capacity" is introduced to describe this situation and this excess capacity may be traded
for power in different ways to realize different system solutions. This paper will discuss
the nature of the different kinds of trade-offs, and the classes of system solutions

1. Introduction: Setting the Stage

The semiconductor industry has seen unprecedented growth over the past three decades,
forming the basis a great social revolution, akin to the industrial revolution of two
hundred and fifty years ago. Since its advent we have seen a million-fold increase in the
scale of integration and in the capability of electronic systems, which have become
increasingly available, through their reduced cost, for use by the average citizen.
The pattern of development of computing systems, since the invention in the
1970's of the single chip microprocessor, has been a hierarchy of large, fast and
expensive mainframe computers (high end) contrasted with small, slow, yet cheap
microcomputers (low end). As technology has progressed, the capabilities at both the
low and high end have increased both in terms of speed and numbers of circuits. The
number of memory circuits has increased much faster than the logic, with slower
memory chips serving fast logic chips. The objective, at the low end, has been to fit an
entire CPU (central processing unit) on one chip, and this has been achieved by reducing
the number of bits being processed at a time, starting at 4b in the early 70's and
progressing to 8b, 16b and 32b as the technology advanced, compared to 64b in a
S. Luryi et cd. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 93-109.
© 1996 IBM. Printed in the Netherlands.
typical mainframe. Now with 64b CPU chips becoming available, we see a convergence
between the low and high end in terms of single CPU capability.
As a result of this phenomenal growth, the average user in his office or home now
has personal access to computational power that was once reserved for mainframes, and
a plethora of applications has developed to exploit this capability. Fortunately the
electrical power per unit of computation has also decreased dramatically, permitting
these computers to operate at power levels consistent with home or office use. Indeed,
the power has been reduced so dramatically that an entirely new class of computers, the
portable computer, has arisen. This accelerates the trend toward more computation at
ever reduced power levels and leads to the first postulate for the present critique: The
power budget for the most important computer applications will decrease over time.
The assumption here is that home, office, and portable applications will be the most
important (in terms of market share), and forces driving the power budget down are
primarily increased battery life for portable applications, and energy savings for home
and office computers. Indeed, it has been estimated [1] that today, computers consume =
5% of the nation's electrical energy!
Historically, power has not been an important constraint for low-end processor
design within the boundaries imposed by complementary metal oxide silicon (CMOS)
design practice. Compared to bipolar and n-channel FET technologies, which consume
power even when idle, CMOS offered such large power savings for systems running at
low clock rates that technology was able to advance, on a fairly conservative scaling
path, limited by speed and area constraints, while keeping the power dissipation of the
CPU chip fairly small. The only concern related to power was the ability to cool the
chip, since most of the power consumption of the desk-top computer lay in the display.
Since its introduction, CMOS technology has been able to proceed toward higher
densities, without a major collision with power constraints because of a combination of
circuit innovations and the application of scaling principles. Indeed, according to the
scaling principles laid out by Dennard et al. [2] more than two decades ago, FET
integrated circuits can be scaled to smaller dimensions, higher densities and higher
speeds without increasing power density. This is easily derived from the dependence,

P = NcktCV2f (1)

of the power on the number of circuits switching, capacitance per circuit and voltage
being switched, and switching frequency, where capacitance, voltage and logic delay
(inverse of the maximum switching frequency) scale linearly with dimension. For
several generations the voltage had remained constant at 5 V, to maintain compatibility
with the old TTL logic interface circuitry, and power had been kept in check by
combination of circuit, layout, and architectural innovations.
Further progress in scaling has demanded a return to scaling the power supply
voltages, hence the new 3.3 V standard, as well as 2.5 V and 1.8 V supply voltages
proposed for the future. At some point voltage scaling becomes harder to do, as we will
discuss further, and the voltages will be constrained to be larger than some minimum
which depends on various system parameters.
At a constant voltage, and with no further innovation in layout, circuit techniques,
and architecture, the power density will increase rapidly with scaling as the inverse
square of the dimension. If past trends are followed, chip size will continue to increase
and the total power per system would increase dramatically for systems at the cutting
edge of speed and integration capabilities of the technology. This leads to the second

postulate of this study: The power dissipation of a chip designed for maximum speed
and integration potential of the current technology will increase dramatically with time.
Now one may argue, as is done in Ref. [3], that chip size need not increase and will
actually decrease with time once a full 64b CPU and its cache can be fit onto one chip.
This is difficult to dispute, but flies in the face of the economic incentive to exploit the
new technology to its fullest extent.
The two postulates of our study, as illustrated in Fig. 1, lead to a dramatic
divergence between the power budget for the major applications and the power
dissipation of a chip operating at maximum capacity. This trend is also document in
recent work by Stork [4]. In order to reconcile the two, the processing capacity of the
chip has to be reduced until the power fits within the power budget. We will call the
ratio between the maximum capability of the technology and the actual processing
capacity at a given power budget the excess capacity. Using reasonable trends [4, 5] we
find an excess capacity of between one and three orders of magnitude for desk-top and
portable computer applications for the 0.1 urn technology generation.
Given this excess capacity, the question becomes how to trade it for lower power
consumption in the most efficient manner. This will be the subject of the rest of this





Figure 1. Divergence of chip power dissipation from the power budget for typical
applications as a function of technology evolution (time).

2. Adiabatic vs. Switched DC Logic Implementations

Conventional CMOS logic can be considered to be a complex network of voltage

controlled switches (transistors) which establish a '0' or '1' logic level by switching a
given node to ground or to a DC power supply. Under these circumstances, Eq. 1 is
valid without regard to the details of the switch design, with the technology only setting

the capacitance, voltage and switching frequency.

Landauer [6], by contrast, showed that energy dissipation was not fundamental to
the computational process — only erasure of information necessitates dissipation. It
was not clear until recently [7] how these proofs could be applied to CMOS circuits,
although Bennett [8] showed the means by which computation could be made reversible,
hence dissipationless, in hypothetical systems. Recent research has investigated practical
ways of implementing reversible or quasi-reversible logic circuits using CMOS.

Figure 2. (a) Charging of capacitor C via switched inductor, (b) Charging capacitor
via resistive FET.

The circuit of Fig. 2 (a) illustrates how a node may be charged and discharged
dissipationlessly, assuming that the circuit elements were lossless, clearly showing that
the paradigm represented by Eq. 1 is not universal. In this figure the switch represents
an FET, the gate of which is controlled by other adiabatic circuits. A simpler
representation is shown in Fig. 2 (b) where the switched FET is represented by a
resistor, R, and the capacitor C represents the gate plus wiring capacitance of the
circuits being driven. The circuit is fed by a ramped power supply of rise time T. For
this example, the energy dissipation per transition,

U = CV2(RC/T) (2)

is less by the factor of (RC/T) compared to the conventional case.

A simple example of an adiabatic circuit using conventional CMOS circuitry and
following the scheme of Hall [9], is shown in Fig. 3, where the boxes represent CMOS
pass gates. For the circuits to operate in an adiabatic manner, the control (gate) voltage
on the switching FET's has to be established before voltage is applied to the current
(source and drain) terminals. This leads to the concept of the "retractile cascade" where
the power supply (clock) voltages are applied at increasing delays as one goes down the
logic chain, then withdrawn in reverse sequence.

A "S.
B ^ **»•'
r /
OKI s s.
CK? /•
Olli y


Figure 3. Retractile cascade adiabatic circuit [9].

While this is one of the simplest ways of applying adiabatic concepts to CMOS
logic it is by no means the only way [10]. For instance, one can achieve a reversible
pipeline by using inverse logic functions to implement a reverse pipeline which
adiabatically resets the logic stages in the wake of the forward propagating signals [11].

ai i io

Figure 4. Measurements of on-chip power dissipation of an adiabatic buffer with

different off-chip load capacitors.

The property of adiabatic circuits is that for a given Vßß the power is proportional
to the square of the frequency. This was verified by us (see Fig. 4) in the case of a
simple adiabatic buffer circuit, by measuring the small temperature rise of the chip
caused by the dissipated power. This means that at a low enough frequency the adiabatic
circuits will dissipate less power than conventional circuits.
Fig. 2 (a) represents a possible on-chip solution for powering adiabatic circuits
requiring a low-loss on-chip inductor [12]. Unfortunately such inductors are impractical
to make on a VLSI chip. Apart from the considerable problems of incorporating micron
sized magnetic components on chip, the Q of a given inductor design is reduced linearly
with dimension so that conventional inductor designs would not work well at micron
sized dimensions. More practical schemes use capacitor networks [13] but these have
limited potential for energy savings.

3. Cost of Information Erasure

Practical adiabatic computers must include latches to store intermediate results.

Otherwise the system will suffer too large a temporal penalty, as in the retractile cascade
scheme, or too large a penalty in terms of extra circuits (in the reversible pipelined
approach). Latch erasure necessitates energy dissipation of at least kTpei bit, but this is
still about lxlO8 less than the energy dissipated in a typical CMOS circuit. Merely to
approach this limit would be very desirable.

(a) (b)

<>Hzb-1—^/"T"0 °—^^"^ Kl—

:ik _L r _L cik -■
T T . 3



Figure 5. Various methods of information erasure.

Practical CMOS latch circuits, each in succession approaching that limit more
closely, are shown in Fig. 5 (a-d). The first achieves efficiency by minimizing the
capacitance of the latch and buffering it from the larger load capacitance with an
adiabatic buffer. The second employs a series diode, making the cost of energy erasure =
CVDDVfade, so the energy saved is Vdiode^DD, where Vdiode = (kT/e)ln(Ion/I0ff).
When the 'on/off current ratio is optimized for minimum power dissipation, Vdiode =
(kTle)\n{eV[)£)lr\kT) is the diode for ward voltage drop, and r\ (7] < 1) is an activity
factor. A further power saving may be achieved [14] using a cross-coupled latch for data
storage (Fig. 5 (c)). For reasonably fast erasure the last Vj of voltage on the internal
nodes must be erased non-adiabatically leading to a penalty proportional to CVjZ. For
extremely slow erasure the energy cost will ultimately be reduced to several times
(kTlefiC. This same reduced cost can be achieved in a reasonably short time by ramping
down the threshold voltage during latch erasure [15], for instance by changing the
transistor well bias locally as shown in Fig. 5 (d). We can relate the above result to the
more fundamental result of Landauer by expressing it as nkT where n is the number of
electrons stored on the capacitor C. Landauer's limit is therefore approached in this kind
of latch when the FET's are small enough to store just a single electron!
Because partially adiabatic latches can be made so much more energy-efficient than
conventional CMOS, even including a large number of latches into an adiabatic system
can result in substantial power savings. As an extreme case, the scheme of Denker et al.
[16] uses every gate as a latch and realizes a 3:1 power reduction.

4. Practical Adiabatic Systems

AC Signal

> ,n

1 '
Shift Register 1
n ^ >


In =! Block -

Figure 6. Hypothetical adiabatic logic chip, from Frank and Solomon [18].

A hypothetical adiabatic system is shown in Fig. 6. The system is powered by an

efficient sinusoidal AC power supply [17]. The power supply may be on or off-chip and
the energy storage in the power supply may be inductors, switched capacitors, or some
other resonator capable of delivering and accepting reactive power. An adiabatically
switched network is included on chip [18] to convert the sinusoidal power supply
waveform into flat topped waveforms.
The logic is transferred through the logic block and stored on output registers,
where it may be erased irreversibly.

5. Voltage Reduction

In expanding the possibilities of digital circuits by including adiabatic circuits we altered

the power-frequency trade-off from/to/2. A much easier way to get a better trade-off is
simply to reduce the voltage. This can be done either at a constant Vj or by reducing
Vj with VDD- At a constant Vj the voltage range is limited to VDD being greater than
about 2Vj. Below this value the delay increases [19], and the noise tolerance decreases
rather sharply.
At a constant VJIVDD ratio, the transfer curves and relative noise margins of the
circuits would not change appreciably over a wide range of VDD> yet the delay will
decrease with increasing voltage due to the increasing velocity of the carriers, and
eventually saturate at higher voltages. CMOS circuits find themselves at the edge of the
velocity saturation regime at the highest voltages, so that reducing VDD at a constant
VJIVDD increases the delay inversely with VDD at the lower voltages. With this
approach, reducing VDD an(l reducing the clock frequency proportionately (keeping the
ratio of circuit speed to clock frequency roughly constant) would reduce the power as the
cube of the clock frequency. This is a very strong factor and voltage reduction is the
method of choice for reducing power.
Since voltage reduction is such an effective means of reducing power dissipation,
much thought has been devoted to the question of the minimum voltage for CMOS
logic operation [20, 21]. The smallest voltages can be attained when the FET is in its
sub-threshold region [21] since voltage nonlinearities are then maximized. For a simple
CMOS inverter, the minimum power supply at which it exhibits gain is 2\n2(kT/e) (36
mV at room temperature). Real logic needs at least a fan in of two, and this requirement
raises the minimum voltage to 2.21{kTle) (59 mV) for a CMOS NAND gate [21].
Complex logic functions have been demonstrated on CMOS circuits operating on
a power supply of just 0.2 V [22]. That work proved that such low voltage operation is
possible, but also that special techniques are needed to adjust threshold voltages
dynamically, through controlling the back bias of the p and n-wells of the FET's.
In large scale commercial application of CMOS logic circuits, two factors will
combine to increase minimum power supply voltages considerably higher than those
quoted above: standby power and tolerances.
The ratio of 'off to 'on' current (except under special circumstances involving
impact ionization) is at least:

off current v, „V / eAV

<GS \
on current *\
V mkT ) (3)
where AVQS is the gate voltage swing between the 'on' and 'off states (AVQS = VDD f°r
conventional CMOS) and m is the sub-threshold slope factor (m > 1 ). Typically m
=1.4 for bulk CMOS and approaches unity for silicon on-insulator (SOI).

The total power dissipation consists of both dynamic power (CVjyD^f) and the
static power due to the Nckt l0ff^DD 'off current. The two can be related through Eq. 3
and the condition that the maximum switching time tmax be less than the clock period.
Here Cmax is the capacitance of the slowest circuit, as opposed to the average
capacitance C used above. The optimum power supply voltage Vßßopt to minimize
the total power is then:

mkT x In "ckt^-max^^max ( eVDD}0pt \-|

DD,opt ■
[ NonCfin V mkT )J (4)

where Nckt is the total number of circuits, Nsw is the number of circuits being
switched, Fj is the average fan-in, and Fjiinax is the fan-in associated with the slowest
Tolerances become extremely important at low supply voltages. Of the tolerances
we will consider only the Vj tolerance (assumed equal for p and n-channel FET's for the
sake of simplicity). Other tolerances, such as those of the power supplies, are
important, but not strategically so, since it is quite feasible to regulate the power
supply on-chip, even at multiple points. The simplest way to include the Vj variations
is increase the power supply voltage by them:

VDD.min = ^DD.opt + AVr + + A VT" (5)

The reason for adding both AVj+ and AVj~ is that AVj' subtracts from Vj,
requiring a higher nominal AVj, while AVj+ raises Vj above nominal, requiring an
even higher power supply voltage to achieve the speed objectives.


/T* nMOS
S. 0.2 -1.8V(Vds)

-Til -t
0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9
Effective Channel Length (/um)

Figure 7. Threshold voltage vs. gate length for 0.15 (Am CMOS, from Davari et al. [5].
Threshold voltage variation is due to many different factors, including doping
profiles, work function, well bias and temperature, etc., but we will consider only
channel length since this is the most difficult to control. Threshold voltage varies with
channel length because of the interpenetration of source and drain fields into the channel
region and their screening effect on threshold control implants. Typical Vj roll-off
curves are shown in Fig. 7 for a 0.1 |J,m technology. In a sense, these curves define the
technology, both in terms of channel length control and in terms of vertical profile, so
that for a given state of the technology there is a clear trade-off between channel length
and Vj1 control. In order to get the tighter Vj control necessary for low voltage
operation, the channel length for a given technology would have to be increased.
The parameters in Eq. 4 reflect many possible choices in system architecture,
design methodology, and layout. Such parameters are the ratio of switching to total
circuits, the ratio of maximum switching time to clock period, and the ratio of average
to maximum capacitance. A range of choices is covered in Table 1, the first row
representing a large general purpose chip, while the second a specialized function
optimized for low voltage. The range of VDD.min (0-2—1 V) represented by these
choices is considerable and is an indication that future chips may well depart from the
single, standard power supply voltage that has been used up to now.
Portable systems run off fixed voltage batteries of course, and lithium batteries, at
~3 V, are increasingly being used because of their high storage capacity. This voltage
must be regulated down to whatever power supply voltage is appropriate. The losses in
the regulator will introduce extra factors into the optimization of VJJQ, resulting in
somewhat higher values of Vßßmin.

TABLE 1. Extreme Scenarios for Determining minimum Vßß.

mkT c /'max Fi F,
Itmax AVT+ AVf 'DD.min
e N c
/mV\ (mV) (mV) (V)
V Dec )
90 104 100 0.05 3 4 100 150 1.1
60 10 3 0.5 2 3 25 50 0.28

6. Voltage Scaling For Adiabatic Circuits

At a constant Vjit can be shown [11, 17] that power dissipation is minimized at
Vf/Vßß ~ 3.4. This is when the effect of the resistance increase of R due to reduced
gate voltage just balances that of the reduced CV2.
When the Vj-ZVßß voltage ratio is held constant, adiabatic circuits yield the same
square law dependence (CVßj)2RC/T) of switching energy on voltage as nonadiabatic
circuits, assuming that T and R are both inversely proportional to I/VDQ. TO find the
minimum power supply voltage for adiabatic circuits we revert to our sub-threshold
model and optimize the power supply voltage using similar procedures as before:

T/ _ 2mkT ,„ T cu ( T VI ,n
VDD,opt—-T-^l-^^W) J
where /? is effective average channel resistance of the 'on' FET's at a source voltage of
half the power supply voltage. This resistance can be adjusted by choosing an
appropriate threshold voltage. Now Eq. 6 resembles Eq. 4 the main differences being the
factor of 2 outside and the RC/T replacing the ftmax inside the logarithm. The resulting
optimal power supply voltage is therefore larger by approximately a factor of two than
in the dissipative case. Tolerances still have to be added, as in Eq. 5. One might argue
that adiabatic circuits sense average rather than extreme values because power
dissipation, rather than delay, is the issue. This is true in principle, yet in the sub-
threshold regime extreme values tend to dominate due to the exponential dependencies.

7. Pass Gates and Static Memory

The Vßß limits we have derived so far apply only to simple static logic circuits which
are very robust in terms of noise margin. Other circuits generally require higher supply
voltages, especially circuits involving pass gates. Such circuits include the ubiquitous
static memory cell.
Pass transistors require approximately an extra Vj of supply voltage because two
G/S voltage drops are in series. In the sub-threshold regime we can derive the extra
voltage by requiring that the delay penalty of the pass transistor and the following logic
gate be equal to the delay of the heavily loaded circuit discussed above, resulting in:

where V/)D" is the value of Vpß for the system with no pass transistors. Inserting
typical values, AVßß - Vßß< - 0.25 V. The penalty is therefore much larger under
conditions that require a larger Vpp in the first place and approaches doubling of the
original Vßß .
In a static memory cell, as shown in Fig. 8, the bit line access transistors (n-
channel) act as pass transistors; however, the cell is read and written differentially so
that at least one of these transistors will always have its source close to ground
potential during the entire operation. For low power operation it is feasible to design
the cell and sense amplifier such that the access time does not depend critically on the
access transistor on the ungrounded side. For the READ this need not depart much from
some modern designs [23] in which sensitive sense amplifiers can detect small
differential signals. The WRITE operations will require some changes to the standard
design practice. While pull-down via conventional sense amplifier-decoder is
satisfactory, the pull-up via the pass transistors will be very weak, so that the p-channel
transistor in the cell would have to be strong enough to provide this function within a
WRITE access time.

Figure 8. Static memory cell with separate array power supplies.

The above discussion illustrates how the voltage penalty due to the pass
transistors in static memory can be circumvented by means of appropriate design
technique. Some common practices, such as the use of area-saving very high impedance
pull-up devices, could prove unsuitable for low-voltage design.
Pass transistors for LOGIC are not strictly necessary. For instance any
combinatorial logic function can be built from simple NAND gates. Therefore the CPU
and static RAM could in theory be built without incurring the voltage penalty of pass
transistors. The lesson to be learned, however, is that an additional trade-off in low-
power (voltage) design is the necessity to abandon certain circuit techniques, which are
often used to obtain higher speed at a conventional Vߣ>. This becomes just another part
of the speed-power-density trade-off.

8. Sleep Modes

An increasingly used low power design technique is the power down of large blocks of
circuitry that are not being used for a particular calculation. This eliminates the DC
leakage current associated with that circuitry, but of course requires that the power-down
circuitry itself have low leakage current. We see the utility of this technique from Eq. 4,
where the threshold voltage could be reduced (to increase Ion) and the power supply
voltage reduced proportionally to the ratio of Nsw to Nc^t, where now N^t is the
number of (low Vj) transistors in the non-sleep mode, and the transistors in the power-
down circuitry have high Vj to reduce leakage.
One can easily see how such a technique may be applied to logic, but for memory
the stored information may be lost if the array is powered down. On the other hand, the
need for a sleep-mode is especially acute for static memory which may comprise the
bulk of the circuitry on a modern CPU chip.

Low standby power static memory requires transistors in the cell which have high
threshold voltages; and this conflicts with the goal of low-voltage operation. This
dilemma may be resolved if the voltage powering the array be higher, and the internal
voltage swings be larger than those of the peripheral circuits. This is possible because
the static memory cell has internal gain. Keeping the voltage swing on the peripheral
circuits low, including bit lines, is beneficial because these circuits consume most of
the dynamic power of the array. In order to complete this picture the voltage swing on
the word lines must also be kept low, but this conflicts with leakage requirements as
seen from Eq. 3. To resolve this dilemma we must introduce two modes of operation of
the array, ACTIVE and SLEEP mode. During active mode the array operates with
normal voltage swings on the gates of the access transistors and the leakage current is
tolerated. During SLEEP mode this leakage path is shut off by applying an appropriate
bias. An alternative, but technologically more difficult, method would be to increase the
threshold voltages during the SLEEP mode.
This hierarchy of modes is particularly suited to the already existing hierarchy in
the memory organization where a small, fast cache is served by a much larger, slower
cache, parts of which may be in a SLEEP mode.

9. Comparison of Trade-Offs

As we have seen, a simple reduction of clock rate does not reduce the energy required for
a given computation. As noted by Horowitz [24], this energy is reduced when other
system parameters are changed in the course of the optimization toward low power
operation. These parameters may be voltage (which we have discussed at length), device
size, circuit design, etc. Horowitz noticed that the energy time product (Ut) was
approximately constant over a range of many parameters. Table 2 summarizes the
behavior of FET circuits for some of these variations. Included in this list are adiabatic
circuits, where the clock frequency is the variable.

TABLE 2. Constant of scaling vs. size of scaling parameter.

vDD FET adiabatic

width elk freq
small U U Ult
med Ut Ut Ut
large t t -

It is seen that as one varies the parameter of interest that at one extreme (high
voltage, large area) the system exhibits little flexibility in speed with respect to changes
in power dissipation, while at the other extreme there is little trade-off of energy for
speed. At intermediate values, and for adiabatic circuits, there is considerable flexibility
in trading speed for energy dissipation, and a region exists which has an approximately
constant Ut product. The constant Ut region (also called action), while having no
particular theoretical underpinnings, is nevertheless a useful heuristic with which to
characterize the effects of design changes.
For the different techniques listed in Table 2 the total energy savings realized in
traversing the trade-off region are very different: less than one order of magnitude for the
case of size variations, about two orders of magnitude for voltage, and potentially many
orders of magnitude for adiabatic computation.

10. Use of Parallelism

In the trade-off region discussed above, energy may be traded for delay, so that by
slowing down the computation its total energy cost is reduced. This may also be
achieved by partitioning the same computation among several processors, if the
problem so lends itself, resulting in the same or even greater computational throughput
but at reduced energy cost.
At a constant Ut product, and a desired total throughput, the total energy required
for a given computation will be inversely proportional to the number of processors in
the system. As discussed in the introduction, this choice will become increasingly
available for future technologies where many complete processors could fit onto a single
chip. As an example, let us consider the technology choices outlined by Davari et al.
[5]. At the 0.1 \im level this technology will be able to support a RISC processor on
an area of about 18 mm2, so that a 2 cm2 chip would support about 10 such
processors. For this example, parallelism reduces the chip power by a factor of 10 while
maintaining the same throughput.
With this approach, the granularity of the larger system on a chip will be that of a
single CPU and its associated cache. Other large CPU-sized special purpose functional
blocks will be included in this mix. An advantage of this partitioning, apart from the
benefits discussed above, is that for work loads not requiring all of the CPU's, the
unused CPU's can be put into the SLEEP mode with all of the attendant power savings.

11. Technology Evolution

In the introduction we presented the thesis that the driving force behind the quest for low
power was the advance of technology. A technology road map into the next century is
presented, for instance, by Davari et al. [5]. In this section we will consider these
options in more detail.
The primary driving force of the technology is the increase in density which, as we
have discussed previously, will allow for multiple processors and large static RAM's on
chip. To achieve the goals for low power, the voltages will be driven down toward their
lower limit and SLEEP mode will be used extensively. DC-DC converters will find
common usage on-chip to regulate the battery or external power supply voltage down to
the chip power supplies.
Device scaling will be pushed to the limit with MOSFET's having effective
channel lengths of less than 0.1 (im. At such short channel lengths the carrier velocities
in the channel would be saturated at voltages low as 0.5 V, so that reducing voltages
toward their minimum would not necessitate a severe delay penalty. In a constant
voltage scaling scenario, adiabatic circuits fare better than conventional circuits because
the channel voltage is always small and velocities do not saturate. Anything done to

improve the channel mobility, such as the inclusion of a germanium alloy, will
therefore help adiabatic more than non-adiabatic circuits.
The crucial issue for scaling and for voltage reduction is Vj. Further progress on
the latter front is very difficult to achieve due to the technological difficulty of
controlling the dopant profile, but there are no fundamental limitations to Vj control
down to dimensions of at least 0.05 |J.m effective channel length [25].

12. Wire Resistance

Wire resistance will be an important limiting factor to achieving very high performance
in future high speed circuits. This trend will reinforce the move toward parallelism,
since the slower individual processors will be much less limited by the wiring delay.
The scaling potential of adiabatic chips is limited by wire resistance. The power
dissipated in the wires, Pw is proportional to/5/2/X2 for a constant-sized chip [17],
where X is the scaling parameter. This relationship reverses the otherwise favorable
trend for adiabatic circuits compared to conventional circuits.
As an example we estimate the magnitude of this effect using the same scaled
version of Davari's processor [5] as before, where the capacitance C of the processor is
derived from his data on power dissipation to be 5 nF. Assuming an AC power
distribution bus of 10 |J,m thickness (the skin depth at 130 MHz) fed in from the side,
the power dissipated in the wires is 80 mW for the single processor. If a larger chip
were used and 16 processors were to operate simultaneously at 1/16 the frequency (and
with a 40 |Xm thick power distribution bus), the power dissipation in the bus would be
reduced to 1 mW. Note that the thick power bus could be situated off chip and the AC
voltage transmitted to the chip via an aerial array.
The above example illustrates that the wire resistance limit to the scaling of
adiabatic circuits is several generations beyond today's technology, but will be
encountered before the scaling of FET technology has run its course.

13. Conclusions

We have compared different approaches to obtaining low power in future computational

systems. The easiest and most potent technique is to reduce the supply voltage, the
implementation of which requires the use of both high and low threshold voltage FET's,
the extensive use of the SLEEP mode, and different power supply voltages for logic and
memory. Using a combination of these techniques it is feasible to use power supply
voltages as low as 0.5 V for a future technology capable of supporting large, multiple
CPU chips. The attainment of this voltage depends critically on attainment of sufficient
threshold voltage control and may necessitate longer channel lengths than would
otherwise be the case for a given state of technology evolution.
The power levels for the scaled technology are low enough that adiabatic
techniques will not be needed in the CPU except in specialized applications. These
techniques could, however, be very useful in the peripheral, input-output areas (display
drivers, cameras, memory busses, etc.) where data rates are not so high and substantial
energy is expended driving large capacitances.

13. References

1. Lemnios, Z. and Gabriel, K. (1993) ARPA Low Power Electronics Presentation.

2. Dennard, R.H., Gaensslen, F.H., Yu, H.N., Rideout, V.L., Bassous, E., and
LeBlanc, A.R. (1974) IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 9, 256.
3. Sai-Halasz, G.A. (1995) Proc. IEEE 83, 20.
4. Stork, J.M.C. (1995) Proc. IEEE 83, 607.
5. Davari, B., Dennard, R.H., and Shahidi, G.G. (1995) Proc. IEEE 83, 607.
6. Landauer, R. (1961) IBM J. Res. Develop. 5, 183.
7. See articles in Proc. PhysComp'92 Workshop on Physics of Computation
(Dallas, Texas, Oct. 1992).
8. Bennett, C.H. (1988) IBM J. Res. Develop. 32, 16.
9. Hall, J. S. (1992) Proc. of the 4th International Conf. on Computing and
Information, ICCI'92.
10. See articles in Proc. ACM-SIGDA and IEEE-CAS 1994 Int'l Workshop on
Low Power Design (Napa, CA).
11. Younis, S.G. and Knight, Jr., T.F. (1994) Proc. of 1994 Int'l Workshop on
Low Power Design (Napa, CA), p. 177.
12. Athas, W.C., Svensson, L.J., Koller, J.G., Tzartzanis, N., and Chou, E. (1994)
Proc. of 1994 Int'l Workshop on Low Power Design (Napa, CA), p. 189;
Athas, W.C., et al. (1994) IEEE Trans. VLSI Systems 2, 398.
13. Svensson, L.J. and J.G. Koller, in Proc. of 1994 Int'l Workshop on Low Power
Design (Napa, CA), p. 159.
14. Koller, J.G. and Athas, W.C. (1992) in Proc. PhysComp'92 Workshop on
Physics of Computation (Dallas, TX).
15. Solomon, P.M. and Frank, DJ., unpublished
16. Denker, J.S., Avery, S.C., Dickenson, A.G. Kramer, A., and Wik, T.R. (1994)
in Proc. of 1994 Int'l Workshop on Low Power Design (Napa, CA), p. 183.
17. Solomon, P.M. and Frank, D.J. (1994) in Proc. of 1994 Int'l Workshop on
Low Power Design (Napa, CA), p. 93.
18. Frank, D.J. and Solomon, P.M. (1995) in Proc. of 1995 Int'l Symp. on Low
Power Design (Laguna, CA).
19. Taur, Y., Mii, Y-J., Frank, D.J., Wong, H-S., Buchanan, D.A., Wind, S.J.,
Rishton, S.A., Sai-Halasz, G.A., and Nowak, E.J. (1995) IBM J. Res. Develop.
39, 245.
20. Swanson, R.M. and Meindl, J.D. (1972) IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 7, 146;
Liu, D. and Svensson, C. (1993) IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 28, 10.

21. Frank, DJ., unpublished.

22. Burr, J.B. and Shott, John (1994) in Digest of Tech. Papers ISSCC94 IEEE
Int'l Solid-State Circuits Conf., p. 84.
23. Itoh, K., Sasaki, K., and Nakagome, Y. (1995) Proc. IEEE 83, 524.
24. Horowitz, M., Indermaur, T., and Gonzalez, R. (1994) in IEEE 1994 Symp. on
Low Power Electronics (San-Diego, CA) p. 8.
25. Frank, DJ., Laux, S.E., and Fischetti, M.V. (1992) in IEDM Digest of Tech.
Papers, p. 553.

Steve Nelson and Associates
6706 N. Lakeshore Drive
Chippewa Falls, WI 54529

1. Introduction

Absolute performance and price/performance of computing systems have advanced

at an extremely rapid rate since the early 1950's. The rapid decrease in the cost per
operation has caused the computer industry's designers to begin thinking of "computers
as commodities". High volume manufacturing and mass markets have even challenged
mission-oriented government agencies to consider commercial off-the-shelf technology
as the best path to ever higher performance at a reasonable cost. The reduction of
printable line widths for integrated circuits has been primarily responsible for this trend.
While the projected improvements in line width continue, there has been a decline in the
rate of minimum feature improvement. Short of a revolutionary breakthrough, it is
generally believed that only modest gains (relative to the historical trends) will come
with higher gate and clock speeds alone. Rather, higher density active devices coupled
with scalable architectures and three-dimensional packaging technologies will provide
the new high performance solutions.
Traditional "high-multiple-device" CPU implementations, such as the classic
vector supercomputers from Cray Research, are a passing reality. Even the highest
performing versions of these processors will fit on one, or perhaps a very small handful,
of integrated circuits. Clock frequencies, while increasing, will not provide dramatic
increases in performance. There is, rather, new motivation to effectively connect large
numbers of parallel CPU resources and to tightly couple coherent cache memories into
the architecture. New I/O requirements will drive toward two-dimensional arrays of I/O
pads on integrated circuits that can only be connected with technology that closely
couples substrates to the circuits.
What other architectural dimensions could be enabled by a cost-effective three-
dimensional interconnect approach? Higher levels of parallelism are possible within a
traditional CPU design by adding large numbers of vector pipes and associated
functional units. The standard interface design for dynamic random access memories is
being seriously challenged by new designs which provide both architectural and physical
improvements to dramatically increase device bandwidth. More challenging is the
exploration of radically different ways of building processors. There is now renewed
interest in very long instrucrion word (VLIW) CPU's. Another promising architecture
which has languished due to the difficulty of cost-effectively interconnecting massively
large numbers of active devices is the dataflow machine. The time may now be right to
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 111-123.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
assemble the technology to build the first practical versions of these highly concurrent
data processing architectures.

2. Integrated Circuit Trends as a Packaging Driver

In 1993 the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) projected the future capabilities
of commodity integrated circuit devices into the next century. Table 1 charts line width
reductions of a factor of about seven during a sixteen year period.

TABLE 1. Semiconductor Industry Association roadmap (1993).

1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007

Feature size ((im) 0.5 0.35 0.25 0.18 0.12 0.1

Gates / chip 300K 800K 2M 5M 10M 20M
Bits / Chip - DRAM 16M 64M 256M 1G 4G 16G
-SRAM 4M 16M 64M 256M 1G 4G
Wafer processing cost ($ / cm2) $4.00 $3.90 $3.80 $3.70 $3.60 $3.50

Chip size (mm2) - - logic / microproc 250 400 600 800 1000 1250
-DRAM 132 200 320 500 700 1000
Wafer diameter (mm) 200 200 200-400 200-400 200-400 200-400
Defect density (defects 1 cm2) 0.1 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.004 0.002
No. of interconnect levels - logic 3 4-5 5 5-6 6 6-7
Maximum power (W / die) - high pert. 10 15 30 40 40-120 40-200
- portable 3 4 4 4 4 4
Power supply voltage (V) - desktop 5 3.3 2.2 22 1.5 1.5
- portable 3.3 2.2 2.2 1.5 1.5 1.5
Number of l/Os 500 750 1500 2000 3500 5000
Performance (MHz) - off chip 60 100 175 250 350 500
-on chip 120 200 350 500 700 1000

The message here is that traditional "high-multiple-device" CPU's are a passing

reality. However, integration of a single chip solution with multiple levels of cache is
not always possible either. The multichip implementation of the next generation
microprocessor from Intel (the "P6") is a good example.
Consider the following six data points from the SIA numbers:

1995 2001 2007

ip size (logic, mm2) 400 800 1250
mber of I/O's 750 2000 5000

If the area is to double (from 1995 to 2001), the IC perimeter will only increase
by a factor of about 1.4. Yet the number of projected I/O pads is projected to increase by
a factor of 2.66. I/O requirements will drive two dimensional arrays of I/O pads on IC's
which can only be connected with technology that closely couples the substrates to the
IC's. This has the effect of more tightly coupling the substrate wiring to the device
wiring. In fact, pad-to-pad connections on the same IC will even be sometimes routed
the board-level substrate to provide configurability, to solve a tough on-chip routing
problem, or even to reduce propagation delay. The packaging technology which allows
this sandwich of silicon and substrate can be the base of an even more aggressive three
dimensional packaging system. The motivation to connect large numbers of integrated
circuits to build a traditional high performing single CPU (as used in the CRAY-1) will
be history. This will, however, be replaced by new motivation to effectively connect
large numbers of parallel CPU resources and to tightly couple coherent cache memories
into the architecture.

Pad Array IC

Three Dimensional Jumper


Wf'WSMM ~ ************** i vx/y/yy-x/yvw/ i v>vr/yyyyyy>yyuv>v

T*Mjr******jr***JF*Z+=~&JF*******MZZJF* ='***************■ f////////HUwm


1 Thermal Management

Figure 1. Three dimensional packaging with area array IC pads.

3. Improving Performance of Cache Memories with 3D Packaging

Cache is introduced into system architectures to reduce latencies to main memory. But
adding additional levels of hierarchy to the memory subsystem increases system
complexity dramatically. Virtual memory address translation and multiprocessor
configurations provide additional challenges which must be met. It is fair to say that no
system has been built to date that can provide a simple cache coherency model, high
performance, and scalability to very large numbers of processors. At least one of these
objectives is invariably compromised.


Associativity describes the degree of flexibility the system has in placing cache blocks
(lines) from main memory into the cache. Direct-mapped is the easiest to implement
but provides for only one "slot" where a main memory block can be moved to the
cache. This generates a higher possibility of conflict among memory blocks and can
cause a debilitating characteristic called "thrashing," an effect where blocks move
inefficiently back and forth between cache and main memory. At the other extreme, a
fully associative organization provides a cache with slots that can receive any memory
block. While the performance of a fully associative cache is almost always superior, it
is typically prohibitive in cost. This cost is primarily borne in the address translation
and cache tag identification circuitry. Quickly locating a cache block requires a highly
parallel translation and a search usually using content-addressable memories (CAM).
Large scale content-addressable memories are very expensive to build due to the extra
active devices required for each memory cell and added wiring complexity.
The n-way set associative cache is a compromise solution, where n is the number
of cache block locations that any main memory block copy can occupy. This greatly
restricts the size of the CAM. A classic study of cache miss rates (the frequency of CPU
references which do not find the data already in cache) versus cache size and associativity
was made by Hill. This study showed that as the degree of associativity increases, the
miss rate decreases. In addition, for large caches with higher levels of associativity,
improvements in the miss rate become vanishingly small. Looking at such cache miss
data, a computer architecture designer would probably conclude that eight-way
associativity is enough. However, the cache miss table data is badly skewed away from
typical numerical workloads which exhibit a very different address pattern than the
mixed workloads used in the study. Due to underlying array data structures these codes
generate frequent non-unit stride memory address reference patterns as shown in the two
examples of Fig. 2.

1 »

Array A

Array B
Array X
Referencing Xi, Xi+n, Xi+2n, etc. Referencing B[ Ai ]

Figure 2. Difficult array reference patterns for cache memory systems.

Non-unit stride single-word references have the effect of greatly increasing the
relative cost of a large block (line) cache load. If only 8 bytes are required but an entire
line, of perhaps 64 bytes, is moved the memory port is operating at only 1/8 efficiency
for this pattern. This is the primary reason why vector architectures have traditionally
eschewed cache memories.
How might three dimensional packaging address this problem? Numerical codes on
scalar architectures would do much better if the cache were organized with very small
line sizes (probably only one word — 8 bytes — in length). Additionally, the cache

should be very large. If it cannot be made fully associative, it should at least be "many-
way" set associative to avoid serious contention and excessive miss rates. Such a cache
subsystem will contain a very high degree of wiring complexity to adequately drive the
many sets and to implement the large content addressable memory.



A shared-memory multiprocessor system with cache memory on each processor must

solve the consistency problem for shared variables. Coherency is at risk when one
processor updates a shared variable that has previously been copied into another
processor's cache.
"Bus snooping" is the most common way to handle coherency in a moderately
parallel multiprocessor system. Each processor independently monitors the shared
memory bus and invalidates any cached copies of main memory variables that are
modified by other processors. Bus snooping does not scale well beyond roughly a dozen
processors due to loading effects on the shared bus wires. Buffering can help, but this
adds latency. Three dimensional interconnect would reduce parasitics on the bus so that
bus snooping could be extended by a factor of perhaps two or three.
While not insignificant, this technique, by itself, is probably not the way to build
a highly parallel implementation. More promising approaches for the support of large
systems are data migration and address remapping techniques such as the
ALLCACHE™ technology implemented by Kendall Square. Migrating data to the point
of use has a lot of promise for reducing latency in multiprocessor systems.
Unfortunately the ring structure of the KSR systems add significant latency of its own
and much of the potential benefit is lost. A higher efficiency topology, such as a tree
structure or an n-dimensional torus could significantly improve the situation, especially
if wide data paths were employed. Wide data paths with a three-dimensional topology (or
higher) could make the difference.

4. Improving RAM Performance in a 3D Environment

Whereas the arguments for cache subsystem improvement concentrate on reducing

latency, the argument for improving RAM technology is related to bandwidth. While
memory chip densities have grown dramatically over the years, the story of memory
device performance improvements is far less compelling (Fig. 3).
Clearly the performance challenge is being lost by conventional DRAM design
approaches. There are several ways to improve this situation:
i) Dramatically increase the width of the DRAM channel.
ii) Increase the speed of the signals for the DRAM data I/O.
iii) Internally buffer the DRAM cells with internal cache and speed up the I/O.

Memory in high performance systems has one other important characteristic —

there is usually a lot of it. Managing very wide word DRAM I/O and/or very high speed
DRAM I/O when many devices are involved is difficult without dense packaging
technology. Wide I/O means many more "wires" between the memory chips, data
buffers, and address drivers. Very high speed transmission lines require low parasitics
(throw the package away!), as short as possible wire lengths, and termination resistors
or active termination devices. (It would be best to fully integrate the termination
resistors within the three dimensional packaging environment.)

100000%+ CPU (fast)

CPU (slow)


1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992

Figure 3. Historical DRAM and CPU performance (from Patterson, D. and Hennessy, J.
(1990)Computer Architecture: a Quantitative Approach , Morgan Kaufman, San

Leading production DRAMs:

1 bit in 60 nsec -> 16.7Mbits/sec

4 bits in 60 nsec => 66.7 Mbits / sec
Factors of over a hundred
For 16 Meg DRAM, 4096 bits could improvement in DRAM bandwidth
theoretically be made available by the row are conservatively available with
select at approximately one half the access
time. The "not to exceed" number becomes:
an area interconnect / 3D
packaging approach.
4096 bits in 30 nsec -> 137 Gbits / sec

More practical solution:

Feed 128 bits or 256 bits to secondary cache and
allow 5 nsec for selecting:

128 bits in 35 nsec -> 3.66 Gbits / sec Reference point:

256 bits in 35 nsec => 7.31 Gbits / sec Leading production SRAMs

18 bits in 9 nsec -> 2 Gbits / sec

36 bits in 36 nsec -> 4 Gbits / sec

(Motorola BurstRAMS)

Figure 4. Improving RAM bandwidth with area interconnect.


The internal aggregate data rate of the memory array sense amps is much higher than
that transmitted through typical 1-bit or 4-bit wide DRAM packages. Figure 4
demonstrates how much room there is for improvement if this resource could be tapped.
But bringing 128 or 256 bits off of the DRAM would easily overwhelm a traditional
packaging environment. Only area die interconnect and three dimensional stacking of
devices are likely to succeed.


Rambus is a company that has been successfully licensing a 500 MByte/sec DRAM I/O
technology. The Rambus DRAM channel requires high-speed drivers and receivers both
within the DRAM's and the memory subsystem ASIC's or the microprocessor.
The Rambus technical guide states, "The physical length of one Rambus Channel
is presently limited (to approximately 10 cm) by the 2 nanosecond propagation time of
signals from one end to the other. This length can accommodate up to 32 RDRAMs or
up to ten memory RModules, or combinations of the two. Ten memory RModules hold
up to 320 DRAM'S, giving a total of 160 MBytes of memory capacity using 4 Mbit
RDRAMs." (16 Mbit devices will be offered soon to allow 640 MBytes of storage.)
This total package is roughly 16 in2 (4x4x1 inch) and contains about 30% silicon.
It would appear that a more aggressive stacking technology (but with improved thermal
management support) would allow an increase in bit density of about three and still
obey the 10 cm rule. The other possibility is a potential increase in the clock rate with
a smaller configuration by using improved packaging technology.


Ramtron has introduced a merged device that provides cache buffering of slower but
more dense RAM cells. However the actual sizes of the individual cache and RAM
components are quite modest. OKI Electric has just reported on a 32-Bank 256 Mbit
DRAM with cache and tag. A three dimensional packaging technology combining many
broadside-I/O DRAM'S and SRAM's acting as cache could extend the goals of the
Ramtron and OKI devices for single processor systems. Then, adding coherency support
between multiple modules would add significant performance to symmetrical multi-
processor nodes. Again this would require high wiring density and close spacing.

5. Multiple-Pipe Vector Opportunities using 3D Packaging

One way to improve parallelism in a vector processor is to add multiple vector pipes.
The CRAY C90 uses dual pipes as shown in Fig. 5. Simultaneously, two operands
pairs are extracted from the vector registers and routed through dual functional units,
such as the multiply units in the figure. More pipes, more parallelism. (It is important
to realize that the benefits for short vectors will be less pronounced, due to vector start-
up time.) But for large matrices and long vectors multiple pipes can greatly improve
performance. The price to pay, however, will be a large increase in wiring density. This
is one example of expanding a state-of-the-art high-performance-processor in a way that
necessarily requires multiple integrated circuits. Very high density wiring to and from
the memory subsystem will be needed to adequately feed the large number of vector
For an eight- or sixteen-pipe design the signal count becomes very high indeed.
And every data path is latency sensitive so each must be as short as possible. Only a
three dimensional technology could meet all of these requirements.

Ri = Aj*Bj
B c
A 1 V 11 AA
Single Pipe

\ Ri = Ai*B|

Dual Pipe

Figure 5. Increased parallelism with multiple pipe vectors.

Vector processors have the reputation of being high-cost solutions. However,

looking forward, there is no fundamental reason why the CPU silicon has to be very
much more expensive than a high performance microprocessor, the difference being
solely in the manufacturing volume. And if anything, the utilization of that silicon is
higher. The memory devices can be similar in cost, as recent low-end DRAM vector
systems have shown. The traditional cost factor which needs to be improved is that
associated with packaging.

6. A Fine-Grained MIMD System

Advances in integrated circuit density as applied to DRAM technology will very soon
provide a watershed opportunity for large system design. This will occur at about the
time DRAM densities achieve 256 Mbit integration levels. Then a single chip node will
be possible which contains 8 or 16 MBytes of storage, sufficient cache memory, a
complete 64-bit microprocessor with multiprocessor synchronization support, and a
three dimensional router (Fig. 6). Due to the design point of the DRAM and power
considerations, this will probably not be the fastest processor of its generation, but for
certain applications performance can be made up by using very large numbers of
processors. Consider a large system with more than 10,000 64-bit processing elements.

Use 256 Megabit DRAM

technology to build on one

8 to 16 MBytes of storage
32 K Bytes of cache
32 or 64 bit CPU
Router with > 100 MBytes
of bandwidth over each
Synchronization Support channel

Figure 6. Single-chip fine-grained MIMD node.

Using only modestly aggressive I/O driver circuitry, very respectable I/O rates over
each router path are possible: 100 MBytes/sec on each of the twelve paths would be a
reasonable starting design point. The three-dimensional router would allow a folded
torus topology.
This FG-MIMD system would introduce some important tradeoffs that affect the
selection of application suites which would run efficiently:

i) Because the processors would not be the fastest of the generation, a larger number
would be required to achieve a given peak performance level. This means that
communication latencies would be longer.

ii) In a single chip per node implementation the amount of memory per processor
would be modest.

There is no reason why a processor node could not be augmented by additional

memory devices and such a trade-off should be studied in detail. A homogeneous system
with essentially only one part type seemed compelling for early consideration, however.

7. Data Flow Architectures

Jack Dennis from MIT described the data flow concept in a 1979 paper at the First
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems entitled "The varieties of
data flow computers". He said: "Fundamentally, the data flow concept is a different way
of looking at instruction execution in machine level programs — an alternative to the
von Neumann idea of sequential instruction execution. In a data flow computer, an
instruction is ready for execution when its operands have arrived - there is no concept of
'control flow', and data flow computers do not have program location counters. A
consequence of data-activated instruction execution is that many instructions of a data
flow program may be available for execution at once. Thus highly concurrent
computation is a natural accompaniment of the data flow idea".
Figure 7 graphically shows the machine code for a simple arithmetic instruction.
With many values being created and presented as input tokens that "fire" when the data
arrives, there is a huge opportunity for concurrency and, therefore, high performance.

AVERAGE: real := 0.87 * (A + B + C + D).

Figure 7. Data flow machine code for an arithmetic expression.

The original data flow model proposed by Jack Dennis at MIT is now known as
the static data flow model. An alternative, the dynamic data flow model was proposed by
Arvind, a collaborator with Dennis in early data flow research. The detection of
matching tokens in data flow computer requires very large amounts of content
addressable memory. In addition there is a problem of allocating resources when a code-
block is mapped to a processor mapping unit. If this resource becomes overcommitted,
the processor can deadlock. As already described, content-addressable memory requires
more wiring than directly addressable memory. A planar array of silicon devices
embedded within a three dimensional wiring array to transfer and buffer the tokens to be
matched would be an important enabler for the data flow architecture, which has never
delivered on its promise because of serious implementation obstacles.

8. Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) Architectures

VLIW is an alternative to superscalar architectures which assigns responsibility for

multiple issues of instructions to the compiler. Superscalar hardware has difficulty with
efficiently issuing more than three or four instructions at once because data dependencies
are difficult to resolve. Conceptually the number of instructions components that could
be issued in a VLIW system is just a function of how much the dependency analysis
will allow.
While VLIW architectures can provide high levels of concurrency with appropriate
compilation, they can cause unwieldy code expansion. Whenever a concurrent operation
cannot be scheduled, a no-op instruction must be substituted. This strains the cache
resource needs which are already expanded due to the added length of each instruction. If
multiple VLIW devices are to be networked into a multiprocessor with an effective
cache coherency policy, the interconnect requirements become very high.

The wiring paths to be optimized involving VLIW cache are, of course, extremely
latency-sensitive. A compact three-dimensional packaging approach would reduce wiring
lengths and allow increased fan-out for synchronization and coherency signaling.

Example Instruction Word Format

integer integer floating point floating point memory ref memory ref branch
"A VLIW instruction might include two integer operations, two
floating-point operations, two memory reference, and a
branch. An instruction would have a set of fields for each
functional unit-perhaps 16 to 24 bits per unit, yielding an
instruction length of between 112 and 168 bits."
Figure 8. Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) architectures (from Patterson, D. and
Hennessy, J. (1990) Computer Architecture: a Quantitative Approach,
Morgan Kaufman, San Mateo).

9. Chip-to-Chip Latency Reduction in a Superconducting


Building a competitive supercomputer with superconducting integrated circuits in the

mid-1990's would absolutely require very close three-dimensional connection of
multiple integrated circuits. The level of integration available for each circuit would be
at about the level used by the CRAY Y-MP team (circa 1985,86) - at best!

Could 3 dimensional packaging make up

for lagging levels of integration?
Most recent reported results:

"A Subnanosecond Clock Josephson 4-bit Processor," Kotani, Imamura, Hasuo, 1990

"An 8-bit Josephson Digital Signal Processor," Kotani, Inoue, Imamura, Hasuo, 1990

"A 2-kbit Superconduction Memory Chip," Yuh, 1993

"The Design for a Josephson Micro-Pipelined Processor," Harada, Hioe, Takagi, Kawabe, 1994

If full 64-bit supercomputers were to be built on this technological base any time soon the
design would necessarily consist of multiple devices for each CPU. Extremely dense packaging
using 3 dimensional approaches would be mandatory to reduce the latency of intraprocessor
communication paths. -— —
Die size for 4-bit processor above:
2.2 mm X 2.5 mm
Free space propagation delay: Propagation in medium with
Gate delay in 4-bit processor:
3.4 ps per millimeter 8.7 ps dielectric constant of 3:
5.87 ps per millimeter
Propagation delay across chip:
8 ps / millimeter

Figure 9. Superconducting technology.

Poor yields and high support costs for a super-cooled system have slowed advances
(and investment) in this technology to a snail's pace. But the technology continues to
set a high water mark for performance, with typical gate delays on a 4 bit-sliced
processor design of 8.7 ps. Also, the design for a 12-bit micro-pipelined Josephson
processor with ALU, multiplier and 16 registers has been reported, but actual circuits
have not yet apparently been built.
A rough rule of thumb for a multi-chip CPU is that the average wiring latency
between devices should not exceed the total on-circuit gate and wiring delay within each
clock period. Using an estimate of about eight gates per clock at 8.7 ps per level, the
wiring delay should not exceed 70 ps. In a transmission medium with a dielectric
constant of 3 (having a propagation delay of 5.87 ps/mm), this would translate into 12
mm of wiring delay (Fig. 9). While this doesn't represent a hard and fast criterion, if the
interconnect structure provides much slower transit times one has to question the
inefficient use of the fast circuits.

10. Conclusions

This paper describes several architectural concepts which could be dramatically advanced
by three-dimensional packaging. The most intriguing of these is probably the
exploitation of data flow architectures by building large content-addressable memories
for token matching. Fine-grained MIMD systems, while not as general purpose as one
would like given the relative immaturity of today's software, will probably be the most
cost effective way to achieve tera-ops of performance for those algorithms which do fit.
Cache has been the main ingredient to drive microprocessor scalar performance up to,
and even beyond, traditional supercomputers. But the next performance leap will surely
have to come from multiprocessor systems of these devices. Cache coherency that scales
well will certainly be on every designers "to do" list. Very low latency must be offered
by many tightly coupled devices. Area array pads and three-dimensional interconnect
would greatly increase DRAM bandwidth. Any very high speed device technology which
does not support VLSI and ULSI densities will only deliver system-wide high
performance via a very dense interconnect scheme.

11. References

Dally, W.J. and Seitz, C.L. (1987) Deadlock-free message routing in multiprocessor
interconnection networks, IEEE Trans. Computers 36, 547-553.
Kessler, R.E. and Schwarzmeier, J.L. (1993) CRAY T3D: a new dimension for Cray
Research, in Proc. COMPCON 1993, pp. 176-182.
Hill, M.D. and Smith, A. (1989) Evaluating associativity in CPU caches,
IEEE Trans. Computers 38, 1612-1630.
Hill, M.D. (1987) Aspects of cache memory and instruction buffer performance,
Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of California at Berkeley, Tech. Rep UCB/CSD 87/381, p. 489.
Temam, O., Fricker, C, and Jalby, W. (1993) Impact of cache interferences on usual
numerical dense loop nests, Proc. IEEE 81, 1103-1115.
Chaiken et al. (1991) LimitLESS directories: a scalable cache coherence scheme,
in Proc. 4th Intern. Conf. on Architectural Support for Programming Languages
and Operating Systems, pp. 224-234.
Lenoski et al. (1991) Overview and status of the Stanford DASH multiprocessor, in
Proc. 5th Annual ACM Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing, pp. 229-239.
Tanoi, S., Tanaka, Y., Tanabe, T., Kita, A., Inada, T., Hamazaki, R., Ohtsuki, Y.,
and Uesugi, M. (1994) A 32 bank 256-Mb DRAM with cache and TAG,
IEEEJ. Solid-State Circuits 29, 1330-1335.
Dennis, J. (1979) The varieties of data flow computers, in Proc. 1st Intern. Conf.
on Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 430-439.
Lee, B. and Hurson, A. R. (1994) Data flow architectures and multithreading,
Computer 21, August 1994, 27-39.
Gray, J., Naylor, A., Abnous, A., and Bagherzadeh, N. (1993) VIPER: a VLIW integer
microprocessor, IEEEJ. Solid-State Circuits 28, 1377-1382.
Kotani, S., Inoue, A., Imamura, T., and Hasuo, S. (1990) A subnanosecond clock
Josephson 4-bit processor, IEEEJ. Solid-State Circuits 25, 1518-1525.
Harada, Y., Hioe, W., Takagi, K., and Kawabe, U. (1994) The design for a Josephson
micro-pipelined processor, IEEE Trans. Appl. Superconductivity 4, 97-106.

IBM, T. J. Watson Research Center
Yorktown Heights, N.Y. 10598

Technology dependent trends are projected for high performance processors. There
are opposite demands placed on the system's area stemming from a need to reduce the
proportion of interconnection capacitance and to send signals across the processor.
Delays resulting from wiring capacitance decrease if processor area increases, while
signal travel considerations favor reducing area. This trade-off for bipolar processors
is governed by power density, while for CMOS the processor size primarily is
determined by wiring considerations. Judicious planning of interconnections to avoid
a so called "RC crises" is necessary to achieve the potential inherent in a technology.
The performance limits of bipolar and room temperature CMOS uni-processors are
very similar. The highest performance existing technology is liquid nitrogen
temperature CMOS. It is not obvious how alternate technologies will fit into the picture
of future general-purpose high-end systems.

1. Introduction

A long range view is presented of how evolving technological progress in device

design, processing capabilities, and packaging will manifest itself in processor
performance. The principal aim is to identify the fundamentals which determine the
system level performance of both CMOS and bipolar technologies. We'll look at the
point where each technology will be encountering its limits, and see if there are feasible
alternates in the offing. The projections are based on a new cycle-time modelf 1]. The
absolute values of the simulated cycle-times are somewhat subject to the assumptions.
However, by applying the same assumptions to identical processors embodying
differing technologies, cycle-time ratios and trends can be captured quite well. Existing
technology and design practices are not necessarily followed; rather the emphasis is
on what is accomplishable.
We are dealing exclusively with the performance issues of a single, or uni-,
processor. The merits and the promise of various multi-processing strategies are
beyond the scope of our discussion. It is believed, however, that without major
breakthroughs in general purpose massively parallel computing, there always will be
a premium on the highest performing uni-processor.
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 125-138.
© 1996 IBM. Printed in the Netherlands.

2. High-end processor properties and modeling

All high performance processors have some common properties stemming from the
requirements that they have to be simultaneously complex and fast. Performance is
measured in million instruction per second (MIPS). MIPS has two components, cycle
time (CT) and cycles per instruction (CPI): MIPS = l/(CTxCPI). The lower a CPI
desired, the more complex the CPU must be. From a practical point of view it means
utilizing a vast number of circuits. But, complexity has its limits too. If the addition
of more circuits hurts CT more than the improvement achieved in CPI, then it is clearly
a loosing trade-off. Also, designing ever more complicated systems may become too
complex a problem for worthwhile pursuit. Hitherto circuit count in high performance
machines has been increasing steadily, a trend which at the uni-processor level is not
expected to continue.
Predicting the CT of a high end processor is actually becoming simpler with
technological advancement. The simultaneous requirement of complexity and speed
leads to certain general constrains that must be obeyed. High circuit count requires
power and large area, while signal propagation favors short distances. These two
opposites lead to some well defined optimal configurations, which are relatively
insensitive to details.
In the case of complex bipolar mainframes it has been well established how
much hardware is needed to achieve a state of the art CPI. Taking this as guidance,
we have chosen to analyze a processor which in its bipolar incorporation consists of
4x10s, 3-input emitter-coupled-logic (ECL) cells, including the peripheral circuits for
the memory arrays. It is also assumed that this CPU has a total of 2Mb of static
random access memory (SRAM) for cache, various directories, translation tables, etc.,
and approximately 0.5Mb of read only storage (ROS). The SRAM cells, even in the
bipolar machines, are assumed to be 6 device CMOS cells; otherwise, due to the low
density of bipolar memories the CPU would have to do with a much smaller cache.
Finally, it is assumed that such a processor has 800 signal input/output ports
communicating with the outside world. For the CMOS machine, the system has an
identical design, and same CPI to the bipolar one, except that the logic operations are
carried out by circuits containing MOSFETs rather than bipolar transistors.
To model cycle time, one has to decide how many logic stages to fit into one
cycle. Since in general purpose systems the pipeline is usually 3 to 5 deep, we are
taking 12 CSEF stages worth of logic as one cycle, which is consistent with breaking
the logic path into about four segments. The exact number 12 is not a critical factor.
A different number of stages, anywhere between 10 and 15, to first order would only
lead to a uniform up or down shift in all of the presented trend curves in the figures.
A generic critical path has additional components besides circuit delays. Delays
due to long wires on the chip, and package delay have to be taken into account as well.
Accordingly, in the modeling, 11 of the 12 stages drive the average wire lengths of the
critical path, while one circuit drives a wire of chip-edge length. The delay through
the 11 ECL stages, interconnected by average wires, plus the 1 driving a long wire, is
the "on chip" portion of the cycle time. A "package" delay to be added consists of two
terms. One is propagation through the package, which we take as having good quality

transmission line properties, giving ~7ps/mm time-of-flight delay. The assumed

distance is a "Manhattan" type route across the package as shown on Fig. 1. Two, an
additional delay is assigned for signals having to exit and enter chips. The sum of the
"on chip" and "package" delay gives a nominal system cycle time. If, as in the case
of some CMOS processors, the whole system can fit on a single chip the "package"
delay is avoided; however, the on-chip "long" wire delay is added twice in the
cycle-time, as illustrated on Fig. 1. This treatment captures the fact that the inter-CPU
communication requirements do not depend on how many chips make up the system.
Consequently, when the whole CPU consists of only a single chip the on-chip wiring
has to take over that communication burden which was carried by the package
interconnections in earlier multi-chip processors.

Long wire

Package travel distance at T. of F.

Fig. 1. Schematic depiction of a processor on 4 chips. Package and "long" wire elements
of the critical path are indicated

To arrive from the nominal cycle time to an actual one, one should add the time due
to various tolerances, clock skews etc.. These however are not addressed here although
are critically important. They depend on considerations which are different than those
the rest of this paper is dealing with, and would deserve a whole separate treatment.
However, with proper attention devoted to tolerances they can be expected to scale
with technology in a similar manner as the nominal cycle times, and in percentage
terms to remain roughly constant.
Before introducing the modeling and presenting results it will be useful to discuss
two particular topics which are of importance in understanding performance issues.
One has to do with the physical size of the processor, the second relates to the
importance of dealing with interconnect resistance.


With advances in technology leading to smaller features and more powerful devices,
processors are becoming simultaneously smaller and faster. As a result of this trend it
is commonly assumed that smaller area, or equivalently higher circuit density, by itself
results in less circuit delay. In reality this is not the case. To understand this, one must
look at the role of circuit density alone, and not as an accompanying feature of
technology improvement. It is then not difficult to see that under such conditions
increasing circuit density, in fact, increases delay. Delay stems from the time it takes
the current of the driver circuit to charge the combined capacitance of the receiving
circuits and interconnections. Circuit speed improves with increasing area because for
optimized circuit layouts the current delivered by the driving circuit is proportional to
area, while the interconnection part of the load goes up only as the square root of the
The reason that current scales with area is a different one for ECL and for CMOS
circuits. For ECL circuits the current is proportional with area because the power level
of their operation is determined by the thermal energy (heat) that can be removed from
the chip. If a circuit occupies X^m2, and the cooling capability is Y watts/cm2, then
the average power at which the circuit can run is XxYxKT5 mW. The output current
is proportional to the power level. Since for ECL circuits most of the capacitance is
due to wires and not the devices, loading scales as X1/2, giving a delay proportional
with X~1/2.
Let us now look at the situation with CMOS circuits. One expects that in the
high-end arena reasonable cooling capability will be affordable, in which case CMOS
circuits are not power density limited. The reason that the delivered current is linearly
proportional to the circuit area comes from layout considerations. Suppose we have a
maximum area of X available for laying out a certain circuit, and we end up with an
average device width of x. Let's now assume that the available area for the same circuit
changed to X. What we will find is that to the first order the average device width
has changed to x. The net is that, at given design-rules, area directly translates into
device width. Since delivered current is proportional to device width, circuit current
is proportional to area. The argument for the wire loading is the same as for ECL
circuits. Since CMOS does not suffer from the power density limitations of the bipolar
circuits, it is easy to reach a point where the wire load is less than the loading arising
from the receiving circuits. At this point the intrinsic, unloaded, speed of the CMOS
circuit places a floor under delay improvements. Circuit delay as function of processor
area goes as (-area"1'2 + D), where D stands for the intrinsic delay of the circuit. With
proper power expenditure, in high end processors, one can get to the situation where
D becomes the dominant term. At this point decreasing circuit density leads to no
further delay improvements.
The advantage gained by increasing area is only part of the picture. The other
has to do with signal time-of-flight delays. The reason we'll not increase processor
areas indefinitely, is that we have to be able to communicate across the system. When
one is faced with cycle times of only a few nano-seconds, time-of-flight delays across

the CPU eventually render area increases detrimental to performance. The next section
deals with this aspect of the systems.


The delay stemming from wire resistance, commonly referred to as RC delay, to first
order is: RxLw x(Q+0.5xCxL w), and has to be included with other delay components.
Here, R and C are the resistance and capacitance of unit wire length, Lw is the wire
length, and Q is the load at the end of the wire. The part in the RC delay due to the
wire alone does not decrease in spite of scaling to smaller dimensions[2]. The factor
that improves the 0.5xRxCxLw 2 term through shorter Lw is negated by the increase
in R due to wire cross section shrinkage. Wire capacitance in the meantime remains
constant, around 0.2pF/mm for minimum width wires with oxide dielectric[3]. As long
as one is dealing with cycle-times over 3-4ns, the wire RC delays are barely noticeable.
However, as we'll see later, for ultra high performance CPUs the resistance in the
wiring can be important for ECL systems, and critical for CMOS processors. The use
of repeaters to regenerate the signal along the way helps, since it decreases the
dependence of interconnect delay on wire length from square to linear. But repeaters
alone do not solve the problem. Delays would still remain unacceptable, and repeaters
entail additional power consumption and design complexity.
If one looks carefully at roles various interconnects play, a better approach
suggest itself[ 1 ]. High performance processors need two kind of wires. First, there are
the wires that serve the vast majority of interconnects. Let's call them "short" ones.
For CMOS processors they are typically up to l-2mm in length. They are mainly
responsible for making the chip "wirable" by providing sufficient number of
interconnections. Here the RC delay plays no appreciable role. Such "short" wires
should follow the minimum lithography features of the available technology. Second,
there is a need for "long" wires, where density is secondary to delay considerations.
They run between distant parts of the chip, and their characteristic length is that of a
chip-edge. A good scaling gauge for such "long" wires is that the time of signal
propagation on them should be only a small fraction of the cycle-time. From such
considerations immediately follows that the cross section of these wires and insulators,
cannot follow minimum lithography features. This type of interconnects will be
referred to as "fat" wires. Fig. 2 shows in cross section an example of the
interconnection scheme needed by ultra high performance processors. It features a
hierarchy of 3 x-y wiring level pairs. The bottom 2 levels are at the finest pitch of
which the device technology can take advantage of. Here lines and spaces should be
almost at minimum design rules. The next 2 levels' dimensions already pay attention
to the RC problem, and finally the top 2 can serve to run signals to full chip-edge
length, or longer, distances. With this type of wiring, where conductor and dielectric
cross sectional dimensions are scaled together, capacitance per unit length stays
constant for each level, while resistance decreases proportionally with wire cross
section increase. In Fig. 2, RC in the second x-y plane-pair is l/4th, and in the third
l/36th, that of the bottom plane.


Fig. 2. Example of wiring scheme needed by future high performance processors.

Three x-y wiring plane pairs are shown in cross section.

One consequence of having low RC wires is that one will observe transmission line
characteristics not only on the package, but also on the chips themselves. With an
oxide insulator the minimum delay that a signal can achieve due to the finite velocity
of electromagnetic wave propagation is ~7ps/mm. For example, on a 15mm long wire
the signal flight time cannot be less than 105ps. This is significantly longer than the
switching time of drivers in the considered technologies. When the input of a wire is
driven with a faster signal than the travel time down that line, delays are necessarily
dominated by transmission line characteristics, and finite signal propagation speed must
be taken into account.
The net result is that with the proper kind of wiring one can avoid a so called
"RC crisis". The "fat" wire scheme reduces the problem to coping with time-of-flight
delays, which for CMOS at least is a much less severe restriction on performance than
the RC delay would be.


The modeling is described in detail in referenced]. Here only a few of the more
important point will be sketched.
It might seem that the wiring scheme depicted in Fig. 2 wastes too many wiring
channels in comparison with having all levels at minimum dimensions. The difference
between the number of wiring-channels offered by the two cases is not as large as it
might first appear. The reason is that wiring levels block one-another. Thus, a "fat"
wire on the top provides less wiring capability than one at fine pitch, but if the fine
pitch wire were fully utilized, it would impact more severely the number of available
wiring channels in all of the lower levels. If all the pitches are identical, it is estimated
that a level blocks -12 -15% of the wiring capacity of every layer underneath it. This
means that one cannot make systems indefinitely smaller by adding wiring levels.
There exists a minimum size defined by the interconnections. Indeed, if one uses

efficient wiring protocols and is able to make good use of the available tracks, then 6
or 7 wiring levels are about the maximum useful number.
Besides wiring, the simulation deals with the number of circuits, the size of the
memory arrays, the number and sizes of the chips, the interconnection capacitance and
resistance, the signal propagation speed in the package, input-output needs, and the
time penalty for chip crossing. Circuit timings are done with simple, linearized,
equations. The coefficients of these equations capture the essential properties of device
scaling. For CMOS effective FET resistance in digital applications is best
characterized by the device's large-signal-transconductance[5]. Since
large-signal-transconductance has already been experimentally obtained[6,7] for
devices from 0.28pm gates down to 0.07um, one does not need to explicitly deal with
intrinsic device parameters, such as mobility, velocity saturation, and the like.
The capacitive load and wire length in the critical paths are obtained from the
average net length. Resistive and time-of-flight delays, calculated separately, are
combined with the capacitive and intrinsic delay components.

3. Bipolar ECL Processors

The two main indicators in the degree of advancement in a bipolar ECL processor are
the power density, and the speed of the bipolar transistors at a given current level.

1.6 —I 1—


J 1-4 1-
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Chip Area (cm2)
Fig. 3. "Ultimate" bipolar ECL CPU embodying. Power densities and device power
in critical paths as indicated.
Fig. 3 and Table 1 show the type of bipolar ECL system which one can regard as an
ultimate goal. Device speed is characterized by 14ps delay at 5mW and a 400mV
signal swing. Lithographic capability is 0.25pm and we assume that the CPU occupies
4 chips. Clearly, such advances can translate into system speed only if power density
is increased as well. The initial sharp delay improvement in Fig. 3 with increasing area
is the result of the fundamental behavior of area vs speed we discussed earlier. The
more interesting parameters of the 200W/cm2, 2cm2 chips ECL processor are given in
Table 2.
Table 1. Characteristic parameters in a possible "ultimate" bipolar uni-processor.
Parameters/Characteristics "Ultimate" bipolar CPU
CPU arrangement 4 chips, 2cm2 each
Circuits/Technology ECL, SiGe transistors
14ps unloaded delay @ 5mW
Signal swing 400mV
Lithography 0.25pm
Power density in logic 200W/cm2
Circuit power in critical paths 5.6mW
Wiring 4 levels: 2 @ 1.6pm pitch
2 @ 6.4pm pitch
Average net length in in critical paths 0.9mm
Average stage delay in critical paths 38ps
On-chip long wires and package delay 500ps
Nominal cycle time Ins
Logic power consumption 1550W

Even at 200W7cm2 the system is not capable of making use of the density that
lithography would allow. Intrinsic device speed has little to do with ultimate system
performance. Indeed, even if in this processor we were to assume zero intrinsic device
delay, nominal cycle time would improve only -15%. Most delays stem from the size
of the CPU, which due to power density limitations, cannot be shrunk sufficiently.
The problem is that in bipolar ECL circuits steady current is flowing between voltage
levels that are related to the silicon bandgap, and thus must stay roughly constant in
spite of miniaturization.

4. CMOS Processors

To break the barrier of power density limitation, a technology is needed where power
consumption is limited to charging/discharging of capacitances during logic operation.
It is also important to be able to decrease power supply voltages along with dimensions.
CMOS is such a technology.
Modeling performance in a CMOS processor is more difficult than in a ECL one.
Complications primarily arise in calculating wirability for the processors. Wiring
statistics[8] involves some empirical factors, which for CMOS processors are not yet
well established. Theoretically, the Rent exponent for random logic it is 2/3, while for
memories it is about 1/2. For high density CMOS, where a whole processor, made
up of functional blocks having relatively little communication with each other, can be
integrated on a single chip, the Rent exponent is not well established. We assumed that
a processor consists of a small number of building blocks within which a the Rent
exponent is high, but the interconnections between the blocks is governed by a smaller
exponent. Many cases were investigated to determine what influence such choices have
on performance. As it turns out, they have practically no impact. However, they

strongly influence power consumption. Another potential complication in projecting

performance is that custom design circuit approaches are increasingly being
implemented. Clearly one can't anticipate as yet to be invented design developments,
but this is not really needed to project trends. To first order all circuits take equal
advantage of progress in technology. A differing design methodology would yield a
vertically shifted cycle-time curve roughly in parallel to the presented ones in Fig. 5.
As was indicated earlier, it is assumed that the ECL CPU is mapped into CMOS.
It is assumed that 2.5 CMOS NAND gates are in average equivalent to 1 fan-in of 3
ECL circuit. Accordingly, our system under investigation is assumed to consist of 1
million 2-way NAND gates. This means 4 million FET transistors in the logic, and
over 12 million in the memory cells. The CMOS critical path also has 2.5 times as
many stages, consisting of 30 NAND gates. Again, all but one of the stages are
connected with the average wire length of the critical paths. One stage drives a
chip-edge-length wire through an inverter buffer. If there is no package delay the
inverter and long wire are counted twice. Choosing 2-way NANDs as basic building
blocks doesn't mean real processors will be implemented this way, but such a system
serves modeling purposes well. With 4xl06 logic transistors it captures complexity,
and through the 2-way NAND it has a basic circuit whose performance parallels that
of any other circuit in reflecting technology improvements.
10 —I 1—
> Power '
6 -
Cycle time
Ö o
O 2 4 6 8 10
Q Area occupied by logic (Relative scale)

Fig. 4. Performance optimized CMOS processor behavior

The followed simulation method results in a processor optimized for performance.

One starts out by assuming a circuit count, for instance, the one million 2-way NAND
gates for our example CPU. Next, the minimum wirable processor area is computed
based on the circuit count and the assumed wire levels and pitches. Once the processor
size has been obtained, the area occupied by the memory cells is subtracted. The
remaining area in principle is all available for logic circuits. In reality, layout constrains
limit the useful area to some fraction of this total. In all cases this fraction is set to
50%. The area to be populated with devices has to accommodate the off-chip
drivers/receivers, and the drivers, possibly repeaters as well, of long on-chip wires.
The widths of these drivers are calculated in relation to the characteristic impedance
of the interconnects. After allowing for the drivers and receivers, the remaining area
is divided evenly among the NAND gates. Finally, based on this allotted area and the
assumed design rules, device widths are made out to be as large as possible.
Fig. 4, showing cycle time and power as function of area, serves to illustrate the
situation in high performance CMOS processors. It is presented in relative units since
the picture is qualitatively the same in all cases when the the processor can fit into one
or two chips. For a given circuit count the larger the area, the wider can the devices
be. For the smallest areas, devices are so narrow that the wire load overwhelms them.
Cycle time improves rapidly as the fraction of loading stemming from wires decreases,
and the circuits are nearing their unloaded intrinsic speed. This improvement is
counteracted by the long line delays. However, in absolute size, CMOS systems are
small hence propagation delays are less harmful. Accordingly there is a broad range
of CPU sizes that allow for essentially identical cycle times.
In the shaded region the processor may or may not be wirable. As discussed, at
this stage it is difficult to precisely assess wirability. The boundary of the shaded region
toward the left is characterized by an internal Rent exponent of 0.55, and the one
toward the right by a 2/3 one. These considerations are based on 6 wiring levels, the
kind pictured in Fig. 2. As we can see, by the time a CPU occupies a large enough area
to be wirable, it is also large enough that the devices can be made sufficiently wide
not to be choked off by wire load. The main price to pay for ever larger areas is power.
From one side of the shaded region to the other, cycle time remains practically
unchanged, but only because we are more than doubling power consumption.



0.3 0.2 0.1 0.05
Gate length (jam)
Fig. 5. CMOS high-end processor scaling path

With this introduction we can now look at the expected CMOS CPU performance
progress with improving technology given in Fig. 5. The nominal cycle is shown as
function of gate length. The gate, instead of the channel, was chosen as measure
because it is a straightforward indicator of the state of lithographic capability at any
given time. For both the RT and LT processors, the overall lithographic ground-rules
are assumed to be more relaxed than the gate length itself. Progressing with a single
lithographic level ahead of the overall capability is technically entirely feasible. The

density of device gates is quite small, which means that even electron-beam lithography
can be used if the shortest gates were problematic by other lithographic methods. In
Fig. 5, at the 0.25pm gate length symbols 0.5pm overall process ground-rules were
assumed. The finest wiring pitch was set to to 1.2pm with 0.6pm of lines, spaces, and
interlevel separations. At the 0.15pm gate length point ground-rules are 0.25pm, and
minimum wire pitch 0.6pm. Such values were chosen as the most probable ones based
on how technology is likely to progress.
The RT improvement between the 0.25 and 0.15pm points is a factor of -1.8,
with the 0.15pm gate length cycle time approaching 1.5ns. The improvement results
mainly from faster devices as gate length shortens, and as gate oxide goes from 7nm
to 5nm. Junction capacitances are also significantly reduced with ground-rules
shrinking by a factor of two. With finer wiring the chip size can be reduced by almost
by a factor four, and time-of-flight decreases.
To give an indication of the weight with which various parameters influence
performance we take a detailed look at an intermediate point: 0.18pm gate length and
0.35pm ground-rules with 2.0V power supply. This processor has 1.8ns nominal cycle
at 55W of power consumption, on a 2.5cm2 size chip. Table 2 shows cycle time
sensitivity to some parameters.
We are looking at a processor optimized for performance. All the devices are
of maximum width limited only by area considerations. In the critical path circuits
loading comes 65% from devices and 35% from wires. The circuits are only 25%
slower than their intrinsic unloaded speed. For such a system gate length is the single
most important parameter: a 10% change results in 8% cycle time improvement. Since
wire loading is minimized already through the use of maximum width devices, 10%
improvement in the dielectric constant would bring only 2.5% return in cycle time.
However, the dielectric constant can be leveraged to save power. If one uses the same
10% dielectric constant reduction to remain at the original speed, but with narrower
devices, one obtains a 15% power reduction. Finally, we come to wire resistance.
Performance insensitivity to this parameter results from the use of the "fat" wire
scheme. If we did not have the low RC interconnects, but only 6 layers at the
minimum pitch fitting this device technology, about 0.85pm, we'd have suffered a 60%
performance loss, even if we had been allowed to use very wide wires when needed.
Also, adding to complexity, the long wires would be in need of 4 to 6 repeaters,
without which cycle time would deteriorate a factor of about 2.5.

Table 2. Parameter sensitivities of an advanced CMOS processor

10% variation in Resultant variation
in cycle time
Gate length 8.0%
Oxide thickness 3.0%
Ground-rules 2.5%
Wire capacitance 2.5%
Wire resistance 0.5%
Power 2.0%

Returning to the discussion of Fig. 5, below 0.15pm gate length we ceased improving
ground-rules, keeping them at 0.25pm. There are several reasons for this. First, true
0.25pm lithography is already stretching the limits of technology, and to go below
0.25pm would be difficult indeed. Second, there is not much to gain by shrinking
ground-rules further. Third, progressing below 0.25pm can actually be detrimental to
performance. The reason is contact resistance. Even a contact resistance value close
to theoretical limits, like 2xl0"7£2/cm2, which is not likely to be ever attained in
millions of contact holes in the CPU, is a significant factor at 0.25pm. Shrinking
contacts further counteracts other advantages derived from a smaller system.
On Fig. 5, the last RT gate-length point is 0.15pm. The dashed line continuing
to 0.12pm reflects the view that somewhere around 0.15pm is the RT gate limit in
performance oriented CPUs. Shorter gate-length devices had been made and operated
quite successfully at room temperature. But it is one thing to fabricate a few thousand
devices, and quite another to have a viable design for a system with millions of
transistors, where tolerances play a pivotal role. The main problem with RT operation
is the inability to turn off devices sufficiently. For this reason a relatively high
threshold of -0.5V is the lowest viable at RT. The high threshold then requires a
power supply around 2V. To live with such a high power supply one has to introduce
corrective measures into the device design which are detrimental to performance. And,
performance would have been the reason to shorten gates to begin with. In summary,
in spite of a recent surge in optimism regarding a 0.1pm RT technology, we are
doubtful that in the highest performance CPUs we will see nominal gate lengths much
below 0.15pm. On the optimistic side, let's not forget that such a 0.15pm gate-length
processor would still be many times as powerful as todays mainframes. With some
help from custom circuit design it might reach, or even better, a Ins cycle time, which
would at least equal what an "ultimate" ECL bipolar processor could do.
Finally, lets turn our attention to the LN2 temperature situation. Looking at Fig.
5, LT obviously offers the highest performance of all systems. The performance
advantages of FET LN2 operation have been recognized and advocated for a long
time[9].. However, it appears that until performance improvements can be made at RT,
LN2 operation will remain a matter of discussion only. The aim in presenting Fig. 5
is to contend that shortly LN2 temperature CMOS will have to be taken seriously
because it is the only avenue open toward higher performance processors. As apparent
from Fig. 5, LT offers 1.6-1.7 times the performance of a RT processor in the same
technology generation. This is mainly due to better device properties, and somewhat
to the lower, -1/5, wire resistance. The main point, however, is that at LT gate lengths
can be shortened at least down to 0.07pm[7] with spectacular performance gains. The
fundamental reason for scalability of FETs at LN2 is that devices can be turned off
much more readily than at RT. This fact allows for a whole different low threshold,
low voltage design space from which RT operation is excluded. Comparing the room
and low temperature performances at their probable limits of 0.15 and 0.07pm
gate-lengths, we see that LN2 temperature offers an almost three fold advantage over
what is achievable at room temperature. It is worth contrasting the parameters of these
two systems, and comparing them with the Ins cycle-time ECL bipolar processor.
Table 3 summarizes the important parameters of the 0.55 Rent exponent scenario.
Table 3. Selected parameters of possible "ultimate" CMOS processors
at room and LN2 temperatures
Parameters/Characteristics Room Temp. CMOS CPU LN2 Temp. CMOS CPU
CPU with optimistic Single, 0.8cm2 area chip Single, 0.8cm2area chip
wiring assumptions
Overall lithography design rules 0.25pm 0.25pm
Gate lithography 0.15pm 0.07pm
Gate oxide 5nm 2.8nm
Power supply 1.8V 0.8V
Wiring 6 levels; 2 @ 0.6pm pitch 6 levels; 2 @ 0.6pm pitch
("fat" scheme) 2 @ 1.2pm pitch 2 @ 1.2pm pitch
2 @ 2.4pm pitch 2 @ 2.4pm pitch
Average net length in critical paths 80pm 80pm
Average stage delay in critical paths 40ps lOps
Cycle time portion caused by long wires 300ps 220ps
Nominal cycle time 1.5ns 520ps
Logic power consumption 18W 10W

In this technology at LN2 a logic stage takes only ~10ps; hence the long wire delay
plays proportionally a more important role than in slower technologies. Unfortunately,
contact resistivity plays a larger role as well. If it could be eliminated it would lead
to ~90ps, more than 15% cycle-time improvement with the 0.25um design-rules.
Furthermore, without contact resistivity problems it would be worthwhile to reduce
design-rules to, let say 0.15pm, and one could have a 370ps cycle-time processor on
a 0.4cm2 chip at 10W.

5. Discussion

It has been shown that performance directions at the high end are quite predictable.
The time of CMOS in the performance arena has arrived. However, performance
potentials are not limitless. A combination of obstacles, mainly due to device behavior,
are identifiable.
At the chip size where a given CMOS processor becomes just wirable total wire
capacitance scales with design-rules, while total device capacitance scales with
(design-rules)2xCox. This means that eventually CMOS too, could find itself
overwhelmed by wires. However, this would occur only at dimensions an order of
magnitude below the probable device scaling limits. Accordingly, well designed, high
performance CMOS processors should be immune to wiring imposed limits. Since
wire capacitance per unit length does not scale with lithography, any technology which
tries to replace CMOS by shrinking dimensions beyond those of CMOS, will have to
face the wire loading problems, and provide the necessary current drive capability to
deal with it. We are not aware of any such technology on the horizon.
Contact resistivity between a semiconductor and metal, as discussed earlier,
becomes a performance crippling effect at deeply submicron dimensions. Again, any
semiconductor technology would have to surmount this obstacle. Along these lines, a
deeply scaled Schottky source/drain CMOS might be the path out of contact resistance
One has to say a few words about the communication needs of high end
processors, either in stand-alone, or in multi-processing configurations. To make full
use of future processor performance a communication bandwidth of several hundred
Gbit/s should be provided, together with memory capacity measured in Tbits. The
communication angle is one where optical techniques based on compound
semiconductors could find probable applications.
The considerations above relate to general purpose processors. If one is satisfied
to serve only one specific task, for instance, a machine dedicated to matrix inversion,
or for data searches, performance for that particular application can probably greatly
exceed the ones arrived at in this article. Hardware being ever cheaper, one can
envision the end of general purpose machines in the highest end domain. The obstacle
is the time spent and the difficulty of system and circuit design. It is worth to consider
a research effort into design systems, which could result in fast delivery of a systems
dedicated to a specific task. This may ultimately be the most cost effective path toward
performance beyond the present projections.
In summary, the performance potentials at both RT and LT CMOS, coupled with
the relatively low cost of FET technology, is quite exiting. The real challenge will be
for society to absorb what such technologies can deliver.

6. References

1. Sai-Halasz, G.A. (1992) Directions in future high-end processors, ICCD Digest,

p. 230.
2. Meindl, J.D. (1987) Opportunities for gigascale integration, Solid State
Technology, vol. 30, p. 84.
3. Edelstein, D.C. (1990) 3-D capacitance modeling of advanced multilayer
interconnection technologies, Proc. ofSPIE vol. 1389, p. 352.
4. Sai-Halasz, G.A. (1995) Performance Trends in High-End Processors, Proc.
IEEE, vol. 83, p. 20.
5. Solomon, P.M. (1982) A comparison of semiconductor devices for high-speed
logic, Proc. IEEE, vol. 70, p. 489.
6. Sai-Halasz, G.A., Wordeman, M.R., Kern, D.P., Rishton, S., and Ganin, E.
(1988) High transconductance and velocity overshoot in NMOS devices at the
O.lum-gate-length level, IEEE Electron Device Lett, vol. EDL-9, 464.
7. Sai-Halasz, G.A., Wordeman, M.R., Kern, D.P., Rishton, S., and Ganin, E.,
Chang, T.H.P., and Dennard, R.H. (1990) Experimental technology and
performance of O.lpm-gate-length FETs operated at liquid-nitrogen temperature,
IBMJ. Res. Develop., vol. 34, p. 452.
8. Donath, W.E. (1979) Placement and average interconnection lengths of computer
logic, IEEE Trans, on Circuits and Systems, vol. CAS-26, p. 272.
9. Gaensslen, F.H., Rideout, V.L., Walker, E.J., and Walker, J.J. (1977) Very small
MOSFETs for low temperature operation, IEEE Trans. Electron Dev„ vol.
ED-24, p. 218.
Quantum Devices for Future CSICs

Herb Goronkin
2100 East Elliot Road
Tempe, AZ 85284

1. Scaling of VLSICs

My assignment for this presentation was to convey a view of future

electronics that would stimulate lively dialog. I will concentrate on the
scaling of ultradense microelectronic integrated circuits. Predicting the
future is a high risk behavior and invariably succeeds in stimulating
debate. Those most skilled in the art usually choose a time frame that is
short enough for reasonable extrapolation of data or long enough to
guarantee the predictor will be out of the picture when the results are
tabulated. I do not take the view that because a .300 batting average is
pretty good in baseball, why not in the game of prediction? Since the
purpose of this presentation is to stimulate discussion and ideas, I will
begin by describing a few barriers to CMOS scaling, describe the
consequences of such scaling and offer a view of what might become the
ultimate smallest transistor.

So let's start with some predictions that fall into the category of being
nearly safe. In figure 1, the transconductance of heterostructure FETs and
silicon MOSFETs is plotted against the gate length. All of the data are
taken from the literature. Even if we ignore the underlying physics of the
trends of the data, we can predict that when the gate length is less than
about 70nm, silicon FETs will have larger transconductance than III-V
HFETs. The underlying reason for the superior scaling of silicon is the
dependence of transconductance on gate insulator thickness and the
dependence of tunnel current on both the energy gap and thickness. The
tunnel current is proportional to
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 139-149.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

V 2m*AE
h2 Tox) (1)

where AE is the majority carrier band offset and Tox is the insulator
thickness. The transconductance, gm, is approximated by

gm= Tox (2)

where v is the channel velocity and Z is the gate width. Figure 2 shows
the scaling trend of gate length and gate oxide thickness based on
extrapolation of introduction dates of DRAM families. In order to
maintain approximately the same magnitude of transconductance as the
gate width shrinks and in order to avoid short channel leakage as the gate
length scales, the gate oxide thickness must scale with the gate length. In
silicon, for gate oxide thickness below about 3nm and supply voltage of
about 1.0 volt, the tunneling current will be several orders of magnitude
larger than the channel current and the gate cannot control the channel
charge. In III-V HFETs the insulator thickness must be larger to
compensate for the much smaller AE which is on the order of 0.3 -1.0 volt
compared to 3.5 volts at the silicon-silicon dioxide interface.

E \
£ \
35 ^ ■

E v %
Ni. **»
\ ^v
**> *■*
O 1000
ra L ^W ^
o VlnP/lnGaA^N^^^ ^ ^inAs
T> \ ^^^**"***^H^ >W ^S^'Nw
C ^^^ ^^**H**H*»fc^ ^**N**W ^^^^
o ^^^^^ ^^**%^^\»
in Si NMOS^S. GaAs/lnGafi^O\^
c .
0.1 1
Gate Length (pm)
Figure 1. Trends of experimental
transconductance as a function of gate length for
FETs of various materials.

As a consequence of maintaining the tunnel current at a much smaller

level than the channel current, the thickness of AlGaAs or InAlAs, etc. is
usually greater than 20nm and it is maintained at that thickness as the gate
length shrinks. For this reason, the transconductance slope is much
smaller for the III-V FETs than for silicon and even though the drive
capability of III-V is far superior to silicon for large gate lengths, vertical
scaling is limited by tunnel leakage current.

1 0
1 0°
CO _1G
1 0'
Number of Electrons 16G
u 1 64Gb
E «> io 256Gb
Gate Length

Oxide , Thickpess
1 0
1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020

Figure 2. Extrapolated historical trends of DRAM scaling.

Using Figure 2, we can also predict that the number of electrons in the
DRAM channel will decrease as the density of transistors increases. This
arises from the need to keep the chip from melting during operation and to
maintain a reasonable chip cost.. The projected number of electrons in the
64Gb DRAM channel is about 10. We might expect somewhat unusual I-
V characteristics as one or two electrons, which represents a large fraction
of the total number of electrons, enter or leave the channel. Let's examine
this possibility in a little more detail.

Figure 3 illustrates the concept of Coulomb blockade. When the device and
associated capacitance are sufficiently small, an electron entering the

channel causes the channel or quantum well ground state to shift by an

energy equal to

fc-c (3)

where E is the energy and C is the device input capacitance. The value of
C determines whether the I-V characteristics will be smooth as is in
classical transistors or stepwise. Accordingly, if we consider the normal
operating range of 0-80C, E must be greater than 4kT giving the result that
C must be less than 0.6aF. At this temperature a larger value of
capacitance will cause the steps to become smeared and continuous. For
practical device operation a more stringent condition of 40kT should be
used to achieve device stability.


Coulomb *"T"
Before Filling /2C
Blockade <l 1

Figure 3. The electron transferred into the quantum well raises the energy
level by an amount q2/2C and a voltage equal to q/2C must be applied to
pull the eigenstate back into alignment with the electron gas in the

Using the scaling trend, let's examine whether the 64Gb DRAM is likely
to exhibit normal or step-like I-V characteristics at normal operating
temperatures. Figure 4 shows the gate capacitance, number of electrons
and corresponding DRAM density as a function of gate length. From the
capacitance requirement for 300K operation the arrow points to the
maximum value of capacitance for stepwise current increase. Continuing
to use the 64Gb DRAM as an example, although the number of electrons
scales to about 10, the capacitance scales to about 70aF. In order for clear
single electron behavior to be observable, the temperature needs to be
reduced to 3.3K. Therefore, we can predict that if traditional scaling
continues, the 64Gb DRAM will have smooth I-V characteristics.

104 I I I I I I I I I 104

LL W 10 Ö
Soio3 33
© -K
ü u 102 <£
jS HI 10 Ö
101 §
ü .Q -. 10
CO = 10° T 10
1 cr
CD 2
Single Electron 300K Operation
.-1 i i i i ' ' ' ■ * i i ■ « » ■ ■»
10 10"
1 o 100 1000
Gate Length (nm)
Figure 4. Scaling of gate capacitance and number of electrons with
DRAM density. The arrow points to the maximum value of capacitance
for observation of sharp stepwise I-V characteristics.

From statistical thermodynamics, we can obtain an expression for the

fluctuations in the number of electrons in a perfect gas open system, i.e.
one in which the number of electrons can change while the volume and
pressure are constant is given by

AN 1
N :
N (4)

Consider a transistor with 100 electrons. The fluctuation, AN/N, in

electron number will be about 10%. If the transistor is used as a switch in
a conventional inverter and the load transistor has a comparable electron
number, the variation in the low state will be substantially increased as
shown in Figures 5 and 6. Consequently, the noise margin will
substantially diminish or vanish. In order to reduce the variation in VL0W
arising from electron number fluctuations, the refresh rate can be
increased. The rule of thumb for refresh rate is about lms/Mb. As this
rate is increased, perhaps as much as a factor of 100, the refresh circuits
dissipates a proportional amount of power. The logic low state uncertainty
can be improved with the use of a resonant tunnel transistor load as shown

in the same figure. When the transistor scales to 10 electrons, the

fluctuations will increase to about 30%. In this range, even though
smooth I-V characteristics can be obtained, it is not at all clear that
conventional transistors can operate in a practical voltage and temperature
range, i.e. 300K and 1 volt. If the current scaling trend is followed,
according to Figure 2, this difficulty will have to be faced in about 2004.


ID ±10% ID ±10%


Figure 5. Inverter characteristics for conventional transistors and a

resonant tunnel transistor load, each having 10% variation in current due
to electron fluctuations.

Figure 6. Transfer curve illustrating the effects on the transfer curve of

±10% level of electron fluctuation in the switch and load transistors.

2. CSIC-CoIlosal Scale Integrated Circuits

Let us start with a working definition of CSIC.

Density 1Tb
Voltage 0.25V
Power dissipation 10W
Access time 10ns
Max operating temperature 80C
Chip size 2.5x2.5 cm

These specifications lead to the following device requirements:

Average power dissipation/bit lOpW

Cell Size 25x25 nm
Cell transistor size 5x5 nm
Transistor capacitance 1.4 aF
Number of electrons/cell 2

If we suppose that scaling can take us to the CSI regime, the above
discussion leads to the conclusion that in about 2010 we will have to have
a nanometer-scale fabrication technology in manufacturing labs in order to
meet the introduction date of 2016. Since the electron density scales to 2
electrons per cell, conventional transistors will have to be replaced by a
more deterministic structure. In addition, with scale lengths on the order
of ones to tens of atoms, there is presently no conceivable lithography that
can perform pattern transfer to the accuracy of atomic dimensions.

3. The Molecular Transistor

In order to open a dialog on the problems of scaling to small electron

numbers and the associated small dimensions, we should try to envision
the smallest possible transistor. Of course, we are assuming that the
smallest practical device will actually be a transistor. We propose that the
ultimate transistor will be a three terminal field effect molecular transistor
fabricated using molecular self assembly. Although the proposed structure
can be fabricated using semiconductor quantum wells, we focus here on
the smallest limit. The structure combines the approaches of Likharev1
and Lent/Porod2. It uses coulomb interaction in a gate region to control
the charge in a central region of a single electron structure. Figures 5, 6
and 7 illustrate the principles.

Gate Filled Gate Empty

® ®
Source Drain Source Drain
V,—^ x_^ V^' ■O
Transport Blocked Transport Allowed

Figure 5. Schematic of molecular transistor. Charging of gate atom

repels electron from middle atom of the source-drain molecule.

Transport Retarded Transport Allowed

Channel Atoi
Figure 6. Transfer of charge in gate circuit retards or allows charge
transfer in channel.

The source-drain circuit is a molecular backbone along which charge is

transferred by a bias potential. As the charge moves from atom to atom,
the potential energy of the atom changes by an amount equal to q/2C. The
energy levels along the short chain (Figure 7) shift up or down according
to whether the states are full or empty.

q/2C IV

All States Empty State 1 Filled State 2 filled

Figure 7. Energy levels of atoms in the source-drain circuit. The energy

level depends on the occupancy of each state.

The gate can contain one or two electrons. If the gate contains one electron
in the position nearest the channel, a channel electron can repel the gate
electron. The second electron holds the bias electron in place. The bias
electron raises the second atom state and this retards the flow of charge
into that stage. We can derive a transconductance for this structure


where 8 is the permittivity and x is the single electron transfer time.

4. Technology for CSICs

This section is for handwaving. It is here that the problems of using the
smallest transistor begin to emerge and the solutions to those problems
have not been adequately addressed. So I will make some predictions and
hope they will serve as a starting point for further discussion that may
actually lead to useful approaches.

Silicon factories will probably continue to be the mainstream

manufacturing media. The introduction of self assembled molecular
transistors into CSICs will initially involve hybrid fabrication in which the
input and output devices are silicon and the dense memory and logic
regions are molecular transistors. Molecular self assembled (MSA)
species will be specifically synthesized with unique head and tail units to
provide local interconnects as well as nucleating points. The silicon circuit
will be composed of local molecular ICs which are interconnected to form
the total IC. The arrangement will be controlled by a combination of
prepared surface regions for selective self assembly and the interaction
between MSA species. In this way, two and three dimensional local ICs
can be fabricated.
The merging of conventional and molecular processing requires a scheme
for transmitting signals between the molecular transistors and the I/O
buffers and other silicon logic. This will probably be accomplished using
self assembled molecular transitions in which the molecules have multiple
head and tail groups for reacting with specifically prepared silicon regions
or MSA transistor tail groups.

The accuracy of computation with sparse electron systems will depend on

the magnitude of electron fluctuations in the self assembled molecules as
well as fluctuations in the connecting molecular chains. Errors in the IC
increase the entropy. The total free energy, G = U - TS, where U is the
internal energy of the system, can thus decrease to the point where the
internal memory or logic is lost. Thermal fluctuations will be moderated
by the stronger bonding of charge carriers to atoms in the molecular
transistors and may offer a means of reducing errors.

Carriers will move more slowly than in semiconductor devices. In order

to take advantage of the small transistor size and the automatic formation of
local interconnects as well as to deal with the inherent slowness of
molecular transistor action, it will be necessary to utilize massive parallel
processing to exploit molecular electronics and achieve the goal of 10ns
access time.
5. Summary
Traditional scaling of silicon transistors inexorably leads to barriers in
fabrication and utilization which arise from the discrete nature of the
crystalline lattice and the sparse electrons which must carry information
without substantial loss of data. Silicon scales more favorably than III-V
semiconductors because the large bandgap of SiÜ2 allows vertical scaling
to continue to about 3nm before significant tunnel current occurs.
However, even though scaling to multi-megabit DRAM levels may be
possible using extentions of current fabrication technology, when the
64Mb level is reached, the number of electrons in the channel will scale to
about 10. Thermal fluctuations in charge will be on the order of 30% and
can seriously upset logic levels.
New technologies can intercept and revector the scaling trend. We
proposed a molecular transistor that is fabricated by self assembly. Such
transistors will initially be merged with conventional silicon devices and
The time frame in which new technology will be needed, according to the
trend chart, in the range of 2015-2020. Long before it is introduced into
the marketplace, the technology must be developed in research labs. The
complexity of CSICs will require a plethora of new approaches to
fabrication, architecture and utilization. If we are to hit the market
window, the time to begin development is now.

6. References
Likharev, K.K. (1991) Single Electronics: Correlated transfer of single electrons in
ultrasmall junctions, arrays and systems, Granular Electronics. D.K. Ferry, J.R. Barker,
C. Jacobini, Eds. New York: Plenum, 371-391
see for example, Tougaw, D. P., Lent, C.S. (1994) Logical devices implemented using
quantum cellular automata, J. Appl. Phys 75 (3), 1818-1825
Challenges and Trends for the Application of Quantum-Based Devices

Gerald J. Iafrate and Michael A. Stroscio

U.S. Army Research Office
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709

1. Introduction

As semiconductor technology continues to drive the scaling of electronic device

dimensions into the ultrasubmicron, nanodimensional regime, many ultrasmall and
ultrafast concepts and phenomena will continue to be put forth for notional
consideration. The stunning achievements of nanofabrication in the last decade now
allow for band-engineering and atomic-level structural tailoring not heretofore available
or explorable except through naturally occurring atomic and molecular processes.
Indeed, the techniques of atomic layer epitaxy facilitate the growth of structures atomic
layer by atomic layer; as well, advanced lithographic techniques are capable of defining
"lateral" structures with an accuracy of about 50 Angstroms.
These revolutionary trends and nanofabrication techniques have opened the way to
fabricating quantum wells, quantum wires and quantum dots that may provide the basic
building blocks for future nanoelectronic and mesoscopic (quantum) device technologies.
As well, these trends provide new opportunities for realizing quantum-based information
processing devices but many challenges must be addressed and intensive international
basic research is essential for the full exploitation of these revolutionary devices.

2. Highlights of Selected Challenges

A major challenge in the application of quantum-based devices arises from the molecular
feature-size considerations implicit in nanoelectronic and mesoscopic technology;
indeed, many interesting questions arise concerning fluctuations, tolerances, robustness,
and other statistical considerations which might conceivably wash-out many of the
seemingly fragile characteristics of nanodevices. There are many illustrative examples in
which inherent statistical variation in composition and device dimensions produce
substantial deviation from the desired nanostructure electrical response. These examples
include: minimum metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor size as determined by a
combination of gate oxide breakdown, drain-source punch-through and substrate doping
fluctuations [1]; minimum planar bipolar transistor size as determined by a combination
of collector junction breakdown, base punch-through and base doping fluctuations [2];
effects of structural and alloy disordering on the electronic states in quantum wires [3];
5. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 151-157.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
and the effect of fabrication-related dimensional variations on carrier scattering rates in
quantum wires [4,5].
Clearly, a challenge for nanoelectronic and mesoscopic device communities is to
explore concepts and designs that optimize robustness and suppress device fragility. In
meeting this challenge it will be essential to circumvent statistical phenomena which
typically exacerbate the scaling of conventional device technologies to reduced feature
sizes; as well, it will also be essential to exploit phenomena specific to the nanoscale
regime which are known to suppress noise and related fluctuations in "small" and
mesoscopic devices. On a more positive note, a related challenge for nanoelectronic and
mesoscopic device communities is to explore concepts and designs that optimize
robustness and suppress device fragility.

3. Illustrative Research Trends and Requirements

Conceptual options for achieving robustness are an essential ingredient for the
successful exploitation of quantum-based information processing devices and systems.
Indeed, several phenomena which play critical roles in nanoelectronic and mesoscopic
devices provide important opportunities to realize robustness in such nanodimensional
Promising avenues for achieving robustness include the application of Coulomb
blockade effects, design through quantum control theory, and emulation of biological
and chemical systems where phenomena such as neuron networking and self-
organization finesse disordering processes. For example, potential applications of
quantum control theory to "small" and mesoscopic electronic devices are motivated
based on past uses of robust optimal control theory for the selective excitation of
quantum mechanical vibrational states of molecules [6-10]. Additionally, a number of
important, recent developments in the field of Coulomb blockade are highly
encouraging; these developments include: the observation of Coulomb blockade effects
at temperatures which are an appreciable fraction of room temperature [11]; theoretical
prescriptions for enhancing the reliability of single-electron switches operating on the
basis of Coulomb effects [12]; and recent progress in understanding how mesoscopic
Coulomb blockade effects may be used to greatly suppress noise in electron emission
processes in p-i-n semiconductor junctions as well as in p-n microjunctions [13]. The
observation of Coulomb blockage effects at 100 degrees Kelvin [11] have been extended
recently by the principal authors of [11] to 110 degrees Kelvin for the case of holes and
170 degrees Kelvin for electrons. As a means of expanding on the progress made in
some of these areas, this paper places particular emphasis on two specialized topics: the
simulation of the capacitance of quantum dots [14]; and the tailoring of deformation
potential and piezoelectric scattering in mesoscopic devices in order to maintain de
Broglie wave coherence [15].
The impressive trends in both the fabrication and design of quantum-based devices
motivate and lead to the need for circuit design tools for integrated circuits with

quantum-based component devices. In the recent past there has been substantial
progress in the development of design tools for ultrafast and compact circuits using
heterojunction bipolar transistors and negative differential resistance (NDR) devices such
as resonant hot-electron transistors, resonant tunneling transistors, and resonant
tunneling diodes; examples of these works are summarized in [16]. Indeed, these efforts
are realized, in part, based on a new circuit simulator, NDR-SPICE, which has been
developed by extending the Berkeley SPICE simulator to the domain of NDR circuits.
To date such tools have been used to design a wide variety of circuits including:
multiple-valued multiplexers and demultiplexers; totally parallel multiple-valued logic
adders; four-valued up/down counters; analog-to-digital converters; and a 32-bit parallel
Recent successes in defining quantum logic gates that are potentially suited as the
building blocks of quantum logic networks [17-19] portend new vistas and enormous
payoffs through the realization of quantum computers. This possibility has not been
the focus of extensive attention within the microelectronics and nanoelectronics
communities but these communities have created fabrication and design technologies
that may provide the basis for realizing quantum computers.

4. Quantum Capacitance

Through the dramatic advances in nanofabrication technology it is now feasible, indeed

routine, to produce nanoscale devices that manifest electrical properties that are
determined principally by the laws of quantum physics rather than classical physics.
From the point of view of possible applications of quantum-based devices, it is
essential that the electronic properties of such nanoscale devices be understood fully.
Enlightening simulations of the capacitance of quantum dots [14] reveal a rich atomic-
like structure for the capacitance of two-dimensional circular quantum dots modelled on
the basis of a self-consistent solution of the Schroedinger equation; in these studies
many-body effects were included using a local density approximation as well as the
optimized Kreiger-Li-Iafrate (KLI) exchange potential. Figure 1 depicts the capacitance
versus electron number for a two-dimensional gallium arsenide quantum dot with a
radius of 200 nm (empty squares), 100 nm (solid circles), and 50 nm (empty circles) in
the presence of a conducting backgate located at a distance of 1/10 of the radius. At
such short distances, it was demonstrated [14] that the presence of a backgate
significantly increases the capacitance. As is evident from Figure 1, the capacitance
exhibits pronounced minima corresponding to shell filling just as in the case of an
atom. These shell-like grouping were shown [14] to be due to degeneracies introduced
by symmetry and the dips are the consequence of the increased difference between the
chemical potential values for consecutively accumulating electrons as each new set of
degenerate orbitals starts to be filled. These shell-like groupings are illustrated clearly
in Figure 2 where the capacitive energy calculated with the KLI exchange potential is


0.6 i-D-a
QDO* P°- ü

7 12 17 22
Number of electrons
Figure 1. Capacitance versus electron number for a two-dimensional GaAs quantum dot with dimensions as
defined in the text.

plotted as a function of the electron number of atoms with nuclear charge number Z.
These non-classical effects in the quantum capacitance should be important in a variety
of applications of quantum-effect devices including quantum-dot memory cells for
compact high-density data-storage devices.

1000 T

Figure 2. Capacitive energy versus electron number for atoms with nuclear charge Z.

5. Tailored Scattering Rates in Mesoscopic Devices

In order to tailor the strengths of deformation potential and piezoelectric scattering in

mesoscopic devices it is essential that the spectrum of acoustic phonons in these
mesoscopic devices be understood. Acoustic phonons have been quantized for a variety
of nanoscale and mesoscopic structures in order to assess the role of electron—acoustic-
phonon scattering in limiting the performance of nanoscale and mesoscopic electronic
devices. These structures include quantum wells, quantum wires with cylindrical and
rectangular cross sections, and quantum dots with spherical, cylindrical and rectangular
boundaries [20]. These quantized phonons have been studies for the two cardinal
boundary conditions of classical acoustics: free boundaries (open boundaries) where the
phonon displacements are unrestricted and allowed to balance all normal traction forces
to zero; and clamped boundaries (rigid boundaries) where phonon displacements are
required to vanish at the boundaries.
For the case of quantum wires, scattering rates have been calculated only for the
case of infinitely long quantum wires and, as appropriate for this case, the acoustic
phonons have been quantized in only the lateral dimensions. However, for realistic
mesoscopic device designs, the quantum wire input and output "leads" as well as the
active regions of the devices with quantum-wire geometries have finite lengths.
Accordingly, deformation and piezoelectric scattering rates must be based on acoustic
phonons that are quantized in all three spatial dimensions.
The international community does not appear to have considered the role of three
dimensional confinement of acoustic phonons in mesoscopic devices but it is clear from
the solutions of classical acoustics that boundary conditions imposed at the ends of
wire-like regions can have a profound effect on the properties of acoustic modes. Based
on our current understanding of such finite wire-like structures, it should be possible to
"engineer" mesoscopic structures so that electron—acoustic-phonon scattering is reduced
as a result of reducing the overlap of the electronic wavefunctions and the phonon
standing modes. As a straightforward example, the standing-mode pattern for acoustic
modes in a free-standing quantum wire with cylindrical cross section and finite length
has a simple analytical form [15] which facilitates the selection of device geometries and
dimensions that minimize electron—acoustic-phonon scattering rates. Such an
"engineered" reduction is likely to be most important in mesoscopic devices which
operate on the basis of "coherent" electron-wave interference effects.

6. Conclusion

The challenges before the nanoelectronic and mesoscopic device communities are — on
the one hand — to explore concepts and designs that optimize robustness and — on the
other hand — to exploit quantum effects that open the way to unique means of
information processing that have no counterparts in the classical domain. Through this
dual approach the nanofabrication technology revolution can be exploited fully by the
architects of future generations of quantum-based information processing devices and
systems. As predicted by the famed physicist Richard Feynman in his 1959 talk
entitled "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom," we shall realize the "bottomless"
possibilities of "manipulating and controlling things on a small scale."

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Institut für Festkörperelektronik, Floragasse 7, A-1040 Wien, Austria
Walter Schottky-Institut, TU München, D-85748 Garching,


We report measurements of electronic excitations in the confinement regime

between zero and two dimensions. FIR transmission spectroscopy has been successfully
used to detect 2D plasmons dispersion, localized plasmons and depolarization shifted ID
intersubband transitions. The far infrared response of arrays of periodic quantum wires has
been investigated by cyclotron resonance transmission and photoconductivity (PC)
measurements. Due to narrow geometrical dimensions (300 nm) quantum confinement
arises and leads to the formation of one-dimensional electronic subbands with a typical
energy separation of 1-3 meV in the case of the heterostructures and up to 9 meV in the
case of the quantum wells. The far infrared transmission spectra of the quantum wire
structures show one strong resonance, which can be described by an harmonic oscillator
model, assuming that the confining potential is of parabolic shape. Depending on the
intensity of bandgap illumination a well pronounced transition from an one-dimensional
electronic system behaviour to a modulated ID system and finally to a pure 2
dimensional system can be achieved for the heterostructure samples. In addition, results
of Smith-Purcell-type far infrared emission in one dimensional quantum wires and
tunneling experiments on low dimensional systems are also decribed.

1. Introduction

The characterization of nanostructures is a topic of vital interest, since the

dimensions of commercially available semiconductor devices are now in a range, where
quantum size effects become evident. In this paper methods are presented to characterize
low-dimensional structures. Far infrared transmission and photo conductivity
measurements are used to determine the low-dimensional properties, e.g. subband
5. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 159-169.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Much insight into the electronic properties of low-dimensional electron systems
is gained from investigations of their FIR excitations. It has been demonstrated that in
etched [2] as well as field-effect [3] induced low-dimensional electron systems the bare
confinement potential Vext is of parabolic shape in a very good approximation. Taking
the generalized Kohn theorem [4] into account, the FIR conductivity exhibits a single
dimensional resonance at a frequency that corresponds to the characteristic frequency of
the bare potential. The meaning of "bare potential" here is, the potential is induced by
all external charges contributing to the confinement as e.g. charges on a gate pattern, in
surface states or image charges on the semiconductor interfaces, but not the electrons
occupying the quantum wire. Experiments [5] as well as model calculations demonstrate
that the electron systems usually are smaller than the lithographic defined patterns on the
surface due to lateral depletion widths of the order of several some 10 nm. Therefore,
once the wires in a superlattice are defined, they can be regarded as decoupled in a very
good approximation since wide barriers separate them.
In the present paper, FIR transmission and photo conductivity measurements
are used to investigate the ID subband spacings of low dimensional structures fabricated
on GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructures and quantum wells.

2. Basic Properties of quantum wires

Much insight into the electronic properties of one-dimensional electronic

systems is gained from investigations of their far infrared radiation (FIR) excitations.The
heterostructure samples show a 2D carrier concentration of 4x10" cm"2 with a mobility
of 1.5 106cm2/Vs at 4.2K. Then, laser holographic gratings having a typically period a
between 475 nm and 630 nm, were fabricated on the samples. The geometrical
dimensions of the structured sample are 3 x 3 mm2. The photoresist patterns are
transferred step by step into the GaAs by wet chemical etching down into the modulation
doping area in the case of the heterostructures. This results in a periodic potential with a
modulation energy in the range 1-3 meV for the heterostructure samples. In these
samples, the transverse conductivity vanished and separated wires with several ID
subbands occupied are expected (quasi 1-dimensional electron gas). By bandgap
illumination with a red LED the filling of the wires could be tuned. In the region of
shallow etching, the electronic system could be changed from electrically isolated wires
to a density modulated system and back to an almost perfect two dimensional system
with increasing duration of illumination. A schematic view of the samples is shown in
the inset of Fig.l. The patterning of the samples produces a periodic electrostatic
potential and leads to a lateral type II superlattice. Electrons and holes are separated in
spatially adjacent regions.

The experimental setup is the standard configuration of a commercial FIR gas

laser, connected via a light pipe to a helium cryostat with two superconducting
solenoids. In the centre of the upper magnet the sample and in the lower magnet FIR-
detectors for transmission measurements were located. For the detection of the chopped
FIR radiation narrowband InSb and high purity
no GaAs layers were used. The photoconductivity
100 has been measured along the wires, therefore
two indium contacts were alloyed into the wire
90 -
\ t Irre yf array and a current of typically some 50 nA was
g 80 -- passed along the wires. Together with the
to Oms I 10ms
(0 chopper signal, the voltage drop at the contacts
'£ 70 ~ of the sample, or in case of transmission
c mB ^FIR y
measurements, at the detector was used for low
noise lock-in-technique. All measurements were
50 performed at 4.2 K. The advantage of the high
™3 ^163 p.rn
FIR power of the laser was especially used for
the photoconductivity measurement and the PC-
Magnetic Field (Tesla) behaviour was compared with the transmission
data. It can be shown, that the high power
Fig. 1. Transmission of a 630nm period
quantum wire sample for different durations excitation of the magnetoplasmon-resonances in
of the above bandgap illumination. The inset the PC is shifted to lower energies with respect
shows the geometry of the sample.
to the low power excitation with the Fourier
In figure 1 the experimental FIR spectra of a one layered shallow etched (15s
etched) quantum wire structure of a heterostructure sample measured at a fixed laser
wavelength of 163.6(im in transmission geometry with different band gap illumination
times are shown. The resonance position of the non illuminated quantum wire structure
is shifted to lower magnetic fields with respect to the strong illuminated sample, which
appears at the position of the unperturbated cyclotron resonance, i.e. it is shifted to
higher resonance energies.
The spectrum of the short illuminated sample shows one resonance peak at the CR
position and one at a towards higher energies shifted position. In case of electrically
separated wires, the FIR excitation should measure the confined plasmon mode [6]:

•2- 2££Q/W
-n2D(j + a)
7 = 1,3,5 (1)

with the effective two dimensional carrier density in the wires n2D>the effective mass of
the carriers m* and the electrical wire width w and a, which denotes a correction for the

phase shift occurring due to the reflection of the electrons at the wire walls. In the FIR
experiments we clearly identify the plasmon shifted CR with the first odd mode j=l.
In a density modulated system, one expects to find two resonances [7], the
unperturbated CR and an extended plasmon, which is a better description, when coupling
between the electrons in the different parallel wires becomes important. Then C0p is
dominated by the grating period a [8]:

(o„ =■ n (2)
By increasing the illumination time, the potential modulation disappears at all, and one
finds the pure two dimensional behaviour of the system. By subsequently etching the
sample, the resonance position shifts to higher energies, and is not affected anymore by
above bandgap illumination. Due to
surface charge depletion effects, the
effective electron concentration decreases
inversion channel rapidly and therefore the amplitude of the
resonance decreases also.
In Fig.2 a FIR
photoconductivity spectrum is shown
taken at a laser wavelength of 163|J.m.
Comparing the transmission data with
the data obtained from the
photoconductivity measurements
performed on the same sample, one
clearly sees, that the resonances appear at
the position of the confined plasmon.
sample A The plasmon energy is easily determined
35s etched from a plot like fig.3. by extrapolating
1ms illuminated the point of intersection of the line of
the plasmon energies with the y-axis.
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Magnetic Field (Tela) In addition, there is a small, but very
sharp resonance (FWHM = 0.2 cm"*' an
Fig. 2 Typical spectra obtained with the FIR-laser in effective mass of 0.067 mo and an
photoconductivity and transmission measurements of
sample A. effective 2D electron density of 4-1010
cm"2) near the position of the unperturbed 2D CR. It can also be seen in non-structured
samples and its position is not affected by the etching process of the wires. So we expect
the origin of this resonance is due to an inversion channel deep in the sample, as well
known from similar grown samples [9].
The spectrum taken with the FIR laser is in good agreement with the bolometric model
of the PC [10], [11], where the PC grows both with the absolute resistance of the
system and its temperature dependence. The evaluation of the resonance energies for PC
and transmission measurements of the sample A with a=630 nm and an etching time of
35s are given in a double squared plot (fig.3.) With good agreement between the different
methods, the plasmon resonance follows the quadratic dispersion relation

1 ? o (3)
(o =(Op+ a)*

which is obtained for the collective plasmon excitation of the electrons in an magnetic
field coupling quadratically to the cyclotron resonance energy coc. Assuming an harmonic
oscillator model for the confining potential
yext=\m*C0lx2 (4)

the same relation for the dispersion of the ID resonance energy as eq.(3) can be obtained.
For the non illuminated sample A (35s etched) we derive a subband spacing ©0=3 meV
and an electrical width w = 380 nm (dark) and w = 510 nm (illuminated), calculated from
eq. 1 with e = 12.9. Differences in the resonance position between transmission and PC
values are attributed to changes
12000 M | I I I I | I I I I | I I II | in the population of the wires,
which may have different causes:
10000 sample a
a=630nm heating of the electron system by
8000 35s etched the high FIR intensity as well as
T=4.2K heating and charging of the wires
— non structured by the current.
a> It is shown, that via above band
c 4000
ID o photoconductivity gap illumination the electronic
2000 properties of the shallow etched
• transmission wire structured sample could be
i.... i. ... i .... i .... i .... i ...
changed from quasi ID to a
20 30 40 50 60 70
density modulated 2D system and
Magnetic Field2 (Tesla2)
finally to a pure 2D system. The
Fig.3. Squared energy of the evaluated resonance position PC is strongly correlated to the
(transmission and photoconductivity results) versus squared position of the localized plasmon
magnetic field (sample AThe dotted line corresponds to the
unperturbed 2D CR with a mass of m*= 0.07mo in FIR transmission. Recent PC
measurements [11] were
successfully performed on a tiny sample of 80 x 200 \im2 with 130 wires. The big
advantage of the PC measurements is, that there is no need for a large structured area as
in transmission experiments. One disadvantage of this quantum wire array (some
hundreds) is till now the very bad detectivity, but combining holographic and electron
beam lithography, it is possible to prepare photoconductive detectors consisting of very
few wires with much more improved properties.

3. Smith-Purcell type FIR radiation in one dimensional wires

The coupling of the carriers via a grating momentum q = 2n/a to a weak

harmonic potential results in energy
photon energy [meV] loss via photon emission. From
conservation rules one obtains for
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
25 q « k ( k = electron momentum )
w = 400 nm -100V/cm the frequency (0 of this Smith-Purcell
g- „«« -300 V/cm emission [12] which is directly
> 20 - a = 200nm _„.400V/cm proportional to the electron velocity v

To and the grating momentum q and given
c 15 by co=vq.
n> Observation of Smith-Purcell
o 10 emission in a two dimensional electron
15 gas of high mobility samples has been
■4—• reported by Wirner et al. [13]. It should
T3 also be possible to observe Smith-
/ Purcell emission in one dimensional
i i i ■ i i structures. However, the mobility in the
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1. 1DEG is drastically reduced in
comparison to the 2DEG. On the other
detector magnetic field [T]
hand the mobility increases strongly
Fig. 4: Experimental Smith-Purcell emission signals in a with decreasing wire length. This occurs
1DEG for different electric fields F = 100 V/cm (solid
line), F = 300 V/cm (dashed line) and F = 400 V/cm for wire lengths smaller than 2|J.m
(dotted line). which indicates that the interactions
with the walls and potential fluctuations are strongly reduced below this length scale.
For this reason we also expect for longer wires a mean free path which is large enough
for the electrons to couple to a grating with a period length well below this length scale.
The samples used are described in detail in reference [13]. The original 2DEG has an
electron concentration of n = 6xl010 cm"2 and a mobility of \x = 8xl05 cm2/Vs.
A weak periodic grating potential of VQ ~ 0.6 meV with different period
lengths of a = 200 nm, a = 300 nm, and a = 400 nm is produced by nanostructuring
the GaAs top layer with laser holography and shallow wet chemical etching. The one
dimensional wires are produced by an additional etching process. The geometrical wire
width is wg = 400 nm whereas the wirelength is 100 p.m. Analyzing the Shubnikov-
deHaas oscillations ( assuming a parabolic wire potential) we get a one dimensional
subband spacing of AE = 0.5 meV. The one dimensional electron density is determined
6 1
to be niD = 20x10 cm" . The emitted Smith-Purcell type FIR radiation is detected by
an optimized magnetic field tunable InSb cyclotron-resonance detector at 4.2 K [14].
The experimental setup is described in
detail in reference [15].
-- N — a = 200 nm The experimental results (Fig.
If \ k a = 165nm 4 ) clearly confirm our assumptions. In
d 1f \ \ analogy to the two dimensional case the
- 1 FIR-emission shows two contributions:
I \ \ a) free carrier emission (i.e. the
. ll l background signal) and b) the Smith-
en \ \
J\ \ \
Purcell-emission sitting on this
/ background. Due to the reduced emitting
c " If \ <
power in the 1DEG and increased
[I \ V 1 DEG contact effects the background is larger
-/ compared to the 2DEG. As a
1 \ consequence of the reduced mobility the
ll , applied electric field has to be higher to
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 observe Smith-Purcell-emission. The
photon energy [meV] spectral width decreases with increasing
electric field indicating a longer mean
Fig. 5: Theoretical Smith-Purcell emission in the 1DEG free path of the electrons for higher
including the detector characteristic for two different electric fields. However for electric
grating periods a = 165 nm and a = 200 nm. The
underlying distribution function is a shifted Fermi- fields exceeding 400V/cm the
distribution for T = 10 K and a drift velocity
background emission becomes
vj) = 5x10" cm/s (determined experimentally).
dominant. Our interpretation in terms
of Smith-Purcell-emission is confirmed
by the study in ref. [16], which shows that for our configuration the emission is clearly
no plasmon emission.


The samples for 0-2D tunneling consist of a nominally undoped GaAs layer
(NA <lxl015cm-3) grown on a semi-insulating substrate, followed by an AlxGai_
xAs barrier of a total thickness of 200 A [50 A spacer, 50 A doped
(A^D =3xl018cm"3)> 100 A spacer; x=0.36], and a n-doped GaAs layer [d= 800 Ä,
ND = 1.2xl015crrT3]. An additional GaAs cap layer was highly n-doped [d= 150 A,
JVD = 6.4 X 1018 cm"3]. This structure provides two 2D systems separated by a barrier
of only 200 A. From Shubnikov-de Haas measurements it was deduced that in both
2DEG systems only one subband is occupied having electron concentrations of
nim = 6.0 X1011 cm"2 and <cc = 5.5 x 10" cm"2, respectively.
AuGe - contact

etched area



Fig.6 : A schematic view of the sample is shown on the left hand side. The corresponding conduction band
profile for the etched and non etched areas of the samples is shown on the right.

The sample geometry is shown in Fig.6(a). First, bar shaped mesas were etched and
Ohmic AuGe contacts were aligned to both channels. Then, a holographic photoresist dot
patterns with a period of a=350nm was fabricated on the mesas, which were etched wet
chemically into the GaAs cap layers. AuGe was evaporated on the total area of the
quantum dot system. Finally, the GaAs layers around the top tunneling contact were
removed selectively, yielding independent contacts to both the multiple quantum dot
(MQD) system and the 2DEG system. By applying a voltage Vt>, the 0D states are
shifted energetically by AE = eAVb with respect to 2DEG [17] The bandstructure of the
sampleis shown in Fig.6(b) for both the etched and the non-etched regions (upper and
lower part, respectively). All measurements were made using a 4-terminal conductance
bridge [18]
The experimental results are plotted in Fig.7. The lower part (a) of this figure
shows the dl/dVb characteristics of the nano-structured (0D-2D) sample, where the
temperature is varied between T=1.7K [curve (1)] and T=40K [curve (12)]. For reference
reasons, the dl/dVb characteristics of a not-nanostructured sample are plotted in the upper
part (b) of Fig. 7 for the two temperature values T=1.7K [curve (1)] and T=40K [curve
(2)]. The comparison of the two characteristics [a(l)] and [b(l)] shows that the nano-
fabrication process leads to a multitude of new resonances which exist within the whole

voltage range considered. All resonance peaks of the (0D-2D) dI/dVD characteristic show
a strong dependence on the temperature. Above T=4.2K [curve a(2)], only about half of
the resonances can still be resolved. A further increase of the temperature results in a
monotone broadening of all resonance structures, accompanied by a monotone decrease of
peak amplitudes.
The tunneling probability for transitions between the subbands of the 2DEG system
and the fully quantized states of the MQD system are calculated in analogy to the the
selection rules for 1D-2D tunneling processes [19] Details are published elsewhere [20]
To compare the calculated results with the experiment, the overlap integral between the
wave functions on the 2D and 0D side were calculated as a function of bias voltage. The
overlap integral is directly proportional to the tunneling current. A cosine shaped
potential best describes the experimental situation in the dots and the main peaks in the
wave tunneling probability are always expected when w=ijr. Ik where i is an integer, k is
the wave vector of the tunneling electron and w is the width of the potential at the
coresponding energy. Note that the overlap integral can be regarded as a Fourier transform
of the wave functions.



30 -25 -20 -15-10 -5 0

-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20


Fig.7 : (a) Measured dl/dVj, curves in the temperature Hg.8: Calculated tunneling probability and the
range between 1.7 K and 40 K. (b): dI/dVb curves of measured dI/dVb curve at 1.7 K. The downward
unstructured samples arrows mark the resonance peaks. The upward
arrows mark the k=0 positions for each subband.
Fig.8 shows a comparison between the calculated tunneling probability and the
dl/dVb curve measured at 1.7 K. As one can see, the experimental results agree well with
the calculated peak positions. The lowest three OD subbands are determined as AE01-7
meV, AE12=6meV,AE23=5 meV. The relation between the width of the potential, w,
and the wave vector, k , w=ip /k, be used to check the order of magnitude of w for the
lowest OD subbands. The upward arrows mark the position, where k=0 for all OD
subbands. and thus, the voltage spacing DV can be used to determine k using
eAV=AE=h2k2/2m* which then yields a value of w=94 nm, 102 nm, and 120 nm for
the nA= 1,2,3 subbands. These values are in good agreement with the geometrical
diameter of the dot of dgeo=160 nm if the surface depletion is taken into account.

5. Conclusion

Two different FIR spectroscopy techniques on quantum wires have been

presented. It is shown, that the electronic properties of the shallow etched wire
structured sample can be changed by above band gap illumination from quasi ID to a
density modulated 2D system and finally to a pure 2D system. The photoconductivity is
strongly correlated to the position of the localized plasmon in FIR transmission and has
a possible application for detectors. The quantum well samples with the shallow etched
wire structures show a strong magnetoplasmon resonance with an confinement potential
up to /ico0=9.3meV and effective electrical wire width down to 120nm.
We have studied Smith-Purcell-emission from modulated high mobility
GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. The results of Smith-Purcell emission in the 1DEG
show a smaller spectral width than in the 2DEG indicating a narrower electron
distribution in k-space.
Tunneling experiments between 2D and OD states can be used to determine the
subband spacings. In contrast to 2D-2D tunneling, the IV-curves turn out to be the
Fourier transform of the wave funktions in the OD states, which can be used to extract
information on the confining potential.

Acknowledgment - This work was supported by the Öesterreichische Nationalbank

(Jubiläumsfond), BMWF and the GMe, Austria.


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University of Toronto,
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, 2Dept. of Chemistry and
Laser & Lightwave Research Centre; Toronto, M5SI A4 CANADA

1. Introduction

It has been the "proven truth" for some decades that the performance of electronic
devices should rise with decreasing dimensions. The continuos advance of lithographic
technology in the past made possible serious exploration of the fascinating world of
low-dimensional structures and was in turn propelled by the results of this exploration.
Today, the submicron lithography in combination with different growth techniques
such as MBE and MOCVD is routinely used for fabrication of quantum-well based
devices with superior characteristics.
The situation is changing however as researchers move toward one- and zero-
dimensional structures. Although there have been a number of successful efforts, e.g.
fabrication of free-standing Si or Se nano-wells or nano-pillars by the less controllable
thinning techniques after conventional lithography or e-beam lithography, the now
celebrity lithographic technology seems to approach its resolution limits here, making
the cost of controllable manufacturing of high-density arrays of 1-D and 0-D structures
almost prohibitively high for industrial implementation as the dimensions of individual
units fall to 10 -100 nm.
The situation has forced us to look for new approaches for the nano-manufacturing.
One way is to use different methods of direct writing of desirable structures on
semiconductor or dielectric wafers, e.g., the focused ion beam technology or the atomic
force microscope (AFM) and perhaps STM. The method looks promising for relatively
small structures, but becomes unrealistic when a large area or a large number of
devices are needed. One alternative is to make use of spontaneous island formation in
planar growth of some lattice-mismatched semiconductor systems, that gives more or
less disordered 2-D arrays of nano-sized clusters [1]. It is not yet clear however
whether the usefulness and cost efficiency of this method are sufficiently high to
outweigh the. considerable sacrifice in the ability to control the structure parameters in
this case.
5. Luryi etal. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 171-183.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Another very different approach is non-subtractive
direct fabrication by selective deposition in the
openings of some sort of template. This of course
could be a regular lithographic structure, with all the
above mentioned limitations.
On the other hand, one can use different self-
organised regular nano-structured (nano-porous)
templates, such as zeolites and molecular sieves [2],
polymer nuclear trucks membranes [3] or porous
anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) films [4]. This is a
particularly attractive approach as it circumvents the At substrate

lithographic limitations altogether by making use of Figure 1. Idealised cross-section of the

naturally occurring nanotemplates (working with porous anodic aluminum oxide.
Mother Nature!).
In making a choice of template one must take into account its stability, insulating
properties, minimal diameter, density and uniformity of the pores as well as the ability
to integrate the template into a device or chip. The latter include the possibility to form
a template film of good quality on desired substrate and to make electrical or optical
contacts to the nano-structures inside the template. The most attractive candidate from
this point of view is AAO which has a highly anisotropic porous structure (Fig. 1) with
very uniform and nearly parallel pores [5]. We are able to produce AAO with pore
diameter, dp, ranging from 8 to 200 nm, pore length from 1 to 50 \xm and pore density
in the range 109-10 cm"2. All these make it almost ideal for fabrication of fairly
monodispersed nanometer-scale wires and dots. The smallest pore diameter is of the
order of the Bohr diameters of some bulk semiconductor excitons, suggesting that
quantum size effects might be observed. Moreover, the use of AAO templates readily
allows scale-up to very large surface area systems and is amenable to continuous
Providing that AAO is formed on conductive substrate, electrochemical (EC)
methods, which can be used to grow materials of a wide range of morphologies,
structures and composition, seem to be the logical choice for selective deposition into
the pores. Electrodeposition (ED) has previously been used successfully for the
formation of ceramic [6], metallic [7] and semiconductor [8] superlattices. Attempts
were also made to use sequential underpotential electrodeposition of monolayers to
grow epitaxial compound semiconductor films [9].
Electrodeposition of metal nano-wire arrays in porous aluminum oxide has been
used to produce deposits with interesting magnetic [10,11], catalytic [12] and optical
[13] properties, at times differing from those of the bulk metals. The wires faithfully
reproduce the shape of the pores [14]. Other porous films such as polymeric
membranes, have also been used for the ED of ferromagnetic Ni and Co [15] as well as
for multilayered Cu-Co [16] nano-wires.
Below we will first discuss our results in what we believe to be the most promising
of the existing direct fabrication methods - the electrochemical deposition of metals
and semiconductors into porous AAO films, which produces densely-packed uniform
2-D nanowire arrays with diameters down to 8 nm or even less [4]. In sections 2 and 3
we will address the technology of the array fabrication, and present experimental
results on some effects ascribable to anisotropy, electron confinement and room-
temperature single electron tunnelling (SET) in nano-wire based devices. In section 4
we present theoretical results for the effect of interwire coupling on SET characteristics
in such systems. Finally, we will give a preliminary and hence incomplete account of
the interesting possibilities in device applications and research which the new method
and structures promise.

2. Fabrication and Characterisation of the Nanowire Structures

The preparation procedure for porous AAO films with different pore diameters is
described in [4]. AC electrolysis was used for the deposition of metals (Ni, Co, Fe and
others) and compound semiconductors (CdS, CdSe, CdSxSei.x and GaAs) resulting in
the formation of nano-wire arrays in the pores of anodic alumina films. Deposition of
other semiconductors is the subject of our current efforts. Electrodeposition was
performed at room temperature for metals and GaAs; and at 100 - 160°C for the
^IlgVI systems. Metals and GaAs deposition was carried out from aqueous acidic
electrolytes, whereas, AHB^ were deposited from solutions containing metal salt and
elemental chalcogen in dimethylsulphoxide [17]. Although different in execution, the
technique is similar in scope to the one used to deposit 200 nm diameter cadmium
selenide/telluride microwires in the pores of Anopore membranes [18]. However, the
large pore diameter of most available Anopore films precludes observation of low-
dimensional effects.
Take the fabrication of CdS nano-wires as an example. Electron microphotographs
(fig. 2) show that the deposited material fill the pores uniformly. Quantitative electron
microprobe analysis indicates a 1:1 stoichiometry to within the detection tolerance of
the technique. XRD data of the AACACdS nano-wires have diffraction patterns
corresponding to the hexagonal. The unit cell of AACACdS was found to have
smaller parameters and greater density than what is reported for the bulk. Annealing
at 500°C for 1 hour successfully relieved the lattice distortion except for samples with
dp<12 nm.
The X-ray diffraction data suggest that the spatial confinement of the deposition
affects the crystallite orientation. The relative intensity of the (002) diffraction peak of
the AACACdS is considerably higher than those recorded for the Pt\CdS (DC
deposited) sample or a crystalline "bulk-like" CdS powder therefore indicating that
crystallites growth with the c-axis oriented along the pore. Annealing only slightly
enhances the diffraction patterns of AACACdS, preserving its existing (002) texture.
The contributions of other primary diffraction planes ( (100), (101), (110) ) are
suppressed significantly. Yet another template-induced structural feature of the
AACACdS is that crystal domains size changed very little after annealing, suggesting
that most of the deposited CdS is crystalline and the CdS domains span the widths of
the pores. We are tempted to conclude that the main factor determining the observed

Figure 2. (a.) SEM micrographs of CdS nano-wires partially exposed by dissolution of the oxide film; (b.)
TEM micrographs of the CdS nano-wires after complete dissolution of AAO supporting matrix; (c.) TEM
micrograph of a microtomed cross section of the Al\AAO\CdS film.

structural features of the AAO\CdS, and especially its texture, is the spatial
confinement inside the pores.

3. Measurement Results on the Metal and Semiconductor Nano-wire Arrays


Polarised resonance Raman spectroscopy (RRS) was used to investigate qualitatively

the effect of the nano-wire diameter on the bandgap energy of the CdS quantum wires.
The Bohr diameter of the IS exciton of CdS (6 nm, [19]) is close to the smallest AAO
pore diameter that we can produce. Accordingly, some indication of quantum
confinement effects might be observable.
The measured RRS spectra are dominated by overtones of the LO phonon. The
overall intensity of the Raman scattering and the number of overtones observed
increased dramatically with annealing, making quantitative spectra analysis possible
[20]. This behaviour is probably due to the fact that the intensities of the RRS lines are
very sensitive to any improvement in the crystalinity of the wires. Furthermore, Raman
scattering might also benefit from the annealing of surface defects at the CdSVAAO
interface or at grain boundaries.
The intensities of the overtones in the Raman spectra of semiconductor clusters
depend strongly on particle size [20,21] and are related to the value of the band gap.
Polarised RRS of AACACdS nano-wires excited with the electric field vector both along
and across the wires showed that the ratio of the first overtone intensity to that of the
A- 8 nm exp. data
5x10* B- 10 nm 2.43
C- 12 nm (2.41+-0.1)eV
4x10* D- 22 nm ^2.41
8. E - 25 nm

~~X 2.37
c> A
V/ l_^A-_. _ 10 15 20 25
250 500 750 1000 1250
1 diameter / nm
Raman shift / cm
Figure 3. Resonance Raman spectra of AAO\CdS Figure 4. Band gap as a function of CdS nano-wires
nanowires arrays with light polarized across the wires diameter. Symbols - experiment, line - calculation.

fundamental mode decreases with decreasing wire diameter, suggesting that the
quantum size effect regime has been approached (Fig. 3). Based on this dependence we
calculated band gap energies and other parameters by fitting experimental data to the
expression which describes the ratios of the overtone intensities as a function of
excitation energy [20,21].

The band gaps determined with polarisation across the wires ranged from 2.376 eV
for the large pore diameters to 2.417 eV for the smallest pore diameter and are well
behaved as a function of the nano-wire diameter (Fig. 4) determined by the expression
for spherical particles [22] when bulk values are used for the effective masses of the
electron and hole, and the optical dielectric constant; 2.41 eV is assumed for the band-
gap energy of bulk CdS. The calculated overtone intensity ratios values for ss-
polarisation are consistent with the experimental data (Fig. 4).

455 465 475 485 495 505
excitation wavelength, nm 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
aspect ratio/1 d-1

Figure 5. RRS overtone ratio as a function of Figure 6. Measured perpendicular and parallel
excitation wavelength for different CdS wire diameter. coercivities of AAO\Fe wires as a function of wire
Symbols - experiment, lines - calculation. aspect ratio. Squares - HCJ_, circles - Hc||.

Iron nano-wire arrays with varying diameters were fabricated [11] and their magnetic
properties determined. The coercivity was found to be highly anisotropic and
dependent on the aspect ratio of the particles (Fig. 6). The functional dependence of Hc
on the aspect ratio suggested that the metal deposit consists of a cylindrical assembly of
fused single-domain particles.


Room temperature operation of devices based on single-electron tunnelling (SET)

requires extremely small capacitance tunnel junctions, lithographic fabrication of
which is difficult and expensive. We fabricated a two-junction device from 10 run
nickel nano-wire array where one junction was the (bottom) barrier oxide layer
(-10-20 nm) and the other (top) was a thin (~ 8 nm) nickel oxide film grown on the
tips of the nickel nano-wires. The device, which can be considered as a 2-D-array of
double-junction systems with common "source" and "drain" contacts [23], at room
temperature exhibited very complex behaviour including conductance oscillations and
staircase I-V characteristics. Periodic conductance oscillations were observed in similar
structures with CdS nanowires (Fig. 7), and recently in «AAO+Ni-wires\CdS film»
array devices [24]. Their origin rises many fundamental questions but without any
clear explanation in sight.
The I-V stairs of metal wires (an example of which is shown in Fig. 8) on the other
side strongly resembled the Coulomb staircase as predicted by the standard theory of
single-electron tunnelling (SET) in case of strong asymmetry of drain-source junctions
[25,26]. Simple estimation of junction capacitances for a single wire in the array gives
values in the order of 10"19 to 10"18 F [23], that together with different thickness of the
oxide layers and the observed stair width seem to support the hypothesis of SET. These
arrays however are essentially different from those considered previously [26], where




0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

-1.000 0 1.000 U / V
VF / V
Figure 8. Current-voltage characteristics of the double
Figure 7. Periodic conductance oscillations of
tunnelling junction Al/AAO-BIVNi-wires/NiO/Ag.
AAO\CdS nanowire array.
the tunnelling occurs sequentially in the plane of the array of islands connected in
matrix, and coupling capacitances are of the order of the junction capacitances.
Adequate understanding of the novel system must take into account a number of
unique features and effects including the very strong electrostatic coupling between
nanowires due to small interwire spacing (20 to 50 nm) as compared to the wire length
(>1 um in this case).

Single Electron Tunnelling through Coupled Nanowires: Spontaneous


As a first step toward a good understanding, we investigated possible effects

of interwire coupling on the single-electron tunnelling in coupled double-junction
systems considering a two-wire system (Fig. 9) which is a building block of the

Figure 9. Two-wire double-junction system. Arrows show the prevailing directions of tunneling for V>0.

Using the "global rule" of SET [27] to calculate the effect of wire charging on the
tunnelling probabilities, we performed Monte-Carlo simulations of the electron
transport through the system assuming a low-impedance environment. Typical
numerical values used in modelling were: junction capacitances Cr = (1.6±.2) -10"19 F,
coupling capacitance C0 =(0 to 200)-Q, junction resistances Ru = Rl2 = 50kQ
(source), R2}=200-Ru and R^ = (1 to 100) • i^, (drain). We assumed zero
conductance between wires.


Analysis that uses the "global rule" ideology shows that in the case of very strong
coupling (C0 »Cr) the whole array seems to respond as a single double-junction
system wherever the electron actually tunnels, and the relative contribution of the
particular wire charge to the system "charging energy" is proportional to a small ratio
CriC0. The apparent consequence is the reduction of the Coulomb-blockade region in
proportion to the number of participating wires. Attempt to apply this finding directly
to our experimental system is impeded by present lack of knowledge of what specific
wires are participating in the charge transport at any given moment, knowing a finite
dispersion in oxide thickness and a large dispersion injunction resistances.
The interesting part is that strong coupling also leads to spontaneous polarisation of
neighbouring wires, when an accumulation of excessive electrons on one wire is partly
compensated by the hole accumulation on another one, yielding very low-energetic
"excitonic excitation" of the system. The polarisation is conveniently described by the
difference in charges on individual wires P = N2-Nl (in units of electron charge e). It
can considerably exceed the total charge N = Nl+N2 on both wires, which at low
enough temperature remains rather strictly determined by the applied voltage.

|v=2V |
^30 ■


10 ■


Figure 10. Average polarization and polarization dispersion vs. drain resistance asymmetry; T=0, Q IQ ^ IQO •

For identical wires P stochastically oscillates in time around zero average value
(P), with increasing with coupling dispersion DP=J((AP)2). The polarisation
becomes however quite regular in the case of asymmetrical wires, when electrons can
tunnel, say, from one of the wires "faster" than from the other. Figure 10 illustrates

1.5 2.0
Voltage (V)
Fig. 11. Average wire charges (N.\ VS. voltage at three different temperatures. Top 3 curves represent the
"slower" wire, other 3 - the "faster" one. "A" and "V" show the "faster" and "slower" wire charges at a particular
time instant for T=0 K
rapid increase of (P) with increasing asymmetry of the drain resistances, with a
maximum saturation level in the order of C0/(Cn +C21) (determined by the "faster"
The effect is voltage- and temperature-sensitive. It practically disappears at the
critical voltages corresponding to steps on the I-V curves. At these points the
maximum total charge on both wires N increases by one. This brings about a new
phenomenon which can be called the Coulomb blockade of polarisation. The wire
charges, (P) and Dp thus periodically oscillate with increasing voltage (Fig. 11).
The strong system polarisation in-between these critical voltages is a SET-induced
effect which does not exist for high temperatures when kT > e2 llC, and the thermal
fluctuations control the charge statistics. For higher temperatures the average wire
charges approach the Kirchhoff s values at all voltages and vary almost linearly with
the voltage (500K- curves in Fig. 11). For lower temperatures the polarisation statistics
is governed instead by the shot noise in combination with the Coulomb-blockade effect,
which suppresses the fluctuations of the total charge on both wires but increases the
anticorrelated fluctuations of the individual wire charges.
This behaviour is illustrated in Fig. 12 which shows how (P) and DP depend on
temperature for "peak polarisation" (left graph) and "low polarisation" (right graph)
voltages. In the first case the almost constant average polarisation is accompanied by
the increasing noise as temperature increases. What is interesting and counter-
intuitive is that not only the average polarisation, but also the polarisation noise
decrease at first as the temperature rises, and only at higher temperatures the
polarisation noise start rising again due to the thermal contribution.
1 1 I 1 ' ' 1 '
V =2.2V v=2V DP


« <p> "

Df - <p>
. . 1 . . . i .
200 400 200 400
Temperature, K Temperature, K

Figure 12. Average polarization and polarization noise vs. temperature for different voltages.

This anomalous temperature dependence of the polarisation fluctuations is even

more evident if the noise spectral characteristics are considered (Fig. 13) since the
spectral bandwidth of the SET-induced polarisation noise, which at T= 0 K is
determined by the characteristic "charging time" of the coupling capacitor xc ~ RC0,
is much smaller than that of the pure shot noise. The bandwidth however increases
with temperature, and the low-frequency polarisation noise decreases much faster than
the polarisation dispersion as the temperature is increasing - in our case more than 20
times when the temperature increases from 0 K to 300 K.
Similarly, relatively low fluctuation bandwidth of the SET-induced polarisation
noise makes the difference between the noise intensity of the total charge number N

x 10'
T= 0 K

■^ 10"

| 10"'
"5 10"'

I to-1

Figure 13. Spectral density of fluctuations for the wire charge polarisation and the total wire charge at two

and that of the charge polarisation P much more striking - at low temperatures
2 2
(AP )(O) = 0) exceeds /AW )0 = 0) by 5 orders of magnitude.
Thus, under the SET conditions the wire coupling leads to strong interwire
polarisation of charges, which for just two wires stochastically oscillates in time and
periodically - as function of the applied voltage. In the much more complex case of
multi-wire systems and nanowire arrays, this SET-induced spontaneous self-
polarisation may lead to a number of (quasi)static and dynamic phenomena. Among
others, the prospect of "phase transition" between random polarisation and ordering
with changing of system parameters or an applied field, and the possibility of the self-
sustained "polarisation waves" are being investigated.

5. Prospects of the Nonlithographic Nanowire and Nanodot Arrays

The above described effect of SET-induced spontaneous polarisation is only one

example of all the opportunities which the nano-arrays provide for both research and
device engineering. On the basic research front, they inspire and provide experimental
ground for investigations of different "collective" effects (such as those described
above, or that based on magnetic properties of wires) in 2-D or 1-D arrays, as well as
studies of intrinsic properties of individual 1-D (or 0-D) objects - e.g. carrier
localisation at low-temperatures, magneto-conductance, superconductance in low-
dimensional structures etc. It can be accomplished either "on wafer" - e.g. using a
conductive AFM tip to locate and electrically access a wire, or by dissolving the
template material and working with individual wires directly.
On the front of device development, the high density, uniformity and very small
wire diameter of the arrays make them very promising for such hot applications as flat-
panel electroluminescent displays [28], magnetic memory [11,29] and charge storage
memory. In the first case, very high electric field near the wire ends which exists even
for relatively low voltage between the wire and the contact layer, can lead to very
efficient electroluminescence if a thin layer of appropriate semiconductor is placed in-
between the wires and the (transparent) contact layer.
For magnetic storage, the nanowire arrays offer numerous advantages -
perpendicular magnetic anisotropy hence perpendicular reading/writing, high density,
almost quantum nature of writing/reading due to single domain nature of the wires.
These structures are also promising for giant magnetoresistance (GMR) sensors with
the current perpendicular to the plane (CPP) geometry as an alternative to the current
in plane (CIP) configuration [30]: CPP does not require as thin layers as OP, control
over coerciviry field is possible by changing layers thickness and wires diameter,
antiparallel alignment can be enforced by depositing magnetic layers with different
In less traditional directions, one can think of using the nanowire (or better yet,
nano-dot, when the "wires" are made short enough) arrays as "charge storage" media
(in analogy with magnetic storage) when operating in the SET regime. Fabrication of
highly-ordered nano-arrays [31] should make easier reading the information (charging
states) from individual wires. That can be accomplished, at least in laboratories, by
AFM-like writing tips and reading sensors sensitive to electrostatic forces.
Certainly very - if not the most - attractive would be to bring these structures into
microelectronics, and possibly their integration with more traditional lithographic
technology. The arrays of semiconductor and/or metal nanowires can be used to create
2-D matrixes of either more conventional p-n, hetero- or Schottky diodes with "in-
wire" junctions [32] which should benefit from their reduced dimensions, or a new
type of "point-contact" diodes with quasi-0-D to 3-D junctions between the wire ends
and a semiconductor layer deposited on top of the array, with a possibility of either 2-D
barrier or "inverse" shell layers in-between. The first attempt to fabricate such kind of
metal-semiconductor anti-dot arrays from Ni nanowire templates gave structures with
rather complex but interesting behaviour including periodic and anomalous
conductance oscillations at room temperatures [24]. Other applications might include
photodiode arrays of photo-detectors and photo-luminescent diodes, arrays of SET
diodes and transistors [32], as well as single- or few-wire devices such as trance-
impedance nano-crosses, or based on superconducting wires and Josephson junctions.
What we described above is a very preliminary and incomplete account of the new
possibilities which are opened up by this method of nonlithographic fabrication of
nano-structured nano-materials and nano-sized elements, mainly in the area of solid-
state physics and electronics. Exciting results are expected also from application of
these structures in other areas ranging from electrochemistry itself as nano-electrode
arrays, to bioencapsulation and drug delivery [3]. We believe that many other ideas of
their application both in science an industry will emerge as the fabrication technology,
which is still in its childhood now, evolves to give highly-ordered, defect free
nanostructures with controllable parameters.

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M J Kelly and V A Wilkinson,

Department of Physics,
University of Surrey,
Guildford GU2 5XH,
United Kingdom.

A single tunnel barrier in an asymmetric doping environment exhibits some
superior properties as a microwave detector diode, when compared with any competing
device. The manufacturability of even this simple structure is not yet established. One
cannot yet procure semiconductor epitaxial material that routinely meets the tight
tolerances on the specification required to produce diodes with a sufficiently small spread
of de I-V and microwave characteristics. Wafer-scale uniformity and wafer-to-wafer
reproducibility are key issues, as are the techniques used for qualifying wafers. Proposals
for devices that exploit mesoscopic systems will appear all the more realistic if tunnelling
devices are established as manufacturable.

1. Introduction:

With miniaturisation as the driver in achieving ever greater performance within

mainstream silicon microelectronics, the need to build devices and circuits with
nanometre-scale design rules is not too far over the horizon. It is not only a matter of
fabricating devices with suitable uniformity and sufficient yield. The service life of
circuits based upon such devices can not be any shorter than we accept today, and the cost
will have to fall well short of the extrapolation of the exponential growth curve that
characterises the cost of new silicon fabrication facilities being built during the 1990s.
The quest for ultra-small devices suitable for computation a decade or two from
now may not appear too urgent at the present time of tight R&D budgets. It is fortunate
that one prerequisite for the successful application of small structures in the future has
applications close at hand. If we are to confine carriers within small volumes, and to
control their passage from one volume to another, we are going to have to master
tunnelling phenomena. Tunnelling through thin barriers will be a primary source of
leakage, but tunnelling may also be one of the required forms of carrier motion when that
motion is needed.
In the area of ffl-V semiconductor devices, tunnel structures occupy an interesting
position. Some remarkable figures of merit have been demonstrated over the last decade.
The fastest purely electronic form of solid-state oscillator is based on the resonant
tunnelling diode comprising two narrow barriers separated by a well (each of the three
5. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 185-195.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
layers being typically 2-3nm thick). Fundamental mode operation has been reported at
420GHz in the GaAs/AlAs materials system [1], and 712GHz in the GaSb/InAs system
[2]. The output power levels are derisory at these highest frequencies (sub-u.W), but a
very high efficiency of dc-to-rf power conversion (-50% at 2GHz), combined with useful
power levels (>20mW) has been achieved in the InGaAs/AlInAs/GaAs system [3], by
adding a ~0.15[im transit region to the anode side of the double barrier diode structure. In
the 1990s, this work has been enhanced by the demonstration of (i) quantum barrier
varactors as efficient triplers from 70GHz to 210GHz [4], (ii) asymmetric spacer layer
tunnel detectors with comparable sensitivity to, but a rather lower sensitivity to ambient
temperature than, a Schottky barrier, a planar-doped-barrier or other microwave detector
diode [5], and (iii) resonant tunnelling mixers with conversion gain [6]. All these results
refer to room temperature operation. In addition to all these two-terminal devices,
resonant tunnelling hot electron transistors [7], resonant tunnelling bipolar transistors [8]
and other three-terminal tunnel-based structures [9], when incorporated into circuits, result
in reduced circuit complexity by exploiting the internal complexity of the device
The new device results are one-offs and best efforts. In discussion with potential
exploiters, the major hurdle between these research results and the prospect of
manufactured systems based on them is the ability or otherwise to reproduce the dc and rf
properties of devices that rely for their operation on critical layer thicknesses of tunnel
barriers that are specified with sub-nanometre precision. Can the required wafers be
reproduced as a matter of routine and with an adequate uniformity? Despite the claims that
are made for both the molecular beam epitaxy and metal-organic chemical vapour
deposition techniques, the reproducibility issue only once has been addressed in the context
of tunnel devices [10]. The planar-doped-barrier diode [11], in production with GEC
Plessey Semiconductors in the UK and Hewlett-Packard in the USA has a critical p+ layer
whose doping-thickness product is very tightly constrained. If this device can be made
(usually by molecular beam epitaxy, but also by metal-organic chemical vapour
deposition), so too should the tunnel devices, but there are no publications establishing
the manufacturability of heterojunction-based tunnel devices. In this paper, we review
some progress in establishing this manufacturability in the context of high-performance
microwave components. If we cannot succeed in this exercise, then the prospects for
devices based on mesoscopic components are bleak.

2. The Asymmetric Spacer Layer Tunnel (ASPAT) Diode


In Figure 1 is sketched the simplest possible heterojunction tunnel device, a

single AlAs barrier in an asymmetric doping environment in GaAs, which has useful
rectifying characteristics. This structure has been tested as a microwave detector at
9.4GHz and compared directly with a Schottky barrier and a planar-doped-barrier in the
same hybrid test circuit. All the conventional figures of merit (e.g. the transfer function -
the terminal voltage as a function of input microwave power, the rf parasitic impedances,
etc) match the earlier and standard devices (c.f. Figure 1). The attractive feature of this

AlAs barrier. -2.85nm

-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4

-10 0 Bias (V)
Figure 1: The ASPAT Diode, showing Figure 2: The sensitivity of the dc
the general design, the I-V characteristics characteristics to (a) monolayer differences
against a model calculation, and the in layer thickness and (b) a shortfall in the
transfer function of a microwave detector the aluminium composition in the barrier
compared with Schottky, planar-doped- layer.
barrier and Ge backward diodes [5].

device is that the current-limiting mechanism is tunnelling through a barrier rather than
thermionic emission over a barrier. As a direct consequence, the sensitivity to ambient
temperature of the microwave properties is greatly reduced [5]. It has a wider dynamic
range than the Ge backward diode which relies on interband tunnelling, and is still used
because of the temperature independence of its performance. In low-cost communication
systems, the ability to dispense with temperature compensation circuits is attractive. The
temperature-dependence that remains comes from residual thermionic emission over the
A simulation package has been developed for help in the design of the device [5].
This incorporates a self-consistent solution of the Poisson equation in the n-i-n doping
structure (including an accumulation layer on the cathode side of the tunnel barrier), and
uses the Thomas-Fermi approximation to obtain a starting potential profile. The current
density passing through the tunnel barrier is then calculated by standard tunnelling theory
techniques. There are some further important issues of detail, such as the determination of
the Fermi energy throughout the structure. While this is easy at zero bias, the way Ef
varies between the two contacts by an amount eV when a bias V is added is non-trivial.
It is approximated here by being assumed constant though the undoped regions of GaAs
from the appropriate contacts, and taking an average value within the barrier. No account
is taken of tunnelling through indirect gap states in the AlAs or any inelastic processes
during tunnelling or roughness of the tunnel barrier profile.
In designing to a specification, the incompleteness of the simulation package
itself is a problem. If devices that are claimed to be grown within specification give
different I-V characteristics, how much of the difference is due to the inadequate model and
how much to variances between grown structure and the specification? We return to this
problem below. In Figure 2, we show the tolerancing on our diode structure by virtue of
monolayer errors in the barrier thickness and shortfalls in aluminium fraction in the
barrier. The sensitivity to these variances is indicative of the exponential sensitivity of
the current to the width and height of the barrier. This sensitivity has been the major
hurdle in establishing manufacturable tunnel devices. Are cryrtal growers working in the
commercial, as opposed to research, sphere able to meet specifications, such as shown in
Table 1 below, with sufficient yield to provide diodes costing 20(2, as required for
automobile radar at 76GHz or ozone monitoring at 170GHz? Multiple regrowths to hit
the target, or the need to test individual devices in the event of device-to-device
fluctuations, simply rule out this device as uncompetitive. There are other sensitivities in
the design associated with the level of doping in the contact layers, and the length of the
shorter undoped GaAs layer, but these are less critical than the details of the barrier layer.

TABLE 1: Layer Specification for ASPAT Diode Thickness uniformity:

Layer Material Thickness (p.m) Doping (cm-3) ±1% over central 40mm
7 GaAs 0.75 3E18 Si Thickness accuracy:
6 GaAs 0.04 1E17 Si within 10% of spec.
5 GaAs 0.005 nid Doping uniformity:
4 AlAs 0.00285 nid ±1% over central 40mm
3 GaAs 0.20 nid Doping accuracy:
2 GaAs 0.04 lE17Si within 20% of spec
1 GaAs 0.75 3E18 Si Composition accuracy:
0 GaAs 2" substrate -1E18 Si 99% Al in barrier

There is an important issue of metrology that runs in parallel with the design and
growth to a tunnel device specification. There are no wafer-scale, non-destructive,
methods for qualifying wafers bought in from a commercial supplier. Furthermore, all
conventional materials assessment methods, photoluminescence (PL), transmission
electron microscopy (TEM), secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS), and even X-ray
diffraction (XRD) fall short in one or more ways in being able to confirm whether an as-
grown wafer is within specification [12]. Whereas TEM can specify chemical
composition of layers with good detail, the data is valid only over a small region of the
wafer surface (of linear dimension -0.1 (im), and nothing can be inferred about the doping
profile. SIMS allows the doping and composition profiles to be registered with respect to
each other, but not with the resolution demanded by the tolerancing. Both techniques are
destructive and unsuitable for wafer-mapping. XRD can map out the uniformity of the
GaAs layers above the AlAs, but it does not routinely have the resolution to determine
that the total amount of Al in the AlAs layer is both laterally uniform and within the
specified composition profile.


Wafers in batches of five have been ordered from commercial suppliers of MBE
and MOCVD epitaxial multilayers, against the specification given in Table 1. Of the 13
suppliers approached only half quoted, the others not being able or willing to meet either
the uniformity target or even the specification itself. (The MBE wafers were grown
sequentially, while the MOCVD layers were grown simultaneously in a multi-wafer
machine.) Representative data taken from MOCVD grown wafers by TEM, SIMS and
XRD is collated and shown in Figure 3 as a radial map. The TEM gives an accurate
thickness of the AlAs at some point on the wafer, and its depth from the top surface.
Lateral variations, including the distribution of steps between layers of monolayer
thickness differences, can also be determined on a length scale of <0.1|J.m. With the help
of detailed simulations of the electron diffraction patterns, the aluminium composition
profile through the barrier can also be determined. The SIMS allows the dopant (Si)
distribution to be determined, and its general registry with respect to the Al concentration.
Here there is a specific problem: the mass of A1H is the same as that of Si28, and
sputtered Al which picks up hydrogen from the background contaminates the Si signal,
preventing an accurate registry of the doping profile with respect to the Al profile, and
obliterating part of the Si profile. A more demanding Si29 SIMS analysis is required.
The depth resolution of SIMS is insufficient in some cases even to detect some of the
thinner layers in our structures. Absolute calibration of SIMS concentrations remains
difficult, and in any event only the dopant concentration, not the doping concentration, is
measured. The information about the size and shape of the Al profile (and a fortiori its
wafer-scale uniformity) is contained in the relative amplitude of the successive peaks in
the large angle X-ray data, and the signal-to-noise in a standard instrument is found to be
insufficient - a full triple axis spectrometer may be required. The 'noise' in the high angle
X-ray data (from which the Al profile would be reconstructed) may be intrinsic to the high
doping level in the contact layers in our sample. The differences in thicknesses of layers
5-7 inferred by the different techniques is noted, and needs resolution.
Viewed as a radial map, the uniformity of the thicknesses of the layers seems
satisfactory. It appears that the GaAs layers above the AlAs layer, and the AlAs layer
itself are both slightly thinner than specified and there may even be systematic variations
in the thicknesses as interpreted by the various techniques.

1.0 Layers
, —i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—■—■—■ ' i
5-7: GaAs above AlAs bamer
I #4 Shaded=SIMS ...j
E 0.9 +10%
% 0.8 W ÜF
5. -10%
I 0.7
0.6 20.0 25.0
-5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0
Radial position (mm)
4.00 ■ r i ■ i ■< I ' i ■ .
: AlAs barrier (TEM data) •#4
1 3-50
1 3.00 - - +10%

•■ -10%
£ 2.50
, i . i . i 1 , 1
0 10 5 15 20 25
Radial position (mm)
Figure 3: The radial uniformity of the MOCVD samples as implied by TEM, SIMS and
XRD data (a) the GaAs layers above the AlAs barrier layer and (b) the AlAs barrier layer
itself. It appears that all layers are systematically thinner than the target specificaton.

-i ' > i 1 " ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' M ' _ In Figure 4, we show the range of de I-V
: MOCVD #1 !l : characteristics taken from another MOCVD-
grown wafer in the same batch. Here the
picture is potentially more hopeful. It
Z Wafer centre/ :y I
appears that the uniformity of the I-V
1.0 1 (4 devices) Jl _
characteristics as averaged over 60|J.m
; Haiffuir / \ ; diameter mesas from wafer #1 is quite
< - radius jl \ adequate for production (a 6% spread from
: (4 devices) J '.
centre to mid-way out, and 16% from centre
0.0 ^^Xwafer edgq
to edge). A 4Q. series resistance gives
- ^1<^ (5 devices) -
's/s?' - quantitative agreement between simulation
and experimental I-V characteristics. The
i n results from wafer #2 (with 20^m diameter
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 diodes) seem quite unsatisfactory, with a
100% spread in the I-V data without a
Voltage (V)
systematic trend, and the surface appearance
Figure 4: The radial variation in dc I-V suggests that this may be due to process-
characteristics taken from an MOCVD induced artifacts. Results on wafer #3 are
wafer. similar to those shown in Figure 4.

The performance of this type of diode as a microwave detector has already been
established [5]. As a part of this exercise, the uniformity of the rf parameters will be
correlated with the dc parameters. Accelerated life testing will be undertaken: the active
region of the device is single crystal material, so the device is likely to be robust [11].


The MBE wafers were grown sequentially. The same type of characterisation
techniques have been applied, and the structural results inferred from TEM, XRD and
SIMS analysis of two wafers are shown in Figure 5. All three techniques indicate a radial
variation of the thickness (of layers 5-7) not present in the MOCVD data, and this has
been seen in previous exercises [12]. Again there is a significant difference between the
results inferred from the different analytical techniques. The SIMS data indicates that the
doping level within the contacts is within specification, although the doping in layer 2 is
not. The thickness of the AlAs barrier is within specification, but slightly thicker than
the target figure. (The MOCVD layers were thinner than the target figure, and this
difference has been noted before [5].) There is no electrical data as yet.
1.0 -i—I—I—I—n—r 111
i '—i ■ i | i -|—i—i—i—i—|—i—i—i—r-
Layers 5-7: GaAs
C above AlAs barrier Black=XRD
? 0.9 •GB1355 Shaded=SIMS .
'GB135H 0"peri=TEM +10%
8 0.8 Q.
5. ILT
-®. ®
j -10%
i 0.7
-5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
Radial position (mm)
4.00 : r
" l ■ i ' i
; AlAs barrier (TEM data) ' ' #GB1355
■GB1358 _
3.50 tr
| 3.00 •■ •■ '■
: i . i
, i , i . i
0 5 10 15 20 25
Radial position (mm)
Figure 5: The radial uniformity of the MBE samples as implied by TEM, SIMS
and/or XRD data (a) the GaAs layers above the AlAs barrier layer and (b) the AlAs barrier
layer itself.


We have several challenges to meet before tunnel devices can be considered


manufacturable, meaning that we can produce devices to a specification with a sufficiently

small spread in performance parameters.
Even if the dc and rf performances of the remaining wafers prove to have a narrow
range of performances parameters, the methods for qualifing our wafers are unsatisfactory,
and so we are unable to undertake any form of reverse engineering. We need to be much
better able to attribute discrepancies between theory and experiment to shortcomings in
the theory or to inaccuracies in the structure. Temperature and magnetic field dependences
of the I-V characteristics may be a help.
A further issue is the length-scales of any fluctuations of composition and doping
profile across a wafer, and how these are reflected in the device performance: this relates
directly to the physics of mesoscopic systems. Does the electrostatic repulsion associated
with current crowding limit the effect of increased tunnelling probability in sizeable areas
of thinner/lower barrier? Given the encouraging results on wafers #1 and #3, is the
modelling and simulation too sensitive to detail?

3 Implications for Mesoscopic Systems


The ability to fabricate very thin layers with adequate precision and uniformity
for tunnel-based microwave diodes would be encouraging for the feasibility of using
mesoscopic systems as elements of future computational systems. Our 20|i.m diameter
microwave diodes may still be averaging the properties of the tunnel barriers, or even
exploiting regions of thinnest and lowest Al composition. Even so, the modest level of
variability (and the systematic variation across the wafer) of the diode device performance
is encouraging.
If one continues to retain the conventional methods for device and circuit
fabrication based on epitaxy and lithography at the level of mesoscopic devices (with
active volumes and contact areas characterised by 10-100nm sides), then a comparable
exercise involving electron-beam lithography is needed. The resistances of individual
members of a series of wires of sub-0.1u.m diameter of ~10|J.m length will have to show a
small standard deviation, whether those wires be in metals, suicides or doped
The much tougher exercise of integrating both technologies at the mesoscopic
level has started in a limited number of physics-based contexts. Starting with the work
of Reed et al [13], a number of exercises have sought one-dimensional resonant tunnelling
in -O.ljim diameter pillars. Tewordt et al [14] have produced results with an enormous
variability in I-V characteristics between diodes of comparable feature size. Indeed, some
workers [15] have used the variability to map out the strategic locations of donor levels
that play a controlling role in the level of current that a diode can transmit. It is a matter
of urgency that an exercise comparable to that reported in section 2 is undertaken to
ascertain the uniformity of I-V characteristics that can be achieved, and their stability under
accelerated life-tests. A major difficulty here is the absence of any self-limiting process in
operation while etching is performed: if such a process could be invented, it would have a
major impact.


There are many alternative approaches to the assembly of mesoscopic systems,

although none have anything like the accumulated R&D investment of Si and GaAs in the
context of computation and communication. The first example is the wealth of organic
semiconducting molecules, often in self-assembled structures, that show applicable
electronic or optical properties, although without the prospect of ever competing on the
basis of speed with inorganic semiconductors - the electron-phonon interaction in
hydrocarbons is simply too great [16]. The discovery of COO should have been less a
surprise than it was, as magic number clusters are a frequent occurrence in small molecular
systems. These form identical size starting units, but the methods for ordering and
connecting to and between such elements in giant three-dimensional arrays is not
It is possible to use natural lithography to form highly ordered arrays of 3D
microstructures. The intercalation of the ~0.7nm diameter channels of zeolites with
metals [17] gives rise to a dense bundle of ID wires. The -0.1 |im diameter interstices of
opal minerals can be filled in with semiconductors [18] to form 3D arrays of
microstructures joined by narrower wires. This seems the most promising way forward
for mastering mesoscopic fluctuations. The ability to tailor the arrays (so as to access and
route information) has not yet been established. The ability to intercalate such structures
with variable periodicity (the analogue of staging in graphite intercalation [19]) would
represent a major step forward. Selective filling of different pore sizes might yet prove
These radical alternatives are even more remote than tunnel structures from
manufacturability, and are unlikely to have an impact on Si and GaAs technology in the
foreseeable future, even if progress on these latter technologies were to come to a halt.

4. Summary

We are attempting to establish the manufacturability of tunnel structures, with a

view to exploitation in electronic devices. Until we succeed, the prospects remain poor
for ever exploiting mesoscopic devices in any way resembling more conventional devices.

5. Acknowledgements

This work is supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research

Council. The device fabrication and evaluation was undertaken by Mr M Carr at GEC
Plessey Semiconductors. We thank Dr W M Stobbs (University of Cambridge) for the
TEM results, Dr A Chew (Loughborough University of Technology) for the SIMS
analysis and Dr P Kidd (University of Surrey) for the XRD measurements. The MOCVD
layers were grown by Epitaxial Products International Ltd (Cardiff) and the MBE samples
by GEC Marconi Materials Technology Ltd (Caswell).

6. References

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A. F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute
194021 Polytechnicheskaya 24, St. Petersburg, Russia

1. Introduction

Current technological achievements promise to make imaginable

manufacturing of macroscopic arrays of Quantum Dots (QDs). This is why it is
reasonable to discuss some prospects of their applications for electronics and
The main feature of Quantum Well
QDs is real discrete energy
spectrum of electrons and
holes. In quantum well
(QW) carriers are confined
only in one direction (Figure
1) while in the plane of QW Density of states
their motion is free and is
characterized by continuous Quantum Wire: E=E„+-^
energy spectrum. In
quantum wire (QWR) M continuum %
carriers freely move along mmmm'
its axis. It means those
carrier energy spectra in
QWs and QWRs are Density of states

continuous and there is Quantum Dot E= E„ w

overlapping of energies of
yt continuum ;
confined states and
delocalized states. Such
overlapping results in very
fast processes of carrier Density of states
transition between confined
and delocalized states as
Figure 1
well as between ground and
excited states.
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 197-208.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

We shall discuss how these features manifest themselves in photodetectors

based on QWs and QDs. We will briefly consider some application possibilities of
QD structures for cascade lasers. Results of analysis of threshold current reduction
for QD injection lasers will be presented. Finally, we will briefly discuss some
peculiarities of Bloch oscillations in 2D and 3D arrays of QDs.

2. Semiconductors with QDs as Material for IR Photodetectors

The efficiency of a photodetector is controlled by the product of the carrier

lifetime, x, and the carrier photoexcitation rate, G: G • X. Let us consider
photodetectors based on multiple QW
structures or superlattices (SL). The
carrier photoexcitation rate, G, is
proportional to the QWs number per a
unit length, or to the reciprocal distance 1 Estates of continuous
1 , n g spectrum
between QW centers, 1/L, and to the
photoexcitation probability which is
proportional to the surface concentration
of carriers filling localized states in QW I \ / JBound states

and it depends on QW shape.

The carrier lifetime is controlled
E 0
by the process of the carrier capture by
QWs. This process can be divided into
two stages (Figure 2):
(i) Carrier transitions from the states of Figure 2
continuos spectrum of longitudinal
motion into those localized in QWs with a large lateral momentum, and
(ii) localized carrier "cooling" down by the lateral motion energy due to the
phonon emission, Ref.1
If the temperature is small enough, an electron being transferred in the
localized states due to the optical phonon emission practically has no chances to go
back. Therefore, the capture is controlled by the first process.
This process is naturally characterized by the capture velocity, Sk, q. This
velocity is a part of the normal component of current density per free carrier with
the longitudinal motion energy Ek = h2k2/2m and the lateral momentum q. This
part feeds carrier transitions from the states of continuous spectrum of longitudinal
motion into the localized states due to the phonon emission:

fi2q2 fi2(q-Q.)
M M>k|eiQl'Zk)|2(NQ+l) h2k-
2m + 2m +^0
■-h a,

Here the matrix element of the electron - optical phonon interaction is


4rcee* /zN
vQn = 2MO) 0

where e* and M are effective charge and ion reduced mass, ©Q is longitudinal
phonon frequencies (the phonon wavenumber Q = (Q& Qi), Q. is the total system
volume. \|/k is electron wave function of the continuous spectrum, v|y0 and E0 are the
wave function and ionization energy of the localized state and
NQ=(exp(toQ/T)-l) •

We shall estimate the parameter Sk,q , neglecting phonon dispersion and

supposing 8 - like potential for QW1. Taking into account that in the usual
situation the QW ionization energy E0 is much more than the energies of phonons
and incident carriers and using the following equations
|22 „ Kk2Q2z
|(vk|e ^|M/0>| «16-
where fix. = ^J2mE0 » hk, we obtain
SQ-S^ e kz tm

Here e0 and sw are the dielectric constant values at low and high frequencies.
Averaging Sk with Boltzman distribution function gives
60-sm e2 ft© T
S-TC--^—-•—-• — • — • N„ + l
e„ fo E■'on En \ Q

The capture velocity Sas a function of ionization energy E0 and

temperature T is presented in Figure 3.
If the distance between QWs, L, is less than carrier free path length, lfP, we
can introduce the carrier lifetime X = L/S (Figure 3). If L > lfp, we should solve
drift - diffusion equations equating the carrier current density on the QW surface to
S-nb, where nb is the carrier boundary concentration. Nevertheless, this
estimation for x is still correct if x > L2/ D (D is the diffusion coefficient).
Therefore, we see that the efficiency of photodetectors based on multiple
QWs (or SL) is limited by a comparatively high carrier capture rate3. For L = 100

For the sake of simplicity we shall not consider the effect of resonant states on the capture process.
Naturally, Hits perturbation theory result is valid if Sk, q is less than the velocity in the z-direction, ftk/2m.
By the way, the parameter Gx does not depend on the distances between QWs because vj CC 1/ L while
A the characteristic scale of lifetime is 10"6s. This is due to overlapping the energy
spectra of free electrons and of electrons localized in QWs in the z-direction.
The situation can be
radically improved by
replacing of QWs by QDs. In 10l ■;^(H
this case, we have a real ü«\vS<oS«w»*»K;

discrete spectrum of localized 1l\

states. The spectra of localized
and free electrons have no 0.11

overlapping and the capture

process is strongly suppressed.
One can suppose the capture J<^
cross sections of QDs should 4
be of the same order of 5/o 07ev W/ <f um/2 *?
magnitude as the capture cross
sections of impurity states and Figure 3
the carrier lifetime have to be large.
Consequently, the photoelectric characteristics of such structures should be similar
to those of impurity photoconductors. A great advantage of the material with QDs
would be the possibility to cover the desirable wavelength range by manufacturing
of semiconductor structures with the QDs of corresponding sizes and using
heterojunctions with the corresponding band offsets. Here we would deal with
engineering artificial atoms.

3. Semiconductors with QDs as Material for Cascade Lasers

The problem of spectrum overlapping remarkably manifests itself in the

cascade lasers, Ref2, Ref.3 . Just this overlapping resulting in very high rate of
electron transitions from the excited state 2 into the ground state 1 inside each QW
is the main obstacle against the creation of inverse population between the
quantization energy levels 1 and 2 inside of QWs, Ref.1 (Figure 4). It is why in Ref.
we proposed to create the inverse population between the ground state of a QW
and the excited state of adjacent QW. Price for this is a small oscillator strength
and, consequently, a small gain.
In semiconductor with 3D array of
QDs this problem can be easily resolved.
Again, the exclusion of spectrum
overlapping results in a strong suppression
of electron transitions from the excited state
2 into the ground state 1 of QD. This
suppression allows us to obtain inverse
electron population within each QW. It
should be noted that tins statement is almost

Figure 4
trivial: the similar situation is ordinary for atoms and here we deal with artificial
atoms. However, there are two important distinctions in the case of semiconductor
with QDs.
The first one is a conceivable possibility to make these artificial atoms
have the desirable spectrum. It can be done by choosing the appropriate sizes of
QDs and band offsets.
The second remarkable and very important distinction consists in the
possibility of dc current pumping inherent in semiconductor heterolasers. This is a
current of consequent electron tunneling between the neighboring QDs that is
providing by tunable thickness and height of the potential barrier between QDs.
Let us try to imagine some thinkable schemes of cascade lasers with QDs.
The first one uses four-level system (Figure 5). The electric field is applied

Figure 5 Figure 6

to the semiconductor with 3D array of QDs. When the field provides the resonance
between the ground electron state of n-th QD and the first excited states of the
neighboring (n+l)-th QD, their energy levels are splitted into two ones (see Figure
5). If the splitting value is close to the phonon energy and temperature is low, the
filling factor of upper splitted level is less than filling factor of the lower one.
Therefore, we have the inverse occupation in the system of hybridized states of the
neighboring pairs of QDs (Figure 5). This picture is valid while the splitting value
is large as compared with /i/xr where xx is the characteristic time of electron
transitions between the splitted levels. It implies a large value of overlapping
integrals of wave functions of neighboring QDs and low temperature.
Other scheme uses three-levels in each QW (Figure 6). This scheme would
work when the rate of electron transitions 2 =>1 inside a QD exceeds the rate of the
tunnel transitions 1 => 3 between the neighboring QDs. In this case we have the
inversion between the levels 3 and 2 inside each QD.

4. Injection Lasers with QDs

Another direction of exploitation of carrier discrete spectrum in the QD

structures is their application to injection lasers. The main expected advantage of

QD lasers over the conventional quantum well lasers is a lower threshold current
density, Ref.4 The main reason why the QD lasers should have very low threshold
currents is a 5-function like energy spectrum of carriers in QDs (Figure 1). A
schematic picture of QD laser along with the band diagram is presented in Figure
7. Transitions between the electron and hole levels in QDs are analogous to those
between the exactly discrete levels of individual atoms as it was discussed above.
Accounts have appeared quite recently about the early fabrications of the QD lasers,
We did not discuss the
question of the technological noise
effect on device characteristics up
to now. It is naturally to attempt to
estimate whether the expected
advantages of QD lasers could be
practically used or the technological
noise "kills" the effect. Dispersion
of QD sizes broadens the laser line
and this will eventually result in
increasing the threshold current.
Below we discuss some results of
the theoretical analysis of the
threshold current density of a QD
laser, taking account of the
inhomogeneous line broadening
caused by the QD-size dispersion
(Ref.6). The theoretical estimations Figure 7
presented confirm the possibility of
a significant reduction of the threshold currents of QD lasers as compared with the
conventional quantum well lasers.
Fortunately, carrying out the analysis is simplified by the following fact.
The minimum threshold current density and optimum parameters of the laser
(surface density of QDs and thickness of the waveguide region) can be presented as
universal functions of the one dimensionless parameter that describes the
inhomogeneous line broadening. This parameter is the ratio of the stimulated
transition rate in QDs to the spontaneous transition rate in the waveguide region.
Generally, the following cases are realized (depending on the temperature
T, QD-size fluctuations and conduction and valence band offset at the QD-narrow-
gap region heteroboundary AEC_V):

A) Equilibrium filling of QDs (relatively high temperatures and/or shallow

potential wells) and narrow line of the quantized energy distribution. That is the
case when (i) the characteristic times of thermally excited escapes of an electron
and hole from a QD are small compared with the radiative lifetime in QDs xQD and

(ii) the inhomogeneous line broadening (due to fluctuations in QD-sizes) (Ae) m

is less than the temperature.

The threshold current density is

eNf <f„><fp> tn <f„ > + <fp>-l

J +ebBn p
^^7<f„>+<fP>-. ' '(,-<f,>)(Kfp>)'
where Ns is the QD surface density, b is the thickness of the optical confinement
layer (OCL) (the thickness of the narrow-gap region), B is the radiative constant for
this region, n, =Ncexp((su - AEC)/T), Pl = NV exp((sp - AEv)/lj, S„_p are the
quantized energy levels of an electron and hole in QD (measured from the band
edges), < fn > are the filling factors (averaged over QDs) of these levels,
satisfying the threshold condition < fn > + < f > -1 = Nf" /Ns,
Nf" = (l/£)(a/r )(F/T h) is the minimum QD surface density required for the
lasing at given losses in waveguide ß and inhomogeneous line broadening, a is the
mean size of QDs, r is the optical confinement factor, F is the photon mode
density, x . = Ve/(cß) is the photon lifetime, % is the numerical constant (equal
to / n and / Jbt for the Lorentzian and Gaussian functions of QD-size
distribution, respectively).
The minimum threshold current density is expressed as

eNT(bopt) ,
Jth — —^ ^- + VeboptBnlPl ebop,BnlP] I+
QD \bop,ry(bopt)s

where the dimensionless parameter s is the ratio of the stimulated transition rate in
QDs at the lasing threshold to the spontaneous transition rate in the narrow-gap


The optimum thickness of the OCL, bop'\ and the optimum surface density of QDs,
NgPt, are, in their turns, the functions of the dimensionless parameter s. By
way of illustration we considered the following double-heterostructure laser
structure: the materials of wide-gap regions (cladding layers), narrow-gap region
(OCL) and QDs are InP, Gao.21Ino.79Aso.45Po.54 and Gao.47Ino.53As respectively, the
latter two being lattice-matched to InP. For die total

By way of illustration we 1
considered the following double- 1* 1
■B (b)
heterostructure laser structure: the ■*->

£• 1 sS
materials of wide-gap regions (cladding **> 'M
<S £?
layers), narrow-gap region (OCL) and §0 1 y^
QDs are InP, Gao.21Ino.79Aso.4ePo.54 and 22 ö
C 0
1 //

Gao.47Ino.53As respectively, the latter two |3T3 ,- !S^

being lattice-matched to InP. For the total *o
1 A
A \]
1 J3
losses in the waveguide ß =10 cm" and <D
y 1
J2 1
10 percent relative QD-size fluctuations, H 1 ;
we obtained 0 1 jv|"w™"

j2n * 8.3 A/cm2, Nf * 6.2xl0,0cm"2. Dimensionless Surface Density

of QDs, Ns/Ns*
Optimal surface density of QDs and
minimum threshold current density are Figure 8
presented on Figure 9 as functions on QD
size relative fluctuations, 8, and waveguide losses, ß.

B) Equilibrium filling of QDs (relatively high temperatures and/or shallow

potential ells) and wide line of the quantized energy distribution. This is the case
when the condition (i) of section A) satisfies and (ii) the inhomogeneous line
broadening (due to fluctuations in QD-sizes) is larger than the temperature. This
case is of little importance in view of the fact that the threshold current density is
high as compared with threshold current density in the other two cases discussed.

C) Nonequilibrium filling of QDs (relatively low temperatures and/or deep

potential wells). That is the case when the characteristic times of thermally excited
escapes of an electron and hole from a QD are large as compared with the radiative
lifetime in QDs.
The threshold current density is

eN ebB
fnfp +
QD~ v„vp^D(l-fn)(l-fp):

where fn,>p are the filling factors (common to all QDs in this case) satisfying the
threshold condition <f^> + <f>-i = NIT / n,p n.p'n.p' (J are the cross
sections of electron and hole capture into a QD, vnp are the thermal velocities of
electrons and holes. Here the ratio of the stimulated transition rate in QDs at the
lasing threshold to the spontaneous transition rate in the narrow-gap region,
s = (\/fy(a/ry)(F/xph)(Ae).ilmm/Bnlpl, plays the role of a universal
dimensionless parameter controlling the magnitudes of the minimum threshold
current density, optimum surface QD density and the optimum thickness of the

Therefore, the threshold currents of injection lasers can be significantly

reduced as compare with convenient QW lasers by using active layers with QDs.
The threshold currents strongly depend on inhomogeneous broadening caused by
the dispersion of QD parameters.

£2 BO.QO —

32 e~J,-
.40.00 —

5 cr

1 cr
O.OO 0.04- O.OB 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24-

RMS Of QD Size Relative Fluctuations, ö


a 4-0 cr

<n 1
0 mm 20 cm
Cl> O

5_ 2.00- = 10 cm

ß = 5 cm-

ß = 1 cm
o 1
'' ' ' ' I'''
0.20 D.24

RMS Of QD Size Relative Fluctuations, <5

Figure 9

In conclusion of this Section, it is necessary to make an important remark.

As we have discussed in Section 2, the carrier capture by QDs is strongly
suppressed as compared with QWs. On the other hand, the process of carrier
thermal excitation from QDs is slow too, and the more QD ionization energy, the
lower the thermal excitation rate. Naturally, it should results in slowing down the
dynamic processes in lasers based on QDs.
Other consequence of the capture and excitation suppression is the
suppression of carrier space redistribution between QDs. This peculiarity should
result in "hole burning" in gain near the maxima of light intensity in the laser
cavity. Obviously, it gives low values of the threshold current for multifrequency
generation, as it should take place for the laser generation on the transitions:
conducting band => acceptor, Ref.7.

4. Bloch oscillations in QD arrays

Let us consider the ID SL consisting of the QW periodical array. In the

tight binding approach the electron energy spectrum is
h2a2 /
E(k,q) = A-(l-coska) + 4 /2m
where k and q are the electron wavenumbers along the SL axis and in QW plane
correspondingly, A is the miniband width and a is the SL period. In the framework
of semiclassical approach the electron movement in electric field F directed along
SL axis can be described with the following equations
d d Aa / v
for momentum—/ik(t) = eF, and for velocity v(t) = E(k,q) = sin(k(t)-aj
dt dTik n

Therefore, abrupt switching on of the electric field results in electric

current oscillations:
j=e n • (cos(k oa)y • sin(Qt)

Here Q= eFa/A is the Bloch oscillation (BO) frequency, n is the electron density
and the brackets {..) mean averaging over initial wavenumber distribution.
The BO can manifest themselves as microwave and far IR radiation.
However, the BO are very fast smoothed by electron scattering processes and after
the relaxation the voltage dependence of current is described by the N-shaped
characteristics (Ref.8):

Aa / , \ nx~
j = e—-n-^coskj-
» ° l+("x«)

with a scattering time xsc that is of order of 10"13... 10"12 s.

The eigenfunctions of an electron in SL under the electric field F are
centered on the N-th SL cell with the characteristic length of localization
a-(A/eFa). The eigenenergy of this state is -eFaN. The eigenenergies form so
called Stark ladder. Using

this picture we can consider BO as time

evolution of the initial wave pocket Optical
s(k-ko). One can easily obtain presented ibsorbsion
above BO of the current, expanding this phonon
function in set with basis formed by emission
eigenfunctions of the electron in SL with N-l.
the electric field4, TN(n) = JN(A/eFa), + _eFa
where JN is the Bessel function of N-th
rank. The picture of BO is smoothed over Figure w
due to mixing of different states of the
Stark ladder caused by scattering processes. Again, these processes are very
intensive in the SL consisting of the QW array due to overlapping energy spectra
of the lateral movement of the Stark ladder states with different numbers N (Fugure
The scattering processes would be suppressed in the SLs formed as 2D or
3D QD periodic structures. In this case, in the tight binding approximation the
electron spectrum is5

E(kx,ky,kz) = Ax-(l-cos(axkx)) + Ay •(l-cos(ak)) + Az •(l-cos(azk)),

where ax,ay and az are QD SL periods.

In the electric field with the components (FX,F ,Fz)the electron spectrum
is completely discrete and consists of the triple Stark ladder:
N*.My. z ~ ^X X •Nx-eFyay-Ny- ■eF,a -N
N e a

where Nx, Ny and Nz are integers. Electrons are localized in 3 dimensions in

contrast to ID SL consisting of QWs, where they are localized only in direction of
SL axis while the motion in the QW plane remains free.
Elastic scattering processes can not cause transitions between states with
different (Nx, Ny Nz) due to the energy difference6. As for inelastic transitions with
the phonon emission or absorption, these transitions are impossible while phonon
frequencies are smaller than Bloch frequency, Q. If phonon frequencies, CD, are
much more than Q, there are possible transitions only between states that lies far
away apart. The distance is as large as (QA»)a and probability of these transitions
exponentially decreases with (Q/a>).
A remarkable peculiarity of BOs in 2D or 3D periodical structures of QDs
is the strong dependence of the BO spectrum on electric field orientation. Using

4 . . . 2
This result can be easily obtained from more general expression for eigenfiinctions presented in Ref
Here for the sake of simplicity we suppose the QDs forming a rectangular lattice with periods ax, ay, az.
In principle, when the rations of Fx, Fy, and ?z are rational there are sets of different Nx, Ny and Nz values
giving the same energy value. In this case the resonant transitions are possible. Here we do not consider this
case and restrict ourselves to the following remark. If all of this rations are far from unity the probabilities of
these transitions are exponentially small.

semiclassical approach we obtain the following equations for the current density
ja=e^-n-(cos(koaaj)-sin(Qat), Qa=eFaaa/ft, a = x,y,z
Therefore, the current projection on the certain direction is the sum of three
harmonics with the frequencies that can be tuned by applied field rotation.
One can expect that this feature should significantly broaden functionality
of the BO applications.

5. References
R. Kazarinov and R. Suris, Theory of electrical properties of semiconductors with
superlattices, Sov. Phys.- Semiconductors, 1973, 7, no. 3, p. 347
R. Kazarinov and R. Suris, Possibility of amplification of electromagnetic waves
in a semiconductor with superlattice, Sov. Phys.- Semiconductors, 1971, 5, no. 4, p.
707; Electric and electromagnetic properties of semiconductors with a superlattice,
Sov. Phys.- Semiconductors, 1972, 6, no. 6, p. 120,
J. Faist, F. Capasso, D. L. Sivco, C. Sirtori, A.L. Hatchinson and A.Y. Clio,
Quantum cascade laser, Science 1994, 264, 553; Electron. Lett. 1994, 30, 865
Y. Arakawa, H. Sakaki, Multidimensional quantum well laser and temperature
dependence of its threshold current, Appl. Phys. Lett., 40, 939, (1982).
N. Kirstaedter, N. Ledentsov, M. Grundmann, D. Bimberg, V. Ustinov, S.
Ruvimov, M. Maximov, P. Kop'ev, Zh. Alferov, U. Richter, P. Werner, U. Gölsele,
J. Heydenreich. Electron. Lett., 30, 1416 (1994). Low threshold, large T0 injection
laser emission from (InGa)As quantum dots, Electron. Letters, 30, 1416, (1994).
R. Suris and L. Asryan, "Quantum-Dot Laser: Gain Spectrum Inhomogeneous
Broadening and Threshold Current", Proceedings of SPIE's 1995 International
Symposium on Optoelectronic, Microphotonic & Laser Technologies.
PHOTONICS WEST'95, 4-10 February 1995. San Jose, California USA, v. 2399,
L. Asryan and R. Suris, "Linewidth Broadening and Threshold Current Density of
Quantum-Box Laser", Proceedings of International Symposium Nanostructures:
Physics and Technology. June 20-24, 1994, St.Petersburg, Russia, pp. 181-184.
R. Suris and S. Shtofich, Role of impurities in the appearance of multifrequency
emission from injection semiconductor lasers, Sov. Phys.- Semiconductors(July
1983) 17, no 7, 859
L. Esaki and R. Tsu, Superlattice and Negative differential conductivity, IBM J.
Res. andDev. 14,1970, p 61

Centerfor Solid State Electronics Research
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85278-5706

1. Introduction

The desire for higher performance, low cost electronic systems seem insatiable. We
have witnessed in the latter part of the 20th century the introduction of microcomputers
and cellular telecommunications systems. These systems have undergone continued
enhancements in computational power, memory, and special features. The demand for
further system improvements, lower power consumption, anywhere-anytime access to
data and communications, multimedia, and portable personalized digital assistants will
continue[l]. Also many real-time applications such as vision and speech recognition,
robotics, and numerous other interactive control and signal processing applications will
require hundreds of gigaflops of processing speed[2]. The scaling of device feature sizes
into nanometer dimensions can conceivably allow systems made with these components
to fulfill the performance improvements desired.
The advantages of scaling devices to smaller sizes are overwhelming since the area
per function, the energy needed to switch a device, and the energy needed to be stored to
represent information scale with the physical size of the device. However, the common
assumption that improvements in device performance will automatically translate into
improved system performance is not true. We believe one major challenge to
implementing such systems using nano-scaled devices is finding appropriate system
architectures to host these devices. The modularity and locality of the architecture and
the length of the connections between devices and between subsystems determine if the
improvement in device performance predicted by scaling theory is reflected in
improvement in system performance. A discussion of these issues is presented,
followed by recommendations on the types of architectures that allow designers to better
capitalize on the characteristics of nano-scaled devices.

2. Architectural Issues

Contemporary computer architectures do not scale well. The total length of

connections needed to interconnect devices in these architectures is rapidly increasing as
design rules are scaled[3]. Figure 1 shows the predicted total interconnection wire length
summed from all layers as the design rules scale from .35|im to .07|J.m. As will be
discussed below, this increase in connection length causes an interconnect capacitance
increase. The system clock has to drive much of this additional capacitance. While
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 209-214.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
clock drivers have been designed to handle large capacitance loads[4], there is a power
dissipation penalty. As a compromise, the future clock speeds[3] have been slowed
below what one would calculate using scaling theory. The traditional Von Neumann
architecture is not allowing full use of the device speed-up with scaling.

10000 _

9000 --

8000 ..

7000 --

6000 ..

5000 --
4000 ..

3000 --

2000 --

1000 ..

0 + +
0.35 0.25 0.18 0.13 0.1 0.07

Minimum Dimension(um)

Figure 1. Total interconnection length vs. minimum feature size

Another characteristic of traditional architectures implemented with CMOS devices

is as the design rules are scaled into nanometer dimensions, the device switching speed
becomes dominated by connection capacitance rather than device capacitance. Device
capacitance is composed of two terms. The first term is the gate capacitance. As device
size is scaled, the gate area decreases by the square of the scaling factor. However, the
oxide thickness also decreases resulting in a 1/oc decrease in gate capacitance, where a is
the scaling factor. Twice the gate capacitance value was used in these calculations since
the load circuit element assumed is a complimentary pair inverter. The second factor is
the drain diffusion capacitance. The drain diffusion capacitance is composed of a
junction capacitance and a periphery capacitance. The drain area was assumed to scale
down as the square of the design rules. Values of .Iff per (im^ for the junction
capacitance and .2ff per |J,m for the periphery capacitance were used in the calculations.
For the connection capacitance calculation, a capacitance per unit area of .03ff per
u\m was used. This is an average of routing capacitance between various metal and
metal to poly and poly to substrate levels. The average connector width was held
constant at l|Xm for all design rules. A constant connection line width was used since
while line widths will scale, larger connection capacitances will require some wires to
increase in width to handle the current needed to charge the large capacitor loads. As
shown in Fig. 2, the connection capacitance becomes the dominate capacitance in device
to device connections for small design rules. While increasing device drive will
overcome this increased load, the cost is rapidly increased interconnect power
Power dissipation results from both dynamic and static operations. The dynamic
power dissipation is reduced per device as the device is scaled since the drain and gate
capacitances and the operating voltage are reduced. The increase in clock frequency will
in part counter some of this reduction. The total power dissipation for all the devices on
the die increases slightly as more and more devices are placed on the die. However as
shown in Fig. 3, the power dissipated in the connection capacitances and the power
dissipated in driving the outputs consume most of the power. The calculation assumes
the output drivers source a 50 pf load, and that only 10% of all the gates and I/O switch
at one time. Total power dissipation of over 50 watts per package, an unacceptable
power dissipation level for air-cooled and portable systems, will occur. In these
calculations the static power dissipation was neglected. However, small size effects and
low threshold voltages will result in insufficient swing to fully turn a device off and
hence allow large subthreshold currents to flow in the device in the off state. This non-
negligible off current will increase the static power dissipation to unacceptable levels for
portable computers and telecommunication systems.

—Ave connection

—Total device
Cap(2Cg+Cd)(ff )

0.35 0.25 0.18 0.13 0.1 0.07

Minimum Dimension(um)

Figure 2. Connection and device capacitance vs. minimum feature size



25.00 --
- Connection

-D- -Device Power


-I/O Power

0.35 0.25 0.18 0.13 0.1 0.07

Minimum Dimension(um)
Figure 3. Power dissipation vs. minimum feature size

3. Locally Interconnected Architectures

To overcome these problems, we propose the use of locally interconnected architectures

such as cellular automata[5], cellular neural networks[6], and locally adaptable neural
networks[7]. The total connection capacitance for these architectures is lower than that
found in traditional architectures. This results from the locality of computation and data
in these architectures. Locally interconnected architectures feed information to nearest
neighbors and have memory stored at the computation site instead at a distance site as in
Von Neumann architectures. Therefore, these systems don't require long information
busses. While these architectures have been proven to do universal computation, they
are most suited for specialized computations such as image processing, feature detection,
speech and vision recognition, sensor fusion, and various other real-time applications.
These architectures also offer the advantage of parallel computation. While the potential
of parallel computation has been known for some time, its practical application has
been difficult to achieve. However, recent applications have demonstrated its
capability[8]. Parallel operation allows reducing the clock speed and the supply voltage
making significant reductions in power dissipation while simultaneously keeping the
overall system speed constant.
As discussed earlier, I/O is a real power consumer. Functionally partitioned[9] and
locally interconnected architectures allows the number of I/O to be much smaller than

the predicted I/O needs in conventional architectures^]. This difference is shown in Fig.
4. These architectures provide system performance that will improve with device
performance while keeping the overall power dissipation, shown in Fig. 5, down to
acceptable levels.

5.00E+03 -T-


S 3.00E+03 -- -No of I/O

g 2.50E+03 J.
-□ Functionally
1| 2.00E+03 + Partitioned

1.50E+03 ..


Minimum Dimension(um)

Figure 4. I/O for traditional and locally interconnected architectures vs. minimum
feature size
4. Conclusion

Scaling will allow devices to shrink to nanometer dimensions and result in vast
improvements in their performance. However, to translate this improvement into
system improvements will require system architectures which use local rather than
global information and communication for computations.


1. Pahlavan, K, and Levesgue, A. (1994) Wireless Data Communications, Proceedings of the

IEEE 82, 9, 1398-1430.
2. Koch, C. (1995) Smart Vision Chips: An Overview, An Introduction to Neural and
Electronics Networks, Academic Press, 315-333.
3. The National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, (1994) SIA Report.
4. Weste, N., and Eshraghian, K., (1994) Principles of CMOS VLSI Design, Addison-
5. Biafore, M, (1994) Cellular automata for nanometer-scaled computation, Physica D 70,
6. L. O. Chua, L. Yang, and K. Krieg, (1991) Signal Processing Using Cellular Neural
Networks, J. VLSI Signal Processing 3, 25.

7. Akers, L.A., Walker, M., Ferry, D.K., and Grondin, R., (1989) A Limited-Interconnect,
Highly Layered Synthetic Neural Architecture, VLSI for Artificial Intelligence, Kluwer
Academic Press.
8. Matsuzawa, A. (1994) Low-Voltage and Low-Power Circuit Design for Mixed
Analog/Digital Systems in Portable Equipment, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 29, 4, 470-
9. Ferry, D.K., Akers, L.A., and Greeneich, E., (1988) Ultra Large Scale Integrated
Microelectronics, Prentice-Hall.

70.00 _


50.00 ..
.x\ -■ Total Power
dissipation 10%
40.00 ..
-D Total Local
30.00 --

X Architecture(10
%) Pd(W)

10.00 ..

0.00 + + + +
0.35 0.25 0.18 0.13 0.1 0.07
Minimum Dimension(um)

Figure 5. Total power dissipation for the traditional and locally-interconnected

architectures vs. minimum feature size


The Beckman Institute
University of Illinois
405 N. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801

1. Introduction
Simulation of semiconductor devices has reached some maturity for device
structures that can be described by the system of device equations given
by Shockley [1, 2]. High energy transport, including hot electron effects
such as impact ionization and gate currents, can be correctly simulated by
full band Monte Carlo approaches [3] (solving Boltzmann-type equations)
and has also matured into the realm of engineering; the missing pieces
being mainly standardization and numerical efficiency. Correspondingly,
commercial packages, which solve the Shockley equation system (even in
three dimensions) and feature full band Monte Carlo post processors, are
available or are in the final stages of development. Complex full band Monte
Carlo device codes are also available [4].
The treatment of (abrupt) heterojunctions in devices has not yet ma-
tured to the desirable degree and is almost certainly required to be un-
derstood in the future in great detail. One can make a case, and current
developments point strongly to it, that heterolayers must more and more
replace the dilute donor/acceptor doping configurations as the sizes of de-
vices decrease toward the typical donor/acceptor spacing. The simulation of
abrupt heterostructures invariably involves quantum mechanics and solu-
tions of the Schrödinger equation. The quasi-two-dimensional electron gas
of the metal-oxide semiconductor transistor is very well investigated and
understood [5] and work on quantum wires and dots is in progress.
Complex problems are involved, however, in the coupling of these quan-
tum regions to the classical "Shockley regions". This coupling needs to be
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 215-225.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
accomplished on various levels. On the physical side much progress has been
made with Landauer-Biittiker type of coupling which in many instances is a
generalization (and specialization with regard to dimensionality) of Bethe's
thermionic emission theory. From a numerical point of view the quantum
region necessitates multigrid approaches, where in the simpler cases the
grid describing the quantum region is typically reduced in dimension (by
one) compared to the reservoirs. In this way one can construct a multiscale
approach that combines classical and quantum regions in one simulation
entity. We have performed such a task for semiconductor quantum well
lasers diodes and will report this as an example below. While these simu-
lations deal mainly with current and resistance concepts, the quantization
also influences the concept of capacitance and inductance and examples
of atomistic features of quantum dot capacitance have been given [6]. The
knowledge of electronic band structures also becomes increasingly impor-
tant as shown by full band Monte Carlo simulations, calculations of optical
transitions in lasers, density of states calculations, etc.
The next step in scaling down, however, involves the mesoscale and
molecular scale and requires still more elaborate quantum mechanical meth-
ods to obtain insight into the electronic structure. One might, for example
have in mind a quantum dot containing only a very limited number of con-
stituting atoms, a tunneling tip, etc. At this scale the dynamics of atoms
also assumes a special importance as can be seen from experiments offeree
and tunneling microscopes that move and switch atoms. The method of
Car and Parrinello [7] emerges as a powerful tool to simulate this scale and
in turn can feed back to the bigger scales giving information about surface
and interface structure and dynamics.
A complete coupling of these methods to understand questions on all
scales is still in the future. However, some coupling of those methods has al-
ready been achieved and representative examples are given in the following

2. Semiconductor Laser Simulation-A Multiscale Problem

Laser diodes can be useful examples for studying nanostructures such as

quantum wells, wires, and dots coupled to classical regions. The photons
produced in these active regions convey information about the nanostruc-
ture. Careful simulation of the optical output shows the multiscale nature
of nanostructures, which depend on the quantum regions as well as their
coupling to surrounding bulk regions.
To demonstrate, we have simulated the quantum well laser structure
shown schematically in Figure 1. Current pumping requires carrier injec-
tion over the cladding and separate confinement heterostructure (SCH).
Cladding Cladding

Figure 1. Schematic conduction band edge for a quantum well laser diode

These are approximately classical 3-D regions, and transport can be mod-
eled with the Shockley equations. Carriers move ballistically over the abrupt
heterojunctions and thermalize in roughly a mean free path. Since the quan-
tum well (QW) can be on the order of the mean free path or much smaller,
injected carriers may traverse the well, reflect, resonate above the well, or
inelastically scatter into bound states. The coupling of this quantum region
to the classically behaving diode is a complicated mesoscopic problem that
must be treated by a Bethe-Landauer type of approach. Bulk drift-diffusion
is coupled in our simulation [8] to ballistic injection into 3D (continuum)
states above the well. Continuum carriers can then transfer to 2D "bound
states" through a net capture rate given by [9]:

#2D F,2D "3D

t^cap = 53D,2D dE 7i3D - n2Dn3D exp
/bound -^qw kT/q
where the density of states #2D is integrated only over energies within the
well, and i*2D(3D) is the quasi-Fermi level for bound (continuum) carriers.
The sensitivity of the laser output to capture and the scattering param-
eter 53D,2D is shown by solving the transport model self-consistently. Figure
2 shows a set of small signal modulation responses for an 80 A In0.2Ga0.sAs
quantum well laser. The curves are labeled by capture times, defined as
rcap = [-S3D.2D Ibovmd92D/L^dE]'1. As rcap increases, the responses roll off
at low frequencies. This is due to carriers that are not captured in the well
but instead are deposited as minority carriers in the SCH [10]. Their ef-

4 6
Frequency (Hz) x10

Figure 2. Modulation of a laser (80 Ä In0.2Ga0.sAs well; 1500 Ä Alo.1Gao.9As SCH)

using different rC3.p = [S3D,2D /b nd g2n/L^dE}'1. Bias is 10 mA; output power is 4.63

feet can only be calculated through multiscale simulation, coupling carrier

capture with bulk transport in the SCH.
Comparing Figure 2 with experiment puts some limits on rcap. A laser
with this quantum well and comparable SCH should show negligible rolloff
up to powers of 27 mW [11]. Therefore, simulation shows that capture times
for this quantum well should be subpicosecond for electrons and much less
for holes, thus predicting that the laser output depends critically on an
accurate calculation of capture efficiency.
Initial attempts to model carrier capture in quantum wells relied on clas-
sical theory [12]. Later, via Fermi Golden Rule based calculations, it was
demonstrated that quantum interference effects in the free as well as bound
carrier states could, in principle, significantly affect capture [13, 14, 15].
However, inelastic scattering is inherently accompanied by a loss of phase
coherence in the carrier wave functions, and strong inelastic scattering is
required for efficient carrier capture. The inability to directly model this
loss of phase coherence and the corresponding transition between quantum
and classical transport in such Golden Rule based calculations has lead to
ambiguities in the reported capture rates [13, 14, 15] and perhaps overesti-

mates of the effects of quantum resonances and anti-resonances on capture

under lasing condition. Simulation of capture on a more sophisticated level
appears therefore necessary if one wants to describe in detail the transitions
between classical and quantum regions.
To model the physics of relatively strong inelastic scattering on trans-
port in mesoscopic structures, we turn to a simulation technique we re-
fer to as "Schrödinger equation (based) Monte Carlo" (SEMC) [16, 17]
which represents the next level in our multiscale approach. SEMC is specif-
ically formulated to allow first-principles simulation of dissipative quantum
transport and is rigorously quantum mechanical. However, the numerical
algorithm has much in common with semiclassical Monte Carlo methods.
In brief, for carrier-phonon interactions, a set of Schrödinger equations is
solved simultaneously (and deterministically) for the carrier, with the indi-
vidual equations corresponding to the discrete initial or "trunk" state and
various final or "branch" states of the phonon system, with energies sepa-
rated by plus or minus the phonon energy for phonon absorption and emis-
sion, respectively. Only the non-local coupling potentials between the trunk
and branch states are obtained by Monte Carlo sampling of (the spatial cor-
relation functions of) the true carrier-phonon interactions, as describe in
detail in [16]. In this way, probability current, provided to the trunk state
in the boundary conditions, flows from the trunk state to branch states
via the coupling potentials, and, of critical importance, the trunk state is
altered self-consistently by this interaction. Here, to continue with the laser
system, a version of SEMC currently being optimized for geometries that
vary in 1-D only and a toy short-range interaction to low energy phonons,
much like acoustic phonon scattering, with a variable coupling strength are
employed. However, quantitatively accurate calculations of polar-optical-
phonon scattering have been demonstrated in 2-D geometries [16], and the
formalism is amenable to simulation of other phonon scattering process and
carrier-carrier scattering as well. Figure 3 shows a SEMC calculation of elec-
tron capture by a 10 nm wide, 237 meV deep quantum well, with the bound
states of the well clearly exhibited among the branch states. Without scat-
tering, the trunk electron state exhibited resonant (near 100%) transmis-
sion over the well; however strong inelastic scattering reduces the electron
phase coherence and, thus, destroys the resonance condition. Indeed, the
most probable outcome in this example is reflection from the well, followed
by capture.
To model such losses of phase coherence more efficiently, if less rig-
orously, complex "absorbing" potentials can be used within Schrödinger's
equation in lieu of the branch states to represent capture. Figure 4 exhibits
an example of such a calculation for the same structure as Figure 3, and,
again, the destruction of the quantum resonance is apparent. While the

(a) 1 (b)
Jr"1 ..-■■■•"'T"---..

§ J,MI.....---- ; I JL,

E_L(meV)"£UU ^o POSITION (nm) E±(meV) "2°° o POSITION (nm)

Figure S. Probability density obtained by SEMC for the quantum well system of Figure
1 in the (a) normally incident and nominally resonant trunk state and (b) corresponding
branch (scattered) states with strong inelastic scattering. Ex. is the component of energy
associated with motion normal to the plane of the quantum well. The well is located
between 20 nm and 30 nm.

"scattering rates" required may appear high, the transmission probabilities

shown here may be, if anything, large. For example, assuming only a bulk-
optical-phonon-like scattering rate of 0.01/fs for electrons above the well,
would suggest that a significant majority of the electrons would be trans-
mitted across the well. However, the internal quantum efficiency of quan-
tum well lasers is typically quite high, often approaching 100% [18], which
implies that few electrons are transmitted beyond the quantum well(s). Fur-
ther, direct comparison with the capture rates mentioned above is difficult
because of the previously mentioned ambiguities in the reported capture
rates and the possibility that capture under lasing conditions is dominated
by carrier-carrier scattering from bound carriers, which would best be char-
acterized by capture cross sections instead of rates. Nevertheless, even at a
rate of 0.01/fs, a significant drop in the differential capture probability with
increases in the scattering rate becomes apparent for low energy electrons
in this system (a 27% drop for 14 meV electrons, approximately the average
component of kinetic energy of the carriers in any one direction at room
temperature). At a scattering rate of 0.05/fs the net capture probability for
low energy electrons approaches saturation. Such rates are not uncommon
for holes and even for electrons in II-VI compounds. Further decreases in the
transmission probability are compensated for predominately by increases
in the reflection probability, even at the resonance energy. Such behavior,
of course, is not possible to model via Golden J?ufe-based calculations.
The preceding simulation examples clearly show the various layers of
simulation techniques that are necessary for a detailed understanding of
quantum well laser diodes. While we can deal with the various levels and
also have a physical theory and numerical method of connecting them,


E^(meV) "20° "o POSITION (nm) E±(meV) "2°° o POSITION (nm)


Ej_(meV) o POSITION (nm) E±(meV) POSITION (nm)

Figure 4- (a) Probability density in the nominally resonant incident electron state as a
function of position and imaginary absorbing potential —ihR/2, where iJis the scattering
rate, and (b) transmission, (c) reflection and (d) transmission probabilities as a function
of incident energy and scattering rate R. The quantum well is located between 20 nm
and 30 nm in (a).

a complete and connected numerical treatment currently is beyond the

capability of even the largest computational resources. Nevertheless, even
this approach leaves many questions untouched. For example, what are
the effects of alloy disorder at quantum well boundaries, how are electronic
states really connected across semiconductor interfaces, what is the capture
rate for quantum dots instead of wells, etc.? Resolution of such questions
necessitates a still finer resolution of feature sizes down to the molecular
and atomic scale. Examples for the mesoscale can be found in the literature
[6]; the approach to the atomic scale is described next.

3. Atomic-Scale Dynamics
As feature sizes approach the atomic scale, we can no longer rely on the
effective mass approximation and other such continuum approximations.
Rather, ions are modeled by pseudopotentials that determine their elec-
tronic orbitals. Thus, with present levels of computing power, this down-
ward scaling restricts us to simulation of only relatively small systems. In
most cases, however, this restriction is not prohibitive since only a limited
number of atoms need be considered in such atomic-scale systems. Further,
at this scale, defects and disorder can be treated in a straightforward man-
ner, and dynamic effects related to the motion of the ions, such as their
thermal vibration, can be studied at the most basic level.
In our simulations, electrons are described by density functional theory,
and the motion of the ions obeys Newton's equations with forces given by
the gradient of the total energy of the system. Both the electrostatic repul-
sion between the ions and the contribution from the electronic clouds are
included. In this way, the many-body effects for the electrons are greatly
simplified. This method has been proven to be extremely reliable for calcula-
tion of ground state properties such as the total energy and the equilibrium
configuration of the ions. For properties, such as optical absorption and
transport, that involve excited electronic states, extensions of the method,
e.g. the Generalized Gradient Approximation, greatly improve the density
functional theory.

-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2

[110] (nm)

Figure 5. Total electronic density for the tip-surface system. The crosses indicate the
positions of the silicon atoms.

Ultimately, the numerical problem reduces to solving the one particle

Schrödinger equation and Poisson's equation self-consistently while mini-

mizing the total energy of the system. Various sophisticated methods have
been devised for solving both equations [20]. We are currently concentrat-
ing on a minimization approach that appears to be quite natural to density
functional theory. We have tested several minimization methods including
the linear search algorithm and the conjugate gradient method, and we
have considered the functional form for the total energy that requires ex-
plicit orthonormalization of the electronic orbitals as well as the form that
avoids this constraint. We have found that a modification of the simple
linear search procedure for the functional form requiring explicit orthonor-
malization is the most efficient algorithm for the systems of moderate size
that we have studied so far. In this method, part of the total energy gradient
is integrated exactly over one iteration step. However, for larger systems
we expect that the functional for non-orthonormal orbitals will be more
To study the dynamic properties, we use the method introduced by R.
Car and M. Parrinello [7]. They have shown that it is possible to write
equations of motion for the coupled system of the electrons and the ions
such that the electrons oscillate around their instantaneous ground state
while the ions obey Newton's equations of motion. In other words, the sys-
tem oscillates close to the Born-Oppenheimer surface [19], and it is not
necessary to compute the electronic ground state for each ionic configura-
tion. This method is very efficient, and a vast literature has demonstrated
its applicability to a broad range of problems.
Combined, this set of first-principles tools has been tested for bulk mate-
rials, and excellent agreement is routinely achieved for the equilibrium lat-
tice constant, the bulk modulus, and the bulk phonon frequencies computed
both within the frozen phonon approximation and with molecular dynam-
ics. We also obtain a reconstruction of the clean and of the H-passivated
silicon (001)-(2xl) surface in agreement with recent highly converged re-
sults in the literature.
As an example of such atomic-scale calculations, the interaction of a
STM tip with a H-passivated silicon surface has been simulated. The sur-
face is modeled as a slab of eight layers of silicon atoms with the atoms in
the four upper layers relaxed to their equilibrium positions. The STM tip is
represented by a single silicon atom adsorbed to the back of the slab. Figure
5 shows the distribution of the total electronic density before the thermo-
stat is switched on. The hydrogen passivation induces a reconstruction of
the surface with the formation of symmetric dimers in the [110] direction.
When the thermostat is switched on (the bath is set at room tempera-
ture), the atoms start to oscillate, and Figure 6 shows the corresponding
variation of the tunneling barrier height between the tip atom and the sur-
face. This fluctuation is larger than the thermal energy spreading, and a


§< -0.07

ft -0.08
& -0.09 h

Figure 6. Fluctuation of the top of the tunneling barrier due to the thermal motion of
the tip and surface atoms.

corresponding major fluctuation in the tunneling current results. Because

this fluctuation occurs at very high frequency, it can not be measured in a
standard STM experiment. However, it is expected that these fluctuations
have a significant effect on dynamic behavior like the hydrogen-desorption
mechanism. This example demonstrates the sophisticated simulation tools
that are needed when the atomic scale is approached. It also shows that
to achieve a detailed understanding of seemingly straightforward experi-
ments, such as measurement of STM tunneling currents, may require high
level simulation approaches.


This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research (N00014-89-J-

1470, N00014-92-J-1519 KH) and by the Army Research Office (DAAL03-

1. Streetman, B.G. (1980) Solid State Electronic Devices, Prentice-Hall, Englewood
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3. Bude, J. (1991) Scattering Mechanisms for Semiconductor Transport Calculations,

Monte Carlo Device Simulation: Full Band and Beyond, ed. K. Hess, Kluwer Aca-
demic Publishers, Norwell, Mass.
4. Laux, S.E. and Fischetti, M.V. (1988) Numerical Aspects and Implementation of the
DAMOCLES Monte Carlo Device Simulation Program, Monte Carlo Device Simu-
lation: Full Band and Beyond, ed. K. Hess, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell,
5. Ando, T., Fowler, A.B., and Stern, F. (1982) Electronic Properties of Two-
Dimensional Systems, Review of Modern Physics, 54, 466.
6. Macucci, M., Hess, K., and Iafrate, G.J. (1995) Simulation of Electronic Properties
and Capacitance of Quantum Dots, /. Appl. Phys., 77, 3267-3276.
7. Car, R., and Parrinello, M. (1985) Unified Approach for Molecular Dynamics and
Density-Functional Theory, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2471-2474.
8. Grupen, M., Ravaioli, U., Galick, A., Hess, K., and Kerkhoven, T., (1994) Cou-
pling the Electronic and Optical Problems in Semiconductor Quantum Well Laser
Simulations, Proc. SPIE OE/LASE Conf., 2146, Los Angeles, CA, 133-147.
9. Grupen, M., Kosinovsky, G., and Hess, K. (1993) The Effect of Carrier Capture on
the Modulation Bandwidth of Quantum Well Lasers, 1993 International Electron
Device Meeting Technical Digest, 23.6.1-23.6.4.
10. Grupen, M. and Hess, K. (1994) Self-Consistent Calculation of the Modulation
Response for Quantum Well Laser Diodes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 2454-2456.
11. Nagarajan, R., Mirin, R.P., Reynolds, T.E., and Bowers, J.E. (1993) Experimental
Evidence for Hole Transport Limited Intensity Modulation Response in Quantum
Well Lasers, Electron. Lett. 29, 1688-1690.
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Carrier Collection in a Semiconductor Quantum Well, Solid State Communications
27, 1029.
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Mesoscopic Structures with Weak Dissipation, Phys. Rev. B 49, 1900-1906.
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North Carolina State University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Raleigh, NC 27695-7911
(* Current Address: IBM, Essex Junction, VT 05452)

1. Introduction

Since the early 1970's, silicon integrated circuit technology has been propelled by
continual and successful efforts to reduce the active channel length of MOSFET devices
[1 - 3]. This exercise in scaling provides the framework that has produced increases in
the density of devices on a chip, increases in device frequency response and operating
speed, and increases in the precision required to achieve more complex systems with
greater functionality and performance. Today, devices with channel lengths well below
100 nm have been produced in many research laboratories, and the downward scaling
trends of the past twenty years are expected to persist at the same pace until at least the
40 nm generation in manufacturing [1], or about the year 2015. This level of technology
is expected to correspond to 128 GBit DRAMs and 28 Ggate microprocessors with five
times the clock frequency and 1/9 the power consumption of today's devices, all
operating at a power supply voltage of around 0.5 V.
Historically, silicon MOSFETs designed for increased performance through scaling
and scaling-related approaches to drain and channel engineering have also produced
compromises in device reliability. It was anticipated that as the effective channel length
was scaled below the electron mean free path (Leff < about 200 nm), non-local transport
effects (such as velocity overshoot and quasi-ballistic transport) would actually enhance
device performance. Furthermore, by scaling the power supply voltage below the
Si/Si02 interface barrier height (i.e., qVrjD < 0B = 3-1 eV), it was expected that many
device reliability problems could be suppressed or eliminated. A new regime for device
operation was predicted where electron energy distribution functions would be "cooler"
than those deduced from models based on the local electric field. However, drain
current degradation was observed in recent experiments on 150 nm floating gate
MOSFETs biased with a drain voltage as low as 1.5V, and no discontinuities in
degradation were observed as the voltage was reduced below 3.1 V [4]. These
experiments confirmed that the degradation was due to non-tunneling current, via carrier
injection over the interface barrier and into the oxide. For such low bias, the channel
electrons cannot gain enough energy from the drain electric field alone to surmount the
barrier; thus, those rare electrons that do inject must experience some type of "energy
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 227-236.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

gaining" interactions to obtain the required energy. Physical mechanisms that produce
this effect are not fully understood, but Monte Carlo simulations indicate that electron-
electron interactions near the drain edge play a significant role [6]. For 100 nm devices
biased at low voltages, high-energy phenomena such as injection into the oxide are
extremely rare and their effects are difficult to measure experimentally. Therefore,
attempts to understand fundamental limits of silicon technology for next generation
devices will need to rely heavily on accurate simulation and modeling methods that can:
(a) identify those phenomena that occur at high energies; (b) predict the consequences of
design and processing on device performance, and (c) analyze device and circuit
reliability and operational lifetime.

2. Reliability Simulation, Modeling, and Prediction for Next-Generation Devices

Figure 1 illustrates the general technology and design environment for down scaling of
MOSFET devices. This schematic shows relationships between simulation, modeling,
and reliability evaluation/prediction (right side) to basic elements of the scaling process,
manifested through process technology, device structure choices, and experimental
evaluation (leftside). In this context, it is important to recognize the many challenges
for process technology, device
structure choices, and experimental PROCESS
methodology required to fabricate PROCESSING SIMULATION
100 nm MOSFETs [7]. For MODELING
example, use of highly-controlled i i

processes that achieve necessary 1

dopant distributions for critical drain CHOICE OF
and channel engineering regions can DEVICE AND
also accentuate limits to device MODELING
scaling and reliability [8]. Thus, the
difficult physical levels of MOSFET 1
scaling on the left side of Fig. 1 EXPERIMENTAL RELIABILITY
must be ameliorated by more DEVICE AND
sophisticated process and simulation
models that are valid for devices
with critical dimensions of 100 nm Figure 1. Schematic of the relationship of
(and below). Moreover, difficulties process technology (left side) to device and
in measuring critical phenomena process simulation, modeling, and reliability
such as gate and substrate currents prediction.
in devices with low bias voltages
will hinder the identification and development of physical understanding of reliability
issues [9]. Physical descriptions of non-local, high energy transport phenomena will
transcend the use of lucky electron models which dictate that degradation mechanisms
conform to the maximum value of lateral electric field [10]. High energy tails in
electron energy distributions cannot be predicted by lucky electron or hydrodynamic
models [7,11]; thus, Monte Carlo methods will likely be essential to support both device
and process simulation and modeling for dimensions in the 100 nm regime [12].
These emerging challenges to resolving process technology and device
characterization issues in 100 nm devices lead us to the conclusion that comprehensive
simulation, modeling, and reliability prediction will play a significant role in guiding

future experimentation and new physical interpretation [2, 9]. Fortunately, the
concurrent rapid development of computer technology will allow this high degree of
simulation and modeling of reliability physics to be implemented on a personal
workstation in a computing and network environment for integrated circuit design that
has become known as technology computer-aided design (TCAD) [2,8].

3. Approach For MOSFET Reliability Physics and Modeling

Figure 2 shows a schematic for elements of an initial attempt to implement the TCAD
design environment discussed in Section 2. The goal of this approach is to simulate the
"hot electron problem" in small silicon
MOSFETs at dimensions of 100 nm and
SSUPREM4 below. Hot electron phenomena in the
Process channel is the focal point for most device
level reliability issues. Important elements
i ,
of the hot electron problem include: (a)
electron heating by transport through the
Device channel; (b) highly-localized lateral and
Degradation Simulator
vertical electric field distributions between
1 ' gate and drain regions; (c) electron
Monte Carlo injection into the SiC>2 gate insulator with
Device a nominal injection barrier of 3.1 eV; (d)
Electron Simulator
Phenomena hot-carrier-induced generation and local
1 ,* charging of Si/SiC>2 interface states; (e)
electron transport in the gate insulator; (f)
M<>dei degradation of the gate insulator during
injection and transport; (g) modification of
the electrostatic potential and channel
mobility by charges in the oxide and at the
Figure 2. MOSFET reliability physics interface; (h) induced changes in device
simulation and modeling environment. characteristics, such as threshold voltage,
subthreshold slope, drain current drive, transconductance, etc.; and (i) imminent
expiration of device lifetime and circuit failure due to device characteristic changes.
The approach shown in Fig. 2 accounts for most of these effects, except for transport in
the oxide. Recent reports have shown that this effect can be considered using drift and
diffusion models in TCAD approaches for large devices [7]; however, our focus here is
on the role of Monte Carlo simulation in the development of accurate reliability models
for very small, next generation devices.
As shown in Fig. 2, SSUPREM4 is used as the process simulator to design two-
dimensional device structures. Data from SSUPREM4 (e.g., realistic doping profiles,
process-dependent physical parameters, etc.) are provided as input for the device
simulator, SPISCES, which provides standard electrical characteristics and device
parameters for later determination of device degradation. These device parameters are
also incorporated as initial estimates (e.g., initial electric field distributions, carrier
distributions, etc.) for the Monte Carlo simulator. The Monte Carlo method is used to
(particularly) model the high-energy tails in the electron energy distribution and the
resultant hot electron effects [6,13].

The Monte Carlo method [6] employs a realistic silicon band structure for the two
lowest conduction bands that are calculated from the pseudopotential method. A 2-D
solver for Poisson's equation is coupled to the Monte Carlo method, and the solver is
rapidly updated with a time step of At = 0.1 fsec, providing a dynamic electric field
distribution for calculating long-range Coulomb interactions. The scattering routines
include mechanisms for acoustic and intervalley phonons, ionized impurities, impact
ionization, interface scattering, and electron-electron (short-range Coulomb)
interactions. An enhanced particle statistics algorithm generates an ensemble of about
30,000 superparticles to provide necessary details for the high energy component of the
electron energy distribution function. This algorithm is an essential feature to the
overall success of the model.
Prediction of hot-electron-induced oxide damage is performed by adapting Yasuda's
emperical model for interface state generation [6,14]. This uniform carrier injection
model is modified to account for conditions of non-uniform injection near the drain that
are typical for MOSFET devices. Model parameters are determined from data obtained
from charge pumping experiments, and the validity of the approach was demonstrated
for a 1000 nm device [6]. This approach is utilized to obtain distributions of interface
states for 100 nm devices since, to our knowledge, experimental techniques are not able
to resolve the spatial distribution of interface states for small MOSFETs. The resulting
induced device degradation is determined by incorporating these interface states into the
SPISCES simulator (Fig. 2). We assume that interface states are uniformly distributed
in energy throughout the bandgap, and that they are donor-like below midgap and
acceptor-like above midgap. The location of the quasi-Fermi levels at the interface
determines the fraction of filled states [15]. Our approach, including Yasuda's model,
has recently received some additional affirmation from simulations of pMOSFETs [7].

4. Role of Monte Carlo Simulation

A variety of device structures have been studied using the approach described in Sect. 3.
These include conventional n-MOSFETs, drain- and channel-engineered n-MOSFETs,
and SOI n-MOSFETs. The effects of constant field scaling and generalized scaling on
hot electron phenomena have been investigated for conventional devices with channel
lengths from 1000 nm down to 100 nm and applied source-to-drain voltages as low as
4V As the
VDS = 1- - applied voltage was reduced below the Si/Si02 barrier height, no
conditions were observed for which abrupt changes in slope or discontinuities occurred
in simulated measures of hot carrier phenomena. This is consistent with recent
experimental observations [5]. Thus, charge injection into the oxide is observed for
voltages less than half the barrier height. Our simulations indicate that the lateral
electric field may be increased with each scaling generation for an equivalent rate of hot
electron injection. For applied voltages as low as 1.5V and channel lengths as low as
100 nm, our simulations show that lucky electron models and average electron
temperature models are inaccurate for predicting the total rate and spatial distribution of
hot electron effects in this regime of device scaling. Monte Carlo simulations
demonstrate that, due to electron-electron interactions near the drain edge, energy
distributions of hot electrons entering the drain of small devices do not cool as rapidly as
the average electron temperature nor as rapidly as the electric field decays. Thus, it
seems that hydrodynamic and/or energy balance models will have to be modified (if

possible) to include electron-electron interactions in order to predict hot electron

behavior at small applied voltages at room temperature. Previously, electron-electron
scattering was considered to be a minor effect for room temperature device operation.
However, it now appears that even at room temperature, electron-electron scattering is
important for modeling high-energy phenomena in devices under low-voltage operation.
For example, Figure 3 shows Monte Carlo calculations of the electron energy
distribution functions at the channel position of maximum electron injection into the
oxide for 120 nm scaled silicon MOSFETs with three bias conditions of Vps = 2VQS
between 4.95V and 1.8V, both with (solid curves) and without (dotted curves) short
range electron-electron scattering. Here, electron-electron scattering has a dominant
effect on the distribution function for an applied voltage of VQS = 1.8V.

Figure 3. Energy w
.-£ 10
distrib. functions
for Si MOSFETs.
Curves cl,c2, bl,
b2 use constant
field scaling; al
and a2 use
scaling [6]. The
applied voltages
are as shown.
Dashed curves
are without 2 3
electron-electron Energy (eV)
scattering; solid
curves include electron-electron events.

These issues are further exemplified in Figure 4, which demonstrates the effects of
high-energy carrier transport in a 100 nm MOSFET under low-voltage bias conditions
(VDS=2VGS=1-5V). Fig. 4 displays the (normalized) lateral electric field, the average
electron energy, and the distribution of electron injection for the channel region between
source and drain. The physical channel is located from 160 nm to 260 nm, and most of
the spatial variations in the quantities of interest occur in the drain region. First, it is
observed that the average electron energy is spatially retarded from the electric field,
with the peak in average energy occurring 5 nm "ahead" of the peak electric field.
Furthermore, the peak in electron injection is also retarded another 15 nm ahead of the
peak in average electron energy—a location where the average energy is well below its
peak value. Hydrodynamic and/or energy balance models will not predict such
retardation effects. The predicted total spatial retardation of the injection is 20 nm-a
significant 20% of the 100 nm channel length. Monte Carlo scaling analysis has shown
that this retardation effect is independent of channel length; thus, retardation will
become an increasing fraction of the channel length as devices are scaled below 100 nm.
Thus, the resultant hot electron and spatial retardation effects in electron injection will
most likely become very important in future scaled MOSFETs.
Figure 5 shows electron distribution functions calculated from the Monte Carlo
simulations at positions A, B, C, and D in the source-drain region and along the channel

for the device shown in Fig. 4.

Point A is located in the source
and point D is located well into
the drain region, and both
points are in regions of small
variations in electric field
intensity, average electron
energy, and electron injection.
These are "normal"
distributions in the sense that
they can be approximately
described as drifted
Maxwellian. Yet, at point B
(the peak of electric field) and -0.5
point C (the peak of electron
injection), the electron
distribution functions have
extreme high energy tails
Distance Along the Si/SiO; Interface (jim)
extending well above the
energy that can be gained from
the applied bias (qVrjs = 1-5 Figure 4. High energy carrier transport in a 100
eV). Note also that the ample nm device for low-voltage biasing conditions.
supply of electrons in the drain
region greatly reduces the average electron energy while at the same time it allows
electrons to interact among themselves quickly enough to produce a high energy tail
before inelastic scattering reduces the energy distribution to a Maxwellian form as
electrons drift further into the drain. The effects of electron-electron interactions play
a significant role in the spatial
10' retardation shown in Fig. 4, and
these retardation effects serve as
Leff 0.1 jim
> further evidence of the necessity
10b Vd=2Vg=1.5V
a of using Monte Carlo simulation
for modeling scaled MOSFET
device technologies with channel
103 lengths of 100 nm and below.
\ \
101 5. Device Reliability
• \ ' \ Peak Injection (C)
i Predictions
io-1 ^ i
Source[ (A)
! Peakinthe^^ "'•-...**- In order to evaluate the method
\ Electric Field (B)\ i for reliability physics and
i i Drain (D) ^^v^k
\ i \\ prediction described in Section 3,
in"3 . ! we have studied a selection of
0 1 qVd 2 3 design concepts that are under
Electron Energy (eV) consideration as candidates for
Figure 5. Electron energy distribution future scaled 100 nm device
functions at four locations along the channel. structures. These devices include

a n-MOSFET using conventional processing techniques and other devices based on more
novel concepts for drain- and channel-engineering [16]. Table I lists the device
parameters for an array of five structures used in this comparative reliability study. The
first two columns are for drain-engineered structures and the last two columns are for
channel-engineered structures. The conventional structure is used as a baseline device.

Table 1. Design Parameters for 100 nm Silicon MOSFET Structures [16].

Device Structures

TDrain-Engineered Devices] |Channel-Engineered Devices]

Lightly- Fully-
Device Aggressive Doped Con- Retrograde Depleted
Parameter Drain Drain ventional Channel (FD) SOI

Junction 35 30 50 46 30
Depth (nm)

Source/Drain Large
Extension Dopant 7xl018 degenerate degenerate degen-
Doping (cm'3) (Sb) and In erate
Channel 6.5 xlO 17
6.5 xlO 17
6.5 xlO 17
from 1016 to 6.5 xlO17
Doping (cm"3) (uniform) (uniform) (uniform) 1018in30 (uniform)

Gate Oxide 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0

Thickness (nm)

Voltage (V) at 0.41 0.38 0.40 0.41 0.41
VDs = 0.05V

As shown in Fig. 2, the Monte Carlo simulator is used to calculate high energy
transport properties such as hot electron injection into the oxide for each n-MOSFET
design for VDS=2VGS=1-5V stress conditions. This injection data is then coupled with
oxide damage models to produce distributions of interface states. These interface states
are inserted into the SPISCES device simulator as interface charge determined by the
electron quasi-Fermi level at the interface (see Sect. 3) to evaluate hot-electron-induced
degradation of device characteristics. For example, Figures 6a and 6b illustrate
simulated saturation drain current degradation (AID/ID) versus time for devices listed in
Table 1. Our reliability simulation method predicts some interesting trends for these
designs. First, variations in the drain design have a more pronounced effect on overall

5< --.•■.. Aggrauivo Onln „*'

-■— Conventional
10-2 --*--LlghUy.Doped Drain ^ , - *■ - - futrogradt Channtl
—■—Conventional s ^^^^ -•—fO-SOl

y ■*' ^~^
sO) 10J
y ■*■*' /^
a * ••■"*
''.«' /

10- /'.•■' f Saturation ld Saturation Id

u /.••■'
X .• /
/ V,=V
a m-»' {•'.
•/.. 1 . 10-51—-
' 10" 10« 10* 10* 104 10* 10"

Stress Time (seconds) Stress Time (seconds)

(a) (b)

Figure 6. Simulated hot-electron-induced drain current degradation for the array of (a)
drain-engineered and (b) channel-engineered device designs listed in Table I.

device reliability than variations in the channel design. Next, the lighfly-doped-drain
(LDD) provides little electric field reduction over the conventional design; thus, the
LDD experiences comparable electron injection. On the other hand, due to the LDD's
reduced drain doping, it cannot efficiently screen interface charge, and thus suffers
considerably greater degradation than the conventional design. Last, among the
channel-engineered designs, the fully-depleted (FD) SOI design suffers the greatest
drain current degradation. This result can be mainly attributed to interface coupling
effects due to substantial electron injection and subsequent oxide damage in both the
front and back oxides. It is also worthy to note for the array of designs that the hot
electron injection distributions have relative magnitudes that correlate directly to the
relative magnitudes in peak parallel electric field, and the injection distributions are
displaced about 20 nm beyond their respective highly-localized electric field
distributions, as also demonstrated for the 100 nm device in Fig. 4. The results of Fig. 6
predict that the conventional design is the most reliable device in the array of designs
considered. This outcome indicates that although there is a fundamental change in the
underlying mechanisms that produce high-energy carriers as device size and applied
voltage are scaled down (i.e., electron-electron interactions become more significant),
the trade-off between device performance and reliability is still quite significant.
Another point from Fig. 6 is that the drain current does not conform to the model
that predicts a square root dependence of degradation on the stress time [see discussion
in Section 3 of Ref. 6]. The slope of the degradation curves is particularly dependent on
the interface state density and the resultant carrier recombination and trapping effects
that can occur. In particular, in Fig. 6, the FD-SOI device appears to have a smaller
curvature, which could be due to the fact that both oxide interfaces participate in the
degradation process. In an attempt to further evaluate this degradation signature, we
studied two additional 100 nm FD-SOI designs. These include a heavily-doped channel
(SOI-1) and a lightly-doped channel (SOI-2) device design, with a uniform channel
doping of 1 x lO1^ cm"^ and 1 x 101" cm"-5, respectively. The silicon layer thickness,
front oxide thickness, and back oxide thickness are 30 nm, 4 nm, and 80 nm,

respectively, for both devices. The gate workfunction is adjusted to produce equal
threshold voltages of 0.4V for both devices. Figure 7 shows the simulated drain current
degradation in both the
linear and saturation
regions of the current-
voltage characteristics of
SOI-1 and SOI-2. The
SOI-2 design experiences
greater degradation
mainly due to increased
coupling of interface
states through the lightly-
doped channel. It is also
observed that these two
devices experience
greater degradation rates
than the 100 nm designs
listed in Table 1. This is
consistent with the
interpretation that the
degradation of drain
current for SOI devices is
proportional to hot
electron injection and Stress Time (seconds)
subsequent oxide damage
in both the front and back Figure 7. Drain current degradation characteristics
oxides. for SOI-1 and SOI-2.

6. Conclusion

A Monte Carlo simulator has been developed and combined with a process simulator, a
device simulator, and oxide damage models to investigate hot electron phenomena and
device reliability for deep submicron (100 nm) n-MOSFETs and SOI devices designed
for low-power applications. Monte Carlo simulations indicate that non-local transport
and two-dimensional effects in the drain current and electric field distributions influence
hot electron injection into the oxide(s) for both bulk MOSFET and SOI devices. Also,
electron-electron interactions play an important role in the creation of the high energy
tail of the electron energy distribution function for devices under low-voltage bias
conditions (qVos< 0ß)- The Monte Carlo results are linked to the reliability simulation
method to investigate hot-electron-induced device degradation. This method predicts
that as devices are scaled down to the 100 nm regime, aggressive drain designs can
provide increased performance while reducing the trade-off of reduced reliability. The
LDD design concept, while improving short channel effects, no longer reduces device
degradation when compared to the conventional design. Finally, ultrathin-film, fully-
depleted SOI designs greatly improve short channel effects; however, they experience
considerably greater device degradation than their bulk MOSFET counterparts due to
hot-carrier-induced damage to both the front and back oxides.
7. List of References

1. Hiroshi Iwai, Hisayo Sasaki Momose, Masanobu Saito, Mizuki Ono, and Yasuhiro
Katsumato (1995) The Future of ultra-small geometry MOSFETs beyond 0.1
micron, Microelectronics Engineering 28,147-154.
2. Armin W. Weider (1995) Si-Microelectronics: Technology Perspectives-Risks,
Opportunities, and Challenges (This Volume).
3. G. Baccarani, M. R. Wordeman, and R. H. Dennard (1984) Generalized Scaling
Theory and Its Application to a 1/4 Micrometer MOSFET Design, IEEE Trans.
Electron Devices ED-31,452-459.
4. J. E. Chung, M.-C. Jeng, J. E. Moon, P.-K. Ko, and C. Hu (1990) Low-Voltage
Hot-Electron Currents and Degradation in Deep-Submicrometer MOSFET's, IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices ED-37, 1651-1658.
5. David Esseni, Luca Selmi, Roberto Bez, Enrico Sangiorgi, and Bruno Ricco (1994)
Bias and Temperature Dependence of Gate and Substrate Currents in n-MOSFETs
at Low Drain Voltage, Proceedings of the International Electron Devices Meeting
(EDM,), 307-310.
6. John J. Ellis-Monaghan, K. W. Kim, and Michael A. Littlejohn (1994) A Monte
Carlo study of hot electron injection and interface state generation model for silicon
metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors, J. Appl. Phys. 75, 5087-5094.
7. A. v. Schwerin and W. Weber (1995) 2-D Simulation of pMOSFET hot-carrier
degradation, Microelectronic Engineering 28, 277-284.
8. M. Rodder, A. Amerasekera, S. Aur, and I. C. Chen (1994) A Study of Design/
Process Depaendence of 0.25 |J.m Gate Length CMOS for Improved Performance
and Reliability, Proceedings of the IEDM, 71-74.
9. Andrea Ghetti, Luca Selmi, Enrico Sangiorgi, Antonio Abramo, and Franco Venturi
(1994) A Combined Transport-Injection Model for Hot-Electron and Hot-Hole
Injection in the Gate Oxide of MOS Structures, Proceedings of the IEDM, 363-366.
10. S. Jallepalli, C.-F. Yeap, S. Krishnamurthy, X. L. Wang, C. M. Maziar, and A. F.
Tasch Jr. (1994) Application of Hierarchical Transport Models for the Study of
Deep Submicron Silicon MOSFETs, VLSI Symposium Proceedings, 91-94.
11. Marco Mastrapasqua and Jeff D. Bude (1995) Electron and Hole Impact Ionization
in Deep Sub-micron MOSFETs, Microelectronic Engineering 28, 293-300.
12. K. Taniguchi, M. Yamaju, K. Sonoda, T. Kunikiyo and C. Hamaguchi (1994)
Monte Carlo Study of Impact Ionization Phenomena in Small Geometry MOSFETs,
Proceedings of the IEDM, 355-358.
13. R. B. Hulfachor, K. W. Kim, M. A. Littlejohn, and C. M. Osburn (1995) Non-Local
Transport and 2-D Effects on Hot Electron Injection in Fully-Depleted 0.1 |im SOI
n-MOSFETs Using Monte Carlo Simulation, Microelectronic Engineering 28, 175-
14. N. Yasuda, H. Nakamura, K. Taniguchi, and C. Hamaguchi (1989) Interface State
Generation Mechanism in N-MOSFETs, Solid State Electronics 32 , 1579-1586.
15. M. V. Fischetti and S. E. Laux (1988) Monte Carlo Analysis of Electron Transport
in Small Semiconductor Devices Including Band-Structure and Space-Charge
Effects, Phys. Rev. B 38,9721-9730.
16. R. B. Hulfachor, K. W. Kim, M. A. Littlejohn, and C. M. Osburn (1995) A Monte
Carlo Study of Drain and Channel Engineering Effects on Hot Electron Injection
and Induced Device Degradation in 0.1 mm n-MOSFETs, Fifty-Third Annual
Device Research Conference (DRC) Digest, 14-15.

ECE Department, University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA

1. Introduction


It has long been recognized that electronic devices operating at reduced temperatures—
including both semiconductor and superconductor devices—can often offer much
higher performance (by several criteria) than room-temperature devices. But the need
for cooling has greatly retarded their use, and there exists an almost-universal persistent
belief that low-temperature devices just don't have a chance to find significant practical
My presentation is based on the premise that this belief is a myth, and that the
future of electronics is likely to draw increasingly, within the next decade or two, on
low-temperature devices, at least in applications such as high-performance workstations
and scientific and medical instrumentation, where increasing performance requirements
can justify the additional cost of the cryogenics, which is itself decreasing
However, the performance-to-cost relation is by no means the only issue: No
matter how favorable that relation is, no system engineer is going to fool around in a
"real" commercial system with cryogenics under conditions that resemble those of a
research laboratory. What is absolutely essential is "user-friendly" cryogenics! The
enabling technology for the widespread actual use of cryogenic electronics is likely to
be the increasing availability of small self-contained closed-cycle refrigerators. The
development of the latter (mainly Stirling-cycle machines), originally driven by IR
detector technology, has more recently found increasing use in high-7"c superconductor
applications. It is rapidly approaching the point that we may begin to view such a
refrigerator as just another module inside a piece of electronic equipment, somewhat
analogous to, say, a fancy high-voltage power supply.
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 237-250.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Suppose I offered you a self-contained box, about 2-3 liters in volume, drawing
less than 100 Watts, and I would provide inside this box a volume of about 100cm
inside which I guarantee a temperature T, of say, 77K, with a cooling capacity of, say
3-4 Watts. Given a reasonable cost, such a box would evidently meet our demand for
user-friendly cryogenics. The above specifications are not fictitious, they are those of
actual hardware about to go into production, interestingly by a company whose
business is in the field of high-rc superconductors, and which has found it necessary to
provide integrated system solution to its customers, solutions that include a user-
transparent cryogenics package (Superconductor Technologies, Santa Barbara, CA).
The principal bottleneck to their more widespread use is their cost, but this is likely
to follow the classical pattern of dramatic cost reduction in the wake of building up
mass production. Furthermore, the specifications are likely to improve with time,
including rapid progress to lower temperatures with time, at least to about 20K, the
practical limit of the Stirling cycle, with slower progress below that.


1.2.1. Hybrids With Buffer Layers

The devices that very likely will emerge in the wake of this development will not only
be superconducting devices using high-rc superconductors, and conventional devices
such as FET's explicitly designed to operate at low temperatures, but also integrated
super-semi hybrids. The first class likely to emerge are high-rc superconductors inte-
grated on-chip with semiconductor devices, like a superconducting SQUID integrated
with GaAs or InAs electronics. Because of processing compatibility limitations, such
devices require a buffer layer between the two kinds of materials, a technology in
which much progress has been made recently [1, 2]. But, being devices operating at
temperatures within easy range of the Stirling cycle, such devices should emerge
relatively soon.

1.2.2. Monolithic Integration without Interface Barrier

As "practical" temperatures get pushed lower, we will also see devices in which a low-
Tc superconductor, such as Nb, has been integrated with a semiconductor, such as InAs,
without an intervening layer, in such a way that the electrons can cross the interface
while retaining the phase information that is the essence of superconductivity, thereby
inducing superconductivity in the semiconductor. New kinds of Josephson devices
based on this principle are rapidly emerging, offering advantages over more
conventional Josephson devices. In fact, much of my presentation—all of Section 2—
will deal with this particular combination, as a look far ahead at a branch of low-
temperature transport physics that is likely to become important over the long term.
For the near-term future (< 10 years), the need for operating temperatures below
the Stirling-cooler range (< 20K) implies more elaborate cryogenic techniques, and
these devices may, for some time, remain restricted to two kinds of applications
environments: (a) Environment where cryogenic temperatures are available in any
event, and where cryogenic electronics can be piggy-backed on the existing cryogenics
with minimal additional cost, (b) Large-scale "ultimate-performance" computer
mainframes the cost of a helium liquefier would represent only a small fraction of the
cost of the overall machine.


Anybody invoking this last scenario as a realistic one for the future must address him-
or herself to the fact that a huge effort of precisely this kind was undertaken by IBM
during the 70-s, only to be abandoned in 1983. The failure of this project had a terribly
discouraging effect on the whole field of low-temperature electronics, and anybody re-
considering this approach is in danger of running afoul of Santayana's famous dictum
that "those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
It has been argued persuasively by Likharev [3] that this failure was due, not to the
need for liquid-helium temperatures, but to two quite unrelated reasons: (a) The use of a
unsuitable non-refractory metallurgy based on lead as a superconductor, which was not
sufficiently stable under thermal cycling. The resulting reliability problems would have
been avoided by using niobium as a superconductor, (b) The use of a logic principle,
employing voltage-state logic, that was basically too imitative of semiconductor logic,
and which had inherent power dissipation limits that negated much of the speed
advantage of Josephson junctions. As Likharev points out, a much more suitable form
of superconducting logic would be one that is based on the unique property of super-
conductors that magnetic flux in superconducting loops is quantized, and which
shuffles single flux quanta rather than shuffling voltage states. Likharev's own
presentation at this workshop reviews the present state
It would constitute a major breakthrough for superconductor-semiconductor
devices if a high-temperature superconductor could be found that is technologically
compatible with existing semiconductors, especially III-V semiconductors. As it stands
now, all the high-rc superconductors are oxides that must either be deposited, or
require a post-deposit anneal, in a high-temperature oxidizing atmosphere that will
simply destroy any of the semiconductors it is in atomic contact with, thereby elimi-
nating barrier-free structures. Current research on high-rc superconductors stresses the
achievement of higher critical temperature, rather than elimination of the need for a
high-temperature oxidizing environment. From the point of view of super-semi devices,
the achievement of semiconductor-compatible materials would be a far more valuable
goal, even if it meant a drastic reduction in critical temperature, say, to 40K.
2. Semiconductor-Coupled Superconducting Weak Links


As the title of my presentation indicates, its objective is restricted to low-temperature

devices in which superconductors and semiconductors are monolithically integrated
into a common device, ignoring both "pure" superconductor devices—such as
Josephson tunnel junctions—that do not involve a semiconductor, and pure
semiconductor devices that just happen to be specifically designed for low-temperature
use. In fact, my presentation concentrates on what I consider the potentially most
interesting form of monolithic superconductor-semiconductor integration, namely,
semiconductor-coupled superconducting weak links. Much of contents of this section is
based on a recent longer introductory review of this topic by Professor Hu and myself
[4], where the interested reader may find additional details and additional references.
An earlier elementary introductions is found in [5].
The term weak links refers to superconducting devices in which two supercon-
ducting "banks" are coupled through another conducting medium, as opposed to
Josephson tunnel junctions, in which the current flow is by Cooper pair tunneling
through an insulating barrier. In the case of interest here, the conducting medium is a
semiconductor rather than a metal. More specifically, it is a narrow (~15nm) InAs
quantum well with AlSb barriers, forming a short (<l(im) conducting link between two
Nb superconducting banks, schematically shown in Figure 1. For reasons I will discuss
below, this combination has emerged as a particularly promising one.

Figure 1. Semiconductor-coupled superconducting weak link based on an InAs-AlSb

quantum well forming a conducting link between two superconducting Nb electrodes.

Like Josephson tunnel junctions, weak links exhibit a pronounced Josephson effect,
manifested by a current-voltage characteristic as in Figure 2, which shows data from a
semiconductor-coupled weak link of the kind shown in Figure 1. The characteristic
feature of the Josephson effect is the existence of a current range inside which a
resistance-less supercurrent can flow between the two superconducting banks, up to a
certain critical current Ic. Only when this current is exceeded does a voltage appear
between the superconducting terminals.
Compared to tunnel junctions, weak links have a much larger inter-electrode
separation between the two superconducting banks, which leads two potential major
advantages: (a) much lower capacitances, an important consideration for the use of
these devices as high-speed devices (b) a much smaller sensitivity of the characteristics
to variations in the electrode separation.

2.0 —I—l—i—l—r-

•2.9 K
■3.9 K
1.0 L = 0.6(im

1 0.0 U

-1.0 .

-2.0 L J i i i—1_ J I I I l_
-2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
V [mV]

Figure 2. Josephson-type I-V characteristics of a device as shown in Figure 1, with

0.6|Xm electrode separation, at two temperatures [6],

I will not address myself here to the actual applications of semiconductor-coupled

weak links. In principle, weak links are candidates for all applications for which
Josephson tunnel junctions are candidates, with the advantage of higher potential speed,
and a technology that lends itself naturally to integration with semiconductor circuitry,
including monolithic integration in which the latter operates at the temperature of the
weak link itself. One specific application is of course in computers based on the
Josephson effect, a topic where I gladly defer to Likharev's presentation at this
workshop. However, as I have stated in my earlier presentation at this workshop, the
principal applications of any sufficiently new technology tend to be applications
created by the new technology—which at this time must be left open to speculation.

2.2.1. Current-Phase and Phase-Voltage Relations

An understanding of weak links requires at least a rudimentary understanding of the
basic physics underlying Josephson junctions in general, and weak links in particular. I
summarize her the basic facts, without justifications or derivations, for which I must
refer to relevant texts (see, for example, refs. [7-10]).

The Pair Wave Function and its Phase. The essence of superconductivity is the
existence of a common pair wave function for the Cooper pairs in the superconductor,
which may be written

y/(r) = \y/(r)\exp[i6(r)]. (1)

Here, the magnitude | y/ (r)[of the pair wave function is related to the local Cooper pair
density n(r) via

|VA(r)|2=n(r), (2)

and 0 (r) is a phase. The key point is that this phase is coherent over macroscopic
distances, and, in the absence of a current, it is the same throughout the entire

Supercurrent as a Function of the Phase Difference. In a weak link, two supercon-

ductors are coupled through another conducting medium, through which electrons can
pass in such a way that the phase of the electrons is preserved in the process. If the
phases of the two superconductors are the same, there will be zero net current, but if
there is a phase difference between the two superconductors, a resistanceless Josephson
supercurrent can flow from one superconductor to the other, the magnitude of which is
a function of the phase difference 02 - #i F°r Josephson tunnel junctions the functional
relationship is simply sinusoidal,

7 = Ic-sin(02-0i). (3)

Here, with the ordering of the two phases as given, a positive current designates a flow
of Cooper pairs from bank #2 to bank #1. Because the pairs carry a negative charge
-2e, the electrical current is in the opposite direction, from bank #1 to bank #2. In weak
links, more complicated relations may occur, but /(02 - 0i) is always an odd function

of the phase difference, and inasmuch as phase differences have a physical meaning
only modulo lit, the I(92- 9^) relation is necessarily a periodic one, with a period 2n.

A.C. Josephson Effect. In the absence of a bias voltage between the two supercon-
ducting banks, whatever phase difference 92 - 9X may be present, will not change with
time, hence the current will continue to flow—which is why it is called a supercurrent.
If an external bias voltage is present, the difference becomes time-dependent according
to the simple law

f(ö2-ö1)=^(y2-y1). (4)

The supercurrent-vs.-phase relation I(92 - 9X) remains valid in the presence of such a
voltage, but the supercurrent now oscillates about zero, with the Josephson frequency

vj=y(v2-y1), (5)

where h = 2%h is Planck's constant.


2.3.1. Semiconductor-Coupled Weak Links as "Clean" Weak Links

The weak-link physics of Sec. 2.2 holds independently of the nature of the mechanism
that preserves the phase of the electrons. In the semiconductor-coupled weak links
discussed here, the mean free path of the electrons tends to be larger than the inter-
electrode separation, in which case the mechanism for the phase transfer tends to be
dominated by the phase-coherent flow of ballistic electrons between the banks. In the
jargon of superconductivity, such weak links are called "clean" weak links, in contrast
to the more common "dirty" weak links extensively studied in the past, in which the
electron transport is diffusive. Unfortunately, much of the literature on weak links,
including Likharev's classical review of weak links [11], is still dominated by consider-
ations of dirty weak links.
The mean free path that matters for the phase transfer is not the elastic mean free
path that determines the low-field mobility, but the inelastic mean free path that is
responsible for any de-phasing of the electron waves, and which is typically much
longer than the elastic mean free path. For example, in impurity scattering the phase of
the scattered wave is coherent with the phase of the incident wave, and while such
scattering may create a chaotic wave front, this does not constitute phase-incoherence
in the sense of weak link theory: there is still a fixed phase relation between any two
points in the wave field.
Given an inelastic mean free path much longer that the inter-electrode spacing, the
dominant phase-altering process for the electrons becomes the scattering, not inside the
semiconductor, but at the semiconductor-superconductor interface, between the
electrons in the semiconductor and those in the superconductor. Now, electron-electron
scattering is normally a phase-destroying process. However, at a super-semi interface,
at sufficiently low temperatures, the only electrons available for participation in
scattering on the superconductor side are the Cooper pairs. But, as we saw earlier, the
Cooper pairs all have the same well-defined phase. As a result, the scattering
interaction of electrons in the semiconductor with electrons in the superconductor
becomes itself a phase-coherent process. It is universally referred to as Andreev
scattering or, more commonly, as Andreev reflections (AR's), in honor of the man who
discovered the possibility of such a process in 1964 [12].
Although postulated over thirty years ago, Andreev reflections have received major
attention only during the last few years, when it became clear that their understanding is
central to the understanding of clean-limit weak links. As a result of this belated
recognition, they have not yet found their way into current textbooks on
superconductivity. Even the 1979 weak-ink review by Likharev, written just before
clean weak links became technologically realizable, mentions Andreev reflections only
in passing. In fact, on page 132 of his paper [11], Likharev explicitly lists a number of
experimental observations that are not consistent with the then-existing theoretical
understanding, all of which find their explanation via Andreev scattering. I therefore
provide here the necessary background on this topic.

2.3.2. Andreev Reflections: Basic Concept

The basic idea behind Andreev reflections is simple. Consider an interface between a
degenerately doped semiconductor and a superconductor. As shown in Figure 3a, a
superconducting energy gap has opened up on the superconductor side. If now an
electron with an energy £ above the Fermi level (but still inside this gap) is incident on
the interface from the semiconductor side, the absence of single-particle states within
the gap prevents that electron from entering the superconductor as a single electron, and
one might expect this electron to be reflected, and the electrical resistance to current
flow across the interface actually to increase at the onset of superconductivity in the
However, the electron may pair up with a second electron at the same energy £
below the Fermi level, forming a Cooper pair, which can enter the superconductor,
causing a doubling of the current compared to that in the absence of superconductivity,
rather than a suppression. The electron removed from the semiconductor below the
Fermi level leaves behind a hole in the Fermi sea. The generally accepted jargon
associated with this phenomenon is to say that the incident electron is reflected as a


#— EiE^b^l-ö—J

(a) (b)
Figure 3. Andreev reflections, (a): Basic concept, (b): Persistent current flow by
multiple Andreev reflections.

In a semiconductor with a large mean free path for the electrons, the Andreev hole
left behind has a large mean free path itself, roughly equal to that of the original elec-
tron, and theory shows that the hole travels back into the semiconductor along a
trajectory that essentially re-traces the trajectory of the original incident electron. If its
mean free path is sufficiently large, the hole will eventually reach the opposite super-
conducting electrode. In the absence of any bias across the structure, the energy of the
hole is still within the superconducting gap on that side. Such a hole cannot enter the
superconductor, but it can be annihilated by breaking up a Cooper pair inside the other
superconductor: One of the electrons of the pair annihilates the hole, the other electron
takes up the annihilation energy, and is injected into the semiconductor as a ballistic
electron above the Fermi level, at an energy exactly equal to that of the initial electron.
This process, illustrated in Figure 3b, can evidently be repeated: The Andreev reflec-
tions act as what I like to call a "Cooper pair pump," annihilating Cooper pairs on one
side, and re-creating them on the other. If all reflections of electrons and holes were
Andreev reflections rather than "ordinary" reflections, and if there were no other kinds
of scattering processes, the result would be a persistent current.
However, perturbations are always present, and we would expect simply an
enhancement of the conductivity by a factor equal to the number of ballistic traverses
before an unfavorable reflection or collision event randomize either the electron or the
hole flow in this chain reaction. Also, even if no unfavorable reflection and collision
events took place, the diagrams in Figure 3b show only half the story: For each state
with a given direction of arrows there exists another state with all current flows
reversed. If both states of such a pair are occupied, their currents will cancel. To
understand how a supercurrent can arise, we must go beyond the pure ballistic particle
picture of Figure 3b, and must take into account the wave properties of the unpaired
electrons and holes, and of the Cooper pairs [13].

2.3.3. Andreev Supercurrents

Waves have phase, and even in the absence of any scattering events, the simple current-
carrying state illustrated schematically by Figure 3b is a quantum-mechanically allowed
stationary state only if the round-trip phase shift along the electron-hole loop is an
integer multiple of 2TC,

A0RT = Inn. (6)

For every value of n, there will actually be two states, corresponding to opposite
directions of the flow arrows in Figure 3b.
Up to a point, the above is exactly the same condition as for the bound states in an
"ordinary" one-dimensional semiconductor quantum well. These, too, are states for
which the round-trip phase changes are the different multiples of 2%. In fact, with
regard to the spatial confinement of the unpaired electrons and holes inside the semi-
conductor portion of the structure, the stationary states may indeed be viewed as a new
kind of bound states [13], the difference being that the "heterojunction" barriers are
now formed, not by the conventional energy gap of another semiconductor, but by the
superconducting energy gap of the two superconducting electrodes.
However, there are two decisive differences. The first is that for an AR state con-
fined by superconducting energy gap barriers, the phase on one of the two traverses is
carried by an electron, on the other traverse by a hole. This means that these kinds of
bound states actually carry a current across the semiconductor, in contrast to the
current-less conventional bound states in a conventional quantum well. The two states
belonging to a given n belong to opposite directions of that current flow.
A second difference is the following. As in a conventional quantum well with
barriers of finite height, the round-trip phase shift contains a contribution from the
reflections at the two superconductor barriers. In a semiconductor quantum well, these
contributions simply represent the finite penetration of the wave function into the
barrier, and they are responsible for lowering the bound state energies with decreasing
barrier height.
But in the case of Andreev reflections there is an additional phase shift at each
bank, equal in magnitude to the phase of Cooper pair wave function in that bank, but
with a sign depending on whether an electron or a hole is reflected: When an electron is
reflected at a superconductor with phase 0, the wave function of the hole resulting from
the reflection acquires an additional phase shift by -6. This can be readily understood
by realizing that the Andreev reflection of an incident electron creates an additional

Cooper pair with phase 6. The phase shift -0 of the reflected hole simply compensates
for the phase of the new Cooper pair.
Conversely, if a hole is reflected, the wave function of the resulting electron
acquires the phase +9, with a similar interpretation. What matters for the Andreev
bound states is of course the net round-trip phase shift. If the two superconducting
banks have the same phase, the phase shifts by ±0 at the two banks cancel, but if there
is a phase difference between the two banks, it will make a contribution

A<p = ±{e2-el) (7)

to the round-trip phase shift, with the following sign rule: If, in Figure 3b, the left-hand
bank is bank #1, the minus-sign applies, otherwise the plus sign.
In order to retain the round-trip condition (6) in the presence of the phase shift
contribution A0, the latter must be compensated for by an opposite change in the phase
shift contribution associated with the ballistic flight through the semiconductor itself.
But this leads to a change of the energy of the Andreev bound states: A positive con-
tribution to the round-trip phase shift requires a lowering of the ballistic phase contri-
bution, and hence a lowering of the bound-state energy, while a negative contribution
raises the latter. Because of the sign difference in (7), in the presence of a nonzero
phase difference 02 - #i> the energies of the bound states will depend on the direction
of current flow in each state, in such a way that the states with a current flow in the
direction proper for a Josephson supercurrent will have a lower energy and hence a
higher thermal occupation probability, than those with a current flow in the opposite
direction. Hence, in this case there will be a thermodynamically stable net current flow,
even in the presence of scattering events.
Recall finally that a time-independent phase difference corresponds to zero bias
voltage. Hence the stable current is a true zero-resistance supercurrent, with a certain
maximum value, the critical current, for some particular value of the phase difference
e -0
2 l-
When the current through the device exceeds the critical current, a bias voltage
develops across the semiconductor, leading to the bending-over of the I-V characteristic
seen in Figure 2. This dissipative regime contains itself a rich variety of physical
phenomena, the discussion of which would again go beyond the scope of this paper; the
interested reader is referred to the literature, probably starting with a few existing
elementary review papers [4-6], which contain extensive references to key original
papers, including specifically to papers on the detailed theory for the various



2.4.1 InAs,and the JOFET Concept

I return now to the specific case of weak links of the kind shown in Figure 1 based
specifically on InAs-AlSb quantum wells with Nb electrodes. A full discussion of the
reasons for this preference would go far beyond the scope of this paper; the interested
reader is referred to recent review papers on these structures [4-6], and I can give here
only a very condensed summary. Of the various semiconductors, InAs is preferred
principally because of its well-known property that the Fermi level pinning at metal-to-
InAs interfaces takes place inside the InAs conduction band [14]; hence such interfaces
do not form Schottky barriers impeding the flow of electrons between the
superconductor. The choice of AlSb as the barrier material then follows naturally,
because of its low lattice mismatch to InAs (1.3%), and a favorable band lineup, with a
large conduction band offset of 1.35eV [15]. The latter permits the use of modulation
doping to achieve very high electron sheet concentrations (approaching 10 /cm ),
while maintaining high mobilities (approaching 105cm2/V-s). Finally, Nb is the natural
candidate as the superconductor, because of its high critical temperature. Obviously, the
use of a high-rc superconductor would be more desirable, and remains a goal for the
future, but none of the currently known high-rc superconductors is technologically
compatible with the known semiconductors.
Historically, the idea of to combine InAs with Nb is not new, but was proposed
already in the two 1978 and 1980 papers by Silver et al. [16] and by Clark et al. [17]
that stimulated much of the current interest in semiconductor-coupled weak links.
These two papers actually went beyond two-terminal weak links; they proposed the
possibility of fftree-terminal FET-like devices, called Josephson Field Effect Transis-
tors, now commonly referred to as a JOFET's. The central idea was simple: One of the
most characteristic features of semiconductors is that their electron concentration is not
a fixed quantity, but can be modulated by a gate electrode. Hence, in a semiconductor-
coupled weak link, it should be possible to modulate the current-voltage characteristics
by such a gate electrode, leading to an FET-like current-voltage characteristic. These
authors, especially Silver et al., already recognized the importance of the contact barrier
problem, and hence proposed the use of InAs as the preferred semiconductor.
It would go beyond the scope of the present article to give a review of these earlier
development. The interested reader is referred to two recent papers by the Japanese
NTT group [18, 19], which report the best true three-terminal JOFET's to-date, employ-
ing InAs quantum wells, with confinement barriers made, not from AlSb, but from
(Ga,In)As/(Al,In)As. These papers contain extensive references to related work can be
However, work on true (three-terminal) JOFET's forms only a small fraction of the
overall recent work on semiconductor-coupled weak links that was stimulated by the
original JOFET proposal. None of the JOFETs actually reported to-date have shown the
kind of performance that offers promise for practical applications. One of their most
severe problems is that the obtainable drain-to-source voltage swings are typically
much less (« lmV) than the gate voltage swings (» lmV) required to achieve signifi-
cant drain current changes. These devices therefore have painfully low voltage gains,
which appear to be inherent in their physics. Even the recent NTT devices just barely
achieve a voltage gain of unity under optimal loading conditions. It remains to be seen
whether or not future developments will overcome this problem. As it stands now, a
more likely application of JOFETs is as current-routing switches in superconducting
networks, drawing on the fact that a JOFET is an FET with a true zero-resistance on-
state, something no pure semiconductor device can offer.

2.4.2 Multi-Gap Grating Structures

We ourselves have found it useful to go beyond a single-gap device geometry of Figure
1, and to study series-connected periodic arrays, prepared by laser holography,
involving a large number (> 300) of gaps, shown schematically in Figure 4.

AlSb Nb J^, Nb J AlSb

Tff/ks vvcS33\\\ Rw InAs
HHua) 1

♦ 200 -H-
1 /

300 (/) —»■ ■*■ 200 -► *- 95 (6)


V' V

Figure 4. Overall layout (bottom) of Nb grating structure, along with (top) a schematic
cross-section through a pair of Nb lines separated by a narrow stripe of InAs-AlSb
quantum well. All dimensions are in \lm.

We consider such grating structures particularly promising for future applications,

and extensive studies of such structures are currently underway, to be reported in due
course. Initial results are found in [6] and [4].

1. Chang, L. D., Tseng, M. Z., Fork, D. K., Young, K. H., and Hu, E. L. (1992) Epitaxial MgO buffer
layer for YBa?Cu O thin films on GaAs, Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 1753-1755.
2. Tseng, M. Z, Jiang, W. N., and Hu, E. L. (1994) Measurements and analysis of Hall effect of a two
dimensional electron gas in the close proximity of a superconducting YBa„Cu.O_ film, J. Appl.
Phys. 76, 3562-3565.
3. Likharev, K. K. and Semenov, V. K. (1991) RSFQ Logic/Memory Family: A new Josephson-Junction
Technology for Sub-Terahertz-Clock-Frequency Digital System, IEEE Trans. Appl Supercond. 1, 3-
4. Kroemer, H. and Hu, E. (1996) "Semiconducting and Superconducting Physics and Devices in the
InAs/AlSb Materials System," in Nanotechnology, G. Timp, Ed., New York, AIP Press. In the press.
5. Kroemer, H., Nguyen, C, and Hu, E. L. (1994) Electronic Interactions at Superconductor-
Semiconductor Interfaces, Solid-State Electron. 37, 1021-1025. (Proc. MSS-6, Garmisch-
Partenkirchen, Germany, Aug. 1993).
6. Kroemer, H., Nguyen, C, Hu, E. L., Yuh, E. L., Thomas, M., and Wong, K. C. (1994) Quasiparticle
transport and induced superconductivity in InAs-AlSb quantum wells with Nb electrodes, Physica B
203, 298-306. (Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Mesoscopic Superconductivity,
Karlsruhe, 1994).
7. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., and Sands, M. (1965) The Feynman Lectures on Physics; Vol. 3:
Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley, Reading. See Sec. 21-9.
8. Kittel, C. (1986) Introduction to Solid State Physics, Wiley, New York.
9. Tinkham, M. (1975) Introduction to Superconductivity, McGraw-Hill, New York.
10. de Gennes, P. G. (1966) Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys, Benjamin, New York.
11. Likharev, K. K. (1979) Superconducting weak links, Revs. Mod. Phys. 51, 101-158.
12. Andreev, A. F. (1964) The thermal conductivity of the intermediate state in superconductors, Sov.
Phys. JETP 19, 1228-1231.
13. van Houten, H. and Beenakker, C. W. J. (1991) Andreev reflection and the Josephson effect in a
quantum point contact, Physica B 175, 187-197.
14. Mead, C. A. and Spitzer, W. G. (1964) Fermi Level Position at Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces, Phys.
Rev. 134,713-716.
15. Nakagawa, A., Kroemer, H., and English, J. H. (1989) Electrical properties and band offsets of
InAs/AlSb n-Nisotype heterojunctions grown on GaAs, Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 1893-1895.
16. Silver, A. H., Chase, A. B., McColl, M., and Millea, M. F. (1978) Superconductor-Semiconductor
Device Research, Future Trends in Superconductive Electronics, Charlottesville, VA, J. B. S. Deaver,
C. M. Falco, H. H. Harris, and S. A. Wolf, Eds., Am. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., vol. 44, Am. Inst. Physics,
pp. 364-379.
17. Clark, T. D., Prance, R. J., and Grassie, A. D. C. (1980) Feasibility of hybrid Josephson field effect
transistors, J. Appl. Phys. 51, 2736-2743.
18. Takayanagi, H., Akazaki, T, Nitta, J., and Enoki, T. (1995) Superconducting Three-Terminal Devices
Using an InAs-Based Two-Dimensional Electron Gas, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 34, 1391-1395.
19. Akazaki, T, Nitta, J., and Takayanagi, H. (1995) Superconducting Junctions using a 2DEG in a
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A. F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, 194021, Russia
Department of Electrical Engineering
^University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2442, USA


When electron-electron collisions are more frequent than electron collisions with
impurities and phonons, electrons are described by hydrodynamic equations. Many new
interesting physical phenomena, such as wave instability, shock waves, turbulence, and
choking, should occur in this electron fluid. Plasma effects in is a High Electron
Mobility Transistor should allow us to design a new family of solid state devices - a
FET emitting far infrared radiation, an electronic flute, and a terahertz detector and
mixer. These devices should be able to push a three terminal device operation into a
much higher frequency range than has been possible for conventional, transit time
limited regimes of operation.

1. Introduction.

The development of silicon technology has led to a dramatic reduction in device sizes
(from 10 urn or so in the nineteen sixties to sub-0.1 urn in short silicon MOSFETs in
the late nineteen nineties). This reduction resulted in a decreasing number of electrons
in the device channel. However, the electron density has actually increased because
the gate voltage swing does not scale proportionally to the decreasing thickness of the
gate oxide. This is illustrated by Fig. 1, which shows the calculated dependence of the
surface and volume electron densities in the MOSFET channel on the gate length.

0.1 micron feature size 1 micron feature size



0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2

Gate length (micrometer)
Fig. 1. Surface and volume electron concentration in Si MOSFETs versus gate length. Parameters used in
the calculation: gate length to oxide thickness ratio Ud = 25, gate voltage swing, U = 1 V, temperature T =
300 K. Also shown are the relative sizes of 0.1 micron and 1 micron gate MOSFETs.

S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 251-261.
© 1996 Khmer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
As seen from the figure, in a 0.1 (0.m Si MOSFET, the volume carrier concentration is
on the order of 1020 cm"3, which corresponds to a weakly degenerate and highly non-
ideal electron gas at room temperature. At room temperature, the electron thermal
velocity in silicon, vth = (3kBT/m) ~ l.lxlO7 cm/s, is of the same order as the Fermi
velocity. (In this estimate, we used the effective mass of density of states in Si, m ~
1.1 me, where meis the free electron mass.). The average distance between electrons is
R = n Aa = 40 A (of the same order as the Bohr radius), and the electron-electron
collision time is on the order of xee = Rs/ vth = 0.4xl0"14 s, much smaller than the
collision time with impurities and phonons (i. e. the momentum relaxation time, x =
\inmle ~ 0.2 ps at room temperature). Here e is the electronic charge and \in is the low
field mobility. Under such conditions, electrons in the MOSFET channel should
behave as a two dimensional (2D) electron fluid, i. e. they should be governed by
hydrodynamic equations.
The gate electrode in a FET (see Fig. 2) is separated from the channel by the
gate insulator [which is a silicon dioxide layer in a MOSFET and a doped or undoped
wide band gap semiconductor, such as AlGaAs in a typical High Electron Mobility
Transistor (HEMT)]. The surface concentration, ns in the FET channel is given by
ns=CU/e (1)
where C is the gate capacitance per unit area. Eq. (1) represents the usual gradual
channel approximation 2 which is valid when the characteristic scale of the potential
variation in the channel is much greater than the gate-to-channel separation, d.

2D U
electron Gate Uate
^ <+-
Fig. 2. Schematic structure of a FET. ' In a Ballistic FET, the gate length, L, is much smaller than the mean
free path, X, but much longer than the mean free path for electron-electron collisions, Xee.

The equation of motion (the Euler equation) is

dv 9v e dll ,0.
+v = __ (2)
at ax m ox
where dU/dx is the longitudinal electric field in the channel, v(x, t) is the local electron
velocity, and m is the electron effective mass. Eq. (2) has to be solved together with
the usual continuity equation which (taking Eq. (1) into account) can be written as:
^+^L0 (3)
dt dx

We notice that eqs. (2) and (3) coincide with the hydrodynamic equations for shallow
water (see, for example, 3). Hence, the 2D electron fluid in a Ballistic FET should
behave like shallow water. In this hydrodynamic analogy, v corresponds to the fluid
velocity, and eUlm corresponds to gh where h is the shallow water level and g is the
free fall acceleration.
This analogy has profound consequences for understanding of interesting
physics of 2D electrons in the Ballistic FET. Phenomena similar to wave and soliton
propagation, hydraulic jump, and the "choking" effect 4, 5 should take place in this
hydrodynamic electron fluid. The effects of collisions, surface scattering, changes in the
channel cross section, and others may be also understood using this analogy.
The waves propagating in this 2D electron fluid are plasma waves, and their
dispersion law (which can be easily obtained from linearized equations (1) and (2)) is
similar to that for shallow water waves (or sound waves):

Qd=sk, where s=l

feU (4)
V m
Here GO is frequency, k is the wave vector, U = Ugc(x) - Uj is the gate voltage swing,
Ugc{x) is the local gate-to channel voltage, UT is the threshold, and s is the wave
velocity. For comparison, the velocity of shallow water waves is (gh)112, where h is
the water level, and g is the acceleration of a free fall.
Allen et al. 6 observed the plasma waves by measuring infra-red absorption in
a silicon FET with a grating metal structure on the gate. Tsui et al. ' reported similar
studies which detected infrared emission. The frequency of the infrared radiation was
equal to the frequency of the plasma waves which were excited by the drain-to-source
current and were tuned by the gate bias. The measured dependence of the plasma wave
frequency on the gate voltage swing was in excellent agreement with eq. (4).
In GaAs and related compounds, where electrons have a small effective mass,
the velocity, s, of the plasma waves can considerably exceed typical electron drift
velocities. (Typical values of 5 in GaAs are on the order of 108 cm/s, ten times larger
than typical electron drift velocities.) This speed advantage can be used in a new
generation of high speed and ultra-high frequency electronic devices.
In this paper, we review four such novel proposed devices - an "electronic
flute" (which uses a resonant structure for plasma waves) 8, a terahertz HEMT oscillator
', a detector operating in terahertz range 9, and a terahertz frequency mixer.9

2. Electronic Flute.
Since, as discussed above, the behavior of the plasma waves in 2D systems is governed
by the same equations as for sound waves, resonant structures, similar to those in
musical instruments, may be realized for the plasma waves, and these waves can be
excited by a direct current just like wind musical instruments are excited by air jets.
However, the plasma wave velocity is much higher than the sound velocity and the
FETs are very small. As a consequence, the plasma wave frequencies are in the terahertz
range. These plasma waves are accompanied by a variation of a dipole moment created
by charges in the FET channel and mirror image charges in the gate and, hence, should
cause the emission of far infrared (terahertz range) electromagnetic radiation.
Plasma waves are similar to shallow water waves or to sound waves since
they have a linear dispersion law. In turn, shallow water behavior is similar to the
dynamics of a gas with pressure proportional to the square of the density, (see, for
example, 3). Thus, the nonlinear hydrodynamic equations for the 2D electron fluid are
similar to (but not identical with) the equations for a real gas, such as air. However, the
linearized equations describing small-amplitude plasma waves in a FET and sound waves
in a gas are identical. Since the linearized equations determine the instability threshold
for a steady flow (i. e. the wave generation threshold), the instability conditions for a
real gas and for a 2D electron fluid should be similar provided that the Reynolds
numbers and quality factors of resonance cavities are the same. Below, we will show
that these parameters for a HEMT structure may be of the same order of magnitude as
for a conventional flute.
Fig. 3a (from Ref. ,0) shows the schematics of a jet driven wind musical
instrument of a flute family. An air jet excites a resonant cavity formed by the pipe
closed at both ends. A similar structure can be realized using a modulation doped gated
device (see Fig. 3b). Hence, we call the part of this device shown below the dashed line
in Fig. 3b an electronic flute. The remaining gated portion of the device connected to
the drain is similar to the outside air space for a jet driven musical instrument. In the
electronic flute, a direct current flow excites plasma waves in the resonance cavity in the
same way as an air jet excites sound waves in an acoustic cavity.
Air jet



(a) (b)
Fig. 3 a. Simplified diagram of a jet driven pipe musical instrument of a flute family. Arrows show the
direction of air flow.
b. Electronic flute. White areas show the gated region of the device with the 2D electron fluid in the
channel. The part of this device shown below the dashed line is the electronic flute. The top gated portion
of the device connected to the drain is similar to the outside air space for a jet driven musical instrument.
Arrows show the streamlines of the electron current, which flows between the source and the drain.

Unfortunately, the plasma waves are confined within the electron fluid and
cannot be directly enjoyed by a grateful audience. However, the plasma oscillations in
the cavity are coupled to electromagnetic radiation. Indeed, the plasma oscillations lead
to a variation of the dipole moment created by the electron charge in the channel and the
positive mirror charge in the gate metal. Since the device dimensions are small
compared to the wavelength, Kem, of an electromagnetic wave corresponding to the
plasma oscillation frequency (Xem ~ 100 |im), this dipole behaves like a point dipole
emitting electromagnetic radiation. The measurements of this radiation should provide
the means of detecting the excited plasma waves. A small size of the dipole leads to a
relatively weak coupling. However, this coupling can be greatly improved by using
special antenna structures or, better still, phase locked device arrays as discussed below.
Let us now compare the relevant parameters, which are the Reynolds numbers
and quality factors for a conventional flute and for an electronic flute (see Table 1). For
a conventional wind instrument, a critical dimension is on the order of 1 cm (which is
either the pipe diameter or the size of the embouchure hole). The characteristic
dimension for the electronic flute is on the order of 1 micron. We choose a relatively
small flow velocity of 10 cm/s for the conventional case. The upper bound for the
electron flow velocity is limited by the electron saturation velocity (below than
approximately 107 cm/s). The sound velocity in air is about 3xl04 cm/s while the
typical value of the plasma wave velocity in a FET is on the order of 108 cm/s.

Parameter Musical Electronic Flute

Instrument of
Flute Family
relevant dimension 1 cm 10"4 cm
flow velocity 10 cm/s 107 cm/s
wave velocity 3xl04cm/s 108 cm/s
viscosity 0.15 cm2/s 15 cmr/s
frequency 100 - 104 Hz 10n-1013Hz
Reynolds number 60 60
Quality factor 3-100 10
Table. 1. Parameter comparison for conventional and electronic flutes.

Another important parameter is viscosity. The viscosity of the 2D electronic

fluid is of the order of vF\ee where \F is the Fermi velocity and Xee is the mean free
path for the electron-electron collisions. As was discussed in ', for a highly non-ideal
electron gas in AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures with the electron surface concentration,
ns, on the order of 1012 cm"2 at 77 K, the thermal energy, the Fermi energy, and the
Bohr energy are of the same order magnitude, and Xee is on the order of the inter-
electronic distance, ns~112. Then we obtain the following estimate for the viscosity of
the electron fluid: V=h/m = 15 cm2/s for GaAs. For comparison, the viscosity of air
is about 0.15 cm2/s. For these parameters, the Reynolds numbers of the electronic flute
and the conventional flute are very close. However, we must bear in mind that we
chose a relatively low value of the air flow velocity and a relatively high electron flow
velocity, and the Reynolds numbers under normal operating conditions may be
somewhat higher for real musical instruments than for the electronic flute.
For the electronic flute, the quality factor of the resonance cavity is on the
order of sxIL where s is the plasma wave velocity, x is the electron collision time with
phonons and impurities, and L is the size of the cavity. For comparison, the parameter
that determines whether a FET behaves as a ballistic device is vx/L where v is the drift
velocity. Since v may be much smaller than s, the criterion vx/L » 1 is much harder
to meet that the condition of a high quality factor sxIL » 1. Hence, the electronic
flute can have much larger dimensions than a ballistic device. For a high mobility
modulation doped structure, the momentum relaxation time at cryogenic temperature
may be larger than 10 ps. For s = 108 cm/s, six = 10 micron. Hence, a 1 micron size
cavity will have a quality factor of approximately 10. For this plasma wave velocity
and this cavity size, the resonant frequency, s/(4L) = 250 GHz. With a 0.25 micron
cavity, the electronic flute should operate in a terahertz range. (Quality factors for wind
musical instruments in Table 1 are from Reference 8.)
In the device shown in Fig. 4, the plasma wave oscillations are excited in the
resonance cavities by the current flowing between the source and drain. For the
optimum coupling, the basic structure can be repeated many times and this device may
be made as an array with dimensions equal to a quarter of the wave length of the
electromagnetic radiation with the same frequency. (Just as for musical instruments, the
optimum design of the electronic flute is a matter of skill and art.)


1, 2, 3, 4
resonance cavities
Electron Flow

Fig. 4. Array of electronic flutes with a more efficient coupling of plasma waves to electromagnetic
radiation. The plasma wave oscillations are excited in the peripheral resonance cavities by 2D electrons
flowing from the source to the drain.

Thus, a complete similarity between the plasma waves in a FET and sound waves led us
to believe in the possibility of realizing an electronic flute based on the excitation of
plasma waves by a direct current in gated modulation doped structures. This electronic
flute should operate in a terahertz range of frequencies and emit far infrared radiation.

3. Shallow Water Wave Instability. Ballistic FET as a Terahertz


Early theories of ballistic transport in semiconductors considered planar n-i-n

structures where the electron ballistic motion was somewhat similar to that in electron
tubes n-12. Experimental studies of ballistic effects primarily involved vertical devices
called hot electron transistors 13. Ideally, in this mode of ballistic transport, electrons
travel across the active region of a ballistic device with no collisions.
As was shown in l, the situation is quite different in a short field effect
transistor where electrons experience practically no collisions with phonons and/or
impurities during the transit time (we call such a device a Ballistic FET) but where a
high electron concentration results in many electron-electron collisions. In this case, as
was mentioned in the introduction, individual electrons cannot be considered as ballistic
particles but the two dimensional (2D) electron gas as a whole will exhibit interesting
hydrodynamic behavior. As we showed in ', the steady state of a current-carrying
Ballistic FET is unstable.

Let us consider an AlGaAs/InGaAs High Electron Mobility Transistor similar

to one described in 14 At 77 K and 300 K, the momentum relaxation time in a 2D
electron gas in InGaAs (where ionized impurity scattering is suppressed) is Tp ~ 10"11 s
and 3.5xl0"13 s, respectively. For the electron drift velocity of 107 cm/s, the electron
transit time is 10"11 s, 10~12 s, and 3xl0"13 s for a 1 \im, 0.1 |J.m, and 0.03 urn gate
length, respectively. Hence, the electron transit time can definitely be made shorter than
the momentum relaxation time at 77 K and perhaps even at 300 K. However, for a
typical surface carrier concentration of the 2D electron gas ns = 1012 cm"2, the mean free
path for electron-electron collisions is only of the order of the average distance between
electrons, i. e. of the order of 100 A since the average distance between electrons at this
concentration is close to the Bohr radius (= 100 Ä) and hence the electron gas is highly
non-ideal. Thus, the number of electron-electron collisions during the transit time is
large. We also assume that the electron gas is not degenerate since electron-electron
collisions are suppressed in a strongly degenerate electron gas (when the Fermi level is
more than four thermal energies above the bottom of the subband) because of the Pauli
Let us first assume that the gate voltage swing is fixed at U0 and the channel
current is zero. The wave dispersion law, k= ±(ö/s, corresponding to the well known
shallow water waves is readily obtained from the linearized system of eqs. (2) and (3).
If the electrons move with a velocity v0 corresponding to the electron flux per
unit width j = nsv0 = CU0v0/e, this dispersion relation becomes k = (0/(vo ± s). This
change in the dispersion relation means that the waves are carried along by the flow.
We now consider the situation when the source and drain are connected to a
current source and the gate and source are connected to a voltage source, Ugs. This
corresponds to the constant value of U = U0 at the source (x = 0) and to the constant
value of the current at the drain (x = L). The ac variation of the electric current at source
side of the channel is possible even for a constant external current since the ac current at
the source is short circuited to the gate by the dc voltage source. These boundary
conditions correspond to a zero impedance at the source and an infinite impedance at the
drain and are analogous to those for a transmission line, short circuited at one end and
open at the other end. However, in contrast to the transmission line, the wave
velocities in our system differ for the opposite directions of propagation.
As was shown in ', this velocity difference leads to the instability of the steady
electron flow with respect to plasma wave generation. Indeed, let us consider the
temporal behavior of a small fluctuation superimposed on a steady uniform flow.
We let v = v0 + vjexpt-j'ow), U=U0 + £/iexp(-K0f), linearize eqs. (2), (3) with
respect to vi and U\, and use the boundary conditions Ui(0) = 0 and A/(L) = 0 (i. e.,
£/0vi(L) + v0U{(L) = 0) as discussed above. This procedure leads to the following
expressions for the real and imaginary parts of C0=C0'+/C0" :
s -v0 .2
s+v0 (5)
C0 = Tin (ö"=^—^ln
2Ls 2Ls s-v0
where n is an odd integer for lv0l < s and an even integer for lv0l > s. Eq. (5) shows that
for positive v0, the steady flow is unstable if v0 < s. and stable if v0 > 5. If v0 is
negative (or, in other words, if the boundary conditions at the source and drain are
interchanged), the flow is stable if lv„l < s and unstable if IvJ > s. The wave increment
in units of s/(2L) depends only on the Mach number, M = v0/s. For M « 1, CO" =
v0IL which is the inverse electron transit time.
The reason for the instability becomes clear if we consider the wave reflection
from each boundary of the FET channel. The solution of linearized eqs. (2) and (3)
shows that the reflection does not change the wave amplitude at x = 0 (where the
voltage is fixed), while at x = L (where the current is fixed), the amplitude ratio of the
reflected and oncoming waves is [s+V0)/[S—V0) . Hence, the reflection from the
boundary with the fixed current results in the wave amplification for v0 < s. Let
T=L/(s+v0)+L/(s—V0J be the time during which the wave travels from the source
to the drain and back. During time t, the wave amplitude grows in
l(i'+v0)/\S—v0 j\ times, since t/x is the number of wave round passages during

time t. Equating n,y+V0)/(,S—v0)l to exp(co"f), we obtain the same expression

for co" as in eq. (5). Thus, the proposed new mechanism of plasma wave generation is
based on the amplification of the wave during its reflection from the boundary where the
current is kept fixed.
We are unaware of any observations of such an instability of low velocity
flows in shallow water. (The required boundary condition of a fixed flow at the drain end
of a water channel is an unusual one.)
There are two decay mechanisms which oppose the wave growth: external
friction related to electron scattering by phonons or impurities, and internal friction
caused by the viscosity of the electron fluid. The external friction can be accounted for
by adding the term -vlxp into the right-hand side of eq. (2). This leads to the addition of
the - l/(2xp) term to the wave increment. Hence, the wave grows only if the number of
scattering events during the transit time is small. The viscosity, v, of the electron fluid
causes an additional damping with the decrement of v£2 where k is the wave vector.
Hence, the viscosity is especially effective in damping higher order modes. Comparing
CO" with vk2 for the first mode, we find that the effect of the viscosity for v0 < s is
small when the Reynolds number Re = Lvjv is much greater than unity. In a highly
non-ideal electron gas where the Bohr energy, thermal energy, and Fermi energy are of
the same order which roughly corresponds to the surface electron concentration of 1012
cm"2 at 77 K, the viscosity of the electron fluid, v/rA,ee (where vF is the Fermi velocity)
is on the order of til m which is approximately 15 cm2/s (comparable to that of castor
oil or glycerin at room temperature). The Reynolds number of our electron fluid may be
estimated as Re = mv0L/h ~ 12 for v0 = 107 cm/s and L = 0.2 p.m.
For a sample with L = 0.2 |J.m at 77 K, assuming %p ~ 10"1' s, the increment
vJL exceeds the decrement l/(2tp) caused by the collisions when v0 > 106 cm/s. For
the same sample, the decrement caused by viscosity, v(2rc/L)2/16, is smaller then the
increment vJL when V0>7C V/(4L) = 1.8xl06 cm/s. Hence, the threshold velocity
for the instability is well below the peak velocity in GaAs.
Once the electron velocity exceeds the threshold, the plasma waves grow.
Since no other steady states exist for v0 < s, this growth should lead to oscillations for

which the plasma wave amplitude is limited by non-linearity.

Let us now discuss possible applications of this instability. The plasma
oscillations result in a periodic variation of the channel charge and the mirror image
charge in the gate contact, i. e. to the periodic variation of the dipole moment. This
variation should lead to electromagnetic radiation. The device length is much smaller
than the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation, Ä,Ä, at the plasma wave frequency.
(The transverse dimension, W, may be made comparable to XR.). Hence, the Ballistic
FET operates as a point or linear source of electromagnetic radiation. Many such
devices can be placed into a quasi-optical array for power combining. The maximum
modulation frequency is still limited by the transit time (= 2 ps in our example).

4. Detection and Mixing of Terahertz Radiation by Two Dimensional

Electronic Fluid

As we discussed above, plasma waves may be coupled to electromagnetic

radiation. Conversely, electromagnetic radiation can excite plasma waves, and,
therefore, a FET has a resonance response at the plasma wave frequency. The half
width of the resonance curve is determined by the inverse momentum relaxation time.
As we discussed in ' and above, the appropriate boundary conditions for the plasma
waves are the short circuited source and the open circuit drain of the FET channel. In 8,
we showed that these boundary conditions lead to the resonance detection and mixing of
electromagnetic radiation at terahertz frequencies.
Fig. 5. shows an equivalent circuit of the FET detector or mixer.
ij Gate
ac X =
X= L
Source1 Drain
2D Electronic Fluid Channel

Fig. 5. Schematic geometry of FET operating in detector mode.

Fig. 5 corresponds to a slot antenna design providing an ac voltage, Uac,

between the source and gate. The applied constant gate-to-source bias, Ugs, determines
the velocity of the plasma waves, s. As a function of frequency, the output dc voltage
Uct has a typical resonance response with the resonance frequency (0o = nsl(2L) where L
is the channel length. The quality factor of the resonance, Q = ST/L. For comparison,
the parameter that determines whether a FET behaves as a ballistic device is vx/L.
Since v may be much smaller than s, the criterion vx/L » 1 is much harder to meet
that the condition of the high quality factor for plasma waves, sxIL »1. In a HEMT
structure, the momentum relaxation time at cryogenic temperature may be larger than
10 ps (for GaAs, x ~ 12 ps corresponds to the electron mobility of 300,000 cm2/Vs).
For s = 108 cm/s, sx = 10 micron which corresponds to the quality factor of 50 for L =
0.5 micron.
The viscosity of the electronic fluid may also contribute to damping. The
kinematic viscosity is on the order of film = 18 cm2/s, for m = 0.063 me. The
corresponding quality factor Qv= sLmlfl. For s = 108 cm/s and L = 0.5 micron, Qv ~
For the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 5, the solution of eqs. (1) - (3) shows
that for the frequencies, CO, such that Ico - co0l « co0, where CD0=7ls/(2L) is the
fundamental mode frequency:
KV0 J (o)-co0) +y /4
Hence, an electronic fluid in a FET should behave as a resonant detector of the
electromagnetic radiation with the resonance quality factor sxlL. A similar resonant
response may be shown to exist at odd harmonics of the fundamental frequency co0.
In practical systems, mixing of weak incoming signal, Us cosov with a
strong local oscillator signal, t7/oc cosü)/ocf, is often more desirable because of a much
higher sensitivity. As discussed in 8, the equation describing the electron fluid mixer
response coincides with eq. (6), where Uaz is replaced with t7it7/oc,provided Ico - co0l «

Fig. 6 shows the fundamental resonant frequency versus the gate voltage swing.
Fig. 7 shows the calculated responsivity as a function of frequency.

N 5 -0.1 pm
> :

>- 0.5 _^-1 Mm >% 10

c >
*^"5 [im
g- 0.05 s-"-"''
. </>
1 Q) 10v
0 .01 0.1 0.1 1 10.

Gate voltage swing (V) Frequency (THz)

Fig. 6. Resonant frequency versus the gate voltage Fig. 7. Responsivity as a function of frequency for
swing for 0.1 |im, 0.25 jtm, 0.5 um, and 1 um 0.1 urn, 0.25 urn, and 0.5 um HEMT detectors.
HEMTs. Parameters used in the calculation: T : 10 Parameters used in the calculation: x = 10 ps, m =
ps, m = 0.063 m0. 0.063 m„.
These figures clearly show that this detector/mixer has the highest responsivity when
the device length is small, and the device operates in a terahertz range. As seen, the
HEMT responsivity may greatly exceed the responsivities of Schottky diodes (on the
order of 103 V/W) used as detectors and mixers in a terahertz range.
5. Conclusions.

In small FETs with a high concentration of electrons in the channel, the electron
behavior is governed by hydrodynamic equations. Devices using plasma waves
propagating in this electron fluid, such as an oscillator, an "electronic flute", a detector,
and a mixer, should operate at much higher frequencies than those possible for
conventional, transit-time limited regimes of operation.

6. Acknowledgment.

The authors are grateful to Professor Robert Weikle for useful discussions and
comments. The work at the Ioffe Institute has been partially supported by the Russian
Government, by the International Science Foundation, and by the US Army through its
European Research Office. The work at the University of Virginia has been partially
supported by the US Army Research Office (Project Monitor Dr. John Zavada) and by
the Office of the Naval Research (Project Monitor Dr. Yoon Soo Park).

7. References.

1. Dyakonov M. I. and Shur M. S. (1993) Shallow Water Analogy for a Ballistic Field Effect Transistor.
New Mechanism of Plasma Wave Generation by DC Current, Phys. Rev. Lett, 71, 2465
2. Shur M. S. (1990) Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Prentice Hall, New Jersey
3. Landau L. D. and Lifshitz E. M. (1966) Fluid Mechanics, Pergamon, New York
4. Streeter V. L. and Wylie E. B. (1985) Fluid Mechanics, ch. 7, McGraw Hill, New York
5. Dyakonov M. I. and Shur M. S. (1995) Choking of Electron Flow - A Mechanism of Current Saturation
in Field Effect Transistors, Phys. Rev. B51, 14341
6. Allen, Jr., S. J., Tsui D. C, and Logan R. A. (1977) Phys. Rev. Lett., 38, 980
7. Tsui D. C, Gornik E., and Logan R. A. (1980) Solid State Comm., 35, 875
8. Dyakonov M. I. and Shur M. S. (1995) Two Dimensional Electronic Flute, Appl. Phys. Lett., August 21,
9. Dyakonov M. I. and Shur M. S. (1995) Detection and Mixing of Terahertz Radiation by Two
Dimensional Electronic Fluid, in the Proceedings of22d International Symposium on GaAs and Related
Compounds, Cheju, Korea, Aug. 28- Sep. 2
10. Fletcher N. H. and Rossing T. D. (1991) The Physics of Musical Instruments, Springer-Verlag, New
11. Shur M. S. and Eastman L. F. (1979) IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-26,1677
12. Shur M. S. (1987) GaAs Devices and Circuits, Plenum, New York
13. Heiblum, M., Nathan M. I., Thomas D. C, and Knoedler C. M. (1985) Phys. Rev. Lett., 55,2200
14. Chao P. C, Shur M. S., Tiberio R. C, Duh K. H. G., Smith P. M., Ballingall J. M., Ho P., and Jabra A. A.
(1989) IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED-36,461
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2442, USA
^Advanced Device Technologies, Inc. .Charlottesville, VA 22903


We describe novel heterodimensional devices utilizing Schottky barriers to a 2D

electron gas. These devices include a 2D-3D Schottky diode, a 2D AlGaAs/GaAs
Schottky Gated Resonant Tunneling Transistor, a 2D AlGaAs/InGaAs MESFET, and a
Coaxial MESFET. These devices hold promise of ultra low power high speed
operation. The 1 micrometer wide 2D MESFET, which has a very low output
conductance and steep subthreshold slope, exhibited the highest transconductance of any
1 micron wide device.

1. Introduction.

All semiconductor devices utilize interfaces between different regions — ohmic, p-n
junctions, Schottky barrier junctions, heterointerfaces, interfaces between a
semiconductor and an insulator. Typically, these interfaces are planes separating
different regions. However, recently a new generation of semiconductor devices has
emerged. These devices utilize interfaces between semiconductor regions of different
dimensions and are called heterodimensional devices. An example of such an interface is
a Schottky barrier between a three dimensional (3D) metal and a two dimensional
electron gas. Other possible configurations include the interface between a two
dimensional electron gas and a two dimensional Schottky metal, an interface between a
one dimensional electron gas and a two dimensional Schottky metal, and an interface
between a one dimensional electron gas and a three dimensional Schottky metal.
Different heterodimensional Schottky contacts have several features in common
- smaller capacitance because of a smaller effective cross section and a wider depletion
region, a high carrier mobility related to properties of the two dimensional (2D) electron
gas, a smaller electric field, and a higher breakdown voltage. (A wider depletion region
is caused by fringing electric field streamlines.) These features make these devices very
promising for applications in ultra-high frequency varactors and mixers.
In this paper, we describe a new generation of devices utilizing Schottky
contacts between a metal and a 2Dimensional electron gas (2DEG). This new high
speed heterodimensional contact has unique characteristics which are particularly
promising for applications in the fields of millimeter wave electronics and high speed,
ultra low power integrated circuits. These devices include a new two terminal
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 263-268.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
heterodimensional Schottky diode (see Fig. 1 a) and three new heterodimensional
transistors which utilize a side-gate formed by plating gate metal into a trench etched
through the plane of the 2DEG.

Schottky Contact
Contact Pad

4 6 8 10 12
Voltage (V)

Fig. 1. Schematic structure (a) and measured C-V characteristics (b) of a heterodimensional Schottky
diode. 1

Our heterodimensional transistors have a very small size (i. e. 0.5x0.8 \lrri2).
These small sizes, small gate-to-channel capacitances, and low parasitic capacitances
result in a nearly ideal performance with a very small number of electrons in the channel
(see Fig. 2).

r 100,000 CMOS
o 10,000
CD 1,000

1_ 100
E 10
z 1
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Channel length (micron)

Fig. 2. Number of electrons, N, versus channel length for gate voltage swing, V„t = 0.5 V. For CMOS, N =
CjWLVg/q. For Heterodimensional Transistors, N = C^LVJq, where C,- = tgtjld is the gate capacitance
per unit area. C„ is the gate capacitance per unit length, W, L, and d are the channel width and length and
the gate dielectric thickness, respectively, e0e(- is the silicon dioxide permittivity, and q is the electronic
charge. In this calculation, we assumed d = 1/20, W = 10 L, C^ - ■ 10"10 F/m.

2. Heterodimensional Transistors.

We fabricated the Schottky-gated resonant tunneling transistor (SG-RTT), which has

demonstrated high transconductance at room temperature, see Fig. 3 2.


Q Drain YZ

Semi-insulating Substrate Drain-source Voltage (V)

(a) (b)

Fig. 3. Schematic structure of a Resonant Tunneling Transistor (RTT) (a) and RTT current-voltage
characteristics 3 (b).

The second transistor is a novel 2Dimensional metal-semiconductor field effect

transistor (2D MESFET), see Fig. 4 a. A 2D MESFET is similar to an HFET except
that the gates are placed on the sides of the conducting layer. In our device, the
conducting layer was a 2D electron gas which was formed in a pseudomorphic
AlGaAs/InGaAs heterostructure. The Schottky side gates modulate the width of the
2DEG channel, and therefore the current, between source and drain. The gates are
formed by etching through the plane of the conducting layer and by electroplating Pt/Au
onto the walls using resist as the mask (metal thickness is easily varied by adjusting the
plating parameters). Otherwise, conventional HFET processing techniques are used.
A related device is a coaxial MESFET schematically shown in Fig. 4 b.

Side Side
Top gate
Drain gate gate

Gate 2 Gatel
2D gas

(a) (b)

Fig. 4. Schematic Diagram of 2D MESFET (a) and coaxial MESFET (b) 3,4

In the coaxial MESFET, the electron gas is constricted from four sides and controlled
from three sides - by the top Schottky gate and by the two side Schottky gates. This
should allow us to achieve a very precise control of the electron density from a 2D gas
to a ID gas to a level of a few electrons in the channel. These devices are particularly
promising for low power, high speed integrated circuit applications because it
eliminates a narrow channel effect. 3 They also may achieve a high speed because of
reduced parasitic capacitance. In a conventional FET, the gate capacitance can be reduced
by either decreasing the device area or by increasing the gate-to-channel separation.
Both changes in the device dimensions lead to a substantial increase of CpIC since the
parasitic fringing capacitance decreases roughly in proportion to the gate periphery and
C decreases roughly in proportion to the gate area. Once the power delay product
becomes limited by CpAV2, where AV is the voltage swing, a further decrease in C only
leads to the deterioration in speed without any benefit for reducing the power
consumption. Hence, we conclude that the decrease in both parasitic and gate
capacitance is needed to achieve a low power technology. We also expect a coaxial
MESFET to have a very sharp pinch-off and an extremely small leakage current.
Fig. 5 compares qualitative distributions of the electric field streamlines in a
conventional HFET, in a 2D-MESFET, and in a coaxial MESFET. As can be seen
from this figure, most of the streamlines for a 2D MESFET and even more so for a
coaxial MESFET terminate on the gate electrode. Hence, the parasitic capacitance of a
2D-MESFET is smaller than that of a conventional device. This parasitic capacitance is
even smaller for a coaxial MESFET. These distribution shows that the
heterodimensional devices greatly reduce the detrimental narrow channel effect and,
hence, allow us to use narrower and lower power devices, reducing the gate capacitance
without a commensurate increase in the relative importance of the parasitic capacitance.
Of course, this does not solve the problem of driving the interconnects. The circuit
layout for low power electronics must have short interconnects, except for a few long
interconnects which have to be driven by special drivers. If the number of such long
interconnects is not large, then the share of the drivers in the total power budget can be
small or, at least, manageable.

Adjacent metal contact

Fringing streamlines

Fig. 5. Device cross sections and electric field streamlines in conventional HFET (a), 2D-MESFET (b), and
coaxial MESFET (c). 5
We demonstrated a 1 |im wide AlGaAs/InGaAs 2D MESFET having a peak
drain current and transconductance of 210 mA/mm and 210 mS/mm and the
subthreshold slope of 75 mV/decade corresponding to an ideality factor of 1.3 3 (this
value is comparable to that in the state-of-the-art 10 |Xm wide HFET). From this we
estimated the cutoff frequency to be about 21 GHz which is comparable to that of the
best 1 |J,m long HFETs.
By eliminating the narrow channel effect and reducing parasitic capacitances,
this new technology enables scaling the gate width to submicron dimensions to achieve
a large reduction in the power consumption without loss of speed performance. The
Schottky side gates modulate the width of the 2DEG channel and the current between
the source and drain. The gates are formed by etching through the plane of the
conducting layer and by electroplating Pt/Au onto the walls using resist as the mask.
Further details of the fabrication are described in 3. We fabricated both depletion mode
and enhancement mode devices. For a 0.5 ^.m wide channel device, the threshold
voltage was 0.0 V while the knee (ON) voltage was about 0.2 V. 6 Such device should
operate at less than 1 V bias. Based on our charge control model of the 2D MESFET,
we estimated the power-delay product of 0.1 fJ which is an order of magnitude smaller
than state-of-the-art technologies. We also observed a nearly zero threshold voltage shift
with temperature and almost total absence of DIBL in these devices.6

< VgS=0.6V
3 8
c 6 Vgs=0.5V
3 4
c Vgs = 0.4V ■
'co 2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Drain voltage (V)

Fig. 6. Measured and simulated current-voltage characteristics of a 0.5 |xm 2D MESFET. "

3. Quasi-three-dimensional modeling.

The design, optimization, and circuit simulation of 2D MESFETs require a three

dimensional (3D) modeling. Such modeling is a prerequisite to the development of 2D
MESFET integrated circuits. To our knowledge, no three dimensional device
simulators are capable of simulating heterostructure devices. To achieve a 3D
simulation of 2D MESFETs, we perform a two dimensional numerical simulation of
the device cross-section under different gate biases using ATLAS-H 2D device simulator
capable of modeling heterostructures. 7 We then use the interpolated results of the 2D
numerical simulation as input to the analytical theory describing the potential
distribution and current in the third dimension. A good agreement with the measured
data confirms the validity of this new simulation approach. This general approach of
quasi-3D simulation is ideologically similar to the old quasi-2D FET models and can be
also applied to short and narrow channel CMOS, short and narrow channel Thin Film
Transistors, Surrounding Gate Transistor 8, DELTA transistor 9, and other devices
where 3D modeling is required.

4. Conclusion.
Our experimental results and device and circuit simulations show that the
heterodimensional technology holds promise of ultra low power operation at a
relatively high speed. It should also allow us to study the behavior of single electrons
in a wide temperature range.

5. Acknowledgment.

This work at UVa was supported by ONR, Contract N00014-90-J-4006 (Project

Monitor Dr. Yoon Soo Park). The work at ADT, Inc. was supported by ONR,
Contract N00014-94-C-0260 (Project Monitor Dr. Alvin M. Goodman). The authors
thank Quantum Epitaxial Designs, Inc. for providing the MBE material.

6. References.
1. W. C. B. Peatman, T. W. Crowe, and M. Shur, A Novel Schottky/2DEG Diode for Millimeter and
Submillimeter Wave Multiplier Applications, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 11-13, Jan.
2. W. C. B. Peatman, E. R. Brown, M. J. Rooks, P. Maki, W. J. Grimm, and M. Shur, Novel Resonant
Tunneling Transistor with High Transconductance at Room Temperature, IEEE Electron Device Letters,
vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 236-238, July (1994)
3. W. C. B. Peatman, H. Park, and M. Shur, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett., vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 245-247, July
4. W. C. B. Peatman, B. Gelmont, W. L. Grimm, H. Park, M. Shur, E. R. Brown, and M. J. Rooks,
Heterodimensional Schottky-Gate Devices, in Proceedings of 2D International Semiconductor Device
Research Symposium, Charlottesville, VA, December, pp. 427-430 (1993)
5. M. Shur, W. C. B. Peatman, H. Park, W. Grimm, and M. Hurt, Novel Heterodimensional Diodes and
Transistors, Solid State Electronics, Sep. (1995)
6. W. C. B. Peatman, R. Tsai, T. Ytterdal, M. Hurt, H. Park, J. Gonzales, and M. S. Shur, Sub-half-micron
Width 2D MESFET , unpublished
7. M. Hurt, M. S. Shur, W. C. B. Peatman, and P. B. Rabkin, Quasi-three-dimensional Modeling of a Novel
2D MESFET, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, accepted for publication
8. H. Takato, K. Sunouchi, N. Okabe, N. Nitukyama, K. Hieda, F. Horiguchi, and F. Masuoka, High
Performance CMOS Surrounding Gate Transistor (SGT) for Ultra High Density LSIs, IEDM, pp. 222-225
9. D. Hisamoto, T. Kaga, Y. Kawamoto, and E. Takeda, A Fully Depleted Lean-Channel Transistor
(DELTA) - A Novel Vertical Ultrathin SOI MOSFET, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett., vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 36-38

D.A. SUDA and J.M. XU

University of Toronto
Department of Electrical Engineering
10 Kings College Rd.
Toronto, Ontario, M5S1A4, Canada

1. Introduction

At present, almost all semiconductor lasers use designs based on the vertical injection
of current into the active region. While this scheme has proven successful for discrete
laser diodes, it has several intrinsic drawbacks. First of all, there is an incompatibility
between vertical injection and the preference for lateral integration. Just as in electronics,
the evolution from discrete components to integrated circuits necessitates a change from
vertical to lateral devices.
Another drawback concerns the present use of a highly conductive substrate associ-
ated with the vertical injection scheme. This makes device-to-device isolation difficult
and can result in high parasitic losses and delays. In addition, the injected current must
pass through the cladding layers which provide optical and electrical confinement. The
resistance inherent to these wide bandgap layers is detrimental to the lasing threshold
and lasing efficiency, particularly under high injection conditions. This necessitates a
compromise when choosing the cladding layer material and thickness in order to provide
adequate optical confinement while avoiding excessive resistance.
Overcoming the resistance becomes critical in the case of Vertical Cavity Surface
Emitting Lasers (VCSELs), where the cladding layers are replaced by high reflectivity
Distributed Bragg Reflectors (DBRs). Since vertical current injection precludes the use
of insulating materials in the DBRs, many alternating layers of semiconductors with rel-
atively small differences in refractive index are needed. This results in a high resistance
path for the injected current and much lower lasing efficiency than is theoretically possi-
ble. Efforts have been made to alleviate this problem in VCSELs by using elaborate etch-
ing and recessed contacts at the expense of further complicating the fabrication.
Distributed FeedBack (DFB) lasers also suffer, since the current injection path passes
through the corrugated grating region of high interface defect density.
Lateral Current Injection (LCI) lasers have the potential to overcome many of these
limitations by making use of the under-explored lateral degree of freedom. In an LCI
laser, the planar geometry is well suited for OEIC applications. In addition, current does
not pass through the optical cladding layers or the substrate, allowing both these regions
5. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 269-278.
© 1996 Khmer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

A.) N doped layer Söx^y

iiWiMfi'i li'i'i'i 111 Yi ii Vi
Active region
v N doped layer : ^ P diffusion

Doped Substrate


Serai-insulating Substrate

C.) ■^"IP"^
Wave guiding layer

P current guide (optional) '•£%&.

k- Active region -^
\ N reerowth x
' N current guide (optional) j^ . - ssg: Pregrowth ;
Semi-insulating Substrate
Figure 1. Various LCI laser designs. A.) is a Transverse, Junction (TJ) LCI laser, B.) is a PIN structure using
a ridge waveguide and implanted contact regions, and C.) is a Buried Heterostructure LCI (BH-
LCI) design.

tc be designed for optimal optical confinement and made of wide bandgap semi-insulat-
ing material for reduced parasitic loss and capacitance. In this configuration the electrical
and optical designs are de-coupled and the cladding layers can be optimized separately
from the current injecting regions.
Despite these potential advantages and a considerable amount of experimental effort
devoted to this type of laser [1-26], the progress of LCI laser development has been
rather slow. In a large part this is due to the predominance of trial-and-error experimental
attempts with very little backing from theoretical analysis. The best results from the most
recent trials are still inferior to that of state of the art vertical injection designs. Typically,
the threshold current is high while the efficiency starts out low and then decreases with
increasing current.
It is difficult to determine the origins of these shortcomings from experimental mea-
surements alone. Many interdependent factors are involved, some of them uniquely new.
Starting from fundamental laser physics the job is no easier. First principle consider-
ations may be the same as for vertical injection, but new aspects of the electro-optic
interaction are involved which require self-consistent analysis. This is what we have
done using our 2D self-consistent Finite Element Light Emitter Simulator (FELES) [27].
In this paper we will first present a brief summary of the history and current state of

LCI laser design, followed by the

results of our theoretical investiga-
tion, and then concluding with
future prospects for this type of
device in OEICs.

2. Progress to Date

Since lateral injection was first

proposed in 1974 [1], LCI laser
design has evolved with the capa-
bilities of semiconductor growth
and processing technology. Sev-
eral device configurations have
been proposed in the literature
(Figure 1). The earliest designs
were based on a planer Transverse
Junction (TJ) approach, while
more recent work has concen-
trated on PIN structures in combi-
nation with either lateral
Figure 2. Fundamental optical mode and its contour plot on the
facet of PIN ridge waveguide LCI laser.
heterojunctions or a ridge for lat-
eral optical confinement.
In the basic transverse homojunction design (Figure 1A), epitaxial growth is used to
cieate an N-type GaAs active layer sandwiched between N-type AlGaAs cladding layers.
A P-type dopant is then implanted or diffused over half the structure, resulting in a trans-
verse junction extending the length of the laser. The best measured performance of this
design is poor, with a threshold current (Ith) of 17 mA [11], mainly because of weak opti-
cal confinement in the lateral direction and high losses across the electrically unconfined
junction region. TJ VCSELs have also been fabricated, but the reported performance has
not been encouraging: 1^ = 48 mA [21].
The performance can be improved considerably by using two implanted or diffused
regions, one n-type and one p-type, to inject carriers into an undoped active region (Fig-
ure IB). In this type of design the impurity induced disordering [28] in the doped regions
provides optical and carrier confinement in the active region composed of either Multi-
Quantum Well (MOW) or bulk material. Separating the active region from the junctions
increases the radiative recombination and reduces the extension of the optical mode into
the doped regions, thereby reducing losses compared to the basic TJ structure. Our simu-
lations predict that this type of LCI laser, when combined with a semiconductor or
dielectric ridge waveguide to strengthen the optical confinement, is capable of adequate
performance with threshold currents on the order of a few mAs (Figure 2) [29]. While
the simplicity and relative ease of fabrication of this type of LCI laser are appealing, car-
rier confinement in the lateral direction is
still rather weak. This problem can be
reduced by incorporating many QWs so
that the carrier concentration in each well
remains relatively low and thus the leakage
out of the wells is suppressed.
A design which provides strong carrier
and optical confinement in the lateral
direction is the Buried Heterostracture LCI
(BH-LCI) laser (Figure 1C). In this type of ^ Sf, -50 °
Y angle (degrees)
device the implanted or diffused contact
regions are replaced with n and p-type
regrowth regions. The drawback to this Figure 3. Far field pattern from a FELES simulation
of the BH-LCI laser reported in [25].
design is the technical difficulty associated
with doing two regrowth steps but, as the functional devices already reported illustrate
[25,26], this is a difficulty that can be overcome.
The variations discussed so far are all true lateral injection lasers, that is both elec-
trons and holes are injected into the active region from the sides rather than from the top
and bottom. Lasers have also been fabricated where the substrate contact has been
moved to the top surface of the device, but the current injection path is still strictly verti-
cal [20,22], or in which one carrier is injected laterally and the other vertically [16,17].
The drawbacks to both these approaches are that the layers above the active region must
still be made of highly conductive material and there is often a current crowding prob-

3. Theoretical Analysis of Selected Structures

Much of our work on LCI lasers has involved the theoretical analysis of various
designs using FELES [30]. In this section, we will present the results of our investigation
of the underlying physics of two recently reported BH-LCI structures that illustrate the
unique internal operating mechanisms of LCI lasers.
One of the advantages of BH-LCI lasers is the good carrier and optical confinement
achievable in both transverse directions. Since the cladding layers outside the active
region are not electrically active and serve only to guide the wave, the compositions and
widths of these layers as well as that of the active region can be designed to produce a
single transverse mode that exhibits an almost perfectly circular far field pattern (Figure
3) without compromising the electrical characteristics of the device.
Our simulations also reveal a key design issue that is rooted in fundamental device
physics unique to LCI lasers. The lateral gain profile in the QWs can be rather asymmet-
ric (Figure 3). This problem, which can only be seen clearly through simulation, origi-
nates from the disparity in mobilities between electrons and holes. To maintain quasi
charge neutrality, the higher mobility electrons tend to be pulled over to meet the lower

mobility holes and to

"pile up" near the p-
doped/active region
interface. When com-
bined with stimulated
recombination, this
results in a highly asym-
metric gain profile
which decreases the
1.6 overlap of the optical
mode and the gain peak
and ultimately increases
Figure 4. Non-uniform gain profile in a BH-LCI laser due to the difference threshold and lowers
in electron and hole mobilities. efficiency. In a structure
which is multi-mode at
zero bias (or becomes
multi-mode due to bias
dependent changes to
the refractive index), the
non-uniform gain pro-
file will selectively
pump higher order
modes and could even
cause them to läse
before the fundamental
mode. This was con-
firmed in one of our
Figure 5. Improved gain uniformity through the use of "current guiding" experimental trials.
layers above and below the active region. A promising design
approach for minimiz-
ing this problem was implemented in a BH-LCI laser recently reported in the literature
[26]. In this device, regrown n and p-doped InP regions inject carriers directly into an
InGaAsP bulk active layer as in previous LCI laser structures, but in addition carriers are
also injected through doped InGaAsP "current guiding" layers above and below the
active region. The addition of these current guiding layers results in a design which is a
lateral/vertical injection hybrid. Current is not only injected from the ends of the active
region as in typical lateral injection designs, but also along the length of the channel as is
the case for vertical injection lasers. While the injection paths are now more similar, the
differences in fabrication and contacts remain. No current flows through the top cladding
layer or the substrate and the geometry is still planar, so the benefits of lateral injection
are retained. Our simulations revealed that the use of these thin current guiding layers
indeed produces a more uniform gain profile (Figure 3), but at the cost of increased leak-
age. This is a problem that is specific to particular structures and simulations of design
variations can be used to study this trade-off and optimize the design.

We simulated the exter-

nal characteristics of the
structure reported in [26]
using FELES and found the
predicted single mode oper-
ation, threshold current,
and L-I characteristics to be
in good agreement with
experiment (Figure 6). An
especially striking feature
of the experimental results
is the steady decrease in
differential efficiency with
increasing current. This
leads to output power satu-
ration at a relatively low
level: only 10mW at a cur-
rent of 150mA. Specula- Figure 6. Comparison of FELES and experiment for L-I and differential
tions based on inspection resistance results of the BH-LCI laser reported in [26]
were made regarding the
possible causes of this roll-off. Two natural suspects are high non-radiative recombina-
tion at the regrowth interface and carrier leakage in the lateral direction.
To test the possibility that the steady roll-off was due to a high defect density at the
regrowth/active region interfaces, narrow (0.1p.m) regions with high non-radiative
recombination rates were added to the simulations at these interfaces. These results
showed a slight increase in threshold and a decrease in peak optical output power, but
even recombination lifetimes as short at lOps did not significantly alter either the thresh-
old or the efficiency. This can be explained by the fact that the actual area of the vertical
regrowth interface through which the current flows is very small and is perpendicular to
the direction of current flow. This makes its total effect much smaller than that observed
in conventional DFB or buried heterostructure lasers for a given defect density.
We next considered the possibility of carrier leakage out of the active region in the
lateral direction. Simulations allowed us to examine the current components in the
device and revealed that at a bias of 150mA, less than half of the terminal current was
passing through the active region. Since more than half of the current was never even
getting into this area of the device, leakage out of this region could not possibly be the
explanation of the decrease in differential slope efficiency.
Further simulations showed that leakage current was the major cause of the roll-off,
but not the type of out-of-well leakage that is typical of vertical injection lasers. Instead,
this decrease in efficiency with bias is mostly due to the activation of parallel conduction
paths through the guiding layers and the InP buffer. These layers form wide bandgap
diodes which are electrically in parallel with the active region. Since the turn-on voltages
of these diodes, especially the PIN diode formed between the regrowth regions through
the InP buffer layer (~ 1.35V), are much larger than the turn-on voltage across the active

region (-0.85V), one might not expect leakage to be a problem. Indeed, this is true for
injected currents up to a few mAs as attested to by the low threshold currents of both the
experiment and simulation. Under high injection, however, the voltage drop becomes
sufficient to bias these parallel diodes near their turn-on voltages. This activates these
parasitic conduction paths and results in an exponential increase in leakage current and a
corresponding decrease in efficiency.
When the leakage problem is minimized, our analysis indicates that BH-LCI lasers
should be comparable to vertical injection lasers in terms of threshold and slope effi-
ciency. Another consideration which naturally arises is the device speed. This is a com-
plex and challenging subject involving such issues as 3D to 2D capture processes and
ambipolar transport in 2D space. Our initial investigation into this question indicates that
LCI lasers have, at least, the advantage of low parasitic delay.
Since the substrate can be made semi-insulating, the effective area of the n and p con-
tacts is small, and the separation between the contacts is relatively large, the capacitance
of LCI lasers should be much lower than vertical injection designs. In confirmation of
this, FELES simulations predict a zero bias capacitance of 0.8pF for the structure
reported in [26], compared to the 0.5pF measured experimentally. While it is difficult to
experimentally measure the capacitance under large forward bias, it was easily deter-
mined from FELES simulations and found to be approximately 15pF with the device
biased at twice the threshold current.
In addition, perhaps contrary to one's intuition, both experiment and simulation
results exhibit a low differential resistance (Figure 6). This can be explained by the fact
that although the conduction path through the active region is narrow, it is composed of
high mobility, low bandgap material. In contrast, the conduction path in conventional
lasers is quite wide but passes through the large bandgap, low mobility cladding layers.

4. Future Directions

As the basic design problems associated with LCI lasers are solved, many new and
exciting research possibilities will open up. The ridge waveguide, freed from the current
conduction requirements of vertical injection lasers, can be adapted to a variety of tasks.
Technological compatibility with FETs, HBTs, photoreceivers, and waveguides multi-
plies the number of options.
A dielectric ridge waveguide, in addition to its role in the optical confinement of the
laser mode, can also act as "photonic wiring". The laser output could be coupled into
these dielectric-loaded waveguides and, when extended over the wafer, they would act as
optical interconnects. These interconnects could route the optical output of LI lasers to
photoreceivers, phototransistors, and cross-connection networks. But can a dielectric
ridge of relatively low index deposited on high index semiconductor layers provide an
effective waveguiding structure? Via a series of investigations, we have found that the
answer is yes provided that the proper structure and layer designs are in place first. In
fact, the waveguiding ability of a dielectric ridge is so wavelength sensitive that it can be
a valuable new addition to our "tool box" of wavelength and mode control techniques
The basic structure can be extended to DFB
create a VCSEL by replacing the ridge DBR Wiring
with a DBR. Insulating dielectric material
can now be used for the DBR to achieve
high reflectivity with fewer layers than in
vertical injection designs. Adding Bragg
gratings to the base of the ridge would
produce a DFB laser. This grating can be
fabricated by traditional methods or opti-
cally. For the former, the stringent require-
ment for grating interface quality is
removed since no current will flow
through the region. For the latter with a
photorefractive dielectric ridge, the inter-
ference pattern created by two high power
laser beams incident on the ridge would Figure 7. Illustration of the post-processing choices
for an LCI laser. Since the ridge need not
"burn-in" the Bragg Reflector. This
be electrically conductive, it can be made
method results in low absorption and of dielectric material deposited after the
recombination losses and a laser operating semiconductor growth is complete. The
wavelength that could be chosen after the dielectric ridge can form a DBR for a
main part of fabrication is complete. Car- VCSEL, and DFB grating, or photonic
rying this idea a bit further, even the type
of laser (cleaved facet, DFB, DBR, VCSEL, etc.) could be chosen after the material
growth is complete by depositing dielectric material and then patterning the appropriate
reflector (Figure 7).
By adding a metal gate on the top or on the side of the ridge waveguide, both the
emission wavelength and the power of the laser can be controlled. The former opens up
the possibility of yield enhancement by tuning. Devices on the same wafer inevitably
vary in wavelength because of material and/or process variations. With the ability to tune
the gain spectrum by gate field via the Stark Effect, we may be able to tune devices fab-
ricated outside the desired frequency range instead of discarding them. The success of
this approach could translate into a significant cost reduction in production. Once inte-
grated with logic circuitry, the gate could also be used to compensate for the change in
wavelength with operating temperature. The output wavelength could be monitored by a
circuit that would control the gate voltage to lock the laser output to a specified wave-
length. Therefore lasers using the same design and fabricated on a single wafer could be
set to different wavelengths for Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM) communica-
The possibility of gate-controlled emission power is even more exciting, as it may
realize the long-sought capacitive modulation (gain switching) of lasers via a third termi-
nal [32]. Implementing a gate in the space between the ridge and one of the contact
regions effectively turns the structure into an integrated laser-FET module. This type of
structure offers the potential of increased modulation speed due to minimized series

By having the current flow in the lateral dimension, we have opened up the vertical
degree of freedom to many additional design possibilities for creating novel devices. For
instance, one can easily realize that multi-section lasers can readily be created along the
longitudinal direction without compromising the LCI design. This opens the possibility
of having multiple electrodes so that the gain or loss of each section can be tuned indi-

5. Summary

As the primary application of photonic devices evolves from discrete components to

OEICs, the need for a planar laser technology becomes critical. Lateral current injection
lasers have the potential to fill this role and to overcome some of the limitations inherent
to vertical current injection structures. Despite a slow but continuous improvement in
LCI performance over the past 20 years, this potential has yet to be realized.
One reason for this slow progress has been a lack of theoretical support. Our investi-
gation of the shortcomings of these experimental devices using FELES simulations has
produced explanations and possible solutions for several of the observed problems.
Through a cycle of device fabrication and analysis, it should be possible to make LCI
lasers which are competitive with state of the art vertical injection structures.
LCI lasers which are free from these performance limitations will open up many new
possibilities in OEICs. These include photonic wiring, post-processing selection of the
laser characteristics, novel lasers of high performance, and integrated laser-FET mod-


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Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2442, USA


We will review properties of wide band gap semiconductors, which make them
superior materials for many electronic and optoelectronic applications. These semi-
conductors should allow us to achieve a very high on-to-off ratio in transistors,
implement nonvolatile solid state memories, and develop new optoelectronic and
optical devices for visible and ultraviolet ranges as well as electronic and optoelectronic
systems operating in a harsh environment and/or at elevated temperatures.
Technological difficulties, relatively low mobility values, and problems related to
contacts and traps make the realization of this great potential a challenge. We show
that many of these difficulties can be alleviated in AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Field
Effect Transistors (HFETs), which use superior transport properties of the two
dimensional electron gas in wide band gap semiconductors. AlGaN/GaN HFET's,
which have been fabricated on a transparent sapphire substrate, are very sensitive to
ultraviolet light. Hence, they can be also used as solar blind ultraviolet photodetectors.

1. Introduction.

Most applications of semiconductor materials use amazing their amazing ability to

change the electric conductivity in an extremely wide range. Metals are good
conductors of electricity, dielectrics have a very high resistance for an electric current,
but a semiconductor sample may change its conductivity by 10 orders of magnitude or
more. In a Field Effect Transistor (FET), the channel conductivity is changed by the
applied gate bias from a high (above threshold) value to a very low (below threshold)
value. This on-to-off ratio is one of the most important FET characteristics. A high
on-to-off ratio allows us to combine low power consumption in the off-state with high
switching speed, since, in the on-state, a large current is available for charging device
and circuit capacitances in a transient switching process. In the on-state, the current is
determined by the device geometry, the gate voltage swing, and by the semiconductor
transport properties. In the off-state, the current is controlled by the barrier separating
the FET source and drain (see Fig. 1). The height of this barrier is on the order of one
half of the energy gap, E , and, hence, the on-to-off ratio is proportional to
cxp(-Eg/2kBT) where kB is the Boltzmann constant and T is temperature. Therefore,
the wide band gap semiconductors should have a much higher on-to-off ratio than
silicon or even GaAs (see Fig. 2).
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 279-290.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Since amorphous silicon has a relatively wide energy gap (the energy gaps are
1.12 eV for silicon, 1.42 eV for GaAs, and 1.71 eV for amorphous silicon), amorphous
silicon thin film transistors have the largest on-to-off ratio, in spite of a very low on-
current. Wide band gap semiconductors (such as GaN with the energy gap of 3.4 eV)
should have very low leakage currents [since the intrinsic carrier concentration, n,-, is
proportional to exp(-Eg/2kBT)]. They have extremely large breakdown voltages (since
in order to cause an impact ionization event, an electron or a hole has to obtain an
energy in excess of Eg from the electric field). These materials are thermally and
chemically stable and uniquely suited for applications in electronic circuits and systems
operating in a harsh environment and/or at high temperatures.

o <D O) A0 On-state
•*-* -o Source Drain
TJ -o
r c Distance
o CO
c (1) Off-state
o O)
•*-» TJ
T3 TJ Source
r C
n CO
o en
Fig. 1. Band diagram for a Field Effect Transistor.

400 600 800

Temperature (K)
Fig. 2. On-to-off ratio versus temperature for FETs from different semiconductors (calculated assuming
that the off-current is proportional to the intrinsic carrier concentration.
The elementary theory of p-n junctions yields the following expression for the
reverse saturation current density, jR, for ap+n junction (see, for example,'):

JR=(1, (l)
where q is the electronic charge, «,- is the intrinsic carrier density, Nd is the doping
density in the «-type region, Dp is the hole diffusion coefficient, xe is the effective
lifetime, and

i qNd
is the thickness of the depletion region. Here V^ is the built-in voltage and e^ is the
dielectric permittivity of the semiconductor.
In wide band gap materials, the second term in the right-hand part of eq. (1) is
dominant. In cubic SiC at room temperature, the theoretical value of «,• is as low as
10-6 cm-3! For an estimate, let us assume certain values for mn and mp, independent of
the energy gap, since this assumption will not change the order of magnitude of the
resulting concentration. Let us take mn = 03me and mp = 0.6me, to be specific. Then
we find

n/(m~3)=1.34xl021xr3/2exp (K) (3)

(see Fig. 3).


£ GaAs

10° i 1
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Energy gap (eV)

Fig. 3. Intrinsic carrier concentration versus energy gap at room temperature. (The values of ns for Si and
GaAs are approximate since we used the same values of mn and m„ in the calculation of this
Choosing the device volume to be 1 X 0.1 X10 |J.m3 and assuming a generation time of
1 ns, we obtain
( E }
leakage^ = 2.14 x 1CT7 x T3/2(K) x exp (4)
The resulting dependence of the minimum leakage current on the energy gap for room
temperature is shown in Fig. 4. However, experimentally, such low values of the
saturation current density have not yet been observed, and the conventional theory of a
p-n junction is not even valid when n[ is very small. Nevertheless, these estimates
clearly illustrate the potential of wide band gap semiconductors for applications in
nonvolatile memories and integrated circuits operating both at room temperature and at
elevated temperatures.

< Si \
r io-14 y GaAs
t 10-18 \

i io-22
V- 10 -26 SiC*
CD 0 1 ;2 3
Energy gap (eV)
Fig. 4. Generation current (per 1 u,m3 of the depletion region volume) versus energy gap
(at room temperature).

Many applications utilize the optoelectronic properties of semiconductors. Usually, the

peak of a semiconductor sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation corresponds to the
valence-to-conduction band transitions. Using the impurity level-band transitions or
subband transitions in superlattices or quantum wells, it is also possible to obtain
response at photon energies smaller than the energy gap.
Fig. 5 compares the energy gaps of semiconductors with the spectral sensitivity
of human eye. The energy gaps of Si, GaAs, and InP correspond to the infrared range.
(Si is indirect gap semiconductor, which has an inferior optical response, and GaAs and
InP have direct energy gaps.). The wide band gap semiconductors, such as SiC or GaN,
can cover the visible and even the ultraviolet range. Therefore, these materials can be
used for displays, photodetectors, and imagers in the visible and ultraviolet ranges.
Photosensitive semiconductors, such as amorphous silicon or selenium have
been used for optically recorded information storage and retrieval. In this application,
the minimum area of a semiconductor surface required to record one bit is determined by
the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation. Fig. 6 shows the number of bits per
cm2 as a function of the photon energy and the corresponding wavelength (assuming
the minimum pixel area of 10 X2). As seen, wide band gap semiconductors, such as
GaN, which demonstrated an excellent photoresponse, should allow us to achieve an
extremely dense information storage using an ultraviolet light.

Wavelength (\im)
2 1 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2
J l_l III I
SiC (2H)
SiC(6H) c
ZnSe o
ZnTe D.
SiC (3c) CO
AlAs "1 OH
CdTe 1
InP- >
Si -
Ge~ CO
InAs ~ "CD
InSb -
T I I T i i i i—i i i i
0 2 3 4 5
Energy Gap (eV)

Fig. 5. Energy gaps of semiconductor materials compared with spectral sensitivity of human eye.

CM Wavelength (pm)
E 1 0.75 0.5 0.25
o 1 1 1
CD -
0.1 GaN/^^
o Si£.
0 Oh

Si L. .1 ■ ■■I

13 2 3 4 5
Energy gap (eV)

Fig. 6. The number of bits per cm^ as a function of the photon energy and the corresponding wavelength,
X, (assuming the minimum pixel area of 10 Ar).
In order to take advantage of the properties of wide band gap semiconductors, one has to
develop the material, device, and integrated circuit technologies. So far, this ambitious
goal has been fully achieved only for one semiconducting material - silicon - and
partially achieved for gallium arsenide. Since Si has a huge cost and integration scale
advantage over GaAs, the jury is still out on whether GaAs will be able to win a fairly
large market share in high speed and low power applications or will remain an
important niche technology. Since GaAs has been studied intensively since the
nineteen fifties, we can expect that the realization of the full potential of wide band gap
semiconductors will take at least a few years if not a few decades.
At least four families of wide band gap semiconductors have attracted interest
of researchers worldwide - diamond, II-VI semiconductors such as ZnS or ZnSe, SiC
and related materials, and GaN and related materials.
Silicon carbide is one of the first semiconductor materials to be discovered. As
early as 1907, Round observed electroluminescence in silicon carbide, which he reported
in his article published in Electrical World, Vol. 19, p. 309, 1907. In 1955, Lely
developed a new technique of SiC growth, and the studies of silicon carbide started to
develop on a more sound basis. However, only recently, have practical applications of
silicon carbide devices become a reality with the development of modern epitaxial
techniques, primarily by groups in Russia (LETI and A. F. Ioffe Institutes in Sankt
Petersburg), US (NCSU and CREE research), and in Germany (Erlangen).
Silicon carbide exists in more than 170 different polytypes. The properties of
the polytypes are so different that, in fact, SiC may be more accurately considered as a
group of closely related materials. Depending on the polytype crystal structure, the
energy gap of silicon carbide varies from 2.2 to 3.3 eV. It has a predicted electron
saturation drift velocity, vs, of 2X107 cm/s (approximately two times larger than in
silicon), a breakdown field larger than 2,500 to 5,000 kV/cm (compared to 300 kV/cm
for silicon), and a high thermal conductivity of 3.5 W/cm°C (compared to 1.3 W/cm°C
for silicon and 0.5 W/cm°C for GaAs). These properties make SiC important for
potential applications in high-power, high-frequency devices as well as in devices
operating at high temperatures and/or in a harsh environment. Applications of SiC
include high-power devices, microwave devices (both avalanche diodes and microwave
field effect transistors), and optoelectronic devices such as light-emitting diodes
covering the visible electromagnetic spectrum and even the ultraviolet range.
Recently, new solid-state solutions of AIN/SiC/InN/GaN have been
demonstrated. This exciting development opens up the possibility of a new generation
of heterostructure devices based on SiC. Solid-state solutions of AIN-SiC are also
expected to lead to direct gap ternary materials for UV and deep blue optoelectronics,
including the development of visible light-emitting diodes and lasers.
All basic device elements - from ohmic contacts to Schottky diodes and p-n
junctions - and most of the semiconductor devices - from field effect transistors to
bipolar junction transistors, thyristors, and light-emitting Diodes - have been
demonstrated in materials ranging from different polytypes of SiC 2 to the GaN/AIN
material system. 3
In this lecture, we will limit ourselves to GaN, since this material and related
semiconductor can excel in both electronic and optoelectronic applications.

2. Transport properties of GaN.

The Monte Carlo calculations show that the peak field in GaN is very high
(on the order of 100 kV/cm compared to approximately 3.5 kV/cm in GaAs); see Fig.
7. The reason for such a shape of the velocity-field characteristic is a large intervalley
separation and a very large energy of polar optical phonons in GaN (nearly three times
higher than in GaAs). In high electric fields, the electron velocity in GaN is only
weakly dependent on temperature (see Fig. 7 b).

— 3

E GaAs/^\GaN
2 - 1/ SiC^V--


0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

Electric field (kV/cm) Electric field (kV/cm)
Fig. 7. (a) Electron drift velocity at 300 K in GaN, SiC, and GaAs. (b) Electron drift velocity in GaN at
300 K, 500 K, and 750 K. 4

Compared to GaAs, GaN has a relatively low mobility. The most important scattering
mechanisms in GaN are polar optical scattering, ionized impurity scattering, and
piezoelectric scattering. In principle, the ionized impurity scattering may be nearly
totally suppressed in the two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in a modulation doped
heterostructure, since the donors are located in a barrier layer, away from the 2DEG. In
practice, this is very difficult to achieve in an AlGaN/GaN modulation doped structure.
However, the calculation of the electron mobility limited by combined optical polar,
piezoelectric, and acoustic scattering gives an upper bound for the 2DEG mobility. The
results of such a calculation of the electron drift mobility are shown in Fig. 8. * (The
Hall mobility is a higher than the drift mobility.)
Fig. 9 shows the dependencies of the electron drift mobility in GaN on the
electron carrier concentration for different compensation levels at 300 and 77 K. As can
be seen from the figure the electron mobility in 2DEG can be substantially enhanced
due to the screening of the piezoelectric scattering. This enhancement is a feature
specific for GaN, which is a very strong piezoelectric. We notice large calculated
values of the drift mobility for uncompensated material.
In our recent paper , we reported on the measurements of the Hall mobility in
bulk GaN and in the 2DEG at the GaN/AlGaN heterointerface. These data clearly
demonstrate the difference between the electron transport in 2DEG and bulk GaN. Fig.

10 shows the temperature dependence of the electron Hall mobility in GaN for the
2DEG and bulk GaN. Solid lines and open dots show the calculated dependence and our
experimental data, respectively. For the bulk calculation, we used n = 2xl016 cm"3, A^
= 2xl017 cm"3 and for the 2DEG calculation, n = 5xl017 cm"3, NT = 6.5xl016 cm"3.

10b Polar optical

> 105

3 104
is io3;
10 _i i i i

0 100 300 500

Temperature (K)

Fig. 8. Mobility limited by polar optical, piezoelectric, and acoustic scattering versus temperature-

2000 r , 20000 r , T = 77 K
T = 300 K

>1500 15000
1000 10000

500 5000

1016 1017 1018 1019 1016 1017 1018 1019

Concentration (cm" 3) Concentration (cm" 3)

(a) (b)
Fig. 9. Electron drift mobility in GaN versus electron carrier concentration for different
compensation levels at 300 K (a) and 77 K (b). 5

E 4000
o 0
t 100 300 500
Temperature (K)
Fig. 10. Measured and calculated Hall electron mobility in bulk GaN and in the 2DEG.

The results of the calculation are in good agreement with our experimental data
for the 2DEG. For the bulk GaN, the theory overestimates the electron mobility at
elevated temperatures where the polar optical polar scattering should be the dominant
scattering mechanism. As was pointed by Professor Mishra 7, the most likely reason
for this disagreement is the nonuniform distribution of the electron concentration and
compensation ratio in the GaN film, with a strongly compensated layer near the
channel/buffer interface. However, the qualitative agreement with experimental data is
good enough to illustrate the mobility enhancement in the 2DEG

3. AIGaN/GaN Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors.

A FET is probably the most important electronic device. All in all, the GaN electron
velocity at elevated temperatures is large enough for achieving high FET
transconductance, especially in short channel devices. Since the electron velocity
saturation in an FET channel plays a larger role in higher electric fields, the scaling of
the gate length in GaN FETs should lead to larger relative improvements in device
characteristics for GaAs FETs.
The device structure of AIGaN/GaN Heterostructure FETs (HFETs) is shown
in Fig. 11. These devices have operated at temperatures up to 300 °C (see Fig. 12).
Recently reported experimental data on the microwave operation of GaN/AlGaN HFETs
indicate a fairly high maximum frequency of oscillations and cutoff frequency (fmax >
70 GHz, fp > 20 GHz at room temperature) for these devices. 8 However, their
performance still falls far short of the theoretically predicted performance. It is limited
by a small intrinsic gate-voltage swing and can be dramatically improved by reducing
the source series resistance and by optimizing the device design. Our analysis 4 shows
that transconductances over a hundred mS/mm should be achievable in submicron
AIN/GaN HFETs with a relatively small drop at elevated temperatures (see Fig. 12, 13,
and 14). These results show that, in spite of a smaller thermal conductivity than for
SiC, the excellent transport properties of GaN at elevated temperatures make these
devices a viable alternative for high temperature microwave and digital applications.

Source Gate Drain

Fig. 11. Device structure of AlGaN/GaN HFETs.5

25 °C 200 °C

0 2.5 5 7.5 10 0 2.5 5 7.5 10 0 2.5 5 7.5 10

Drain Voltage (V)
Fig. 12. I-V characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HFETs at different temperatures.


'••. AlGaN/GaN HFET

-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

Gate Voltage (V)

Fig. 13. Computed device transconductance in the saturation region versus gate bias for three devices: 0.5
Urn gate GaAs MESFET, 0.5 um gate AlGaAs/GaAs HFET, and 0.25 um AlGaN/GaN HFET. 4
300 rr

300 400 500 600 700

Temperature (degree K)
Fig. 14. Computed transconductance for 0.5 um, 1 u.m, and 2 um AlGaN/GaN HFETs.

4. Optoelectronic AlGaN/GaN HFETs.

Unique optical and electronic properties of the GaN/AlGaN material system open
up numerous opportunities for visible-blind optoelectronic devices. These devices have
a high sensitivity and a large gain-bandwidth product and can be integrated with
GaN/AlGaN field effect transistors which have already demonstrated an operation at
microwave frequencies. A transparent sapphire substrate makes AlGaN/GaN HFETs
well suited for optoelectronic applications.
The HFET photodetector is based on a 0.2 micron gate AlGaN/GaN HFET 9
and utilizes a shift in the threshold voltage caused by the light generated carriers (see
Fig. 15). These results show that unique optical and electronic properties of
GaN/AlGaN material system open up numerous opportunities for visible-blind
optoelectronic devices. These devices could have a high sensitivity and a large gain-
bandwidth product and can be integrated with GaN/AlGaN field effect transistors for
applications in optoelectronic integrated circuits.

— Illumination,

-3 -2 -1
Gate voltage (V)
Fig. 15. I-V characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HFETs in the dark and under light.

5. Conclusions.

Wide band gap semiconductor devices in general and GaN-based devices, in particular,
have already demonstrated an impressive performance. Their excellent transport and
optoelectronic properties should allow us to achieve excellent performance in harsh
conditions and/or at elevated temperatures. Large band discontinuities in these materials
should allow us to obtain very high densities of 2DEG (up to 2xl013 cm"2 for GaN).
2DEG should have much better transport properties than bulk electrons. This has
already been confirmed by a good performance of AlGaN/GaN HFETs.

6. Acknowledgment.

The work at the University of Virginia has been partially supported by the ONR
(Project Monitor Max Yoder).

7. References.

1. Shur, M. (1995) Introduction to Electronic Devices, John Wiley and Sons, New York
2. Keiner, G. and Shur M. (1995) SiC Devices, in "Properties of Silicon Carbide", G. Harris, Editor, M.
Faraday House, IEE, England
3 Strite, S. and Morkoc, H. (1992) J. Vac. Sei. Technol. BIO 1237
4 Shur, M. and Khan, M. A. Electronic and Optoelectronic AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Field Effect
Transistors, unpublished
5 Shur, M., Gelmont, B., and Khan, M. A„ High Electron Mobility in Two Dimensional Electrons Gas in
AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures, unpublished
6 Khan, M. A., Chen, Q, Sun, C. J., Shur, M. S., and B. Gelmont, B, 2D-Electron Gas in GaN-AlGaN
Heterostructures Deposited Using TMAA as the Aluminum Source in Low Pressure Metalorganic
Chemical Vapor Deposition, unpublished
7 Mishra, U. (1995) Private communication, June 21
8 Khan, M. A., Shur, M. S., Kuznia, J. N, Burm J., and Schaff W. (1995) Temperature activated
conductance in GaN/AlGaN heterostructure field effect transistors operating at temperatures up to 300
°C, Applied Physics Letters, 66,1083
9. Khan, M. A., Shur, M. S., Chen, Q„ Kuznia, J. N., and Sun C. J. (1995) Electronics Letters, 31, 398
GaN and Related Compounds for Wide Bandgap Applications

Dimitris Pavlidis

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

The University of Michigan, 1301 Beal Ave.,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122. USA

1. Introduction

GaN and related compounds are wide bandgap semiconductor materials with
great potential for optoelectronic applications from blue to ultraviolet
wavelengths, and high-power, high-temperature devices. GaN can be
crystallized in either hexagonal (wurtzite) or cubic (zincblende) structure
depending on the substrate symmetry and growth conditions. In certain cases
both structures may co-exist because of the small difference in energy of
formation. High-quality wurtzitic GaN has been grown successfully on a
variety of substrates, in particular on the basal plane of sapphires. However,
cubic structures possess in principle superior electronic properties i.e. doping
efficiency and high-speed transport and allow easy cleaving, as necessary for
devices such as lasers [1],[2]. Although the traditional substrate used for nitride
material growth is sapphire, it is consequently desirable to explore the
possibility of using substrates such as silicon or GaAs. In addition to allowing
cubic material growth, this could lead to reduction of interfacial defects and
impurities as well as, integration of GaN with Si or GaAs-based devices.

This paper reviews the characteristics of nitride materials as obtained by

various growth techniques [3],[4],[5]. Their structural, optical and electrical
properties are described. The use of specially grown buffers appears to play a
major role in the quality of the layers [6],[7],[8]. Growth of A1N, InN, GaN and
their ternaries offers the possibility of bandgap engineering but imposes
material challenges. Understanding and controlling of the background and
intentional doping characteristics is crucial due to the relatively high
background levels and difficulties in efficient doping of these materials.
Possibilities of obtaining cubic material are discussed, as demonstrated by
MOCVD growth on GaAs [9]. Various optical i.e. LEDs [10]-[14]and
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 291-302.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
electronic i.e. FETs, HEMTs [15]-[17] devices are also examined.
Experimental demonstration of blue LEDs confirms the high potential of
nitrides and related compounds for optoelectronic applications. Recent work
confirms the feasibility of realizing GaN MESFETs and GaN/AIN HEMTs
with promising high frequency characteristics. Currently obtained
characteristics and expected performance of nitride materials and devices built
with them are finally presented

2. Substrates and Growth Techniques

The key binaries of nitrides are GaN, A1N and InN. Their bandgap energy
varies from 1.9eV for InN, to 6.2eV for A1N as shown in the diagram of Fig. 1
where the bandgap energy is plotted for various materials as a function of the
lattice constant. Shown in the same figure are other commonly used III-Vs such
as GaAs and InP. As one can see the lattice constant of nitrides is much smaller
than that of III-Vs or Silicon and none of the traditionally used semiconductor
substrates is compatible with them from the point of view of lattice matching.
The major difficulty encountered in the development of high quality nitride
films lies in fact on the lack of suitable substrates which leads to the need for
heteroepitaxial solutions.



4 5 6
Lattice Constant [A]

Figure 1. Bandgap energy vs. Lattice constants of nitrides and other commonly
used semiconductor materials

The most popular substrate used for nitride growth is sapphire (a=4.758Ä,
c=12.99Ä). It is stable up to the very high temperatures (950°C to 1050°C)
normally used for nitride growth but has a rather low thermal conductivity of
0.5W/cmK compared with other substrates such as 3C-SiC or 6H-SiC
(4.9W/cmK) and Si (1.5W/cmK). By way of comparison GaAs has similar
thermal conductivity as sapphire and the corresponding values for GaN, A1N
are 1.3W/cmK, 2.0W/cmK. These differences make sapphire not an optimum
choice for applications where heat needs to be dissipated very efficiently, as for
example high-power/high -temperature electronics. Differences also exist
between the values of coefficients of thermal expansion of the nitrides and the
substrates on which they are deposited, leading to difficulties upon cooling
down at the end of their growth.

Nitrides grown on sapphire have hexagonal crystal structure. Sapphire (0001)

and (0lT2) substrates have been reported to lead to (0001) and (2TT0) GaN
growth. GaN films grown on GaAs or Si can have either hexagonal or cubic
features depending on the initial substrate. For example, GaAs (100) and (111)
results in (001) and (0001) GaN respectively. Similar trends are observed for
growth on Silicon. The availability of cubic GaN offers a tremendous
advantage in terms of the possibility of cleaving which is not feasible for
hexagonal material such as nitrides grown on sapphire. Moreover, cubic
structures possess in principle superior electronic properties for device
applications [1],[2] such as higher electron velocity and more efficient doping.
In addition to GaAs [9] and Si, cubic SiC and Mg have also been employed for
demonstrating cubic GaN.

The lack of suitable substrates for nitride growth prompted research on the
development of buffer technologies. GaN or A1N can be used for this purpose.
A study of the role of A1N buffer [6] showed that following the low
temperature growth of a 500Ä thick A1N layer, GaN nucleation sites are
generated with the same orientation as the substrate. This promotes the lateral
growth of GaN due to the decrease of interfacial free energy between the
substrate and the epitaxial GaN film, leading eventually to good quality bulk
GaN. The optimum buffer thickness has been reported to be small (-200Ä) in
case of GaN buffers. The use of a buffer layer helps in improving the crystal
quality as demonstrated by the reduction of Full-Width-Half-Maximum
(FWHM) values of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) spectra of GaN grown with and
without buffer layers [7]. Moreover the introduction of a GaN or A1N buffer
leads to reduction of the residual carrier concentration and improvement of the
mobility of bulk GaN grown on top [8].
Various growth techniques have been employed for the growth of nitrides.
These include Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), Metalorganic Chemical Vapor
Deposition (MOCVD) and Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy (HVPE). Electron
Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) used in conjunction with MBE allows activation
of molecular nitrogen N2+ and low temperature growth under ultra high
vacuum conditions leading to reduced autodoping [3]. MOCVD growth is in
most cases carried out at low pressure of -0.1 atm using NH3 gas and TMGa.
Growth temperatures for nitrides on sapphire substrates are in the order of
1050°C, while lower temperatures (~600°C) are sufficient for growth on GaAs.
A common feature of all nitride films is their relatively high background
concentration which has for long being associated with nitrogen vacancies
(VN). AS the growth temperature increases the background concentration is
normally found to decrease but VN increases [4]. Thus, VN alone cannot
account for the observed high background electron concentration and other
effects such as impurity incorporation i.e. O or Si may be present. HVPE has
been reported to permit growth of "bulk-like" GaN substrates opening therefore
the possibility of homoepitaxial GaN growth [5]. A sputtered ZnO buffer layer
has been employed in this case between the sapphire substrate and the GaN
and was removed at the end of growth leading to thick (~600um) GaN films.
Growth took place at high growth rates (80-130um/hr) and high crystalline
quality GaN was grown on top of these substrates.
6.00-1 — —1


; I
2.00-ffln^B 35M

KU 1


I 0
1K5 #"--,

Ö 0 0
0 b b
0 0

Figure 2. 3D growth front contours of GaN grown at 400°C and 500°C

(V/III= 10) as simulated by Monte Carlo. The legend on the right hand
provides the number of surface monolayers.

Most nitride developments have up to now been based on empirical

approaches. To improve material quality it is, however, essential to gain deeper
insight into the growth mechanisms. An atomistic model consistent with a
variety of experimental observations was developed for this purpose [18]. The
model is based on MBE-like conditions of GaN growth and employs a Monte
Carlo approach to study the impact of substrate temperature, Ga flux and V/III
ratio on growth rate and growth front quality. The growth rate was found to
increase with the V/III ratio reaching a saturation value which is determined by
the Ga flux. The quality of the growth front improves by using a smaller Ga
flux for a fixed temperature and V/III ratio or by reducing the V/III ratio at a
given temperature. A consideration of the growth kinetics suggests that GaN
grown surfaces are likely to be Ga stabilized. These theoretically estimated
trends are evidenced by 2D and 3D growth front contours evaluated under
various growth conditions as shown in Fig.2 for the case of GaN grown under
two different temperatures. The 3-D plots of the growth front are shown here at
400°C and 500°C. The bottom legend in each figure indicates the number of
monolayers of the growth front. As one sees, the growth front is 3 monolayers
(ML) at 500°C, and 4 MLs at 400°C. This suggests that the growth front is
improved as the temperature is increased.

p-doping of nitrides has primarily been based on the use of Cp2Mg sources.
The Mg dopant introduced in this way was reported to require activation by
Low-Energy-Electron-Beam-Irradiation (LEEBI) and hole concentrations in the
order of 3xl0'18cm"3 have been demonstrated in this way [19]. Hydrogen
acceptor compensation was proposed as possible reason for the high resistivity
observed with Mg doping. LEEBI allows conversion of Mg-H complexes to the
expected Mg doping. Moreover Mg seems to be more sensitive to LEEBI than
other group II metals due to the lack of d-electrons and thus possibility of
resulting in shallow rather than deep acceptors. Carbon doping has also been
attempted more recently using CCU sources and hole concentrations of
3xl0'17cm-3 have been achieved [20]. n-doping is usually achieved by SiH4 or
Si2H6 and high electron concentrations of mid 10'19cm~3 have been
demonstrated with smooth, mirror like surfaces.

3. Transport and Electrical Characteristics

The large (~1.5eV) satellite valley separation from the central valley minimum
in GaN permits large peak velocities to be attained. Monte-Carlo simulations of
electron transport in GaN suggested peak velocity values as high as
2.7xlO'7cm/sec for GaN doping levels of ~10'17cnr3 and showed that
intervalley transitions in high electric fields play an important role in spite of
the large separation between the central and upper valleys [21]. This leads to
the possibility of realizing electronic devices with reasonably high-frequency
characteristics unlike what was initially expected for nitride semiconductors.


0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Buffer Layer Thickness (Angstromsl Buffer Layer Thickness (Angstroms)

Figure 3. Residual carrier concentration and mobility of GaN films as a

function of nitride film thickness.

Reasonably high electron mobilities have been demonstrated experimentally in

MOCVD grown GaN. Experiments with GaN thickness varying between 1 and
8um showed (see Fig. 3) that the mobility increases from 100 to more than
500cm2/Vsec for 4um thick layers [8]. Further increase of film thickness lead
to mobility degradation. The background carrier concentration showed similar
trends, being highest (~10'19cm"3) for lum thick films and decreasing to
~10'17cm-3 for 4 to 5um thick GaN. The experimentally obtained mobility
values are close to the theoretically expected ones provided that compensation
is considered to be present in the samples. They suggest the possibility of using
nitrides for electronic device applications such as FETs of various designs.

Electrical contacts on nitrides are still in their infancy but significant progress
has been made during the last few years in the understanding of contact
formation and their quality improvement. Al is commonly used for ohmic and
Au for Schottky contacts [22]. The Schottky barrier height achieved using Au is
0.8 to 0.9eV and ideality factors close to 1 are possible. Annealing at 575°C
has, however, been reported to lead to contact degradation as manifested by
change to ohmic behavior and is probably related to the presence of Au
diffusion [22] Specific contact resistivities of 8'10-6ßcm2 have been achieved
using Ti/Al [23]. The low contact resistance was speculated to be due to the
solid phase reaction between Ti and GaN forming TiN. If the nitrogen is then
out-diffused from the GaN, N vacancies and thus heavy doping would be
present at the surface allowing realization of tunneling contacts.

4. Optical Device Applications

Nitride developments have impacted tremendously the area of optical devices

providing the possibility of realizing Light-Emitting-Diodes (LEDs) and Lasers
in the blue spectrum. These developments will have a tremendous impact on
future commercial and military applications such as displays and indicator
lights. First reports on blue LEDs employed Mg-doped, LEEBI treated p-type
GaN in conjunction with non-intentionally doped, n-type GaN [10]. The diodes
showed a threshold voltage of 3V and UV emission (~375nm) was related to
band-to-band transitions in the n-layer due to recombination of electrons with
injected holes from the p-layer. Violet-blue (VB) emission observed from the
same devices at ~425nm was associated with transitions in Mg-related
luminescence centers in the p-layer. Double heterostructure AlGaN(p-doped by
Mg)/GaN(n-doped by Si) LEDs have also been demonstrated and their
electroluminescence spectrum showed UV emission at 372nm related to band-
to-band transitions and blue emission at 423nm associated with Mg centers in

P-CaN Layer N-Electrode

N-InGaN Layer

N-GaN Layer
GaN Buffer Layer

Sapphire Substrate

Forward Current (mA)

Figure 4. Cross sectional view of blue GaN LED and its associated output
power spectrum.

Very promising characteristics for blue LEDs have been presented by Nichia,
Japan [13]. A double heterostructure consisting of p-GaN/n-InGaN/n-GaN has
been used for this purpose. Its cross section together with the output power
characteristics of the diode are shown in Fig.4 [13]. Emission was detected at
430nm. A maximum output power of about 125uW at 20mA can be seen from
these characteristics which is higher than the 60jxW achieved by Zn(S,Se) at the
same current. The quantum efficiency of the GaN LED was also found to be
superior to that of ZnSe; 0.22% and 0.10% for GaN and Zn(S,Se) respectively.

Work towards laser diode development has led to the demonstration of UV

emission from AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN double heterostructures [14], as well as,
1 to 3um thick GaN films deposited on sapphire [4]. Pumping by Argon laser
(X=2750-3050Ä, power=40mW) can be used for excitation. The PL spectra of
AlGaN/GaN(0.2um)/AlGaN structures at 30K showed emission at 3350Ä and
3600Ä from AlGaN and GaN respectively. By replacing the "bulk", 0.2um
thick GaN film by a thin, 300Ä GaN quantum-well, peak emission shifted by
38.7meV due to quantum size effects. Vertical cavity and edge emission was
demonstrated from GaN (l-3um)/AlN buffer(500Ä)/sapphire films at room
temperature. Stimulated emission at 368.2nm was also shown by optical
pumping of AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN. These results set up the basis for future laser
development using nitrides.

Other optical device applications of nitrides include the development of MSM

photodetectors operating in the UV spectrum. Compared with GaAs MSM, the
use of GaN permits smaller leakage and thus better signal-to-noise ratios, as
well as, higher voltages which would lead to reduction of the Schottky
depletion capacitance and thus possibility of higher operation frequencies.
Monte Carlo simulations of 0.25um GaN photodetectors have in fact predicted
high cutoff frequencies of 100GHz. These compare with operation cutoff
frequencies using similar size GaAs MSM diodes. [24].

5. Electronic Device Applications

Various electronic device applications can be envisaged using nitrides. These

include Surface Acoustic wave (SAW) devices, MESFETs and High Electron
Mobility Transistor (HEMT) applications. A1N is for example a very promising
candidate for SAW applications due to its very high Rayleigh wave velocity
(5650m/s) and low dispersion, as necessary for signal processing at high
frequencies [15]. The electromechanical coupling constant (k2) of A1N is
reasonably high and can be increased by increasing the growth temperature.
The k2 value is in fact critical for SAW device development since it's
proportional to the piezoelectric constant of the film; larger piezoelectricity
values can be obtained for larger k2 values. The immunity of nitrides to high
operation temperatures is another feature which renders the use of nitride SAW
devices very useful in applications such as automotive industry and other harsh
i ■ "T 1 r~
He implan'ntion
AVm - -1VM«p
Ti/AI | Pt/Au | TVAI /
its " "
ill 101 nmüaN
""^ In m tt HlStiml

li! 6nmAIN I
3 pm GaN
5 io - "'
40 nm AIN - A J_
:—J ' ' ' 1 1 1 1

2 3 4 S 6 7
Drain Voltage (V)
Figure 5. Cross-sectional view and DC high-temperature (300°C)
characteristics of AIN/GaN HEMT.

GaN MESFETs have been demonstrated using n-GaN films deposited on

sapphire with an intermediate AIN buffer [16]. The devices were isolated by
proton implantation. Ohmic contacts were made by Ti/Au (25Ä/1500Ä) and
silver was used for the fabrication of 4um long gates. The DC characteristics of
these devices showed modest performance with transconductances of
23mS/mm at Vg of -IV. More recent results on heterostructure-based
approaches showed very promising characteristics as confirmed by both DC
and high frequency data [17]. Fig.5 shows the cross-section of a GaN HFET
and the DC characteristics of the device at 300°C [17]. The transconductance of
lum HFETs was 45mS/mm at 30°C and 22mS/mm at 350°C, while the ft and
fmax were 8 and 22GHz respectively.

6. General trends and conclusions

The results discussed in the preceding sections show that nitride research has
tremendously progressed during the last few years. Material quality has been
improved and promising device characteristics have been demonstrated for both
optical and electronic components. A major obstacle in nitride development has
been the lack of lattice matched substrates. Various possible solutions exist to
face this difficulty. The traditional approach used up to now is the development
of suitable buffer technology to allow good heteroepitaxial growth. Other
alternatives would be the development of growth techniques for bulk GaN
substrates and the study of "compliant" substrate technologies which would
confine dislocation within an initial "soft" buffer layer.
Growth techniques may be possible to take advantage of the availability of
sources such as "supersonic jets" in order to control the energy of injected
species and thus improve the quality of the layers by achieving a smaller
window of energy spread and lower growth temperatures. Improvements are
also still necessary in terms of residual doping control and intentional doping.
Basic studies are necessary in this area to fully understand the basic physical
properties of nitrides and their relation to the observed electrical and optical

Although encouraging results have been obtained for both optical and
electronic devices, significant improvements are still necessary before use of
such components can be made. This applies to LEDs, lasers, photodetectors
operating in the blue spectrum, as well as, MESFETs and HEMTs built on
nitrides for high-power/high-temperature operation. Material quality
improvement and controlled doping are parameters that impose difficulties in
such developments. Basic transport property studies and experiments on
heterostructure formation and control are essential for the success of such

New applications may emerge from the above discussed nitride developments.
For example, photoemission studies of A1N showed negative electron affinity
(NEA) characteristics [25]. These could be extremely interesting for the
development of electron emitters. A possible application of them could be
microwave tubes where cold cathodes could be realized based on the NEA
characteristics of nitrides.

Overall, the success of recent nitride developments during the last five years
sets up a solid base for future developments of optical devices in the blue
spectrum and electronic components for high-power/high-temperature
applications. The synergy between material, chemistry and electrical/electronic
engineering expertise is expected to lead to further progress, as necessary for
practical use of such components in various applications.

7. Acknowledgment

The author would like to acknowledge the contributions of C.H. Hong, K.

Wang, Y. Park and J. Singh on the experimental studies of GaN growth by
MOCVD and the theoretical simulation of its growth. This work was
supported by ONR Contract No: N00014-92-J-1552.

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Arto V. Nurmikko and R.L Gunshor*

Division of Engineering and Department of Physics
Brown University, Providence Rl 02912, USA

1. Introduction

Compact blue and green semiconductor lasers will impact significantly on

such technologies as optical storage and multicolor displays. The availability of a blue
semiconductor laser near 450 nm, in conjunction with improvements in encoding
topology and superresolution (transcending diffraction limits), is expected to increase
the bit density in a compact disk by at least tenfold from that available in today's
consumer electronic equipment. Disk storage densities of up to 10 GBit/inz are
projected over the next decade, comparable to expectations with magnetic disks.
Motion pictures, multimedia presentations etc will be among the direct beneficiaries
for a portable medium such as the CD-ROM, linked closely to personal computer
technology. Optical disk technology in general is destined for explosive growth; for
example, compact terabyte data storage has been demonstrated in an optical disk

Two main approaches exist for achieving a compact blue laser source. Using
the presently avälable high power infrared diode lasers (GaAs technology), nonlinear
conversion by second harmonic generation has provided tens of mW of coherent
blue emission, power levels required for optical writing (reading is performed at mW
level). Such equipment, which is becoming commercially available, is however quite
expensive due to the complex optoelectronic engineering designs which are also
excessively bulky e.g. for a CD-ROM. The second, direct approach is to utilize a wide
bandgap semiconductor such as ZnSe or GaN as the basis of an eletrical injection
laser - a task which until recently appeared rather hopeless.

There are fundamental and practical reasons why wide bandgap

semiconductors, both of the ll-VI and lll-V variety, met with striking lack of success in
attempts to incorporate them in optoelectronic devices and were largely abandoned
for such applications (and left largely for dead, or for academics, or for dead
academics). In 1991, however, following a half a decade development in molecular
beam epitaxial methods for ll-VI compounds, first diode laser demonstrations under
pulsed conditions at cryogenic temperatures were achieved [1],[2]. Today one can
find laboratory demonstrations of room temperature ZnSe-based cw diode lasers at
several research facilities and a bright GaN-based blue LED is a commercial reality.
Hence a question which had no factual basis of being asked a few years ago: (to

* Purdue University, School of Electrical Engineering, West Lafayette IN 47907 USA

S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 303-313.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

paraphrase) "is a technologically viable blue semiconductor laser really to be or not?"

A wide bandgap semiconductor would generally prefer to be an insulator,

unless coaxed into ambipolar electrical activity by insightful synthesis procedures,
bordering until recently on nearly theological approaches. In spite of substantial
advances on the theoretical front about doping and significant successes in e.g the
p-type doping of both ZnSe and GaN

within specific epitaxial growth schemes, microscopic understanding of these

processes to guide experiment towards more flexible pn-junction designs is still far
from complete (with different reasons for ZnSe and GaN). We will survey this subject
below from the perspective of the requirements for blue and near UV diode lasers,
including the vital issues of defects and device degradation. The ability to
'bandstructure engineer' a semiconductor by tailored superlattice structrures has
found a particularly fertile application in the ZnSe diode lasers - for example the
contacts to metal electrodes are configured in this manner.

On the other side of the seesaw, the wide gap semiconductors enjoy
fundamentally large interband optical cross sections - an obvious asset for blue light
emitters. Excitons and related many electron-hole complexes play an important role
in facilitating gain in a ZnSe quantum well, while impurity states coupled strongly to
the lattice appear to be of direct benefit to the GaN LED in spite of a highly defected
crystal microstructure. In the ll-VIs particularly, flexible heterostructure designs have
produced, in addition to the advances with the conventional edge emitting lasers,
recent demonstrations of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers and evidence for very
large normal mode (vacuum Rabi) splittings in a microcavity in the strong coupling
regime. Apart from some fascinating science in photonic nanostructures, these
developments add to the design flexibility in the basic optical/electronic
"infrastructure" for wide gap
optical semiconductors, 1018 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r
hence further increasing the
odds for an eventual IQ"
emergence of
technologically viable blue ^ 1016
diode lasers.
ZnSe (EA=92 tneV)
In the epitaxy of 1015
common ll-VI
heterostructures ZnSe 1014
forms the 'hub' for blue-
green lasers. Lattice
constant mismatch is a 1013
7.0 9.0 13.0
serious design constraint for 1000/T
the ll-VI materials and the
choice of the substrate is not Figure 7 .Temperature dependence of the free hole density
obvious, either. To date, in p-ZnSe:N, p-Zn(S,Se):N, and (Zn.Mg) (S,Se):N (Ref. 6).

most light emitters have been grown on GaAs substrates/buffer layers which present
an 0.25% lattice mismatch to ZnSe, but can be fully lattice matched to Zn(S,Se) and
(Zn,Mg)(S,Se) of particular compositions. Results based on ZnSe homoepitaxy are
just beginning to appear. Complicating the epitaxy of the ll-VI ternaries and
quaternaries is the fact that none of the elements have an (even close to) unity
sticking coefficient on the growth surface, in strong contrast with most lll-V cases.

2. Doping and Transport of ZnSe and its Wide Bandgap Alloys

(a) p-type doping of ZnSe and related compounds

A major advance in the perennial difficulty to dope ZnSe p-type occurred in

1990 when Parketal., and independently, Ohkawaetal. showed how using nitrogen
as the acceptor, net acceptor concentrations in excess of 1017 cm3 could be
achieved [3]. This made the fabrication of pn-junctions a reality and led to the
demonstration of the diode laser as described in the following section. However,
basic questions remain about attaining substantially higher hole densities, especially
for the wider gap bandgap alloys. In ZnSe, n-type doping with a shallow donor such
as Cl leads readily to ■ | i i i i | i • ■ ■ | i . ■ i ! i > i r i i i i i | i i i ■ | i r i i

electron concentrations of «f 10 17 o after illumination ;

1019 cm3 and beyond; on E
\• • in the dark
the other hand, p-type 10
.1 10 fe-
doping with column V \ o' O '

elements other than c

<B •• o
nitrogen (such as As and c 10 15
O 0 _,
P) has been unsuccessful. Ü ■
• 0
The physical pictures a • o
o 10 14 r •
describing such restricted X
doping are based on either
lattice relaxation effects for 10 13
the formation of deep 3 4 5 6 8 10
levels [4], or issues of solid 1000/T
solubility [5]. In the former, Figure2: The persistent photoconductivity effect in
an unsuccessful acceptor (Zn,Mg)(S,Se);(Ref. 7).
candidate distorts the
tetrahedral bonding
arrangement strongly (including bondbreaking) leading to a deep level state;
qualitatively, the position of the valence band maximum (and such physical
parameters as the covalent radius and electronegativity of the anion) give some
guidance for the anticipated trends towards deep level formation among different
host compounds. When comparing ZnSe:N and ZnTe:N, for example, the latter may
be predicted to have a shallower acceptor ground state. For p-ZnSe, calculated
trends among the different column V (substitutional) acceptors suggest that the
lightest element, nitrogen, is least likely to form a deep level, localized state.
Experimentally, a series of observations have been made recently on epitaxial layers
under nominally the same nitrogen doping conditions for p-ZnSe:N, p-Zn(S,Se):N,
and (Zn,Mg)(S,Se):N, that lend support to this view [6]. Figure 1 displays the hole
concentration as a function of inverse temperature. The hole concentration decreases
distinctly as the polarity (and disorder) increases, while the acceptor state deepens
from about 90 meV to nearly 180 meV. In fact, closer examination of the Hall data
for the quaternary shows a second slope, indicative of a second acceptor state.

The nature of the deeper acceptor state in p-ZnMgSSe is elucidated in

Figure 2 which shows the persistent photo-conductivity observed in p-(Zn,Mg)(S,Se)
in Hall measurements [7]. The resistivity of the epitaxial layer increases by several
orders of magnitude upon illumination with visible light. The transport experiments
support the proposition that this acceptor state is configurationally lattice relaxed. The
situation is analogous to the DX center in (Ga,AI)As except that holes are at issue.
These observations show that the challenges to p-type doping may increase
substantially with increasing Mg and S concentrations in ZnMgSSe, as one attempts
to design light emitters for deep blue wavelengths. At present, ll-VI lasers have been
operated to about 460 nm, while the best devices are still near the 500 nm
wavelength. The occurrence of lattice relaxation is, of course, not unexpected in the
relatively polar wide gap ll-VI semiconductors. One should also expect comparable
effects in the wide gap nitrides, given the large electron (hole)-phonon interaction
strength in these lll-V semiconductors.

(b) Low Resistance Electrical Contacts

Progress in p-doping 600

of ZnSe not-
withstanding, large
Schottky barriers are
immediately ob-
served if direct
contacting to a metal / /
is attempted. (The t
first diode . lasers Ü
required working
voltages on the order
of 20 V). However,
once high levels of /


D-ZnSe \|>-2nT«

p-doping in ZnTe:N 0 10 -10 10 -10 10
were achieved, with Voltage (V) Voltage (V) Voltage (V)
free-hole con-
centrations reaching Figure 3: Current-voltage characteristics of a p-ZnSe epitaxial layer,
p=10l9cm-3 [8], and contacted by the ZnSeTe graded bandgap scheme (from Ref. 8).
since e.g. palladium
was found to form a
low-resistance contact to such ZnTe epilayers [9], a 'bandstructure engineered' low
resistance contact became feasible. In particular, a p-Zn(Se.Te) graded bandgap

scheme was ZaSSe

designed and
implemented by
Fan et al.;
specifically to
reduce the space
charge and
potential energy
barriers which
would otherwise
present a large
electrical im-
pedance at an
abrupt p-ZnTe/p-
ZnSe hetero-
interface [10]. (For
reasons of precise Figure 4: Schematic of the ZnCdSe/ ZnSSe/ZnMgSSe SCH design
control of the Te
concentration, a
short period p-type, highly strained ZnTe/ZnSe superlattice of 20Ä per period was
designed, with the ZnTe and ZnSe layer thicknesses in each cell varying to
approximate a graded bandgap material). A very similar structure has been discussed
in terms of resonant tunneling of holes by researchers at Sony Laboratories [11].
Figure 3 shows how the overall contact to p-ZnSe is quite ohmic; the specific contact
resistance was determined to be in the range of 2x10"4 Qcm2. The graded bandgap
contact scheme is now a standard in the laser diode devices and has also been
instrumental in facilitating a range of transport measurements.

3. Diode Lasers

(a) Device Design and Performance

In any semiconductor laser, the chief design criteria is to combine electronic

and optical confinement by enveloping a quantum well with an optical waveguide
within a multilayer heterostructure. Due to lattice mismatch constraints, which impose
a severe penalty if strain relaxation is allowed to take place (in the form of misfit
dislocations), the early blue-green diode lasers which featured layered arrangements
of (Zn.Cd)Se, ZnSe, and Zn(S,Se) were not optimally configured (while also lacking
a useful contact scheme to the topmost p-type ll-VI layer. The demonstration at Sony
Laboratories [12] and at Philips Laboratories in 1993 [13] that the quaternary
(Zn,Mg)(S,Se) could be grown, doped in an ambipolar fashion (with the caveats
above), and incorporated to a diode laser, made the design and fabrication of a
pseudomorphic SCH finally possible. Figure 4 shows the schematic of such a
heterostructure with the Cd-concentration typically x«0.20, sulfur concentration
y«0.07, and the Mg-concentration z«0.12 for a laser emitting at around 500 nm.

Significant , , , p-—> 1 1 1 < 1 ■

improvement of T-300K —/' -

the SCH-QW
device per- - -
formance has 3
E *******'^^ ^ ///
been realized in ///
/// ■

2 _ f . CD
O /•'/ ,

/// 3 >
guide structures /-'/
to reduce the /// -

injection cur- /// ■

/'/ -
rent. Figure 5 ■

shows the 1

continuous- 6 8 10 12 14
wave output/ Current (mA)
input char-
acteristics at Figure 5: Room temperature, continuous-wave operating characteristics
X=508 nm of of three nominally identical index guided SCH lasers at X = 508 nm.
three nominally
identical 4.2/^m wide devices from the authors' laboratories, where the ZnSeTe
graded bandgap ohmic contacts and high reflectivity facet coatings were also
incorporated [14]. Threshold voltages well below 6V and currents below 10mA have
now been reached, with differential efficiencies up to 60%. Single transverse mode
characteristics have been obtained in the ridge waveguide geometry for both single
and multiple quantum well devices. Initial devices sustained the cw operation less
than a minute before failure but the groups at Sony laboratories and at 3M/Philips
have recently extended the longevity to the scale of hours, illustrative of the rapid
progress in the field (when compared e.g. with the evolution of the GaAs injection
laser in the 1970s). The problem of device degradation and lifetime of the ll-VI lasers
is clearly a vital one, whose solution is imperative for technological applications of
these devices. Given the mechanical properties of these relatively polar
semiconductors (suggesting more vigorous dislocation dynamics), coupled with the
low MBE growth temperature, the control of defects and associate device
degradation poses an inherently larger challenge than in GaAs lasers.

Recently, researchers at 3M, Philips and the authors' group have conducted
systematic studies of the microstructure associated with the device failure [15],[16].
We now know that extrinsic morphological defects forming during epitaxy act as
launching centers for dislocation networks. The defects are predominantly stacking
faults created at the GaAs/ZnSe heterovalent interface, and lead to the presence of
a finite initial threading dislocation density in the strained active QW layer of the laser.
Nonradiative recombination in the QW at nearby point defects induces further
dislocation activity such as the generation of dislocation loops and leads to enetual
optical and electrical degradation of the QW. The dislocation multiplication proceeds
at a finite rate, even under relatively modest current densities (~ 100 A/cm2 as in a
LED). Several groups are now focusing their attention to improving the epitaxy of
laser quality material, with specific emphasis on the control of stacking faults and
point defects. For example, the stacking fault density has been reduced from about
10B cm"2 a couple of years ago to about 10* cm2 presently; correspondingly device
lifetime has increased thousandfold.

(b) Physics of Gain and Stimulated Emission

In formulating the microscopic description of the gän supplied by an electron-

hole gas in a QW, it is important to note the differences between GaAs-based and
ZnSe-based heterostructures. The fact that the exciton binding energy (Coulomb
interaction) in ZnSe-based QWs can reach the condition Ex>hwL0, kT (at room
temperature) raises a question about the nature of many-body electron-hole states
in a ll-VI blue-green laser. In optical pumping experiments at cryogenic temperatures
(typically 10-I00K), it has been demonstrated directly that stimulated emission is
dominated by exciton-like process in the ZnSe-based QWs [17]. Here we give an
example of gain spectroscopy at room temperature for a (Zn.Cd)Se/ ZnSe/Zn(S,Se)
index guided device [18] while probing the optical constants near the n=1 HH QW
exciton resonance, performed by a method first introduced by C.H. Henry et al. [19].
The technique makes use of fundamental and very general relationships between
spontaneous and stimulated emission. Figure 6 shows gain/absorption spectra near
the n=1 interband transition
of the active 75 A thick
ZnCdSe QW at T=300K.
Under low current injection,
both the n=1 heavy hole
(HH) and light hole (LH)
exciton absorption peaks
are well defined. With
increasing injection, both
absorption peaks begin to
saturate due to many-body
effects. At laser threshold
(I »300 mA in gain guided
devices), the LH exciton
peak remains well defined,
and even the HH exciton
resonance remains
discernible, while supplying
gain on its low energy side. 2.5 2.6
Hence it appears that Photon Energy (eV)
electron-hole pairwise
Coulomb correlation Figure 6: Experimental gain/loss spectra of a
remains important in the ZnCdSe/ZnSSe/ZnMgSSe SCH diode laser as a function
diode laser operating of injection current, including the n =1 QW exciton
conditions. Such a resonance region (Ref. 18)
correlation would result in an enhancement in the electron-hole wavefunction overlap
when compared to a one-electron picture. A corresponding enhancement in the
optical transition matrix element has been measured in the spontaneous
recombination rate.

4. Other Geometries: Vertical Cavities and Microcavity Physics in the Blue-


In parallel to the development of the edge emitting diode lasers, there are
ample reasons to explore other resonator configurations such as the vertical cavity
surface emitting laser (VCSEL). At room temperature the gain of a ZnCdSe QW SCH
diode laser is approximately g^lSOO cm1 (at a current density I-500 A/cm ). In
designing a VCSEL structure, this implies a requirement for the mirror reflectivity of
R=0.997 for a three QW thick gain medium (!_„« 75Ä). While the direct epitaxial
growth of distributed feedback Bragg (DBR) reflectors is in principle possible, the
small differences in the indexes of
refraction e.g. for ZnSSe and (a) SiO /HfOj DBR lUclc

ZnMgSSe requires a very large

number of A/4 layer pairs (-100),
grown with high precision. We
have pursued the alternative of
dielectric coating materials in the
form Of SiO/ri02 DBR StaCkS. ZoCdSe/ZnSSc/ZnMgSSc

Figure 7(a) shows a

schematic of the device
arrangement for optical pumping
studies in which the 3QW gain
segment, part of a
ZnCdSe/ZnSSe/ZnMgSSe SCH Si02 /HfOj DBR lUelc

pseudomorphic structure, was (b)

placed at an antinode (maximum
optical field) in a 5A long vertical
cavity [20]. Figure 7(b) shows the <
spectral characteristics at T=
200K and 300K of the emission CO
recorded in the vertical direction z
of a typical laser structures both Z
below (0.8WJ and above the
threshold (1.2WJ. The onset of 494 495 496 497 498
laser emission was confirmed WAVELENGTH (nm)
visually by the emergence of a
distinct beam of circular cross Figure 7: (a) schematic of blue-green VCSEL; (b)
emission spectrum below and above threshold at
section emerging from the
T=300K (Ref. 20)
devices at a typical angle of
divergence of 4-5°. Conversion
efficiencies of about 20% were measured below room temperature. As expected,
already below the lasing threshold the impact and the presence of the vertical cavity
is profound in producing strong linewidth reduction in the spontaneous emission,
given here by AA«0.26 nm (AE«1.65 meV). Above threshold, the laser emission was
always <110> polarized. Work is presently underway to explore the fabrication of
electrically injected VCSELs.

Short vertical resonator structures, planar "quantum" microcavities (L~A),

offer an opportunity to explore the coupling of electromagnetic radiation with
electronic resonances in semiconductors at a fundamental level. As for applications,
predictions range from high
brightness LEDs to (a)
'thresholdless' lasers. Both
• Q = 17.5meV h T = 50 K -
linear and nonlinear optical
experiments have been 3
. Y = 5 meV e = 26°
performed on lll-V
microcavities to show a o .
diversity of phenomena ; ;
ranging from E / I i •
c j
spontaneous emission to
the observation of the so- Vi
called vacuuum Rabi '
splittings (in analog to work 2.53 2.54 2.55 2.56 2.57 2.58 2.59 2.60
with atom optics in high Q Energy (eV)
resonators). The 11-VI
compound QWs are
particularly suited for such (b)
2.63 , , r-
investigations due to the
large exciton oscillator 2.62 - Q = 17.5 meV
strengths that can readily 2.61
Y = 5meV
lead to the strong coupling > 2.60
regime, defined 2.59 -
2.58 24.5° h s?
approximately by the
0} 2.57 —■ »—'— 2.568 eV.
condition Q>y, vc, where Ü c 5-
is the Rabi frequency
(proportional to the square
root of the oscillator
UJ 2.56
2.54 #..-«^—
^f s-r"^ "

1 are tne 2.53

strength) and y, Yc" ()' 10° 20* 30" 40-
exciton linewidth Angle
broadening and the photon
Figure 8: (a) Rabi-splitting in the transmission spectrum of a
cavity lifetime, respectively.
ZnCdSe QW microcavity at the n=1 exciton state; (b) the
Recent work has normal mode frequencies over a range of detuning (21)
demonstrated microcavity
effects in a ll-VI system;
here we show an example from linear spectroscopy applied to an undoped
ZnCdSe/ZnSSe/ZnMgSSe SCH structure with three 75 A thick ZnCdSe QWs [21]. To
tune the frequency separation of the cavity mode and the electronic (exciton)
resonance, we resorted to angle tuning (also temperature tuning) to generate
transmission spectra such as shown in Figure 8(a) which demonstrates the normal
mode splitting when the uncoupled oscillator frequencies are made equal to each
other, here at an angle of 0=26° at T=50 K. Note that the minimum splitting, the Rabi
frequency, at this "closest approach" of the mixed exciton-cavity mode is Q«17.5
meV. This value not only exceeds the substantial inhomogeneous linewidth in the
(Zn.Cd)Se QWs but is also a sizable fraction of the HH exciton binding energy. The
anti-crossing feature of the coupled electromagnetic-excitonic oscillators is shown
further in Figure 8(b). Both figures also includes a theoretical fit, subject to the
following parameters: mirror reflectivity R=0.994, cavity linewidth Yc=cC-
R)/(2ncJ_eff)=2.1 meV , nonradiative broadening Y=50 meV, and the "radiative
linewidth" of the exciton hr>0.3 meV for the total three QWs. The "bare" exciton
resonance was fixed at Ex=2.568 eV with an effective index of refraction ncav=2.68.

The observed Rabi splitting is much larger than obtained in the GaAs
microresonators. While the work with the ll-VI systems is only beginning in this field,
it is possible to envision microresonator arrangements in which Q>kT can be
achieved at room temperature. This implies a very high degree of intermixing of the
electronic and photonic waves and suggests many new and fundamentally distinct
possibilities for blue-green light emitters.

5. Summary Remarks

In this overview we have touched on current work on the new blue-green ll-VI
lasers. The field is moving rapidly and any overview is subject to annual revision.
Clearly, further advances need be made e.g. for improving the vertical transport, the
p-type doping, and QW designs for larger gain. Better control of crystalline defects,
including choices of substrate and buffer layers, and their identification in the device
degradation process are crucial issues now when technological prospects of these
diode lasers need be evaluated realistically and competitively. Much innovation and
basic research is also awaiting the researchers in this expanding field. Extension
deeper into the blue and near UV is being pursued, as well as studies of new lasers
such as small vertical cavity emitters.

Acknowledgement ~ The authors wish to acknowledge the following members of their

group: J. Ding, H. Jeon, M. Hagerott, P. Kelkar, V. Kozlov, A. Salokatve, and M.
Hovinen at Brown, and D. Grillo, Y. Fan, J. Han, Li He, and M. Ringle at Purdue. The
research was supported by ARPA (N00014-92-J-1893), NSF (at Brown DMR-
9112329 and MRG/DMR-9121747; at Purdue DMR-9202957) and by AFOSR


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Laboratoire des Matöriaux MoUculaires
C. N. R. S., 2 rue Henry-Dunant
94320 Thiais

1. Introduction

Organic materials are almost everywhere in electronic devices. They are used for instance
in lithography and encapsulation. They are everywhere, but at the very heart of the
device, upon which silicon still imposes its dictatorship. Nevertheless, organic
semiconductors do exist, and have indeed been largely studied since the early fifties [1].
It has been shown that metal-semiconductor (MS) and metal-insulator-semiconductor
(MIS) structures can be realized with these organic materials. Practical applications were
even thought to be within reach in 1978, when a photovoltaic cell made with
merocyanine — an organic dye — was claimed to present a power efficiency close to 1
% under AMI solar illumination [2]. Unfortunately, this yield, which is still one order
of magnitude too small, has not been improved to date, but the domain is still active [3-
The second chance for organic semiconductors came in the early eighties, with the
emergence of conjugated polymers and oligomers. Conjugated polymers present the
unique property of having their conductivity increased by several orders of magnitude
upon doping. Highly conducting polyacetylene has been claimed to present a
conductivity close to that of metals [6]. It has been recognized more recently that the
non intentionally doped ("undoped") form of conjugated polymers and oligomers
constitute a new class of organic semiconductors. A tremendous amount of work has
been done on light-emitting diodes made with organic conjugated polymers, [7-9] after
it appeared that these devices could compete with their mineral counter-part in term of
efficiency and extent of colors that can be produced.
The field-effect transistor (FET) is another device where conjugated polymers and
oligomers have proved useful [10-16]. Of these, polythiophenes [10,12,14,16] and
oligothiophenes [13-15] seem to be the most promising. Polythiophenes present a field-
effect mobility ranging from 10"5 to 10"4 cm2V"1s"1, whereas that of oligothiophenes,
and more precisely sexithiophene (6T) and some of its derivatives, is two orders of
magnitude higher. Although these values are far below those of mineral semiconductors,
they are approaching that of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H), which would
make organic materials particularly suitable for large area devices, e.g., flat panel
displays. The electrical properties of these polymers and oligomers have been found to
S. Luryi et dl. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 315-326.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
be much dependent on the purity of the material and method of film preparation [17,18].
They can also be modulated through chemical derivations.
In the present paper, we describe the fabrication and operating mode of organic field-
effect transistors (OFETs), and review devices published to date. We will then focus on
oligothiophenes, and show that a strong correlation can be found between their electrical
and structural properties. Accordingly, the device performance can be optimized by both
chemical and physical means.

2. Fabrication and operating mode of OFETs

Figure 1 gives a schematic view of the most commonly used structure. OFETs are
fabricated according to the thin film transistor (TFT) architecture, which was first
described thirty years ago [19]. Because an insulating layer is not easy to deposit on
top of an organic semiconductor, the structure is inverted, i.e., it is built over the gate
electrode. Most often, the insulator is silicon oxide thermally grown on a silicon wafer.
The Si substrate, which plays no active role in the device, serves as the gate electrode.
Two gold source and drain electrodes are evaporated on the silicon oxide before the
deposition of the active organic semiconducting layer. They form ohmic contacts to the
semiconducting layer.


Figure 1. Schematic view of an organic field-effect transistor.

We have recently developed an all-organic structure in which the insulator is a spin-

coated polymer — generally poly(methyl-methacrylate) (PMMA) [20,21]. The
aluminum gate is evaporated on the substrate before the deposition of the insulating
layer. Gold source and drain and organic semiconductor are then deposited in sequence.
A main advantage of this structure is the possibility to built it on a flexible substrate.
The characterization of OFETs consists of measuring the drain current Id as a
function of the source-drain voltage Vd for various source-gate voltages Vg. A set of
such Id-Vd curves is shown in Figure 2.

-10 -15 -20 -25 -30

-25 T r
-V,=20V (a)
-20 -Vg=0V
■ Vg=-20 V

-10 -

-5 -

jj^t •■§ • +M-*~A--*- -^^--.-

-10 -15 -20 25 -30

Drain voltage (V)

Figure 2. Current voltage characteristics of an organic field-effect transistor. The

semiconductor is a sexithiophene derivative, and the insulator PMMA. The device operates
either in the enrichment (top curves, Vg<0) or the depletion (bottom, V^>0) regime. The
geometrical parameters of the device are L=50 (im, W=5 mm and C,=10 nF/cm2.

The device can operate either in the enrichment mode, Figure 2a, or in the depletion
mode, Figure 2b. The signs of both Vj and Vg are consistent with a p-type
semiconductor (here 6T). In the enrichment mode, the curves can be described by
Equations (1) [22].

Id = Z Ci ßFET [(Vg-Vt)Vd - -Y_ (Vd<Vg) (la)

Id.sai = 2L C' WET (Vg-VtY (Vd>Vg) (lb)
Here, W and L are the channel width and length, respectively, C; is the insulator
capacitance (per unit area), ßFET is the field-effect mobility and Vt the threshold
voltage. Curves in the enrichment mode can thus be used to determine the field-effect
In the depletion mode, the curves show that the semiconducting layer can be fully
depleted. (The small remaining ohmic current is due to leakage through the insulator.)
This occurs when the width of the depletion layer equals that of the semiconducting
layer, that is when the gate voltage equals the pinch-off voltage Vp, Equation (2)

v _«M£ (l + 2§f) (2)

P ~ 2£seo

Here, q is the electron charge, N the dopant concentration, d the thickness of the
semiconductor, es its dielectric constant, SQ the permittivity of free space, and Cs the
dielectric capacitance of the semiconducting layer (Cs=esEQ/d). Equation (2) can be
used to estimate the doping level of the organic semiconductor.

3. Materials used in OFETs

The organic materials used in field-effect transistors can be sorted into two main groups:
polymers and molecular materials.


These are trans-polyacetylene (PA), [11] polythiophene (PT) [10,12,14,16] and

poly(thienylene-vinylene) (PTV) [24], Figure 3.

■J^N^N^S-. Trans-polyacetylene

4*h n


^k (34. Poly(3-alkylthiophene)

<*M. n

Figure 3. Chemical structure of the conjugated polymers used in OFETs.

Most of the early conjugated polymers were infusible and insoluble. They were therefore
difficult to obtain as thin films. Films of PT could be grow on the pre-deposited source
and drain electrode by electrochemical polymerization. Such obtained films are poorly
defined, and the performance of the devices was limited. More recently, spin-cast films
of conducting polymers have been realized, either from a soluble precursor polymer, or
from a conjugated polymer substituted with solubilizing groups, e.g., poly(3-
alkylthiophene), Figure 3.


By this we mean materials made of smaller molecules than polymers. They comprise
conjugated oligomers, and other conjugated molecules. We note that the early organic
semiconductors, e.g., anthracene, were members of this class of materials.

3.2.1. Conjugated oligomers

These are almost exclusively the thiophene oligomers (nT, where n stands for the
number of thiophene units). Figure 4 shows the molecular structure of sexithiophene,
the most widely used oligothiophene, and of two of its derivatives. Thiophene
oligomers are deposited by vacuum evaporation. Longer oligomers substituted by
solubilizing pendent alkyl groups (up to 16T [25]) have been isolated recently. As
oligothiophenes beyond 8T tend to crack when heated under vacuum, these compounds
are spin cast.


ss s s
^\f \J \i

Figure 4. Molecular structure of sexithiophene (top) and its derivatives substituted with
alkyl chains at end (middle) and pendent (bottom) positions.

3.2.2. Other conjugated molecules

OFETs have been made with various diphthalocyanines [26,27], which are all p-type.
More recently, some n-type organic semiconductors have been studied. These
compounds are electron donors, such as tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) [28], and
fullerene C60 [29].
4. Performance of the organic FETs


The electrical parameters of "amorphous" organic semiconductors have been recently

reviewed by Brown and coworkers. They found a "universal" relationship between the
conductivity cand mobility ß, of the form ji<xcfi, which means that an increase of the
mobility is always associated with an increase of the conductivity. Data are gathered in
Table 1. We note that an OFET based on a Langmuir-Blodgett film of the charge-
transfer material (N-octadecylpyridinium)-Ni(dmit)2 has been recently claimed to
present a field-effect mobility of 0.18 cm2V"1s"1 [32]. Unfortunately, the conductivity
(1 S/cm) is also very high, which considerably limits on-off ratio, i.e., the ratio of the
saturation drain current in the accumulation regime, to that when the gate bias is zero.

TABLE 1. Field-effect mobility and conductivity of variously doped "amorphous" organic

semiconductors (unless otherwise stated, all materials are p-type)
Material Deposition technique Conductivity Mobility Ref.
Poly(hexylthiophene) Langmuir-Blodgett 4xl0"7 7xl07 14
Quinquethiophene Langmuir-Blodgett 3xl0" lxlO5 14
Sc-diphthalocyanine vacuum evaporation 5xl0"6 lO3 26
5 3
Lu-diphthlocyanine vacuum evaporation 10" - 10 lO"4 - lO"3 27
Tm-diphthalocyanine vacuum evaporation lO"4 - 10"3 10"4 - 10"2 27
poly(alkylthiophene) spin coating lO"8 - lO"5 10"8 - 10"5 31
TCNQ (n-type) vacuum evaporation 10-10 . 10-6 10-10 . io-4 28
poly(DOT)3 spin coating 10"8 -10"5 10"6 - lO"3 30
C6o (n-type) vacuum evaporation lO"8 - lO"2 lO5 - lO2 29
(iV-octa')-Ni(dmit)2 Langmuir-Blodgett 1 0.18 32


Oligothiophenes deviate from the general trend observed above. This is probably
because of their self-assembling behavior, which leads to a crystalline structure of the
evaporated films.

4.2.1. Effect of the length of the oligomer

Table 2 gives the conductivity and field-effect mobility of vacuum evaporated
oligothiophenes, from terthiophene (3T) up to octithiophene (8T). The most remarkable
feature of these data is the huge increase of the mobility up to the sexithiophene. We
note that the mobility increases must faster than the conductivity. The mobility of
octithiophene 8T is lower than that of 6T, and compares with that of polythiophene. We

also note that the conductivity of «Ts is anisotropic, the charge transport being favored
in the direction parallel to the film.

4.2.2. Effect of substitutions

Substitution on the oligomer can take place either at ends of the molecule [15,33], or as
pendent groups [34]. The effect of these substitutions is shown in Table 3 and 4,
respectively. End substitution results in an increase by a factor of 10 to 100 of the field-
effect mobility, whereas the conductivity is practically unchanged. Substitution by
pendent groups gives quasi insulating materials. Measurable conductivity and mobility
are only obtained in very long oligomers (12T), where they compare to that of the
parent polymer.

TABLE 2. Conductivity and field effect mobility of vacuum evaporated

non substituted oligothiophenes nT
Oligomer Conductivity (S/cm) Mobiliy (cn^V-V1)
perpendicular parallel
3T 10-io <10"7
4T io- 9 2xl0"7
5T io- 8
10 6 2-5xl0-5
6T 2xl0" 7
lxlO" 6
8T IO" 7 2xl0"4

TABLE 3. Conductivity and field-effect mobility of oligothiophenes

substituted with alkyl chains at end positions. DE: diethyl, DH: dihexyl
Oligomer Conductivity (S/cm) Mobiliy (crrrW1)
perpendicular parallel
DE3T 2xl0"7
DE4T 5x10-5
DE5T 9xl0"4
DH6T 5xl0" 7
6x10-5 4xl0"2
DH8T 5xlO"7 4xl0" 4

TABLE 4. Conductivity and field-effect mobility of

oligothiophenes substituted with pendent alkyl chains.
DP: didecyl, TD: tetradecyl
Oligomer Conductivity (S/cm) Mobility (crtr^V'V1)
DD6T 1013 <10"7
TD12T IO 5xl0"6
5. Crystal structure of sexithiophenes

We shall now focus on 6T and its derivatives. We have recently resolved the crystal
structure of non substituted 6T. The unit cell, Figure 5, is monoclinic, and contains four
molecules arranged in a herringbone close-packing [35].

Figure 5. Crystal structure of sexithiophene

This crystal arrangement presents some remarkable features. Molecules are rigorously
planar and strictly parallel to each other. Moreover, the n-orbital overlap between nearest
neighbor molecules is maximum, which can account for that, unlike conjugated polymer,
the charge transport is favored along the rc-stack direction.
The crystal structure of sexithiophene substituted by pendent butyl groups has been
resolved recently [36]. The main effect of the pendent group is to shift the nearest
neighbor thiophene chains, which results in a dramatic decrease of the Tc-overlap. This
would account for the very low conductivity and mobility of that compound.
End substituted oligothiophene present a two dimensional structure, where layers of
thiophene chains alternate with alkyl layers. Up to the diethyl-quinquethiophene
(DE5T), the unit cell has been claimed to be orthorombic [37]. In spite of great efforts,
we have not been able to grow single crystals of dihexyl-sexithiophene (DH6T), in
which both the thiophene and alkyl chains are longer. However, X-ray diffraction on
evaporated films of DH6T showed a two dimensional structure extending over large
distances, that would compare to that of a liquid crystal.

6. Charge transport in sexithiophene

Like for conjugated polymers, the field-effect mobility of oligothiophenes is thermally

activated. In conjugated polymers, this is generally ascribed to a hopping transport. We
have shown that in the case of sexithiophene, this could be explained in the frame of a

multiple thermal trapping and release model [38]. Data are consistent with an
exponential distribution of traps, that compares to that found in a-Si:H. The traps are
attributed to grain boundaries, and the higher mobility of the end-substituted DH6T can
be ascribed to its particular liquid-crystal-like structure, with a very low density of grain
boundaries in the direction parallel to the film. Our model can also account for the
enhanced mobility of 6T vacuum evaporated on heated substrates, in which electron
microscopy showed an increase of the crystal grain size [39].
The deposition on a heated substrate also results in a decrease of the conductivity,
which can be attributed to an improvement of the purity of the film. An even lower
conductivity was measured on single crystals. In that case, the mobility is close to 0.1
cn^V'V1, and the doping level, estimated from the pinch-off potential, is 3xl014 cm"3,
which corresponds to a molar ration of 0.2 ppm. Table 5 compares the electrical
parameters of polythiophene to that of sexithiophene in its different forms.
TABLE 5. Conductivity, mobility and doping level of polythiophene and different forms of
Material Conductivity Mobility Doping level
(S/cm) (cnvty-V1) (cm"3)
7 6
Polythiophene 10" - 10" 10"5 - 10"4 1017- 1018
6T (substrate at 25°C) 1.5xl0- 0.003 lxlO18
6T (substrate at 280°C) 1.2xl0"7 0.025 5xl016
6T (single crystal) <10"9 0.075 3xl014
DH6T 6xl0"5 0.04 3xl017

These results indicate that, in contrast to "amorphous" organic compounds, large on-off
ratios can be obtained with sexithiophene.

7. Conclusions

Field-effect transistors have been made with thin films of a number of organic
semiconductors, including conjugated polymers and oligomers. Two categories of
behavior can be differentiated. First, in most of the conjugated polymers, and in a great
number of "amorphous" molecular materials, conduction is governed by a hopping
mechanism. This result in a field-effect mobility that depends on the doping level.
Accordingly, high mobility is only obtained with materials that also present a high
conductivity. FETs made with these materials present an inherently poor on-off ratio.
The second category is that followed by the oligothiophenes. In these materials, the
charge transport obeys a thermal trapping mechanism, and is hence only dependent on
the density of traps, whereas the conductivity depends on the doping level. High
mobility can thus be associated with low conductivity by using highly ordered and very
pure materials. Ordering can be obtained by chemical means, as it is favored by
substitution at ends of the molecule. Highly crystalline films can also be realized by
adjusting the deposition parameters.
Practical applications of the organic EETs can be envisioned in fields where large areas
are needed. Another interesting property of these devices is the possibility to make them
on flexible substrates. We finally note that the fabrication of OFETs requires soft
techniques and very low temperatures.

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Microelectronics Research Center
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712 USA


Modern crystal growth methods allow multilayer heterostructures to be incorporated in a

variety of novel and useful devices. For example, the use of distributed Bragg reflectors
(DBR's) with high reflectivity designed for a specific wavelength has led to
microcavities for both light emitters and detectors. This has revolutionized the design of
semiconductor lasers, which now have resonant cavities on the order of a single
wavelength of light. Photodetectors also have been changed by incorporating DBR's to
form microcavities for absorption. The resonant-cavity photodiode structure in effect
decouples the quantum efficiency from the transit-time. It is also possible to introduce
additional periodicities in the mirror design to achieve reflectivity at two (or four)
separate wavelengths. These wavelength-selective mirrors should have a variety of
applications in wavelength division multiplexing. Lasers and detectors employing
resonant cavities on the wavelength scale will play an important role in a variety of
future optoelectronic applications, and for optical interconnects. By using techniques
such as selective oxidation of AlAs layers, it is possible to define cavities in the lateral
plane as well as vertically between the DBR's. As a result of these advances in the
design of microcavities, new approaches to low-dimensional confinement of photons are
possible, in analogy to the study of electron confinement.

1. Introduction

The development of III-V epitaxial growth techniques such as molecular beam epitaxy
(MBE) and metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) has made possible the
design and reproducible growth of a broad range of novel optoelectronic and high speed
electronic devices based on ultra-thin layers. High electron mobility transistors and
heterojunction bipolar transistors offer substantial improvements over traditional devices
[1]. Other applications of heterostructure growth provide new types of devices requiring
ultrathin layers, such as quantum wells for lasers, resonant tunneling diodes, etc. In
much of this work the thin layered structures are designed to confine carriers, or to
realize thin potential barriers to take advantage of quantum tunneling effects. Among the
advantages of high growth control are the ability to do modulation doping and delta
doping, with control on the scale of a monolayer [2].
Semiconductor quantum wells (QW's), achievable through control of layer
thickness with monolayer accuracy, have been a rich source of insight into
S. Luryi et al. (eis.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 327-335.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

semiconductor physics and have led to novel structures for electronic and photonic
device applications. The interaction between photons and carriers in a quantum well, the
optical transition, is governed by the fact that only discrete energy states are allowed for
electrons and holes in the well. Not only do quantum wells provide transition energies
different from the bulk material, but also population inversion is achieved at a lower
threshold current in a QW laser. Confinement of carriers can be substantial in 8-doped
quantum wells. For example, we have reported confinement of holes on a scale of about
5 A in a 50A QW 8-doped with Be [2]. Carrier confinement can lead to a number of
interesting low-dimensional effects, including those related to quantum wires and
quantum boxes. The quantum-confined Stark effect is an example of a useful effect (for
light modulators) that can only be achieved with these modern growth techniques. In the
usual quantum well structure, where electrons and holes are well-confined in the
potential well region, transition energies occur near the energy gap of the well layer.
For applications requiring higher transition energies, a number of quantum well
structures have been proposed and synthesized, such as those using narrow wells, high-
gap well layers, and superlattices in the well region. From the earliest days of MBE,
there has been an interest in artificial periodicities available by growth of multilayer
heterostructures. Both compositional and doping periodicities can lead to new
"miniband" or "subband" conduction of electrons and holes. Superlattice quantum wells
(SLQW's) can be used to achieve high-energy transitions, which can be varied over a
few hundred meV using different Al As and GaAs layer thicknesses in the SLQW's. It is
also possible to use aperiodic layer thicknesses, including random-period superlattices,
to further tailor the properties of the quantum wells [3].

2. Distributed Bragg Reflectors

An extension of the periodic growth of heterostructures is the ability to grow alternating

layers of thicknesses corresponding to fractions of a wavelength of light (e.g., X/4) in
the material. It is therefore possible to simulate mirrors within the device by
incorporating distributed Bragg reflectors (DBR's) with high reflectivity designed for a
specific wavelength. Recently, mirrors have been made with additional periodicities to
achieve the proper phase change and/or delay such that the DBR exhibits reflectivity at
two separate wavelengths [4], We have also achieved two- and four- wavelength mirrors
in our lab [5]. These wavelength-selective mirrors should have a variety of applications
in wavelength division multiplexing. Of particular interest is the use of DBR's to form
microcavity structures in which the cavity length is adjustable on the scale of a
wavelength of the light being used. This has revolutionized the design of semiconductor
lasers, and has led to the use of microcavities in both lasers and detectors, as discussed

3. Photodiodes

Recently we have applied the Bragg reflectors available by MBE growth to take
advantage of resonant absorption of photons in microcavities. Such resonant cavities
can have enormous impact on traditional photodiodes.
The PIN photodiode is the most widely deployed photodetector for photonic
applications. The light that enters the photodiode is attenuated exponentially with

distance into the absorbing layer, and photogenerated electrons and holes give rise to a
photocurrent that is proportional to the incident intensity. There is a tradeoff between
the responsivity and the bandwidth of the PIN structure, since to achieve high quantum
efficiency a relatively thick absorption layer is required, which in turn requires a longer
time to collect the photogenerated carriers. This is the origin of the transit time limit to
the bandwidth.
We have demonstrated a novel resonant-cavity photodiode, shown in Fig. 1, that
circumvents the quantum efficiency bandwidth tradeoff due to transit time effects [6].
This structure increases the absorption through multiple reflections between two parallel
mirrors in a Fabry-Perot cavity whose length is typically one wavelength. The lower
mirror is an integrated Bragg reflector consisting of alternating X/4 epitaxial layers,
having a reflectivity >99%. The top mirror is usually a high reflectivity dielectric stack
that can be deposited after fabrication and initial characterization.

.Dielectric Stack

SZ22 ——£T7*+V Contact

-■I j
v ■ "-wtwr
L2 I
} X/4DBR
Ivvvvvvwvvvvv^^11 Contact

Figure 1. A resonant cavity PIN photodiode with distributed Bragg reflectors to define a
cavity one wavelength long.

For resonant-cavity photodiodes having device areas -50 \lvcfl, bandwidths greater
than 100 GHz can be achieved without sacrificing responsivity. The photon buildup
time in such a short cavity corresponds to a bandwidth in excess of -lO1^ Hz and poses
no limitation on the speed. This illustrates one advantage of the resonant-cavity
approach, namely, that the quantum efficiency can be effectively decoupled from the
transit-time [6]. While the improved bandwidth is accomplished at the expense of a
narrower spectral response, almost all photonic systems operate within a very narrow
wavelength range. In fact, this may be used to advantage for applications such as
wavelength-division multiplexing in fiber optic systems. Resonant-cavity structures
promise performance enhancements in several photodetector applications [7].

4. Resonant-Cavity Avalanche Photodiode with Separate Absorption

and Multiplication

It is well known that the internal gain of avalanche photodiodes (APD's) can provide
substantial improvements in signal-to-noise compared to PIN photodiodes. The gain is
achieved through carrier multiplication, a consequence of impact ionization at high
electric fields. Two of the crucial performance characteristics of APD's, the gain-
bandwidth product and the excess noise arising from the random nature of the
multiplication process, are determined primarily by the electron and hole ionization
coefficients (a and ß, respectively) or, more specifically, by k which is defined as the
ratio of the ionization coefficients. For low noise and high gain-bandwidth products, a
large difference in the ionization rates (k « 1) is desirable [8].
In a properly designed APD only the carrier with the highest ionization rate (either
the electrons or holes, depending on the material) is injected into the high-field
multiplication region. This can be accomplished with separate absorption and
multiplication (SAM) structures. The SAM APD's have been widely deployed in long-
wavelength, high-bit-rate optical transmission systems. As these transmission systems
have progressed to higher and higher bit rates, however, the bandwidth of the SAM
APD's has become a limitation. Therefore, the resonant-cavity structure has become an
attractive alternative to achieve high speed without sacrificing quantum-efficiency.
Recently, we have successfully incorporated a SAM APD into a resonant-cavity
structure [9]. A schematic cross section of the device is shown in Fig. 2. It has a 500 A

50 A n-iype GuAs contact layer

•4600 A n+ type Al() 4Ga0 6As

A!Q 4GaQ gAs multiplication layer
500 A p'doped Ing [Gag gAs absorption layer

3200 A p-type A1Q jGaQ g As layer

Fig. 2. A resonant cavity enhanced avalanche photodiode with

separate absorption and multiplication regions [9].

Ino.1Gao.9As absorption region and a 2000 Ä-thick Alo.4Gao.6As multiplication

region. The lower mirror is made up of twenty quarter-wavelength pairs of AlAs(755
A)/GaAs(625 A) and the top mirror is a quarter-wave-stack of ZnSe/CaF2 pairs. Initial
devices have produced very encouraging results: peak external quantum efficiency -75%,
the dark current at 90% of breakdown < 10 nA, and multiplication values in excess of
30. The quantum efficiency is much higher than the value of 4% that would have been
achieved in a single pass without the resonant-cavity structure.
Two intriguing characteristics of these APD's are their extremely low operating
voltage and low multiplication noise. Conventional APD's require bias voltages in the
range 50 to 100 V. Our resonant-cavity APD's exhibit breakdown at < 14 V
representing almost an order of magnitude reduction in power dissipation. The value of
k for these devices is about 0.3, which is smaller than the value for the long-wavelength
InP/InGaAs SAM APD's that are widely used for long-distance telecommunications
(typically in the range 0.4 < k < 0.5) [10]. A great deal of research is necessary in order
to fully understand the physics of the multiplication process in these APD's and to
achieve even lower noise. In lattice-mismatched systems, there may be a strain-induced
enhancement in oc/ß for tensile strain in the quantum well and compressive strain in the
barrier [11]. One might introduce strain into the resonant-cavity SAM APD's by
utilizing a multiplication region of alternating layers of AlGaAs and AlInGaAs.

5. Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers

The vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser has recently gained much attention in the
research literature. This type of structure represents a minimum volume laser, since the
Fabry-Perot cavity length is on the order of the lasing wavelength, and thus it has the
greatest potential of any semiconductor laser structure for ultra-low threshold current.
The device's vertical geometry is tailor-made for large scale integration, since light is
emitted normal to the epitaxial surface, and thus is also compatible with large area two-
dimensional operation of phased arrays for high power operation. From a manufacturing
standpoint, wafer scale testing is possible with the vertical-cavity laser. This is a major
advantage over the traditional edge emitter, which must be cleaved and mounted for
A common problem with VCSEL structures is that current is injected through the
same region from which the light is emitted, unlike edge emitters in which current and
light emission are along different directions. Thus, optimizing the top Bragg reflector
mirror has in the past led to high series resistance for the current, and a resulting high
bias voltage at the threshold for lasing. Current funneling may be achieved through the
use of MBE regrowth over a patterned n-type current blocking layer placed within the p-
type top mirror near the active region. However, these thin n-type layers pass a
considerable amount of leakage current. In addressing this problem, we began by
incorporating a layer of AlGaAs grown at a reduced temperature as a semi-insulating
region to allow current funneling from the top contact to the active region of the laser
[12]. This AlGaAs region is lattice-matched to the rest of the structure, and we have
developed methods for selective etching and regrowth to provide the buried semi-
insulating current funneling region in these devices. Post growth processing consists of
a Cr/Au metallization and deposition of a quarter-wave ZnSe/CaF2 top DBR.
Commercial VCSEL fabrication is based largely upon the process of proton
implantation. The proton implantation is used to damage the epitaxial semiconductor

crystal below its surface, greatly decreasing its conductivity by trapping charge carriers,
while leaving an electrically conducting path near the crystal surface. By performing the
implantation into selected regions of the crystal, electrical current can be funneled into
the VCSEL active region, thus exciting the electron-hole pair density necessary to
achieve lasing. This proton implantation process is a carry over from an older edge-
emitting laser diode technology, but one which is relatively cheap, well-characterized,
and is adequate in realizing reasonable performance VCSEL's. In both the buried semi-
insulating AlGaAs method and the proton bombardment, electrical isolation is achieved
with little change in refractive index. Therefore, lateral optical confinement requires
another approach.

6. Selective Oxidation of AIAs

In 1990 Holonyak and co-workers at the University of Illinois noted that a single crystal
film of AIAs could be selectively converted to high quality AlxOy using "wet"
oxidation at about 400°C [13]. In January of 1994 it was demonstrated by Deppe and co-
workers at UT-Austin that the selective oxidation process can produce very low
threshold VCSEL's [14,15]. The benefit of this process in VCSEL fabrication is two-
fold: it serves as a buried insulator to tightly confine the injected current to a small area
active region, and it provides a lateral index-guide for optical confinement.
Figure 3 (a) shows a schematic cross-section of a full-wave cavity layered
structure, and Fig. 3 (b) shows a scanning electron microscope (SEM) image looking
down on a selectively oxidized epitaxial heterostructure of AlAs-GaAs InGaAs [14]. In
Fig. 3 (b) the AlxOy oxidation front has diffused laterally under a GaAs mesa (see Fig.
3 (a)) leaving a 4 |lm square AIAs region which becomes the active part of a fully
processed device. For the selectively oxidized VCSEL the major advantage of the half-
wave cavity [16] as compared to the full-wave cavity [14] is the ability to place the
AlxOy layer close to the light emitting quantum well region and the lasing mode
intensity peak (at the center of the vertical-cavity). The half-wave cavity, therefore, is an
important design feature for maximizing optical index confinement, and therefore
minimizing threshold.
The selectively oxidized half-wave cavity VCSEL is unique in that it is an index-
guided laser which requires no epitaxial regrowth step and yet provides strong optical
confinement as well as excellent current confinement. Our research group was first to
demonstrate the application of the native oxide process to VCSEL fabrication [14], and
recently we have demonstrated that the use of a half-wave cavity spacer can lead to
extremely low threshold currents [16]. Our recent work has used a combination of
epitaxially grown AlAs/GaAs and post-growth deposited dielectric CaF2/ZnSe Bragg
reflectors. The result due to the optical and electrical confinement has been the lowest
threshold VCSEL's yet realized, with room-temperature threshold currents under 100 |iA
and a record low threshold current of 59 |lA at an optimized temperature of 250K [16].
Besides the more fundamental interest in studying ultra-small cavity lasers and exploring
the limits of minimizing threshold for a semiconductor laser, it is likely that the
important area of digital signal transmission will benefit in terms of switching speed by
reducing the laser diode threshold current well into the sub-100 (J.A regime [17]. Present
commercial VCSEL technology based on proton implantation confinement is limited to
threshold drive currents in the 2-5 mA range.


/ p-AIAs *J x°y

:i< i-AIAs/GaAs


Figure 3. (a) Schematic cross section of the buried ring contact VCSEL structure
showing the role of the lateral oxidation of the AlAs underneath the GaAs mesa
defining the device active region [14]. (b) SEM photograph of a native-oxide
defined 4 p,m square AlAs region buried beneath a 30 pm diameter GaAs mesa.
The oxide layer surrounding and beneath the GaAs mesa provides
device isolation for current injection [14].

Since the initial demonstration in 1994, first reported as a late paper at the Conference
on Lasers and Electro-Optics [15], the impact of selective oxidation on VCSEL research
has been impressive [14-16, 18-20] and has led to several record results [16, 18, 19].
The native-oxide defined VCSEL has yielded the lowest threshold currents (sub-100 \iA)
yet achieved in a laser [16, 19], as well as the highest power conversion (wall-plug)
efficiency of >50% [18]. For comparison, typical threshold currents of proton implanted
VCSEL's are in the 2-5 mA range as mentioned above, with the highest reported wall-
plug efficiency being -20% [18]. An important demonstration was made recently by
Sandia workers who showed device reliability of over 28 days of continual operation
with little degradation for an all epitaxial structure [21], giving strong evidence that the
AlxOy defined VCSEL can be made to operate reliably.

7. What Does the Future Hold?

Clearly, the use of microcavity devices employing DBR's will play an important role in
the emitters and detectors of the future. Furthermore, we have enough evidence to
believe that lateral confinement of light will likewise contribute significantly to vertical
cavity laser structures. An intriguing question remains regarding what new physics will
emerge from the very recent ability to "confine" light in three dimensions on the scale
of a wavelength. The confinement vertically is quite good, and can be easily
dimensioned to a wavelength or a fraction such as X/2. In the lateral dimension, the
recent use of selective oxidation allows us to define the cavity within a few wavelengths

and in the future it may be possible to choose lateral cavity dimensions with even more
accuracy. Obviously, the refractive index change between the semiconductor and AlxOy
does not lead to complete confinement. Therefore, an analogy with the confinement of
carriers is not accurate. On the other hand, this is an example of a new regime for
experiments that did not exist before, and one expects surprises when such things

8. Acknowledgments

This work was supported by the Joint Services Electronics Program under contract
F49620-92-C0027, and by the Texas Advanced Research and Technology Programs.

9. Bibliography

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resonant-cavity photodetector operating at long wavelengths, IEEE Photonics
Technol. Lett. 7, 679-681.
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Photonics Technol. Lett.
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12. Rogers, T.J., Lei, C, Deppe, D.G., and Streetman, B.G. (1993) Low threshold

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13. Dallessasse, J.M., et al. (1990) Hydrolization oxidation of AlGaAs-AlAs-GaAs
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low threshold vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers using high contrast mirrors
and native oxide, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 1994 Technical Digest
Series 8, CPD2-1/3-6/8, May 8-13, Anaheim, CA.
16. Huffaker, D.L., Deppe, D.G., and Shin, J. (1995) Threshold characteristics of
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17. Cutrer, D.M., and Lau, K.Y. (1995) Ultralow power optical interconnect with
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IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. 7, 4.
18. Lear, K.L., Choquette, K.D., Schneider, R.P., Kilcoyne, S.P., and. Geib, K.M.
(1995) Selectively oxidized vertical-cavity surface emitting laser with 50%
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vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser with a native oxide confinement structure,
Electron. Lett. 31, 560.
20. Huffaker, D.L., Shin, J.L., Deng, H., Lin, C.C., Deppe, D.G., and
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vertical-cavity lasers, Quantum Optoelectronics 1995 Topical Digest 14, 191.
Optical Amplification, Lasing and Wavelength Division
Multiplexing Integrated in Glass Waveguides


GeeO, 46 rue Felix Viallet, F-38031 Grenoble Cedex, France.

AT&T Bell Laboratories, 9999 Hamilton Boulevard., Breinigsville,
PA 18031, USA.


Ontario Laser and Lightwave Research Center, University of Toronto,
10 King's College Road, Toronto, ONT M5S 1A4, Canada.

1. Introduction

Micro-electronic components became feasible with the invention of the semi-conductor

devices which superceded the electronic valve in the late 1950s. At the same time the
first coherent source of optical radiation was invented. It is remarkable that up till that
time the optical physicist had worked with incoherent radiant sources which would be
regarded by the electronic community as a noise generator. Today the optical and
electronic communities work together thanks to the laser and optical amplifier.
Research in optical integration dates back to the mid-1960s, but a major catalyst
for this activity was the re-invention of the optical fibre amplifier in the mid-1980s, and
the semi-conductor pump laser, both quickly adopted by the telecommunications
industry. Optical integration and micro-optical components are now in development and
pre-production stages.
In this paper, which is divided in two main parts, we review our work on optical
amplification, lasing and WDM devices integratable in doped glass waveguides. The
first part addresses integrated lasers and amplifiers implemented in rare earth doped
phosphate glass substrates. In the second part, a new type of WDM devices is
investigated both theoretically and experimentally with a first WDM implementation in
germanium doped glass waveguide and successful inscription of gratings in Er-doped
phosphate glass.
It is evident that these two components are essential for a fully integrated optical
device. The active and passive demonstrators described in each part of this paper enables
us to proceed to full integration of optical devices for telecommunication,
instrumentation and sensor applications (Fig. 1).

2. Optical Amplifiers & Lasers in Rare Earth Doped Phosphate Glass

An integrated laser system (as in an optical fibre laser system) obtains a major
advantage from the significant spatial overlap of the pump radiation mode with that of
the output radiation mode, as they propagate in a waveguide. Consequently two factors
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 337-351.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Optical amplifier Multi-channel

gain = 1 optical analyser

Laser source sensor (MZ)

dbg dbg


Ring laser
p: diode pump
c: coupler
f: fan-out
dbg: distributed Bragg
grating miror
wdm: wavelength division
d: detector

Figure 1: Basics elements to be associated for the realization of fully

integrated devices for multi-channel telecommunication, instrumentation and
sensor applications.

are in play, the spectroscopy of the active ions in the host medium, in this case the
lanthanides or rare-earths in a glass host, and the opto-geometrical properties of the
waveguide, i.e., its numerical aperture and modal diameters. Our goal was therefore, to
make a low-loss micro-waveguide in a glass host containing a small percentage of rare-
earth, whilst maintaining the desired spectroscopic properties. To this end we have
spent several years in finding the correct glass host and the optimum ion-exchange


The ion exchange process itself consists of immersing a glass wafer, the desired form of
the wave-guide suitably defined by a photo-lithography, into a molten bath of an

alkaline salt. The unprotected part of the glass is then subject to a migration of ions,
for example Na <-» K or Ag, and a channel of higher optical refractive index (= 1 %) is
produced. A second stage effectively buries the guid
at a depth of a few micrometres below the surface to reduc
losses. This process was pioneered at the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
[1] and in Japan [la].
We have found that the ion exchange process does not change the spectroscopic
properties from that of the bulk material to any significant degree."


We have chosen two rare-earth laser systems, neodymium, and erbium co-doped with
Neodymium has a strong transition at 1055 nm which terminates at a level above
the ground state. The erbium transition at 1530 nm terminates at the ground state and
therefore has an absorption band which must be overcome before net gain is reached.
On the other hand the lifetime of the excited metastable state is much longer in
erbium making it a strong candidate for stimulated emission and in addition the erbium
transition lies in the 1530 nm band, an optimum propagation window in optical fibre
and therefore widely used in the telecommunications industry.
The absorption bands vary only slightly with different glass hosts, but more
significantly, the radiative time constants can vary considerably depending on the
phonon energy spectrum of the glass host. This is more advantageous in some glasses
and we have chosen to use a phosphate oxide glass as distinct from a silicate glass.
A necessary condition for exciting the active ion is a pump absorption band which
corresponds to the wavelength of an available powerful semi-conductor laser diode. In
neodymium there is a strong absorption at 800 nm which we exploit. In erbium the
preferred pump band is at 980 nm but the absorption is not strong so we have co-doped
it with ytterbium, which has a stronger band in this region. In this co-doped system the
ytterbium ion is excited (pumped) and its energy is transferred to the erbium ion. A
shorter waveguide will then be the optimum.


The complex marriage between the spectroscopic properties and the waveguide geometry
may be modelled to some degree and eventually one can calculate the optima for the
performance of a device. We can also model second order parasitic phenomena and
thereby seek to improve the concentrations of the basic materials.
Our mathematical model consists of solving the coupled differential equations of
propagation, having first determined the steady state carrier densities at each significant
energy level by solving the rate equations. As the optical powers in the guide are also
radially dependent, there is an additional requirement to solve an intensity dependent
spatial integral.
A comparison of the model and the experimental results has shown that second
order phenomena, probably due to co-operative energy transfer between dopant ions, are
important and that significant improvement in performance may be expected by
optimising the doping and the geometry of the amplifiers and lasers.

We have made waveguides by ion exchange in a 3wt-% neodymium-doped phosphate

"lass. A guide was placed into a resonant cavity and when pumped at 797 nm
oscillationoccured at the wavelength 1054 nm. The threshold for lasing is 8.2 mW and
the slope efficiency is = 12.7%. Using this laser as a source we characterized the optical
amplification in other waveguides.

2.4.1 The neodymium laser

The laser was made using a 38 mm long waveguide. Dielectric mirrors were butted at
the two polished end faces of the glass chip and maintained by capillarity with an index
matching liquid. The reflectivity of the mirrors is 71% at 1054 nm and 5% at 800 nm.
The pump radiation was focused into the waveguide core through a microscope
objective. Laser action was observed for an absorbed pump power of 8.2 mW at 797
nm. At this threshold, lasing occurs in our structure as a single band at 1053.8 nm.
With increased pump power a second band appears at 1056 nm. The measured width of
these bands is = 1 nm, limited by the resolution of the monochromator.

2.4.2 The neodymium amplifier

Using the above laser as a signal source we characterized the optical amplification at
1054 nm in 41.5 mm long waveguides. The pump power, at a wavelength of 797 nm,
and a signal were injected into the core waveguide via a duplexor. The theoretical
coupling losses between this fibre and the integrated waveguide are 0.6 dB. We have
measured the gain as a function of the injected pump power. The net gain is 7.1 dB for
52 m W of absorbed pump power.
We have developed a model which takes into account the up-conversion due to the
high doping concentration. The rate equation of the metastable level population of
neodymium ions may be written as follows :

^k = Rf Nf - Amf.Nm - Wmf.Nm - C.NZ

where Rf,.Nf is the absorption term of the ions in their fundamental level, Amf.Nm and
Wmf.Nm are respectively the spontaneous and stimulated emissions from the metastable
level. C is an up-conversion coefficient which is independent of the rare-earth
concentration. 23
For C = 10" mV, we obtain a reasonable agreement between the experimental
and theoretical curves. On eliminating up-conversion (C = 0) the model predicts a gain
of 15 dB for the same pump power.


We have adapted our ion-exchange process, using silver ions, to our phosphate glass
doped with 2% by weight of erbium and 4% by weight of ytterbium. This gives us the
possibility of making short 44 mm microguides, single mode at both pump and signal
wavelengths, 980 nm and 1540 nm, respectively. The average mode diameter (@ 1/e) of

these guides for the two wavelengths are respectively 4.7 fim at 980 nm and 7.5 \im at
1540 nm. These guides are buried 3.5 (im below the surface to avoid surface losses and
enable high coupling efficiency with fibres of up to 89 %. We have measured the net
gain obtained from these structures operating as travelling wave amplifiers. The small
signal net gain at 1537 nm for a pump power of 100 mW was 11 dB for a double pass
and 6 dB for a single pass. Large signal tests indicated that the -3 dB saturation point
occured at an output power of 10 dBm.
An optimisation of the waveguide diameter and the pump" wavelength, together
with an optimisation of the rare-earth concentration, will allow us to make efficient
optical amplifiers on compact glass substrate of less than 2.5 cm2.


2.6.1 Introduction
We report here our first results of an integrated optical laser made by ion-exchange in
Er:Yb phosphate glass. The structures show good slope efficiencies in double pump
configurations and tunability when used with an external fibre bragg reflector.

2.6.2 Gain Experiments and Results

The lasing characteristics of the waveguides were tested with the double-pump
configuration. A wide band dielectric mirror centered around 1540 nm was glued onto
the connector of the output port of a wavelength division multiplexor. The reflectivity
of this mirror was 98.4 % over 50 nm. For the output reflector we used fibre bragg

! 4h Slope=16%

2 -

&. 1 -
o Threshold=67mW
*JL ' . i—

50 60 70 80 90 100

Injected pump power (mW)

Figure 2: Output characteristics of the integrated optical laser made by ion-
exchange in Er:Yb phosphate glass.
reflectors spliced between a second wavelength division multiplexor and the output face
of the waveguide. Two different bragg reflectors were used. The first one has a
reflectivity of 20 % at 1549 nm and the second has a reflectivity of 78 % at 1534 nm,
both of them have a band pass of 0.25 nm.
We measured output powers of this laser configuration with a photodetector placed
at the output port. We observed that a laser operation at 1549 nm is obtained with a
slope efficiency of 16 % above a threshold of 67 mW of injected pump power (see
Figure 2).
" We have also analysed the tunability of our laser by dilating the fibre bragg
reflector with a heater. When heated, from 25 to 450CC, the grating shows a shift in its
center wavelength towards a higher wavelength without presenting any change in its
reflectivity. We have shown a tunability of 4 nm without major change in output
power. On the other hand with a second bragg reflector the tunability was shown to be
greater than 7 nm, but with an increase in output power of more than a factor 2 between
emission at 1534 nm and emission at 1542 nm.

3. Superimposed Bragg Gratings WDMs in Doped Glass Waveguides

Having discussed the signal generation and amplification part, we now move onto the
signal retreving part by WDM technique which is particularly important for enhancing
the transmission capacity of fiber optic transmission lines. Specifically, we present our
work on new WDM devices in doped glass.
The ideal characteristics of a WDM device include a high wavelength selectivity, a
large channel fan-out and a low loss. In the meantime, a base technology that allows
good fiber connection (or low insertion loss) and is compatible with the other elements
of the transmission line, i.e., laser sources, modulators, amplifiers and photodetectors is
also an important consideration. In attempts to achieve some of these ideal
characteristics, various configurations of integrated WDMs have been designed and
demonstrated on various technologies. The curve diffraction grating WDM, the Mach-
Zehnder WDM and the arrayed-waveguide WDM are among the most studied.
The curve diffraction grating (or echelle grating) WDM [5] is an integrated copy of
conventional bulk-type spectrometer. It is well suited for numerous wavelength
channels with relatively large wavelength spacing (a few nm). Its main weak point is
the high insertion loss, typically of about -15 dB. The Mach-Zehnder WDM [6] uses
the wavelength selective coupling property of a 2-wave interferometer. It is a good
candidate for very small channel spacing of a few A. Its drawback is the maximum
fanout of only two channels. To obtain larger fanout, it is then necessary to cascade
them which increases the size and the losses of the device. The arrayed-waveguide WDM
[7] is in fact a hybrid of the two previous kinds of WDMs. The diffraction grating is
replaced by the array of channel waveguides that acts like a multi-wave Mach-Zehnder
interferometer. .
In search of an alternative WDM device technology that is relatively simple,
compact, high performance and is potentially implementable and integratable with the
amplification and lasing elements discussed in the previous sections, we have
theoretically and experimentally explored a totally different type of WDM
concept—superimposed gratings.
The first successful implementation of multiple sets of gratings was demonstrated

in polymer waveguides by Wang et al. [8]. More reports of further experimental

successes, also in polymer, have come out subsequently from the same group [9].
Although it is no secret that many are rather skeptical of the use of polymer in fiber-
optical communications primarily because of its poor tolerance to high temperature
environment which is viewed as inevitable in most processing steps required in the
OEIC integration and packaging etc, these results, as proof-of-concept, are rather
encouraging and important. It is also true that the large wavelength and angular
spacings between adjacent channels in these reported implementations imply the
absence of inter-grating coupling effects, thus, a likely neglect of such considerations in
the designs. The inclusion of inter-grating coupling effects in design is, however,
necessary only when we want to enter the very dense WDM domain, as we have found.


The basic concept of a supergrating WDM with multiple sets of gratings superimposed
on a planar waveguide is not difficult to understand. The base structure comprises a
planar waveguide, made of dielectric or semiconductor films, and multiple sets of Bragg
gratings photo-inscribed or etched into a portion of the guide. Each set of gratings is
designed to diffract one wavelength in one direction for a common input angle. To carry
out the actual device design, we should answer several questions pertinent to the
superposition of multiple gratings.
Would the light of a particular wavelength get bounced back and forth by all the
gratings, "see" the combined effect and come out in a way other than that is expected of
a single set of gratings? If yes, what would be the combined effects on the diffraction
direction? efficiency? and wavelength selectivity? It is not a trivial task to answer these
questions because of the possible couplings between the gratings. To study this
coupling between superimposed gratings we have developed a theoretical (coupled-mode)
model [10-12]. With this model, we were able to show that there indeed could be
significant couplings between gratings, that the effects of the couplings could greatly
affect all aspects of the diffraction characteristics, and that it is possible to find WDM
configurations for which the gratings are quasi-decoupled. In regimes of very weak
coupling, the effects of the other gratings, co-existing with the grating designed to
diffract a particular wavelength, are that of largely non-coherent scatterings off
distributed "centers" of small index perturbations. Such effect manifests itself mainly as
a rise in the background "noise" level, namely, a background loss to the efficiency of
diffraction of a given light. In these weak coupling regimes, the task of designing a
supergrating WDM device is greatly simplified -one can essentially design each set of
grating as if the other gratings were absent except for an overall efficiency loss. Of
course, this is limited to relatively large wavelength and angular spacings (i.e., a
relatively small number of channels).


The Bragg and near Bragg angle of incidence, as well as the multiple-scattering in
successively recorded volume holographic gratings have been theoretically investigated
[13]. In most of the cases the coupled mode theory was used. Although the results
obtained are useful for us, these models are not suitable for the case of multiple gratings
in planar waveguides, particularly for WDM applications. In the case of multiple
volume holographic gratings for data storage applications, the light beams used to write
and read-out the gratings are the same, they travel perpendicularly to the recording media
and are at a fixed wavelength (the effect of multi-gratings on the wavelength selectivity
of each of them was not studied), whereas in our case the gratings are read-out by a
multi-wavelength beam travelling within the guide itself. By extending the treatment
for the single grating in guiding structures [14] to the cases of multiple gratings and by
including the couplings, we developed a model for superimposed gratings in planar
waveguide [10-12]. Further improvements to the model have been made and will be
presented in detail elsewhere.
The model allows us to compute the wavelength and angular selectivities and
diffraction efficiencies of multiple (and possibly closely spaced) wavelengths by
multiple gratings either inscribed in the volume or etched on the surface of the guide.
The gratings are characterized by their orientation, their periodicity and their strength
which is calculated taking into account the properties of the guided propagation
(polarization and mode confinement). Mathematically, the coupled differential equations
of propagation that describe the energy exchange between the input beam and the
diffracted ones are numerically solved over the interaction (grating window) area.


3.3.1 Conditions for quasi-decoupled gratings

With the aforementioned model, we are able to quantify different regimes of coupling
between superimposed gratings. Generally speaking, the smaller the wavelength
separation or the angular separation between channels, the stronger the coupling. In the
case of strong coupling, superimposed gratings show very large deviations from the
responses expected of individual sets of gratings. In this case it is difficult -if not
impossible- to construct a conventional WDM. It is interesting, however, to explore
the new opportunities opened up by strongly-coupled gratings to manipulate (or
engineer) pass-bands and/or stop-bands. In the weak coupling case, one can essentially
decouple each grating from the others. The criterion of quasi-decoupling, we found, can
be stated as:
AXd>l.5AXo (2)

where AX(I is the wavelength separation between the adjacent channels and AX0 is the
total width at the first two zeros of the isolated grating spectrum, (i.e. calculated as if
the grating was the only one present in the guide. See inset of Figure 3).
In the" quasi-decoupled regime, the analysis (and design) for a /V-channel WDM is
relatively straightforward. For example, from [15] we can extract the expression for
AX0 as function of the key structure and operation parameters. Assuming a perfectly
collimated input beam, we have:
AAo = A cos(6j) (3a)
Xd 1 -cos(örf- 0,-)

: ^3" ^ (3b)
with ne Lc

where Lc is the so-called "coupling length" of the (single) grating, ne the guide effective
index, 0, the input beam incidence angle, Xd the diffracted wavelength and 6d the angle
of diffraction. This equation shows that grating selectivity depends on the angle of
diffraction. As shown in Figure 3, it increases (AX0 diminishes) when 9d increases.

30 I i

Ldiffract on efficient cy

'< I

\:A/. AX

0 L
20 40 60 80

0d (deg)

Figure 3: Wavelength selectivity of a single grating versus diffraction angle (0, = O).

Now, if we consider the design of a WDM with evenly spaced channels of the
quantity A\WDM one can see there is a minimal diffraction angle under which the
gratings will be coupled and will present a distorted spectrum. This minimal diffraction
angle, 8dmin, is so that Al0 (9dmin) = AXWDM. For 0,- = 0, which is the most convenient
configuration, one finds:

6dm ■ COS" (4)

1 + 1.5 A XCI'AXWDM

For a central wavelength Xd, a channel spacing AXWDM and guiding structure given by
the effective index, 6dmin will depend on the Lc of the grating. The longer the grating,
the smaller the minimal diffraction angle. For example for Xd = 1.3 (im, AXWDM = 2
nm and ne = 1.5 we calculate 8dlnin = 66, 39 and 29 deg for Lc = 1, 5 and 10 mm (see
Figure 4).

Figure 4: Minimal diffraction angle versus grating length for different values
of WDM wavelength spacing. Calculation parameters: 0, = 0, hi= 1.3 um and
n,= 1.5.

These considerations about the single grating wavelength selectivity show that
both angular ranges [0dmin, rc/2] and {-6dmin, -K/2] can be used for a superimposed
gratings WDM to double the fanout capacity.

3.3.2 Conditions for high diffraction efficiencies

The first condition for a maximal diffraction efficiency is that the width of the grating
window has to be equal to the coupling length Lc which depends on both the angle of
diffraction and the grating strength KT. For 0,- = 0, we have:

LC = K Vcos(ftf) (5)

For example when 6d varies in the range 30-80 deg, Vcos(0J varies within a factor of 2.
Then if we want to use the entire window of diffraction angles, the strength or the
len°th of each grating will have to be adjusted independently to match Lc.
°The second condition on which the effective diffraction efficiency depends is related
to the overlap between the divergence of the input beam and the grating angular
selectivity. Only the part of the input beam inside the cone of acceptance of the grating
will be diffracted. When limited by diffraction the divergence of the input beam is
typically of a few milliradians, depending on its width and the wavelength. On the other
hand the grating angular selectivity is given by (see Figure 5):

AOio = A (6)

For the numerical values used previously and for a beam width of 1 or 2 mm, we find
that the angular selectivity is one order of magnitude smaller than the input beam
divergence, that is an equivalent loss of about 10 dB. One way to limit the input beam
divergence, thus reduce the loss, is to enlarge its width by inserting a large angle taper
between the input channel waveguide and the grating area. Another way is to not use a
collimated beam but to focus it on the grating area instead. In such a configuration one
takes advantage of the fact that at the focus point a gaussian beam is a plane wave. The
beam width and the focal length used will then have to be carefully calculated.

öd (deg)

Figure 5: Angular selectivity of a single grating versus diffraction angle.

Calculation for 0, = O.

3.3.3 Estimation of the minimal angular spacing between channels

One way to determine the minimal angular spacing, A6dmin, is to consider directly the
superimposed grating case. In [12], we calculated the effect of the inter-grating coupling
that can eventually occur for very close diffraction angles. By doing this we found the
minimal angle spacing between the channels, above which the coupling can be
neglected, is in the order of a few milliradians.
From this, the angular channel density is found of a few channels per degree. This
means that over the entire window of possible diffraction angles, the maximal number
of channels with which a superimposed grating WDM can deal is a few hundreds. Being
an order of magnitude smaller than the estimates previously made in the literature that
ignored the coupling effects, this is still a huge number by the present standard of
WDM technology, suggesting a great potential of this new type of device. In practice,
the number of channels will therefore depend mainly on the technology used to
implement the designs, i.e., the material and the type of grating (corrugated or index
gratings). In the case of corrugated gratings the maximal number of gratings will depend
on the°partial etching depth and the thickness of the structure as well as the lithographic
resolution, whereas for index gratings it will depend on the available range of index

33.4 The possible technologies for implementation

The option of corrugated gratings on semiconductor waveguides is very attractive as it
allows the integration of both the laser sources or detectors and the WDM on the same
semiconductor substrate. But, direct superposition of many sets of gratings in
semiconductors can be technically very difficult. Using index gratings inscribed in
polymer deposited on semiconductor substrate is also attractive because of the large
range of available index change, but the material instability, particularly thermal, can be
a serious problem. Another very promising material is the photosensitive
cermanosilicate glass [16]. This material can be compatible with rare earth doped
glasses developed for amplifiers and lasers described in the first part of this paper. It can
also be deposited or grown directly on silicon substrate that has already shown very
good compatibility with optical fiber connection and allows the integration with
photodetectors as well. One can also consider implementation on photorefractive
materials such as BSO, BaTiOz or LiNbÜ3 for dynamic multi-grating applications.


In this section we report for the first time the realization of a 4-channel superimposed
»ratings WDM on photosensitive Ge-doped silica planar waveguide on silicon. The
aiding structure is shown on the inset in Figure 4. Only the Ge doped guiding layer is
photosensitive at 250 nm wavelength. The implementation process starts first with the
high pressure hydrogenation of the sample (1500 PSI at room temperature for a couple
ofdays) to increase its photosensitivity. Then the gratings are successively written with
a KrF excimer laser holographic writing set-up similar to the one described in [17]. The
four superimposed gratings have been designed to diffract A,- = 830, 840, 850 and
860 nm at 9di = +32, -26, -30 and +28 deg respectively. The choice of the diffracted
wavelengths has been dictated by the range of tunability of the laser used for the
characterization. Of course, the design can readily be transposed to the useful
telecommunication wavelength windows at 1.3 (im or 1.5 Jim. The gratings common
length is 5 mm. They have been exposed for 15 mn with a -1.8 cm2 laser beam of
-100 mJ/pulse at 30 Hz, i.e., a total energy exposure of -25 W.mn/cm2. This exposure
condition has been determined after a few writing and testing processes in an attempt to
optimize the diffraction efficiencies.
Once the device was fabricated, we used two different methods to characterize it. The
first one consists of the measurement of the WDM device characteristics. The
collimated beam of a Ti/Sapphire tunable laser was coupled into the TE0 guided mode
with a prism and the measurements were taken from the output edge of the waveguide.
The diffraction efficiency vs. input wavelength was then recorded at each 6di. Figure 6
shows the results of these measurements. The diffraction efficiencies vary from 62% to
21% while the FWHMs are around 3 nm, about 6 times broader than the theoretical
values given by (2), and the cross-talks are between -10 and -15 dB.
The broader than expected FWHMs prompted us to perform a second kind of
experiment on the fabricated samples to inspect the uniformity of the index modulation
profiles. By illuminating the sample with a coherent visible beam from the top (non-
guided light), we generated scattered beams, corresponding to the different orders of the
Raman-Nath diffraction through the thin layer of the grating (6 fi.m guiding layer
thickness). Because the intensity of each of them is proportional to the local index
modulation of the grating the use of a large diameter incident beam allows the
observation of the index modulation profile over the whole grating area. As suspected,
highly non-uniform gratings have been observed in the samples fabricated. We attribute

Ge (7%): Si02 5mm
Thick.: 6 urn
An: 0.7

Thick.: 20 urn

•3 +32ü
o 6dl ==
c 0.6
■S» %2--= -26°
ed3 == -30°
c em == +28°

I 0.4


0.0 ==■
820 830 840 850 860 870
Input wavelength (nm)
Figure 6: Measured diffraction spectrum of each port of the 4-channel WDM.
The inset shows the guiding structure and the WDM geometry.

this to the non-uniformity of the excimer laser beam itself. Indeed, the particular laser
we have in our facility was working at just above the threshold because a Fabry-Perot
etalon was installed inside the cavity to obtain the minimal coherence length needed for
the holographic writing.
The non-uniformity of the index modulation over the gratings area explains the
broadening of the spectral response and also the relatively high level of cross-talk. It
also partially explains the relatively low diffraction efficiencies, which should be
improved with a better control of the gratings strength, i.e., of the exposure.
However, as a proof-of-concept demonstration, the 4-channel WDM implemented in
silica glass exhibited satisfactory functionality of wavelength demultiplexing.

4. Conclusion & perspectives

The feasibility of integration of passive and active optical devices in glass has been
demonstrated. Future projects will extend the integration.
A realistic goal for the near future on the laser front is an amplifier in an optical
cavity, formed by a distributed Bragg grating written onto the guide and including
directional couplers, wavelength multiplexors, optical fibre connectors and isolators.
Another possibility is a system of 3 dB splitters making a 1 x 8 fan-out with zero
insertion loss. Switching, using pump induced refractive index changes has been
demonstrated elsewhere [18].
On the WDM front, the concept of supergrating WDM in a planar waveguide, built
in special glasses, photorefractive materials or semiconductors and the device design
method can be further extended to various new configurations and implementation
schemes. Further improvements to the device performance are shown to be possible
through both theoretical analysis and experiments. Implementations in other material
systems, including the Er:Ytterbium doped phosphate glass, are being carried out with
preliminary success.

5. Acknowledgements

This collaborative project was made possible by supports from:

• The International Co-operation Program between the Region Rhöne-Alpes (France)
and the Province of Ontario (Canada).
• The French "Ministere de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche".
• K OGAWA of AT&T Bell Laboratories, W. WESTWOOD and G. CHIK from
Bell-Northern Research, G. DUCK of JDS Fitel and I. TCHAPLIA of ITS

6. References
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pp. 763.
la. H. Aoki, O. Maruyama, Y. Asahara, "Glass waveguide laser",IEEE Phot. Tech. Utters,
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optics amplifiers in phosphate glass in single and double-pass configuration", OFC'95,
Postdeadline papers, PD3, February 23-March 3, 1995, SanDiego, California.
3a. D. Barbier, P. Gastaldo, B. Hyde, J.M. Jouanno, A. Kevorkian, "Amplification in
Erbium Doped Microguides Realised on Phosphate Glass", ECIO'95, 1995, Delft,
4. D. Barbier, J.M. Delavaux, R.L. Hyde, J.M. Jouanno, A. Kevorkian, P.Gastaldo,
"Tunability of Yb/Er Integrated optical lasers in phosphate glass", OAA'95,
Postdeadline papers, PD3-2, June 15, 1995, Davos, Switzerland.
5. for example, M. Fallahi et al., "Grating demultiplexer integrated with MSM detector
array in InGaAs/AlGaAs/GaAs", IEEE Photonics Techn. Lett., Vol. 5, No. 7, July 1993.
6. for example, B.H. Verbeek et al., "Integrated four-channel Mach-Zehnder
multi/demultiplexer fabricated with phosphorous doped Si02 waveguides on Si", J. of
Lightwave Techn., Vol. 6, No. 6, June 1988.
7. for example, H. Takahashi et al., "Transmission characteristics of array waveguide N x.
/V wavelength multiplexer", J. of Lightwave Techn., Vol. 13, No. 3, June 1995.
8. M.R. Wang, R.T. Chen, G.J. Sonek and T. Jannson, "Wavelength-division
multiplexing and demultiplexing on locally sensitized single-mode polymer
microstructure waveguides", Optics Letters, Vol. 15, No. 7, April 1990.
9. for example, R.T. Chen, H. Lu, D. Robinson and M.R. Wang, "Ten channel single-mode
wavelength demultiplexer in near IR", SPIE Vol. 1583, Integrated Optical Circuits,
10. V. Minier, A. Kevorkian and J.M. Xu, "Diffraction characteristics of superimposed
holographic gratings in planar optical waveguides", IEEE Photonics Techn. Lett., Vol.
4, No 10, October 1992.
11. V. Minier, A. Kevorkian and J.M. Xu, "Superimposed phase gratings in planar optical
waveguides for wavelength demultiplexing applications", IEEE Photonics Techn. Lett.,
Vol. 5. No 3. October 1993.
1 2. V. Minier and J.M. Xu, "Coupled-mode analysis of superimposed phase gratings guided-
wave structures and intergrating coupling effects", Optical Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 9,
September 1993.
13. see [ 12] for list of references.
14. for example, A. Yariv and M. Nakamura, "Periodic structure for integrated optics",
IEEE, J. of Quantum Electronics, Vol. QE-I3, No. 4, April 1977.
15. H. Nishihara, M. Haruna and T. Suhara, "Optical integrated circuits", (1989), McGraw-
Hill Book Cie, Chap. 4.
16. F. Bilodeau et al., "Photosensitization of optical fiber and silica-on-silicon/silica
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17. CG. Askins et al., " Fiber Bragg reflectors prepared by a single excimer pulse", Optics
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18. R.H. Pantell, M.J. Digonnet, R. Sadowski, H.J. Shaw, "Analysis of non-linear optical
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1416, Sept.1993.

A. F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, RAS
26, Politekhnicheskaja, St Petersburg, 194021, Russia

1. Introduction

During last two decades the transmission capacity of fiber-optical communication sys-
tems has been increased for about one order of magnitude in each five years. Now we
are at the edge of 10 Gbit/s. Further increase in transmission rates, up to 40 Gbit/s, is
considered as a goal to be reached at the end of this century. The main purpose of such
systems is to establish local and global computer networks capable to operate with
huge amount of information. This is, of course, rather challenging engineering prob-
Two general approaches are useful in realization of extremely high transmission
rates in fiber-optical communication links. They are time division multiplexing (TDM)
and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). TDM implies very broad operation
bandwidth of diode lasers, photodetectors and driving electronic components, the inte-
grated optoelectronic transmitter and receiver to be the only practical design in this
case. In WDM systems, the precise control of multiple wavelength in operation is of
grate demand. Regarding diode lasers as a major light source for TDM and WDM
systems, the question is whether these lasers can meet the specific requirements im-
posed by high operation frequencies and desired high degree of wavelength control. In
diode lasers directly modulated by pumping current the modulation bandwidth is lim-
ited by several factors like differential and nonlinear gains, carrier drift time across the
waveguide, carrier capture time into the active layer, the maximum reported bandwidth
being 33 GHz [1]. Characteristic for directly modulated diode lasers is also the dy-
namic chirping of the emission wavelength [2]. At transmission rates above 10 Gbit/s
chirp may create severe problems if the length of line is about 100 km. Besides, there is
temperature related drift of emission line (about 1Ä/K), which prevents from precise
wavelength control. This is especially worth effect when WDM is used.
However, several new ideas are circulating which may be useful in designing of
diode lasers free from the above discussed shortages. Practical realization of these
propositions might be a breakthrough for extremely high transmission rates.
5. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 353-364.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Recently, dual modulation technique has been proposed [3], which implies that
pumping current is modulated simultaneously with one of the parameters controlling
the optical field in the laser cavity. Possible candidates are material gain, optical con-
finement factor or mirror reflectivity. With appropriate choice of amplitudes and
waveforms of two laser controlling signals, the frequency dependent laser output re-
sponse may be substantially flat, promising the modulation bandwidth up to 100 GHz.
Dual modulation results also in radical suppression of chirp by rejecting carrier con-
centration oscillations inside the laser active layer. Below, we will examine in some
detail the advantages of laser operation under dual modulation of the pumping current
(J) and optical confinement factor (T). In the consideration of dual J&r modulation
scheme we refer to the specific laser structure proposed earlier for confinement factor
control [4]. Besides, we will look at new design of the diode laser which allows for
efficient control of the cavity losses via governing the laser mirror reflectivity. In some
cases, dual modulation by pumping current and mirror reflectivity, J&R modulation,
may turn to be even more promising for high speed operation when compared to J&r
The spectral position of the laser emission line may, in general, be stabilized by
using extended cavity lasers, where the gain area is only a small part of the hole reso-
nator length. In this paper we are considering new laser design based on integrated
optic technology, which allowed earlier to effectively match on a common substrate the
heterostructure laser waveguide with dielectric-film waveguide [5]. In composite cavity
laser, having integrated distributed Bragg reflector on dielectric-film waveguide and
extremely short gain region, both the emission line drift and chirp are supposed to be
reduced by two orders of magnitude compared with common diode lasers.

2. Possible High Speed and Low Chirp Operation of a Diode Laser Modulated by
Dual Pumping Current and Optical Confinement Factor Control

An important factor limiting the modulation bandwidth of a diode laser is that the in-
fluence of pumping current on the photon density is not straightforward but takes place
via the variation of nonequilibrium carrier density in the laser active layer. As a result,
even in the ideal case of instantaneous carrier drift across the waveguide, fast carrier
capture into QW active and lack of circuit parasitics, the intrinsic output modulation
response of the laser drops rather abruptly with the increase of modulation frequency.
The situation may be quite different and the modulation bandwidth can be substantially
expended if the pumping current is controlled simultaneously with the confinement
factor. Demonstration of enhanced operation frequencies and chirp suppression by dual
modulation of optical confinement factor and pumping current is the subject of on-
going research work.


layer \^

+ QW

Figure 1. Four-terminal ridge guide laser structure and its connection scheme.

-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Lateral coordinate (urn)
Figure 2. Normalized near field distributions registered at various side voltages
below and above the laser threshold.



In the following we consider the laser structure of a ridge guide type [4], having
four electrodes (Fig. 1). Single quantum well AlGaAs/GaAs separate confinement het-
erostructures were used for the device fabrication. Two grooves were etched in parallel
to define the ridge and to separate the ridge from the side areas. Two contact terminals
placed on the ridge top (5 |xm wide) and on the substrate surface were used for laser
pumping, whereas two electrodes situated on the top surface of the side areas were for
governing the potential distribution in the structure. The laser cavity length was nor-
mally 500 |om. Fig. 1 shows also the laser connection. The current generator, Ipump, is
connected between the ridge and the substrate. Two voltage generators, Usidei and Uside2,
are connected between the ridge and side contacts to produce additional bias of the
structure. With this, near field intensity distributions were measured, scanning the im-
age of the laser mirror in lateral direction, parallel to the junction plane. In these ex-
periments the subject of main interest was the dependence of near field patterns on the
voltage applied to the side contacts.
Fig. 2 shows normalized near field patterns recorded at different Us voltages and
pumping currents. Below the laser threshold, FWHM of near field distributions de-
pends on side voltage if it is in the range Us=l+3 V. It means that Us controls the cur-
rent spread in the structure and thus governs the lateral gain/loss profile. Above the
threshold, Us voltage was found not to influence FWHM of the near field pattern corre-
sponding to the lateral mode shape. This is because the lateral mode shape is deter-
mined by index guiding ridge. Consequently, Us voltages influences the overlap of the
gain and optical mode which is the mechanism of optical confinement factor control.


To analyze the dynamic behavior of our four-terminal laser we carried out small signal
analysis of laser rate equations. Basing on previous results, we assume that at suffi-
ciently high Us the size of inverse population area w is controlled solely by the side
voltage. In the laser with the cavity length Z, the current density J is given by:
J=— (1)
where I is the overall pumping current. The variation of (1) gives:
5J 51 8w
= l w
Jo o o
The optical confinement factor r should also be considered as a function of w.
Using the effective refractive index approximation, the optical confinement factor can
be represented as a product of its lateral and transverse parts:
r = rrr,. (3)
Assuming carrier density and gain are constant over the inverse population area of
width w, we have:
W -
j\E(x)\ dx

where E(x) is the lateral mode field, x - axis is paralleled to the junction plane. We will
consider I and Us as driving forces, causing the variations of w, Th J and, consequently,
of carrier and photon densities. The variation of optical confinement factor can be de-
rived from (3) and (4) as:
ÖT |£(x)|28w
° j\E(x)\ dx
Defining the mean value of optical mode intensity as:
E2-w = ]\E{xfdx, (6)
and introducing the ratio of optical field intensity at the point x=w to its mean value:
* = -fT-. <7>
we obtain:
8r 5w
r w
o o
The parameter % characterizes the efficiency of optical confinement factor modu-
lation. As it is clear from (7), £=1 when w is small compared to lateral size of the opti-
cal mode and £-»0 if w is comparable or even large with respect to mode size. The
value of E, is determined by side voltage as well as by the parameters of ridge
waveguide. In our case §=0.1 when Us = 1.0 V (see Fig. 2). Further, neglecting the
influence of parasitics in the laser structure we assume that temporal variation of w
immediately follows the variation of Us. With this, we have:
ow 8US
— = -C— • (9)
0 s0

Using the results of Fig. 2, one can estimate £=0.36 at Us ~ 1.0 V.

Peculiar feature of the task under consideration is that in our laser the carrier and
photon densities can be governed by simultaneous variations of pumping current and
side voltage. Various operation regimes are available in this case. We are going to con-
centrate on one of them, more particularly, we will find a solution of the rate equa-
tions, setting the variation of carrier density to be equal to zero (5«=0). As it was first
discussed in [3], this doesn't mean the photon density will be constant. In fact, the
variations of pumping current and confinement factory may compensate each other to
keep 5n=0, still causing appreciable variation of photon density. Obviously, output
modulation with Sn=0 leads to suppression of chirp. With <5«=0 neither optical cavity
length nor spectral position of gain peak are the functions of time. The other advan-

tages of this modulation regime is that relaxation oscillations are suppressed and
modulation bandwidth is very broad.
Providing Sn=0, the linearized rate equations are:
vg05S=—, (10a)
8S+A5S = (vg0SQ + )Sr, (10b)

were A is the difference between modal gain and loss:

= -—vroSo>

others notations are common. Remarkable feature of equation (10a) is that the varia-
tion of photon density is just proportional to the variation of current density. If the
amplitude of the current density variation SJ is kept constant by appropriate choice of
SI and ör, the output response of the laser will be frequency independent. It means that
in practice the modulation bandwidth will be limited only by the structure and circuit
Eliminating SS from equations (10a) and (10b), we have:
/co + A j'(co)
*«»- K^T-

where y((o) snAj(co) are complex amplitudes of STand SJ variations, respectively, and
co is the modulation frequency. Frequency dependent relation (11) should be main-
tained in order to keep Sn=0.
We will consider the case when side voltage and pumping current are modulated
so that the relation between the amplitudes of these signals obey the following relation:
/(co) u(co) j
+C = — = const (12)
0 s0 Jo
To fulfill (11), the following additional relation should be satisfied:
r0 /co+A j
w <13)
« ^r V£o(v£o5'o+—)

To illustrate the possibility of chirp and relaxation oscillation suppression, we carried

out numerical simulations of laser response in case pumping current and side voltage
are sinusoidal signals at the frequency equal to 20 GHz. Fig. 3a displays the specific
choice of öf and SUS signals made in accordance with relations (12) and (13). Fig. 3b
shows how photon density S and carrier concentration n oscillate under these condi-
tions. The oscillation of photon density displayed in terms of (S-S0)vg0 and indicated by

0.4 Io= 1.5 Ith f=20GHz 5Us/Uso

00 ni SI/Io
a U»o= 1.5 V
a> M
° s
II 1
°n 0.0
S «=
SI " -0.1
"M ^
p,^ -0.2
2; -0 1

-0.4 —


6000 6040 6080 6120 6160 6200

Time (ps)

6000 6040 6080 6120 6160 6200

Time (ps)
Figure 3. a. Normalized ac components of pumping current and side voltage signals,
b. Calculated responses of photon and current densities (solid curve) and of carrier concentration
displayed under dual modulation (5U„;£0, dotted curve) and direct modulation (8US=0, dashed curve).
solid curve just merged with the variation of (J-J0)/ed. This coincidence is an indica-
tion that equation (10a) is fulfilled. Dotted curve shows the excursion of carrier density
from its steady state value. For comparison, dashed curve represents the oscillation of
carrier density obtained with 8US signal switched off. The last case corresponds to
common direct modulation. Strong suppression of carrier density variation by dual
modulation is evident from this example.

3. Dual Modulation of the Diode Laser, Having Y-Branch Tunable Mirror

In this section, we consider the possibility of the laser output modulation by controlling
the pumping current and the mirror reflectivity. Compared to the laser structure stud-
ied for optical confinement factor modulation, new laser structure is even more tailored
for high speed operation. To the best of our knowledge, there was only one paper [6]
where the laser with tunable reflectivity mirror was described That was surface emit-
ting laser with the reflectivity of DBR controlled by electrooptic variation of the layer
refractive indexes. However this structure is rather complicated in fabrication and can
hardly be considered as practical one.
The laser structure having integrated Y-branch tunable mirror is shown schemati-
cally in Fig. 4. When the phase difference between two waves coming back after
propagation through Y-branch reflector is equal to odd integer multiplied by TC, de-
structive interference takes place in the input waveguide. In this case, the optical power
is radiating into substrate modes at the Y-point and the reflection from Y-branch sec-
tion is near to zero. Contrary to this, if the phase difference is even integer multiplied
by 7t, the reflection from ideal Y-branch mirror is equal to unity. The variation of
phase difference in Y-branch reflector and thus the modulation of its reflection coeffi-
cient can be accomplished by using the dependence of the refractive index on carrier
concentration or electric field which are sufficiently strong effects in QW containing
A3B5heterostructure materials.
cleaved mirror reflection
/ coating

gam area phase controlling

Figure 4. Schematic drawing of the laser with integrated Y-branch tunable mirror.

To eliminate the optical losses in the tunable mirror, the waveguide in Y-branch
area can be formed by using impurity induced disordering, ion beam disordering or
selective growth techniques. Next, dielectric is deposited on the structure surface and
the windows are aligns and opened on the top of the gain and phase controlling areas
and contacts are formed. Reflection coating is produced at the end of Y-branch
waveguides. It is to note that integrated Y-branch reflector placed inside the laser cav-
ity can be used as tunable mirror in combination with DFB structure in the gain area.
As most of electrooptic devices, integrated Y-branch reflector can be tuned at
rather high frequencies. Being limited by only RC parameters of the circuit, the opera-
tion bandwidth of the reflector itself may be about several dozens of GHz. Note that,
the above described design insures strong electrical separation of gain and phase con-
trolling areas. Owing to this, the electrical signals governing the gain and phase con-
trolling areas will not intermix. This feature is important when dual modulation
scheme is applied. The above described structure may be superior over that designed
for optical confinement factor modulation, where the maximum speed of operation is,
in practice, more complicated function of structure parasitics. Thus, in the laser with
tunable Y-branch reflector all the advantages of dual modulation scheme can be real-

4. Frequency Stabilized Diode Laser with Monolithically Integrated

Dielectric Film Waveguide DBR

In single frequency DFB and DBR heterostructure diode lasers the stability of the
spectral position of single longitudinal mode is an important parameter. There are two
sources of emission line drift in DFB and DBR lasers. One is related to the variation of
carrier concentration occurring under hf output modulation. This is the reason for dy-
namic line chirp. The other source of line drift is associated with temperature depend-
ence of the refractive indexes of waveguiding layers. To some extent it could be elimi-
nated by introducing the electrical feedback loop to the laser mount cooler but this will
enhance complexity and cost of the laser module. Dynamic chirp in DFB and DBR
laser can be eliminated by appropriately choosing coupling coefficients and grating
phase shifts or by using external modulators. However, the chirp reduced in these ways
is still fare above the transfer limited one [7]. Lasers operating free from both excess
dynamic chirp and temperature related line drift would be very useful for high capacity
communication systems.
Our proposition for the lasing line stabilization is based on the results of previous
work [5], where we have first developed the integrated optic technology which makes it
possible efficient end-to-end matching of heterostructure laser waveguide with thin-
film dielectric waveguide sputtered on a common semiconductor substrate. Using this
technology, single frequency heterostructure lasers with monolithically integrated DBR
on corrugated dielectric waveguide have been fabricated. Because of very small tem-
perature coefficients of refractive indexes of dielectric waveguiding layers, the spectral
position of DBR reflection band was extremely stable. The width of DBR reflection
band being = 2 A, its temperature drift was as small as = 0.01 Ä/K. Owing to high
waveguide matching efficiency, low optical loss in dielectric DBR and because of high
regularity of DBR parameters, the laser output efficiency was high, 32% per cleaved
output mirror. Besides selection of single longitudinal mode, dielectric film DBR of-
fered strong selection of fundamental lateral mode.
However, the stabilization of DBR reflection band is necessary but not sufficient
for the emission line stabilization. Indeed, in DBR lasers discussed above the variation
of device temperature led to the variation of refractive index of heterostructure gain
area and due to this the longitudinal cavity modes drifted through narrow and position
fixed DBR reflection band. As a result, mode switching was observed under the tem-
perature variation. To avoid mode switching one should, in addition, fix the position of
the cavity mode.
This may be achieved in composite cavity DBR laser fabricated by using the above
discussed integration technique. The proposed laser structure is shown schematically in
the Fig. 5. In this laser the heterostructure gain area has relatively small length 1 and
heterostructure waveguide is monolithically and-to-end joint with dielectric waveguide.
The corrugation of the dielectric waveguide starts at the distance L from the waveguide
matching interface. Thus, DBR laser has composite cavity with the length of regular
waveguide area equal to 1+L. For the laser to operate in single frequency mode, the
length 1+L should be taken so that the corresponding intermode distance be compara-
ble to the width of DBR reflection band. On the other hand, to make the emission line
position insensitive to the variations of both temperature and carrier concentration, the
condition 1/L « 1 should held. The other important condition involved is that the light
reflection at the waveguide matching interface should be small. This condition seems
to be easily fulfilled by using previously developed integration technology.
pumping contact

waveguide DBR dielectric
output waveguide
<= // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // /. 1
semiconductor substrate

Figure 5. Schematic drawing of the laser with integrated dielectric film waveguide DBR.

To evaluate possible laser parameters, we take l=50|jm which is reasonable choice

for minimum length of heterostructure gain region comprising MQW active layers.
Taking L=5.000|im and the refractive index of dielectric material n = 2.0, the separa-
tion between the composite cavity modes will be about 0.5 Ä. Owing to low optical loss
in dielectric film DBR, its reflectivity is high and the width of reflection band can be
controlled by varying the corrugation depth. In particular, it may be set to be equal to
0.5 Ä. This will ensure single frequency operation of the proposed laser.
Further, with / = 50|am and L = 5.000nm, the ratio IIL = 10"2. With this, only
small part of the cavity is heterostructure waveguide where the refractive index de-
pends on temperature and carrier concentration, whereas the rest part is dielectric
waveguide have practically constant index. Consequently, in our case, the longitudinal
mode of the composite cavity will have the drift rate 10"2 Ä/K. This value just concides
with the drift rate of DBR reflection band expected in dielectric film DBR. Under such
condition, the mode switching will not be observed in the laser and the overall drift of
the lasing line will be 10 2 Ä/K. In this laser chirp will be reduced by two orders of
magnitude. It is to note, that due to small IIL ratio the capacitance of pumped active
area will be ten times smaller that in usual lasers which will be beneficial for high
speed operation.

5. Summary

In this paper we have discussed several possibilities for the diode lasers to have consid-
erably expanded modulation bandwidth, low chirp and high terminal stability of the
laser line spectral position. These are the features of main concern in the design of
future very high-bit-rate fiber-optical communication systems. It was shown that dual
modulation of the optical confinement factor and laser pumping current may result in
operation bandwidth up to 100 GHz and in very low chirp. New laser structure with
tunable Y-branch mirror is proposed for realization of dual modulation by governing
the pumping current and cavity loss, which can be even more prospective for high
speed operation. Novel structure of integrated composite cavity DBR laser is consid-
ered for suppression of dynamic chirp and thermal drift of the lasing line, promising
the improvement of these parameters by two orders of magnitude.


The author would like to thank M. Shatalov, Dr. V. I. Skopina and E. Tanklevskaya
for their essential assistants in this work, O. Utkina for the help in preparation of the
manuscript. Useful discussions with Prof. R. A. Suris are greatly acknowledged. This
work was supported in part by ISF grant NU 9000.


1. Ralston J.D., Eisele, K., Sah, R.E., Larkins, E.C., Weisser, S., Rosenzweig, J.,
Fleissner, J., and Bender, K. (1994) Low-Bias-Current Direct Modulation up to 33
GHz in GaAs-Based Pseudomorphic MQW Ridge-Waveguide Lasers Suitable for
Monolithic Integration, Conference Digest of 14th ISLC, Maui, USA, 211-212.
2. Bowers, J.E. (1987) High speed semiconductor laser design and performance,
Solid- State Electronics 30, 1-11.
3. Gorfinkel, V.B., Camacho, F., and Luryi, S. (1993) Dual Modulation of Semicon-
ductor Laser, Proceedings of 1993 International Semiconductor Device Research
Symposium (ISDRS), Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, 723-726.
4. Gorfinkel, V.B., Kompa, G., Gurevich, S.A., Shtengel, G.E., and Chebunina, I.E.
High Frequency Modulation of a QW Diode Laser by Dual Modal Gain and
Pumping Current Control, Proceedings of 20th International Symposium on GaAs
and Related Compounds, Freiburg, Germany, 41-42.
5. Alferov, Zh.L, Gurevich, S.A., Karpov, S.Yu., Portnoi EX., and Timofeev, F.N.
(1987) Monolithically-Intergrated Hybrid Heterostructure Diode Laser with Di-
electric-Film Waveguide DBR, IEEE Journal ofQuant.Electron. QE-26, 869-881.
6. Blum O., Zucker, J.E., Chiu, T.H., Divino, M.D., Jones, KL., Chu, S.N.G., and
Gustafson, T.K. (1991) InGaAs/InP multiple quantum well tunable Bragg reflec-
tor, Appl.Phys.Lett. 59,2971-2973.
7. Jonson, J.E., Tanbun-Ek, T., Chen, Y.K., Fishman, D.A., Logan, R.A., Morton,
P.A., Chu, S.N.G., Täte, A., Sergent, A.M., Sciortino, P.F., Wetch, K.W., and Jr.
(1994) Low-Chirp Integrated EA-Modulator/DFB Laser Grown by Selective-Area
MOVPE, Conference Digest of 14th ISLC, Maui, USA, 41-42.

Institute of Semiconductor Physics
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
Kiev-28, Ukraine

Dept. of Electrical Engineering
SUNY at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY, U.S.A. 11794

Div. of Engineering
Brown University
Providence, RL U.S.A. 02912

1. Introduction

As modern semiconductor circuits progress towards greater complexity

and ever smaller feature sizes at ever greater processing cost, increasing
the functionality of logic devices is becoming a primary direction in
microelectronics research and development. Several classes of
semiconductor devices promising higher functionality than standard
transistor logic have been intensively studied over the past decade,
including multiterminal real-space transfer1 and resonant tunneling2
heterostructures. However, the vast majority of these devices were based
on the bandgap engineering possibilities of compound semiconductor
heterostructures and required low temperatures for effective operation,
making them ill-suited for current digital technology. Recently, there has
been a demonstration of a class of increased functionality devices based on
multi-emitter heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT's) fabricated in the
InGaAs/InP material system.3 We propose to investigate the performance
of an analogous, multi-terminal backward-diode HBT structures in the
Si/SiGe material system,4 which would utilize the advantageous properties
of Si/SiGe heterojunctions and, more importantly, would feature full
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 365-370.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
compatibility with the silicon technology that will dominate
microelectronics for the foreseeable future.
The increased functionality HBT's rely on the incorporation of a
backward diode into the emitter-base junction of a bipolar transistor
together with multiple contacts to the emitter region. The base contact is
dispensed with altogether, which simplifies the fabrication process. The
emitter-base backward diode characteristic allows emitter contacts to
extract the base majority earners under reverse bias, so the emitter region
contacts can perform either "emitter" or "base" electrode functions. This
structural symmetiy leads to higher logic functionality of a single device,
leading up to a ten-fold demonstrated reduction in device elements for
some (but not all) logic functions.3 Since our variant of the multi-emitter
increased-functionality HBT can be implemented using a single Si/SiGe
heterostructure operating at room temperature, the proposed class of
devices will be fully compatible with Si VLSI technology. Furthermore,
freed of the "base" contacting problem, the proposed devices will be
ideally suited to BiCMOS circuits, where the simplified bipolar fabrication
will simplify integration with standard multi-mask CMOS designs at no
penalty to the bipolar performance.

2. Device operation
In this section we illustrate the principle of operation3.4 of increased-
functionality HBT devices built in silicon. Consider a Si/SiGe/Si npn
bipolar transistor with a backward diodes emitter-base (E-B) np junction
(created by the appropriate doping of the emitter and base regions) and a
standard base-collector pn junction. The emitter region is contacted by two
(or more) trench-isolated electrodes, while the base is left floating, as
shown schematically in Fig. 1. If the E-B junction is forward-biased,
minority electrons are injected into the base and extracted by the collector,
resulting in ordinary bipolar transistor operation with current gain.
However, because of the backward-diode characteristic shown in Fig. 2,
when the E-B junction is reverse-biased it acts as an efficient Ohmic
contact to the base.
If in the structure of Fig. 1 both of the emitter contacts are grounded
(Vel = VQ2 = 0) and the collector is biased high (Vc » kT), a small
collector current will flow as in a standard bipolar transistor with a floating
base. Conversely, if one of the emitter contacts is grounded (Vel = 0) and
the other is biased Ve2 < Vc, a large hole current will flow through the
reverse-biased E-B junction under the second emitter (which acts as a
"base" contact), leading to a large output current. If the current densities
of the forward and reverse-biased junctions are Jj and J2, and
corresponding ponding junction areas are Ai and A2 respectively, in the
active transistor regime with high common-emitter current gain (ß » 1)

emitter 1 emitter 2 4i
1 sEZÄ&zzza
diode E-B

collector V

n collector

Fig. 1. Schematic of a structure with Fig. 2. I(V) characteristic

two emitter contacts (E-B junctions of a backward diode in silicon
are backward diodes). (from Ref. 4).

we have:

Ic - AiJi = ßA2J2 (1)

Given the backward-diode E-B junction characteristics shown in Fig. 2,
one can determine the transconductance characteristic Ic(Ve2) using the
graphical construction shown in Fig. 3. By replotting the reverse bias
characteristic of the backward diode multiplied by -ßÄ2/Ai, one can read
off the biasing difference Ve2 between the emitter contacts for a given
collector Ic as the horizontal (voltage) distance between the forward bias
curve and the rescaled reverse bias curve, as shown in Fig. 3.
Since the emitter contacts are fully symmetric, the single device of Fig.
1 possesses full xor logic functionality. By fabricating more than two
contacts to the emitter region, more complicated logic functions can be
implemented. For example, an analogous three-emitter contact structure
can perform the ornand logic function in a single device: room-temperature
operation of such a three-emitter structure was demonstrated recently.3
The utility of the proposed class of devices hinges on two
requirements. First, the increased functionality of the device cannot come
at the expense of high-speed operation typical of standard bipolar
transistors. Second, since the range of high-level logic functions that can
be implemented using the multiple emitter contact geometry of Fig. 1 is
limited, the devices must in principle be compatible with BiCMOS logic
circuits. The second requirement would appear to rule out the already
demonstrated compound semiconductor versions of the device,3 but both
of these requirements can be addressed by implementing the devices using
modified Si/SiGe/Si heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) designs.6

FIG. 3. Graphical determination of the transistor characteristic Ic(Ve2).

The dashed line shows the reverse bias backward diode characteristic
rescaled by -ßA^Ai. For a given value of VC2 the output current Ic can be
read off as shown.

High-speed operation of the device in Fig. 1 is governed by the

standard HBT rules — high emitter efficiency (suppressed hole injection
from base to emitter) in forward bias, high electron transfer coefficient
through the base, and low base sheet resistance — combined with low
backward diode resistance of the E-B junction in reverse bias. All of these
rules can be simultaneously satisfied by making the heavily doped p-type
base from epitaxial Sii-xGex (with Ge content graded to x ~ 0.25 or x =
0.3 at the E-B junction) and then growing an n+-Si emitter. The band
discontinuity in the Si/Sii-xGex occurs entirely in the valence band (AEV «
200 meV for x = 0.2)7 conferring the usual heterostructure advantage of
permitting high base doping (and hence low base sheet resistance) without
sacrificing emitter efficiency. In fact, the absence of a barrier to forward
injection of minority carriers into the base confers an additional advantage
to the Si/SiGe implementation of the device over its compound semi-
conductor counterparts, as illustrated in Fig. 4 which shows the band
diagram of the proposed npn Si/SiGe/Si HBT in the backward-diode (Vel
low;Ve2 high) regime.
The veiy high base doping available in Si epitaxy reduces the tunneling
resistance of the reverse-biased E-B backward diode, which is unaffected
by the additional valence band barrier since the current is carried by Zener
tunneling across the (narrower) bandgap. As a result, the proposed
Si/SiGe/Si npn structures should have equivalent performance to state-of-

the-art Si/SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors and yet perform high-

level logic functions in a single device.

3. Conclusion
The implementation of proposed backward-diode floating-base HBT's in
Si/SiGe heterostructures is advantageous from both the processing and
VLSI integration standpoints. Since contacting the base is typically the
most demanding task in bipolar transistor fabrication, the proposed
structures would greatly reduce the number of processing steps. The
integration of these bipolar devices with standard CMOS designs will
benefit from the fabrication simplicity, leading to easy implementation of
such promising BiCMOS circuits as CMOS logic integrated with high
current-drive bipolar Si/SiGe input-output devices.



FIG. 4. Band diagrams of the device under the two emitter contacts under
the Vel = high (a — injecting emitter) and Ve2 = low (b — contact
emitter). The base is taken to be Sii.xGex with the Ge fraction x = 0.2
(graded up from x = 0 in the low-doped base-collector junction).

4. References
Hess, S., Morkoc, H., Shichijo, R, and Streetman, B. G. (1979)
Appl. Phvs. Lett. 35, 649; Luryi, S., Mensz, P. M., Pinto, M. R.,
Garbinski, P. A., Cho, A. Y., and Sivco, D. L. (1990) Appl. Phvs.
Lett. 57, 1787.
2 Sen, S., Capasso, F., Cho, A. Y., and Sivco, D. L. (1987) IEEE
Trans. Electron. Dev. ED-34, 2185; Seabaugh, A. C, Kao, Y.-C,
and Yuan, H.-T. (1992) IEEE Electron Dev. Lett, 13, 479.
Imamura, K., Takatsu, M., Mori, T., Bamba, Y., Muto, S., and
Yokohama, N. (1994) Electron. Lett. 30, 459; Imamura, K. etai,
Extended Abstracts 1994ICSSDM, Yokohama, pp. 467-469.
Gribnikov, Z. S. and Luryi, S. (1994) Article comprising a bipolar
transistor with a floating base, AT&T Bell Laboratories patent item
1-32, filed August, 1994.
Sze, S. M. (1981) Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd ed., Wiley,
New York, p. 537.
For a review of Si/SiGe heterostructures see, for example, Bean, J. C.
(1992) Proc. IEEE SO, 571.
Robbins, D. J., Canham, L. T., Barnett, S. J., Pitt, A. D., and
Calcott, P. (1992) J. Appl. Phys. 71, 1407.

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Institut für Physik,
10099 Berlin, Germany

1. Introduction
Monte-Carlo analysis [1] indicates that as FET gate lengths shrink to the
sub-100 nm regime, the electric fields in a field-effect transistor become
large enough that the electrons occupy most of the Brillouin zone. Because
carriers outside of the T valley behave similarly in most semiconductors,
transistor performance in this small-gate-length limit is predicted to be
rather material-independent.
A noted exception to this generalization is 1no.53GüQ,47As (i.e., InGaAs
lattice-matched to InP), which is predicted to significantly outperform most
other semiconductors. The advantage in InGaAs is that the energy differ-
ence between the lowest-lying conduction-band T valley and the higher-
lying L and X valleys is much greater than that in most other semicon-
ductors. Thus the electrons in InGaAs tend to remain in the V valley to
larger electric fields, resulting in a higher peak velocity and therefore in
a higher average velocity with correspondingly smaller transit time in the
Ref. [1] assumes that each semiconductor is used in a MOSFET struc-
ture, in which the channel is implanted p-type and the gate is insulated
with S1O2, whose conduction band lies much higher than the conduction
band of the semiconductor comprising the channel. InGaAs FETs, however,
are usually of a heterostructure design, in which the electrons are con-
fined by the wider-bandgap Ino.^Alo.^As. Because the conduction band
of the 7710.52^0.48^ ues only 0.5 eV above the conduction band of the
Ino.53Gao.47As [2], while the L valleys of the Ino.53Gao.47As lie 0.55 eV
above the T valley [3], scattering of channel electrons out of the channel into
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 371-376.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
the InAlAs gate insulator (real-space transfer [4]) may be more important
than the intervalley scattering. The present experimental results demon-
strate that the peak electron velocity in Jno.53Ga0.47^W^o.52^0.48^-s
modulation-doped heterostructures is smaller than in bulk Ino.53GaOA7As
and indicate that the additional scattering mechanism responsible for this
behavior is real-space transfer.
The use of pseudomorphic InGaAs with enhanced In content can im-
prove the transport characteristics of InGaAs-containing heterostructures
by decreasing the electron mass and increasing the energy separation be-
tween the InGaAs T valley and the InAlAs T valley. Further results of mate-
rial transport and FET characteristics in pseudomorphic structures indicate
that strain can be used to increase the bandgap compared to unstrained
material, thus allowing higher breakdown voltages, while simultaneously
improving the electron mobility and peak velocity.

2. Experimental Results and Discussion

Structures were grown using gas-source molecular beam epitaxy (GSMBE)

on InP:Fe semi-insulating substrates. High-purity solid sources were used
for the In, Al, and Ga, as well as for the Si, which serves as the n-
type dopant. Thermally-cracked high-purity arsine supplied the arsenic.
The growth rate was typically 2.5 Ä/s and the In mole fraction y of the
InyGai-yAs was reproducibly controlled to within ±0.003 as determined
from the x-ray rocking curve data. Background doping in In0,^Ga0A7As
is n-type, approximately 7 X 1015 cm~3 and can be lowered still further by
using a lower hydride cracker temperature.
Electron mobility was measured using low-field Hall measurements in
the van-der-Pauw geometry. Electron velocity as a function of electric field
was measured up to about 6 kV/cm using a 35-GHz technique, which allows
velocity measurements to be made without causing domains of non-uniform
electron concentration [5].
Fig. 1. depicts the velocity-electric field characteristics for similarly-
doped Jno.53Gao.47As and GaAs, measured as described in Ref. [5]. Due to
the lower effective mass in InGaAs, the low-field mobility of electrons in
this material is higher than it is in equivalently-doped GaAs. Because of
both the lower effective mass and the larger energy difference between the T
and L valleys AEr-L in InGaAs compared to GaAs, the electron velocity is
higher not only at low electric fields (what the mobility measures), but for
all electric fields. The peak velocity of the InGaAs sample is consistent with
measurements of similar material based on the analysis of Gunn devices
[6]. Both the GaAs and the InGaAs velocity curves are consistent with the
Monte-Carlo calculation of Fischetti [7].

30 —■ 1 ■ r
16 -3
n=3x10 cm
300 K ln

2 4 6 8
Electric Held (kV/cm)

Figure 1. Comparison of electron velocity in lightly doped 7no.53Gao.47As with that in

similarly-doped GaAs.

Modulation-doped heterostructures were also prepared as a part of a

larger series of variously-doped In0,53GaOA7As/In0.52AloA8As heterostruc-
tures for application as FET structures [8]. One such sample has the fol-
lowing structure beginning after the InP substrate: a 400-Ä In0.52AhA&As
buffer layer, 300 Ä of undoped InGaAs, a 50-Ä spacer layer of undoped
InAlAs, a delta-doped sheet of Si (2.4 X 1012 cm-2), 300 Ä of undoped
InAlAs, and finally a 50-Ä cap layer of n-doped InGaAs to assist in
ohmic contact formation. The two-dimensional electron concentration in
this structure was 2.0 X 1012 cro~2 and the low-field mobility of the electrons
was 9320 cm2/Vs at room temperature. The bulk InGaAs sample used for
comparison consists simply of a 1-fim film of In0^Ga0A7As doped with Si
so that n=3.5 x 1016 cm'3. It had a room temperature mobility of 8100
cm2/Vs. Fig. 2 shows the velocity versus electric field for these two samples.
In both samples, the electron transport is in lightly-doped Ino.53Gao.47A5
so that at low fields the mobilities are quite similar. At higher electric
fields, however, the electrons in the heterostructure reach their peak at a
significantly lower electric field. We propose that this reduced peak velocity
occurring at a smaller electric field in the heterostructure is due partially to
real-space transfer and partially to the total absence of density of electron
states below the ground-state subband formed by the heterostructure and
the conduction band bending in the InGaAs.


- 300 K


2 4 6 8
Electric Field (kV/cm)

Figure 2. Comparison of election velocity in lightly doped Ino.53Gao.i7 As with that in

a InGaAs/lnAIAs modulation-doped heterostructure.

A similar effect has been observed in the GaAs/AlGaAs system [9, 5]

in which the presence of the AlGaAs T valley allows scattering out of the
GaAs r valley at a lower electric field. In the GaAs/AlGaAs system, the
peak velocity depends on the alloy composition of the AlxGai-xAs, with
x=0.3 resulting in a 20% lower velocity than in bulk GaAs. The presently-
observed lowering of peak velocity in the InGaAs/lnAIAs system appears
to be analogous to that observed in the GaAs/AlGaAs system.
In the bulk Ino.^GaOA7As, the L valleys lie 0.55 eV higher than the T
valley [3]. This is significantly higher than the 0.32 eV in bulk GaAs [7],
accounting for the higher electron velocities in InGaAs. The presence of the
adjacent InAlAs in the modulation-doped structure, introduces alternative
scattering into the T valley in the InAlAs. Taking the band offset to be 0.5
eV [2], the InAlAs T valley is only 0.5 eV above the InGaAs conduction
In the heterostructure, however, the electrons cannot populate the ener-
gies immediately at the conduction band edge, but first find state to occupy
at the first subband. This subband can be estimated to he £o=140 meV
above the conduction band edge. The L valleys are not so effected because
the electron masses are much larger there. Therefore, the T-L separation
in the InGaAs in the heterostructure is reduced from what it is in bulk by
the subband energy E0. Together with the addition density of states into

which to scatter in the InAlAs, we expect these two effects to account for
the peak velocity in the heterostructure occurring at a lower electric field
and therefore smaller magnitude when compared to bulk. Simple numerical
calculations similar to those of McCumber and Chynoweth [10] also support
the hypothesis that the added scattering channel from the two-dimensional
electron gas (2DEG) into the InAlAs can account for the reduced peak
velocity [11].
One implication of this result is that in order to attain the ultimate
performance potential in InGaAs-based FETs, a wider-bandgap insulator
in place of the IUQ^AIQ^AS would be advantageous to reduce real-space
transfer. Because of the difficulty in depositing a wide-bandgap insulator
such as SiÖ2 onto the InGaAs and simultaneously maintaining a defect-free
interface, the best compromise may be to use pseudomorphic InyAli-yAs
with excess Al (y < 0.52), thereby increasing the conduction band discon-
tinuity [12].
Alternately, or in combination with the use of a wider-bandgap insu-
lator, the structure can benefit from the use of pseudomorphic InGaAs
with excess In. This material has a lower-lying T valley, resulting in an
increased T-L energy separation. In related work [8], we have optimized
one such variation of this idea with a strained InAs quantum well in the
middle of a (lattice-matched) InGaAs well. Unstrained InAs has a bandgap
of only 0.36 eV with L valleys lying 1.08 eV above the T valley. When the
InAs is pseudomophically grown on the InP lattice constant, the bandgap
will be approximately 0.55 eV. Further, in a 30-Äwell width, the confine-
ment effects will effectively increase the InAs bandgap to approximately
0.65 eV. The InAs first electron subband is still lower than the T valley
in the InGaAs so that electron transfer (either k-space into the L valleys
or real-space into the adjacent InAlAs) is reduced through the presence of
the InAs. Additionally, the relatively wide effective bandgap of the InAs
quantum well ensures that under high electric fields, impact ionization will
not be a limiting scattering mechanism.

3. Conclusion

Measured velocity versus electric field for electrons in bulk In0.53GaOA7As

and in InGaAs/InAlAs modulation-doped heterostructures show that the
heterojunction causes in a lower peak electron velocity, which is explained
through real-space transfer of electrons from the InGaAs T valley into the
InAlAs at lower fields than the k-space transfer of the electrons into the
InGaAs L valleys. This effect ultimately limits the electrons in the het-
erosystem to lower velocities than those of electrons in bulk InGaAs. One
solution to avoid this "premature" electron transfer is to use an insula-
tor whose conduction band discontinuity relative to that in InGaAs is
greater than that between the InGaAs and the In Al As, such as pseudomor-
phic InAlAs with excess Al. Another solution is to use narrower bandgap,
strained InGaAs or InAs as the transport channel.

Acknowledgments - The author gratefully acknowledges the support

of his colleagues at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown
Heights and especially the assistance of John Zahurak in fabricating some
of the structures.

1. M.V. Fischetti and S.E. Laux, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 38, 650 (1991).
2. R. People, K.W. Wecht, K. Alavi, and A.Y. Cho, Appl. Phys. Lett. 43, 118 (1983).
3. K.T. Cheng, A.T. Cho, S.B. Christman, T.P. Persall, and J.E. Rowe, Appl. Phys.
Lett. 40, 423 (1982).
4. K. Hess, H. Morkog, H. Shichijo, and B.G. Streetman, Appl. Phys. Lett. 35, 469
5. W.T. Masselink, Semicond. Sei. Technol. 4, 503 (1989).
6. D. Hahn and A. Schlachetzki, J. Electronic Mat. 21, 1147 (1992).
7. M.V. Fischetti, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 38, 634 (1991).
8. J.K. Zahurak, A.A. Iliadis, S.A. Rishton, and W.T. Masselink, J. Appl. Phys. 76,
7642 (1994); J.K. Zahurak, A.A. Iliadis, S.A. Rishton, and W.T. Masselink, IEEE
Elec. Device Lett. 15, 489 (1994).
9. W.T. Masselink, N. Braslau, W.I. Wang, and S.L. Wright, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 1533
10. D.E. McCumber and A.G. Chynoweth, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 13, 4 (1966).
11. W.T. Masselink, Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, (to be published, 1995).
12. S.R. Bahl, W.J. Azzam, and J.A. del Alamo, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 38,
1986 (1991).

Eindhoven University of Technology
600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands


AT&T Bell Laboratories
600 Mountain Ave
Murray Hill, NJ, 07974 U.S.A.

1. Introduction

The charge injection transistor (CHINT) [1] concept refers to a class of devices based on
the principle of real space transfer (RST) [2] of hot carriers between two independently
contacted conducting layers. One of these layers, the emitter, has source and drain
contacts, while the other, collector, layer is separated by a heterostructure barrier. When
an electric field is induced between the drain and the source, the carriers in the channel
become "hot" and can overcome the barrier. The RST effect manifests itself in two
ways. The collector current Ic, at a constant collector bias Vc, increases at a
sufficiently high source and drain bias. Simultaneously, the drain current decreases
showing a negative differential resistance (NDR) in the current voltage characteristic.
A fundamental property of RST transistor is that the collector current does not
change if the source and drain contacts are interchanged. Thus the device exhibits an
exclusive-OR (xor) dependence of the output current on the input voltages regarded as
binary logic signals. Even more powerful logic functionality is obtained in a CHINT
device with three input terminals [3]. This device, which we shall refer to as the
ORNAND gate, has a cyclic three-fold symmetry. Depending on the logic value, high
or low, of one of the three electrodes, the output current behaves as an nand or or
function of the other two electrodes.
The charge injection transistor has been successfully implemented in a number of
III-V systems [1, 4-6]. A monolithic optoelectronic ORNAND device has also been
demonstrated in a InGaAs/InAlAs heterostructure material [7]. However, there is great
interest in realizing the charge injection transistor in a silicon-based heterostructure,
making it possible to integrate CHINT devices with traditional VLSI silicon logic and
memory circuits. Hot hole RST has been observed in Si/SiGe heterostructures by
Mensz et al. [8]. Recently, RST of electrons in a strained silicon layer has been
observed in an n-type Si/SiGe heterostructure [9]. The present work reviews our recent
results on the realization of CHINT, and a monolithic ORNAND function logic device
with an epitaxial layer structure containing strained SiojGeoj and Si [10].
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 377-383.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
2. Epitaxial Structure and Device Fabrication

Figures 1 and 2 show schematic cross-sections of the device structures discussed below:
the CHINT is illustrated in Fig. 1 and the ORNAND gate in Fig. 2. We grew the
Si/Sii_xGex by rapid thermal epitaxy (RTE) on a 125 mm p-type Si substrate. The Ge
fraction (x) in the emitter channel and in the collector layer was 0.3, as determined by
Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. The strained layer thickness was about 15 nm,
as measured by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and secondary ion mass
spectrometry (SIMS), which is less than the mechanical equilibrium critical thickness
for this composition.

\ i
cap layar (undopad)
15 nm, Sl07ee0 j channel (undopad]

300 nm, SI barrlar (undopad)

15nm,si07Oe03collector (B:3xltfB)

1000 nm, SI

buftar layar (B: 5x10*8)

substrata (B:2x1o")
Figure 1. Schematic cross section of the charge injection transistor structure. The
distance between source and drain, Lch = 0.5 |im and the width W =40 urn.

palate Collector

Figure 2. ORNAND logic gate structure. Each of the three channels, defined by the
p+ diffusion in the silicon cap layer, has length Lch =1.0 |J.m and width W = 40 |i.m.
Cyclic symmetry, required for the ornand logic operation, results from
the periodic boundary condition on V3.
Shallow source and drain ohmic contacts are the most critical processing step for
CHINT devices, because the contact must be deep enough to penetrate through the cap
layer into the 15 nm channel without reaching the underlying barrier layer. We used
RTE to grow a B-doped Ge layer to act as a diffusion source [11]. The Ge layer grows
selectively only on the exposed silicon surface and not on the oxide. After growth, we
used rapid thermal annealing for 12 min. at 800 °C to form the junction contacts with
an estimated final depth < 90 nm and active surface concentration >1020 cm"3.
Finally 10 nm Ti, 100 nm TiN and 500 nm of aluminum were deposited on the
front of the wafer and patterned to form the source, drain and collector contacts. Since
most of the band gap discontinuity between the strained Sirj.7Geo.3 channel layer and
the Si barrier falls into the valence band, the devices employ RST of hot holes.

3. Device Characteristics

Figure 3 shows the room temperature current-voltage characteristic of the Si/SiGe

CHINT. The drain current, Fig. 3 (a), shows a strong NDR for Vrj above 1 V, with a
peak to valley ratio (PVR) that increases with the collector bias. Simultaneously, the
collector current increases, as illustrated in Fig. 3 (b). Prior to the onset of RST (VD<1
V) a small Ic is present due to the thermionic emission at the lattice temperature of
"cold" holes from the channel into the collector. For Vc = -5.5 V, a drain current PVR
> 2 is observed. A further increase of the collector bias will bring only an apparent
increase of the PVR in the drain current. In fact, as Vc increases the leakage of "cold"
holes also increases, primarily because of hole accumulation at the heterointerface and
the escalating role of tunneling. As a result, the IQ curve shifts down, almost rigidly,
towards positive current, hence the apparently increasing PVR. We have characterized
the high-frequency operation of the SiGe CHINT using a vector network analyzer. For a
Lch =0.5 (im device we found a short circuit current gain cutoff frequency of 6 Ghz.


-1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3

Drain Bias VDS (V) Drain Bias VDS (V)

Figure 3. Room temperature characteristics of the drain (a) and collector (b) current
at different collector biases for a 0.5 |lm x 40 ^m Si/SiGe CHINT.
4. Logic Functions

Figure 4 demonstrates the xor logic operation at two different lattice temperatures. We
see that IQ = xor(Vn,Vs) at all temperatures. The on/off ratio is 10 dB at room
temperature and increases to 65 dB at cryogenic temperature due to diminishing leakage
current in the (0,0) logic state.

1 ■

-1 •

lc TL = 295 K
(mA) -0.12


lc TL = 77 K
(mA) 0.18 nA;

Figure 4. Exclusive-OR operation of a 0.5 urn x 40 um Si/SiGe CHINT device. The

collector bias is fixed at -4 V, and the binary values "logic-0" and "logic-1" of
the input signals Vs and VD correspond to 0 and -4 V respectively.

V3 time
V2 0

Vi o

-1 .


Figure 5. Logic operation of a 1.0 um x 40 urn Si/SiGe ORNAND gate at a lattice

T- 77 K. The collector bias is fixed at -5 V, and the binary values "logic-0" and
"logic-1" of the input signals Vi, V2, and V3, correspond to 0 and -3 V respectively.

Figure 5 demonstrates the logic operation of the ORNAND multiterminal logic

device. The collector bias is fixed at Vc = -5 V and the input signal Vi and V2 are
varied between low - 0 and high - -3 V, while the split electrode, chosen as the
control, is fixed either at the low value V3 = 0 for the or function or at the high value
V3 = -3 V for the nand function. Since at room temperature the leakage of "cold" holes
in the (0,0,0) state is comparable to the current in the on state, the operation of this
device is demonstrated only at 77 K. However, if the channel length is reduced to 0.5
(im, decreasing the total area of the device, room temperature operation is expected.

5. Simulations

In order to study how the device performance of the Si/SiGe CHINT can be improved,
we have used the device simulator PADRE [12] which solves Poisson, drift-diffusion
and energy balance equations for an arbitrary heterostructure device in 1D/2D/3D spatial
First, we have simulated the device with a structure as shown in Fig. 1, with the
doping value and layer thickness noted above. Figure 6 compares the measured electric
characteristic (dashed line) with the one simulated by PADRE (dotted line). It is
important to stress that in these simulations we have not adjusted any parameters to fit
the experimental data. Clearly, a large part of the discrepancy from simulations and
measurements may simply be due to a parasitic resistance at the source, drain and
collector contacts.
Figure 6 also shows how the drain and collector characteristic of a SiGe CHINT
would change by changing some of the parameters in the design of the structure:

-1 -2 -3 -4 0 -1 -2 -3 -4
Drain Bias VQ (V) Drain Bias VD (V)

Figure 6. Drain (a) and collector current (b) as it is simulated by device simulator
PADRE for different design parameters of the SiGe CHINT structure with
Lcj, =0.5 p.m. The dotted line is the simulation for the device structure as
shown in Fig. 1. The dashed line is the experimental data
from Fig. 2, Vc = - 4 V.

i) Increasing the doping level in the channel is a detriment. The channel mobility
decreases due to impurity scattering. This results in a decrease of the carrier temperature
and therefore a decrease of RST current.

ii) The absence of a silicon cap layer improves the device performance. The silicon cap
layer constitutes an alternative current path for the drain current, especially at high drain
bias. However, the use of a silicon cap layer is desirable for other reasons, although it
could be thinner than 80 nm. From a point of view of the device fabrication, the cap
layer helps to relax the requirements on the source/drain diffusion-contacts from being
abrupt and shallow to only abrupt. From the crystal growth point of view, the presence
of the cap layer promotes stability of the strained structure.

iii) A thinner barrier layer increases the overall device performance due to the increase of
the electric field over the barrier.

6. Conclusions

Room temperature operation of a Si/SiojGeoj CHINT is demonstrated. The drain

current characteristic shows negative differential resistance with a peak-to-valley ratio
greater than 2. The device shows an xor property with on/off ratio of 10 dB at 295 K
and 65 dB at 77 K. A monolithic multiterminal logic device that functions at 77 K as
an ornand gate is also demonstrated. Simulations have shown that the device
performance can be further improved by reducing the thickness of the barrier layer and of
the silicon cap layer. We believe that with the above changes and with a distance
between the emitter contacts shorter than 1 |im, room temperature operation for the
ORNAND device could be obtained. These functional devices may be integrated into
silicon VLSI technology offering the possibility to employ the xor and ornand logic
properties or the NDR current-voltage characteristic in silicon based circuits.

7. Acknowledgments

The authors would like to thank Ray Cirelli for his help in device processing and Serge
Luryi for helpful discussions.

8. References

1. Luryi, S., Kastalsky, A., Gossard, A.C., and Hendel, R.H. (1984) Charge
injection transistor based on real space hot-electron transfer, IEEE Trans.
Electron Dev. 31, 832-839.
2. For a review of real-space transfer phenomena see Gribnikov, Z.S., Hess, K., and
Kosinovsky, G.A (1995) Nonlocal and nonlinear transport in semiconductors:
real-space transfer effects, J. Appl. Phys. 77, 1337-1373.
3. Luryi, S., Mensz, P., Pinto, M.R., Garbinski, P.A., Cho, A.Y., and
Sivco, D.L. (1990) Charge injection logic, Appl. Phys. Lett. 57, 1787-1789.

4. Mastrapasqua, M., Luryi, S., Capasso, F., Hutchinson, A.L., Sivco, D.L.,
and Cho, A.Y. (1993) Light-emitting transistor based on real-space transfer:
electrical and optical properties, IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 40, 250-258.
5. Belenky, G.L., Garbinski, P.A., Smith, P.R., Luryi, S., Cho, A.Y., Hamm, R.,
and Sivco, D.L. (1993) Microwave studies of self-aligned top collector charge
injection transistor, IEDM Tech. Dig., 423-426.
6. Lai, J.T. and Lee, J.Y. (1994) Enhancement of electron transfer and negative
differential resistance in GaAs-based real-space transfer devices by using strained
InGaAs channel layers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 1965-1967.
7. Mastrapasqua, M., Luryi, S., Belenky, G.L., Garbinski, P.A., Cho, A.Y., and
Sivco, D.L. (1993) Multi-terminal light emitting logic device electrically
reprogrammable between OR and NAND functions, IEEE Trans. Electron
Dev. 40, 1371-1377.
8. Mensz, P.M., Luryi, S., Bean, J.C., and Buescher, C.J. (1990) Evidence for
real-space transfer of hot holes in strained GeSi/Si heterostructures,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 2663-2665.
9. Zhou, G.L., Huang, F.Y., Fan, F.Z., Lin, M.E., and Morkoc, H. (1994)
Observation of negative differential-resistance in strained n-type Si/SiGe
MODFETs, Solid-State Electronics 37, 1687-1689.
10. Mastrapasqua, M., King, CA., Smith, P.R., and Pinto, M.R. (1994)
Charge injection transistors and logic elements in Si/Si i-xGex heterostructures,
IEDM Tech. Dig., 385-388.
11. Park B.G., King, CA., Eaglesham, D.J., Sorsch, T.W., Weir, B., Luftman, H.S.,
and Bokor, J. (1993) Ultrashallow p+-n junctions formed by diffusion from an
RTCVD-deposited B:Ge layer, Proc. ofSPIE 2091, 122-131.
12. Pinto, M.R. (1991) Simulation of ULSI device effects, in Cellar, G. and
Andrews, J. (eds.), Electrochemical Society Proceedings 91-11, 43-51.
New Ideology of All-Optical Microwave Systems Based on the Use of
Semiconductor Laser as a Down-Converter.


State University ofNew York, Stony Brook, NY 11794-2350
"lBally Wulff GmbH, D-34125, Kassel, Germany
"^Ioffe Institute, 194026, St. Petersburg, Russia


We propose a novel all-optical structure of phase lock loop for locking two semiconductor
lasers with a stable microwave offset for use in phased-array antenna systems.

1. Motivation

Optical control of millimeter wave antenna arrays is an important technological

challenge. This goal requires several key elements, currently under intense
development worldwide. One of these elements is a dual optical beam source capable of
producing a stable millimeter wave beat frequency when mixed at an antenna site.
Such a source is important in the implementation of virtually any architecture for
optical distribution of microwave phase between antenna array oscillators.

Development of a universal source based on semiconductor lasers faces several

essential barriers. Semiconductor lasers have a relatively broad linewidth, and
moreover the line center slowly drifts around due to environmental influences. This
places a particularly stringent demand on the stabilizing phase lock loop that ties the
dual beam difference frequency to a desired offset. Currently existing opto-electronical
phase lock loops (OEPLL) based on electronic components (mixers, amplifiers, etc.),
can be used for locking only modest microwave offset frequencies up to about 20 GHz
[1]. This practical limit arises due to the unavoidable loop propagation delay in an
electronic system (see Fig. 1, left). It would be highly desirable to implement a phase
lock loop in which the intermediate frequency (IF) signal, corresponding to the
deviation of the optical-beat frequency from the standard frequency of an offset
generator, is itself coded onto an optical carrier. This would minimize the loop delay
time and at the same time enable a dispersion-free and cross-talk-free delivery of the
broadband IF feedback signal to the correcting block of the PLL (see Fig.l, right).
The key to a successful implementation of an all-optical PLL is our recent
breakthrough in the conceptualization and experimental demonstration of a laser mixer
which manipulates the microwave envelopes of optical carriers.
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 385-389.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Laser Q Laser M
Master Master """"F*
a Detector Q,;
Slave i Laser


(Ö1F=C04-<ÖLO Q

Fig. 1. From opto-electronic to all-optical PLL.

The ideal mixer combines the functions of a photodetector, a local oscillator and a mixer. Black and gray
arrows correspond to electrical and optical signals respectively.

2. Laser Mixer
Recently, we proposed and experimentally demonstrated [2] a novel type of
optoelectronic mixer, the laser-mixer. In this device the microwave signal is encoded in
the form of an intensity modulation of the laser optical output. The input signals to be
mixed can themselves be either lightwaves modulated in amplitude at mm wave
frequencies or conventional microwaves (or both). The essential physics underlying the
concept of the laser-mixer is external modulation of "material" parameters of the laser
controlling the propagation of light in the laser cavity, such as the modal gain or
optical losses. Consider the rate equation for photon density in the laser cavity:

'■l OSS )
where g is the material gain, T is the confinement factor, aioss is the cavity loss.
Modulating two quantities, say, S and a/0JJ
5' = S'0+S'1sin<»/
a =a0 +a1smG)2t
we obtain an optical response modulated at the sum and difference frequencies,
(O =al ±(02.
Functionally, this physics is entirely analogous to that in conventional electronic
mixers, where mixing is accomplished due to the variation of material parameters,
controlling the electric output of the device (capacitance, resistance, etc.). The idea of a
parametric control of laser output, combined with a pumping current variation, is
relatively new [3,4]. Experimentally, an efficient parametric control was demonstrated
in a three-terminal quantum-well laser structure, realized in two material systems:
GaAs/AlGaAs at the Ioffe Institute and InGaAs/InGaP/GaAs at Bell Laboratories[5,6].
Side contact Pumping

Fig. 2. Three-terminal laser structure

with dual modal gain and pumping
f^K^^^^K«^^^«^^^^«w3e«^^«^fc«si^^^i^ current control.

This three-terminal structure (Fig. 2) lends itself to a natural use as a laser-mixer with
electric inputs. The electric impedance of the parametric input circuit, controlling the
modal gain of this laser structure is 50 ohm, which is very attractive for microwave
applications. Another experimentally demonstrated parametric laser-mixer [2] was
based on the variation of cavity loss in a laser with saturable absorber (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Laser with saturable absorber in self-

pulsating regime is capable of mixing the
envelope WD of two optical frequencies ( (DA
-0.\ Sh.,) with its self-pulsation at frequency
COLO. Resulting laser output at optical
frequency Cl is modulated at difference
frequency on^ a A- <BLO.

Double Quantum

Optical Mode

Because of the short (picosecond) recovery time available in saturable absorbers, this
type of laser-mixer can take as input optical signals modulated in intensity at
frequencies well over 100 GHz. Moreover, the optical nature of the input signal closes
the entire loop in the optical medium and permits the implementation of all-optical
circuits, operating entirely with microwave signals coded as the envelope of an optical
It should be clearly understood that parametric mixing in semiconductor laser is
different in principle from the heterodyne coherent mixing of optical waves. The latter
technique is based on the square-law dependence of the optical transition rate on the
lightwave amplitude | A |. In contrast, with respect to the lightwave intensity! A |2 the
semiconductor laser is a highly linear element. Mixing of different channels in an
optical communication system - which manifests itself as an unwelcome
intermodulation distortion - is an exceedingly minor effect (typically less than -70 dBc)
which arises mostly due to higher-order parametric phenomena [7].

3. Operation principle of the AOPPL

Let us return to the AOPLL structure shown in Fig. 1 and discuss its operation
principle. Part of the radiation from both the master and the slave lasers is focused on
the fast saturable absorber, modulating its transparency at the difference frequency
and phase fa. This frequency is mixed with that of mode-locked pulsation in the laser
cavity at the the latter frequency ©LO can be as high as hundreds of GHz [2,3]. It may
be further stabilized by an electronic generator. The intermediate frequency

is then transmitted to the correcting circuit as an envelope of the optical output of the
laser mixer. The inherited phase of the intermediate signal equals «J>IF =<j>A-<ko- This
signal is received by a fast photodiode integrated in the correcting circuit, which tunes
the slave laser so as to keep fa constant.

As shown in Fig.l, the electric part of the PLL the correcting circuit is localized in the
vicinity of the slave laser. The entire optical circuit can be integrated on a single silicon
substrate. At the same time the AOPLL architecture permits a relatively remote
positioning of the master and slave lasers, which is advantageous for their stability. We
would like to emphasize the universality of the all-optical PLL architecture, rooted in
the fundamentally dispersionless transmission of the microwave envelope via optical
waveguides. Not only this implies the broad loop bandwidth but it also means that
changing the operating microwave frequency does not entail any major revision of the
passive optical circuit.

4. Conclusion

The laser-mixer whose optical output is modulated in amplitude at the intermediate

frequency between two microwave or millimeter wave signals (themselves either
optical or electrical) is a new element with a considerable potential for the
implementation of optically interconnected systems operating in a very broad range of
microwave frequencies. These systems may have a cascade structure and produce
simultaneously microwave signals at multiple frequencies. As an example of the new
possibilities, consider a system (Fig. 4.) generating a grid of equidistant optical
frequencies spaced apart by a given offset frequency. In this system the slave laser of

Fig. 4. Block diagrame of the source of multiple optical frequencies

the n-th AOPLL cascade plays the role of master for the following (n+l)-st cascade.
A particular example of a system could be an array of optically coherent lasers
operating at the same wavelength. In this case, an optical signal emitted by a single
laser-master would be split between a number of AOPLL's which control the laser-
slave array, thus keeping a given unique offset frequency between the laser-master and
each of the laser-slaves.


1. Seeds, A.J. (1993) "Optical Technologies for Phased Array Antennas", IEICE Trans.
Electron.E16-C, 198-206.
2. Portnoi E.L., Gorfinkel, V.B., Avrutin, E.A., Thayne, I., Barrow, D.A., Marsh,
J.H. and Luryi, S (1995) "Optoelectronic Microwave-Range Frequency Mixing in
Semiconductor Lasers", IEEEJ. Select. Top. Quant. Electron., 1,451-460.
3. Gorfinkel, V.B. and Luryi, S. (1994), "Dual modulation of semiconductor lasers",
Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, ed. by M. Osinski, Proc. SPIE
2146, 204-209.
4. Gorfinkel, V.B. and Luryi, S. (1994), "Article that comprises a semiconductor laser,
and method of operating the article", US Pat. 5,311,526.
5. Gorfinkel, V.B., Kompa, G., Novotny, M., Gurevich, S., Shtengel, G.,Chebunina, I.
(1993), "High-frequency modulation of a QW diode laser by dual modal gain and
pumping current control" 1993-IEDM Tech. Digest, 933-937.
6. Frommer,A., Luryi, S., Nichols, D.T., Lopata, J. and Hobson, W.S. (1995) "Direct
modulation and confinement factor modulation of semiconductor lasers", Appl.
Phys. Lett., 67 (Sept 18,).
7. Gorfinkel, V.B. and Luryi, S. (1995), "Fundamental limits for linearity of CATV
lasers", IEEEJ. Lightwave Techno!., 252-260.

Division of Microelectronics & Computer Sciences
Institute of Electronics, Technical University of Lodz
Stefanowskiego 18/22, 90-924 Lodz, POLAND
e-mail: napier@j-23.p.lodz.pl

Abstract: In this paper some thermal problems related to modern

microtechnology will be discussed. First example presents a design process of an
integrated micropump. The general thermomechanical model is proposed. As the
second example, the possible sources of heat generation in silicon micromotor will be
discussed. The third example concerns the integrated CMOS thermal sensor designed
in order to detect the high temperature rise in VLSI or Smart Power devices.

1. Introduction
The main object of this paper is to present the new problem in the modern
microtechnology which is the high power dissipation density caused by the smaller
dimensions of circuits and higher operating speeds. In the near future the thermal
problems will be the bottleneck for integration in microelectronics. Actually in the
modern silicon devices the thermal transient phenomena are as fast as electrical and
the new methods for temperature computation must be developed. The transient heat
equation can be presented in the following form:
AV2T = C,^ (1)
where: T - temperature, r-time, X - thermal conductivity,
Cv - the thermal capacity per unit volume (J/m3K).
After introduction of scaling factor a, this equation can be presented under the
following form:
ä[^!LT+^!LT+_^LT]=CV_1T_ (2)
d{ax)2 d(ay)2 d{azf da21
where: x, y, z - co-ordinates

'This work was supported by European Community Basic Research Project ESPRIT (no. 8173
BARMINT), and European Community Project COPERNICUS (no. CP-940922 - THERMINIC)

S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 391-396.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Therefore, if the dimensions are reduced by a factor a, the time scale has to be
reduced by a factor a2. If for example heat needs 1 second to spread over a 1 cm3
silicon block, all transistors of lfimfa = 10"4) can be heated in 10"8 second (10ns).
This is comparable to the actual electrical time constants in electronic VLSI circuits. In
the case of 0.1 (j.m technology, the thermal time constants will be as small as lOOps
and it will be absolutely necessary to consider thermal phenomena as equally fast as
the electrical!

2. Thermomechanical design of silicon micropump

In modern micro-electronics, the thermal phenomena are the basis of the concept
of many new micromachines. A good example is the silicon micropump. To make such
a pump work, a periodic power pulse has to be put into the heating resistor. During a
heating period a temperature inside the air cavity and the resulting pressure increase.
When a value of the pressure is sufficiently high the membrane deflects and the outlet
valve opens. Then the small volume of the fluid is removed from the fluid cavity.
During a cooling process the membrane returns to its steady-state position closing
output valve and opening the input one. A fluid gets into the fluid cavity. As it can be
seen from this short description, the operating principles involve thermal, mechanical
and also hydraulic phenomena. Therefore it is necessary to find out and model the
mutual dependencies between all the physical variables in the system. This problem
can be easily illustrated by the Fig. 1:.

Fig. 1 a) Cross-section through the micropump

b) Mutual dependencies between physical
variables in the micropump

As it can be seen there are plenty of mutual dependencies that require iterative
solving and communication between different (thermal and mechanical) parts of the
software. The exact modelling of this kind of micromachine is very complicated, and
generally not possible by an analytical solution [6]. The CAD program has to take into
account all thermal and mechanical properties of the designed structure.

3. Electromechanical and thermal modelling of IC processed micromotors.

As the second example of the importance of thermal considerations, the
thermal model of the micromotor will be presented. As an example of case study, a
complete thermal analysis of rotary IC-processed silicon micromotor, fabricated at MIT
[1, 2, 3], will be presented. It is a variable-capacitance, radial-gap (side-drive)
micromotor presented in Fig. 2. The basic dimensions are depicted in Fig. 3: the rotor
radius R0 is 50 um, the gap between aligned rotor and Stator pole G is 1.5 urn or
2.5 um, the rotor and stator pole face thickness T is 2.2 urn. The motor design has 12
stator and 8 rotor poles. Every third stator pole is electrically connected to form three
stator pole sets or phases, to which excitation voltages are supplied in a sequence.


WmMj Bushing Ground Plan«

Fig. 2. A scanning electron micrograph of an IC- Fig. 3. a)Cross-section schematic of the micro-
processed electrostatic micromotor, fabricated motor from Fig. 2 [2];
at MIT [2] (rotor diameter = 100 \xm) b) details of acting fields and forces.

There are three possible sources of heat generation related to the micromotor
1. side-pull friction , 2. bushing friction, and 3. viscous drag. The heat generation
can be calculated assuming that all mechanical losses are converted into the heat.

"heat "mechanical T'® ■ (Tsp + Tb + Tvisc) ,co = psp + Pb + pvisc (3)

where: T- friction torque, co - angular speed of rotor, /> P^, Pvisc - the power
components for side-pull friction, bushing friction and viscous drag respectively.
Using the MICROMOTOR program with the mathematical model of micromotor
dynamics the maximum angular velocity of rotor has been calculated as: comax = 43
633 rad/s. The three power components for this maximum angular velocity have been
calculated and they are respectively: Psp = 3.8 10"8, P^ = 2.5 10"8, Pvisc = 4.2 10"7.
As it can be seen from these results, the biggest amount of energy possibly converted
into heat is lost as an effect of viscous drag.
To calculate the temperature rise in the motor volume, a the 3-D thermal model
must be used. As input data for such model, spatial distribution of power generation
must be provided. To perform the thermal analysis the 3-D RC equivalent network
model of heat transfer has been applied [4, 5, 7]. The obtained temperature results show
that the generated power values (eq. 3) cause only very minor increase of temperature,
less than 0.1 K in any point of the device. As the result, friction heating does not appear
as a dangerous phenomenon in the operation of such micromotors.

4. Integrated CMOS Thermal Sensors Design

One of the important question in the field of VLSI systems and power electronics is:
How to perform the thermal monitoring of the silicon wafer, containing semiconductor
devices, in order to indicate the overheating situations?
First method consists of placement of many sensors everywhere on the chip, then their
output can be read simultaneously and compared with the reference voltage recognised
as the overheating level (Fig.4).
The idea of the next method, which is proposed in this paper, is to measure the
temperature gradient along the given distance, in a few places only on the monitored
wafer (Fig.5) and evaluate obtained information in order to achieve the temperature of
the heat source [8]. This problem is known in the literature, especially in the field of
modelling of the temperature distribution, as an inverse problem. It means that we know
the results of investigated phenomena (e.g. values of the temperature in some places on
the wafer's surface) and we try to find the parameters of the phenomena's source (e.g.
the temperature of the heat sources). In general case the solution of the inverse problem
requires powerful computations and not always gives the proper result. The reason is
that a small inaccuracy in the initial conditions can cause unacceptable inaccuracy in
the final result. In case of an IC or a power semiconductor device, there is no place on
the layout for the complicated unit performing such computations, but there is also no
need for it, as we want only detect the overheating situations. Moreover, in most cases,
the overheating occurs only in one place.

i "overheat" signal "overheat"

leal signal
siynai Äj sensor cell 1

: thermal JZ?
control r

monitored layout

analogue monitored layout

demultiplexer ^I sensor cell2
Fig.4. Thermal monitoring of silicon structure Fig.5. Thermal monitoring of silicon structure
method 1. method 2.
For the proposed method four assumptions have been made:
Al-there is only one punctual heat source on the monitored wafer.
A2-the temperature is linearly distributed over the surface of silicon wafer^.
A3-temperature sensors used in this method give output voltage linearly proportional
to temperature.
A4-the sensors in the sensor cell are placed sufficiently close one to another, that
isotherms crossing them can be represented by straight lines.
Three sensors placed in distance a create the sensor cell (Fig.6). The actual value
of the temperature gradient can be calculated if we know the output voltages from two
sensors and the value of cosa. In order to obtain the information about angle a we
introduce the third sensor. In order to obtain the temperature of a single, punctual heat
source we have to calculate the distance between the sensor and the heat source. Two
sensor cells are required for this purpose. The cells are placed in a given distance (H)
and each of them gives the information about the angle a (otj and 0,2) to the heat
source (Fig.6). The heat source and cells form the triangle in which the length of one
side and values of the angles adjacent to this side are known. This means that we can
calculate the distances between the heat source and sensors. Now we can calculate the
temperature gradient along the known distance. By adding it to the temperature of the
sensor we obtain the temperature of the heat source.
The two sensor cells A^B^Cj and A2,B2,C2 can be placed in two corners of
monitored layout in the distance H. The angle a of each sensor cell (Fig.7) covers as
much of the monitored layout area as possible. The Fig.7 shows this arrangement.
Only part of the layout in form of the isosceles triangle with the base of H and height
of 0.3H is not monitored by the cells. Such configuration has been chosen for
simplifying the control circuit.

tan a «■
sensot ceH 1

Fig.6 The idea of the sensor cell Fig.7 The proposed arrangement of two sensor cells .

In this paper we will consider this assumption, however the function describing the real temperature
distribution is not linear. For the given substrate one can find very precisely this function by application of the
PYRTHERM software [9]. During calculations of the heat source temperature the found function can be
transformed to the linear one.
The presented method can be very useful in the case of indication the overheating
situations on the surface of an IC or other semiconductor devices. It can be
implemented directly on the monitored surface without disturbing the integrity of the
device and requires only a few sensor cells placed in any way out of the monitored

5. Conclusion
The main object of this paper was the presentation of the new problem in the
modern microtechnology which is the high power dissipation density caused by the
smaller dimensions of circuits and higher operating speeds. Actually in the modern
silicon devices the thermal transient phenomena are as fast as electrical and the new
methods for temperature computation must be developed. In this paper some thermal
problems related to modern microtechnology have been discussed.
The three examples of the modern devices based on the thermal phenomenon
have been presented. As the conclusion, one can say, that in the next future much more
modem devices based on the thermal phenomenon will be certainly designed.

6. References
1. Bart, S.F. (1990) Modeling and Design of Electroquasistatic Microactuators, Ph.D. dissertation,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
2. Bart, S.F., Mehregany, M., Tavrow, L.S., Lang, J.H., Senturia, S.D. (1992) Electric Micromotor Dynamics,
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 39, 566-575
3. Mehregany, M., Senturia, S.D., Lang, J.H., Nagarkar, P. (1992) Micromotor Fabrication, IEEE Trans.
Electron Devices, 39, 2060-2069
4. Pacholik, J., Napieralski A., Grecki, M., Turowski, M. (1994) Temperature computation in semiconductor
devices using 3D network concept, Proc. of PEED, SPEEDAM'94, Taormina, Italy, Appendix 1-4
5. Turowski, M., Jablonski, G., Napieralski, A, Wiak, S. (1995) Electromechanical and Thermal Modelling of
IC-processed Micromotors, Proc. of Und Workshop: MIXED-VLSI DESIGN, Krakow, Poland, 343-348
6. Pacholik, J., Furmanczyk, M., Jablonski, G., Turowski M., Grecki M., Napieralski A. (1995)
Thermomechanical Design of Silicon Micropump", Proc. of Und Workshop: MIXED-VLSI DESIGN, Krakow,
Poland, 373 - 378
7. Furmaiiczyk M., Jablonski, G, Napieralski, A, Pacholik, J. (1995) The 3D transient thermal simulation with
arbitrary border conditions, Proc. of International THERMINIC Workshop, Grenoble 25-26/09/1995
8. Wöjciak, W., Napieralski A. (1995) The distance dependent method for temperature measurement of single
heat source in semiconductor devices - the first approach, Proc. of International THERMINIC Workshop,
Grenoble 25-26/09/1995
9. Napieralski A, Dorkel J.M., Leturcq Ph.,: "PYRTHERM - Manuel de l'utilisateur - Version 4.0 November
1990", rapport LAAS Nr. 90 380, (132 pages).

Cracow University of Technology
Cracow, Poland
pmfijalk@cyf-kr. edu.pl

1. Introduction

Current trends in aviation and automotive macro-, meso-, micro- and nanoelectronics are
towards intelligent electronically-commutated (reciprocational and rotational) electro-
mechanical actuators (electrical machines) and other devices with much higher
performance and greater compactness, not only at the interconnection stage. The
increasing complexity of intelligent electronically-commutated electromechanical
actuators (electrical machines) and other devices is leading to larger chip sizes and the
greater degree of integration means that the power dissipated by the working chip is also
raising. Increasingly, the tendency is package several chips together in the form of
multichip module, using techniques such as wire bonding, tape automated bonding and
flip chip bonding to reduce the interconnections length and hence the overall size.
Continuing demands for high-performance intelligent multi-input/multi-output
(MIMO) macroelectronic AC-to-AC, AC-to-DC-to-AC, AC-to-DC/DC-to-AC,
DC-to-AC and DC-to-AC-to-DC converter commutators, called the AC-to-AC, AC-to-
DC-to-AC, AC-to-DC/DC-to-AC, DC-to-DC and DC-to-AC-to-DC macrocommutators,
and microelectronic neuro-fuzzy (NF) computer (processor) controllers, called the
NFmicrocontrollers are leading to integrated matrixers (IM) or application specific
integrated matrixers (ASIM) and integrated circuits (IC) or application specific integrated
circuits (ASIC) of far greater complexity than before. Artificial neural networks and
fuzzy logic (NF) are increasingly being incorporated in MIMO control systems to
provide robust and effective control in a wide range of aviation and automotive
applications. The method is based on a many-valued logic which enables general
principles and expert knowledge to be used to provide control rules and procedures. The
intrinsic non-linearity and variability of operating conditions make NF control on ideal
method for this area.
The author is actively pursuing the integration of matrixery and circuitry on the same
transparent substrate as the intelligent MIMO ASIM AC-to-AC, AC-to-DC-to-AC,
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 397-405.
© 1996 Khmer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
AC-to-DC/DC-to-AC, DC-to-DC and DC-to-AC-to-DC macrocommutators and ASIC
NF microcontrollers, respectively. The most obvious advantage of integrating matrixery
and circuitry on the same transparent substrate is the reduction in the 'work-horse'
components that are mono- and polycrystalline as well as amorphous-Si or GaAs super-
and/or semiconductor, fast-switching 'discrete' and/or 'continuous' uni- and/or bipolar
electrical valves [diodes, transistors, charge injection transistors (CHINTs), CMOS-
transistors, heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs), high electron mobility transistors
(HEMTs), insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), MES field effect transistors
(MESFETs), metal insulator-semiconductorFETs (MISFETs), MOSFETs, organicFETs
(OFETs), bipolar quantum interference transistors (QUITs), static induction transistors
(SITs), bipolar superconductor-base hot electron transistors (SUPER-HETs), gate-turn-
off (GTO) thyristors, light-triggered-and-quenched (LTQ) thyristors, MOS-controlled
thyristors (MCTs), ovonics etc], and in external connections.
The 'discrete' electrical valves suffer from having a performance that is strongly
dependent upon temperature. The author have therefore carried out a detailed program-
me of research into ASIMs using 'continuous' electrical valves, in which electrical
conduction is much less temperature-dependent than in 'discrete' electrical valves. The
external connections are also one of the dominating causes of ASIM and ASIC failure.
ASIMs and ASICs will be lighter and more compact because a proportion of the size and
mass of them. It is difficult to estimate the cost and reliability of these ASIMs and
ASICs as they are not yet in manufacture. Although research, development and initial
manufacture costs are high, the leading electronic manufacturers will be investigating
significantly in this key technology and the intelligent MIMO ASIM AC-to-AC,
AC-to-DC-to-AC, AC-to-DC/DC-to-AC , DC-to-DC and DC-to-AC-to-DC macro-
commutators capable of true inaudible (> 20 kHz) operation, and ASIC NF micro-
controllers will soon extend their application from the current aviation and automotive
intelligent electronically-commutated electromechanical actuators (electrical machines)
and other devices markets in to other areas and they have every chance of completely
revolutionizing the ASIM world.
The last few year have witnessed a rapid progress in macroelectronics (integrated
high-power electronics), mesoelectronics (integrated medium-power electronics), micro-
electronics (integrated low-power electronics) and nanoelectronics (integrated ultra-low-
power electronics), above all when it comes to the development that have taken place
in the field of avionics (aviation electronics) and automotronics (automotive electronics).
New applications for macro-, meso-, micro- and nanoelectronics have thus evolved and
established applications have undergone further advancements.
In 1973 I have forecasted a potential revolution in in applications of macro- and
microelectronicss as high-performance intelligent MIMO mono- and/or polycrystalline
as well as amorphous super- and/or semiconductor ASIM AC-to-AC, AC-to-DC-to-AC,
AC-to-DC/DC-to-AC, DC-to-DC and DC-to-AC-to-DC macrocommutators (conceived
and widely popularized by the author in the papers presented at the 1st Nat. RAILWAY
VEHICLES Conference, Krakow-Zawoja, Poland, October 1973; and the First European
Conference on POWER ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS in Brussels, Belgium,
October 1984), and ASIC NF microcontrollers improve the economics of reshaping
electric power to accomplish various tasks not only in aviation and automotive sectors
but also in other applications.
Intelligent MIMO ASIM macrocommutators are the key to overcome the contactless
(brushless), ie sparkless commutation (changing over the way of electric-current flow),
and so to the static conversion of one kind of electrical energy into another, with the
application of the phenomena inducing uncontrolled or controlled electric current
conductivity (carrying of electric charges by positive or negative carriers into a definite
medium under the action of electric field).
Intelligent MIMO ASIM macrocommutators have announced the era of newly
designed energy-saving AC- and/or DC-powered elctromechanical actuators (electrical
machines), enabling continuous (stepless) and contactless control of their torque and
velocity or angular speed (during motoring), or their voltage and current (during
Intelligent MIMO ASIM macrocommutators with uni- and/or bipolar commutating
ASIMs constitute a successive breakthrough in the develiopment of AC- and/or DC-
powered electronically-commutated electromechanical actuators (electrical machines),
and multiply their possibilities enormously. There exist fantastic perspectives which are
probable to become reality as soon as at the end of this century. But not in this does the
scientific sense of concepts conceived by the author over twenty years ago consist.
The most essential value of this new concept was the achievement of cardinal
breakthrough in the thinking itself, on the static conversion of one kind of electrical
energy into another, with the aid of 'discrete' and/or 'continuous' uni- and/or bipolar
electrical valves - a change of paradigm, that was a kind of thinking standard in the field
of power electronics.

2. Intelligent MIMO ASIM Macrocommutators

In 1820, Le Marquis De Laplace in his work: "Theorie Analytique des Probabilities"

written: "An intelligent being who knew a given instant all forces by which nature is
animated and possessed complete information on the state of matter of which nature
consists provided his mind were powerful enough to analyse these data - could express
in the same equation the motion of the largest bodies of the universe and the motion of
the smallest atoms. Nothing would be uncertain for him, and he would see the future as
well as the past at glance." This real world's image had great impact in the systems
approach (systems thinking) in the 1980s. Nowadays, scientists believe that in nature
chaos develops in most phenomena and the future is not unpredictable in the long term.
Controlling chaos has major importance from the scientific point of view.
Scientific revolution in the field of power electronics has been taken place very
rapidly - due to the overcoming of subsequent stereotypes of ideas valid in this field of
knowledge. All the progress is stimulated by thinking free from dogmas opposed to the
indiscriminate approach to existing concepts. It is also well known that the most perfect
practical solutions are born out of ingenious theory. "There is nothing more practical
than a good theory" - said once L Boltzmann.

The concept of an ASIM macrocommutator with commutating ASIM, realized on

'discrete' and/or 'continuous' uni- and/or bipolar electrical valves was born due to the
mathematical matrix notation of systems approach (systems thinking) on dynamics for
the formation methodics of mathematical models of AC- and/or DC-powered
electronically-commutated electromechanical actuators (electrical machines).

t^tfiJ-H^ &
■1 n

Figure 1. A generalized intelligent MIMO AC-to-AC, AC-to-DC-to-AC, AC-to-DC/

DC-to-AC, DC-to-DC and DC-to-AC-to-DC macrocommutator with an optimal
commutating non-integrated matrixer or ASIM (Generalized physical model)

The super- and/or semiconductive ASIM macrocommutator is a macroelectronic

valvular-converter commutator, being at the same time the changer of voltage, frequency
and number of phases - that is a static unit for converting one kind of electrical energy
(eg, with the voltage - up, frequency -/"and number of phases - m1) into another (eg,
with the voltage - if, frequency -/ and number of phases - m"), performing the definite
matrix function, and having at least one commutating non-integrated or integrated
matrixer, in which the finite number of 'discrete' and/or 'continuous' uni- and/or bipolar
electrical valves (switches) is inseparately connected in a solid (continuous medium) or
on its surface. The ASIM macrocommutator being made in this manner can be neither
changed nor repaired.
In Figure 1 there is a matrix diagram of the generalized valvular-converter com-
mutator with an optimal commutating non-integrated matrixer or ASIM, containing
among the others also an ASIM macrocommutator with a commutating ASIM, realized
on 'discrete' and/or 'continuous' uni- and/or bipolar electrical valves.
In macroelectronics the ASIM macrocommutator is a simple integral valvular-
converter commutator just like in microelectronics - ASIC microcomputer or micro-
processor, and in electronics - a diode, triode (transistor, thyristor etc) or tetrode
(spacistor, tetristor etc) with respect to manufacturing manner hybrid and monolithic
ASIM macrocommutators can be distinguished.
Assuming that extortions of an ASIM macrocommutator are given in a form of the
matrices of voltage sources between the primary (input) and secondary (output)
collectors (Fig. 2), the set of differential equations of dynamics can be expressed as


^A(N-\) ZAN zAa zAh zAc ZA(n -1) zAn •AN

7 7 7 7
BA ^BB ^BC ^B(N-l) ^BN ZB« ZBB Z* Zß(n -1) i«
ECB ZQA ZQB ZQC ZQN zCa Zcb zCc Zc(n -1) zCn iCB

p Z 7 ■N(N-
NA ZNB ZNC ZNN Zfia Zfib ZNC ZN(H -1) Zn„
Em 2*4zaB zaC 7
ZaN zaa z* zac • Zaip -1) z^ : an

ZbN zba z» Zu ■ zu
E* zM zbB z* • ^b(N-l) -1) z^
Ech z^ z* zcC 7
z* zca z* zcc • Z
c(n -1) zm •cb

^ znB Z„c
Z„N zm z^ z^ ■ z„(n -1) z


MtH (,■'•('■-!) = 0; i*[) (2)

have the dimension of impedance.

"*J0,B-O-O \ O (P n-i,

e-e E
N-li n-l

rs rs ! QUO
ia *cb n(n-l)

Figure 2. A generalized intelligent MIMO AC-to-AC, AC-to-DC-to-AC, AC-to-DC/

DC-to-AC, DC-to-DC and DC-to-AC-to-DC macrocommutator with voltage sources
(Physical model I)

Assuming that extortions of an ASIM macrocommutator are given in a form of the

matrices of current sources flowing in the primary (input) and secondary (output)
collectors (Fig. 3), the set of differential equations of dynamics can be expressed as

yA(N-l) yAN y Aa yAb yAc yA(n-l) yAn


yB(N-l) yBN yBa yBb yBc yB(n-l) yBn

c yCA yCB yCC yC(N-l) yCN y Ca yCb yCc yC(n-l) yCn U

jN yNA yNB yNC yN(N-l) yNN y Na yNb yNc yN(n-l) y Nn uN

y aA yaB yaC ya(N-l) y aN y aa y ab yac ya(n-l) y an
I" U
ybA ybB ybC yb(N-l) ybN yba ybb ybc yb(n-l) ybn
I" U
c y cA ycB ycC yc(N-l) y cN yea y cb ycc yc(n-l) y en
I uc

ynA ynB ynC yn(N-l) ynN y na y nb y nc yn(n-l) y nn

I" . U

k (4)
yW= d7_ (u. = 0; i*T)

have the dimension of admittance.

^0 CD 0 £>-e
Y^-Hy-^x-O ; O-O
-0-&-0 e-o W
IN-I -

**-e A*8]
i^ o o g>-e
I ^L i*f

Figure 3. A generalized intelligent M1MO AC-to-AC, AC-to-DC-to-AC, AC-to-DC/

DC-to-AC, DC-to-DC and DC-to-AC-to-DC macrocommutator with current sources
(Physical model II)

4. Conclusions

The hybrid ASIM macrocommutator with a commutating

ASM realized on 'discrete' and/or 'continuous' uni- and/or bipolar electrical valves
(switches), established a mediate element amidst the poly-valvular electrocommutator

with a commutating non-integrated matrixer, realized also on 'discrete' uni- and/or

bipolar electrical valves, and the monolithic ASIM macrocommutator with a
commutating ASIM, realized on 'continuous' uni- and/or bipolar electrical valves.
Reactive components of commutating ASIM, and so primary (input) and secondary
(output) collectors, ie the connections between 'discrete' uni- and/or bipolar electrical
valves are made on ceramic or glassy base with the vacuum evaporation, printing or
injection casting technique. Active components of commutating ASIM, and so 'discrete'
uni- and/or bipolar electrical valves: diodes, triodes (transitors, thyristors etc) and
tetrodes (spacistors, tetristors etc) without package are soldered or pressed into the
commutating ASIM manufactured in this manner.
The hybrid ASIM macrocommutator, especially made in the thick-film technique, has
a number of essential advantages:
- Not-too-long time of designing and preparation of production)\;
- Moderate cost of production, even in small serries;
- Possibility of integration of 'discrete' uni- and/or bipolar electrical valves and pro-
tection circuits;
- High overcurrent capability;
- High overvoltage capability;
- High output power.
By way of example the 'rotative' ASIM macrocommutators, designed to be built into the
rotor of the AC-to-DC macrocommutator mechanoelectrical generator, which work in
the most severe conditions are nowadays, made most frequently in the hybrid technique.

The monolithic ASIM macrocommutator with a

commutating ASIM, realized on 'continuous' uni- and/or bipolar electrical valves
(switches) is a macroelectronic converter commutator, in which all active components
('continuous' uni- and/or bipolar electrical valves) are made in a single wafer of the
crystalline or amorphous material in the shape of single chips. This technique has
assured high packing density of active components. According to the number of
individual single active components integrated on the single wafer of crystalline or
amorphous material, commutating ASIMs with a small scale of integration comprising
several to 36 'continuous' uni- and/or bipolar electrical valves, or commutating ASIMs
with a medium scale of integration from 24 to hundreds 'continuous' uni- and/or bipolar
electrical valves can be distinguished.
The monolithic ASIM macrocommutator with the commutating ASIM, realized on
semiconductor mono-crystalline 'continuous' uni- and/or bipolar electrical valves used
in the static converter technique and solid-state commutator electromechanical actuators
(electrical machines) shows so far series of limitations, namely:
- Difficulties with the integration of 'continuous' uni- and/or bipolar electrical valves;
- Limited resistance against overvoltages;
- Low cost only for series production on a large scale (100,000 of commutating ASIMs
- Relatively low output power.
Recently in hybrid and monolithic ASIM macrocommutators two basic types of com-
mutating ASIMs can be used: unipolar and bipolar.
For over twenty years the author has been applying full-diffusion technology with
loose mono- and/or polysilicon wafer for manufacturing MOS-controlled thyristor
(MCT) type ASIMs for intelligent MIMO ASIM AC-to-AC, AC-to-DC-to-AC,

AC-to-DC/DC-to-AC, DC-to-DC and DC-to-AC-to-DC macrocommutators. Today,

neutron-doped silicon of the so-called FZ (Float-Zone) type is used mainly. Neutron
doping means that the silicon rod is irradiated with neutrons in a nuclear reactor prior
to being sliced into silicon wafers. A number of silicon atoms are then converted into
phosphorus atoms and the and the material becomes weakly n-doped. The a major
advantage, however, is that the silicon rod after heat treatment will have a very
homogenenous resistivity. This is valid for achieving a high-voltage capability of the
To obtain an acceptable yield in the ASIM manufacturing, ie, the number of MCT
type ASIMs fulfilling the specification in relation to the number of MCT type ASIMs
manufactured, extreme cleanless requirements are made on the environment.
Diffusion technology means that the silicon wafer is coated with galium, aluminum
or phosphorus. These substances are then allowed to diffuse into the silicon wafer in
diffusion furnaces under high temperature. In certain ASIM manufacturing stages only
parts of the silicon wafer surface are coated for subsequent diffusion. For this purpose,
the photolitography is utilized. After the completion of the diffusion and the coating of
an aluminum contact, the silicon wafer is sliced into ASIM chips with the aid of a high-
power laser.
Depending on the silicon wafer area of the chip, the intelligent MIMO ASIM
AC-to-AC and DC-to-AC macrocommutators, eg, for AC-to-AC macrocommutator
electrical dynamotors (generators/motors) incorporated 3x3 ASIMs, and DC-to-AC
macrocommutator electrical dynamotors incorporated 2x3 ASIMs.
By controlling the life time of the charge carriers, it is possible to determine the
position of the MCT type ASIM on the recovery charge - minimum on-state voltage drop
curve. For this purpose, the gold irradiation is applied, which gives considerably closer
tolerances. With electron irradiation the ASIM elements are bombarded with high-energy
electrons (> 10 MeV) from electron guns.
On the basis of the large ASIM manufacturing volume of primarily unipolar diode or
thyristor type ASIMs for MIMO ASIM AC-to-AC, AC-to-DC-to-AC, AC-to-DC/
DC-to-AC, DC-to-DC and DC-to-AC-to-DC macrocommutators that occurred at the
beginning of the 1980s, it has been possible to introduce more reliable dimensioning
criteria. In combination with closer ASIM manufacturing tolerances, this has sub-
stantially raised above all the maximum reverse voltage/off-state voltage. Lowering the
on-state voltage drop, thus reducing the on-state charge and con-sequently high power
losses in protective circuits around the intelligent MIMO ASIM AC-to-AC, AC-to-DC-
to-AC, AC-to-DC/DC-to-AC, DC-to-DC and DC-to-AC-to-DC macrocommutators.
Besides, a conception of bipolar commutating ASIM, realized on 'continuous' bipolar
power superconductor-base hot electron transistors (SUPER-HETs) on the base of
GaAs/Nb/InSb; 'continuous' bipolar power quantum interference transistors (QUITs).
The bipolar commutating ASIMs of that type can be used, owing to specific conditions
of the electric-current super- and/or semi conductivity, as basic trivalent-logic functors
of the superconductive ASIM macrocommutator, which seems to be the simplest and
most effective static converter for conversion of one kind of electrical energy into
another. This trivalent logic is based on the Lukasiewicz-Tarski algebra.
Semi- and/or superconductive ASIM AC-to-AC, AC-to-DC-to-AC, AC-to-DC/
DC-to-AC, DC-to-DC and DC-to-AC-to-DC macrocommutators are nowadays indis-
pensable in modern electromechanical actuator engineering and for energy converting
purposes, especially in aviation and automotive sectors.
Trends in Thermal Management of Microcircuits

Vladimir Szekely and Märta Rencz

Dept. of Electron Devices, Fac. of Electr. Eng. & Infor., TU Budapest, Goldmann György ter 3.
H-1521 Budapest XL, Hungary

Bernard Courtois
TIMA, 46 Avenue Felix Viallet, 38031 Grenoble cedex, France

1. Introduction

With silicon microtechnology we intend to realize electrical networks: these are

the integrated circuits. This goal however can never be obtained solely - a thermal
network is also generated necessarily. The electrical parts dissipate heat, this will
be the source of the thermal network. As a result the temperature of the chip will
increase, changing the electrical parameters. In some cases this can even result
in burning out the elements. With the decreasing chip feature sizes and package
dimensions, with the increasing integration density the heat production per unit
volume increases - continuously enlarging the severity of these problems.
That is why during the design of an integrated circuit concentrating only to the
electrical operation is not sufficient. We have to keep in hand the thermal network
as well, overheating and electrical/thermal cross couplings have to be impeded. For
that we need methods to calculate and measure the temperature distribution on
the chip. In some cases even continuous monitoring of the temperature distribution
is necessary.
It is interesting to note that thermal effects are not always only problem sources,
sometimes they are exploited to realize special functions.

2. Thermal considerations in the IC design phase

During the design of electrical circuits thermal considerations have continuously

to be kept in mind. This is why it is an important requirement for the microcircuit
design program systems to be equipped with thermal simulators. The simplest such
programs calculate the surface temperature distribution of the chip, considering
isotherm platform. This is sufficient to find the so called hot spots. These are
such regions of the chip where there are numerous strongly dissipating elements
resulting in extremely high local temperature. By rearranging the circuit elements
we have to find such a placement where the temperature increase is more uniform
and hot spots are avoided.
S. Luryi et al. (eds.), Future Trends in Microelectronics, 407-412.
© 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Fig. 1. Simulated surface temperature distribution of an IC. On the floor of this pseudo-3D
image the chip layout is shown. The curved surface represents the temperature distribution: the
height of this surface above each point is proportional to the temperature rise of that point

Fig. 1. shows a temperature map calculated by such a thermal simulation pro-

It is often necessary to calculate the thermal distribution of more complicated
structures, considering the chip, the platform, the package with different geometry
and material parameters. For such cases FEM (finite element method) programs
are usually used, (e.g. such as ANSYS [1]).
Between the electrical and the thermal network couplings may exist. In the case
of an analogue power amplifier as an example, the temperature of the entire chip,
including the input stage, changes corresponding to the dissipation of the output
stage. Since the transistors of the input stage are temperature dependent, this
acts as an additional control. Already a change of some thousandth of centigrade
on the input transistors results in considerable feedback and consequently in the
altered behaviour of the circuit. Because of the extremely small sizes, this effects
are considerable on relatively high frequencies, already at 10 or 100 kHz.
To examine the electrical/thermal coupling effects, we need such a simulator
which can consider the effects of thermal coupling [2]. The appearance of extensions
to the well known circuit simulation programs, which make them appropriate for
coupled electrical/thermal simulation, can be noticed.
3. Package design and the thermal problems

In IC packaging DIL-like solutions were used for about twenty years. In the last
decade however new solutions are intensely investigated (QFP, PGA, flip-chip,
tape-bond, solder-bump, MCM, Cubic structures etc.). In all these the two main
goals are
- the highest possible pin number on the highest possible raster density,
— the best heat conductance.
We meet extreme dissipation values (e.g. 2000 W from a single MCM) and
unusual solutions for cooling (water cooling package etc.) [3]. Heat removal often
occurs directly from the active face to avoid even the thermal resistance contribu-
tion of the die itself. 3D packaging result in higher element density, consequently
even more serious thermal problems.

4. Thermal transient recording

Thermal transient recording methods gain increasing role in the thermal inves-
tigation of IC structures and their packaging. In this method the thermal char-
acteristics of the structure is measured by a thermal step response recording. A
typical step-response function is shown in Fig. 2. This describes both the static
and the dynamic thermal behaviour. Many research papers deal with the problem
of finding methods for not only to indicate but also to locate heat sinking defects
based on these measurements. As a result of subsequent data processing the heat
flow map of the packaging structure can be obtained, on which the individual sec-
tions of the heat sinking path can be separated and the possible weak points or
anomalies can be located.

5. Obtaining surface temperature map

In the case of thermally critical designs the temperature distribution has to be

measured on some experimental samples. This needs thermal measurements with
some tenth of centigrade accuracy on the surface with a resolution of some micro-
The classic method for this purpose is the infrared thermography, which gives
the thermal map of the surface with the speed of a TV image [4]. On the other
hand this method is clumsy and expensive, the infrared detector has to be strongly
cooled, and the scanning is usually mechanical. The verification of the temperature
scale gives notable difficulties.
In these years some methods based on new principles are investigated. In one
of these methods the IC surface is covered by liquid crystal and the temperature
153 (»ixel^dec, . LP ;00WN:WUT0 7.7 usec
*11' bit/pixel I.Lf 1-DpWNrSUTp- 2337 bit

Recorded: 11-18-1893 16:03:27
PPGrt package, soldered into PCboard
IE= 130.00 mA
UCBL= 1.000 U UCBH=10.000 U
ULSB= 0.02< mU alfa= 2.000 mU/K
Tfirst= 0.500 us Tmax=1800.000 s
nsample= 11718 sampl'oct= 500

i us:

Fig. 2. Thermal step-response function of an IC package. The z-axis is the time, and the y
axis is the temperature rise. Note, that the response has been obtained for an extremely wide
time range, from 1 ßs to 1000 s. The thermal time constants of the system are expected to be
distributed in this range

dependent phase transition is observed. The thermal map is obtained by computer

aided image acquisition and processing methods. In an other method the surface
is covered by fluorescent material, the emission of which is thermal dependent, so
that after UV exposure the intensity of the fluorescentia draws a thermal map.
A further interesting method exploits the temperature dependence of the surface
optical reflectance. Scanning the surface with a laser beam the reflection rate is
temperature dependent - however only weakly, and the dependence is influenced
by the material as well.
Fig. 3. shows a temperature map obtained by liquid crystal measurement and
subsequent image processing.

6. Using built-in sensors: thermal monitoring

In the practice of the integrated circuit design it is usual to add some excess,
circuitry serving to support the design for testability (DfT). This method can be

Fig. 3. Measured temperature map of a small region on the IC surface. The result is obtained
ay liquid crystal method. The different colors (different shadings on this b-w picture) correspond
;o regions of different temperatures. The temperature step between two neighboring regions is
3.1 °C

3xtended for thermal testing. Recent experiments deal with the question of building
3ne or more thermal sensors into the chip and use them for thermal testing.
Chips supplied with thermal sensors can be thermally tested after fabrication
^DfTT, Design for Thermal Testability) [5]. With some additional circuitry the
temperature of the IC is readable also if the circuit is already built in an equip-
ment. This way the inner temperature of the IC can be controlled in the operating
equipment, preventing overheating and degradation. This is the basic principle of
thermal monitoring. The current problem of development is to find how can be
this problem solved with minimal extra expenses (chip area, excess pins). The
best solution seems to be the connection with the other electrical test circuits (e.g.
boundary scan) [6].

7. Thermal stabilization and protection

[n the case of delicate circuits the parameters can be improved if the circuit is
kept on constant temperature in a thermostat. The circuit itself can be designed

such that, it behaves as a kind of a micro thermostat. For this purpose a thermal
sensor and a dissipator are required on the chip surface, with some control circuit-
ry. The latter controls the dissipator to assure constant (e.g. 80 °C) chip surface
temperature. Such circuits are called TSS (temperature-stabilized surface) ICs.
In the case of higher dissipation circuits protection against overheating can
be useful. A temperature sensor observes the chip temperature and inhibits the
operation in the case of overheating, or reduces the dissipation e.g. in the case of
CMOS VLSI circuits by decreasing the clock frequency.

8. Thermal functional units

Exploiting the thermal effects different functional units can be realized in an inte-
grated circuit. As an example a dissipating resistor and a temperature gradient
sensor placed beside it form a true RMS (root-mean-square) measuring unit. A
dissipating element and the thermal sensor placed close to it can be used as a
flow meter. Based on similar principle the microelectronic version of the Pirani
vacuum meter can be constructed. Infrared sensor can be built by dropping IR
radiation on a (from the ambient thermally well isolated) target and measuring
the temperature increase of the target [7]. It has to be noted however that for the
fabrication of most of these units excess technological steps are required beyond
the usual IC process steps. At some places of the chip thin membranes or can-
tilevers have to be fabricated by etching, new surface layers of special material
are needed etc. These latter however belong already to another category: to the
integrated microsystems.


1. ANSYS - Engineering Analysis System: Theoretical Manual. Swanson Analysis Systems Inc.
2. V. Szekely and A. Poppe: Novel tools for thermal and electrical analysis of circuits. Electrosoft,
l(4):234-249, 1990. Computational Mechanics Publications.
3. R. E. Simons: The Evolution of IBM High Performance Cooling Technology. In Proc. of the
11th IEEE SEMI-THERM Symposium, pages 102-114, 7-9 Febr. 1995.
4. G. Gaussorgues: Infrared thermography. Chapman k. Hall, London, 1994.
5. V. Szekely et al: Design for Thermal Testability (DfTT) and a CMOS realisation. In Proc. of
the THERMINIC Workshop, Grenoble, France, 25-26 Sept 1995. (accepted for publication).
6. V. Szekely and M. Rencz: Thermal Test and Monitoring. In Proc. of the ED&T Conference
'95, Paris, page 601, 7-9 March 1995.
7. S. Middelhoek and S. A. Audet: Silicon Sensors. Academic Press, London, 1989.

Lex A. Akers Erich Gornik

Dept. of Electrical Engineering Inst fuer Festkoerperelektron
Arizona State University TU-Vienna
Box 875706 Gushausstrasse 27-29
Tempe, AZ 85287-5706 A-1040, Vienna
U.S.A. Austria

Alec Broers Herb Goronkin

Department of Engineering Phoenix Corporate Research
University of Cambridge Laboratories
Trumpington Street Motorola Inc.
Cambridge, CB2 1PZ 2100 East Elliot Road,
England MD EL 508
Tempe, AZ 85284
Misha Dyakonov U.S.A.
A.F. Ioffe Physico-Tech. Inst.
Polytechnicheskaya 26 Sergei Gurevich
St. Petersburg, 194021 A.F. Ioffe Physico-Tech. Inst.
Russia Polytechnicheskaya 26
St. Petersburg, 194021
Bogdan T. Fijalkowski Russia
Dept. of Mechatronics
Cracow University of Technology Karl Hess
ul. Baluckiego 5 A/1 Dept. of Electrical Engineering
PL 30-318, Krakow University of Illinois
Poland Urbana-Champaign
1101 West Springfield Avenue
Jim Freedman Urbana,IL 61801-3082
Semiconductor Res. Corp. U.S.A.
P.O. Box 12053,
79 Alexander Dr., Bldg. 4401 Gilles Horowitz
Research Triangle, NC 27709 Laboratoire des Materiaux Moleculaires
2, rue Dunant
Vera B. Gorfinkel 94320, Thiais
Dept. of Electrical Engineering France
State University of New York
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2350
Robert Hyde Marco Mastrapasqua
Alp Optics Physics Department
38220, Laffrey Eindhoven Univ. of Technol.
France Room NLa2.10,P.O. Box 513
5600 MB, Eindhoven
Paul Jay The Netherlands
Microwave Module Group
Northern Telecom Limited Andrzej Napieralski
P.O. Box 3511, Station C Division of Microelectronics &
Ottawa, Ontario Kl Y4H7 Computer Sciences
Canada Inst. of Electr., Tech. Univ. of Lodz
ul. Stefanowskiego 18/22
Michael Kelly 90-924, Lodz
Department of Physics Poland
University of Surrey
Guildford, GU2 5XH Steve Nelson
England Steven Nelson and Associates
6706 N. Lakeshore Drive
Herbert Kroemer Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Dept. of Electrical & U.S.A.
Computer Engineering
University of California Arto Nurmikko
Santa Barbara Center for Advanced Materials Research
EngrI, Room 4113 Brown University
Santa Barbara, CA 93106 182 Hope Street
U.S.A. Providence, RI02912
Michael A. Littlejohn
Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dimitris Pavlidis
North Carolina State University Solid State Electronics Laboratory,
Raleigh, NC 27695-7911 Dept. of EE
U.S.A. University of Michigan
1301 Beal Avenue
Serge Luryi Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122
Dept. of Electrical Engineering U.S.A.
State Univ. of NY - Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-2350 Marta Rencz
U.S.A. Dept. Electron Devices
Technical Univ. - Budapest
W. Ted Masselink Goldmann Gyorgy ter. 3
Department of Physics H-1521, Budapest
Humboldt University in Berlin Hungary
Invalidenstr. 110
10115, Berlin
George Sai-Halasz Henk van Houten
IBM T.J. Watson Res. Center Philips Research Lab. Holland
P.O. Box 218 P.O. Box 80.00
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Eindhoven, JA 5600
U.S.A. The Netherlands

Michael Shur Armin W. Wieder

Dept. of Electrical Engineering Director, Silicon Microelectronics
University of Virginia Siemens Research Labs
Thornton Hall 8 Munich 83/Zt Zie ME 4,
Charlottesville, VA 22903-2442 Otto Hahn Ring 6
U.S.A. 8000, Munich 83
Theoren P. Smith
Director, Physical Sciences Jimmy Xu
IBM T.J. Watson Res. Center Dept. of Electrical &
P.O. Box 218 Computer Engineering
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 University of Toronto
U.S.A. 10 King's College Road
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4
Paul M. Solomon Canada
IBM T.J. Watson Res. Center
P.O. Box 218 Alex Zaslavsky
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Div. of Engineering
U.S.A. Brown University
182 Hope Street, Box D
Ben G. Streetman Providence, RI02912
Dept. of Electrical Engineering U.S.A.
University of Texas at Austin
P.O. Box 7728
Austin, TX 78712

Michael A. Stroscio
US Army Research Office
P.O. Box 12211
Research Triangle,
NC 27709-2211

Robert Suris
A.F. Ioffe Physico-Tech. Inst.
Polytechnicheskaya 26
St. Petersburg,

2D MESFET 265-267 Bipolar transistor 356, 359

Acoustic phonons 155 Bottlenecks 47,58
Active Packaging 35 Breakthrough 57,125
Actuators 16 Cache memories 113, 114
Adiabatic 95,96 Capacitance 94,96
Adiabatic voltage scaling 102 Carbon doping 295
AFM (Atomic force microscope) 171 Carrier multiplication 330
AIN 298 Cell isolation 45
Aluminum 1, 369 Cellular automata 54, 212
Amplitude of constant phase 41 Cellular neural networks 212
Andreev supercurrents 246 Challenges 90
Antenna 42 Charge injection transistor (CHINT)
AOPPL 378,379 367-371
Architectural Packaging 111 Chip architectures 57
ASIC 26, 72, 76, 88 Chirp suppression 344, 347, 349,
ASPAT diode 186, 187 351
Aspect ratio 50 Choking 251,253
Assembly and packaging 87 Circuit counts 48
Asymmetrical wires 178 Cladding 49
Atmospheric transmission window Clock frequencies 65,111
41 Clock rates 52
Atomic force microscope 29 CMOS processors 132
Atomic-level structural tailoring 151 CMOS, MOS, 4, 13, 15, 210, 356
Automobile collision avoidance 42 Coherent transistor 39
Avalanche photodiodes (APD) 330, Compact cassette (DCC) player 66
331 Compound semiconductor 1,
Band engineering 151 Computers and communication 58
Batteries 20, 102 Concurrent engineering 17
Battery life 94 Concurrent manufacturing design 17
Beam steering 41 Conduction band 361
BEOL 46 Conjugated Polymers 67, 315, 318,
BiCMOS 80 319
BiCMOS logic circuits 357 Consulator 37
Bipolar mainframes 126 Convex machine 73
Bipolar technology 15, Cost prize analysis 67

Cost-per-function 89 Electron microscopy 323

Cost-per-transistor 89 Electron mobility 362
Coulomb blockage 141, 142, 152, Electron velocity 287, 362
179 Electron-electron collisions 251,
CPU (central processing unit) 93, 252, 257
116, 126 Electron-electron scattering 231, 244
Cray-2 20 Electronic flute 251, 253, 255
Cryogenic cooling 81 electronic metallurgy 1, 2
Cryogenics 237,238 Embedded memories 61
Crystal structure of sexithiophenes Emitter-coupled-logic 126
322 Energy cost of computation 93
CSIC-collosal Scale Integrated Circuits EPROM 62
139, 145 Erasure of information 96,98
Current confinement 332 Expert ssy terns 18
Current funneling 331 Factory integration 87
Cycle time 50, 52, 134 FELES (Finite Element Light Emitter
Data flow machine 111, 119, 122 Simulator) 270, 272, 274, 275,
Data storage 60 277
DBR (Bragg reflector) 269, 276, 327, FEM (finite element method) 398
328, 331, 332, 341, 344, 351-53 Ferroelectric memories 61
Design and Test 87 FET (field-effect transistor) 238, 266,
DFB lasers 269,351 275, 279, 315, 323, 324
Dielectric mirrors 339 Field-effect transistors 323
Diffraction 24-28 Flat panel 66
Diffusion 394 Flip chip 37
Direct broadcast satellite 72 Fluctuations 143
Direct writing 26 GaAs 1, 2, 15, 71, 160, 186, 189,
Dispersion 202 193, 238, 282, 303, 305, 309
Display market 66 GaAs MESFET 79
Displays 20 Gallium arsenide 71
Dissipation 399 GaN 283, 285, 289, 291-295, 298,
Distortion 29 299
Doping 192, 293, 295, 304, 305 Gate currents 215,216
Double-Heterostructure laser 3 Grand challenges 90
DRAM 88, 116 Ground rules 45
DRAM scaling 141 Growth 293, 294, 300
Dual modulation of Diode Laser 344, GSMBE (gas-source molecular beam
350, 351 epitaxy) 362
Early warning systems 42 HBT (Heterostructure bipolar transistor)
ECL 131 35, 73, 355, 356
Electrical/thermal coupling 398 HDTV 18
Electroluminescence 63 HEMT 4
Electromagnetic compatibility 65 Heteroepitaxial 35
Electromigration 14, 46, 52 Heteroj unction FETs 79
Electron beam 23, 26 HFETs 279,289
Electron density 251 High end processor 126
Electron fluid 252, 258, 260 IC processed micromotors 383

Impact ionization 215, 365 Memory circuits 93

In-situ processing 89 Mesoscopic Systems 192, 193
InAs 248 Metallization 14
InGaAs 362-365 Metrology 188
Innovations 10, 14, 15 Micro-machine 17
Integrated circuits (ICs) 1, Microcomputers 93
Integrated CMOS Thermal Sensors Microprocessors 48
Design 384 Microresonators 312
Inteligent robots 18 Microsystem 16
Interconnect 45, 87, 111, 127, 135 Microwave 72
Interconnect bottleneck 63 MIMOASIMs 387,388,394
Interconnection capacitance 125 Miniaturisation 185
Interface coupling 234 Minimum voltage 100
Intra-chip optical interconnects 63 MIPs 17, 18, 126
Intra-MCM 54 Mirror 24
Ion beams 29 Mirror reflectivity 350
Ion exchange process 338, 340, 341 MMIC 72
JOFET concept 248, 249 MOCVD 171, 189, 190, 294, 296,
Josephson effect 240, 243, 248 327
Josephson tunnel junctions 81,240, Modelling 126, 130, 339
241 Models 80
Kovar package 77 Modulation-doped heterostructures
LAN 72 363
Lap-top computer 67 Molecular electronics 67
LCI Lasers 269, 271, 272, 275, 277 Molecular ICs 147
Lead zirconium titanate 62 Molecular Transistor 145
LEDs 291,297,300 Monte Carlo 177, 215, 227-230
Lift off evaporation 39 Moore's law 88
Light emitting diode 63 MOSFET 227, 228, 230, 233, 361
Lithography 17, 24, 87 MQW 271
Locally interconnected architectures MSA (Molecular self-assembled) 147
212 Multi-chip module 77
Logic 93 Multi-level metal 46
Logic chips 93 Nanofabrication 151
Long-term research 7 Nanometer devices 23
Low power ICs 20 Nanowire structures 173, 174, 176
Magnetic memory 180 NDR (negative differential resistance)
Magnetoresistive elements 66 83, 153
Mainframe computers 93 Neodymium 338
Man-machine interface 18 Neural architectures 85
Mask 23 Neural networks 18
Mass production 23 Neutron doping 394
MBE (Molecular beam epitaxy) 171, New Products, New Markets 66
191, 327, 328 NF control 387
Mean-time-to-failure 47 NiCrAl 63
Megafabs 84 Noise 4, 18
Memories 6, 111 Noise immunity 50

Noise margin 53, 143 Power density 94

Noise tolerance 100 Power dissipation 15, 20, 78, 95,
OFETs 316,318 211
Oligothiophenes 316,320 Printing technology 67
On chip 238 Process integration 87
On-chip (Si) interconnects 54 Proton implantation 294, 331-333
On-chip memory 18 Quantum barrier varactors 186
Optical (deep-UV) lithography 90 Quantum capacitance 153
Optical confinement 332 Quantum confinement 159, 174
Optical fibre amplifier 337 Quantum devices 16
Optical integration 337 Quantum dots 197, 198, 200-207
Optical interconnects 54, 63, 64 Quantum functional devices (QFD)
Optical radiation 337 79,83
Opto-electronical phase lock loops Quantum wire 151, 159, 160, 197-
(OEPLL) 375 201, 205-207
Optoelectronic mixer 376 Quasi-ballistic transport 227
Optoelectronics 3, 15 QW (Quantum wells) 171,216,327
ORNAND device 367, 368, 370, 371 Radiation 76
Ornand logic function 357 RAM, DRAM 4, 13
Oscillators 41 Rare earth dopants 338
Packaging 17, 60, 62, 73, 77, 112, RC crisis 130
125 RC delay 47,49, 130
Pair wave function 242 Real space transfer (RST) 355, 361,
Parallelism 106 362, 365, 367, 369, 372
Parametric mixing 378 Redundancy 49
PBT (Permeable Base Transistor) 79 Refresh rate 143
Peak electron velocity 362 Resonant tunneling 143, 307, 355
Performance limit 58 Reversible computation 93
Phased Array Radar 73 Reversible logic circuits 96
Phased-array antenna 35 Roadblocks 14
Photoconductivity 161, 162 Roadmap 87
Photodiodes 328 RRS (Polarised resonance raman
Photon densities 347-349 spectroscopy) 174
Pirani vacuum meter 402 SAGFET 74,79
Pixel 23-26 SAM 330
Plasma 25 Satellite communication 41
Plasma waves 259 Scaling 125, 139, 142, 209-213,
Plastic electronics 67 227, 230
Poisson equation 188 Scaling factors 47
Polyimide 52 Scanning tunneling microscope 29
Polymer electronics 85 Scattering 218, 220, 230, 365
Polymer memories 85 SCH (separate confinement
Polymer Waveguides 65 heterostructure) 216-218
Polymers 52 Schottky barrier 186, 248, 263
Porous silicion 63 Schottky diodes 67,181
Portable computer 94 Selective oxidation of AlAs 327,
Power budget 93, 95 332, 333

Self-assemble 23 Thermal fluctuations 148

SEMC 219 Thermal network 397
Semi-insulating 75 Thermal stabilization and protection
Sensors 16 401
SG-RTT 265 Thermal transient recording 399
Shadow printing 23, 24 Thin film technology 62
Shared memory 115 Thin film transistors 67
Shockwaves 251 Thin-film transfer 35
Shockley equation 215 Three-dimensional packaging 111,
Si (Silicon) 1, 2 117
Si-compatible microlaser 63 Throughput 23-27
SiGe bipolar technology 75 Ti 47
Signal tolerance 53 Time of flight delays 48
Silicon micropump 382 Transistor 2, 13, 367
Silicon microtechnology 397 Transport 305
SIMS 188-191 Trend feeding 58
Simulation 14 Trend projection 88
Sleep modes 104, 106 Trend setting 58
SLQW (Superlattice quantum wells) Tungsten 47
328 Tunneling resistance 358
Smart power 16 Tunnelling 165-168, 176, 177, 185,
Smith Purcell emission 164, 165 188
SONET 74 Turbulence 251
spherical particles 175 UV 23
Spin-off technologies 16 VCSEL 42,269
SPISCES Simulator 229, 230, 233 Vector processors 118
Splitting 201 Velocity 198
Spontaneous polarisation 178 Velocity overshoot 227
SRAM 126 Vertical cavity laser 331
Static Memory 103 Very long instrucrion word 111, 120
Steel 1 Video cassette player 67
STM 171, 224 Viscosity 255,260
STM tip 54 VLSI GaAs 79
Storage systems 14 Voltage reduction 100
structural metallurgy 1, 2, Wave amplifiers 340
Supercomputer 73 Wave instability 251
Superconductors 53, 54, 121 WDM (Wavelength Division
Supercurrent 240,242 Multiplexed) 276,343
Surface emitting lasers 304 Weak links 240, 242, 244
Switching frequency 94, 96 Wire resistance 107
Synchrotron storage-ring 24 Wireless 72
System-on-chip 19,60 Wiring 45, 125, 129
TACT-TiN process 47 Wiring challenge 45
TDM (time division multiplexing) X-ray 24,25
343 XRD 188, 189
TFT (Thin-film tansistor architecture) Yield 18

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