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You can’t invent the future with products from the past.

Design with the ahead of their time.


The European Embedded Companies Directory
Cover ICC Future Products.indd 1 6/30/16 11:27 AM

Dear Readers,
Normally July marks the middle
of the summer season in Germany
(Europe) with high temperatures,
sunshine and relaxed people. But
this year summertime is a little
unusual: sunshine and high tem-
peratures appear only for a short
time followed by periods of cool
temperatures and cloudy skies. But
despite this unusual whether con-
ditions for summertime there is a
constant in the embedded industry:
the publication of the
Yellow pages, the Embedded
Companies Directory,
in the combined issues of Boards & Solutions and ECE: This year’s
edition of our Embedded Companies Directory (starting page 31) is
again split into two sections. The first part provides you with short
company profiles, including a QR code which leads you to the full
company profile (including overview about products & services, con-
tact information, product news,… ) on the embedded-control-eu-
rope.com portal. The second part of the Yellow Pages is a reference
list showing in which product categories the companies are active.
But – also usual as every year – the yellow pages aren’t the only high-
light in this summer issue, you´ll find actual information about new
trends and developments in the embedded industry. One example
is our cover story starting at page 6 which describes “smarter algo-
rithms improve stepper-motor performance”. An important topic
in the emerging area of the Internet of Things in which devices and
equipment are controlled automatically via sensors and moved by
actors to do their job. In principle, two sinusoidal signals, one shifted
in phase by 90° from the other, can create smooth continuous motion
in stepper motors. In practice, the waveforms are not entirely sinu-
soidal – the current level for the coil in each position has a discrete
level. Microstepping in this way creates smoother motion and can
help reduce noise and vibration in the motor compared to shifting
between full steps. However, precise current control to the motor is
important to maintain, particularly at low speeds precise control falls
because it is possible for the motor to miss microsteps unexpectedly.
But there is more to achieve improved stepper-motor performance –
see the article!
The Internet including cloud computing changes not only the way of
controlling microcontrollers but also how to develop them. The arti-
cle “Cloudy with changes of microcontrollers” (page 14) introduces a
cloud-based development environment. For the first time embedded
control developers now have a new cloud-based tool which includes
a huge number of supported devices as well as integration with rapid
development tools. It will be exciting to see how the embedded com-
munity uses it and how embedded control will change in the era of
the cloud.
But not only technical information you´ll find in our magazine also
economical knowledge. The article “the hidden cost of equipment
mismanagement” (page 17) informs you why it is important to regain
control of your asset using a platform-based approach to condition
monitoring and shows you how to do it.

Yours Sincerely

Wolfgang Patelay

3 July 2016

You can’t invent the future with products from the past.

Viewpoint 3 Cover Story: Smarter

Design with the
algorithms improve ­stepper-
ahead of their time.

motor performance 6
Industrial Automation
Thanks to more intelligent meth-
Smarter algorithms improve s­ tepper-motor ods for applying current decay to
performance 6 stepper motor coils, it is pos-
sible to take advantage of the
Embedded real time in i­ndustrial smoother motion profile of
automation systems 10 microstepping and ensure that
the motor responds well to
Tools & Software changes in voltage, operating
conditions and even ageing.
Cloudy with chances of microcontrollers 14
The hidden costs of
equipment mismanagement 17 Cloudy with chances of microcontrollers 14

Internet-of-Things Embedded control developers now have

a new cloud-based tool which includes a
Three pillars to create trust for the Cover ICC Future Products.indd 1 huge number of supported devices as well
6/30/16 11:27 AM

Internet of Things 20 as integration with rapid development tools.

The role of NAND flash in emerging It will be exciting to see how the e­ mbedded
­community uses it and how e­ mbedded con-
connected automotive applications 25 trol will change in the era of the cloud.
Climb aboard the connected
Internet-of-Things train 26
Three pillars to create trust for the
Networking the world – the IoT
in mobile markets 28 Internet of Things 20
The Internet of Things (IoT) is ­enabling new
Yellow Pages 31 opportunities and business models and it is
vital that people can trust it to keep their
data protected. To earn that trust, three
Product News 44 essential elements are required: connectiv-
ity, security, and monetization.

Networking the world –

the IoT in mobile markets 28
The Internet of Things and the digital networking of the world are
currently the driving factor for t­echnological innovations, in par-
ticular under the heading Industry 4.0. Physical networks in pas-
senger and cargo transportation are also benefiting from these
developments. Whether for fleet management applications or pas-
senger information – all mobile markets are literally on the move
with regard to the IoT.

Yellow Pages 2016

The Embedded Companies Directory 31
This year’s edition of our Embedded
Companies Directory is split into 2
The first part provides you with
short company profiles, including a
QR code which leads you to the full
company profile (including overview
about products & services, contact
information, product news,… )
on the embedded-control-europe.
com portal.
The second part of the Yellow Pages
is a reference list showing in which
product categories the companies
are active.
Cover Photo:
Mouser Electronics

July 2016 4
Industrial Automation

Smarter algorithms improve

­stepper-motor performance
You can’t invent the future with products from the past.
Design with the ahead of their time.
By Mark Patrick, Mouser Electronics

Thanks to more intelligent methods

for applying current decay to
stepper motor coils, it is possible
to take advantage of the smoother
motion profile of microstepping and
ensure that the motor responds well
to changes in voltage, operating
conditions and even ageing.

„„ stepper motor is a popular choice for est opposite pole on the disk aligns itself with In principle, two sinusoidal signals, one
intelligent precision motion control. Unlike the electromagnetic field generated by the coil, shifted in phase by 90° from the other, can
a standard DC motor, which is designed for the rotor will stop and remain fixed in this create smooth continuous motion. In prac-
continuous rotation, the stepper motor pro- position while the field in the coil remains tice, the waveforms are not entirely sinusoidal
vides the ability to rotate around an axis one unchanged. If the current flow in this coil is – the current level for the coil in each position
step at a time. This makes the motor ideal for removed and applied to another at a different has a discrete level. Microstepping in this way
applications that call for precise positioning position, the magnets will be pulled to the creates smoother motion and can help reduce
and speed control. However, to ensure that next stable position where the rotor can again noise and vibration in the motor compared
the motor control remains precise at all oper- come to a stop. Typically, a variable-reluc- to shifting between full steps. However, pre-
ating points for the application, it is important tance motor uses a number of coils in the sta- cise current control to the motor is important
to tune the motor to the controller. tor, arranged as opposing pairs. A three-phase to maintain, particularly at low speeds pre-
Cover ICC Future Products.indd 1
motor will have three such pairs. Providing cise control falls because it is possible for the
6/30/16 11:27 AM

A typical stepper comprises a stator, a rotor energy to each pair of coils in turn moves the motor to miss microsteps unexpectedly.
attached to a shaft and a number of coil wind- metallic rotor from step to step.
ings that are used to generate magnetic fields The specific current levels are normally gen-
at fixed positions around the stator. In a per- Because of mechanical limitations, the rotor erated using pulsewidth modulation (PWM)
manent-magnet stepper motor, the rotor uses can rotate on demand only up to a certain chopping techniques. An H-bridge of two
a disk made of magnetic materials. The disk maximum speed. The torque of the motor pairs of power transistors delivers the chopped
may have just two poles. A more complex disk, will typically be maximized at low speeds. As current to the motor coils. Typically, the drive
generally used in precision motors, may inter- a result, motors are often used at low speeds current is normally interrupted when the
lace many poles around the outside of the disk. to provide maximum control and torque. Res- chopped current reaches the threshold for
A variable-reluctance stepper motor is, in con- olution can be increased through the use of that microstep. After this point, the current
trast, entirely electromagnetic. microstepping. In normal operation, the cur- will begin to decay. The profile of that decay
rent from one coil is not removed completely will depend on the operation of the H-bridge.
When power is removed from the motor, it before activating the next. Instead, the cur-
will not resist turning by external forces. In rent is reduced in one while the current in the With slow decay, current is recirculated using
a permanent-magnet motor, when power is other is increased. If this sharing of current is both low-side power transistors. The draw-
applied to the motor, the rotor will seek the controlled across the two coils the situation back of this mode is that the slow decay can
most stable position it can find. The elec- creates smaller virtual steps than trying to limit the amount of current that needs to be
tromagnetic field generated in the coil will drive the motor using discrete current tran- regulated to drive the motor. Fast decay uses
attract one pole of the magnet formed on the sitions. the H-bridge to reverse the voltage across the
rotor and repulse the other. When the near- coil winding, which causes the current to fall

July 2016 6
Industrial Automation

an oscilloscope for a given microstepping

sequence. The key problem with fixed decay
schemes is that they do not react to changes in
conditions. Parameters can vary in operation,
such as the back electromotive force (EMF)
and the microstepping rate that affect current
and voltage levels dynamically.

Optimizing for a high step rate, which is usu-

ally achieved through the application of a
higher ratio of fast to slow decay, can lead to
excessive ripple in current when the motor is
holding steps or moving slowly through them.
If the system is battery powered, the voltage
supplied by the cell will decline as its charge
is depleted, which if not regulated will lead to
different voltage conditions being applied to
the motor. And, as the motor ages, the initial
decay profile may prove to become increas-
Figure 1. Pair of stepped sinusoidal waveforms for controlled microstepping ingly unsuitable.

The answer is to adopt algorithms that adapt

to changing conditions in the motor. The step-
ping commands and the PWM behaviour can
act as guides to where to set the decay change-
over point on a per-step basis. On each PWM
cycle, the controller will switch the H-bridge
over at a given point. Adaptive tuning remem-
bers the timing of this switch and uses it to
determine the fast-slow decay ratio for the
following step. By monitoring the step com-
mands – taking notice of whether the motor
is moving quickly or not – the percentage of
fast decay can be increased and decreased
according to the motor demand. As the motor
slows down, the amount of fast decay can be
Figure 2a. H-bridge current flow for fast decay mode (Image courtesy: Texas Instruments) scaled back. Such algorithms can be incorpo-
rated into microcontroller firmware but are
also available in off-the-shelf stepper-motor
controllers such as the Texas Instruments
DRV8846. The adaptive-decay scheme used
in the DRV8846 compensates automatically
for supply voltage, load inductance, load resis-
tance, back EMF and the current magnitude.

Through the use of adaptive decay, the con-

troller no longer needs the control pins that
would normally be used to set the decay ratio,
which helps save on package cost. Further, the
algorithm is designed such that it uses slow
decay as much as possible, which results in a
more power-efficient design. This is because
the current is flowing through the low-side
power transistors only, which is typically
Figure 2b. H-bridge current flow for slow decay mode (Image courtesy: Texas Instruments)
more efficient than switching the H-bridge
off at a fast rate. However, this can lead to ations but demands the control algorithm be into a reverse configuration.
large ripple currents that hamper efficiency optimized for the specific motor being used.
and may be unsuitable for large current levels The tuning depends on the magnitude of load A strategy employed by another device with
that may be needed by the motor being driven. current, supply voltage and stepping rate. adaptive decay control, the STMicroelectron-
Usually, lower load currents call for a different ics L6472, is to monitor the PWM switchover
Mixed decay combines the two decay modes. mix of fast and slow decay compared to higher signal on rising and falling steps to determine
It begins with a fast decay before switching, load currents. Traditionally, the best scheme whether it happens before or after a set mini-
after a fixed time, to the slow decay mode. is picked by cycling through the fixed-decay mum on each microstep. If the target current
This does allow for most microstepping situ- ratios and observing the current profile on threshold is reached before that minimum

July 2016 8
Industrial Automation

Figure 3. Current decay in slow, fast and mixed modes

(Image courtesy: Texas Instruments)

time, a fast decay is used in place of the normal slow decay up to

a point determined by a programmed maximum fast-decay time. If
two fast decays are encountered during a series of rising steps, the
algorithm will continue to inject them until the motor stops or the
sine wave zero is crossed. On falling steps, the algorithm in the L6472
will, at first, use fast decay rather than slow to reach the target level as
quickly as possible. But, to avoid strong ripple currents forming, the
algorithm will adjust over time to increase the fast-decay threshold
which will lead to moving into slow-decay mode unless the current
demand changes enough to demand fast decay. The result is a contin-
uous balancing of the fact and slow decay modes. n

Mouser Electronics
Authorised Distributor

Product News
„„ signs global distribution agreement with IEI
Mouser Electronics announce a global distribution agreement with
IEI Technology. The IEI product line, now available from Mouser,
features three embedded systems that provide interoperable solu-
tions for industrial automation and Internet of Things applications.
The WAFER-BT single-board computer fits the PICO-ITX form fac-
tor and supports an on-board Intel Celeron system-on-chip with
DDR3L; VGA, LVDS, and iDP connectors for dual independent dis-
plays; USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 connectivity; and SO-DIMM support up
to 8GBytes or 4GBytes (depending on the model).
News ID 4148

Mouser: sensor
„„ reference design for weigh
scale and 3D interface systems
Mouser Electronics is now offering the MAXREFDES82 smart force
sensor reference design from Maxim Integrated. The MAXREF-
DES82 reference design features a next-generation industrial, smart
force sensor that helps designers rapidly evaluate and deploy new
human-machine interface devices. The design measures mass up to
780g, as well as the center of mass of the object on it, allowing it to
operate as both a weigh scale and a touch interface with force sensing
for instrumentation and industrial control.
News ID 4261

9 July 2016
Industrial Automation

Embedded real time in ­industrial

automation systems
By Andreas Schwope, Renesas

This article introduces the R-IN32M3

SoC family for industrial Ethernet
applications suited for the automation
area. With the HW-RTOS accelerator
inside the chip, it is the first family
using this technology to accelerate
embedded software processing.

„„ distributed industrial automation but on the other side this is just the basis of dream and is not possible. In a real scenario
systems require more and more real-time real-time behaviour in distributed indus- the jitter must be small enough not to stress
behaviour with extremely short cycle times in trial automation systems. Two further essen- the allowed system timing tolerances. These
different network protocols. These real-time tial real-time characteristics have to come two behaviours with parameters delay and its
requirements can be seen in many cases in the along with low latency/low delay. These are jitter are opposed in figure 1.
system parts, the system communication part explained in the following.
and the application part. While the commu- This directly implies that without specific
nication part is responsible for the high speed The reaction time on certain events must be measures to control or reduce the jitter on
data transfer between the nodes inside the dis- on the one hand as fast as possible – that’s the hardware and software levels as much as
tributed system, the application part processes clear. On the other hand it must be guaran- possible, real-time behaviour can hardly be
the data and generates the application results. teed that the reaction always happens within achieved for a high speed application. This is
The input data is received from the system via a defined narrow time span independent from true even if the different system parts are gen-
its communication channel and from its local the current system state and independent erally fast enough for that application. These
inputs like sensors. The results on the other from any other event influencing the system. kinds of measures need to be applied for both
side are communicated back to the system For system-wide precise time management parts: system communication and application
via the communication channel or drive the it is very important that all system delays are processing. At the end the interaction of all
outputs (actuators) in the local node. Gener- well known or can be exactly measured. It’s system parts has to fulfil the speed and jitter
ally the term real time is often identified as generally true that the faster the processes to requirements, leading us directly to the next
high speed, but this is not the full truth. Speed be controlled inside an industrial automation important real-time characteristic of distrib-
requirements in distributed real-time auto- system, the shorter the delays which can be uted systems.
mation systems with many network nodes tolerated to run without any problems.
are much more complex, and need dedicated Industrial automation systems often consist of
hardware solutions to be real-time capable. Unfortunately the delays are generally not some or many system nodes which are more
High speed data transfer and data processing constant and vary around a normal delay or less placed far away from each other. Thus
is just the basis. time. The variation is often based upon unpre- they need to communicate with each other
dictable events and has a certain dependency via a well-tailored communication channel. In
High speed in the communication channel or upon the current system state. This time char- most cases IEEE 802.3 Ethernet-based indus-
in the application part can be directly trans- acteristic is known as jitter and stands in trial protocols are used to support the speed
lated into the time parameter low latency or contrast to the real-time requirement of accu- requirements of real-time systems for the com-
low delay. A low value allows a system to react rately calculated delays. In an ideal scenario munication part. Well known industrial Eth-
very fast upon external events. This feature is the jitter is zero, meaning the system timing ernet protocols like Profinet IRT, EtherCAT,
indeed very important to many applications, in all nodes shows no variations. But that’s a CC-Link IE and other protocols running at

July 2016 10
Industrial Automation

processes running in the different nodes need ter data transport. On the other hand they
to be strongly synchronized with each other implement certain communication functions
to build the overall high speed deterministic of the lower OSI levels of the related protocol.
system. They cannot correctly work together This includes certain functions to measure the
when the nodes are just estimated to act at the delay and keep the communication jitter as
same time. In reality there is often a time devi- small as possible. They also take care for the
ation between the nodes which is unknown exact time and clock synchronization between
and which is probably not fixed and can the connected and distributed network nodes
change with the time (long term jitter). Such to form the isochronous system. Often this
a scenario can eventually crash the high speed synchronization function is based upon IEEE
application. Simply stated, all network nodes 1588, Precision Time Protocol (PTP). This
have to run the identical timebase and have to also requires dedicated hardware functions
Figure 1. Delay jitter act at the same clock cycle ideally without any to exactly measure the communication delays
fluctuations. This ideal synchronized task sce- between the connected network nodes. Such a
100 Mbps or above can span several hundred nario inside a distributed system is also known low-jitter and isochronous time management
meters, if so required in huge automated pro- as isochronous behaviour and is shown as one definitely cannot be achieved by a pure soft-
duction systems. Looking again to the overall of the real-time requirements in figure 2. ware solution.
system time management for separated nodes
in distributed systems, one can easily imag- Industrial Ethernet protocols named already With the integration of a specific industrial
ine the importance of time synchronization require a dedicated controller which takes Ethernet protocol controller all real-time
between the network nodes. The high speed care of the high speed low delay and low jit- requirements are more or less automatically
fulfilled for the system communication. But
this is just one part of the solution as intro-
duced already. The same requirements must
also be taken into account for the application
side in each and every network node of the
whole system. So how can you achieve this
real-time application performance?

Typically the applications run on embedded

CPU systems and control sensors and actors
in dedicated programs with special algo-
rithms. Sensors and actors are connected
with the CPU by serial or parallel interfaces.
Some of the interfaces are generic while oth-
ers implement a very special feature set with
a dedicated controller tailored for a certain
application area only. Increasingly, the CPU
Figure 2. Real-time requirements and conventional solution core and all required system components
like memory, DMA, interrupt controller and
several interfaces with specific controllers
are integrated in one single semiconductor
device. Such System on Chip (SoC) devices
for industrial automation or industrial Eth-
ernet applications are equipped with one or
more network controllers for specific Ethernet
protocols. When looking at the application
processing, we basically have to distinguish
between two options. The communication
SoC is connected to a host system which runs
the application. This divides the node into two
separate parts introducing additional delay
and jitter with the interface in between. Or the
communication SoC has to run both the com-
munication and the application. Both operate
very close together, minimizing the negative
timing influence on delay and jitter.

From this perspective the latter option is

clearly the best choice for real-time systems.
When applying the described requirements
from above to a generic software structure
with different processes and tasks, the soft-
Figure 3. Hardware-RTOS acceleration ware has to be executed fast enough. This rep-
resents the high speed characteristic of real

11 July 2016
Industrial Automation

The complexity of this context change process directly introduces a

certain amount of CPU runtime delay before the new task can start or
continue its work. Typically this effect can be compensated when using
a higher CPU clock speed or having a more powerful CPU (see the
disadvantage described above). Seen on a higher task level (e.g. non-in-
terrupted CPU run time between starting and ending a certain compu-
tation) an undefined number of context switches introduce an average
runtime delay which is naturally combined with a certain amount of
jitter. This makes it very clear that software context switching is often
the weak point in well balanced real-time systems as. But how to opti-
mise task switching, especially with the background that the real-time
operating system (RTOS) is already highly optimised in that sense?

The application software with its algorithms and control structures

Figure 4. Hardware-RTOS connection to the CPU is already in a good shape and close to an optimal implementation.
The solution to the negative effects of software context switching can
time. More important, and crucial for isochronous system behaviour, only be a type of a hardware-based task scheduler. Such a scheduler
is deterministic switching of the CPU tasks with short delays and low would take over certain RTOS functions performing its work in hard-
jitter. Comparably with the communication level, these two param- ware much faster with much less delay and thus with less jitter. As
eters are also the basis for a matter of form such a kind
isochronous application of hardware function can be
operation between all nodes described as an RTOS accel-
in the industrial automation erator. The advantages in the
system. The second row in time domain of such an accel-
figure 2 compares the conven- erator are directly visible:
tional node implementation reduction of processing delay
approach with the real-time and jitter in the application
requirements. and protocol stack software
while the isochronous capa-
One direct requirement is bility of the distributed auto-
the use of a real-time operat- mation system is optimised.
ing system (RTOS). Typically But such an implementation
CPU systems use more pow- improves other parameters
erful CPU cores running at a as well. The resulting CPU
higher clock speed. In order performance inside an SoC
to get enough real-time mar- using such a kind of RTOS
gin for each and every system accelerator appears to be
condition, the CPU perfor- higher compared to the same
mance has to exceed by far system without this accelera-
the performance required to tor. From the application per-
satisfy the application as such. spective this advantage can
Often communication and generically be used in two
application parts are inten- opposite ways.
tionally separated and run
on different sub-systems with Firstly, reduce power con-
independent CPUs. Aside sumption. The increased SoC
from the negative timing performance processes the
impact, such a solution can application tasks much faster.
dramatically increase the board space. This comes with more complex This results in more idle times and saves power when the CPU is step-
system design and non-straightforward efforts for CE and EMV certifi- ping into a sleep mode. Alternatively a reduced system clock can be
cation with a lot of potential problems. In addition to increased cost and applied to process the same application with fewer idle times for even
time-to-market, all these solutions have higher current consumption. more power savings.
The result of this would normally be higher chip temperature, generat-
ing problems in small housings with passive cooling measures. Secondly, increase software functions. The increased SoC performance
can be used to compute even more complex software. Especially the
With respect to their runtime requirements, many algorithms and con- combination of protocol stack combined with application software eas-
trol structures in the application software can be implemented more or ily allows an industrial automation system running on a single chip
less in a deterministic way (speed, delay, latency). On the other hand the device. With this it is possible to build very small, low-power and fully
interaction between the different software tasks often depends upon the functioning network nodes for industrial automation.
internal states and external events. Based upon this, the system timing is
hardly and sometimes even not predictable. Whenever an event forces Renesas has developed the ARM device family R-IN32M3 (Renesas
the application software to switch from the active software task to another Industrial Network) with a completely new RTOS accelerator. This
task, the CPU needs to identify the next task, save the current and load HW-RTOS (Hardware-RTOS) supports the embedded ARM CPU with
the new task context (CPU registers). Even in an optimised RTOS soft- the RTOS task scheduling and other typical real-time OS functions
ware environment such kinds of effects occur and cannot be neglected. which are normally implemented on the software level. With this the

July 2016 12
Industrial Automation

CPU processing speed can be dramatically improved while reduc-

ing the typical software jitter. Aside from pure task scheduling with
priority options, HW-RTOS can also perform task synchronization
with event flags, semaphores and mail boxes, and support general
task and time management. Further, HW-RTOS allows to directly
execute certain functions triggered by an interrupt without any
CPU involvement. Typically this implementation increases the task
switching speed by a factor of five compared to similar architectures
with a pure software RTOS approach. As the hardware implementa-
tion works more efficiently than software, the Renesas SoC architec-
tures with HW-RTOS come with reduced power consumption and
improved stability (figure 3).

In principle HW-RTOS is an independent functional block connected

via an internal system bus to the ARM Cortex-M3 CPU. This avoids
making any kind of adaptation to the CPU itself or the software which
is running on it. Only a special HW-RTOS interrupt signal is con-
nected to the CPU interrupt controller to allow direct and low latency
interaction between the HW-RTOS and the CPU (figure 5). With an
interrupt the HW-RTOS informs the CPU to directly exchange the
current task context with the new context without the typical long
delays found in software scheduling. This acceleration reduces the
CPU load and allows saving performance for the application soft-
ware. In addition to many other parts like drivers, middleware and
sample code, the R-IN32M3 software package includes a HW-RTOS
μItron library. This library allows making completely transparent use
of the accelerator without any deep know-how about its details and
how to run it in software. n

Product News
u-blox: cellular
„„ NB-IoT module combines global
connectivity with over 10 years’ battery life
u-blox announced forthcoming availability of its SARA-N2 Narrow-
band IoT module, compliant to the 3GPP Release 13, Narrowband
IoT (LTE Cat. NB1) standard. Designed for use in applications such
as smart buildings and cities, utilities metering, white goods, asset
tracking, and agricultural and environmental monitoring, the mod-
ule will operate for between 10 and 20 years from a single-cell pri-
mary battery. Its 16 x 26 mm LGA form factor, using u-blox nested
architecture, facilitates simple upgrades from u-blox GSM, HSPA or
CDMA modules and ensures future-proof, seamless mechanical scal-
ability across technologies.
News ID 4312

„„ Sensortec: small 9-axis motion sensor
for smartphones and other wearables
Bosch Sensortec is launching the BMX160, a compact 9-axis motion
sensor that is ideally suited for a wide range of applications such as
smartphones, smart watches, fitness trackers, smart jewelry – e.g.
rings, necklaces – as well as Augmented/Virtual Reality devices.
News ID 4293

Innodisk: USB
„„ 3.0 expansion cards with 2 and 4 ports
Innodisk launches a new series of USB 3.0 expansion card EMPU-
3201/EMPU-3401. When upgrading industrial systems, users
encounter problems expanding the original system because industrial
PCs are legacy solution and SOC platform is lack of USB 3.0 port.
Furthermore, users prefer high speed and internal power. USB 3.0 is
a fast, bidirectional, low-cost, dynamically attachable interface widely
used in data transferring. The EMPU-3201/EMPU3401 with 2 and 4
ports selections can be used in various storage and communication
News ID 4128

13 July 2016
Tools & Software

Cloudy with chances of

Lucio Di Jasio, Microchip Technology

Embedded control developers now

have a new cloud-based tool which
includes a huge number of supported
devices as well as integration with
rapid development tools. It will be
exciting to see how the e­ mbedded
­community uses it and how
­embedded control will change in the
era of the cloud.

Figure 1. MPLAB Xpress

evaluation board

„„ In the past few years, several integrated ogy. For this group the greatest motivation nent of the tool-chain – or a selected archived
development environments (IDEs) have could actually come from the realisation that one – becomes available to the user inside a
moved to or been created first in the cloud. modern IDEs have grown to become very browser. But being online can add a totally
But while this was perhaps natural for web powerful but also very large and complex new dimension to the embedded develop-
application development (using Javascript, objects. They need frequent updates and care- ment experience. Once an IDE is virtualised,
HTML, CSS, PHP…) and later for more gen- ful maintenance. projects can move quickly from workstation
eral computing (Java, Python, Ruby…), the to workstation and work started in one office
embedded development industry has been For example MPLAB Xpress - which is based or class can move to any new (work) location.
lagging behind. Perhaps this is because of the on the Netbeans open-source IDE project Sharing and communicating among close
target system in embedded applications being - covers thousands of different microcon- or geographically dispersed teams becomes
intrinsically more physical, or perhaps it is troller models and is updated on a monthly more natural in addition to being easier to set
because of the excessive hype surrounding the cycle, requiring a download of approximately up and maintain.
term cloud, but anyway developers have been 400 Mbyte. The C compilers that plug into
greeting cloud product announcements with it – MPLAB XC compiler suite – have a less With the recent launch of the cloud-based
either apparent indifference or cautious scep- frequent cycle but require approximately 100 MPLAB Xpress IDE, Microchip has given a
ticism. These reactions come from two oppos- Mbyte on top of that. Adding a few more strong signal to the embedded development
ing points of view. There is a generation that is plug-ins can quickly take the tally beyond the community. While perhaps not the first to
entering the workforce today that has lived its half-gigabyte quota. offer editors and compilers in the cloud, the
entire life connected. For them being online is new web based tool-chain is perhaps the most
part of the natural order of things. Vice versa, On top of that is the time spent to perform the complete from a hardware and software sup-
a service or tool that is not available around actual installations and general maintenance. port point of view. In fact, from the get-go
the clock, everywhere and from any comput- Anyone who runs a small lab in an educa- it includes support for around 400 micro-
ing platform, represents an anomaly. tional environment or supports a team of pro- controller models and is claimed to be soon
fessional developers knows how much work is expanding to cover the entire portfolio of 8-,
The other perspective comes from a more required to keep it all up to date and in good 16- and 32-bit products, potentially including
pragmatic group, perhaps still representing shape. In such environments there are also more than 1000 unique devices.
the majority, that is wondering what kind of great concerns about the permissions man-
benefits could be had by moving the develop- agement required to install applications on As per the software debugging capabilities
ment environment to the browser. They have shared computing equipment. When adopting offered, the list includes support for online
many concerns about security and perfor- a cloud-based tool-chain, all that work turns simulation but also direct access to in-circuit
mance and they need proof and reassurance into a simple online login. Instantaneously, debuggers and programmers. Most impor-
before they can accept any such new technol- the most up-to-date revision of each compo- tantly the long list includes a novel rapid

July 2016 14
Tools & Software

learning curve if or when the user decides

to graduate from the cloud to the desktop.
In fact, the cloud tool is equal in capabilities
to its desktop alter ego and a project transi-
tion between the two is not only possible but

When thinking about a development environ-

ment that requires constant presence online,
many will be immediately worrying about
the speed and bandwidth and resulting cost
of the connection. But most modern cloud
tools are based on AJAX technology. That
means they make the most use of the browser
ability to run code locally – asynchronously
and using Javascript, hence the A and J part
of the acronym – so the application (AX) can
be very responsive and does not require every
single keystroke to be sent up to a server on
the other side of the planet. File transfers do
occur, but only when a file is saved or opened
for editing. These are typically small text files
(.c, .h, .hex) that are easily surpassed in num-
ber and size by the average images and ads
loaded by a browser when accessing any mod-
ern website. When compiling the application
Figure 2. MPLAB Xpress code instead, the server is working entirely on
the local copies and the process is surprisingly
development tool named MPLAB Code Con- controller a try. Even the actual act of logging fast. In fact, in the daily experience it is com-
figurator, which lets expert and novice design- in is spared to those that choose to take the mon to observe how the cloud compiler can
ers save the many long hours spent studying system for a quick and practically anonymous regularly outperform a laptop, the more so as
the device (datasheet) and/or its peripheral test-drive! Testing a new feature, be it a micro- the project complexity and size increases.
libraries (API reference) documentation and controller peripheral or a new rapid prototyp-
focus more on the creative part of their appli- ing software tool, is only a few mouse clicks The concerns about security of cloud appli-
cations. away. cations are a very delicate subject. Large cor-
porations are spending enormous amounts of
The important consequence of making a com- However, MPLAB Xpress is not a toy or a money in advertising to convince us all that
plete development environment accessible beginner’s-only tool. Both the user interface data – or code in this case– are perfectly safe
through a simple web login is that effectively and the underlying tools have been made to once in the cloud. The best arguments so far
what used to be a tall barrier of entry has been look and behave exactly like the real desktop from the two opposite sides go more or less
flattened to the ground. There is virtually no equivalent – the two are often indistinguish- like this. Doubters: if there is sufficient value
commitment required to give a new micro- able. This means there won’t be a second or motivation, attackers will eventually find a
Tools & Software

Figure 3. A USB bridge to standard Microchip programmers and Figure 4. MPLAB Code Configurator 3.0 in the cloud
way in. This is a rule that is generally true for will have to make the choice whether the risks able (.hex) file to programme the target. This
all things, and includes any private corpora- will be greater than the benefits offered by a has the advantage of not requiring any driver
tion code vault too. Believers: companies that multitude of new cloud services. installation. The board also automatically reg-
provide cloud services are also very motivated isters with the host computer as a virtual serial
and in the best position to put very special- The MPLAB Simulator has been included in port (USB-CDC) allowing any terminal pro-
ised resources – human and equipment – to the online tool-chain providing basic debug- gramme to connect directly to the target PIC
work to keep the data secure. These are proba- ging capabilities, but most users will want microcontroller UART. Windows users will
bly far superior to the resources that the aver- to use hardware prototyping and debugging need to install a small (.inf) file to enable this
age business organisation IT department can tools. Various paths are available. For exam- feature the first time; Linux and Mac users get
afford. ple, the MPLAB Xpress evaluation board a free pass instead. A USB bridge, launched
offers the latest PIC16F18855 general-pur- as a Java plug-in, can be used to connect to
MPLAB Xpress adopts advanced encryption pose microcontroller that sports what is per- Microchip universal hardware programmers
technology – the same used by the best online haps the largest selection of core independent and debuggers such as the PICKit3 or the
banking systems – to protect connections and peripherals to date. The evaluation board con- PICDEM Curiosity. This option opens the
each user’s sensitive data and applications. In nects to a host PC, Mac or Linux computer as door to the entire set of Microchip and third
the end, in the coming years each of us will be a USB mass storage device and allows the user party demonstration boards and of course any
exposed to this technological dilemma and we to simply drag and drop an application execut- user custom board. n

Product News
„„ Sands announced SuperTest comprehensive features to ensure the highest IAR
„„ extends code analysis for appli-
Mondrian Release with MISRA-C level of functional safety. cations based on TI MSP430 MCUs
Compilers can now be tested for News ID 4130 IAR Systems announces a new version of its
conformance to MISRA-C:2004 development tools IAR Embedded Work-
Solid Sands, the supplier has shipped the Vector
„„ Software: zero-instrumentation bench for Texas Instruments MSP430, version
SuperTest Mondrian Release to its users. This source level coverage for VectorCAST 6.50. The version offers extended capabilities
SuperTest Mondrian Release is now com- Vector Software announced a further for code quality control through the powerful
mercially available. In addition to the new enhancement to their integration with Laut- static analysis tool C-STAT, extended inline
MISRA-C:2004 conformance suite, a novel erbach’s TRACE32. Lauterbach now enables assembler and support for the latest MSP430
feature in the world of compiler testing and VectorCAST users who are working in devel- devices.
validation, this Mondrian Release also offers opment, test, quality, and certification teams News ID 4328
an enhanced Depth Suite and many other to perform source-level test coverage with no
improvements. instrumentation of object code. Thus, achiev- WITTENSTEIN: SafeRTOS
„„ now
News ID 4188 ing test execution without impacting code size available pre-certified to ISO
or performance. 26262 ASIL D by TÜV SÜD
„„ 4.6.1 supports NXP’s MPC5746R News ID 4193 SafeRTOS, a safety critical real-time operating
Power Architecture microcontroller system from WITTENSTEIN high integrity
PLS Programmierbare Logik & Systeme has Teledyne
„„ LeCroy adds Eye Diagrams to systems, has now achieved new certification
now introduced version 4.6.1 of its Universal serial trigger and decode solutions from TÜV SÜD, and is available pre-certified
Debug Engine including a specifically opti- Teledyne LeCroy is offering the widest to the automotive standard ISO 26262 ASIL D.
mized testing and debugging environment for range of Trigger (T), Decode (D), Measure/ SafeRTOS is an excellent fit for the automo-
MPC5746R high end multi-core controller Graph(M or G) and Eye Diagram and Phys- tive sector, due to its high performance, reli-
– the newest member of NXP’s Power Archi- ical Layer (E or P) options and they nearly ability, and ability to support the most popular
tecture family. The high performance dual- universally available across their entire oscil- automotive platforms
core MPC5746R System-on-Chip, optimized loscope product line. News ID 4323
for automotive engine/transmission control News ID 4310
as well as industrial applications, offers users

July 2016 16
Tools & Software

The hidden costs of

equipment mismanagement
By Brian Phillippi, NI

It’s time to regain control

of your assets using a platform-based
approach to condition monitoring.
This article shows you how.

When multiplied by the number

of assets across an entire fleet,
maintenance costs skyrocket to
$54M per year for a scheduled
maintenance plan and $38M for
a reactive strategy.

„„ days of unabashed and frivolous capi- maintenance program is actually more than (1,500), the cost skyrockets to $54M per year
tal expenditures are over. Companies depend a strategy in which machines are run to fail- for a scheduled maintenance plan and $38M
on maintenance managers to ensure that ure. Think of all the wasted time, effort and for the reactive strategy. In fact, according to
investments like top drives, mixers, pump money spent fixing something that was in Forbes Magazine “one out of every three dol-
and cement trucks operate more efficiently perfect working order in the first place. For- lars spent on preventative (or schedule-based)
and last longer than ever before. Maintenance tunately, there is a better way to detect and maintenance is wasted.” Looking at the main-
managers also face many daily operational repair small problems before they grow into tenance costs of large assets across a fleet can
challenges, including machine repair costs, costly catastrophes, all without unnecessary start to give us an understanding of the cost
machine replacement costs, worker safety or excessive tinkering with the equipment. of equipment maintenance, but it only begins
concerns, aging equipment, and aging just-in- to tell the story of the true cost of equipment
time inventory that sits in the corner if fail- This problem is bigger than you might think. mismanagement.
ures occur. Maintenance managers implement It is not restricted to oil and gas applications
an assortment of maintenance techniques, but can be found in almost all applications To identify the true cost of equipment mis-
known as the maintenance mix, with more with critical equipment. The Electric Power management, we must first take a closer look
advanced maintenance techniques usually Research Institute (EPRI) has calculated at the issue. There are many costs associated
saved for only the most critical of assets due comparative maintenance costs for different with maintaining a pump, such as a yearly cost
to up-front costs. maintenance techniques in US dollars per of $36,000 or the capital costs of a new triplex
horsepower (HP) per year. Researchers found or quintaplex pump, which can be upwards of
Maintenance managers most commonly rely that a scheduled maintenance strategy is the $350,000. However, these losses pale in com-
on a regularly scheduled (preventative) main- most expensive to run at $24.00 per HP. A parison to the true loss of a machine going
tenance program. This is a practice we have reactive maintenance (run-to-failure) strat- down, which is a loss in production. In oil and
all subscribed to in our everyday lives, as well: egy is the second most costly at $17.00 per gas, equipment uptime is directly correlated
from brushing our teeth each day to changing HP, but has the additional cost of compro- to the company bottom line. When drill-
our vehicle oil every three months. Therefore, mising safety. Drawing a parallel to pumps ing stops at a well site, virtually all cash flow
it’s no surprise that this is the default practice used within oilfield stimulation, maintaining associated with the well stops. This is further
applied to equipment maintenance. a 1,500 HP motor with a scheduled main- compounded when you consider operational
tenance strategy would cost approximately costs for fracturing crews on-site. At risk are
A regularly scheduled, or preventative, main- $36,000 per year, while a reactive mainte- not only money, but also jobs and reputations.
tenance strategy, in actuality, is one of the nance strategy would cost $25,500 per year, And, the same can be said for downstream
worst techniques in the maintenance mix to according the EPRI study. That cost might rotating equipment. Reliability, therefore, is
keep stimulation and extraction equipment not seem like much, but when multiplied critical. So much so, that it is a standard prac-
working properly. The cost of this type of by the number of rigs across the entire fleet tice for companies to have several backup

17 July 2016
Tools & Software

agers can have the insight to determine when cator of wellness, it is not the only one. The
their machines will fail and have enough practice of using a limited number of diag-
advanced notice to make the necessary prepa- nostic tools is a problem for both traditional
rations to fix the problem with as little down- methods - manual route-based and auto-
time as possible. On the surface, this seems mated. The two approaches fall short, either
like the optimal approach with no downside, because of the route-based technician’s lack of
because the company can save money on expertise to measure and analyze other vibra-
maintenance and ensure longer uptime. tion sensors, or the measurement platform’s
lack of flexibility in integrating or expanding
However, several factors keep companies from to new or custom sensors.
adopting and enjoying the benefits of such a
predictive maintenance strategy. These short- Now back to the doctor analogy. You decide
comings are primarily associated with the tra- to do your due diligence and ensure that you
ditional approaches that have been used to actually are in good health, and continue
implement predictive maintenance strategies, your physical evaluation by visiting another
not with predictive maintenance itself. These doctor who can measure your blood pres-
two traditional approaches are 1) a complete sure and cholesterol. Again, you have to pay
end-to-end automated solution that covers this doctor and the only thing you receive is
everything from the site survey to installation a diagnosis based on the narrow scope of your
to remote monitoring, and 2) a manual route- blood pressure and cholesterol. Although this
based solution where technicians and experts sounds silly, this scenario mimics the real-
A regularly scheduled, or preventative, main- regularly visit each asset to collect measure- world approach to traditional machine health
tenance strategy, in actuality, is one of the ments, and then return back to perform the assessments. Maintenance managers try to
worst techniques to keep equipment working analysis. give their machines a more complete health
diagnosis, but are left with a less than holis-
To understand the issues surrounding the two tic machine health assessment. This is a result
equipment trucks onsite that may or may not techniques, think of equipment health as anal- of disparate vibration monitoring systems
be needed, because they have no idea if their ogous to our own health. Imagine you go to being cobbled together to take the measure-
pump is about to fail - even if the pump was your doctor’s office and after sitting in the wait- ments. In the end, just like the case of going
just serviced. There has to be a better way than ing room for half an hour, you finally see the to separate doctors, this makes it costly and
just hoping machinery doesn’t go down and doctor who checks your temperature and only difficult to scale a monitoring solution across
having backups in case it does. your temperature. To be thorough, he checks all assets because of the high up-front costs of
the temperature at multiple locations on your the initial system, the cost of adding on sub-
In the same EPRI study mentioned already, body and gives you a diagnosis of good health. sequent systems and then integrating every-
researchers identified a much more reliable In this scenario, everything seems viscerally thing together.
strategy. They found that a predictive main- wrong from a healthcare standpoint. How-
tenance strategy is the most cost-effective at ever, this is the exact approach many com- On the opposite end of the spectrum, com-
only $9.00 per HP, and all but eliminates the panies take with machine health. They outfit panies can perform manual measurement
risks of secondary damage from catastrophic their machines with only accelerometers and rounds, which are less expensive in theory,
failures. By using a predictive maintenance use only vibration analysis to monitor the but, in reality, cannot be scaled to cover a
strategy, operations and maintenance man- machine health. Although this is a great indi- large number of assets. The technical prowess
required to take and analyze measurements
coupled with an aging workforce, prevents
companies from solving the problem by indis-
criminately placing more people on it. Even if
this weren’t the case, there are no economies of
scale to be gained with this method. Monitor-
ing five times more assets would result in five
times the cost and even more logistics. Thirty
people performing 60,000 rounds per month
to cover 2,000 assets could suddenly become
150 people performing 300,000 rounds per
month to cover 10,000 assets. Why? Because
people don’t scale. Adding different sensors
results in even more people, because of the
expertise needed for the different measure-
ment specialties. Specialists can spend up to
80 percent of their time manually collecting
the data with only 20 percent of their time left
to actively analyze the data and uncover root-
cause issues that prevent costly repairs in the
future. And because it’s manually collected by
A predictive maintenance strategy is the most cost-effective at only $9.00 per HP and all but a variety of people, there is the potential for
eliminates the risks of secondary damage from catastrophic failures. dirty, disparate data.

July 2016 18
Tools & Software

To conclude our analogy, remember that the tures of the end-to-end solution.
ultimate goal of this whole journey is to gain
a holistic view of your overall health. After Now is the time to invest in a new strategy.
visiting multiple doctors and gathering mul- Fortunately, there is a new way forward that
tiple diagnoses you would be frustrated to say takes a platform-based approach to condition
the least. Each doctor used a separate tool monitoring and helps you to regain control
to assess your health and the ability to inte- of your maintenance mix. To overcome the
grate all of your health data did not exist. As a challenges that the traditional maintenance
result, you would not have a holistic or accu- mix presents, this platform must deliver each
rate assessment of your health because the of the following: 1) the flexibility of the solu-
doctors couldn’t be brought together to com- tion to scale with your evolving needs, such as
municate their findings and give an accurate support for new types of algorithms, support
diagnosis. Added all together, your physical for a wide variety of I/O and emerging sen-
was inconclusive and your time and money sors, and the ability to scale to large numbers
was wasted. The doctors are limited by their of systems; 2) an openness that allows you to
roles, their instrumentation and their ability gain access to the raw engineering measure-
to communicate the data with each other or ments to adapt to new and innovative analysis
you, the patient. When dealing with separate techniques and extend the solution to meet
monitoring systems (and sometimes man- your maintenance program requirements; 3)
ually entered data), this is all too often the interoperability with third-party hardware
case. Not only do the systems not talk very and software packages so that you can inte-
well with one another and the enterprise, but grate with existing CMMS and ERP systems
there also isn’t an option for you to perform and any database historians or process man-
your own analysis because there is no access agement enterprise software used; 4) rug-
to raw data. ged mechanicals and a breadth of available
algorithms as well as monitoring hardware
Overall, traditional approaches present prob- and software solutions for a price that allows
lems in four main areas: flexibility – integra- you to scale your online condition monitor-
tion with a multitude of sensors, scalability ing solution to cover the bulk of your rotat-
–financial and logistical possibilities to expand ing machinery assets; 5) the services help to
to cover all assets, accessibility –raw data that facilitate your end-to-end solution from your
can be easily integrated and analyzed on an asset to your IT infrastructure either directly
enterprise level, and cost – capital expendi- or through a network of partners. n

Product News
SYSGO: hypervisor
„„ allows devel- the target through this interface.
opment of critical and non-critical News ID 4255
applications on one platform
SYSGO has launched a new version of its Qt
„„ release 5.7 with new Qt 3D
Hypervisor based microkernel known as module and user interface library
PikeOS, which enables development and The Qt Company announces the release of
deployment of critical and non-critical appli- Qt 5.7, the latest version of its cross-platform
cations on a single hardware platform. PikeOS application and user interface (UI) develop-
4.1 forms an integrated platform for the devel- ment framework. Now available for down-
opment of new or the migration of existing load, Qt 5.7 features pioneering UI creation,
and legacy applications. PikeOS 4.1 provides including a new Qt 3D module, as well as new
proven technology suitable for Aerospace, ways to create modern touch-based UIs with
Defence, Space, Automotive, medical, indus- Qt Quick Controls 2 and Qt Quick Designer.
trial and transport industries, where safety is a Qt 5.7 follows the evolution of modern C++,
key requirement. leveraging C++11 in Qt APIs.
News ID 4192 News ID 4277

„„ 4.6.2 supports rapid analysis Solid
„„ Sands: partnership with Vector
of very large amounts of trace data Software for compiler validation
With highly complex automotive microcon- Solid Sands and Vector Software are pleased
trollers ‒ such as Infineon’s AURIX family or to announce their partnership. Solid Sands,
the PowerArchitecture-based SPC58E series the supplier of SuperTest, the industry-lead-
from STMicroelectronics ‒ very large amounts ing and largest compiler test and validation
of trace data accrue in a very short period of suite for C and C++ and Vector Software, the
time, especially when the data are recorded world’s leading provider of innovative soft-
through a high bandwidth trace interface like ware solutions for robust embedded software
Aurora. For example, PLS’ Universal Access quality, have joined forces to integrate Vector-
Device 3+ is able to record up to 4 GB com- CAST with SuperTest.
pressed trace with up to 500 Mbytes/s from News ID 4189

19 July 2016

Three pillars to create trust

for the Internet of Things
By Manfred Kube, Gemalto, and Harald Maier, TQ Group

The Internet of Things (IoT) is ­enabling

new opportunities and business
models and it is vital that people can
trust it to keep their data protected.
To earn that trust, three essential
elements are required: connectivity,
security, and monetization.

Three pillars are essential to

deliver trust in the IoT

„„ is the IoT transformation more advantage of the new market and launch- while relying on their individual integrity
relevant than in modern transportation sys- ing car share programs that allow drivers to and capabilities. For example, the auto indus-
tems. Smart cars are greatly enhancing vehicle locate available shared vehicles and download try could not have anticipated ten years ago
performance, driver and passenger comfort, secure car keys to their smartphone. With all that it would be relying so heavily on soft-
convenience, and safety leveraging a network these benefits, why is it then that nearly half of ware. And yet, in order to realize new revenue
of embedded sensors, connected components, Americans (McKinsey Connected Car Report, streams and enhance efficiency, automotive
cameras, objects and systems. According to http://www.mckinsey.com/industries/auto- players need to invest in software. There are
McKinsey, today’s connected car has the com- motive-and-assembly/our-insights/whats- three key pillars that form the foundation of
puting power of 20 personal computers, fea- driving-the-connected-car) are reluctant to trust in IoT: connectivity, security and mon-
tures 100 million lines of programming code, use connected car and IoT technology? etization.
and processes up to 25 gigabytes of data an
hour. And the industry is just getting started. Traditional boundaries of business are fading A robust and secure connection is essen-
By 2020, it’s estimated that there will be 50 bil- and change is coming fast and furious. Lines tial since downtime can destroy consumer
lion IoT connections compared to 16 billion between consumer, manufacturer and ser- trust and adversely affect a company bot-
today, and 220 million connected cars on the vice provider are blurring. Mobile Network tom line. According to GSMA The Mobile
road, each equipped with more than 200 sen- Operators (MNOs) work with device manu- Economy 2015 (http://www.gsmamo-
sors – double the number in cars today. facturers and build their own devices, while bileeconomy.com/GSMA_Global_Mobile_
service providers are converging with con- Economy_Report_2015.pdf) the mobile
Smart cars can communicate seamlessly with nectivity providers. During this time of rapid industry already contributes 3.8% of the
smart city solutions such as connected street innovation, it’s no longer obvious who owns global GDP, or 3 trillion USD. Reliable, unin-
lights and road signs. Smart city applications the end-customer – which is why trust is so terrupted MNO infrastructure will remain
offer local governments the ability to monitor important. As the market evolves, so does the backbone for connected devices. Quality
and improve traffic patterns, manage lights the value chain. There are a growing num- of service, once focused on voice only, will
in real time, optimize traffic flow, and reduce ber of IoT stakeholders, including carmakers, increasingly be required for data as well. New
road congestion. This provides a clearer pic- Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), and disruptive business models will require
ture of how drivers, cars, objects and systems system integrators, cloud service providers, equally new and disruptive solutions for deliv-
are all part of a holistic connected ecosystem. public IP networks and many more. Can all ering and managing connectivity. Out-of-the-
these stakeholders converge and succeed? Do box connectivity will be a norm and users will
The intersection of IoT and the sharing they speak the same language? The answers not have the capability to call customer sup-
economy is creating a completely new mar- are complex requiring industry standards port centres to complain about dropped con-
ket revolving around shared assets. Car2Go, and collaboration among widely divergent nections/calls. With eSIMs and On-Demand
Zipcar even rental companies are taking stakeholders who need to trust one another Connectivity and Quality of Service solutions,

July 2016 20

active customer experience analyses. Gemalto

MIM Services Platform enables regular MIM
audits and hardware monitoring so that
adjustments can be made over the air to pre-
empt service failure.

Once a device is deployed, it is challenging

to switch subscriptions from one network
to the other because it’s difficult to replace
the SIM card. Gemalto On-Demand Con-
nectivity addresses this issue eliminating
physical replacement or displacement of the
connected object, thus providing a new sub-
scription scheme remotely. A 3-step approach
is needed to secure IoT use cases and defend
against hacks. 1) Secure the device to ensure
that only authorized users have access and
that sensitive device data is protected through
strong encryption. 2) Similarly, data leaving
the device requires communication encryp-
tion to ensure it is protected in motion. 3)
TQ MBox as IoT Edge Gateway with security and services from Gemalto. Finally, the integrity of application software
needs protection. An additional layer of soft-
Gemalto can enable reliable and consistent structure (SIM/UICC/MIM/Module) is more ware application security ensures that even if
out-of-the-box connectivity. difficult to address. Preventive maintenance a device is compromised, software cannot be
solutions such as Gemalto QoS Platform offer reverse engineered or misused.
While some infrastructure (base stations) the best mechanism to counter this problem,
is addressable by MNO support engineers, providing network, device/system monitor- Secure the network and the cloud by ensur-
geographically dispersed and mobile infra- ing, traffic, mapping and more to conduct pro- ing that data is encrypted to render unautho-

etc.). Gemalto Sentinel Software Monetization

solutions allow OEM and CSP (cloud service
provider) to implement these monetization
models through tried and tested technology
for devices and the cloud. 2) License and enti-
tlement management solutions prevent piracy
and reverse engineering that can compromise
the monetization of intellectual property. 3)
Software upgrades for the lifetime of vehi-
cles and devices. In 2015, Tesla announced a
software upgrade called Ludicrous Mode for
its Model S range. A simple software upgrade
triggered the car to accelerate as fast as a sports
car and the result was a few thousand dollars
of additional revenue per vehicle. 4) Device
management helps devices speak to enterprise
or cloud resources. Vice versa, IoT platforms
like Gemaltos SensorLogic play the role of
orchestra maestro leveraging device transla-
tors, device on boarding and more drastically
Three step approach to IoT Security reducing time to market. 5) IoT application
enablement platforms provide a framework for
rized access useless. Application layer security ing the right balance is achieved between reg- rapidly developing new applications. The Sen-
must be provided through server protection ulation and convenience. Using the wrong sorLogic Application Enablement platform
and cloud application security. Encrypting standards or implementation may achieve includes an array of web services. Flexible,
machines or enterprise applications prevents short-term gains, but can prove detrimental pre-made building blocks help IoT developers
attacks like code injection. in the long run. Specifically when a device speed up development of new use cases.
must migrate from one ecosystem to another,
Managing the security lifecycle ensures that or when one ecosystem integrates new and TQ, an embedded specialist and service pro-
all layers of security are updated over time. disparate devices. vider for electronic assemblies and systems,
Security is not a singular or isolated concept. offers modular gateway solutions as a basis for
Software activation and licensing ensures An agile monetization framework is essential individual, customized products to enable a
intellectual property is secured when new for trust. In order for stakeholders to have a Secure IoT. The company focuses on proces-
business models, software upgrades, or fea- sense of trust amid a complex and diverse sor technology, hardware, and systems inte-
tures are introduced. Dynamic key manage- value chain, it is imperative that the par- gration for Original Design Manufacturer
ment is required for devices and the cloud. ties upstream (suppliers and partners) and (ODM) products. Gemalto enables back-end
With encryption deployed across multiple downstream (customers and partners) trust services, security, and industrial-grade global
points, managing keys becomes complex. A that their intellectual property will be val- mobile connectivity on 2G/3G/LTE networks.
secure provisioning solution ensures that keys ued and preserved. Successful monetization This combination offers an optimal basis for
and tokens are effectively managed both in frameworks include five topics. 1) Flexible enterprise IoT and industrial 4.0 solutions
the device and the cloud. The nature and sen- monetization models like PaaS (Product as bringing together M2M and the IoT.
sitivity of data governs what level of security is a Service) allow customers to pay via flexible
required. This requires careful analysis ensur- subscriptions (metered, monthly, pay-per-use TQ MSys embedded solution tool kit can be
used either as a ready-to-use IoT Edge Gate-
way or as a reference platform to build up a
customer-specific gateway for the transporta-
tion market. The hardware platform is based
on the energy efficient, high-performance
Intel Atom E3800 which is available as sin-
gle, dual or quad core version. The MSys is
equipped with 2x Gigabit Ethernet, 2x USB
(3.0/2.0), 2x RS-232 and two monitor out-
puts, as well as upgrade options for any type
of field buses (e.g. CAN, ProfiNet, ProfiBus,
DeviceNet, LIN, LON). On top of 2G/3G/
LTE wireless connectivity, MSys integrates
radio standards such as WLAN, Bluetooth,
EnOcean and Zigbee. This combination offers
the utmost flexibility for customized IoT
edge solutions. Various types of sensors and
devices, and local, self-contained networks
can therefore be connected in an easy way.

MSys Hardware Kit (MKit): modular design with COM Express Mini module to adapt the CPU A TPM (Trusted Platform Module) allows for
and interfaces flexibly according to the demands. secure boot and authentication while Gemalto

July 2016 22

Sentinel technology enables hardware-based as well as the connected devices and sen-
software protection and encrypted com- sors. Real-time access to gateway parame-
munication. Secure wireless access is estab- ters, such as network status, geolocation and
lished through rugged Cinterion connectivity operational information like utilization and
module from Gemalto. This package enables temperatures, offer a high level of service
comprehensive protection at all application friendliness for the operator. Data access and
and system levels and reliably prevents data control of connected actuators and systems
manipulation and system intrusion. can be programmed and parameterized auto-
matically. APIs for Windows and Linux are
The connection to Gemalto M2M IoT Cloud available, which simplify the implementation
Services via embedded agent technology of applications. n
enables easy remote access to the gateway,

Product News
„„ includes 2-port EtherCAT has 32 opto-isolated digital inputs and out-
Universal PCI master card from puts respectively. In addition to the standard
Advantech in its program model, a version with particularly high insu-
Distributor Rutronik presents Advantech’s lation voltage of up to 4500V (RMS) is avail-
new 2-port EtherCAT PCI Universal card, able. The PCIe-7256, also from Adlink, has 32
the PCI-1203. It is a ready-to-use EtherCAT self-retaining relay outputs and 16 insulated
development platform for all PC-based indus- digital inputs. Event-driven connections can
trial automation. The EtherCAT protocol stack be established via the COS (change of state)
is executed autonomously on the PCI card. recognition for the digital inputs. Typical
The PCI-1203 comes with a 650MHz dual- areas of use for both cards include automa-
core ARM processor. It allows the host to tion, test applications, monitoring as well as
handle up to two EtherCAT networks with general data acquisition and control.
extremely short cycle time for Motion and News ID 4287
pure I/O applications. For EtherCAT motion
port, communication cycle time is no more A.R. Bayer
„„ DSP Systeme:
than 500µs for connecting 32 axes of servo embedded OFDM socket modem
motors. For fast I/O ports the cycle time for 2-wire communication
is no more than 200µs in a high speed I/O cOSMo OFDM Socket ModemcOSMo is a
system. To meet the extra high speed I/O new socket C-OFDM modem for embedded
requirements, the PCI-1203 provides 4-chan- applications. It features exceptional reliability
nel isolated digital outputs with an isolated in problematic environments and very quick
protection of 1,000VDC, an output voltage of synchronisation. cOSMo enables data rates
12 up to 24VDC and a sink current of max. of up to 1000 kbps across simple twisted-pair,
300mA CH. co-ax and power cables that may be several
News ID 4325 miles long. No matter whether in a Point-to-
Point or Point-to-Multipoint topology, the
„„ adopts CoreAVI’s TrueCore modem particularly qualifies for use in exist-
software GPU monitor ing infrastructure.
Creative Electronic Systems announces the News ID 4142
adoption of CoreAVI’s TrueCore technol-
ogy, in the scope of its strategic partnership Vecow: fanless
„„ embedded systems
with CoreAVI. CES is currently integrating gets E Mark certification
CoreAVI’s software GPU monitor, TrueC- Vecow got E Mark certification for her ECS-
ore, on its rugged GPU board: the VGP-2870. 7000 Series High Performance Fanless
The integration of TrueCore on the VGP- Embedded System. With excellent perfor-
2870 provides CES customers with a path to mance, all-in-one integrated features, fanless
DAL-B certification (DO-254 / DO-178) for -25 to 70°C operating temperature, multiple
safety-critical video applications. Initially I/O connections, flexible expansions, smart
designed to comply with DAL-C, the VGP- manageability, VMware Ready, EN50155,
2870 is a very powerful video processor board EN50121-3-2 and E13 certification, Vecow
for system engineers and program managers E Mark Certified Series Fanless Embedded
looking to reduce cost, risk and development System is your trusted choices for Machine
cycle of airborne display applications. Vision, Factory Automation, Robot Control,
News ID 4141 Smart Manufacturing, Mobile DVR/ NVR,
Intelligent Surveillance, Vehicle Computing,
„„Acceed: PCIe data acquisition cards Industry 4.0 and any Internet of Things high
The German distributor Acceed has added performance real-time embedded computing
two new digital I/O cards in PCIe format to applications.
its portfolio. The PCIe-7432 from Adlink News ID 4329

23 July 2016
Product News

Acromag: 6U VME
„„ SBC featuring Intel Celeron CPU tions. It includes various MEMS sensors for measuring acceleration,
Acromag’s new 6U VME single board computer features a FPGA-based rotation and magnetic fields, as well as humidity, pressure, temperature,
VME to PCIe-bridge that will extend the life of your VME system for acoustic and digital light.
cost-sensitive applications. Acromag’s XVME-6700 is a high-perfor- News ID 4330
mance 6U VME single board computer based on the Intel Celeron
2002E processor and utilizes the Intel 8-Series QM87 QM87 PCH Advantech: embedded
„„ fanless modular system
chipset for extensive I/O support. for quick equipment integration
News ID 4144 Advantech announce the ARK-2230, a ruggedized, compact, fanless,
embedded modular system with Intel Celeron Quad Core J1900 SoC
Seco: UDOO
„„ X86 maker board drives up to three 4K screens processor. The ARK-2230 supports Advantech’s iDoor modules and
The UDOO Team takes the world of makers by storm with the new ARK-Plus modules which is suitable for customers who require cus-
UDOO X86: 10 times more powerful than Raspberry Pi 3, able to drive tomized systems for equipment integration.
up to three 4K screens at the same time, with an onboard Arduino News ID 4327
101-compatible microcontroller. UDOO X86 has been launched on
Kickstarter for a 55 days campaign.The UDOO Team’s latest creation Kontron
„„ announces strategic partnership with
is an Intel-based x86 maker board coupled with an onboard Intel Curie Wibu-Systems for augmented IoT security
Arduino 101-compatible microcontroller. It is based on Intel’s new-gen- Kontron’s family of IoT Boards, Gateways, Modules and Systems will
eration Quad Core 64-bit x86 be integrated with Wibu-Sys-
processors, designed for the tems CodeMeter technology.
PC domain. The application Kontron, a leading provider of
scenarios for UDOO X86 vary Embedded Computing Tech-
from pure multimedia, allow- nology (ECT), announces a
ing for example to stream multi-year partnership with
Netflix in 4K, to desktop Wibu-Systems, an innovative
replacement and workstation security technology leader in
purposes or even as a retrog- the global software licensing
aming and game-streaming market.
machine. News ID 4285
News ID 4145
„„ Axiomtek:
„„ fully supports high-end Mini-ITX moth-
SMARC 2.0 specification erboard with 6th gen
congatec has announced Intel Core processor
its full support of the new Axiomtek has launched
SMARC 2.0 specification, MANO500, its first mini-ITX
which was released by the motherboard based on 14nm
Standardization Group for 6th generation Intel Core i7/
Embedded Technologies just i5/i3 and Pentium proces-
a few days ago. This major sor in the LGA1151 socket
technology adaption extends with Intel H110 chipset. The
congatec’s leading and exten- embedded motherboard sup-
sive Computer-on-Module ports up to 32GB of speedy
portfolio to include a brand DDR4 RAM, and offers three
new solution which is per- SATA connections.
fectly positioned between News ID 4304
Qseven and COM Express.
First congatec SMARC 2.0 modules as well as carrier boards and starter Avalue: level-up
„„ panel PC to catch trend of IoT
kits including extensive software, driver and BIOS support will be avail- Avalue Technology introduces a new level-up panel PC, LPC-1232/1532
able in August. to catch the trend of IoT. The new LPC-1232/1532 adopt the latest
News ID 4332 lunched 6th Gen Intel Core Mobile Processor (Skylake U series) fea-
turing the dramatic CPU speed, powerful system performance, excep-
IBASE: digital
„„ signage player for 3x 4K tional graphic effects, lower power consumption and advance thermal
digital menu and signage boards management. By adopting new Skylake microarchitecture and using
IBASE Technology release the SI-313 3x 4K digital signage player pow- advanced 14nm manufacturing process, this new platform is able to
ered by 3rd Generation AMD Embedded R-series APU integrated with offer 2.5 times processing performance, 3-3.5 times battery life and even
discrete-class Next-Gen AMD Radeon HD graphics. By utilizing AMD more, 30 times graphic effects comparing to your old computers!
Eyefinity technology, SI-313 can be configured to run a video wall of News ID 4146
three large HDMI displays with 4K resolution per display.
News ID 4308 DDC: position, torque
„„ and speed control in
compact plug and play motor controller
Conrad: all-in-one
„„ IoT prototyping board XDK from Bosch Data Device Corporation introduces a modular and scalable DSP-
Conrad Business Supplies has added as the first “authorized distribution based, full featured motor controller that offers multi-interface position,
partner” a new prototyping platform to its rapidly growing range of over torque and speed control, and is designed for demanding high reliability
5,000 development kits and accessories. The XDK 110 is a cross-domain industrial, military, and aerospace applications.
hardware and software kit from Bosch Connected Devices and Solu- News ID 4243

July 2016 24

The role of NAND flash in emerging

connected automotive applications
The increase in complexity of
­automotive applications will require
more sophisticated and accurate
­solutions. The Internet of Vehicles
(IoV) era is bringing the need for
enormous data processing and I/O
among objects and underlining the
importance of data integrity. This
article shows how high performance
and high capacity NAND flash storage
will enable the benefits of IoV..

„„The automotive industry is moving to a new detect driver facial expressions and mitigate vent wear out/spare block exhaustion. ATP
era with the driving force of the Internet of the possibility of life-threatening incidents by implemented Wear Leveling enables to even
Things. The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) defines image capture (camera input). This real-time the erase count of all blocks and to extend the
the increasing importance of not only solid system with developed algorithms will trigger life expectancy of NAND flash storage.
connectivity but also abundant data process- alerts in the HUD as soon as driver fatigue
ing amongst vehicles at various stages. Over and distraction is detected via expression For an array of conventional read-intensive
the years these stages have been evolving from interpretation. The Connected Car concept applications, such as the navigation system,
passive safety, active safety, connected vehi- depicts the new leap in innovation in the auto- the emphasis on sustaining data integrity is
cle (V2X) and future-trending autonomous motive industry. Anticipating more data pro- key. ATP AutoRefresh is able to optimize
vehicle; the level of automation involved is cessing and effective communication protocol read-only applications by moving data into
increasing accordingly. Simultaneously, the switching, storage devices with higher capac- new blocks prior to possible data loss and cor-
core of development stages highlights the ity and endurance advance the requirement of ruption. For seldom accessed areas, Dynamic
demands of effective and accurate informa- connected technology. Data Refresh is activated in the background to
tion transmission and data processing in the reduce the risk of disturbance from every read
network of relevant objects. In pursuit of real- Those applications are sensor-based (radar operation and to further sustain data integrity.
time responsiveness, data accuracy and con- or camera) and with data-intensive features.
sistency, data integrity is primarily required A series of operation processes from per- With respect to wide-ranging automotive
through the entire operation process – input, ceiving external data, processing data and applications, ATP offers the all-inclusive
process and output; the need for high perfor- subsequently taking actions based on com- Automotive Solution Set, covering qual-
mance and high capacity storage devices is puterized results requires storage devices ity, manufacturing, testing, engineering and
ever-increasing. with a high level of write/read intensive per- supply chain capabilities. The requirements
formance. Based on customer mission pro- for automotive applications call for storage
To cope with emerging automotive applica- files in actual cases (shock/vibration/storage devices with features such as high and consis-
tions and technology, NAND flash devices lifetime/performance test etc.), ATP archi- tent performance, durability, and reliability in
play a critical and fundamental role. Com- tects purpose-built solutions and provides extreme operating conditions. To meet indus-
pared to conventional applications, at the customer-oriented service packages. Apart try requirements and standards, ATP has
present IoV development stage industry from common large-file data (e.g. graphic been assessed and has obtained certifications
applications, such as remote, infotainment capture) accessed sequentially, the challenge for ISO/TS16949, ISO9001 and ISO14001
service and ADAS (Advanced Driver Assis- for write-intensive operation is to mitigate the for product quality control. Apart from that,
tance Systems), mainly target data exchange/ impact on endurance and service life of mem- ATP includes IVI test plan with AEC-Q100
process to optimize the in-vehicle experience ory resulting from high write amplification compliant test items and performs stringent
and connectivity with external environmental when writing small-file data (e.g. log files). As software joint development/integration and
objects. ADAS are classified as diverse subsys- a result, S.M.A.R.T./SD Life Monitor, a health head-unit joint validation tests to optimize
tems according to their functions. Of these, status monitoring tool, assists storage lifetime product quality.n
the Driver Monitoring System (DMS) helps detection and provides early warnings to pre-

25 July 2016

Climb aboard the connected

Internet-of-Things train
By Valentin Scinteie, Kontron

Connected IoT-based information

systems enable transit agencies to
implement substantial ­efficiencies and
lower operational costs. ­Innovative
transportation-validated COTS
­platforms and highly functional
software will ensure operators stay
on track in meeting their passenger
comfort, safety, security and transport
reliability goals.

„„ agencies hold passenger comfort, provide critical decision-making data is the agement software (VMS) delivers advanced
safety, security and transport reliability as value IoT promises for mass transit agen- functionalities that offer the ability to record
their highest priorities. Unforeseen issues that cies. Making this a reality necessitates open captured video images, audio sound and its
cause unexpected delays and disruptions to architecture embedded computing platforms associated metadata and allows flexible play-
normal service impede these goals. Imple- combined with advanced software solutions back and analysis functions of the recorded
menting new and smarter transportation con- that streamline the implementation of mas- video streams. Increasing security, next-gen-
trol, monitoring, communication and video sively-connected, real-time information sys- eration VMS supports encryption of the audio
surveillance systems are seen as the answer. tems providing the functionality needed. Also and video data at the time of recording.
These highly integrated and feature-rich sys- required for IoT-connected transit are certi-
tems provide broad view intelligence giving fied solutions fully validated for transporta- Using the IP (Internet Protocol) as the founda-
operators advanced warning of issues. Pro- tion systems that offer built-in scalability to tion for train system evolution allows transit
viding fast Internet connectivity for the video enable cost effective, full-scale deployment. operators to take advantage of the latest dig-
content that passengers request, as well as ital technologies, faster Ethernet and wireless
support for broader network video surveil- Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) embedded networks with new IoT-enabled system archi-
lance, state-of-the-art transit systems can also solutions give developers the open architec- tectures. For example, the power of IoT can be
deliver added monitoring benefits from video ture approach that makes interoperability realized in next-generation video surveillance
analytics and post analysis capabilities. between various components and applica- systems integrated throughout a highly-lev-
tions, such as those in a video surveillance sys- eraged wired and wireless network infra-
Up to now, achieving the ideal connected train tem, possible. Helping to cut costs too, COTS structure giving operators a comprehensive
has been hampered due to high costs and lon- standards-based solutions are inherently scal- real-time view of trains, tracks, depots and
ger time-to-deployment schedules caused by able and facilitate customization so operators stations. Today video surveillance systems
existing incompatible proprietary technolo- can more easily maximize or expand their can utilize remote server backhaul capabilities
gy-based systems installed today. Those lim- infrastructure investments. Open standards using 4G LTE connectivity and/or Wi-Fi from
itations can be eliminated with the expansion also ensure broad knowledge of the comput- IoT gateways allowing assets to be monitored
of the Internet of Things (IoT) combined with ing architecture, and using a modular COTS in real time through central control center or
next-generation embedded computing plat- approach enables operators to configure based field-based video management systems, thus
forms that provide the interoperability and on their needs - from lower end single-core enhancing security. Connected IoT-enabled
high performance connectivity to solve these systems to integrating multi-core processors video surveillance systems have the capability
issues. for higher performance requirements. to see large networks of cameras and provide
video analytics enabling improved identifica-
Connecting disparate and individual pieces A move away from propriety software, too, tion, locating and recording of incidents.
of equipment into one powerful network to streamlines implementation. New video man-

July 2016 26

Video management data review station enables an onboard video surveillance system that is
entirely IP-based.
Transit agencies can also take full advantage the Samsung Security SNV-6012MN2MP
of the IoT by securely capturing and ana- 1080p Full HD vandal-resistant network
lyzing unprecedented volumes of data from mobile flat camera and utilizes the latest gener-
each and every vehicle. Control centers will ations of network video encoding and stream-
have constant real-time communication with ing protocols. The whole system is powered by
their entire fleet to conduct remote monitor- a TRACe network video recorder (NVR) and
ing and diagnostics to ensure smoother, safer, managed by a TRACe HMI, an EN50155-cer-
more reliable and cost-effective operation. tified fanless operational panel PC display.
And there is the opportunity to introduce
new revenue-generating services such as paid Captured video images and audio signals can
video content, train TV and Bring Your Own be digitized, compressed and streamed over
Device (BYOD) for travelers. the Ethernet network by different cameras
using industry standard real-time streaming
There are also new capabilities from comput- protocols such as RTP and RTSP. Enhanc-
ing platform health management monitoring ing security, associated metadata is also
that provide the resource allowing operators recorded while supporting encryption of the
to go from reactive to proactive in manag- audio and video data. This solution uses stan-
ing application functionality and uptime. dards-based ONVIF-compliant IP cameras to
Significant efficiencies from this data enable ensure compatibility and interoperability, and
improved fleet availability, serviceability and supports multiple audio and video streams to
proactive maintenance visibility that were not be transmitted simultaneously as well as stan-
available previously. dard encoding formats. The captured streams
can be either transmitted to an onboard net-
A validated, real-world example of an onboard work video recorder for long-term storage, to
video surveillance system that is entirely a train driver console or to a wayside opera-
IP-based is one that incorporates Kontron tions control center (OCC) live video moni-
TRACe COTS transportation computing plat- toring station. This same configuration can be
forms and video management software (VMS) extended to a wayside station or depot where
from Adetel Solutions. This solution supports it can interface to a third party video manage-
multiple high-resolution cameras including ment system. n

Product News
Murata: SimpleLink Wi-Fi
„„ modules ams: digital
„„ temperature sensor in 1.6 x
simplify IoT connectivity 1mm package is easy to design into IoT
Murata announced a series of two 2.4 GHz ams launched an integrated digital tempera-
IEEE802.11 b/g/n compliant wireless mod- ture sensor which offers low power consump-
ules based around the TI CC3200 and TI tion and high accuracy in a small package.
CC3100 SimpleLink chipsets. These minia- The 1.6 x 1mm AS6200’s typical current is 6µA
ture modules, measuring 13.2 x 21.45 x 2.65 at a measurement rate of 4 samples per second,
mm significantly ease incorporating wireless and its digital measurement outputs are accu-
internet connectivity to a host of embedded rate to ±0.4°C.
applications and especially internet of things News ID 4299
News ID 4238

27 July 2016

Networking the world –

the IoT in mobile markets
By Angela Bieber, MEN

The Internet of Things and the digital

networking of the world are currently
the driving factor for t­ echnological
innovations, in particular under
the heading Industry 4.0. Physical
networks in passenger and cargo
transportation are also benefiting
from these developments. Whether
for fleet management applications or
passenger information – all mobile
markets are literally on the move with
regard to the IoT.

„„ networked controls in a vehicle transmit content. Without the networking of tection class, e.g. IP67. 3) Protection against
are usually wired fieldbus connections such trains, buses or commercial vehicles and the impact and vibration: components must be
as CAN or MVB, outright communication transfer of current diagnosis data, the smooth, screwed tightly or soldered; moving parts
systems are mostly based upon an Ethernet efficient and safe operation of any kind of are to be generally avoided. Robust plug con-
connection. Further wireless communica- transport would be unthinkable. The imple- nectors, e.g. M12, that are screwed in tightly
tions are then catered for by one of the many mentation of ATO (Automatic Train Opera- and withstand heavy vibrations. 4) Protection
transmission standards such as GSM, GPRS, tion) and ATP (Automatic Train Protection) against electrical interference: this includes
LTE, UMTS or WLAN. This is how dynamic systems would also be unimaginable without electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and
information systems with integrated Inter- wireless communications. Whatever the rea- tolerance with regard to short-term power
net access points within a fleet management son a vehicle, train or ship is to be networked, outages. This is not a problem with the right
system transmit prevailing weather or traffic the requirements regarding reliability and housing and mains adapters. 5) Mainte-
conditions with the current location from robustness are higher than for industrial auto- nance-free or low-maintenance design: for
the vehicle to the control centre via UMTS, mation. this reason no ventilators or other moving
for example. From there the vehicles can be parts should be used, if possible. Furthermore,
diverted to a shorter or less dangerous route. It’s not only smart software solutions that play functions that are known to be more fault-
A similar application is the exact locating of a role here. A solid hardware basis is gener- prone should be assembled modularly.
trains, which is used to optimise track utili- ally required, and it should protect the elec-
sation and coordination of the rail network. tronics from weather and the environment, In addition, aspects that may endanger cost
Here too, data is also sent back to the control and should also comply with market-specific effectiveness such as long-term availability
centre via UMTS for evaluation. The exact standards such as EN 50155 for trains, or or obsolescence must be considered. If the
location is determined by an odometer built the ECE mark for vehicles. Depending upon quality is not right, operational costs increase
into a PCIe card, even when the train travels application area and market, the hardware long-term. The available space must also be
through a tunnel and the GPS signal to the should boast the following 5 characteristics. taken into consideration. And, as if the cat-
satellite is interrupted. 1) Extended temperature range: e.g. in the TX alogue of requirements were not big enough,
class for trains, EN 50155 stipulates an oper- public transport is now demanding increas-
Long and short-distance public trains and ating temperature of -40°C to +70°C, and 10 ingly quicker delivery times in order to remain
buses are more and more frequently offer- minutes at up to +85°C. The requirements competitive. In order to accommodate all
ing entertainment and Wi-Fi services. These are even above this for road vehicles and in these requirements, MEN is focussing upon
systems not only require plenty of storage the avionic sector. 2) Protection against dust, robust box PCs based upon a newly intro-
options for film and music data. They now- damp and chemicals: the components of the duced build-to-order concept. Thanks to high
adays also require a Wi-Fi access point, in system should generally be conformal coated. stockpiling of individual components and
order to connect to passenger end devices and The housings should have the relevant IP pro- the simplified order process through build-

July 2016 28

Currently the most robust member of the box PC family – IP65-protected and using exclusively
M12 plug connectors

Different markets demand different communication standards – MEN box PCs ­support them all.

to-order part numbers, small quantities can aluminium housing that enables suitable heat
be delivered for evaluation within two weeks. management within an extended temperature
Preconfigured and equipped with the relevant range of -40 to +85°C. The design dispenses
firmware, all the customer has to do is select with the need for repeated maintenance of
coordinated accessories such as mSATA, PCIe fault-prone ventilators and also protects the
cards, interface adapters, aerials or HDDs, etc, electronics inside from outside influences.
and then install their own application. Soldered components and conformal coating
make the boxes resistant to impact, damp and
A continuous outage of electronics or mainte- dust. To be able to ride in buses or trains, the
nance-intensive components would make no boxes comply with the EN 50155 railway stan-
sense of a project, particularly for systems that dard and are ready for the ECE mark for road
are meant to enable more efficient vehicle or vehicles. The modular structure means not
track utilisation, or to save fuel. In addition, only that they are customisable with regard
projects that may span a period over 30 years to I/O configuration and fieldbus connection,
– as is often the case with regard to rail tech- but that their performance can be scaled by
nology – must have reliably functioning elec- separate CPU boards and the use of entire
tronics over a long period of time. Thus, the Intel or AMD processor ranges.
box PCs come in a solid, conduction-cooled

29 July 2016

Hardware security options are limited – but ware measures that can be taken to ensure a
there are some and, along with robustness, secure and robust IoT component, another
they must be taken into consideration in the factor must be considered in the development
design phase. For example, the use of a TPM phase: the use of flexible architectures based
(Trusted Platform Module) chip enables data upon open hardware standards. Although
to be saved in an encrypted form. This ensures with the current variety of competing com-
that data stored in a passenger entertainment munication standards it’s hard to say what the
system is only played to passengers and only future holds, widely-used hardware standards
during their ride or flight. TPMs also enable will continue to support communication
secure booting, which ensures the system can between individual systems. Only established
A secure plug connection without a tangle of only be booted up after its integrity has been standards that support the gamut of Ethernet,
wires provides the communication between checked and the flash has not been changed, fieldbus and wireless specifications have been
the flexibly configurable interface board and thus preventing unauthorised access. Further used for the robust box PC range. Together
the CPU card. manipulation prevention is possible by means with the relevant operating system, they are
of password-protected BIOS or protection well armed for all future developments in the
When talking about the Internet of Things, it’s through whitelisting (the blocking of unau- Internet of Things – whatever the direction it
hard to avoid mentioning the term security. thorised applications). Alongside the hard- may eventually take. n

Product News

Infineon: new
„„ FIDO certified Bluetooth ule, has been embedded in the tiny IoT devel- tiative to offer simplified and expedited access
solution for secure mobile internet usage opment board LoRaONE by SODAQ, now to EDA tooling and design environments
Online applications on mobile devices require running a campaign on Kickstarter. The from Cadence and Mentor Graphics. The
new methods of secured log-in. The FIDO product is a 32-bit Arduino compatible board new partnership, announced at DAC 2016,
(Fast IDentity Online) Alliance has developed equipped with Low-Power WAN connectivity builds on the benefits of free access to ARM
security standards for strong authentication that enables development of any kind of IoT Cortex-M0 processor IP offered through the
that are simple to use and protect more effi- solution, anywhere. DesignStart portal.
ciently from fraud. News ID 4134 News ID 4247
News ID 4313
Microchip: hardware
„„ cryptog- ALPS: Bluetooth
„„ SMART communi-
„„ Elektronik: intelligent Wi-Fi raphy-enabled 32-bit MCU cation module with built-in antenna
solution for the Internet of Things for IoT applications ALPS has developed the low-power
Atlantik Elektronik presents with the Microchip announces a new hardware cryp- UGMZ2AA Bluetooth SMART Communi-
QCA4010/12 from Qualcomm, an integrated to-enabled 32-bit microcontroller. The cation Module with Built-in Antenna. Mass
and feature-rich intelligent Wi-Fi solution for CEC1302’s hardware-based cryptography production is already underway. Communi-
the Internet of Things. Utilizing the compre- suite offers significant performance improve- cation modules are essential for connecting
hensive ThreadX RTOS network stack this ments over firmware-based solutions. The IoT devices to the Internet. Devices pow-
platform provides a full-featured dual band CEC1302 makes it easy to add security to ered by batteries or button cells, in particular,
Wi-Fi solution for a wide variety of products. Internet of Things devices, offering easy-to- increasingly employ communication modules
With its large 1.5MB SRAM there is no addi- use encryption and authentication for pro- conforming to low-power communication
tional MCU needed. Over 800KB are free for gramming flexibility and increased levels of standard Bluetooth SMART.
user applications and buffering of video and security. News ID 4278
audio data. News ID 4167
News ID 4230 Microsemi
„„ collaborates with
„„ Labs: multiband wireless Gecko Veracity to support IoT security
Renesas: Embedded
„„ security SoCs break new ground in the IOT Microsemi announced its collaboration with
solutions protecting IoT endpoints Expanding its Wireless Gecko portfolio, Sili- Veracity Security Intelligence, an innovator in
Renesas Electronics introduced a new series con Labs has launched multiband, multipro- network security delivering an enterprise class
of embedded security solutions employing tocol wireless system-on-chip devices for the security platform for operational technol-
general-purpose microcontrollers and micro- Internet of Things market. The new multi- ogy networks, to develop secure networking
processors as completely new security struc- band Wireless Gecko SoCs enable develop- solutions for industrial Ethernet deployments.
tures for embedded devices that will function ers to use the same multiprotocol device for Security and the threat of cyberattacks are
as Internet of Things endpoints in homes and operation in 2.4 GHz and multiple sub-GHz emerging as key concerns for industrial com-
buildings. Now, as the first product of this bands, simplifying connected device designs, panies, such as power and utilities seeking
series, Renesas has released the RX231 Com- reducing cost and complexity, and speeding to protect revenue, as well as network safety
munications Security Evaluation Kit. time to market. and reliability. This collaboration brings new
News ID 4316 News ID 4324 capabilities to the market as the first security
solution of its kind optimized for industrial
u-blox: GPS/GNSS
„„ positioning ARM
„„ extends solutions for networks, enabling full industrial network
technology in IoT board supports Custom SoC development in security with a simple software installation in
a host of applications Embedded and IoT markets managed industrial switches.
EVA-7M, a u-blox GPS/GNSS receiver mod- ARM has expanded its ARM DesignStart ini- News ID 4306

July 2016 30
Yellow Pages 2016 - Company Profiles

Yellow Pages 2016

The Embedded Companies Directory
This year’s edition of our Embedded Companies Directory is split into 2 sections.
The first part provides you with short company profiles, including a QR code which leads you to the full
company profile (including overview about products & services, contact information, product news,… )
on the embedded-control-europe.com portal.
The second part of the Yellow Pages is a reference list showing in which product categories the companies
are active.

AAEON Technology AdaCore

AAEON Technology, established in AdaCore provides open source tools

1992, manufactures and markets a and expertise for the development
wide range of OEM/ODM Industrial of mission-critical, safety-critical, and
PCs all over the world. AAEON’s com- security-critical software. AdaCore’s
mitment to the customers is to provide reliable and high quality Fanless Box flagship products are the GNAT Pro and SPARK Pro development environ-
PCs, Computer on Module (COM Express, XTX, ETX, Q7), Panel PCs, Rugged ments and the CodePeer automatic code reviewer and validator. Customers
Tablet Computers, Embedded Computer Boards (5.25‘, around the world trust GNAT Pro and AdaCore.
3.25‘, Epic, PC/104), Industrial Motherboards (Mini-ITX)
and related accessories.

www.aaeon.eu www.adacore.com

ACCEED ADL Embedded Solutions

Acceed is an internationally operating ADL Embedded Solutions is a leading

distributor of industrial computers provider of customizable, embedded
and components and is located in solutions for demanding thermal and
Düsseldorf, Germany. Acceed offers rugged environments. ADL’s diverse
its customers a carefully attuned product portfolio from the fields of Indus- portfolio of products range from SBCs based on the AMD Geode™ and
trial Network Technology, Communication and Signal Processing for the Intel® Atom® processors up to 4rd generation Intel® Core™ processors built
application areas of Automation, Test Management and in PC/104 and 3.5” form factors and full costom designe,
Quality Assurance as well as Research and Development. all of which can be delivered as part of a full system, or
individual boards.

www.acceed.com www.adl-europe.com

Acromag ADLINK Technology

Acromag is a multi-million dollar ADLINK Technology is enabling the

international corporation that com- Internet of Things (IoT) with innova-
bines more than 50 years of process tive embedded computing solutions
monitoring and control experience for edge devices, intelligent gateways
with a solid background in high-tech computer design. Established in 1957, and cloud services. ADLINK’s products are application-ready for industrial
Acromag built its reputation designing critical measurement instrumentation automation, communications, medical, defense, transportation, and infotain-
equipment. Acromag, Inc. was soon recognized interna- ment industries. Many of our products are Extreme Rug-
tionally as a leading designer of analog and digital control ged™, supporting extended temperature ranges, shock
products for the industrial I/O market. and vibration.

www.acromag.com www.adlinktech.com

July 2016 31 July 2016

Yellow Pages 2016 - Company Profiles

Advanced Micro Peripherals ATP Electronics

Advanced Micro Peripherals is a ATP Electronics is an industrial memory solu-

leading manufacturer of embedded tions manufacturer of NAND flash and DRAM
video solutions - offering the latest memory modules founded in the Silicon Valley.
MPEG-4 / H.264 (AVC) codecs and As a memory manufacturer with over 20 years
video overlay / annotation technologies on a wide range of embedded experience, ATP focuses on delivering memory
board form factors including PC/104, PC/104-Plus, PCI/104-Express, solutions covering industries across Networking/Telecom, Enterprise Mobility,
CompactPCI and mini PCI modules. Automotive, Military, IPC/Embedded Systems, Healthcare,
Gaming and The Internet of Things (IoT).

www.ampltd.com www.atpinc.com

Apacer Avalue Technology

Apacer Technology Inc. was created Avalue Technology is a professional

in 1997 in Taiwan and operates since industrial computer manufacturing
then as a global leader offering the company with complete product
highest of quality products to satiate lines in embedded computers, single
the rigorous demands for reliable storage. Apacer Technology provides the board computers, Systems-on-Modules-ETX (SOM-ETX), industrial motherboards,
most innovative Solid State Drive Solutions (SATA, PATA, Flash Cards & USB all-purpose Panel/Tablet PCs, and barebone products, etc. Having expanded,
SDD) and DRAM Solutions (Desktop, Notebook, Server Avalue offers its expertise on PCB / Assembly / BIOS
and Brand Specific) for the industrial and embedded version control and after-sales all type of services.

www.apacer.com www.avalue.com.tw

ARBOR Technology Axiomtek

With more than 20 years experience Founded in 1990, Axiomtek is one of

in embedded computing, ARBOR con- the major design and manufacturing
tinues to expand its expertise in indus- companies in the Industrial Computer
trial computing making ARBOR a & Embedded field. Since our establish-
leading supplier of computing platforms and solutions, which can be applied ment, Axiomtek has successfully gained worldwide recognition for our
globally in the healthcare, transportation, industrial automation, warehouse innovative designs and outstanding customer satisfaction. Our customers
management, and digital signage markets. come to us when they want a single, reliable, and
valuable source for their industrial computer and embed-
ded platforms.

www.arbor.com.tw www.axiomtek.com

Artila Electronics A.R. BAYER DSP Systeme

Artila Electronics is an emerging force A.R. Bayer DSP Systeme GmbH was
in the industrial computer field, dedi- founded in 2003 by Andreas Bayer, a
cated to minimizing mass while max- first hour DSP specialist, with a focus
imizing utility.  Unlike other industrial on DSP products and services. The
computer providers in the market who mainly use x86 plus Windows solu- company is a spin-off of Bayer DSP Solutions which began operations in
tions, Artila focuses on ARM-core RISC CPUs with embedded Linux solutions, 1995. A.R. Bayer DSP Systeme GmbH is an ISO9001-2008 certified company.
matched with Artila’s 10 plus years of experience in
RS-232 / 422 / 485 industrial communication and TCP/
IP networking.

www.artila.com www.dsp-sys.de

July 2016 32 July 2016

Yellow Pages 2016 - Company Profiles

Cadence Design Systems Data Modul

Cadence Design Systems is a leading DATA MODUL offers perfectly tuned

global EDA company. Cadence cus- embedded computer systems based
tomers use our software, hardware, on x86 and ARM/Xscale-architectures.
and services to overcome a range of From the pre-configured kit up to
technical and economic hurdles. Our technologies help customers create the custom specific baseboard design, the whole bandwidth of Embedded
mobile devices with longer battery life. Designers of ICs speed their products Solutions is available.
to market using our hardware simulators to run software
on a ‘virtual’ chip—long before the actual chip exists.

www.cadence.com www.data-modul.com

CES - Creative Electronic Systems E.E.P.D.

CES designs and manufactures rug- E.E.P.D. is one of the leading compa-
ged embedded computers engineered nies in embedded computing. Since its
to meet the most demanding perfor- foundation in 1988 E.E.P.D. develops
mance needs for optimal Size, Weight and produces customized and stan-
and Power (SWaP) considerations. Our Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) dard computing solutions. Our ARM®- and x86-based PC boards serve a
products are made to withstand the extremes of temperature, shock and wide variety of industrial applications. Our product spectrum ranges from
vibration associated with deployment in Aerospace & innovative planning and individual design to mass pro-
Defense as well as Rugged Industrial markets. duction with worldwide delivery.

www.ces-swap.com www.eepd.de

Concurrent Technologies EKF Elektronik

Concurrent Technologies designs and As an independent systems manufacturer, EKF concen-

manufactures a wide range of modular trated, from the very beginning, on complete solutions
products for use in critical embed- for industrial problems by using the latest in technology,
ded applications. Our primary focus is with a focus on high reliability and long-term availabil-
to provide long-life, highly reliable CPU boards based on Intel® Core™ i7 ity of all products. In 1998, EKF started development
processors or low power Intel® Atom™ processors, NVIDIA® Tegra® GPGPU and manufacture of CompactPCI® boards and systems.
modules, switch fabric boards, XMC/PMC I/O modules, In addition, EKF is currently developing solutions for new
mass storage carriers and development systems. standards such as CompactPCI® Serial, incorporating the
PCI Express® and other high speed technology.

www.gocct.com www.ekf.de

congatec ELBACOM Germany

congatec is a leading supplier of Elbacom GmbH is a specialised distribu-

industrial computer modules using tor with its core competences in Microsoft
the standard form factors Qseven, Embedded OS, the industrial embedded
COM Express, XTX and ETX, as well as market and added value services. Elbacom
single board computers and EDM services. congatec’s products can be used offers developing of customized Embedded Images, Training and support for
in a variety of industries and applications, such as industrial automation, Embedded Operating Systems and Server Solutions All European Countries
medical technology, entertainment, transportation, tele- are served by Elbacom Local Sales-Companies/Organisa-
communication, test & measurement and point-of sale. tions and supported from the Elbacom European Logistic
Center in Pamhagen-Austria (ISO certified).

www.congatec.com www.elbacom.com/germany

33 July 2016
Yellow Pages 2016 - Company Profiles

Elma ERNI Electronics

The ELMA group is a global manu- ERNI develops and manufactures a wide variety
facturer of products for housing elec- of connectors, backplanes and complete systems,
tronic systems. The company provides soldering assemblies and Cable Assembly. ERNI is
everything from components such a globally active enterprise with branch offices in
as modular enclosures, Cabinets and Backplanes up to complete standard Europe, North America and Asia.
or custom System Platforms. ELMA also manufactures precision Rotary
Switches. The company offers a fast, flexible response
to customer needs and extensive practical knowledge in
tailoring solutions to specific applications.

www.elma.de www.erni.com

Embedded Office ETAS

Embedded Office GmbH & Co. KG ETAS provides innovative solutions for
founded in 2003 is a specialist com- the development of embedded sys-
pany for embedded systems that spe- tems for the automotive industry and
cializes in safety-critical applications. other sectors of the embedded indus-
The company, which is certified to DIN EN ISO 9001 standards, develops try. As a systems provider, ETAS supplies a multifaceted portfolio that covers
and supplies high-tech software for embedded systems as either turn-key the range from integrated tools and tool solutions to engineering services,
solutions or individual components, and, if required, consulting, training, and support.
supports the integration at the customer’s through to
the certification.

www.embedded-office.com www.etas.com

embedded-logic EUROS Embedded Systems

Embedded logic developes, and dis- EUROS Embedded Systems is a pio-

tributes embedded computer boards, neering vendor of real-time operat-
ECB manufacture our core author- ing systems (RTOS), protocol stacks,
ity out are the development and the middleware and development tools
selling of ECBs. By co-operation with hard and software producers leading for embedded applications. The company’s products are widely used and
world-wide we set yardsticks in flexibility and efficiency. Our success lies in supported in all segments of the embedded ecosystem, including medical
the fast conversion of customer-oriented solutions and technology, military & aerospace, test & measurement,
our standard products, those covers the entire power industrial automation, process control, automotive and
spectrum on the PC/104 and ETX market. traffic engineering.

www.embedded-logic.de/en/home www.euros-embedded.com

ept Express Logic

With our range of connectors and processing tech- Express Logic is a leader in royal-
nology, we offer you comprehensive all-in-one ty-free RTOS software. Our ThreadX®
solutions from a single source. Not only now. As an RTOS is used in over 2 billion elec-
independent family business with decades of expe- tronic products. Our NetX™ IPV4 and
rience, we can offer technical competence and an NetX DUO™  IPv4/IPV6 TCP/IP stacks, USBX™ USB Host/Device/OTG pro-
extremely high quality standard, combined with tocol stack, FileX® MS-DOS-compatible file system, GUIX™ graphical user
creativity and precision, when it interface and the TraceX® graphical event-analysis tool
comes to your individual product and machine solution. support applications in consumer, medical, industrial,
automotive and aerospace.

www.ept.de www.expresslogic.com

July 2016 34
Yellow Pages 2016 - Company Profiles

Frobas Hyperstone

Frobas provides solutions and services Hyperstone, a fabless semiconductor

in the areas of Digital Power Manage- and microprocessor design company,
ment application development and was founded in 1990 and is based
IC design, verification and prototyp- in Konstanz, Germany. Together with
ing. Its Power Management experience, combined with embedded and app subsidiaries in Taiwan, USA and with other worldwide partners, Hyperstone
programming skills, digital control algorithms know-how, system prototyp- serves a global customer base. Since July 2003, Hyperstone has been a mem-
ing and FW/HW system verification capabilities, makes ber of the CML Microsystems Plc group.
Frobas an ideal partner for IoT application development.

www.frobas.com www.hyperstone.com

GrammaTech IAR Systems

GrammaTech is the leading devel- IAR Systems provides world-leading software tools
oper of software-assurance tools and for developing embedded applications. Established
advanced cyber-security solutions. in Sweden in 1983, IAR Systems enables companies
Our software analysis experts create worldwide to build products of today and innova-
technologies that enable developers around the world to make software tions of tomorrow, mainly in the areas of automotive,
that is secure and of the highest quality. We analyze both source code and consumer electronics, industrial automation, medical
binary code, which we apply to both static analysis and devices and telecommunications.
dynamic analysis techniques.

www.grammatech.com www.iar.com

Green Hills Software iBASE

Green Hills Software is the largest Founded in 2000, IBASE Technology

independent software vendor for the is an ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and ISO
Internet of Things (IoT) and the larg- 14001 certified company that special-
est independent vendor of embedded izes in the design and manufacturing
software solutions spanning from embedded to enterprise. Green Hills is the of industrial PC products. IBASE provides OEM/ODM services tailoring prod-
only company with an operating system certified and deployed to IEC 61508 ucts to customers‘ requirements. Our product offerings from include single
SIL 3 (industrial), FDA Class III (medical), EN 51028 board computers, Mini-ITX boards, Disk-Size SBC, COM
SWSIL 4 (railway), EAL6+ High Robustness (security), Express CPU modules, embedded systems, panel com-
and DO-178B Level A (avionics). puters and network appliance for various applications.

www.ghs.com www.ibase.com.tw

HCC-Embedded Infineon Technologies

HCC has a unique position in the Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg,

microcontroller market as a company Germany, offers innovative semi-
almost exclusively focused on the conductor and system solutions
development of embedded middle- addressing three central challenges
ware with no dependence on a proprietary operating system. Specializing in to modern society: energy efficiency,
middleware for USB, TCP/IP and Flash storage, the company has become a mobility, and security.
leader in high value, reusable software components.

www.hcc-embedded.com www.infineon.com

35 July 2016
Yellow Pages 2016 - Company Profiles

iSYSTEM LieberLieber Software

iSYSTEM is a privately held company LieberLieber Software is specialized

headquartered in Germany with an in the area of model-based software
R&D and Production center close to Lju- and system development. We offer
bljana, Slovenia. Since its foundation in individual project consulting, project
1986, iSYSTEM is an independent manufacturer and provider of embedded management and know-how transfer and has years of experience in the
software debugging, analysis and test tools. iSYSTEM’ s Software and Blue development of tailored software solutions. In the past years, we have realized
Box Technology stand for fast and easy single and multi- large multitouch solutions, HTML5 applications for
core processor hardware access via any kind of debug smartphones and classic logistics solutions for mobile
interface. industry PDAs.

www.isystem.com www.lieberlieber.com

Kontron Logic Technology

Kontron, a global leader in embedded Founded in 1993, headquartered in

computing technology and trusted Panningen, The Netherlands, Logic
advisor in IoT, works closely with its Technology has become a leader
customers, allowing them to focus on in Europe’s embedded market. The
their core competencies by offering a complete and integrated portfolio of unique combination of high-quality products, support and consultancy ser-
hardware, software and services designed to help them make the most of vices is most appreciated by embedded developers. It’s this All-Inclusive con-
their applications. cept that enables developers to focus on their own key
tasks and provides them with a sparring partner in every
phase of their project.

www.kontron.com www.logic.nl

Lauterbach Lynx Software Technologies

Lauterbach is the leading manufacturer Every day, millions of people world-

of complete, modular and upgradeable wide are touched by products that
microprocessor development tools rely on Lynx Software Technologies
worldwide with experience in the field software—from Internet and phone
of embedded designs since 1979. At the headquarters in Höhenkirchen, near communications, to airline flight-control systems, office automation and
Munich, the engineering team develops and produces highly proficient and medical devices. Lynx Software Technologies software provides the hidden
specialized Development Tools, which are utilized all over intelligence that empowers, protects and secures our
the world under the brand TRACE32®. modern world.

www.lauterbach.com www.lynx.com

LDRA MathWorks

For more than forty years, LDRA has MathWorks is the leading developer
developed and driven the market for of mathematical computing software.
software that automates code anal- MATLAB®, the language of technical
ysis and software testing for safety-, computing, is a programming environ-
mission-, security- and business-critical markets. Boasting a worldwide ment for algorithm development, data analysis, visualization, and numeric
presence, LDRA is headquartered in the UK with subsidiaries in the United computation. Simulink® is a graphical environment for simulation and Model-
States, India and an extensive distributor network. For Based Design of multidomain dynamic and embedded
more information on the LDRA tool suite, please visit our systems.

www.ldra.com www.mathworks.com

July 2016 36
Yellow Pages 2016 - Company Profiles

MEN Mikro Elektronik Neousys Technology

Since its founding in 1982 – and with Neousys Technology, established in

more than 250 employees worldwide 2010, designs and manufactures rug-
– MEN Mikro Elektronik has focused ged embedded platforms and mod-
on innovation, reliability and flex- ules. With the core expertise ranging
ibility to develop and produce standard and custom computing solutions from embedded computing to data
that employ the highest technology levels. The company provides a robust acquisition and processing, our goal
offering of highly reliable embedded COTS boards and is to innovate and
devices widely used in extreme environmental condi- integrate feature sets into products for various vertical
tions found in industrial and safety-critical applications. markets with simple yet elegant architecture.

www.men.de www.neousys-tech.com

MicroSys Electronics PEAK-System Technik

MicroSys Electronics GmbH located Founded in 1999, PEAK-System

in Sauerlach close to Munich, designs Technik is a leading provider of hard-
and develops embedded system solu- ware, software, and services for the
tions, for e.g. VMEbus, CompactPCI industrial communication. The focus
and other common bus infrastructures. From the beginning in 1975, cus- is on the field busses CAN and LIN.
tomized solutions offering longevity are a strong part of MicroSys business
as well. Successfully deployed products span from Com-
puter on Modules up to fully integrated systems.

www.microsys.de www.peak-system.com

Mouser Electronics Phaedrus Systems

Catering to design engineers and buy- Phaedrus Systems supports engineers at all stages
ers demanding small to medium quan- of embedded development. We specialise in support
tities of the latest products, Mouser for safety-critical and high-integrity projects. A port-
requires no MOQ and fills orders by folio of tools to provide all the elements required to
breaking packs, including one-piece shipping. This is especially attractive to create an integrated tool chain - from initial specifi-
engineers working in the earliest stages of the prototype design cycle. cation through to life cycle management – has been
Mouser is dedicated to providing superior service and assembled specifically for this
support to customers worldwide with 20 global demanding area of engineering.
customer support centres.

www.mouser.com www.phaedsys.com


N.A.T. is the expert in turnkey systems and high PLS is among the leading suppliers of
performance connectivity products for data and debuggers, emulators and trace solu-
(tele-)communication solutions. The product port- tions for microcontrollers and SoC. The
folio is dedicated to embedded markets such as leading edge Universal Debug Engine
medical, energy, communication, defense&aerospace, (UDE) offers new dimensions for fast and flexible access to multi-core sys-
industrial controls, automation, transportation, tems with the support of architectures such as AURIX/TriCore, PowerArchi-
test&measurement, and research. tecture, RH850, ARM, Cortex, XC2000/XE166, SH 2A,
XScale and C166/ST10 as well as simulation platforms
of different vendors.

www.nateurope.com www.pls-mc.com

37 July 2016
Yellow Pages 2016 - Company Profiles

PLUG-IN Electronic Rohde & Schwarz

The company PLUG-IN Electronic For more than 80 years, Rohde

GmbH based in Alling near Munich, & Schwarz has stood for quality,
Germany, has been marketing hard- precision and innovation in all
ware and software for PC-assisted fields of wireless communications.
measuring and automation technology since being founded in December The company is strategically based on five pillars: test and measurement,
1990. The core business focuses mainly on hardware solutions, with software broadcasting, secure communications, radiomonitoring and radiolocation.
solutions only being offered on the basis of graphic pro-
gramming environments.

www.plug-in.de/en/ www.rohde-schwarz.com

PragmaDev Round Solutions

PragmaDev is a privately held Round Solutions develops hardware

company based in Paris France and services for Internet of Things and
that provides a set of modeling offers component solutions for wire-
and testing  tools for the develop- less M2M communication. The compa-
ment of real time and embedded software: PragmaDev Studio helps manag- ny’s modules, antennas and design-in services improve the value creation
ing complexity inherent to developing state of the art systems. It integrates processes for customers of all sizes and industries. Round Solutions creates
three different tools based on international standards. the necessary technological preconditions for developing
The tools target architects/system engineers, developers, new IoT-based business models - such as for applica-
and testers. tions within Industry 4.0.

www.pragmadev.com www.roundsolutions.biz


Are you looking for sharp improve- Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente

ments in the quality of your static GmbH is third largest distributor in
analysis code? Congratulations, you Europe and the number eleven world-
have just found the missing part of wide. The broadline distributor offers
the puzzle! Become more productive and skilled through PRQA static anal- semiconductors, passive and electromechanical components in addition to
ysis solutions! We are specialised in static analysis products and services, boards, storage, displays & wireless products. The company’s primary target
promoting safe coding standards practices. markets are the automotive, medical, industrial, home
appliance, energy and lighting industries.

www.programmingresearch.com www.rutronik.com

Renesas Electronics SE Spezial-Electronic

As a semiconductor manufacturer, we SE Spezial-Electronic AG, founded in

strive to be the first to meet the needs 1970, is an internationally operating
of our customers worldwide with the distributor of electronic components.
aim of becoming one of their most With 31 suppliers of active, passive
trusted partners.To develop a safe, secure, comfortable and eco-friendly soci- and electromechanical components,
ety, Renesas offers three layers of solutions to provide optimal services with SE Spezial-Electronic is one of the leading service distributors in Europe. We
added value for customers in our three focus domains: offer an extensive selection of logistics services and we
Automotive, Industrial/HE and OA/ICT. support customers in developing and manufacturing

www.renesas.eu www.spezial.com

July 2016 38
Yellow Pages 2016 - Company Profiles

SECO Solid Sands

SECO is a world-leader in electronic embed- Solid Sands is based in Amsterdam,

ded solutions. Spanning its 35+ years of the Netherlands. Our mission is to
experience, SECO has shown the ability to improve the quality of C and C++
adapt its know-how to new, challenging compilers, and their safe and secure
customers’ needs, and to provide cutting edge solutions to its partners. On use by providing the best possible compiler validation suite. Due to the
the strength of its know-how and in contrast with recent outsourcing trends, close relationship with the SuperTest users, their feedback on our updates
SECO has always set the entire production cycle in-house, and suggestions on how to improve, we continuously
from the development stage to mass distribution expand and renew SuperTest.

www.seco.com www.solidsands.nl


SEGGER Microcontroller develops and Since 1991, SYSGO provides operat-

distributes hardware and software devel- ing systems and services for embed-
opment tools as well as software compo- ded systems. In the late 90’s, SYSGO
nents for embedded systems. SEGGER’s pioneered the use of Linux in the
intention is to cut software development time for embedded applications embedded market with the ELinOS distribution. For safety and security crit-
by offering affordable, high quality, flexible and easy-to-use tools and soft- ical devices, SYSGO offers PikeOS, the world’s first SIL 4 certified hypervisor
ware components allowing developers to focus on their for multi-core processors, which builds the foundation
applications. for smart devices in the Internet-of-Things.

www.segger.com www.sysgo.com

S.I.E System Industrie Electronic Syslogic

System Industrie Electronic is a lead- Syslogic supplies industrial computers

ing supplier of Embedded Computing embedded PCs, single board comput-
Systems and modular HMI systems. The ers and touch panel computers for
range of services offered by S.I.E arrays demanding industrial use. These are
from modular HMI-components to the whole developmental responsibil- used in areas such as machining and automotive engineering as well as
ity of an embedded computing system – everything from a single source. traffic and train technology. Syslogic is one of the few companies in the
Well-known companies in medical, analytical-, bio- & embedded branch that develops and assembles all of its
laboratory, industrial and security markets count on S.I.E embedded computers and touch panel computers itself.
in high-end-products.

www.sie.at www.syslogic.de

Sierra Wireless Texas Instruments

Sierra Wireless offer leading end-to- Texas Instruments (TI) semiconductor

end solutions for the Internet of Things innovations help more than 100,000
and provide the most comprehensive customers unlock the possibilities
portfolio 2G, 3G, and 4G embedded of the world as it could be – smarter,
modules and gateways, seamlessly integrated with our secure cloud and safer, greener, healthier and more fun. Our commitment to building a better
connectivity services. OEMs and enterprises worldwide trust our innova- future is ingrained in everything we do – from the responsible manufactur-
tive solutions to get their connected products and ser- ing of our semiconductors, to caring for our employees,
vices to market faster. to giving back inside our communities. This is just the
beginning of our story.

www.sierrawireless.com www.ti.com

39 July 2016
Yellow Pages 2016 - Company Profiles

TME (Transfer Multisort Elektronik) WIBU-SYSTEMS

TME (Transfer Multisort Elektronik) is one of WIBU-SYSTEMS AG is a technology

the biggest distributors of electronic, electro- leader in the global software licensing
mechanical, industrial automatic components market. In its mission to deliver unique,
and workplace equipment in Europe. TME most secure and highly flexible tech-
has more than 550 employees. TME supplies nologies to software publishers and industrial manufacturers, Wibu-Systems
thousands of companies in 128 countries and has developed a comprehensive, award-winning suite of hardware- and
sends 3200 packages a day. Among 170.000 products software-based solutions incorporating internationally
in our offer, you will find goods manufactured by the patented processes dedicated to the integrity protection
majority of significant electronic components producers. of digital assets and intellectual property.

www.tme.eu www.wibu.com

TQ-Group Wind River

Based on technologically sophisticated designs, Wind River, a wholly owned subsidiary

TQ-Group provides highly-integrated, Embedded of Intel Corporation, is a global leader
Systems, such as: Minimodules, Mainboards, Evaluation in delivering software for the Internet
boards, Ready-to-use industrial systems and Customer of Things. The company has been pio-
specific solutions. Modular designs save time and neering computing inside embedded devices since 1981, and its technology
money. In many industrial sectors, the use of modular is found in more than 2 billion products. Wind River offers a comprehensive
devices is key to efficiency. portfolio of solutions for addressing the system-level
challenges and opportunities of IoT.

www.tq-group.com/ www.windriver.com

Trinamic WITTENSTEIN high integrity systems

Based in Hamburg, Germany, TRINAMIC WITTENSTEIN high integrity systems

provides integrated Circuits and Mod- is an RTOS and Middleware company
ules for Motor and Motion Control to that specialises in safety, producing
customers all over the world, most of and supplying Real-time Operating
them leaders in their Industry. Systems and Software Components to the Medical, Aerospace and Industrial
sectors. WITTENSTEIN high integrity systems developed the first pre-certified
RTOS to be ROM’ed in a main line microprocessor.

www.trinamic.com www.highintegritysystems.com

Vecow Xilinx

Vecow, a team of embedded comput- Xilinx is the world’s leading provider

ing experts, dedicates to designing, of All Programmable FPGAs, SoCs,
developing, producing and selling MPSoCs and 3D ICs, enabling smarter,
industrial grade computer products. connected, and differentiated systems
Vecow offers Fanless Systems, Panel PCs, In-Vehicle Computing Systems, and networks. Driven by the industry-wide shifts towards Cloud Comput-
Expansion Modules, Mainboards and Design & Manufacturing Services for ing, SDN/NFV, Video Everywhere, Embedded Vision, Industrial IoT, and 5G
Machine Vision, Video Analytics Surveillance, Intelligent Wireless, Xilinx innovations enable these applications
Automation, Vehicle Computing, Industry 4.0 and IoT that are both, software defined, yet hardware optimized.

www.vecow.com www.xilinx.com

July 2016 40
Yellow Pages 2016 - Product Groups Reference List

Small Form Factor Boards & COMs

Backplanes, Racks & Connectors

SBCs, Busboards & Mezzanines
Real Time Operating Systems

Embedded Connectivity
Development Tools HW
Development Tools SW

Embedded Computing

Industrial Computing

Engineering Services
Embedded Software

ASSPs & Memories



Data Acquisition
Analog & Power
Micros & DSPs


• • • • • • • • •
DSP Systeme
AAEON Technology • • • • • • • • • • •
ACCEED • • • • • • • • • • • •
Acromag • • • • • • •
AdaCore • • • • •
ADL Embedded
• • • • • • • • • • •
ADLINK Technology • • • • • • • •
AMP • • • • • •
Apacer • • • • • •
ARBOR Technology • • • • • •
Artila Electronics • • • • • • • • • • • •
ATP Electronics • • • • •
Avalue Technology • • • • • • • • •
Axiomtek • • • • • • • •
Cadence Design
• • • • •
CES • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • •
congatec • • • • • • • •
Data Modul • • • • • • •
E.E.P.D. • • • • •
EKF Elektronik • • • • •
ELBACOM Germany • • • • • •
Elma Electronic • • • • •
Embedded Office • • • •
embedded-logic • • • • • •
ept • • • • •
ERNI Electronics • • •
ETAS • • • • • •
EUROS • • • • • • •
Express Logic • • • • •

Frobas • • •
GrammaTech • • • • •
Green Hills Software • • • • • •

41 July 2016
Yellow Pages 2016 - Product Groups Reference List

Small Form Factor Boards & COMs

Backplanes, Racks & Connectors

SBCs, Busboards & Mezzanines
Real Time Operating Systems

Embedded Connectivity
Development Tools HW
Development Tools SW

Embedded Computing

Industrial Computing

Engineering Services
Embedded Software

ASSPs & Memories



Data Acquisition
Analog & Power
Micros & DSPs


HCC-Embedded • • •
Hyperstone • • • •
IAR Systems • • • • •
IBASE Technology • • • • • • • •
Infineon • • • • • •
iSYSTEM • • • • • • • • •
Kontron • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Lauterbach • • • • • • •
LDRA • • •
LieberLieber Software • • • • •
Logic Technology • • • • • • • •
Lynx Software • • • •
MathWorks • • • • • •
MEN Mikro Elektronik • • • • • • • • • • •
MicroSys Electronics • • • • • • • • •
Mouser Electronics • • • • • • • • • • •
N.A.T. • • • • • • • • •
Neousys Technology • •
PEAK-System Technik • • • • •
Phaedrus Systems • • • • •
PLS • • • • •
PLUG-IN Electronic • • • • • • • • •
PragmaDev • • • •
PRQA • • •
Renesas • • • • • • •
Rohde & Schwarz • • •
Round Solutions • • • •
RUTRONIK • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
S.I.E • • • • • • • • • • •
SE Spezial-Electronic • • • • • • • •
SECO • • • • • • • • • •
SEGGER • • • • • •
Sierra Wireless • • • •
Solid Sands • • •
SYSGO • • • • • • • •
Syslogic • • • • • • • • •

July 2016 42
Yellow Pages 2016 - Product Groups Reference List

Small Form Factor Boards & COMs

Backplanes, Racks & Connectors

SBCs, Busboards & Mezzanines
Real Time Operating Systems

Embedded Connectivity
Development Tools HW
Development Tools SW

Embedded Computing

Industrial Computing

Engineering Services
Embedded Software

ASSPs & Memories



Data Acquisition
Analog & Power
Micros & DSPs


TenAsys • • • • • •
Texas Instruments • • • • • • • •
TME • • • • • • •
TQ-Group • • • • • • • • •
Trinamic • • • • • • • • •
Vecow • • • • • • • •
WIBU-SYSTEMS • • • • • • • •
Wind River • • • • • • • •
Xilinx • • • • •
XiSys Software • • • • • •

Product News
„„ & Schwarz launches (MADK). The compact and flexible evaluation SuperTest compiler test and validation suite,
Scope in Space competition system provides a scalable design platform for announced that it has chosen Fuji Setsubi as
Rohde & Schwarz launched a competition to 3-phase motor drives in the range from 20 to distributor in Japan. Fuji Setsubi is a profes-
find the most innovative use for its recently 300W. It includes controller and power boards sional company that understands the embed-
announced R&S Scope Rider, the rugged por- – sensor-less or optionally with sensors. Using ded markets, their development and the
table oscilloscope with lab performance. Ten the kit, a full functioning motor system will technology required to support industry lead-
shortlisted entrants will each receive a GoPro be running in less than one hour, enabling ing tools. In Japan, the demand for functional
Hero4 silver camera to make a video of their fast time to market. Designers only need a safety requirements in industries like automo-
idea, and the overall winner will receive a few steps to run the motor: plug the cards into tive and aerospace grows. SuperTest can sup-
R&S Scope Rider. To start the event, Rohde their PC, motor and grid, download, install port these as well as those posed on compiler
& Schwarz launched a R&S Scope Rider into and parameterize the software. tools and their libraries by the latest develop-
space. After a flight of two and a half hours News ID 4170 ments in software security.
at up to 32km in temperatures of -60°C, the News ID 4270
instrument was still fully operational. „„GrammaTech: CodeSonar 4.1 certified for
News ID 4235 use in developing safety-critical software Pragma
„„ Dev: testing listed once
GrammaTech announced that CodeSonar, the again as main upcoming topic
„„EVT: EyeVision for in-line con- company’s static analysis software, has again PragmaDev’s latest survey on modeling and
trol of bio markers been certified for use in the development of testing technologies indicates that test, system
The EyeVision is an image processing soft- safety-critical software. SGS TÜV Saar GmbH modeling, and software modeling are the top
ware, which can be used for various different deemed CodeSonar 4.1 certifiable according upcoming topics for develoment teams. Most
application, such as e.g. the in-line control of to the ISO 26262, IEC 61508, AND EN 50128 popular modeling technologies are in decreas-
bio markers. The situation at a customer was international standards, which define the ing order UML, Matlab, SysML, and VHDL.
as follows: a machine applies the bio marker functional safety of electronics within indus-
with the help of a capillary (those black spots trial applications, automotive systems, medi- In line with last years results the survey indi-
as seen on the images) onto a glass plate. cal devices, and railway applications. cates a substantial decrease in UML and Mat-
News ID 4275 News ID 4274 lab usage. The survey also confirms UML and
SysML models are mainly informal, Matlab
„„ launches iMotion kit for Solid
„„ Sands expands into models are mostly used for simulation, and
fast and easy motor drive design Japanese market SDL models are mainly used for code gener-
At PCIM, Infineon Technologies launches Solid Sands, a leader in compiler and library ation.
its iMotion Modular Application Design Kit testing and validation and supplier of the News ID 4179

43 July 2016
Product News

� & Schwarz validates RF Keysight: 10
� GS/s, DC coupled, errant threads.
conformance tests for LTE band 10-bit PCIe high-speed digitizer News ID 4165
14 public safety networks Keysight Technologies launched the U5310A
Rohde & Schwarz has validated six RF con- 10-bit PCIe high-speed digitizer running at 10 Green
� Hills: multivisor virtual-
formance test cases for LTE-capable high- GS/s. With its very-high dynamic range and ization solutions for Renesas’
power user equipment (HPUE), allowing the 10-bit resolution across a wide 2.5 GHz band- 3rd gen R-Car H3 SoC
certification of such devices to start. The R&S width, the high-speed digitizer allows the cap- Green Hills Software has announced the
TS8980 test system is the first and so far only ture of fast transients with high fidelity. immediate availability of its safe and secure
test system that covers these tests for LTE News ID 4234 INTEGRITY RTOS and INTEGRITY Multiv-
band 14 public safety networks. With this isor virtualization solutions for Renesas’ R-Car
accomplishment, Rohde & Schwarz is paving Rogue Wave
� enhances support for CentOS H3 SoC, the first member of the third-gener-
the way for LTE’s expansion into critical com- Rogue Wave Software announce their ation R-Car automotive computing platform.
munication applications. increased commitment to supporting the Green Hills Software delivered the embedded
News ID 4260 CentOS open source software package. Since industry’s first 64-bit secure virtualization
the August 2013 acquisition of OpenLogic, solution last year, a platform that was partially
� announces binary Rogue Wave has supported CentOS, along developed with the specific capabilities of the
analysis support for ARM with other top OSS enterprise packages. The R-Car H3 in mind.
GrammaTech announced expansion of new commitment to CentOS means support News ID 4126
CodeSonar’s static analysis engine to include opportunities will now come with hotfixes
binary analysis for ARM, the dominant pro- and patches, which will directly benefit the Silicon
� Labs: USB Type-C reference
cessor of the Internet of Things. CodeSonar is entire CentOS community. design gives developers a running start
the only commercially-available static analysis News ID 4252 Silicon Labs has introduced a comprehensive
tool on the market to provide binary analysis, reference design that reduces the cost and
allowing engineering teams to analyze appli- Cadence
� expands collaboration complexity of developing cables and cable
cation software, middleware, and firmware. with ARM to accelerate custom adapters based on the USB Type-C specifica-
News ID 4282 SoC and IoT system designs tion. Silicon Labs’ new USB Type-C reference
Cadence Design Systems announced the design features cost-effective, ultra-low-power
SEGGER: debug
� technology for STM32 industry’s first complete hosted end-to- EFM8 microcontrollers, USB Power Delivery
Nucleo & Discovery MCU boards end solution to enable designers to acceler- protocol stacks certified by the USB-IF, and
SEGGER has now introduced J-Link firmware ate their custom SoC and Internet of Things USB Billboard Device source code.
for the embedded ST-LINK on STM32 Nucleo, design process using ARM Cortex-M proces- News ID 4229
STM32 Discovery and other microcontroller sors. This offering accelerates mixed-signal
unit evaluation boards from STMicroelec- SoC design for IoT, incorporating the ARM Renesas: reference
� design supports
tronics. This brings the proven reliability and IoT Subsystem for Cortex-M processors and traffic in 100-Gb class
industry-leading performance of SEGGER’s Cadence’s interface IP and unified mixed-sig- Renesas Electronics announced a packet
J-Link debug technology to these items of nal implementation solution, now optimized header search reference design for 100
hardware, thereby leading to more efficient specifically for Cortex-M cores. Gb communications devices such as rout-
development processes. News ID 4246 ers, switches, and servers. The reference
News ID 4157 design is comprised of the LLDRAM-III
� News 2016 explains (RMHE41A364AGBG) power-efficient,
Cadence: Rapid Adoption
� Kits for ARM how simulation specialists bring low-latency memory (LLDRAM), proprietary
Cortex-A73 CPU and ARM Mali-G71 GPU multiphysics to everyone exact-match search IP, and LLDRAM-III con-
Cadence Design Systems announced the COMSOL has published the latest edition of troller IP on an FPGA device, and develop-
availability of a Rapid Adoption Kit (RAK) COMSOL News, the company’s annual mul- ment support tools.
based on the ARM internal flow used for the tiphysics journal reporting on its custom- News ID 4334
design of the ARM Cortex-A73 Central Pro- ers innovative applications. The 2016 edition
cessing Unit and the ARM Mali-G71 GPU focuses on simulation specialists bringing Vector
� Informatik: model-based wiring
that is geared toward enhancing virtual reality multiphysics to everyone so companies can harness development with PREEvision
and augmented reality experiences on 2017 easily develop, clearly communicate and read- The wiring harness is considered to be one of
flagship mobile devices. ily distribute designs across teams and client the most expensive and difficult individual
News ID 4226 bases. parts of the electrical/electronic architecture.
News ID 4172 Vector’s development tool PREEvision allows
� Informatik: efficient devel- its physical attributes to be completely mod-
opment of multi-sensor applications SEGGER: fail-safe
� solution for next elled. It describes the complexity of current
For the development of algorithms for driver generation embedded systems cabling systems with diagrams, takes details
assistance systems and automated driving, the SEGGER is enabling engineers to add higher into account and makes the entire structure
new vADASdeveloper Version 2.0 offers com- degrees of security to their designs with its easily understandable.
prehensive support. With Vector’s software latest product offering. embOS-MPU is a News ID 4320
tool, ADAS developers have a complete solu- new variant of the company’s zero interrupt
tion at their disposal, ranging from multi-sen- latency real-time operating system (RTOS) Keysight: BenchVue
� 3.5 update
sor data recording to quick visualization of that is optimized for minimal memory uti- advances interaction with
results. Even algorithm development along lization. It uses the memory protection unit instruments and entire bench
with implementation in simulation and test- (MPU) or memory management unit (MMU) Keysight Technologies announced the latest
ing systems can be realized in this way. capabilities of the microcontroller to protect release of its BenchVue software; an intuitive,
News ID 4232 a system from the potential harm posed by easy-to-use platform for the PC. BenchVue

July 2016 44
Product News

provides multiple-instrument measurement ing their favorite operating environment. The

applications, data capture and solution appli- STM32 development tools for the OS X oper-
cations, without the need for instrument pro- ating system support the complete embedded
gramming. BenchVue 3.5 further enhancies design flow and comprise the STM32CubeMX
test automation for basic sequences. graphical configuration tool and System
News ID 4302 Workbench for STM32 including the drivers
that enable direct use of ST debugging and
SEGGER: emUSB-device
� add-on programming probes. The tools are easy to
enables internet connectivity install and use, as OS X users have come to
and virtual networking expect from their equipment.
SEGGER introduces the new add-on CDC- News ID 4191
ECM for its emUSB-Device stack to provide
Ethernet connections via USB.Fully com- Mouser
� stocking Kinetis KL8x MCU
pliant with the CDC-ECM class, the new family plus development tools
emUSB-Device CDC-ECM is a comprehen- Mouser Electronics is now stocking the KL8x
sive out-of-the-box solution for connecting family of Kinetis L Series microcontrollers
with Mac and Linux platforms (complement- from NXP. These ultra-low-power micro-
ing SEGGER’s existing emUSB-Device RNDIS controllers combine the exceptional energy
solution for Windows hosts). efficiency and ease-of-use of the ARM Cor-
News ID 4203 tex-M0+ core with the performance, periph-
eral sets, enablement, and scalability of the
XiSys: hybrid
� server combines local Kinetis 32-bit microcontroller portfolio.
graphics engine with Web visualization News ID 4137
IoT and Industry 4.0 require new approaches
to operate machines. In addition to local Digi-Key
� expand ARM partnership
human machine interfaces at the machine, for full global distribution
web based services to manage and survey Global electronic components distributor
functions remotely are a key ingredient to Digi-Key Electronics have expanded their dis-
move forward in industrial automation appli- tribution engagement with ARM to include all
cations. Fast reliable and secure communi- of Asia.In addition to expanding the reach of
cation infrastructures, established browser the partnership, ARM’s new Keil MDK Ver-
technology and smart devices are the founda- sion 5.20 is now available through Digi-Key.
tion for location independent man machine News ID 4202
News ID 4210 Infineon: easy
� entry into digital power
control with XMC microcontrollers
Microchip: evaluation
� kits for Infineon Technologies and Würth Elektronik
Low-Power Wide-Area Networks eiSos present an easy and affordable entry into
Microchip announces availability of the digital power control applications. The Digital
industry’s first complete LoRa technology Power Explorer Kit was developed for analog
evaluation kits. The new kits provide custom- power supply designers and embedded soft-
ers with all the components required to create ware programmers to help them better under-
a Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) stand and implement the capabilities of digital
for North America in the 915 MHz band power control based on standard microcon-
(DV164140-2), or for Europe in the 868 MHz trollers.
band (DV164140-1). News ID 4178
News ID 4212
� shipping TI’s MSP430FR263x/
Lynx: certifiable
� software platform for FR253x MCUs with CapTIvate touch tech
airborne wind energy generation system Mouser Electronics is now stocking the MSP-
Lynx Software Technologies has been selected 430FR263x/MSP430FR253x mixed-signal
as the software platform for Ampyx Power. microcontrollers from Texas Instruments.
Ampyx Power is developing an Airborne These ultra-low power Ferroelectric RAM
Wind Energy system with a PowerPlane, a microcontrollers feature CapTIvate touch
tethered aircraft that converts wind into eco- technology for buttons, sliders, wheels, and
nomical green electricity. proximity applications. The microcontrol-
News ID 4143 lers also include a high-performance 10 bit
analog-to-digital converter as well as a 32-bit
� extends free tools for STM32 hardware multiplier for math-intensive oper-
microcontrollers across main ations.
PC operating systems News ID 4177
STMicroelectronics has made its free develop-
ment tools for STM32 microcontrollers avail- Renesas
� simplifies industrial drives
able to Mac computer users, who can now and robotics systems development
easily create embedded designs without leav- Renesas Electronics announces the availabil-

45 July 2016
Product News

ity of a new reference solution focused on News ID 4288 family with streamlined dual-core devices
high-performance, real-time motion control Xilinx has added streamlined dual-core mem-
applications equipped with the Renesas RZ/ Yamaichi: host
� and plug connector bers to the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC family
T1 microprocessor. The RZ/T1 motion con- system transmits 56Gbps per channel of devices. The new dual-core “CG” family
trol solution kit delivers a complete hardware/ Yamaichi Electronics has developed a new members expand the Zynq MPSoC port-
software solution to help simplify embedded CFP2 56Gbps host and plug connector sys- folio scalability, to include dual application
development for industrial servo drives and tem. It is mainly used for Analogue Coherent and real-time processor combinations. These
controllers, industrial robotic systems, fac- Optics Modules or CFP2 modules requiring dual-core devices add processing scalability at
tory equipment, and other machine tools that reliable high-speed performance. This con- a lower cost entry point to the current Zynq
require high speed, responsiveness, and excel- nector system is able to support applications UltraScale+ family, which offers quad ARM
lent real-time performance. using 25Gbps x 10 channels or 50Gbps x 4 Cortex-A53s, dual Cortex-R5s, a graphics
News ID 4259 channels etc. processing unit, and a video codec unit.
News ID 4266 News ID 4269
� becomes distributor
partner for Adesto ADI: sigma-delta A/D
� converters u-blox: UDR
� receiver in
Transfer Multisort Elektronik has become a improve signal quality monitoring smallest form-factor
distribution partner for ADESTO – a company Analog Devices introduced a series of 24-bit u-blox announces availability of its miniature
from the United States. ADESTO Company, simultaneous sampling sigma-delta A/D Untethered Dead Reckoning receiver EVA-
established in 2007, is a leading manufacturer converters for wide-bandwidth, high-den- M8E. Measuring merely 7 x 7 mm, the EVA-
of non-volatile Flash memories with serial sity instrumentation, energy and healthcare M8E is the perfect positioning component
interface, made in CBRAM technology (Con- equipment. The new AD7768 series includes for small-sized vehicle trackers. It provides
ductive Bridging RAM). Memories manufac- a power scalable modulator and digital filter untethered dead-reckoning performance
tured by ADESTO are characterised by low on each channel to enable the synchronized, without any electrical connection to the vehi-
power consumption and very fast write speed. precise measurement of both ac and dc signals cle, using low cost inertial sensors.
Due to this fact they have various applications, in instrumentation applications, including News ID 4307
e.g. they can be used in industrial electron- modular data acquisition, audio test, and asset
ics, consumer electronics, devices connected condition monitoring. Xilinx: SmartConnect
� in newest
to the Internet of Things as well as in wear- News ID 4251 Vivado Design Suite solves system
able devices and all kinds of battery-powered interconnect bottlenecks
devices. Silicon
� Labs: flexible clocking solution Xilinx announced the 2016.1 release of the
News ID 4335 for 100G/400G transceivers applications Vivado Design Suite HLx Editions, with exten-
Silicon Labs has introduced a family of sions to the SmartConnect technology, deliv-
� acquires CCMOSS to become jitter-attenuating clocks that simplifies ering unprecedented levels of performance for
leader in gas and infrared sensing 100G/400G coherent optical line card and the UltraScale and UltraScale+ device portfo-
ams has signed an agreement to acquire 100% module design by providing a high-frequency, lios. In the 2016.1 release, Vivado Design Suite
of the shares in Cambridge CMOS Sensors flexible clocking solution that significantly includes extensions to the SmartConnect
(CCMOSS), the technology leader in micro reduces system-level cost and complexity. technology, solving the system interconnect
hotplate structures for gas sensing and infra- Silicon Labs’ new Si534xH coherent optical bottlenecks on high density, multi-million
red applications, in an all-cash transaction. clocks replace discrete timing solutions that system logic cell designs.
CCMOSS’ micro hotplates are MEMS struc- rely on expensive, large-footprint voltage-con- News ID 4140
tures that are used in gas sensors for volume trolled SAW oscillators to provide low-jitter
applications in the automotive, industrial, reference timing for data converters. DDC
� acquires Maxwell Microelectronics
medical, and consumer markets. News ID 4153 Data Device Corporation has expanded its
News ID 4273 space market capabilities and product offering
� introduces new Universal with the acquisition of the Microelectronics
Wibu-Systems: new
� CodeMeter Network Zone System group from Maxwell Technologies. Max-
ASIC for PCBs Panduit expands the Network Zone System well is a leading developer and manufacturer
Wibu-Systems introduces the new CodeMe- offering with the launch of its new Universal of innovative, cost-effective, space-qualified
ter ASIC, the most compact form factor of Network Zone System, providing rapid and microelectronics solutions for satellites and
its CodeMeter product lineup, at this year‘s reliable deployment of Industrial Ethernet spacecrafts.
Hannover Messe. Manufacturers can solder networks between the enterprise and plant News ID 4158
and embed this component directly onto their floor with maximum design flexibility. Engi-
PCBs, and deliver software protection, licens- neered with Panduit best practices and meet- ADI: optical
� sensor improves reliability
ing, and security features all at once. This ing UL 508A, Type 4/12 or 4X, IP66 and CE, of gesture recognition applications
ASIC is particularly recommended for small the Universal Network Zone System offers Analog Devices announced an optical sen-
devices or embedded boards; medical and improved network safety and reliability. sor for gesture recognition, which improves
measuring devices are among the top areas of News ID 4296 sensing accuracy and reliability over existing
application that can benefit immediately from solutions by measuring a subject’s position,
the space saved in their board designs. Xilinx
� broadens Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC proximity, and gestures from a single sensor.

M ore information about each news is available on

You just have to type in the “News ID“. —

July 2016 46
Product News

News ID 4295 orating on the specification for the new Cache Coherent Interconnect
for Accelerators (CCIX).
Maxim: digital
� isolators provide robust galvanic isolation News ID 4214
Designers can save space and achieve more flexible designs with the
MAX14933 and MAX14937 two-channel, bi-directional digital iso- Maxim: MIMO
� linearizer paves the way for
lators from Maxim Integrated Products. They transfer digital signals greener network deployments
between circuits in both directions and provide complete galvanic iso- Designers can now achieve lower power, cost, and size of the RF front-
lation between two power domains, all while using fewer components end with the SC2200 dual-channel RF power amplifier linearizer from
to save board space. Maxim Integrated Products. The linearizer enables power amplifiers to
News ID 4239 consume up to 70% less power compared to operation in back-off. In
addition, it reduces the bill of materials cost by up to 50%, and is up to
� Integrations: gate driver ICs combine rein- 8x smaller than other digital pre-distortion solutions on the market.
forced isolation with up to 8 A of current drive News ID 4198
Power Integrations announced a family of galvanically isolated sin-
gle-channel gate driver ICs � RUTRONIK: new CFast
ranging in output current card range from Swissbit
from 2.5 A to 8 A – the indus- Rutronik presents Swiss-
try’s highest output current bit’s extension to the existing
without an external booster. F-60/F-600 CFast 2.0 card
SCALE-iDriver ICs, opti- portfolio, named F-50 series.
mized for driving both IGBTs This new F-50 series deliv-
and MOSFETs, are the first ers up to 500/330MB/s read/
products to bring Power Inte- write performance for cost
grations’ pioneering FluxLink sensitive applications. The
magneto-inductive bi-di- new F-50 products comple-
rectional communications ment the high performance,
technology to 1200 V driver high endurance durabit F-60
applications. FluxLink tech- devices by offering a DRAM-
nology eliminates the need less product for cost sensitive
for unreliable opto-electron- applications with use cases
ics and the associated com- that don’t require the extreme
pensation circuitry, thereby IOPS rate and endurance life
enhancing operational sta- delivered by F-60 cards.
bility while reducing system News ID 4326
News ID 4181 � Sierra Wireless enables
vehicle network for
Innodisk: new
� generation first responders, field
M.2 LAN card provides services and transit
dual Gigabit Ethernet Sierra Wireless announced
Innodisk launches a new gen- availability of the AirLink
eration M.2 LAN card. M.2 MP70, an LTE-Advanced
(known as the NGFF - Next (LTE-A) vehicle router for
Generation Form Factor) is a new generation of specifications for mission critical applications in public safety, transit and field services.
embedded extensions designed to support PCIe and USB 3.0 interface. Today’s mobile workforce needs to connect more technology in and
High-speed bandwidth comes as a standard specification of mini-STX around their vehicles to enhance safety and responsiveness.
and NUC. It may be used on type 2280, 2260 and other various modules. News ID 4197
News ID 4196
Langer: interference
� suppression on direct-
Innodisk: DDR4
� Mini DIMM series DRAM current motor controlled by PWM
aimed at communications applications Langer EMV-Technik has released a practical EMC tip on using the line
Innodisk introduces a brand new DDR4 Mini DIMM DRAM that impedance stabilisation network / RF current transformer and CS-ESA
is fully compliant with ATCA. Featuring a 228 pin (a mere 0.72” in software. Emission measurements is taking place with the NNB 21 line
height) and a capacity of up to 16GB, it is simply the best choice for impedance stabilization network or HFW 21 RF current transformer
small, high-speed, large-capacity storage devices. Innodisk uses orig- and the ChipScan-ESA software for spectrum analyzers from Langer.
inal ICs in DDR4 Mini DIMM and has upgraded the transfer speed News ID 4139
up to 2400MHz. Its ECC modules are designed to detect and correct
single-bit errors that may occur during data storage and transmission. Microchip: Bluetooth
� low energy solutions
News ID 4174 with embedded scripting capability
Microchip announces two next-generation Bluetooth Low Energy solu-
� collaborates with technology leaders on tions with an easy-to-use ASCII-style command interface that makes
Cache Coherent Interconnect for Accelerators the devices easy to configure and eliminates any complicated code com-
Advanced Micro Devices, Huawei, IBM, Mellanox, Qualcomm Tech- piling. The RN4870 and RN4871 support the latest Bluetooth 4.2 spec-
nologies and Xilinx have joined forces to bring a high-performance ification and have a Bluetooth stack on board with a scripting engine
open acceleration framework to data centers. The companies are collab- to enable standalone operation and eliminate microcontroller use for

47 July 2016
Product News

simple applications. These next-generation analog output channels, four isolated dig- for use on both custom and open standard
Bluetooth devices enable fast time to market ital input and two channels of relay and one based carriers, including VPX and VME. XP
and improve the total manufacturing cost.The 1-wire interface for temperature or humidity B5x/msd is intended for use in long life-cycle
RN4870 and RN4871 devices deliver up to 2.5 sensors. applications within the industrial, scientific,
times data throughput improvement over pre- News ID 4331 defence and aerospace markets, including
vious generation products based on the Blue- environments needing rugged solutions.
tooth 4.0 standard. AAEON
� expands extended News ID 4171
News ID 4298 temperature product lineup
AAEON is adding extended temperature sup- acceed: new
� Matrix-700 Box
MEN: legacy
� and high-speed port to a wider array of embedded boards PC series with Linux 3.18.x
on a single board across all form factors and platforms. AAE- The new Matrix-700 from Artila is now also
The interface board G229 supports up to three ON’s Extended Temperature support, also available in Europe from the independent
USB 3.0 ports, one RS232 and one RS422/485 known as WiTAs, is divided into two cate- distributor acceed. The compact industry
interface and a m.2 interface. This way, it can gories that are determined by temperature controller is available in two versions: with
be used to complete the number of legacy range: WiTAS 1 for temperatures between -20 integrated WLAN including an aerial and
interfaces as well as for connection of state-of- to 70°C and WiTAS 2 for -40 to 85°C. With without WLAN. In any case, the drivers are
the-art high-speed interconnects within a sys- the implementation of WiTAS, products are pre-installed and trouble-free retrofitting with
tem. For data storage or as a boot medium, the made to withstand harsher and more extreme a simple WLAN USB stick is always possible.
G229 enables a fast boot of the system’s CPU environments. The new Matrix-700 is supplied with Cor-
via the m.2 slot, which supports NVMe and tex-A5 CPU and the current Linux architec-
PCIe connection. ture (kernel 3.18.x).
News ID 4321 Apacer: industrial-grade
� R1-series News ID 4213
microSD/SD memory cards
� and 3.5 In light of the stringent storage require- ARBOR: compact
� fanless controller with
COMMELL has launched three new embed- ments of IoT on different domains of auto- maximum flexibility of inputs and outputs
ded boards, LV-67P (mini-ITX), LP-176 (Pico- mation applications, Apacer has launched ARBOR introduces new series of embedded
ITX) and LE-37F (3.5-inch Miniboard) with the industrial-grade storage solution for fanless controller with Intel Bay-Trail SoC
Braswell processor, a multicore SoC based massive amounts of small data – microSD/ platform for various applications from digi-
on a new microarchitecture manufactured SD R1 memory cards. The dual assurances of tal signage to industrial automation. ARES-
on Intel’s tri-gate 14nm process. The LV-67P, selected chips and customized firmware ser- 1230 has been designed as an ultra-compact
LP-176 and LE-37F are equipped with Intel vice provide customers with stable quality that Boc PC, in order to be easily integrated in a
Pentium Quad-core N3710 or Atom Quad- is highly reliable and optimized. tiny space environment. Measuring only 180
core X5-E8000 (which TDP just 6W or 5W), News ID 4225 X 130 mm and weighing less than 1 kg, the
These motherboards support DDR3L memory ARES-1230 fits virtually anywhere and can
up to 8GB, These platforms are based on Intel Vecow: Skylake
� expandable even serve as part of numerous HMI solu-
HD Graphics up to 4k resolution that provides fanless Embedded system tions. Based on the quad-core Intel N2930
high-end media and graphics capabilities with Vecow launches her latest embedded elite with processor and supporting up to 8 GB DDR3L
up to three independent displays to support 6th Gen Intel Xeon processor, ECS-9700/ 9600 SO-DIMM memory, it also has a flexible I/O
LVDS, HDMI and one DP port or VGA. Series Fanless Embedded System. Powered by module design.
News ID 4318 Quad Core 6th Gen Intel Xeon/ Core proces- News ID 4281
sor (Skylake), fanless -25 to 70°C operating
ARBOR: 8-inch
� RISC-based Android temperature, all-in-one integrated features, ARBOR: ultra-thin
� RISC-based Panel
IoT-800 Panel PC with ARM Cortex A9 multiple I/O connection, user-friendly, smart PC with 5-inch LCD display
ARBOR Technology has launched the IoT- manageability, excellent system performance ARBOR has announced the IOT-500 as a
800 to complement its growing product lineup & mobile availability, 6V to 36V power input new addition to its ultra-slim series of indus-
of slim, small form-factor Panel PCs. Coming with 80V surge protection, ignition power trial Panel PC products. The compact, light-
just months after the introduction of ARBOR’s control, intelligent circus protection and rug- weight 5” IOT-500 is a RISC-based Panel PC
IoT-500 5-inch Panel PC, the larger IoT-800 ged reliability in harsh environments, Vecow that offers low power without compromising
provides customers additional versatility and ECS-9700/ 9600 Series Fanless Embedded performance and features. Based on a highly
flexibility to meet the needs of a wide range of System is your superb choices for Machine energy-efficient dual-core ARM Cortex-A7
industrial applications. Vision, Factory Automation, Robot Control, processor and the Android 5.1 “Lollipop”
News ID 4314 Smart Manufacturing, Mobile DVR/ NVR, operating system, the IOT-500 supports flex-
Intelligent Surveillance, Industry 4.0 and any ible I/O connectivity and multiple commu-
Artila: C
� programmable I/O Internet of Thing performance driven real- nications, making it a smart way for users to
controller module time embedded computing applications. interact with the Internet of Things.
Artila Electronics release RIO-2015PG, the News ID 4173 News ID 4164
new FreeRTOS programmable remote I/O
module. RIO-2015PG is powered by a 32-bit Concurrent: power
� efficient EKF: CompactPCI
� Serial carrier board for
Atmel SAM4E16E 120MHz ARM Cortex processor XMC module up to two mezzanine I/O adapter modules
M4 processor which is equipped with 256KB Concurrent Technologies announces a new On the process control level, the IoT speaks
SRAM, 3MB Flash and FreeRTOS real time processor XMC module based on a low power many idioms. With the SF1-STUDIO, EKF
operating system. The industrial I/O of RIO- variant of the 6th generation Intel Core fam- offers a solution to this problem. The Com-
2015PG features one 10/100 MHz Ethernet ily previously known as Skylake-H. Processor pactPCI Serial carrier board accommodates
port, one RS-232, one isolated RS-485, four XMCs are a form of computer on module with up to two mezzanine I/O adapter modules
isolated analog input channels, two isolated a defined conduction-cooled envelope suitable based on the PCI Express Mini Card form fac-

July 2016 48
Product News

tor, suitable for industrial Ethernet and field- N.A.T.: SDR

� head for 5G massive
bus applications. Up to four front panel I/O MIMO base station systems
connectors are available for direct attachment N.A.T. announced the NAMC-SDR, a flexible
of a variety of machines and systems. software-defined radio platform that will sim-
News ID 4211 plify and accelerate the development, proto- Editors
typing and testing of new wireless radio access Jürgen Hübner
� and Aaronn Electronic: distribution network technologies. Designed for 5G mas- phone +49(0)8092-2477413
fax +49(0)8092-2477429
agreement for Qseven modular products sive multiple input, multiple output (MIMO jh@iccmedia.com
In the context of its continuous global expan- and M-MIMO) base station transceiver sys-
sion, SECO increases its territory coverage tems and proprietary or standard imple- Wolfgang Patelay
with a new distribution agreement with Aar- mentations of UMTS, LTE / LTE-Advanced
onn Electronic GmbH for the Qseven mod- systems, the NAMC-SDR can also be used in a Tony Devereux
ule based product portfolio geared towards variety of applications ranging from cognitive devrex@teyboyz.freeserve.co.uk
the German Market. For more than 20 years, radios to resilient security networks.
For Reader Inquiries and Address Changes
Aaronn transformed from a pure distributor News ID 4249 please contact:
to a successful system integrator for Industrial info@iccmedia.com
PCs, working closely with partners to cre- DDC: high-speed, rugged
� fibre channel
ate individual solutions in a professional and XMC network access controller Sales & Marketing Director
reliable manner. Aaronn’s ability to support Data Device Corporation introduces the next Manfred Blumoser
phone +49(0)8092-2477411
the entire lifecycle of a project, from require- generation of rugged, improved throughput/ fax +49(0)8092-2477429
ment analyses to product selection, prototype latency performance FibreACCESS Fibre mb@iccmedia.com
development and mass production, will bring Channel XMC Network Access Controllers,
Claudia Mellein
a concrete added value to this strategic distri- offering 1Gb/s or 2Gb/s operation via an x4 cm@iccmedia.com
bution collaboration. PCI Express Initiator/Target host interface.
News ID 4271 The new FC-755XX boards, available with Christiane Lockner
either 150 ohm differential or 75 coax (for cl@iccmedia.com

Neousys: Nuvo-2510VTC
� is E-Mark MIL-STD-1760E) copper, or fiber optic phys- Sales Office - UK and USA, Benelux,
certified for in-vehicle usage ical layers, are based on DDC’s leading Fibre Scandinavia
Neousys Technology announces Nuvo- Channel technology, designed to meet the Blue Sky Communications
2510VTC is E-Mark certified for in-vehicle multi-decade life cycle demands of aerospace Malcolm Cameron
21 Cliffe Avenue
usage. Nuvo-2510VTC is an in-vehicle fan- and defense programs. Westbrook,
less computer with Intel Atom E3845 quad- News ID 4205 Margate, Kent CT9 5DU, UK
core processor. Equipped with 2 IEEE 802.3at phone +44 (0)77 88-10 84 11
fax +44 (0)80 82-8010 57
Gigabit Ethernet ports, Nuvo-2510VTC is ADLINK: Broadwell-EP
� based mc@blue-sky-communications.com
capable of directly driving 25W GigE and PoE AdvancedTCA blade and
IP cameras with a single standard CAT-5e. network appliance Sales Office - Asia
News ID 4209 ADLINK announced two new solutions based Jean Cheng, jean@i-media.com.tw
Vivian Hung, vivian@i-media.com.tw
on the Intel Xeon Processor E5-2600 Prod- Innovative Media Information & Services
� Express DMM for more uct Family (codename Broadwell-EP). These 7F-3, No. 26, Sec. 2, Ming-Quan East Rd.
accurate, smarter test systems latest ADLINK offerings are based on 14nm Taipei 104 Taiwan
NI announced the NI PXIe-4081 7½-digit technology-based, server-class Intel proces- phone +886 2 2563 1186
high-performance DMM and 1.8 MS/s iso- sors that bring intelligence to the edge for IoT
Head Office
lated digitizer. The NI PXIe-4081 is the first applications, and include an AdvancedTCA
PXI Express DMM available. It offers engi- processor blade and network appliance from
neers the flexibility, resolution and isolation our Modular Industrial Cloud Architecture
needed to tackle challenging applications offering.
that require smarter test systems in industries News ID 4150 ICC Media GmbH
ranging from consumer electronics to aero- Rauwagnerstr. 5
space and defense. AAEON
� to upgrade AIOT product 85560 Ebersberg / Germany
News ID 4218 family with Wind River Intel-
Editorial Office UK
ligent Device Platform 36a Blackacre Road
Advantech: in-vehicle
� & ruggedized NVR AAEON will be infusing its main IoT prod- Theydon Bois
certified by Milestone Systems program uct line with Intel IoT Gateway Technology Essex, CM16 7LU
Advantech announced it has ARK-V&S series including the Wind River Intelligent Device
Copyright© All rights reserved.
(In-Vehicle & Ruggedized NVR) certified for Platform 3.1. Solutions based on Intel IoT No part of this publication may be ­ reproduced or
Milestone XProtect IP video management Gateway Technology will be pre-integrated transmitted in any form or by any means without the
prior express written p­ ermission of ICC Media.
software, ensuring that customers can get sur- and pre-validated with Wind River Intelligent Although we make every effort to p ­ resent up-to-­
veillance solutions up and running quickly Device Platform XT 3.1 operating system, date, accurate information, boards&solutions will not
be ­responsible for any errors or omissions or for any
with hardware and software that has been pre- enhanced security with McAfee Embedded results obtained from the use of such information.
tested and verified to work with Milestone Control security technologies and granted The magazine will not be liable for any loss caused
by the reliance on information obtained on this site.
VMS. Advantech ARK-V&S certified by Mile- cloud connectivity through the Wind River Furthermore, boards&solutions does not warrant the
stone Systems allows businesses to implement Helix Device Cloud agent. accuracy or c­ompleteness of the information, text,
graphics in this magazine. The opinions expressed
systems more efficiently. News ID 4147 in the articles are those of the authors and not
News ID 4135 ­necessarily the opinions of the p
­ ublisher.

49 July 2016
Product News

Acromag: next
� generation Turbo Boost Technology for faster processing,
PCIe-based AcroPack I/O modules Intel vPro Technology for superior remote COMPANY PAGE
Acromag’s new innovative PCIe-based capabilities and Intel Hyperthreading Tech-
AcroPack Series of general purpose I/O mod- nology for multithreading. Supporting three ADLINK 7
ules for embedded computing applications are symmetric independent displays, the PCOM-
an extended version of the mPCIe specifica- B639VG is designed with the 6th Generation
Avalue 45
tion and feature a 100-pin connector to han- Intel Core Processor, built on 14nm process
dle the I/O. The modules plug into connectors technology utilizing multi-stream technology,
on AcroPack carriers to add analog or digital resulting in up to double the performance of Commell 29

Advertisers Index
input and output or communication in any the integrated GPU and improved energy effi-
combination for embedded applications run- ciency. congatec 21
ning on Linux, Windows, or VxWorks operat- News ID 4152
ing systems. Acromag’s AcroPack PCIe carrier Digi-Key 2
holds up to two mini-PCIe or AcroPack™ mez- Lanner: industrial
� grade appliance
zanine modules. with advanced LAN bypass
News ID 4194 for ICS cyber security EKF Elektronik 23
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) play a crucial
Axiomtek: palm-sized
� Pico-ITX moth- role for a nation’s critical infrastructures. Since Elma 27
erboard with big performance ICS facilities are usually deployed in remote,
Axiomtek announces the official launch of unmanned and harsh environments, Lanner Express Logic 52
PICO300, an extreme-compact fanless pico- introduces its new industrial grade appliance
ITX motherboard built with the Intel Pen- – LEC-6032, with capability to operate under
GreenHills 5
tium N3710 or Celeron N3060 processor. One wide temperature ranges, advanced LAN
SO-DIMM socket is provided to support up to bypass (Gen.3) for failover recovery and rich
8GB of DDR3L-1600 memory. The PICO300 connectivity to communicate with Program- Kontron 13
is supported in dual display configurations mable Logic Controllers and Human-Ma-
along with one 18/24-bit single/dual-channel chine Interface. Lauterbach 15
LVDS and a choice of VGA or HDMI. News ID 4156
News ID 4237 M2M Alliance 51
CES: next
� generation of safety
� optimized video applications certifiable XMC processor
with Intel’s 5th gen Core i7 processor Creative Electronic Systems announces the Messe
Taking into account the CPU microarchi- MFCC-8558: an NXP QorIQ T2080 based München 12/24/47
tecture optimization and the higher 2.7 GHz processor XMC designed for safety certifi-
clocking frequency, Broadwell offers up to cation according to DO-178 / DO-254. The
Mouser 9
25% performance increase compare to Has- MFCC-8558 complies with DAL-C process
well. Existing applications migrating to with provision for higher Design Assurance
Broadwell will observe a noticeable reduction Levels. The NXP QorIQ T2080 is a Quad- PEAK Systems 19
of power consumption thanks to the use of a Core architecture offering leading edge per-
14nm process. formance versus power ratio. Portwell 3
News ID 4161 News ID 4248

Axiomtek: 12.1-inch
� EN50155 MicroMax: M-Max V75
� series ARBOR: ARES-1230
� series
railway touch panel computer highly rugged PC/104 chassis features space-saving low-profile
Axiomtek introduces the GOT712-837, its as standalone products design and I/O flexibility
brand-new EN50155 certified 12.1” fanless MicroMax announced that two versions of ARBOR Technology launch the compact,
touch panel computer for railway applica- the M-Max V75 ultra-compact machined alu- lightweight ARES-1230 Series as an expansion
tions. The railway panel PC is design to sup- minum chassis, which are compatible with of ARBOR’s product line-up of fanless embed-
port the low power quad-core Intel Atom the VITA 75 standard, are now available as ded controllers. The new Series was specifi-
processor E3845 1.91 GHz, and is equipped standalone products. Used in current Micro- cally created to address the need for ultra-low
with a 12.1-inch XGA TFT LCD display with Max products, these chassis have proven capa- profile enclosure solutions with flexible I/O
high brightness LED backlight (800 nits) and bility, and due to customer demand are now and input power requirements.
auto-dimming control, which allows a train being made available separately to help system News ID 4204
operator to easily read any operational status designers.
messages, even under direct sunlight. News ID 4241 VersaLogic
� launches small
News ID 4187 powerful embedded computer
� of different sizes to VersaLogic has announced Osprey—an
Portwell: expanding
� COM optimize maintenance platform extremely small, rugged, embedded com-
Express portfolio for versa- With its second palace opening in Macau, puter. This next generation of the VersaLogic
tility, efficiency, longevity Wynn decided to solve maintenance depart- Embedded Processing Unit format combines
Portwell announce the release of the PCOM- ment issues due to space hugeness: 30 minutes processor, memory, video, and system I/O into
B639VG, a Type 6 COM Express Basic module walking from warehouse to repair workshop, an extremely compact full function embedded
based on the 6th generation Intel Core proces- and frequent operations on the same device computer. The computer has a footprint just
sor and Mobile Intel QM170 chipset (2.6W). presenting obvious efficiency and time losses. slightly larger than a credit card!
The COM Express module includes Intel News ID 4129 News ID 4322

July 2016 50

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