1 June 2014
1 June 2014
1 June 2014
To support safe, effective care and communication, patient records must be up to date,
factual, accurate, and written so that the meaning is clear to everyone who uses the
Staff should always aim to avoid using abbreviations and should note their professional guidance
on this. The Trust does not encourage or positively support the use of abbreviations but noting
that some staff use them, this guidance is issued in an effort to minimise the risks associated with
the practice. Therefore, if abbreviations are used those listed below are the only abbreviations
that can be used; they have been produced by consensus by clinicians throughout the Trust.
When a condition, treatment or investigation is mentioned it must always be written in full when
first recorded, and repeated on each new page (paper records only)The initials for reference later
should be put in brackets behind the full name e.g. ''Cognitive Behaviour Therapy'' (CBT).
Should this be mentioned again in the notes it could then be referred to as CBT.
There is no agreement amongst clinicians to use any other abbreviations at all. Please contact
the Records Manager should you believe a new abbreviation should be added to the list.
2.1 Titles
Any name prefixes e.g. Dr/SR/CN but to include the professionals' name:
RN – Registered Nurse
Dr – Doctor
FY1 and FY2 – Foundation Doctor
StR – Specialty Doctor
AMHP – Approved Mental Health Professional
HCSW – Healthcare Support Worker
OT – Occupational Therapist
CPN – Community Psychiatric Nurse
LDN – Learning Disability Nurse
CT1-3 – Core Trainee
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June 2014
2.4 Procedures and Investigations
BP Blood Pressure
CT scan Computerised Tomography
CVP Central Venous Pressure
CXR Chest X-ray
ECT Electro Convulsive Therapy
ECG Electrocardiogram
EEG Electro-encephalogram
ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
FBC Full Blood Count
Hb Haemoglobin
IVP Intravenous Pyelogram
LFT's Liver Function Tests
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition
TPR Temperature, Pulse and Respiration
U’s and E’s Urea and Electrolytes
Version 2
June 2014
Poppie Substance Misuse Client Information System
QA Queen Alexandra Hospital
RiO Trust Electronic Patient Record
SCR Secondary Care Record
SGH Southampton General Hospital
SPOC Single Point Of Contact
SWIFT County Council Adult Services IT system
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June 2014
BO Bowels Open
BNO Bowels Not Open
DOB Date of Birth
DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis
HNPU Has Not Passed Urine
Ht Height
LMP Last Menstrual Period
MRSA Methicillin or Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
NAI Non Accidental Injury
NG Naso Gastric
NBM Nil by Mouth
POP Plaster of Paris
PU Passed Urine
TTO To Take Out
TCI To Come In
UTI Urinary Tract Infection
Wt Weight
Internationally recognised units and symbols are used in the BNF where possible.
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June 2014
7. Latin Abbreviations
Version 2
June 2014
MCA Medicines Control Agency, now MHRA
MHRA Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
m/r Modified-release
NHS National Health Service
Not prescribed under National Health Service
NICE National Institute for Clinical Excellence
NP Proper Name
NPF Nurse Prescribers' Formulary
NSAID Non-steriodal Anti-inflammatory Drug
PGD Patient Group Direction
® Trade Mark
rINN Recommended International Non-proprietary Name
RSV Respiratory Syncytial Virus
s/c Subcutaneous
SLS Selected List Scheme
SMAC Standing Medical Advisory Committee
SPC Summary of Product Characteristics
Spp. Species
SSRIs Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
UK United Kingdom
Units For SI Units
USP United States Pharmacopeia 25 (2002) unless otherwise stated
WD Withdrawn or Specially Imported Drugs, see Prescription writing, p.4
WHO World Health Organisation
From the symbol of Mars (U+2642 ♂). The symbol for a male organism or man.
From the symbol of Venus (U+2640 ♀). The symbol for a female organism or woman.
Version 2
June 2014
Ax Assessment
AFO Ankle Foot Orthosis
Appt Appointment
ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder
CAF Common Assessment Framework
CC Copy Circulation
CNN Community Nursery Nurse
DAFO Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosis
DNA Did not attend
DOB/dob Date of Birth
EP Educational Psychologist
FMS/fms Fine Motor Skills
GMS/gms Gross Motor Skills
GP General Practitioner (Family Doctor)
HI Hearing Impairment
HV Health Visitor
IDP Inclusion Development Programme
IEP Individual Educational Plan
IPA Inclusion Partnership Agreement
IRQ Inner Range Quadriceps
KAFO Knee ankle Foot Orthosis
LL Lower limb
LSA Learning Support Assistant
MCP Metacarphalangeal Joint
MDA Multi Disciplinary Assessment
NAD Nothing Abnormal Detected
OT Occupational Therapy
OT Tech Occupational Therapy Technician
Physio Physiotherapist or Physiotherapy Treatment
PTT Physiotherapy Technician
PTA Physiotherapy Assistant
ROM Range of Movement
RTA Road Traffic Accident
SEN Special Educational Needs
SLT Speech and Language Therapist
SLTA Speech and Language Therapist Assistant
SNA Special Needs Assistant
SENCO Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator
TA Teaching Assistant
UL Upper Limb
VI Visual Impairment
WNL Within Normal Limits
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Version 2
June 2014
10. School nurse and health visiting
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June 2014
11. Musculoskeletal Service (MSK)
Standard medical
abbreviations for
body parts
ACJ Acromioclavicular joint
ACL Anterior Cruciate Ligament
ADM Abductor digiti minimi
APB Abductor pollicis Brevis
APL Abductor pollicis longus
ASIS Anterior superior iliac spine
ATFL Anterior talofibular ligament
C (followed by Cervical vertebra
CMC Carpometacarpal joint
CSp Cervical spine
DIP Distal interphalangeal joint
DRUJ Distal radioulnar joint
ECU Extensor carpi ulnaris
ECRL & B Extensor carpi radialis longus & brevis
EDBr Extensor digitorum brevis
EDC Extensor digitory communis
EDL Extensor digitorum longus
EDM Extensor digiti minimi
EHL & B Extensor Hallucis Longus & brevis
EPL Extensor pollicis longus
EPB Extensor polis brevis
FHL & Br Flexor hallucis longus & brevis
GHJ Glenohumeral joint
GI Gastrointestinal
IPJ Interphalangeal Joint
ITB Iliotibial band
L (followed by Lumbar vertebra
LCL Lateral Collateral Ligament
LSp Lumbar spine
MC metacarpal
MCL Medial Collateral Ligament
MCP or MCPJ Metacarpophalangeal joint
MT metatarsal
MTP or MTPJ Metatarsophalangeal Joint
PCL Posterior Cruciate Ligament
PFJ Patellofemoral joint
PIP or PIPJ Proximal interphalangeal joint
PSIS Posterior superior iliac spine
RCL Radial collateral ligament
SCJ Sternoclavicular Joint
SIJ Sacroiliac Joint
TFCC Triangular Fibrocartilagenous Complex
(medial writs joint)
TFL Tensor fascia lata
TMJ Temporomandibular joint
T (followed by a Thoracic vertebrae
Version 2
June 2014
TSp Thoracic spine
UCL Ulnar collateral ligament
VL Vastus Lateralis
VMO Vastus Medialis Oblique
BL Bladder meridian
CV Conception vessel meridian
GB Gall bladder acupuncture meridian
GV Governor vessel meridian
HT Heart meridian
KI Kidney (acupuncture meridian)
LIR Liver (acupuncture meridian) - check
LI Large intestine (acupuncture meridian)
- check
LU Lung meridian
PC Pericardium meridian
SI Small intestine meridian
SP Spleen meridian
ST Stomach meridian
TE Triple energiser meridian
Admin terms
A Analysis ( from SOAP notes;
subjective, objective, analysis, plan)
A/L Annual leave
Ax or assess assessment
d/c Discharge
DH Drug history
DOB Date of birth
DNA Did not attend
FH Family History
HPC History of present complaint
n/a or N/A Not applicable
NAD Nothing abnormal detected
n/t or N/T Not tested
O Objective ( from SOAP notes;
subjective, objective, analysis, plan)
OPD Outpatient department
P Plan ( from SOAP notes; subjective,
objective, analysis, plan)
PMH Previous Medical History
S Subjective ( from SOAP notes;
subjective, objective, analysis, plan)
SH Social history
SOS Indicating when a patient can rebook
within a certain time frame rather than
being discharged.
UTA Unable to Attend
2/7 Two days
2/52 Two weeks
2/12 Two months
Version 2
June 2014
Abd abduction
Acup acupuncture
ADL Activities of daily living
Add adduction
Ant Anterior
AP Anterior-posterior
ASLR Active Straight Leg Raise
BBQ Back Bournemouth Questionnaire
CEO Common extensor origin
ceph cephalad
CFO Common flexor origin
CkLy Crook lying
c/o Complaining of
dev deviation
DF or DFx Dorsiflexion
dist distal
DTF Deep transverse frictions
DWP Discussed (and agreed) with patient
EIS Extension in standing
Elb or EJ Elbow or elbow joint
EIL Extension in lying
EOR End of range
EMS Early morning stiffness
ER External rotation
ERP End range pain
Ev eversion
Ex Exercise
Ext Extension
Fx flexion
FHP Forward head posture
FIS Flexion in standing
FISS Flexion in step standing
FIL Flexion in lying
FROM Full Range of Movement
FWB Full Weight Bearing
Gd Grade
H-Ab Horizontal Abduction
H-Ad Horizontal adduction
HBB Hand behind back
HBN Hand behind neck
HE Hyperextension
IF Index finger
I/F or IFT Interferential or interferential therapy
inf inferior
Inv Inversion
IR Internal rotation
IRQ or IRDQ Inner range quads or inner range
dynamic quads
ISQ In status quo (stable/no change)
Lat Lateral
LR lateral rotation
Med Medial
MR Medial rotation
MET Muscle energy technique
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June 2014
mm Muscle
Mob(s) Mobilisation(s)
MSK Musculoskeletal
Mvt/Movt Movement
MWM Mobilisation with movement
NAG Natural apophyseal glide
NBI No bony injury
NWM Non weight bearing
Opp opposition
PA Posterioranterior
PGP Pelvic girdle pain
PID Prolapsed intervertebral disc
PKB Prone knee bend
P&N Pins and needles
PNF Proprioceptive neuromuscular
Pro Pronation
PSLR Passive straight leg raise
PSWD/curapulse Pulsed shortwave diathermy
PWB Partial Weight Bearing
QL Quadratus Lumborum
r/c Radio carpal
RD Radial deviation
ROM Range of movement
REP Repeated
Rot(n) Rotation
r/u radioulnar
SLR Straight Leg raise
SLS Single leg stand
SNAG Sustained natural apophyseal glide
SQ Static Quads
STM Soft tissue massage
STR Soft tissue release technique
Sup Supination
Sx Symptoms
TA Tendoachilles
TENS Transcutaneous electrical nerve
TFM Transverse friction massage
˚THREAD No Thyroid, Heart, Rheumatoid
Arthritis, Epilepsy, Asthma or Diabetes
TOP Tender on palpation
TP or TrP Trigger point
Trans Transverse
TTWB Toe Touch Weight Bearinig
TVA or TvA Transversus abdominus
TWB Touch weight bearing
U/S Ultrasound
UD Ulnar deviation
UT or UFT Upper trapezius
VAS Visual analogue scale (usually used for
pain e.g. 2/10 where 0 is no pain and
10 is worst pain ever)
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June 2014
WB Weight Bearing
x No of repetitions or frequency of exs
e.g. 3 x 10 reps daily
ZF Zimmer Frame
1˚ primary
2˚ secondary
+ve positive
-ve negative
← or → (with a Transverse mobilisation
central line
↔ Longitudinal caudad or cephalad
ć with
c without
→ Leads to
∆ diagnosis
√ Area clear of symptoms on body chart (after Petty & Moore)
↑ Increased
↓ Decreased
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June 2014