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Cad/Cam Syllabus: B.Tech IV Year I Semester Examination (Mechanical Engineering)

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Tech IV Year I Semester Examination


Fundamentals of CAD/CAM, Automation , design process, Application of
computers for design, Benefits of CAD, Computer configuration for CAD
applications, Computer peripherals for CAD ,Design workstation, Graphic
terminal, CAD software- definition of system software and application
software,CAD database and structure.
Geometric Modeling: 3—D wire frame modeling, wire frame entities and
their definitions, Interpolation and approximation of curves, Concept of
parametric and non-parametric representation of curves, Curve fitting
techniques, definitions of cubic spline, Bezier, and B-spline.

Surface modeling: Algebraic and geometric form, Parametric space of
surface, Blending functions,parametrjzatjon of surface patch, Subdividing,
Cylindrical surface, Ruled surface, Surface of revolution Spherical surface,
Composite surface, Bezier surface. B-spline surface, Regenerative surface
and pathological conditions.Solid Modelling: Definition of cell composition
and spatial occupancy enumeration, Sweep representation, Constructive
solid geometry, Boundary representations.

NC Control Production Systems : Numerical control, Elements of NC
system, NC part programming : Methods of NC part programming, Manual
part programming, Computer assisted part programming, Post Processor,
Computerized part program, SPPL (A Simple Programming Language).
CNC, 1) NC and Adaptive Control Systems.

 Group Technology: Part families, Parts classification and coding.
Production (low analysis, Machine cell design.
 Computer aided process planning: Difficulties in traditional process
 Computer aided process planning: retrieval type and generative type,
Machinability data systems. Computer aided
 manufacturing resource planning: Material resource plannin inputs to
MRP, MRP output records, Benefits of MRP, Enterprise source planning,
Capacity requirements planning.
 Flexible manufacturing system: F.M.S equipment, FMS layouts,
Analysis methods for EMS benefits of FMS.
 Computer aided quality control: Automated inspection- Off-line, On-
line, contact, Non-contact; Coordinate measuring machines, Machine
vision. Computer integrated Manufacturiflg CIM system, Benefits of
CIM, Benefits of CIM
 CAD/CAM /Groover M.P.I Pearson education.

 CAD/CAM Concepts and Applications! Alavala? PHI.

 CAD/CAM Principles and Applicatiofls/P.N.Ra0/ TMH.

 CAD I CAM Theory and Practice! Ibrahim ZeidITMH.

 CAD I CAM I CIM/RadhakriShflafl and Subramanian! New Age.
 Principles of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing! Farid
Amirouchel Pearson.
 Computer Numerical Control Concepts and programming/Warren S
Seames/ Thomson


Subject: CAD/CAM Year: IV Semester: I

Faculty Name: K RAJASEKHAR

S Unit Number as Date
Topic Remarks
NO No. per the Planned

Fundamental of CAD/CAM.

2 Automation.

Design process, applications of computers for

3 I design.

4 Graphic terminals.

5 CAD database and structure

Geometric modeling: 3D wire frame
6 modeling.

7 Wire frame entities and their definitions.

8 Interpolation and approximation of curves

Concept of parametric and non-parametric

9 representation of curves

Curve fitting techniques


11 Definitions of cubic Spline

12 Definitions of Bezier spline and B-spline

13 Class test-1

Surface modeling: Algebraic and geometric

14 form

15 Parametric space of surface

Blending functions , parameterization of

16 surface patch, subdividing

Cylindrical surface, composite surface, Bezier

17 surface ,B-spline surface

Ruled surface, surface of revolution ,

18 II
spherical surface
Regenerative surface and pathological
19 conditions

20 Solid modeling

Definitions of cell composition and spatial

21 occupancy enumeration
Sweep representation, constructive solid
22 geometry

23 Boundary representations

24 Class test-2

NC Control production system

26 Modeling facilities desired

27 Numerical control

28 Elements of NC system
29 NC part programming

30 Methods of NC part programming

31 Manual part programming

Computer assistant part programming

Post processor
Computerized part programming

`35 Simple part programming language


37 Adaptive control systems

38 Class test-3

39 Group technology

40 Part families

41 Parts classification and coding

Production flow analysis


43 Machine cell design

44 Computer aided process planning

Difficulties in traditional process planning

45 IV
Computer aided process planning
Retrieval type and generative type process
47 planning

48 Mach inability data systems

49 CAM Resource planning

Material resource planning


51 Inputs to MRP, MRP output records

Benefits of MRP, enterprise resource

52 planning

53 Capacity resource planning

54 Class test-4
FMS equipments and layouts
Analysis methods for FMS
Benefits of FMS
Computer aided quality control(CAQC)
Automated inspection -off-line, on-line,
60 contact, non- contact

Coordinate measuring machines, machine

61 vision

CIM System

63 Benefits of CIM

64 Class test-5
B.Tech IV Year I Semester Examination




1) a) What is meant by product life cycle? Briefly describe with a neat sketch? [3]

b) Briefly describe the types of storage devices used in computers? [2]

c) What is the non-parametric representation of curves and write its limitations. [3]

d) Explain various curve representation methods used for geometric modelling. [2]

e Explain the Bezier curve and also derive its parametric form. [3]

f) What are the various input devices? [2]

g) What are various output Devices? [2]

h) What is the basic structure of CAD/CAM? [3]

i) What is CAD and CAM? What are the advantages of CAD and CAM? [2]

j) What is the B-Spline curve and also derive its parametric form [3]


2 a) Explain the benefits of CAD over conventional design process. [5]

b) Explain the different types of production. [5]


3 a) Write about the importance of the studying geometric modelling in CAD. [5]

b) What is plotter ? Give its advantages and disadvantages. [5]

4.a) Difference between 2-D and 3-D wire frame models [5]

b)State the advantages of parametric representation. [5]


5.a) Difference between the interpolation and approximation approaches used in design of curves. [5]
b)What is mean by product life cycle? Briefly describe with neat sketch. [5]

6. a) Explain the various steps involved in design process. [5]

b) Define the CAD. Explain the applications of computers in design process. [5]


7. a) What are the input devices used in CAD/CAM hardware and mention their advantages. [5]

b)Briefly describe the types of storage devices used in computers. [5]

8. a) What are the display devices used for CAD applications ? Explain raster scan display. [5]

b) Explain the working principle of CRT. [5]


9) a) What are the requirements of geometric modelling . [5]

b)What are the various geometric modelling techniques used in the construction. [5]

10. a) Discuss the various methods used to create a geometric modeling [10]


11. Explain about parametric representation. [10]


1. Explain the benefits of CAD over conventional design process.

2. Explain the different types of production.

3. Write about the importance of the studying geometric modelling in CAD.


1. What is plotter ? Give its advantages and disadvantages.

2. Difference between 2-D and 3-D wire frame models

3. State the advantages of parametric representation.

1. CAD as [B]
a) Computer aided draftingb) Computer aided design
c) Computer aided manufacturingd) none
2. CAM as [A]
a) Computer aided manufacturingb) Computer aided design
c) (a) and (b)d)None
3. The CAD hardware includes [D]
a) Computerb)One (or) more graphical display terminals
c) Key boardsd) All of the above
4. CRT screen is [A]
a)Phosphor-Coated glass screenb)Silver-coated glass screen
c)Pixeld)All the above
5. Identify the correct sequence of the design process [A]
a) Recognition of need→ definition of problem →synthesis →analysis and optimization
→evaluation →presentation
b) Recognition of need→ definition of problem → analysis and optimization
→synthesis→ evaluation→ presentation
c) Recognition of need→ definition of problem → synthesis → analysis and ptimization→
presentation→ evaluation
d) Recognition of need→ definition of problem→ analysis and optimization→
6. Selective erasing is not possible in [B]
A) Directed –beam refresh B) DVST C) Raster scan D) None of the above
7. Air craft’s are manufactured by [C]
a) Mass production b) batch production
c) Job shop production d) continuous flow production
8. Which of the following is not considered as a method of input control in a CAD SYSTEM?
a) Programmable function box
b) Joystick.
c) Touch terminal d) plotter
9. The lowest form of computer language is called [C]
a) BASIC b) FORTRAN c) Machine language d) COBOL
10. C2 continuity refers to [C]
a) Common tangent
b) Common point
c) Common curvature
d) Common norm a l
11. Selective erasing is not possible in DVSTC
12. Following database is used in cad/cam system Object orientated database
14.Partial erasing of the image is not possible in DVST
15. Ambiguous representation of real objects is seen in wire frame model
16. In cad system, with respect to cad image, the ratio of image width to height is known
aspect ratio
17. Individual transformations are combined in order to achieve the required results is
18. The technique of selecting and enlarging portions of a drawing is called Windowing
19. Programming automation is suitable for Batch type of production.
20. Light pen works on the principle of Light rather than ink.
B.Tech IV Year I Semester Examination



1. a) Write the parametric representation of ruled surface and its applications. [3]
b).Write a short note on B-Spline surface. [2]
c)What are the limitations in utilizing the sweep method for geometric construction. [3]
d) Why solid modelling is necessary. [2]
f)What is meant by blending surface. [3]
g) Write short note on regenerative surface. [3]
h) Explain the coons surfaces. [2]
i) Explain the coons and Bezier surfaces. [3]
j) Give a classification of the different surfaces. [2]

2. a) Describe with help of neat sketch the major surface entities provided by the CAD/CAM [5]
b) Applications and limitations of cylindrical surface. [5]
3. a) Explain the surface of revolution and spherical surface. [5]
b) What is the Bezier surface ? Discuss the properties of Bezier surface. [5]
4. a) What is the difference between coons and Bezier surfaces? [5]
b) Write down the applications of coons surface and Bezier surface. [5]

5. a) What is solid modelling ? what are the various modelling techniques. [5]
b) Explain the properties of solid modelling. [5]
6. a) Explain the various modelling schemes with their application and limitations[5]
b) Explain the various commonly used primitives for solid modelling. [5]

7. a) Describe the constructive solid geometry(CSG) tree indicating various operations
required to build the solid model. [5]
b) Explain the constructive solid geometry ( C-rep) for representation of solids.[5]
8. a) Explain the importance of vertex, edges and face tables in the boundary
representation of solid modelling. [5]
b) Describe the Euler-Poincare formula for the boundary representation f solid
modelling with example. [5]


9. a) Distinguish between the wire-frame and solid modelling techniques. [5]

b) Differentiate between C- representation and sweep representation [5]
10. a)What do you mean by parametric surface. Explain the various boundary conditions
of parametric surface. [5]
b) Describe the subdividing with reference to surface patch. [5]


11. a) Distinguish between the C-rep and B-rep models. [5]

b) State the advantages of surface modelling. [5]

1. What is the Bezier surface ? Discuss the properties of Bezier surface.

2. What is the difference between coons and Bezier surfaces?
3. Describe with help of neat sketch the major surface entities provided by the CAD/CAM


1. Distinguish between the C-rep and B-rep models.

2. State the advantages of surface modelling.
3. Applications and limitations of cylindrical surface.

1. DDA Algorithm means [A]
A) digital differential analyzer b) digital differential analog
c) digital differential algorithm d) digital deformation analyzer.
2. For defining geometry of the parts the -------------- coordinate system is used [B]
a) Left hand Cartesian b) Right hand
Cartesian c) Polar d)
3. WCS means [A]
a) World coordinate system b) word coordinate system
c) World convert system d) word converts system
4. UCS means [A]
a) Universal coordinate system b) union
coordinate system c) United coordinate System
d) universal convert system
5. The degree of Bezier curve with n control points is
[B] A) n+1 B) n-1 C) n D) 2n
6. The convex hull property is satisfied by the following surface
[D] A) Bezier B) B-spline C) NURBS D) All the above
7. The basic geometric building blocks in a cad/ cam package are [D]
A) Lines B) Points C) circles D) all of them
8. ADAMS, Expert system s, & artificial intelligence are part of
[A] A) Computer aided analysis B) Computer aided visualization
9. The degree 0f the Bezier curve with n control points is [A]
(A)n+1 (B)n-1 (C)n (D)2n
10. The measurement properties and relationships of the lines and points of an object
that make up its
(A)geometry (B)shape (C)system (D) layout
11. Coons surface or patch is obtained by blending 4 boundary curves
12. The convex hull property is satisfied by the following surface Bezier andB-
13. After creating a CAD model we often need a hard copy using Output device
14. Which of the following is not an analytical entity spline
15. Adisplay of a volume model that shows all of its edges is called a wireframe
16. Keyboard is a graphical,text and numericals input device.
17. Locating devices are classified as graphics input devices.
18. Mouse is a locating type of input device
19.Thumbwheels are usually mounted on Monitor
20.The screen is scanned from left to right,top to bottom all the time to generate
graphics by raster scans

B.Tech IV Year I Semester Examination




1) a) Define numerical control machine. [3]

b) What is NC part programming? [2]
c) What are the advantages of DNC system. [3]
d) What is APT language. [2]
e) Mention any 4 post processor statement in APT. [3]
f) What is CNC and write its functions. [2]
g) What is meant by machining centre? [3]
h) What is part program? [2]
i) What is post processing? [2]
j) What is manual part programming? [3]
2. a) What are the basic elements of NC system. Explain them. [5]
b) Discussing about the coordinate systems in NC system. [5]
3. a) Discuss the importance characteristics of machining centre. [5]
b) Discuss briefly about machining centres. [5]
4. a) State the advantages and disadvantages of numerical control. [5]
b) Discuss about CAPP and its limitations. [5]
5. a) What do you understand by APT part programming? [5]
b) Discuss the motion statements used in APT language. [5]
6. a) Differentiate between MPP and CAPP in CNC machine. [5]
b) Discuss the functions of CNC machine tools. [5]
7. a) What are the advantages of CNC system. [5]
b) Distinguish between NC and CNC. [5]
8. a) With neat diagram, Explain main features of CNC machine tool with feedback.[5]
b) Explain the types of adaptive control in briefly. [5]
9. a) What is meant by DNC ? Discuss how it is different from CNC. [5]
b) Write the functions of DNC system. [5]
10.a)Explain the basic components of CNC system with neat diagram. [5]
b)Describe the function of post processor in CAPP. [5]


11. a) State the advantages of using CNC as compared to NC. [5]

b) Explain the various methods of NC part programming. [5]

1. What are the basic elements of NC system. Explain them.
2. Discussing about the coordinate systems in NC system.
3. Discuss the importance characteristics of machining centre.
1. . What do you understand by APT part programming?
2. Discuss the motion statements used in APT language.
3. Differentiate between MPP and CAPP in CNC machine.
4. Discuss the functions of CNC machine tools.


1. Numerical control can be applied to [D]

(A) Milling machines (B) Drilling & boring machines
(C) Grinding & sewing machines (D) All the above
2. The advantage of CNC is [D]
(A) Flexibility (B) Metric conversion (C) Tape editing at the machine site (D) All the
3. Direct numerical control machines do not use [C]
(A) CPU (B) Software (C) Punched tapes (D) All the above
4. Contouring motion commands are used to specify the continuous path motion
involving------ and ------- operations [A]
(A) Milling &turning (B) Milling & drilling (C) Both A and B (D) none of these
5. In MICLASS System 11th& 12th codes are-------------- [C]
(A) Main shape (B) Main dimension (C) Material codes (D) Shape
6. Advantage of numerical control in machines is [D]
(A)G04 (B) G03 (C) G02 (D) G01
6. Manufacturing software is usually called [B]
7. Tolerance codes consist of how many digits [C]
(A) 7 & 8 digits (B) 8 & 9 digits (C) 9 & 10 digits (D) 11 & 12 digits
8. APT is used [B]
(A) In teaching of the beginners (B) In CAM for NC machine tools (C) In inventory
management(D) None of the above
9. Machinability data base system makes use of [D]
(A)Tool life (B) Material life (C) Machine life (D) Any of the above
10. Manufacturing software is usually called [B]
11. CNC machines are also known as_Soft wired
12. Linear interpolation is carried out by G01
13. M03 code is used for SPINDLE SPEED ON CLOCKWISE
14. Which is the last statement in APT program END
15. The main objective of DNC system is to eliminate the use of PUNCHED TAPE
16. The NC modes are broadly classified into point-to-point, straight cut mode and
contouring cutmode categories.
17. The cutting speed in milling V= 𝝅 dn/1000
18. The notation of character M stands to _Miscellaneous function
19. Which code prefers to circular interpolation when anti-clockwise G03
20. APC stands for _Automatic Pallet Changer
B.Tech IV Year I Semester Examination



1. a) Define MRP.W rite the basic inputs of MRP. [3]

b) What are the limitations of group technology. [2]

c) What are the features of parts classification and coding systems? [3]

d) Give the main component of generative CAPP systems. [2]

e) What arc the benefits of CAPP over manual process? [3]

f) What are the steps involved in Process planning? [2]

g) What is Process planning? [3]

h) State the benefits of MRP [2]

i) What are the applications of GT? [3]

j) Discuss the PFA? [2]


2. a) What is group technology ? List out its benefits. [5]

b) How do you classify the parts classification and coding system. [5]

3. a) What are the part family ?What are the methods used for group technology. [5]

b) Describe the need for group technology parts in part family. [5]

4. a) Explain the part design attributes and manufacturing attributes gives the examples. [5]

b) What is the difference design attributes and manufacturing attributes? [5]

5. a) Discus the basic code structure used in GT. [5]

b) Explain the composite component and hybrid structure. [5]

6. a) Explain the MICLASS coding system with examples. [5]

b)What factors must consider while selecting a classification and coding system. [5]

7. a) Explain the Optiz classification system. [5]

b) Explain the need for production flow analysis. [5]

8. a) Explain various types of GT machine cells. [5]

b)Write what are the steps involved in production flow analysis. [5]

9. a) Describe the importance of process planning in product development. [5]

b) What meant by CAPP ?What are its functions? [5]

10. a)What are the various aspects of CAPP ? Explain any of them. [5]

b)What is MRP-I? Discuss the components of its. [5]

11. a) What do you understand by MRP-II ? Explain with example. [5]

b) Explain about enterprise resource planning and capacity requirements planning. [5]

1. Discus the basic code structure used in GT.

2. Explain the composite component and hybrid structure.

3. Explain the MICLASS coding system with examples.


1. What meant by CAPP ?What are its functions?

2. What are the various aspects of CAPP ? Explain any of them.

3. What is MRP-I? Discuss the components of its.


1. In group technology a part family is a collection of parts based on [D]

(A) Shape (B) Size (C) Similar processing steps (D) Any of the above
2. The implementation of GT can be done by [C]
(A) Visual inspection(B) production flow analysis (C) Parts classification and coding(D)All the
3 From the following which is not familiar with GT [D]
(A) Optiz system (B) MICLASS system(C) CODE system (D) Machining system

4. Machinability data base system makes use of [D]

(A) Tool life (B) Material life(C) Machine life (D) Any of the above

5. APT is used [B]

(A) In teaching of the beginners (B) In CAM for NC machine tools

(C) In inventory management(D) None of the above

6. Tolerance codes consist of how many digits [C]

(A) 7 & 8 digits (B) 8 & 9 digits(C) 9 & 10 digits (D) 11 & 12 digits

7. Machine vision is an example of ------ [B]

(A) Contact inspection (B) Online inspection (C) Offline inspection (D) None of the above
8. ----- % of the time is required on a CMM compared to tradition inspection
method [A]
(A) 5-10 % (B) 8-15% (C) 10-12% (D) 1-5%
9. The measurement, properties and relationships of the lines and points of an object that
make up its [B]
(A) Geometry(B) Shape (C) System (D) Layout

10. Lean manufacturing is the systematic elimination of [B]

(A) Labour (B) Waste (C) Management role (D) Inventory

11. Which character will use to assigned the work G98

12. GTis philosophy which can be used to group parts based on similarities in design

13 From the following which is not familiar with GT Machining system

14. Machinability data base system makes use of Machine life

15. APT is used In CAM for NC machine tools

16. Tolerance codes consist of how many digits 9 & 10 digits

17. Machine vision is an example of Online inspection

18. 5-10 % of the time is required on a CMM compared to tradition inspection
19. The measurement, properties and relationships of the lines and points of an object that
make up its Shape
20. Lean manufacturing is the systematic elimination of Waste

B.Tech IV Year I Semester Examination



1. a) what are the components of FMS? [3]

b) what are the benefits of CIM? [2]

c) Explain CIM. [2]

d) What is the role of CIM in manufacturing? [3]

e) What is management? [2]

f) Define automation. [2]

g) Give the classification of automation. [2]

h) What are the capabilities of computer control? [3]

i) what are the functions performed by FMS computer control system? [3]

j) Explain non contact inspection methods-optical? [3]


2. a) Write about Flexible manufacturing system (FMS). [5]

b) What are the application of FMS. [5]

3. a)What are various methods of automated inspection. [5]

b) What are the non-contact inspection method? State some of their advantages [5]

4. a) Discuss about FMS layout configuration. [5]

b)What is the signification of quality control in CIM. [5]


5. a)What are the various contact inspection method ? Explain any one of them. [5]

b) What are the types of CMM ?State the applications. [5]

6. a) Explain the working principle of CMM . [5]

b)What are the function of machine vision? Describe its procedure. [5]

7. a) Disrobe the non-contact non- optical inspection methods. [5]

b) Differentiate between contact and non-contact method. [5]

8. a)With block diagram, explain the computerized elements of CIM system. [5]
b) Discuss the role of computer network in CIM. [5]

9. State the advantages of CIM in manufacturing industry [5].

10. Discuss the various components of FMS in detail. [5]

11.Distinguish between automation and CIM [5]


1. Write about Flexible manufacturing system (FMS).

2. What are the application of FMS.

3. What are various methods of automated inspection.


1. With block diagram, explain the computerized elements of CIM system.

2. Discuss the role of computer network in CIM.

3. State the advantages of CIM in manufacturing industry


1. CIM consists of the components [A]

(A) CAD & CAM (B) Business functions (C)Both A & B (D) None of the above

2. Benefits of CIM [D]

(A) Greater accuracy of the drawing (B) Superior design standards

(C) Cost estimating (D) All the above

3. ------------% of the time is required on a CMM compare to traditional inspection

method [A]

(A) 5-10% (B) 8-15% (C) 10-12% (D) 1-5%

4. APT is used [B]
(A) In teaching of the beginners (B) In CAM for NC machine tools

(C) In inventory management (D) None of the above

5. Machinability data base system makes use of

[D] (A) Tool life (B) Material life (C) Machine life (D) Any of the above

6. Manufacturing software is usually called


7. Tolerance codes consist of how many digits

[C] (A) 7 & 8 digits (B) 8 & 9 digits (C) 9 & 10 digits (D) 11 & 12 digits

8. The mechanized work transport systems to form an automated production line is


(A) Transfer machine (B) Functional element(C) Transfer automation (D) None

9. Transfer lines are used for

[B] (A) Large variety of parts (B) Small variety of parts

(C) Medium variety of parts (D) None of the above

10. CIM technology which implemented to thrives many advantages such as

[D] (A) Reduces design cost by 20% (B) Reduces time by 50%

(C) Improves product quality (D) All are these

11.CAD and CAM are related through common data base

(12) Top down design does not require loop invariants

(13) Data structures include Arrays

(14) An example of an expert system is A medical

diagnosis program

(15) An expert system Simulates the reasoning of a human expert in a particular subject

(16) Artificial intelligence is the main characteristics of fifth generation computer

17) Two major processing languages for artificial intelligence are LISP and PROGLOG
18)DBMS stands for data base management

(19) A collection of logically related data elements that can be used for multiple processing
needs is called data base

(20) Integration of CAD and CAM is known as CIM.

B.Tech IV Year I Semester Examination


1.a) What are various output Devices? [2]

b) Explain the working principle of CRT. [3]

2.a) What is the basic structure of CAD/CAM?[3]

b) Distinguish between the wire-frame and solid modelling techniques. [2]

3.a) Explain the coons and Bezier surfaces. [2]

b) Explain the basic components of CNC system with neat diagram. [3]

4.a) Give a classification of the different surfaces. [2]

b) What are the advantages of DNC system. [3]

B.Tech IV Year I Semester Examination


1.a)What is CNC and write its functions. [2]

b) What are the part family ?What are the methods used for group technology. [3]

2. a) What is meant by machining centre? [2]

b) Distinguish between NC and CNC. [3]

3.a) What are the part family ?What are the methods used for group technology. [3]

b) what are the components of FMS? [2]

4. a) Give the classification of automation. [2]

b) With block diagram, explain the computerized elements of CIM system. [3]

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