Revision: H2CY10
The Purpose of
Who Should Read This Guide
• Has in total 2000–10,000 connected employees
Midsize BN Foundation Design Overview
Foundation Deployment
Design Overview
WAN Deployment
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Network Management
Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses. Any examples, command display output, and figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes
only. Any use of actual IP addresses in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental. Cisco Unified Communications SRND (Based on Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.x)
© 2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
The Local Area Network Deployment Guide covers wired and wireless
network access with ubiquitous capabilities for both the larger campus-size
LAN as well as the smaller remote-site LAN. Resiliency, security, and scal-
ability is included to provide a robust communications environment. Quality
of service (QoS) is integrated to ensure that the base architecture can support
a multitude of applications including low latency, drop-sensitive multimedia
The Cisco Smart Business Architecture (SBA) for Government Large applications coexisting with data applications on a single network. The guide
Agencies—Borderless Networks is designed for networks that have 2000 also provides a guest and partner access solution that is secured from
to 10,000 connected users. We created a prescriptive, out-of-the-box accessing internal confidential information while using the same wireless
deployment guide that is based on best-practice design principles and that infrastructure that employees use.
delivers flexibility and scalability. The deployment guides are designed to
make the Borderless Network for Large Agencies easy—easy to configure, The Wide Area Network Deployment Guide includes the primary site
easy to deploy, and easy to manage. aggregation design as well as multiple remote-site designs to accommodate
varying scale and service-level requirements in a common approach. The
The goal of any network implementation is to support the applications that flexibility in the WAN deployment guide provides guidance and configura-
benefit the users and the agency that it is built for. As they guide you tion for Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) transport as well as broad-
through the depth and breadth of the architecture, the SBA deployment band or Internet transport in a primary or backup role. QoS is integrated to
guides are intended to simplify navigating among and learning the various ensure that the base architecture can support a multitude of applications
networking technologies that we used to build the architecture. Cisco SBA is on a single transport. The design integrates application optimization and
a solid network foundation that provides the flexibility to support new user or the deployment guide provides details on optimizing WAN traffic to ensure
network services without re-engineering the network. economical use of bandwidth while providing
a good user experience.
Using the Deployment Guides
The Internet Edge Deployment Guide focuses on security services such
The Large Agency architecture was designed, built, and validated as an as firewalls and intrusion prevention systems to protect your agency’s
end-to-end system. gateway to the Internet. Internet service provider connectivity and routing
To focus on specific elements of the architecture, there are three primary options, combined with server load balancing, provide resiliency to the
deployment guides, one each for Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area design. The Email Security module covers protecting email from spam and
Network (WAN), and Internet Edge. To enhance the Large Agency archi- malware. The Web Security module provides acceptable-use control and
tecture, there are a number of supplemental guides that address specific monitoring as well as managing the increasing risk associated with clients
functions, technologies, or features that may be important to solving your browsing the Internet. The Virtual Private Network (VPN) design supports
operational problems. Within each of these deployment guides, you will find the teleworker and mobile user with secure remote access. All of these
a modular approach that allows you to start at the beginning and work your elements are covered in separate modules and yet are designed to work
way through or to jump to a specific module. Each deployment guide and together to provide a secure Internet Edge solution.
the modules within are designed to stand alone, so that you can deploy the
specific Cisco technology in a module without completing each previous
module. Each deployment guide includes a complete list of the products
and the software revisions tested, and a companion supplemental guide
contains all configuration files used.
The deployment guides begin with an agency overview of the common
operational problems addressed, followed by an architecture overview to
assist you with matching the value of a technology solution to your
operational problems.
Introduction 1
Figure 1. SBA for Large Agencies—Borderless Networks Overview
Internet Data
Edge Center
Internet Edge Routers
Email Security
Access VPN
Hardware and Software Aggregation
VPN Guest
Teleworker / WLAN
Mobile Worker
I Switches
Wireless Regional
LAN Controller Router
Application Client
Acceleration Access
Office Building 1 Building 2 Building 3 Building 4
Introduction 2
Design Goals Many of these plug-in modules look identical for several different service
areas; this provides consistency and scalability in that the same support
This architecture is based on requirements gathered from customers,
methods can be used in multiple areas of the network to maintain the
partners, and Cisco field personnel for agencies with 2000 to 10,000 con-
network. These modules follow standard core-distribution-access network
nected users. When designing the architecture, we considered the gathered
design models and use layer separation to ensure that interfaces between
requirements and the following design goals:
the plug-ins are well defined.
• Ease of Deployment: Agencies can deploy the design consistently
across all products included in the architecture. The configurations used Resiliency and Security
in the deployment represent a best-practice methodology to enable a
fast and resilient deployment. One of the keys to maintaining a highly available network is building the
appropriate redundancy to guard against failure in the network, whether it
• Flexibility and Scalability: The architecture can grow with the agency is link, port, card, or chassis failure. But systems can be engineered to be
without being redesigned. too redundant, exhibiting failures of overly complex redundancy features,
• Resiliency and Security: The architecture keeps the network operating which results in complete communications failure. The redundancy in our
even during unplanned outages and attacks. architecture is carefully balanced with the complexity inherent in redundant
• Easy to Manage: The deployment guidance includes configuring
devices to be managed by a network management system (NMS) or as Building production network services without any form of redundancy is
unique elements of the network. unacceptable to most agencies. When building in the necessary redun-
dancy, care must also be taken to prevent large dependency chains that
• Advanced Technology Ready: Implementing advanced technologies result in greater risk of system failure. For example, chains of devices that
like collaboration is easy because the network foundation is already do not have cross-connections may create a dependency on both chains
configured with the required baseline network services. being completely available.
Ease of Deployment, Flexibility and Scalability With the addition of a significant amount of delay-sensitive and drop-
sensitive traffic such as voice and video conferencing, we also place a
Agencies of 2000 to 10,000 users are often are spread out among different strong emphasis on recovery times. Choosing designs that reduce the time
geographical locations. The locations might have labels like remote site, between failure detection and recovery is important for ensuring that the
regional site, or headquarters. This architecture addresses how to build a network stays available even in the face of a minor component failure.
network for all these locations, irrespective of the label.
Security of the network is also a very strong component of the architecture.
In this design, several methods are used to create and maintain a scalable In a large network, there are many entry points and we ensure that they
network. Defining a common framework with a convergence of design are as secure as possible without making the network too difficult to use.
standards drives global consistency and optimizes the design process, Securing the network not only helps keep the network safe from attacks but
which ultimately results in lower cost and complexity. Standardization is the is also a key component to networkwide resiliency.
key to scalability; by keeping a small number of standard designs for com-
mon portions of the network, support staff are able to design services for, Easy to Manage
implement, and support these network areas more effectively.
While this guide focuses on the deployment of the network foundation, the
To enhance scalability, we take a modular design approach; beginning with a next phase management and operation are considered. The configurations
set of standard, global building blocks, we can assemble a scalable network in the deployment guides are designed to allow the devices to be managed
to meet requirements. For instance, to build a campus network, we might both via normal device management connections, such as SSH and HTTPS,
start with a LAN module, connect an Internet edge module, and then add a but also via NMS. The configuration of the NMS is not covered in this guide.
WAN module.
Introduction 3
Advanced Technology Ready
Flexibility, scalability, resiliency, and security all are characteristics of an
advanced technology-ready network. The modular design of the architec-
ture means that technologies can be added when the agency is ready to
deploy them. However, the deployment of advanced technologies, such
as collaboration, is eased because the architecture includes products and
configurations that are ready to support collaboration from day one. For
example, access switches provide Power over Ethernet (PoE) for phone
deployments without the need for a local power outlet. The entire network
is preconfigured with QoS to support high-quality voice. Multicast is config-
ured in the network to support efficient voice and broadcast-video delivery.
Beyond the wired network, the wireless network is also preconfigured for
devices that send voice over the wireless LAN, providing IP telephony over
802.11 Wi-Fi (referred to as mobility) at all locations. The Internet edge is
also ready to provide soft phones via VPN, as well as traditional hard or desk
Introduction 4
Architecture Overview
MPLS WAN Transport
Cisco IOS MPLS enables large agencies and service providers to build next-
generation intelligent networks that deliver a wide variety of advanced, value-
added services over a single infrastructure. This economical solution can
be integrated seamlessly over any existing infrastructure, such as IP, Frame
Relay, ATM, or Ethernet.
The Cisco SBA for Large Agencies—Borderless Networks WAN
Deployment Guide provides a design that enables highly available, secure, MPLS Layer 3 VPNs use a peer-to-peer VPN Model that leverages the
and optimized connectivity for multiple Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to distribute VPN-related information. This
remote-site LANs. peer-to-peer model allows large-agency subscribers to outsource routing
information to service providers, which can result in significant cost savings
The WAN is the networking infrastructure that provides an Internet Protocol
and a reduction in operational complexity for agencies.
(IP)-based interconnection between remote sites that are separated by large
geographic distances. Subscribers who need to transport IP multicast traffic can enable
Multicast VPNs.
This document shows you how to deploy the network foundation and
services to enable the following: Internet as WAN Transport
• WAN connectivity for 25 to 500 remote sites The Internet is essentially a large-scale public WAN composed of multiple
interconnected service providers. The Internet can provide reliable high-
• Primary and secondary links to provide redundant topology options performance connectivity between various locations, although it lacks any
for resiliency explicit guarantees for these connections. Despite its “best effort” nature,
• Data privacy via encryption the Internet is a sensible choice for an alternate WAN transport, or for a
primary transport when it is not feasible to connect with another transport
• WAN optimization and application acceleration option.
• Wired and wireless LAN access at all remote sites Internet connections are typically included in discussions relevant to the
Internet edge, specifically for the primary site. Remote-site routers also
WAN Design commonly have Internet connections, but do not provide the same breadth
The primary focus of the design is to allow usage of the following commonly of services using the Internet. For security and other reasons, Internet
deployed WAN transports: access at remote sites is often routed through the primary site.
• Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Layer 3 VPN The WAN leverages the Internet for VPN site-to-site connections as either a
backup WAN transport (to MPLS VPN) or as a primary WAN transport.
• Internet VPN
At a high level, the WAN is an IP network, and these transports can be easily
Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) is a solution for building scalable site-to-
integrated to the design.
site VPNs that support a variety of applications. DMVPN is widely used for
The chosen architecture designates a primary WAN-aggregation site that is encrypted site-to-site connectivity over public or private IP networks and
analogous to the hub site in a traditional hub-and-spoke design. This site can be implemented on all WAN routers used in this deployment guide.
has direct connections to both WAN transports and high-speed connections
DMVPN was selected for the encryption solution for the Internet transport
to the selected service providers. In addition, the site leverages network
because it supports on-demand full mesh connectivity with a simple
equipment scaled for high performance and redundancy. The primary WAN-
hub-and-spoke configuration and a zero-touch hub deployment model for
aggregation site is coresident with the data center and usually the primary
adding remote sites. DMVPN also supports spoke routers that have dynami-
Campus or LAN as well.
cally assigned IP addresses.
DMVPN makes use of multipoint Generic Route Encapsulation tunnels
Architecture Overview 5
(mGRE) to interconnect the hub to all of the spoke routers. These mGRE Table 1. WAN-Aggregation Designs
tunnels are also sometimes referred to as DMVPN clouds in this context.
This technology combination supports unicast, multicast, and broadcast IP, WAN Edge Transport Transport Transport
including the ability to run routing protocols within the tunnels. Model Links Router(s) 1 2 3
Ethernet WAN WAN100 Dual Dual MPLS VPN Internet
Both of the WAN transports mentioned previously use Ethernet as a standard A VPN
media type. Ethernet is becoming a dominant carrier handoff in many markets WAN500 Multiple Multiple MPLS VPN MPLS VPN Internet
and it is relevant to include Ethernet as the primary media in the tested A B VPN
architectures. Much of the discussion in this guide can also be applied to
non-Ethernet media (such as T1/E1, DS-3, OC-3, and so on), but they are not The characteristics of each design are as follows:
explicitly discussed. WAN100 Design
WAN-Aggregation Designs • Has up to 100 Mbps aggregate bandwidth
The WAN-aggregation (hub) designs include two or more WAN edge rout- • Supports up to 100 remote sites
ers. When referred to in the context of the connection to a carrier or service
provider, the WAN edge routers are typically known as customer edge (CE) • Has a single MPLS VPN carrier
routers. WAN edge routers that terminate VPN traffic are referred to as VPN • Uses a single Internet link
hub routers. All of the WAN edge routers connect into a distribution layer.
The WAN100 Design is shown in Figure 2.
The WAN transport options include MPLS VPN and traditional Internet
access. Both transport types connect to either a CE router or a VPN hub Figure 2. WAN100 Design
router, respectively. Interfacing with each of these transports requires a
different connection method and configuration.
There are two WAN-aggregation designs that are documented in this
deployment guide: WAN100 and WAN500. The primary difference between
the WAN100 and WAN500 designs is the overall scale of the architecture
and the capabilities of the various platforms chosen to support the design.
In both WAN-aggregation designs, tasks such as IP route summarization are
performed at the distribution layer. There are other various devices sup-
porting WAN edge services, and these devices should also connect into the
distribution layer.
Each MPLS carrier terminates to a dedicated WAN router with a primary goal
of eliminating any single points of failure. A single VPN hub router is used
across both designs. The various design models are contrasted in Table 1.
Architecture Overview 7
Table 2. WAN Remote-Site Transport Options Table 3. WAN Remote-Site LAN Options
WAN/LAN Interconnect L3
The primary role of the WAN is to interconnect primary site and remote-site
VLAN Usage L2 Access Access
LANs. The LAN discussion within this guide is limited to how the WAN-
aggregation site LAN connects to the WAN-aggregation devices and how VLAN 100 Data (Primary) Unused Yes
the remote-site LANs connect to the remote-site WAN devices. Specific VLAN 65 Wireless Data Yes Yes
details regarding the LAN components of the design are covered in the
VLAN 70 Wireless Voice Yes Yes
Cisco SBA for Large Agencies—Borderless Networks LAN Deployment
Guide. VLAN 64 Data 1 Yes Yes
At remote sites, the LAN topology depends on the number of connected VLAN 69 Voice 1 Yes Yes
users and physical geography of the site. Large sites may require the use unassigned Data 2 Unused Yes
of a distribution layer to support multiple access layer switches. Other sites unassigned Voice 2 Unused Yes
may only require an access layer switch directly connected to the WAN
remote-site router(s). The variants that are tested and documented in this VLAN99 Transit Yes Yes
guide are shown in Table 3. (dual router only) (dual router only)
VLAN50 Router Link (1) Unused Yes
VLAN54 Router Link (2) Unused Yes
Architecture Overview 8
Layer 2 Access A similar LAN design can be extended to a dual-router edge as shown in
Figure 6. This design change introduces some additional complexity. The
WAN remote sites that do not require additional distribution layer routing
first requirement is to run a routing protocol: Enhanced Interior Gateway
devices are considered to be flat or from a LAN perspective they are con-
Protocol (EIGRP) should be configured between the routers. For consistency
sidered unrouted Layer 2 sites. All Layer 3 services are provided by the
with the primary site LAN, use EIGRP process 100.
attached WAN router(s). The access switch(es), through the use of multiple
VLANs, can support services such as data (wired and wireless) and voice Because there are now two routers per subnet, a First Hop Redundancy
(wired and wireless). The design shown in Figure 5 illustrates the standard- Protocol (FHRP) must be implemented. We selected Hot Standby Router
ized VLAN assignment scheme. The benefits of this design are clear: all of Protocol (HSRP) as the FHRP for this design. HSRP is designed to allow for
the access switches can be configured identically, regardless of the number transparent failover of the first-hop IP router. HSRP provides high network
of sites in this configuration. availability by providing first-hop routing redundancy for IP hosts configured
with a default gateway IP address. HSRP is used in a group of routers for
Access switches and their configuration are not included in this guide. The
selecting an active router and a standby router. When there are multiple
Cisco SBA for Large Agencies—Borderless Networks LAN Deployment
routers on a LAN, the active router is the router of choice for routing packets;
Guide provides configuration details on the various access switching
the standby router is the router that takes over when the active router fails or
when preset conditions are met.
IP subnets are assigned on a per-VLAN basis. This design only allocates
Figure 6. WAN Remote Site—Flat Layer 2 LAN (Dual Router)
subnets with a netmask for the access layer, even if less than
254 IP addresses are required. (This model can be adjusted as necessary
to other IP address schemes.) The connection between the router and the
access switch must be configured for 802.1Q VLAN trunking with subinter-
faces on the router that map to the respective VLANs on the switch. The
various router subinterfaces act as the IP default gateways for each of the IP
subnet and VLAN combinations.
Figure 5. WAN Remote Site—Flat Layer 2 LAN (Single Router)
Architecture Overview 9
Enhanced Object Tracking (EOT) provides a consistent methodology for The appropriate method to avoid sending the traffic out the same interface
various router and switching features to conditionally modify their operation is to introduce an additional link between the routers and designate the link
based on information objects available within other processes. The objects as a transit network (Vlan 99). There are no hosts connected to the transit
that can be tracked include interface line protocol, ip route reachability, network, and it is only used for router-router communication. The routing
and ip sla reachability as well as several others. protocol runs between router subinterfaces assigned to the transit network.
No additional router interfaces are required with this design modification as
The IP service-level agreement (SLA) feature provides a capability for a
the 802.1Q VLAN trunk configuration can easily accommodate an additional
router to generate synthetic network traffic that can be sent to a remote
responder. The responder can be a generic IP endpoint that can respond
to an ICMP echo (ping) request, or can be a Cisco router running an IP SLA Distribution and Access Layer
responder process, that can respond to more complex traffic such as jitter
Large remote sites may require a LAN environment similar to that of a
probes. The use of IP SLA allows the router to determine end-to-end reach-
small campus LAN that includes a distribution layer and access layer.
ability to a destination and also the roundtrip delay. More complex probe
This topology works well with either a single or dual router WAN edge as
types can also permit the calculation of loss and jitter along the path. IP SLA
shown in Figure 7. To implement this design, the routers should connect via
is used in tandem with EOT within this design.
EtherChannel links to the distribution switch. These EtherChannel links are
To improve convergence times after a MPLS WAN failure, HSRP has the configured as 802.1Q VLAN trunks, to support both a routed point-to-point
capability to monitor the reachability of a next-hop IP neighbor through the link to allow EIGRP routing with the distribution switch, and in the dual router
use of EOT and IP SLA. This combination allows for a router to give up its design, to provide a transit network for direct communication between the
HSRP Active role if its upstream neighbor becomes unresponsive and that WAN routers.
provides additional network resiliency.
Figure 7. WAN Remote Site—Connection to Distribution Layer
HSRP is configured to be active on the router with the highest priority WAN
transport. EOT of IP SLA probes is implemented in conjunction with HSRP so
that in the case of WAN transport failure, the standby HSRP router associ-
ated with the lower priority (alternate) WAN transport becomes the active
HSRP router. The IP SLA probes are sent from the MPLS CE router to the
MPLS PE router to ensure reachability of the next hop router. This is more
effective than simply monitoring the status of the WAN interface.
The dual router designs also warrant an additional component that is
required for proper routing in certain scenarios. In these cases, a traffic
flow from a remote-site host might be sent to a destination reachable via
the alternate WAN transport (for example: a MPLS + DMVPN remote site
communicating with a DMVPN-only remote site). The primary WAN transport
router then forwards the traffic out the same data interface to send it to the
alternate WAN transport router, which then forwards the traffic to the proper
destination. This is referred to as hair-pinning.
Architecture Overview 10
The distribution switch handles all access layer routing, with VLANs trunked The RP is a control-plane operation that should be placed in the core of the
to access switches. No HSRP is required when the design includes a distri- network or close to the IP multicast sources on a pair of Layer 3 switches
bution layer. A full distribution and access layer design is shown in Figure 8. or routers.IP multicast routing begins at the distribution layer if the access
layer is Layer 2 and provides connectivity to the IP multicast RP. In designs
without a core layer, the distribution layer performs the RP function.
Figure 8. WAN Remote Site—Distribution and Access Layer (Dual Router)
This design is fully enabled for a single global scope deployment of IP
Multicast.The design uses an Anycast RP implementation strategy. This
strategy provides load sharing and redundancy in Protocol Independent
Multicast sparse mode (PIM-SM) networks. Two rendezvous points (RPs)
share the load for source registration and the ability to act as hot backup
routers for each other.
The benefit of this strategy from the WAN perspective is that all IP routing
devices within the WAN use an identical configuration referencing the
Anycast RPs. IP PIM sparse-mode is enabled on all interfaces including
loopbacks, VLANs and subinterfaces.
Quality of Service
Most users perceive the network as just a transport utility mechanism to
shift data from point A to point B as fast as it can. Many sum this up as just
“speeds and feeds.” While it is true that IP networks forward traffic on a
best-effort basis by default, this type of routing only works well for applica-
tions that adapt gracefully to variations in latency, jitter, and loss. However
networks are multiservice by design and support real-time voice and video
as well as data traffic. The difference is that real-time applications require
packets to be delivered within specified loss, delay, and jitter parameters.
In reality, the network affects all traffic flows and must be aware of end-user
IP Multicast requirements and services being offered. Even with unlimited bandwidth,
IP multicast allows a single IP data stream to be replicated by the infra- time-sensitive applications are affected by jitter, delay, and packet loss. QoS
structure (routers and switches) and sent from a single source to multiple enables a multitude of user services and applications to coexist on the same
receivers. IP multicast is much more efficient than multiple individual unicast network.
streams or a broadcast stream that would propagate everywhere. IP tele- Within the architecture, there are wired and wireless connectivity options
phony music on hold and IP video broadcast streaming are two examples of that provide advanced classification, prioritizing, queuing and congestion
IP multicast applications. mechanisms as part of the integrated quality of service (QoS) to help ensure
To receive a particular IP multicast data stream, end hosts must join a optimal use of network resources. This functionality allows for the differen-
multicast group by sending an Internet Group Membership Protocol (IGMP) tiation of applications that ensures each has the appropriate share of the
message to their local multicast router. In a traditional IP multicast design, network resources to protect the user experience and ensure the operations
the local router consults another router in the network that is acting as a of mission-critical applications.
Rendezvous Point (RP) to map the receivers to active sources so they can
join their streams.
Architecture Overview 11
Quality of service (QoS) is an essential function of the network infrastructure WAN Optimization
devices used throughout this architecture. QoS enables a multitude of user
Cisco Wide Area Application Services (WAAS) is a comprehensive WAN
services and applications, including real-time voice, high-quality video, and
optimization solution that accelerates applications over the WAN, delivers
delay-sensitive data to coexist on the same network. In order for the network
video to a remote office, and provides local hosting of remote-site IT ser-
to provide predictable, measurable, and sometimes guaranteed services,
vices. Cisco WAAS allows applications to be centralized and to use storage
it must manage bandwidth, delay, jitter, and loss parameters. Even if you do
in the data center while maintaining LAN-like application performance.
not require QoS for your current applications, the use of QoS for manage-
ment and network protocols protects the network functionality and manage- WAAS accelerates applications and data over the WAN, optimizes band-
ability under normal and congested traffic conditions. width, empowers cloud computing, and provides local hosting of remote-site
IT services, all with industry-leading network integration. Cisco WAAS allows
The goal of this design is to provide sufficient classes of service to allow
IT organizations to centralize applications and storage while maintaining
voice, interactive video, critical data applications, and management traffic
productivity for remote-site and mobile users.
to be added to the network, either from the initial deployment or later with
minimum system impact and engineering effort. WAAS is centrally managed and requires one or more Cisco WAAS Central
Manager devices that are physically located within the data center but are
The QoS classifications in Table 5 are applied throughout this design. This
accessible via a web interface.
table is included as a reference.
The design for optimizing WAN traffic requires the deployment of Cisco
Table 5. QoS Service Class Mappings Wide Area Application Engine (WAE) appliances or modules at both the
Layer 3 Layer 2 WAN-aggregation site and at the WAN remote sites. The WAEs run WAAS
software that provides the WAN optimization services. The design requires
Service Class PHB DSCP IPP COS one or more WAE devices at every location, with multiple devices located
Network Control CS6 48 6 6 at a site to provide resiliency. The Cisco WAAS solution operates as a TCP
Telephony EF 46 5 5 proxy that integrates transparently with other services in the network and
provides WAN optimization benefits to the end users, without creating
Signaling CS3 24 3 3 optimization tunnels across the WAN.
AF41, 42, 43 34, 36, 38 4 4 The WAN optimization solution is tightly integrated with the WAN routers,
with the routers controlling the interception and redirection of traffic to be
Real Time optimized with WAAS. The design places the WAE appliances on exist-
CS4 32 4 4
Interactive ing network segments which removes the need for significant network
Multimedia modifications.
AF31, 32, 34 26, 28, 30 3 3
Streaming A successful WAAS implementation requires the following:
Broadcast Video CS5 40 4 4
• A method for intercepting chosen traffic to or from the WAN
Low-Latency Data AF21, 22, 23 18, 20, 22 2 2
• The ability to direct the chosen traffic to the WAE devices for
OAM CS2 16 2 2 proper optimization
Bulk Data AF11, 12, 13 10, 12, 14 1 1
• The ability for the WAE to reinject optimized traffic into the network
Scavenger CS1 8 1 1 after optimization
DF 0 0 0
“Best Effort”
Architecture Overview 12
Web Cache Communication Protocol (WCCP) is used on the routers to
intercept traffic entering the router from the LAN (sourced from the client or
the data center) or entering the router from the WAN (from a remote WAE).
As part of the WCCP redirection, traffic is forwarded to a chosen WAE via a
GRE tunnel.
Multiple WAE devices at one location can operate as a cluster. The routers
performing the WCCP redirection are responsible for load sharing across the
various WAE devices within a cluster. WAAS high availability uses what is
referred to as an N+1 model. This name means that if N equivalent devices
are required to support the required performance, then one additional
device is required to provide redundancy.
Traffic to be reinjected into the network uses a negotiated return WCCP
GRE tunnel egress method back to the originating router. This method is
preferred as it allows the WAE appliances to be located one or more routed
hops away from the WCCP router. There are several benefits associated
with this method, which are covered in more detail in the following sections.
Architecture Overview 13
Deploying the WAN
• Remote sites classified as Single-router, Dual-link must be able tolerate
the loss of either WAN transport.
• Remote sites classified as Dual-router, Dual-link must be able to tolerate
the loss of either an edge router or a WAN transport.
• Provide optimal routing connectivity from primary WAN-aggregation MPLS VPN-connected site:
sites to all remote locations • Connects to a site on the same MPLS VPN; the optimal route is direct
• Isolate WAN routing topology changes from other portions of the network within the MPLS VPN (traffic is not sent to the primary site)
• Ensure active/standby symmetric routing when multiple paths exist, for • Connects to any other site; the route is through the primary site
ease of troubleshooting and to prevent oversubscription of IP telephony DMVPN-connected site:
call admission control limits
• Connects to any DMVPN single connected site; the optimal route is
• Provide site-site remote routing via the primary WAN-aggregation site direct within the DMVPN (only initial traffic is sent to the DMVPN hub, and
(hub-and-spoke model) then is cut-through via a spoke-spoke tunnel)
• Permit optimal direct site-site remote routing when carrier services allow • Connects to any other site; the route is through the primary site
(spoke-to-spoke model)
The use of the dual WAN transports is specifically tuned to behave in an
• Support IP multicast sourced from the primary WAN-aggregation site active/standby manner. This type of configuration provides symmetric rout-
At the WAN remote sites, there is no local Internet access for web browsing ing, with traffic flowing along the same path in both directions. Symmetric
or cloud services. This model is referred to as a centralized Internet model. It routing simplifies troubleshooting as bidirectional traffic flows always
is worth noting that sites with Internet/DMVPN for either a primary or backup traverse the same links.
transport could potentially provide local Internet capability; however, for this MPLS VPN + DMVPN dual connected site:
design, only encrypted traffic to other DMVPN sites is permitted to use the
Internet link. In the centralized Internet model, a default route is advertised to • Connects to a site on the same MPLS VPN; the optimal route is direct
the WAN remote sites in addition to the internal routes from the data center within the MPLS VPN (traffic is not sent to the primary site)
and campus. • Connects to any DMVPN single-connected site; the optimal route is
direct within the DMVPN (only initial traffic is sent to the DMVPN hub, and
LAN Access then is cut-through via spoke-spoke tunnel)
All remote sites are to support both wired and wireless LAN access. • Connects to any other site; the route is through the primary site
High Availability
The network must tolerate single failure conditions including the failure of
any single WAN transport link or any single network device at the primary
WAN-aggregation site.
1. The performance numbers are conservative numbers obtained when the
router is passing IMIX traffic with heavy services configured and the CPU
utilization is under 75 percent.
2. Some service modules are double-wide.
The MPLS CE routers at the WAN remote sites connect in the same manner
as the MPLS CE routers at the WAN-aggregation site. The single link MPLS
WAN remote site shown in Figure 11 is the most basic of building blocks for
any remote location. This design can be used with the CE router connected
directly to the access layer, or can support a more complex LAN topology by
connecting the CE router directly to a distribution layer.
The IP routing is straightforward and can be handled entirely by using static
routes at the WAN-aggregation site and static default routes at the remote
site. However, there is significant value to configuring this type of site with
Remote Sites—MPLS CE Router Selection dynamic routing.
The actual WAN remote-site routing platforms remain unspecified because Dynamic routing makes it easy to add or modify IP networks at the remote
the specification is tied closely to the bandwidth required for a location and site, because any changes are immediately propagated to the rest of the
the potential requirement for the use of service module slots. The ability to network. MPLS VPN-connected sites require static routing to be handled by
implement this solution with a variety of potential router choices is one of the the carrier, and any changes or modifications require a change request to
benefits of a modular design approach. the carrier.
There are many factors to consider in the selection of the WAN remote-site
routers. Among those, and key to the initial deployment, is the ability to
process the expected amount and type of traffic. We also need to be con-
cerned with having enough interfaces, enough module slots, and a properly
licensed Cisco IOS® image that supports the set of features that is required
by the topology. We tested four integrated service router models as MPLS
CE routers and the expected performance is shown in Table 7.
Design Details
The basic single-link design can be augmented through the addition of an
alternate WAN transport that uses DMVPN over Internet and either connects All WAN-aggregation MPLS CE routers connect to the same resilient switch-
on the same router or on an additional router. These alternate designs are ing device in the distribution layer. All devices use EtherChannel connec-
shown in Figure 12. Adding an additional link provides the first level of high tions consisting of two port bundles. This design provides both resiliency
availability for the remote site. The router can automatically detect failure of and additional forwarding performance. Additional forwarding performance
the primary link and reroute traffic to the secondary path. It is mandatory to can be accomplished by increasing the number of physical links within an
run dynamic routing when there are multiple paths. The routing protocols are EtherChannel.
tuned to ensure the desired traffic flows. WAN transport via Ethernet is the only media type tested and included in
The dual-router, dual-link design continues to improve upon the level of high the configuration section. Other media types are commonly used (such as
availability for the site. This design can tolerate the loss of the primary router T1/E1), and these technologies are reliable and well understood. Due to the
because the secondary router reroutes traffic via the alternate path. multiplicity of potential choices for transport, media type, and interface type,
we decided to limit the focus of this deployment guide. Documentation of
additional variants is available in other guides.
MPLS VPNs require a link between a provider edge (PE) router and a CE
router. The PE and CE routers are considered IP neighbors across this link.
CE routers are only able to communicate with other CE routers across the
WAN via intermediate PE routers as shown in Figure 13.
Both the PE and CE routers are required to have sufficient IP-routing information
to provide end-to-end reachability. Maintaining this routing information typically
requires a routing protocol, and BGP is most commonly used for this purpose.
The various CE routers advertise their routes to the PE routers. The PE routers
propagate the routing information within the carrier network and in turn re-adver-
tise the routes back to other CE routers. This propagation of routing information is
known as dynamic PE-CE routing and it is essential when any sites have multiple
WAN transports (often referred to as dual-homed or multi-homed).
Tech Tip
We chose EIGRP as the primary routing protocol because it is easy to configure,
EIGRP and OSPF are also effective as PE-CE routing protocols, but may does not require a large amount of planning, has flexible summarization and
not be universally available across all MPLS VPN carriers. filtering, and can scale to large networks. As networks grow, the number of IP
prefixes or routes in the routing tables grows as well. You should program IP sum-
marization on links where logical boundaries exist, such as distribution layer links
Sites with only a single WAN transport (a single-homed site) do not require to the wide area or to a core. By performing IP summarization, you can reduce
dynamic PE-CE routing, and can rely on static routing because there is only a the amount of bandwidth, processor, and memory necessary to carry large route
single path to any destination. This design only includes dynamic PE-CE routing tables, and reduce convergence time associated with a link failure.
to provide consistency with configurations across both single-homed and dual- In this design, EIGRP process 100 is the primary EIGRP process and is
homed sites. This also allows for easy transition from a single-homed to a dual- referred to as EIGRP-100.
homed remote-site design by adding an additional link to an existing remote site.
EIGRP-100 is used at the WAN-aggregation site to connect to the primary
We did not test the PE routers and their configurations are not included in site LAN distribution layer and at WAN remote sites with dual WAN routers or
this guide. with distribution-layer LAN topologies.
An MPLS VPN WAN deployment requires the installation and configuration of BGP
MPLS CE routers at every location including the WAN-aggregation site, and at
every MPLS WAN-connected remote site. We have chosen BGP as the routing protocol for use between the PE and
CE routers for connection to the MPLS VPNs because it is consistently
supported across virtually all MPLS carriers. In this role, BGP is
2. Connect to Distribution Switch Secure HTTP (HTTPS) provides the capability to connect a HTTP server
securely. It uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security
3. Connect to MPLS PE Router (TLS) to provide device authentication and data encryption.
4. Configure EIGRP Both protocols are encrypted for privacy and the nonsecure protocols,
5. Configure BGP Telnet and HTTP, have been disabled.
6. Configure IP Multicast Routing ip domain-name cisco.local
no ip http server
Procedure Steps:
Procedure 4 Configure EIGRP
1. Assign the interface bandwidth.
2. Assign the IP address and netmask of the WAN interface.
Procedure Steps:
3. Administratively enable the interface and disable CDP.
1. Enable EIGRP.
2. Redistribute BGP into EIGRP.
Step 1: Assign the interface bandwidth.
3. Configure inbound distribute-list for EIGRP.
The bandwidth value should correspond to the actual interface speed, or if a
subrate service is used, then use the policed rate from the carrier.
Step 1: Enable EIGRP.
The example shows a Gigabit interface (1000 Mbps) with a sub-rate of 300
Mbps. EIGRP is configured facing the LAN distribution or core layer. In this design,
the port-channel interface and the loopback must be EIGRP interfaces. The
Command Reference: loopback may remain a passive interface. The network range must include
bandwidth kbps both interface IP addresses, either in a single network statement or in
multiple network statements. This design uses a best practice of assigning
NOTE: 300 Mbps = 300000 kbps
the router ID to a loopback address.
interface [interface type] [number]
router eigrp [as number]
bandwidth [bandwidth (kbps)]
network [network] [inverse mask]
passive-interface default
Step 2: Assign the IP address and netmask of the WAN interface. no passive-interface [interface]
eigrp router-id [IP address of Loopback0]
The IP addressing used between CE and PE routers must be negotiated with no auto-summary
your MPLS carrier. Typically a point-to-point netmask of is used.
Step 3: Configure inbound distribute-list for EIGRP. ip access-list standard [ACL name]
deny [network 1] [network 1 inverse mask]
This design uses mutual route redistribution; BGP routes are distributed into deny [network 2] [network 2 inverse mask]
EIGRP and EIGRP routes are distributed into BGP (covered in Procedure 5). <additional lines as necessary>
It is important to tightly control how routing information is shared between deny [network N] [network N inverse mask]
different routing protocols when this configuration is used; otherwise. it is permit any
possible to experience route flapping, where certain routes are repeatedly
installed and with-drawn from the device routing tables. Proper route control router eigrp [as number]
ensures the stability of the routing table. distribute-list [ACL name] in
An inbound distribute-list is used to limit which routes are accepted for instal-
Procedure 4 Example
lation into the route table. The WAN-aggregation MPLS CE routers are con-
ip access-list standard BLOCK-DIST-ROUTES-CE
figured to only accept routes which do not originate from the WAN. In order
remark Block WAN specific routes from WAN distribution layer
to accomplish this task requires the creation of an access-list that matches deny
any routes originating from the WAN. This design allows for a straightforward deny
summarization of the various WAN routes, which simplifies the creation of the deny
access-list. The specific IP addresses in use are shown in Table 8. permit any
Every Layer 3 switch and router must be configured with the address of 5. Configure IP Multicast Routing
the IP multicast RP. Use the rp-address command in conjunction with
an access-list to limit the network size that the RP is responsible for. This
configuration provides for future scaling and control of the IP multicast
environment and can change based on network needs and design. The PIM Configuration
Procedure 1 Finish Switch Universal Configuration
source is configured to be the device loopback for resiliency at sites with
multiple WAN transports.
ip pim rp-address [IP address of RP] [ACL number] This guide assumes that the WAN distribution switch has already been
ip pim register-source Loopback0 configured. Only the procedures required to complete the connections of
access-list [ACL number] permit [multicast group scope] [inverse the MPLS CE router and core devices are included. Full details on distribu-
mask] tion layer switch configuration are included in the Cisco SBA for Large
Agencies—Borderless Networks LAN Deployment Guide.
All Layer 3 interfaces in the network must be enabled for sparse mode
multicast operation.
interface [interface type] [number]
ip pim sparse-mode
Procedure 6 Example
ip multicast-routing distributed
interface Loopback0
ip pim sparse-mode
Procedure 5 Example
ip multicast-routing distributed
interface Loopback0
ip pim sparse-mode
interface Port-Channel3
ip pim sparse-mode
interface TenGigabitEthernet1/0/1
ip pim sparse-mode
ip pim rp-address 10
ip pim register-source Loopback0
access-list 10 permit
Step 2: Configure in-band management interface. SNMP is enabled to allow the network infrastructure devices to be managed
by a NMS. SNMPv2c is configured both for a read-only and a read-write
All devices leverage a loopback address. A loopback is a virtual interface community string.
that is consistently reachable when multiple paths exist to the device. snmp-server community cisco RO
Various other features may use the loopback. snmp-server community cisco123 RW
interface Loopback0 snmp-server trap-source Loopback0
ip address [IP address]
Step 4: Configure secure user authentication.
Step 3: Configure device-management protocols.
AAA is enabled for access control. All management access to the network
SSH is an application and a protocol that provides a secure replacement to infrastructure devices (SSH, Telnet, HTTP, and HTTPS) is controlled with
RSH and Telnet. Secure management access is enabled through the use of AAA. A local AAA user database is defined on the network infrastructure
the SSH and/or HTTPS protocols. HTTPS provides the capability to connect devices to provide the ability to manage them in case the centralized
a HTTP server securely. It uses SSL and TLS to provide device authentica- RADIUS server is unavailable, or if you do not have a RADIUS server in your
tion and data encryption. Both protocols are encrypted for privacy and the agency. We highly recommend the use of a centralized authentication
non-secure protocols, Telnet and HTTP, have been disabled. database.
ip domain-name cisco.local enable secret c1sco123
no ip http server service password-encryption
Enabling SSH requires that a public/private keypair be generated for username admin password c1sco123
the device: aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default group radius local
crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048 ip radius source-interface Loopback0
ip ssh version 2 radius-server host key SecretKey
ip ssh source-interface Loopback0
Procedure 3 Example
Procedure 4 Example
router bgp 65511
ip multicast-routing
no synchronization
bgp router-id
interface Loopback0
bgp log-neighbor-changes
ip pim sparse-mode
network mask
network mask
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
network mask
ip pim sparse-mode
aggregate-address summary-only
neighbor remote-as 65401
interface GigabitEthernet0/2.64
no auto-summary
ip pim sparse-mode
ip pim rp-address 10
Procedure 4 Configure IP Multicast Routing ip pim register-source Loopback0
access-list 10 permit
This procedure applies to all WAN routers.
Procedure Steps: Procedure 5 Configure Access Layer Routing
1. Enable IP multicast routing.
Procedure Steps:
2. Configure PIM, RP and scoping.
1. Enable the physical interface.
Step 1: Enable IP multicast routing. 2. Create subinterfaces and assign VLAN tags.
Enable IP multicast routing on the platforms in the global 3. Configure IP settings for each subinterface.
configuration mode.
ip multicast-routing
The HSRP priority and PIM DR priority are shown in Table 9 to be the Procedure 7 Example—MPLS CE Router
same value; however there is no requirement that these values must be interface GigabitEthernet0/2.99
identical. description Transit Net
encapsulation dot1Q 99
ip address
This procedure should be repeated for all data or voice subinterfaces.
interface [interface type] [number].[sub-interface number]
encapsulation dot1Q [dot1q VLAN tag] Procedure 8 Configure EIGRP (LAN Side)
[Dual-Router Design Only]
ip address [LAN network 1 address] [LAN network 1 netmask]
ip helper-address [IP address of DHCP server]
A routing protocol must be configured between the two routers. This ensures
ip pim sparse-mode
ip pim dr-priority [PIM DR priority] that the HSRP active router has full reachability information for all WAN
standby [number] ip [LAN network 1 gateway address] [LAN remote sites.
network 1 netmask] Procedure Steps:
standby [number] priority [priority]
standby [number] preempt 1. Enable EIGRP-100.
2. Redistribute BGP into EIGRP-100.
The HSRP active router remains the active router unless the router is reloaded
or fails. Having the HSRP router remain as the active router can lead to
undesired behavior. If the MPLS VPN transport were to fail, the HSRP active
The Cisco ASR1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers represent the Remote Sites—DMVPN Spoke Router Selection
next-generation, modular, services-integrated Cisco routing platform. They
are specifically designed for WAN aggregation, with the flexibility to sup- The actual WAN remote-site routing platforms remain unspecified because
port a wide range of 4- to 16-Mpps packet-forwarding capabilities, 2.5- to the specification is tied closely to the bandwidth required for a location and
20-Gbps system bandwidth performance, and scaling. The Cisco ASR 1000 the potential requirement for the use of service module slots. The ability to
Series is fully modular, from both hardware and software perspectives, and implement this solution with a variety of potential router choices is one of the
the routers have all the elements of a true carrier-class routing product that benefits of a modular design approach.
serves both large-agency and service-provider networks. There are many factors to consider in the selection of the WAN remote-site
WAN 100 Design routers. Among those, and key to the initial deployment, is the ability to
process the expected amount and type of traffic. Also we need to be con-
The WAN 100 design is intended to support up to 100 remote sites with cerned with having enough interfaces, enough module slots, and a properly
a combined aggregate WAN bandwidth of up to 100 Mbps. The WAN 100 licensed Cisco IOS image that supports the set of features that is required
design is essentially a smaller scale version of the WAN 500 design. This by the topology. We tested four integrated service router models as DMVPN
variant is included to provide a limited scale option. If further growth in spoke routers and the expected performance is shown in Table 10.
bandwidth or an increase in the number of sites is expected, then proceed
with the WAN 500 design. Using the larger design can prevent unnecessary
downtime associated with device upgrades. This design uses the Cisco
1. The performance numbers are conservative numbers obtained when the
router is passing IMIX traffic with heavy services configured and the CPU
utilization is under 75 percent.
2. Some service modules are double-wide.
The DMVPN spoke routers at the WAN remote sites connect to the Internet
directly through a router interface. More details about the security configu-
ration of the remote-site routers connected to the Internet are discussed
later in this guide. The single link DMVPN remote site shown in Figure 18 is
the most basic of building blocks for any remote location. This design can The DMVPN connection can be the primary WAN transport, or can also be
be used with the CE router connected directly to the access layer, or it can the alternate to an MPLS WAN transport. The DMVPN single-link design can
support a more complex LAN topology by connecting the CE router directly be added to an existing MPLS WAN design to provide additional resiliency
to a distribution layer. either connecting on the same router or on an additional router. These
alternate designs are shown in Figure 19. Adding an additional link provides
The IP routing is straightforward and can be handled entirely by static the first level of high availability for the remote site. A failure in the primary
routing; using static routes at the WAN-aggregation site and static default link can be automatically detected by the router and traffic can be rerouted
routes at the remote site. However, there is significant value to configuring to the secondary path. It is mandatory to run dynamic routing when there are
this type of site with dynamic routing. It is easy to add or modify IP networks multiple paths. The routing protocols are tuned to ensure the desired
at the remote site when using dynamic routing because any changes are traffic flows.
immediately propagated to the rest of the network.
The dual-router, dual-link design continues to improve upon the level of
high availability for the site. This design can tolerate the loss of the primary
router and traffic can be rerouted via the secondary router (through the
alternate path).
Encapsulation Overhead This solution uses the Internet for WAN transport. For data security and
privacy concerns any site-to-site traffic that traverses the Internet must be
GRE only 24 bytes
encrypted. Multiple technologies can provide encryption, but the method
IPsec (Transport Mode) 36 bytes that provides the best combination of performance, scale, application sup-
IPsec (Tunnel Mode) 52 bytes port, and ease of deployment is Dynamic Multipoint VPN.
IPsec (Transport Mode) + GRE 60 bytes Most use cases in this design guide use Internet/DMVPN as a secondary
IPsec (Tunnel Mode) + GRE 76 bytes WAN transport that requires a DMVPN single-cloud, single-hub design as
shown in Figure 22. The DMVPN routers use tunnel interfaces that support
There is a Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) parameter for every link in an IP unicast as well as IP multicast and broadcast traffic, including the use of
IP network and typically the MTU is 1500 bytes. IP packets larger than dynamic routing protocols. After the initial spoke-to-hub tunnel is active, it
1500 bytes must be fragmented when transmitted across these links. is possible to create dynamic spoke-to-spoke tunnels when site-to-site IP
Fragmentation is undesired and can impact network performance. To avoid traffic flows require it.
fragmentation, the original packet size plus overhead must be 1500 bytes or
less, which means that the sender must reduce the original packet size. To The information required by a spoke to set up dynamic spoke-to-spoke
account for other potential overhead, we recommend that tunnel interfaces tunnels and properly resolve other spokes is provided through the Next Hop
are configured with a 1400 byte MTU. Resolution Protocol (NHRP). Spoke-to-spoke tunnels allow for the optimal
routing of traffic between locations without indirect forwarding through
There are dynamic methods for network clients to discover the path MTU, the hub. Idle spoke-to-spoke tunnels gracefully time out after a period
which allow the clients to reduce the size of packets they transmit. However, of inactivity.
in many cases, these dynamic methods are unsuccessful, typically because
security devices filter the necessary discovery traffic. This failure to dis-
cover the path MTU drives the need for a method that can reliably inform
network clients of the appropriate packet size. The solution is to implement
the ip tcp adjust mss [size] command on the WAN routers, which influ-
ences the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) value reported by end hosts.
The MSS defines the maximum amount of data that a host is willing to
accept in a single TCP/IP datagram. The MSS value is sent as a TCP header
option only in TCP SYN segments. Each side of a TCP connection reports
its MSS value to the other side. The sending host is required to limit the size
of data in a single TCP segment to a value less than or equal to the MSS
reported by the receiving host.
The IP and TCP headers combine for 40 bytes of overhead, so the typical
MSS value reported by network clients will be 1460. This design includes
encrypted tunnels with a 1400 byte MTU, so the MSS used by endpoints
should be configured to be 1360 to minimize any impact of fragmentation.
This ip tcp adjust mss 1360 command is implemented on all WAN facing
router interfaces in this solution.
The DMVPN hub router has a static IP address assigned to its public-facing Procedure 1 Finish WAN Router Universal Configuration
interface. This configuration is essential for proper operation as each of the
spoke routers has this IP address embedded in their configurations.
Procedure Steps:
It is common for a firewall to be placed between the DMVPN hub router
and the Internet. In many cases, the firewall may provide Network Address 1. Configure the device hostname.
Translation (NAT) from an internal RFC-1918 IP address (such as 2. Configure in-band management.
to an Internet-routable IP address. The DMVPN solution works well with
NAT but requires the use of IPsec transport mode to support a DMVPN hub 3. Configure device-management protocols.
behind static NAT. 4. Configure secure user authentication.
DMVPN requires the use of Internet Security Association and Key 5. Configure a synchronized clock.
Management Protocol (ISAKMP) keepalives for Dead Peer Detection (DPD),
Step 2: Configure in-band management interface. SNMP is enabled to allow the network infrastructure devices to be managed
by a NMS. SNMPv2c is configured both for a read-only and a read-write
All devices leverage a loopback address. A loopback is a virtual interface community string.
that is consistently reachable when multiple paths exist to the device. snmp-server community cisco RO
Various other features may use the loopback. snmp-server community cisco123 RW
interface Loopback0 snmp-server trap-source Loopback0
ip address [IP address]
Step 4: Configure secure user authentication.
Step 3: Configure device-management protocols.
AAA is enabled for access control. All management access to the network
SSH is an application and a protocol that provides a secure replacement to infrastructure devices (SSH, Telnet, HTTP, and HTTPS) is controlled with
RSH and Telnet. Secure management access is enabled through the use of AAA. A local AAA user database is defined on the network infrastructure
the SSH and/or HTTPS protocols. HTTPS provides the capability to connect devices to provide the ability to manage them in case the centralized
a HTTP server securely. It uses SSL and TLS to provide device authentica- RADIUS server is unavailable, or if you do not have a RADIUS server in
tion and data encryption. Both protocols are encrypted for privacy and the your agency. We highly recommend the use of a centralized authentication
non-secure protocols, Telnet and HTTP, have been disabled. database.
ip domain-name cisco.local enable secret c1sco123
no ip http server service password-encryption
Enabling SSH requires that a public/private keypair be generated for the username admin password c1sco123
device: aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default group radius local
crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048 ip radius source-interface Loopback0
ip ssh version 2 radius-server host key SecretKey
ip ssh source-interface Loopback0
The DMVPN hub requires a connection to the Internet, and in this design
the DMVPN hub is connected through a Cisco ASA5500 Adaptive Security
Appliance using a DMZ interface specifically created and configured for a
VPN termination router.
Procedure 5 Configure ISAKMP and IPSec Step 4: Define the IPsec transform set.
A transform set is an acceptable combination of security protocols, algo-
Procedure Steps: rithms, and other settings to apply to IPsec-protected traffic. Peers agree to
1. Configure the crypto keyring. use a particular transform set when protecting a particular data flow.
2. Configure the ISAKMP policy. The IPsec transform set for DMVPN uses the following:
3. Create the ISAKMP profile. • ESP with the 256-bit AES encryption algorithm
4. Define the IPSec transform set. • ESP with the SHA (HMAC variant) authentication algorithm
5. Create the IPSec profile. Because the DMVPN hub router is behind a NAT device, the IPsec transform
must be configured for transport mode.
Step 1: Configure the crypto keyring. crypto ipsec transform-set [IPSec transform-set name] esp-aes
256 esp-sha-hmac
The crypto keyring defines a pre-shared key (or password) valid for IP mode transport
sources reachable within a particular VRF. This key is a wildcard pre-shared
router eigrp 200 All Layer 3 interfaces in the network must be enabled for sparse mode
multicast operation.
redistribute eigrp 100
passive-interface default NOTE: Do not enable PIM on the Internet DMZ interface, as no multicast traf-
no passive-interface Tunnel10 fic should be requested from this interface.
no auto-summary
interface [interface type] [number]
ip pim sparse-mode
Procedure 8 Configure IP Multicast Routing
Procedure 8 Example
ip multicast-routing distributed
interface Loopback0 Procedure 1 Finish Switch Universal Configuration
ip pim sparse-mode
interface Port-Channel3 This guide assumes that the WAN distribution switch has already been
ip pim sparse-mode configured. Only the procedures required to complete the connections of
! the DMVPN hub router and core devices are included. Full details on distri-
interface Tunnel10 bution layer switch configuration are included in the Cisco SBA for Large
ip pim nbma-mode
Agencies—Borderless Networks LAN Deployment Guide.
ip pim sparse-mode
ip pim rp-address 10
ip pim register-source Loopback0 Procedure 2 Connect to DMVPN Hub Router
access-list 10 permit
The port-channel interface connects to a DMVPN hub router. This con-
nection is a Layer 3 port-channel. The following configuration creates an
EtherChannel link between the switch and router, with two channel-group
Procedure Steps:
1. C onfigure the port-channel interface and assign the IP address.
2. A
dministratively enable the port-channel group members and assign
the appropriate channel group.
This procedure is only required when the WAN deployment uses a separate
dedicated WAN distribution switch. High-performance 10-Gbps interfaces
The firewall’s DMZ is a portion of the network where, typically, traffic to and
from other parts of the network is tightly restricted. Agencies place network
services in a DMZ for exposure to the Internet; these servers are typically
not allowed to initiate connections to the internal network, except for specific
The various DMZ networks are connected using a VLAN trunk to the Gigabit
Ethernet interface of the Cisco ASA 5500. The DMVPN hub router connects
to the DMZ switch using a single interface; the VPN-DMZ VLAN interface on
the firewall is assigned an IP address, which is the default gateway for the interface GigabitEthernet0/1
VPN-DMZ network. The VLAN interface of the DMZ switch does not have an description dmz trunk to dmz-3750 stack port x/0/1
IP address assigned for the VPN-DMZ VLAN. no nameif
no security-level
Procedure Steps: no ip address
1. Configure the Cisco ASA5500 physical interface.
Step 2: Configure the subinterface for the DMZ-VPN.
2. Configure the subinterface for the DMZ-VPN.
The DMZ VLAN interface must be configured with an appropriate IP address
3. On the DMZ switch, define the switch ports that connect to the firewall
for the attached network, as well as an intuitive interface name to be used
as trunk ports and add the appropriate VLAN.
for NAT and security policy configuration. The tested design uses the values
Figure 24. DMZ Subinterface Configuration Step 4: On the DMZ switch, configure the interface and assign the access
port VLAN.
interface [interface type] [number]
switchport access VLAN [VLAN number]
no shutdown
Prior to this procedure, the DMZ-VPN network would have connectivity to the
Cisco ASA 5500 interface, but there would be no access from the DMZ-VPN
network to the Internet, or from the Internet to the DMZ-VPN. A last step is
required to allow Internet connectivity for the DMZ; the DMZ network uses
private network (RFC 1918) addressing that is not Internet routable, so the
firewall must translate the DMZ address to an outside public address. For
this configuration, we are going to translate the DMZ-VPN address of the
DMVPN hub router to a public IP address that can be routed on the Internet
as shown in Table 13.
Table 13. DMVPN Hub IP Address Translation Information
Security policy configuration is fairly arbitrary to suit the policy and manage-
Figure 25. Configure Network Object Names ment requirements of an agency. Thus, examples here should be used as a
basis for your network-security requirements.
The Site-to-Site VPN DMZ provides an additional layer of protection to lower
the likelihood of certain types of misconfiguration of the VPN routers expos-
ing the agency network to the Internet. A filter allows only VPN traffic as well
as some diagnostic traffic to reach the VPN routers, to facilitate trouble-
shooting for reachability to the VPN hubs from remote sites.
Table 14. Required DMVPN Protocols (Hub Router)
Name Protocol Usage
non500-isakmp UDP 4500 IPsec via NAT-T
isakmp UDP 500 ISAKMP
names esp IP 50 IPsec
name outside-dmvpn-1
name dmz-dmvpn
name dmz-dmvpn-1
Step 2: Define static translation policy for traffic passing between the
Internet and the DMVPN hub router in the DMZ-VPN.
All devices that must be exposed to the Internet require a static translation.
The DMVPN hub router translation is shown in Figure 26.
UDP high ports UDP > 1023 Allow remote traceroute Figure 27. Define Internet to DMZ-VPN Inbound Policy
Procedure Steps:
1. Define access-control entries to allow VPN traffic to the DMVPN rout-
ers in the DMZ-VPN.
2. Define additional access-control entries to allow diagnostic traffic to
the DMVPN routers in the DMZ-VPN.
Procedure 1 Example
Example access list:
rd 65512:1 interface [interface type] [number]
ip access-group [ACL name] in
ip access-list extended [ACL name]
permit udp any any eq non500-isakmp
Procedure 2 Connect to the Internet permit udp any any eq isakmp
permit esp any any
The remote sites using DMVPN can use either static or dynamically assigned permit udp any any eq bootpc
IP addresses. We tested the design with a DHCP assigned external address,
which also provides a dynamically configured default route. The additional protocols listed in Table 17 may assist in troubleshooting, but
are not explicitly required to allow DMVPN to function properly.
The DMVPN spoke router connects directly to the Internet without a separate
firewall. This connection is secured in two ways. Since the Internet interface Table 17. Optional Protocols - DMVPN Spoke Router
is in a separate VRF, no traffic can access the global VRF except traffic
sourced through the DMVPN tunnel. This design provides implicit security. Name Protocol Usage
Additionally, an IP access list permits only the traffic required for an encrypted icmp echo ICMP Type 0, Code 0 Allow remote pings
tunnel, as well as DHCP and various ICMP protocols for troubleshooting. icmp echo-reply ICMP Type 8, Code 0 Allow ping replies
Procedure Steps: (from our requests)
icmp ttl-exceeded ICMP Type 11, Code 0 Allow traceroute replies
1. Administratively enable the interface, select VRF and enable DHCP. (from our requests)
2. Configure and apply the access list. icmp port-unreachable ICMP Type 3, Code 3 Allow traceroute replies
(from our requests)
Step 1: Enable the interface, select VRF and enable DHCP. UDP high ports UDP > 1023, TTL=1 Allow remote traceroute
The DMVPN design uses Front Door VRF, so this interface must be placed
into the VRF configured in the previous procedure. The additional optional entries for an access list to support ping are as follows:
interface [interface type] [number] permit icmp any any echo
ip vrf forwarding [vrf name] permit icmp any any echo-reply
ip address dhcp
no shutdown The additional optional entries for an access list to support traceroute are as follows:
permit icmp any any ttl-exceeded ! for traceroute
Step 2: Configure and apply the access list. (sourced)
permit icmp any any port-unreachable ! for traceroute
The IP access list must permit the protocols specified in Table 16. The (sourced)
access list is applied inbound on the WAN interface, so filtering is done on permit udp any any gt 1023 ttl eq 1 ! for traceroute
traffic destined to the router. (destination)
Tunnel interfaces are created as they are configured. The tunnel number is Table 18. DMVPN Hub IP Address Information
arbitrary, but it is best to begin tunnel numbering at 10 or above, because
other features deployed in this design may also require tunnels and they DMVPN Hub Public
may select lower numbers by default. DMVPN Hub Address (exter- NHS
Public Address nally routable (DMVPN Hub mGRE
The bandwidth setting should be set to match the Internet bandwidth. (actual) after NAT) Tunnel Address)
The IP MTU should be configured to 1400 and the ip tcp adjust-mss should
be configured to 1360. There is a 40 byte difference, which corresponds to
the combined IP and TCP header length.
Step 2: Configure in-band management interface. SNMP is enabled to allow the network infrastructure devices to be managed
by a NMS. SNMPv2c is configured both for a read-only and a read-write
All devices leverage a loopback address. A loopback is a virtual interface community string.
that is consistently reachable when multiple paths exist to the device. snmp-server community cisco RO
Various other features may use the loopback. snmp-server community cisco123 RW
interface Loopback0 snmp-server trap-source Loopback0
ip address [IP address]
Step 4: Configure secure user authentication.
Step 3: Configure device-management protocols.
AAA is enabled for access control. All management access to the network
SSH is an application and a protocol that provides a secure replacement to infrastructure devices (SSH, Telnet, HTTP, and HTTPS) is controlled with
RSH and Telnet. Secure management access is enabled through the use of AAA. A local AAA user database is defined on the network infrastructure
the SSH and/or HTTPS protocols. HTTPS provides the capability to connect devices to provide the ability to manage them in case the centralized
a HTTP server securely. It uses SSL and TLS to provide device authentica- RADIUS server is unavailable, or if you do not have a RADIUS server in
tion and data encryption. Both protocols are encrypted for privacy and the your agency. We highly recommend the use of a centralized authentication
non-secure protocols, Telnet and HTTP, have been disabled. database.
ip domain-name cisco.local enable secret c1sco123
no ip http server service password-encryption
Enabling SSH requires that a public/private keypair be generated for the username admin password c1sco123
device: aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default group radius local
crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048 ip radius source-interface Loopback0
ip ssh version 2 radius-server host key SecretKey
ip ssh source-interface Loopback0
icmp port-unreachable ICMP Type 3, Code 3 Allow traceroute replies 4. Define the IPsec transform set.
(from our requests) 5. Create the IPsec profile.
UDP high ports UDP > 1023, TTL=1 Allow remote
traceroute Step 1: Configure the crypto keyring.
The crypto keyring defines a pre-shared key (or password) valid for IP
The additional optional entries for an access list to support ping are as sources reachable within a particular VRF. This key is a wildcard pre-shared
follows: key if it applies to any IP source. A wildcard key is configured using the
permit icmp any any echo network/mask combination.
permit icmp any any echo-reply crypto keyring [keyring name] vrf [vrf name]
pre-shared-key address key [pre-shared key]
The additional optional entries for an access list to support traceroute are as
follows: Step 2: Configure the ISAKMP policy and dead peer detection.
permit icmp any any ttl-exceeded ! for traceroute
(sourced) The ISAKMP policy for DMVPN uses the following:
permit icmp any any port-unreachable ! for traceroute • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with a 256-bit key
permit udp any any gt 1023 ttl eq 1 ! for traceroute • Secure Hash Standard (SHA)
• Authentication by pre-shared key
A single EIGRP process is run on the DMVPN spoke router. All interfaces on Step 2: Configure PIM, RP and scoping.
the router are EIGRP interfaces, but only the DMVPN tunnel interface is non-
Every Layer 3 switch and router must be configured with the address of the
passive. The network range must include all interface IP addresses either in
IP multicast RP. Use the rp-address command in conjunction with an access-
a single network statement or in multiple network statements. This design
list to limit the network size that the RP is responsible for. This configuration
uses a best practice of assigning the router ID to a loopback address. provides for future scaling and control of the IP multicast environment and
router eigrp [as number (dmvpn)] can change based on network needs and design. The PIM source is con-
network [mGRE tunnel network] [inverse mask] figured to be the device loopback for resiliency at sites with multiple WAN
network [WAN remote range] [inverse mask] transports.
passive-interface default
no passive-interface [mGRE tunnel interface] ip pim rp-address [IP address of RP] [ACL number]
eigrp router-id [IP address of Loopback0] ip pim register-source Loopback0
no auto-summary access-list [ACL number] permit [multicast group scope] [inverse
Procedure 6 Example
All Layer 3 interfaces in the network must be enabled for sparse mode
router eigrp 200 multicast operation.
network NOTE: Do not enable PIM on the Internet interface, as no multicast traffic
passive-interface default should be requested from this interface.
no passive-interface Tunnel10
eigrp router-id interface [interface type] [number]
no auto-summary ip pim sparse-mode
A Layer 2 port-channel interface connects to the WAN distribution switch. Procedure 1 Example
This connection allows for multiple VLANs to be included on the interface Port-channel1
EtherChannel if necessary. no ip address
The following configuration creates an EtherChannel link between the router interface Port-channel1.50
and switch, with two channel-group members. encapsulation dot1Q 50
ip address
Procedure Steps: ip pim sparse-mode
1. Configure the port-channel interface. interface GigabitEthernet0/1
no ip address
2. Configure the port-channel subinterfaces and assign IP addresses. channel-group 1
no shutdown
3. Administratively enable the port channel group members and assign !
the appropriate channel group. interface GigabitEthernet0/2
no ip address
channel-group 1
no shutdown
EIGRP-100 is configured facing the distribution layer. In this design, all distribu- The transit network is configured between the two routers. This network is
tion-layer-facing subinterfaces and the loopback must be EIGRP interfaces. used for router-router communication and to avoid hair-pinning. The transit
All other interfaces should remain passive. The network range must include network should use an additional subinterface on the EtherChannel inter-
all interface IP addresses either in a single network statement or in multiple face that is already used to connect to the distribution layer.
network statements. This design uses a best practice of assigning the router
ID to a loopback address. The transit network must be a non-passive EIGRP interface.
router eigrp [as number] There are no end stations connected to this network so HSRP and DHCP are
network [network] [inverse mask] not required.
passive-interface default
interface [interface type] [number].[sub-interface number]
no passive-interface [interface]
encapsulation dot1Q [dot1q VLAN tag]
eigrp router-id [IP address of Loopback0]
ip address [transit net address] [transit net netmask]
no auto-summary
Step 3: Enable the port-channel group members and assign the appropriate
This set of procedures is for the configuration of a DMVPN spoke router for channel group.
a DMVPN remote site (single-router, single-link) and includes all required
procedures to connect to a distribution layer. Not all router platforms can support LACP to negotiate with the switch, so
EtherChannel is configured statically.
This set of procedures should also be used for a MPLS WAN + DMVPN
interface [interface type] [number]
remote site. Use these procedures to connect a distribution layer when no ip address
configuring the second router of the dual-router, dual-link design. channel-group [number]
no shutdown
Procedure 1 Example
Procedure 1 Connect DMVPN Spoke Router to Distribution Layer interface Port-channel2
no ip address
A Layer 2 port-channel interface connects to the WAN distribution
switch. This connection allows for multiple VLANs to be included on the interface Port-channel2.54
encapsulation dot1Q 54
EtherChannel if necessary.
ip address
The following configuration creates an EtherChannel link between the router ip pim sparse-mode
and switch, with two channel-group members. !
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
Procedure Steps: no ip address
1. Configure the port-channel interface. channel-group 2
no shutdown
2. Configure the port-channel subinterfaces and assign IP addresses. !
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
3. Administratively enable the port-channel group members and assign
no ip address
the appropriate channel group. channel-group 2
Step 1: Configure the port-channel interface. no shutdown
Create the port-channel interface. As a best practice, use the same channel
numbering on both sides of the link where possible.
interface Port-channel [number]
no ip address
A routing protocol must be configured between the router and The transit network is configured between the two routers. This network is
distribution layer. used for router-router communication and to avoid hair-pinning. The transit
network should use an additional subinterface on the EtherChannel inter-
Procedure Steps: face that is already used to connect to the distribution layer.
1. Enable EIGRP-100. The transit network must be a non-passive EIGRP interface.
2. Redistribute EIGRP-200 (DMVPN) into EIGRP-100. There are no end stations connected to this network so HSRP and DHCP are
not required.
Step 1: Enable EIGRP-100. interface [interface type] [number].[sub-interface number]
encapsulation dot1Q [dot1q VLAN tag]
EIGRP-100 is configured facing the distribution layer. In this design, all distri- ip address [transit net address] [transit net netmask]
bution-layer-facing subinterfaces and the loopback must be EIGRP interfaces.
All other interfaces should remain passive. The network range must include all Procedure 3 Example—DMVPN Spoke Router
interface IP addresses either in a single network statement or in multiple network interface Port-channel2.99
statements. This design uses a best practice of assigning the router ID to a description Transit Net
loopback address. encapsulation dot1Q 99
router eigrp [as number] ip address
network [network] [inverse mask] ip pim sparse-mode
passive-interface default
no passive-interface [interface] router eigrp 100
eigrp router-id [IP address of Loopback0] no passive-interface Port-channel2.99
no auto-summary
Procedure 3 Example
Procedure 2 Create the Policy Map to Mark BGP Traffic ip access-list extended ISAKMP
permit udp any eq isakmp any eq isakmp
This procedure is only required for a WAN-aggregation MPLS CE router or a class-map match-any NETWORK-CRITICAL
WAN remote-site MPLS CE router that is using BGP. match access-group name ISAKMP
Step 1: Create the parent policy map. Step 1: Select the WAN interface.
As a best practice, embed the interface name within the name of the parent interface [interface type] [number]
policy map.
policy-map [policy-map-name] Step 2: Apply the WAN QoS policy.
The service policy needs to be applied in the outbound direction.
Step 2: Configure the shaper.
service-policy output [policy-map-name]
class [class-name]
shape [average | peak] [bandwidth (kbps)]
Procedure 6 Example
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
Step 3: Apply the child service policy.
service-policy output WAN-INTERFACE-G0/0
policy-map [policy-map-name] !
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
service-policy output WAN-INTERFACE-G0/1
Application Optimization Technical Overview This design uses WCCP 61 inbound on LAN-facing interfaces to match
unoptimized data sourced from the data center that is destined for clients at
WAN Aggregation the WAN remote sites. WCCP 62 is used inbound on WAN-facing interfaces,
The WAN-aggregation site uses a cluster of two or more WAE devices to matching optimized data sourced from the WAN remote sites.
provide WAAS capabilities as shown in Figure 30. The WAE appliances
The connections from the switch to the MPLS CE and DMVPN routers are all
connect to the distribution-layer switch. The connections use EtherChannel
routed point-to-point links. This design mandates the use of a negotiated-
both for increased throughput and for resiliency. The WAEs connect to the
return GRE tunnel from WAE to router. When a design uses a GRE negoti-
WAN services network that is configured on the distribution switch.
ated return, it is not required to extend the WAN services VLAN to include
The WAN 500 design uses a cluster of WAE-7371 devices. The total number the MPLS CE and DMVPN routers.
of devices required is a minimum of 2 (for N+1 redundancy). Similarly, the
NOTE: You must connect an external Ethernet cable from each NME or SRE
module for this solution.
Step 8: After the reboot, login to the WAAS Central Manager and
enable SSH.
Procedure 2 Configure Switch for WAE Appliances
Enabling SSH requires the generation of the RSA key and enabling of the
sshd service:
ssh-key-generate key-length 2048
sshd version 2 The WAN distribution switch is the appropriate location to physically con-
sshd enable nect devices at the WAN-aggregation site such as WAE appliances that
support WAN optimization. This device type requires a resilient connection
Step 9: Save the configuration. but does not require a routing protocol. This type of connection can use a
Layer 2 EtherChannel link.
After making configuration changes through the console, save the
configuration. This guide assumes that the distribution layer switch has already been
configured. Only the procedures required to complete the connection of the
copy running-config startup-config
switch to the WAE appliances are included. Full details on distribution layer
switch configuration are included in the Cisco SBA for Large Agencies—
Step 10: Access the WAAS Central Manager through the web interface. Borderless Networks LAN Deployment Guide.
The Central Manager device should now be up and running after the reload
completes, and be accessible to a web browser at the IP address assigned
during Step 6 of the setup utility, or at the associated hostname if it has
been configured in DNS. Specify secure HTTP and the port number 8443 to
access the Central Manager, for example Login
using the default username of admin and password of default. Choosing My
WAN -> Manage Devices from the panel on the left should display a screen
showing the Central Manager initially as the only managed device.
There are several additional non-default settings that are enabled on the
WAE devices to complete the configuration. These setting are configured in
Steps 13 through 15.
Router list 8 is specifically for use with WCCP configured on a default gate-
way router. This design uses GRE-negotiated return and router loopback
addresses so we need to create a new router list and delete router list 8.
All WAE configurations in this design use router list 1.
no wccp router-list 8
wccp router-list 1
This design uses authentication between the routers and the WAEs.
wccp tcp-promiscuous router-list-num 1 password c1sco123 Procedure 5 Configure Remote Switch for WAE Devices
Step 13: Enable SSH. If you are using a remote-site distribution-layer design, the distribution
switch is the appropriate location to physically connect the WAE devices.
Enabling SSH requires the generation of the RSA key and enabling of the This device type requires a resilient connection, but does not require a rout-
sshd service: ing protocol. This type of connection can use a Layer 2 EtherChannel link.
ssh-key-generate key-length 2048
sshd version 2 This guide assumes that the distribution layer switch has already been
sshd enable configured. Only the procedures required to complete the connection of the
switch to the WAE appliances are included. Full details on distribution layer
Step 14: Save the configuration. switch configuration are included in the Cisco SBA for Large Agencies—
Borderless Networks LAN Deployment Guide.
After making configuration changes through the console, save the
configuration. This design locates the WAE devices on the data (primary) VLAN. It is
copy running-config startup-config required to create a VLAN and SVI for this VLAN if it does not already exist.
Procedure Steps:
Each WAE registers with the WAAS Central Manager as they become active 1. On the WAN distribution switch, create the VLAN and SVI.
on the network. You can verify this registration using the show cms info
command on the respective WAE or via the web interface to the WCM. 2. On the WAN distribution switch, configure Layer 2 EtherChannel links
for the devices and associate them with the VLAN.
interface Vlan [VLAN number] WCCP is used in this design to divert network traffic destined for the WAN
ip address [IP address] [netmask] to the WAAS system for optimization. This method provides for a clean
deployment with minimal additional cabling, and requires both the WAN-
aggregation and remote-site routers to be configured for WCCP.
Step 2: Configure Layer 2 EtherChannel links for the devices and associate
them with the VLAN. Procedure Steps:
interface Port-channel [number]
1. Configure global WCCP parameters and enable services 61 and 62.
switchport access vlan [VLAN number]
2. Configure WCCP redirect on the LAN and WAN interfaces.
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2
switchport access vlan [VLAN number]
channel-group [number] mode on Step 1: Configure global WCCP parameters and enable services 61 and 62.
no shutdown Services 61 and 62 must be enabled for WCCP redirect for WAAS. These
services should be using WCCP Version 2. As a best practice, exempt
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/2
switchport access vlan [VLAN number] certain critical traffic types from WCCP redirect by using a redirect list.
channel-group [number] mode on To prevent unauthorized WAE devices from joining the WAAS cluster, you
no shutdown should configure a group-list and password.
ip wccp version 2
Procedure 5 Example ip wccp 61 redirect-list [redirect ACL] group-list [group ACL]
vlan 100 password [password]
name Data ip wccp 62 redirect-list [redirect ACL] group-list [group ACL]
password [password]
interface Port-channel7
description bn-wae-1 EtherChannel ip access-list standard [group ACL]
switchport access VLAN 100 permit [WAAS cluster member IP]
permit [WAAS cluster member IP]
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
description bn-wae-1 port 1 ip access-list extended [redirect ACL]
switchport access VLAN 100 deny tcp [src IP address] [dest IP address] any eq [TCP
channel-group 7 mode on port]
no shutdown deny tcp [src IP address] [dest IP address] any eq [TCP
! port]
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/3 <additional lines as necessary>
description bn-wae-1 port 2 deny tcp [src IP address] [dest IP address] any eq [TCP
switchport access VLAN 100 port]
channel-group 7 mode on permit tcp any any
no shutdown
interface Vlan100
ip address
Traffic from the WAN is intercepted with service 62 inbound on all WAN inter-
faces, including DMVPN tunnel interfaces (but not their underlying physical
interface [interface type] [number]
ip wccp 62 redirect in
Procedure 6 Example
ip wccp version 2
ip wccp 61 redirect-list WAAS-REDIRECT-LIST group-list BN-WAE
password c1sco123
ip wccp 62 redirect-list WAAS-REDIRECT-LIST group-list BN-WAE
password c1sco123
interface Port-channel1
ip wccp 61 redirect in
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/4
ip wccp 62 redirect in
Technical Feature
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