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Sewage Cleaning System.

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International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)

ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-06, Sep 2018

Fabrication of Automatic Sewage Cleaning System

S. Jayasree, PG Research Scholar, Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering, JNTUCEA, Anantapuramu-515002, A.P, India, jayaa3512@gmail.com
Dr. Smt. G. Prasanthi, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Director, Faculty Development &
IQAC, JNTUA, Anantapuramu-515002, A.P, India, dr.smt.g.prasanthi@gmail.com

Abstract: Now a day’s automation gives the solution to all the problems and increases the chance of getting better
accuracy in all industrial applications. But still it is not possible to get the better result in the issue of industrial
drainage system and it is a challenging task to design the safe drainage system with optimum design. Drainage pipes
are used for the disposal and unfortunately sometimes they may be loss of human life while cleaning the blockages in
the drainage pipes.

To avoid this risk and also reduce the time of cleaning the drainage automated sewage cleaning system is designed
based on the problems faced by the people. In this work automation approach will be used instead of normal cleaning
method which will be designed to control the disposal of wastage in efficient manner. For control, the wastage regular
filtration method may be used. IOT means internet of things. Here as and when the dustbin get filled up, a sms message
is sent to the registered mobile number of the person. So cleaning of dustbin is done at the right time.

Keywords —Arduino UNO, Battery, Chain, Drainage, Gear, GSM, IR sensor, Wiper motor.

problem and promote blockage free drain progress

I. INTRODUCTION continuous flow of drain water. In the modern era there
In this research paper the proposed concept is to replace the have been sufficient sewage dross problem when dross
manual work in drainage cleaning by automated system. water need be separated to clean surrounding area. The
Now a days in all industries the work takes place waste and gases produced from the industries are very
automatically this is necessary to all the industries without harmful to human beings and to the environment.
any system efforts. The work is going on by using
automatic technique. In present days however automation
plays on important role in all industry applications.
Disposal of sewage waste from industries is a difficult job.
This is one challenging task in industries and commercials.
In older days people were using drainage pipes because
they use to remove sewage water. There is a disadvantage
which may be loss of human life when work in that
drainage pipes is going on while cleaning the block. To
reduce this problem and to save human life some external
work is done in this project. The device is placed across
drain so that only water flow through lower grids contain
waste bottles paper etc are lifted by teeth which is
connected by chain.
The chain drive is used for lift up the waste from the drain
to waste storage tank. Power is supplied to the chain drive
by the dc motor. The waste materials is separated by bucket
and are in stored in the waste storage tank whenever the
bucket is lifted up from the drain, with the help of dc
motor. Dc motor control plays a major role in many Fig. 1.1 Automatic sewage cleaning system.
applications. Whenever the motor is run automatically
drainage water cleaning overcome all the short of drainage

52 | IJREAMV04I0642017 DOI : 10.18231/2454-9150.2018.0691 © 2018, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.

International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-06, Sep 2018

Methodology used for whole processing of drainage machines, article, brute or people that are furnish with
cleaning machine is give below; this methodology gives specific identifiers and the ability to conveyance data
way about how work is to be carried out in systematic throughout network without necessitate human to human
direction. It is standard process of describing process, how (or) human to computer devices. In this present work, it is
it is done in simplest manner. proposed a novel method of automation in sewage cleaning
mechanism. Here IR sensor along with arduino and GSM is
used. The IR sensor is used for detection of the waste. Once
Drain cleaning machine mechanism the waste is detected the motor runs thereby collecting the
waste and inserting into bin. At last the GSM is used to
convey a message to the user about the status of the bin.


A. Motivation and objective
The problem of water logging due to plastic, thermocole
and metal leads to pest growth and it favors diseases like
Manufacturing each component and malaria, typhoid etc. This is unsafe for human life and
construct the setup hence the idea of this project emerged. The objective of the
proposed project is to design and fabricate an automated
machine for drainage cleaning in order to prevent humans
from getting affected by various diseases from the
Conduct the experimentation infectious microbes present in the sewage while cleaning
manually. This proposed system is to minimize or
overcome the problem faced while using man operated
machine and to minimize the increased dumping rate of
Existing method
The existing system is completely a mechanical based
Fig.1.2 Methodology project. It is a stationary system, simply kept in the sewage
Automation is mandatory to handle all type of systems. It is area to collect the wastes passing over it. The chain and
made possible by embedded design which is a combination sprocket is used for conveyor movement, which has fitted
of both computer and mechanical system, often with real- fork plates to collect the wastes from the sewage. The
time computing constraints. In today‟s world, it is common rotation of the chain along with the plates will collect the
to control most of the devices, by automation since it floating wastes and put off the wastes in the bin that is
optimizes by reducing the size and cost of the product and placed at the backside of the system.
increase the reliability and performance. Embedded systems
are based on Microcontroller and their applications range
from portable devices to large installations and it also Table 1: Material used
extends to large complex systems.



Fig. 1.3 Block diagram of the system

IOT means internet of things. The internet of thing

represent formulated through Kevin Ashton in 1999.IOT is
a system of recticulate lots computing devices, digital

53 | IJREAMV04I0642017 DOI : 10.18231/2454-9150.2018.0691 © 2018, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.

International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-06, Sep 2018

Parameters Specifications
Generally dc current motors are used in all industrial and Voltage 12v
any current application because it gives better result to ac Current 7.2Ah
current. So in this dc current motor is used. Dc motor
Valve regulated type Lead acid battery
produce continuous movement and whose speed of
revolution can easily be control it makes them ideal. The Works 2hours
system is run by a DC motor. This motor rotates the chain
drive which is used to collect the sewage waste materials in Table 4: constant voltage charge
the sewage water. The specifications of the DC motor used
are power 60 rpm. Dc motor consists of two parts. Dc Type Voltage Max current
motor one is stator and another is rotor. Stator is stationary regulation
part and rotor is rotating part.
Standby use 13.6v - 13.8v 2.16Amps
Machines are a means of converting energy. Motors take Cycle use 14.4v – 14.8v 2.16Amps
electrical energy and produce mechanical energy. Electric
motors are used to power hundreds of devices we use in C. Arduino UNO( Microcontroller)
everyday life. Motors come in various sizes. Huge motors Arduino is an open source equipment and programming
that can take loads of 1000‟s of Horsepower are typically organization utilized for building hardware ventures.
used in the industry. Some examples of large motor Arduino board utilizes the assortment of microchip and
applications include elevators, electric trains, hoists, and microcontroller. The Arduino board is the gathering of
heavy metal rolling mills. computerized and simple info yield pins. Arduino Uno is
most mainstream board in Arduino family. Uno implies one
Table 2: DC Motor specification
in Italian and was denoted the discharge Arduino software
Parameters Specifications (IDE).

Nominal Voltage 12V Aurdino is open source PC equipment and programming

organization, venture and client network that outline and
Nominal Power 50W
producers single-board microcontroller and microcontroller
Nominal Current 1.0-1.5A packs for building advanced gadgets and intelligent protests
High Speed 75-76 rpm in the physical world. The equipment comprise of a basic
open equipment plan for the arduino Yun board on-board
Low Speed 50 rpm
input yield support and Atmel atmega328 microcontroller.
Noise No gear noise Arduino is an open-source single-board microcontroller and
Rotational Output CW/CCW a successor to the opensource wiring stage. The equipment
comprises of a straightforward open equipment plan for the
A. Chain arduino Yun board with an Atmel atmega328
Here chain plays a major role which rotates in clock wise microcontroller and on-board input/yield bolster. The
direction. Most of these chains are made from carbon or microcontroller on the board is customized utilizing the
alloy steel. But stain steels have good efficiency so here arduino programming dialect and the arduino improvement
stain steel is used. They are type of chain roller chain, silent condition. The created program can be aggregated, tried
chain, pintle chain, leaf chain etc. In this project roller
and can be transferred to the microcontroller board by all
chain is used and material is stainsteel. Roller chain or
brush chain is one of the types of chain drive. It is inclusive transport (USB). The arduino the advancement
commonly used in transmission of mechanical is domestic, condition here utilized is Arduino 1.5.3 upheld on windows
industrial and agricultural machinery. stage. The product comprises of a standard programming
dialect compiler and a boot loader that keeps running on the
B. Battery
board. Arduino equipment is customized utilizing a wiring-
Now a day‟s people are using battery to store the electric
based dialect (sentence structure and libraries), like c++
power and it done there work automatically. They are two
with a couple of disentanglements and changes, and a
type of batteries nickel carbon and nickel metal. In this
preparing based coordinated improvement condition.
project battery used is alkaline, Nizn, NiMH, NiCD and
lithium battery. It is a rechargable battery. That are
available in today market battery of probable the most
common battery.

Table 3: battery specifications

54 | IJREAMV04I0642017 DOI : 10.18231/2454-9150.2018.0691 © 2018, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.

International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-06, Sep 2018

infrared sensors incorporate their low power prerequisites,

their straightforward hardware and their convenient
G. Power supply
It is used 12v power supply in our project. It is mainly
used to provide DC voltage to the components on board.


In drainage pipes when the water is flowing, place the
device, then it works automatic they remove waste material
like bottle, paper etc and also external work is iot. Iot
means internet of things. Here as and when the dustbin get
filled up, a sms message is sent to the registered mobile
number of the person. So cleaning of dustbin is done at the
Fig.C. Arduino UNO right time.

D. GSM The chain drive is used to lift up the waste from the drain to
GSM (Global framework for portable correspondence) is a waste storage tank. Power is supplied to the chain drive by
computerized versatile communication framework utilized the dc motor. The waste materials is separated by bucket
as a part of all world. GSM utilizes TDMA framework. In and are in stored in the waste storage tank whenever the
this undertaking, we utilize SIM 800 GSM module. It is bucket is lifted up from the drain.
equipped for getting data from GPS satellite and after that
computes the gadget topographical position. At the point
when a mishap happens GPS tracks that area of the vehicle
containing longitude and scope subtle elements additionally
send to controller and message to be sent through GSM
module to the specific coded number.

Fig.3.1.1 Fabricated model

Chain Drive mechanism
Fig.D. GSM module In automatic drain cleaner the lifting pans are lifted by
F. IR Sensor
the chains which are in-line with the sprockets. This
An infrared sensor is an electronic instrument which is mechanism is known as chain drive mechanism.
utilized to detect certain attributes of its surroundings by
either emanating or potentially distinguishing infrared
radiation. Infrared sensors are additionally equipped for
estimating the warmth being discharged by a question and
distinguishing movement.
Infrared innovation discovers applications in numerous
ordinary items. TVs utilize an infrared indicator to decipher
the signs sent from a remote control. The key advantages of

55 | IJREAMV04I0642017 DOI : 10.18231/2454-9150.2018.0691 © 2018, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.

International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-04, Issue-06, Sep 2018

3.2 Working Procedure IV. APPLICATIONS

 It can be used in plastic industries.
Switch for Power  It can be used to separate plastic, thermocal from
ON/OFF the supply
 It is used for removing the waste for the drainages
automatically to prevent blockage of drainage.
 This project can also be used in the” SMART
Wiper motor Shaft
Modern services are becoming polarized. With the
emergence of more and more automatic terminal services,
modern services are also gradually becoming unmanned.
Thus this semi automated sewage cleaning system helps in
Mechanism Chain Sprockets cleaning the sewage automatically and helps in decreasing
the spread of diseases due to direct human intervention into
the sewage. Integrating features of all the hardware
Fig.3.1.2 working flow chart components used have been developed in it. Presence of
IOT means internet of things. So here ardiuno software is every module has been reasoned out and placed carefully,
used. Using the coding, input and output are got from thus contributing to the best working of the unit. Thus the
starting point. The drainage process is the input and the project has been successfully fabricated and tested.
output is when the dustbin was fully loaded then it the REFERENCES
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