Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
Main Highlights
I have great pleasure in welcoming you to Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (A Central University)
Lucknow. We at the BBAU aim at preparing luminous students needed by the modern world. Our greatly loyal &
dedicated faculties are aware of the fact that they have to prepare the leaders for tomorrow's world by ensuring
blending of both theory and practical learning.
The university is committed to promoting excellence through comprehensive teaching-learning and research
processes aimed at unleashing the original potential of every student, thus making them to become makers of
social and economic transformation necessary in today's world, humane and peaceful world.
On Behalf of BBAU, Lucknow I assure my continued support, guidance and help, and extend very warm welcome
and best wishes to all the individuals associated with the University.
BBAU, Lucknow
Anti Ragging Committee
There is an Anti Raging Committee in
the University which ensures complete
ban on ragging in the campus in
general and hostels in particular.
Moreover, on the basis of directions
given by the Supreme Court of India, if
any incident of ragging comes to the
notice of the authority, the concerned
student shall be given liberty to explain
and if the explanation is not found
School for Ambedkar Studies
satisfactory, the authority would expel (SAS)
him from the institution. Further, in
view of UGC Regulations on curbing
Department of Economics
the menace of ragging in Higher
Educational Institution, 2009, every
Department of History
student and his parent/guardian will
furnish an affidavit at the time of Department of Sociology
Department of Political Science
Placement Prospects:
Dr. Ambedkar Studies Centre (ASC) has been 2. Sensitizing people of nearby locality and areas
established in the university to acquaint the teachers about the relevance of Dr. Ambedkar's ideas for
and students with the thought and ideas of Dr. B.R. the betterment of people's lives.
Ambedkar and involve them in studies, research and 3. The centre undertakes theoretical and action
field work based extension service programmes of oriented research on relevant themes.
constructive work. The Centre is located in the School 4. Identify and recognize the contribution of
for Ambedkar Studies (SAS) and has the following Activist/Writers who make significant
objectives: contribution for mobilization of people.
1. Disseminating the ideas and thought of Dr. B.R.
Ambedkar to students and faculties of the
School For Biosciences
And Biotechnology (SB&BT)
banking besides the placement opportunities in the M.Sc. (Ag.) Horticulture 4 Semesters 30
Applied Animal Sciences B.Sc. + M.Sc. 10 Semester 40 Government institutions involved in academic, research
(Integrated Programme) and development works.
Department of
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Head of the Department
Prof. Shubhini A. Saraf
Head of the Department: Prof. M Y Khan Course Duration No. of seats Placement Prospects
The Pharmaceutical industry is a recession proof industry as medicines shall be
Biotechnology is a frontier area offering a new technological Ph.D. (Biotechnology) As per ordinance As per ordinance required till the time that humanity exists. Opportunities exist in Contract Research
base to understand living beings at the molecular level, Organization (CROs), Clinical Research Organizations, Research Institutes, Food &
unravel the genetic code that govern biological processes and M.Sc. (Biotechnology) 4 Semester 30
Drug Administration, Hospitals, Industrial Pharmacy (research and development,
thereby be able to manipulate those for the betterment of manufacturing and production, analysis and testing, documentation),
humankind. Biotechnology is not just one subject. Rather it's M.Sc.(Brain & Cognitive Sc.) 4 Semester 20
Pharmaceutical Sales and Marketing, Drug Regulatory Affairs and Intellectual
an amalgam of a number of different scientific fields. Property Rights, Academic Teaching and Research, Retail and Drug Stores,
M.Sc. (Forensic sc. & 4 Semester 20
Biotechnology uses knowledge of Microbiology, Molecular Consultant Pharmacy, Armed Services and Medical Writing.
biology, Immunology and Biochemistry just to name a few. In Criminology) Apart from this, there are myriad opportunities including PhD programs, research
recent times, new concepts such as Bioinformatics, Genomics, fellowships, and postdoctoral opportunities in India as well as abroad.
Proteomics and Microarrays are becoming standard
terminology within this vast area of research. The teaching
programme in the University has been initiated to generate Course Duration No. of seats
the human resource for catering the Biotechnology Industry in
India. The Department has M. Sc Programmes and it also Ph.D As per Ordinance As per Ordinance
offers Ph D programme.
M. Pharm (Pharmaceutics) 4 Semesters 15
Department of Education
The School is dedicated to teaching and research on the current and futuristic
studies of different aspects of environment like Environmental Impact Studies,
Restoration and Conservation Ecology, Microbial Ecology, Water Microbiology,
Bioremediation and Biodegradation, role of microbes in environment and other
related environmental issues. At present the School has two departments,
namely Department of Environmental Science and Department of
Environmental Microbiology, which offer M. Sc and Ph. D programmes.
Department of
Environmental Microbiology
Department of
Environmental Science
Head of the Department : Dr. Naveen Arora
The School for Home Sciences (SHS) which has an interdisciplinary MPhil(Food and Nutrition) 2 Semesters 10
faculty, was established in 2007 and started functioning in 2008. The
School has one department, ie Human Development & Family MPhil(HDFS) 2 Semesters 12
studies (HD & FS) which is running a two year full-time M.Sc
Programme. The Department also offers Ph D Programme. The M.Sc. (H D & F S) 4 Semesters 30
Department regularly organizes academic activities like educational
M.Sc. (Food Science and Technology) 4 Semesters 30
tours, seminars, workshops, conferences and community field study.
There is a laboratory for practical classes of Postgraduate students.
Department of Mass Communication and Journalism Head of the Department: Dr. R.A. Khan
Information Technology The Department of Library and Information Science has been offering
a two year integrated Programme called “Master of Library &
Information Science” (MLISc). The department is also offering Ph D
Programme in Library & Information Science. The department is
The Department of Information Technology (DIT) was working with a vision to educate students for building their career as
established in the year 2006-2007, with two-year Librarians, Documentalists, Information Scientists, Knowledge
Postgraduate course in Information Technology. It is one of Managers and Specialists for Information Management. They are
the youngest Departments in the School for Information required to undertake instruction, research and service programmes
Science & Technology. The department offers 2 years (4 that enhance them to meet the current and emerging information and
semesters) M. Sc. course in Information Technology. The M. technology needs of the country. The department is having an
Sc. in Information Technology is full time Postgraduate advanced computer laboratory and all infrastructural facilities
Programme, developed to assist and encourage graduates required for their quality training. The focus of the department is
to build on their undergraduate knowledge in Information mainly on advanced teaching and research in Library and Information
Technology. The department also offers Ph D Programme Science. The curriculum of the course is quite comprehensive and job-
in Information Technology. The Department has excellent oriented.
Computing Lab with Internet facility. Furthermore,
Department has procured Wireless Access Points and Placement Prospects :
Wireless PCI cards in order to make the Department fully The pass out trainees of this department are gainfully employed by
Wi-Fi. Course Duration No. of seats various Libraries and Information Centres/Documentation Centres
and Knowledge Management Organizations of Government and
Placement Prospects Ph.D. (Info. Tech.) As Per Ordinance As Per Ordinance Corporate Sectors, Universities, Colleges, Institutions of higher
The Training & Placement Cell of Deparment facilitates the learning, as well as Private organizations as Librarians, Information
M.Sc. (Info. Tech.) 4 Semesters 40
pcocess of placement of students passing out from the Officers, Documentation Officers, Knowledge Managers, Scientists
Department besides collaborating with leading M.Sc. (Info. Security) 4 Semesters 50 (Library), Information Analysts, Database Managers etc. In addition to
organizations and institutes in setting up internship and this, some of them opt for teaching career as well.
training program of students. The office bridges with MTech (Software eng.) 4 Semesters 24
various industrial establishments, corporate houses etc
Course Duration No. of seats
which conduct campus interviews and select the students
from all the desciplines. The Training & Placement Cell of Ph.D. (Library & Information Science) As per Ph. D. Ordinance
Department provides the infra-structural facilities to
conduct group discussions, tests and interviews besides MPhil(Library & Information Science) 2 Semesters 30
catering to other logistics.
MLISc 4 Semesters 50
Department of School for Languages
Mass Communication
Department of Hindi
and Journalism
Head of the Department : Dr. Gopal singh The school has been created very recently and it
encourages and prepares its Students to
Presently, Department of Mass Communication & Journalism offers a participate in various debate and declamation
four semester Master course and Ph D Programme in Mass competitions. Further, the School aims at creating
Communication and Journalism. confidence among students to face the
Mass Media are pervasive in modern life. An informed and involved examinations boldly. The School also guides the
citizenry is possible in a modern democracy only when the mass media students in literary matters, higher studies and
work well. That is why we need trained media persons. Hence the basic Career counseling.
objective of this course is to produce skilled professional for the
exponentially expanding world of Mass Media-both print as well as
electronic. We also endeavor to provide for advanced and specialized Head of the Department: Dr. Ripusudan singh
professional training to the students. This course also caters to the
higher level of demands in the profession of mass communication, Course Duration No. of seats Course Duration No. of seats
including media research and media education.
Ph.D. As per Ordinance As per Ordinance M.A.(Hindi) 4 Semesters 40
Placement Prospects:
MPhil(JMC) 2 Semesters 30 PG Diploma in Hindi Journalism 4 Semesters 40
Students can get placement not only in different media organizations
like newspapers, TV channels, Radio etc, but also in government jobs
MJMC 4 Semesters 36
like Indian Information Services and Publicity and Public Relations
departments. The field of film industry and advertising also provides
some job prospects. Even media research and media education
(teaching in Universities and Colleges) can be opted as a career after
completing this course.
Department of Law
The School for Legal Studies was established in 1999 to promote research in law and
interdisciplinary studies. At present, the School runs two departments, viz. Department of
Human Rights and Department of Law offering LL.M and Ph. D. programmes. The
programmes provide an educational experience with research aptitude in significant areas
like constitutional law, human rights, intellectual property laws, cyber laws, environmental
laws, etc. The School has Legal Aid Clinic for providing legal aid services to needy people
and interacts with the common mass, particularly the deprived section of society.
Department of Law
Head of the Department: Dr. Sudarshan Verma Course Duration No. of seats
The Department of Law started from session 2008-09 within the School for Ph.D (Law) As per Ordinance As per Ordinance
Legal Studies offering four-Semester LL.M Degree Course and Ph. D.
LL.M in Law 2 Years Minimum 30
Programme in Law. The main objective of the department is to impart legal
education and to bring the students into social and legal services, make
them self-employed, and also get them placement in various governmental
and non-governmental organizations. The objective is also to give them
skills to develop art of logic and para-logic for any social issue relating to
the present day problems. During the course, emphasis is also given to
Department of acquaint the students with modern areas of law such as Intellectual
Property Law, Health Law, Law and medicine, Biotechnology, Science and
Human Rights Techology Law, Arbitration, Cyber Laws and ,etc. Constant efforts are made
to develop interest and skills amongst the students in the area of national
and international issues. Current legal issues relating to Climate change,
environment and disarmament (nuclear weapons) are discussed in
Seminars with the objective to sharpen their argument and develop legal
Head of the Department : Prof. Priti Saxena Course Duration No. of seats
PhD(Human Rights) Min. 4 Semesters As per ordinance The department is planning to open centre of excellence in areas of
Department of Human Rights conducts Postgraduate teaching and
environment, intellectual property, science and technology, law and
research Programmes in the areas relating to Law and Human Rights
LL.M. in Human Rights 4 Semesters 30 medicine and conciliation.
and aims at recommending appropriate measures for enforcing
human rights jurisprudence and securing ends of justice through
(5 year- 10 semesters) 6 Semesters 60
legal and democratic processes.
The objectives of the department are to undertake study of the
constitutional, legal, socio-economic and political dynamics of
human rights issues in India and the world; and to recommend
remedies to alleviate human rights violations through legal and
democratic processes. The academic Programmes are designed to
analyse the theoretical, empirical and clinical issues concerning
human rights law.
Centre for Post Graduate MANAGEMENT STUDIES
Legal Studies (CPGLS)
Department of Rural Management
MBA(Finance) 4 Semester 60
MBA(Marketing) 4 Semester 60
MBA(MBM) 4 Semester 30
MBA(HR) 4 Semester 60
MBA(Tourism) 4 Semester 30
BBA 6 Semester 90
Department of Applied Physics The School started in 2010 with the Department of Rural
Management which offers MBA (Rural Management) and
Department of Applied Chemistry Ph. D Programmes. The objective of the programmes is to
promote postgraduate teaching and research with a focus
Department of Applied Mathematics on rural management, planning and development. The
teaching methodology is unique with emphasis on audio-
visual and field-based studies. The department has
Department of Applied Statistics
excellent faculty drawn from different states. It has set up a
Placement Cell to facilitate availability of jobs for students.
Department of
Applied Chemistry
The course is specially designed to provide a broad education and Course Duration No. of seats
Department of training in all of the essential elements that will prepare students to
pursue a career in academia or industry. Students will undertake Ph.D(Applied Chemistry) As per Ordinance As per Ordinance
Applied Physics modules that cover the fundamentals of synthesis, characterization,
colloids and the understanding bulk properties and applications of MPhil(chemistry) 2 Semesters 20
polymers as well as undertaking laboratory classes. There will be a
strong interaction with world-leading experts from academia and MSc.(Applied Chemistry) 4 Semesters 40
industry to provide a focus on the real-world applications of polymers as
MSc.(Polymer Chemistry) 4 Semesters 20
well as the opportunity to meet industry leaders in the field.
This University has specific mandate for uplifting the education and economic status of the
people belonging to the downtrodden section of the society by provisioning for
integrated courses in Science and key frontier areas of Technology and other allied
disciplines. In order to achieve the objectives of the University, courses in Engineering and
Technology are proposed to be started in the University with the opening of four years
degree courses in Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering,
Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electrical Engineering with a provision for
dual degree in more than one area and also leading to B. Tech./M.B.A.
Department of Nuclear Medicine
and Biophysical Engineering
1. M.A. (Education) Graduate degree with 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/PH Candidates) in the field 5000/-
1 Chemistry Post graduate degree in Chemistry/Applied Chemistry or its allied disciplines
of Humanities, Social Sciences and Sciences from a recognized University. per semester
with 55% marks (50% marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) from a recognized
University. 2. M.A. (Development Studies)* Graduate degree with 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/PH) in any discipline from a 15000/-
recognized University. per semester
2 Economics Post graduate degree in Economics or its allied disciplines with 55% marks
(50% marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) from a recognized University. 3. M.A. (Economics)* Graduate Degree with 45% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in Economics 1500/-
3 Human Development & Post-graduate degree in relevant discipline or allied fields with 55% marks / Commerce / Business Administration / Agricultural Economics or in Science per semester
Family Studies (50% marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) from a recognized University. with Mathematics as a paper at 10+2 level.
4 Family Resource Management Post-graduate degree in relevant discipline or allied fields with 55% marks 4 M.A. (Hindi)* Graduate Degree from a recognised university with 50% marks (40% for SC/ ST/ 1500/-
(50% marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) from a recognized University. PH candidates) in any subject. per semester
5 Food and Nutrition Post-graduate degree in relevant discipline or allied fields viz. Food Science 5. M.A. (History)* Graduate Degree with 45% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH) in any Social Science 1500/-
& technology /Institutional Administration etc with 55% marks (50% marks subject from a recognized University. per semester
for SC/ST/PH candidates) from a recognized University.
6 M.A. (Political science)* Graduate Degree with 45% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH) in any Social Science 1500/-
6 History Post-graduate degree in History or its allied disciplines with 55% marks subject from a recognized University. per semester
(50% marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) from a recognized University.
7 M.A. (Sociology)* Graduate Degree with 45% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH) in any Social Science 1500/-
7 Library & Information Science MLISc degree or any equivalent degree from any recognized university with Rs. 15000/-
subject from a recognized University. per semester
minimum 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/PH candidates). per semester
8 MA(Anthropology) Graduate Degree with 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/PH) in any stream 5000/-
8. Journalism & Mass Post-graduate degree in Journalism & Mass Communication with 55% marks from a recognized University. per semester
Communication (50% marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) from a recognized University.
9 MA(Psychology ) Graduate degree with 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in any subject. 10000/-
9 Management Post-graduate degree in Management or its allied disciplines with 55% marks per semester
(50% marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) from a recognized University.
10. Master of Social work Graduate Degree with 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/PH) in any stream 10000/-
10 Physics Post graduate degree in Physics/Applied Physics or its allied disciplines with per semester
from a recognized University.
55% marks (50% marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) from a recognized
University. 11. M.Sc.- Applied Animal Science* Graduate Degree in Life Sciences/Zoology/Animal Science/Sericulture from 15000/-
11 Sociology Post-graduate degree in social science or its allied disciplines with 55% marks a recognized University with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH). per semester
(50% marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) from a recognized University. 12. M.Sc. (Life Science) Graduate degree with 50% marks (45 % for SC/ST/PH) in any discipline of life 15000/-
12 Statistics Post-graduate degree in Statistics/ Applied statistics/Biostatistics with 55% Sciences from a recognized University. per semester
marks (50% marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) from a recognized University.
13. M.Sc.(Basic Science) Students passed 10+2 or appearing in 2014 in Science stream with 55% or 15000/-
13 Political Science Post-graduate degree in political science or its allied disciplines with 55% marks
(Integrated)- 5 Year – equivalent (50% or equivalent for SC/ST/PH candidates). per semester
(50% marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) from a recognized University.
10 Semesters
P.G. Programs-2015 Ph.D PROGRAMMES OFFERED BY BBAU (2015-16)
List of PG Programs 2015 Eligibility TUITION FEES List of Ph.D. Programs-2015 Eligibility TUITION FEES
14. M.Sc. (Ag.) Horticulture* Graduate in Agriculture / Biology from a recognized University with 50% marks 1500/- 1 Applied Animal Science
(40% for SC/ST/PH). per semester
2 Applied Chemistry
15. M.Sc. - Applied Chemistry* Graduation in Science (Chemistry as main subject) with 50% for Gen/OBC and 1500/-
per semester 3 Applied Physics
40% for SC/ST/PH in aggregate from a recognized University by the UGC
The PhD Degree shall be open to:
16. M.Sc. - Applied Mathematics* Graduation in Science (Mathematics as main subject) with 50% for Gen/OBC 4 Applied Statistics
per semester a) Candidates, who have obtained a Masters Degree
and 40% for SC/ST/PH in aggregate from a recognized University by the UGC. 5 Biotechnology
of this University or any other University
6 Computer Science
17. M.Sc. - Applied Physics* Graduation in Science (Physics as main subject) with 50% for Gen/OBC and 1500/- established by law in force or any other degree
40% for SC/ST/PH in aggregate from a recognized University by the UGC per semester 7 Economics recognized as equivalent thereto in that subject or
8 Environmental Microbiology allied subject with 55% marks or equivalent letter-
18. M.Sc. (Polymer Chemistry) Graduate degree with 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/PH candidates) in Chemistry 1500/- Rs. 4000/-per
9 Environmental Science grade in qualifying examination (50% marks or
or Applied Chemistry from a recognized University. per semester
equivalent letter-grade for SC/ST/PH). semester (Rs.
10 History
19. M.Sc. - Applied Statistics* Graduation in Science (Statistics as main subject) with 50% for Gen/OBC and 1500/- 2000/- per
11 Horticulture b) Candidates appearing at the time of interview
40% for SC/ST/PH in aggregate from a recognized University by the UGC per semester semester for
must produce documentary evidence to the effect
12 Human Development and Family Studies SC/ST/PH)
20. M.Sc. – Biostatistics Graduate degree with 50% marks (40 % for SC/ST/PH) in Statistics or Applied 5000/- that they have passed the qualifying examination
per semester 13 Human Rights (US$ 1000 per
Statistics as one of the subjects from a recognized University. as per (a) above, failing which interview shall not
semester for
14 Information Technology be hold for them making them ineligible for the
21. M.Sc. – Biotechnology* Graduate in any discipline of Life Sciences/Agricultural Sciences/ 10000/- Foreign students)
Medical Sciences or other allied subjects like Biotechnology/ Microbiology/ per semester 15 Law admission.
Biochemistry with 50% (40% for SC/ST/PH) aggregate marks from a 16 Library and Information Science c) PhD scholars may be permitted to get registered
recognized University.
17 Management for the PhD degree in a Department different from
22. M.Sc. - Brain & Graduate in any discipline of Life Science / Medical Science or other allied 15000/- the one in which they have their Master's Degree
18 Journalism and Mass Communication
Cognition Sciences* subjects like Biotechnology / Microbiology / Biochemistry / Psychology with per semester provided DRC find it relevant to the PhD in that
50% (40% for SC/ST/PH) from a recognized University. 19 Political science
20 Sociology
23. M.Sc. (Forensic Science Graduate degree with 50% marks (45 % for SC/ST/PH) in life Science with 15000/-
and Criminology) Zoology, Animal Science/ Life Science from a recognized University. per semester 21 Applied Mathematics*
22 Pharmaceutical Science**
24. M.Sc. (Environmental Graduate in Agriculture/Life science/ Home science or their allied disciplines 15000/-
Microbiology)* with 50% (40% for SC/ST/PH) from a recognized University per semester
*Seats for the session 2015 in the marked course is NIL.
** Seats for the session 2015 in the marked course are only available for Single Girl Child student/BPL student /student suffering
from HIV , Cancer or Thalassemia
*Blind & SC/ST/PH are exempted from the payment of Tution Fee.
Regular Programs-2015 Regular Programs-2015
List of PG Programs 2015 Eligibility TUITION FEES List of PG Programs 2015 Eligibility TUITION FEES
25. M.Sc. (Food Microbiology Graduate degree in Agriculture/Life Science/Home Science or their 1500/- 34. M. Tech.(Computer Science) Master Degree in Computer science or Mathematics or Statistics or 35000/-
&Toxicology) allied disciplines with 50% (45% for SC/ ST/PH) from a recognized University. per semester Operational research or in any branch of science or bachelor's degree in per semester
any branch of engineering or Master of computer Application(MCA) with at
26. M.Sc.(Industrial Microbiology) Graduate degree in Agriculture/ Life Science/ Home Science or their allied 1500/- least 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/PH) from a recognized University.
disciplines with 50% (45% for SC/ ST/ PH) from a recognized University. per semester
35. M.Tech.(Software Engineering) Degree in B. Tech. / B.E. in CSE/IT/Electronics or equivalent degree /M. Sc. 15000/-
27. M.Sc. (Nano-science and Graduate degree in Agriculture/Basic Sciences / Applied Physical Sciences / 1500/-
in IT/CS/Mathematics/Statistics or equivalent / MCA from any recognized per semester
Nano-technology) Pharmaceutical Sciences or their allied disciplines with 50% (45% for SC/ST/PH) per semester
University whose examination is recognized as equivalent to
from a recognized University.
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University with 50% (40% for SC/ST/PH)
28. M.Sc. (Environmental Science) Graduate in Agriculture/Life science/ Home science or their allied disciplines 1500/- or above marks in aggregate.
with 50% (40% for SC/ST/PH) from a recognized University per semester 36. M.Sc. (Nuclear Medicine) Graduate Degree in any science discipline (Including Pharmacy) with at 25000/-
least 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/PH) from a recognized University. per semester
29. M.Sc. (Energy & Environment) Graduate Degree in Applied Science/ Life Science/ Environmental sciences and / 1500/-
or any Basic science related to energy and environment with 50% marks per semester 37. MBA (Rural Management)* Graduate degree from recognized university with 50% marks (40 % marks 5000/-
for SC/ST/PH candidates) in any subject. per semester
in aggregate ( 45% marks for SC/ST/PH).
30. M.Sc. (Human Development Graduate Degree with 50% marks (40% for SC/ ST/ PH candidates) in 5000/- 38. MBA(Human Resource)
& Family Studies)* Home sciences (Food and Nutrition/ Extension & Communication/ Clothing per semester 39. MBA(Finance)
Graduate degree (10+2+3) in any discipline with 50%
& Textile/ Family Resource Management/Child Development) from a 40. MBA(Marketing) 45000/-
(45% for SC/ST/PH candidates) or equivalent grade as recognized by
41. MBA(Media Business per semester
recognized University. University or as recognized by the UGC.
31. M.Sc. (Food Science B.Sc. with 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/PH Candidates) in Home Science/ Management)
& Technology) B.Tech.- Food Technology/ B.Sc. Degree from a recognized University. per semester 42. MBA(Tourism)
43. M. Pharm.-Pharmaceutics * B.Pharm. with 50% (40% for SC/ST/PH), preference to GPAT/GATE qualified 5000/-
32. M.Sc. (Information Graduate degree from recognised university with 50%marks (40%marks for 15000/- candidates, necessarily from an institution having PCI approval. per semester
Technology) SC/ST/PH candidates ) in science with Mathematics or BCA/BIT/ B.Sc. (Honours) per semester
44. M. Pharm.-Pharmacology* B.Pharm with 50% (40% for SC/ST/PH), preference to GPAT/GATE qualified 5000/-
in Computer Science / Information Technology with 50%marks(40% marks for candidates, necessarily from an institution having PCI approval. per semester
SC/ST/PH candidates) or above in Mathematics separately.
45. MCA ( Six Semesters)* Any Graduate Degree with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) with 3000/-
mathematics at 10+2 level. per semester
33. M.Sc. (Information Security) Graduate degree with 50% marks (45% marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) in 15000/-
B. Tech. (Computer Science/Information Technology)/ Bachelor in Computer per semester 46. MCA(Corporate) B.Sc. (Computer Science)/ B.Sc. (Information Technology)/ BIT/ BCA/ B.Sc. 25000/-
Application (BCA)/Bachelor in Information Technology (BIT)/ B.Sc. (Computer Six Semesters (Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics) Degree with 50% marks per semester
Science)/B.Sc. (Information Technology) from a recognized University. (45% for SC/ST/PH) with one year professional experience.
Regular Programs-2015 Regular Programs-2015
List of PG Programs 2015 Eligibility TUITION FEES List of UG Programs 2015 Eligibility TUITION FEES
47. Master in Journalism & Graduate degree with 50%marks in any subject 1500/- 58. BBA- Bachelor in 10+2 examination in any discipline from any Board recognised by University 25000/-
Mass Communication - MJMC* (40%marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) from recognised university. per semester Business Administration with at least 50% marks in aggregate for general category candidates, per semester
– six semesters 45% for SC/ST/PH candidates.
48. MLISc * Graduate degree with 50%marks (40% for SC/ST/PH candidates) 1500/-
in any subjects. per semester 59. B.Com(Honours) 10+2 examination in any discipline from any Board recognised by University 15000/-
- six semesters with at least 50% marks in aggregate for general category candidates, per semester
49. LL.M. in Human Rights* Law graduate with 50%mark s (40%marks for SC/ST/PH candidates) 1500/- 45% for SC/ST/PH candidates.
from recognized university. per semester
60. B.A (Hons.) in Public 10+2 examination in any discipline from any Board recognised by 5000/-
50. LL.M. in Law * LL.B as qualifying degree with 50% marks (40% for SC/ST/PH) candidates 1500/- Administration. - Six Semester University with at least 50% marks in aggregate for general category per semester
from recognized university. per semester candidates, 45% for SC/ST/PH candidates.
51 LL.M. (One Year) No student should be eligible for admission to LL.M. One-Year programme 1500/- 61. B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) A candidate should have passed his/her higher secondary school / 5000/-
unless he/she has passed in the examination conducted by a University leading per semester (5 Year – 10 Semesters) intermediate examination (10+2) or its equivalent examination with not less per semester
to the award of LL.B. degree with 50% marks (45% for SC/ ST/PH). than 50% marks in aggregate (45% for SC/ ST/PH). Candidates who have
appeared in 10+2 examination and awaiting results are also eligible to
UG (10+2) Programs-2015 appear in the test. Age of candidate should not be more than 20 years in
case of General Candidates (22 years in case of SC/ST/PH) as on 1st July 2015.
List of UG Programs 2015 Eligibility TUITION FEES
62. B Voc in Livestock Production 10+2 in any discipline. VC is
& Management - six semesters authorised by
52. B.Tech.- Civil Engineering
AC for
53. B.Tech.- Computer Engineering 63 B. Voc. in Floriculture 10+2 in Agriculture / Science fixation of fees
54. B.Tech.- Electrical Engineering 55000/- & Landscape Gardening
50% of marks at +2 level (45% for SC/ST/PH)
55. B.Tech.- Electronics and per semester - six semesters
Communication Engineering
56. B.Tech.- Mechanical
Engineering B.Ed.- Bachelor of Education Eligibility TUITION FEES
57 B.Tech (Lateral Entry) Candidates must have passed Diploma in Engineering / Technology course 55000/- 64. B.Ed.- Bachelor of Education* 1. Candidates with at least fifty percent marks either in the Bachelor's Degree 10000/-
of a duration of 3 years or more (after 10) or 2 years (after 10+2) from State per semester and/or Master's Degree in Sciences/Social Sciences/ Humanity, Bachelor's in per semester
Board of Technical Education or its equivalent with at least 50% marks (45% for Engineering or Technology with specialization in Science and Mathematics
SC/ST/PH) in the aggregate OR should be have secured BSc. Degree of with 55% marks or any other qualification equivalent thereto, are eligible for
minimum three year duration from a recognized university with mathematics admission to the programme.
as a subject, with at least 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/PH). 2. The reservation and relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD and other categories
shall be as per the rules of the Central Government/State Government,
whichever is applicable.
UNIVERSITY FACILITIES 2007 and is committed to do the needful for the benefit of the
E-Rickshaw students and alumni. The I & GB of the University is engaged in
Regular Programs-2015
rendering meaningful services to the students community in
University has an e-rickshaw facility, which is battery operated,
matters of securing various placements matching with their
List of Diploma Programs 2015 Eligibility TUITION FEES pollution free for ferrying student within the campus
qualification and aptitude, education loans, higher education,
Computer Centre
65. PG Diploma in Graduate degree in any subject with 50% marks (45%marks for SC/ST/PH competitive exams, scholarship, fellowships and assistantships
per semester
The University is in process of developing a full-fledged available in India and abroad.
Hindi Journalism- One Year candidates) from a recognized University.
computer centre for growth and development of teaching,
The main function of the Bureau is to disseminate the
66. Diploma in Dietetics X and Above. research and other related activities in addition to the work
Employment Information for various courses offered by the
and Nutrition- One Year VC is relating to the administration, finance, examination and
authorised by University. The students are explained about various job
AC for admission of the University. The function of the computer centre
67. Diploma in Livestock X and Above. opportunities, qualifications, age limits, and scheme of
Management – One Year fixation of fees includes providing central computing facility with data base and
competitive examinations and about higher education in India
network/mail server to all the students and staff of the
and abroad. Tasks of the bureau are to conduct Career
University and also assistance in conducting research, analyzing
Conferences where eminent personalities from different walks
data. The Centre will conduct short-term courses/training for
Certificate Programs 2015 Eligibility TUITION FEES of life will address the students, collect and display various
the students and staff of the University.
career related information, provide handbooks of foreign
68. Certificate Course in X and Above. VC is At present University has a Computer Centre equipped with Universities, newspapers, bulletins of sister bureau,
authorised by
Dietetics – Three Months computers and internet facilities under the infonet program of Employment News and occupational information files for the
AC for
fixation of fees UGC scheme, which is open for all. The University is also reference of students. Further it is also to render vocational
connected with National Knowledge Network (NKN). guidance to the students individually or in group and to collect
*Blind and SC/ST/PH students are exempted from the payment of the Tuition Fees
Health Care and disseminate the occupational information, Training
Other Fees The University provides health services through Medical facilities, Financial assistance available in India and abroad.
Registration Fee
Consultants since May, 2005. The Medical Consultants are LAN
Admission Fee (Chargeable only once at the time of admission) Rs.1000/-
Enrolment Fee (Chargeable only once at the time of admission) Rs.200/- providing health care consultation to all the students, All the buildings are having wi-fi internet facility in the University
Medical Examination Fee Rs.100/-per semester Administrative staff, Faculty members and Subordinate staff of such as Administrative Block, departments, Hostels, and some
Sports Fee Rs.200/-per semester the University round the clock. residential quarters in the campus are fully equipped with LAN
Identity Card Fee(Including Renewal) (Chargeable only once at the time of admission) Rs.100/- per annum
Health Care services are also being given by the Medical facility and extension of the same to other buildings is in the
Library Card Fee (each academic year) Rs.200/-per annum
Laboratory Fee (For All Science Subjects) Rs.1000/-per semester Consultants at the Boys' Hostel and Girls' Hostel for the process.
Laboratory Caution Money (only once at the time of admission) Rs.1000/- residential students of the University. The University has a full Library
Library Caution Money (only once at the time of admission) Rs.500/- fledged well equipped Health Centre to cater to the health
General Caution Money (only once at the time of admission) Rs.500/- The Central Library of the University was established in January,
services of all the employees and students of the University for
Thesis Evaluation Fee for M.Phil (only once at the time of submission) Rs.2000/- 1998. The University has own central Library.
Thesis Evaluation Fee for Ph.D Programme (only once at the time of submission) Rs.3000/-
which the building has been constructed recently.
Guest House
Examination Fee Rs.800/-per semester Information & Guidance Bureau (I & GB)
Student Welfare Fee Rs.300/-per year The Guest House of the University is located within the
In order to build their career, students need to know what are the
Convocation & Degree Fee (only once in the last semester) Rs.500/- University campus having a VIP Suite and other suites/rooms.
Industrial Tour Fee (wherever applicable) (Chargeable only once at the time of admission) On actual basis options available to them and where and how they can achieve
The Guest House is functional and provides round the clock
it. To cater to these precise needs of the students, the
boarding and lodging services to Guests. Guest House rooms
Information and Guidance Bureau (I&GB) was started in August
are allotted to University Guests free of cost and to other State or
Central Govt. organizations, Universities, Public Sector awarded to topper among the SC/ST students. would help them in becoming a complete human being so that a path breaking decision, a provision of gender budgeting has
Undertakings on request, subject to availability, on payment. Coaching Centre for SC/ST/Minorities they can withstand the challenges of life. been made on BBAU financial road map. Gender budgeting
However, first priority is given to University activities. Students Welfare basically means that a part of the budget will be set aside for
The University offers the following Programmes for the
Mess /Canteen gender specific activities.
development of SC/ST and Minority students. Student Welfare involves providing ample scope and
The Mess facility is available in the University in all the hostels. A opportunities for the development of students including their Recently, the University constituted a committee to suggest the
i) UGC Remedial Coaching Programme (RCP): Under RCP,
Canteen is also running in the campus by IRCTC during working overall personality development. To motivate the students for requirements of basic facilities for the women employees and
additional coaching is provided to the students who face
days which is open for all. participation in different programmes of the university, the girl students of the University. Some of the recommendations
difficulties in learning the subject concerned and English
students are awarded several medals and prizes. Moreover, made by the committee are: more women friendly spaces in the
Placement Cell language. In addition, it conducts classes for personality
students can avail railway concessions including journey University including common rooms and toilets, transport,
The University Placement Cell (UPC) was constituted in the development.
performed for research work, home town visit etc., monthly canteen, shopping complex with a chemist shop, and computer
session 2007-08. Since its inception the cell is helping the ii) UGC NET Coaching Programme : It offers special coaching
concession passes in Govt. city buses. The University with internet facility for the women employees and students in
students to be placed in various organizations across India and for joint CSIR – UGC NET examinations which are being
recommends students for various types of scholarships, such as the campus.
abroad. Dr. M.K. Padhy had helped to visualize the structure and conducted twice a year.
JRF/RGNJRF, and also GEN/SC/ST/OBC students to various Day Care Centre
role of UPC during their tenure as coordinators. From 2-12-09, iii) Residential Coaching Academy: This Programme offers
statutory bodies and the Social Welfare Department. On 8th March, 2010 a Day Care Centre was inaugurated by the
Dr. Govind Ji Pandey, Associate Professor, Deptt. of Mass special coaching for Civil Services (IAS/IPS/IFS), State
Communication and Journalism, is appointed Coordinator of University Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC) then Vice Chancellor B. Hanumaiah. Prof. Sunita Mishra has been
Services, SSC, RRB and other competitive examinations
the Cell, to further strengthen the placement activities of the As per the UGC's ingenious plan every Indian University must appointed Co-ordinator of the Centre.
which are being conducted by the Central and State
University. The UPC is dedicated to support the students in their Governments. have a Science Instruments Centre. In fact, the creation of such a Community College
pursuit to get jobs in reputed organizations in India and abroad. centre is becoming obligatory for every university for the reason Community College has started working in the current
Currently Placement Cell is planning to launch E-brochure of the that the modern day science demands the use of precision educational session 2013-14, to impact skill development
A healthy person keeps a healthy and active mind and sports are
final year students of various departments. Specialized lectures, equipments for the acceptability of data. Such centres help stop programmes for youth under NVEQF (National Vocational
the best mechanism to accomplish that objective. The National
workshops and job fair are organized to provide students a duplication of sophisticated equipments, which cost huge Education Qualification Framework) of Ministry of Human
Sports Policy (1984) and the New Education Policy (1986) also
platform to showcase their talents. amounts and in turn help in regulating the use of the sanctioned Resource Development Group of Indian. Certificate course on
emphasise on the need for introduction of sports in the
SC/ST Cell money in the most judicious way. “Dietetics” and Certificate Courses in “Computer Skill Training”
academic programme. The University, being sensitive for the
The staff of the Cell is actively engaged in coordinating and This University has established USIC, which is housed on the of three month duration each have commenced as per UGC
overall development of students, realizes that a balance in
solving the problems in the matter of admissions in the ground floor of the School for Environmental Sciences building. direction. Certificate course on “Dietetics” is offered by School
physical, mental and emotional growth is essential for the
University, utilization and timely disbursement of scholarships, USIC has three precision equipments: 1. Scanning Electron for Home Science and Certificate course on computer skill
complete development of personality.
accommodation in hostels, conduct of remedial coaching, UGC- Microscope, (SEM, Model JSM-6490 LV of JEOL, Japan) with EDX training is offered by the Computer Centre, under School of SIST
Keeping this in view, the University has a dedicated sports team
NET coaching, Competitive Exam coaching and other measures facility and two preparatory units, viz., Critical Point Dryer and of the university. The objective of the course is to impact skill
headed by Dr. Manish K. Verma as Coordinator. At present, the
with a view to see that the education system succeeds in Ion Sputter Coater; 2. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer opportunity and help in employment to participants.
University has a multipurpose sports ground in the campus
bringing the Schedule Castes and Scheduled Tribes to a level with ATR - Attenuated Total Reflectance ( FT-IR Spectrometer, SEMESTER SYSTEM AND ATTENDANCE
having facilities like Football, Volleyball, Cricket, athletics etc. In
quantitatively as well as qualitatively at par with the rest of the Model Nicolet TM 6700 OF Thermo Scientific, USA); 3. Fast
addition, there is an indoor Gymnasium equipped with all (I) All students enrolled in the various M.Phil., P.G.,U.G., and
society. The Cell is also instrumental in monitoring the Performance Liquid Chromatograph (FPLC, Model EKTA 10 of GE
modern facilities for physical training. Indoor games like Diploma courses are required to have 75% attendance in
implementation of rule of reservation for SC/ST in admission Healthcare Bioscience. Sweden). These equipments have been
Badminton, Table Tennis, Chess, and Carom facilities are theory and practical (wherever applicable) to appear in
and appointments on teaching as well as non-teaching posts. procured and are under regular use in USIC.
available. All the games, indoor and outdoor, are facilitated by Examination. The University reserves the right to disallow
The University is providing Rs. 2000/- for dissertation, Rs. 3000/- Women Cell such candidate(s) from appearing in the examination
experts and trainers. University is sure that these facilities would
for educational tour to SC/ST students. Further a Gold Medal is The University is doing a lot of work towards gender equality. As whose attendance falls short of the minimum prescribed.
instil in students a sense of confidence besides physical fitness. It
(ii) No candidate will be allowed to take up a job while the objective of imparting quality education to the students
pursuing a full time course. Those, who are employed at from weaker section of society, particularly SC/ST and Minorities
the time of admission, will be required to produce a for various competitive Examinations, Spoken English,
certificate of leave from their employer within one month Personality Development, Communication Skills, General and
from the date of admission failing which their admission Scientific Aptitude, Computer Training along with NET/SLET
will be cancelled on the recommendation of Head/Dean Coaching .
by the competent authority. Residential Coaching Academy
(iii) A student is allowed to repeat courses/improve grades in Residential Coaching Academy (RCA) has been sponsored by
courses as specified in the rules. the University Grants Commission, New Delhi to nourish the
(iv) Zero semester/year provision can be availed by a student requirement of the aspirants for various competitive exams. The
only under the conditions specified in the rules. RCA is established with a motto of nurturing the aspirants of
Examination and Evaluation Pattern various competitive exams belonging to SC/ST's/Minorities and
women with residential facilities during their coaching period.
The University follows Semester system for all the courses, and
The competitive exams include Union Public Service
internal evaluation with choice based credit system.
Commission, State Public Civil Services, RRB, SSC and other
Banking exams. The candidates are selected based on National
Proctorial Board Level test. The RCA is having separate building with a state- of-
The University has a Proctorial Board to maintain both discipline the- art facilities and exclusive library and computer laboratory.
and law and order on the campus. The RCA is going to have an exclusive infrastructure in the BBAU
Anti Ragging Committee campus with audio-visual class rooms, seminar hall, centralized
computer facilities, library with good study materials etc., The
There is an Anti Raging Committee in the University which
coaching classes are conducted by the highly qualified
ensures complete ban on ragging in the campus in general and
professionals in the field of competitive exams. It is also having a
hostels in particular. Moreover, on the basis of directions given
separate hostel for boys of 100 candidate's capacity. The hostel
by the Supreme Court of India, if any incident of ragging comes
building for girls is yet to be sanctioned by UGC. Till then girls
to the notice of the authority, the concerned student shall be
will be accommodated at the University Hostel.
given liberty to explain and if the explanation is not found
satisfactory, the authority would expel him from the institution. EVENTS
Further, in view of UGC Regulations on curbing the menace of University Foundation Day
ragging in Higher Educational Institution, 2009, every student The University commemorates its Foundation Day on 10th
and his parent/guardian will furnish an affidavit at the time of January every year. Lectures by eminent academics on current
admission on the proforma given in the Annexure - I & II. and general issues followed by Cultural Programme by the
Committee Against Sexual Harassment University students are the basic features of the celebration.
There is a Committee against Sexual Harassment to combat Ambedkar Jayanti
sexual harassment and violence against women in the University The University commemorates Ambedakar Jayanti every year on
campus. the birth-date of Bharat Ratna Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar.
RCP On this occasion a National Seminar is organized by the
UGC Sponsored Coaching Centre was established in 2002 with University on an important theme.
BABASAHEB BHIMRAO AMBEDKAR UNIVERSIT Y, BBAU, Lucknow will send important information with regards
LUCKNOW to your application and examination on this registered
Ph.D Regulation 1999 as amended in 2013 E Mail/Mobile number only.
As a available on the University website: Please note that after submission the particulars mentioned
in the Online Application in each stage including Name of
the Candidate, Course Applied, Caste, Date of Birth,
Address, Email-ID, Mobile No. etc. will be considered as
Foreign Student Regulation Final. After the submission of the online application at each
stage, candidate will not be able to edit/delete any fields of
As a available on the University website:
the Online Application.
Applications received without appropriate Application Fee,
required documents & information as per admission
notification, are liable to be rejected.
BBAU, Lucknow, however have the right to cancel any of the
Candidates applying for the Admissions in various Ph.D/ M.Phil/
Examination Center and/or add some other cities/centers'
P.G / U.G./P.G Diploma/Certificate programmes of BABASAHEB
depending upon the response, administrative feasibility, or any
force-majeure conditions etc.
required to apply online ONLY through the official website of
BBAU, LUCKNOW ( Application will Candidates are hence requested to fill in the online application
NOT be accepted by any other mode. form with the utmost care as no correspondence regarding
change of details will be entertained at later stage. In case the
Before filling the Online Application, the Candidate must scan
candidate requires any changes, then he will be required to send
images of following documents in CD/DVD/Pen drive with file
a request email to ( to unlock the
size of 80KB (maximum) for each document in JPG format only.
application with subject “Unlock Application” along with
(a) Recent Colored Photograph applicant ID and registered mobile no and Email ID only upto
(b) Signature of the candidate 20.04.2015.
(c) Thumb impression (Left thumb for Male and Right
The above documents in soft copies will be required for APPLICATION
uploading and final submission of your Online Application. Instructions and Important Links will guide you to fill the
A valid E-mail id and Mobile Number is mandatory for the Application Form. Please read carefully and follow them strictly.
submission of your Online Application. This E-Mail id and Step 1: Candidates are first required to go to the BABASAHEB
Mobile number should be kept active till the declaration of BHIMRAO AMBEDKAR UNIVERSITY, LUCKNOW website:
results. and click on the link “Online APPLICATION FEE PAYMENT MODES 3. ONLY LATEST COLOURED PHOTOGRAPH TO BE UPLOADED. our helpdesk calling at 0522-2998128.
Admissions 2015” and click the link “Online Application 4. On the page of” “Online Admissions 2015”, Make a note of 9. BABASAHEB BHIMRAO AMBEDKAR UNIVERSITY,
ONLINE PAYMENT — Please use Debit Card/Credit Card/SBI
Form”. important dates. The candidates are advised to apply early LUCKNOW reserves rights to modify/rectify to correct the
Net banking mode to make the online payment through State
Step 2: You will be directed to the following information. bank of India website link to get the examination center of their choice/preference error that might have inadvertently crept in. However
l Helpdesk & Important dates. and avoid last minute rush/jam/network problems. BABASAHEB BHIMRAO AMBEDKAR UNIVERSITY,
5. Candidates should keep at least 6 copies of same LATEST LUCKNOW does not owe any responsibility for error
l Original Notification OFFLINE PAYMENT — Generate the Challan from State Bank of
Photograph in reserve for future use, which they have committed by candidate.
l How to Apply. India website link
uploaded in the application form. 10. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
l Frequently Asked Questions. https:/
6. Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be at U.P. 11. Mobile phones/Communication devices/gadgets,
l Fee Deposit procedure Download the Challan and Make the payment in State Bank electronic watches & calculators etc. are not permitted in
7. Reservation in admissions will be as per the extant
l Course Details with Eligibility of India Branches the examination Hall.
University rules.
Step 3: For registration of online Application click “Online Step 8: After 2 days of application fee deposit date, Candidates N.B.: In case of any discrepancy in advertisements published in
8. Candidates must remain in constant touch with
Application Form” and fill your (a) Personal Details (b) are required login on the website: and various newspapers etc. the content as put on BABASAHEB
Qualification Details (C) Declaration follow step 1,2,3 to reach “APPLY ONLINE” with the APPLICANT- BHIMRAO AMBEDKAR UNIVERSITY, LUCKNOW website:
LUCKNOW website: for important
ID and password to be provided on the registered mobile and E- will prevail.
Step 4: Please keep handy the following scan copies with the file information's and guidelines. The candidates are requested
mail ID. The link for log in can be accessed by opening the online
size of maximum 80KB for each document In JPG format only. to download their admit card after receiving the intimation
application form and click on 'VIEW & PRINT' provided on the
vide SMS by TCS. Please preserve the mobile number till the
Step 5: Please upload the following documents, click on” header note of the online application form & using the
completion of examination as all intimations will be sent to
Submit & Print”. Now of the Application Form is complete. credentials received on registered email Id and mobile no. The
you by the same. In case of any difficulty, kindly send the
(a) Recent Colored Photograph candidates are required to click on button “View & Print” for
mail to You can also talk to
printing of Online Application.
(b) Signature of the candidate
Post filling the complete details in the online application
(c) Thumb impression (Left thumb for Male and Right
form, the applicant will receive Applicant-ID and Password
thumb for Female)
through an automated E-Mail on the registered email
Step 6: On successful submission of the Application Form &
address and /or SMS on your registered Mobile Number.
deposit of application fee, you will be able to view the complete
application submitted by you including your Photo, Signature &
Documents along with the message of Successful submission.
Please take a print out of this application form for future
correspondence & APPLICANT-ID printed on it. IMPORTANT NOTES:
Step 7: Deposit the requisite Application fees through portal of 1. PLEASE FILL YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY.
State Bank of India after 2 working days of filling the application 2. TAKE CARE TO UPLOAD THE RIGHT DOCUMENTS AT RIGHT