Teaching and Learning Calculus With Free Dynamic Ma-Thematics Software Geogebra
Teaching and Learning Calculus With Free Dynamic Ma-Thematics Software Geogebra
Teaching and Learning Calculus With Free Dynamic Ma-Thematics Software Geogebra
Research suggests that despite the numerous benefits of using technology in mathematics educa-
tion, the process of embedding technology in classrooms is slow and complex (Cuban, Kirkpa-
trick, & Peck, 2001). GeoGebra is open-source software for mathematics teaching and learning
that offers geometry, algebra and calculus features in a fully connected and easy-to-use software
environment. It is available free of charge and used by thousands of students and teachers around
the world in classrooms and at home. In this presentation we will both present applications of
GeoGebra for calculus teaching at the high school and college level, as well as raise some of the
implications of free and easy-to-use software such as GeoGebra for technology integration into
the teaching and learning of calculus.
The open-source nature of the project has important implications both for educators and students.
Unlike with commercial products, students are certainly not constrained to use the software only
TSG 16: Research and development in the teaching and learning of calculus
ICME 11, Monterrey, Mexico 2008
in schools or universities allowed by site licenses, but they can download and install GeoGebra on
their private computers. For teachers, GeoGebra offers the powerful opportunity to create interac-
tive online learning environments which has led many teachers to share free materials on the In-
ternet. However, research suggests that, for the majority of teachers, solely providing technology
is insufficient for the successful integration of technology into their teaching (Cuban, Kirkpatrick,
& Peck, 2001; Ruthven & Hennessy 2002). It has been suggested that adequate training and col-
legial support boost teachers' willingness to integrate technology into their teaching and to devel-
op successful technology-assisted teaching practices (Becker, Ravitz, & Wong, 1999). Today,
GeoGebra users form a self-sustaining community that supports fellow users through an online
user forum (www.geogebra.org/forum). In addition, teachers and researchers from all over the
world are currently establishing an International GeoGebra Institute at various locations in order
to contribute to the professional development of teachers, conduct research on GeoGebra, and
continue to improve high quality software that is available free of charge for everyone (Hohen-
warter & Lavicza 2007).
The following examples can be created with GeoGebra in a few minutes or even on the fly while
teaching. They are fully dynamic, meaning that points can be moved along function graphs, pa-
rameters are changeable using sliders, and text adapts automatically to changes. In addition, all
examples can be easily exported into dynamic web pages, so called dynamic worksheets, which
contain an interactive applet with tasks for the students. After uploading these dynamic work-
sheets to the Internet, students are able to access them in school as well as at home without hav-
ing to download or directly operate the GeoGebra software on their computers. By providing
these different forms of dynamic and interactive figures, GeoGebra constructions can be inte-
grated into mathematics classes in different ways (Little 2008).
Presentation – teacher centered approach: On the one hand, teachers can use a previously pre-
pared GeoGebra file to present mathematical concepts to their students. By creating the corres-
ponding dynamic figure prior to their lesson teachers save time during their classes and can use
the construction for lesson planning. On the other hand, teachers could also create these dynamic
figures on the fly during their lesson, allowing them a more flexible teaching style where they can
react to students’ questions, suggestions, and conjectures. Beginning users of technology tend to
prefer the use of pre-made dynamic figures in their classroom, while more advanced GeoGebra
users can use the software as a flexible teaching tool that is used to create mathematical models
from scratch whenever they see fit.
TSG 16: Research and development in the teaching and learning of calculus
ICME 11, Monterrey, Mexico 2008
certain mathematical concept, assuming that they already have some experience with operating
the software itself.
On the other hand, teachers could also create self-contained dynamic worksheets prior to the les-
son. With such pre-made worksheets, students don’t need to operate the software GeoGebra itself
but only work with an interactive html page in a browser. This saves time of teaching them how
to operate the software itself. Being able to customize the user interface of the integrated interac-
tive applets (e.g. showing or hiding the algebra window, reducing the number of available tools,
displaying the toolbar help), teachers can decide beforehand how much freedom or guidance they
want to provide for their students and which features and tools should be available for their stu-
The construction files and dynamic worksheets described in the examples below give an over-
view of some basic calculus concepts that can be visualized and investigated using GeoGebra.
Such dynamic visualizations can support mathematical experiments, connections between sym-
bolic and graphical representations, and discussions about conjectures and basic concepts.
TSG 16: Research and development in the teaching and learning of calculus
ICME 11, Monterrey, Mexico 2008
Since GeoGebra allows students to modify the initial function f(x) any time, this dynamic figure
can also be used to investigate all standard functions and their derivatives. Additionally, it can
help students to explore different rules for derivations, for example: Why does a constant term
within the initial function’s equation have no impact on the derivative? By using a worksheet
with guiding questions, students can systematically analyze the derivatives of different polynomi-
al functions (e.g. f ( x) = x + 2 , f ( x) = x 2 , f ( x) = x 3 , f ( x) = 4 x 2 ). After writing down their
findings in form of a table they might be able to spot a pattern and discover some rules of deriva-
tion by themselves.
TSG 16: Research and development in the teaching and learning of calculus
ICME 11, Monterrey, Mexico 2008
TSG 16: Research and development in the teaching and learning of calculus
ICME 11, Monterrey, Mexico 2008
within this interval. Both the upper and lower sum values as well as their difference are displayed
as dynamic text which automatically adapts to modifications. Students can show or hide different
components of the construction using checkboxes in order to keep focused on a certain task. Us-
ing this dynamic figure, students can explore different aspects of the Riemann integral guided by
questions and tasks like the following:
1. Use slider n to find out how the rectangles for the lower sum / upper sum are constructed.
a. Express the width of a rectangle in terms of the interval length b − a and the
number of rectangles n.
b. Describe how the height of a certain rectangle can be found for the lower resp.
upper sum.
2. Describe what happens to the values of the lower and upper sum when you increase the
number of rectangles?
3. Imagine slider n being infinitely long, allowing you to create an infinite number of rec-
tangles for the calculation of the lower sum / upper sum.
a. What happens to the width of a single rectangle when n goes to infinity?
b. What would happen with the values for the lower sum and upper sum when you
move n to infinity?
TSG 16: Research and development in the teaching and learning of calculus
ICME 11, Monterrey, Mexico 2008
“It is helpful when you see what is changing when you change something else.”
“If you move point B towards point A, you realize that the secant becomes the tangent line.
With a drawing on paper I never was able to visualize what this would look like.”
“You can experiment a lot and try out a lot of things to find your own solution to problems.”
While GeoGebra is widely used in middle and high schools, especially in Europe, its use at uni-
versity level is also emerging. There are several educators in the USA who have published inter-
active university-level calculus material on the Internet. They have reported that creating these
materials in GeoGebra was easier and less time consuming than with other software (Hohenwar-
ter, Taeil, & Preiner 2007), for instance:
“Don't know how to do it in Maple, but I just put up an applet that does this. On Monday, I
saw a presentation […] of GeoGebra, and it took me about 20 minutes to figure out how to do
polar coords in this program and create the page:
(Ben Ford, Sonoma State University, California)
They also stated that such interactive constructions have the potential to facilitate the teaching of
certain calculus concepts and that students can benefit from the integration of dynamic visualiza-
tions into their ‘traditional’ calculus classes:
TSG 16: Research and development in the teaching and learning of calculus
ICME 11, Monterrey, Mexico 2008
“One of the features in GeoGebra is ‘Navigation bar for construction steps’ which is an im-
portant tool to export constructions as interactive web pages. […] Using ‘Navigation bar’
teachers can give better and accurate drawings and explanations. Even after the drawing
and/or construction the teacher is able to change the shape of the drawing by changing para-
meters or moving points. This gives a much better insight and understanding of the subject to
the students.”
(Taeil Yi, University of Texas at Brownsville)
In this paper, we highlighted various opportunities that dynamic mathematics software like Geo-
Gebra can offer for the teaching of calculus. We have provided examples on how GeoGebra can
be used in classrooms to explore basic calculus concepts of derivatives and anti-derivatives. Fu-
ture extensions of the software GeoGebra will include more symbolic features of computer alge-
bra systems which will further increase possible applications for the learning and teaching of cal-
In addition, we emphasized the increasingly important role of free open-source software packages
for mathematics teaching world-wide. Open-source packages do not only offer opportunities for
teachers and students to use them both at home and in the classroom without any restriction, but
they also provide a means for developing support and user communities reaching across borders.
Such collaboration also contributes to the equal access to technological resources and democrati-
zation of mathematics learning and teaching.
Becker, H., Ravitz, J., & Wong, N. Y. (1999). Teacher and teacher directed student use of com-
puters. Teaching, learning, and computing: National Survey Report#3. Irvine, CA: Center for
Research on Information Technology and Organizations, University of California Irvine.
Cuban, L., Kirkpatrick, H., & Peck, C. (2001). High access and low use of technologies in high
school classrooms: Explaining the apparent paradox. American Educational Research Journal,
38(4), 813-834.
Hohenwarter, M., & Lavicza, Z. (2007). Mathematics teacher development with ICT: towards an
International GeoGebra Institute. In D. Küchemann (Ed.), Proceedings of the British Society
for Research into Learning Mathematics. 27(3):49-54. University of Northampton, UK:
Hohenwarter, M., & Preiner, J. (2007). Dynamic mathematics with GeoGebra. Journal of Online
Mathematics and its Applications. ID 1448, vol. 7, March 2007
Hohenwarter, M., Preiner, J, & Yi, Taeil. (2007). Incorporating GeoGebra into teaching mathe-
matics at the college level. Proceedings of the International Conference for Technology in
Collegiate Mathematics 2007. Boston, USA: ICTCM
Kreis, Y. (2004). Mathé mat TIC. Intégration de l’outil informatique dans le cours de mathémati-
ques de la classe de 4e. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: MEN.
TSG 16: Research and development in the teaching and learning of calculus
ICME 11, Monterrey, Mexico 2008
Lavicza, Z. (2006). Factors influencing the integration of Computer Algebra Systems into univer-
sity-level mathematics education. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Edu-
cation. 14(3)
Little, Ch. (in press). Interactive Geometry in the classroom: old barriers and new opportunities.
Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics. University of
Southampton, UK: BSRLM, June 2008
Ruthven, K., & Hennessy, S. (2002). A Practitioner Model of the Use of Computer-Based Tools
and Resources to Support Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Educational Studies in
Mathematics, 49, 47-88.