National Council of Teachers of Mathematics The Mathematics Teacher
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics The Mathematics Teacher
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics The Mathematics Teacher
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Teo Paoletti, Ceire Monahan, and Madhavi Vishnubhotla
eoGebra is a free tool that to have access to in order to develop the GETTING STARTED
has the potential to change mathematical ideas the teacher intends. WITH GEOGEBRA
both how and what we In most cases, students do not need The easiest way for teachers and stu-
teach in mathematics. Geo- to use all of GeoGebra’s features and dents to access the full version of Geo-
Gebra allows teachers and tools (e.g., “Conic through 5 Points,” Gebra is to go to its website (https://
students to explore various mathemati- “Reflect about Circle”). In fact, if all and click the “+”,
cal ideas either through the full applet the features are available, students may then Start GeoGebra. Before creating any
( become distracted exploring what these applets, teachers should create a Geo-
or by sharing applets via GeoGebra’s do. To prevent such distractions, Geo- Gebra account to ensure they can save
Materials site (https://www.geogebra. Gebra allows teachers to restrict access and share their work. To save or share
org/materials/). It has many capabilities, to features when sharing an applet on GeoGebra files, teachers can create a
including allowing students to graph the GeoGebra Materials site. This site unique GeoGebra account or link their
functions, draw and change various has thousands of publicly shared applets Google, Microsoft, Facebook, or Twitter
geometric shapes, solve equations, and created by other educators. accounts to GeoGebra.
complete other algebraic procedures. In this article, we offer suggestions
Although all of these features make Geo- for teachers on how to create GeoGebra CREATING A GEOGEBRA APPLET
Gebra a potent tool, the full applet can files that maximize students’ engage- We designed the Exploring Quadratic
be overwhelming to a novice user and ment with mathematical ideas while Functions applet to let students (1)
can create distractions for students. minimalizing potential distractions. We explore how changing the parameters a,
Teachers should consider what tools describe how to create and share Geo- h, and k, of a quadratic function in vertex
are (and are not) important for students Gebra files that limit features that may form (i.e., y = a(x – h)2 + k) influences
create potential distractions. Through- the dynamic graphical representation
Edited by Robert Lochel out, we give the pedagogical reasons of the function and (2) investigate the
behind our decisions. points of intersection of the parabola and
Technology Tips offers a forum for innova-
tive uses of technology in the teaching
and learning of mathematics; it appears
in every issue of Mathematics Teacher.
Manuscripts for the department should be
submitted via For
more information, visit http://www.nctm
Department editors
Heather Lynn Johnson, heather.john-, University of Colorado
Denver; Steve Phelps, sphelps@madei-, Madeira High School, Cin-
cinnati, Ohio; and Robert Lochel, rlochel@, Hatboro-Horsham High School,
Horsham, Pennsylvania
Fig. 1 Create and adjust the parameters on a slider.
middle school teachers and creativity in
mathematics at all levels. MADHAVI
VISHNUBHOTLA, vishnubhotm1@mail, a former high school
Share with readers and the Editorial Panel your opinions teacher, is a graduate student in math
about any of the articles or departments appearing in this education at Montclair State University
issue by writing to Reader Reflections. Letters should be in Montclair, New Jersey. She is inter-
ested in understanding students’ learn-
sent to
ing of geometry through dynamic geom-
etry software.