5E Lesson Plan Template: The 5 Es
5E Lesson Plan Template: The 5 Es
5E Lesson Plan Template: The 5 Es
Standards (State Know and apply the properties of integer exponents to generate equivalent
and ISTE numerical expressions. [8-EE1].
Standards for
I strive to utilize technology to not only improve my work ethic, but also to
inform others, whether it be in working with a team or by myself, of what I
have learned.
Differentiation This lesson is being presented to students with varying abilities and needs.
Strategies (How To accommodate the needs of these specific students, I have incorporated
will the lesson methods to help them learn best through the use of multiple intelligences. I
address the will utilize visual, auditory, mathematical, and a physical component to
various learning augment student learning. Visual learners will benefit from the use of
styles of the different colors that are used to highlight the strategic method of
students and the information. Use of the interactive exercises in CoolMath.com will benefit
needs of those students who learn best engaging in mathematical experiences.
with special
The 5 Es
E Description
Engagem Students will be encouraged to engage with the attached YouTube Video
ent introducing them to mathematical concepts prior to their developing of the skills:
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E Description
Engagem The following purposeful questions will be incorporated to activate and engage
ent students with prior knowledge of exponential functions. As students are recalling
Assessm their previous experience, have them change the following questions from
ent expanded form to exponential form by asking:
How can the following questions be written as exponents (number whose
base is raised to a power)?
1. 3 ×3 ×3 × 3× 3=¿
2. y × y × y × y × y × y × y × y=¿
3. =¿
6 ×6 ×6 × 6 ×6
4. =¿
s×s×s×s ×s
Exploratio Students will demonstrate their understanding of the content by engaging in this
n activity where they will have hands on practice with the properties of exponents.
This activity will consist of 4 stations where students will be positioned at each
station. Students will receive numerous solutions to their stations but not all
solutions to their problem will be at their station. Students will have to answer solve
the solution to their problem and locate where their solution is before the 45-minute
timer erupts. The game is the following and has been modified to match the
requirements of this activity. (https://kami.app/EYf-awU-Eyc)
For students with a smaller grasps on the concept, they will be prompted to engage
themselves in the Nearpod (https://share.nearpod.com/PLMLNXbRPbb) as well as
the following game while also being provided a rule sheet
(https://kami.app/ffOtytwPtRon) for each rule to assist them in their journey
throughout this racing game (https://www.mathgametime.com/games/otter-rush-
For students with a quicker grasp on the concept, they will be required to play the
attached games as additional practice demonstrating their knowledge of the
material. (1) http://www.math-play.com/exponents-pirate-game/exponents-pirate-
game_html5.html (2) https://www.quia.com/rr/180013.html
Explanati -In what kinds of situations would it be useful to express a value using exponential
on notation?
-How can expressions with integer exponents be simplified?
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E Description
Explanati Students will, once again, practice these skills using the website CoolMath.com.
on Using their chromebooks, they will be directed to Algebra lessons, Introduction
Assessm Exponents where they will review the lesson at their own pace.
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E Description
To view information about the Privacy Policies and the Terms of Use, please go to the following web address:
Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years:
Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National
Center for Improving Instruction.
Page 4 of 5
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education
standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National
Academy Press.
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