Maths 10-1 A Guide To Equations and Inequalities
Maths 10-1 A Guide To Equations and Inequalities
Maths 10-1 A Guide To Equations and Inequalities
The videos in this series cover the revision of linear equations, equations with fractions and
unknowns in the denominator, quadratic equations, literal equations, simultaneous equations
and word problems. They also cover inequalities.
In the first video on revision of linear equations we remind pupils how to identify linear
equations and work on examples that require basic simplification techniques and fractions. It
is important to remind your learners how to check their solutions by substituting their answer
back into the original equation. Emphasise the importance of substituting into the original
equation. Learners must be careful with their signs when taking terms from one side of the
equation to the other. Remind them that when you divide by a negative the signs, of all terms
will change. Also try the games suggested in the resources sections to remind learners that
Maths can be fun!
When dealing with fractional equations, stress the importance of restrictions and make sure
to include examples in your lesson where a solution cannot be accepted because it is
excluded by the restriction. It may be necessary to revise factorising before the lesson on
factorising denominators.
Make sure pupils know all the different methods to solve simultaneous linear equations;
graphical, substitution and elimination. These methods can be used to solve words problems
Our first video in linear inequalities shows solutions represented in set builder notation and
interval notation but please use interval notation in your examples and tests as this is the
method required by CAPS.
We go over quite a few word problems just to give learners an idea of how to approach
different types of questions as this a section they often struggle with. However there is not
only one way to deal with all word problems and learners may still not be able to solve the
ones in a test etc. Stress to them the importance of practising as many examples as possible
to get better at this section.
Video Summaries
Some videos have a ‘PAUSE’ moment, at which point the teacher or learner can choose to
pause the video and try to answer the question posed or calculate the answer to the problem
under discussion. Once the video starts again, the answer to the question or the right
answer to the calculation is given.
Mindset suggests a number of ways to use the video lessons. These include:
Watch or show a lesson as an introduction to a lesson
Watch of show a lesson after a lesson, as a summary or as a way of adding in some
interesting real-life applications or practical aspects
Design a worksheet or set of questions about one video lesson. Then ask learners to
watch a video related to the lesson and to complete the worksheet or questions, either in
groups or individually
Worksheets and questions based on video lessons can be used as short assessments or
Ask learners to watch a particular video lesson for homework (in the school library or on
the website, depending on how the material is available) as preparation for the next days
lesson; if desired, learners can be given specific questions to answer in preparation for
the next day’s lesson
Linear Equations
1. Revising Linear Equations
Learners are shown how to identify a linear equation and how to solve simple linear
equations. We also look at solving simple fractional equations and fractions with
unknowns in the denominator.
3. Literal Equations
Learners are introduced to equations with variables on both sides of the equality sign. We
look at basic linear literal equations and an example involving quadratic literal equations.
Quadratic Equations
1. Quadratic Equations
Standard form of a quadratic expression is introduced and simple quadratic equations
Simultaneous Equations
1. Introduction to Simultaneous Equations
We identify and define simultaneous equations, find an ordered pair that is a solution to a
system of linear equations in two unknowns.
Linear Inequalities
1. Linear Inequalities on a Number Line
A number line is used to represent a linear inequality you must use interval notation to
represent a linear inequality.
Word Problems
1. Dimension and Speed Word Problems
Here we look at a money problem and another basic problem where simultaneous
equations need to be used.
3. A Digit Problem
This video deals with the commonly tested dimension and speed word problems.
Resource Material
Resource materials are a list of links available to teachers and learners to enhance their experience of
the subject matter. They are not necessarily CAPS aligned and need to be used with discretion.
Linear Equations This site has a fun and interactive
1 Revising Linear Equations f/equations.swf game for solving linear equations.
http://mathsteaching.files.wordpr Worksheet with fractional equations that you can print out
ns.pdf and use in the classroom. Help save the Zogs: Fun game
SaveTheZogs/ that learners can only succeed at
ml if their linear equations are up to
scratch (can also be used when
teaching linear functions). This website has a calculator that
2 Solving Fractional Equations ators/solving-equations/rational- can be used to solve fractional
equation-solver.php equations it also has maths tests
and worksheets.
http://www.onlinemathlearning.c Videos/worksheets/games on
om/fractional-equations.html solving all types of equations from
grades 0 to 12 Many examples of literal
3 Literal Equations ules/solvelit.htm equations are shown and
explained. Textbook that explains literal
rade-10/02-equations-and- equations and the rest of grade
inequalities/02-equations-and- 10 maths.
Quadratic Equations If you have an equation of the
1 Quadratic Equations atic-equation-solver.html form "ax + bx + c = 0", this site
can solve the equation and has
worksheets. This site shows how quadratic
2 More Challenging Quadratic es/solvquad6.htm equations should be approached.
Simultaneous Equations Site explains simultaneous
1 Introduction to urces/Engineering%20maths%20f equations basics.
Simultaneous Equations irst%20aid%20kit/latexsource%20
and%20diagrams/2_13.pdf Graphical solution of
m/systems-of-equations.html simultaneous equations
explained. This site allows you to solve two
2 Solving Simultaneous html equations with two unknowns by
Equations Graphically putting your question into its
solver. Step by step approach to the
3 Solving Simultaneous les/systlin4.htm substitution method is discussed.
Equations using
Substitution A video on solving simultaneous
4 Solving Simultaneous =XM7Q4Oj5OTc equations by elimination.
equations by Elimination I & More video examples on solving
II =3ceN1InfyDU&feature=related simultaneous equations by
elimination. More video examples on solving
=3ceN1InfyDU&feature=related simultaneous equations by
elimination. This site allows will solve two
html equations with two unknowns by
putting your question into its
Linear Inequalities Step by step approach to linear
1 Linear Inequalities on a les/ineqlin.htm inequalities.
Number Line Interval notation explained.
Not.htm Linear inequality calculator.
2 Solving Linear Inequalities .aspx?p=prealgebra
http://www.mathworksheets4kids. Maths worksheets including
3 More linear inequalities com/inequalities/solve- inequalities worksheets:
Word Problems Grade 9 revision of word
1 Dimension and Speed Word de/44563/23/55011/13360/55014 problems videos:
de/44564/23/55011/13361/55015 Word problem solving strategies.
2 Simultaneous Equations gies.htm
Word Problems Examples on digit problems.
m/digit-problems.html Examples on speed/dist/time in
3 A Digit Problem m/distance-problems.html kilometres. Dimension and other quadratic
les/quadprob2.htm word problems.
Question 1
1.1 ( ) ( )( )
Question 2
Solve for q:
Question 3
Liz and Thandi collect the toys from boxes of breakfast cereal. Liz has 10 toys more than
Thandi has. Altogether they have 54 toys. Calculate how many toys each girl has.
Question 4
Solve for x and y:
Question 5
Solve for x:
Question 6
Convert 131 to if:
Question 7
7.2 ( )
Question 8
Solve for x and y:
Question 9
Solve and write your answer in interval notation:
9.1 ( ) ( )
Question 10
Michelle is paid R55 for everyday she works during the holiday and she must pay her father
R66 for every day she doesn’t work. At the end of 30 days she has R77. For how many days
did she work?
Question 11
The diagonal of a rectangle is 25 cm more than its width. The length of the rectangle is 17
cm more than its width. What are the dimensions of the rectangle?
Question 12
A man runs to the shop and back in 15 minutes. His speed on the way to the shop is 5 km/h
and his speed on the way back is4 km/h. Find the distance to the shop.
HINT: work in km/h
Task Answers
Question 1
1.1 ( ) ( )( )
( )
( ) ( )
Question 2
( )
( )( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( )( )
( )
Question 3
Let the number of toys Thandi has = x Then Liz has: x+10
Altogether they have 77 toys therefore: x+x+10=54
So Thandi has 22 toys and Liz has 32 toys.
Question 4
4a) y=10-2x……. (1)
Substitute (1) into (2): x+2(10-2x) =8
and y=10-2(4) =2
Solution (4,2)
Question 5
( )
Question 6
( )
Question 7
( )( )
x=7 or x=-7
7.2 ( )
( )
√( ) √
w-1 =1 or w-1=-1
w=2 or w=0
( )( )
Question 8
As all the coefficients are different you should use the elimination method to solve these equations.
( ) ( ) ( )………(1) 3
( ) ( ) ( ) ………(2) 2
Eqn (1) –(2)
Answer (41;-19)
Question 9
9.1 ( ) ( )
( )
( )
9.3 -5 < 2x -3 7
Question 10
Let the number of days worked =x Then the number of days not worked =30-x (This question could
also be answered using simultaneous equations)
Total pay = 55x-66(30-x)
She worked 17 days.
Question 11
Let the width =x then the diagonal = x+25 and the length = x+17
In a rectangle interior angles equal 90˚ therefore we have a right angled triangle and using
Pythagoras: ( ) ( )
( )( )
Question 12
It is important to work in km/h so change fifteen minutes to ¼ hour.
Let the time taken to run to the shop =x then the time taken to run back will be ¼ -x
Fill in information in the table.
Speed Distance Time
To shop 5 5x x
Back from shop 4 4(1/4 –x) ¼ -x
D= S T
The distances to the shop and back from the shop are equal.
( )
The distance to the shop=5(1/9) =5/9km or 0.56km
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