Effect of Advisement
Effect of Advisement
Effect of Advisement
ISSN -2347-856X
Dr.A. VinayagaMoorthy
Professor, Department of Commerce, Periyar University,Salem-11.
Research Scholar, Deportment of Commerce, Periyar University, Salem-11.
Marketers’ survival depends on consumer satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction depends on their
perception and brand preference of the particular brand. In brand preference, advertising plays a major
role. Nearly everyone in the modern world influence to some degree by advertising. Organizations in
both public and private sectors have learned that the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently
with their target audiences is important to their success.
Soft drinks become essential in lifestyle of the people in the society. There are number of soft drink
brands are available in the market. In those brands, some brands are very famous not only in Hosur but
also globally. For the research purpose researcher has taken Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Fanta and sprite are
selected. These are the most preferred brand of the consumers in Hosur. For these brands, different
advertisements are available in advertisement media. Some brands’ advertisements are more attractive
than others and some are new creative advertisements. There is no advertisement regarding Bovento
during the research period. Therefore, Bovento was not taken into consideration.
Not lacking behind, Soft Drink companies are also advertising their product through various media and
spending huge amount on celebrities to endorse their product. In this heavy competition they use various
techniques. Using celebrities is one of among them. Marketers acknowledge the power of celebrity in
influencing consumer’s purchase decision. Huge amounts are spent as the celebrity endorsement can
bestow unique features upon a product that it may have lacked otherwise. Around 35% of the total cost
is spent by the Soft Drink Company especially in Advertising. Various Movie Actors and Sports Players
are hired to endorse the Soft drink Brand.
Cola products account for nearly 61-62% of the total soft drinks market.
1. Two global majors’ Pepsi and Coke dominate the soft drink market.
2. NCAER survey says 91% of soft drink in the country is in the lower, lower middle and upper
middle class people.
3. The market is worth around Rs.5000 cores with growth rate of around 10-15%.
4. The production as soft drinks has increased from 5670 million bottles in 1998-99 to 9783 million
bottles in 2000-2008 industry sources.
5. Growth market this year is expected to be 10-15% in value terms and 20-22% in volume of terms
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol.2, Issue.3, Jan-March, 2014. Page69
Research paper IJBARR
ISSN -2347-856X
The present Indian soft drink market can be at best described as a duopoly, with two major players viz.
Coke and Pepsi, both having sufficient monopoly power over the consumer. However, soft drinks have a
fairly high price elasticity of demand, and as such producers must strike a fine balance between prices
and sales volumes. Both companies have decided to page prices similar to other’s products and try to
gain market share through vagarious promotional activities.
However, the market for carbonated drinks is stagnating and not growing as expected. The total soft
drink (carbonated beverages and juices) market is estimated at 284 million per year. The market is
highly seasonal in nature with consumption varying from 25 million crates per month during peak
season to 15 million during off-season. The market is predominantly urban with 25 per cent contribution
from rural areas. Coca cola and Pepsi dominate the Indian soft drinks market. Mineral water market in
India is 65 million crates. On an average, the monthly consumption is estimated at 4.9 million crates,
which increase to 5.2 million during peak season.
Problem of Statement
The project has been undertaken with an objective, to understand the influences of advertisement, in
consumer brand preference, towards soft drinks product in Hosur town. It also identifies the influence of
communication, in the advertisement. The existing positioning of prominent brands and the perceptions
among different segments were also covered under the study. The brand loyalty and switching were also
studied. It also studies the essential for a marketer to find out the extent to which the advertisement
creates positive change in preparing the brand of the company.
1. To study the impact of the Advertisements on the brand preference of consumers.
2. To study the consumer perception regarding the most effective media for Advertisements
3. Identifying the influence of Communication in the Advertisement in deciding consumer brand
The present study is carried out with the following hypothesis.
H0: There is no significant relationship between brand choice of the respondents and frequency of
H1: There is a significant relationship between brand choice of the respondents and frequency of
H0: There is no significant relationship between qualification of the respondents and
Influence of advertisement towards their buying decisions.
H1: There is a significant relationship between qualification of the respondents and
influence of advertisement towards their buying decisions.
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Research paper IJBARR
ISSN -2347-856X
Research Methodology
Research Design
A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project. It specifies
the details of the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and/or solve
marketing research problem. The research design used in this project is Descriptive research design.
Sample Design
1. SamplingTechnique Used.
In this research the researcher used Convenience Sampling.
2. Sample size.
For this study, a sample of 150 has been taken.
3. Data collection instrument.
Sources of Data Collection
1. primary data:
It is the first hand information collected through questionnaire. The primary data collected through the
field surveys were analyzed with the help of computer software-SPSS. Suitable mathematical and
statistical techniques like average, standard deviation, chi-square test, T-test, and ANOVA have been
employed for data analysis.
2. Secondary Data
Secondary data was collected from the following sources:
1. Books
2. Newspapers
3. Journals
4. Magazines
5. Research paper
Age Profile
Composition of age group is an important factor in determining the various stages of human
development as well as the capacities of the respondents.
Table 1 Age Profile
Age Group No. of .Respondent Percentage
Below 20 22 18.3
21-30 80 66.7
31-40 11 9.2
Above 40 7 5.8
Total 120 100.0
Sources:Survey data
The table 1 clearly explained that the majority 66.7% of frequent soft drinks consumers. They fall under
21 – 30 years age group of the people.
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Research paper IJBARR
ISSN -2347-856X
Research paper IJBARR
ISSN -2347-856X
From the above table indicates 32.5% of the respondent’s factor induces to buy the soft drink is taste,
and 29.2% of the respondent’s factor induces to buy soft drinks is quality, and 13.3% of the respondent’s
factor induces to buy soft drinks is price, and 12.5% of the respondents factors induces to buy soft drinks
is brand image, and remaining 12.5% of the respondents factor induces to buy soft drinks is good flavor.
The researcher clearly found out from the table that majority 32.5% of the respondent’s factors induces
to buy soft drinks is taste of the product.
Newspaper Advertisement
There is no doubt that the newspapers are the best and popular medium for advertising. It reaches every
nook of the country. It is the most powerful selling force. In India, there are many languages.
Newspapers are being published in 91 languages. Different types of newspapers are existing. They are
National Dailies, Regional Dailies Evening Dailies, and National Weeklies etc.
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol.2, Issue.3, Jan-March, 2014. Page73
Research paper IJBARR
ISSN -2347-856X
Television Advertisement
Television advertisement is the latest media of mass communication and is widely used for
advertisement. Advertisement through T.V is one of the good sources to reach people. People give
importance to the visual media than the reading magazines or listening to the radio. Therefore a
marketer should understand the tactics to mobilize the product among the consumers.
Table-9,Television Advertisement
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Never 18 15.0
Occasionally 20 16.7
Very often 30 25.0
Always 52 43.3
Total 120 100.0
Sources: Survey Data
As per the above table 43.3% of the respondents always watch television advertisement of the soft
drinks, and 25% of the respondents very often saw television advertisement and 16.7% of the
respondents occasionally give importance to it and 15% of the respondents skip the television
advertisement of the soft drinks.
According to the above statistics the researcher found out that there is only 15% of the respondents
never saw the television advertisement of the soft drinks.
Internet Advertisement
Contemporary world caught up in the world of web. Internet shrinks the world into global village. The
people of techno generation are much benefitted by the web advertisement.
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol.2, Issue.3, Jan-March, 2014. Page74
Research paper IJBARR
ISSN -2347-856X
It is found out from the above table that 30.8% of the respondents never give importance to internet
advertisement of the soft drinks and 27.5% of the respondents occasionally watch internet advertisement
and 24.2% of the respondents very often visit internet advertisement of the soft drinks and remaining
17.5% of the respondents are always capture by the internet advertisement.
The researcher found out that majority 30.8% of the respondents never visits the internet advertisement
of the soft drinks.
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol.2, Issue.3, Jan-March, 2014. Page75
Research paper IJBARR
ISSN -2347-856X
24. Majority (43.3%) of the respondents reply that always watch the television advertisement of
the soft drinks.
25. More than one third (32.5%) of the respondents very often adopt with the cinema
advertisement of soft drinks.
26. Majority (34.2%) of the respondents never listen to the radio advertisement of the soft drinks.
27. More than one third (30.8%) of the respondents never give importance to internet
advertisement of the soft drinks.
5.3 Suggestion
This study is concluded with a number of recommendations:
1. Processors and producers of soft drinks products should implement modern marketing concepts
that focuses on the consumers’ needs and wants
2. Soft drinks product marketing should understand (and implement accordingly) how changing
consumer preference and promotional programs have altered the demand for various soft drinks
3. Processors and producers of soft drinks products should pay more attention to promotional
activities that creates awareness about the nutritional value of different soft drinks types, thus
increasing the demand for new innovative products.
4. Soft drinks products processors and companies should focus on strong implementation of the
marketing mix in ways that serve both the customers and the company.
5. More interest should be laid upon implementing market research directed towards studying
various aspects affecting consumer preference and consumption.
6. Companies should well understand the effect of competition to produce new, innovative
competitive products, and marketing strategies for soft drinks products should emphasize upon
the functionality of certain products to attract the customers.
7. Marketers should devise marketing activities and assemble fully integrated marketing programs
to create, communicate, and deliver value of the consumers.
5.4 Conclusion
As there is cut throat competition in the soft drink industry mainly between the two big giant’s i.e. Coca
Cola and Pepsi and both are striving very hard for their market share. Therefore it becomes very hard for
the companies to retain their customers. It is also evident that 35 % of the total costs, these companies
spend on Advertisements. Therefore Advertisements are the backbone for this Industry, they act as a
glue to retain their consumers and target the prospectus.
Also the consumer’s preferences and the attitudes change with the passage of the time and age Mediums
of Advertisements also play an important role in promoting the products among the masses.
International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol.2, Issue.3, Jan-March, 2014. Page76