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This is a Casual Class

which focuses on
practicing your speaking
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skills with one another.
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correction in this class. Hover your mouse at the bottom of your screen and it will
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Please note that these
classes are a bit larger to
ensure adequate partners send messages
to practice with.

audio setup
During this class you will:

Intermediate • Debate restaurant


• Create a restaurant
business plan.

• Discuss fast food

Share your thoughts.

- Do you prefer to eat in restaurants or at home?

- How adventurous are you with your food?

- Describe your favorite restaurant and the food

you order when you go there.
And you can quote me…
Read and answer the questions.

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if

And you
one has not dined well."
-- Virginia Woolf
- What does this quote mean to you?
- Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? me…
- What do you consider "dining well"? Is it different from
“eating well”?

- The slang term "hangry" combines the word "hungry"

and "angry". This word is used to describe people who
get irritable when they are hungry.
- How do you feel or act when you are
Speak your mind.
Share your thoughts and opinions.

The fast food industry is huge in the United States,

and while controversial, it is a big part of the
culture. In fact, studies have shown that more Speak
than 1 in 3 children and teenagers eat fast food
daily. your
- Why do you think the fast food culture is controversial?
- How do you feel about fast food?
- How often do people in your country eat out?
- How do people in your country feel about fast food
and the fast food industry?
- How has the way people eat in your country changed
over the past 50 years?
- How do you think this change has affected society?
Imagine that!
As a class, create a story.

You have decided to open a business in the food

industry, and you're looking for investors. Pitch
your idea to your classmates. Imagine
- What kind of business do you want to start? A
restaurant? A food truck? A bakery?
- What kind of food do you want to serve?
- What kind of experience or training do you have or
intend to get?
- Where do you intend to open your business? Why did
you choose that location?
- Who will your customers be?

Once you've heard from all of your classmates,

decide, as a class, which business you want to
invest in.
Answer me this!
Take turns asking each other questions.

1. If you didn't have to cook it, would you prefer to eat

food from a restaurant or food made at home? Explain. Answer
2. Which is more romantic: dinner in a restaurant or
dinner made at home? Why? me this!
3. Tell us about the best restaurant experience you've
ever had. Where were you? Who were you with? Why
was it special?

4. Tell us about your worst restaurant experience.

5. What would make you never want to return to a


6. Have you ever returned food at a restaurant? Would


7. When you go out with a group, how do you pay?

8. When people in your country go on a date, who

pays? Do you agree with this custom?
Before you go!
Here’s some cultural fun:

Restaurant etiquette varies a lot from place to

Before you
place. It's always a good idea to pay attention
to your surroundings when trying a new go!
restaurant, especially when traveling abroad.

In the United States, it's considered rude to not

leave at least a 15-20% tip in a restaurant. This is
because servers are paid by tip, not by hour. Also,
most restaurants will expect you to wait to be

- What are some examples of restaurant etiquette

where you live?
- Is it customary to tip at restaurants in your country?
- Are most restaurants self-seating in your country? Or
does a host/hostess seat you?
Pick one question to discuss: Wrap-up
1. What did you like most today?

2. What do you need to improve on?

3. What did you do well on today?

Use this slide to extend an activity.


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