Uranio Agua de Mar
Uranio Agua de Mar
Uranio Agua de Mar
Department of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry, University of Salford, Salford M5 4 WT, Lanes. ( U. K.)
determined colorimetrically using arsenazo III time of 5 min. The properties of this resin
reagent. Checks on the values were made in- together with those of a later improved ver-
dependently using 8-hydroxyquinoline as a sion and of P A O / P H A fibres are given in
colorimetric reagent and also by X-ray fluo- Table 1.
rescence measurement directly on the poly- An improved PHA resin was subsequently
mer. Other metals were determined in eluates produced [7] with a macroporous, microbead
by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. structure and much faster sorption kinetics.
Resin stabilities were determined from The preparation of this resin has been de-
water regain and total capacity values for scribed in detail [8] and it was able to sorb 91
copper and uranium on samples taken from p,g of uranium (76 per cent extraction) and
the sea, as a function of immersion time. In 106 /zg of uranium (88 per cent extraction)
addition, laboratory tests involved immersion from 40 1 seawater samples using seawater-to-
of samples in a tank of aerated seawater which resin contact times of 3 rain arid 8 min,
was drip fed with glucose and biopeptone respectively.
nutrients: stability towards acids was studied The composition of this resin was de-
by shaking samples with various molarities of termined from hydrolytic breakdown studies
sulphuric acid for periods of up to 45 days. and measurement of nitrogen on the resin and
in breakdown products [9], and it was found
that the resin, as prepared, contained 40 per
R E S U L T S AND D I S C U S S I O N cent PAO and 50 per cent PHA; therefore, it
will be referred to as the P A O / P H A resin.
The poly(hydroxamic acid) resin, PHA, The stability of the amidoxime groups to-
used for initial studies of sorption of uranium wards acid eluants is not high, see Table 2:
from seawater [5] was a granular material, 5 the resin converts to a form containing 6 per
per cent cross-linked with DVB, and exhibit- cent PAO and 84 per cent PHA when in
ing poor kinetics of sorption of copper with a contact with 0.5 M sulphuric acid for a three-
time to half-saturation of the resin of 102 day period. More concentrated acids bring
rain. In spite of its slow kinetic performance, about this conversion faster but the PHA
however, this resin removed 340 btg of uranium resin resulting is then stable, loss of function-
from 300 1 of seawater (a 38 per cent uranium ality being found only in the case of resin
recovery) using a seawater-to-resin contact contact with 4 M sulphuric acid after 45 days.
Properties of P A O / P H A resins and fibres tested
Early resin Optimised resin Fibre
Form granular macroporous/ 60 mm
microbead fibres
Cross-linking (~) 5 5 0
Particle size (/~m) 375-1500 150 300 3 denier
Water regain (g/g) 1.1 2.1 1.1
Total capacities (mmol/g):
Cu(pH 4.0) 2.1 2.6 1.9
U (pH 7.8) - 0.9 0.6
Kinetics. tl/2 (rain):
Cu (pH 4.0) 102 12 12
U (pH 7.8) - 13.5 12.5
Optimised resin stability towards prolonged contact with seawater and with acid eluants
Sn, Al, Sr and Ba were not found in measurable The conversion of linear poly(acrylonitrile)
quantities in either sample. fibre to P A O / P H A fibre may be carried out
Properties of P A O / P H A woven cloth
Sample Water regain Cu capacity at U capacity at Strength
(g/g) pH 4 (mmol/g) pH 7.8 (mmol/g)
1 0.5 0.4 0.1 Excellent
2 0.8 1.0 0.3 Very good
3 1.0 1.9 0.6 Good
4 1.8 2.5 0.7 Medium
5 2.5 3.1 1.4 Very poor
in a manner similar to microbead resin con- Further improvement of fibre led to the
version, the fibre being heated with a sodium highest rate yet reported of 4 mg U per
hydroxide-hydroxylamine solution in metha- gramme fibre over ten days [10]. This is very
nol. As this fibre is not cross-linked, the intro- impressive when compared with the kinetics
duction of excessive amounts of hydrophilic of sorption by hydrated titania, values being
groups such as amidoxime and hydroxamic of the order of 0.2 mg U per gramme titania
acid leads to increased swelling properties and over 10 days.
a loss of fibre strength. An optimised conver- Figure 1 shows that providing the seawater
sion is therefore necessary, balancing uranium is in contact with the fibre for a period longer
capacity against fibre strength. Table 6 shows t h a n 20 s, more than 50 per cent of the
how oximation of P A O / P H A woven cloth uranium present in seawater is sorbed. This
can lead to high copper and uranium capaci- work on sorption as a function of flow rate
ties of 3.1 and 1.4 m m o l / g , respectively, but through fibre-packed columns, was followed
the resulting cloth had excessive swelling by a study of the sorption characteristics of
properties and very low mechanical strength. the fibre using constant flow rates and much
The optimum cloth would appear to have smaller contact times. A nominal flow rate of
copper and uranium capacities around 2.0 40 1/min gave seawater-to-fibre contact time
and 0.6 m m o l / g , respectively. It should be of 2 s and, from total volume measurements,
noted that such a cloth, in the dry state and it was shown that approximately 13 per cent
fully loaded with uranium, would contain 14 of the uranium in the seawater was sorbed
per cent by weight of the metal. As shown by under these conditions. Table 7 gives the re-
Fig. 1, the kinetics of uranium uptake by suits of this study from which it can be seen
P A O / P H A fibres are similar to those of the that the uranium uptake by the fibre is of the
optimised resin, whereas Sugasaka et al. [10] order of 8 ~g U per gramme of fibre per hour.
obtained much faster kinetics for such fibres This figure corresponds to 1.8 mg U per
than for either their resin or hydrated titania gramme per 10 days, the value reported in
granules. Our results indicate that the fibres [12]. Hence our fibre and the Japanese fibre
are comparable whereas our resin has much appear to show very similar kinetics with re-
faster kinetics than the resins described in spect to uranium sorption. However, the
[10]. Japanese workers have reported more recently
The Government Research Institute, Shiko- that the maximum uranium sorption from
ku, have described [12] the use of P A O / P H A seawater by the fibre is 100 #g per gramme
fibres for sorption of uranium from seawater fibre per week [13] and it is not clear how the
and have obtained a uranium absorption rate apparent discrepancy between this low value
of 1.8 mg U per gramme fibre over ten days. and the value given in earlier work, and by
Uptake of uranium by P A O / P H A fibre (2 g) on pumping seawater through it at a constant rate (nominally 40 l / h )
our studies, has come about; particularly, in process utilizing the woven P A O / P H A cloth
view of the statement in Ref. [12] that alkaline in the form of an endless belt which Would
pretreatment of the P A O / P H A fibre leads to pass over the sea bed. The belt would be
enhanced sorption kinetics, although a figure located so that two-thirds of it was below the
of 2 mg per gramme fibre per week has re- sea, the remainder passing through uranium
cently been reported for this material [14]. desorption tanks located on a pontoon. Fibre-
Our value of 1.8 mg U sorbed per gramme to-seawater contact time would not be a func-
of fibre in 10 days may be extrapolated to 5.4 tion of belt speed but of the flow rate of the
kilo of uranium per tonne of fibre per month, ocean or tidal current in which the plant was
a figure revealing the magnitude of the prob- situated. From desorption rates, calculations
lem of extracting tonnage quantities of urani- show that the belt speed need not be more
um from seawater. The fibrous nature of the than a few metres per hour so the energy for
adsorbent means that, woven into cloth, the belt drive could possibly be derived from
structures suitable for immersion in the sea tidal energy. Figure 2 shows, in schematic
may be produced. Of the problems outlined layout, how such a continuous exchange pro-
in the introductory section, the problem of cess could operate and, by projection of the
cost-operating a sorption-desorption batch results to date, our calculations show that
process must be considered. The alternative to such a process, employing a belt 400 metres
such a batch process could be a continuous by 10 metres by 1 cm thick, operating in a 4
knot current, could yield uranium at a rate of
up to 6 tonnes per annum. This figure is
Belt dr,re
dependent upon free access of seawater to
fibres within the belt, however, and current
work is concentrated on this aspect, determin-
Pontoo~ with
ing the efficiency of uranium sorption as a
extraction bath5
function of P A O / P H A fibre cloth thickness.
Consideration of the problems of supporting
large areas of titania or resin bead beds across
ocean currents, leads to the conclusion that
the type of continuous process outlined here
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of continuous extraction of
is the most promising approach to the prob-
uranium from seawater with the P A O / P H A - f i b r e cloth lem of large-scale extraction of uranium from
used as an endless belt. seawater.