Week 1 Eapp Lessonplan
Week 1 Eapp Lessonplan
Week 1 Eapp Lessonplan
A. define what academic text is
B. identify the different types of academic text
C. explain on the structure of a specific type of academic text
D. differentiate the language used in academic texts from various disciplines
E. elaborate on the other concepts related to reading academic text
1. The assigned presenter/speaker of the group will now present their reports orally with vivid
explanation through the use visual aids and/or other instructional materials.
2. In this phase of the lesson plan, the class together with the teacher as facilitator will now
process and classify what is valid and not valid in the activity phase of the lesson for a more
in-depth understanding.
3. The teacher on this part will ask further questions and will also lead as a facilitator rather
than mere lecturing and sharing facts and ideas.
4. The students can now gain a wider view of the lesson but at the same time draws closer to
the main topic.
The teacher on this phase of the lesson plan, together with the class, will now focus
entirely on the content/lessons/topics to be presented for concept development and
1. Assigned each group the following topics for concept development or generalization:
Group 1: The Academic Text Group 4: Reading in Various Academic Fields
Group 2: Why Read Academic Texts Group 5: Structure of Academic Texts
Group 3: Types of Academic Texts Group 6: Tips in Reading Academic Texts
2. With the help of the teacher as a facilitator, together with the class, the assigned group for
each topic should be able to present evidently and innovatively through audio-visual
presentations and/or other instructional materials and explain comprehensively but concisely
through group reporting system the concepts assigned to their group
3. The teacher as facilitator may ask possible lead questions if necessary in order to
continuously motivate and engage the learners in the class discussion.
4. Much of the speaking tasks will be given priority to the learners in order to develop in
them the critical thinking skills, decision making skills and communication skills and other
21st century skills for SHS learners.
1. Think of varied 21st century creative presentations in order to define academic text.
2. Provide each group with excerpts from the different types of text.
3. Each group should be able to criticize the excerpts according to the types of academic texts.
4. Analyze the excerpts of academic text according to the structure of writing.
5. Determine the type of reading approach used in various academic field.
6. Identify and differentiate the languages used in academic texts from various disciplines
Directions: Choose the word or group of words that best answer the questions or that
complete the statement. Write only the letter of your answer on your answer sheet.
1. __________ means in relation to the academe and/or education which is the source of
knowledge, new learning, skills, values and habits.
a. academic b. academe c. education d. information
2. It also known as educational text.
a. academic text b. creative autobiography c. academe text d. educational text
3. Reading academic texts does not require more than surface reading. Is this statement true
or false? a. true b. false c. undecided d. maybe
4. Which type of academic text is specifically designed to help the learners that include key
point discussion, summaries and quizzes?
a. essay b. thesis c. textbooks d. reports
5. The three-part essay is one of the structures of academics which includes the following
parts EXCEPT a. introduction b. body c. conclusion d. discussion
6. Which type of academic text is the result of a long period of reading, research and
reflection-perhaps several months or years?
a. textbooks b. student essays c. theses and dissertations d. news articles
7. IMRaD is the acronym of which among the following?
a. Introspection, Methodology, Research and Discussion
b. Introduction, Methodology, Research and Discussion
c. Introduction, Measurement, Results and Discussion
d. Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion
8. Which among the following literacy does comprehension of scientific text is also required?
a. language literacy b. mathematical literacy c. media literacy d. information literacy
9. This is referred to how information is organized in a passage.
a. cohesion and coherence c. logical organization
b. mechanics and punctuations d. text structure
10. The following are the skills to be developed in reading academic texts EXCEPT
a. vocabulary skills c. critical thinking skills
b. skimming/scanning skills d. creativity skills
Provide a sample of academic text according to your immersion specialization
(Language Teacher)
Checked by
Signature over Printed Name
Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of City Schools
Senior High School Department
Ayala, Zamboanga City
Telefax: (062) 982-0185
November 18-21, 2019
A. determine the different skills in reading academic texts
B. compare and contrast the skills in reading academic texts
C. explain the specific ideas contained in various academic texts
applying the skills in reading academic texts
D. outline an information from a sample of academic text
E. paraphrase the transcribed responses of participants in a case study
F. write a précis or an abstract of a thesis or dissertation samples
G. summarize a research report sample
1. The teacher will send to the class GC images or clip arts that will lead to determine the
following: outlining, paraphrasing, summarizing, and writing a précis and an abstract
2. The class will be instructed to classify these words in relation to reading academic texts.
3. From the images or clip arts presented, identify different skills in reading academic texts.
4. Group the class according to their immersion specialization preference (i.e. engineering,
nursing or teaching). The class shall be divided into 5 groups.
5. Assign each group with a skill used in reading academic texts.
6. Assign each group a sample of academic text according to their specialization preference
and use the knowledge of text structure to glean the information using the skill in reading
academic texts that is assigned to their group.
7. Allow each for 2-3mins to present their background knowledge on the skills in reading
academic texts with samples extracted from a sample of an academic text.
8. Based on the samples of academic text, each group is also tasked to criticize the academic
text based on the concepts learned during the previous meeting.
9. Allocate each group with 5 minutes preparation and 5-8 minutes presentation.
1. The assigned presenter/speaker of the group will now present their reports orally with vivid
explanation through the use visual aids and/or other instructional materials.
2. In this phase of the lesson plan, the class together with the teacher as facilitator will now
process and classify what is valid and not valid in the activity phase of the lesson for a more
in-depth understanding.
3. The teacher on this part will ask further questions and will also lead as a facilitator rather
than mere lecturing and sharing facts and ideas.
4. The students can now gain a wider view of the lesson but at the same time draws closer to
the main topic.
The teacher on this phase of the lesson plan, together with the class, will now focus
entirely on the content/lessons/topics to be presented for concept development and
1. Assigned each group the following topics for concept development or generalization:
Group 1: Outlining Group 3: Summarizing Group 5: Writing Précis
Group 2: Paraphrasing Group 4: writing an Abstract
2. With the help of the teacher as a facilitator, together with the class, the assigned group for
each topic should be able to present evidently and innovatively through audio-visual
presentations and/or other instructional materials and explain comprehensively but concisely
through group reporting system the concepts assigned to their group
3. The teacher as facilitator may ask possible lead questions if necessary in order to
continuously motivate and engage the learners in the class discussion.
4. Much of the speaking tasks will be given priority to the learners in order to develop in
them the critical thinking skills, decision making skills and communication skills and other
21st century skills for SHS learners.
1. Based on the previous assignment (i.e. to provide a sample of academic text according to
immersion specialization preference) apply the skills learned in reading academic text in
order to explain the specific ideas contained in various academic texts and to use the
knowledge of text structure in gleaning or collecting information.
Group 1: Outlining Group 3: Summarizing Group 5: Writing Précis
Group 2: Paraphrasing Group 4: writing an Abstract
Directions: Choose the word or group of words that best answer the questions or that
complete the statement. Write only the letter of your answer on your answer sheet.
1. Which among the following skills in reading academic texts is defined as a skeletal
overview of a written draft which contains fundamental points and various ideas?
a. outlining b. paraphrasing c. summarizing d. writing an abstract
2. It does not only mean that you will make a long line shorter, but it could be longer than the
original text since it is about how you understood a text. Which among the following skills in
reading academic texts is described?
a. outlining b. paraphrasing c. summarizing d. writing a précis
3. It is geared towards the reader’s own interest and style of thinking and gives only the heart
of the passage. Which among the following skills in reading academic texts is described?
a. outlining b. paraphrasing c. summarizing d. writing a précis
4. In paraphrasing the following tips should be considered EXCEPT
a. Confirm meaning of any terms you do not understand.
b. Restate the passage sentence by sentence in your own words.
c. Fine the tune of the sentence construction to make reading smoothly.
d. Reading the passage by merely looking for information to understand the text.
5. It is a summing up of presented material in a relatively less lengthy than the original.
a. outlining b. paraphrasing c. summarizing d. writing a précis
6. Paraphrase this quote: “To Be or Not To Be”.
7. Paraphrase this statement: “Let us pleasure ourselves before we get all old and stuff.”
8-10. Present a sample of alphanumeric outline.
1. What is a thesis statement?
2. What are the various techniques in summarizing an academic text?
(Language Teacher)
Checked by
Signature Over Printed Name
Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of City Schools
Senior High School Department
Ayala, Zamboanga City
Telefax: (062) 982-0185
November 25-28, 2019
A. identify the thesis statement of a given academic text
B. write a summary of a given academic text using various techniques in summarizing
C. rephrase the transcribed responses of the participants in a case study
C. outline the information collected from a given academic text
A. Recall of Previous Lessons
Instruct each group to present a very concise and quick recall of their previously
assigned topics.
B. Forming of Groups
E. Writing Proper
The learners’ outputs as performance standard will be evaluated individually based on
a given rubric and/or criteria.
Study all the lessons we had discussed from week 1 to week 3 for the whole month of
November and be ready for a summative test.
(Language Teacher)
Checked by
Signature over Printed Name
Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of City Schools
Senior High School Department
Ayala, Zamboanga City
Telefax: (062) 982-0185
A. read the questions comprehensively but carefully
B. choose the word or group of words that best answer the question or complete the statement
C. check the summative test and be able to discuss on items failed to answer correctly
A. Distribution of Test Papers
B. Giving of Instructions
C. Further Clarifications and Other Questions
D. Test Proper
E. Checking of Papers and Discussing on Items students failed to answer
F. Recording of Test Results
G. Retrieving of Test Papers and Answer Sheet
The learners will be evaluated based on the summative test results evident thru MPS
and Proficiency Level.
What is your background knowledge about reaction paper and critique paper?
(Language Teacher)
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Signature over Printed Name