B.Tech. III Year I Semester Regular / Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec, 2018
B.Tech. III Year I Semester Regular / Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec, 2018
B.Tech. III Year I Semester Regular / Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec, 2018
5EE10 R15
B.Tech. III Year I Semester Regular / Supplementary Examinations, Nov/Dec, 2018
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60
PART-A is Compulsory
Answer ONE question from each unit of PART-B
a) Define latching current and holding current.
b) Explain why the circuit turn-off time should be greater than the thyristor turn- off time.
c) Write down the expressions for average output voltage of single phase half controlled and full
controlled converters.
d) Define delay angle and overlap angle.
e) List the advantages of six pulse converter?
f) What is meant by phase controlled rectifier?
g) List the applications of ac voltage controllers?
h) What are the advantages and disadvantages of ac voltage controllers?
i) Differentiate natural and forced commutation?
j) Explain the concept of time ratio control.
2. a) Discuss two transistor analogy of SCR.
b) Explain the dynamic characteristics of SCR with neat diagrams.
3. a) Explain the operating principle of single phase full converter with neat waveforms.
b) A single phase full converter is feeding an RLE load with the source voltage of 230V, the average
load current is 10A and R = 0.4 ohms, L = 2mH. Find the firing angle for E = 120 V and E= -120 V.
4. a) A single phase full converter, connected from 230 V, 50 Hz source, is feeding a load R= 25 ohms
in series with a large inductance that makes the load current ripple free. For a firing angle 30°,
calculate the input and output performance parameters of this converter.
b) Explain the operation of single phase half converter feeding RLE load with neat circuit diagram
and waveforms also deduce the expression for RMS output voltage.
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5. With necessary circuit and waveforms, explain the principle of operation of 3 full converter feeding
R-L load and derive the expression for the average output dc voltage.
6. A three-phase half-wave converter is operated from a three-phase Y-connected 208V, 50 Hz supply
and the load resistance is R = 20 ohms. If it is required to obtain an average output voltage of 50%
of the maximum possible output voltage, calculate the (a) delay angle (b) RMS and average output
currents (c) rectification efficiency (d) transformer utilization factor (e) input power factor.
8. a) Discuss the working of a single phase bridge type cyclo converter with RL loads and for
discontinuous waveform operation with neat circuit diagram and output RMS voltage and current
wave form for fo = (1/3)*fs.
b) A single phase full wave ac voltage controller feeds a load of R= 20 Ω, with an input voltage of
230 V, 50 Hz. Firing angle for both the thyristors is 450.Calculate (i) RMS value of output voltage (ii)
load power and input power factor (iii) average and RMS current of thyristors.
9. a) What is a DC-DC converter? Describe the working of Boost converter with relevant wave forms.
Derive the expression for output voltage. 5M
b) Explain the different pulse width modulation techniques used for inverters? 3M
10. a) Explain working of 3 phase bridge inverter feeding a resistive star connected load with 180
degree mode of conduction? Draw relevant waveforms for output voltages. 5M
b) A step up DC chopper has input of 200volts and an output of 250volts. The blocking period in
each cycle of operation is 0.6X10 -3Sec. Find the period of conduction in each cycle. 3M
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