X10401 (Ee8552)
X10401 (Ee8552)
X10401 (Ee8552)
Fifth Semester
(Regulations 2017)
Time: 3 Hours Answer ALL Questions Max. Marks 100
PART- A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
PART- B (5 x 13 = 65 Marks)
11. a) (i)Discuss the basic structure and working of power GTO. (6)
(ii) Figure shows a thyristor controlling the power in a load resistance RL. The supply
voltage is 240V dc and the specified limits for di/dt and dv/dt for the SCR are 50A/µsec
and 300V/µsec respectively. Determine the values of the di/dt inductance and the snubber
circuit parameters Rs and Cs.
b) (i) Draw the two transistor model of SCR and derive an expression for anode current. (6)
(ii) Develop a UJT based Trigger circuit for SCR (7)
12. a) Show that the performance of a single – phase full converter as effected by source
inductance is given by the relation
cos (α+µ) = cos α -
b) Describe the working of single –fully controlled bridge converter in the Rectifying mode
and inversion mode. And derive the expressions for average output voltage and rms
output voltage.
13. a) (i) With relevant sketches explain the operation of a buck-boost converter (8)
(ii) With neat block diagrams, explain the principle of operation of battery operated
vehicles. (5)
b) (i) The buck regulator has an input range of Vs = 12V. The regulated average output
voltage is Va = 5V at R=500Ω and the peak to peak output ripple voltage is 20mV. The
switching frequency is 25 kHz if the peak to peak ripple current of inductor is limited to
0.8A. Determine ,
(a). The duty cycle
(b). The filter inductance
(c). The filter capacitance C, and
(d). The critical value of L and C (5)
14. a) (i)With neat sketches, explain the operation of three phase voltage source inverter. Draw
phase and line voltage waveforms on the assumption that each thyristor conducts for 180o
and the resistive load is star connected. (10)
(ii) Write short notes on the principle of induction heating (3)
b) (i) With suitable circuits, mode diagrams and waveforms explain any one of CSI (9)
(ii) Discuss about different modified SPWM strategies. (4)
15. a) (i). Describe the operation of a 3-phase thyristorised AC voltage controller with neat
power diagram and waveforms.
(ii). Explain in detail about multistage control in ac voltage controllers.
b) (i) With the suitable circuit, discuss about the matrix converter (7)
(ii) For a single – phase voltage controller feeding a resistive load, show that power
factor is given by the expression
− + sin 2}
PART- C (1 x 15 = 15 Marks)
16. a) (i) A three phase fully controlled bridge converter operating from a 3 phase 220V, 50 Hz
supply is used to charge a battery bank with nominal voltage of 240V. The battery bank
has an internal resistance of 0.01Ω and the battery bank voltage varies by ±10% around
its nominal value between fully charged and uncharged condition. Assuming continuous
conduction find out.
(a). The range of firing angle of the converter
(b). The range of ac input power factor.
(c). The range of charging efficiency. When the battery bank is charged with a constant
average charging current of 100 Amps through a 250 mH lossless inductor. (10)
(ii)The manufacturer of a selected diode gives the rate of fall of the diode current
di/dt=20A/µs, and its reverse recovery time trr=5µ. What value of peak reverse current do
you expect. (5)
b) (i)With help of suitable diagram explain the dynamic characteristics of Power diode (6)
(ii)With neat circuit diagram explain the working of Class E Resonant Rectifier (9)