HJUM, Volume 4 (1) Jan-Mar 2009 - 1375
HJUM, Volume 4 (1) Jan-Mar 2009 - 1375
HJUM, Volume 4 (1) Jan-Mar 2009 - 1375
Secretary, Department of AYUSH
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
Editorial Board
Botany Chemistry
Prof. M. Iqbal, New Delhi, INDIA Prof. K.V. Raghavan, New Delhi, INDIA
Prof. Wazahat Husain, Aligarh, INDIA Prof. Khan Usmanghani, Karachi, PAKISTAN
Modern Medicine Unani Medicine
Prof. C.M. Habibullah, Hyderabad, INDIA Prof. Hakim Zillur Rahman, Aligarh, INDIA
Prof. Badri N. Saxena, New Delhi, INDIA Prof. Hakim Jameel Ahmad, New Delhi, INDIA
Prof. V.H. Talib, Dehradun, INDIA Prof. A. Hannan, Karachi, PAKISTAN
Prof. A. Ramaiah, Dehradun, INDIA Prof. Anis A. Ansari, New Delhi, INDIA
Prof. A. Ray, New Delhi, INDIA
Dr. O.P. Agarawal, New Delhi, INDIA
Dr. (Mrs.) Rajbala Yadav, New Delhi, INDIA
Dr. K.S. Anand, New Delhi, INDIA
Dr. Mohammed Khalid Siddiqui
Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM)
Associate Editors
Shamshad A. Khan, Assistant Director (Chemistry), CCRUM Sohail M. Adhami, Research Officer (Statistics), CCRUM
V.K. Singh, Assistant Director (Botany), CCRUM Mehr-e-Alam Khan, Research Officer (Publication), CCRUM
Khalid M. Siddiqui, Assistant Director (Unani), CCRUM Ziauddin Ahmad, Research Officer (Unani), CCRUM
Editorial Office
61 - 65 Institutional Area (Opposite ‘D’ Block), Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110 058, India
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Web site: www.ccrum.com • E-mail: unanimedicine@gmail.com & ccrum@rediffmail.com
Annual Subscription: Rs. 300/- (India) US$ 100/- (Other countries) Single Issue: Rs. 150/- (India) US$ 50/- (Other countries)
Payments in respect of subscription may be sent by bank draft marked payable to Director, CCRUM, New Delhi.
On behalf of Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM) published and printed by Dr. Mohammed Khalid Siddiqui,
Director, CCRUM at CCRUM headquarters, 61 - 65 Institutional Area (Opposite ‘D’ Block), Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110 058
and printed at Rakmo Press Private Limited, C - 59 Okhla Industrial Area Phase - I, New Delhi - 110 020
The Council has been publishing the Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine (HJUM), mainly to bring
out fundamental and applied aspects of Unani Medicine. The journal also publishes recent advances
in other related sciences and traditional medicines as well as different streams of medical sciences,
which have bearing on validation and scientific interpretation of various concepts and strength of
Unani medicine.
In view of an overwhelming response, the journal earlier published twice a year, its periodicity has
now been changed to quarterly w.e.f. January 2008 to accommodate more articles for quick
dissemination of research data among scientific community. The journal has sufficient room for
invited articles from luminaries of modern medicine and sciences as well as scholars of Unani
medicine. The broad areas being covered include clinical research on single and compound Unani
drugs, validation of regimental therapy, clinico-pharmacological studies, standardization of single
and compound drugs, development of standard operating procedures, ethnobotanical studies,
experimental studies on medicinal plants and development of agro-techniques thereof, and literary
research on classics of Unani medicine. The journal is also open for studies on safety evaluation of
Unani and other herbo-mineral drugs, nutraceuticals, cosmotherapeutics, aromatics, oral health, life
style disorders, sports medicine etc and such other newer areas which are the outcome of modern
day living.
The current issue of this journal provides 13 original research and review papers in the areas of
clinical research, drug standardization, bio-chemistry, pharmacology and ethnobotanical surveys
contributed by eminent scholars in their respective fields. Council acknowledges the authors for their
contributions included in this issue and hope for their continued support in this endeavor. We wish
to ensure the readers to bring out the future issues of the journal on time.
We at the CCRUM have been constantly striving to reach to higher standard and make HJUM the
leading journal of Unani Medicine and related sciences. We sincerely hope and trust that the mission
can be accomplished with active partnership of quality-conscious individuals and institutions. Through
these lines we seek your cooperation and support in materializing our dreams about the HJUM. In
this regard, we request you for your as well as your colleagues’ contributions for publication in and
subscription to the journal. Further, we will appreciate if the journal is introduced far and wide. We
would also welcome esteemed suggestions for achieving the highest standards of quality for the
Type-2 his study was conducted to assess the prevalence of known
Mellitus in
Kashmir Valley
type-2 D.M. in Kashmir valley of north India. This was a Multicentric study conducted
at Regional Research Centre of Unani Medicine and Sheri Kashmir Institute of
Medical Sciences (Tertiary Care Institute) in Kashmir Valley of India between
2006-2007. After proper randomization, 12110 subjects belonging to all age groups
and all parts of valley were interviewed to ascertain the prevalence of type-2 D.M
of India in Kashmir Valley. Prevalence of type 2 DM is very high in Kashmir Valley of north
India. It increases with age The prevalence was found 0%, 0.47%, 0.96%, 2.51%
1Arsheed Iqbal, and 8.1%, respectively, for age groups of <20 years, 20-30 years, 31-40 years,
2Ab. Ahad Wani, 41-50 years and above 50 year. In conclusion type-2 D.M is very common in
Andrabi Kashmir Valley and is witnessing the epidemic of type-2 D.M like rest of the world.
2Imran R. Rangrez
diabetics in world by the year 2025 (King and Aubert, 1998). The developing countries
like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Srilanka are also witnessing rapid increase in
the prevalence of Type-2 D.M. The prevalence of T2DM in India has risen from
1.2% to 11% over the last three decades (Tripathy et. al., 1971).
The present epidemological study was designed to estimate the burden of Diabetes
Himalayas and borders of China and Pakistan. The Valley has a population of 5.4
million as per last official census (2001). The capital city Srinagar is the only urban
district while the other five districts are semi urban or rural. The population is
The valley has six districts (Administrative units) comprising of tehsils which in turn
This study was designed to know the prevalence of known diabetes in Kashmir
In this study 12110 eligible subjects belonging to all age groups belonging to all the
districts were intervived for presence of type-2 D.M. defined as physician diagnosed
inc. 1992). A two tailed P-value was used for calculating statistical significance. A
P-Value of <0.05 was considered significant.
Of the 12110 subjects enrolled in our study. Prevalence of diabetes was 1.54% and
2.1% in male and female group respectively with total prevalence of 1.77% in total
Of the 12110 subjects belonging to all age groups, no body was found to have
diabetes below 20 years age. The prevalence was found to increase with age:
0.47%, 0.96%, 2.51% and 8.1% for age groups of 20-30 years, 31-40 years 41-50
Type-2 D.M. is very common in Kashmir Valley (North India) like other parts of India
and world (Zargar et al., 2000; Shera et al., 1995; Ramachandran et al., 1998;
1.77% 98.33%
1.54% 98.46%
2.1% 97.9%
Age No Yes No
(P < 0.001)
We thank Director, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi,
Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, and Sheri Kashmir Institute of
Medical Sciences, (SKIMS) Srinagar (J&K), for providing all the facilities for the
present work; and the Medical officers of all the districts for providing their support
in completing this study.
Ramachandran, A., Jali, M.V. and Mohan, V. et al., 1998. High Prevalence of
Shera, A.S., Rafique, G. and Khawaja, I.A. et al.,1995. Pakistan National Diabetes
Tripathy, B.B., Panda, N.C. and Tej, S.C. et al.,1971. Survey for detection of glycosuria
hyperglycemia and Diabetes Mellitus in urban and rural areas of cuttack district.
Zargar, A.H., Khan, A.K., Masood, S.R., Laway, B.A., Wani, A.I., Bashir, M.I. and
Dar, F.A., 2000. Prevalence of Type-2 D.M and impaired glucose tolerance in
Kashmir Valley of India subcontinent. Diab. Res. Clini Pract, 47: 135-46.
Clinical Abstract
Evaluation of clinical trial of two coded Unani drug combinations with and
Coded Unani
Drugs in Daul-
Feel (Filariasis)
without Munzij and Mushil therapy was conducted on the patients of Daul-Feel at
Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Patna. Out of all the cases registered,
only thirty six patients completed the study. According to the clinical and pathological
findings both the combinations were observed to possess significant efficacy except
in the case of filarial oedema which reduced minimally, showing that these
combinations are less effective in the chronic cases.
1Bilal Ahmad,
Key Words: Unani Medicine, Filariasis
and Introduction
2M.K. Siddiqui
Research Institute of disease which has serious economic and social implications as it affects many
young working adults of both sexes (WHO, 1992). It leads to irreversible chronic
economic loss and severe physical disability, frequent acute attacks of filariasis
2CentralCouncil for Research traumatize the patients. Slum dwellers with inadequate housing and no basic
in Unani Medicine,
Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 quinquefasciates, and it is the rural poor who are affected by filariasis transmitted
The drug of choice Diethyl carbamazine (DEC) in filariasis did not show uniform
efficacy in all the patients. Furthermore, the acceptance of DEC is limited due to
severe side effects. On the other hand, Unani classical books are full of references
of drugs, which have been found efficacious during trials conducted by eminent
scholars of yesteryears, but no clinical data is available to support such claims. The
present study was carried out in the O.P.D. and I.P.D. section of RRIUM, Patna.
Patients of either sex within age group of 11-60 years were selected for the study
after careful clinical examination. After diagnosis patients were subjected to laboratory
investigations. The filarial oedema was measured with the help of measuring tape.
*Present address: Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine (CCRUM), Post Box 70,
Aligarh-202002 (U.P.)
Group A : UNIM–268 2 tables of 500 mg twice daily
UNIM–270 5 grams powder
UNIM–272 20 grams oil
UNIM–270 and UNIM–272 are mixed together and used for application
UNIM–270 and UNIM–272 are mixed together and used for application
Group C : Munzij (DF-9) Decoction of crude drugs in the dose of 125 ml for a
After MM Therapy the patients were given the same treatment as mentioned in
group A
Group D : Munzij (DF-9) Decoction of crude drugs in the dose of 125 ml for a
After MM Therapy the patients were given the same treatment as mentioned in
group B
The duration of treatment was 120 days in group A and group B, while in group C
Investigations included urine analysis for chyluria, haemogram, night and day
the basis of outcome of laboratory findings at base line and after treatment.
Clinical responses are presented in tables 05 to 08. The clinical parameters such
Age Group (Years) Number of Cases Percentage
11–20 02 5.55
20–30 06 16.66
30–40 15 41.66
40–50 06 16.66
50–60 07 19.44
Total 36 100
Male 20 55.55
Female 16 44.44
Total 36 100
Poor 21 58.33
Average 15 41.66
Total 36 100
Up to 1 year 03 02 01 01
1 Year – 5 Years 05 05 02 02
S. Group No. of Lymphadenitis Lymphangitis Fever
No. Patients
Base After Base After Base After
Line Treat- Line Treat- Line Treat-
ment ment ment
1 A 13 12 00 13 02 03 00
2 B 11 10 00 10 02 03 00
3 C 05 05 00 05 01 03 00
4 D 07 07 00 07 03 02 00
N= 13 11 5 7
N= 13 11 5 7
reduction in
count after
N = Number of subjects/observations
Day of Statistics Treatment Group
Group A Group B Group C Group D
Base Line Mean 460 412.72 400 487.14
N = 13 11 05 07
N = 13 11 05 07
reduction in
AEC after
N = Number of subjects/observations
6.36%, 5.73%, 6.44%, 5.88% reductions in filarial oedema was observed in group
The decrease in eosinophil percentage was found to be 31% and 20% in group A
and B respectively, while 57.15% and 46.5% decrease was observed in group C
after treatment was found to be 40, 24.23, 31.7 and 50.5 in group A, B, C and D,
respectively (Table-8).
The results suggest that all the treatment groups showed good response on all the
Out of 36 patients, only 7 patients showed chronicity of one year or less while the
remaining twenty nine patients were suffering from filariasis for a period of more
than two years. Therefore, it may be that the drugs used during this trial which
showed marked efficacy on all parameters except filarial oedema may help to
Financial support by the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New
Khan, M.A., 1885. Ikseer-e-Azam, Vol. IV, Matba Nizami, Kanpur, p.11.
Expert Committee on Filariasis. WHO Technical Report Series No. 821, Geneva.
WHO, 2002. Weekly Epidemiological Record, Geneva, 16 (77): 1125-132.
Essential Oil of he behavioral effects of the essential oil of rose (ER) were seen
Rose on
Behaviour of
on the aggressive behavior of the male Siamese fighting fish. A total of twelve fully
mature male Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) were taken for the behavioral
study. They were kept separately in peaceful place in the jars and were fed the
standard feed ad libitum. They were divided randomly into two groups, control and
The study shows that the test drug increases the aggressive behaviour as compared
Fighting Fish to central fishes despite being reported and used as an anti-anxiety agent. It could
1Munawwar Husain,
1Masroor A. Qureshi
Byculla, Mumbai-400008
day by day in the fast mechanical and materialistic age. As a result, the use of
2Dr Allopathic psychotropic agents is also increasing, which have further deleterious
60 Yari Road, Versova, effects on the brain, nervous system and other organs. The drugs like diazepam,
There are many herbs like Sumbul-ut-teeb, Asgandh, Brahmi, Sankhaholi etc.,
which are in use for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, especially anxiety and
stress in Unani Medicine. However, a lot of work has already been carried out and
through an interaction with adrenergic and dopaminergic systems; and the efficacy
and Sharma, 2005); facilitatory effect of the extract of Bacopa monnieri on the
learning responses and augmentation of both cognitive function and mental retention
Bacopa monnieri, Evolvulus alsinoides, Acorus calamus, Saussurea lappa and cow’s
ghee (Achliya et al., 2005); nootropic activity and modification of 5-HT and
noradrenaline mediated behavior by the pet. ether extract of Lawsonia inermis (Iyer
in mice (Sonavane et al., 2001).
The Gul-e-Surkh (Rosa damascena, Mill.) is one of such drugs, which has high
esteem amongst the psychoactive and mood enhancing Unani remedies. Its virtues
were described by Pliny (23-70 C.E.) and Dioscorides (1st centaury C.E.). The rose
oil has been highly valuable and the Roman emperors were very fond of it, as they
poured rose water into the canals running in their gardens. The famous Unani
scholar Ibn-e-Sina has written an entire book on rose.
The essential oil of rose has been used by Unani scholars in their Aromatherapy,
and they have described that the aroma of the fresh rose works as mufarreh and
claimed that it acts as a brain and heart tonic and is useful for depression and
anxiety related disorders. There were some limited reports available regarding the
sympathetic activity of rose oil fragrance in normal adults (Haze et al., 2002); anti-
conflict activity of rose oil in mice using Geller and Vogel conflict tests (Umezu,
in mice using Geller and Vogel conflict tests (Umezu et al., 2002); anxiolytic-like
properties of rose oil in rats using elevated plus-maze (EPM) test (de Almeida et
al., 2004); antidepressant activities of rose oil in mice using forced swim test (Farzin
et al., 2004).
The present study was carried out in the Ilmul Advia ( Pharmacology) lab, MIJ Tibia
College Mumbai during 2005-2007. The fighting fish were purchased from the
As the abolition of the fighting behavior in Siamese fighting fish is indicative of the
The behavioral effects of the essential oil of rose (ER) were seen on the aggressive
behavior of the male Siamese fitting fish. Total twelve fully mature male Siamese
Fitting fish (Betta splendens) were taken for the behavioral study. They were kept
separately in an isolated place in the jars and were fed the standard feed ad libitum.
The 2% (wt/wt) solution of ER was made in the propylene glycol (PG). Then this
solution was further diluted with distilled water to make a final solution for the test
group, containing 0.01% of ER and 0.49% of PG. Another solution of 0.49% of plain
PG was made in the distilled water, which was used for the fishes of control group.
for a period of 45 minutes each; and then they were transferred into their jars
containing normal water. This procedure was repeated for 5 days.
The aggressive behavior was observed on the 6th day by introducing one fish from
control group and another fish of the test group into a water tank measuring 30 cm.
x 17.5 cm. x 23 cm. (length x width x height) containing plain water filled up to the
height of 15 cm. (Editor’s note: ‘It would have been better to test the aggressive
behaviour of control and test animals by challenging with untreated animals, rather
than with each other’). The tank was kept under sufficient light, and the parameters
of aggressive behaviour were observed by the naked eye and simultaneously the
video clips were also recorded to see it further into slow motion, and re-confirming
eye observation.
The intra species aggressive behavior of the Siamese fitting fish (Miczek and Barry,
1976) were observed on the basis of two major components viz. ‘Threat’ and
1. Threat components
g) Chasing
2. Attack
a) Bites
b) Nips
d) Tail whips
were assigned the score of two (2) on each occurrence. The mean scores of the
control and test groups were compared statistically by the Student’s‘t’ Test.
Table-1. Individual scores of aggressive behaviors in Siamese fighting fish
1. 10 15 26 26 17 25 12 19 16 24 7 40 6 16 18 34 40 44 32 64 174 307
2. 12 16 25 21 16 24 13 20 17 25 6 41 7 15 18 33 41 42 31 60 186 297
3. 11 18 24 23 18 22 11 17 15 26 9 39 5 19 17 31 45 46 30 65 185 306
4. 13 19 22 28 15 28 16 21 18 21 8 42 9 16 20 30 43 44 34 64 198 313
5. 10 14 23 25 14 26 12 19 19 20 6 41 6 14 19 35 42 43 32 65 183 302
6. 12 17 28 30 17 25 14 18 14 26 9 45 7 16 17 38 45 46 30 68 193 329
7. 14 20 21 31 17 21 15 16 15 24 7 40 8 15 21 34 40 44 35 62 193 307
8. 12 21 26 29 16 20 11 17 16 26 8 44 6 18 19 32 43 45 32 60 199 312
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Table-2. Analysis of aggressive behavior of Siamese fighting fish
Threat components:
k) Erection of median fins (fin display) 13.00 18.375 0.6547 0.5957 0.0002*
Attack components:
h) Vigorous fin and tail movement 42.375 44.25 0.7055 0.4910 0.0058**
C: control; T: test; S.E.: Standard error; *extremely significant; **very significant; ***not significant
The analysis of aggressive behavior of Siamese fighting fish (Table 1 Table 2
revealed that the score of the orientation towards opponent is 11.75 ± 0.591
(mean ± S.E.) in the control group; while it is 17.50 ± 0.866 (mean ± S.E.) in
the test group. The p value is <0.0001 (extremely significant). The scores of
execution of undulating movements are 24.375 ± 0.8224 (mean ± S.E.) in the
control group; while the score is 26.625 ± 1.238 (mean ± S.E.) in the test
group. The p value is 0.1825 (not significant). The score of the erection of gill
covers is 16.25 ± 0.4532 (mean ± S.E.) in the control fishes; while the score
is 23.875 ± 0.9531 (mean ± S.E.) in the fishes of test group. The p value is
0.0005 (extremely significant). The score of erection of median fins (fin display)
is 13.00 ± 0.6547 (mean ± S.E.) in the control group; while the score is 18.375
± 0.5957 (mean ± S.E.) in the test group. The p value is 0.0002 (extremely
± 0.5901 (mean ± S.E.) in the control group; while the score is 24.00 ± 0.8238
(mean ± S.E.) in the test group. The p value is 0.0007 (extremely significant).
The scores of chasing are 7.50 ± 0.4226 (mean ± S.E.) in the test group; while
the scores are 41.50 ± 0.7319 (mean ± S.E.) in the test group. The p value is
<0.0001 (extremely significant). The scores of bites are 6.75 ± 0.4532 (mean
± S.E.) in the control group; while the scores in the test group are 16.125 ±
scores of nips are 18.625 ± 0.4978 (mean ± S.E.) in the control group; while
the scores are 33.375 ± 0.8851 (mean ± S.E.) in the test group. The p value
is <0.0001 (extremely significant). The score of vigorous fin and tail movement
are 42.375 ± 0.7055 (mean ± S.E.) in the control group; while the scores are
44.25 ± 0.491 (mean ± S.E.) in the test group. The p value is 0.0058 (very
significant). The scores of tail whips are 32.00 ± 0.6268 (mean ± S.E.) in the
test group; while in the test group the scores are 63.50 ± 0.9636 (Mean ± S.E.).
Behavior are 188.88 ± 2.985 (mean ± S.E.) in the control group; while the
scores are 309.13 ± 3.367 (mean ± S.E.) in the test group. The p value is
Discussion In the test of aggressive behavior of Siamese fighting fish, among the
threat component the aggregate scores of the orientation towards opponent, erection
membranes and chasing in the test group, were much higher than the control
group, and extremely significant difference was found. Only in one threat component,
i.e. execution of undulating movements, the difference was not significant. Among
attack component, the aggregate score of the bite, nips and tail-whips in the test
group were nearly double the scores of the same parameters in the control group;
and the differences were extremely significant. One attack component, i.e. vigorous
fin and tail movement in the test group was slightly higher than in the control group;
behavior in the test and control group was also calculated, the score of the test
group were markedly higher than the control group and statistically the difference
was extremely significant. This experiment shows that the test drug increases the
individual components as well as total aggressive behavior of the Siamese fighting
fish as compared to the control fishes. It is very strange in this experiment, that the
test drug which is showing anti-anxiety, anti-stress activity and also suppression of
sympathetic activity, is increasing aggression in the Siamese fighting fish. There is
animals and the mode of administration of drug could also alter the mechanism of
action of the test drug. However if we analyze the previous experiments, the Siamese
was found to facilitate attack and threat response in the Siamese fighting fish
(Walaszek and Abood, 1956; Braud and Weibel, 1969). In other experiments, low
doses of alcohol were found to facilitate whereas high doses of alcohol were found
In the present experiment of Siamese fighting fish, it is revealed that the mechanism
of action of rose oil on the Siamese fighting fish would be similar as that of low
doses of morphine and alcohol. In experiments with L.S.D., the doses ranging from
1-50 μg/ml. of tank water were found to increase aggressive behaviors (bites,
chasing, fin display and tail-whips), in the Siamese fighting fishes (Abramson and
Evans, 1954; Evans et al., 1958). Although the effect of L.S.D. of that experiment
were having similarity with the effects of rose oil appeared in the present experiment
on the Siamese fighting fish; but the open field behavior experiment in rats done
in the present study excludes the similarity of action of the rose oil with the L.S.D.;
as no sign of hallucinogenic or L.S.D.-like effect of the rose oil was found on the
In a previous study, the cannabis extract had also shown effects, just opposite to
the action of rose oil appeared in the present study. As, Gonzalez et al. (1971)
2hr in tanks containing cannabis extracts (1mg/litre) or THC (0.5 mg/litre). The
Authors are grateful to Dr Mohammad Khalid Siddiqui, Director Central Council for
Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi for his support, encouragements and
Achliya, G.S., Wadodkar, S.G. and Dorle, A.K., 2005. Evaluation of CNS activity of
Bramhi Ghrita, Indian J. Pharmacology, 37(1): 33-36.
Ambavade, S.D., Mhetre, N.A., Tate, V.D. and Bodhankar, S.L., 2006.
Pharmacological evaluation of the extracts of Sphaeranthus indicus flowers on
anxiolytic activity in mice, Indian J. Pharmacology, 38(4): 254-259
(7-9 November, Calcutta), Oxford and IBH Publishing, Calcutta, India, pp.
de Almeida, R.N. et al, 2004. Anxiolytic-like effects of rose oil inhalation on the
Farzin, D., Zarghami, M. and Khalaj, L., 2004. Evaluation of antidepressant activities
of rose oil and geranium oil in the forced swim test in mouse, Abstracts of
Research, Supplement 1: 70
Haze, Shinichiro, Sakai, Keiko and Gozu, Yoko, 2002. Effects of fragrance inhalation
Haze, Shinichiro, Sakai, Keiko and Gozu, Yoko, 2002. Effects of fragrance inhalation
Iyer, M.R., Pal, S.C., Kasture, V.S. and Kasture, S.B., 1998. Effect of Lawsonia
Miczek, K.A. and Barry Herbert, 1976. Pharmacology of sex and aggression, In
Mosby Company, Saint Louis pp. 198, 201, 204, 206, 208-211, 213, 215, 219,
222, 228.
29: S359-S365.
33: 417-424.
Umezu, T., 2000. Behavioral effects of plant-derived essential oils in the geller type
Study of he drugs from the Natural Kingdom, chiefly those used by
traditional medicines, are being increasingly explored to obtain more effective and
safer drugs. The herbal drugs have been quite extensively studied but animal-origin
drugs are still unexplored. So, earthworm (P. excavatus), used in Unani Medicine,
was studied as adjuvant, alongwith modern drug ‘Ranitidine’, for Anti-ulcer activity
against gastric ulcer induced by pyloric ligation and immobilization stress in the rat;
Perrier) for and for anti-oxidant activity by observing its effect on TBARS, SOD, catalase and
glutathione. The study revealed that the test drug significantly reduces gastric
Anti-ulcer and
ulceration and gastric juice volume. It also significantly decreases TBARS and
Anti-oxidant increases SOD, catalase and reduced glutathione levels. So, the study shows
Sachi Bharti
Department of Zoology,
The treatment of peptic ulcer, the most common gastro-intestinal disorder, by modern
ulcer act by blocking H2 histaminic receptor, inhibiting proton pump, affecting the
mucosal barrier and drugs that act on central nervous system (Jaup, 1981). A
and even many single plants are known to possess anti-ulcer activity such as
Ocimum sanctum and Trigonella foenum-graecum (Pandit et al., 2000; Bafna et al.,
Many tribes and people in remote villages of India were known to use earthworms
for treating various kinds of ailments (Bhatnagar and Palta, 2002). The Unani
system of medicine also makes use of earthworm for treating ulceration (Vohora
and Khan, 1978). Recently the coelomic fluid of earthworm was found to exhibit
Besides these, Vohora and Khan (1978) have also reported the role of earthworms
in the healing of wounds, chronic folds, piles and sore throat. The anti-inflammatory
activity of total ‘earthworm paste’ and its extracts in different solvents is reported by
Yegnanaraya (1987). But there has been very few attempts to study anti-ulcer and
to discover new drugs of natural origin to combat ulceration.
Materials and Methods
Preparation of “earthworm paste”
clitellated worms) with running tap water and then fed with wet blotting paper for
18-20 hours for gut clearance. The gut cleared worms were again washed with
distilled water. The worms were kept in a plastic trough covered tightly with polythene
cover and exposed to sun light for three days to kill the earthworms. Mucus and
coelomic fluid that oozed out digested the dead worms forming a brown coloured
Healthy and pure strain male albino rats ranging 150-200 g body weight were used.
The animals were housed in polypropylene cages at 24°±2°C and fed with standard
diet and water ad libitum throughout the study. The study got clearance from
Aspirin, earthworm paste and the standard drug ranitidine were suspended in 1%
carboxy methyl cellulose and given orally for 10 days during the experiment.
The methods of Goel et al. (1986), Shay et al. (1945) and Parmar et al. (1984) were
followed for the evaluation of anti-ulceral activity. The animals were divided into 7
All the doses were administered orally once daily for 10 days. Group II to VII
received aspirin 200 mg/kg orally, 1 hour after the oral administration of test and
standard drugs. On the 11th day Pyloric ligation was carried out on the 18 hours
decapitation. The stomach was cut open along the greater curvature and the gastric
juice was collected and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes. The supernatant
was measured and used for the estimation of total and free acidity. The stomach
was washed with normal saline and lesions were observed using a binocular
magnifier. The gastric lesions were measured by the following score and ulcer
index was determined.
From the supernatant collected, 1 ml was pipetted out and titrated against 0.01 N
Anti-oxidant studies
The glandular part of the stomach was removed and used for the assay of
thoroughly. The mixture was kept in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. After
cooling the tubes were centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 10 minutes and the pink colour
moles were treated in a similar manner and the values were expressed as m mol/
mg protein in tissue.
tissue homogenate was diluted to 1.0 ml with distilled water followed by addition of
Assay of catalase
0.9 ml phosphate buffer, 0.1 ml tissue homogenate and 0.4 ml hydrogen peroxide
2.0 ml of dichromatic acetic acid mixture. The tubes were kept in a boiling water
bath for 10 minutes, cooled and the colour developed was read at 620 nm in UV
Spectronic spectrometer. Standards in the concentration range of 2-100 m moles
were taken and processed as for the test. The specific activity of the enzymes was
expressed as m mol H2O2 consumed/min/mg/protein.
To 0.2 ml Tris buffer, 0.2 ml EDTA, 0.1 ml sodium azide and 0.2 ml enzyme
preparation (tissue homogenate) were added and mixed well. To this 0.2 ml of GSH
followed by 0.1 ml of H2O2 were added. The contents were mixed and incubated
at 37oC for 10 minutes. The reaction was arrested by the addition of 0.5 ml 10%
TCA. The tubes were centrifuged and the remaining was determined as in the GSH
This mixture was shaken for 90 minutes at 4oC and then centrifuged. The enzyme
activity in the supernatant was determined as follows. The assay mixture contained
of 3 ml. The reaction was started by the addition of 0.2 ml NADH. After incubation
at 30oC for 90 seconds, the reaction was stopped by the addition of 1 ml glacial
acetic acid. The reaction mixture was stirred vigorously and shaken with 4 ml n-
butanol. The mixture was allowed to stand for 10 minutes, centrifuged and butanol
layer was separated. The coloured intensity of the chromogen was measured in UV
in one minute under standard conditions was taken as one unit. The specific activity
homogenized mixture was treated with 20 ml 5% TCA, mixed and centrifuged 2.0
ml of the supernatant was treated with 1.0 ml Elman’s reagent and 4.0 ml 0.3M
disodium hydrogen phosphate. The absorbance of the yellow colour developed was
m g) were treated in a similar manner along with a blank containing 1.0 ml buffer.
Statistical analysis
The statistical significance of difference was tested at 0.05 level using one-way
Study of anti-ulcer activity
Aspirin, a known ulcerogenic drug and pyloric ligation had significantly increased
the gastric juice volume (64%) free acidity (32%) and total acidity (28%) except pH
compound to normal control. These symptoms of ulcer were brought to near normal
condition when the standard drug ‘ranitidine’ was administered. Earthworm paste
160 mg/kg had significantly decreased the gastric juice volume, free acidity and
total acidity. These values were better than treatment with ranitidine.
Aspirin plus pyloric ligation had significantly increased the peroxidation level indicator
TBARS and decreased the anti-oxidants SOD, CAT, GPx and GSH. Similar results
were observed in the ranitidine treated animal. 160 mg/kg earthworm paste shows
Ulcer, a common human disease occurs due to the imbalance between two opposing
factors (a) increase in attacking factors including Helicobacter pylori, bile salts, acid,
pepsin (b) decrease in defensive factor including mucus and gastric mucosal barrier
causing back diffusion of H+ ions into the mucosal cells reduced mucosed defense
known to increase gasric juice secretion, total acidity, free acidity and reduce the
In the present study the earthworm paste particularly 160 mg/kg was found to bring
down the gastric juice volume, free acidity and total acidity indicating the efficacy
in reducing these factors, which tend to ulcer. These results seems even better than
results of the standard drug-ranitidine used for treatment of ulcer (Table 1). It was
also reported, aspirin plus pyloric ligation to increase the lipid peroxidation index
(TBARS) and decrease SOD. CAT, GPx and GSH, thus leading to oxidative span.
But all these parameters were reversed by the treatment with the standard drug
mg/kg had resulted in the levels of antioxidant enzymes and the lowering of
peroxidation index (TBARS) indicating the scavenging of free radicals and reducing
lipid peroxidation.
Table-1. Anti-oxidant activity of earthworm paste on stomach of Rattus norvegicus
Aspirin induced 0.6132 ±0.06 1.1005 ±0.02 1.5310 ±0.03 0.2421 ±0.15 0.7395 ±0.01
ulcer control
Standard drug 0.5835 ±0.02 1.4848 ±0.02 2.4244 ±0.02 2.9239 ±0.02 1.1014 ±0.03
(Ranitidine 85 mg/kg)
Earthworm paste
20 0.5190 ±0.01 1.4228 ±0.03 1.8218 ±0.02 1.6127 ±0.01 0.9278 ±0.02
40 0.5589 ±0.07 1.4863 ±0.02 1.8218 ±0.02 2.8147 ±0.01 1.8360 ±0.01
80 0.4808 ±0.02 2.0672 ±0.01 2.2094 ±0.01 2.8147 ±0.01 1.8360 ±0.01
160 0.3906 ±0.05 3.1546 ±0.09 3.6463 ±0.01 4.7303 ±0.02 2.3512 ±0.01
320 0.5426 ±0.01 2.0520 ±0.02 2.4777 ±0.01 3.4235 ±0.01 1.3517 ±0.04
Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Table-2. Anti-ulceral activity of earthworm paste on stomach of Rattus norvegicus
Aspirin induced ulcer 5.4 ±0.06 2.9 ±0.05 25.2 ±0.16 53.15 ± 0.17
Standard drug 4.7 ±0.05 4.0 ±0.05 11.5 ± 0.25 24.68 ±0.16
(Ranitidine 85 mg/kg)
Earthworm paste
and cure of ulcer, particularly when world is looking for natural remedies in view of
alarming side effects of synthetic drugs. However, more studies shall be needed to
further substantiate the results and bring a therapeutic agent for commercial use.
We wish to thank Dr. M.D. Owais, Department of Biotechnology, A.M.U. Aligarh, for
Bafna, P.A. and Balaraman, K., 2004. Anti-ulcer and anti-oxidant activity of Normacid,
Bhatnagar, R.K. and Palta, R.K., 2002. Vermiculture and vermicomposting, Kalyani
Gilbert, D.A., Surawicz, C.M., Silverstein, F.E., Wernberg, C.R., Saunders, D.R. and
Feld, A.P. 1984. Prevention of acute aspirin induced gastric mucosal injury by
Goelm, R.K., Gupta, S., Shankar, R. and Sanyal, A.K., 1986. Antiulcerogenic effects
of banana powder (Musa sapientum var. paradisiaca) and its effect on mucosal
Jaup, B., The mode of action of Pirenzopine in man with special reference to its
Pandit, S., Sur, T.K., Jana, U., Bhattacharya, D., Debnath and P.K., 2000. Anti-ulcer
Parmar, N.S., Hennings, G. and Gulati, O.P. 1984. The gastric antisecretary activity
Shah, Z.A. and Vohora, S.B., 2002. Anti-oxidant/restorative effects of calcined gold
preparations used in Indian systems of medicine against flobal and focal models
Shay, H., Komarav, S.A., Fels, S.S., Meranze, D., Gruenstein, M. and Siplet, H.,
1945. A simple method for the uniform production of gastric ulceration in rat.
Gastroenterology, 5: 43-61.
Vohora, S.B. and Khan, M.S.Y., 1978. Animal origin drugs used in Unani Medicine,
p. 137, 1978.
Yegnanarayan, R., Sethi, P.P., Rajhans, P.K., Dulandiran, K. and Ismail, S.A. 1987.
19: 221-224.
Beekh Papeeta queous extract of male papaya (Carica papaya Linn) root
(Male Papaya
Root) for its
A ○
was studied for its anti ovulatory and anti implantation effects in rats and rabbits to
determine its potential to be a contraceptive or antifertility agent. In the test for anti
ovulatory effect in rats, the animals were treated with 200 mg/kg of extract for 10
days and the vaginal smear was examined daily for oestrus/diestrus phase. Presence
of diestrus phase persistently was considered as positive. While in rabbits the
Effect in treatment was given only for three days (120 mg /kg) and the rabbits were thereafter
treated with Cupric Acetate to induce ovulation. Forty eight hrs later the animals
were laparotomised and the bleeding points in uterus were observed as the indicator
Models of ovulation. Test for anti implantation activity was carried out in pregnant rats after
10 days of treatment; they were laparotomised and the two horns of the uterus
1Jalis Ahmad,
were examined for implantation sites. The test drug was found to possess 100%
2S.H. Afaq,
anti ovulatory effect in both the rat and the rabbit models, while it produced weak
2N.A. Khan
anti implantation effect, as only in 20% of animals, absence of implantation sites
was recorded. It can be concluded therefore that male papaya root (Beekh Papeeta,
as known in Unani Medicine) possesses good anti ovulatory and weak anti
Azam Campus, Camp, Key Words: Anti ovulatory, Anti implantation, Contraceptive, Antifertility, Carica
Pune (Maharashtra)
Aligarh-202002 (U.P.)
Population explosion is one of the foremost problems of the modern age. Therefore,
efforts, fool-proof chemical contraceptives that are safe and cheap have still not
is not wanting in this important group of drugs and possesses a large number of
oral contraceptive drugs. Unani physicians have discussed this issue as early as
in the middle ages and mentioned in their writings that contraception is worthy of
discussion and a legitimate part of the medical practice and that a woman should
not have children except of her own free will. They also suggested coitus interruptus
number of drugs for this purpose (Adil, 1969; Himes, 1963). However, Unani
The root of male papaya (Carica papaya) is an important drug claimed to possess
anti fertility activity in Unani Medicine. Although, various parts of papaya are used
in Unani as well as other traditional medicines (Ghari, 1921; Akah et al. 1997) but
different pharmacological effects and the therapeutic value ascribed to these parts
have still not been scientifically evaluated. Male papaya root is one such part that
this important effect. We also obtained the interesting verbal report about the folk
use of male papaya root in Malaysia and several parts of India particularly the north
east as a female contraceptive. The purgative effects of papaya root have been
reported4 but probably studies for its anti fertility potential has not been carried out.
The Unani, ethnobotanical and modern reports about the antifertility action of papaya
pertain mainly to unripe fruit, its milky juice (Latex) and seed (Satyavati et al., 1976;
Amonymous, 1992; Saha and Sareen, 1961; Garg and Garg, 1971). It has been
reported that unripe fruit may induce miscarriage in susceptible pregnant women
(Adebiyi et al., 2002). Its crude latex derived from unripe papaya fruits stimulates
contraction even in non pregnant rat uterus (Schmidt, 1995). The papain found in
its latex when administered to pregnant rats during the initial days of gestation
produced teratogenic and embryo toxic effect (Adebiyi et al., 2002). The abortifacient
activity in the extract of papaya root has been mentioned without the specification
of the sex of the plants (Saha and Sareen, 1961). Therefore, in the present study
the aqueous extract of male papaya root was subjected to experimental testing for
were studied.
Preparation of extract
The root of male papaya was obtained from Aligarh. Prof. S.H. Afaq, pharmacognosist
at the department of Ilmul Advia, A.K. Tibbiya College, A.M.U., Aligarh confirmed
the identity of the test drug. The bark of the root was separated and the root was
crushed in an iron mortar. The crushed root was then extracted for 6 hours in
soxhlet apparatus in distilled water. The extract was filtered and the solvent was
evaporated on water bath. The yield percentage of the dried extract was 10% of
the crushed drug. The dried extract was reconstituted in distilled water for the
administration to the animals. The dose for albino rats was calculated by multiplying
the human therapeutic dose by the conversion factor of seven (Freirich, 1966).
The test for anti-ovulatory activity in rats was carried out by the method of Kamboj
(Kamboj, 1982). Regularly cyclic adult female rats weighing 100-150 gm were taken
and divided into 2 groups of 6 animals each such that the total weight of animals
The animals in Group I served as plain control and treated with normal saline. The
animals in Group II were fed with the extract of the root of male papaya orally at
was examined daily for oestrus/diestrus phase. The animals persistently showing
diestrus phase were recorded as positive and the percentage of such animals in
each group was calculated.
Study for anti ovulatory activity in Rabbits
The test drug was studied for anti-ovulatory activity by the method of Chaudhry et
al (Chaudhry et al., 1970). Adult female rabbits weighing 1.3–1.5 kg were kept in
isolation for 21 days to ensure that they were not pregnant and to prevent the
induction of ovulation by mating. After isolation these animals were divided into 3
The animals in Group I served as plain control and were treated with normal saline,
norethisterone (German Remedies) at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg, once a day for 3 days
by oral route with intragastric soft rubber catheter. The animals in Group III were
treated with the extract of male papaya root at the dose of 120 mg/kg orally, once
a day for 3 days. Thirty minutes after the administration of the last dose in each
group, a freshly prepared 0.4% solution of Cupric Acetate was administered to each
animal intravenously through the marginal ear vein at the dose of 4 mg/kg to induce
To observe the ovulation laparotomy of the animal was carried out 48 hrs after the
Cupric Acetate injection under light ether anaesthesia and the number of bleeding
points on each ovary was noted as the indicator of ovulation. The percentage
reduction of ovulation in the animals of standard and test groups was determined.
The method of Khanna and Chaudhury was used to study the anti implantation
Adult female albino rats of known fertility weighing 125-150 gm were used. The
vaginal smear of the animal was studied for selecting the animals in pro estrus
phase. They were allowed to mate with the male rats of proven fertility. Next
morning the vaginal smear was examined for evidence of copulation as shown by
the presence of thick clumps of spermatozoa. This day was designated as 1st day
of pregnancy.
The pregnant animals were divided into 3 Groups of 5 animals each, such that the
The animals in group I served as the plain control and were administered normal
saline. The animals in group II were treated with the extract of the test drug at the
dose of 200 mg/kg once a day for 11 days. The rats were laparotomized on 12th
examined for implantation site.
Observations and Results
Anti ovulatory effect in rats
The animals in control group showed complete absence of diestrus phase. While
in test group all the animals showed persistently diestrus phase (Table-1).
Laparotomy of animals was carried out 48 hours after Cupric Acetate administration
and the bleeding points on each ovary were noted as the indicator of ovulation.
All the animals in control group showed bleeding points in the ovary whereas the
animals in test group and the standard group did not show bleeding points in the
None of the control animals showed absence of implantation site, indicating that
100% animals retained the pregnancy. The papaya root treated animals showed
that in 20% of animals the implantation site was absent while 80% retained the
pregnancy (Table-3).
The aqueous extract of the test drug produced 100% anti ovulatory effect, while
exhibited only 20% anti implantation effect indicating strong anti ovulatory and weak
showing regular
diestrus cycle
Control 10 0 10 0%
Root Extract
200 mg/kg
Group No. of Rabbits Rabbits % inhibition
Rabbits showing showing of Ovulation
used ovulation no ovulation
point point
Control 3 3 0 0%
papaya root
extract 120
Northisterone 3 0 3 100%
0.25 mg/Kg
Control 5 5 0 5.4+0.357 0
papaya root
200 mg/kg
* = p < 0.01
anti implantation activity in male papaya root.Since,the anti ovulatory effect, is more
important than the anti implantation effect in contraception, the test drug is suggested
In the test for anti ovulatory effect it was shown that inhibition of ovulation was 0%
in control group while in the animal treated with the test drug inhibition was found
to be 100% showing absolute anti ovulatory effect. The absolute inhibitory effect is
because failure of such a drug even in a single case will defeat the very purpose
of such an important preventive measure. In the light of the importance of the anti
ovulatory effect it was studied in two different animal groups. The test drug produced
same degree of effect in both the groups despite the inter species difference of
and also provided an indication of its mechanism of action. Thus the root can be
categorized as an important source of antifertility agent that possesses probably
more striking effect as compared to the other parts or constituents of papaya.
The second test carried out for anti implantation activity demonstrated that 20 % of
the animals showed absence of implantation sites while the mean implantation site
in the group was found to be 1.4 + 0.455. The implantation sites were significantly
lesser (P< 0.01) than the control group. The study, therefore, shows that the extract
The findings of the test drug as a whole are in consonance with the earlier reports.
activity (Saha and Sareen, 1961). but there are no reports about its anti implantation
effect. However, the petroleum ether extract of the pulp of unripe papaya fruit is
reported to possess 60% anti-implantation activity whereas the alcoholic and aqueous
extract are reported not to possess such an activity (Adebiyi, 2002). The latex of
the green fruit is reported to possess oxytocic activity8. The seeds of the papaya8
and oil of papaya plant (Garg, 1974) are reported to possess anti fertility activity
without the specification of the mechanism of antifertility effect. The hexane extract
of the seed has been shown to exert post coital contraceptive effect in high dose
indicating anti implantation or early abortifacient effect (Keshri and Singh, 1993).
Adebiyi and co-workers (Adebiyi, 2002). claimed that unripe fruit may induce
miscarriage in pregnant women, while the ripe fruit or its marker compound papain
in purified form do not possess such an effect at least in rats (Adebiyi, 2002;
Schmidt, 1995). Thus the anti implantation activity has been shown only in Pet
ether extract of the unripe fruit and even the alcoholic and aqueous extract of the
unripe fruit lacks this property. The demonstration of weak anti implantation activity
is therefore not absolutely in conflict with the earlier reports. Recently a complete
loss of fertility has been demonstrated in male rabbits, rats and monkeys fed an
extract of papaya seed (Lohiya et al., 1999; Pathak et al., 2000; Lohiya, 2002). It
appears that two component viz. latex and seed of papaya have adverse effect on
the fertility; the former probably on female and the later on male species. As
mentioned earlier that root of papaya has not been extensively studied for
pharmacological activities; only few reports for its pharmacological actions such as
purgative effect are available and that too without sex specification. Our study thus
probably provides one of the earliest reports suggesting contraceptive effect in the
root of male papaya. It has wide therapeutic potential and the delivery of a cheap
It can be concluded therefore that the present study scientifically validated the
usage of male papaya root as antifertility and contraceptive agent in Unani Medicine
and it also suggested the mechanism of the antifertility effect by demonstrating the
Adebiyi, A., Adaikan, P.G. and Prasad, R.N.V., 2002. Papaya comsumption is unsafe
in pregnancy: Fact or Fable? Scientific evaluation of a common belief in some
part of Asia using a rat model. British Journal of Nutrition 88, 199-203.
Adil, E., 1969. Proceeding of the Pakistan International F.P. Conference, Dacca, p.
Akah, P.A., Oli, A.N., Enwerem, N.M., Gamaniel, K., 1997. Preliminary studies on
Anonymous, The wealth of India (Raw Material) 1992. Vol 1A, 1B, Publication and
Chaudhry, R.R., Saksena, S.K. and Garg, S.K., 1970. Preliminary observations in
rabbits on the anti ovulatory activity present in Taxus baccata Linn. Leaves, J.
mouse, rat, dog, monkey and man, Cancer Chemotherapy Report, 50(4),
Garg, S.K., 1974. Antifertility effect of oil from few indigenous plants on female
Garg, S.K. and Garg, G.P., 1971. Antifertility effect of Areca catechu and Carica
Ghani, N., 1921. Khazanatul Advia, Vol. II, Mataba Nawal Kishore, Lucknow, 34-35.
Himes, N.E., 1963. Medical History of Contraception. Gamut Press, New York p.
Kamboj, V.P., 1982. Testing for the antifertility agents, lectures UNESCO to C.D.R.I.
Keshri, G. and Singh, M.M., 1993. Post coital antifertility activity of the seeds of
Carica papaya Linn. in female albino rats, Ind. Drugs 30 (9), 453-457.
Lohiya, N.K., Mishra, P.K., Pathak, N., Manivannan, B., Jain, S.C., 1999. Reversible
Lohiya, N.K., Mishra, P.K., Pathak, N., Manivannan, B., Sriram, S., Bhande, S.S.,
Panneerdos, S., 2002. Chloroform extract of Carica papaya seeds induces long
Pathak, N., Mishra, P.K., Manivannam, B., Lohiya, N.K., 2000. Sterlity due to inhibition
part I. Ind. J. Med. Res., 49, 144.
Satyavati, G.V., Gupta, K.A. and Tandon, N., 1976. Medicinal plants of India,
Cambridge printing works, Kashmiri Gate, Delhi, Vol. I, p. 185-187 and p.
Schmidt, H., 1995. Effect of papain on different phases of parenteral ontogenesis
in rats, Reproductive Toxicology 9 (1978), 49-55.
Singh, S. and Devi, S., 1978. Changes in placenta of rat fetuses induced by
Role of ahr Mohra (Serpentine) a well-known, exclusively Unani drug has
Reductase in
the Glutathione-
been shown by us to possess striking Antioxidant activity by increasing Reduced
Glutathione in rats subjected to oxidative stress by immobilization (Ali et al., 2008).
One likely mechanism of this effect could be by increasing the activity of the
enzyme Glutathione reductase (GR), responsible for the reduction of oxidized
Glutathione. Therefore, in the present study it was tested for its effect on the level
mediated of this enzyme in serum, in rats subjected to oxidative stress by immobilization, with
Activity of Zahr comparison of the untreated, stressed animals, which was not significantly different
animals. Therefore, the study indicates that Zahr Mohra exerts Antioxidant activity,
(Serpentine) –
An Experi-
mental Study
3Naheed Banu,
1N.A. Khan
During the last two decades, there has been growing interest in studies that concern
living system. Several studies have shown the role of oxidative stress in the causation
of the effective and safe antioxidants are of Natural origin, so Traditional Medicines,
mainly employing Natural drugs are being explored for better antioxidants (Farnsworth
Restraint stress is a well known method for induction of physical and psychological
Aligarh Muslim University stress (Kevtnansky, 1970) that results in restricted mobility and aggression (Singh,
It was demonstrated that it causes increased free radical generation (Liu J, 1994),
plasma of rat (Hoidal, 1988), increases the lipid peroxidation in plasma and brain
(Manolli, 2000) and decreases the concentration of glutathione and Vit C which play
important use of Zahr Mohra in Unani Medicine is as a Tiryaq (Antidote) but other
nerve also suggest Anti-oxidant activity which is further supported by its reported
Unani use in pathologies that may arise due to oxidative stress e.g. neuroasthenia,
amnesia cardiac asthenia and several other inflammatory diseases (Ghani, 1920).
In an experimental study, a compound Unani formulation having Zahr Mohra as the
chief ingredient, namely, Jawahar Mohra, was found to possess adaptogenic activity
(Ahmad et al, 1998). Similarly, in a clinical study, Kharmeera-e-Marwareed, which
contains Zahar Mohra as an important ingredient, was reported to be effective in
that Zahr Mohra may also act as a potent Anti-oxidant in oxidative stress. Thus, we
subjected Zahr Mohra to a study for its effect on Reduced Glutathione, an important
immobilization. The drug has shown to produce a significant increase in GTH level
(Ali et al., 2008). Since, one of the mechanisms of GTH increase could be
for the reduction, hence, reactivation of Glutathione. Therefore, in the present study
Zahr Mohra was studied for its effect on GR in serum of rats subjected to oxidative
Test Drug
The test drug, Zahr Mohra (Serpentine), was obtained from Dawakhana Tibbiya
College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. The identity was confirmed in the
light of its Unani morphological description. A voucher specimen (No. B-21) was
deposited in the Museum, Department of Ilmul Advia. A micro fine powder of Zahar
Mohra (Serpentine) was prepared in china clay mortar and pestle and homogenized
in Teflon Homogeniser at 2000 rpm and suspended in distilled water without any
suspending agent. Vit.E (α-tocopherol acetate) used as the standard drug was
administration. The dose was determined by multiplying the Unani clinical dose with
All the chemicals and reagents were of analytical grade and were obtained from
hydrogen phosphate, KCL, Methanol, TCA, EDTA (S.D. Fine. India). α-tocopherol
acetate, Glycyl glycine (Loba, India), CDNB, DTNB, GSH, GSSG, NADPH (SRL,
Twenty eight male albino rats (Wistar strain), weighing 120-130 gm, were divided
into 4 groups of 7 animals each. The animals were provided with standard diet
(Purina) and tap water ad libitum and maintained at 20-25°C with 12 hour light and
dark cycle. The animals were deprived of food for 12 hours before the administration
of treatment, water was provided throughout the study. The animals in all the
groups were administered with the treatment by oral route once a day for 7 days.
The animals in all the groups except Gp I (Plain Control), were subjected to stress
on the 7th day, as described later. The animals in Gp I & II that served as Plain
Control and Stressed Gp, respectively, were administered with only the vehicle i.e.
distilled water, while animals in Gp III serving as the Standard Gp were administered
with μ-tocopherol acetate (15 mg/Kg ), the animals in Gp IV, serving as test group,
were administered with microfine powder of Zahr Mohra (35 mg/Kg BW). On the 7th
day, immediately after giving the treatment, all the animals were subjected to
immobilization stress in individual cages of their size for 6 hours (Hasan et al.,
1980, modified by Zaidi et al., 2003). The animals were then removed from the
cages and post-stress treatment was given as above. Forty-five minutes after the
After sacrificing the animals, the blood was collected and centrifuged at 2500 rpm
for 10 minutes and separated serum was collected carefully and used for estimating
Biochemical Investigations
by the method of Hazelton et al. (1985). Assay was based on the ability of GR to
Protein estimation: Protein estimation was made since the concentration of all the
test parameters, namely, GSH, GR, and GST, was expressed per mg of Protein.
The estimation was carried out by the method of Lowry et al. (1951).
Statistical Analysis
LSD. The analysis was carried out by using the software of the website,
The Glutathione Reductase (GR) activity was found to be 0.0248 ± 0.0004 (n mole
of NADPH oxidized/min/mg protein) in the Plain Control (Non-stressed) Gp, while
restraint stress, applied on 7th day for 6 hours, induced marked decrease in the in
GR in the Control (Stressed) Gp to 0.011 ± 0.0002 (n mole of NADPH oxidized/
min/mg protein), which was significantly lower as compared to the Plain Control
animals treated with the test drug, namely, Zahr Mohra, GR was significantly
comparison of the Control (Stressed) Gp. (P< 0.05). However, it was not increased
Group GR
(Mean ± SE)
n = 7
antioxidant, which mainly scavenges and blocks the hydroxyl radical and singlet
enzymatic defense, have greater affinity for lipid molecules and are known to be
one of the most important factors for initiation of chain reaction of lipid peroxidation,
(Ali et al., 2008), strongly indicates Antioxidant Activity in the Test Drug. Secondly,
to lipid alcohols (Larson, 1997). Thus, by diminishing H2O2, GSH blocks the
generation of reactive oxygen. Thirdly, by re-reducing the oxidized enzyme, it causes
their reactivation(45).
As mentioned, it was considered interesting to explore the possible mechanism of
the increase in Reduced Glutathione by Zahr Mohra. One of the very important
Reductase enzyme, that catalyzes the reduction of oxidized Glutathione with NADPH
GR activity indicates that the test drug may be increasing Glutathione concentration
The present study revealed that Zahr Mohra produces a striking increase in the
stress. Thus, the study indicates that the Reduced Glutathione-increasing, hence,
Antioxidant Activity of Zahr Mohra is, at least partially, due to its ability to increase
the activity of Glutathione Reductase enzyme. The study also provides support to
the finding of our earlier study that Zahr Mohra increases Reduced Glutathione
activity in animals treated with the test drug and the animals treated with the
standard Antioxidant agent α-tocopherol, as well as, the unstressed animals, the
Ahmad, G., Amin, K.M.Y., Khan, N.A., Tajuddin, 1998. The anti stress activity of a
Ali, S., Rizvi, S.J., Khan, N.A., Kashif, S.M., Zaidi, R., Banu, N. & Amin, K.M.Y.,
Culman, J., Kvetnansky, A., Kiss, E., Mczey, K., Murgas, K., 1980. Interaction of
Netherlands, p.113.
in the United States on the current and future availability of prescription drugs.
Nawal Kishore. Vol. 2. p. 690-691.
Halliwell, B., Gutteridge, M.C., 1985. Free Radical in Biology and Medicine. London
Oxford Press, pp. 104, 110, 114, 135, 246-7, 268, 274-275, 287, 305, 312.
Hasan, M., Ali, S.F., 1980. Organophosphate pesticide dichrovos induced increase
in the rate of Lipid Peroxidation in the different region of rat brain, supporting
ultra structural findings. Neurotoxicity; 2: 43-52.
Hoidal, J.R., Van Asbek, B.S., Mann, J., Jacob, H.S., Kenedy, T.P., 1988. Therapy
with red blood cell decreases hyperoxic pulmonary injury. Exp. Lung Res.; 14
(Suppl): 977-85.
Kvetnansky, R., Mikulaj, L., 1970. Adrenal and urinary catecholamines in rats during
Larson, R.A., 1997. Naturally occurring Antioxidants. New York: Lewis Publishers.
p. 67-79, 169-172.
Liu, J., Wang, X., Mori, A., 1994. Immobilization stress induced antioxidant defense
Manolli, L., Gamaro, G.D., Silveira, P.P., Dalmaz, C., 2000. Effect of chronic variate
stress on thiobarbituric acid reactive species and on total radical trapping potential
Meister, A., 1985. Methods in Enzymology; Meister A., (Eds) New York. Academic
Meister, A., 1985. Methods for selective modification of glutathione metabolism and
Rice-Evans, Arif, S., 1999. Dietary Antioxidant and Nutrition, In: Gilbert, L.D., and
367 –399.
Singh, L.K., Ray, X., Alexacos, N., Netaumen, R., 1993. Theoharides. Acute
aging and Disease. In: Gilbert, L.D. and Colton, C.A. (Eds.), Reactive Oxygen
Zaidi, S.M.K.R., Al-Qirim, T.M., Hoda, N., Bano, N., 2003. Modulation of restraint
Biochemistry. 4: 633-636.
Study of the he effect of Unani coded drug UNIM-210 was evaluated in twenty
UNIM-210 for
patients with type-2 diabetes. The patients included in trial group were given UNIM-
210 two tablets of 500 mg each twice daily, orally with water for a period of 150
days along with normal diet. UNIM-210 significantly lowered the biochemical
parameters such as fasting (FF) glucose level (28%), post prandial (PP) glucose
level (18%), blood urea (23%), serum creatinine (10%), serum glutamate pyruvate
Anti-Diabetic transaminase (SGPT) (44%) and serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase
(SGOT) (33%), whereas no significant changes were observed in total protein level.
A significant decrease was observed in the level of serum albumin (13%), when
compared with before treatment to the after treatment of drug UNIM-210. In follow-
1Shabana Parveen, ups (I to IVth) studies a gradual reduction in fasting glucose but not gradual decrease
1Imranullah Khan, was observed in post prandial glucose level. Pathological studies had shown that
and a significant reduction were observed in erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (59%),
2M.K. Siddique total leucocyte counts (TLC) (12%), polymorph (15%) and eosinophil counts (EOS)
(13%) and statistically non significant except ESR and polymorphs (P< 0.0001),
Research Institute
when compared with before treatment to the after treatment of the patients to this
drug. No significant changes had been observed in hemoglobin level and red blood
in Unani Medicine,
carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism (Das et. al, 1996). The management of
diabetes is considered as a global problem. The modern drugs including insulin and
oral hypoglycemic agents control the blood sugar level as long as they are regularly
et.al., 1996; Reynolds, J.E.F., 1997). Unfortunately, none of the oral synthetic
long term microvascular and macrovascular complications (Larner, J., 1985; Momin,
The use of herbal medicines for the treatment of diabetes mellitus has gained
importance throughout the world. Although, there are numerous traditional medicinal
(Nagarajan et. al., 1978). Therefore, there is a need to search for effective safe
drug for the treatment of diabetes mellitus (DM). Keeping in view the above facts,
Allahabad-211016 (U.P.)
diabetes mellitus.
Materials and Methods
UNIM-210 was obtained from Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New
Delhi. The study was carried out at Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine
(RRIUM), Aligarh. Sixty patients attending in the out patients department (OPD),
RRIUM of either sexes, age (25-65 yrs) were screened to assess the various
were selected for clinical trail. Criteria for selection of patients were based on the
measurement of sugar level in fasting state (FF) (12 hours) and post prandial (PP)
Blood samples were collected by puncturing the vein at each investigation. One ml.
of blood with ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) was used for various
pathological parameters and other 2-3 ml of blood samples were allowed to clot for
30 min and serum was separated by centrifugation, which was used for various
out as follows:
Biochemical analysis
Biochemical parameters, carried out are the followings. Blood sugar was estimated
Blood urea was done by di acetyl mono-oxime (DAM) method (1951). Serum
creatinine was measured by alkaline picrate method (1945). Total protein, albumin
and globulin were measured by modified Biuret and Dumas method (1971). Serum
transaminase (SGOT, E.C. were estimated by Reitman and Frankel method
Pathological analysis
Corpuscles (RBC), Total Leukocyte Count (TLC), Differential Leukocyte Count (DLC):
hemoglobin was done by Sahli’s Acid Haematin Method, Newcomer (1919). ESR
was measured by westergreen method, Mukherjee (1990). TLC and RBC counts
were done by haemocytometry method, Plum (1936). DLC was done by Leishman
Compound Unani formulation coded as UNIM-210 was administered as two tablets
of 500mg each, twice daily, orally with water after meals.
Duration of treatment and follow-up
Duration of treatment was 150 days. After registration of patients; base line
observations were made before starting the treatment was carried out by investigating
made at intervals of 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 120 days and 150 days in which
Statistical Analysis
Values are expressed as mean ± standard error of mean (n=20). Data were analysed
The values were considered significant when the P-value was less than 0.05.
Biochemical Study
including growth hormone, cortisol and catecholamine (Cryer and Polonsky, 1998;
Pilkis and EI-Maghrabi, 1988; Gerich, 1988). Theoretically, a herbal drug with
hypoglycemic activity may act via the following fundamental mechanisms, at the
1991; Adamson and Okafor, 1990). At the pancreatic level, by stimulating the secretion
of insulin (Noor et. al., 1989).At the peripheral level, by facilitating the entry of
glucose into cells (Miura and Kato, 1995; Kato et. al., 1995) and at peripheral level
by decreasing the glucose utilization and at hepatic level by decreasing the hepatic
glucose production (Vats et. al., 2004; Hanson and Reshef, 1997).
The present study has shown that UNIM-210 causes a significant decrease in
fasting blood glucose (28%) and post prandial glucose (18%) level, blood urea
(23%), Serum creatinine (10%), serum albumin (14%), serum globulin (20%), S.G.P.T.
(44%) and S.G.O.T. when compared with pre-treatment values. These values were
statistically significant (P<0.01) (Table 1 & 2). There was no significant change in
serum cholesterol and albumin. A significant reduction were observed in both the
fasting as well as Post prandial glucose levels in Ist, II, III and IVth post-treatment
testing, when compared with pre-treatment levels (Table 3). (Sharma et. al., 1983)
had reported that the possible mechanism may be either increase in the utilization
serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides, blood urea and serum
Sugar level Serum Serum Blood Serum
(mg/dl) Choles- Trigly- Urea Creatinine
terol cerides (mg/dl) (mg/dl)
Fasting Post (mg/dl) (mg/dl)
Sugar Prandial
(FF) Sugar
Table-2. Effect of Unani coded drug UNIM-210 on the levels of SGPT, SGOT,
in the periphery or decrease in the endogenous glucose production in the liver and
also there is a possibility that the extracts may inhibit the proximal tubular reabsorption
mechanism for glucose in the kidney which can also contribute towards blood
Pathological Studies
The present study has shown that there was a significant decrease in ESR (59%),
(P<0.0001), TLC (12%), polymorphs (15%), (P<0.001) and eosinophils count (13%)
up in diabetic patients.
Group → Before First Second Third Forth
Parameter ↓ treatment follow-up follow-up follow-up follow-up
Blood 190.77 ± 144.23 ± 155.54 ± 127.42 ± 128.94 ±
(PP) (mg/dl)
but these values were within the normal range, when compared with pre- treatment
values. The increase in pre-treatment values may be due to severe infections such
urinary tract infection in type-2 diabetic patients (Wheat, 1980; Earhart and Baugh,
2005; Ljubic et. al., 2005; Stamm and Hooton, 1993). Pickup (2004) had also
The findings of the present study show thatUNIM-210 increased hemoglobin and
decreased the ESR and polymorphs, significantly. Similar results had also reported
by Shim et. al.; 2006, they observed that WBC, neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte
and eosinophil counts were higher in the patients with metabolic syndrome (MS)
Further investigations are required to find out the mechanism. In conclusions, the
present study indicates that Unani coded drug UNIM-210 exhibited hypoglycemic
The work is supported by the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New
Delhi. We are thankful to all the staff of Biochemistry and Pathology Laboratory of
RRIUM, Aligarh and Mr. Shamsul Huda, typist, for their help.
Cryer, P.E., Polonsky, K.S., 1998. In: Wilson, J.D., Foster, D.N., Kronenberg, H.M.,
Larsen, P.R. (Eds.), Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 9th ed. W.B. Harcovert
Das, A.V., Padayutti, P.S., Paulose, C.S., 1996. Effect of leaf extract of Aegle
Earhart, K.C., Baugh, W.P., 2005. Rhinocerebral mucormycosis. Available at: http:
//www.emedicine.com/med/topic 2026.htm.
Gerich, J.E., 1988. Glucose counterregulation and its impact on diabetes mellitus.
Kato, M., Miura, T., Usami, M., Kato, A., Kadowaki, S., 1995. Hypoglycemic effect
Larner, J., 1985. Insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs, glucagons. In the
mellitus. Diabetologia Croatica 4, 115-124.
Miura, T., and Kato, A., 1995. The difference in hypoglycemic action between
Polygonati rhizome and Polygonati officinalis rhizome. Biological and
Pharmaceutical Bulletin 18, 1605-1606.
Momin, A., 1987. Role of indigenous medicine in primary health care. In proceedings
of First International Seminar on Unani Medicine, New Delhi, India, pp. 54.
Mukherjee, K.L., 1990. Medical Laboratory Technology, 3rd Edition pp 228-307, Tata
Noor, H., Hammond, P., Sutton, R., Ashcroft, S.J.H., 1989. The hypoglycemic and
insulinotropic activity of Tinospora crispa: Studies with human and rat islets and
Pickup, J.C., 2004. Inflammation and activated innate immunity in the pathogenesis
Plum, P., 1936. Accuracy of haematological counting method. Acta Med. Scandinav
90, 342.
Steinman, S.P.H., Groop, K., Laakkonen, E., Wahlin-Boll, E., Melander, A., 1990.
Relationship between sulphonyl urea dose and metabolic effect. Diabetes 39,
108 A.
Reitman, S., Frankel, S., 1957. A colorimetric method for determination of serum
28, 56-63.
Sharma, M.K., Khare, A.K., Feroz, H., 1983. Effect of neem oil on blood glucose
117, 380-383.
Shim, W.S., Kim, H.J., Kang, E.S., Ahn, C.W., Lim, S.K., Lee, H.C., Cha, B.S.,
2006.The association of total and differential white blood cell count with metabolic
syndrome in type-2 diabetic patients. Diabetes Research & Clinical Practice 73,
284- 291.
Stamm, W.E., Hooton, T.M., 1993. Management of urinary tract infections in adults.
Vats, V., Yadav, S.P., Grover, J.K., 2004. Ethanolic extract of Ocimum sanctum
plants used in Indian folklore. Aryavaidyan 9, 159.
Wheat, L.J., 1980. Infection and diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care 3, 187-197.
of an afran, a Unani drug of repute is known as Saffron in English and
Unani Herbal
Drug “Zafran”
Kesar in Hindi, consists of dry stigmas and top of style of Crocus sativus L. (Fig. 1),
belongs to family Iridaceae. The drug is used for the treatment of amenorrhea,
colic, leucorrhoea and headache, besides exhibiting antioxidant and anti-cancerous
properties. It is produced mainly in Spain (70% of world supply), and other producers
are Iran and India, mainly Pampur (Kashmir). It contains Crocin as a main constituent,
which is responsible for its colouring property and offers the distinctive aroma, taste
1Sonali Sajwan,
and aromatic oil.
2Kunal Sajwan,
3V.K. Singh Present studies deal with the standardization of Zafran, and include macroscopy,
and microscopy and powder analysis, TLC with marker compound, extractive values
3M.K. Siddiqui
and ash values. All these standards may be fruitful for correct identification and
1Drug quality assurance of the drug and help manufacturing quality medicines of Indian
Standardization Research
Ghaziabad, U.P.
3Central Council for Research Zafran is used frequently in Unani system & other Indian Systems of Medicine. It
in Unani Medicine,
consists of stigmas and style of Crocus sativus L., and belongs to the family
Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 Iridaceae (Evans, 2002; Iyenger, 1997; Sarin, 1995; Anonymous, 2004). Plant is
native of South Europe and cultivated in Spain, Itly, India and China. In India its
cultivation is mostly confined to Pampur (in Kashmir) and Kishtwar (in Jammu)
(Anonymous, 1950).
True Zafran should not be confused with American saffron (safflower), i.e. Carthamus
tinctorious, which is produced from tubular florets and is lighter red then true Zafran.
besides exhibiting antioxidant and anti-cancerous properties (Takashi, 2004; Evans,
2002). It is produced mainly in Spain (70% of world supply), and other producers
are Iran and India, mainly Pampur (Kashmir) (Youngken, 2004; Anonymous, 2004;
Evans, 2002). It contains Crocin as a main constituent, which is responsible for its
colouring property and offers the distinctive aroma, taste and aromatic oil.
The material has been collected from Pampur (Srinagar, J & K), India. For microscopic
study, material was first soaked in water for 24 hours and then stained with safranin
taken with the help of Microscope with camera attachment. The physico- chemical
studies of powdered drug were carried out according to the methods given in The
Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia (2004). For TLC fingerprint profile, the extract was
separately. These extracts and the crocin were applied with a Desaga applicator on
a precoated silica gel TLC plates (E. Merck) of uniform thickness of 0.2 mm. The
reddish brown three (3) stigmas with dentate or fimbricate margin, odour strongly
T.S. shows thin walled elongated paranchymatous cells containing colouring matter
covered with thick cuticle (fig. 1). At the upper end numerous cylindrical papillae
(fig.3) up to 145μ in length. Pollen grains few, spherical, nearly smooth measuring
C. sativus x 40 C. sativus
Powder Analysis
Powder studies reveals following diagnostic features: pieces of papillae (fig. 3),
parenchyma cells (fig. 2), and smooth spherical pollen grains 50-106μ in diameter
(fig. 2). Some vessels with annular and spiral thickenings (fig. 4) were present.
3. Basal portion of the styles and dried floral parts, such as stamens and petals
When Zafran stigmas placed in Sulphuric acid, it takes blue colour immediately and
The determination of ash values, alcohol and water extratives were made from air-
dried material. The procedures recommended by Anonymous (2004) were followed
for calculating total ash, acid insoluble ash, alcohol and water extractive percentages.
Total ash 4.5-5.0%, acid insoluble ash 0.45-0.48%, Hexane extractive 14.5-16%,
Ethanol soluble extractive 18-21% and water soluble extractive 55-58%.
Methanol for preparing standard solution water and alcoholic extracts of the Zafran
was taken for this purpose and the TLC plate was developed in n-butanol: Acetic
Sulphuric acid reagent and the finger print profiles are documented under visible
light, UV 254nm, 366nm & after derivatization (fig. 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b & 6c).
Zafran, one of the highly efficacious herbal drugs in Unani system of medicine has
been used since long but often found adulterated or substituted, because of lack
Thus, the study is likely to help in the quality assurance of drug used in traditional
The authors are thankful to Dr. Shamshad Ahmad Khan, Asstt. Director Chemistry,
CCRUM Hqs, New Delhi and Dr. Rajeev Kumar Sharma, Senior Scientific Officer,
PLIM, Ghaziabad, for encouragement and Dr. Seema Akbar, Research Officer
Chemistry, RRIUM, Srinagar J & K, for providing the authentic sample of drug
Sarin, Y.K., 1995. Illustrated Manual of Herbal Drugs used in Ayurveda CSIR &
Wagner, H. and Bladt, S., Plant Drug Analysis, 1996. Springer Verlag, Berlin
Youngken, H.W., 2004. Natural Drugs, Biotech Books, Delhi, pp. 123-126.
Ingredient Abstract
Identification uality control and standardization of the drug is a dire need today.
in “Itrifal-e-
Kishneezi” –
A Polyherbal
The raw materials brought into the market in various forms are frequently adulterated
with cheap or less potent plant materials. Some greedy manufacturers in order to
achieve maximum profit utilize these plants and their products to prepare spurious
and unbalanced therapeutic formulations which prove to be ineffective to cure any
ailment. Hence proper identification and authentication of all the plant ingredient
Formulation in present in a compound formulation is a must. Present paper deals with ingredient
Unani System
of Medicine conjunctivitis, otalgia, flatulence, bleeding piles and chronic catarrah since time
immemorial. All the ingredients which are required in the preparation of Itrifal-e-
2V.K. Singh
provide a key of diagnostic histological characters which serves as an important
tool for quality control purpose.
in Unani Medicine)
Hamdard University,
New Delhi-110062
in Unani Medicine In Unani System of Medicine, “Itrifal” is a semisolid medicinal preparation where
Triphala (three myrobalan fruits) in powder or liquid form in the base (Qiwam) made
stomachic, laxative and aperiant in action. It is frequently used by the unani physicians
to cure gastric headache, conjectivitis, otalgia, flatulence, bleeding piles and chronic
dissolved in 250 ml. of distilled water and filtered. The powdered drug materials
present on the filter paper are washed thoroughly and dried. Mounts are made
No. used tity
1. Post-e-Halela Terminalia chebula Combretaceae Fruit 100g.
Zard Retz. pulp
2. Post-e-Halela Terminalia chebula Combretaceae Fruit 100g.
Retz. pulp
Gaertn. pulp
Roxb. pulp
sativum Linn.
or Raughan-e-Zard
microscope according to the method laid down by Johnsen (1940) and Trease
but has characteristic histological features which are diagnostic for their identification
in the formulation.
glabrous, wrinkled and ribbed longitudinally, fracture brittle with agreeable odour
followed by a broad zone of parenchyma in which fibres, sclereids in groups
and vascular bundles scattered. Mesocarpic parenchyma cells round to oval in
shape, slightly thick walled with little intercellular space and filled with numerous
starch grains and rosette crystals of calcium oxalate. Fibres tangentially
elongated, with or without simple pits and having width 9 μ - 27 μ. Starch grains
numerous, simple, round to oval in shape measuring 2.25 μ - 4.50 μ - 6.75 μ
in diameter; calcium oxalate crystals rosette shaped having diameter of 4.50 μ
glabrous, wrinkled and ribbed longitudinally, fracture brittle with agreeable odour
parenchyma cells round to oval in shape, slightly thick walled and filled with abundant
starch grains which are simple, round to oval in shape, measuring 2.25 μ - 6.75 μ
in diameter. Tangentially elongated fibers and sclereids are present at the outer
mesocarpic region.
Macroscopy: Fruit deep brown to black, elongated, ovoid both sides tapering,
drupaceous, glabrous, surface hard with longitudinal ribs and wrinkles, fracture
brittle, yellowish pulp enclosing a large rough seed. Odourless, taste astringent.
After four – five layers of parenchyma two – three layers of tangentially elongated
cells present. Numerous vascular bundles are scattered at the inner mesocarpic
region. Abundant rosette shaped calcium oxalate crystals present at the inner
Part used: Fruit pulp
Macroscopy: Gray to black curled pieces of dried fruit, highly shriveled and wrinkled,
texture rough, cartilaginous, tough; taste sour and astringent.
Microscopy: T.S. of fruit shows:-
Epicarp: Single layered tabular epidermal cells covered by cuticle. Hypodermis 2-4
Mesocarp: Several layered, thin walled parenchyma cells with intercellular spaces;
Macroscopy: Broken pieces of whitish brown fruits of various sizes; velvety surface,
wrinkled and ribbed longitudinally, fracture hard with characteristic odour and slightly
bitter taste.
Mesocarp: Several layered; thin walled parenchyma cells with intercellular spaces.
Outer 2-5 layers contain tannin and rosette shaped crystals of calcium oxalate.
yellow made up of 2 mericorps; each mericarp has five wavy inconspicuous primary
ridges and four straight, prominent secondary ridges. Seed coelospermous; odour
Microscopy: T.S. of fruit shows two vittae on the commissural surface of each
layer in between. Sclerenchymatous cells fusiform and lignified. Outer few layers of
sclerenchyma run longitudinally whereas inner one or two layers runs tangentially.
curved, parenchymatous cell containing numerous oil globules, aleurone grains and
rosette shape crystals of calcium oxalate.
Test Sample (Formulation):
Microscopic examination of Itrifal-e-Kishneezi shows following components of
diagnostic characteristics:-
shape; lumen either broad or very narrow; showing variable striations and
pitted walls. Elongated sclereids having thick walls; narrow lumen and pitted
2. Fibers: Abundant elongated fibers, occur mostly in groups; thick walled, lignified
with simple pits; single fiber occur in pieces of various size, narrow, thick walled
narrow lumen and indistinct pits; occur in several layers and at times crossing
with each other or with thin walled lignified cells of the mesocarp.
8. Xylem vessel: Occur in pieces of various sizes, either single or in groups having
simple pits.
11. Starch grains: Abundant starch grains; found scattered; majority of the grains
are simple, oval to round, spherical-polygonal; some are compound with three
or more components.
The histological characters that are microscopically examined in Itrifal-e-Kishneezi
(test sample) reveals that:-
1. Itrifal-e-Kishneezi shows abundant sclereids either single or in groups, oval-
isodiametric, narrow lumen, showing variable striations and pits; elongated
sclereids with thick walls, narrow lumen and pitted walls; abundant elongated
fibers occur mostly in groups, thick walled, lignified with distinct simple pits;
rosette shape crystals of calcium oxalate; abundant starch grains which are
simple, oval to round in shape. All these characters confirms the presence of
trachied having simple pits in their lateral walls; xylem fibers which are simple,
llignified, narrow, thick walled with tapering ends; thick walled xylem parenchyma,
elongated with pointed or flattened ends, striated walls, pitted and highly lignified
(Fig. 11-14)
Retz. x 40 Retz. x 40
thick walled, sinuous, fusiform cells with narrow lumen and indistinct pits crossing
with each other or with thin walled lignified cells of mesocarp; fragments of
endocarp having thin walled, lignified cells with polygonal cells of mesocarp;
fragments of endosperm with aleurone grains and oil globules confirms the
Fig. 11. Pitted sclereid of Terminalia Fig. 12. Pitted sclereid of Terminalia
very broad lumen and pitted walls and mesocarpic parenchyma cells confirms
Financial support by the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine for the
India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Dept. of AYUSH, New Delhi.
Anonymous, 1976. The Wealth of India (Raw Materials), Vol XI, PID, (CSIR), New
Johansen, D.A., 1940. Plant Microtechniques, Mc. Grew Hill Book Company, New
Mahendrapal Singh Book Depot, Dehradun (Reprint).
Kokoski, J., Kokoski, R. and Siama, F.J., 1958. Fluorescence of Powdered Vegetable
Drugs under U.V. Radiation, J. Amer. Pharm. Assoc. 47 (10): 715.
Trease and Evans, W.C., 1983. Pharmacognosy. 12th Ed. Bailliere Tindall, London.
nostical harmacognosy of the tubers of Cyperus rotundus Linn. has
Studies on the
Tubers of
been carried out to lay down standards for the genuine drug. Other parameters
studied include physico-chemical constants, fluorescence behavior, U.V.
Spectrophotometry, Chromatography etc.
rotundus Linn.
Pharmacopoeial Laboratory
Ghaziabad-201002, India
lands, road sides and other moist places and grows throughout Indian sub-continent.
The dried tubers of plants are officially regarded as ‘Musta’ in Ayurveda and ‘sad
dyspeptic affections, heals wounds and ulcers, pain in abdomen and in sorpion
stings (Kirtikar and Basu, 1933; Nadkarni, 1954; Chopra et al., 1958). Besides its
to the fabrics. In Bengal, dried and pounded tubers are largely used as perfume in
the weddings of natives. The generic title of the plant ‘Cyperus’ is supposed to be
derived from ‘Cypris’ – a name of lord venus, as the underground parts of some
etc. and also mentioned as ‘Nagarmotha’ in Unani system of medicine , The drug
is often adultrated with allied species and other generic members of family
Drug samples were collected from different places with a view to find out any
significant difference present within the same species. Hand sections were stained
schedules mentioned by Trease and Evans (1972) were followed. Colours were
and Evans, 1978), Organic group detection (Robinson, 1963), Elemental quantitation
(Khan, et.al., 1985), U.V. Spectrophotometry (Willard, et.al., 1965) and
Chromatography (Shellard, 1968, Stahl, 1969, Smith and Feinberg, 1972) were
Family: Cyperaceae Juss. Endl. Gen. 109, Lindl. Veg. Kingd. 117, Gen. Pl. III: 1037.
The family is spreaded over about 90 genera and 4,000 species, which have global
distribution. In India, this family comprise 22 genera with over 405 species distributed
Genus: Cyperus Linn. Gen. n. 66, Gen. Pl. III: 1043, F.B.I. 6:697.
This genus comprises 1,468 species distributed in tropical and warm teperate
regions of the world. In India, the genera consists of about 100 species. The genus
C. rotundus Linn. Sp. Pl. 45. 1753, F.B.I. 6 : 614, FUGP 3:322, Kiik. Pfreich: 107.
1935, FD 356.
rhizome thickened at intervals into black, woody tubers, stem nodose at base, 3
gonosis. Leaves basal usually shorter or as long as the stem, some times longer,
of 3. Bracts foliar, generally 3, unequal, spikelets brown with reddish tings. Glumes
obovoid, glabrous. Nut blackish brown, one third of length of the glume, narrowly
waste and unused dry, gravelly places and in crevices amongst stones (Chopra et
al., 1958).
I. Organoleptic Characteristics
A. The drug comprises of dried tubers of varying sizes. The tubers are oval to
spindle shape, somewhat compressed and tapered at both the ends spreading
Plate-I. Habit and Taxonomic Details of Drug Plant (Cyperus rotundus Linn.)
the root system. The tubers generally range from 1.5-3.5 cm in length and 0.5-
uniformly cylindrical with comparatively longer center portion. These are slightly
semi-succulent when fresh, but turn hard in nature after drying. These are dark
brown to black in colour and are covered with numerous rootlets. Some of the
tubers have scares or remains of rootlets (Plate II). Tubers are not easily
breakable due to smaller size and hardened nature. The fracture is short exposing
white interior with light brown dots. The tubers have an aromatic fragrance and
B. Powdered Drug: The powdered drug is brown in colour with aromatic odour and
A. Transverse section of the tuber is circular to oval in outline (Plate III). It shows
lignified cells. Epidermis and hypodermis are filled with dark brown content
(Plate IV A). Ground tissues of the cortex consist of thin walled compact
The cells of cortex are filled with starch grains which are simple and oval in
elements (Plate IV B). Innermost layer of the cortex is followed by highly thickened
of thick walled barrel shaped cells, which have no casparian bands on the
radial walls. These cells are also devoid of starch grains. The pericycle layer
places adjacent to endodermis (Plate IV D). Ground tissues of the steler region
similar to those of cortical cells (Plate IV E). A large number of vascular bundles
are found scattered asymmetrically throughout the steler region. The vascular
rotundus Linn.), 25 X)
rotundus Linn.)
1200 X.
bundles are collateral, closed and are surrounded by lignified fibre sheath.
Vascular bundles towards the periphery are smaller in size and from almost a
complete ring neighbouring the endodermis (Plate IV D). The xylem vessels are
lignified and have simple pits and reticulate thickening on the walls. Lignified
fibres surround the phloem on both sides and are of various shapes and sizes
with tapering or blunt ends. These are originated by the conversion of the
ground parenchymatous cells and surround each of the vascular bundle forming
sieve tubes and companion cells. The phloem parenchyma consists of polyhedral
individual cell of different tissues and cell contents in microns given below
parenchymatous cells of cortical and steler region filled with starch grains;
cells and occasional moderately thick walled fibres with tapering or blunt ends.
The vessels often fragmented occur singly or usually in groups and have reticulate
Parenchymatous cells containing brown tannin content are also fairly common
in powdered drug.
A. Micro-Chemical Tests and Behaviour of specific reagents towards Plant/Drug
Tissues: Observations and results pertaining to micro-chemical tests and
behaviour of specific reagent towards plant tissues are presented in Table-2.
B. Organic Groups of Chemical Constituents: The extracts of the drug were tested
for presence of different organic groups and results are presented in Table-3.
VI. Chromatography
A. Paper Chromatography: The amino acids and free sugars were resoluted and
of reference standards of different amino acids and free sugars confirms the
presence of –
and L-cysteine.
Datta and Mukerjee (1950) carried out the work on the pharmacognosy of Cyperus
rotundus Linn. But they investigated the rhizome. The tubers of the plant are
plant tissues and cells contents.
Sl. Reagent Test for Infer- Histological zone/
No. ence cell contents
1. Dragendorff’s reagent Alkaloids + A few cells of
peripheral portion
(66% v/v)
Hydrochloric acid
and stele.
matous cells of
cortex, phloem
and xylem.
Sl.No. Organic Groups of Reagents/Tests Inference
1. Alkaloid Dragendorff’s and Mayer’s +
subjected in the present studies. The diagnostic characters by which the drug can
be macroscopically identified are dried tuber, dark brown to black, oval to spindle
somewhat compressed and tapered, length 1.5-3.5 cm, diameter 0.5-2.5 cm;
unbranched, some times flattened, semi-succulent when fresh but dried ones hard;
single layered; hypodermis comprise 2-4 layers of thick walled, polygonal, lignified
2. pH 5.8
Sl.No. Physico-Chemical Analytical values
Constants Mg/g of ash
1. Cadmium 0.0011
2. Calcium 0.3950
3. Copper 0.1950
4. Iron 2.1700
5. Magnesium 0.4330
6. Manganese 0.0170
7. Nickle 0.1190
8. Potassium 9.2100
9. Sodium 24.2400
2. Powder with
Sl.No. Specifications Data
1. Tincture dilution ml/ml 0.012
2. Maximum absorption peak 0.460
3. l Maxima at, nm 280
3. No. of spots 04 04
amphivasal and collateral, collateral and closed more frequent, surrounded by lignified
fibre sheath; xylem vessels lignified with simple pits and retuclate thickening, fibres
lignified, surround the phloem; phloem with usual elements; ground tissue of stele
parenchymatous, some of the cells of epidermis, hypodermis and cortex filled with
dark brown tanniferous content; simple, oval starch grains present in the cells of
cortex and tissue of stele. The other parameters studied compliment the
The author is deeply indebted to late Dr. M.R. Sharma, former head of botany
department, D.A.V. (PG) College, Deharadun, under whose able guidance he had
privilege to work.
Anonymous, 1950. The Wealth of India (Raw Materials), Vol. II (C). C.S.I.R., New
Chopra, R.N., Chopra, I.C., Handa, K.L. and Kapoor, L.D., 1958. Chopra’s Indigenous
Drugs of India. U.N. Dhur & Sons Pvt. Ltd., Calcutta.
Chopra, R.N., Nayar, S.L. and Chopra, I.C., 1956. Glossary of Indian Medicinal
Plants, C.S.I.R., New Delhi.
Cromwell, B.T., 1955. In Modern methods of plant analysis Peach, K. and M.V.
Tracy Vol. 4. Springer – Verlag, Heidelberg.
Chunekar, K.C., 1972. Glossary of vegetable drugs in Brahattrayi. Chowkhamba
Datta, S.C. and Mukerjee, B., 1950. Pharmacognosy of Indian root and rhizome
Herman, Samuel, 1968. Paxton’s Botanical Dictonary comprising the Names, History
and culture of all plants known in Britain. Bradurry, Evans & Company., Bouverie,
Jackson, B.P. and Snowdon D.W., 1968. Powdered Vegetable Drug. Churchill Ltd.,
Johansen, D.A., 1940. Plant Microtechnique, Mc Graw Hill Book Co., New York.
Khan, S.U., Roy, S. and Arora, R.B., 1985. Geomedicinal and elementological
Unani Drugs from Herbal sources and the role of elements in their machanism
Kirtikar, K.R. and Basu, B.D., 1933. Indian Medicinal Plants, Vol. 1-4. L.M. Basu,
Nadkarni, A.K., 1954, K.M. Nadkarni’s Indian Materia Medica. Vol. I & II. Popular
Robinson, T., 1963. The organic constituents of Higher plants, Burgus Publishing
Co., U.S.A.
Press, London.
Smith, I. and Feinberg, J.G., 1972. Paper chromatography, Thin layer chromatography
Trease, G.E. and Evans, W.C., 1972. Pharmacognosy 10th edn. Edn. Bailliere Tindel,
Trease, G.E. and Evans, W.C., 1978. Pharmacognosy 11th edn. Edn. Bailliere Tindel,
Govt. Printing Press, Calcutta.
Willard, H.H., Merrit, L.L. and Dean, J.A., 1965. Instrumental methods of analysis,
4th edn. Affiliated East-West Press, Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Youngken, H.W., 1951. Pharmaceutical Botany, 7th ed., The Blackistan Company,
nostical he present study has been taken up to establish certain
of a Unani
Herbal Drug –
pharmacopoeial standards of L. sativum Linn which may help in correct identification
of drug while in crude form. The communication deals with macroscopy, microscopy;
powder study important physicochemical studies and HPTLC. These parameter will
contribute for the standardization of drug.‘
(Lepidium Introduction
sativum Linn.)
herb, about 15-45 cm high, cultivated throughout India. This plant has been used
1Sonali Sajwan, in compound Unani formulations and constitutes an important drug in pharmacopoeia
2Kunal Sajwan,
3R.K. Pawar,
4Shamshad Ahmad,
formulations, namely, Kasturyadigutika. The drug is used in following diseases –
4M.K. Siddiqui
5U.C. Aggrawal
The plant material for study was collected from PLIM herbal garden Ghaziabad,
3PLIM, Sec. 23, Sanjay Nagar, For microscopic study standard procedures were followed (Johanson,1940) The
Ghaziabad, U.P. physico chemical studies of drug were carried out according to the methods given
in Unani Medicine,
D.S. College, Aligarh-202001 2. DSRU, CCRUM, Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi.
Macroscopic: Seeds small, oval shaped, pointed at one end, smooth about 2-2.5
mm long and 1-1.5 mm wide, reddish brown, a furrow present on both surface
when soaked in water seeds swells and covered with a transparent colourless
layer. The inner most layer of seed coat is represented by single layered thick
walled cells with U- shaped thickenings. Some cells contain pigment. The endosperm
cells are thin walled and filled with oil droplets and aleurone grains. In cross section
radicle is shown separately placed at one end of the section with cotyledonary
portions. Cells of radicle are in outer region-multilayered oval shaped cells and in
layer of palisade like cells whereas at inner side the remaining cells are polyhedral
coats some showing red colouring matter and others with uniformly thick walls,
endosperm cells filled with oil and aleurone grains (Plate 2- E, F).
coat x 40 B
endosperm cells x 40 C
coat x 40 F coat x 40 E
Total ash, (%) w/w 0.51
Acid Insoluble ash, (%) w/w 0.35
Ethanol Soluble extractive, (%) w/w 15.61
Water soluble extractive, (%) w/w the formation of jelly
HPTLC Profile
For TLC profile, the solution of the drug was prepared with dissolving 1 mg of the
extract in 10 ml methanol.
Extracts of the drug was applied on a pre-coated silica gel TLC plates (E.
Merck) of uniform thickness with the help of Desaga HPTLC applicator and the
TLC was developed in solvent system n- Butanol: Acetic acid: Water (4:1:5)
upper layer in the development chamber and the photograph was taken with
the help of Video documentation system. The photographs were taken with the
help of Desaga Video documentation unit. Under UV 254 nm four spots were
observed (Rf 0.05, 0.23, 0.29 and 0.43 all dark grey), under UV 366 nm six
spots were observed (Rf 0.19 light blue, 0.23 black, 0.25 & 0.29 both blue, 0.43
black and 0.48 light blue) and after derivatization when the plate was sprayed
with Anisaldehyde sulphuric acid reagent and heated at 1050C for 10 minute in
oven, eight spots were observed (R f 0.05 yellowish green, 0.14 dark grey, 0.23
brownish yellow, 0.29 grey, 0.36 violet, 0.43 yellow and 0.82 light violet) (Plate
3 A,B,C).
Lepidium sativum L. is one of the highly efficacious herbal drugs in Unani and
facilitate detection of adulterants and other wasteful matter in the drug available
commercially. When the three samples of drug were compared. It was found that
The authors are thankful to the Director, Central Council for Research in Unani
Medicine (CCRUM), New Delhi and Director PLIM, Ghaziabad, for providing facilities
Refrences/Selected Reading
Alexander, C. Martin, Seed identification manual. Oxford and IBM publishing Co.,
New Delhi.
Anonymous, 1999. The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India, Ministry of Health & Family
E.J.H., Corner, 1976. The seeds of Dicotyledons Vol. I, Univ Press, Cambridge, pp.
Johanson, D.A. 1940. Plant Microtechniques. Mc. Graw hill Bookcompany, New
Microscopical Abstract
and Chemical ccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), 80% of
of a Poly
Herbal Drug –
the developing world’s rural population depends on traditional medicines for its
primary health care needs. This underlies the urgent need for investing in the
standardization and to develop the SOP’s for traditional medicines, particularly for
Unani system of medicine. With a view to lay down pharmacopoeial standards and
SOP’s, three batch samples of Jawarish-e-Hazim were prepared at laboratory scale
standards and also to evaluate the quality, safety and efficacy of this drug the
pesticide residue and heavy metal studies were carried out. The data evolved from
1Rampratap Meena,
1S.Mageswari, this study will be helpful in laying down SOP’s and pharmacopoeial standards for
2Shamsul Arfin
1Gowher Sultana
of Unani Medicine (CCRUM), Jawarish-e-Hazim is a Unani Poly herbal compound formulation listed under the
Royapuram, Chennai-13,
category of Majooniath in the Unani Formulary of India, Part-II. The drug is used in
Tamil Nadu
the ailment of incontinence of urine and dyspepsia. It is also very effective tonic for
2Central retentive, vesicular and digestive (Anonymous, 2007). According to the formula
Council for Research
composition, this drug consists of four plant ingredients. In order to lay down SOP’s
and pharmacopoeial standards, the drug was prepared in three different batches at
New Delhi-58
microbial, thin layer chromatography, aflotoxin, pesticide residue and heavy metal
studies. The present paper describes the salient features of preparation, microscopical
The ingredients Nankhwah (Fruit), Kundur (Resin), Maweez (Fruit) and Qand Safaid
(Sugar) were procured from local raw drug dealers with the help of Unani physician
Formulation composition
4. Qand Safaid Sugar – 1.375kg
Method of Preparation
All the ingredients were taken of pharmacopoeial quality. Ingredients number 1 and
2 of the formulation composition were cleaned, dried, powdered and passed through
sieve number 80. The powder of ingredient number 2 was mixed with the powder
of ingredient number 1 and kept separately. Ingredient number 3 was cleaned and
made into paste in mortar and pestle and kept separately. Specified quantity of
sugar as per composition was dissolved in 1250ml of water on slow heat, at the
boiling stage 0.1% of citric acid was added, mixed thoroughly and filtered through
muslin cloth and prepared the quiwam of 78% consistency. The vessel was removed
from the fire. While hot condition the paste of ingredient number 3 was added and
mixed thoroughly. Then added the mixed powders of ingredient number 1 and 2
along with 0.1% sodium benzoate and mixed thoroughly to prepare the homogenous
Chemical analysis
The samples of Jawarish-e-Hazim were carried out for chemical analysis. Physico-
chemical studies like foreign matter, total ash, acid insoluble ash, solubility in alcohol
and water, loss on drying at 105ºC, microbial load, aflotoxin, pesticide residue and
heavy metal were carried out as per the WHO guidelines (Anonymous, 1998). The
bulk density, sugar estimation and pH values for 1% and 10% aqueous solution
5g of the sample was weighed and mixed with 50ml of water in a beaker with gentle
warming, till the sample was completely dispersed in water. The mixture was
centrifuged and decanted the supernatant. The sediment washed several times
with distilled water, centrifuged again and decanted the supernatant. A few mg of
the sediment was taken and mounted in glycerine and observed for the following
characters. Camera lucida drawings were done for the salient features of the drug
(Johansen, 1940).
2g of drug samples were soaked in chloroform and alcohol separately for 18 hours,
refluxed for ten minutes on water bath and filtered. The filtrates were concentrated
on water bath and made upto 5ml in a standard flask separately. These extracts
were used for the thin layer chromatography analysis (Wagner et. al., 1984).
Jawarish-e-Hazim is pale brown, semi solid with pleasant smell and sweetish bitter
in taste. The drug did not show any filth, fungus or objectionable extraneous matter
when the sample was spread in petri dish.
○ Microscopic observations
Nankhwah: Papillose epidermal cells in surface view with club shaped simple
unicellular trichomes and trichome bases, vittae entire or broken pieces upto 250μ
width and tapers towards the ends, endosperm cells in surface view with moderately
thick walled parenchyma cells contain fixed oils and aleurone grains with micro
Maweez: Epidermal cells in surface view with reddish brown content, mesocarpic
parenchyma cells in surface with irregular margin, vessels with spiral and reticulate
thickening upto 25μ, fibres thick walled upto 800μ length and 20μ breadth with
Fig. 1. Nankhwah
Fig. 2. Maweez
surrounded by a crystal sheath with prism of calcium oxalate from the debris, very
few cork cells (very few) in surface view, (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Nankhwah
Chemical analysis
The physico-chemical data of the drug are shown in Table-I. The low value of acid
insoluble ash of the drug indicates that the drug is free from siliceous matter.
Alcohol soluble extractive content 61.83% might be due to the extraction of polar
chemicals constituents. The water soluble extractives 70.66% indicates the presence
of inorganic constituents. The content 21.84% is loss on weight at 105ºC shows the
presence of moisture in the drug. The results of total bacterial count, total fungal
counts of the microbial studies are with in the permissible limit and the other
parameters were found to be absent in the drug. The analysis of aflotoxin and
pesticide residue studies shows that the drug is free from aflotoxins and pesticide
residues. The content of heavy metals such as lead and mercury are present with
in the permissible limit, arsenic and cadmium were found to be below detection
limit. The results observed for microbial load, aflotoxin level, pesticide residue and
Chloroform extract was applied on TLC plate. The plate was developed using
Toluene : Ethyl acetate (9 : 1) as mobile phase. After development the plate was
allowed to dry in air and examined under UV (254nm). Major spots were observed
at Rf 0.96, 0.81, 0.40, 0.31 and 0.11 (Pink). Under UV (366nm). Major spot was
observed at Rf 0.21 (Light blue). The plate was dipped in vanillin-sulphuric acid
reagent followed by heating at 110° for about 5 min and observed under visible
light. The plate showed major spots at Rf 0.96 (Dark blue), 0.81 (Yellowish green),
0.77 (Violet), 0.74 (Light blue), 0.58 (Yellowish grey), 0.54, 0.49 (Violet), 0.44 (Blue),
Parameters Batch Number
I Mean II Mean III Mean
value value value
Alcohol soluble matter 61.24 62.24 61.56
○ (% W/W) 61.36 61.37 62.44 62.41 61.72 61.72
61.52 62.56 61.88
as per WHO
S.No. Parameter Analyzed Results Detection limits
1 B1 Not detected 0.05 ppb
2 B2 Not detected 0.05 ppb
3 G1 Not detected 0.05 ppb
as per WHO
0.38 (Pale yellow), 0.28 (Greenish yellow), 0.24 (Light pink) and 0.15 (Yellowish
Toluene : Ethyl acetate (1 : 1.5) as mobile phase. After development the plate was
allowed to dry in air and examined under UV (254nm). It showed major spots at Rf
0.32 and 0.27 (Pink). The plate was dipped in vanillin-sulphuric acid reagent followed
by heating at 110° for about 5 min and observed under visible light. The plate
showed major spots at Rf 0.96 (Dark blue), 0.84 (Greenish yellow), 0.79 (Dark
pink), 0.67 (Violet), 0.61 (Light grey), 0.54 (Blue), 0.45 and 0.35 (Violet). TLC
studies with chloroform and alcohol extract, all the three batch samples showed
similar spots. The plates were developed using Vannilin-Sulphuric acid and heated
The authors are extremely thankful to the Director, CCRUM, New Delhi, for his
Anonymous, 1998. Quality Control Methods for Medicinal Plant Materials. World
Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Anonymous, 2007. The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India, Vol - IV, Min. of Health &
Family Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Anonymous, 2007 (New Edition). National Formulary of Unani Medicine, Part-II
(English Edition), Govt. of India, Min. of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi.
Johansen, D.A., 1940. Plant Microtechnique. Mc. Graw Hill Book Company Inc.
New York and Londan, p. 181-186.
Wagner, H., Bladt, S. and E.M. Zgainski, 1984. Plant Drug Analysis, A Thin Layer
Plants of total of 26 species of plants belonging to 20 families of
Forest Division
Kotdwar (Pauri
angiosperms, used as folk drugs in the Lansdowne forest division, Kotdwar of Pauri
Garhwal, Uttarakhand is described in this report based on ethnobotanical field
study. For each species the correct botanical and prevalent local names, the part
used, claimed medicinal use(s) and mode of administration are given. It lists many
new and interesting phyto-therapeutic uses.
Uttarakhand Key Words: Ethnobotanical survey, Folk medicine, Lansdowne, Pauri Garhwal,
Survey of Medicinal Plants Unit, The Garhwal Himalaya is spread over a large area in the state of Uttarakhand.
Regional Research Institute of It has significant intact tracts of natural forests and tribal population. Plants still
regarding the folk medicinal uses of plants as evident from published reports
(Bhatt, 1994; Bhatt and Panwar, 1994; Bist and Badoni, 1990; Chandra and
Pandey, 1983; Dhasmana, 1986a, 1986b, 1987; Gargya et al., 1997; Gaur et
al., 1983; Joshi et al., 1982; Maheshwari and Singh, 1984; Mehrotra, 1979;
Naithani, 1973; Nautiyal, 1981; Negi et al., 1985, 1992, 1999; Puri, 1983;
Purohit et al., 1983; Rajwar, 1983; Rana and Dutt, 1997; Rao et al., 2002;
Samant et al., 1996; Sharma et al., 1979; Singh, 2003, 1997; Singh et al.,
1984, 1997, Singh and Ali, 1998; Tiwari and Pande 2004; Uniyal, 1987; Uniyal
et al., 2002). But no separate list exists for the Lansdowne forest division
al., 1956; Jain, 1991; Kirtikar and Basu, 1935; Nadkarni, 1954), it has been
found that uses of some medicinal plants were similar to those already published.
majority of cases. For other plants therapeutic uses reported herein seem to be
The study area forms a part of North Kumaon Forest Circle of Uttarakhand and lies
between 29o 37"- 30o 08’ North latitude and 78o 10’ 35"- 78o 43’ East longitude in
the lower Himalayan ranges of Pauri Garhwal district. It is rich in vegetation as well
as wildlife and inhabited by the tribes Bhoxa and Vangujjar. The selected tribal
Laldhang, and Lansdowne forest ranges (Fig. 1).
Fieldwork was carried out in November 2006 and information on folk medicinal
uses of plants was obtained through direct field interviews with local medicine men
and other knowledgeable villagers. Data on the common name of the plant or crude
drugs, medicinal use(s), part used, other ingredients added (if any), method of drug
Laldhang Range
Lansdowne Range
Dogadda Range
Kotdwar Range
Kohtri Range
Division Forest
for each claim. Plant specimens were collected with the help of informants and later
identified by the authors. “The Flora of British India” (Hooker, 1872-1897), “The
Flora of the Upper Gangetic Plain and of the Adjacent Siwalik and Sub-Himalayan
Tracts” (Duthie, 1903-1922) and “A forest flora for Kumaon” (Osmaston, 1926) were
consulted for botanical identification. All voucher specimens were prepared and
deposited in the Herbarium of the Survey of Medicinal Plants Unit, Regional Research
Institute of Unani Medicine, Aligarh (U.P.), India.
In the following listing, plants are arranged in alphabetical order by their botanical
name together with respective family between parentheses, local name (in italics),
locality and voucher specimen number, followed by habit and claimed use(s).
Root and fruits of this coarse weed are used to treat loosening of teeth and bronchitis.
(a) Long tender piece of the root is made into a toothbrush and used daily in the
morning to strengthen gum and teeth. (b) Dried fruits are burnt to ashes and about
1g of this is mixed with honey and taken twice a day, for 10-15 days.
Fresh leaf juice of this softly hairy herb is poured on sharp cut and wounds to stop
the bleeding.
A sub-erect spiny shrub with tuberous roots. For treating sty, only a touch of spine
A diffusely branched herb used to dissolve and expel small stones from kidney and
urinary bladder. Root is cut into small pieces and ground to a fine paste. 10 g of
this paste are given three times a day, for one month.
It is a tall deciduous tree. But, tap root of the young plant in the form of paste is
Stem bark of this moderate-sized tree is used to treat toothache and loosening of
gum and teeth. Stem bark is boiled, strained and cooled. It is used as mouthwash
give up breast feeding in cases of children. (a) In cases of worm infestation, about
1g powder of seed mixed with honey is given three times a day, for 5-7 days. (b)
It is advised to apply paste of the seed on breasts of lactating mother to give up
Cassia fistula L. (Caesalpiniaceae), Amaltas, Morakhal (SMPUA7558).
The sweetish pulp round the seed of this moderate-sized tree is used to treat
constipation. About 15-20 g dried pulp is soaked in water and given orally with little
Flowers of this cultivated shrub are used for controlling diabetes. Five to seven
freshly crushed flowers of white flowered variety are given once daily in the morning.
A leafless parasitic herb, with glabrous greenish-yellow twining stems, is used for
abdominal swelling. Fresh stems are collected and ground to obtain a fine paste.
Wood oil of this fairly large tree is used to treat scabies. The oil, obtained by heating
the small pieces of heart wood in an earthen pot, is applied locally on affected
The small potato-like bulbils of this twining herb are dried and made into chips.
A small herb used to treat malaria fever. Whole plants are crushed and squeezed
to obtain the juice. One to two spoonful of this juice are given 2-3 times a day, for
5-7 days.
Fresh paste of the stem bark of this small tree is used to wash hair for healthy
Morakhal (SMPUA7505).
The bark of this small deciduous tree is used as febrifugal in cases of cattle.
little ‘mattha’ (liquid left after extraction of butter from curd) to make a paste and
applied externally once only.
Justicia adhatoda L. (Acanthaceae), Basing, Dogadda (SMPUA7522).
A dense evergreen shrub with a fetid smell used to treat cough and cold. Shaded
dried leaves are burnt and 1g ash is given with lukewarm water three times a day,
for 3 consecutive days.
A glabrous herb with yellow juice is used for flatulence. The paste of 10 g leaves
The inner mucilaginous stem bark of this medium-sized tree is ground with ‘tara’
(seeds of Eruca vesicaria (L.) Cav. ssp. sativa (Mill.) Thell.) and plastered around
the fractured limb after setting the bone right. Splints and bandage are used to hold
The red resinous powder from the dried fruits is collected. It is mixed with fodder
Bark of this small soft-wooded tree is used for diarrhoea of cattle. About 1 Kg of
fresh stem bark is ground to a fine paste and fed to cattle twice a day, for 3-5 days.
A small tree used to treat herpes, locally called ‘makri’. Fresh pieces of the stem
bark are crushed and squeezed to obtain the juice. It is applied externally 3-4 times
Over ripe fruits of this medium-sized tree are chewed for stomatitis.
An erect under-shrub used to treat jaundice: 2-3 teaspoonful of the juice of fresh
leaves are given, once a day in the morning on empty stomach, for 7-10 days.
with fodder are given 2-3 times a day till the cure is obtained.
Tridax procumbens L. (Asteraceae), Bhangaraya, Paniyali (SMPUA7667).
A procumbent herb used to stop the bleeding of sharp cut. Leaf juice is applied
Uttarakhand has led to the documentation of folk medicinal uses of some 26 plant
gathered from the reliable informants. Folk medicines are generally used by elderly
people who repose deep faith in the healing properties of medicinal plants whereas
the younger generations usually do not show interest in plant remedies. The
and above all the apathy of younger people. Therefore, it is pertinent to undertake
Uses of folk medicinal plants in the listing are based on ancestral knowledge and
medicine used throughout the world, have been discovered through follow up of
We are highly grateful to Dr. Mohammad Khalid Siddiqui, Director, Central Council
for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi for providing necessary facilities for
carrying out this investigation. We would also record our gratitude to the informants
Anonymous, 1948-1976. The Wealth of India (Raw Materials), Vol. I-XI. CSIR, New
Bhatt, B.P. and Panwar, M.S., 1994. Plants with fertility regulating potential of
Bhatt, V.P., 1994. Ethnomedicine of Pilgrims of Badrinath the holy shrine of Hindus.
Garhwal Himalaya. J. Econ. Bot. & Phytochemistry 1: 21-24.
Chandra, K., and Pandey, H.C., 1983. Collection of plants around Agora Dodital in
Uttarkashi district, Uttar Pradesh, with medicinal values and folklore claims. Int.
J. Crude Drugs Res. 21: 21-28.
Chopra, R.N., Nayar, S.L. and Chopra, I.C., 1956. Glossary of India Medicinal
Plants, CSIR, New Delhi.
Cox, P.A., 1994. The ethnobotanical approach to drug discovery: strength and
limitations. In: Chadwick, D.J. and Marsh, J. (Eds.) Ethnobotany and the search
for new drugs. John Wiley & Sons, England. Pp. 25-41.
Dhasmana, H., 1986a. Medicinal plants of Pauri town (Garhwal) and adjacent forest
Dhasmana, H., 1986b. Medicinal plants of Pauri town (Garhwal) and adjacent
Dhasmana, H., 1987. Some medicinal plants of Pauri town and adjacent forest
Duthie, J.F., 1903-1922. Flora of the Upper Gangetic Plain and of the Adjacent
Gargya, G.R., Vasistha, H.B. and Gaur, R.D., 1997. Medicinal importance of some
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