Department of Education
Division of Cavite
Municipality of Tanza
22.5% 0 0.000
Sumitted at Sumitted 3 Sumitted 2 Submitted any 1 No
least 4 lessons lessons lessons of the given acceptable
using MOV 1 using MOV 1 using MOV 1 MOV evidence
and supported and supported and supported was shown
Efficiency by any 1 of the by any 1 of the by any 1 of the 0
other given other given other given
a rating of 7 a rating of 5
1. Content 3. Applied a June 2018 - Used different Used different Used different Used different No acceptable
Knowledge range of teaching March 2019 teaching teaching teaching teaching strategies evidence
and strategies to strategies that strategies that strategies that that develop critical was
Pedagogy develop critical develop critical develop critical develop critical and creative shown
and creative and creative and creative and creative thinking and/or
thinking, as well thinking and/or thinking and/or thinking and/or other HOTS as
as other higher- Quality other HOTS as other HOTS as other HOTS as shown in MOV 1 0
order thinking shown in MOV 1 shown in MOV 1 shown in MOV 1 with a rating of 4
Basic Education Services
22.5% 0 0.000
Submitted at Submitted 3 Submitted 2 Submitted 1 lesson No acceptable
least 4 lessons lessons as lessons as as evidenced by evidence
as evidenced by evidenced by evidenced by any 1 of the given was
MOV 1 and MOV 1 and MOV 1 and MOV shown
supported by supported by any supported by
Efficiency any 1 of the 1 of the other any 1 of the 0
other given MOV given MOV other given MOV
2. Learning 5. Managed June 2018 - Applied teacher Applied teacher Applied teacher Applied teacher No acceptable
Environment learner behavior March 2019 management management management management evidence
and Diversity constructively by strategies of strategies of strategies of strategies of was
of Learners applying positive learner behavior learner behavior learner behavior learner behavior shown
and non-violent that promote that promote that promote that promote
discipline to positive and positive and non- positive and non- positive and non-
ensure learning- Quality non-violent violent discipline violent discipline violent discipline as 0
Basic Education Services
3. Curriculum 7. Planned, June 2018 - Planned and Planned and Planned and Planned and No acceptable
and Planning managed and March 2019 implemented implemented implemented implemented evidence
implemented developmentally developmentally developmentally developmentally was
developmentally sequenced sequenced sequenced sequenced shown
sequenced teaching and teaching and teaching and teaching and
teaching and Quality learning process learning process learning process learning process as 0
learning as shown in as shown in as shown in shown in MOV 1
processes to MOV 1 with a MOV 1 with a MOV 1 with a with a rating of 4
meet curriculum rating of 7 rating of 6 rating of 5
requirements and
varied teaching
Basic Education Services
22.5% 0 0.000
3. Curriculum 8. Participated in June 2018 - Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely participated No acceptable
and Planning collegial March 2019 participated in participated in participated in in LACs/FGDs evidence
discussions that LACs/FGDs LACs/FGDs LACs/FGDs /meetings to was
use teacher and /meetings to /meetings to /meetings to discuss shown
learner feedback discuss discuss discuss teacher/learner
to enrich teaching teacher/learner teacher/learner teacher/learner feedback to enrich
practice. Quality feedback to feedback to feedback to instruction as 0
enrich enrich instruction enrich instruction shown in the MOV
instruction as as shown in the as shown in the submitted
Basic Education Services
22.5% 0 0.000
Participated in at Participated in 3 Participated in 2 Participated in 1 No acceptable
least 4 LACs/FGDs/ LACs/FGDs/ LACs/FGDs/ evidence
LACs/FGDs/ meetings as meetings as meetings as was
meetings as evidently shown evidently shown evidently shown in shown
evidently shown in any 1 of the in any 1 of the any 1 of the given
Efficiency in any 1 of the given MOV given MOV MOV 0
given MOV
4. 10. Designed, June 2018 - Designed, Designed, Designed, Designed, selected, No acceptable
Assessment selected, March 2019 selected, selected, selected, organized and used evidence
and organized and organized and organized and organized and diagnostic, was
Reporting used diagnostic, used diagnostic, used diagnostic, used diagnostic, formative and shown
formative and formative and formative and formative and summative
summative summative summative summative assessment
assessment assessment assessment assessment strategies
strategies strategies strategies strategies consistent with
consistent with consistent with consistent with consistent with curriculum
curriculum Quality curriculum curriculum curriculum requirements as 0
Basic Education Services
22.5% 0 0.000
22.5% 0 0.000
4. 11. Monitored and June 2018 - Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely monitored No acceptable
Assessment evaluated learner March 2019 monitored and monitored and monitored and and evaluated evidence
and progress and evaluated evaluated learner evaluated learner progress was
Reporting achievement learner progress progress and learner progress and achievement shown
using learner and achievement and achievement using learner
attainment data. achievement using learner using learner attainment data as
Quality using learner attainment data attainment data shown in the MOV 0
attainment data as shown in the as shown in the submitted
Basic Education Services
22.5% 0 0.000
Submitted a Submitted a Submitted a Submitted No acceptable
combination of combination of at combination of at acceptable MOV evidence
at least 4 of the least 3 of the least 2 of the was
Efficiency acceptable MOV acceptable MOV acceptable MOV shown 0
5. Plus 13. Performed June 2018 - Consistently Frequently Occasionally Rarely performed No acceptable
Factor various related March 2019 performed performed performed various related evidence
works / activities various related various related various related work/activities that was
that contribute to work/activities work/activities work/activities contribute to the shown
the teaching- that contribute to that contribute to that contribute to teaching learning
learning process. the teaching the teaching the teaching process as shown
Basic Education Services
Quality 0
learning process learning process learning process in the MOV
as shown in the as shown in the as shown in the submitted
MOV submitted MOV submitted MOV submitted
10% 0 0.000
ACCOMPLISHMENTS ipcrf created by dion mayos @abdrmes 2019
1 1
2. Take personal responsibility for dealing with and/or correcting customer service
2. Practice ethical and professional behavior and conduct taking into account the
issues and concerns.
impact of his/her actions and decisions.
3. Initiates activities that promote advocacy for men and women empoerment.
3. Maintains a professional image: being trustworthy, regularity of attendance and
4. Participates in updating office vision, mission, mandates and strategies based
punctuality, good grooming and communication.
on DepEd strategies and directions.
4. Makes personal sacrifices to meet the organization's needs.
5. Develops and adopts service improvement program through simplified
5. Act with sense of urgency and responsibility to meet the organization's needs,
procedures that will further enhance service delivery.
improve systems and help others improve their effectiveness.
Results Focus
1. Achieves results with optimal use of time and resources most of the time.
2. Avoids rework, mistakes and wastage through effective work methods by placing
organizational needs before personal needs.
1. Examines the root cause of problems and suggests effective solutions. Foster
3. Delivers error-free outputs most of the time by conforming to standard operating
procedures correctly and consistently. Able toproduce very satisfactory quality work in
terms of usefulness acceptability and completeness with no supervision required.
1 new ideas, processes and suggest better ways to do things (cost and/or
operational efficiency)
2. Demonstrates an ability to think "beyond the box". Continuously focuses on
4. Expresses a desire to do better and may express frustration at waste or inefficiency.
improving personal productivity to create higher value and results.
May focus on new or more precise ways of meeting goals set.
3. Promotes a creative climate and inspires co-workers to develop original ideas
5. Makes specific changes in the system or in own work methods to improve OVERALL COMPETENCY
or solutions.
performance. Examples may include doing something better, faster, at a lower cost, RATING
4. Translates creative thinking into tangible changes and solutions that improve
more efficiently, or improving quality, customer satisfaction, morale, without setting any
the work unit and organization.
specific goal.
5. Uses ingenious methods to accomplish responsibilities. Demonstrates
resourcefulness and the ability to succeed with minimal resources.
5 - Role Model; 4 - Consistently Demonstrates; 3 - Most of the Time Demonstrates; 2 - Sometimes Demonstartes; 1 - Rarely Demonstrates
Master Teacher I Teacher I Principal III
Rater Ratee Approving Authority
ipcrf created by dion mayos @abdrmes 2019
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Cavite
Municipality of Tanza
1. Applied knowledge of content within and across "just choose from the MOV in your ipcrf that you would like The MOV presented was a lesson plan that In this lesson, I incorporated knowledge of sports,
curriculum teaching areas highlight to annotate like COT, LP, modified DLL, Ims, etc.".. dion showed integration of knowledge and content specifically football/ soccer to my Math lesson.
in Physical Education To get pupils interested, I drew attention to the sports
Ex. Lesson plans/modified DLLs developed highlighting news about how the Philippines team had been
integration of content knowledge within and across subject putting up a good fight against more experienced
areas teams in Asia, such as Japan and Korea. To apply
Math concepts, I led the class in discussing the
game scores and other sports statistics. My pupils
were engaged. I was able to deliver my lesson in
Math with an interesting focus on sports.
Prepared by:
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet about knowledge of content w/in & across curriculum * Submitted (4) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" :
w/ (7) ave. rating LP or DLL or IMs or Performance Task/test materials or accomplished annotation template
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet about knowledge of content w/in & across curriculum * Submitted (3) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" :
w/ (6) ave. rating LP or DLL or IMs or Performance Task/test materials or accomplished annotation template
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet about knowledge of content w/in & across curriculum * Submitted (2) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" :
w/ (5) ave. rating LP or DLL or IMs or Performance Task/test materials or accomplished annotation template
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet about knowledge of content w/in & across curriculum * Submitted (1) lesson using COT Rating Sheet & supported by "just choose 1" :
w/ (4) ave. rating LP or DLL or IMs or Performance Task/test materials or accomplished annotation template
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet about knowledge of content w/in & across curriculum
* Did not submit any acceptable MOV
with (1-3) ave. rating
* No COT submitted
dion: Actual MOVs submitted for QUALITY Obj. # 2 dion: actual MOVs submitted for EFFICIENCY Obj. # 2
* Submitted (4) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" :
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about facilitating teaching strategies that enhance learner LP or DLL or IMs or Performance Task/test materials or Results of assessment used in
achievement in literacy and numeracy skills w/ (7) ave rating teaching or
accomplished annotation template
* Submitted (3) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" :
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about facilitating teaching strategies that enhance learner LP or DLL or IMs or Performance Task/test materials or Results of assessment used in
achievement in literacy and numeracy skills w/ (6) ave rating teaching or
accomplished annotation template
* Submitted (2) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" :
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about facilitating teaching strategies that enhance learner
LP or DLL or IMs or Performance Task/test materials or Results of assessment used in
achievement in literacy and numeracy skills w/ (5) ave rating
teaching or accomplished annotation template
* Submitted (1) lesson using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" :
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about facilitating teaching strategies that enhance learner LP or DLL or IMs or Performance Task/test materials or Results of assessment used in
achievement in literacy and numeracy skills w/ (4) ave rating teaching or
accomplished annotation template
dion: Actual MOVs submitted for QUALITY Obj. # 3 dion: actual MOVs submitted for EFFICIENCY Obj. # 3
* Submitted (4) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" : LP or DLL
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about teaching strategies to develop critical & creative thinking,
or IMs or Performance Task/test materials or Results of assessment used in teaching or
as well as other HOTS w/ (7) ave rating
accomplished annotation template
* Submitted (3) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" : LP or DLL
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about teaching strategies to develop critical & creative thinking,
or IMs or Performance Task/test materials or Results of assessment used in teaching or
as well as other HOTS w/ (6) ave rating
accomplished annotation template
* Submitted (2) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" : LP or DLL
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about teaching strategies to develop critical & creative thinking,
or IMs or Performance Task/test materials or Results of assessment used in teaching or
as well as other HOTS w/ (5) ave rating
accomplished annotation template
* Submitted (1) lesson using COT Rating Sheet & supported by "just choose 1" : LP or DLL or
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about teaching strategies to develop critical & creative thinking,
IMs or Performance Task/test materials or Results of assessment used in teaching or
as well as other HOTS w/ (4) ave rating
accomplished annotation template
* No COT submitted * Did not submit any acceptable MOV
dion: Actual MOVs submitted for QUALITY Obj. # 4 dion: actual MOVs submitted for EFFICIENCY Obj. # 4
* Submitted (4) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" : LP or
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about managing classroom structure that engages
modified DLL or
learners in various activities w/ (7) ave rating
accomplished annotation template
* Submitted (3) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" : LP or
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about managing classroom structure that engages learners
modified DLL or
in various activities w/ (6) ave rating
accomplished annotation template
* Submitted (2) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" : LP or
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about managing classroom structure that engages learners
modified DLL or
in various activities w/ (5) ave rating
accomplished annotation template
* Submitted (1) lesson using COT Rating Sheet & supported by "just choose 1" : LP or
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about managing classroom structure that engages learners
modified DLL or
in various activities w/ (4) ave rating
accomplished annotation template
* No COT submitted * Did not submit any acceptable MOV
dion: Actual MOVs submitted for QUALITY Obj. # 5 dion: actual MOVs submitted for EFFICIENCY Obj. # 5
* Submitted at least 4 strategies about teacher management of learner behavior
as observed in (4) lessons
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about teacher management of learner behavior w/ * Submitted at least 4 strategies about teacher management of learner behavior
(6) ave rating as observed in (3) lessons
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about teacher management of learner behavior w/ * Submitted at least 4 strategies about teacher management of learner behavior
(5) ave rating as observed in (2) lessons
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about teacher management of learner behavior w/ * Submitted any 1 of the strategies about teacher management of learner behavior
(4) ave rating as observed in (1) lesson
* No COT submitted * Did not submit any acceptable MOV
dion: Actual MOVs submitted for QUALITY Obj. # 6 dion: actual MOVs submitted for EFFICIENCY Obj. # 6
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about using differentiated teaching strategies to * Submitted (3) differentiated teaching strategies to address learner diversity as observed in
address learner diversity w/ (6) ave rating at least 2 lessons & supported by LP/modified DLLs or developed instructional materials
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about using differentiated teaching strategies to * Submitted (2) differentiated teaching strategies to address learner diversity as observed in
address learner diversity w/ (5) ave rating 2 lessons & supported by LP/modified DLLs or developed instructional materials
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about using differentiated teaching strategies to * Submitted (1) differentiated teaching strategy to address learner diversity as observed in
address learner diversity w/ (4) ave rating 1 lesson & supported by LP/modified DLL or developed instructional materials
dion: Actual MOVs submitted for QUALITY Obj. # 7 dion: actual MOVs submitted for EFFICIENCY Obj. # 7
* Submitted (4) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" : LP or
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about planning & implementing developmentally sequences
modified DLL or
teaching and learning w/ (7) ave rating
IMs or accomplished annotation template
* Submitted (3) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" : LP or
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about planning & implementing developmentally sequences
modified DLL or
teaching and learning w/ (6) ave rating
IMs or accomplished annotation template
* Submitted (2) lessons using COT Rating Sheets & supported by "just choose 1" : LP or
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about planning & implementing developmentally sequences
modified DLL or
teaching and learning w/ (5) ave rating
IMs or accomplished annotation template
* Submitted (1) lesson using COT Rating Sheet & supported by "just choose 1" : LP or
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about planning & implementing developmentally sequences
modified DLL or
teaching and learning w/ (4) ave rating
IMs or accomplished annotation template
* No COT submitted * Did not submit any acceptable MOV
dion: Actual MOVs submitted for QUALITY Obj. # 8 dion: Actual MOVs submitted for EFFICIENCY Obj. # 8
* Submitted atleast (4) Personal notes of LACs/FGDs or Minutes of the LAC/FGD sessions * Submitted at least (4) Personal notes of LACs/FGDs or Minutes of the
with Proof of Attendance LAC/FGD sessions with Proof of Attendance
* Submitted (3) Personal notes of LACs/FGDs or Minutes of the LAC/FGD sessions with * Submitted (3) Personal notes of LACs/FGDs or Minutes of the
Proof of Attendance LAC/FGD sessions with Proof of Attendance
* Submitted (2) Personal notes of LACs/FGDs or Minutes of the LAC/FGD sessions with * Submitted (2) Personal notes of LACs/FGDs or Minutes of the
Proof of Attendance LAC/FGD sessions with Proof of Attendance
* Submitted (1) Personal notes of LACs/FGDs or Minutes of the LAC/FGD sessions with * Submitted (1) Personal notes of LACs/FGDs or Minutes of the
Proof of Attendance LAC/FGD sessions with Proof of Attendance
* Submitted (4-3-2-1) accomplished annotation template about collegial discussions * Submitted (4-3-2-1) accomplished annotation template about collegial discussions
* No COT submitted * No personal notes or minutes of LAC/FGD submitted
dion: Actual MOVs submitted for QUALITY Obj. # 9 dion: actual MOVs submitted for EFFICIENCY Obj. # 9
* Submitted at least (4) varied teaching & learning resources as shown in the COT &
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about developing & using varied teaching & learning resources,
supported by "just choose 1":
including ICT w/ (7) ave rating
LP w/ appropriate IMs appended or modified DLL or accomplished Annotation Template
Teaching/Learning Resources: ICT, activity sheet/task sheets/ work sheets, slide decks,
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about developing & using varied teaching & learning resources,
video clips, module,
including ICT w/ (6) ave rating
Strategic Intervention Materials, others
* Submitted (3) varied teaching & learning resources as shown in the COT & supported by
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about developing & using varied teaching & learning resources,
"just choose 1":
including ICT w/ (5) ave rating
LP w/ appropriate IMs appended or modified DLL or accomplished Annotation Template
* Submitted (2) varied teaching & learning resources as shown in the COT & supported by
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about developing & using varied teaching & learning resources,
"just choose 1":
including ICT w/ (4) ave rating
LP w/ appropriate IMs appended or modified DLL or accomplished Annotation Template
* Submitted (1) varied teaching & learning resource as shown in the COT & supported by
* No COT submitted "just choose 1":
LP w/ appropriate IMs appended or modified DLL or accomplished Annotation Template
dion: Actual MOVs submitted for QUALITY Obj. # 10 dion: actual MOVs submitted for EFFICIENCY Obj. # 10
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about using diagnostic, formative & summative assessment
* Submitted atleast (4) varied assessment tools used
strategies w/ (7) ave rating
assessment tools: a) diagnostic test w/ TOS reviewed by superior & w/ sample
questionnaire/answer sheets; b) summative test w/ TOS reviewed by superior & w/ sample
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about using diagnostic, formative & summative assessment accomplished
strategies w/ (6) ave rating questionaire/answer sheets; c) developed performance tasks w/ rubrics reviewed by
superior & sample
accomplished rubrics; d) LP/modified DLL highlighting appropriate use of formative
assessment strategies
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about using diagnostic, formative & summative assessment
* Submitted (3) varied assessment tools used
strategies w/ (5) ave rating
* Submitted COT Rating Sheet form about using diagnostic, formative & summative assessment
* Submitted (2) varied assessment tools used
strategies w/ (4) ave rating
dion: Actual MOVs submitted for QUALITY Obj. # 11 dion: Actual MOVs submitted for EFFICIENCY Obj. # 11
* Submitted (4) combinations of monitoring & evaluating learner progress
* Submitted (4) combinations of monitoring & evaluating learner progress & achievement
& achievement
dion: Actual MOVs submitted for QUALITY Obj. # 12 dion: Actual MOVs submitted for EFFICIENCY Obj. # 12
* Submitted (4) combinations of prompt & clear communication of the learners' needs, progress & * Submitted (4) combinations of prompt & clear communication of the learners' needs,
achievement to key stakeholders progress & achievement to key stakeholders
Prompt & Clear Communication: a)At least 3 samples of corrected test papers of the same 3
Prompt & Clear Communication: a) At least 3 samples of corrected test papers of the
same 3 learners in the same learning area w/ parents, signature & date of receipt;
in the same learning area w/ parents, signature & date of receipt; b) minutes of PTA/PT
b) minutes of PTA/PT meetings/conference in all quarters w/ proof of attendance;
c) signatured report cards in all quarters supported by minutes of meeting; d) communication
in all quarters w/ proof of attendance; c) signatured report cards in all quarters
w/ parents using various modalities; e) anecdotal record showing entries per quarter;
supported by minutes of meeting; d) communication w/ parents using various modalities;
f) other forms of communication
e) anecdotal record showing entries per quarter; f) other forms of communication
* Submitted (3) combinations of prompt & clear communication of the learners' needs, * Submitted (3) combinations of prompt & clear communication of the learners' needs,
progress & achievement to key stakeholders progress & achievement to key stakeholders
* Submitted (2) combinations of prompt & clear communication of the learners' needs, * Submitted (2) combinations of prompt & clear communication of the learners' needs,
progress & achievement to key stakeholders progress & achievement to key stakeholders
*Submitted (1) prompt & clear communication of the learners' needs, progress & *Submitted (1) prompt & clear communication of the learners' needs, progress &
achievement to key stakeholders achievement to key stakeholders
* No combination of prompt & clear communication to parent submitted * No combination of prompt & clear communication to parent submitted
dion: Actual MOVs submitted for QUALITY Obj. # 13 dion: Actual MOVs submitted for EFFICIENCY Obj. # 13
* Submitted (4) diff. kinds of various related works/activities that contribute to * Submitted (4) diff. kinds of various related works/activities that contribute to
teaching/learning teaching/learning
* Submitted (3) diff. kinds of various related works/activities that contribute to * Submitted (3) diff. kinds of various related works/activities that contribute to
teaching/learning teaching/learning
* Submitted (2) diff. kinds of various related works/activities that contribute to * Submitted (2) diff. kinds of various related works/activities that contribute to
teaching/learning teaching/learning
* Submitted (1) kind of various related works/activities that contribute to
* Submitted (1) kind of various related works/activities that contribute to teaching/learning
* No different kind of various related work/activities submitted * No different kind of various related work/activities submitted