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Behavior Agreement: Student: Teacher(s) : Parent(s) : Date

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Behavior Agreement

Student: It takes a village to raise a

Teacher(s): child, and the names to the
left represent the most
Parent(s): <insert parent(s) name here> important influences on
Date: <Date> behavior for our student.
We agree to support
specific behavioral
has agreed to make an effort to modify his/her behavior. will self- expectations with:
assess and teacher will assess using a Performance Level rubric
of four to one:  <edit for daily, weekly
goals> communication
 Urgent alerts as needed
Score 4 Outstanding effort with excellent success!
 Positive reinforcement
Score 3 Good effort and acceptable behavior. Yay!  Incentives

Score 2 Some effort with limited success. Keep trying!  Clear consequences
 Specific goals and goal
Score 1 Little or no effort during this period. Let’s talk.

Student Teacher
Behavior Goals Notes (S or T)
Assessment Assessment
Student will <insert comment
from page 2>
Student will <insert comment
from page 2>
Student will <insert comment
from page 2>
Student will <insert comment
from page 2>
Student will <insert comment
from page 2>

Based on the Performance Levels in the chart above for this reporting period, Behavior Goals
do / do not need to be adjusted. ________________________________________________
List of Behavior Goals to be Considered
(copy and paste into grid on page one five behavior goals)

Speak respectfully Keep hands to yourself Avoid interrupting teacher

Greet peers with a smile

Avoid interrupting students Pick-up after yourself
and eye contact

Follow directions
Change tasks quickly Have a positive attitude
the first time given

Bring all materials to school Turn in homework on time Turn in classwork on time

Be in the right place

Turn in projects on time Give best effort
as directed

Take time to consider

Line up immediately
actions before taking Use restroom during breaks
after bell rings

Avoid bullying other Use kind words; Coexist with technology;

students swallow mean words do not be ruled by it

Accept failure/errors
as perfectly normal Ask for help if needed Listen carefully
opportunities to learn

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