Materi: Prof Yati Afiati Analisis Data Kualitatif: Konsep & Background A. Fenomena Studi Kualitatif
Materi: Prof Yati Afiati Analisis Data Kualitatif: Konsep & Background A. Fenomena Studi Kualitatif
Materi: Prof Yati Afiati Analisis Data Kualitatif: Konsep & Background A. Fenomena Studi Kualitatif
The analysis of the data depends on its type. Within this unit there is further
guidance on the analysis of visual data and the analysis of narrative data.
2. Content analysis
4. Discourse analysis
6. Conversation analysis
7. Analysis of narratives
Pernyataan responden
a. Pernyataan signifikan
b. Makna dari pernyataan
c. Tema2 makna
a) Tema 1
b) Tema 2
c) Tema 3
d. Deskripsi yang jenuh
A. Konsep Dasar Analisis Isi
1. Isu dasar:
Memutuskan fokus: Isi manifestasi atau isi latent.
2. Isi manifestasi: menganalisis teks yang nyata terlihat dan komponen2 yang
sudah jelas terlihat
3. Isi latent: menganalisis teks terkait dengan hubungan antar aspek &
menginterpretasikan arti dari teks.
B. Variasi obyek dari fenomena yang diteliti
1. a person
2. a program
3. an organisation
4. a classroom or a clinic or a community,
5. state or nation,
6. hasil interviews or diaries
7. Parts of the text that are abstract and coded or every word or phrase
written in the transcript
C. Unit Arti
1.Constellation of words or statements that relate to the same central
meaning, has been referred to as a content unit or coding unit, an idea unit,
a textual unit , a keyword and phrase, a unit of analysis or a theme
2.a meaning unit: as words, sentences or paragraphs containing aspects
related to each other through their content and context of the phenomena
D. Area Isi dari Unit Arti
1. A content area can be parts of the text based on theoretical
assumptions from the literature, or parts of the text that address a
specific topic in an interview or observation guide.
2. The label of a meaning unit has been referred to as a code.
E. Contoh Unit Analisis
1. The unit of analysis in this example is interview text about experiences
of having hypoglycaemia.
2. The context consists of a larger study aimed at describing coping
strategies related to the everyday strains of living with diabetes
3. Lembar c/ unit analisis dibagikan saat kuliah
A. Konsep Proses Koding
1. Elemen inti analisis data kualitatif Setiap peneliti kualitatif
menggunakan istilah koding untuk menganalisis data penelitiannya
2. Proses memberi definisi tentang apa atau seperti apa data yang
sedang dipelajari
3. Istilah label atau kode, dapat berupa sebuah kata atau prase kalimat
pendek yang secara simbolik memiliki arti penting, memiliki arti
sederhana, dan mudah diingat dari suatu data visual (Saldana, 2009).
4. Proses koding menggunakan kata-kata dalam bentuk gerund :
mengandung arti melakukan tindakan/aksi dalam data tersebut
(Charmaz, 2009).
5. Kata-kata atau prase kalimat pendek hasil proses koding:
a. menggambarkan berbagai aktivitas sederhana yang dapat
diamati (misal: membaca, bermain, menonton tv, minum
kopi) dan berbagai tindakan konseptual yang lebih umum
(misal: berjuang, negosiasi, bertahan hidup, dan
b. menjelaskan aksi yang sedang berlangsung/interaksi/respon-
respon emosi dari berbagai situasi atau masalah atau untuk
menjelaskan aksi-aksi dengan tujuan mengatasi suatu
6. Studi grounded theory, proses koding terjadi secara simultan:
dimulai dengan melakukan proses koding inisial dan aksial dan
mencari suatu konsekuensi dari proses koding yang dilakukan.
B. Contoh Proses Koding
A. Teks
1. I notice that the grand majority of homes have chain link fences
in front of them. There are many dogs (mostly German
shepherds) with signs on fences that say “Beware of the Dog.”
Hasil Koding
2. He cares about me. He has never told me but he does.
He’s always been there for me, even when my parents were not.
He’s one of the few things that I hold as a constant in my life. So
it’s nice.
Hasil Koding
F. Kategori
1. a category refers mainly to a descriptive level of content and can thus be seen as
an expression of the manifest content of the text.
2. A category often includes a number of sub-categories or sub-subcategories at
varying levels of abstraction.
3. The sub-categories can be sorted and abstracted into a category or a category
can be divided into sub-categories.
4. A category answers the question ‘What?’
5. Kategori is the core feature of qualitative content analysis.
6. A category is a group of content that shares a commonality.
7. Jenis: internally homogeneous and externally heterogeneous.
8. Syarat categories: must be exhaustive and mutually exclusive (Hanya mengambil
data yang relevan)
9. No data should fall between two categories or fit into more than one category.
10. However, owing to the intertwined nature of human experiences, it is not always
possible to create mutually exclusive categories when a text deals with
G. Tema
1. The concept of theme has multiple meanings and creating themes is a way to
link the underlying meanings together in categories.
2. Polit and Hungler (1999) describe a theme as a recurring regularity developed
within categories or cutting across categories
3. The concept of theme has multiple meanings and creating themes is a way to
link the underlying meanings together in categories.
4. Polit and Hungler (1999) describe a theme as a recurring regularity developed
within categories or cutting across categories.
5. A theme is an outcome of coding, categorization & analytic reflection.
6. A theme to ‘describe an aspect of the structure of experience’ and emphasizes
that a theme can not be an object or a thing.
7. A theme answers the question ‘How?’
8. A theme to be a thread of an underlying meaning through, condensed
meaning units, codes or categories, on an interpretative level.
9. A theme can be seen as an expression of the latent content of the text.
H. Contoh
Kode, Subkategori, Kategori
1. Category: Teacher Skills
2. Subcategory 1: Instructional Skills
3. Subcategory 2: Management Skills
d. Code: STYLE (overlaps with instructional style)
I. Penulisan Hasil Kualitatif
1. Fenomena ”keinginan memakai kontrasepsi” pada ibu grande multipara
digambarkan sebagai ”suatu keinginan yang muncul dari adanya
ketakutan atau ketidakinginan untuk hamil lagi”. Tingkat keinginan
memakai kontrasepsi berbeda-beda pada setiap ibu grande multipara
bergantung pada berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi (Skema 4.2).
Ketika ditanya tentang alasan ibu memakai kontrasepsi, partisipan
2. ”Sudah nggak mau (punya anak lagi)... sudah capek. Ngelahirinnya
sudah capek. Sudah nggak mau hamil lagi.” (P6)
4. ”Takut hamil lagi. Yang terakhir ini... sudah takut hami lagi. Ingat usia
kita. Nggak boleh punya anak lagi....” (P7)
Telaah sistematik
A. answers to six questions
1. What is evidence-based practice?
2. Why is it important?
3. What constitutes evidence?
4. How can I find evidence?
5. How do I know if what I have found is good evidence?
6. How can I develop the skills to know good evidence from poor
B. Definisi EBP in nursing
1. Penggunaan pembuktian terkini dan terbaik dalam memutuskan secara
konsisten, penjelasan yang eksplisit, bijaksana utk memberi pelayanan
keperawatan kpd klien
2. Memanfaatkan bukti mutakhir yang sahih/benar dalam penatalaksanaan
perawatan klien.
3. Melakukan Integrasi:
a. Kompetensi perawat
b. Bukti yang benar dari riset keperawatan
c. Nilai-nilai klien
C. Kebutuhan ebP perawat
1. Mengetahui banyak informasi terus-menerus membaca literatur
2. Fakta: keinginan membaca & belajar menurun jika lama tdk melanjutkan
3. Paradigma EBP: “belajar mandiri seumur hidup”
D. Fakta mendukung ebp in nursing
1. Publikasi hasil riset perawat makin banyak
2. Buku-buku ajar keperawatan makin banyak ditulis
3. Penyakit makin berkembang & butuh perawatan lebih baik
4. Kebutuhan klien utk meningkatkan kualitas hidup meningkat.
5. Produk-produk intervensi keperawatan makin meningkat.