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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 137 Issue 37 Friday, November 22, 2019 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax

CDC Foundation Hands Out Over $117,000


N ext Friday, November

29th will be the fi-
nal day of business for the
Minnedosa and Area Com-
munity Development Cor-
poration office at 39 Main
Street South. The Town of
Minnedosa has decided
to close the office indefi-
nitely. With this closure,
current Economic Devel-
opment Officer (EDO),
Chantelle Parrott and Ad-
ministrative Assistant, Val
Dornn will be released
from their positions.
As for the reasoning
for the closure and plans
moving forward into the
future, no official state- Photo by Darryl Holyk
ment had been received
from the Town at press Over 30 financial grants ranging from $400 to $20,000 were presented by the Minnedosa and District Foundation recently.
Some of the services By DARRYL HOLYK Each of the two com- to the Minnedosa Fire De- the recent Manitoba High Minnedosa to assist them
provided by the CDC in- munity daycare facilities – partment for the purchase School Athletic Associa- in fundraising to purchase
clude business develop-
ment assistance, grant op-
portunities and assistance,
A total of $117,441 was
presented to various
groups last Thursday dur-
the established Minnedosa
Child Care Co-op and the
new, in the works Valley
of a turnout gear dryer to
quickly dry the members
turnout gear after being
tion provincial tournament
hosted in Minnedosa.
The Complex Board
a weed harvester for the
Rockin’ the Fields was
community website and ing the 2019 Minnedosa Life Beginnings were each cleaned after a callout. received $5,000 to assist granted $4,000 to fund
social media updates and and District Foundation presented with $10,000 An additional $7,000 with its plan to upgrade some required electrical
services, new resident and Grants Luncheon. grants. was presented to the re- the overheard lighting in upgrades at the festival
immigration assistance The largest grant The Beach Enhance- cently formed Tennis and the curling club. Another site. The Ag Society also
and the new resident wel- presented this year was ment Committee received Pickleball Club for court $5,000 grant was present- received $4,000 for some
come packages, among $20,000 for the local Mani- its final contribution of upgrades. ed to Minnedosa Youth future upgrades at its site.
others. toba 150 committee’s plan $7,500 for its recently com- The Minnedosa Colle- Soccer to help fund their
for upgrades to the Cen- pleted playground up- giate soccer program was project of a new field and Continued on
Continued on tennial Pavilion at the grade at the beach. presented $5,100 to assist nets. $5,000 was also pre- Page 7
Page 2 beach. $7,000 was presented with expenses related to sented to Friends of Lake

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