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September 20, 2019

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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 137 Issue 28 Friday, September 20, 2019 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax

INSIDE RFM Presents Over

this week
$20,000 To Community Groups

Lake Petition

All About

6 By HILLARY MILLER into the coffers of the non- were chosen because of lists the help of the service
Photo by Hillary Miller

ing at next year’s festival.

profit organization, a great their assistance during clubs in the area. Most of An announcement of who

R ockin’ the Fields of

Minnedosa (RFM)
brought thanks to local
deal of it goes back into the
community of Minnedosa.
This year, $20,396.33 was
the music festival week-
end. They helped with
running bars, security,
the abovementioned ser-
vice groups have been in-
volved with helping RFM
will be playing is expected
in early 2020.
The RFM board is very
service groups on Wednes- given back to the commu- and token booths. Bialas for many years. grateful for all of the help
day, September 11th. That nity. noted that, “without these In addition to the and support they receive
evening, RFM represen- Bialas and Coutts pre- folks here, a big part of this money given out at the from the community, and
tatives, Darcy Bialas and sented cheques to repre- festival could not go for- meeting, RFM also con- hopes that it will contin-

Open Farm Barry Coutts, met with

representatives of various
sentatives of the Minnedo-
sa Rotary Club, Minnedosa
ward. Without these vol-
unteer groups, our festival
tributes over $2,000 for a
MCI grad scholarship to
ue in future years. If any
other service groups are

Day a
service groups who lend Lions Club, Minnedosa Se- would not be what it is to- music and arts students, interested in volunteering

a helping hand during the nior Bombers, Minnedosa day.” There are a number and has done so for a num- at next year’s festival, they
annual August long week- Golf Course and Minnedo- of areas in the festival that ber of years. are encouraged to contact
Hit end festival.
While some funds
sa Wildlife, Game and Fish
require a large number
of volunteers, and it is for
The representatives
of RFM are very excited to
the board at RFM. Their
services will then be re-
raised at RFM are put back These service groups this reason that RFM en- find out who will be play- quested as the need arises.

In F r ont
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Contact The Tribune
2 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Lake Petition Presented to Town
Council and Provincial Government
By DARRYL HOLYK being the silt build up at impact for Minnedosa of years, the Town has Lakes” committee to learn
the north end of the lake tourism,” mentioned Rath- been in communication about their struggles in

O ver 100 people crowd-

ed into the Town Of-
fice for the September 10th
as well as the rapid weed
growth throughout the
lake. “It is our understand-
well. “In my mind, the lake
is the most important asset
the town has and this sum-
and working behind-the-
scenes with Manitoba In-
frastructure to gather fac-
battling algae in Pelican
Lake. He also reported that
he went for a plane ride
Town Council meeting to ing that the weeds are mer, I estimate that the tual information so that and got some aerial views
show their support for a not going to go away and boating has been reduced they can determine some of Minnedosa Lake and the
delegation from Friends will continue to expand to less than 50 percent than possible solutions to im- Little Saskatchewan River
of Lake Minnedosa who throughout the majority of other years on the water.” prove the condition of north of the community to
were presenting their pe- the lake, unless something Recently, a petition Minnedosa Lake. get a better understanding
tition to Council. In ad- is done,” stated Rathwell. showing concern for the “The lake is very near of areas of concern in re-
dition to some perma- “As a result of these two is- lake’s current condition, and dear to all of us. We gards to the runoff and silt
nent Minnedosa and area sues, we have lost approxi- circulated throughout the appreciate all of you com- flowing into our lake.
residents, many of those mately one-third of the community and at Tues- ing tonight and showing CAO Marzoff in-
in attendance were cot- lake that was previously day night’s meeting, a copy your support for this dele- formed Council she has
tage owners and camp- available to power boats of this petition, with 1,530 gation,” said Mayor Skatch. been doing some research
ground users highly con- and activities.” signatures, was present- “We are looking at some on possible solutions for
cerned about the future of A number of the peo- ed to Mayor Skatch and options and are definitely the lake and was gather-
Minnedosa Lake. ple in attendance at the Council. The original copy looking to have some more ing information about how
“We are here tonight meeting are second or of the petition is being for- input from the community Portage la Prairie was bat-
to present our concerns third generation camp- warded to the provincial and individuals like your- tling its lake weed prob-
about the alarming dete- ers or cottage owners in government, owners of the selves. We will take all of lem.
rioration of Lake Minnedo- Minnedosa. They fear that lake. this information present- Following the Bran-
sa,” stated Tod Rathwell, if something is not done to “We are not here to ed and hopefully in the dosa Beach delegation,
President of the Brandosa remedy the problems with blame the Town or the near future we can share Council invited local resi-
Beach Association, who the lake, they may have to Government however, we with the public something dent, Heidi Hislop, to pres-
served as the delegation’s pull out and seek summer do ask, what is the plan go- that we can move forward ent her findings on some
spokesperson. accommodations else- ing forward?” mentioned with.” research and statistics she
The group presented where. “People are spend- Rathwell. “Some of the Later in the council compiled about the cur-
a number of concerns, ing fewer days on the lake issues were brought for- meeting, Mayor Skatch rent condition of the lake,
the two most prominent and that brings a negative ward to council in the fall reported that she had par- weather patterns and their
of 2017 and we feel Town ticipated in a boat tour of effect on the lake as well as
Council has been very slow the lake with members aquatic plant cycles. It is

to address these issues and of the Friends of the Lake valuable information like
if there is a plan, the Town committee and Councillor this – statistic and science-
has done a very poor job of Butler reported that he had based that will benefit
communicating that to the travelled to Ninette to meet those involved in ensuring
public.” with representatives of there is a long and healthy
Over the past couple that community’s “Healthy future for Minnedosa Lake
 Do you have a project that will benet your farm and the so that generations in the
future can continue to use
Dr. Gerard Murray
and enjoy this local water-
You choose the project that best ts your farm. Need

suggestions saline areas, creeks, rivers, wetlands.

9:00 -5:00
 LSRCD is accepting proposals for 2019. Monday - Friday TRIBUNE
 Funding available:
418 Mountain Ave. Neepawa, MB
Cost‐share to establish your project 204-867-3816

 Annual payment as you maintain the project

The ALUS Program is available to farm land in the Little Saskatchewan

River Conservation District. A program that recognizes the important
role farmers play in providing environmental solutions.
The Minnedosa and District
Eligible areas include:
Recreation Commission
RM of Oakview Municipality of Harrison Park is accepting nominations for the
Riverdale Municipality RM of Yellowhead (LSRCD portion) “Dedication to Sport and Recreation Award”
Municipality of Clanwilliam‐Erickson RM of Rosedale (LSRCD portion) to be presented at the
RM of Minto‐Odanah (LSRCD portion) Town of Minnedosa Annual Sports Dinner, October 19th.

Contact: 204‐566‐2270 Nomination packages are available at the

Cell: 204‐867‐0436 Recreation office.
Email: lsrcd.mgr@mymts.net For more information contact Alexis at the
Website: www.littlesaskatchewanrivercd.ca Rec. Office, 204-867-2250 or
email minrec@mts.net
(27-2) (27-2)
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 20, 2019 3

Morriseau to Attend North American Indigenous Games

By Hillary Miller He plans to train quite a bit part, why he was interested enous Games. He noted
over the coming months in in competing. that when he succeeded

T alan Morrisseau, a
13-year-old Minnedo-
sa boy, has qualified to
order to prepare.
Morriseau and his
family moved to Minnedo-
Talan said that when
he was in the fifth grade his
class started doing track,
at his tryouts, he felt very
He is most excited to
compete at the North sa from Brandon four and he really didn’t know be given the opportunity
American Indigenous years ago. According to much about it, and wasn’t to enjoy the experience in
Games in 2020. The tal- his mother, Tiffany, Talan sure which events to sign Halifax, but is not yet sure
ented young athlete will is very excited to attend up for. The following year what he will get to see once
be heading to Halifax, the Games. She describes he signed up again and he is there.
Nova Scotia, to compete the North American Indig- won first place in each of Morrisseau will be
in the Track division of the enous Games as being sort his events. This allowed getting financial assistance
games which will be held of like a junior Olympics. him to compete in Bran- from his family, but with
from July 12th to July 18th, “He is a pretty athletic kid don at the next level where the cost coming in at about
2020. and the tryouts came up he again came in first. Last $1,800, the family would
Having recently en- in June and he asked if he year, he ran again, and welcome any donations or
tered eighth grade at Tan- could try out,” she said. once again, received first sponsorships.
ner’s Crossing School, Ta- Talan’s older broth- place. His friends were Way to go, Talan, and
lan will be running in the er competed in the 2017 watching last year, and en- best of luck!
2,000 m, the 1,200 m, and North American Indig- couraged him to try out for
800 m events at the Games. enous Games, which is, in the North American Indig-

Locals Earn Silver in Special O Golf

By Hillary Miller while the remaining ten evening, and both were re- throughout the summer.
played alternate shots. ally looking forward to the “We had a great day,

T he Special Olympics
Golf Tournament was
held in Minnedosa on
Helping out, there
were about 25 volunteers
from the community,
special Olympics tourna-
The Minnedosa Foun-
the weather was decent
and sunny,” said Adamson.
This was the last event of
Sunday, September 8th, which ensured that the dation paid for all of the the season for these golf- Photo submitted
and was a sunny, fun day event was possible. “The food for the event, and ers. Way to go!
Talon Morrisseau
for all involved. town stepped right up, I Integra Tire supplied the
Locals who played had no problem finding water and some prizes.
in the tournament were volunteers to help out,” Minnedosa Credit Union
Brock Johnson and Corey said Adamson, who was Blue Jean Day helped
Bouchard. Both golfers truly grateful for all of the to pay some of the costs Grant Application
won silver in their divi- help she received with of the event, and Rob
sions. For this, they each this event, “without them, Smith and Sons donated for 2019
received ribbons and were you can’t host some of this a sweatshirt to be used Minnedosa and District Foundation Inc.
able to choose from hats stuff.” as a prize. Adamson also
and a variety of other priz- Throughout the sum- noted that Minnedosa Golf MISSION STATEMENT:
es. mer, Brock and Corey and Country Club helps The Minnedosa and District Foundation Inc. is committed to enhance
According to Tru- practiced every Tuesday and supports the group the quality of life for our citizens, by promoting charitable, educational,
dy Adamson, one of the
coaches for the two local
and cultural endeavors: to encourage and inspire donors in charitable
men, there were 26 ath- giving for the benefit of the community and to
letes participating in the LEAVE A LEGACY FOR THE FUTURE.
tournament. In addition
to the Minnedosa golfers,
Deadline October 1, 2019
athletes came from Win- The Minnedosa and District Foundation is currently accepting
kler, Winnipeg and Bran- applications for grants for the calendar year 2019. The Foundation will
don. The tournament was
initially supposed to be
entertain applications on an annual basis to be allocated by
August 26th, but the group December 31, of the current year.

Fall Special!!!
was rained out, so it was A grant application is required along with:
postponed until the 8th of
1. A brief history of the organization and project
The group played nine 2. Most recent financial statements
holes at the Minnedosa
Golf Course. Sixteen of the
Don't be left out 3. Anticipated budget
4. Purpose of the request
players played regular golf,
in the cold!!! 5. Timeline for completing your project
Applications are available from
If your Tribune Heating system inspection and Minnedosa Insurance Services.
label reads Applications are also available online at
blower cleaning starting at $65.00
19/09/30 (Plus applicable taxes)
Applications are to be mailed by October 1, 2019 to:
It’s time Minnedosa and District Foundation Inc.
to renew your
subscription! Call Jon at PO Box 1980
Minnedosa, MB
Call 204-
204-867-0145 R0J 1E0
To schedule your appointment today! email: mdsadistrictfoundationinc@gmail.com
4 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

Around Beware of Fake News Online

Town... By Darryl Holyk

T his week, The Tribune is proud to run the first in a

series of ads for a new national campaign by News
Media Canada, Spot Fake News.
their cause. We reached out to the person who posted
the message numerous times offering our assistance.
Although we could see that every message we sent had
been read by the person who posted it, no one ever
replied. Now, maybe this was a legitimate post but it
With the invent and popularity of social media, was certainly one I did not trust for a number of rea-
such as facebook, twitter, etc, everyone has become a sons. 1. Why the fake profile? 2. The story and reasons
Power Paving… news reporter or editor sharing their views and opin- this person was asking for help seemed confusing and
After experiencing the slowness of the highway ions. In some instances – that is great but in others it somewhat unclear. 3. If you are reaching out for your
construction south of Minnedosa a few years ago, I am can be extremely harmful. Anyone can post anything community to help you, why not take up an offer to
shocked and amazed at the efficiency of the paving on social media whether its good or bad. While many help spread the word from your local newspaper? If
crew that took on our Main Street project. In an early posts are from credible sources and harmless, there is this was a legitimate post from someone in our com-
story, they had informed us the paving would be com- all kinds of fake news, made up stories, false facts and munity actually in need of help, I hope they received
plete by the end of September and I had my doubts but complete lies floating around the social media net- the assistance they were in search of and I hope no lo-
wow, did they move fast to get the job done! Hats off to work. The sad part is, most people fall for it, believe cal residents were taken advantage of or scammed!
this crew for a job well done – our new smooth Main it and are of the shallow opinion that if they saw it on On a wider, national or international scale, there
Street is a long-needed benefit to our community! facebook it has to be true! are numerous “did you know” or “interesting facts”
Beware my friends – not everything you read on about different things posted to facebook and other
social media is true or accurate! I have seen numerous social media circles. While some of these are interest-
Rural Voice… examples of things that are simply not true circulating ing and truthful, I have found time and time again that
You know your MLA is sharing your rural concerns through social media. While some people are posting many include false information, but sadly people be-
in the Legislature when he pitches in to help haul grain this stuff with bad intentions trying to trick or scam lieve it and share it for others to see.
during his time out of the city! Our recently re-elect- people, I believe much of it is just a simple misunder- Another fake facebook post I recall seeing this
ed MLA, Greg Nesbitt, was assisting his nephew and standing or miscommunication. It is simply someone summer was one which stated everyone who shared
brother-in-law with their harvest earlier this week. He posting something they think is true to inform others or liked a certain post would receive a free 24-pack of
reports hauling six loads of wheat safely to the Shoal about. They forget one important step – to verify with a beer as part of the celebration for Molson’s 200th birth-
Lake elevator. credible source before posting! day. I almost fell for this one but thought it sounded
Earlier this year, there was an innocent facebook too good to be true. A quick check on Molson’s official
post from a local citizen announcing that Uncle Tom’s website determined that the company can be traced
Four little words… Restaurant was opening for the 2019 season. Here at back to 1744 in England – definitely more than 200
The Tribune received a simple, little note of thanks the local newspaper, we had previously heard that the years. When did the first Canadian Molson brewery
from a subscriber out in BC. Included with his cheque highway restaurant would not be open this season, open? 1786 which means the company has been in
to renew his subscription for another year was a little but thought how wonderful if plans had changed! Be- our country for 233 years. Hmm, suspicious – a 200th
note containing these for simple words – “Your paper, fore sharing the exciting news, we reached out to nu- birthday celebration for a company that has been in
good reading.” Thank you, we appreciate hearing that merous accurate sources – including the owners. We operation for more than 200 years. A further quick
and although it wasn’t a long drawn out letter, those were met with disconnected phone numbers, emails check online found that this post was fake – it was a
four little words were powerful and got the message bouncing back and unanswered messages. In talking scam that people were falling for and had been circu-
across. Thank you to this subscriber for the little note with former staff and friends of the owners, we learned lating on social media for at least three years!
and for renewing his subscription to Western Canada’s that no, Uncle Tom’s would sadly not be re-opening The bottom line is, do not trust everything you see
oldest weekly newspaper. this season. I am sure this innocent post was not ill – or read on social media. Stop and think about the post
intended and just a simple misunderstanding. – is it from a credible source or someone who would
Ticket Time… Another local post which had our alarm bells
ringing was one in which a “local” resident, under a
actually know that information? Is it timely? And re-
member, if it sounds too good to be true it probably
The Brandon Wheat Kings are ready to kick off
fake name, was asking community residents for help. is. Be careful online and don’t believe everything you
another season and here at The Tribune – we again
A number of our readers passed this along to us asking see!
have some tickets to give away. Game One versus the
us to do a story to help this person get more support for
Winnipeg Ice take place tonight and next Friday, the
Wheat Kings host the Moose Jaw Warriors. To win a
pair of tickets to one of these games simply be the first
and second caller to The Tribune at 204-867-3816 be-
fore 4 p.m. today.
We Welcome Letters to the Editor
Please send your letter to editor@minnedosatribune.com or Box 930, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and

published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883. publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
Published Friday of each week from the premises of
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
Minnedosa, MB. R0J 1E0 necessary by the publisher.
General: editor@minnedosatribune.com
Member of Manitoba Community Newspapers Association We are not responsible for fax transmissions or email
News Stories: reporter@minnedosatribune.com
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Ads/printing: adsales@minnedosatribune.com submissions have been received please confirm with a phone
Audited twice a year by Canadian Media Circulation Audit
Classifieds/Accounts: class@minnedosatribune.com call or in person.
Phone: (204) 867-3816
All contents copyright 2019
Fax: (204) 867-5171
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 20, 2019 5

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, are essential to protect and preserve our environ-
ment not to mention humanity and the multitude
Ye O l d
I ’m a local teacher in an elementary school. Every of species who graciously share this planet with us!

election, I make sure to take the time to review each The global transition to a clean energy economy
party’s policies, promises as well as short and long- is already underway at a rapid pace. Canada should
term commitments. Most important to me are our be a part of it to help provide stable jobs, a diversified
children and our quickly evolving climate; two issues economy and a livable climate.
that I believe will become closely bonded as I fear it is I expect our elected officials in all levels of govern-
our next generation who will be most widely impacted ment to prioritize bold climate action. Inaction is too
by climate change if we don’t act with meaningful and costly, risky and unjust!
sweeping change, starting with next months choos-
ing of the leader of our nation for the next four years. Sincerely,
I’m excited about a transition to clean energy 1899 – Heppell and Company has posted a $50 reward
because it represents progress, innovation, and an J. C. for a brand new piano, valued at $175, which was lost
evolution in thinking on a global scale. All of which Brandon, MB somewhere between Plumas and Minnedosa.

1909 – The Lady Minto Hospital is planning to run a

Preparing Your Pets for Cooler Weather

sewer line which will empty into the Little Saskatchewan

1919 – The Prince of Wales train made an unscheduled

stop here and he chatted informally with the people who
By KAREN MITCHELL you keep your animal out- salted, they might require it takes longer to dry.
gathered to see him.
doors. a balm on the bottom of Limit time spent out-

C older weather can

pose all sorts of threats
to your beloved four-
Keep their ears dry.
You don’t have to get them
ear muffs, but if your ani-
their paws. Vaseline works,
but don’t let them lick it! At
the very least, animals ex-
doors. Your pet might get
carried away making snow
angels, so it’s up to you, not
1929 – More than $1,000 a week is being paid out by the
Rapid City Creamery to farmers for cream shipped.
legged friends. You never mal plays in the snow, posed to a lot of salt should them, to decide when they
know when the weather is make sure to dry their ears have their paws cleaned need to come inside and 1949 – A memorial window, honouring Minnedosa’s
going to take a sudden turn when they come in to pre- regularly to prevent chron- warm up. This will prevent most distinguished solider, Brig, General Hugh Dyer, has
for the worse, so it’s a good vent painful ear infections ic dryness. frostbite and hypothermia. been installed in St. Mark’s Anglican Church.
idea to prepare well before from occurring. Avoid salt and de- A hot spot. For ani-
the start of cooler seasons. Thicker bedding in icers when possible. Not mals that spend a lot of
It’s good to keep in mind the home. A slight draft only is salt bad for paws, time outdoors, they should 1959 – The Rural Municipal Council of Odanah has
that different animals have that might not bother you but could also be toxic to have a warm refuge. Insu- been awarded the Willis Trophy in connection with the
different needs, however could put smaller or thin- their system if ingested. late their dog house, have a Manitoba Good Roads Association. The Tribune did not
here are some tips to assist coated animals at risk. The same goes for chemi- spot in the porch with lots report what the award was won for or its criteria.
you in your preparations. Give them the option of cal de-icers that are used of blankets, etc. Animals
Purchase a good burrowing into some soft, to thaw sidewalks or car like to be warm and cozy 1969 – Bob Bayes and Brian Boleen, both of Minnedo-
coat. Unless your animal cozy blankies or snuggling windshields. Be aware of just like we do. sa, have completed their Recruit Training with the Royal
has a natural winter coat, with you on the couch (if treated areas and keep Learn about their Canadian mounted Police and are being transferred for
like a Husky or Newfie, that is allowed). your animal clear of it. breed. Some animals duty to British Columbia.
wrap that animal up! Find Proper paw care. If Hydrate. If your pet require more care than
a coat designed to keep your pet refuses to wear is wearing extra layers for others during the colder
them warm and not limit booties, then make sure the winter, then they need weather, depending on
1979 – Minnedosa has once again received the Good
Roads Association trophy for Most Beautiful Town.
their mobility. If you are you trim the hair on the to drink extra water. If not, their breed. Research your
Minnedosa has earned this title on several occasions in
going for longer walks or paws. Hair gets wet in the good hydration is still im- pet and learn what they
the past.
spending a lengthier time snow and freezes, or the portant for your dog’s abil- need and what they don’t
outside, be sure to keep hair remains cold and wet ity to regulate its own body need to stay healthy.
those cuties cozy. It might back indoors. Keep it short temperature. And use a Unfortunately, the 1989 – The race for the Mayor’s chair is now on for
also be a good thing to start and clean, but not too plastic bowl outside. Metal weather is beyond our con- Minnedosa. Town Councillors Wayne Currah and Jim
slow and gradually build short. If you live in an area bowls freeze and pose haz- trol, however we do have Dowsett have both announced their intentions to run for
up the amount of time that where the sidewalks are ards to their tongue. the ability to pre-plan and the vacant Mayor’s chair.
Brush them. Brushing organize. Do yourself and
out old fur will allow a full- your pet a favor by starting 2009 – the November 1st completion deadline for the
er coat to grow in. Clumpy, early so you aren’t scram- CP rail bridge reconstruction has been pushed back due
matted fur doesn’t insulate bling during those unfore- to unforeseen delays. Demolition of the north side of the
as well as a clean coat, and seen weather changes. circa 1917 bridge continues leaving only the south track
useable for rail traffic.

Get your pets ready

for the cold with STAMPS
heated pet mats, Rubber or
heated pet bowls or
a heated Self-inking
poultry waterer.

The Minnedosa

Since 1883

September 27th
7:30 p.m. 204-867-6010 204-867-3816
6 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Community Recycling Meeting Recycling

formative presentation on
each of the different cells
Do’s and Don’ts
that are used at Evergreen,
and where different kinds Things You Can Recycle
of waste move onto from - Newspaper
his facility. - Flyers
Following McDonald’s - Office paper
speech was Brian Morton, - Magazines and catalogues
who runs Cascades Re- - Letter mail
covery+, out of Winnipeg. - Envelopes (even with windows)
Morton told the crowd - Phone books
about the different kinds - Tin cans
of items he can accept at - Aluminum Beer and pop cans
his facility, and the issues (without plastic labels)
relating to the recycling - Cardboard (unwaxed and not oil stained)
market. He noted that - Box board (cereal boxes and paper egg cartons)
there are certain recycla- - Paper bags
ble items that were once - Glass jars and bottles (Intact)
profitable which there is Must be separate from other recycles.
no longer a market for.
Photo by Hillary Miller Such items now sit in his
Ken Cameron, Dave McDonald and Brian Morton. facility for long periods, or
Things You Can Recycle
cost him money to get rid but NOT for curbside pickup:
By Hillary Miller meeting began at 7 p.m. microphone was given to of. He discussed the issues (These should be delivered directly to
with nearly a full house of Dave McDonald, of Ev- surrounding the shipping recycling depot or collection site)

T he Town of Minnedo-
sa and Minnedosa
Chamber of Commerce
attendees who gathered to
hear the evening’s speak-
ergreen Environmental
McDonald spoke, with
of waste to China, which
is no longer accepting as - Batteries including automotive and
rechargeable, but no damaged batteries.
much as they used to, and
partnered to host a com- The meeting began the aid of a slideshow full the problems this causes - Tires
munity meeting on the with a welcome from of pictures, on the differ- for Canada. - Mattresses
importance of recycling Chamber President, Dr. ent kinds of items they After Morton, Ken - Electronics
on the evening of Mon- Beth Melendy and a quick take, what can be re-used, Cameron, of KC Recycling - Display devices
day, September 16th at the word from Mayor Pat and what will end up in the and Waste took to the floor - Non-cellular telephones
United Church Hall. The Skatch. Following this, the landfill. He gave a very in- to discuss his local waste - Home audio/video systems
and recycling collection - Desktop computers
business. He noted that - Portable computers
since he is aware of what - Computer peripherals (keyboards, mice,
can and cannot be ac- trackballs)
cepted at the other facili- - Desktop printers
ties, that sometimes he is - Personal portable audio/video systems
unable to accept recycling - HTB Systems
from the curbside if there - Vehicle audio/video systems
are items that he cannot - Countertop microwave ovens
keep in his recycling pile. - Floor standing photocopiers
If it is not recyclable, then - Cellular devices and pagers
it can contaminate his en- - Cloth material
tire load, which is not only - Appliances containing Freon
time consuming but also - Fluorescent Light Bulbs
costly for him. - Mercury devices
Following the three - Paint and Aerosol Cans
informative presentations, - Scrap Metal
there was a question and - Propane, butane, insulation and helium tanks
answer period, during - Used Oil / Oil Jugs / Oil Pails / Oil Filters /
which there were many Anti-Freeze
eager questions from the - Used Cooking Oil
crowd. Closing remarks - Wood and Wood Products
were given by Mayor Pat - Baler Twine, Bale Wrap, Grain bags
Skatch. After the meet- - Ballasts
ing closed, cookies and
refreshments were served, Things you Cannot Recycle:
which were provided by - Wrapping paper
Ken Cameron and Farm- - Waxed or Styrofoam egg cartons
house 50. - Styrofoam
- Compostable items such as food
If your label reads - Diapers

19/09/30 - Fish tanks

- Windows
It’s time to renew
- Plastic film wraps (saran)
your subscription!
- Plastic grocery bags (check with local stores)

Tribune Deadline
Tuesday at 12 Noon
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 20, 2019 7

Clanwilliam Waste Proposal Given First Reading

By Hillary Miller There were a select al. While concerns for was brought up was that fore the Municipal Board
few residents from the Vil- Aaren Robertson, CAO the cost of the service were there may be a weekly lim- for approval. If anyone has

T he Special Service Pro-

posal meeting for the
garbage and recycling col-
lage of Clanwilliam who
attended and while some
voiced concern, the major-
for the R.M. of Minto-Oda-
nah noted that he felt the
meeting went well, but that
raised by some, Robert-
son pointed out that the
cost for the service are fair,
it on how much garbage
and recycling each person
could have, but it was ad-
any objections now, they
may send their objections
to the Municipal Board for
lection and transportation ity of those who attended they did get off-topic a few and that this service will dressed, and Councillors consideration.
from the Village of Clan- seemed in favour of the times. be a great benefit to the noted that they did not As attendees were
william was held at the proposal. At the beginning of the community. One concern know of any limit, and that leaving the hearing, they
R.M. of Minto-Odanah of- One attendee, Brian hearing, Robertson read that was raised was that the person assigned to do noted that they hoped a
fice on Thursday, Septem- Little, was interested in out some of the emailed the price would increase the collecting would also decision would be made as
ber 12th. doing the garbage and re- submissions from people yearly for the service, but be available for special soon as possible. The pro-
cycling collection himself, who could not attend the Councillors pointed out pick-ups, if needed, at an posed garbage and recy-
and brought a petition meeting, but wished to that, in fact, since it was additional cost to the user. cling collection and trans-

Bridge Club
of signatures from vari- voice their opinions either first proposed, the cost has After the meeting, portation, if approved, is
ous community members for or against the proposal. decreased due to the de- council gave first reading scheduled to begin in Jan-
along with him. Others The majority of the submit- crease in PST. to the by-law to proceed, uary 2020.
Results felt that the cost for the
service, going through the
ted opinions were in favour
of the proposal. One of the
Another concern that and it will then come be-

R.M. of Minto-Odanah was attendees noted, “I think

September 12th
fair, and eagerly hoped for it’s a great idea for future
the passing of the propos- properties as a service.”
1st - Jim Burgess/
Lynne Burgess

2nd - Cliff Lenz/Belva Minnedosa & District Recreation

Commission Sports Dinner

3rd - Val St. John/Judy grant fall intake deadline is

McFadden September 30th at 4:00 p.m.
For more information call
4th - Cheryl Orr/Jean 204-867-2250 or the application form is on our website
Garbolinsky minnedosarecreation.com

5th - Doug Thiessen/

Boyd Grant 

Public Notice is hereby given that the 2020 Assessment Roll for the Rural
Municipality of Oakview has been delivered to the Oakview municipal office at 10
Cochrane Street, Oak River, MB and is open for public inspection during regular
business hours. Applications for Revision may be made in accordance with Sections 42 &
43 of the Assessment Act.
42(1) A person in whose name property has been assessed,
a mortgagee in possession of property under subsection 114(1) of The Real Property Act,
an occupier of premises who is required under the terms of a lease to pay the taxes on the 19094gm2
property, or the assessor may make application for the revision of an assessment roll with
respect to:
(a) the liability to taxation;
(b) the amount of the assessed value;
(c) the classification of the property; or
(d) a refusal by an assessor to amend the assessment roll under
subsection 13(2).
43(1) An application for revision must
(a) be made in writing
(b) set out the roll number and legal description of the assessable
property for which a revision is sought;
(c) state the grounds on which the application is based; and
(d) be filed by
(i) delivering it or causing it to be delivered to the office
indicated in the public notice given under subsection 41 (2), or
(ii) serving it upon the secretary, at least 15 days before the scheduled
sitting date of the board as indicated in the public notice.
The Board of Revision will sit on Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019 at 8:00 p.m.
in the council chambers of the Rural Municipality of Oakview in Oak River to hear
applications. The final date on which applications must be received by the Secretary of the
Board is Tuesday, October 7th, 2019 at 4:30 p.m..
Dated at the Village of Oak River, in the Province of Manitoba, this 13th day of
September, 2019.
Diane Kuculym, C.M.M.A.
Board of Revision Secretary
Rural Municipality of Oakview
Box 179
Email: oakviewcao@mymts.net (28-2)
8 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Heritage Co-op Fuel Good Day New Playground Plans

Photo submitted Photo submitted

Mayor Pat Skatch was one of the local volunteer window washers to The Minnedosa Beach Enhancement Committee has finalized its plan
participate in Heritage Co-op’s Fuel Good Day on Tuesday. for the new playground structures at the local beach. Pictured is the
At presstime, Wednesday, the unofficial combined total raised proposed Burke playground which is expected to be installed in the
throughout Heritage Co-op, for local food banks, was $15,700. coming weeks– pending on the weather! This new playground
Watch for a full story next week. feature will be a huge improvement and asset to our beach area.

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $25 minimum order)
SEPTEMBER 20TH - SEPTEMBER 26TH * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
* We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets
*Senior’s Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water


RC Dinner Plates 10.38 ............................................................40ea ...............$6.99 FM Square Nanaimo Bars .......................................................450g ............. $5.00
RC Dessert Plates 6.75 .............................................................40ea ...............$3.99 FM Muffins assorted............................ 6x110g ...... $3.99
GM Cereal assorted ..............................326-450g ....... $3.49 Chapmans Super Lolly Fruity ................................................ 50ml ............. $3.99
Nestle Pure Life .............................................................. 24x500ml ...............$4.50 Klondike Ice Cream Bars assorted .................................. 6x125ml ............. $4.99
Rogers White Sugar ...................................4kg ....... $3.99 GG Vs Frozen Vegetables assorted .........................................500g ............. $2.69
NN Flour All Purpose/Whole Wheat ..................10kg ....... $8.99 McCain Super Fries assorted ..................................................650g ............. $2.79

All Bran,Kelloggs Vector Cereal original ................................525g ...............$4.49
Mini Wheats Regular ...............................................................510g ...............$4.49
NN Peanut Butter or Jam CP assorted ........1kg ....... $3.99
Tassimo single serve coffee assorted.....................................14ea ...............$7.99
Nesquick syrup ..............................................................510-700ml ...............$4.99
Red Rose Orange Pekoe tea ....................................................72ea ...............$3.99 Beef T-Bone steak ..................................................................................... $7.99/lb
Oasis Juice assorted .............................................................. 960ml ...............$1.49 Lean Ground beef.............................................. $3.49/lb
Mr.Maple Cookies....................................................................325g ...............$2.29 Pork shoulder blade steak CP or Roast ................................................... $2.69/lb
Breton Crackers assorted ................................................ 150-225g ...............$1.99 Boneless & Skinless Chicken Breast Fresh ............................................. $5.49/lb
NN Soda Crackers salted/unsalted ........................................454g ...............$1.99 PC Chicken Spring Rolls ....................................................... 574gr ............. $9.99
Pringles assorted ............................................................. 148-156g ...............$2.29 Janes Pub Style chicken boxes assorted ............................... 700gr ............. $9.49
Kellogg Rice Krispies assorted ........................................ 160-176g ...............$2.49

PC Red Velvet Cake Mix or Scone Baking ..............................500g ...............$2.99
NN Marshmallows assorted ...................................................400g ...............$2.49
NN Shredded Coconut Sweetened ........................................400g ...............$3.19
ED Smith Pie Filling assorted .............................................. 540ml ...............$3.99
Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce jelled/whole ...................... 348ml ...............$2.29
Dole Canned Pineapple assorted ...........................................398g ...............$1.49 Broccoli .....................................................................................................$1.99/ea
Franco Gravy assorted ......................................................... 284ml ...............$1.29
Campbell RW soup assorted ............................................... 284ml ...............$1.59 Green or Red Grapes ......................................... $1.99/lb
Campbell Broth assorted ..................................................... 900ml ...............$2.19 Peaches ..................................................................................................... $1.99/lb
Aylmer Tomatoes canned assorted ..............................540-796ml ...............$1.79 Tomatoes .................................................................................................. $1.29/lb
GG Canned vegetables assorted ..................................341-398ml ...............$1.25 Raspberries .................................................................................................... $2.99
Bicks Pickles Sweet Mixed/Yum Yum/Baby Dills ........ 1lt ....... $3.99 Green Peppers .......................................................................................... $1.59/lb
PC Mini Potatoes ....................................................................680g ............. $2.99
Bicks Pepper Rings hot or Sauerkraut wine.................. 750ml-1lt ...............$3.99

Bertolli Oil xtra virgin ................................................................. 1lt ...............$9.99
Miracle Whip assorted ...................... 650-890ml ....... $4.99
Windex Glass cleaner .......................................................... 765ml ...............$4.99
Ziploc Freezer bags assorted ............................................ 14-25ea ...............$3.79

PC Dinner Napkins ...............................................................180sh ...............$6.99
Armstrong Cheddar bars assorted .........................................700g ...............$8.99
Philadelphia Cream Cheese or Dip assorted.....250g ....... $3.49
Kozy Shack Tapioca Pudding ..................................................624g ...............$2.79
OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK • 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821
Deli world bread Rye light ......................................................900g ...............$2.99
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 20, 2019 9

Manitoba Open Farm Day a Huge Success

By Hillary Miller make it more convenient It is a great opportu-
for those who were willing nity for people to get out

M anitoba Open Farm

Day was a hit again
this year on Sunday, Sep-
to participate.
While a great deal of
work goes into putting on
and explore each of the
sites. “The overall pur-
pose of Open Farm Day is
tember 15th. While the to- this event, Bulloch noted to help people understand
tal number of people who that it is primarily the own- the role of agriculture,”
attended the event at vari- ers of the various sites who Bulloch added. With only
ous locations was not yet put in most of the work, by two per cent of the popula-
available, Wendy Bulloch, preparing their locations tion being farmers, it is a
the Manitoba Associa- ahead of time, and arrang- large portion of the econo-
tion of Ag Society (MAAS) ing tours of their farms and my and it gives people the
Open Farm Day Coordina- businesses for people to opportunity to learn how,
tor, estimated that with 56 come out and view. Ad- where, and why our agri-
participating farms and lo- ditionally, these people cultural industry operates.
cations, it would have been take time out of their farm- She pointed out that even
well over 6,000 people. ing schedule, at the busi- grain farmers were able to
In previous years est time of the year, to al- visit a dairy farm, and were
there were only 40 sites low people to come get a astounded at how it all
available. The Manitoba great experience of life on worked, having not previ-
Open Farm Day began in a farm. ously had any experience
Photos by Hillary Miller
2010,originally organized “They do it out of the with a different type of
by Manitoba Agriculture goodness and kindness of farming than their own. Malarky Farms
but was taken over by their heart,” said Bulloch. “For people that have was one of the local
MAAS in 2015. Some of “It’s like having a bunch of never been to a farm, and attractions on Open
the locations that were company coming to your have never lived on a farm,
Farm Day.
available for visits around house.” She noted that it helps them understand
Minnedosa were Parkland each location spends time how agriculture does all Participating were
Ridge Farm, RNR Galbraith cleaning up before and af- the different things that it farms, bed and break-
Farms, Malarky Farms Ltd. ter the tours, taking more does, it gives them the op- fasts, research farms, re-
and Fairmont Bed and time out of their day to ac- portunity to ask questions, tail stores, cattle farms
Breakfast. Each location commodate the wealth of it gives them an opportu- and museums, among the
was open whichever hours visitors they have during nity to see things happen- mix of venues that opened
best suited them, so as to Manitoba Open Farm Day. ing,” she said. their doors to the public.

Presented by the:
Minnedosa Performing Arts
Series 2019 - 2020

Kendra Kay
November 28, 2019
at 7:30 p.m.
VC2 - Prairie Debut Community
Thursday, October 17, 2019 Conference Centre
at 7:30 p.m.
Minnedosa United Church  

The New Canadian Curling Club

Tuesday, January 21, 2020
at 7:30 p.m.
Minnedosa Community Conference Centre

Twin Flames
Monday, March 2, 2020
at 7:30 p.m.
Tanner’s Crossing School

Season Tickets on Sale!!!
At the Minnedosa Regional Library
Rush Seat Prices 45 - 1st Ave. S.E. 204-867-2585
Adult - $65.00
Adult - $20.00
Student (13-18) - $10.00 Student seasons ticket (13-18) - $30.00
Under 18 FREE if accompanied by an adult
Under 18 FREE if accompanied by an adult
With much appreciation to our sponsors:
10 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

Sandy Lake News Town Council Notes

By Diane Bachewich ing some time with her cousin Jay and Dave Dent By DARRYL HOLYK 3,000 sq. ft. Also, front and Saskatchewan River Con-
over the weekend. of Saskatoon, SK on Sun- rear yard set backs were servation District will be-

H elen Lewandoski and

Marlene Porteous
took in the FWG Dragon
Ken Porter, along with
one of his baseball team-
mates, Adam Madorski, at-
Speedy recovery to
Mike Buhay who is in the
M innedosa Town
Council held its reg-
ular September meeting
applied to be changed to
zero from the required 25
ft and side yard require-
come known as part of
the new Assiniboine West
Watershed effective Janu-
Boat Races held at the tended the Blue Jay game Minnedosa Hospital. on the evening of Tuesday, ments from the required ary 1st, 2020, Town Coun-
Forks in Winnipeg last in Toronto on Friday, Sep- The K. Porter Travel September 10th in Council five ft to zero. Having re- cil passed a resolution in
weekend. tember 13th. Tours out of Sandy Lake has Chambers. Mayor Skatch ceived no concerns from favour of continuing to be
Sympathy is extended Sympathy is extended taken a group of 37 tourists presided with all council- neighbours regarding the a member and appoint-
to the Korosil and Wozney to Tammy Creber and fam- to Barcelona, Spain then lors in attendance. application, Council ap- ed Councillor Butler and
families on the passing of ily on the passing of her fa- boarded a ship on a Medi- A Public Hearing was proved the variation order citizen Blaine Instance as
David Korosil. The service ther, Larry Syntak, of Oak- terranean Cruise that will held in which Brian Skatch as presented. Minnedosa representa-
was held at Rae’s Funeral burn. Tammy is a nurse visit Nepal’s, Rome, Canne of the Tanner’s Crossing Council agreed to pro- tives on the new watershed
Home in Shoal Lake with here at the Personal Care Monaco, Palma, Majorca Planning District appeared vide a $1,000 cash award board.
interment at the Ascension Home. and Florence. Those that before council to present for the upcoming What’s Councillor T. Dow-
of Our Lord Parish cem- The Terry Fox Run joined Ken from here were information regarding an the Big Idea event being sett applied to attend One
etery at Crawford Park. which was held on Sun- Gloria Campbell, Iris Pop- application for a variance hosted between Minnedo- Basin, One Governance
Recent visitors with day raised a total of $1,795. plestone, Carol Watkins, order. Ken Kane Holdings sa and Neepawa. The being hosted by Southern
Elsie Kristalovich were The Lions Club provided Millie Ernest and Robert Ltd has applied for a varia- Town’s prize must be won Chief’s Organization and
sister Marilyn Thryhuk of hot dogs and a beverage to and Liz Maudzuk. tion order for Tanner’s Es- by a business starting up in the Red River Basin Com-
Montreal, brother Steve the participants. Leonard Francis Kuzmak has tate Condominium Group, Minnedosa. mission September 16th to
Thryhuk, Danie Erickson, and Pam Lewandoski and returned home from at- the new four-plex now un- First reading was giv- 18th in Winnipeg. He was
Janice Appleyard of Win- Kathy Slashinsky were in tending the graduation of der construction along 4th en to Bylaw #2567 being authorized to attend with
nipeg, Jack and Gaylene charge of looking after the her granddaughter Shara Street N.W. the new, 84-page Zoning four councillors voting
Ziprick of Roblin, Esabelle event, there was even a dog Walsh at Kingston, ON. She To allow for bareland By-law and accompanying in favour and two voting
Mymko of Brandon and who had a pledge paper then returned to Toronto condominium sales, vari- map for the Town. against it.
Mary Maryniuk of Ross- who took part in the walk. where she spent some time ations were required in Council approved Councillor T. Dow-
man Lake. Visitors with Irene with son Steven, Kim and order to comply with the the quotation from Parish sett also applied to attend
Get well wished to Jan- Shandala was Brian Shan- Jack Kuzmak at Mushora Town’s zoning bylaw. The Backhoe for $183,805 plus a Climate Change Con-
ice Dutchminsky who is in dala, Louise Buckmire Resort. Francis also visited site areas for each of the GST for a water main re- ference in Matlock, MB
the Grace Hospital. and Debbie Provada all of with Holly Miko in Toron- four units had to be varied placement on Victoria Bay. on September 26th. This
Barb Osadec had her Brandon. to. from the required 7,500 The quote was the low- request was defeated by
godchild, Rachel Usick, of Sadie Rystephanuk sq. ft. to their own specific est of two received for the Council.
Prince George, BC spend- had a nice visit with her size ranging from just over project.
2,400 sq. ft. up to just over As the current Little

You are cordially invited to the

West Region Child & Family Services Inc. Newdale News
37th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING By Raven’s Glen wi September 17th. His fami- friends in Winnipeg where
ly, wife Yvonne and daugh- they now reside. Several

“Ga-ganaatizid Mashkode-bizhiki, ga-manaajiiding

C ongratulations
birthday wishes to
Don Graham who cele-
and ters Diana, Susan and Jan-
ice and the grandchildren
made it extra special with
from our community at-
tended. Everyone from
here wishes you many
brated his 90th birthday on a party for close family and more Donnie!
The Sunday church
service was taken by Rita
Friesen of Neepawa and
it’s always a pleasure to
welcome her for several
PROCLAMATION Sundays of the fall church
Canada’s 17th Rail Safety Week will be held across Canada from We’re sending special
“In the Spirit of the Buffalo; Respecting our September 23 - 29, 2019; birthday wishes to Xisra
Lamb who celebrated her
Anishinaabe Way” Whereas it is in the public’s interest to raise citizens’ awareness
birthday on September
on reducing avoidable accidents, injuries and damage caused
19th and to Jack Lamb who
by collisions at level crossings or incidents involving trains and
Thursday September 26th, 2019 citizens;
will celebrate his birthday
a week later on September
Whereas Operation Lifesaver is a public/private partnership 24th. We wish both of you
Skownan First Nation whose aim is to work with the rail industry, governments, police many more years to cel-
Skownan First Nation Community Hall services, the media and other agencies and the public to raise rail ebrate!
safety awareness; It’s a beautiful day as
Whereas Operation Lifesaver has requested City Council adopt this is written so hope the
9:00 am – Meet & Greet this resolution in support of its ongoing effort to save lives and entire week stayed sunny
9:45 am – Entry of Dignitaries prevent injuries in communities, including our municipality; and warm so the farmers
can get their crops in the
10:00 am - Annual General Meeting Therefore be it Resolved that the Town of Minnedosa proclaims bin. A week would make
national Rail Safety Week, to be held from September 23 - 29, a big difference. A recent
2019. dryer fire at P and H el-
Dated at the Town of Minnedosa, in the Province of Manitoba, evator means they won’t
~EVERYONE WELCOME~ this 18th day of September, 2019. be taking any more tough
grain till repairs happen.
Mayor Pat Skatch


The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 20, 2019 11


BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: Selling something? If 2016 Jeep Patriot Sport. BEER CAN and BEER Computer classes at
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. you are not advertising here, 75th Anniversary Edition. BOTTLE  DRIVE.  Minne- Minnedosa Adult Learning
you are missing a whole audi- 4x4 2 – 4 Auto, power win- dosa Credit Union Youth Centre start the week of Sep-
BY MAIL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ence of potential buyers who dows and locks, sunroof, AM/ Board (MCI students)  will tember 23rd. Contact: Val
The Minnedosa Tribune, P.O. Box 930, are not seeing your ad on fa- FM, Cd, DVD Leather seats. be collecting empty Gawel at 131 Main St. South.
Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0 cebook or an online buy and 104,866 km. Very clean and beer  cans  and  beer  bottles 204-867-2519 (27-2) x
BY FAX 204-867-5171 sell. Community newspapers safetied. $13,500 OBO Call to raise money for the re-
still have value, especially to 204-867-7990. x placement of uniforms for Coffee and Conver-
BY E-MAIL class@minnedosatribune.com those who are not connected the cross-country, track and sation - presentation by
to the online world. REAL ESTATE basketball teams at MCI. Manitoba Alzheimer Society
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. reserves the right to Door-to-door  and  Curbside “Anything for Alzheimer’s”.
Caught you looking at pickup will be Wednesday, Thursday September 26th at
delete any words or phrases deemed by The Minnedosa the Classifieds! Reach over
Tribune Ltd. to be objectionable, or to refuse to publish any September 25th from 5:00 - 1:30 p.m..  50+ Activity Cen-
400,000 Manitoba readers 7:00 p.m. Bagged or boxed tre.  Come and support this
advertisement. The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. shall not be weekly. Winter is coming –
responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third empties  can  also  be dropped worthwhile cause! Sponsored
Do you need CLASS 1 Driv- off at the shed in the MCI lot. by Services to Seniors. (27-2)
party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear ers or Staff for your busi-
in The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. or from any error or omission in Contact person: Tanis Barrett x
ness? Are you having a Sale, at 204-867-1942 (24/26/28) x
any advertisement which is published. a Fall Supper or do you have ANTIQUE AND COL-
a Craft Show to promote? LECTIBLE SALE! Huge Fall
RATES Want to sell something be-
REDUCED $159,900. 207
6th Street Northwest Minne-
St. Alphonsus Church in
Minnedosa old fashioned Fall Event - Friday, September
$9.00 for first 40 words, additional words .10 each. fore Winter? Get results. Supper on September 29th 27th, 4 p.m. – 9 p.m. and Sat-
dosa. 1,216 square foot mo-
Book now! People rely on from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. Turkey urday, September 28th, 10
Repeat ads - Half Price. bile home on large corner lot.
these classifieds to find what and dressing, meatballs, pero- a.m. – 4 p.m., $7 per person.
Built approximately 2003.  3
Classified Display - $9.00/col. inch each insert. (Incl. logo, box & they need in your area and
bedroom 2 bathroom. Central gies, mashed potatoes and Assiniboia Downs, 3975 Por-
bolding, and centering). across the province. Catch
air conditioning. Lovely Play- gravy, turnips, carrots, Caesar tage Ave., Winnipeg. FREE
Happy Snaps: (Birthday, Engagement, Wedding, Birth, & them looking at YOUR mate- salad and pies. Adults $15.00. PARKING. For info (204) 478-
house built 2013 and 2 storage
Graduation) - $16.00 for the first 20 words and the picture. rial in our 48 Weekly Com- ages 6 – 12 $8.00, under 5 1057.
sheds.  Call or text 204-720-
munity Newspapers. Call this free. Take out orders within
Obituaries: - $6.50 per col. inch. 4612  tfn
newspaper NOW or email Minnedosa welcomed. Please Place an ad for your
Reach the entire province (50 weekly newspapers) $189.00 classified@mcna.com for de- upcoming event in The Tri-
Westman and Eastman: $119.00 tails. MCNA (204) 947-1691. FOR RENT call or text Carol at 204-867-
7145 or Jackie at 204-867-0413 bune classifieds – they start
www.mcna.com by 3:00 p.m. on Sunday for at $9.00! Call 204-867-3816 or
All Ads plus 5% G.S.T. email class@minnedosatri-
One level 4 plex suite deliveries starting at 4:00 p.m.
GE Dryer for sale. Ex- bune.com
Deadlines cellent working condition.
available to rent. 263 2nd
Street N.W. 1,100 sq./ft.
(26-4) x
$300.00. Front load GE Wash-
Classified advertisements must be submitted no later
than noon Tuesday for insertion in the following Friday’s er. Does work but has some
2 bedroom, Full Laundry Minnedosa Legion and
Ladies Auxiliary Branch #138
(washer, dryer), Stove, fridge,
edition. All classified advertisements must be prepaid BEFORE issues can be used for parts. microwave, dishwasher, Air 80th Anniversary Dinner &
insertion. $100.00. Text or call 204-867- Conditioning, 30 x 40 fenced Dance being held on Satur- Multi Family Yard Sale.
4633. x in backyard with shed. day,  September 21st.  Din- 27-2nd Avenue S.W. Satur-
The Minnedosa Tribune is not responsible for
typographical errors published AFTER the first insertion, nor Call (204) 210-2910 for more ner at 6.00 p.m. with music by day, September 21st from
does it assume responsibility for errors published as a result of details. (26-3) x “Prairie Fire” to follow from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Sale is in
an advertisement placed, changed, or cancelled, by telephone. 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.  Tickets can back yard. x
To ensure your advertisement appears correctly please submit Apartments for rent. Re- be purchased at the Club
it in person, by fax, mail, or email.
Manitoba made! cently renovated with new Room for $20.00ea. (26-3) x Yard Sale on Saturday,
Top quality appliances. Quiet building. September 21st from 9:00
kitchen cabinets Bachelor, 1 bedroom and Live Music  at the a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Mostly toys
Minnedosa Legion on Friday, and some miscellaneous. 141
AUCTIONS FOR SALE - Custom, Stock &
2 bedroom units available.
Rents from $695.00/month. September 20th  from  7:00 5th St. N.W. x
Surplus On site laundry and park- - 9:30 p.m. featuring  “Nolan
- Free 3D design Brackenreed, Brad Johnson Brandon’s Largest Ga-
THING. Automotive, farm, - Prompt service
ing available. Contact us at
and Brandee Fleury” followed rage Sale. Saturday, Septem-
1-800-239-7199 for details.
12 Patterson Dr. - Professional by a Musicians Jam from 9:30 ber 21st, 2019 from 9:00 a.m.
Stonewall, MB construction, ATV, mar- Signing incentive for Septem-
installation available to closing.  Come on down – 3:00 p.m. in the Manitoba
ine, motorcycle, golf carts, ber. (27-2) x
Estate & Moving phones, tools, radios, com- and help us celebrate Legion Room, Keystone Centre. Ev-
Wed Sept 25 & Oct 2 4 PM Serving Manitoba
Yard * Recreation * Tools * Misc
puters etc. Reconditioned, province-wide COMING EVENTS Week 2019 in honor of our
veterans.  (26-3) x
erything you can think of all
under one roof. Table rentals
obsolete and hard-to-find for 25 years!
Antiques * Furniture * Household only $30 each /$35 wall tables
batteries. SOLAR equipment.
Minnedosa Health Aide
Consignment Auction The Battery Man. Winnipeg. office@fehrscabinets.com Heritage Village Annual (plus City of Brandon licens-
Sat Oct 12 10 AM 1.877.775.8271 www.battery- will be holding our annual ing fee where applicable). Ad-
1-800-758-6924 Flea Market and Craft Sale
canvas for the Health Auxil-
man.ca mission is only $2.00 Adults,
Gun Auction at the Minnedosa Ukrainian
iary in September. (27-2) x Children under 12 Free.
Sat Nov 2 9:30 AM Hall on Sunday, September
29th 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch Admission and table rental
Consignments Welcome! proceeds benefit United Way
available. To book a table for
(204) 467-1858 or $10, please call Donna at 204- of Brandon and District. For
(204) 886-7027 867-3629. (26-4) x more info call 204-571-8929
www.mcsherryauction.com or email  janis@brandonuw.
ca. (26-3)
12 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune



invites applications for an
All students who participate Power Builder
(1 YEAR TERM) Deposit Service Representative/Marketing Coordinator
in an organized Advertising
Winnipeg, MB 12-month Term Position
School Ski & Snowboard Trip WORKS!
to Holiday Mountain in 2020 WRCFS is a mandated First Nations Child and Family Services Agency responsible to Minnedosa Credit Union is looking for an energetic professional for the full time • GET SEEN by over
are eligible for a provide a full range of services, including statutory services, voluntary services and term position of Deposit Service Representative/Marketing Coordinator. 400,000 Manitoba
prevention services to the children and families of its nine First Nations, residing on and Homes!
Season Pass off reserve. The purpose of the programs of WRCFS is to sustain, support, and enhance The Position • Use your LOGO!
family and community life. The agency’s mission is to work with our First Nations people
for $20! to protect Aboriginal children, in keeping with our core values.
The Deposit Service Representative/Marketing Coordinator position is responsible
for delivering a wide array of account, deposit and investment options to new
• Create instant top of
mind awareness
Proudly teaching kids to ski Reporting to the Urban Services CFS Supervisor, the intake worker will be responsible and existing Minnedosa Credit Union members. This position entails assessing • Showcase your info,
since 1959. to work as part of a team in delivering a full range of child and family services in the member needs, determining the appropriate product or service and delivering business, product,
job, announcements
Learn a new sport today! agency. Duties will include gathering all information as it pertains to intake; the these services at a high level. The candidate will also be responsible for providing
or event
application of the Structured Decision Making Assessment tools when working with support in the design, development, implementation and delivery of the overall • We format it, to
204.242.2172 families; input all data into case managing system (CFSIS); advocacy; case
management; on-call. The worker will also provide a full range of statutory child welfare
credit union marketing and community support program for Minnedosa Credit make it look great!
Union. The successful candidate will demonstrate a passion for business • Starting at $339.00
www. HolidayMountain.com services that involves child protection; court work; special needs and age of majority. development and will actively communicate with members to provide expert (includes 45 lines of
Qualifications: advice and quality service. space)
• BSW degree with two (2) years of child welfare experience, preferably in First • The ads blanket the
HEALTH Nations child and family services. An equivalent combination of training and Minnedosa Credit Union offers a competitive compensation package that province and run in
experience may be considered. includes salary, pension, benefits and incentive pay. MCNA’s 48 Manitoba
• Must have working knowledge of the CFS Act and a commitment to First Nations community
GET UP TO $50,000 The Person newspapers
child and family services, community based planning and service delivery. • The successful candidate should have high school diploma plus one
from the Government of • Very cost effective
• Knowledge of and appreciation for Ojibway culture and aspirations are essential.
Canada. Do you or someone to three years job related experience or an equivalent combination or means of getting
• The ability to speak Ojibway will be considered a definite asset.
you know Have any of these • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing education and experience. your message out to
Conditions? ADHD, Anxiety, • Demonstrated ability in building relationships, identifying needs and the widest possible
• Must have demonstrated ability to work as part of a team and within a
Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, effectively applying solutions and appropriate financial products is audience
multi-disciplinary approach.
COPD, Depression, Diabetes, • Must have excellent assessment and organizational skills. essential; Contact this newspaper
Difficulty Walking, Fibromy- • Must be able to respond to completing deadlines in a fast paced work • Superior interpersonal abilities and a commitment to service NOW or MCNA at
algia, Irritable Bowels, Over- environment . 204.947.1691 or email
The Organization classified@mcna.com
weight, Trouble Dressing... • Must have computer training and/or knowledge of Microsoft Office.
• Have familiarity with the Structured Decision Making Assessment tools, Intake “Community Owned Community Minded” Minnedosa Credit Union is a successful
and Hundreds more. ALL www.mcna.com
& CFSIS. single branch full–service financial institution with 3500 members and assets of
Ages and Medical Conditions
$139 million. We have been providing Minnedosa and surrounding communities
Qualify. CALL MANITOBA WRCFS offers a supportive, progressive and innovative work environment, competitive
BENEFITS 1-(800)-211-3550 salaries, a great benefits package, and training opportunities. The successful applicant
with high quality service and products since 1947. For further details see: LOANS
must provide WRCFS with a current Criminal Record check that includes a Vulnerable www.minnedosacu.mb.ca
or Send a Text Message with
Your Name and Mailing Ad- Sector Search, Child Abuse Registry check, Prior Contact check and Driver’s Abstract prior Please forward your cover letter and resume by October 4, 2019 to:
dress to 204-808-0035 for to commencement of employment. Travel is required. A valid driver’s license and access Susan Glasgow, Operations Manager
your FREE benefits package. to means of reliable transportation for work is a condition of employment. Minnedosa Credit Union
Hip or Knee Salary: Commensurate with experience and training and according to Provincial pay Box 459 Minnedosa MB R0J 1E0
Replacement? scale. sglasgow@minnedosacu.mb.ca Need
Trouble Walking
Deadline for applications: Friday, September 27, 2019 Only those candidates under consideration will be contacted.
or Dressing? Please submit your resumes with a covering letter to: • We Loan
Verna McIvor, BSW, MSW, RSW • Easy application
The disability tax Director of Urban Services
credit allows for up • Approval with
to $50,000 in Tax Re-
West Region Child and Family Services, Inc. collateral
funds and Benefits 255 Sherbrook St. • Title Loans
Winnipeg, MB • No Credit Check
COPD, Arthritis, and R3C 2B8
many other disabling • We service ALL of
Fax: (204) 985-4079 Manitoba
conditions that cause
restrictions in Walk- We thank you for your interest in WRCFS; Call Dan Devloo
ing or Dressing may however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
qualify. The Town of Minnedosa (204) 526-7093
invites applications for the position of an CAI Financial
For Expert Help: Unit K - 2151 Portage Ave.
independent contractor to provide
204-453-5372 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES management services at the
Winnipeg MB
Minnedosa Campground and Beach Facilities.
CLASS 1 A detailed information package is available at the
TRUCK DRIVER FUEL Minnedosa Civic Administration Office located at

POST FRAME To run Canada - must

Haul 2016
Class 1 Drivers 103 Main Street S, Box 426, Minnedosa, MB, R0J 1E0 STEEL BUILDING
have BC experience required for deliveries
needed in MB, SK
for deliveries
BUILDINGS - Paid pick, drops, & NW ON.in MB & NW Ont.
Skills & qualifications
(204-867-5967) or cyuen@minnedosa.com CLEARANCE ... “SUPER
(800) 665-4302
include Classext.1 251
with adequate SAVINGS SALE - FALLING
that stand the layovers and stat pay
- Multi drop runs abstract, min.
or 2-years’
e-mail: experience PRICES!” 20x23 $6,080. 25x27
test of time. orderdesk@penneroil.ca Sealed applications marked:
- Cell usage long-haul driving, good com- $6,640. 28x27 $7,462. 32x35
Barns - Benefi t package munication & documentation “Management Services, Minnedosa Campground
$10,336. 35x35 $12,576. One
Shops - Dedicated truck skills, & ability to perform basic and Beach Facilities”
- Sign on bonus vehicle repairs. We offer exten- End Wall Included. Pioneer
Riding Arenas - Quarterly and annual sive paid training, competitive Steel 1-855-212-7036 www.pi-
Machine Sheds bonus wage, monthly bonuses, medical, Will be received by the Town until 12:00 p.m. oneersteel.ca
- Reset at home dental, & long-term disability on Friday October 4, 2019.
and more - Weekend home time benefits, RSP matching, paid stat
- Paid training holidays, & vacation pay.
craig.c@ - Referral program Our drivers have assigned trucks, Have an
Chris Yuen, B.A., C.M.M.A.
Derek (204) 793-7465 & a mix of day trips & longer
overnight trips, with many nights ACAO upcoming event?
& LEASING LTD. at home, frequent weekends off, Town of Minnedosa
www. & and mostly rural deliveries. We Let people
integritybuilt.com have many long-term drivers.
Please email a resume & abstract know through
to orderdesk@penneroil.ca or
fax (204)989-4309. The Classifieds!
AS LOW AS $9.00
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 20, 2019 13

In Loving Memory of The family of Gerald
ARTHUR HUTTON (Chy) Habing would like to GERALD (CHY) HABING
who passed away extend their sincere thanks December 22nd, 1939 – August 2th, 2019
September 15th. 2016 to all who sent cards, mes-
sages of sympathy, flowers, Chy was born in Winnipeg on December 22nd, 1939 to
Dad… food, donations in memory Gerald and Maude (Fisher) Habing. His early years were spent on
Your life was a blessing, of Chy and/or attended the a farm in the Hazelridge district. In 1952 his parents purchased
Your memory a treasure. Celebration of Life for Chy. farmland near Kelwood where Chy learned the values of a loving
You are loved beyond words Each tribute has provided a family, hard work and farm life.
and missed comfort for us as we grieve Chy married Ruby (Thompson) in 1964 and together they
beyond measure… the loss of one so loved. We ran a cow/calf operation east of Kelwood. While on the farm Chy
also extend our thanks to Dr. and Ruby were blessed with the arrival of two daughters and a son.
Always loved, Brakenreed and the staff of Chy was a loving, proud father.
always remembered the Minnedosa Hospital for In 1978 Chy and Ruby chose to leave the farm so Chy could
Dennis and Debbie. the professional care Chy re- pursue a career with Manitoba Pool Elevators – a career he excelled
x ceived while a patient there. in and truly loved. This work took him and his family from Kelwood to
Homewood, Minnedosa, Waskada and Brandon where he ended his
In Loving Memory of Terry Fox Marathon career at Justice.
K. JOAN BETTERIDGE of Hope “What a great day!”  Throughout his adult life, Chy was involved in many community activities from baseball and
September 22nd, 2017 Minnedosa UCT wishes to hockey to Agricultural Society and any project that would benefit the local community. He was
thank all those who  sup- an avid curler and quickly found a team to curl with where ever life took him.
It’s hard to forget someone ported this year’s commu- Chy retired from grain buying in 1999 but never stopped working in many farm related pos-
Who gave us so much to nity event.  Thank you to the itions. His last years were spent working for Burgess Farms near Minnedosa. He loved prepar-
remember! participants, those who gave ing the soil then watching the crops grow and mature to harvest. He also loved the serene ever-
pledges or bought t-shirts, changing vistas surrounding each field.
Grief that can’t be spoken the  volunteers, and those Chy and Ruby spent many happy years working, raising their children, camping, travelling,
The pain that never who helped advertise. (The following sports, loving their grandchildren and spending winters in Texas where old and new
goes away! Minnedosa Tribune, The Li- friendships flourished.
brary and the Pharmacy). Chy was predeceased by an infant son Bradley, his parents, one brother, Bob. Brothers in-
Your empty chair is Thank you to Anya McNabb law Jerry Krochak and Keith Robertson, sister’s in-law Margaret Thompson and Olive Zegil. He
at our table and the Co-op staff for the will be lovingly remembered by wife Ruby, daughter Barb (Gerald) Hildebrand, Taren and Eric,
A service for daughter Gaylene (Dan) Johnson, Paxton (Colin) Heskin, Brock and Troy, son Marlon (Becky)
Reminds us of you every day! BBQ donations.  We were
JANICE D. HOLM Habing, Chad, J.C., Dalton and Lane. His sisters Betty (Jerry) Malko, Sharon Krochuk, brothers
and able to collect  $3,400.00 to
So hard to believe it’s send into the Terry Fox Foun- Ken (Moyra) and Deryl (Bev), sisters in -law Faye Habing (Fleming), Esther Robertson, Wilma
SHARON L. SLAYTER (Nelson) Shewfelt and numerous nieces and nephews.
been two years dation for cancer research. 
(Holm) After a long battle Chy succumbed to cancer on August 25th, 2019. His ashes were interred
will take place on See you next year.
Forever in our hearts in Cadurcis Cemetery followed by a Celebration of Life in Minnedosa on August 31st.
September 28th, 2019 Chy lived a full productive life and made many friends where ever he went.
Your lovingly Family
at 1:30 p.m. at the Forever loved.
Scandinavia Cemetery.
Richard and Evan
Tea and coffee to be
Kathy, Lee, Jesse (Shayla)
and Ryan
served at Clanwilliam Hall
after the service.
Subscribe to The Minnedosa Tribune
All welcome.
In Loving Memory of
MINNEDOSA, MB R0J 1E0 PHONE 204-867-3816

our dear mother,
grandmother and
great grandmother Local Trading Area: $42.73 NAME:
NELLIE (Minnedosa,Bethany, Clanwilliam,
who passed away Erickson, Onanole, Sandy Lake, Lake
Audy, Olha, Vista, Elphinstone,
September 11th, 1976
and our dear father,
Advertising deadline is Newdale, Rapid City, Franklin,

Mountain Road and Neepawa)
grandfather and
great grandfather TUESDAYS AT 12 NOON Other Manitoba
MIKE locations: $49.87
who passed away
November 7th, 2006 Call Other Canadian
locations: $56.01
Just a prayer
from those who love you, 204-867-3816 PROVINCE:
Just a memory ever time,
or email ads to Online subscriptions $35.00
In our hearts
you live forever adsales@ www.minnedosatribune.com POSTAL CODE:
Lovingly remembered minnedosatribune.com
by your family.


ATTENTION? Ph: 204-867-4657
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Prairie Mountain
Independently Owned Gwen Usick
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Fax: 204-867-2150
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Advertisements and Do you have a PRESS
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ORY that needs to go out? Let
us help you with that! Though E space for
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the Manitoba Community tion, MCNA will get the infor-
Newspaper Association and
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-Move in ready 2+1, 1 1/2 bath Bi level
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S newer berber carpet in basement, . Vinyl siding, shingles 2013, front - Windows throughout approx 10 yrs, - Mudroom/laundry leads to attached
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14 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune


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Fire Retardent Coating

PRAIRIE REDI-MIX Electrician 204-867-3738

Minnedosa - 867-3853
R eady Mix Conc rete 204-868-5211 Email: mcreal@live.ca
Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh,
George Allard, FCGA*
Open Weeping Tile, Concrete Sealer, Snap Ties
Gateway Street
Onanole, MB Monday - Friday
All at Competitive
prices Fairmount Solar and Electrics
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. For All Your Electrical Needs
Howard Wirch, C.G.A*
9-515 4th Ave.
1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Custom
Shoal Lake, MB
Suite A
110 Main Street South Fertilizer Minnedosa
Minnedosa Floating Credit Union
Dauphin Office - Call today to book your
● Roofing ● Decks Main Line
15 1st Ave. S.W. 204 867-5550 ● Fencing ● Exterior ● Finishing spring floating needs! 204-867-6350
Phone: 204-638-3005 ● Renovations ● Repairs Brad Ross
Fax: 204-638-5817
Darvin - 204-868-5869 204-867-6366
AUTO littlevalleyconstruction@live.ca

Terry McLenehan
*Denotes Professional Corporation
204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544 Specializing in Robert - 204-867-7113 204-867-6363
Farm Susan Glasgow
CatharineÊ Solar
Debbie Strelczik
MÊ GijsbersÊ New Builds 204-867-6360
Dan Quesnel
Chartered Professional
Accountant Inc.
● AC
Call us today for your 204-867-6359
MinnedosaÊ 1-204-867-2558 Donna Dowsett
electrical needs 204-867-6361
Ê 213ÊÊ 2ndÊ StÊ NEÊ Ê -Ê Ê BoxÊ 385Ê Ê (48-4)
T:Ê 867-3884Ê Ê Ê C:Ê 867-0190Ê 204-281-3394 Kim Butler
Email:Ê Ê Catharine@mts.netÊ
M&M info@liskebroselectric.com GRAIN 204-867-6352
Alayna McTavish

AUTO BODY HAULING 204-867-6354

BDO Canada LLP All Auto Body Repairs
Trisha Paterson
Chartered Book Joanne Clarke
Professional Accountants Ph: 867-2083 Brian Horner 204-867-6364
Farm, Business & Individual 5 Main St. North This Spot Gaylene Johnson
Grain & Fertilizer 204-867-6357
Professinal Services: for Hauling Amber Johnson
- Tax 204-867-6374
only Fax
- Accounting 204-867-6391
$8.29 E-mail
- Farm Programs
per info@minnedosacu.mb.ca
Don Simpson, CPA, CA Website
39 Main Street South, Minnedosa week! www.MinnedosaCU.mb.ca
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 20 2019 15


WAHOSKI G ORD K E L LY Lakeside St. Alphonsus
Septic Service
Drivers Licenses, Autopac MECHANICAL LTD. Plumbing & Heating Catholic Church ● Lawn Mowing & Trimming
General Insurance Gas Fitting 142
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW. ● Hedge Trimming
PLUMBING Potable water Minnedosa,MB
MB 867-3831
Cheri McTavish – Broker ph: 867-2084 Minnedosa, 867-3831 ● Aerating & Power Raking
867-3946 HEATING cell: 867-0346 delivery.
Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m. ● Licensed Arborist Service
Book your portable ● Yard Clean Up
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Cory Johnston ● Minnedosa
(204) 476-4705
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Alexander or A.D.A.M.
204-476-5185 Cell: 867-7558
Jackson Anxiety Disorders People Helping People
Law Office - Committed to Caring - Prairie Mountain HVAC/R
B-116 MainSt.St
of Manitoba RAINKE'S
RAINKIES Phone (204) 857-6100
Ventilation/Air quality
Minnedosa, MB Support Group Sewage Service Fax (204) 857-8389 Air Conditioning
867-3981 Plumbing & Heating JIM BEAUMONT
Meetings are held at Kitchen Equipment
http://www.ajaxlaw.ca Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of 476-2483 services.com
Ty Burton the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Owner/Operator
Commercial Gas Fitter
Commercial & Residential
Burgess Law 204-868-5358 For more info call:
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Cell: 476-6591 REAL ESTATE service specialist
Office (204) 725-8550 Dennis: 476-2766 Kent Brown
51 Main Street S 1-204-867-7346

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Russ Huyghe Alanon - 210-0433 No Job is too small!!! PETER HARRISON • Piercing
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. 204-868-6376
Alateen - 867-5121
204-868-5674 Phone/Text 867-5444 • Eyelash Extensions
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MINNEDOSA • 867-2717 Cody Huyghe
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16 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune

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