September 20, 2019
September 20, 2019
September 20, 2019
The Minnedosa
Since 1883
Volume 137 Issue 28 Friday, September 20, 2019 90 cents plus tax
Lake Petition
All About
6 By HILLARY MILLER into the coffers of the non- were chosen because of lists the help of the service
Photo by Hillary Miller
Day a
service groups who lend Lions Club, Minnedosa Se- would not be what it is to- music and arts students, interested in volunteering
a helping hand during the nior Bombers, Minnedosa day.” There are a number and has done so for a num- at next year’s festival, they
annual August long week- Golf Course and Minnedo- of areas in the festival that ber of years. are encouraged to contact
Hit end festival.
While some funds
sa Wildlife, Game and Fish
require a large number
of volunteers, and it is for
The representatives
of RFM are very excited to
the board at RFM. Their
services will then be re-
raised at RFM are put back These service groups this reason that RFM en- find out who will be play- quested as the need arises.
In F r ont
Book This Space For
Lake Petition Presented to Town
Council and Provincial Government
By DARRYL HOLYK being the silt build up at impact for Minnedosa of years, the Town has Lakes” committee to learn
the north end of the lake tourism,” mentioned Rath- been in communication about their struggles in
to address these issues and of the Friends of the Lake valuable information like
if there is a plan, the Town committee and Councillor this – statistic and science-
has done a very poor job of Butler reported that he had based that will benefit
communicating that to the travelled to Ninette to meet those involved in ensuring
public.” with representatives of there is a long and healthy
Over the past couple that community’s “Healthy future for Minnedosa Lake
Do you have a project that will benet your farm and the so that generations in the
future can continue to use
Dr. Gerard Murray
and enjoy this local water-
You choose the project that best ts your farm. Need
T alan Morrisseau, a
13-year-old Minnedo-
sa boy, has qualified to
order to prepare.
Morriseau and his
family moved to Minnedo-
Talan said that when
he was in the fifth grade his
class started doing track,
at his tryouts, he felt very
He is most excited to
compete at the North sa from Brandon four and he really didn’t know be given the opportunity
American Indigenous years ago. According to much about it, and wasn’t to enjoy the experience in
Games in 2020. The tal- his mother, Tiffany, Talan sure which events to sign Halifax, but is not yet sure
ented young athlete will is very excited to attend up for. The following year what he will get to see once
be heading to Halifax, the Games. She describes he signed up again and he is there.
Nova Scotia, to compete the North American Indig- won first place in each of Morrisseau will be
in the Track division of the enous Games as being sort his events. This allowed getting financial assistance
games which will be held of like a junior Olympics. him to compete in Bran- from his family, but with
from July 12th to July 18th, “He is a pretty athletic kid don at the next level where the cost coming in at about
2020. and the tryouts came up he again came in first. Last $1,800, the family would
Having recently en- in June and he asked if he year, he ran again, and welcome any donations or
tered eighth grade at Tan- could try out,” she said. once again, received first sponsorships.
ner’s Crossing School, Ta- Talan’s older broth- place. His friends were Way to go, Talan, and
lan will be running in the er competed in the 2017 watching last year, and en- best of luck!
2,000 m, the 1,200 m, and North American Indig- couraged him to try out for
800 m events at the Games. enous Games, which is, in the North American Indig-
T he Special Olympics
Golf Tournament was
held in Minnedosa on
Helping out, there
were about 25 volunteers
from the community,
special Olympics tourna-
The Minnedosa Foun-
the weather was decent
and sunny,” said Adamson.
This was the last event of
Sunday, September 8th, which ensured that the dation paid for all of the the season for these golf- Photo submitted
and was a sunny, fun day event was possible. “The food for the event, and ers. Way to go!
Talon Morrisseau
for all involved. town stepped right up, I Integra Tire supplied the
Locals who played had no problem finding water and some prizes.
in the tournament were volunteers to help out,” Minnedosa Credit Union
Brock Johnson and Corey said Adamson, who was Blue Jean Day helped
Bouchard. Both golfers truly grateful for all of the to pay some of the costs Grant Application
won silver in their divi- help she received with of the event, and Rob
sions. For this, they each this event, “without them, Smith and Sons donated for 2019
received ribbons and were you can’t host some of this a sweatshirt to be used Minnedosa and District Foundation Inc.
able to choose from hats stuff.” as a prize. Adamson also
and a variety of other priz- Throughout the sum- noted that Minnedosa Golf MISSION STATEMENT:
es. mer, Brock and Corey and Country Club helps The Minnedosa and District Foundation Inc. is committed to enhance
According to Tru- practiced every Tuesday and supports the group the quality of life for our citizens, by promoting charitable, educational,
dy Adamson, one of the
coaches for the two local
and cultural endeavors: to encourage and inspire donors in charitable
men, there were 26 ath- giving for the benefit of the community and to
letes participating in the LEAVE A LEGACY FOR THE FUTURE.
tournament. In addition
to the Minnedosa golfers,
Deadline October 1, 2019
athletes came from Win- The Minnedosa and District Foundation is currently accepting
kler, Winnipeg and Bran- applications for grants for the calendar year 2019. The Foundation will
don. The tournament was
initially supposed to be
entertain applications on an annual basis to be allocated by
August 26th, but the group December 31, of the current year.
Fall Special!!!
was rained out, so it was A grant application is required along with:
postponed until the 8th of
1. A brief history of the organization and project
The group played nine 2. Most recent financial statements
holes at the Minnedosa
Golf Course. Sixteen of the
Don't be left out 3. Anticipated budget
4. Purpose of the request
players played regular golf,
in the cold!!! 5. Timeline for completing your project
Applications are available from
If your Tribune Heating system inspection and Minnedosa Insurance Services.
label reads Applications are also available online at
blower cleaning starting at $65.00
19/09/30 (Plus applicable taxes)
Applications are to be mailed by October 1, 2019 to:
It’s time Minnedosa and District Foundation Inc.
to renew your
subscription! Call Jon at PO Box 1980
Minnedosa, MB
Call 204-
204-867-0145 R0J 1E0
To schedule your appointment today! email:
4 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and
published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883. publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
Published Friday of each week from the premises of
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
Minnedosa, MB. R0J 1E0 necessary by the publisher.
Member of Manitoba Community Newspapers Association We are not responsible for fax transmissions or email
News Stories:
and Newspapers Canada submissions that are not received. To guarantee that such
Ads/printing: submissions have been received please confirm with a phone
Audited twice a year by Canadian Media Circulation Audit
Classifieds/Accounts: call or in person.
Phone: (204) 867-3816
All contents copyright 2019
Fax: (204) 867-5171
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 20, 2019 5
election, I make sure to take the time to review each The global transition to a clean energy economy
party’s policies, promises as well as short and long- is already underway at a rapid pace. Canada should
term commitments. Most important to me are our be a part of it to help provide stable jobs, a diversified
children and our quickly evolving climate; two issues economy and a livable climate.
that I believe will become closely bonded as I fear it is I expect our elected officials in all levels of govern-
our next generation who will be most widely impacted ment to prioritize bold climate action. Inaction is too
by climate change if we don’t act with meaningful and costly, risky and unjust!
sweeping change, starting with next months choos-
ing of the leader of our nation for the next four years. Sincerely,
I’m excited about a transition to clean energy 1899 – Heppell and Company has posted a $50 reward
because it represents progress, innovation, and an J. C. for a brand new piano, valued at $175, which was lost
evolution in thinking on a global scale. All of which Brandon, MB somewhere between Plumas and Minnedosa.
The Minnedosa
Since 1883
September 27th
7:30 p.m. 204-867-6010 204-867-3816
6 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune
T he Town of Minnedo-
sa and Minnedosa
Chamber of Commerce
attendees who gathered to
hear the evening’s speak-
ergreen Environmental
McDonald spoke, with
of waste to China, which
is no longer accepting as - Batteries including automotive and
rechargeable, but no damaged batteries.
much as they used to, and
partnered to host a com- The meeting began the aid of a slideshow full the problems this causes - Tires
munity meeting on the with a welcome from of pictures, on the differ- for Canada. - Mattresses
importance of recycling Chamber President, Dr. ent kinds of items they After Morton, Ken - Electronics
on the evening of Mon- Beth Melendy and a quick take, what can be re-used, Cameron, of KC Recycling - Display devices
day, September 16th at the word from Mayor Pat and what will end up in the and Waste took to the floor - Non-cellular telephones
United Church Hall. The Skatch. Following this, the landfill. He gave a very in- to discuss his local waste - Home audio/video systems
and recycling collection - Desktop computers
business. He noted that - Portable computers
since he is aware of what - Computer peripherals (keyboards, mice,
can and cannot be ac- trackballs)
cepted at the other facili- - Desktop printers
ties, that sometimes he is - Personal portable audio/video systems
unable to accept recycling - HTB Systems
from the curbside if there - Vehicle audio/video systems
are items that he cannot - Countertop microwave ovens
keep in his recycling pile. - Floor standing photocopiers
If it is not recyclable, then - Cellular devices and pagers
it can contaminate his en- - Cloth material
tire load, which is not only - Appliances containing Freon
time consuming but also - Fluorescent Light Bulbs
costly for him. - Mercury devices
Following the three - Paint and Aerosol Cans
informative presentations, - Scrap Metal
there was a question and - Propane, butane, insulation and helium tanks
answer period, during - Used Oil / Oil Jugs / Oil Pails / Oil Filters /
which there were many Anti-Freeze
eager questions from the - Used Cooking Oil
crowd. Closing remarks - Wood and Wood Products
were given by Mayor Pat - Baler Twine, Bale Wrap, Grain bags
Skatch. After the meet- - Ballasts
ing closed, cookies and
refreshments were served, Things you Cannot Recycle:
which were provided by - Wrapping paper
Ken Cameron and Farm- - Waxed or Styrofoam egg cartons
house 50. - Styrofoam
- Compostable items such as food
If your label reads - Diapers
Tribune Deadline
Tuesday at 12 Noon
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 20, 2019 7
Bridge Club
of signatures from vari- voice their opinions either first proposed, the cost has After the meeting, portation, if approved, is
ous community members for or against the proposal. decreased due to the de- council gave first reading scheduled to begin in Jan-
along with him. Others The majority of the submit- crease in PST. to the by-law to proceed, uary 2020.
Results felt that the cost for the
service, going through the
ted opinions were in favour
of the proposal. One of the
Another concern that and it will then come be-
Public Notice is hereby given that the 2020 Assessment Roll for the Rural
Municipality of Oakview has been delivered to the Oakview municipal office at 10
Cochrane Street, Oak River, MB and is open for public inspection during regular
business hours. Applications for Revision may be made in accordance with Sections 42 &
43 of the Assessment Act.
42(1) A person in whose name property has been assessed,
a mortgagee in possession of property under subsection 114(1) of The Real Property Act,
an occupier of premises who is required under the terms of a lease to pay the taxes on the 19094gm2
property, or the assessor may make application for the revision of an assessment roll with
respect to:
(a) the liability to taxation;
(b) the amount of the assessed value;
(c) the classification of the property; or
(d) a refusal by an assessor to amend the assessment roll under
subsection 13(2).
43(1) An application for revision must
(a) be made in writing
(b) set out the roll number and legal description of the assessable
property for which a revision is sought;
(c) state the grounds on which the application is based; and
(d) be filed by
(i) delivering it or causing it to be delivered to the office
indicated in the public notice given under subsection 41 (2), or
(ii) serving it upon the secretary, at least 15 days before the scheduled
sitting date of the board as indicated in the public notice.
The Board of Revision will sit on Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019 at 8:00 p.m.
in the council chambers of the Rural Municipality of Oakview in Oak River to hear
applications. The final date on which applications must be received by the Secretary of the
Board is Tuesday, October 7th, 2019 at 4:30 p.m..
Dated at the Village of Oak River, in the Province of Manitoba, this 13th day of
September, 2019.
Diane Kuculym, C.M.M.A.
Board of Revision Secretary
Rural Municipality of Oakview
Box 179
Email: (28-2)
8 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune
All Bran,Kelloggs Vector Cereal original ................................525g ...............$4.49
Mini Wheats Regular ...............................................................510g ...............$4.49
NN Peanut Butter or Jam CP assorted ........1kg ....... $3.99
Tassimo single serve coffee assorted.....................................14ea ...............$7.99
Nesquick syrup ..............................................................510-700ml ...............$4.99
Red Rose Orange Pekoe tea ....................................................72ea ...............$3.99 Beef T-Bone steak ..................................................................................... $7.99/lb
Oasis Juice assorted .............................................................. 960ml ...............$1.49 Lean Ground beef.............................................. $3.49/lb
Mr.Maple Cookies....................................................................325g ...............$2.29 Pork shoulder blade steak CP or Roast ................................................... $2.69/lb
Breton Crackers assorted ................................................ 150-225g ...............$1.99 Boneless & Skinless Chicken Breast Fresh ............................................. $5.49/lb
NN Soda Crackers salted/unsalted ........................................454g ...............$1.99 PC Chicken Spring Rolls ....................................................... 574gr ............. $9.99
Pringles assorted ............................................................. 148-156g ...............$2.29 Janes Pub Style chicken boxes assorted ............................... 700gr ............. $9.49
Kellogg Rice Krispies assorted ........................................ 160-176g ...............$2.49
PC Red Velvet Cake Mix or Scone Baking ..............................500g ...............$2.99
NN Marshmallows assorted ...................................................400g ...............$2.49
NN Shredded Coconut Sweetened ........................................400g ...............$3.19
ED Smith Pie Filling assorted .............................................. 540ml ...............$3.99
Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce jelled/whole ...................... 348ml ...............$2.29
Dole Canned Pineapple assorted ...........................................398g ...............$1.49 Broccoli .....................................................................................................$1.99/ea
Franco Gravy assorted ......................................................... 284ml ...............$1.29
Campbell RW soup assorted ............................................... 284ml ...............$1.59 Green or Red Grapes ......................................... $1.99/lb
Campbell Broth assorted ..................................................... 900ml ...............$2.19 Peaches ..................................................................................................... $1.99/lb
Aylmer Tomatoes canned assorted ..............................540-796ml ...............$1.79 Tomatoes .................................................................................................. $1.29/lb
GG Canned vegetables assorted ..................................341-398ml ...............$1.25 Raspberries .................................................................................................... $2.99
Bicks Pickles Sweet Mixed/Yum Yum/Baby Dills ........ 1lt ....... $3.99 Green Peppers .......................................................................................... $1.59/lb
PC Mini Potatoes ....................................................................680g ............. $2.99
Bicks Pepper Rings hot or Sauerkraut wine.................. 750ml-1lt ...............$3.99
Bertolli Oil xtra virgin ................................................................. 1lt ...............$9.99
Miracle Whip assorted ...................... 650-890ml ....... $4.99
Windex Glass cleaner .......................................................... 765ml ...............$4.99
Ziploc Freezer bags assorted ............................................ 14-25ea ...............$3.79
PC Dinner Napkins ...............................................................180sh ...............$6.99
Armstrong Cheddar bars assorted .........................................700g ...............$8.99
Philadelphia Cream Cheese or Dip assorted.....250g ....... $3.49
Kozy Shack Tapioca Pudding ..................................................624g ...............$2.79
OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK • 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821
Deli world bread Rye light ......................................................900g ...............$2.99
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, September 20, 2019 9
Presented by the:
Minnedosa Performing Arts
Series 2019 - 2020
Kendra Kay
November 28, 2019
at 7:30 p.m.
VC2 - Prairie Debut Community
Thursday, October 17, 2019 Conference Centre
at 7:30 p.m.
Minnedosa United Church
Twin Flames
Monday, March 2, 2020
at 7:30 p.m.
Tanner’s Crossing School
Season Tickets on Sale!!!
At the Minnedosa Regional Library
Rush Seat Prices 45 - 1st Ave. S.E. 204-867-2585
Adult - $65.00
Adult - $20.00
Student (13-18) - $10.00 Student seasons ticket (13-18) - $30.00
Under 18 FREE if accompanied by an adult
Under 18 FREE if accompanied by an adult
With much appreciation to our sponsors:
10 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune
In Loving Memory of The family of Gerald
ARTHUR HUTTON (Chy) Habing would like to GERALD (CHY) HABING
who passed away extend their sincere thanks December 22nd, 1939 – August 2th, 2019
September 15th. 2016 to all who sent cards, mes-
sages of sympathy, flowers, Chy was born in Winnipeg on December 22nd, 1939 to
Dad… food, donations in memory Gerald and Maude (Fisher) Habing. His early years were spent on
Your life was a blessing, of Chy and/or attended the a farm in the Hazelridge district. In 1952 his parents purchased
Your memory a treasure. Celebration of Life for Chy. farmland near Kelwood where Chy learned the values of a loving
You are loved beyond words Each tribute has provided a family, hard work and farm life.
and missed comfort for us as we grieve Chy married Ruby (Thompson) in 1964 and together they
beyond measure… the loss of one so loved. We ran a cow/calf operation east of Kelwood. While on the farm Chy
also extend our thanks to Dr. and Ruby were blessed with the arrival of two daughters and a son.
Always loved, Brakenreed and the staff of Chy was a loving, proud father.
always remembered the Minnedosa Hospital for In 1978 Chy and Ruby chose to leave the farm so Chy could
Dennis and Debbie. the professional care Chy re- pursue a career with Manitoba Pool Elevators – a career he excelled
x ceived while a patient there. in and truly loved. This work took him and his family from Kelwood to
Homewood, Minnedosa, Waskada and Brandon where he ended his
In Loving Memory of Terry Fox Marathon career at Justice.
K. JOAN BETTERIDGE of Hope “What a great day!” Throughout his adult life, Chy was involved in many community activities from baseball and
September 22nd, 2017 Minnedosa UCT wishes to hockey to Agricultural Society and any project that would benefit the local community. He was
thank all those who sup- an avid curler and quickly found a team to curl with where ever life took him.
It’s hard to forget someone ported this year’s commu- Chy retired from grain buying in 1999 but never stopped working in many farm related pos-
Who gave us so much to nity event. Thank you to the itions. His last years were spent working for Burgess Farms near Minnedosa. He loved prepar-
remember! participants, those who gave ing the soil then watching the crops grow and mature to harvest. He also loved the serene ever-
pledges or bought t-shirts, changing vistas surrounding each field.
Grief that can’t be spoken the volunteers, and those Chy and Ruby spent many happy years working, raising their children, camping, travelling,
The pain that never who helped advertise. (The following sports, loving their grandchildren and spending winters in Texas where old and new
goes away! Minnedosa Tribune, The Li- friendships flourished.
brary and the Pharmacy). Chy was predeceased by an infant son Bradley, his parents, one brother, Bob. Brothers in-
Your empty chair is Thank you to Anya McNabb law Jerry Krochak and Keith Robertson, sister’s in-law Margaret Thompson and Olive Zegil. He
at our table and the Co-op staff for the will be lovingly remembered by wife Ruby, daughter Barb (Gerald) Hildebrand, Taren and Eric,
A service for daughter Gaylene (Dan) Johnson, Paxton (Colin) Heskin, Brock and Troy, son Marlon (Becky)
Reminds us of you every day! BBQ donations. We were
JANICE D. HOLM Habing, Chad, J.C., Dalton and Lane. His sisters Betty (Jerry) Malko, Sharon Krochuk, brothers
and able to collect $3,400.00 to
So hard to believe it’s send into the Terry Fox Foun- Ken (Moyra) and Deryl (Bev), sisters in -law Faye Habing (Fleming), Esther Robertson, Wilma
SHARON L. SLAYTER (Nelson) Shewfelt and numerous nieces and nephews.
been two years dation for cancer research.
(Holm) After a long battle Chy succumbed to cancer on August 25th, 2019. His ashes were interred
will take place on See you next year.
Forever in our hearts in Cadurcis Cemetery followed by a Celebration of Life in Minnedosa on August 31st.
September 28th, 2019 Chy lived a full productive life and made many friends where ever he went.
Your lovingly Family
at 1:30 p.m. at the Forever loved.
Scandinavia Cemetery.
Richard and Evan
Tea and coffee to be
Kathy, Lee, Jesse (Shayla)
and Ryan
served at Clanwilliam Hall
after the service.
Subscribe to The Minnedosa Tribune
All welcome.
In Loving Memory of
MINNEDOSA, MB R0J 1E0 PHONE 204-867-3816
our dear mother,
grandmother and
great grandmother Local Trading Area: $42.73 NAME:
NELLIE (Minnedosa,Bethany, Clanwilliam,
who passed away Erickson, Onanole, Sandy Lake, Lake
Audy, Olha, Vista, Elphinstone,
September 11th, 1976
and our dear father,
Advertising deadline is Newdale, Rapid City, Franklin,
Mountain Road and Neepawa)
grandfather and
great grandfather TUESDAYS AT 12 NOON Other Manitoba
MIKE locations: $49.87
who passed away
November 7th, 2006 Call Other Canadian
locations: $56.01
Just a prayer
from those who love you, 204-867-3816 PROVINCE:
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14 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune
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204-868-5674 Phone/Text 867-5444 • Eyelash Extensions
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67 Main St.
Matt Saler Drug Problem? Book SERVICES
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16 Friday, September 20, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune