Subject: Art Appreciation Lesson 1: What Is Art: Introduction and Assumptions
Subject: Art Appreciation Lesson 1: What Is Art: Introduction and Assumptions
Subject: Art Appreciation Lesson 1: What Is Art: Introduction and Assumptions
Lesson 1: What is Art: Introduction and have any notion of art in the same
Assumptions way that we do now.
Source: Caslib, Garing and Casaul (2017), Art Appreciation, Rex Bookstore
ASSUMPTIONS OF ART C. Art involves experience - when
A. Art is universal – In every country one says that he has an experience
and in every generation, there is something, he often knows what the
always art. Art has always been something is about.
timeless and universal, spanning
generations and continents through Art focuses on a posteriori rather than
and through. a priori.
The first assumption then about the A work of art then cannot be
humanities is that art has been abstracted from actual doing. It must
crafted by all people regardless of be sensed, see or hear it, AND see
origin, time, place and that it stayed and hear it.
on because it is liked and enjoyed by
people continuously. An important aspect of experiencing
art is its being highly personal,
Art will always be present because individual, and subjective.
human beings will always express Philosophically speaking, perception
themselves and delight in these of art is always a value judgement. It
expressions. Men will continue to use solely depends on who the perceiver
art while art persists and never gets is, his tastes, is biases and what he has
depleted. inside of him.
Source: Caslib, Garing and Casaul (2017), Art Appreciation, Rex Bookstore