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1. 知道感恩節由來

2. 學習與感恩節相關的關鍵字

3. 學習句型及對話運用

4. 感恩節邀請卡或感謝卡製作


清教徒 pilgrim、船 ship、美國 the United States of America、印地安人 Indian、玉米 corn、火雞
turkey、南瓜派 pumpkin pie、馬鈴薯 potato,老師請準備上述單字的字卡,並將上述圖卡影印放


※ Warm UP:Phonics

(1) 請學生拿出預習學習單檢示完成度,如有學生未完成且此學生程度不錯者,可問他是
否已懂 部份或所有單字,請他將會的單字唸出來;如程度不好且可能對英語不感興趣者,請他
尋求幫助找會的人幫忙,並請他用英文問:Can you help me?或 Please help me. 請其他學生配合;
生依據字母拼讀法拼讀看看,老師在旁協助,接下來每張圖的單字先念 2 次請同學跟著唸,第
示卡複習單字唸法 後,將字卡交給學生上去黑板前做配對。

(2) 遊戲—燙手山芋 Hot Potatoes

分組,每組約 10 人,一次玩 2 張卡片,依序傳卡片,但可順時鐘也可逆時鐘傳,此為
陷害旁人遊戲,請先心理建設以防不和事件產生。每傳到自己手上就要唸出該單字,2 張圖卡在
同一人手上時,記一次,三次出局或做表演。約 5 輪後各組換圖卡玩,亦可挑戰一次 3 張圖卡。
※ Presentation:Storytelling

(1) 以看圖說故事的方式解說感恩節的由來(可上網搜尋圖片,影印放大後請學生幫忙塗

In 1620, a number of 102 pilgrims including men, women, elders and children took the ship
named The Mayflower to the United States. They landed at Plymouth Harbor, Massachusetts in
November. It was a cold winter. They didn’t have enough food. They didn’t have comfortable shelters.
Many people died during the winter. In the spring the aboriginal people, Indians, came to help them
grow corns and teach them hunting and fishing. The colonists finally had a great harvest that year. The
Governor William Bradford invited those Indians who helped them to a feast and proclaimed a day of
thanksgiving. They ate corns, turkey, potatoes, pumpkin pie... That was the first Thanksgiving. In
1863 President Lincoln appointed a national day of thanksgiving. It was set on the last Thursday of
November. Until 1941, American Congress passed the law and changed Thanksgiving Day to the
fourth Thursday of November.


The Americans enjoy their Thanksgiving holiday from the fourth Thursday of November to
Sunday. It has become the tradition that family members get together on Thanksgiving Day. The family
has a big dinner. The traditional foods include turkey, stuffing beans, corn, smash potatoes, gravy, and
cranberry sauce; the traditional desserts are apple pies and pumpkin pies. People also express thanks to
whom they appreciate for the year on this day.

* Q and A

1. When is Thanksgiving Day?

The fourth Thursday of November is Thanksgiving Day.

2. When is Thanksgiving this year?

It is November 21.
3. How did the pilgrims come to the United States of America?

They came by ship.

4. What is the name of the ship?

It is the Mayflower.

5. Where did the pilgrims land?

They landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts.

6. Who came to help the pilgrims?

The Indians came to help.

7. How did the pilgrims express thanks?

They invited Indians for a feast.

8. What are the traditional foods of Thanksgiving? (list at least four kinds)

They are corn, turkey, potatoe and pumpkin pie.

9. Who appointed a national day of thanksgiving? In which year?

President Lincoln appointed a national day of thanksgiving in 1863.

10. Who are you thankful for this year?


感恩節為美國特殊的國定假日。加拿大人自 1879 年開始有感恩節,不過日期是設在十月的第二

個星期一(the second Monday in October)。除了美國及加拿大人之外,其他外國人對於感恩節

※ Activity:Group Work

活動(1)--問學生:How much do you understand? 將學生分組發給學習單,再說一次故事由來,

但不展示圖片,這次請學生注意「數字」:Please concentrate on the number mentioned in the story.

活動(2)--可請學生分組準備火雞、南瓜派、馬鈴薯泥、肉汁或其他想品嚐的食物,舉辦個 Pot-
luck party 感恩大餐派對吧。當然如果課程時間足夠的話可以將食譜製作當成另一個教學過程及

Source: http://www.etlc.ntust.edu.tw/tepaper/epaper_m13.htm

English Learning Portfolio

Class:________ Name:______________ Group:______


Task:Listen to the story and choose the best answer.


*All about NUMBERS

1. ____________ 1)1621 2)1920 3)1620

2. ____________ 1)102 2)120 3)112

3. ____________ 1)1860 2)1863 3)1862

4. ____________ 1)1940 2)1942 3)1941

*All abut PEOPLE

William Bradford, pilgrims, President Lincoln, men,

children, women, elders, Indians, colonists

1. ____________ 6. ____________

2. ____________ 7. ____________
3. ____________ 8. ____________

4. ____________ 9. ____________

5. ____________

* All about FOOD

(右邊空白處請畫 (1)南瓜派、(2)馬鈴薯、(3)玉米、(4)火雞)

1. corn ______

2. turkey ______

3. potato ______

4. pumpkin pie______

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