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I. Introduction
In September 1939 Adolph Hitler unleashed a new and terrifying form of war fare
on Europe with his "Blitzkrieg" invasion on Poland. Within weeks, Britain, France and
other Allied countries found themselves locked in a deadly conflict with the German
Third Reich that would decide the fate of nations for decades to come. As the fortunes
of German arms ascended, the Wehrmacht soon invaded Holland, Belgium, Denmark,
Norway, France, Russia and fought to extend their conquests and Axis colonies as far as
North Africa. Both fronts turned out to be a long and bitter struggle, which would
devour hundreds of thousands of lives, and lay waste to some of Europe's greatest cities
before its awful conclusion in 1945.
On the West Front, with the Fall of France and their miraculous escape from
Dunkirk, the British vowed to resist Axis aggression, and engaged both German and Ital-
ian Forces in North Africa. In 1941, the United States entered the war in support of the
Allies, and helped carry the fight to Tunisia, where the German-Italian Armies once com-
manded by Rommel were at last vanquished.
At the same time on the East Front, with devastating efficiency the German
Wehrmacht brushed aside all resistance, quickly penetrating deeply into Mother Russia.
By August the Hitler's legions had captured Smolensk and, in the Ukraine, Kiev. Then the
fall rains came - the rasputitsa. Overnight the road network was transformed into a
knee-deep quagmire of mud. Undaunted, the Germans waited for the mud to freeze, and
then pressed on toward Moscow in "Operation Typhoon", until the Red Army started to
stiffen in front of the gates of Moscow and Leningrad in late November. With extended
supply lines and the worst winter in over a century, fresh Soviet troops from Siberia
counterattacked in front of Moscow and along other portions of the frozen front, inflict-
ing the first defeat on the German arms since the start of World War II.
By the summer of '42 the Germans had regained the initiative in the east and, with
help from their Romanian, Hungarian, Italian and Slovak allies, launched "Operation Blau",
their bid to conquer the USSR's resource-rich Ukraine region. With two refreshed
panzer and three infantry armies, the Axis troops again swept aside weak Soviet resis-
tance. By September the invaders had captured Russian oil fields in the Caucasus and,
further north, had reached Stalingrad on the Volga. And there they stopped. A doggedly-
determined Red Army dug in at Stalingrad, resisting the Germans in vicious room-to-
TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 1

room fighting in "Stalin's City", finally sealing the invaders' fate in late December with and your opponent attempt to capture or defend objectives and smash more enemy
"Operation Uranus". troops then you lose. Every conceivable type of battle action is represented in the sce-
Damaged but not destroyed, the German forces under Manstein counterattacked the nario selection: meeting engagements, armored breakthroughs, trench defenses, exploita-
Soviets as they raced toward Rostov and Kharkov, inflicting heavy casualties on the over- tion, reconnaissance, battles of attrition, mobile defenses and much more
stretched Red forces, showing once more the stuff the German Army was made of. The Each scenario has a variable number of Game Turns, in which you and your oppo-
offensive capabilities of the Hitler's Wehrmacht was finally crushed in the cauldron known nent attempt to capture or defend objectives and smash more enemy troops then you
as Kursk. Here the German panzers were decisively defeated in the greatest tank battle lose. Every conceivable type of battle action is represented in the scenario selection:
in history. For the following two years the Red juggernaught rolled across the Russian meeting engagements, armored breakthroughs, trench defenses, exploitation, reconnais-
steppes, reconquering the lost territories of "Mother Russia". By late '44, Rumania, Bulgar- sance, battles of attrition, mobile defenses and much more.
ia, Yugoslavia, and Poland had all been "liberated" by the rampaging Red Army, culminating
with the siege and conquest of Berlin in April and May of '45. The massive army of Stalin
had proved victorious in the most brutal, costly battle in the history or warfare.
With the onslaught on the East taking place the Germans found them selves facing a
catastrophe on the West. By 1944 the Italians were knocked out of the war leaving Ger- Headed for the East Front?
many to fight a war on two fronts. The D-Day invasion at Normandy in 1944 established There are four new low-complexity “Bootski Camp” scenarios designed especially
a stronghold on the Northern European continent and made the second front a grim with the new player in mind. If you are new to TalonSoft’s “Campaign Series”, you are
reality for all involved. After months of fighting to expand their bridgehead, the Allies finally highly encouraged to begin your play with these scenarios.
broke the German line at St. Lo in Operation Cobra, and nearly annihilated the German There is a "Beginners Start Here" item in the Program Group. To access it, go
defenders in the ensuing ballte of Falaise Pocket. As remnants of German Forces retreat- Start → Program Group → TalonSoft → TalonSoft's East Front II →
ed north and east, victorious Allied armies launched a pursuit that was hampered more Beginners Start Here. This opens a document which explains the basics of the
by supply problems than enemy resistance. As the tide of war retreated through the Low game as you play these specially-programmed, easy-to-play “Bootski Camp” missions.
Countries, the Germans managed to stabalize their shattered front in Holland by sep- These missions gradually introduce new units and game concepts, and provide some
tember, 1944. The Allied Market Garden offensive into Holland was the first of many interesting situations good tactical challenges for the veteran gamer.
Allied plans to breach German defenses and cross the Rhine. Though 90% successful, it Besides the four “Bootski Camp” scenarios, there is also a tutorial scenario
failed to obtain that goal, and the Allies would continue to fight at Aachen, Huertgen For- (“Tutorial: Reconnaissance”). This tutorial scenario is not only an introduction for new
est, Lorraine, Metz and the Ardenna as the Germans stubbornly defended their home- players—it is also a fun and challenging hypothetical scenario for veteran players. You
are encouraged to begin playing the tutorial scenario while following along with the
land from the fortifications of the Siegfried Line. In December of 1944, Germany shocked
tutorial copy, beginning on page 130 of this manual.
the Allies by launching the last major counterattack of the war in the West in the famous
“Battle of the Bulge.”Through heroic efforts, the Allies parried this last German thrust,
stabilizing the front, and went on to pierce the Reich in the Rhineland campaign, which Heading to the West Front?
saw bridgeheads established at Wesel by the British and Canadians and at Remagen by Beginners of the Campaign Series and West Front, should try the WF Tutorial for
the Americans. Beset on two fronts, and worn to a mere shadow of its once formidable help understanding the game techniques and tactics. The WF Tutorial is a fun hypo-
force, the German Army finally collapsed and Hitler’s Third Reich was reduced to cinders thetical scenario that can be found under the Scenario list on the West Front CD.
in 1945.
Welcome to Talonsoft's Campaign Series!
Campaign Series is a tactical-level game portraying some of the most significant bat-
tles from 1939 to 1945 on the East and West Fronts. Chose to fight as the Axis or Allies
in over 290 historical scenarios. The choice is yours. Pit your skills against the computer
in any of the many historical scenarios, or try your hand in full-fledged campaigns consist-
ing of linked scenarios where each battle counts. You can also go head to head against fel-
low gamers at home via the Internet in games with up to 16 players!
Each scenario is played on a unique map with five "view modes". Most scenario maps
are based on historically-accurate 1940-era 1:50,000 scale maps actually used by Axis and
Allied commanders during the war. Combat is performed on a "hex-grid" map that has
defined wargaming for over three decades. Each "hex" represents 250 meters; with four
hexes to a kilometer or 6½ hexes to a mile. Turns are equivalent to approximately 6
minutes of real time. Each scenario has a variable number of Game Turns, in which you

2 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 3


Combat Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50

Combat Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Morale Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Disruption Loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Fortifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Terrain Types of Campaign Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Concealment Values & Fog of War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Commanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
HQ and Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
How to Win . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Victory Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Optional Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
V. Campaign Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
VI. The Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
The Map Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
The Order of Battle (OOB) Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
The Scenario Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
VII. Multi-player Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
II. Table of Contents Internet TCP/IP Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Modem and Serial Connection (Null Modem) Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
II. Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Network IPX Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
III. Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Two-Player Hot-Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
IV. Playing a Scenario . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Play by E-mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105
The Game Interface & Pop-Down Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 VIII. Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
The Tool Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Observations of an East Front II Playtester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109
The Status Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Battlefield Tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122
Viewing the Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 East Front IITutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
Selecting a Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Campaign Series FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141
The Info Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Campaign Series Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154
The Unit List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156
The Unit Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Hot Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160
Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Scenario Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
The Command Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Combat and Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Moving a Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Transporting Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Reinforcements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Organizational Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Line of Sight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
Direct Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Opportunity Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Indirect Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Laying Smoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Air Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
Assault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Minefields & Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Bridge & High Wall Demolition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49

4 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 5


The Scenario Types

III. Getting Started Campaign Series allows you to play sce-
There are a variety of ways to play TalonSoft’s Campaign Series. The game now provides narios individually or against a human oppo-
two types of campaign games that allow you to lead your command through one or nent. For more information on multi-player
more grueling campaigns on the Eastern Front of WWII. However, it may be easier for games, see section VII. Multi-player Modes.
you to start with one of our numerous pre-made scenarios based on actual battles that First select the type of scenario you wish
were fought. Additionally, Campaign Series. provides a variety of editors to allow you to to play: Standard, Modem (Caller or Host),
design your own scenarios from scratch; see section VI. The Editors. Play-by-E-mail or (two-player) Hot-Seat.
Select Start a New Game to proceed
Selecting Your Game
to a listing of our pre-designed scenarios.
The main selection screen will allow you Select Resume Saved Game to con-
to choose which type of scenario you wish tinue a previously saved scenario. Note: Do not select this option if you wish to continue
to play. a Campaign Game. To continue a saved Campaign Game you must select Play Cam-
Play Scenario: Selecting this option will paign from the Main Menu.
allow you to choose from a variety of
pre-designed scenarios. For details on
playing a scenario, see section IV. Playing a
Play Campaign: Selecting this option will
allow you to begin a “Linked Campaign Game”, or choose a character and start a
“Dynamic Campaign Game” of more random scenarios that will take you through
show you combat on the Eastern Front during World War II. For details on Starting
and Resuming a Campaign, see section V. Campaign Games.
Generate Battle: Selecting this option will allow you create the basic details of a sce-
nario that will be created at random for you.
Edit Scenario: Selecting this option will allow you to create you own scenarios. For
details on creating your own scenarios, see section VI. The Editors.
Edit Map: This option will allow you create your own map for your designed scenarios.
For details on creating your own maps, see section VI. The Editors.
Edit Order of Battle: This option will allow you to decide what units will be available
to you in your designed scenarios. See section VI. The Editor.

The Scenarios Screen

Starting a New Scenario

Complexity Rating Chart

Complexity # # of Units in Scenario Complexity # # of Units in Scenario
1 1-20 6 201-280
2 21-50 7 281-380
3 51-90 8 381-500
4 91-140 9 501-750
5 141-200 10 > 750

6 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 7


Scenario titles are listed in the large window in the upper left of the screen. The sce-
narios can be displayed in a variety of ways; e.g., by complexity rating (the default listing
method), by historical date, alphabetically by filename, etc). To change the way the scenarios
are listed, press the button to the right of each small “window” on the “Scenarios” screen.
Note: After pressing a button, please allow the program a few moments to reorganize
the scenario listing.
To scroll through the scenarios use the arrows along the side of their titles. Note that
the “double arrows” can be used to move up and down the list in a “Page Up” and “Page
Down” fashion. As a scenario’s title is highlighted the information displayed in the various
windows is updated to show the information for that scenario.
The complexity rating is determined by the total number of units on both sides that
could potentially appear during that scenario (including all reinforcements). Refer to the
chart below.
Once you have chosen a new scenario, click on OK to proceed to the battle.

Resuming a Saved Scenario

When you select “Resume a Saved Scenario” from the Main Menu, less information is
displayed on the Scenarios screen than when you are starting a new game. This is because
the program reads the information from the saved-game file, and not all of the info that is
displayed for a new scenario is recorded in the saved-game file.
The titles of the scenarios you have previously saved are listed on the top left of the
screen. If you have played the same scenario different times and have multiple saved games
for the same title they will all be listed. In this case you will need to scroll through the sce-
nario names, with the arrows alongside the titles, but observe the different file names listed
in the File Name window on the right to find the game you wish to resume.
Once you have chosen a scenario to resume, click on OK to proceed to the battle.

8 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 9


IV. Playing a Scenario

A/I Selection
Soon after selecting a scenario to
play and launching the game you will
see the “A/I Selection” dialog.
The type of A/I you choose will
determine the amount of control the
game’s “Artificial Intelligence” (A/I)
exerts on play. When a side has “Com-
puter” or “Computer with FOW” A/I
selected, the program will make all the
decisions for that side and automatically
conduct all appropriate actions, such as
firing and moving.

The A/I can be used in three modes: Manual, Computer, and Computer with FOW
(Fog-of-War). Any one mode can be applied to each side.
Manual equals “no A/I”. Select this for a side if you want to make all the decisions
for that side, including conducting all moves and attacks for it. This is the default mode for
both sides.
If you select Computer for a side, the program will handle all the decisions and The Game Interface & Pop-Down Menus
actions for that side. The Main Game screen displays the scenario’s map, which has six different viewing
If you select Computer with FOW (Fog-of-War) for a side, the program will han- modes; see page 17 (Map Magnification) and page 19 (Viewing the Map).
dle all the decisions and actions for that side, and Fog of War will be in effect. If Fog of War There is a “hidden” menu bar at the top of the screen. To display the Menu Bar, press
is on, you can only see enemy units that are in the Line of Sight (LOS) of one or more of the M hot key on your keyboard. If you exit the game with the menu bar displayed, it will
your on-map units. This mode is most appropriate when you want to control one side still be displayed the next time you launch the game.
and have the program control the other.
The Advantage bar at the bottom of the A/I Selection screen allows you to balance
play between two players of unequal skill or to balance play against the A/I. To set an
The “pop-down” menus of the Menu Bar and their commands are explained below.
Advantage, hold down the left mouse button over the slider bar control and move it to
Many (but not all) menu items can be accessed by Tool Bar buttons and/or Hot Keys.
the left or right (the keyboard’s arrow keys can also be used to adjust the advantage).
Advantage values can range from 0 to 100 for either side. Depending on the value you File Menu: Use this menu to save and/or exit a game, or to load a
set, the side with the advantage will inflict higher than normal combat losses on the other saved “replay” (.btr extension) file.
side, and suffer lower than normal combat losses themselves. Advantage must be set Select Save to save the game you are playing.
before play begins in E-Mail, Modem Play and Two-Player Hot Seat games. Otherwise, the Select Save As to save a game under a file name other than the one
Advantage can be adjusted at any time during the game. currently being used for it (Note: due to the structure of the cam-
If you press the Rules button you will see a menu of Optional Rules that can be paign files, this feature is disabled if playing a campaign game mission).
enabled or disabled to enhance game play for advanced players. For more information on Select Replay to view a recorded battle. To halt the replay, press the
the Optional Rules see pages 70-71. Esc key.
Once you have selected the A/I levels, set the Advantage, and chosen the Optional Select Exit to quit the scenario. If the current game has changed since the last time it was
Rules you wish to use, press the OK button on the A/I Selection dialog and the program saved, a dialog will appear giving the option to save it before exiting (Exception: if playing a
will automatically load the map and set up the units that begin play on the map (if any). campaign game mission, it is saved without any prompt).
Note that other units (for either or both sides) might be scheduled to arrive as reinforce- Turn Menu: Use this menu when you want to proceed from one turn to
ments. To view a list of the reinforcement groups and their turn of arrival, select “Sched- the next.
uled” from the “Reinforce” pop-down menu. Select Next to advance the game to the next turn.

10 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 11


Units Menu: Use this menu to change the position of Assault Menu: Use this menu to conduct assaults.
friendly units, and to initiate artillery and Air Attacks, as well Select Cancel Assault to cancel an assault without resolving it.
as a host of other things, as explained below.
Select Add to Assault to designate the currently-selected unit(s)
Select To Top Of Stack to move a selected unit to the as participating in the assault.
top of its stack.
Select Resolve Assault to resolve the assault.
Select To Bottom of Stack to move a selected unit to
the bottom of its stack. Select Show Odds to review the current assault odds (assault
odds are not available if Fog of War is in effect).
Select Load/Unload to load a non-vehicular unit onto a
vehicular unit, or to unload a unit that is currently a pas- Reinforce Menu: Use this menu to check on the availability of rein-
senger. forcements. See page 31 for more information on reinforcements.
Select Toggle Digging-In to give orders for an eligible Select Scheduled to display the reinforcements that are scheduled to
infantry-type unit to begin construction of an Improved arrive during the current scenario, as well as the per-turn arrival prob-
Position. ability for each group. Double-clicking on the selection will bring up a
Select Double Time before moving an infantry, cavalry or Dialog Box listing the individual units of that reinforcement group. If Fog of War is in effect,
wagon unit and it will only pay three-fourths of the normal only the reinforcements for the side currently having its Turn will be displayed; otherwise,
AP to enter a location. all reinforcements will appear.
Select Damage Wall or Bridge to have a selected engi- Select Arrived during a friendly turn to display the reinforcement groups that are cur-
neer unit attempt to destroy a bridge or “high wall” hex- rently available to be placed on the map. See page 31 to enter a reinforcement group.
side. See page 46 for more information on bridge and wall demolition. Select Releases for a display listing the release times of Fixed units. Clicking once on an
Select Save AP’s for Firing to ensure that the selected unit reserves enough Action entry in the Release Dialog causes that organization to become highlighted on the screen.
Points to get off at least one shot after it has expended AP for other purposes. Double clicking or selecting OK causes the release dialog to be dismissed and the organiza-
tion to remain highlighted. Selecting Cancel causes the organization to become unhighlighted.
Select Save AP’s for Unloading to ensure that the selected unit reserves enough
Action Points to unload any passenger it may be transporting after it has expended AP for Status Menu: Use this menu to display current strength,
other purposes. objective, and victory condition information.
Select Turn Clockwise to change the facing of the selected unit one hexside in a clock- Select Scenario Information to display information on
wise direction (note the facing of the unit’s 3D icon in the Info Box). the scenario, including its title, historical background, the
Select Turn Counterclockwise to change the facing of the selected unit one hexside in ground conditions, visibility and the scenario’s designer. Some
a counter-clockwise direction (note the facing of the unit’s 3D icon in the Info Box). information in this dialog is not shown in Play by E-mail
Select Air Attack to initiate an Air Attack on the currently Hot-Spotted hex. A targeting games, or if you are the Caller in a “modem” game.
marker is placed to denote the impending air strike, but the attack is always delayed at Select Strength to see the num-
least one turn, sometimes several. Once plotted, an Air Attack cannot be cancelled. ber and types of units currently
Select Artillery Dialog to display the Artillery Dialog window which allows you to initi- available to each side. The units list-
ate attacks with Indirect Fire units. Note that all Indirect Fire attacks are not carried out ed on the left side of the Strength
until the following game turn. Dialog (see illustration at right) are
Select Assign Opportunity Fire to display the Opportunity Fire (OpFire) dialog, which the total number of (full or partial-
allows you to set (by firing- and target-unit types) the desired maximum ranges that your strength) platoons of that unit type
units will be allowed to conduct OpFire. See page 39 for more information on this dialog. currently available. The right side of
this dialog lists the number of
Select Remove From Map to voluntarily remove a unit from the map. Removal can
Strength Points (not the number of
occur only during your turn, and the unit must be in a map-edge hex (any map-edge
platoons) of that type of unit elimi-
hex—not necessarily an Exit Objective edge hex).
nated thus far. The Strength of the opposing side is not available if Fog of War is enabled
Select Undo Last Movement to cancel the entire movement of the most-recently-
moved still-selected friendly unit, so you can instead move it in a different way (or not at all).
This command is disabled during Modem play, Play By E-mail, and whenever Fog of War is
in effect; e.g., during the campaign game.

12 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 13


(though the enemy’s losses are shown). miniature version, the game map will automatically scroll to the corresponding spot.
Select Objectives to see the number, value and hex location of each Objective. Clicking Select Hex Contours to toggle (off or on) a brown “contour line” along all hexsides
on an entry line in the dialog box will put the Hot Spot in (and scroll the map to) that hex. where an elevation change occurs.
Select Available Air Support to view a list of the Air Attacks still available, if any (if Fog of Select Opaque Infobox to toggle (off or on) an opaque background color behind the
War is on, you can only view the Air Attacks for your side). Info Box.
Select Victory to see the current level of victory and related items (Exception: If playing a Select On-Map Thermometers to toggle (off or on) small “thermometers” on a 3D
Dynamic Campaign Game mission, see page 77 for victory.) map display that graphically illustrate each unit’s current state of Morale, remaining Action
Points or current Strength Points.
Display Menu: Use this menu to control how informa- Select Range to toggle (off or on) a display feature that illustrates the currently-selected
tion is displayed on the map. unit’s hard (shown in red) or soft (shown in blue) attack limits. Note: If the hard and soft
Select Units Off to toggle (off or on) the on-map dis- attack limits of the unit are same only a red line is shown.
play of all units and markers. This option is provided to Select Highlight to get a sub-menu of the following options:
temporarily hide the unit and marker icons so that you Spotted Units toggles (off or on) a highlight around all units that have a LOS to
can see the underlying map terrain better. (and thus are in the LOS of) at least one known enemy unit.
Select Unit Bases to toggle (off or on) distinctive bases Fired/Fought Units toggles (off or on) a highlight around all units that have either
for all 3D unit icons on any 3D map view. Note that fired at an enemy unit or fought in an assault during the current turn.
each nationality has different-styled 3D bases displaying a
Moved Units toggles (off or on) a highlight around all units that have expended AP
derivation of that country’s nationality symbol. See the
to enter a new hex during the current turn (exception: unless assaulting).
nationality symbol chart on page 209.
Disrupted Units toggles (off or on) a highlight around all units that are Disrupted.
Select Specials on Top to control the on-map display
of fortifications (improved positions, mines, blocks) and Units/HQs Out of Supply toggles (off or on) a highlight around all units low on
wrecks on the 2D maps. When this command has a ammunition due to failing their supply check. Note that each HQ that moved during
check mark next to it, all these markers appear above all the previous turn is automatically considered “Out of Supply” during the next turn.
other units in their hex. Indirect Fire Units toggles (off or on) a highlight around all units capable of firing
Select Objectives to toggle (off or on) the display of indirectly.
Objectives on the map. When this is enabled, each Anti-Aircraft Units toggles (off or on) a highlight around all units capable of con-
Objective hex is denoted by an objective marker dis- ducting fire vs. aircraft, i.e, Anti-Aircraft Fire.
playing the primary color of the side that currently con- Organization toggles (off or on) a highlight around all units that are part of the same
trols it (Exception: Exit Objective hex). organization as the selected unit, or are subordinate to the selected Leader or HQ.
Select Locations... to help you find a named location Mine-Clearing Units toggles (off or on) a highlight around any unit capable of
on the map. When you select one of those listed, the clearing mined hexes. Note that Mine-Clearing Units are also referred to as engi-
map will scroll to that hex. neers in this manual.
Select Visible Hexes to toggle (off or on) a shade over all hexes which are not in the Leaders toggles (off or on) a highlight around all leaders (commanders).
LOS of the current Hot Spotted hex. Headquarters toggles (off or on) a highlight around all HQ (and Command Post;
Select Reachable Hexes to graphically illustrate all the hexes that the currently-selected see Optional Rule for Command Control, page 70) units.
unit can reach in the current turn. This takes into account the number of Action Points it Fixed Units toggles (off or on) a highlight around all Fixed units.
has to spend (and considers whether or not the unit is Saving AP’s for Firing or Unload-
ing). All hexes it cannot reach are shaded. See page 31 for more information. Note: The menu options beginning with Spotted Units and ending with Fixed Units
Select Command Range when a HQ unit is selected to see the Command Range for are mutually exclusive; i.e., selecting any one of them will toggle-off any of the others
that HQ; see page 65 for more information on HQ. that had been previously selected.
Select Find Org... to see which units belong to which organizations. When you select an Select 2D Normal View to change the map to its 2D version.
organization name in the Organization Dialog, each of that organization’s component units
Select 2D Zoom-Out View to change the map to a smaller, low resolution 2D version
becomes highlighted on the map. If Fog of War is in effect, only the organizations for the
that enables more of it to be seen.
side currently having its turn will be highlighted. An organization name printed in light gray
indicates that none of its units are currently on the map. Select 3D Normal View to change the map to its full-size 3D Battleview™ mode.
Select Jump Map... to display a miniature of the map. When you select any spot in the Select 3D Zoom-Out View to change the map to Battleview™ mode but with the

14 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 15


hexes at half their normal size. players to view what units have been allotted to whom. For more information on this see
Select 3D Extreme Zoom-Out View to change the map to Battleview™ mode but page 96.
with the hexes at one-fourth their normal size. Select Scroll to View Enemy Action during a multi-player game for the computer to
Select Rotate Map to rotate the map, and all units and markers on it, 180º. scroll the map to display visible enemy actions. This is “off” by default to prevent unwanted
A/I Menu: Use this menu to control the “Artificial scrolling. This option has no effect except during multi-player games.
Intelligence” (A/I) capabilities of the of the current- Options Menu: Use this menu to set the default for
ly in-progress non-CG scenario. certain options associated with the main program. A
Select [Manual] (i.e., no A/I) for a side if you want check mark next to a command in this menu means
to make all the decisions for that side, including that it is “on.” The settings of this menu are always
conducting all moves and attacks for it. This is the “remembered” by the program.
default mode for both sides. Select Prompt For Scenario if you want to be
Select [Computer] for a side if you want the prompted for a new scenario whenever you enter the
program to handle all the decisions and actions for game directly via a desktop shortcut for the EF.EXE exe-
that side. This will show you the position of all cutable (instead of the “normal” method of launching a
enemy units, even those out of “line of sight”. new scenario from the “Scenarios” screen).
Select [Computer with Fog-of-War] for a side if you want the program to handle all Select Beep on Error to toggle (off or on) the option
the decisions and actions, and have Fog of War in effect, for that side. This is the recom- that causes a beep when you make an error.
mended, and most popular, method of play. Select Hide 3D Hot Spot to toggle (off or on) the
Select Activate A/I to restart the A/I after you have canceled it. option that causes the hexagonal Hot Spot marker to
be hidden on the “3D” maps.
Select Set Advantage to balance play between two players of unequal skill or to balance
A/I play. Advantage values can range from 0 to 100 for either side. Depending on the Select Blink Hot Spot to toggle (off or on) the option
value, the side with the advantage will inflict higher than normal combat losses on the that causes the Hot Spot to blink. Note that the Hot
other side, and suffer lower than normal combat losses themselves. Advantage must be Spot only blinks on the 2D maps.
set before play begins in E-Mail or Modem Play games. Otherwise, the Advantage can be Select Smooth Scroll to toggle (off or on) the option
adjusted at any time during the game. that causes the map to scroll incrementally to a new
Hot Spot. When this command has no check mark
Special Menu: This menu provides special options next to it, the map redraws directly at the new Hot Spot hex without scrolling through
necessary to play a Multi-Player scenario and to record the intervening hexes.
a game in progress. Select Hex Outlines to hide or display the map’s hex outlines. When the hex outlines
Select Record Battle to toggle (on or off) the option
that allows you to save a record of the non “Special-
mode” (including non-CG) game you are currently
playing. Note: You must turn “off” (uncheck) a current
recording in order to be able to view it (by selecting
“Replay” from the File pop-down menu). The extension
.btr is used to denote a recorded battle file
Select Restart Replay to restart the replay of a previously halted recorded battle file.
Select Communication Dialog in a modem game to display the “chat window” if you
had closed it previously. See also page 95 for details on multi-player Comm Dialog
Select Set Network Play Timer during a live multi-player game. Using this, the Host
(only) can input a time, in minutes, that will be used by the program to automatically end
each turn. This time can be reset at any time, but only by the Host. If the time is reset, a
message is displayed to all other players of the new time that has been set.
Select Multi-Player Dialog during a multi-player game in order for the the team captain
to assign his side’s organizations to players on his side. This can also be used by the other

16 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 17


are visible, this command has a check mark next to it. targets, and their attack strengths at those ranges. The upper line shows the range and
Select Sound Effects to toggle (off or on) the playing of firing/moving sound effects. attack strength vs. hard targets, and the lower line shows the range and attack strength vs.
Select Background Music to toggle (off or on) background music. soft targets.
Select Background Sound to toggle (off or on) the playing of “ambient” background Select About Campaign Series to display a dialog containing version number and
battle sounds. copyright information about the game.
Select Graphical Unit Icons to toggle the display of unit icons between graphical and
military-type schematic versions.
Select Auto Save to have the program save the game automatically at the end of each
turn [Exception: it will not save a phase that was conducted under computer-controlled
A/I (with or without Fog of War)].
Select Auto Save AP’s for Firing to have all of the combat units of the phasing side
automatically save enough AP to always be able to conduct at least one fire-attack after AP
are expended for other purposes.
Select Details to display a sub-menu that allows you to specify the level of details you
wish to see in the combat reports. See also Damage Report Details on page 48.
Select Fast Computer Player to have a computer-controlled side perform its move-
ment at a significantly increased speed when in any 3D Battleview™ mode.
Select Fast Human Player to have the 3D icons animate at an increased speed.
Select Ask Before Advancing Turn to have the program confirm that you really want
to end a turn after you have indicated that you have finished your turn. With this enabled,
you cannot end your turn by mistakenly clicking on the “Next Turn” Tool Bar button.
Select Use Special Icons in order for the program to use special 3D icons such as win-
Map Magnification
ter or late-war camouflage. In order for the special icons to appear (if this option is not
already in effect), you must select this option and restart the game. To change the view of the battlefield:
Select Initial View to define the initial view of the map when the Use the magnifying glass icon on the Tool Bar (near the bottom of the screen) to
main program is started. The views may be set to any of the stan- zoom in; if you hold down the Alt key while clicking on the magnifying glass you
dard views, or to default to the last one used while playing the will zoom out. You can also use the keyboard numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 to quickly
game. change the map view (1 is 3D Normal View, 2 is 3D Zoom-Out View, 3 is 3D Extreme
Zoom-OutView, 4 is 2D Normal View, and 5 is 2D Zoom-Out View). You can also change
Select Optional Rules to display a menu of game options that are in effect for the cur-
rent scenario. These rules must be set at the start of a scenario and cannot be changed the map view by selecting that map view’s name from the Display pop-down menu.
during game play. See page 70 for more information on the Optional Rules. If you wish the game to always start with a particular view, you can set this option in
the Menu Bar, under Options. Allow a moment or two for the program to “load” the
Help Menu: Use this menu to get information about how to necessary terrain files after clicking a new “view mode”.
use the Campaign Series program.
Select General Help (F1) to open the General Help file which
provides instant, on-line access for playing the game.
Select Unit Handbook (F2) to display additional information
about the currently-selected unit. Such information cannot be
accessed about enemy units if playing with Fog of War.
Select Parameter Data (F3) to find miscellaneous information on the data used inter-
nally in the game (such as the various combat tables, the height of obstacles, and defensive
modifiers of the various terrain and fortification types, etc.).
Select Unit Data (F4) to display miscellaneous data about the units in the game; i.e.,
strength points, platoon VP value, Assault Value, Defense Strength, Fire Cost, loading &
unloading costs, availability dates.
Select Weapon Data (F5) to display a list of the units’ effective ranges vs. hard and soft
18 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 19

The Tool Bar

Highlight the Organization for a unit. To highlight the next higher
organization, hold down the Ctrl key while pressing this button.

The Tool Bar, along the bottom of the screen, provides you with an easy to use way to Cycle to the next unit
play the game and maneuver your units for combat and movement. Note: For all Tool Bar
buttons to appear your screen resolution must be 800x600 or higher.
Using the Tool Bar, you can: Display the Command Range of the currently selected HQ or CP.

Toggle between “Move” and “Fire” mode (also possible with Ctrl key)
s the hard & soft attack limits (i.e., ranges) of the currently selected unit.

Display the Artillery Dialog

Open the Arrived (Reinforcements) dialog.

Load/Unload units into/from an eligible transport unit

Remove the selected unit from the map (must be in an edge hex).
Have a unit “Dig In” to attempt to create an Improved Position in its hex
Show the locations the selected unit is able to reach.
Have an eligible unit use Double Time movement.

Advance to the next turn

Save Action Points for Firing

The Status Bar

Save Action Points for Unloading units
Located beneath the Tool Bar, the Status Bar displays the nationality symbol(s) of the
current player, a “thermometer” graphic for the current turn compared to the total num-
Resolve assault ber of turns in the scenario, an indicator displaying how many “smoke” artillery missions
remain for the phasing side, whether the current turn is Allied or Axis, and the hex coor-
dinates of the hex that is currently selected.
Call for an Air Attack in the currently Hot-Spotted hex

In addition to the Tool Bar, there are numerous Hot Keys that will ease your game
Activate or deactivate the A/I
play. For a complete list of the various Hot Keys and their functions, refer to the back
cover of this manual, and see the readme.txt in the game itself.
Zoom in on the Map for a closer view of the action Viewing the Map
(or zoom out by holding the Alt key) You can scroll around the map by using the mouse to move the cursor to the edge of
the screen. You can also use the arrow Hot Keys to scroll the map. The map can be
Toggle on/off the bases for the units (3D Battleview™ only) viewed in six viewing modes.
3D Normal View. The ultimate map view is the 3D
Display the Jump Map Normal View mode, which is displayed by pressing the 1
key on your keyboard. This presents the Battleview™—a
high-resolution map in 3D-type isometric perspective,
Highlights all hexes visible from Hot-Spotted hex presenting much more detail on the screen. In this view,
units are shown as “miniatures” with individual positions
within their hex.
20 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 21

3D Zoom-Out View. The 3D Zoom-Out View displays clicking once on its unit “Info Box” (i.e., the see-through data box that appears in the
the Battleview™ map at half of its normal size, thus upper right hand corner of the screen when you click on a unit on the map). Right-click-
allowing twice as much of it to be seen at a time. This ing on the Info Box will cycle through the units in the hex, allowing you to view/select
view can be seen by pressing the 2 key on your key- them individually.
board. To select all the units in a hex, simply double-left-click on that hex.
To display the Info Boxes of all units in the hex, press the U key (see Unit List, page 23).
3D Extreme Zoom-Out View. The 3D Extreme You can also select a unit if its Info Box is displayed by left-clicking once on that unit’s
Zoom-Out View displays the Battleview™ map at a fourth Info Box (a selected unit’s Info Box will display a brighter nameplate along the top of the
of its original size, thus allowing you to view more of the box). Note: Left-clicking once on an already-selected Info Box will deselect the unit.
3D map at once. This view can be seen by pressing the 3
key on your keyboard. 3D “Roam Mode”
Whenever the display features a “3D” map, “Roam Mode” is enabled. In Roam Mode
3D unit icons on the map are automatically highlighted when your cursor passes over
2D Normal View. The next scale is called the 2D Nor-
them. A yellow highlight around a 3D icon indicates a friendly unit, a red highlight indicates
mal View, and is displayed by pressing the 4 key on your
keyboard. This presents the terrain and units in more an enemy unit. The selected unit is always shown with a green highlight (whether friendly
detail than the 2D Zoom-Out map while showing a larg- or enemy). When you “roam” the cursor over a 3D icon, its Info Box will be displayed.
er area than the 3D maps. You can choose to display units Such info remains displayed as long as your cursor is positioned over that 3D icon. As
on the 2D Normal View map with either graphical icons soon as your cursor “roams” off the 3D icon, the Info Box reverts back to displaying the
or military symbols selected unit (or, if no unit is currently selected, no Info Box is displayed).
2D Zoom-Out View. The smallest playable sizeis the
2D Zoom-Out View map, which is displayed by pressing the The Info Box
5 key on your keyboard. Units on this map cannot be dis-
tinguished from each other as easily as on the other maps, The Info Box is displayed in the upper right-
but their positions relative to the opponent’s units are hand corner when a unit is selected. Note that
readily apparent over a wider area. you can reposition the Info Box by the “drag
and drop” method if its current location is
Jump Map. The sixth map view is the Jump Map. The inconvenient. Normally, the Info Box will display
jump map will give an overall view of the entire map. It is information about the selected unit. However, if
an easy way to examine your whole battle situation. On playing on a 3D map, the Info Box will tem-
the Jump Map Axis units are shown by blue dots and
Allied units by red dots. You can click on any portion of porarily display information on any unit (enemy
the jump map and the main map will automatically scroll or friendly) that your on-map cursor “roams”
to that part of the map. This can be seen by clicking on over. The amount of information displayed will
the jump map icon on the Tool Bar. vary, depending on the current Fog of War
option chosen; i.e., no Fog of War, normal Fog of
Map Labels
War, or Extreme Fog of War.
Hold down the SHIFT key to see the labels for the map’s features, a compass rosette, If more than one unit is in the same hex (and the Unit List is not on; see “Unit List”,
and a label displaying the distance and direction to the closest major population center. page 23), you can cycle through and view the Info Box of each unit in that hex by right-
Selecting a Unit
clicking on the Info Box. Note that a left-click on the displayed Info Box will select that
To give orders to a unit (that is, to have it fire, move or perform any other action), or unit (note how the nameplate of the unit highlights), or unselect the unit if already select-
to access additional information on it, that unit must first be selected. ed (the nameplate will become unhighlighted). If a unit is carrying a passenger (indicated
To select a unit displayed on a 3D map view, left-click on its 3D unit icon. A selected by a large, full-color helmet icon in the lower-right corner of the Info Box) a right click
3D icon has a green outline, and the nameplate of its Info Box is brighter than an unse- will display the unit being carried by that transport unit.
lected unit’s nameplate. On both the 2D and 3D maps, a unit can also be selected by left- The center section of the Info Box displays the unit’s 3D icon. Other important data is
arranged in a circular fashion around the icon. Starting at “12 o’clock” and proceeding
clockwise, the data lists:
Strength (Command): The unit’s current Strength Point (SP) value. Each SP of an
infantry-type platoon represents one “half squad”. Each SP of an MG-, mortar- or gun-type

22 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 23


unit represents one “team” (if MG) or gun (for “tube” weapons such as mortars or the bottom show unit capabilities (i.e., what the unit is capable of doing).
artillery). Each SP of a vehicular platoon represents one vehicle. An SP value shown in yel-
low indicates that the selected unit is not at full strength. If the unit is a commander, this is Disrupted Status.
his “Command Rating”, which is added to the Attack Strength of a unit under his com-
mand, with which he is stacked, if that commander possesses at least as many Action Fatigued Status.
Points (AP) as the Fire Cost of the attacking unit.
Fixed Status.
Action: The number of Action Points (AP) the unit has remaining (unused). All units start
each “friendly” turn with 100 AP; each action executed during a turn (and each terrain Unit is in LOS of (i.e., spotted by) an enemy combat unit.
entered) will cost a given amount of AP. Note that, due to differing movement rates, differ-
ent unit types will expend different amounts of AP for entering similar terrain. To see how The only enemy unit with LOS to unit is a leader/unarmed-transport unit.
many AP it costs to enter each terrain type, select that unit and press the F2 key to
access the Unit Handbook. The AP expended to enter a hex are doubled if the unit is Dis- Unit is currently Low on Ammo (or unavailable if HQ or artillery).
rupted (to a maximum of 65 AP; see Minimum Movement on page 29).
Assault: That unit’s basic attack value when it assaults. Unit is currently marked to “Save APs for Firing”.
Defense: That unit’s basic defensive value when it is being fired on or assaulted. A unit’s Unit is currently marked to “Save APs for Unloading”.
Defense Strength shown in red indicates that it is a “hard” (i.e., armored) target.
Fire Cost: How many AP that unit must expend to shoot. Unit has spent APs to fire this turn.
Morale (Leadership): The unit’s current morale (the number it must roll equal to or Unit has spent APs to move this turn.
less than on a 10-sided die when doing a morale check). In order for a unit to become
undisrupted or to regain a lost morale level, it must also roll equal to or less than this
Vehicle eligible to travel across water (amphibious).
number. A morale level displayed in yellow indicates the unit is not currently at full (nomi-
nal) morale; this can be as a result of combat, or the unit might have begun the scenario at
Unit is capable of conducting Anti-Aircraft attacks.
a reduced morale level. If the unit is a commander, this number is instead his “Leadership
Rating”, which modifies the morale of the unit(s) under his command that he is stacked
Unit is capable of conducting Indirect Fire.
with. If his morale is greater than that unit’s, his morale is used for it. If his morale equals or
is less than that unit’s, its morale is raised by one. A unit’s morale appears in red if it’s
Unit is capable of carrying infantry.
being modified by a commander.
A unit’s morale can be affected by the terrain it occupies. “Beneficial” terrain will raise a Unit is capable of towing (or carrying) guns.
unit’s morale so that it will be less likely to fail a morale check and thus less likely to retreat,
whereas terrain that provides no cover (such as Clear and Water) have a detrimental Unit is capable of Double Time Movement (note that this also denotes an
morale modification. A list of these effects can be found by pressing the F3 key to view the artillery type unit that is capable of movement without transport).
Parameter Data; see also the Terrain Types section beginning on page 52.
Unit is eligible to dig in (or is currently Digging In).

Info Box Thermometer: Along the bottom of the Info Box is a thermometer that dis- Mine-Clearing (i.e., engineer) Unit capable of reducing Minefields or destroying
plays one of three things (as a ratio of its current amount to its “full” amount): Blocks and High Walls
• The unit’s current Action Points (red thermometer bar); the white vertical line marks the Unit is capable of firing Smoke.
lowest point the thermometer must stay “above” for the unit to have enough AP to fire.
• The unit’s current Morale (blue thermometer bar). The heaviest type of bridge the unit is not allowed to cross.
• The unit’s current Strength Points (green thermometer bar).
A single left-click on the Morale, Strength or Action Points box in an Info Box
will change the Info Box thermometer to display that variable.
Icons may appear along the left-hand side of the Info Box. Those at the top reflect
unit status (i.e., what the unit is currently doing or what effects it is subject to); those at

24 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 25


On-Map Thermometers
When using any of the 3D map displays, you can toggle the “On-Map Thermometers”
for each 3D icon on or off by pressing the T hot key. Depending on what you prefer,
thermometers can be displayed that graphically depict the Action Points a unit has remain-
ing, or its current number of Strength Points, or its current Morale. Note: The on-map ther-
mometers are color-coded to the color outline of the Info Box coinciding to that value; i.e., red for
Action Points; green for Strength Points; blue for Morale. A single left-click on the Morale,
Strength or Action Point box in the Info Box will change the displayed on-map ther-
mometers to the one measuring that variable. Turning the on-map thermometers on can
also be a convenient way to locate units on a 3D map display.

The Unit List

To display the Unit List along the right side of your screen, press the U hot key. You
can select and unselect one or more units easily with the Unit List “on” by left-clicking
once on the desired Info Box(es) in the Unit List. Additional information regarding play can
be found in the Unit List. If a hex is selected, Info Boxes for all units in that hex are dis-
played in the Unit List, one above the other. You can use the cursor to “drag” the dis-
played Info Boxes up or down within the Unit List (this can be necessary if three or more
Info Boxes are displayed in the Unit List). To close the Unit List, press the U key again.
To the left is the Campaign
The Unit Handbook
Series interface with the Unit
List being displayed. Additional information about a unit can be accessed by selecting that unit and pressing
the F2 key. This will display useful information about the unit, such as its AP terrain costs,
Right-click on a unit displaying its per-SP victory-point value, its “organizational tree” in the current scenario, some histor-
a full-color helmet icon (see ical text on the unit type, and a sample illustration. Note: The terrain costs listed for a unit in
page 30) to see the Unit Box the Unit Handbook are the terrain costs associated for the ground conditions (normal, soft, mud or
of the passenger being trans- snow) of the scenario currently open. Clicking the “R” (“Range Display”) button will bring up a
ported. graph illustrating the range of its weaponry (if applicable); see Range Display, below. Also
shown in the Unit Handbook is the “organizational tree” of the selected unit (providing a
Below the lowest Info Box listing that unit’s company, battalion, regiment, etc.) To close the range display, left-click on
displayed in the Unit List the the graph, or press the Esc or Enter key. Use the same keys to close the Unit Hand-
following additional game book, or left-click on the X (“Close”) button located in the lower right-hand corner of
information is presented: the Unit Handbook display.

Terrain: Lists the predominant type of terrain in the hex and the base elevation in meters. Range Display: If you click on the “Range Display”
Objective: If the selected hex is an objective hex, its objective value is listed. See pages (“R”) button in the lower right portion of a selected
67-68 for more information on Objectives. unit’s Unit Handbook display, a “Range Dialog” graph
is displayed. This Range Dialog illustrates the “Hard
Wrecks: The current number of wreck SP in the selected hex. See page 37 for more
target” Attack Strengths (shown by the red line) and
information on wrecks. the “Soft target” Attack Strengths (shown by the blue
Concealment: The concealment value of the terrain in the selected hex. The higher the line) of the unit currently being investigated in the
value the better its concealment. Unit Handbook. The number in the upper left corner of this dialog (along the “Y” axis) is
Visibility: The maximum number of hexes a unit can “see” in the scenario. See page 37 the unit’s maximum attack factor for whichever Attack Strength (hard or soft) has the
for more information on Line of Sight and visibility. greater value; the number in the lower right corner (along the “X” axis) is the unit’s maxi-
Air Power: The total number of Air Attacks remaining per side (Allied #/Axis #).* mum range for whichever Attack Strength has the greater range. The Range Dialog graph
Smoke: The number of Smoke missions available to eligible artillery (Allied #/Axis #).* in the Unit Handbook can be closed by left-clicking on it, or by pressing the Esc or
Enter key.
Ammo: The supply (ammo) level per side (Allied #/Axis #).*
* If Fog of War is in effect, the numbers for the opposing side are shown as a “?”.
26 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 27

Organizations describing the combat modifier of each terrain type, the effect on morale that certain ter-
Each unit in Campaign Series is part of an organization. The individual units are pla- rain types have, and the height (in meters) of each terrain type.
toons. The platoons are part of companies, the companies are part of battalions, The “Hot Spot”
battalions are part of regiments, and regiments are parts of divisions. You can use
the Highlight Organization Tool Bar button to highlight the selected unit’s organization. To “hot spot” a hex simply left-click one time in that hex. Note: To display a red outline
Additionally, you can also highlight the “next higher” organization in that organizational around the hot-spotted hex when playing on a 3D map, uncheck “Hide 3D Hot Spot” in the
“tree” by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking on this Tool Bar button. Knowing the Options pop-down menu; if playing on a 2D map view, the hot-spotted hex is always highlighted by
other units (especially Commander and HQs) belonging to a unit’s organization is impor- a red square.
tant for being effective in combat. See also Organizational Movement (p. 34), Commanders
(p. 66), and HQ and Supply (p. 67).
The Find Org... item from the Display pop-down menu is a convenient way to find
what organization is present on the map, and its location. Click on organizations listed in
this dialog and the units of that organization are highlighted on the map. You may find it
convenient to be in the “2D Zoom-Out View” mode when doing this. See also the infor-
mation given on page 12 about this menu item.

The Command Report

At the beginning of each turn the program generates a “Command Report” if any of
the following situations apply:
Arrival of Reinforcements - An announcement is made if any reinforcements have
arrived (see Reinforcements, page 31).
Release of Fixed Units - An announcement of the release of any organization (or even
a single unit) that had previously been “fixed” (see Fixed Units, page 35).
Improved Position Construction - An announcement is made of the construction
(and hex-location) of a just-completed Improved Position. Engineer infantry have an
Scenario Information improved chance of creating Improved Positions (see Digging In, page 51).
While playing a scenario you can press the I hot key to display the Scenario Informa- Clearing of Minefield or Blocked Hex - An announcement is made if engineer units
tion. This display lists the scenario's title and author, the ground and weather conditions in have successfully cleared any mined or blocked hexes (see Clearing Minefields and
effect, and the historical copy. Note: Use your keyboard's “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys to Blocks, page 46).
view more of the historical copy. The ground conditions affect the number of Action Points a Number of Air Attacks - Lists the total number of Air Attacks available for that side
unit must expend to enter a given terrain type; the weather affects the visibility conditions. during the scenario (see Air Attacks, page 42).
Important Note: The historical description for each Campaign Series scenario may include a rec- Number of HQs Unable to Provide Supply - Lists the number of HQs unable to
ommendation of which side you should play if playing against the computer A/I. Playing as the other provide supply during the current turn (see HQ and Supply, page 65).
side will result in an unbalanced game. Number of Units Low on Ammo - A list of the number of units currently suffering
from low supply (see HQ and Supply, page 65).
Terrain Information
Undisrupted or Recovered Morale - Lists the number of units that became undis-
Each game map is composed of a variety of terrain types that affect combat, move-
rupted and/or recovered morale (compared to the total that were disrupted or had
ment and Line of Sight (LOS) in differing ways. The terrain type in the “hot spotted” hex is
lost one or more morale levels) and the units’ location (see Disruption Loss, page 49).
displayed in the Unit List (press the U hot key to turn the Unit List off and on). To get
more detailed information on each terrain type select “Parameter Data (F3)” from the Isolated - Lists the hexes where isolated units are located.
Help pop-down menu (or press the F3 hot key). In this display information can be found
28 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 29

must be in Fire Mode to give a unit Direct or Indirect Fire orders. When in “Fire Mode”
your on-map cursor is a circled “plus sign” (similar to the crosshairs of a gunsight).
Moving a Unit
Each turn starts in the Move mode by default. First, be sure you are in “Move
Mode”. The second button from the left in the Tool Bar along the bottom of the
screen is the “mode” button. In “Move Mode” the button is “undepressed” and
shows three green arrows and a partial silhouette of a tank. (If it’s “depressed” and displays
a large red “crosshairs”, you’re in “Fire Mode”.) Next, select the unit you want to move,
then right-click in any hex to move the unit toward that hex. (Note: you can move units only
of the side you control—not enemy units.)Alternatively, you can select the unit, then “drag and
drop” it in the direction you wish it to move. When in “Move Mode” your on-map cursor
is a thin “plus sign” (+).
Save AP's for Firing: When moving a unit (especially if expecting to move into
“contact” with the enemy) you might want to reserve enough APs so that the
unit can fire at least once (either at the end of its move or as Opportunity Fire
during the next enemy turn). To do this, press the “Save AP's for Firing” Tool Bar button
before expending many AP for other activities. When a unit has been selected to Save AP's
Combat and Movement for Firing, a small full-color “bullet” icon will appear near the top of the icon bar along the
Combat and Movement all take place in one turn. Each unit is allocated 100 Action left side of the Info Box. To cancel this, simply select the unit and toggle this off by pressing
Points at the start of its turn, displayed in its Info Box. Every hex entered and every shot the same Tool Bar button. Note: you can have this feature automatically in effect for all combat
fired consumes a certain amount of AP from the selected unit’s current total of APs. Once units of your side by selecting “Auto Save AP's for Firing” from the Options pop-down menu; howev-
a unit has expended all of its AP (or, more commonly, has so few AP remaining that it is er, this will not take effect until a turn begins with this option selected.
unable to perform any action) it will have to wait until its next turn begins to have its AP
returned to 100 (and thus be able to perform more actions). Note that you do not have Save AP's for Unloading: When moving a loaded transport unit (especially if
to finish the movement (or AP expenditure) of one unit before beginning the movement getting near the enemy) you might want to reserve enough APs so that the trans-
of another unit; you can always “come back” to any unit at a later time during your turn port's passenger can unload at the end of the move. To do this, press the “Save
to move or fire it, as long as it has enough AP remaining to perform the desired action. AP's for Unloading” Tool Bar button before expending many AP for other activities. When
During each “friendly” turn, a unit can usually both move and fire. Some units can fire a unit has been selected to Save AP's for Unloading, a small full-color “wheel” icon will
as many as three times per turn! Each armed (combat) unit has a “Fire Cost” (the amount appear near the top of the icon bar along the left side of the Info Box. To cancel this, sim-
of AP it costs that unit to fire). How you choose to have your units expend their AP, and ply select the carrying unit and toggle this off by pressing the same Tool Bar button.
in what “combination”, will largely determine how well you do in a scenario. There are Roads
many decisions to make each time you select one of your “friendly” units during your
turn. For instance, should you expend all of a unit’s AP in moving? Should it fire once and The maps in Campaign Series feature several different types of “roads”, each of
which has a different movement cost (paid in AP) to enter a hex along that road. The road
then move? Should it move, and then fire? Should it fire once, then be marked to “Save
APs for Firing” (so that it might conduct opportunity fire during your opponent’s turn)? types are:
The options are plentiful—and the situation is fluid. Using your units’ AP to the fullest is an Paved: These are well-surfaced (improved) macadam roads, and provide a good sur-
important part of victory. face in all weather conditions.
Unpaved: Packed-dirt surface. If the terrain is muddy these are best avoided.
Move/Fire Mode Paths: These represent narrow cart and foot paths, too narrow for most wheeled
There are two “modes” in the game, “Move” and “Fire”. By default, a turn vehicles to benefit from.
begins in Move Mode. To toggle between the two modes press the Railroad: These represent railroad tracks, sometimes found elevated above the sur-
“Move/Fire Mode” Tool Bar button (the second button from the left on rounding terrain. A very bumpy ride for vehicles.
the Tool Bar). When in Move Mode this button displays three green arrows and part of a
tank silhouette; when depressed the button is in Fire Mode and displays a bright red For more information on roads, see pages 58-59 in the Terrain Types section.
“crosshairs” over a vehicle icon. Additionally, pressing and holding down the Ctrl key tog- Road Movement: Two or more (non-leader) units of ≥12 SP stacked in a hex negate
gles the mode from “Fire” to “Move” or vice-versa. Note that your on-map cursor any road in that hex. (For purposes of this, “road” includes each of the four types of
changes at the same time. You must be in Move Mode to move or assault with a unit; you “roads” listed above.) In other words, a unit travelling along a road can enter a hex using
30 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 31

the road movement rate as long as its SP total, when added to the SP total of the units adjacent to that enemy unit (as it is not moving closer to that “closest” enemy unit).
already in the hex, does not exceed 12. Passengers do not count, but wrecks do. Hence, if
you try to move three units whose combined SP is >12 simultaneously (as a “stack”)
along a road, they each pay the non-road cost to enter that hex. Likewise, if two units with
a combined SP of 12 already occupy a road hex, the non-road cost will be charged if you
attempt to move any other unit into it.

Transporting Units
Bridges: There are three types of hexside bridges in the game: Light, Medium and Heavy.
In addition to these three hexside bridges, a water hex can be spanned by a “full hex” There are several different types of transport units available in Campaign Series, includ-
bridge, which is always considered “heavy” for movement purposes. The bridge icon (with ing wagons, horses, trucks, artillery tractors, halftracks, motorcycles, bicycles, landing craft,
a small red “x” on it) that appears in the icon bar along the left side of the Info Box is the boats, rafts and even some types of tanks and assault guns.
“heaviest” type of bridge that unit is not allowed to use, whereas the bridge type listed for Each potential transport unit displays a small icon along the lower left side of its
that unit on its Unit Handbook page is the lightest type of bridge the unit is allowed to Info Box that graphically displays a type of unit it is capable of transporting. See
use. For information on the various bridge types, see pages 62-63 of the Terrain Types sec- page 22 for more information on these icons.
tion; for information on destroying bridges, see page 46. Any unit currently carrying a passenger of any type has a large, full-color
helmet icon in the lower right portion of its Info Box. If eligible to
Minimum Movement carry a passenger but not currently carrying one, the helmet icon on
Regardless of the AP cost of a hex, a unit can always move one hex during its turn. “standard” (dedicated) transport units (trucks, halftracks, prime-movers, horses, motorcy-
The most AP cost of any one hex entered is 65 AP, regardless of the combination of hex- cles, bicycles, boats, and rafts) is shown as a yellow outline. This yellow helmet outline is
side or in-hex terrain. Thus, as long as a unit has 65 AP remaining, it can enter an adjacent not shown on “non-standard” transport, such as tanks and assault guns.
hex (Exception: if entering a hex (and/or crossing a hexside) that unit can not enter/cross; e.g., any To see what is being carried by any unit displaying the full-color helmet icon, right-click
unit crossing a cliff hexside, or a vehicle attempting to enter a non-frozen swamp or marsh). on its Info Box. Right-clicking on the Info Box again will redisplay the transport unit or, if
NOTE: The program might tell you that a unit does not have the required AP to enter a hex there are other units in the hex, will display the next unit in the hex (exception: if the Unit
(even though that unit has 100 AP remaining) if that hex entry cost is 65 AP and the unit has List is on; see page 23). Note that horses, motorcycles, bicycles, boats and rafts cannot move (or
been marked to Save AP’s for Firing (as denoted by a “full color” bullet icon appearing in the be used for spotting purposes) unless a passenger is currently loaded on that unit, whereas trucks,
upper part of the icon bar along the left side of its Info Box). This is most common in units which halftracks and artillery tractors (because each is considered to have an “inherent” driver) can move
must pay > 35 AP to fire when such a unit is attempting to enter a hex which costs 65 AP. To (or be used for spotting purposes) if not loaded. See page 38 for more information on
move such a unit, select the unit and toggle off the “Save AP’s for Firing” feature. The unit will then Unknown Units and using Transport units for spotting.
be allowed to expend the necessary AP to move (as it is now no longer saving enough AP to
fire). See also “Auto Save AP’s for Firing”. Loading: To load a unit onto any type of “empty” transport, the transport unit
must be in the same hex as the unit you want to “load up”, and the transport unit
Disrupted Unit Movement must have at least as many SP as its potential passenger. Both must also have the
A disrupted unit pays double the normal AP cost to enter a hex, to a maximum of 65 requisite number of AP to load. Select both units (you can double-click on the hex if they
AP. A non-passenger disrupted unit cannot enter a hex if, in doing so, it would be lessening are the only two units in the hex; otherwise see “Multi-Selecting” below), then click on the
the distance to the closest enemy unit currently known to any unit of the friendly side. “load/unload” Tool Bar button (depicting a truck with infantry).
If a disrupted unit begins its turn adjacent to an enemy unit, it may continue to move To find out the Loading Cost for each unit type that can be loaded, check the unit

32 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 33


data in the Appendices of this manual (or press F4 during the game), where the cost to chance is only 50%.
load (or unload) that unit is listed. Unless the arrival chance is 100%, the program will perform a “percentile” (1-100) die
Unloading: To unload a currently-loaded transport unit (one displaying a full- roll, beginning on the turn listed, and at the beginning of each friendly turn thereafter that
color helmet icon in the lower right corner of the unit’s Info Box), select the unit the reinforcement group has still not arrived. A die roll equal to or less than that reinforce-
and click on the “load/unload” button. Note that it generally costs 25 AP to ment group's printed entry chance results in that reinforcement group arriving. Note: If the
unload from most transport types, but only 10 AP to unload “riders” from tanks. To find optional rule for Extreme Fog of War is on, the percent chance of arrival is always hidden. If a sched-
out the Unloading Cost for each unit type that can be loaded, check the unit data in the uled reinforcement fails to enter on the designated turn, the roll is repeated at the same
Appendices of this manual (or press F4 during the game), where the cost for a unit to percentage chance on each following turn until that reinforcement group arrives.
load or unload is listed, with the exception being unloading riders (see Tank Riders; below) Entering Reinforcements: If the Command Report mentions that “Reinforce-
and unloading from bicycles, motorcycles, boats and rafts, which have their own Unloading ments have arrived” you should press the “Arrived” tool bar button (or the A
Cost that applies instead of the cost listed for the passenger. hot key) to display the “Arrived Dialog”.
Multi-Selecting: To load a unit onto a transport in a hex that contains more than just Arrived Dialog: Each group of reinforcements
those two units, you will probably find it easiest to select them by first opening the Unit List arriving on the current turn is listed on a sepa-
(press the U hot key) and then left-clicking on each of their Info Boxes. Alternatively, you can rate line. Double-left-click on a listed group in
also select them by a careful combination of right- and left-clicking on the single Info Box. order to have those units placed on the map.
Each right-click will cycle to the next unit in the hex, and each left-click will select (or unse- Once placed you can then select and move the
lect) the displayed unit. Note that a selected unit has the nameplate on its Info Box highlighted. units.
Tank Riders: Medium and heavy tanks, as well as most assault guns and tank Temporary Overstacking: The program allows reinforcing units to be placed in their
destroyers, have the ability to carry infantry “riders” but cannot tow guns. Tanks and entry hex in excess of normal stacking limits.
other armored vehicles that are allowed to carry "riders" can transport double their Displacement: If a reinforcement group enters the map on a hex occupied by an enemy
amount of SP (e.g., a 3-SP tank platoon can carry a 6-SP infantry platoon, etc.). Such vehi- unit(s), the enemy unit(s) will be displaced into an adjacent hex (Exception: air-landed rein-
cles are designated by the presence of a “soldier with submachinegun” icon in the lower- forcement group; see below).
left corner of their Info Box. Note that these types of vehicles cannot fire while loaded.
Towing: Certain vehicles (e.g., artillery tractors) can tow guns but cannot carry
infantry. Such vehicles are designated by an “anti-tank gun” icon in the lower-left
corner of their Info Box.
Reachable Hexes: Press the H hot key after selecting a unit to move to high-
light all hexes which the selected unit can reach during the current movement
phase. This display takes into account the number of APs the selected unit has
remaining, and the effects of extra hexes reachable due to Double Time, and if the unit is
marked to “Save APs for Firing” and/or “Save AP’s for Unloading”. The Reachable Hexes
display updates automatically as the unit moves.

Many scenarios have reinforcements that enter during play. To view the list of sched-
uled reinforcements, press the S hot key. Note: if Fog of War is in effect, the Schedule Dialog
will list only friendly reinforcements. Each reinforcement group is listed on a separate line with
the following information: turn of entry; percentage chance of entry (shown as “??” if the
Extreme Fog of War optional rule is in effect); hex of entry; first unit of that group. Since
most reinforcements contain more than one unit, you can double-left-click on any entry
of the Scheduled dialog to display a window listing all units of that reinforcement group.
Furthermore, if you left-click on a reinforcement group in the Schedule Dialog, the map Paradrops & Gliders
will scroll to display the entry hex of that group. Units that enter play on parachutes or gliders will arrive as reinforcements and are
Example: A line of the Schedule Dialog might display “5 (50%) at 0,20 German SPW Half- subject to “scattering” and taking casualties depending on the terrain they land in or their
tracks…”. This indicates that on turn 5 a reinforcement group containing German SPW Half- proximity to enemy units. The amount of scatter for each glider/paradropped reinforce-
tracks (and other units, note the “…”) is scheduled to arrive at hex 0,20. However, their arrival ment group is preset by the scenario designer. In addition to scatter and terrain-induced

34 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 35


casualties, units landing by parachute (only) always land with 0 AP, are also automatically
Note: Of all the nations featured in Campaign Series, only the Germans historically had a valid
movement in water and on land. Units carried aboard amphibious transport can disem-
disrupted, and affected
combat component by “low
trained ammo”
for glider status
landings to though
(even reflect these
the additional
troops weredanger
on bark in shallow water hexes or on land. The only amphibious units available in Campaign
dispersal normally
the Eastern Front).experienced
The scenario by a paradropped
editor will allow youunit.
to “land” any troops via glider or paradrop, Series are the Russian T-37 and T-40 tankettes the U.S./British Sherman DD Tanks, DUKW
however, for those players wanting to explore such hypothetical possibilities. Trucks and British Buffaloes..

Paradrops Casualties: A unit paradropping into marsh, swamp or shallow water, or

landing adjacent to one or more enemy units, takes a random SP loss ranging from 1 to
the maximum SP of the affected unit. This loss is halved (fractions rounded down) if the
unit drops into rough, forest, village, suburb, city, factory or special-building terrain. Note
that such losses are not counted as losses in the scenario victory conditions for victory
point purposes.
Glider Landings Casualties: A glider-borne unit landing in rough, swamp, orchard, for-
est, village, suburb, city, factory or special-building terrain, or if it lands adjacent to one or
more enemy units, takes a random SP loss ranging from 1 to the maximum SP of the
affected unit. This loss is halved (fractions rounded down) if the unit lands in marsh, vine-
yard, shallow water or wadi. Note that such losses are not counted as losses in the sce-
nario victory conditions for victory point purposes. Units landing by glider land with 100
AP and are only Disrupted if they incurred casualties when landing.

Organizational Movement
Campaign Series features two types of “Organizational Movement”, whereby you
can quickly and easily move all the as-yet-unmoved units of an organization. Both
types of Organizational Movement require that the “Highlight Organization” Tool
Bar button is “on”, thus highlighting all the units that belong to the same organization as
the currently selected unit.
Column Movement: Select a unit, press the “Highlight Organization” Tool Bar but-
ton, and then, while depressing the Alt key, right-click in a hex you wish the unit to
move to, all of the units of that unit's organization will move toward the selected hex.
This type of movement is especially helpful when you have a number of units of the
same organization in a “road column”; if so, pick the lead unit of the column to move.
You can also “drag and drop” in lieu of right-clicking, if preferred.
Echelon Movement: Select a unit, press the “Highlight Organization” Tool Bar but-
ton, and then, while depressing the Shift key, right-click in a hex you wish the selected
unit to move to, all of the units of that unit's organization will move in the same gen-
eral direction and distance (but not toward the same location) as the selected unit. You
can also “drag and drop” in lieu of right-clicking, if preferred.
Double Time Movement and Fatigue: An infantry, cavalry, or wagon
(exception: if transporting a gun incapable of moving on its own) unit can
use Double Time movement if it is not currently marked with an “F” (fatigued)
icon. A unit currently capable of using Double Time movement is also denoted by a
Amphibious Units “charging soldier” icon displayed in the icon bar on the left side of its Info Box (the “charg-
Additionally, amphibious units (denoted by the symbol shown at left) are capable of ing soldier” icon also denotes the light gun and mortar units that are capable of being
manhandled; i.e., that can move for short distances without transport). From the moment
that the unit is commanded to use Double Time, it pays only three-fourths of the normal
AP cost to enter a hex (or cross a terrain hexside) during that turn. To conduct Double
Time movement, select the unit, press the “Double Time” Tool Bar button, and move the
36 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 37

unit. Once a unit has been flagged to Double Time, it cannot be undone. You can check the “Release Dialog” by selecting “Releases” from the “Reinforce” pop-
Note: A cavalry unit does not have to Double Time on a turn in which it assaults (in fact, down menu or by pressing the F hot key on your keyboard. . The Release Dialog lists
it would be better not to, so that the detrimental effects of Fatigue will not apply to the each organization or unit that is scheduled to be released during that scenario (if any).
cavalry unit’s assault). Example: A Release Dialog line might display: “12 (20%) Romanian 3rd Battalion”. This indi-
A unit that begins its cates that the Romanian 3rd Battalion has a 20% chance of being released, starting on turn
friendly turn Fatigued 12. To highlight units of the 3rd Battalion on the map, you can left click on its listing in the
(an “F” icon is displayed in Release Dialog.
the unit's Info Box) cannot Unless a release chance is 100%, the program will perform a “percentile” (1-100) die
Double Time during that roll, beginning on the turn listed, and at the beginning of each friendly turn thereafter that
turn. The “F” icon is auto- the organization is still not released. A die roll equal to or less than that organization's
matically removed at the printed release chance results in that organization being immediately released. Note: If the
start of any turn in which Optional Rule for Extreme Fog of War is on the percent chance of release is hidden.
the unit did not Double
Time in the previous turn.
A Fatigued unit that
attacks (Direct Fire or
Assault) has its Attack
Strength halved (fractions
rounded down, to a mini-
mum of one). A Fatigued
unit that defends in assault has its Defense Strength halved (fractions rounded down, to a
minimum of one).

Fixed Units: Some

scenarios feature
units that (usually for his-
torical purposes) have
been “fixed” in place. A
Fixed unit is denoted by a Combat
red circular icon displaying
a white “F” at the top of There are five basic types of combat in TalonSoft’s Campaign Series: Direct Fire, Indirect
the icon bar of the Info Fire,Assault,Air Attacks and Minefields.Anti-Aircraft Fire is considered part of Direct Fire.
Box. Such a unit is unable Units capable of Direct Fire cannot attack using Indirect Fire. However, units capable of
to move until it is either Indirect Fire can also attack using Direct Fire.
attacked or “released” (if The basic way to attack an enemy unit (using Direct or Indirect Fire) is to:
released, the Command 1) Select your attacking unit by clicking on its 3D icon (if playing on a 3D map) or its
Report will report this Unit Box once (ensure that the game is in Fire Mode, not Move Mode; see page 27
occurrence). for an explanation of Fire and Move modes).
2) Move your cursor over the target you wish to attack. A display showing the soft and
Weather Condition Visibility* Weather Condition Visibility* hard attack factors will appear.
Clear 20 Heavy Rain† 5 3) Right click on the unit you wish to attack.
Overcast 18-19 Fog 4 There is no limit to how many times an individual unit can be attacked in a turn.
Slight Haze 15-17 Thick Fog 3
Light Rain† 10-14 Very Thick Fog 2 A unit can only attack if it has enough APs to commit to the attack. The number of
Squalls 8-9 Night 1 APs each unit expends to conduct a Direct or Indirect Fire attack is listed as the Fire
Cost in that unit’s Info Box.
Light Fog 6-7
* In hexes † Snow if Ground Conditions are snow Direct and Indirect Fire use a combination of the attacker’s range to the target plus its

38 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 39


Strength to determine the actual effectiveness of the attack. Most units have range modifi- Unknown Unit: When Fog of War is in effect, if the only friendly unit(s) that has
cations to better reflect their real-life capabilities. Each Disrupted unit has its Attack Factor LOS to an enemy unit is an unarmed unit such as a truck, wagons, prime mover or
halved prior to any other modifications. artillery tractor and that is not carrying a passenger, that enemy unit is displayed as an
A unit that is a passenger cannot attack or be attacked directly. However, when its “Unknown Unit”. On a 2D view map an Unknown Unit is shown by a marker with a “?”;
transport vehicle is attacked, damage may also apply to the passenger. on a 3D view map a 3D icon in the form of a “?” is displayed.
Note: A transport that requires passengers in order to be able to move (such as a bicy-
Note: Passengers and Riders are extremely susceptible to damage while loaded—especially if
their means of conveyance is a Soft Target type. cle, motorcycle, boat, raft, or horse) cannot be used for spotting.
Visible Hexes: To highlight the hexes that can be seen from a specific location
(i.e., that are in the LOS of a certain hex), left-click once in that hex (thus “hot
spotting” that hex), then press the Tool Bar button displaying the “binoculars” or
the V hot key. All hexes not visible from the hot-spotted hex are shaded. Press the V hot
key again to turn off the “visible hexes” feature. Note: Just because a friendly unit has
LOS to a hex does not mean that any/all enemy units in that hex are automatically visible.

Line of Sight
Line of Sight (LOS) and terrain also affect attacks. Direct Fire may not be initiated against
a target that the attacker cannot see. Line of Sight can be blocked by terrain in a hex, eleva-
tion changes, weather (visibility), smoke, other units and a hex having six or more wrecks in
it. See page 63 for information on how terrain concealment values are used to determine
what units are revealed. The various ways LOS can be affected is discussed below.
Terrain: The predominant terrain in each hex can potentially block LOS, depending
on the height of that terrain. To check the concealment values and the height (in
meters) of each terrain type refer to the Terrain Types section (pages 51-65) or to
the Parameter Data file (press the F3 key when the game is open).
Direct Fire
Elevation Changes:The elevation changes depicted by the maps will block LOS in
The most common type of attack is probably Direct Fire. Direct Fire is performed
a natural manner. only by units that have a LOS to their target.
Weather (Visibility): Each scenario has a Weather condition associated with it that
To initiate a Direct Fire attack, the unit you want to conduct the attack with must
limits visibility anywhere from a minimum of 1 (one) hex (if conditions list “night”) to be selected, and you must be in “Fire Mode”. If currently in “Move Mode”, you
a maximum of 20 hexes(if conditions are “clear”). A scenario’s weather and visibility
must either depress the second-from-the-left Tool Bar button or hold down the
limits can be found by displaying the Scenario Information screen. Weather will not
Ctrl key to toggle to “Fire Mode”. In “Fire Mode” this button (and your on-map cursor)
change during the course of a scenario. See the following chart for the list of possible displays a “crosshairs” (a circled “+”). When your on-map “Fire Mode” crosshairs cursor
weather conditions and the visibility limits associated with each.
“roams” over a hex containing a valid target (i.e., an enemy unit within range and in line of
Smoke: Smoke is an obstacle to LOS if it exists between the firer and its intended sight of the selected firing unit), a small box with two numbers is displayed over the target
target. A unit in a Smoke hex can still fire, or be fired upon, but only at half Attack hex. This box lists (left to right) the firing unit's nominal attack strengths vs. any hard and
Strength. Smoke can be fired only by certain Indirect Fire units, and halves the non- soft targets in that hex. Note that these Attack Strengths automatically increase as the
assault attack into or out of its hex. See page 41 for more information on Smoke. range to the target decreases, and decrease as the range increases, thus simulating “range
Units: If a hex contains 13 or more strength points of non-wreck units it is consid- attenuation” (lessened firepower at increased range).
ered to have enough units therein to sufficiently block LOS through that hex. Example: “10/4” might be displayed when an anti-tank platoon targets a hex. “10” is the
Wrecks: If a hex contains 6 or more strength points of wrecks it is considered to attack factor the platoon would use against a “hard” (or armored) unit in that hex, and “4” is
have enough wrecks therein to sufficiently block LOS through that hex. Less wrecks the attack factor the platoon would use against a “soft” (or non-armored) unit in that hex.
are required to block LOS than non-wrecks due to the inherent smoke of wrecks. On a 3D map, when the Fire Mode cursor roams directly over a valid target and high-
lights it in red, a more detailed box appears that lists (from left to right) that target's

40 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 41


Strength Points, its name, and the firing unit's nominal attack strength vs. that target. range setting. To set OpFire for an individual unit, select the unit, then press the D hot key
Example: “5 - BA-20 @ 10” would signify a 5-SP BA-20 (Russian Armored Car) being tar- to display the OpFire dialog. The OpFire dialog that appears applies only to the selected
geted by a firing unit with an attack factor of “10”. unit(s). Other setting are grayed out. If more than one unit is selected, the options that are
To carry out the attack, right click on the unit/hex you wish to attack. If playing on the not grayed-out will affect all units selected.
3D map you can right-click directly on the 3D icon. If you do not click directly on the 3D icon Note: The most restrictive OpFire option set for a unit takes precedence; e.g., a globally-
and the hex contains multiple potential targets, a Target Selection Dialog will appear allow- set option for a unit type to fire at “short” range will take precedence over an individually-
ing you to select the final target of the Direct Fire attack. set option for an individual unit of that type to fire at “medium” range.
There is no limit to how many times an individual unit can be attacked in a turn. How-
ever, a unit can only attack if it has enough APs to perform the attack.
Infantry vs. Armor: Most infantry-type units can fire at a hard (armored) target only
when it is adjacent to that target. This represents the fact that most infantry-carried “light
anti-tank weapons” had a very short range (exception: some MG platoons have a two-hex
range vs. “hard” targets). Note that as the war goes on, the lethality of infantry attacks
(especially German) vs. armor generally increases, reflecting the increased effectiveness of
such anti-tank weapons (such as panzerfausts and the bazooka-like panzerschreck).

Opportunity Fire
In Campaign Series, Opportunity Fire (OpFire, that is, friendly fire during the enemy’s
turn in reaction to an enemy action) will occur automatically. OpFire has a chance to
occur (and is performed automatically by the computer) when an enemy unit expends AP
Indirect Fire
in the range and LOS of a friendly (opposing) unit, providing that friendly unit has enough
“saved” AP (equal to or greater than its Fire Cost). Most scenarios feature a combination of Direct- and Indirect-Firing combat units.
Artillery, mortars and rockets can attack using Indirect Fire, which is used to attack units
During your turn you can automatically have a unit save enough APs to conduct
both in the firer’s LOS as well as units out of the LOS of the firing battery. Note that such
OpFire in the following enemy turn. To do this, select the friendly unit and press units can also conduct Direct Fire vs. enemy units that are their LOS in the normal man-
the “Save AP’s for Firing” button on the Tool Bar. Note that you do not have to
ner. Indirect Fire attacks however, unlike Direct Fire attacks, potentially affects all units in
use the “Save AP’s for Firing” button to use OpFire—it just has to have enough AP left.
the target hex. Important: All indirect fire is “pre-plotted” one turn in advance (simulating the
When “Save AP’s for Firing” is in effect for a unit, a small full color “bullet” icon will time it takes for a forward observer to establish access to the battery, plot the fire mis-
appear along the left side of the Info Box of that unit, and the unit will not be allowed sion, call in spotting rounds, etc.). Once plotted, an artillery mission cannot be recalled.
to expend all of its AP (in other words, the program will automatically save enough AP for Press the “Artillery Dialog” Tool Bar button to display the Artillery Dialog win-
the selected unit to be able to fire once).
dow, which displays each indirect fire unit for the current side. The best reason
Setting Opportunity Fire “Globally” for using the Artillery Dialog is because it displays your “off-map” artillery as well
Using the Opportunity Fire dialog (available by selecting “Assign Opportunity Fire” from as your on-map artillery. Each entry lists the Strength Points of the battery, the battery
the Units pop-down menu, or by pressing hot-key D), you can set the maximum allowable type, and its hex location. An entry listed in black is eligible to be fired that turn; if the
range for a listed unit type to conduct OpFire. Ensure that no unit on the map is currently entry is printed in gray that battery is not eligible to fire that turn (this may be due to the
selected. The firing unit types are listed along the left side of the dialog; the possible target battery being in transit, out of range of all eligible targets, or because it is temporarily out
types are listed across the top. Selectable ranges for a firing unit are listed as Short, Medium of contact with its observer). Once the unit has expended all of its shots, it is automatically
and Long, and may be adjusted during play of a scenario as many times as desired. Basically, a removed from the Artillery Dialog. Double-clicking on the unit in the Artillery Dialog will
unit’s “short” range is considered to be its maximum range vs that target type times one- center the map on that unit, as will pressing the Locate button.
third. Its “medium” range would be its maximum range vs that target type times two-thirds. Units with an asterisk (*) preceding their name in the Artillery Dialog are considered
For instance, if a unit has a maximum range of 15 hexes vs a soft target, its medium range for that “off-board” artillery. As such, these units are outside the playable map area, and cannot be
target type would be 6 to 10 hexes, and its short range would be 1 to 5 hexes. moved or attacked and can only attack using Indirect Fire.
If you do not wish a certain type of unit to ever conduct opportunity fire at a certain Note 1: If you plot an attack for an Indirect Fire-capable unit without using the Artillery Dialog (for
target type, set that unit type’s range to “N” in the Opportunity Fire Dialog. instance, by simply selecting the on-map Indirect Fire unit and right-clicking on an intended target),
Setting Opportunity Fire for Individual Units the fire will automatically be resolved as Direct Fire if that target is in LOS of the firing unit.
Opportunity Fire can also be set on a per-unit basis. This is useful when you want a Note 2: Most artillery units with full (i.e., 100) Action Points will be allowed two shots per turn,
certain unit to only fire at short range, but most other units of its type to fire at a longer since the Fire Cost of most artillery units is 50 or less APs per shot.

42 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 43


Random Armor Disablement: An Indirect fire attack vs. an armored target has a Air Attacks
very slight chance of disabling (i.e., eliminating) a SP from an armored unit. See also the At the start of each turn you will be
section in the Appendix on Indirect Fire vs. Armor, page 215. informed of how many Air Attacks you
To plot an Indirect Fire mission: have remaining for use during the entire
scenario (which also includes the current
1) Highlight the battery in the Artillery dialog. Note: Pressing the Artillery Dialog's “Locate”
turn). If you use all of your listed Air
button will display that battery's Info Box and hot-spot the hex that battery is in.
Attacks in one turn, you will not have any
2)“Roam” your cursor over the map. Note that enemy units within range of the select- to use in following turns. Due to the
ed battery are highlighted in red. As your cursor roams over eligible target locations, small importance and strength of Air Attacks, it
boxes appear listing that battery's hard and soft attack numbers (respectively) vs. that hex. is usually wise to be conservative in their
3) Right-click on the map (in a location displaying the hard/soft attack numbers) to plot usage. Not every scenario will have Air
that artillery fire mission. Most indirect fire units can be plotted to shoot twice per turn. Attacks.
On-Call marker: A map location that has been targeted for one To call for an
or more Indirect Fire or Air Strike attacks is marked with a circled Air Attack,
“crosshair” icon as a reminder of the incoming attack. select (“Hot
Indirect Fire Density Modifier: In addition to the normal modifiers (see the Combat Spot”) the location you wish to attack by
Explanation beginning on page 47 of this manual), in an Indirect Fire attack (only) each tar- left-clicking on it once. Then simply press
get unit's Strength Points (SPs) are multiplied by the applicable nominal attack strength and the Air Attack button on the Tool Bar. A
the result is then divided by 6 to find the effective attack strength vs. that unit. (In other crosshairs icon will be placed in the
words, effective Attack Strength = [nominal Attack Strength * SP#] / 6) selected location (the same icon used to
denote an “on call” indirect fire attack).
Example: A 6-SP target will have the nominal Attack Strength applied to it. A tar-
get unit of 2 SPs will have 2/6 (1/3) of the Attack Strength applied to it. The ratio- Note that only one Air Attack may be plotted per location. If you want more than one Air
nale for this calculation is that the indirect-fire results against a single target unit of, Attack to hit in the same area, simply plot the additional one in a nearby location.
e.g., 4 SPs should be the same as the total indirect-fire results against two target IMPORTANT: Once plotted, an Air Attack cannot be cancelled nor re-plotted, so be
units of 2 SPs in the same hex. The calculation will apply the indirect Attack Strength sure to have the proper location selected when you plot the attack.
against target units proportional to their SPs, thus resulting in a total combat result Each Air Attack has been individually modeled with unique “hard” and “soft” attack val-
comparable to firing at a single unit of the same total strength. ues, as well as an individual defense value. The number of strength points that a given Air
Attack represents varies depending upon that plane type. See the charts displaying data on
Indirect Fire by the Map: If the Optional Rule for “Indirect Fire by the Map” is enabled, the various types of Air Attacks on pages 210-211.
you can plot Indirect Fire missions at hexes you don’t have a Line of Sight to. If this
Optional Rule is not on, you are limited to plotting non-Smoke fire missions only into A plotted Air Attack has a 65% chance of arrival on each turn (and each turn there-
hexes that at least one of your combat units has a Line of Sight . after until it arrives). An arriving Air Attack will not always attack the target you pick; it will
“search” for a proper target within about a five hex radius of its plotted hex. The more
Drift: It is possible that plotted Indirect Fire can “drift” off the intended target hex. This is targets that there are within that radius the less likely it is that the Air Attack will hit the
especially likely to occur if the targeted hex is out of Line of Sight of all friendly units. plotted location. There is even a slight chance that an Air Attack may make a mistake and
Laying Smoke attack a “friendly” unit! Therefore, it is advisable not to request an Air Attack in an area
Smoke Ammunition: An unit capable of firing Smoke ammunition displays a small that has a lot of friendly units.
“smoke” icon in the icon bar on the left side of its Info Box. Engineer infantry, as well If a side has more than one type of air attack
as many (but not all) units capable of indirect fire can “lay smoke”. Laying smoke is similar assigned to it, the Air Attack that arrives is
to firing normally, except the Alt key must be depressed when you right-click on the target hex. randomly determined from the "pool" of air
Effects: A unit firing into or out of a hex containing Smoke has its Attack Strength halved attacks for that side (as determined by the
(fractions rounded down, to a minimum of one). Smoke has no effect on assaults. Addition- scenario designer). The types and number of
ally, line of sight is blocked through—but not into or out of—a hex containing Smoke. Air Attack still available to a side in a sce-
nario (if any) can be viewed by selecting
The total number of smoke missions available in a scenario for each side is listed in
“Available Air Support” from the Status pop-
the Unit List (hot key U). The number of smoke missions for the Allied side is listed first,
down menu. This information is not shown
followed by the number of missions for the Axis side. Additionally, the Status Bar lists the
for the opposing side if Fog of War is on.
number of smoke missions remaining for the phasing side. Once the smoke number
reaches “0” no more smoke may be laid by that side for the remainder of the scenario.
44 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 45

Anti-Aircraft Attacks: Any unit capable Terrain Prohibitions: A unit can participate in an assault only if it would normally be
of Anti-Aircraft fire, and that possesses suffi- allowed to enter the hex being assaulted; e.g., no unit can conduct an assault across a cliff
cient AP to fire and is not currently loaded on hexside, nor across any other hexside that the unit could not normally cross.
(in tow by) a vehicle might conduct Opportunity Assault vs Pillbox: A vehicle cannot assault a hex containing a Pillbox (but can Counter-
Fire at an enemy Air Attack if that Air Attack assault units assaulting from a Pillbox hex). This does not apply to Bunkers.
occurs within the soft-attack range of that AA
unit. Design Note: Vehicular units (even tanks) are prohibited from assaulting Pillboxes as these rep-
resent fortified concrete structures—impervious to overrun by even fully-tracked units.
Note: Anti-Aircraft fire from AA units with guns
larger than 40mm have their attack factor Surrender: The target of an assault is more likely to surrender if its hex is attacked from
reduced by 75% to simulate their reduced (i.e., multiple directions, especially if those directions are diametrically opposed.
non-automatic) rate of fire and slower reaction
time. Such batteries were less capable of reacting To resolve a designated assault, click on the “Resolve Assault” Tool Bar button. To can-
to low-flying fast-attack aircraft since they were cel a planned assault, select “Cancel Assault” from the “Assault” pop-down menu.
intended more for defense against high-altitude Assault Value and Defense Strength modifiers:
aircraft. Such guns were also more likely to be
employed in a Direct Fire role vs. enemy ground Each vehicular unit participating in an assault has its Assault Value modified by the ter-
targets and thus be less prepared for usage in an rain modifier of the hex being assaulted.
AA role. A Disrupted unit defending in an assault has its Defense Strength halved (fractions
rounded down, to a minimum of one); when “counterattacking” (see below), such a Dis-
rupted unit has its Assault Value halved (fractions rounded down, to a minimum of one).
The Defense Strength of a fortification (see the Campaign Series Parameter Data file)
in the defender's hex modifies the assault factor of each attacking unit.
The Assault Value of an attacking unit, or the Defense Strength of a defending unit, is
increased by the presence of a Commander of that unit's organization.
The Assault Value of a passenger on an armored carrier capable of assaulting (such as
an SPW 251/1) is halved and added to the Assault Value of the assaulting carrier.
The Assault Value of an attacking unit that is Low on Supply is decreased by one-fourth
(fractions rounded down, to a minimum of one).
The Assault Value of a Fatigued attacker is halved (fractions rounded down, to a mini-
mum of one).
The Defense Strength of a Fatigued unit being assaulted is halved (fractions rounded
down, to a minimum of one).
Mounted cavalry can assault (Assault Value of rider x3). However, mounted cavalry can-
not assault any hex containing a Hard Target or vs. a target in "building-type" terrain (i.e., a
Assault hex containing a bunker, pillbox, suburb, village, special building or factory).
To assault, the attacker(s) must have an Assault Value greater than “0”, must be non-Dis- Smoke and Assaults: Assaulting into, and/or out of, a hex containing Smoke has no
rupted and in “Move” mode and must have enough APs to assault (20 AP plus the AP terrain effect on the Assault Value nor Defense Strength of any involved unit.
cost of the hex being assaulted). Select the units to assault, then right-click on an adjacent Facing Effects: The facing of a unit (the direction from which it is attacked) has no effect,
enemy-occupied hex. If the assault is “legal”, the assault icon will appear in the hex and a even if the Optional Rule for Armor Facing Effects is on.
dialog box will appear announcing the assault. If desired, you can repeat this method to add
more attackers to the assault (up to the normal stacking limits, irregardless of the enemy Counter-assault: Each assault also results in a “counter-assault” by the defending units.
units in the hex being assaulted). The more units that participate in an assault, the better the Normal assault rules apply to a counter-assault except that a disrupted unit can make a
odds that the assault will be successful. More than one assault can be conducted by a unit in counter-assault.
the same turn, depending on the number of AP the unit has remaining. Because assault
combat is assumed to take place in the hex being assaulted, terrain modifiers do not apply Assault Odds: Because each assault also results in a “counter-assault” by the defenders,
to assaulting non-vehicular units. the “Assault Odds” dialog will list the assaulting units' attack, as well as how they defend
when being counter-assaulted (Exception: The amount of information displayed depends on the
46 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 47

Fog of War option in effect). The numbers displayed in the assault odds dialog are after all A convenient way of slowing down or diverting an enemy attack is with minefields.
modification due to the presence of a leader(s), low ammo, disruption and/or the pres- Minefields are pre-set in a scenario and can only be removed by an engineer (referred to
ence of a fortification (or terrain modifier, if the assaulting unit is vehicular) in the assaulted by the game program as a “Mine-Clearing Unit”). Each non-engineer unit that enters a
hex. For each assault, a number of attacks is carried out depending on the SP of the minefield hex automatically triggers a mine attack vs. that unit, whereas a Mine-Clearing
(counter-) assaulting unit(s). The results are then applied to the proper line of the Combat Unit can enter a minefield without being attacked (see Clearing Minefields and Blocks,
Results Table. below).The strength of a minefield attack is determined by the “level” of the minefield. A
Example: A 3-SP platoon of Pz VIE “Tiger” tank (assault 8; defense 12) is assaulting a village “1” minefield attacks on the 1:1 row of the Combat Results Table, a “2” minefield attacks
containing a 2-SP platoon of BA-64 Armored Cars (assault 2; defense 3). The assault odds are on the 2:1 row, and a “3” minefield attacks on the 3:1 row. To view the strength of a
displayed as “Attacking at 5 (x 3) to 3”. This reflects the 8 assault strength of the Pz V minefield hex, switch to the “2D Normal View” map (hot key 4), or turn on the Unit List
(reduced to 5 due to the village terrain modifier of .65) vs. the 3 defense strength of the BA- (hot key U) and click in (hot spot) the minefield hex. The strength of the minefield is dis-
64 armored cars. The “(x 3)” indicates the number of assaults to be performed due to the SP played in the Unit List along the right side of the interface.
of the assaulting unit. The counter-assault line lists “Defending at 2 (x2) to 12”, reflecting the 2 Engineers Laying Smoke: Engineer infantry have the unique ability to “lay smoke” in
assault strength of the BA-64 when it counter-assaults the 12-defense of the Tigers. The their own hex. See page 41 for more information about laying smoke.
assault would be resolved on the 3:2 line of the Combat Results Table, which contains a 10%
chance of a 1SP loss, a 20% chance of a disruption, and a 25% chance of a Morale Check.
The program conducts a number of assaults equal to the number of assaulting SP (three
times in this instance), then takes each individual result and determines the net result vs. the
If instead the BA-64 platoon occupied a village hex containing an Improved Position, the first
line of the assault odds would list “Attacking at 3 (actual 5) (x 3) to 3”, reflecting that the
assaulting unit's actual assault factor of 8, reduced to 5 by the village terrain modifier, is
reduced even more due to the defender’s Improved Position. The counter-assault by the BA-64
platoon would be unaffected by the Improved Position.
Cancelling an Assault: If you decide that you do not wish to assault a hex, or wish to
remove a unit from the assault, you must cancel the entire assault prior to its resolution. Clearing Minefields and Blocks
To cancel an assault, select “Cancel Assault” from the “Assault” pop-down menu. An undisrupted engineer unit that begins its turn in a minefield or blocked hex will
automatically lower the level of that minefield by one, or eliminate a “Block” fortification.
In Campaign Series the only Mine-Clearing Units are combat engineers.
Note: To locate Mine-Clearing Units, use the “Highlight” menu item from the “Display”
pop-down menu, then select “Mine-Clearing Units”. All friendly units capable of clearing
minefields will be highlighted.

Minefields & Engineers

Bridge & High Wall Demolition
An undisrupted engineer unit that has not yet expended any AP may attempt to
destroy an adjacent “high wall” hexside or a hexside bridge using its inherent demolition
capabilities. Select the engineer unit, then from the “Units” pop-down menu, choose

48 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 49


“Damage Wall or Bridge”. In the dialog box that appears, select the hexside “direction” Value, below. The program then takes each individual result and determines the
(up, up-right, down-right, etc.) to attack, and press the OK button. An attack is per- net result vs. the defender. Attack-vs.-defense strengths between those listed in
formed, using the engineer’s attack factor and its SP strength, vs. the inherent strength of the Combat Results Table are calculated individually by the program on a pro-
the feature. Attempting a demolition requires 100 AP. rated basis, based on the result probabilities of the two Combat Results Table
lines the attack falls between.
Direct Fire Target Density Value: If the total SP in the target hex exceeds
When one unit fires at another unit (whether by Direct or Indirect fire) the 12, 12 is then subtracted from that number to arrive at an Excess Density Value.
basic method in which the attack is calculated is as follows: This value is then multiplied by 8% and by the SP of the firing unit (fractions
(Modified Attack Strength) vs. (Modified Defensive Strength) rounded up), resulting in a density bonus. This density bonus is added to the
nominal SP of the firing unit.
This attack vs. defense comparison determines the location (i.e., the “row”)
of the Combat Results Table where the attack will be resolved. Note that attack- Example: A 3-SP firing unit is firing at a target in a hex that contains a total of
vs.-defense strengths between those listed on the Combat Results Table (access 19 SP (the number of units that are in the hex is irrelevant). Since 19 is > 12, 12
Campaign Series’s Parameter Data from the “Help” pop-down menu) are calcu- is subtracted from 19, yielding an Excess Density Value of 7. This number is then
lated individually by the program on a pro-rated basis, based on the result prob- multiplied by .08 (8%) and by the SP of the unit, resulting in 1.68, which is rounded
abilities of the two CRT lines the attack falls between. up to 2. Thus, that unit would attack as if it had 5 SP.
Example: A net attack strength of 11 vs. a net defense strength of 4 has slightly
lower result probabilities than an attack of 3 vs. a defense of 1, but higher proba-
bilities than an attack of 2 vs. a defense of 1. Damage Report Details: By default, the game does not display Damage
Reports as attacks are executed; i.e., “Low Details” are in effect. To change to
Medium Details, select “Details” from the “Options” pop-down menu, then
1. The Modified Attack Strength is calculated by: select “Medium Details” from the “Details” pop-out menu.
(Attack Strength @* of attacker + c) x (terrain/fortification modifier of defender’s To change to “High Details”, Medium Details must first be in effect. Then,
hex)** when a “Damage Report” box appears during the game, click on the toggle
: The Attack Strength is the Hard- or Soft-Attack Strength listed when the fire-mode switch in the upper left hand corner of the Damage Report box (the small toggle
cursor is roamed over the target hex (or if roamed over the actual 3D icon). This switch with the “o”). When clicked on the button toggles to display an “x”, thus
number varies depending on the range to the target. indicating “High Details” are displayed. Whenever High Details are toggled on,
you must manually close the Damage Report box (by clicking on the “X” button
c: Command Rating of same-hex Commander provided that Commander currently
in the upper right corner, or by pressing the Enter key on the keyboard).
has APs greater than or equal to the AP Fire Cost of the firing unit and the firing unit
is subordinate to that Commander .
Direct Fire: Most combat units attack using Direct Fire, whereby the shooting
*: x .5 if firing unit is Fatigued, Disrupted, firing out-of/into Smoke (per each occurrence; FRD; unit must have the target unit in “Line of Sight” and within its range. A Direct
minimum of 1). Fire attack must target a specific unit in the target hex (unlike Indirect Fire, which
Terrain/Fortification Modifier of Defender's Hex. To view these modifiers, can potentially affect all units in the target location). If playing on the 3D map you
see the Campaign Series parameter data file (from the Help pop-down menu). can right-click directly on the 3D icon you wish to fire at; if in a 2D map mode,
**: certain terrain and fortification types will modify (increase or decrease) the Attack you will be given a Target Dialog box when you fire at a hex containing more than
Strength of units that fire at targets in that terrain type. one target.

2. The Modified Defense Strength is: The following combat example assumes “High Details” are “on” (see Damage
Report Details, above)…
(defense factor of defender) + (fortification bonus*)
Example: A Russian T-28 Medium tank is selected while in Fire Mode. It has 100
*: +20 if defender can claim benefit of bunker or pillbox. AP (enough to fire twice, since its “Fire Cost” is 45). The fire-mode cursor is put over
a German Rifle Platoon two hexes away in a village hex. A small box displaying
When a unit attacks, the program actually conducts a number of attacks equal “4/11” is superimposed over the target hex as the fire-mode cursor roams over that
to the attacking unit’s SPs. The number of SP is halved (FRD, to minimum of one) hex. However, as the cursor is put directly over the 3D icon of a German Rifle
if the attacking unit is Low on Supply. The number of SP can also be increased if Platoon, the box changes to “6 - Rifle Platoon @ 11”, indicating the target is a 6-
the target hex is richly populated with targets; see Direct Fire Target Density

50 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 51


SP Rifle Platoon (that has a Defense Strength of 7) which can be shot at with an Elimination: If an attack results in the loss of all of a unit’s SP that unit is eliminated.
Attack Strength of 11. Right-clicking on the 3D icon executes the attack. Morale Loss: Besides the above “reported” combat effects, each time a unit suf-
The “Damage Report” indicates: “Rifle Platoon; Attack = 11 Defense = 7; Modifier fers a Strength Point loss due to combat or a Retreat result, there is a 35%
= 70%; Reduced by 1, Disrupted”. This informs us that 11 attack factors shot at a chance that its current morale will be reduced by one.
target that had a Defense Strength of 7. The 70% indicates that only 70% of the Note: A unit that has its morale reduced to 0 is eliminated regardless of the num-
attacker’s firepower hit the target due to the village terrain modification of “.70” ber of SP it has remaining.
(see the Campaign Series Parameter Data, available from the Help pop-down Morale Recovery
menu, for a complete listing of the different terrain and fortification modifiers). The
A unit that has suffered a morale loss has its morale value printed in yellow
result of “Reduced by 1, Disrupted” indicates the target unit had its strength
Reduced by one and is now Disrupted. in the Info Box. A Disrupted unit with a reduced morale cannot recover from
Disruption until its morale value has been restored to its “nominal” (i.e., full
strength) value. To quickly gauge the morale of your units when playing on a 3D
map, turn on the On-Map Thermometers (hot key T), then click once on the
Morale display box in a friendly unit’s Info Box to have the On-Map
Thermometers graphically display your units’ morale.
At the beginning of each friendly turn a unit whose morale is currently less
than its full morale will have its morale increased by one if it passes a morale
check. The program rolls a 10-sided die for each such unit; if the die roll is equal
to or less than the unit’s current morale the morale check is “passed”. The pres-
ence of a friendly leader in the same hex that “commands” that unit will improve
the odds of that unit regaining morale (see Commanders, page 64).

Disruption Loss
At the beginning of each friendly turn a disrupted unit that begins its turn at
full morale (i.e., its current morale rating is at maximum) will become undisrupted
if it passes a morale check. The program rolls a 10-sided die for each such dis-
rupted unit; if the die roll is equal to or less than the unit’s morale its disruption
status is removed. The presence of a friendly leader in the same hex that “com-
mands” that unit will improve the odds of that unit passing the morale check and
becoming undisrupted (see Commanders, page 64).

Combat Results
No effect: The target unit is unaffected by the attack.
Retreat (Morale Check): A unit that fails a Morale Check result is retreated
out of its current hex. Exception: A gun battery and/or a unit in a Pillbox, Bunker
hex is Disrupted instead. Each time a unit retreats it is subject to morale loss
(see Morale Loss, below). A unit that cannot retreat takes an additional SP loss
(which, of course, can still result in the unit’s elimination).
Disrupted: The target unit is Disrupted, meaning that its Attack Strength and
Assault Value are halved, it cannot initiate an assault (but can Counter-assault), it
cannot move closer to the nearest enemy unit, and all AP expended for move-
ment are doubled (to a maximum of 65 AP). An additional Disrupted result has
no further detrimental effect on an already-Disrupted unit.
Reduction of Strength Point: A unit can lose one or more SP due to being Fortifications
attacked; a unit that has its SP reduced to “0” (zero) is eliminated. Each time a There are several different types of “fortifications”, each with different effects on play.
unit loses a SP it is subject to morale loss (see Morale Loss, below). Improved Positions: Any unit in a hex containing an Improved Position gains a defensive
benefit, in that the firepower of all attacking units is reduced by 25%. This is the only
52 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 53

fortification type that can be “constructed” during play (see Digging In, page 51). When a unit is currently engaged in Digging In, the small shovel icon moves toward
Trench: The firepower of a unit attacking a target in a trench location is reduced by 44% the top of that unit's icon bar of its Info Box. At the beginning of each turn there is a
(or 56% of the firing unit's firepower is used). Only non-vehicular units gain a benefit 10% chance that a unit will construct an Improved Position if it begins that friendly player
from the protective modifiers of a trench. Most wheeled units must pay 65 AP to turn Digging In (Exception: An engineer unit has a 20% chance). If a unit that is Digging In
enter a trench location. Other units also pay an additional AP penalty to enter a conducts an attack, its Attack Strength is halved (fractions rounded down, to a minimum
trench location (the additional AP depends on the unit type). of one).
Bunker: Units eligible to receive the defensive benefits of a bunker have 20 added to
their Defense factor, as well as reducing firepower of all attacking units by 25%. Only
non-vehicular units gain a benefit from the protective modifiers of a bunker.
Pillbox: Similar to Bunker, except that a unit receiving the benefit of a Pillbox can only be
attacked as if it were a hard target (this to simulate a concrete emplacement). Only
non-vehicular units gain a benefit from the protective modifiers of a pillbox. A vehicu-
lar unit cannot assault a hex that contains a Pillbox (see the Design Note on page 44).
Minefield: Whenever a non-engineer unit enters a Minefield hex a mine attack is immedi-
ately carried out against it. Minefields come in three strengths: 1, 2 and 3, which repre-
sent the strengths corresponding to the “odds” line of the Combat Results Table that Terrain Types of Campaign Series
the attack is resolved on; i.e., a “3” Minefield attack is executed on the 3:1 line. Mines The battles included in Campaign Series cover a large portion of European Russia and
can be removed during play by a non-Disrupted engineer unit that begins its turn in Eastern and Western Europe, from lands as varied as the cultivated fields of Poland and
the Minefield hex. Mined hexes provide no defensive benefit to any unit occupying eastern Germany, to the swamps and deep, forested hills of central Russian, to the steppes
such a hex. of the Ukraine.
The following terrain section shows a representative picture of each terrain type, a
Blocked: A “blocked” hex represents an impediment to movement (roadblock, barbed typical 3D map hex of that terrain, a brief description of the terrain, as well as the terrain’s
wire, felled trees). Each unit that enters a Blocked hex must expend 65 APs. Blocked combat modifier, concealment value (range modifier if “hexside” terrain) and other special
hexes provide no defensive benefit to any units. “Blocks” can be removed during play by
information. The “TEM” given is the amount of the otherwise-applicable attack strength
a non-Disrupted Engineer unit that begins its turn in the hex containing the “block”. that is allowed to 'hit' a target occupying such terrain. If two or more apply, they all have an
effect; e.g., a unit attacking a target in a forest hex behind a hedge would use .72 (.8 x .9)
or 72% of its “normal” attack strength.


Clear terrain is open ground that provides little or no cover. Non-armored units (only) in
clear terrain have their morale reduced by one when fired upon.
Digging In: Additional Improved positions can be constructed during play by “Dig- TEM: 1.0 Concealment: 0 Morale Mod: -1 Height: 0m
ging In”. Only a unit displaying a small “shovel” icon near the bottom of the icon bar
on the left side of its Info Box is capable of Digging In (generally, this includes most non-
HQ infantry-type units, but not vehicles or guns).
To have an eligible unit begin Digging In, select an eligible unit, then press the “Dig-
ging In” Tool Bar button.

54 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 55


Beach Water

Beach terrain represents a large expanse of flat, open, sandy terrain along a coast line suit-
able for conducting amphibious operations. Water represents an expanse of water, such as a lake, river, canal or sea, deep enough to
TEM: 1.0 Concealment: +1 Morale Mod: 0 Height: 0m prohibit entry by normal ground units without some form of conveyance (such as rafts,
boats or some type of bridge).
TEM: 1.0 Concealment: +3 Morale Mod: -1 Height: 0m

Fields come in three varieties: “in season”, “plowed” or “out of season”. If in season, a field’s
tall crops serve to block some lines of sight. A “plowed” field provides no cover (and is A cluster of cultivated fruit trees. Orchard terrain can also be used to represent an area of
thus like open ground) but is a slight impediment to some units’ movement “Out of Sea- light woods.
son” fields are identical to “clear” terrain for all purposes. TEM: 0.9 Concealment: -1 Morale Mod: 0 Height: 8m
TEM: 1.0 Concealment: -1 Morale Mod: 0 Height: 2m
Shallow Water

This terrain represents water (most commonly found along a shore line) that is shallow
enough to allow entry of vehicles and foot traffic. A unit in shallow water will not retreat
(but will instead take an additional casualty) unless it can retreat into a land hex.
TEM: 1.0 Concealment: +3 Morale Mod: -1 Height: 0m

56 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 57



This represents a large expanse of virgin timber, providing good cover and concealment Rough terrain is an area with large, craggy boulders and small undergrowth, such that
benefits. vehicles cannot enter the terrain unless via some type of road.
TEM: 0.8 Concealment: -3 Morale Mod: +1 Height: 25m TEM: 0.8 Concealment: -2 Morale Mod: 0 Height: 2m

Swamp Village

An inundated, marshy forest area, quite common in northern Russia. Vehicular entry of an A rural settlement. In Campaign Series village structures are considered to be of wooden
unfrozen swamp is prohibited unless via some type of road. construction.
TEM: 0.9 Concealment: -3 Morale Mod: 0 Height: 25m TEM: 0.7 Concealment: -3 Morale Mod: +2 Height: 10m
Marsh Suburb

This type of terrain represents a residential community of tightly spaced dwellings such as
An area of low-lying wet land with a small amount of cover. Vehicular entry of an workers settlements for factories, usually on the outskirts of a large city. A road is consid-
unfrozen marsh is prohibited unless via some type of road. ered to enter a suburb from all hexsides, otherwise a suburb is identical to a village.
TEM: 0.95 Concealment: -2 Morale Mod: +1 Height: 3m TEM: 0.7 Concealment: -3 Morale Mod: +2 Height: 10m

58 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 59



City, suburb, village and factory terrain (only) can be rubbled. The terrain, concealment and
morale modifiers remain the same as the original terrain.
City terrain represents an urban area of large, brick and concrete buildings providing very
TEM: * Concealment: * Morale Mod: * Height: 50%**
good defensive benefits. A road is considered to enter a city from all hexsides.
* Depends on the previous terrain type; ** Rubble height is 50% less than original terrain type.
TEM: 0.6 Concealment: -3 Morale Mod: +3 Height: 25m
Hexside Terrain features in Campaign Series include...
Industrial Gully

A large industrial complex providing excellent defensive benefits. A small, dry ravine that acts as an impediment to movement.
TEM: 0.5 Concealment: -3 Morale Mod: +4 Height: 20m TEM: – Range Modifier: 0
Special Building Minor River

Minor river hexsides represent bodies of water that are deep, or have steep enough
This represents a specific large building and provides very good cover for non-vehicular embankments, to prohibit movement over them unless via a bridge. Note that the map
units. While vehicles can enter a Special Building hex, they are considered to be outside art for minor rivers is a darker blue than the map art for streams.
the structure and thus gain no defensive benefits from it. TEM: – Range modifier: 0
TEM: 0.6 Concealment: -3 Morale Mod: +3 Height: 15m
60 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 61


A stream represents a small body of running water that hinders movement of most units,
but is not deep or wide enough to prohibit movement over it without a bridge. Note that This represents a cart path or wide foot path. An ideal way for infantry to move through
the map art for streams is a lighter blue than the corresponding art for minor rivers. wooded terrain. The muddy season can also play havoc with these features.
TEM: – Range modifier: 0 TEM: – Range modifier: 0

Paved Road Railroad

This represents a road with an improved (paved) surface—the best way for most units to While traveling along a railroad can be quicker than blazing a new trail through
travel fast. woods, it can still be a slow and bumpy ride for vehicles.
TEM: – Range modifier: 0 TEM: – Range modifier: 0

Unpaved Road High (fortified) Wall

This represents a very thick concrete wall, simular to those built as part of massive fortifi-
This represents a “secondary” road with an unimproved (usually dirt) surface. In the cations, such as the forts at Sevastopol. High Wall hexsides cannot be crossed by any unit
muddy season these are usually best avoided. unless that high wall hexside has been destroyed by Engineers (see page 46).
TEM: – Range modifier: 0 TEM: – Range modifier: 0

62 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 63


Low (stone) Wall Cliff

This represents a low stone wall—sufficient to give cover but not high enough to have an A high, steep face of rock, impassable to all units.
effect on line of sight. Wheeled units cannot cross low walls. TEM: – Range modifier: 0 Special: No units may cross.
TEM: 0.8 Range modifier: +2
Heavy Bridge

This represents a low hedge—sufficient to give cover but not sufficiently high or thick This full hex or hexside feature represents a bridge that is sturdy enough to carry all types
enough to have any effect on line of sight. of traffic, including heavy tanks.
TEM: 0.9 Range modifier: +2 TEM: – Range modifier: 0
Embankment Medium Bridge

This hexside-only bridge is strong enough for trucks and light tanks, but not sturdy
An abrupt rise in the ground, sufficient to provide good cover. While all units can cross an enough for medium or heavy tanks to safely cross.
embankment, there is an additional cost due to the steep slope. TEM: – Range modifier: 0
TEM: 0.8 Range modifier: +2

64 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 65


Light Bridge

This hexside-only bridge represents a small bridge that only infantry, cavalry, wagons and
the lightest vehicles can cross.
TEM: – Range modifier: 0
Concealment Values & Fog of War
Ford If “Fog of War” is on, enemy units are not automatically revealed when one or more
of “your” friendly units has a line of sight to that enemy unit’s location. Each unit in the
game has a “Concealment value” (“UC#” in the formula below), and each full-hex terrain
type has a “Concealment value (“TC#”), that the program utilizes when determining
whether or not that unit has been “spotted” by the enemy. The program uses the follow-
ing calculation (in the formula, “FRD” means “fractions rounded down”):

(UC# + SP of unit [halved, FRD if non-vehicular] + TC#) – (modified range/2 [FRD])

The “modified range” is based on the hexside terrain (if any) being viewed “through”
(i.e., if the line of sight from the viewing unit crosses a hexside terrain type as it enters the
hex of the unit being viewed). The hexside “range modifier” is added to the range (in effect
increasing the range). The number determined by the formula is then “bounded” by 0 and
A shallow place in a minor river or stream. 8 (in other words, it cannot be lower than “0” or greater than “8”). The program then gen-
TEM: – Range modifier: 0 erates a random number from 0 to 9 (inclusive); if that random number is ≤ the final num-
ber from the formula the affected unit becomes spotted (i.e., visible on the game map).
Pontoon Bridge When a unit moves or fires it is always revealed. In order to become unspotted, a unit
must regain its concealment status by beginning its turn out of the line of sight of all
enemy units.

A pontoon bridge can be light, medium or heavy, depending on the strength set for it in
the scenario editor. The capacity of a “heavy pontoon bridge” is the same as the capacity
of a “heavy (non-pontoon) bridge”, etc.
TEM: – Range modifier: 0

66 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 67


A Commander (or
leader) can perform
several crucial functions.
Not all organizations will have a
Commander present on the
map; consider any Commander
that is present to be a “special”
personality. To locate the units
subordinate to a Commander
(i.e., under his command), select
that Commander and press the
“Highlight Organization” Tool
Bar button; all units subordinate
to him will be highlighted.
The higher the Command and Leadership Ratings of a Commander, the more
valuable that Commander is. These values are displayed in the Commander’s Info
HQ and Supply
Box when he is selected.
At the start of each friendly turn, a supply check is made for each friendly unit
A Commander in the same hex as a firing unit that is subordinate to him will
that fired in the preceding turn. This check is made to maintain supply if the unit
automatically modify the Attack Strength of that attacking unit equal to his
is not currently low on supply. If the unit is currently low on supply this check is
Command Rating (listed in the Commander’s Info Box), provided the
an attempt to regain supply.
Commander has AP greater than or equal to the Fire Cost of the firing unit. A
Commander used thusly to “direct” fire automatically expends AP equal to the Maintaining Supply: A unit attempting to maintain supply does so through its “parent”
AP spent by the firing unit. Only the Commander with the highest command rat- HQ. If a platoon’s “parent” (e.g., battalion) HQ is not on the map, the program will search
ing participating in an assault modifies his side by his Command Rating. the map for other HQ commanding that unit; e.g., the unit’s regimental or divisional HQ.
The program measures the range that the unit is from its parent HQ, and uses this range
A Commander will modify the morale of each unit under his command (i.e.,
to determine a base probability. It then makes a percentile die roll and supply is maintained
subordinate to him) that occupies his hex. This will be noted by the unit’s morale
if that die roll is less than or equal to that base probability. Basically, the closer the unit is to
being red in the Info Box. The morale of the unit will be equal to the morale of
its HQ the better its chance of maintaining supply. (If in the same hex as its HQ—and that
the Commander if the Commander’s morale is higher than the unit’s. If the
HQ is “in supply”—supply will be maintained automatically.) If the unit’s “parent” HQ is
Commander’s morale value is less than or equal to the unit’s, the unit’s morale
not currently on the map, it uses that HQ’s “parent” HQ instead.
is increased by one. Since a Commander modifies the morale of each unit under
his command in his hex, the chance of a such a unit regaining morale or losing To check the supply range of an HQ, select it and press the W hot key. Any unit in a
Disruption is increased, as these are based on passing morale checks. shaded hex has less than 50% chance of maintaining supply through the selected HQ. As
A Commander cannot be singled out as the target of an attack unless he is a unit’s range from its HQ increases, the chance of it maintaining supply decreases, but
the only occupant of a hex. Therefore, it is advisable to keep your Commanders never drops to zero due to range alone. At the ranges listed below, a unit has a 50%
stacked with friendly unit(s) of his command. Each time a hex containing a chance of maintaining supply via its HQ.
Commander is attacked there is a 2% chance he will become a casualty.
HQ Type Range in Hexes
Motorized Leader Exception: Even though a motorized leader uses Army unlimited
“wheeled” movement type, the program allows this unit (unlike other wheeled Corps HQ: 90
units) to enter rubble hexes. In this way, a motorized leader can “keep up” with Division HQ: 30
half- and fully-tracked units better. Brigade HQ: 15
Regiment HQ: 15
Battalion HQ: 8

If a unit fails to maintain supply via its HQ, the program then checks for supply again,
but this time using the friendly side’s base ammo level (turn on the Unit List to display the

68 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 69


base ammo level; hot key U). When checking to maintain supply using the base ammo
level, a “percentile” (0-99) die roll is made and compared to that side’s ammo level. A die
roll equal to or less than this ammo level means that the unit maintains supply. If the die
roll is greater than the ammo level, that unit will be Low on Supply for the current turn.
HQs: An HQ can only provide supply to units under its command “umbrella”. In addi-
tion, an HQ is never able to provide supply on any turn following a turn in which it
changed its location (this simulates the HQ having to set up and re-establish communica-
tions). Besides that, each HQ (exception: Army) must also make a supply check at the
beginning of each turn. Like a normal combat unit, the HQ first checks supply based on
the distance from its “parent” HQ, however, if that supply check fails it then checks using
the base ammo level listed for for its side.
Indirect Fire units: Maintaining supply differs for Indirect Fire units (whether off-board
or not) in that they check supply only against their side’s base ammo level (as described
above). If the battery fails to maintain supply it will be unable to fire during the current
Regaining Supply: At the start of each friendly turn, a supply check is made for each
How to Win
non-Isolated friendly unit that is currently Low on Supply. The procedure is the same as
for maintaining supply, except that the base ammo level is not used (i.e., supply can be Victory in a standard (i.e., non-campaign) scenario is determined by the num-
ber of Victory Points (VP) your side has amassed at the end of the scenario.
regained only via a friendly HQ as described above). There is only one exception: Indirect
Victory Points are scored in three basic ways:
Fire units check to regain supply only using their side’s base ammo level. If there is no “high-
er level” HQ on the map for a unit it will be unable to regain supply. 1) Control of Objectives: Certain hexes on the map are deemed important
enough that the side that controls them at scenario end gains extra Victory
Effects of being Low on Supply: A combat unit that attacks using Direct Fire Points or denies those Victory Points to his opponent. Only the player desig-
will only attack a number of times equal to its Strength Points divided by two, nated as being the “First Side” (generally, but not always, the attacking side) gains
fractions rounded up (keep in mind that such a unit normally is allowed a num- Victory Points by controlling an objective—and only at the end of the scenario.
ber of attacks equal to the number of Strength Points it has). A Low-on-Supply The “Second Side” (also the side moving second in a Game Turn) simply gains a
artillery (indirect fire) unit cannot attack (this actually represents that battery not benefit of controlling objectives by denying those VP to his opponent.
receiving proper fire orders, or a breakdown in communications or it being used Each on-map objective hex is designated by a special marker (this varies,
to support other units in a nearby battle). A Low-on-Supply HQ is unable to depending on map view). On the 3D map views objectives are marked by rec-
provide supply to other units under its command. Note that units are never out tangular “plaques”; on the 2D map views objective hexes are marked by oval or
of supply, a unit that is Low on Supply can still attack, albeit at reduced effective- circular symbols. Regardless of the map view the objectives are always color-
ness (exception: Indirect Fire units and HQ reported as “unavailable”). Any Low- coded to the current controlling side (e.g., blue for German, tan for United
on-Supply unit that assaults does so at 3/4 effectiveness. Kingdom, green for U.S., etc.). Furthermore, on all views but the 2D zoom-out
A unit that is Low on Supply is indicated by a “hollow” bullet icon near the the objective markers also list the Victory Point value of that objective.
top of the icon bar along the left side of the Info List. To highlight all friendly Note that objective markers are
units that are Low on Supply, from the “Display” pop-down menu select “on” by default. To toggle them off
“Highlight” then “Units/HQ Low on Supply”. All affected units will be high- or on, press the O hot key. To
lighted. Depending on the map size, you may want to zoom out to locate all the quickly review the objective hexes in
affected units. a scenario, select “Objectives…”
Design Note: A unit that is “Low on Supply” actually represents a unit that from the “Status” pop-down menu
is having to conserve its ammo—sometimes because communications have bro- (you might find it beneficial to first
ken down and the unit is unsure of its current status or even its own where- switch to the 2D normal or 2D
abouts. Perhaps the unit is simply confused due to the stress of battle, has zoom-out map mode before doing
received confused or conflicting orders (or maybe no orders), or actually is this). Clicking on an objective listed
hard-pressed and the order has been issued to “make every bullet” count. in the dialog will scroll the map to
that objective.
70 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 71

At the start of a scenario each non-exit objective is controlled by one side

or the other (most objectives are usually controlled by the defending side).
Control of an objective (Exception: “exit objectives” can never be “controlled”) is
awarded to the last side to occupy that hex with a combat unit (one capable of
direct or indirect fire, even if such a unit is currently a passenger or rider).
Leaders and unloaded transport units cannot claim control of an objective.
2) Elimination of enemy strength points: Victory Points are scored for
each strength point of an enemy unit eliminated (depending on the VP value of
that SP). To view the current number of VPs scored due to elimination of enemy
strength points, select “Victory…” from the “Status” pop-down menu. The num-
ber in the “Total [side] Point Loss” window is the number of VPs scored in this
manner. For a more precise breakdown of the exact type of losses inflicted, and
their point value, select “Strength…” from the “Status” pop-down menu. The
windows on the right side of this dialog list the number and type of each strength
point eliminated (and, in parentheses, the VP value of each such SP).
Example: The right window of the Strength Dialog might contain “5 [3VP]PzKpfw
IIIF”, which would indicate that five strength points of PzKpfw IIIF tanks have been
eliminated, each worth 3 VP, for a total VP gain for the Allies of 15 VP.
To find the VP value of the SP of a unit, select that unit and press the F2 key
to access the Unit Handbook (keep in mind that this VP value is per strength
point, not the total VP value of the unit).
3) Exit Objectives: An objective initially listing a value of “0” is an “exit
objective” for the side corresponding to the color of the objective. Each
unit of that side exited from such an objective is worth VPs to that side.
To exit a unit from the map (whether from an objective hex or not) move the
unit into the map edge hex, and press the “Remove Units” button (or select the
unit, then select Remove From Map from the “Units” pop-down menu). As
units are exited off an
Front exit objective the
current number of
Front VPs exited from that
objective are immedi-
ately tallied and
reflected by the new Victory Conditions
number shown on The objectives’ values, when added to the casualties inflicted in the scenario, deter-
that objective. (Note:
Side mine the level of victory for each army. (Exception: Victory in a Dynamic Campaign Game sce-
Rear Rear If a unit is removed nario is determined differently.)
from the map edge hex that is not an exit objective no VPs are awarded, but neither The overall victory conditions apply only to the First Side; i.e., the side that moves first
does the exiting side lose VPs for such a removed unit; this is a way to deny VPs to your in each turn. The First Side has its objective points added to enemy point losses (i.e., casu-
enemy if the unit has no recourse but to exit.) A removed unit cannot be reentered alty VP) then subtracts the point loss for friendly casualty VP, to determine the total num-
during that scenario. ber of VPs. To check the current level of victory in a non-campaign game scenario, select
“Victory” from the Status pop-down menu.
A scenario does not end when one side achieves a Major Victory (or Major Defeat);
the level of victory may change during the course of play as casualties occur and Objec-
tives change hands. Only the level that exists at the end of the scenario applies for deter-
mining the winner.

72 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 73


Any of five levels of “victory” are possible for the First Side: Extreme Fog Of War further modifies the Fog of War effects. Names of enemy
A Major Defeat is declared if the point total is less than or equal to the total listed for units are hidden. The unit’s Strength is also hidden, unless the unit is in “clear” terrain. Fur-
“Major Defeat” in the Victory Dialog. thermore, assault odds will be unavailable.
A Minor Defeat is declared if the point total is greater than the total listed for “Major Defeat”, Command Control Under this rule, the HQ supply “ranges” are varied depending
but is less than or equal to the total listed for “Minor Defeat” in the Victory Dialog. on the year and the nationality. Each nationality has a built in modifier that modifies the
A Draw is declared if the point total is greater than the total listed for “Minor Defeat”, base “50% range” of each HQ. For example: In 1942 each German HQ has a 120% (1.20)
but is also less than the total listed for “Minor Victory” in the Victory Dialog. modifier that is applied to modify the base range of each HQ (as seen in Campaign Series's
Pdata.hlp file). Thus, a battalion HQ, that normally has a 50% range of “8”, has that multi-
A Minor Victory is declared if the point total is greater than or equal to the total listed for plied by 1.20, thus resulting in a new “50% range” value of “10”.
“Minor Victory”, but is less than the total listed for “Major Victory” in the Victory Dialog.
In addition to the above modifier (depending on year and nationality), any HQ that is
A Major Victory is declared if the point total is greater than or equal to the total listed stacked in the same hex with the leader associated with that HQ, has its base “50% range”
for “Major Victory”in the Victory Dialog.
increased by that leader's Leadership#. For instance, a divisional-level leader only increases the
range of his division's HQ, not the regimental and/or battalion HQ of his division.
Command Post: If the Optional Rule for “Command Control” is enabled, a company-
level “Command Post” (CP) is deemed to be inherently present with the first platoon of
each company. If the first platoon is eliminated, the benefits of the CP are lost (it would be
unrealistic to have the CP duties passed on in the time frame of a typical scenario). A CP unit
is denoted by a radio icon displayed in the icon area along the left side of the Info Box. In addi-
tion, all friendly CP units are highlighted when you select Highlight HQ.
Units that operate beyond their company CP range (or if their CP is not present on
the map) are subject to the following penalties:
a) Less chance of Morale recovery (–1)
b) Less chance of Disruption recovery (–1)
A CP has an effective range (radius) which is about half the range of that side’s battal-
ion HQ. A CP’s range is highlighted if it’s selected when the W hot key is pressed.
Note: The radius highlighted by the W hot key is the limit of company CP control while
for battalions it is the 50% chance of re-supply. This in effect means that units slightly
beyond the battalion HQ radius can still be re-supplied, but at a rate slightly less than 50%.
However, units outside the Company CP radius suffer the penalty as described above.
Armor Facing Effects only applies to Direct Fire vs. armored (i.e., “Hard”) targets.
When this Optional Rule is in effect, the Defense Strength used when resolving Direct Fire
is based on the facing of the defender relative to the firing unit (the basic Defense
Strength is still used when resolving assaults). These values can be found in the Unit Data
charts in the Appendix of this Players Guide, or by pressing the F4 hot key during the
game (displays the Miscellaneous (Platoon) Data File). See the diagram below; note that
“shot angles” with shaded labels lie directly along a hex “spine” of the targeted hex.

Design Note: The standard (i.e. non-optional) defense value of an armored unit represents an
Optional Rules overall rating based on the vehicles’ size (height in particular), armor thickness, close-defense
Some Optional Rules are available to add variety to game play. Once the game begins, weaponry, and the assumption that not all of the vehicles may be facing in the same direction,
the player can select the rules at the A/I selection screen. Once a scenario has begun the especially in a defensive stance.
Optional Rules in effect for that scenario can not be changed. The Campaign Series optional rule for Armor Facing Effects introduces individual front, side
and rear defense values for each armored unit. These values are based on the standard defense
Indirect Fire by the Map allows you to target Indirect Fire on hexes that are not in values and hard attack factors, weighted by the actual armor thicknesses of the vehicles them-
the Line of Sight of units on your side. Such fire is likely to drift into another hex. Drifting selves. Hence they do not represent armor thicknesses per se, but rather the influence of individ-
can be up to two hexes from the originally plotted hex. ual armor thicknesses in conjunction with the game’s existing values.

74 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 75


V. Campaign Games
Campaign Series features two types of campaign games: the Dynamic Campaign
Game and the exciting new Linked Campaign Game. All Campaign Games are listed in
the “New Campaign” screen. The Linked Campaign Games are listed following all of the
Dynamic Campaign Game. Note that the introduction (historical) copy about each cam-
paign game identifies whether it is a Linked or Dynamic Campaign Game.
The Dynamic Campaign Game (DCG) features a series of linked, albeit random-
ly-generated, scenarios (aka Missions) that follow an historical path. In a DCG you are
freer to choose the side you want to play, as well as the organization type and command
level. Too, “you” are represented on the map as an individual leader; if that leader is elimi-
nated the DCG will end somewhat “prematurely”. Take care of yourself!
In a Linked Campaign Game (LCG) the side you play and the organization you
control is predetermined. You command that organization, and all of its inherent units,
through a series of exciting, historically linked pre-designed scenarios. Your level of victory
in each scenario will determine the scenario you play next in that LCG. Your success in
the LCG will determine how many scenarios you play, as well as what scenarios you play.
As you play either type of campaign game, your “progress” (current position) is The Campaign Commanders Screen
reported to you before each scenario as a red dot on the overall campaign map displayed At the Campaign Commanders Screen you can choose to start a new campaign of
on the “Mission” screen (see page 76). either type, resume a current campaign, or delete an old campaign game that you no
There are a variety of each type of campaign games to choose from, each of different longer wish to use.
length and at differing periods of time during World War II. To start a new (or to resume If you wish to start a new campaign, press the Begin New button and you will be
an existing) campaign game of either type, select Play Campaign from the Main Menu taken to the New Campaign screen.

The following chart helps to explain some of the other differences between a
“Linked” and a “Dynamic” campaign game:
Do I have a “Personal” leader? Yes No
If “my” leader is killed, is the CG over? Yes No
Do I have a choice of side I play in the a CG? Yes No; preset
Do I have a choice of Org in a CG? Yes No; preset
Do I have a choice of command level? Yes No; preset
Are the scenarios historically accurate? No; random Usually
Is the map historically accurate? No; random Yes
Does my level of victory in a CG scenario
have an effect on the next scenario
played? No Yes
Does my “core” unit take causalities? Yes Yes
Do my units get replacement SPs? Yes Yes The New Campaign Screen
Does my “core” units get upgraded? Yes, usually Not usually At the New Campaign Screen you will have several choices to make, depending on
the type of campaign game being played:
Nationality (DCG only): Depends on the nationalities involved in the selected
campaign. Note that in an LCG the nationality you play is predetermined.

76 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 77


Command Level (DCG only): This determines the command level (and to a
lesser degree the complexity level) that your character will begin the campaign at.
For instance, a battalion commander has less units to command than a regimental
commander, which has less than a divisional commander, etc. During the campaign,
as your commander gains Experience Points, he may be offered the command of
the next-higher organization type. You can choose to accept or decline this offer.
Note that in an LCG your command level is predetermined (usually a battalion).
Campaign Game: Displayed in the Campaign List are the various campaign
games of each type (DCG & LCG) that you can play. As a different campaign game
is highlighted (use the up/down scroll arrows to the right of the list) the features of
the highlighted game are listed in the various windows: the campaign’s historical
background, the nationalities involved, the date span of the game, and the sector.
The end date of an LCG is not listed, as it can vary greatly depending on how well
you progress.
Press the OK button once you are satisfied with your selections.
If playing a DCG (only) you next see a dialog box that allows you to select:
Portrait: Use the left & right facing buttons to find an appropriate portrait for
your character.
The Character Screen
Name: You can use the default name that appears, or type in one of your choice.
The Character Screen provides information about the currently selected saved cam-
Organization Type: Choose whether you wish to be an “Infantry” or “Tank” paign game. The information displayed on this screen varies, depending on the type of
campaign game. In a DCG, your character’s portrait, his name, and his current rank, organi-
A/I Level: Select the level of difficulty for this game. As the difficulty increases the zation, and experience points, and the current date are displayed. In an LCG, the portrait is
enemy side will receive more units. At the two hardest difficulty levels the enemy replaced by a military patch/symbol of the higher organization (usually division) of your
side also receives beneficial modifiers for combat and resupply. “core” organization, and the saved file name appears in the “Name” slot. Medals received
Press the OK button once you are satisfied with your selections. due to the performance of your organization are displayed in the “Decorations” box. The
number and type of medals won have no effect on overall victory in the campaign game
When first beginning a DCG, you will be and are for “aesthetic” purposes only.
presented with a number of windows that
From the Character screen you can:
are used to define the precise organization
you will command in the upcoming cam- Begin Next Mission: This button launches the next campaign mission (unless
paign. Highlight the desired organization type the campaign is over or if you are currently involved in an ongoing campaign mis-
and press the OK button. Continue this sion, in which case you must first complete the unfinished mission; see “Resume
procedure until the program no longer Mission”, below).
prompts you for a selection. If a certain Resume Mission: This button is only available if you are currently involved in an
organization type did not historically exist in ongoing (i.e., saved) campaign mission.
your chosen side’s army at the current date, Restore Character: This button can be used to “restore” (bring “back to life”) a
you will see a message stating “No Lower Dynamic Campaign Game character that was eliminated in a previous scenario.
Level Org Available”, in which case you Review Command: Press this button to display your current Order of Battle
should select a different organization type. (OOB), including the current strength of each unit, as well as its accumulated Expe-
When a DCG’s organization selection process is complete, the program will take a rience Points.
few moments to generate your character’s “core” OOB (organization of battle). As soon Campaign History: Once you have at least one campaign mission “under your
as this is complete, you will be presented with your character’s Character Screen.
belt”, this display lists a brief summary of each completed mission, including the
mission’s date and location, and your victory level.

78 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 79


The Campaign Mission

Experience Points: During a campaign game mission your units gain “Experience
Points” based on “kills” of enemy units and your character’s overall performance in the
mission. If a combat unit accumulates enough Experience Points its morale will increase.
When this morale increase occurs, the unit’s accumulated Experience Points are reduced
by the amount of Experience Points necessary to reach its current level.
Character Promotion (DCG only): As your DCG character gains experience points
he might receive a rank promotion. Experience also affects if and when your DCG char-
acter is offered the command of a larger organization—an “organization promotion”—
which can be declined if you wish to have your character continue at his current “com-
mand level”. Note that electing to decline an “organization promotion” will not have effect
on victory or your character’s progression in the DCG. Normally an “org promotion” will
award your character the next higher command level; e.g., if he’s currently a battalion
commander, he’ll move up to regimental command. However, in some rare instances
there will not be a regimental formation for him to assume command of, and he will
instead be awarded the command of a division. For instance, since there historically was not an
SS panzer regiment in 1941, the commander of an SS panzer battalion will assume divisional
command when awarded an “org promotion”.
The Mission Screen Winning: Victory in a DCG mission is based largely upon a ratio of enemy kills to friendly
casualties, as well as objectives controlled and units exited (as applicable), but there are
Before each new campaign mission begins, you will see the Mission screen displaying a
other factors that enter into the calculation as well, whereas victory in an LCG mission is
map and a mission statement outlining the general purpose of your next scenario. The
location of the encounter is pin-pointed by a red and yellow dot on the map. determined in much the same manner as victory in a regular, “set piece” scenario.
Aside from a different method in which victory is calculated for a DCG mission, play-
Dynamic Campaign Game Setup Mode (DCG only) ing any type of campaign scenario is identical to playing a regular “set piece” scenario.
At the start of each mission of a “Dynamic Campaign Game” (DCG - only) you are Exception: The “Save As” function is disabled when playing a campaign game, and the
given the opportunity to adjust the initial setup of all friendly units (only) that begin the game saves automatically whenever you exit. You do not need to save.
game set up on the map.
When a new DCG mission begins, the Player Turn appears indicating turn one. This is
followed by a “New Scenario Message” dialog, stating: “Entering Campaign Setup Mode.
Select friendly units and right click to move them. Click Next Turn to exit.”
To adjust the initial placement of a friendly unit, select that unit, then right-click in the
location you wish to move it to and the unit will be repositioned. There are some areas
on the map where the unit cannot be placed. If you attempt to place the unit “out-of-
bounds” you will see the message on the status bar: “Unit Placement is out of bounds”.
When you are finished adjusting your units’ setup press the Next Turn Tool Bar button
and the first turn will begin.
Note: You cannot “save” the game in the Campaign Setup Mode. If you exit the game
during Campaign Setup Mode and then re-enter later, the game will begin the first turn.
To adjust the initial placement of a Block, Improved Position, Trench, Bunker or Pillbox
fortification, left-click in the hex with the fortification, hold the Ctrl key down and right-
click in the location you want to move it to. Minefields cannot be adjusted.
Note: If you move a fortification to a location that none of your units currently have a line
of sight to, it will be placed there but will not be visible until a friendly unit has a line of
sight to it.

80 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 81


Your command will occasionally receive “replacements” in the form of Strength
Points. In a DCG replacements will arrive, at most, once per week; in an LCG you might
can potentially receive replacements before each CG scenario. Replacement SP can be
assigned to any platoon of your “core” OOB which is currently not at full strength. Note
that as replacements are added to a platoon the “morale” of the platoon may decrease.
This simulates the absorption of “new”, less-experienced troops by your more-veteran
core units. In a DCG, the number of replacement points you receive, and when they are
Equipment Upgrades (DCG only)
received, is based on the size of the “core” organization, the sector you are playing in (dif-
ferent sectors receive replacements at different rates), and the current date. At certain points in some DCG your character’s OOB may be subject to being
“upgraded” with new equipment. For instance, obsolete tanks may be replaced by newer
models that have just arrived at the front, or a mortar platoon may “trade in” its 81mm
mortars for 120mm versions. Sometimes the upgrade may be relatively “hidden”, such as
when the “hard attack” factors of your infantry platoons increase to simulate their receiv-
ing new and better types of light anti-tank weapons. Occasionally, the upgrading process
may even “downsize” your command (for instance, if your character is a regimental com-
mander you may find he now commands two battalions instead of three). Note that you
will not always (and probably only rarely) get upgraded with new equipment at the very
first date it is available. It may be a few months before the new stuff works its way down
the supply pipeline to your front-line unit.
The upgrading process happens automatically; you will only see a message mentioning
that upgrading has occurred. To inspect the new units/equipment, open your character’s
OOB (by pressing the Review Command button in the Character Screen or, if playing
a mission, by accessing Find Org... from the Display pop-down menu).

82 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 83


The Map Editor

At the Main Menu Screen, press the Edit Map button.
The Map Editor screen will appear. At this screen you can choose to use the various
VI. The Editors controls and slider bars (see illustration above) to create a new random map, or you can
There are four basic steps to designing a successful scenario for Campaign Series: press the Edit Existing Map button to bring up a dialog box listing all .map files con-
1) Laying out your Map (creates a “map” file) tained in the Campaign Series directory.
2) Laying out your Order of Battle (creates an “org” file) If you are starting a new map, you have two basic choices:
3) Laying out your Scenario (creates a “scn” file) 1) Use the various controls (slider bars, toggle switches and up/down arrows) of
the Map Editor screen to set basic parameters for the map. These parameters
4)Testing your Scenario include the map dimensions, base level of the terrain, whether or not you want
Note 1: Each scenario requires a “map” file, an “org” (i.e., organization) file, and an “scn” the map to have a coastline, lake or a major river. Also provided are “slider bars”
(i.e., scenario) file. Even though more than one scenario can use the same “map” or “org” for each terrain type. The higher the value of the slider bar, the more prevalent that
file, each scenario will have a separate “scn” file. Most of the “set piece” (non-campaign) terrain type will be on the map (or the wider the river). When you have adjusted
scenarios that come with the game use a naming convention whereby a major geographic these levels to your satisfaction, press the Make Map button and the program
reference appearing on the map is used as the file name for each respective file. will create a random map based on your settings. You can then edit this map in the
map editor program.
Example: The scenario entitled “Death Dressed in White” uses the Belgorod.scn,
Belgorod.map, and Belgorod.org files (as well as Belgorod.bmp for its picture; see page 90). In 2) If you instead wish for your map to start with a “clean slate” so that you can
this way, the files conveniently appear together in the Campaign Series directory when it is define all of the terrain, simply adjust the map dimensions to the desired size (leav-
opened in the Explorer and organized according to “Name”. ing all “slider bar” settings at the default “0”) and press the Make Map button. The
program will generate a blank map and open it in the map editor program.
Note 2: You can even use (import) any of the pre-existing map or org files in scenarios
you create. However, it is imperative that you do not edit any of these files (nor any of the Editing your Map
scn files), as doing so may result in any scenario using such an altered file not opening Once you have pressed the Make Map button (or have elected to edit an existing
properly or an upgrade not installing properly. If you do want to make changes to one of the map), the map editor program will open.
pre-existing scenario files, be sure to first rename that file using the “Save As” command from the By default, the map editor starts in the 2D Normal view. You will probably find it is
“File” pop-down menu. easier to create maps in this mode. However, you can change the view at any time to
In each editor the Menu Bar will be displayed across the top of the screen. Many func- whatever map view you find easiest to work in.
tions for each editor can be accessed from the Menu Bar. For details on each menu and The entire map can be “rotated” 180º (thus allowing you to view it with its “top
its function refer to the General Help file in the Help pop-down menu of the Menu Bar. edge” at the “bottom”). It is a good idea to plan the layout of your map so that the

84 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 85


opposing forces will end up being situated roughly along the top and bottom edges. Thus, Note: In order to click on hexes of the map without changing the data, use the “None” tool on the
a player can always view “his” units along the “nearer” bottom edge, facing the enemy Tool Bar. This allows you to examine an individual hex without making any changes. If you acciden-
along the “further away” top edge. tally change a hex you can always use the “Undo” button to return the hex to its original state.
Map Dimensions Each terrain type and hexside type have a corresponding button on the Tool Bar.
Select the terrain you wish to place, then left-click once in the hex that you wish to have
You may have decided that the original dimensions you selected for your map were that terrain. For hexsides, select the hexside type you wish, then click on (or near) the
not large enough, or too large, depending on the overall scenario you wish to create. To hexside you wish to have it on. See pages 52-63 for more information on terrain types.
change the size of your map select Resize from the “Extent” pop-down menu. Type in
You can remove a terrain (hex or hexside) type you have placed by right-clicking on the
the desired width and height of your map, in hexes.
hex. This will return that hex to a clear terrain.
Note: There is a restriction that confines each map to having an even number of hex columns;
i.e., you can’t have an “odd” number for a map’s width. Map Labels: You can also use the Tool Bar to name or label certain areas or features of
your map. Press the Tool Bar button displaying T±. Then left-click on the hex you wish to
TIP #1 label. A dialog box will appear allowing you to input a name. You can also adjust the size of
SCALE: Keep in mind that each hex in the game represents an area approximately 250m the copy, and the color (“Plain” for a black label, “Water” for a blue label, and “Forest” for
from side to side or top to bottom (thus, one km would be 4 hexes). a green label). The “Justification” allows you to center the map title, or have it “flush” left or
right. Warning: If the “T±” (map labeling) button is “on” (i.e., depressed), a right-click on the map
Map Elevation will delete the nearest map label to the area right-clicked on.
You can also change the base elevation and adjust the elevation change delta. To change To toggle map labels on (or off), press the TTool Bar button.
these values, select Elevations from the “Values” pop-down menu. To define the height (in
meters) of the lowest elevation on the map, input a number for the “Base” value. To set the Fill: To quickly fill in large areas of your map with one particular terrain type or elevation
difference (in meters) between elevation levels, input a number for the “Delta” value. there are two “fill” features that you can use:
You can raise (or lower) the entire map’s “base” terrain by selecting Extent in the Cluster Fill: Hold down the SHIFT key when left-clicking a “full hex” terrain
Menu Bar, then selecting Raise (or Lower). type on the map to fill in the clicked-on hex, as well as the six adjacent hexes.
Next you may wish to adjust your map’s elevations (hills, gullies, etc.). To change a This does a 7-hex “cluster” fill.
hex’s elevation select the appropriate number from the Elevation pop-down menu. You Rectangular Fill: Hold down the Ctrl key after selecting the upper/left corner,
can then left-click in a hex to change the base level of that terrain to the selected level. See then, while continuing to depress the Ctrl key, click on the lower/right hex to have
also “Cluster Fill” and “Rectangular Fill” on page 82. the selected terrain type fill in.
Note: A vehicle (only) is not allowed to cross a hexside if the elevation “delta” of that hexside is After using either “fill” feature, you may want to “touch” them up so they do not look
>50m (regardless of the number of elevation level changes along that hexside). This applies like they are placed on the map in a pattern. Adding or removing some terrain hexes to
regardless of the presence of roads. the outer edges will make the terrain “fill” look more natural.
Important: It is important that all elevation “breaks” (the elevation changes between adjacent
Bridges: If you wish to create a bridge across one or more full hexes of water, simply cre-
hexes) be limited to a maximum of three (though most breaks should still only be a height of one), ate a road (paved, unpaved, RR or path) in a “straight line” (i.e., without curving) across
as the 3D map hexside graphics do not support elevation changes of four or more.
that water hex and the program will automatically create a “full hex” heavy bridge. Roads
placed across water should not “turn” or the program will not place a bridge.
TIP #2
BASE ELEVATION & DELTA: The map editor's default values for these are "0" (sea level!) Note: Full-hex bridges can be damaged, and pontoon bridges can be placed, in the Scenario Editor.
and "25" respectively. Most likely you will need to change these.
Saving the Map File
From the File pop-down menu, select Save. When the Save As window appears, type
in a name for your map. Your map file will be saved in the Campaign Series directory with
the extension .map.
Once you have completed and saved your map you can leave the map editor by
The Map Editor’s Tool Bar
selecting Exit from the File pop-down menu.
The various buttons of the map editor’s Tool Bar provide an easy means to quickly
switch from one map editing tool to another. A description of each button is provided Note: It is a good idea for you to save your map file, your order of battle file, and, eventually, your
when you roam your cursor over the button. For even more information on what each scenario file, all with the same name. The computer will automatically add the proper extension. For
Tool Bar button is for, as well as descriptions of all of the items of each pop-down menu, example, if you are creating a Lvov scenario, save your map as Lvov.map, your order of battle as
press the F1 key, or select Contents from the “Help” pop-down menu. Lvov.org and your scenario file as Lvov.scn.
86 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 87

OOB Editor Tool Bar

The OOB Editor’s Tool Bar is located near the top of the OOB Editor’s Interface (see
illustration below), and provides tools useful in moving selected “orgs” and units from one
place to another. If you position the cursor over a Tool Bar button a brief description of
that button’s function will be displayed after a moment. For more information on these
buttons consult the OOB Editor’s on-line Help file, and see pages 85-86 of this manual.

The Order of Battle (OOB) Editor

Besides needing a map, each scenario also requires an “org” (short for “organization”)
file. It is this file that the various and sundry company, battalion, division and corps organi-
zations are “written” to—organizations that contain the actual combat units that move
around and fight on the map. The Campaign Series Order of Battle (OOB) Editor allows
you to pick from a very wide variety of historically accurate military organizations.
From the Main Menu, press the Edit Order of Battle button to launch the OOB
editor. It is a good idea for you to have some familiarity with the organizations that you
wish to include in your scenario. Once you locate them in the OOB editor, you can cre-
ate an OOB using those “org” (organization) types.
The first step in setting up your OOB is to set the date. Usually, this date should be
the same as your scenario’s date. Set the date (month and year) with the pop-down
Locate your Organizations
boxes on the OOB editor’s Tool Bar.
The list displayed in the left-hand “Available Units and Organizations” column lists the
different organizations available, from Platoons to Corps. You will most likely want to be
selecting battalions, regiments, brigades, and/or divisions, depending on your scenario’s size.
Note: For accuracy in your scenarios, the date is very important. Setting the proper date ensures Each nationality’s organizations are grouped together by organization type.
that only units that were available at that period of the war are available in your scenario. To see all the units in each organization type for a nationality, click on the box with the
“+” to the left of the organization. The “folder” for that organization type will open, dis-
Campaign Series Organization Editor Availability Dates playing all the available different types of organizations, for the selected nationality, of that
Nationality Earliest Date Available Latest Date Available command level. Allow a few moments for the program to organize all the organizations
Finland November 1939 September1944 and units in a nationality’s folder after clicking on that folder to open it.
Germany September 1939 May 1945 IMPORTANT: It is very important that each platoon added to your OOB is within some type
Hungary July 1941 May 1945 of organizational structure (usually within a company or battalion “folder”) in order for the game’s
Italy August 1941 March 1943 A/I to know how to “use” the unit properly. That is, you should not simply bring over “loose” (i.e.,
Poland September 1939 September 1939 “independent”) platoon units; they need to be “grouped” under a battalion (or higher-level org’s)
Romania (Allied) August 1944 May 1945 “roof”. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you build an organization with a battalion as the
Romania (Axis) July 1941 August 1944 minimum organization. If you still wish to customize it by adding a special platoon to it, be sure to
Russia November 1939 May 1945 put that platoon “inside” that organization using the “Lower Unit/Org” Tool Bar button; see “Cus-
Slovakia June 1941 July 1944 tomizing Your Organization” on page 86.

88 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 89


TIP #3 TIP #4
MINIMUM ORG SIZE: It probably cannot be emphasized enough that the minimum organi- DON'T FORGET LEADERS: It is your responsibility to add leaders to your OOB; the
zation in your scenario’s Order of Battle should be a battalion (as this is the lowest-level unit org editor will not do this for you. Adding more (and better) leaders to one side or the other
that contains an “inherent” HQ). If you “import” lone platoons or companies into a side’s is a good way to help balance a scenario, and also to help simulate a side’s “resourcefulness”.
OOB, be sure you then put them “inside” a battalion or higher-level org that has an HQ. In For example, in a German vs. Russian scenario, the Germans should usually have more and better Com-
other words, don’t simply import a lot of platoons or companies without adding them “into” manders in the early part of the war (1941-42); the Russians should still have some, but usually not as
(i.e., putting them inside an org “folder” that has....) an org with an HQ. good, and never as many (man for man) as the German ones. However, if your scenario is a “late war”
Example: Determine the “size” of the encounter you want to depict, and find the battalion or higher-level (e.g., 1944-45) scenario, the Russian Commanders should usually be as good and plentiful as the Ger-
orgs (from within the list of organizations) that best match the type of units involved. As necessary, sup- man Commanders (by then the German cadre of seasoned veterans had been severely diminished, and
plement that org with specialized platoons and/or companies, but be sure to put those companies the Soviet experience level was rising by leaps and bounds).
“inside” that org.
Customizing your Organization
Adding Units to Your OOB If you wish to make your own custom orgs by say, adding in a certain battalion type
Once you have located the organization you wish to add to your OOB, highlight into a regiment, you can do this similar to adding a commander. To add the unit or org to
(select) the org’s name by a single left-clicking on it. the org you desire, highlight the unit/org in the “Available Units and Organizations.”
Left-click once on the Add Unit/Org (Auto) Tool Bar button to place the org Then left-click once on the Add Unit/Org (Auto) Tool Bar button to add the
highlighted in the “Created Units and Organizations” column (where all units of unit/org to the “Created Units and Organizations” (right-hand) column.
your scenarios org will be listed). This will automatically assign a random organizational Then left-click on the Move Unit/Org Up Tool Bar button as necessary to move
number(s) to that org if it is battalion-level or higher. the highlighted unit/org up until it is displayed directly beneath the org you wish to
Left-click once on theAdd Unit/Org (User)Tool Bar button to place the org high- incorporate it into.
lighted in the “Created Units and Organizations” column, which will allow you to Then, with the unit/org still highlighted, left-click once on the Lower Unit/Org Tool
assign a specific organizational number to that org (as well as to many of its sub-organiza- Bar button. This will “lower” the highlighted unit/org into the org directly above him.
tions, if applicable); i.e., use this method of adding an org if you know that you want the
352nd Infanterie Division added to your org, not just any rifle division.You will also have to Other OOB Editor Tool Bar Tips
select all the units otherwise randomly chosen by the computer. To quickly move the selected unit/org all the way to the top of the org it is in, high-
Warning: Using the Add Unit/Org (User) Tool Bar button for a division or higher org requires that light the unit/org and left-click once on the Unit/Org to TopTool Bar button.
you input a lot of names for the lower orgs of that organization (e.g., the regiments of a division). To delete the selected unit/org from the “Created Units and Organizations” side,
highlight the unit/org and left-click once on the Delete Tool Bar button.
Placing Commanders in Your OOB
You can manually add a commander (leader) to any org from company on up. To do To quickly adjust the morale level of all units in an org, highlight that org’s name on
so, open that nationality’s “platoon” list on the left side of the screen and scroll down to the “Created Units and Organizations” side, and left-click once on the Adjust
the bottom of the platoon list until you see the various “commanders”. Morale Tool Bar button. A dialog box will appear. Left-click on the desired number to set
Note: A “5” Commander is better than a “1” (one) Commander ; also, if the org you wish to add the morale of all units in the highlighted (selected) org to that level.
the Commander to is “motorized”, be sure that you add a “mot.” (motorized) Commander type. Finishing Your Order of Battle and Saving It
What Leader type do I use? Motorized (“mot.” type) Commanders should be used unless the Continue adding orgs (for both sides) until the “Created Units and Organizations”
organization he is being added into is a non-motorized formation. If your Org file features ski units, column on the right side of the screen contains all of the units/orgs you will need in your
ensure that any leader you add to such an org is a ski-type leader. scenario.
To add the commander to the unit you desire, highlight the commander in the “Avail- If you later discover that you did not include a unit or org that you needed for your
able Units and Organizations” column. scenario, you can reopen your org file in this editor and add the unit.
Then left-click once on the Add Unit/Org (Auto) Tool Bar button to add the Note: Not all units appearing in an OOB need to be placed in the scenario.
commander to the “Created Units and Organizations” (right-hand) column. To save the OOB file select Save from the File pop-down menu. When the Save As
Then left-click on the Move Unit/Org Up Tool Bar button as necessary to move window appears, type in the name you would like to use for your OOB.
the highlighted commander until he is displayed directly beneath the org you wish Your OOB file will be saved in the Campaign Series directory with the extension .org.
to incorporate the leader into.
Once you have completed and saved your OOB you can leave the OOB editor by
Then, with the leader still highlighted, left-click once on the Lower Unit/Org Tool selecting Exit from the File pop-down menu.
Bar button. This will “lower” the commander into the org directly above him.
90 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 91

WARNING! Although you can edit the pre-set scenarios that come with the game, it is
highly recommended that you do not tamper with any pre-set scenarios, as this
may not only alter how the scenario functions, but it may become unusable, and may also
prevent an upgrade from properly working if any of the files of such a “tampered” scenario
are being updated by that upgrade. If you do edit a preset scenario (without renaming it
through the “Save As” routine) you may need to reinstall the game to have it (or an upgrade)
work properly.

Once the Open dialog is closed select New from the File pop-down menu to start a
new scenario. You will then be prompted to insert the names of the map file and the org
file that you wish to use with the scenario you are creating. In the dialogs that appear,
locate the file and click on the OK button.
Once the map and org files for the new scenario have been selected the following
Header Dialog will appear.

The Scenario Editor

Once you have finished the .map and .org files for your scenario, you can begin to lay
out the pieces on the map and define the “parameters” of the contest.
Upon starting the Campaign Series Scenario Editor you will be prompted to open one
of the preset scenarios already in the game, from the Open dialog. Unless you have a sce-
nario already in progress that you wish to continue editing, cancel this command immedi-

In the scenario’s Header Dialog you define the following:

The Title of the scenario is what will be displayed in the Scenarios screen where the
scenario to be played is selected.
The Visibility value determines the maximum distance in hexes that can be seen
during the scenario. The default value is 20.
The Length value is the number of turns you want the scenario to run. The default
turn length is “10”.
The First Side (generally, the attacker) determines which side moves first in each turn.
The Ammo value is used to determine the percent chance that a unit will be resup-
plied if not otherwise resupplied by its HQ; see pages 65-66. The default value for
ammo is 80.
The Smoke value determines the number of times smoke can be fired by a side.
The values for Major Defeat, Minor Defeat, Minor Victory, and Major Victory
determine the victory levels of the scenario. The main program calculates Victory
Points (VP) for a battle based on objectives controlled and losses incurred by both

92 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 93


sides. If the VPs for the First Side fall below the Major Defeat value, then the First
Side receives a Major Defeat for that battle. If the VPs fall between Major Defeat
and Minor Defeat, then the First Side receives a Minor Defeat. If the VPs fall
between Minor Defeat and Minor Victory, then that battle results in a draw. If the
VPs fall between Minor Victory and Major Victory, then the First Side receives a
Minor Victory. If the VPs are greater than Major Victory, then the First Side receives
a Major Victory for that battle. See also pages 67-69 for more on victory levels and how
a scenario is won.
The A/I values determine the aggressiveness of a side when it is played under the
control of the computer. These values range from 100 (most aggressive) to 0 (least
aggressive). It is recommended that the army you wish to “attack” be set from
about 60 to 100 (100 would be an “all out” attack). The side you want to defend The Conditions Dialog: The Conditions Dialog will then appear so you can estab-
should have a lower A/I setting, perhaps 10 to 40. To find the best A/I level for your lish the environmental conditions for the current scenario.
scenario you will probably have to experiment with different settings. The Ground selections are Normal, Soft, Mud, and Snow. Ground conditions affect
The Mission Type dialog can be used to select a “type” of scenario. This will only movement during the battle. When snow Ground Conditions are in effect, marsh
affect how the A/I will perform if one side or the other is A/I-controlled. is treated as open terrain and swamp becomes forest.
NOTE: The Air value displays the number of Air Attacks available to a side during the The Water selections are Normal and Frozen. When the water is Frozen, all water
scenario. This section is “greyed out” as Air Attacks are now set by selecting “Air- hexes are treated as open hexes, and streams and minor rivers become gullies.
planes…” from the “Scenario” pop-down menu. The dialog that appears lists all Air The Tree selections are Normal, Brown, Barren, and Snow. These selections are pure-
Attacks available, grouped according to nationality. ly graphical and have no affect on play.
The Field selections are Normal, Plowed, and None. Normal fields affect line-of-sight
TIP #5 and movement, while Plowed fields present no line-of-sight obstacle and only affect
AMMO: Don’t forget to consider the ammo levels. In general, you will probably want a value movement.
between 70 and 85 (anything less than 70 should probably only be used for a side if it is disor-
ganized, cut-off and/or short on supplies; anything higher than 85 should be used only to repre-
TIP #8
sent a side that is especially well-supplied).
CONDITIONS: Be sure to set the environmental “Conditions” (available from the “Sce-
nario” pop-down menu) to conditions that are “logical”. For instance, fields should not normally
be in effect in January, you should not have frozen water and/or snow in July, etc.
TIP #6
VICTORY LEVELS: Don’t forget to put in four different values in each the victory levels
boxes of the “Header Dialog” (the default values of “0” just won't do!). Obviously, you will have Description Dialog: The Description
to weigh the amount and value of the objectives that your scenario has and which objectives Dialog is used to enter a description of
you expect the First Side (usually the “attacker”) to capture in order to achieve a minor and the scenario, the author’s name, and the
major victory. You also need to consider acceptable casualty levels for the attacker, as well as if date.
you intend for your scenario to always be played as the human controlling a certain side vs. the
computer (as opposed to balancing it solely for “two player” play). Getting good victory levels
will be important for your scenario to be properly balanced, and is easily one of the hardest TIP #9
things to get “just right”. SCENARIO DATE: It is important
that you use the format day-month-year
(e.g., “5 May, 1942”) if you want your
TIP #7 scenario’s date to be consistent with
A/I VALUES: Easily the most commonly overlooked dialog, and quite important for proper the dates of the preset scenarios and
A/I behavior. These values are set in the scenario “Header Dialog”. The “A/I” value for the to display in proper chronological
“attacking” side should be set from about 60 to 90, in general. The higher the value, the more order with the other scenarios.
aggressive and “all out” the attack will be. If a scenario has a clear-cut defending side its A/I
value should probably be set from about 0 to 40. A “0” would represent a “die where you
stand” defense. Experiment with different values and watch how the units move and react.

94 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 95


Note: If you want your scenario to Placing Off-Board Artillery

have a unique picture (one that will be Occasionally you may wish to place an artillery unit off-map to represent a battery far
displayed whenever your scenario’s title removed from the field of battle.
is selected in the Scenarios screen) you To place an artillery unit “off-board”, you must first locate and select the unit in the
can insert a graphic file with the exact Force Dialog. (Do not place the unit on the map.) Once you have the artillery unit thusly
same name as your scenario and a highlighted, from the “Settings” pop-down dialog select Add Off-Board Artillery.... A
.bmp extension into the Campaign dialog box will appear.
Series directory.
There are two ways that you can define the location of an off-board artillery unit:
Example: If your scenario’s file name is Lvov.scn, the title of the graphic should be Lvov.bmp.
1) Left-click in any “blank” area surrounding the miniature map displayed in this dialog
The dimensions of the picture you select should be 256 pixels wide by 125 pixels high, and the
box. Note that as you click, the “x, y” coordinates displayed in the small windows in
graphic should be saved as a Black and White or 256-color bmp-type file, in order for it to display
the lower left will change.
2) You can also type in the desired “x, y” in the “Hex Coordinates” boxes. Note that
Picking out Air Attacks you can get long-range artillery (such as naval guns) much farther away using this
Air Attacks are set by selecting Airplanes… from the “Scenario” pop-down menu. latter method.
The dialog that appears lists all Air Attacks available, grouped according to nationality. Most When you are satisfied with the selected location, press the OK button.
nationalities have several Air Attack types to choose from. To add an Air Attack, select the
desired type then press the Add button to add one Air Attack of that type for that Note: Campaign Series artillery units include the guns of “off-shore” ships. Naval guns
nationality. For a chart listing the Air Attack types available and their values, see pages 210- should be placed only as off-board artillery; i.e., they should never be placed “on-map”.
211 of the Appendix.

Forces Dialog: The Forces Dialog is Placing Reinforcements

used to place units on the map or to add
If you wish to have some units enter as reinforcements during the scenario, you must
them in the form of reinforcements.
place them in the hex you wish them to enter (which should be along the edge of the
The Forces Dialog lists the units of
map). Once the units are placed, select the unit(s) by double clicking on it, then select
the “org” file that was selected for the
Add Reinforcements from the “Settings” pop-down menu. The Reinforcement Dialog
scenario, and contains all available units for
will then appear in which you can set the turn number of the unit’s arrival and the percent
a scenario. As units are placed on the map
chance that the unit will arrive at that time.
they are removed from the units dis-
played in the Forces Dialog. If a unit that
has been placed on the map is deleted, it
is automatically added back into the list of available units in the Forces Dialog.
If the Forces Dialog is closed, you can reopen it by selecting Forces Dialog from the
Units pop-down menu.
Placing Units on the Map
To start placing the units for your scenario on the map, find the unit you want in the
Forces Dialog. With the specific unit highlighted in the Forces Dialog (i.e., not an organiza- Air-Landed Reinforcements: If you want a reinforcement group to enter via Paradrop
tion, but the actual platoon-unit), right click on the hex you wish to place it in. Once that or Gliders, put a check mark in the appropriate box of the Reinforcement Dialog. You can
unit is placed, the next unit in the Forces Dialog will be highlighted and automatically set the amount of “scatter” for an air-landing reinforcement group by inputting a number
selected. Continue to place units until you are satisfied with the units on the map. Not all in the “Scatter” window. There are currently no restrictions on which units can land via
the units in the Forces Dialog need to be placed in the scenario. parachute or glider; it is up to you, as the scenario designer, to make logical decisions here.
You can use the “Turn (counter)clockwise” Tool Bar buttons to adjust the Note 1: If unit facing is important to you, you will also want to have the reinforcing units facing the
facing of the unit. Once the facing is set for one unit, all subsequently proper way before you remove them from the map via the reinforcement process.
placed units will have that facing, until the facing is changed again. To see a Note 2: When selecting transports to arrive with their passengers as reinforcements, you should
unit’s facing, you will need to view the 3D icon, either on one of the 3D map displays, or ensure that the passengers are loaded on their respective transport before you remove them from
by checking the icon shown in its Info Box. the map via the reinforcement process.

96 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 97


Saving the Scenario

When you have completed your scenario save it by selecting Save from the File pop-
down menu. When the Save As window appears, type in the name you would like to use
for your scenario.
The Scenario Editor Tool Bar
The scenario editor’s Tool Bar allows you to set different types of hex fortifications, Note: It is a good idea to save your map file, your order of battle file, and your scenario file, all with
place pontoon bridges, set your Objective hexes, and adjust the status (Fixed, Fatigued, the same name. The computer will automatically add the proper extension. For example, if you are
reduced-SP, etc.) of units. Holding your cursor over a Tool Bar button will display a brief creating a Lvov scenario, save your map as Lvov.map, your order of battle as Lvov.org and your sce-
description of that button. nario file as Lvov.scn.
Your scenario file will be saved in the Campaign Series directory with the extension
Adjusting your Placed Units
After you have placed your units on the map (or while you are placing the units) you
Once you have completed and saved your scenario you can leave the scenario editor
can use the Tool Bar to alter various conditions of the selected unit. You can set up a unit
by selecting Exit from the “File” pop-down menu and open the file in the game. In the
as fixed, fatigued or disrupted, and adjust its starting Action Points, Morale or Strength. You
can also rotate or remove units using different Tool Bar buttons. Scenarios screen, look for the title you input in the Header dialog (see page 88).
To adjust the values or the status of a unit you must select the unit by double clicking
on it. You can then use the proper Tool Bar button to adjust the desired value or status.
Note: Though you can adjust Action Points, Morale and Strength they can never go above the
nominal level set in the .org file.
If you want to have one or more of the organizations in your scenario begin “Fixed”
(so that units of it cannot move until fired on or released), you may want to set when that
org will be released during the scenario. To set up the release time of an org, select Add
Release from the “Settings” pop-down menu. This will open the Add Release dialog.
Using this dialog, you can select the individual unit or organization, and set the turn of its
release. Highlight the unit or org you want to release in the Add Release Dialog, then
input which turn it will be released, as well as the percent probability that it will be
released at that time. You can check or delete a release you have set using View/Delete
Releases from the Settings pop-down menu.
Setting Objective Hexes
Each scenario must have objectives for the opposing units to try and capture or
defend and/or to exit from. To set up an objective hex, left click on the hex that
you wish to give an objective value to. Click on the Objective Tool Bar button to
bring up the Objective Dialog. Select which side currently controls the hex and set the
point value for the hex. Selecting a point value of zero, or setting the controlling side to
“None”, will cancel the objective hex.
To create an Exit Objective Hex select a hex on the map edge and assign it to the side
you wish to have exit from that point. Then define the point value for the objective as -1.
Each unit of the side corresponding to the color of the objective that exits from that hex
during the scenario will add its VP value to that side’s Objective Points for the scenario.
Note that the value of a unit of the “Second Side” exited from an Exit Objective Hex for its
side has its VP value subtracted from the First Side’s Objective Point total.

98 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 99


VII. Multi-player Modes

Campaign Series has a variety of multi-player modes that can be used for “head to
head” contests with other Campaign Series afficionados. All multi-player game modes
require that both players have the Campaign Series CD in the drive for each computer.
Internet, Modem and Serial (Null Modem) connections are all started as Modem
games. You can either begin the game as the Modem Host or the Modem Caller.
Prior to beginning an Internet game of TalonSoft’s Campaign Series, the Host Player
should ensure that he has a valid TCP/IP connection established on his computer. Typically
this is a service of your Internet Service Provider.
Multi-player Campaign Series: Campaign Series supports internet or network games of
up to 16 players! The quality of play will depend several things, including how heavy inter-
net traffic is at the time, the quality of each participant’s service provider, and the speed of
each player’s computer. You may want to experiment with letting different players “host”
the game to find the best quality of play.
Once connected, you will need to run winipcfg.exe from your Windows directory
to find out your current Internet address. The easiest way to do this is at the Run com-
mand in the Windows 95/98 Start Menu. Type C:\windows\winipcfg.exe
You will be looking for the IP address. Note:Typically, this address is changed by your
Internet Service Provider each time an Internet Connection is established.
100 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 101

The Modem Host player should then provide the Modem Caller player(s) with the IP Multi-player Comm Dialog: When playing a multi-player
address prior to launching Campaign Series. This can be done by calling the Caller on a sep- game you can prevent the messages that you type in the
arate line, by sending the address through E-Mail, or by using an Internet “Chat” program. Comm Dialog from being seen by players on the other side
1. Select Play a Scenario from the Main Menu screen. by checking the “Send to my side only” box located at the
2. Select the Modem option from the Scenario Type Screen. bottom of the Comm Dialog (check this before you press
the Enter key to send the message).
3. The Modem Host should select a new scenario or resume a previously saved game.
To send a “global” message to all players in the game, simply
4. The Host, when prompted for the type of Direct Play connection, should choose Inter- uncheck this box before pressing the Enter key.
net Connection.
5. The Caller(s) should connect and provide the appropriate IP address when prompted. Multi-player Timed Game: The Host player in a live multi-player game has the option
6. At this point, both players will have a Communication Dialog and play will start or con- to use Set Network Play Timer from the Special pop-down menu to input a time, in
tinue similar to a standard game. minutes, that will be used by the program to automatically end each turn. This time can be
reset at any time, but only by the Host. If the time is reset, a message is displayed to all
Connecting to an Internet Session of Campaign Series other players of the new time that has been set.
Once you have the host’s “IP" address launch Campaign Series. From the Main Menu Timer Warning Light: When playing a multi-player game using
screen select “Play Scenario”. When the Scenario Type screen appears select “Modem the timed play option (see above), a colored “light” appears in the
Caller” the select “Start New Game”. When the Scenarios screen appears select any lower right-hand corner of the status bar (just to the left of the
scenario (we suggest a low-complexity one) and press the OK button. The actual sce- hex coordinate numbers). When a green light appears here it’s
nario selected does not matter, as the host loads the scenario. The host should also your side’s turn. When the green light changes to yellow it is a warning that your side
inform you if he wants you to enter the game on his side, or on the other (non-host) now has less than one minute until the turn ends. When this light is red it is the other
side. side’s turn. When the red light turns orange, it is simply warning you that the enemy now
When the “Player Dialog” appears type in your name or nickname. Here is also has less than one minute remaining to finish their turn.
where you choose to play on the same side as the host or not.
Next you’ll see the “Connection Dialog”. Select “Internet TCP/IP Connection for
Direct Play", then press OK.
Next the “Locate Session” dialog appears. This is where you type in the IP address
of the host. Then press OK and the program will try to connect to that IP address.
This usually happens flawlessly, but, if not, keep trying a few times. If you get a “no valid
sessions” message, perhaps the host got knocked off-line and had to establish a new IP
address by re-logging on. Perhaps check your e-mail or Internet chat again for a new IP
If you’re playing a multi-player game, you will want to open the “Multi-player dialog”
from the “Special” pop-down menu. Once the game is up, you can chat with the other
players in the “Comm Dialog”. If playing a multi-player game check the “Send to my
side only” before sending the if you want only players of your side to see the message.

The Multi-Player Dialog: This dialog can be accessed from the “Special” pop-down
menu, and is only useful in games with more than two players. The dialog is divided into a
top half (listing all Allied players) and bottom half (listing all Axis players). Note that the
“Captain” of each side is always listed in bold at the top of the player list for that side. The
“host” is always the Captain of his side.
Along the bottom of this dialog are four buttons. Each of these buttons is used by select-
ing (clicking on) a player’s name and then clicking the button. The functions of these but-
tons, and who can use them, follows:
The Assign button is used to assign an organization to the selected player. Only the

102 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 103


Captain of a side may use the Assign button.

The Deassign button is used to take the command of an organization away from the
selected player. Only the captain of a side may use the Deassign button.
The Promote button is used to assign a new “Captain” to a side. Only the “host” may
use the Promote button.
The Switch button is used to change the nationality (side) of a player. Only the “host”
may use the Promote button.
Scroll to View Enemy Action has also been added to the “Special” menu. This is “off”
by default in order to speed up game play. With this enabled, during a multi-player game
(only) the computer will scroll the map to display visible enemy actions.
You can use this connection to play over a Local Area Network (LAN).
The Modem Host will begin a game and choose the scenario to be played. When
prompted he will be asked which type of connection will be used, choose IPX play.
The Modem Caller will start the game and choose Modem Caller. When prompted
he will also select IPX play and when prompted select the Campaign Series game.
Note that all multi-player features discussed above in the “Internet TCP/IP Play” sec-
tion (i.e., multi-player Comm Dialog and Timed Game) are also available during a multi-
player “LAN” game.
You can use this connection to play over a modem or by a direct serial connection
(also known as a null modem).
The Modem Host will begin a game and choose the scenario to be played. He will be PLAY BY E-MAIL
prompted for which type of connection will be used during play. Choose the appropriate To Start a PBEM Game...
connection and enter the necessary settings.
1. Select the Play Scenario option from the Main Menu Screen.
The Modem Caller will start the game and choose Modem Caller. When prompted
he will also select the type of connection you have and enter the appropriate settings or 2. When the Scenario Type screen appears, ensure that the Play-by-E-Mail option is
phone numbers. selected, then click on the Start a New Game button.
3. The Scenario Screen will then appear. Choose the scenario to be played.
TWO-PLAYER HOT-SEAT 4. When the map appears, choose the local side (i.e., the side you will play) and
If you have a local opponent who doesn’t have a computer or you want to play on the whether or not Fog of War will be used. You can also set the Advantage and
same computer, you can use the Two-Player Hot-Seat option. Note that Fog of War is Optional Rules at this point (note that once a PBEM game has begun, the Optional
automatically in effect for both sides. Rules & FoW settings cannot be altered). Then select OK, and proceed with play.
To begin a Hot-Seat game follow the same procedure as beginning a regular scenario, 5. When finished with your turn be sure to press the End Turn Tool Bar button (or
except when you are in the ScenarioType screen choose Two-Player Hot-Seat.
select Next from the “Turn” pop-down menu). You will then see a message that local
Once the scenario begins, the person playing the First Side will be prompted to begin control is over. You will be prompted to save the game (note that it must retain a “.bte”
his turn. When that player has completed his turn, click the Next Turn button. The map extension) and E-mail the saved-game file to your opponent (veteran PBEM gamers
will clear, and the other player will be prompted to begin his turn. Continue in this manner usually “zip up” the file to protect the data.). You will then be prompted to enter an
until the game is completed, or you need to break and save the game. Note: Two-Player “Encryption Key” (i.e., a password). If you elect to input a password be sure to remem-
Hot-Seat saved game files are saved with the extension .btt. ber it, as it will be necessary to input this before you can start your next turn. Keep the
password simple; it is wise to use the same password for all on-going PBEM files.

Be sure to end your turn! Not ending your turn, and then sending that file to your
opponent, is the most common PBEM error.

104 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 105


To Resume a PBEM Game... use the File | Save As… function to save the game at every turn, then that is your own
1. To resume a Play By E-mail game, you must download the file into the Campaign Series direc- business. But if you try sending these variable file names you will inevitably make a mistake
tory. and save the file with the wrong name resulting in lost time and relaying turns or exchang-
2. Then launch Campaign Series. ing email while you sort out the mess with your opponent.
Passwords can be used with PBEM games. The whole purpose of the password pro-
3. Select the Play Scenario option from the Main Menu Screen. tection in Campaign Series is not to prevent cheating per se, but to prevent your opponent
4. When the Scenario Type screen appears, ensure that the Play-by-E-Mail option is from accidentally opening your game file in the wrong phase and thus spoiling the Fog-of-
selected, then click on the Resume Saved Game button. War effect by seeing the position of your hidden units. Passwords are for honest players
5. When the Scenarios screen appears, select the file you wish to resume and click OK. and are not meant to stop cheating. There are some people out there who are going to
cheat, but by and large, I’ve found that the vast majority of wargamers are honest.
6. After the map and scenario are loaded and you have input your password, you will be
given an option to see a “Replay” of your opponent’s most recent moves/attacks. Keep your password simple. This is not your bank account or your company secrets
After the Replay is finished (or if you choose not to view it), the next phase begins and that are being guarded here. Use common words that are before your eyes or so easy to
play resumes. At the end of local control, a prompt to E-mail the file will appear. spell as to be difficult to forget. Avoid complex names using special characters and shifts in
case from capital letters to lowercase. Here are some examples of my favorites: as I look
The same procedure is followed to play the remainder of the game, with each player around my office I see the words “monitor” and “laserjet”. I see “pocket” and “oxford”. I
alternately playing and E-mailing his turns to his opponent. drive a “van”. Use your dog or cat’s name, perhaps. Anything you won’t easily forget.
Use a compression utility and always “zip” (compress) your files, even if they are not
big. Compressing the file adds a little time to the PBEM process, but it saves tons of lost
time. Compression utilities can be found as shareware on many sites around the Internet.
You will certainly find something at: www.winzip.com
Compressing (i.e., “zipping”) the game file has two purposes:
1) It reduces file corruption when the file is being sent across the many miles that typ-
Having Fun with Play-by-E-Mail! ically separate you from your opponent. I will not go into the technical details, but it
By Glenn Saunders is like “rolling up a map before you step out into the wind” – there is much less
PBEM and pitting your skills against another human is one of the more challenging chance the map will be ripped away by the wind if it’s properly rolled up.
aspect that Campaign Series has to offer. I’ll never forget my very first PBEM game. My 2) When sending and receiving files by email using many different types of email pro-
heart was literally pounding as I saw the units move across the map, but this time not grams, ZIP files are usually handled in a consistent manner that can be handled by
under computer control. There was another human at different terminal trying to defeat the person receiving the file.
me. This was getting personal! For example, I have been sent files that were not zipped and they are sometimes
But for someone new to this aspect of wargaming, it can sometimes lead to frustrat- appended to the end of the email message. In these cases, it is possible but difficult to copy
ing experiences where files just don’t seem to cooperate. The purpose of this section is the entire message into an editor and remove the unwanted parts – but you have to be
to point out some “tried and true” techniques that have proven themselves over time to very careful and know what data’s important and what’s “excess”. Miss a single character
reduce, if not completely eliminate, most PBEM difficulties. and the file will not work properly. “Error opening file” is not a message you want to see!
First of all, you can not keep your game files in a separate folder (or directory). As Any email message that includes a game file should have the word “GAME FILE” in
much as it may seem like you can, this Windows95/98 file management ability does not the subject line of the email. Some people like to chat and exchange email messages,
work with Campaign Series. In order to work properly, all saved game files must be kept either game comments or other news with their opponents. Sometimes they attach the
in, and opened from, your Campaign Series directory, that by default is usually: file. But sometimes they think they attached the file, and never mention the game in the
C:\Program Files\Talonsoft\Campaign Series message. The result can easily be several lost days while the person who “thought” he sent
Secondly, when playing the game, always, always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS keep the same the file (and didn’t) waits for the person who doesn’t have the file to return it.
game file name. Here is a couple of tips on this: If you are chatting with the person you are playing, be careful to remove the “GAME
a) Consider starting your PBEM game file name with 00 as these files will alphabetical- FILE” word from the subject line if your message does not contain the file. When in doubt
ly appear at the top of your directory list in Windows Explorer. ask! It only takes a second and might avoid days in lost gaming.
b) Use your initials and your opponent’s initials separated by a dash. Therefore if I, Make yourself a backup copy of your game before you press the “END PHASE” button
Glenn Saunders were playing a game with John Brown, our game file might be: and get the file ready to send. What I recommend is that you do a FILE | SAVE AS…
00gs-jb.bte. view.bte – then “SAVE AS” again – back to the GAME FILE name. This does two things:
It may seem complex, but it really works. 1) It allows you to look at and ponder the situation while you wait for your opponent
Avoid trying to send files back and forth that include the turn number. If you wish to to respond (it could be days and you may wish to look at the situation map), and...

106 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 107


2) It gives you a backup. If the file does become corrupted during the transfer and
your opponent can’t open it at his end for whatever reason, you merely open that
file, then SAVE AS - Game file - END PHASE - ZIP and resend it to him. You’d be
surprised how many games have been saved that way.
Finally, always press the “END PHASE” button before you send the file. Sounds simple
but you’d be surprised how often it is forgotten. Simply by rushing to send out the file and
get on with the game you are more likely to cause delays. And that is a fact proven over Observations of an East Front II Playtester
many matches.
In the event that you do have a problem with a PBEM game, reading a file or getting an By Eric Larsen
error, here is what is recommended. 1) Try checking your password 2) Completely shut- The following hints come from extensive playtesting of the scenarios of
ting down your PC and “cold start” it (that has opened 3 or 4 file that would co-operate) TalonSoft’s East Front and its subsequent expansion, Campaign CD 1, and should
3) if #1 & #2 fail, then ask your opponent to check and make sure he remembered to provide some useful clues to help better your score and enjoyment of the game
END PHASE. These three simple things correct 98% of the PBEM problems. system. Since I always play with “Fog of War” and all Optional Rules “on”, the
If problems continue, come up to TalonSoft’s “Campaign Series” discussion page and following hints are based on these settings, which, in my opinion, create the
see if one of the helpful contributors can help you out. proper tension that is part of commanding in warfare and helps to keep the game
from deteriorating into a “play by the numbers” contest.
Good Luck and Good Gaming!
First and foremost is think of a plan for winning the scenario. Be careful to be
realistic about what you want to do to win certain victory levels and try to stick
to your basic game plan. Of course be flexible to making changes as your oppo-
nent unveils his plan. You normally don’t need to take or keep all the victory-point
(VP) hexes to win a major victory. Be aware of the point differential between each
side’s casualty Victory Points and try not to give your opponent easy VP.
The dominant weapon system in World War II was the tank and this game sys-
tem models it well, but beware of thinking that they are invulnerable against other
unit types. The best way to employ them, in attack or defense, is en masse with
infantry supported by artillery.
When attacking with tanks make sure to take advantage of roads when mov-
ing to contact and if using roads move them singly rather than in large stacks. One
other maxim that works well is concentration of force. Concentrate your tank
units on a small area and overwhelm the defense. Don’t waste your tank forces
spread out as infantry support. Don’t be in a hurry to use their last Action Points
(AP) getting into the defender’s view. Hide out of view until the next turn when
you can have a better chance of moving and firing. Try to take advantage of cov-
ering terrain like villages and forests with the initial units moving into view that
will draw opportunity fire (OpFire) from the defenders. Also, try to get them to
fire at your units at longer ranges initially and with other unit types like infantry.
Then move up with other tanks and try to get off one to two shots per vehicle on
targets that most threaten your tanks. Anti-Tank (AT) guns tend to be easier units
to kill than machine-gun (MG) or infantry as soft targets go and pose the greatest
threat to vehicles so try getting them reduced and disrupted first.
German tanks, especially the heavier models later in the war, tend to have
longer effective killing ranges so using them in long-range duels with Russian
tanks is the best way to go. Russian tanks, except the heavier models and the ones
equipped with larger than 76mm guns, usually need to close the gap with their
German opponents to get effective shots off. This is where concentration of force
is critical as the Russian really has to exhaust the German tanks’ OpFire and be

108 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 109


willing to take some punishment when closing to an effective range. With the stacked with a machine gun or a tank with a good Soft-Target Attack Strength can
Optional Rule for Armor Facing Effects “on”, getting flank and rear shots makes attain Disruptions and reductions. Try to damage AT, MG, and Mine-Clearing
killing tanks easier. Work on getting tanks to retreat while still in view and then Units first, as they usually pose the highest threat, and then work on the infantry
hit the retreated tanks in the rear where their armor is thinnest. Once you’ve dis- types (like rifle and Russian sub-machine gun units) that have higher Defense
rupted a unit it’s time to start working on trying to disrupt other units. Once tanks Strengths against assault. Bunkers don’t benefit vehicular targets so they are eas-
have been disrupted they are more vulnerable to assault by units with good assault ier to take on than the non-vehicular targets. Artillery is rather ineffective against
values such as infantry. Try to surround them before assaulting by having units on non-vehicular Soft Targets in bunkers, so you may want to move up 105mm and
opposite sides of the unit cutting off its retreat route. Don’t be surprised if they 150mm guns to 2-3 hex range to get in the upper 20’s in Indirect Fire points to
do retreat anyway, and they will frequently if they aren’t disrupted. Sometimes register Disruptions. Rocket artillery that can exert over 30 attack factors on a
it’s best to surround a target completely to so that it has no retreat route available. bunker hex are very helpful. Once all or most of the defenders are Disrupted, and
most likely Low on Ammo, then the bunker is easier to assault successfully. Be
sure to use a leader with plenty of units with good Assault Values like engineers,
but avoid using Low-on-Ammo units. If the bunker isn’t in clear/orchard/field ter-
rain then try not to use tanks, but if you do, use ones with really high Assault
Values and, if available, flamethrower tanks or halftracks. Just be careful in bring-
ing up those lightly-armored flamethrower halftracks so they don’t take OpFire
and get disrupted. Usually bring them in at the very last just before assaulting.
When using infantry against tanks most infantry can’t do much with Direct
Fire attacks. Only German engineers and late-war German infantry types have
high Hard-Target Attack Strengths that will readily reduce or disrupt heavier
tanks through fire combat. The best way for infantry to kill tanks is to assault
Disrupted tanks that are surrounded and flanked.
Infantry can also attract OpFire while advancing, and the best way to attract
Another good use for tanks is in assaulting units with low Defense Strengths OpFire is to move a unit more than one hex at a time while in an enemy LOS.
but high VP values like headquarters (HQ) and artillery. Be careful of how you This also works for vehicle units.
use them when assaulting villages and other rough terrain, as they aren’t as effec-
tive and are more prone to losses and disruptions.
Infantry units aren’t as weak as they may appear if handled properly. When
attacking, their most effective ability tends to be assault combat. Know what
types of units have what types of characteristics and use them accordingly. Try to
use covering terrain to advance and don’t be in a hurry with them trying to get to
the defensive position before the defenders are at least disrupted. It’s better to
move and fire each turn in advancing and keeping units spread out without too
much stacking if the defender has artillery available. Unless you can get about 6-
8 attack factors on a soft target you should keep moving until you can. If the
defenders are in improved positions (IP) in village/forest hexes then you need a
bit more. Therefore it really pays to have units use the digging-in function to
improve their defensive chances. Just be sure to turn them off when the enemy is
in close proximity as they are less effective in firing.
When attacking a bunker, unless you can get a quick coup de grace on a weak
defender like an HQ, it is best to surround the hex first on all sides to prevent rein-
forcement and to cut off its supply. It’s best to clear a few hexes in every direc-
tion on a well-defended bunker first so the attackers aren’t susceptible to fire from
nearby hexes. If the defender has more than 13 strength points in the hex then you
should be able to keep firing away with units with high soft-target Attack
Strengths to get disruptions on all units. Leaders with good Command Ratings

110 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 111


Artillery units can provide good sup-

port for the attack if used properly.
Try to move your attacking artillery
up close to the battle lines so that you
get better indirect fire strengths.
Make sure to keep them out of sight
though, and preferably in good
defensive terrain. Avoid stacking
them so that a lucky Indirect Fire hit
doesn’t do too much damage. Small-
er mortar units (82mm and smaller)
can move on their own, albeit slowly,
so once transported to the battle area
it’s better to move them on their own
so that they are ready to fire each turn
and are not as vulnerable as when
loaded on a transport. The same goes
for smaller gun types of 75mm or
When defending it is best to stack an infantry unit with an MG or AT unit and less that can move on their own. Bigger artillery need their transport handy to move up but
to make some kind of defensive line that takes advantage of as much good defen-
only when they are ready to move so it’s usually a good idea to unstack and move the
sive terrain as possible, and that doesn’t allow the enemy easy ways to isolate and transports back to safe hexes but within easy movement range of their respective guns. This
surround parts of it. Try to also get good fields of fire over likely enemy avenues keeps the transports safe in case of Indirect Fire attacks and keeps the stacking points down
of approach, but don’t waste too many units trying to make a screen. Also, try to
in case of a lucky hit. To have any effect against IP’s in village/forest hexes you really need
defend in depth so that you can switch Disrupted/non-Disrupted units back and to get your artillery close, as Indirect Fire tends to be ineffective vs. fortified positions at
forth. On the defense, Commanders can come in handy helping Disrupted units less than 15 points of attack strength. If the defender has large stacks then go for them
become undisrupted so keep them back out of sight for that purpose. Keep
heavily. Don’t be afraid to hit hexes several times with different calibers of artillery work-
reserves handy, if possible, so that penetrations can be pushed back to maintain ing from the smaller calibers on up. Go for HQ, AT, MG and Commander units first as
your lines and to keep your units from being surrounded. Don’t be afraid to pull they tend to be more vulnerable to Indirect Fire. Don’t waste much Indirect Fire as Direct
some units back from the line if they do become nearly surrounded. This is eas-
Fire because if your artillery is visible it’s vulnerable!
ier to do defending a good size city or forest area.
Artillery in the defense can break or weaken an infantry attack if used prop-
erly. With larger caliber guns, 105’s and up, you can even do some damage to an
armor attack when you can get 4 or more hard-attack points on a hex. Very small
tanks and halftracks can be susceptible to less. Don’t expect too much though as
the best you can do to stop an armored attack is to get the Commanders elimi-
nated by your artillery thereby cutting down that advantage. When faced with an
attack it’s best to try and bombard in depth in front of the enemy trying to get
them after their next move. Know how far your opponent’s infantry units can
move in a turn and then you start with the smaller caliber artillery bombarding the
most likely forward hexes that can be reached and bombarding in a line and then
walk it back. If done well you can catch units retreated in earlier bombardments
a second or third time! Save the largest caliber artillery for the most likely hexes
where stacks of units may be and hexes where you don’t want the enemy to stay
after their next move. If your opponent leaves units stationary for a few turns and
it’s likely he will continue then bombard those hexes if they contain worthwhile
targets. In the beginning turns of a scenario you may want to move some artillery
forward to get higher attack strengths, or to get to better defensive positions.
Small artillery capable of moving by themselves that are in the front lines should
be moved back if possible as they are easy targets and are better at providing sup-
112 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 113

port rather than Direct Fire combat. Depending on the situation, either move them move them until you’re ready to move up or back a good ways. Don’t move them
on their own or transport them back to a better defensive position. If you can fig- a little every turn or they will never provide supply. Move them long distances
ure out where and when your opponent will be moving while loaded on trans- every once and a while when the supply line becomes too long. If you have sev-
ports, then try an area bombardment, even if out of your sight. If you catch loaded eral levels of HQ’s then move one level while leaving another in position so that
transports (especially soft ones!) with Indirect Fire you can cause some serious one level will at least be able to provide supply. Then you can alternate moving
carnage. If the enemy shows his artillery then bombard it at the first opportunity. various levels of HQ’s in turn and maintain contact and still provide supply when
Smoke Indirect Fire can be a real help if not squandered. There usually is advancing. If your opponent reveals his HQ be sure to make them a priority tar-
never enough Smoke so use it for really important things. One of my favorite uses get as they yield high VP’s and, if eliminated, deny your opponent supply.
is to plot Smoke in a Minefield hex in an enemy OpFire zone the turn before a Recon units, though weak, can be very useful units if you remember what they
Mine-Clearing (engineer) Unit is scheduled to enter the hex. That way it falls just are for. They should be used for spotting, and (sometimes) to draw fire (i.e.,
before your engineer moves into the Minefield, thus reducing any enemy OpFire, OpFire “fodder”). If kept back initially they may come in useful near the end of
and lasts through the enemy’s next turn. You can use Smoke to suppress enemy the scenario by flanking and hunting weak enemy units like trucks and HQ’s.
fire in bunker hexes when first approaching it, but remember that firing into a Some of the German armored cars are quite good but should still be used care-
Smoked bunker hex is usually a futile waste of AP. Using Smoke for the defense fully. They can be fairly effective against infantry from two hexes away if there
is tricky. It can be used to block fire from units, encouraging them to move, but aren’t any enemy tanks or AT guns around.
if you Smoke their hex make sure you want to minimize their fire effects (and not
waste ammo having your units firing at them), as they will gain a defensive ben-
efit from your Smoke. You can also lay Smoke on threatened friendly units to pro-
tect them, but remember that it will also reduce all fire out of that hex, too.
Commanders are one of my favorite unit types as they
have some wonderful capabilities and add some personali-
ty to the game. Make sure to use the Display Organization
function to know what units each Leader commands.
Leaders with high Leadership Ratings are very useful for
helping units that have suffered a morale loss to recover.
This is essential if the units are Disrupted as they will not
undisrupt until they have recovered their base morale. If
possible, keep your higher morale-level Commanders
back for that purpose. Leaders that have good Command
Ratings can increase attack strengths, hopefully making
ineffective shots effective. They also help in assaults, so FlaK units can be used for many purposes but if the enemy has Air Attacks
include them in assaults where you really need to overcome defensive advantages of ter- then you want to make sure you use them to protect valuable tanks or Soft Targets
until the Air Attacks are expended. The lighter FlaK units mounted on trucks have
rain, especially bunkers. A Leader with a good Command Rating can increase an MG
unit dramatically. Take care of your Commanders by keeping them in good defensive good Attack Strengths against Soft Targets, but they are themselves a vulnerable
terrain and don’t waste them early. Keep them stacked with units at the end of each Soft Target so use them wisely. Keeping them, as well as the other FlaK units that
aren’t mounted on vehicles, in good defensive terrain is the best rule. FlaK units
move so that they can’t be easily assaulted or fired at. Leaders don’t benefit HQ’s for
supply purposes, and are wasted if kept stacked with them. Get them into action or near mounted on halftracks are good for protecting tanks in an advance since they are
areas where you need a little extra help in overcoming the enemy. Concentrate on units better able to keep pace with them. Heavy FlaK units, like the German “88”, are
best kept back in good defensive terrain with nice wide fields of fire. They should
that have Leaders stacked with them when plotting bombardments and Direct Fire
attacks. You never know when you get that lucky result that eliminates an enemy Com- be used to ensure any roaming enemy tanks in your rear will have a nasty sur-
mander and gives you some good VP’s. prise. They don’t have many shots per phase so they will not stop a large tank
attack alone. Make sure they have some support and can come to their aid quickly
Headquarters are units best not seen by the enemy. Check the HQ ranges for if they become threatened.
the various HQ types (see page 65) and know how far back to keep them.
Battalion HQ’s need to be closer; I find it better to keep them back about six
hexes, out of Line of Sight, and in good defensive terrain. I’d rather move a low-
ammo unit back toward its HQ to resupply than to bring an HQ up into an enemy
fire zone. Find a good spot for your HQ, but avoid stacking them, and then don’t
114 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 115

and deny your opponent easy VP’s than to try to run them around the edge of the
map. One of my favorite point-getters is chasing down enemy trucks with half-
tracks, tanks or armored cars and assaulting stacks of them, hex after hex like
dominoes, because some opponent didn’t move his trucks back to safety and I
crashed the party. Same goes for HQ’s, especially since they don’t provide sup-
ply when moving and yield high VP’s. Any unit that can’t really defend itself
when near the edge may better off being removed so that the enemy can’t get easy
VP’s. This is mainly something the defender should consider, since he frequently
won’t have enough troops to keep the enemy from running around rear areas.
Terrain is another aspect that cannot be overlooked. I can’t emphasize enough
the importance of good defensive terrain like villages, suburbs, city, special build-
ings, forests, or rough hexes. They provide a good defensive help against all
attacks. When IP’s, trenches, or bunkers are in those hexes the combined effects
really help the defense in all attacks. When entering forest or rough hexes be sure
to try and use roads or paths to help reserve some APs for firing as they cost 65
AP’s to enter and not all units have a 35 point (or less) Fire Cost. Sometimes it’s
better to take an extra turn getting units into good defensive terrain to protect
Trucks and transports are another unit type that needs to be used wisely. First them for firing the next. Populated areas are good as they require less AP’s to
and foremost they are vulnerable (since most are Soft Targets) and have no attack enter thereby allowing for more shots to possibly be fired. The player that takes
capability (exception: armed and armored halftracks, such as the German 251/1). best advantage of terrain will have an improved chance of winning.
The sole function of your “soft” transport is to carry units to the front—then get Hills are another good position to be in, especially for tanks. With the height
them the heck back to safety, as they are easy to kill and provide quick easy VP’s. advantage tanks are harder to hit and have an increased chance of damaging tar-
Although I’ve seen some players use “kamikaze scout” trucks as bait, this is a gets at lower levels. This is one instance when being in open terrain isn’t so bad.
desperate practice that will yield easy VP’s to you. Don’t use your transport for Having the height advantage also allows for better field of view of the enemy for
fire fodder or scouting as they really don’t do either role well. When you find spotting Indirect Fire.
them stacked in your front lines when you’re defending move them back if they
aren’t necessary. There’s nothing like giving your opponent a 13 strength-point
plus stack to shoot at because you left your transports in the front lines instead of
evacuating them. There are times when a transport unit can help you “screen”
something more valuable, like an HQ, but this is a desperate measure and should
not be relied upon regularly. If you do this try to keep them in good defensive ter-
rain so that the enemy may not have enough movement left to assault. Transports
are very vulnerable to assault by any unit with an Assault Value. It’s better to
assault them rather than use Direct Fire, as they are sure kills when assaulted but
not when shot at.
Air Attacks are handy for tank-busting, especially the heavier tanks that may
be difficult for your ground units to damage or destroy. Don’t be in a rush to use
your Air Attacks early as the mere threat of them can keep your opponent wor-
ried for a longer period of time. Watch for stationary tanks in clear hexes if pos-
sible as Air Attacks against units in good defensive terrain aren’t as effective.
Don’t be afraid to use them against larger-caliber AT guns and artillery, especially
when they are out of your artillery’s range. Also be wary of enemy FlaK as they
can damage an Air Attack. When you are subject to enemy Air Attacks remember
that movement is the best defense. Not being where you’re expected to be (in case
an opponent is presumptive in placing Air Attacks) may save you losses.
One function that I use with regularity, if pressed by a good opponent in my
rear areas, is the “Remove Unit from Map” function. It’s better to remove units
116 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 117

When attacking, being

there “firstest with the
mostest” is very important. If
your Order of Battle is
blessed with lots of tanks,
concentration of this asset
can prove deadly to an oppo-
nent who is spread out. The
“armored fist” approach
works well when you can
concentrate early on a point
in the enemy’s line to break
through, and then fan out
into his rear area. Just be
careful that your attack does-
n’t bog down so that you are
not able to take enough Objective hexes to win. Flanking maneuvers are effective if your
The art of appearing out of nowhere and crossing open ground takes some opponent isn’t expecting them if you can overrun his rear areas where his artillery and HQ
practice. It is always best to use covering terrain until you absolutely have to usually are. But beware: split forces can be overwhelmed by a good opponent who recog-
break out into the open. Try to ensure that when you do break out into the open
nizes the split early and has the force to concentrate. Split forces also may not have enough
you’re using that unit’s first AP’s—not its last. Be careful of when to rush in, and force to overwhelm an enemy or be able to take a good defensive position. When attacking
when to take your time and fire while moving. Keep your infantry assets spread have patience while being in a hurry. Sometimes it’s better to spend a few turns getting
out to minimize Indirect Fire casualties, and concentrate them when you’re ready
some units up to spot for artillery to soften up the defense before bringing in your attacking
to assault. Remember to keep valuable “soft” units like HQ’s, artillery, and loaded force. On the defense don’t keep all your units up front. Try to defend in depth and defend
transports out of your opponent’s sight. rear Objective hexes if the enemy may be able to get to them, even if you have to leave
In order to win remember that nothing substitutes for proper planning. Think units there the entire game. You don’t want to give up some quick and easy VP’s at the end
out what you want to do as either attacker or defender. Look the scenario over of the game because you moved everything out early and didn’t keep something back to
from both sides and know what each side has and basically where it is. Check the defend. Spread out a bit so you don’t overstack, or allow units to be easily flanked and sur-
Reinforcement and Release schedules to get an idea of when and where rein- rounded. When defending remember to keep reserves capable of counterattacking and
forcements come from. Look over the terrain: note the road system and spot sealing off possible enemy penetrations both in the short term and the long term.
blocking terrain types so that you can plan where you want to go and how to get
there fastest. Check where the Objective hexes are and how you plan to take or Above all else, there’s also no substitute for volume of fire, so remember to
keep them. Remember you don’t have to take or keep all the Objective hexes to shoot as often as possible and take good shots. Try to bring as much fire to bear
win. The difference will usually be in the disparity of casualty VP one side has as possible, and make sure to shoot at targets in a manner that will cause reduc-
over the other, so concentrate on killing the enemy force more than taking spe- tions, Disruptions, and retreats. Once a unit is Disrupted move onto another non-
cific hexes. With two evenly-matched opponents, Objective hex control will be Disrupted target.
important so take care to plan well on which ones to end up with. Opportunity Fire (OpFire) is also important in keeping an enemy from run-
ning his units at you without fear of losses on the way in. Adjusting OpFire ranges
with the “Assign Opportunity Fire” function is an important and ongoing process.
Don’t let an opponent figure out what your OpFire ranges are set at, otherwise he
will be able to take advantage of this knowledge. Vary them from time to time,
and don’t allow empty trucks to draw OpFire, thus draining your antitank OpFire
capability before the enemy armor closes. Also keep the ranges realistic as far as
what types of firing units are being used against the various target types. As the
settings are universal to unit types, you’ll find situations where you’ll need to pick
carefully as some areas may need different settings from other areas.
A few hints on playing the A/I (artificial intelligence) that I’ve noticed will
help you avoid regrettable situations when thusly engaged. The A/I will some-
118 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 119

times stack up in Objective and fortification hexes to the exclusion of maintain-

ing a good line around it, so first clear the area and surround such a hex. When
the A/I is defending it will tend to counterattack Objective hexes you control. In
this way you can influence the A/I into attacking certain areas you want it to.
Then you can “play defense on the offense” and catch enemy units in open ter-
rain rather than in good defensive positions where they were. The A/I will fre-
quently expend Smoke and Air Attacks early in a scenario, so be prepared to take
advantage of that tendency. It has been known to move HQ’s too far forward, so
take out the A/I’s HQ’s early when they move into firing range. Don’t push your
luck too far with the A/I, though, as it will at times come up with good combina-
tions of fire combat and assaults. It will assault at times you’ll least like.
Although these games are visually stunning in 3D modes, it’s not always easy
to differentiate the terrain elevations on the 3D maps, so don’t entirely disregard
the 2D view mode. In 3D view mode, you might want to turn on “Hex Contours”
and use the “Rotate Map” function to see how a hill may go up and down, as it
can be hard to tell how the hill slopes away on its “far side”. The 2D mode also
allows for a far larger view of the battlefield, and allows you to see hexside ter-
rain like embankments far easier. You can also see all the units in a hex better in
2D mode when there are more than four or five therein, as they sometimes get
hidden in 3D mode. When in 2D mode, using the “Reachable Hexes” function
makes it easier to make long moves in one move. You can see the limits of a unit’s
movement better, and if you want it to move its maximum select the farthest high-
lighted hex you want to move to and it will get there. Be careful of making
interim smaller moves, as the movement algorithm may decide on a straighter,
less-efficient path. You can use the “Save AP’s for Unloading” and/or the “Save
AP’s for Firing” functions with the “Reachable Hexes” function to show the lim-
its of movement with either (or both) of those features set. You can see just how
far your unit can go and still be able to unload or shoot. You can also use 2D mode
as a faster method of playing, with the sound effects turned off, for really large
scenarios. I also find that it takes far less time to watch the replays when in 2D
mode with the sound effects off. When playing the largest scenarios remember to
have patience while it loads the saved game.
Above all, Campaign Series is a fun and playable game system for humans to
play each other, so my best advice may be to find some PBEM or on-line oppo-
nents. Nothing beats pitting your wits against another gamer, and you never know
when you’ll learn new tricks in defeat that will help you win later and enjoy the
game even more.
Have fun and enjoy TalonSoft’s Campaign Series!
Eric Larsen

120 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 121


5) Maneuver: ...is the movement of forces in relation to the enemy in order to gain
positional advantage.
Place the enemy in a position of disadvantage
through the flexible application of combat power.
Fight the enemy on your terms; make him move to engage you, at a time and place
of your choosing. Keep an eye on the game length and do not be too anxious when
Battlefield Tactics time is on your side. Remember Security.
By John Underwood
6) Unity of Command: ...means that all the forces are under one responsible com-
Most of this information was derived from the Department of the Army Field Manual mander.
[FM] 100-5 Operations, 1993. I am not wanting to dazzle or confuse you. What I intend to
For every objective, seek unity of command and unity of effort.
do is to give you a straight forward look at Modern Battlefield Doctrine which is applicable
to any day or era. The new multi-player mode poses special challenges here!

7) Security: Risk is inherent in war; however, commanders must not be overly cautious.
The Principles of War;
To be successful, commanders must take necessary, calculated risks to preserve the
1) Objective: The Ultimate military purpose of war is the destruction of the enemy’s force and defeat the enemy. Protecting the force increases friendly combat power.
armed forces and will to fight. Of course the application of firepower against the
Never permit the enemy to acquire unexpected advantage.
will to fight may be difficult in a game....unless of course you send your opponent a
computer virus. Always protect your flanks. Especially when attacking, protect your flanks from a
counter-attack. Send reconnaissance out in front and to both flanks so to help you
Direct every military operation toward a clearly defined and attainable objective.
find where the enemy is. Do not get caught napping. Remember Security!
It is not necessary to take every hex, only take what you can hold and live to fight
another day. Games with Exit Objectives may only require you to exit your forces, 8) Surprise: ...can decisively shift the balance of combat power. By seeking surprise,
taking the other static Objective hexes may only expend combat power and not be
forces can achieve success well out of proportion to the effort expended.
necessary to attain the victory. Remember Security.
Strike the enemy at a time and place or in a manner for which he is unprepared.
Surprise is what happens to the enemy when proper security precautions were not
2) Offensive: Offensive action is the most effective and decisive way to attain a clearly taken. We will always have security.
defined common objective.
Seize, retain and exploit the initiative. 9) Simplicity: Everything in war is very simple, but the simple thing is difficult.
Enough said. Decide what must be done to win and do it. Save tactical reinforce- Prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and concise orders
ments to pursue and finish off the enemy. Remember Security. to ensure thorough understanding.

3) Mass: Synchronizing all elements of combat power where they will have decisive
effect on an enemy force in a short period of time is to achieve mass.
Mass the effect of overwhelming combat power at the decisive place and time.
“Piece-mealing” your units, once the decision has been made to attack, only allows
the enemy to fight smaller units—exactly what he was hoping for. Remember

4) Economy of Force: ...is the judicious employment and distribution of forces.

Employ all combat power available in the most effective way possible;
allocate minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts.
Use enough force to outnumber your enemy at the point of attack, and try to always
keep a reserve available to exploit the gains or to hold the objective from counter-
attack. Remember Security.

122 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 123


Myth vs. Fact: Reality in World War II and in Campaign Series

Myth: The German Army had a technological advantage over their enemies.
Fact: Most French Tanks in 1939/40 were better armed and armored; many British tanks
in the Desert were better than their German counterparts; the Russian T-34 and KV tanks,
The Tenets of Army Operations in 1941 and well into 1942, were better than anything the Germans could field.
1) Initiative: sets or changes the terms of battle by action and implies an offensive spirit in What the Germans did have was a combat doctrine that utilized their tanks to their
the conduct of all operations. fullest potential, and tank crews that were by far the best trained in the world—until attri-
tion and years of combat depleted their ranks and training time available.
In the attack, initiative implies never allowing the enemy to recover from the initial shock of the
Not until the Panther and Tiger tanks did the Germans have a technological advantage,
but by then many of the experienced tank crews were gone.
In the defense, initiative implies quickly turning the tables on the attacker. Defending commanders
This is a game with a time frame for completion. Do not get in too big of a hurry if
act rapidly to negate the attacker’s initial advantage.
you do not know what you are facing. Recon the area, make a feint against the objective
2) Agility: is the ability of friendly forces to react faster than the enemy and is a prerequi- and see what you stir up, but always: remember security.
site for seizing and holding the initiative. Unlike war you do not always have to kill the enemy to win. Sometimes simply avoid-
3) Depth: is the extension of operations in time, space, resources, and purpose. ing the enemy and exiting your units off an Exit Objective may give you the necessary
points for a win.
To think in depth is to forecast and to anticipate so that the enemy can be attacked simultaneously
throughout the depth of the battlefield.
Depth allows commanders to sustain momentum and take advantage of all available resources to
press the fight, attacking enemy forces and capabilities simultaneously throughout the battlefield.
4) Synchronization: is arranging activities in time and space to mass at the decisive point.
5) Versatility: is the ability of units to meet diverse mission requirements.

124 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 125


he following tutorial has been put together as a training exercise to introduce you to
EAST FRONT II TUTORIAL some of the moves and techniques that may help you in playing Campaign Series.
While no tutorial can completely explain all issues, it’s hoped that you will find the
LIMA JULIET VICTOR... LIMA JULIET VICTOR... information in this document useful.
*** In order for the tutorial to work, it is necessary for you to load and run
This is TANGO CHARLIE KILO... Campaign Series. Once the Main Menu screen has opened press the “Play
...do you hear me Hauptmann Neitzel? Scenario” button to start. Once you press the Play Scenario button you will be
*** taken to a new menu where you can pick the type of scenario you want to play.
For the tutorial, you need to pick “Start a New Game” and have the “Standard”
Your signal is very weak Herr Hauptmann...
box checked on. You will now find yourself at the scenario selection screen. From
*** here you can choose one of many scenarios to play. Scroll down the list using the
Neitzel! Get those Panzers rolling, I want you out arrow button located on the right side of the scenario selection dialog; the buttons
front with your Scout Cars. Move forward man! I need with the “double arrows” will move up or down the list a “screen” at a time.
to locate that Russian Tank Division! Locate “Tutorial: Reconnaissance”, make sure it’s highlighted, and then click
*** the OK button near the bottom of the screen. This will now launch the game.
I don’t care if you don’t know where the Russian Be certain to set the Allied as to be played as “Computer with Fog of War”
positions are! MOVE forward now and I am certain you when you load the scenario. For now, you should leave off the Optional Rule for
will find them. Find them and eliminate them. Now Extreme Fog of War as well as the Optional Rule for Armor Facing Effects. You
MOVE or I will find someone who will! Is that clear may decide to use these rules later. Note that Optional Rules can only be defined
Hauptmann!?! at the beginning of a scenario.
*** In Campaign Series, there are often many different ways to perform the same
Take the hill overlooking the town of Tornoff – task. These options are based on your personal style of play. This document will
and then secure the town. attempt to introduce you to a few and illustrate how you can find others. Use this
*** just to get started.
And one more thing Hauptmann: We’re a little short on
ammo. Use your fire missions very carefully.
You’re the cutting edge Herr Hauptmann.
Now — for the Fatherland — get those Panzers moving!
126 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 127

Click on the empty area of the hex containing your lead units –
the two Pz 38(t)’s and leader in hex 9,10. Note the hex co-ordi-
nates are in the lower right corner of the screen. Later instructions
will refer to these hex co-ordinates.
Move your cursor over your units. Notice as the cross
hairs pass over a unit, the Icon is highlighted in yellow and the unit’s Info Box is
displayed superimposed over the map. The info box changes as a new unit is
highlighted. In basic terms, the Info Box contains a sketch of the Unit, the name
TOUR DE FORCE of the unit in a label at the top of the box and several game information factors.
You should now be viewing a screen that has a map of the battlefield on it. To Refer to pages 20-21 of this manual for more details about the information in the
get started – push the M Key. This hot key toggles ON/OFF the menu bar located Info Box and the information presented by it. If the Info Box is not conveniently
at the top of the screen. You’ll need to access the menu items here from time to positioned on your map, you can left click and drag it to a new position.
time. We’ll discuss some of these options later. See the list of Hot Keys on the
Now, place your cursor over the lead Pz 38(t) in hex 9,10 and left click once
back cover of this manual.
on the icon. Notice the base turns a brighter color and the label of the unit’s Info
Next, before we get the game started, push the number 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 keys near Box also turns a brighter grey. The Unit is now Selected so be careful, you don’t
the top of your keyboard. This will load each map view into memory and gives want to move it just yet.
you the overall lay of the land for your scenario. Be sure and allow enough time
Put your cursor over the Info Box and right click. Notice that the bright grey
for the computer to load each map view before pressing the next number. The first goes away. You have not unselected the unit, you have just switched to the other
time you load each map, expect a short delay as your computer accesses the infor-
Pz 38(t) in the same hex. Right click once more on the Info Box and now you see
mation for the first time. Once the various map views have been loaded, the next
the commander in that hex. As you right click on the Info Box you cycle through
time you select a different map view the display will change faster. each unit in a hex, one at a time.
When you cycle through the maps at various views you may notice the objec-
With a Pz 38(t) selected press the F2 key. The “Unit Handbook”, which pro-
tives (which are all enemy-controlled at start) are marked with a red star on a
vides extended information about each unit, is displayed in the center of the map.
brown background. If you do not see them, click on the menu item “Display”,
then click on Objectives (or press the O hot key). NOTE: There is no overall movement cost chart in TalonSoft’s Campaign Series Parameter
Put your map in 3D Normal View by selecting this option from the “Display” Data. That is because, with the game’s system of APs, each unit has its own movement chart for
pop-down menu. Alternatively, you can press the 1 key on the top of the key- each particular ground condition. Basically, the “faster” a unit is, the less AP it will have to spend
board. In the center of your map you can see your units. Move your mouse to the to move. The movement cost for this unit, considering the current scenario’s ground condition, is
listed on the left side of the Unit Handbook in green numbers.
right side of the map – all the way over – and notice how the display “auto
scrolls”. You can scroll in any direction using this “auto scroll” technique.
On the right side of the
At this time we need to use some of the buttons located in the Tool Bar at the bot-
Unit Handbook is a short
tom of your screen. Move your mouse cursor over the buttons and a brief descrip-
historical review of the
tion will appear above each. The fourth button from the right is the “Jump Map”. unit. As many of these
This feature gives an overview of the entire battlefield and can be especially useful on large
historical notes scroll off
maps. You can also use it to move around the battlefield by “Left Clicking” anywhere on
the bottom of the box,
the Jump Map that you wish to view. The German units are shown on the Jump Map as you may need to use the
small blue squares. For descriptions of other buttons, consult pages 17-18 of this manual.
arrows to the left of the
Now Left Click on the map where your units are located.
copy or the Page Down
Next, click on the “Toggle Display of Bases” button, so you don’t overlook any of (PgDn) key to read all the
your units or to see if some of the Russians might be visible at start. (In this sce- info. Unit weight and
nario there are no enemies visible at start.) With this feature enabled, each icon weapons are listed at the
will have a colored base, blue for the Germans and brown for the Russians. end of these notes.
At the bottom/cen-
ter of the Unit Hand-book you can see the Weapon Range vs. Hard and Soft
Targets. Beside this info is the word “Range Display” with a small button (with
an “R” on it) just to the right of it. Press the “R” button now.

128 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 129


A small graph is shown with range on the X-axis and Fire Factors on the Y- At this new view, more of the map is visible. Right click on the road hex two more
axis. There are two bar curves; the red line graphically shows the unit’s Attack hexes east (to your right, hex 14,10). Both units respond again to your movement
Strength vs. Hard (i.e., armored) targets, and the blue line shows its Attack orders and there is no enemy action. Press the Binocular Button (or V Key) now
Strength vs. Soft (i.e., unarmored) targets. Press Esc or Enter to make the Graph and you will see that more hexes are visible. Press the SPACE BAR to center your units
disappear and a second time to make the Unit Handbook disappear. You are now on the screen. You can observe the Objective hex on the hill now from this position. Still no
looking at your units in the center of the map. enemy!
With your Pz 38(t) in hex 9,10 selected, click on the button depicting a pair of It is important to note however, that even though you can see more terrain,
binoculars. With the “Binoculars Button” depressed, you can see how much, or in there may be enemy units that are now in your LOS (line of sight) that are not
this case, how little, of the map you can actually view from the hex the unit occupies. shown. Enemy units tend to hide in whatever cover is available. A hex in
The selected unit can not see the area of the map that is shaded. In TalonSoft’s Campaign TalonSoft’s Campaign Series represents terrain that is approximately 250 meters
Series, you do not need a unit to occupy a hex to check visibility. Clicking on any vacant hex in across, and even in open country there is deemed enough cover to hide, at least
this mode will show which hexes can be seen. for a short while. Exercise caution!
Select the lead Pz 38(t) and now press the H Key. With the H key toggled on, The enemy units are revealed during your turn only if they open fire on one of
the hexes that are not shaded are within movement range of this unit. your units or if your unit(s) try to enter an enemy-occupied hex. Otherwise, they
Next Select one of the trucks near the back of the column. Notice this trans- will remain hidden until the beginning of your next turn. Press the V key again to
port unit depicts a helmet in the lower right of the Info Box. This means that this turn off the visible hexes.
unit is currently transporting something. Right click on the truck’s Info Box and Before you move again, click on the “Save APs for Firing” Button. Notice that
you will see the Info Box of the unit being transported by the truck. A passenger when you toggle this option on, a small full-color bullet appears in the top left
unit is not displayed as an icon on the map until it is unloaded. corner of the unit’s Info Box. Now your unit will move as far as possible while
Note: When you unload a transported unit from a truck, the helmet on the still retaining enough AP’s to fire. With the two units still selected, continue right-clicking
truck’s Info Box will change to a yellow outline. When unloaded, the truck is on the road and advance your units as far as they can go. There is always the chance that
still a functional unit in the game and can move independent of the unit that the Russians may open fire as you move. If they do, remember your orders and keep mov-
it transported. Motorcycles, bicycles, horses and boats however are transport ing forward. Your progress should halt in hex 18,10.
units that cannot move unless the unit is carrying a passenger. When your Armored Car platoon
and commander have reached their
TURN 1 destination, click on the Display
Menu. Choose the On-Map Ther-
As you have been ordered, select Captain Neitzel (the leader that represents mometer item. You will notice a
your Battalion commander) from his position near the rear of the German recon small bar graph with the red portion
force (in hex 8,10) and right click on the hex containing the two Armored Cars representing the “Unused” APs.
(hex 10,10). The commander unit moves and has expended 18 APs. He now has Notice that some of the units that
82 APs remaining in the AP section of the Info Box. Right click on the leader’s have not moved or fired so far have
Info Box and one of the PSW 231 Armored Cars appears. Now left click on the a completely red bar graph. The commander and Armored Car platoon that just moved
PSW 231’s Info Box and the Armored Car platoon will also be selected. shows a graph with only some red in the On-Map Thermometer. This On-Map Ther-
Note: Both the commander and a single Armored Car are selected, but one mometer option is a very fast way to display units that may still move and/or fire. Note that
unit is not selected. Both selected units have darker bases and the 3D Icons the On-Map Thermometers can only be viewed in the 3D Modes.
are outlined in green. Also, if you now cycle through the units by right click- If your On-Map Thermometers are not red, click on the red “Action Value” in
ing in the Info Box, the selected units have brighter nameplates. the Info Box to set the On-Map Thermometers to display APs. Similarly, clicking
Right click on the road hex two hexes to the right of your selected units (hex on the green “Strength Value” turns the graphs green and shows units at full
12,10). The commander represented by the “Kubelwagen” along with a Armored strength. Clicking on the blue “Morale Value” will highlight units at less than
Car platoon move down the road. their at-start Morale levels.
Press the 2 key to zoom the map out one level. Alternatively you can hold down At this point it is possible but not certain that Russian forces have engaged
the ALT key and click on the zoom button which looks like a magnifying glass. you and your Armored Car platoon may have suffered Damage and/or Disruption.
The zoom button zooms in a level if pressed by itself, and zooms out a level if Disruption is not a nice thing in that it causes your units to lose their ability to
pressed while the ALT key is held down. move closer to the nearest enemy unit. It also reduces their attack strength to half
its normal value and the AP expended to enter terrain is increased. Disruption is

130 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 131


removed at the beginning of the next turn if the disrupted unit passes a “Morale Next, click on the “Display” menu and select the
Check”. The Morale check in statistical terms is a 10-sided die roll that is modi- “Find Org…” This dialog lists units, but groups
fied by the presence of any friendly leader in the hex and the terrain of the hex the units by combat formation and commands. A
occupied (the better the defensive modifier of the hex, the better the chance the plus (+) sign indicates an expandable branch of
unit will undisrupt). Any unit taking a morale check that is stacked with a com- that command tree. Scroll through this informa-
mander of that unit’s organization uses that commander’s Morale rating if it is tion now to see how your Recon Battalion is
greater than the unit Morale rating. If the commander’s Leadership Rating is organized. This menu item is very useful in larger
equal to or less than the unit’s current morale, the disrupted unit will get a +1 to scenarios to sort out units from different com-
its normal Morale rating. mands. If the “Highlight Organization” button is
Notice the Morale value on your Armored Car platoon in the Info Box. It is a “on” when the Organization Dialog is opened, the formation you click on in the Org Dia-
red number which indicates the commander present is from that formation and is log’s organization list will be highlighted on the map.
providing a positive modifier. A commander can only assist units from the same Finally, again under the “Display” menu, select “Highlight” and a separate
organization. Captain Neitzel is the Battalion commander and he will modify all list of unit types and unit status is shown. In this example you would select
German units in this scenario. The other commanders, will only modify forces of “Mine-clearing units”, but you could also use this option to find any of the items
their own organization. To determine which units are in the same organization, listed here.
select a unit and click on the “Highlight the Organization” button. When units are highlighted using either of the last two methods, it is often useful to
Moving the commander up with the advancing unit may have exposed him to zoom out to review your selection over a wider area. Click the “Highlight Organi-
enemy fire. However, should the unit suffer disruption, the commander will zation” button off when you have finished your investigation. Consult the Help
improve the chance of disruption recovery when the next turn begins, allowing menu—“General Help” (or press F1) for a full description of the menu items. The infor-
the unit to move and attack normally. Note that TalonSoft’s Campaign Series does mation above is intended only to give you the feel of “How?” and “Why?” to use some of
not try to represent every officer and non-commissioned officer (NCO) in the the options that are available to you.
army. Only the exceptional leaders are represented by their own game piece. Now let’s continue with the rest of the German Move...
As a further note, the commander icon of a motorized German unit is depicted First, so we must “unclog” the road in hex 10,10. Select the Armored Car in
as a small car known as a Kubelwagen. Leaders on foot such as non-motorized that hex and move it “backwards” into the hex containing the motorcycles (8,9).
infantry are depicted as a single soldier. In either case, a representational photo of We will move this unit again later. Now that the road in 10,10 is clear, double
the leader is always shown in the Info Box. click in the hex containing the two Pz 38(t) platoons (9,10). Double-clicking in a
By now, you may have been fired on, struck a Minefield, or both. In this sce- hex selects all units, so both tank platoons and the commander are selected and
nario, there is nothing you can do about removing Minefields, as that is a func- highlighted. Right click on the road five hexes to the east (right) of the tanks. The
tion of Mine-Clearing units, and you unfortunately do not have any. However, panzers will move in column up the road to hex 14,10. Since we moved the
there are several methods that can be used to explore the types of units you have Armored Car out of the woods road hex (10,10), all units moving now receive the
at your command and confirm that this is the case. benefit of the road movement rate. Normally, only two units receive the road
To explore the force under your command, movement bonus, but the commander doesn’t count against this limit. If a third
click on the “Status” menu item and select non-commander unit had been selected with these two panzers, it would have
“Strength”. The dialog that appears con- moved at the non road movement rate.
tains the list of your units by type, number Click on the Binocular button (or press the V key) and note what you can see from
of platoons, and VP (per SP). Your losses this position (14,10). Remember that you are not looking for the enemy in this
thus far, as well as the enemy’s losses, are step, only evaluating what you can see when your next turn begins. Notice the two
also shown in this display. When playing hexes behind the trees south of the road (14,12 & 15,13) are shaded and unseen. It might
with FOW on, the enemy strength win- be worthwhile if they were visible.
dow is blank. As you scroll through the list
of your units you can see that there are no
Mine-Clearing Units available.

132 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 133


Use the V key (or the Binoculars button) to toggle on Visible hexes and click
around the map to choose your destination hex. It is always better to know what
hexes can see your vulnerable units before you actually move to that location.
When you are ready, select your trucks and motorcycles and right click on the
location you have chosen.
When the Btln HQ unit is the only unit still unmoved, select it and press the
W key, useful to display units that may be straying beyond the optimal range of
their HQ. Units in hexes that are shaded will have a less than 50% chance of re-
supply from that HQ should such a unit become Low on Supply. You might want
to press the 2 key to zoom out to the 2D map. Finally, advance your motorized
Battalion HQ up the road positioning it one hex behind your infantry. The pur-
pose of the HQs is to provide supply and “command control”. Each turn a unit
fires there is a chance that it will run low on ammo. Note: Units never run out of
ammo in the game. When a unit is low on ammo, its fire effectiveness is halved.
Supply effects are discussed on pages 65-66 of this manual. For our purposes
we will attempt to keep the Battalion HQ within eight to ten hexes of our advanc-
ing force to maximize re-supply of units that run low on ammo.
Note however, an HQ can never provide supply during the turn after it moves,
so only adjust your HQ position when it is required to keep up with advancing
Unselect one of the two tank platoons and the commander by left-clicking on
the Info Boxes and right click on the next hex further along the road (15,11). Now troops. With your Battalion HQ positioned on the road in the vicinity of hex
11,11, it should be safe from observation and thus any enemy indirect fire, and
your panzer platoons can see over a wider area. Turn off the Visible hexes using
can provide support for your units until your forces advance beyond the hill. It’s
either the Binocular button or the V Key.
a good rule of thumb to move an HQ as little as possible but when you do, max-
At this point we have mostly moved units only on the road and you have seen imize its movement so that as many units as possible will in re-supply range.
that it is not necessary to right click on each hex. The same principle holds true
for “non-road” movement, but rather than simply clicking on the desired destina-
tion hex and letting the computer select the route, it is recommended to plot a
course a few hexes at a time.
For this example we will move the armored car (now in hex 8,9) “cross-country”,
north of the road, to take up a position to the German left flank. To do this we want
to select the unit, but before we move, click on the “Save APs for Firing” Button.
Right click one hex north (8,8 - up the map) on the clear terrain hex. Continue
right-clicking on clear terrain hexes between the forest hexes (such as 10,7 and
then 12,7) toward the northeast until the unit can move no further and the status
line on the bottom of the screen says you have “Insufficient Action Points”. Your
Armored Car will probably be stopped in hex 10,7 with 47 Action Points remain-
ing, and you can see from the Info Box that the Fire Cost for this unit is 40 APs.
From hex 10,7 its position is not very good to either observe the enemy.
Toggle off the “Save APs for Firing” and continue moving on the clear hexes
to a point that will cover your left flank. By now you may have found some
enemy unit (depending on if the computer opponent has elected to fire).
To support your advance you should also move your motorcycle troops and
trucks up the road. First select a position for them on the road but covered from
suspected enemy LOS by trees. The enemy loves to fire on loaded transport as
they are very vulnerable. It is better to keep your infantry loaded and unseen until
the enemy positions have been clearly determined. For now, leave the HQ unit
where it begins, in hex 7,11.
134 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 135

Because of possible disruption and losses, it is now difficult to provide exact

instruction for the battle from here on out. You should now have observed and per-
haps exchanged fire with a Russian BA-10 Armored Car on the hill top objective.
Capt. Neitzel and his Armored Car Platoon will probably have seen several
Russian T-26 Light Tanks. It looks like you’ve found what your commander
wanted you to locate!
Click on the “Indirect Fire Button” located in the bottom Tool Bar and the
“Artillery Dialog” box appears. You can see that you have three batteries of 105s
available. Note the * beside the battery name. This indicates that the battery is “Off
Map”, but available to you on call. If your artillery is on the map, the Locate button in the
dialog would center the map on the artillery unit selected from the list.
With the Artillery Dialog open, the cursor has
changed from a cross, to cross hairs in a circle, and
the game has automatically toggled from Move to
A quick look around the map with the On-Map Thermometer toggled ON (set to Fire mode. Select a unit in the “Artillery Dialog”
display the red AP-remaining graph) will show that all German units have moved. and pass your cursor over the map. You will see
To be certain that nothing has been missed, press the “Cycle to Next Unit” button. two values separated by a slash (/).
The message appears saying “All units have been considered”.
Your move is now complete. Before you Click on the “Advance to Next These two numbers represent the selected battery’s Hard and Soft Attack
Phase” button press the 2 key to change the map to 3D Zoom-Out view or select Strengths (respectively) against any target in the hex the cursor is “roaming” over.
whatever view that you find most appropriate to watch the opponent’s phase. You This is per gun in the battery. Notice the Hard Target value is “1” on any hex at
may also wish to save your game by selecting the Save option from the File pop- this range, and the Soft Target value is “13” in the area of the hilltop objective,
down menu before proceeding. but “12” further back behind the hill where the Russian tanks are located.
Now press the “Advance to Next Phase” and left click once on the “Russian Play- When the game was started, the “Indirect Fire by the Map” option was on, so
er” box that displays in the center of your screen (if you right click on the turn box, you can target “empty” hexes that you think might contain Russian units if you
it will only display a few seconds without need of clicking it each turn). Sit back wish. With the Hard Target fire factor of 1 for the Russian tanks, no soft targets
and see what the Russians do and how your troops respond. visible, and artillery ammo in short supply, it is best to instead close the indirect
fire dialog box and wait for better targets.
Closing the Artillery Dialog will return the game to Move Mode, so press
TURN 2 the Move/Fire Mode button to put the game in Fire Mode. The cursor
At the start of your second turn, a German changes to a cross in a circle. Select one of your Pz 38(t)s and pass the
“Command Report” is displayed. It tells you cursor over the Russian BA-10 Armored Car on the Objective. The unit’s Info Box
that one HQ is unable to provide supply, but changes to display the Russian, but no Fire values appear on the map! Right click, and
we accepted that when we moved the Battal- nothing happens! Note the message on the status bar at the bottom of the screen: “Range
ion HQ forward. Information is also given of the Weapon Exceeded by 1 hex”.
about how many units have become Undis- With the Pz 38(t) selected, press the Z hot key. Colored lines are displayed on
rupted or regained a lost level of morale out of the map that indicate the limit of the selected unit’s hard (shown by the red lines)
the total number of units suffering from such effects. Click on the X in the top right corner and soft (blue) attack factors. You can also get range information by pressing the
of the dialog box to close the report (or press the ENTER key). Then click on the turn F2 key and consult the “Unit Handbook”. Note the range vs. Hard targets for a
indicator dialog to start your turn. You will note on the bottom left of your screen a game Pz 38(t) is three hexes and your panzers are four hexes from the BA-10.
progress bar graph showing you that you are on turn 2 of 14.
Select the Pz 38(t) without the commander and move it to hex 15,9. The
As much as “planning, planning and more planning” is the way of the mili- Russian will likely fire at you, but this is the best unit you have for the task at
tary, there is a saying among all Old Soldiers, that “all battle plans go out the win- hand and you have to get within range to shoot. Also, the Russian can’t shoot
dow after the first shot is fired”. At the start of your second turn, the battle has too many times and you have several units. Move the Pz 38(t) now and see what
begun. Some units may be disrupted or may have suffered losses and some of happens.
your units may have even retreated. It is also possible that some of your units even
fired back. All this has happened completely out of your control.

136 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 137


Now, with your Pz 38(t) two hexes from the BA-10, press the Fire/Move button ***
and pass your cursor over the hex containing the target. Move the cursor around Good Luck Hauptmann Neitzel!
the Russian unit. You should be able to bring up one box showing the basic Hard/Soft Fire Now: MOVE FORWARD and secure that town!
Factors (actually 5/4). You’re on your own from here!
Now, if you happen to position the cursor directly over the 3D
icon representing the target, another, larger attack information
box is displayed which tells you the target is 5 BA-10 @ 5 (where the “@ 5” represents
your tank’s 5 “Hard Attack” factors - five per tank in your panzer platoon) — or, if the tar-
get is still not positively identified, the box might say “Unknown” (as shown above).
Zoom right in close now: press the 1 Key and the map zooms in to 3D
Normal view, centered on the selected unit. Now right click on the Russian to
fire! Hopefully you will do some damage.
Your Pz 38(t) has 34 APs left, not enough for another shot, but you can move
it further if you wish. No need to worry about that yet, you can always come back
to a unit with APs remaining, even after you have moved and fired. However, if
your Pz 38(t) is disrupted, it can advance no closer to enemy units.
Press the Fire/Move button and double click on the hex containing the unmoved Pz
38(t) with the commander (in order to select all units in the hex). Right click on hex
16,8, just below the hilltop objective. You are going to assault the BA-10 on the
objective. If you attempt to assault from hex 17,9 on the same elevation as the BA-10, you
risk possible Russian fire and disruption from the Soviet T-26 tanks. If this Russian fire
causes your Pz 38(t) to disrupt, your assault will not be permitted, as disrupted units are not
permitted to assault.
With your Pz 38(t) and the commander selected in hex 16,8, and with the
game in Move mode, right click on the Russian BA-10. Red assault-indicator
arrows display on the target hex and the Assault Status Dialog appears showing
the odds for your attack. Commanders cannot assault on their own, thus they have
a zero Assault Value in the Info Box. The commander in this case will provide a
positive modifier to the assaulting Pz 38(t) — but only if assaulting with a unit of
his organization.
If your other Armored Car platoon (the one that moved out on the German left
flank) is undisrupted, you can add it to the assault also. Select it and move it to a
hex adjacent to the target. Then, making sure that you are still in Move mode,
right click on the unit to be assaulted.
If you wish to cancel the assault after viewing the odds, click on the “Assault”
menu item (on the top of the screen) and select the “Cancel Assault” option.
Click anywhere on the map to cancel the menu and return to play. If you accept
the assault odds and have no further units to add, press the “Resolve Current Assault”
Tool Bar button. With any luck you have captured your first objective and are well on the
way to enjoying many fine hours of gaming with TalonSoft’s Campaign Series.

138 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 139


Campaign Series FAQ

Q.) How can I find anything in this FAQ?
SOFT METAL CASTING A. For your convenience, the Campaign Series Frequently-asked-Questions is divided into
1/285 Micro Armor logical sections: it’s
1/2400 Micro-Fleet General Game Parameter
Game Mechanic
C-IN-C has a selection of over 800 items of the finest military miniatures HQs, Supply & Leaders
along with games and rules from some of the finest in the business. Additions Tactics
Air and Artillery
to our inventory include Viking Forges pre-dreadnought era ships.
Campaign Game
The Editors
ORDERS Miscellaneous
Orders may be placed by direct mail or phone by calling (612) 780-8554 from Hardware & Operating System
8 AM to 5 PM Central, Monday thru Friday. No collect calls will be accepted.
General Game Parameters
Only credit cards orders will be taken by phone. No C.O.D. orders.
1) What am I supposed to do in a scenario?
A. First, the scenario description at the start, and also available from the Status menu pro-
DISCOUNTS vides some indication of the forces involved, where it took place and what is expected of
Order over $40.00 gross — 10% discount your side. But it is often only a hint however. Look at the map. The 2D Zoom-out View is
useful for this. The size of the map (length and width) can provide an indication of how
Order over $80.00 gross — 15% discount fluid the scenario might be, but can also be misleading. Most importantly, note the objec-
Order over $160.00 gross — 20% discount tive hexes. Their location indicates where you are expected to drive your forces (or what
Order over $320.00 gross — 25% discount features it is important to defend). The victory point assignment of each objective also pro-
vides information on relative importance of various objectives. The final piece of infor-
mation is the victory point levels. Compare them against the total points of the objective
CREDIT CARDS hexes. Victory is determined by destroying as many enemy forces as possible while pre-
We accept Visa and MasterCard for mail and phone orders. serving your forces, while capturing as many of the objectives within the time frame
2) What is the game scale?
A. The game scale is six minutes per turn and 250 meters per hex. Each strength point (SP)
Send for a FREE catalog! of an infantry platoon represents a half squad (thus, 6 SP represents a platoon of three
squads). Each SP of a Machine Gun platoon represents one MG “team” (and, thus, one
MG); each SP of a gun (i.e., gun, mortar, or howitzer) battery represents one gun and its
Name: ___________________________________________________ attendant crew; each SP of a vehicular platoon (regardless of type) represents one vehicle
and its crew. Crews and guns are considered the same units for game play purposes.
Address: _________________________________________________
3) Does the game have any “Zones of Control”?
City: _____________________________ State: ___ Zip: ___________
A. No. This is a game where zones of control do not come into play.
4) Does it matter which way my units are facing?
Send this coupon to:
A. By default there is no unit facing effect in the game. In the Optional Rules you can
select Armor Facing Effects if you desire, in which case the facing of armored units (only)
8080 University Avenue becomes a concern. Facing never plays any effect for non-armored units. The Armor Fac-
Fridley, MN 55432 ing Effects optional rule is best suited for Human vs. Human games.
Or call (612) 780-8554 5) How can I tell what the terrain type of a hex is?
A. If you press the U hot key (on the keyboard) it will bring up the Unit List on the left
side of the screen. This displays many pieces of game information with the name of the
140 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 141

terrain type and the elevation at the top. Consult the on-line Parameter Data by pressing c) There might be a problem with what you’re trying to load onto. For instance, you
F2 for more information on the effects of terrain on combat and morale. See also the sec- can’t pull guns with a tank. Too, infantry can’t ride on most “light tanks” or “tankettes”.
tion on terrain in this Players Guide, beginning on page 52. d) Some larger artillery batteries are not allowed to be pulled by wagons.
6) I can see the “full hex” terrain listed in the Unit List, and in the Parameter data I Consult page 22 of this Players Guide for a list of information icons concerning item list-
see hexside terrain features. How do I find locate these hexside features on the game ed above, and pages 30-31 for more detailed information on transporting units.
map? 5) I want to use the “Extreme FOW” Optional Rule, but when I do, I cannot see what
A. Info on identifying the hexside terrain features are not shown in the Unit list or other the enemy units’ names are. I want to know exactly what I’m fighting without know-
places. View the map in “3D Normal View” for your best look at these features. Then con- ing the units’ values. what can I do?
sult the Terrain Types section of this Players Guide (the info on hexside terrain begins page A. In this case, there is no middle ground that allows you to see the names (types) of the
57). Compare the image on your screen to the image in the manual. There is also a photo enemy unit but not their SP and assault odds. The best option is to play using Extreme
and a description of the hexside feature. It won’t be long before you will be able to see the FOW, but before you shoot carefully examine the list of killed enemy units (choose
difference between a mere low stone wall and a high wall. “Strength” from the “Display” pop-down menu). Then shoot; if you kill a SP, examine the
7) What is the complexity of a scenario? “Strength” list again to see what has changed. Before too long you will get an idea of what
A. The complexity of a scenario is based on the number of units in the scenario (counting 3D icon represents what unit. Just like a veteran commander, as you gain more experience
units that start on the map and all units potentially available as reinforcements). Refer to on the battlefield you will be able to correctly identify more enemy unit types.
the chart on page 6 for the actual number of units for each complexity level. You might 6) How do engineers clear minefields or “block” hexes?
also want to take into account the length of a scenario, since longer scenarios take longer
A. Move the engineer unit into the minefield/block hex during its turn. Each turn an engi-
to play. neer unit begins its turn undisrupted and in a minefield/block hex, it will automatically
lower the strength of the minefield by one, or remove the block obstacle.
Game Mechanics
7) How can I have units move boats or rafts to the water?
1) How can I make the my foot soldiers move faster? Can I order my men to run?
A. First get the unit into the same hex as the boat/raft. Then select both units and use the
A. All non-motorized units can take advantage of “Double Time”. Select the unit and press
Load\Unload button to have them “carry” the boat. The boat/raft must have SP at least as
the “Double Time” button (or, with the unit selected, select “Double Time” from the Unit
pop-down menu). The unit’s move will be extended as it will pay only 3/4ths of the nor- great as the SP of the unit. Move the unit toward, and into, the water.
mal AP cost to enter a hex. Many gamers will toggle on the “Reachable Hexes” (the H hot 8) Can morale be recovered?
key) to see the extra distance gained by double-timing. A. At the start of each turn each non-disrupted unit with a morale level lower than its “at
2) What are the effects of fatigued units and how do they recover from fatigue? start” (nominal) morale will make a Morale Check. If it passes this check, it recovers
A. Marking a unit to use “double time” automatically causes the unit to become fatigued. morale. Hint: Placing a leader that commands a unit in the same hex with that unit will
A unit that begins its turn “fatigued” can not use double time (essentially, a unit can dou- boost its morale, hence making it more likely to pass its morale check and thus recover
ble time only once every two turns). A Fatigued unit has its Attack Strength halved. There morale. A unit with its morale being “boosted” by a “same-organization” leader has its
are no ill effects against a fatigued unit that is fired upon. A unit automatically recovers morale value displayed in red.
from fatigue at the start of a turn in which that unit did not use double time during the pre- 9) What does the range graph obtainable when unit data is accessed via F2 actually
vious turn. represent ?
3) How do I load and unload units? A. This graphically represents the units hard (red) and soft (blue) attack factors at various
A. You can select the unit and the carrier and then use the Load\Unload Units Tool Bar ranges. The number shown along the “y” (vertical) axis
button. You must have enough Action Points to perform this action. The AP cost will vary 10) How can I view the names of the villages and other points of interests during a
depending upon the passenger unit. Infantry units normally cost 25 AP to Load or Unload scenario?
(Engineers cost 50 to load/unload), while Artillery units usually cost 50 AR A. Press and hold the SHIFT key in any map view mode. This will turn on the map labels.
4) I cannot load my units, even though both the transport unit (e.g., truck, wagon or However not all the villages have place name labels.
other) and my passenger (infantry or artillery unit) have plenty of AP’s. Why? 11) How is smoke utilized in the game and how do I deploy smoke? Can smoke be uti-
A. There could be several causes. The message on the status bar (bottom of the screen) will lized from historically smoke capable tanks and other AFVs or units like engineers?
indicate the reason why the loading isn’t executed. Here are some possibilities: Smoke can only be fired by smoke capable units. This include some artillery units and
a) Both the carrier and passenger units need sufficient AP’s to execute the loading. The engineers, as seen by the smoke icon on the unit info box. However, a unit not only has to
loading costs vary by unit type, and the Unit Data lists (press the F4 key) will indicate be smoke capable, the side must have available smoke ammo, as indicated on the status bar
loading/unloading costs of the carriers & passengers. (bottom of the screen) or in the Unit Window.
b) If the carrying unit has fewer strength points than the passenger it will be unable to
load that unit. Basically, you’re short on transport.
142 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 143

Combat 2) How do Headquarters (HQ’s) provide supply?

A. At the start of each friendly turn, a “supply check” is made for each friendly unit that
1) When I combine units for Direct Fire, do the units combine their attack strengths
fired in the preceding turn. This first supply check is made using the unit’s “parent” HQ.
for improved odds?
If that check fails, another check is made against the base supply level. The closer the unit
A. No. All units fire individually, with a number of attack dice rolls equal to the SP of the is to its “parent” HQ, the greater the chance that the first supply check will be successful
units (halved if low-supply, etc.). – from 100% if the unit is stacked with its HQ, to 50% out at the “range” shown by press-
2) Sometimes, when combining units to fire, not all units seem to expend their AP’s ing the W hot key while the HQ is highlighted. Beyond the 50% range the chance of re-
when the firing is concluded. Why? supply continues drops off. If this “percentile” die roll fails, then a second percentile die
A. If the target unit retreats or is eliminated due to ire from the first unit(s) to attack, still- roll is made using that side’s “Ammo” level (seen on the Unit List, press the U hot key dis-
unfired unit(s) don’t expend AP’s shooting at a target that no longer exists (or has relocat- play this value); if this second die roll is equal to or less than the friendly Ammo level the
ed). In a group of firing units, the units’ fire order is determined by their (2D-map) stack- unit does not run low on supply for that turn.
ing order, with highest units firing first. Note: An HQ is automatically “low on supply” on any turn after it has moved (represent-
ing it being out of communications for a period). Furthermore, each HQ also does a sup-
3) I see two sets of odds when performing an assault. What do they mean? ply check at the start of its turn, failure of which will result it it being “Low on Supply”
A. The first set is the odds of the attacker vs. the defender. The second set is the counter- (see pages 65-66 of this manual for more info on low ammo and supply).
attack of the defender vs. the attacker. The higher the assault odds, the greater chance the
3) When I have a commander unit in a hex with several units under his command,
attack will be successful. For more information on assaults, and an example, see pages 43-
and all units perform direct fire, do all firing units automatically benefit from his
45 of this manual.
command rating?
4) Why does it seem that my disrupted units never become undisrupted? A. The commander will automatically expend AP’s to support the “first” unit conducting
A. A unit is not eligible to lose its disrupted status until it begins its turn at full morale. direct fire; the”first” unit is the unit “highest” up in the stack (on the 2D map; also the
Thus, a unit has to first recover any lost morale (frequently caused by being forced to “highest” one depicted in the Unit List) of the firing units. The AP expenditure of the com-
retreat or even as an adverse combat result). Once a disrupted unit starts its turn at full mander will be equal to the AP Fire Cost of the firing unit. Note: If you do not want an
morale it is eligible to lose disruption (by simply making a “10-sided” die roll equal to or eligible commander to support the direct fire attack when a unit under his command in his
less than its morale level). location fires, you will have to move the commander out of the hex prior to the attack.
5) Can you specifically target the passengers or riders on a transport unit, such as the
riders on a platoon of tanks?
A. No. Your fire is at the carrying unit. However; if the carrying unit is damaged, the pas- 1) What are the morale implications of fortifications and terrain?
sengers will also frequently incur damage. There is an exception: you can fire at riders on A. The morale of units in an Improved Position (IP) is improved by 1; if in a trench it is
a platoon of tanks with a unit not normally capable of firing at a hard target (i.e., with increased 2; a unit in a bunkers or pillbox location has its morale increased by 4. Morale
infantry-type weapons) at greater than one hex range. If so, the tank riders are the only tar- is also modified by terrain. This affects a unit’s chance of retreat (a positive modifier
get that can be affected. Riders on tanks are very vulnerable to fire and do not receive pro- increases the morale of a unit, thus reducing the chance of retreat due to morale check fail-
tection from the tanks. ure). Note that the morale modifier of a fortification is cumulative with the morale modi-
fier of the terrain in that same hex. Furthermore, a unit in a bunker or pillbox never retreats;
6) When the Optional Rule for “Armor Facing Effects” is “on”, which defense factor it is disrupted instead; if already disrupted there is no further effect.
is used by an armored (“hard”) unit defending in (counter)assaults?
2) Sometimes, during an assault, I see the message “Units Captured”. Is there a vic-
A. The “armor facing” defense values apply only to direct fire; the standard defense value tory point bonus for capturing a unit instead of killing it?
(as shown in the unit info box) is always used when defending in (counter)assaults.
A. No. The only “bonus” is that there are no “survivors” that have retreated out of the
assaulted hex that have “lived to fight again another day”. The “captured” result occurs
HQs, Supply and Leaders most frequently when the assaulting units are attacked from “surrounding” directions.
1) How does supply and ammo work and effect my units? 3) Do engineers improve combat odds in firing or assaults?
A. A Low-Ammo combat unit that attacks using Direct Fire will only attack a number of A. No. However, engineers have a higher assault value and a higher anti-tank attack fac-
times equal to its SP divided by two, fractions rounded up (keep in mind that such a unit tor than normal “rifle platoons” of the same nationality, representing their close-range
normally is allowed a number of attacks equal to the number of SP it has). A Low-Ammo flamethrowers and demolition charges. Engineers also have an increased chance of con-
Indirect Fire unit cannot attack (this represents that battery not receiving proper fire orders, structing Improved Positions. For this same reason, engineer infantry move slower (pay a
a breakdown in communications, or perhaps its being used to support other units in a near- higher AP cost to enter terrain) than non-engineer infantry.
by battle). A Low-Ammo HQ is unable to provide supply to other units under its command
4) How can I set up an ambush?
(HQ or normal combat units). Note that normal units are never out of supply; a unit affect-
A. Campaign Series and its predecessor, West Front, introduced single-unit (i.e., individ-
ed “Low Ammo” can still attack, albeit at reduced effectiveness (exception: Indirect Fire
ual) settings for Opportunity Fire (OpFire). With this game enhancement, when you set
144 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 145

OpFire and have a unit or stack selected, only the selected unit(s) is affected. Note: The Campaign Game
most restrictive OpFire option set for a unit takes precedence; e.g., a globally-set option
for a unit type to fire at “short” range will take precedence over an individually-set option 1) What are the differences between a Dynamic Campaign Game (DCG) and the new
for an individual unit of that type to fire at “medium” range. Linked Campaign Game (LCG)?
A. A Dynamic Campaign Game (DCG) is the basic type of Campaign Game we have seen
5) If I use the “Save AP’s for Opportunity Fire” button do I receive a benefit? in TalonSoft’s Campaign Series, formerly referred to as a “Campaign Game” or “Random
A. No. Whether you use this button (during your unit’s move to ensure you save enough Campaign Game”. It is a series of linked, randomly generated, scenarios following an his-
AP to allow it to fire) or whether you save APs without using the button makes no differ- torical path. A Linked Campaign Game (LCG) is a new type of campaign, where individ-
ence. Having this “on” for a unit as it moves simply ensures that the moving unit will still ual historical (and some hypothetical) scenarios have been designed and “linked” togeth-
have enough AP remaining at the end of its move to fire once – whether in your “friend- er to be played in a predetermined order. In both types of campaign games, the “core” unit
ly” turn, or during the enemy’s turn as opportunity fire. that you command is in all the battles (in part or in whole) and carries over casualties from
6) Will I have a better chance at a shot or a first shot if I save double the Action Points one battle to the next. Also, in both types of campaign games you receive replacements at
for Opportunity Fire? the beginning of some scenarios. See also the chart on page 72 of this manual.
A. Your odds will be the same, however, your unit might get to fire twice, thus increasing 2) What are the differences between leaders in LCGs and DCGs?
its potential effectiveness. A. There are leaders in both types of Campaigns, but in an LCG your fate does not hinge
7) Most infantry units can only fire at hard targets at a range of one hex. At the same on the fate of a specific leader surviving from one battle to the next, whereas in a DCG if
range the units can assault. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? “your” leader is eliminated the campaign is over (or you can press the “Restore Character”
A. You have to examine the characteristics of your infantry units to see which is better – button.
the assault value or the 1-hex direct fire hard attack factor. Each can vary markedly from 3) How many battles are in DCG and LCGs?
one type to another, and also vary due to date (generally, the 1-hex hard attack factor A. The number of scenarios that you might have in a DCG depend on the length of that
increases as the war goes on). You will find that engineer infantry always have a good anti- particular campaign game (some last weeks, some last years!), as well as the battle fre-
tank capability regardless of date, reflecting satchel charges and similar weapons that they quency number. Each week of the DCG has its own percentage chance of a scenario occur-
carried. Other units, such as a submachinegun platoon, also have adequate anti-armor ring on each day during that week (the game engine checks on a daily basis). In an LCG
capabilities – as well as a high assault value. Some units, such as Soviet anti-tank rifle sec- all battles are all individually designed scenarios. Even though the total number of scenar-
tions have no assault value, and thus can only direct fire. Later in the war, units such as ios in an LCG might be as many as 30, you will not play all of them in the course of one
PanzerGrenadiers become quite powerful in their assault and anti-tank capabilities, reflect- campaign. This is because the “path” (or “tree”) from scenario to scenario varies depend-
ing new weapons such as Panzerfausts and Panzerschrecks (the German counterpart to the ing on your victory level in the previous scenario. A completed LCG can range from as
Bazooka), and increased firepower from new machine-guns and sub-machineguns. few as 4 or 5 scenarios (if you did poorly) to as many as 15 (or more – depending on the
Whether you should assault or direct fire can also depend on the tactical situation. Assault actual “path” you take and that LCG).
may cause more damage, particularly if units assault from different directions. But there is
even a possibility that the assaulters can become disrupted or incur casualties – even on an 4) Why can't I save a campaign game file?
otherwise successful assault! Also, a successful assault will end up with the assaulting A. The campaign games stress a different aspect of warfare, namely force management
unit(s) occupying the assaulted hex; if they had been in good terrain (e.g., factory, trench- over the long run. Soldiers at all levels want to "live and fight another day". But that does-
es, bunker) before, this could increase their risk. Direct fire carries less risk. n't always happen. The campaign game attempts to simulate the long term struggle that
forces faced – it rewards good tactics, and is unforgiving for poor tactics. Equally, luck
Air & Artillery (both good and bad) can play a key role in the outcomes of scenarios and games. You must
virtually "live or die" as those soldiers did in real life nearly fifty years ago. At least you
1) Does indirect fire have to be plotted at the start of a turn (since it takes effect at the get a chance to restart the scenario.
start of the next turn)?
A concession has been made, in that there is a "Restore Character" feature in West Front
A. No. Indirect fire can be plotted at any time during your turn. In fact, it is probably best and Campaign Series, which allows you to continue the campaign if your "player" – a
to wait until the end of your turn (after you have moved and fired most of your units) to commander on the map – is killed (after all, battles and campaigns didn't stop because of
plot indirect fire. By plotting indirect fire at the end of your turn you reduce the risk of the death of one man). Our advice is to practice on various scenarios to learn the tactics
“friendly fire” since you will be less likely to plot artillery into a hex now occupied by a and the capabilities of the various weapons and unit types. And realize that when you
friendly unit. progress to campaigns, that you are attempting a balance, between taking the objectives
2) Why don’t air attacks always arrive next turn or attack the intended target? today, while surviving to fight another day. The better your tactics, they greater your
A. Tactical air support doesn’t always arrive immediately. Planes may not have been in the chance of achieving both the short-run and long-run objectives. But again, nothing is cer-
vicinity to respond to the request, or they might be delayed (even temporarily). They might tain.
also have been bounced by an enemy air patrol. So having air support arrive later, or even 5) Can you play an LCG scenario head to head?
not at all, reflects a more fluid battlefield situation. Even if air support does arrive, it might A. No – at least not within the campaign format. You can open up an LCG scenario out-
not attack the intended target. side oh the campaign system by making a duplicate copy of an SCL file (an LCG’s sce-

146 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 147


nario file), then changing the “extension” type from “SCL” to “SCN”; e.g., make a copy repetitively in a small area. Simply select the hex and press the “Cycle Terrain” button.
of “3-116LCG_1.SCL” and rename it as “3-116LCG_1.SCN”. However, doing this will
3) How do I assign artillery to off board locations in the scenario editor?
probably “spoil” some of the fun of playing an LCG (but may also be the only way you
A. Highlight the appropriate artillery unit in the Forces Dialog box, then choose “Add Off-
will see some of the specially-crafted LCG scenarios.
board Artillery” from the Settings pop-down menu. Then left-click on the desired location,
6) My DCG leader has amassed quite a number of experience points. when and how or manually type it into the locations box. See also page 91 of this manual.
can I spend these points, and on what?
4) In the scenario editor how can I place off board artillery outside of the screen
A. In the TalonSoft Campaign Game system, experience points cannot be used to buy or shown?
upgrade units. The computer will automatically use amassed experience points to increase
A. You can type any number (up to 99,999!) directly into the input boxes if the desired
the morale of your platoons, and the “leadership” of your leader. At certain points in a
location is outside the pointer’s range.
DCG you might be awarded a promotion, or offered command of a larger formation (an
“Org Promotion”) – also due to accumulation of Experience Points. You can choose to 5) I know how to fix a unit in the scenario editor, but how do you get a fixed unit to
accept or decline an “Org Promotion”, but be forewarned – a larger organization will dra- release at a particular time?
matically increase the number of units you command and thus the size and complexity of A. “Fixing” a unit is the easy part! First, if you’re not viewing the map in 2D Normal View
further scenarios in the campaign. do so. To set a “release” for a unit or organization, you must select “Add Release” from
the “Settings” pop-down menu. To ensure that you release the proper unit (or organization)
7) How do I upgrade my equipment once a Dynamic Campaign Game is in progress?
you must first find the (unit’s) organization among the organizations listed in the “Add
A. You can’t upgrade your organization’s equipment. At the proper time the computer will
Release” dialog. Note that the “Add Release” dialog only displays organizations & units
automatically upgrade units and organizations for you. When this occurs, you will see a
that have been placed on the map (unlike the display for “Show Org...” from the “Display”
notice at the beginning of a DCG scenario announcing that “Upgrades have arrived”.
menu which always shows the scenario’s entire OOB). As you click on orgs in the “Add
8) How do I start an LCG? Release” dialog, the selected orgs/units will become highlighted on the map. Continue to
A. The same way you start a DCG. Both are still listed together in the list of campaigns in click on listed organizations/units in the “Add Release” dialog until just that organiza-
“New Campaign” screen. Note that LCG are listed at bottom of list. The type of campaign tion/unit that you wish to release is highlighted. That done, before closing the dialog you
game is stated in the beginning of the historical copy for each game. must input the turn number which you want that organization/unit to become released on
(or to begin “rolling” to become released). If desired, you can adjust the chance of its being
9) Will my command get “upgrades” during an LCG?
released in the “Percent Probability” box. Please refer to page 35 of this manual for more
A. No. Most LCG are generally shorter than a even a short DCG. For instance, most LCG
information on Fixed units and release probabilities.
will only be for a short campaign – maybe 2 or 3 weeks, perhaps several months. Upgrades
usually won’t be necessary; if they are, the designer has taken care of this and adjusted the
“core” OOB to reflect upgrades.
1) How can I take a snapshot of the battlefield like I can in the “Battleround” series
The Editors of games?
A. Pressing the “Print Scrn” key (along the top row of most keyboards) captures the cur-
1) I open up the Organization Editor, then open the “Poland” folder in the “Available
rent screen image to your computer’s memory. Then, open PAINT from Window’s “Acces-
Units and Organizations” (left) side, but I don’t see any organizations for the Poles.
Where are they and why are they missing? sories” menu (or whatever graphics program you prefer), and from the “Edit” menu, select
“Paste”. This will put a copy of the image captured in the first step onto the screen of this
A. Actually they are there – the problem is that you don’t have the date set to the proper
application where it can be printed. You’ll probably want to turn off the Unit List (hot key
time for the Poles to be available. The units and organizations for Poland are only avail-
U) and the Menu bar (hot key M) for the biggest possible image area.
able in September 1939 – the only time they historically fought. When you open the
OrgEditor the default date is June 1941. To see Polish units you must set the month to 2) How can I delete old saved-game files? I cannot find a “delete old game” button
“September” and the year to “1939”. Note that this same principle applies to other nation- anywhere.
alities as well: the units & orgs for each nationality are only available during their historic A. There is not a button to delete an old, non-Campaign Game saved-game file. There are
time periods. Please refer to the chart on page 83 of this manual, as it lists the “beginning” two not-too-difficult ways of doing deleting saved game files, however...
and “end” dates for each nationality available in the game. Method 1 (from “inside” the game): With a scenario open, select “Save As” from the
2) How can I create a small cluster of buildings – like a farm? A “Special Building” “File” pop-down menu. The “Save As” dialog that is displayed will list all currently-saved
is too big and a suburb or village looks too large and out of place. files of that type – depending on what type of scenario you currently have open; e.g., if you
A. Place a village hex to represent the farm or whatever cluster of buildings you wish to have a PBEM-type scenario open, only *.bte files are shown; if you have a non-special-
represent and run a path into it. A path in clear does not affect vehicular traffic, and let’s mode scenario open, standard *.btl files are shown, etc. You can delete any file displayed
face it, any cluster of buildings would have something running into it. View the map in 3D in the “Save As” dialog by right-clicking on that file name and selecting “Delete”. Then
mode and press the “Cycle Terrain” button. This adjusts the appearance of the structures press the “Save” or “Cancel” button to exit this dialog.
in the hex and can make the map nicer to look at. This trick can be used to vary any city, Method 2 (from Windows Explorer): Open Windows Explorer and locate and open your
village, factory, special building or forest where the same terrain tiles are sometimes used “Campaign Series” directory (by default, the path is C:\Program Files\Talonsoft). Change

148 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 149


the “Views” button of Windows Explorer to show “Details”. You can then organize the files How is that done?
shown by clicking on the various buttons (such as “Name” to order files alphabetically, A. Posting a picture into a Discussion Board post is a two-step process and TalonSoft can
“Type” to order then by file-type, or even “Modified” to organize them by their ‘date only help you with Step #2. The first step involves creating the image (see FAQ Miscel-
stamp’). If you know the name of a certain file you wish to delete you might want to laneous question #1 about taking a screen image). Then you must get this image on the
choose the “Name” button, then just search in the alphabetically-organized list for that web. To do that you must either have your own webpage or know someone with a web-
name, whereas if you organize by “Type” you will find that all “btl” (normal saved game) page who can post the image for you. Once you get to this step, you need only copy the
files will be grouped together. Use whatever method is most convenient. Then select the URL for the image to the box below the Discussion board “Comments” section Optional
file(s) you wish to delete and press Explorer’s “Cut” button, or right-click on the file(s) and URL Image. The picture always appear at the top of the post, before any “body copy” text
select “Delete”. is displayed.
3) Is there a way to print the info listed in the "Unit Handbook" (i.e., the information 12) Do Campaign Series scenario designers and playtesters have lives?
you can read in the F2 extended unit info screen)? A1. Yes, we have each chosen the life of a particular WWII general, such as Montgomery,
A. The information you would like to print is actually contained in a file UNITTEXT.TXT Rommel, Bradley. I believe that Doug Bevard is Manstein, Germany’s tactical genius.
you can open this file in an Wordpad and print it from there – but it is a long file! Make
A2. Yes, if life is defined as a high-speed Internet connection, all the latest hardware, a
sure you check the number of pages you’re going to print!
carafe of Starbucks daily blend, a dozen Tim Horton doughnuts, and a BETA CD fresh
4) Can I play Campaign Series via email\internet with an owner of the original East from the TalonSoft CD burner.
Front v1.08?
A. No. Campaign Series is not compatible with the original East Front. Different game - Hardware & Operating System
different file formats. 1) Campaign Series plays really slow on my computer. Is there some way to improve
5) Is it possible to play a scenario of Campaign Series via PBEM / Internet Connec- its performance?
tion, when two players have games in different languages, for example German, UK Method #1: Check to see if you have enough free space for a fair sized swap file (more
and US versions of the game. properly known as “Virtual Memory”). Campaign Series needs at least a 100 Megs of free
A. Yes, but ensure that all players have the same version number of the game. space on your hard drive to run well. If you have the space, 200 Megs is even better. What’s
6) Can I upgrade my East Front v1.08 PBEM games in progress to Campaign Series? normally recommended in PC circles is to have free space equal to 2.5 times your system
RAM. Normally though, 256 Megs is more than enough. To check your “swap file” set-
A) No, this is not recommended. The saved “btl” files have different file formats.
tings: from the “START” menu select “Settings”, then “Control Panel” and then open the
7) Can I play the Campaign Game (either DCG or LCG) by email? “System” icon. Click on the “Performance” tab and then (in the “Advanced Settings” area)
A. No. The campaign games of this series were designed specifically to be played against select the “Virtual Memory” button. Click on the ‘dot’ for “Let me specify my Virtual
the computer A/I. Memory settings” and input the desired amount in the “Minimum” window (suggest min-
8) Can I play a randomly created using the Battle Generator via PBEM? imum of 100).
A. Yes. However, both players will need the newly-generated “scn”, “map” and “org” files Method #2: Ensure that your monitor’s display settings are set to “High Color (16 bit)”.
in their Campaign Series directory. One player must generate the scenario (and edit it as To check this, from the “START” menu select “Setting”, then “Control Panel” and then
desired and save), and send all the three scn/map/org files to his opponent, as well as his open the “Display” icon. Click on the “Settings” tab and ensure that the “Color palette”
first turn. Once the game has begun (and both players have the necessary scn/map/org files, dialog is set to “High Color (16 bit)”.
you need only send the saved-game btl file. Method #3: Check the “Performance” settings of your computer. To do this, from the
“START” menu select “Setting”, then “Control Panel” and then open the “System” icon.
9) I posted a question on the TalonSoft Campaign Series Discussion Board
Click on the “Performance” tab and then (in the “Advanced Settings” area) select the “File
(http://www.talonsoft.com/discussion.html) and when I went back to look for an
System” button. Set the option “Typical role for this computer” from “Desktop Comput-
answer, my POST was gone. What happened?
er” to “Network Server”. This should improve the performance of your computer as it
A. Anyone who participates in a discussion on the board MUST use both his or her real
changes the way Windows allocates resources, and thus frees up memory for important
first and last name (and actual email account) or the post will be deleted. This is the poli-
applications – like Campaign Series!
cy you agreed to when you got your password and signed up.
Method #4: It could be that the game files have become severely “fragmented”. Over a
10) I posted a message on the TalonSoft Campaign Series Discussion Board with an
period of time files on your computer’s Hard Drive become “fragmented”; the more frag-
"Optional Link URL” and when I looked at the post the message is there but the link
mented the files are (i.e., the more different places the information for each file is stored
is not. What did I do wrong?
at) the longer it takes the computer to access that information. Performance of the game
A. You can post a URL link by filling in the first line below the “Comments” section, but (or any program, for that matter) can usually be improved if all the files of the games are
you must also input a title in the “Link Title” dialog box below the “Optional Link URL”. contiguously placed on your computer. To do this you need to “defrag” your computer on
11) I've seen some people post pictures into their message on the Discussion Board. a periodic basis – almost akin to giving your car an oil change. The Windows operating
system has the Defrag utility (from the “START” menu, select “Programs”, then “Acces-

150 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 151


sories”, then “System Utilities” then “Disk Defragmenter”). There are also “third party” B. Check to see if you have enough free space for a fair sized swap file (more properly
utilities available. Be warned, if your hard disk is highly fragmented, defragging it can take known as “Virtual Memory”). Campaign Series needs at least a 100 Megs of free space on
as long as playing a medium complexity scenario! For optimal performance (and espe- your hard drive to run well. See Method 1 of Question #1 of this FAQ section (page 232).
cially if you add and delete a lot of files), you should “defrag” your computer once a week;
6) When I attempt to start a new scenario, any scenario, the game crashes with an
at minimum once a month.
“Invalid Page Fault in module ef.exe”. What is the matter?
2) The 3D animations during game play are very slow and/or I get what appear to be A. Make sure that you have no programs running in the background, specifically FIRST
corrupted graphics or black squares drawn on the game map in 3D mode. AID, or GUARD DOG , or other similar programs. Second, make sure you have properly
Method #1: This problem is often a Graphics Hardware Acceleration problem and is usu- installed the latest update for the game. Third, try lowering the hardware acceleration on
ally easy to correct. One item to adjust to improve the game graphics speed is the your video card. If the problem persists, please, contact our tech support department with
Advanced Graphics Setting on your system. You find this by going to the Settings, Con- the make and model of your system, what operating system you have, and the make and
trol Panel (see “Method #2”, in question directly above). Then open the System icon and model of your CD-Rom drive. Also, be sure to disable all background programs and have
go to the Performance tab on that. Select the Graphics button on the Performance tab and the latest update (if any) installed. With this information, we can work with our engineers
you’ll find a slider to change your Hardware Acceleration from None to Full. By default to determine the problem and have it corrected as soon as possible.
you’ll more than likely find the slider all the way to the right (on Full). Play with this, mov- 7) When I install the game, I get a move data error -113. What is causing this prob-
ing it one notch to the left and then trying the game. Note that you’ll have to restart your lem in the installation?
computer to have the setting take effect. Try the game out and if you still have problems,
A. This problem seems to be occurring on systems that are running drives on an MS-DOS
repeat this process until the game works, or you can’t turn acceleration down any further.
compatibility mode. From the “START” menu select “Settings”, then “Control Panel” and
Method #2:You could also check in the Display Properties. To do this, from the “START” then open the “System” icon, then click on the “Performance” tab. In the “Performance
menu select “Settings”, then “Control Panel” and then open the “Display” icon. Then click Status” area, look for the line listing “File System”. If your file system is not currently 32-
on the “Settings” tab, then select the “Advanced Properties” button, and click on the bit that is the problem
“Adapter” tab. At the bottom of this display is a setting for “Refresh rate”. Try changing it
to “Adapter default” or “Optimal” and then restart your computer and launch a game sce-
nario to check and see if that helps.
Method #3: Some systems use nVidia chipsets on their video cards (for example, Dia-
mond Viper 550, STB Velocity 4400, etc.). On the initial release of DirectX6 by Microsoft,
many drivers supplied by manufacturers for nVidia chipset video cards were not compati-
ble with that software. Visiting the website for nVidia directly (http://www.nvidia.com)
and downloading the reference drivers for the card will usually correct this problem.
3) I installed Windows 98 and now I cannot resume a saved game. Why?
A. For some reason Windows98, by default, changes the path for saved games to the “My
Documents” folder on your system. This is a simple, one time fix. Just open any scenario
and immediately save the game. Make sure that the game is saved to the Campaign Series
directory – not the “My Documents (or any other) directory on your system. Then exit the
scenario and resume the saved game; all your previous saved games should be listed in the
game list.
4) When I start a Linked campaign game, the screen becomes all garbled with but-
tons and icons.
A. This is similar to the resume saved games problem directly above, and is also caused
by the tendency of Window98 to save a game to your “My Documents” folder. Each time
you first start a campaign, you are asked to name it and save it. When saving it, make sure
that it is being saved to the Campaign Series directory on your system. Once you have
saved a campaign once into the game directory, subsequent ones usually save into the
game directory properly.
5) When I start the game, I get an error loading dplay.dll or some other “DirectX”
A. Try reinstalling DirectX 6 from the game CD. Inside the Campaign Series folder on the
CD is a DirectX folder, in there is dxsetup.exe. Run this to begin the reinstallation of Direc-

152 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 153


Campaign Series Composite Credits A very special thanks to: The Beta Brigade, for being up on the TalonSoft Discus-
sion Board when we couldn’t! The Beta Brigade included John Cross, James Gor-
Producer: Matt Kreager, Bob McNamara
man, Rich Hicks, Mike Palmer, Tim Powers, Glenn Saunders, Fred Schwarz and
Unit Database Research: Bob McNamara Brian Spencer
Research: Joseph Hummel, Bob McNamara, Charles Kibler, Brian McGinn
Programming: John Tiller; Jamie Nash
Art Director: Stephen Langmead
Producer: Matthew Kreager
Game Graphics: Stephen Langmead, Kurt Miller, Steve Estes, Brian Weber, Tim Kipp,
President and Chief Creative Officer: Jim Rose
James Gorman, and Joe Amoral
VP of Business Development: Jamie Leece
Sound: Jim Rose and Brian Weber
General Manager: Chris Mate
Campaign Series Intro Video: Steve Estes
Executive Producer: EricYoung
West Front Intro Video: Brian Weber
Marketing Director: Greg Bauman
Scenario Design: Phillip Baker, Richard Berg & Mark Herman, Doug & Denise
Bevard, William Burch, George Chow, James Dunnigan, Craig Foster, Bart Gau- Marketing Manager: Mark Moon
vin, Tom Herrschaft, Lee Jordan, Jay Karamales, Charles Kibler, Eric Larsen, Dana Marketing Communications Coordinator: Chris Larkin
Lombardy, Bob McNamara, John Schettler, Fred Schwarz, and John Underwood Corporate Communications Manager: Anne-Marie Sims
Linked Campaign Games: Tom Herrschaft and John Underwood Art Director: Mike Snyder
Players Guide: Charles Kibler, with an extra special thanks to Glenn Saun- Graphic Artist: Peter Muench
ders for his invaluable assistance. Thanks also to John Underwood and Webmasters: Robert Fletcher, Brandon Grada
Eric Larsen for the hints & tactical tips they provided for this manual. Technical Support/QA Director: Phil Santiago
Players Guide Introduction: Phillip Baker Computer Specialists: Frank Runge, Ron Johnson, Kathy Richardson
Loading Instructions: Matthew Henning Technical Support: Pete Stewart, Patty Saneman, Kathy Young, Andre Ligins, Daniel
Unit Handbook: Mark Carver, Lee Jordan, Bob McNamara and J.D. Warfield Karp, Jeff Zoller, Alex Bradley
Communications andTechnical Director: Matthew Henning Quality Assurance: Chien Yu, Lisa Nawrot, Kai Ma, Josh Rose, Joe Covello, Stacey
Production Design: John Boettinger-Lang Sharpe, Anne Takeuchi, Joshua Noll, Stephen Thomas, Frank Kirchner, Scott Vail, Ryan
Production Coordination: John Davidson & Linda Wratchford Littlefield
Playtest Coordination: Charles Kibler Special thanks to: Linda Wratchford, Peg Zoltan, Patty Santiago, Melissa Voggenauer
Playtesters: Pete Abrams, Victor Armendariz, Phillip Baker, Ernie Berg, Eric
Boyle, Patrick Brett, William & Joe Burch, George & Ida Chow, Stephen
Clark, Frank Donati, Mike Elliott, Craig Foster, Bart Gauvin, James Gorman,
Carl Grosspietsch, Brian Heard, Tom Herrschaft, Dave Hickman, Rich
Hicks, James W. “Jay” Johnson, Lee Jordan, Charles Kibler, John Kincaid,
Mike Lamb, Chuck Lane, Mike LaPlante, Rob Lowe, Byron Odwazny, Tom
Padgett Jr., Mike Palmer, Phillip Palmer, Tom Porto, Tim Powers, Joshua
Rose, Glenn Saunders, Shawn Shelton, Michael Shepard, Fred Schwarz, E.
Mark Smith, Gerry Spear, Kenneth Talley, Brian Spencer, John Underwood,
Andrew Wagenhoffer, Chris Wilson and Brian Wynott
Research Assistants: Ray Tapio and Critical Hit (Finns); Jukka Raustia, Markus
Tamninen, Juha Veijalainen and Janne Kemppi (Finns); Arturo F. Lorioli (Italians);
Brian Martuzas and his “lending library”; and Leonid Kharitonov of the Central
Naval Museum (Russia) for information & pictures of Soviet landing ships.
A special thanks to: Nigel Askey for Russian armor factor calculations, and to John
F. Stanoch of Blue Sky Enterprises for his assistance with aircraft research
Thanks also to: Marty Fenellon of Simtac for his finely detailed 1/300th scale
WW2 aircraft. You can contact Simtac at 1-800-739-3609
An extra special thanks goes out to: James A. Gorman, for his invaluable exper-
tise in providing original “3D” art for thr revised German vehicle & gun icons

154 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 155


Hedge: 68 Off-Board Artillery: 45, 102

Index Hex Contours: 13 On-Map Thermometer: 15, 27, 56
2D Normal: 16, 20, 23 Counter Assault: 50 High Wall: 52, 67 OOB: see Order of Battle
2D Zoom-out: 16, 20, 23 Damage Report: 53 Hot Keys: 165 Opportunity Fire: 11, 31, 32, 44
3D Normal: 16, 20, 23 DCG: see Dynamic Campaign Game Hot Spot: 17, 30 Optional Rules: 9, 19, 78
3D Zoom-out: 16, 20, 23 Defense Strength: 25, 49, 53, 79 HQ: (see Headquarters) Orchard: 60
3D Extreme Zoom-out: 16, 20, 23 (see values listed for each unit in the IF: (see Indirect Fire) Order of Battle (OOB) Editor: 92
AA: see Anti-Aircraft Manual Appendix) Improved Position (IP): 30, 56 Organization: 13, 15, 22, 29, 71-73, 92-96
A/I (artificial intelligence): 9, 17, 20, 82, 98 Demolition (Bridge & High Wall): 52 Industrial: 62 Organizational Movement: 39
Density Modifier (Direct Fire): 54 Info Box: 24 Out of Supply: see Low on Ammo
Action Point(s): 25, 28, 31, 35, 41, 43, 44
Advantage: 9, 16 Density Modifier (Indirect Fire): 46 Info Box Thermometer: 25 Paradrops: 39, 103
Air Attack: 11, 20, 27, 30, 47, 98, 100 Detail Levels (in Damage Report): 18, 54 Indirect Fire by Map: 46, 78 Parameter Data: 19, 29
Anti-Aircraft Fire: 26, 48 Digging In: 11, 26, 30, 57 Indirect Fire (IF): 14, 26, 41, 45 Paths: 32, 66
Direct Fire: 41, 43, 54, 79 Internet TCP/IP (modem) Play: 105 Passengers: 35
Anti-Aircraft Unit: 14
Displacement (by reinforcement): 37 IP: (see Improved Position) PBEM: see Play-by-E-Mail
Amphibious: 26, 38
Disrupted (disruption): 13, 26, 34, 50, 55 Isolated: 30, 73 Pillbox: 49, 57
Armor Facing Effects: 79
Jump Map: 13, 22, 22 Play-by-E-mail (PBEM): 6, 109-112
AP: see action points Disruption Loss: 30, 55
Double time: 11, 26, 39, 40 Laying Smoke: 46 Pontoon Bridge: 70
Artillery Dialog: 11, 20, 45
Dynamic Campaign Game: 80 LCG: see Linked Campaign Game Railroad: 32, 66
Assaults: 12, 20, 39, 48, 49
Leaders (leadership rating): 14, 24, 71 Random Armor Disablement: 46
Assault Value: 19, 25, 48, 49 Editors: 88
Line-of-sight (LOS): 26, 42, 43, 71 Range: 15, 22, 28 (also see Manual Appendix)
Attack Strength: 19, 28, 52, 69 Embankment: 68
Linked Campaign Game: 80 Range Modifier: 58, 70
Auto Save AP's for Firing: 17 Equipment Upgrades: 87
Loading (cost) (see Loading Cost values list- Reachable hexes: 13, 22, 36
Bases (unit): 13, 22 Engineers: 15, 26, 51
ed for each unit in this Manual’s
Beach: 58 Echelon Movement: 39 Reinforcements: 12, 22, 30, 36, 37, 102
Blocked (as in the counter): 30, 52, 57 Excess Density Value: 54 Release(s): 12, 30, 40
Load/Unload: 11, 18, 20, 35, 36
Blocked (as in LOS, SP's and wrecks): 42 Exit Objectives: 77, 104 Remove Units (from map): 11, 22, 75
LOS: (see Line-of-Sight)
Bridges: 26, 34, 51, 68, 69 Experience Points: 86 Replacements: 86
Low-on-Ammo or Low-on-Supply: 14, 26, 30,
(blowing or damaging): 11, 52 Extreme Fog-of-War: 23, 37, 78 72 Retreats: 55
Bunkers: 56 Fatigue(d): 26, 39 Map Editor: 89 Riders: 36
Campaign (game): 6, 80-87 Field: 59 Map Labels: 22, 91 River: see Stream or Minor River
Campaign Commanders Screen: 81 Fill (Cluster or Rectangle): 91 Map Views: 14, 22 Roadblocks : (see Blocked)
Campaign Setup Mode: 84 Find Org: 13 Marsh: 60 Roads: 32, 64, 63
Cavalry: 39, 49 Fire Cost: 18, 25, 31 Medals: 83 Roam Mode: 24
Character Screen: 83 Fire/Mode: 20, 31 Mine-Clearing Unit (aka engineer): 14, 26, 51 Rotate Map: 15, 89
City: 62 First Side: 74, 77, 98 Minefields: 30, 51, 57 Rough: 61
Clear Terrain: 58 Fixed (units or status): 15, 26, 30, 40 Minimum Movement: 33 Rubble: 63
Cliff: 68 Fog-of-War (FOW): 9, 24, 51, 70 Minor River: 65 Save APs for Firing: 11, 18, 20, 26, 31, 32, 44
Column Movement: 39 Ford: 69 Mission (a CG scenario): 84 Save APs for Unloading: 11, 20, 26, 32, 36
Commanders (leaders): 14, 25, 71, 94, 96 Forest: 60 Mission Type: 98 Scale: 4
Command Control: 78 Fortifications: 56 Modem & Serial Play: 6, 13, 108 Scenario Editor: 108
Command Post: 79 FOW: (see Fog-of-war) Morale: 25, 55, 56, 71 Scenario Information: 12, 28
Command Rating: 25, 71 FRD: fractions rounded down Morale Check: 55, 71 Selected hex: (see Hot Spot)
Command Report: 30 Gliders: 37, 38, 103 Motorized Leader exception: 71 Selected (Unit): 24
Combat: 41 Ground Conditions: 12, 28, 99 Moving a Unit: 32 Smoke: 22, 26, 27, 42, 46, 50-52, 98
Combat Explanation: 53 Gully: 63 Move/Fire Mode: 31 Soft Attack (value/factors): 28, 43, 53
Combat Results: 55 Hard (attack values/factor): 28, 43, 53 Multi-player Mode: 6, 105 Soft Target: 19, 28, 41
Complexity Rating: 7 Hard (target): 19, 25, 28, 44 Network IPX Play: 108 Special Building: 63
Concealment: 27, 58, 70 Headquarters: 14, 30, 72 Objective: 12, 13, 27, 74, 102 Special Icons (3D): 17
156 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 157

Spotted: 15, 26 Upgrades (campaign game): 87

SP: see Strength Points Victory Conditions: 77
Status Bar: 22 for Dynamic Campaign Game: 86
Stream: 64 Victory Points: 67-69 (see also Victory Point Technical Support
Strength Dialog: 12 values in the Unit Data charts in the
If you have a technical support problem concerning the operation of our software,
Strength Point(s): 25 (also see Strength Point Appendix)
please contact our technical support staff. When you call or write, be at your computer
values listed for each unit in the Man- Village: 63
if possible and have the following information ready: computer type, Available hard drive
ual Appendix) Visibility: 12, 27, 42, 43, 98
space, total RAM, type of video card, and a list of options you chose when you installed
Suburb: 64 VP: (see Victory Points)
the game.
Supply: 72, 7/8 Walls: 67
Supply Range: 72, 78 Water: 59 Technical Support: 1-410-933-9191, M-F 9-5pm, EST
Swamp: 60 Weapon Data: 19 (also see Weapon Data charts E-mail us at Tech@talonsoft.com
Tank riders: (see Riders) in the Appendix)
Terrain: 27, 28. 29, 42, 58 Weather: 28, 42 If you have access and would like to contact us on-line you will find us at:
Thermometers: see On-Map Thermometers Wrecks: 27, 42
Timer(multi-player mode): 106 Zoom-in: 22
Tool Bar: 20 Zoom-out: 22
Towing: 26, 36 Wrecks: 27, 42
Transporting (units): 35 Zoom-in: 22
Trench: 56 Zoom-out: 22
Tutorial: 130
Two-Player Hot-Seat: 6, 108
Unit Data : (see Appendix)
Unit Handbook: 19, 28
Unit List: 27 TalonSoft grants the buyer of this software package the right to use one copy of the enclosed software pro-
Unknown Unit: 43 gram. You may not use it across a network, unless used in conjunction with another legitimate copy, rent or lease
it, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, or modify the software in any way. All editors may be used to create
Unloading: 11, 36 scenarios that may be freely distributed, providing that no monetary profit will be required or gained, and scenar-
Unpaved Road: 32, 64 ios are distributed in a non-commercial manner. TalonSoft has the ultimate rights to all scenarios created from
this software. You may not copy or distribute copies of the enclosed written material.
The enclosed software program, libraries, graphics, and all written material are the sole property of TalonSoft,
Inc. and its suppliers and are protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America and all Interna-
This software product is sold AS IS and TalonSoft, its suppliers, dealers or distributors make no warranty with
respect to the performance, quality, merchantability, fitness for any purpose of the software. The original purchas-
er must complete and return the enclosed registration card within 30 days of purchase. The enclosed media will
be replaced free of charge for the first 90 days after purchase, providing you send the defective media along with
a note describing the problem.
After 90 days, the media will be replaced for $15 U.S.

158 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series TalonSoft’s Campaign Series 159


Hot Keys: These following hot keys can be used in the main program:
F1 - Open Main program help file
F2 - Open Unit Handbook
F3 - Open Scenario Parameter Data help file
F4 - Opens the Miscellaneous (platoon) Data File
F5 - Opens the Weapons Data File
Keyboard 1 - Display in 3D Normal View
Keyboard 2 - Display in 3D Zoom-Out View
Keyboard 3 - Display in 3D Extreme Zoom-Out View
Keyboard 4 - Display in 2D Normal View
Keyboard 5 - Display in 2D Zoom-Out View
Number Pad 0 - Load/unload unit
Number Pad 1 - Move selected unit down and left
Number Pad 2 - Move selected unit down
Number Pad 3 - Move selected unit down and right
Number Pad 4 - Turn selected unit counter-clockwise
Number Pad 5 - Request air attack on Hot Spotted hex
Number Pad 6 - Turn selected unit clockwise
Number Pad 7 - Move selected unit up and left
Number Pad 8 - Move selected unit up
Number Pad 9 - Move selected unit up and right
Alt - Used (with Indirect Fire unit) to fire Smoke; also for Organizational “Column” Movement
Ctrl - Toggles between Move mode and Fire mode
Shift - Displays map labels; also used for Organizational “Echelon” Movement
Delete - Turn selected unit counter-clockwise
Page Down - Turn selected unit clockwise
Home - Move selected unit forward in hex
End - Move selected unit backward in hex
A - Brings up the arrival of reinforcements dialog
C - Toggle display of map’s elevation “contour” lines
D - Brings up Opportunity Fire Dialog
F - Brings up the release schedule for Fixed units dialog
H - Toggle display of hexes reachable by selected unit
I - Display scenario information
M - Toggle display of program menu
N - Advance to next unit to move or fire
O - Toggle display of objectives
P - Advance to previous unit to move or fire
R - Rotate map 180º
S - Brings up the scheduled reinforcements dialog
T - Toggle display of on-map thermometers
U - Toggle display of Unit List
V - Toggle display of Visible Hexes
W - Toggle display of HQ command range
X - Exit Main program
Z - Toggle display of the selected unit's maximum range
Up Arrow - Scroll map up
Down Arrow - Scroll map down
Right Arrow - Scroll map right
Left Arrow - Scroll map left
Space Bar - Re-center map on current Hot Spot hex
160 TalonSoft’s Campaign Series

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