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DDR4 Basics

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DDR4 SDRAM - Understanding the Basics

DDR4 SDRAMs are very prevalent in devices that use ASICs and FPGAs. In this article we
explore the basics.

What a DDR4 SDRAM looks like on the inside

What goes on during basic operations such as READ & WRITE, and
A high-level picture of the SDRAM sub-system, i.e., what your ASIC/FPGA needs in order
to talk to a DDR4 SDRAM memory

Physical Structure
A good place to start is to look at some of the essential IOs and understand what their
functions are. From there we'll dive deeper until we get to the basic unit that makes up a
DRAM memory.

Top Level
As you would expect, the DRAM has clock, reset, chip-select, address and data inputs. The
table below has little more detail about each of them. This is not a complete list of IOs,
only the basic ones are listed here. Take a little time to carefully read what each IO
does, especially the dual-function address inputs.

Figure 1: Top Level

Symbol Type Function

RESET_n Input DRAM is active only when this signal is HIGH

CS_n Input The memory looks at all the other inputs only if this is LOW.
Symbol Type Function

CKE Input Clock Enable. HIGH activates internal clock signals and device input buffers and output

CK_t/CK_c Input Differential clock inputs. All address & control signals are sampled at the crossing of
posedge of CK_t & negedge of CK_n.

DQ/DQS Inout Data Bus & Data Strobe. This is how data is written in and read out. The strobe is
essentially a data valid flag.

RAS_n/A16 Input These are dual function inputs. When ACT_n & CS_n are LOW, these are interpreted as Row
CAS_n/A15 Address Bits. When ACT_n is HIGH, these are interpreted as command pins to indicate
WE_n/A14 READ, WRITE or other commands.

ACT_n Input Activate command input

BG0-1 Input Bank Group, Bank Address


A0-13 Input Address inputs

BankGroup, Bank, Row, Column

The top-level picture shows what a DRAM looks like on the outside. Going a level deeper,
this is how memory is organized - in Bank Groups and Banks.

Figure 2: BankGroup & Bank

To READ from memory you provide an address and to WRITE to it you additionally provide
data. This address provided by you, the user, is typically called "logical address". This
logical address is translated to a physical address before it is presented to the DRAM.
The physical address is made up of the following fields:

Bank Group
these individual fields are then used to identify the exact location in the memory to
read-from or write-to.

Going down another level, this is what you'll see within each Bank.

Memory Arrays
Row Decoder
Column Decoder
Sense Amplifiers

Figure 3: Row & Column Decoding

Once the Bank Group and Bank have been identified, the Row part of the address activates a
line in the memory array. This is called the "Word Line" and activating it reads data from
the memory array into something called "Sense Amplifiers". The Column address then reads
out a part of the word that was loaded into the Sense Amps. The width of the column is
called the "Bit Line".

The width of a colum is standard - it is either 4 bits, 8 bits or 16 bits wide and DRAMs
are classified as x4, x8 or x16 based on this column width. Another thing to note is that,
the width of DQ data bus is same as the column width. So, to simplify things, you can say
that DRAMs are classified based on the width of the DQ bus.

[Side Note: x16 devices have only 2 Bank Groups whereas x4 and x8 have 4 as shown in
figure 2.]

Analogy Time: A DRAM chip is equivalent to a building full of file cabinets

Bank Group    Identifies the floor
Bank Address  Identifies the file cabinet within that floor where the file you need is
Row Address   Identifies which drawer in the cabinet the file is located. Reading data
into the Sense Amplifiers is equivalent to opening/pulling out the file drawer.
Col Address   Identifies the file number within this drawer
At the lowest level, a bit is essentially a capacitor that holds the charge and a
transistor acting as a switch.

Figure 4: Bit Level

Since the capacitor discharges over time, the information eventually fades unless the
capacitor is periodically REFRESH ed. This is where the 'D' in DRAM comes from - it refers
to Dynamic as opposed to SRAM (Static Random Access Memory).

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DRAM Sizing & Addressing

DRAMs come in standard sizes and this is specified in the JEDEC spec. JEDEC is the
standards committee that decides the design and roadmap of DDR memories. This is from
section 2.7 of the DDR4 JEDEC specification (JESD79-4B).
Figure 5: Addressing

DRAM Size Calculation

Let's try to make some more sense of the above table by hand-calculating two of the sizes
/* 4Gb x4 Device */
Number of Row Address bits: A0-A15 = 16 bits
Total number of row = 2^16 = 64K
Number of Column Address bits: A0-A9 = 10 bits
Number of columns per row = 1K
Width of each column = 4 bits
Number of Bank Groups = 4
Number of Banks = 4

Total DRAM Capacity =

Num.Rows x
Num.Columns x Width.of.Column x
Num.BankGroups x Num.Banks

Total DRAM Capacity =

64K x 1K x 4 x 4 x 4 = 4Gb
/* 4Gb x8 Device */
Number of Row Address bits: A0-A154 = 15 bits
Total number of row = 2^15 = 32K
Number of Column Address bits: A0-A9 = 10 bits
Number of columns per row = 1K
Width of each column = 8 bits
Number of Bank Groups = 4
Number of Banks = 4

Total DRAM Capacity =

Num.Rows x
Num.Columns x Width.of.Column x
Num.BankGroups x Num.Banks

Total DRAM Capacity =

32K x 1K x 8 x 4 x 4 = 4Gb

DRAM Page Size

In the table above, there's a mention of Page Size . Page size is essentially the number of
bits per row. Or put it another way, it is the number of bits loaded into the Sense Amps
when a row is activated. Since the column address is 10 bits wide, there are 1K bit-lines
per row. So, for a x4 device number of bits is 1K x 4 = 4K bits (or 512B). Similarly, for
x8 device it is 1KB and for x16 it is 2KB per page.

Rank (Depth Cascading)

When dealing with DRAMs you'll come across terminology such as Single-Rank, Dual-Rank or
Quad-Rank. Rank is the highest logical unit and is typically used to increase the memory
capacity of your system.

Say you need 16Gb of memory. Depending on what's available in the market and what is
cheaper, you could have a single 16Gb memory die, in this case you would call it a Single
Rank system because you just need 1 ChipSelect signal (CS_n) to read all the contents of
the memory. Or you could choose to have 2 individual 8Gb discrete devices soldered down on
the PCB (because 2x8Gb devices happen to be cheaper than 1x16Gb). In this case the 2
devices will be connected to the same address and data busses, but you will need 2
ChipSelects to separately address each device. Since you need two ChipSelects, this setup
is called Dual-Rank.
[Side Note: One other DRAM variety you may come across is a "Dual-Die Package" or DDP. In
this case you'll have a single DRAM chip soldered on the board but internally within the
package it'll have a stack of 2 dies. Each die will once again share address and data
lines but will have separate chip selects, making it a Dual Rank device.]

Figure 6: Rank

Width Cascading
Another example - Say you need an 8Gb memory and the interface to your chip is x8. Then
you could pick a single 8Gb x8 device or two 8Gb x4 devices and connect them in a "width
cascaded" fashion on the PCB. With width cascading, both DRAMs are connected to the same
ChipSelects, Address and Command bus, but use different portions of the data bus (DQ &
DQS). In the picture below, the first x4 DRAM is connected to DQ[3:0] and the second on to
Figure 7: DRAMs Width Cascading

Accessing Memory
Read and write operations to the DDR4 SDRAM are burst oriented. It starts at a
selected location (as specified by the user provided address), and continues for a
burst length of eight or a ‘chopped’ burst of four.
Read and write operations are a 2-step process. It begins with the ACTIVATE Command
(ACT_n & CS_n are made LOW for a clock cycle), which is then followed by a RD or WR
The address bits registered coincident with the ACTIVATE Command are used to select
the BankGroup, Bank and Row to be activated (BG0-BG1 in x4/8 and BG0 in x16 selects
the bankgroup; BA0-BA1 select the bank; A0-A17 select the row). This step is also
called RAS - Row Address Strobe.
The address bits registered coincident with the Read or Write command are used to
select the starting column location for the burst operation. This step is also
referred to as CAS - Column Address Strobe.
Each bank has only one set of Sense Amps. Before a read/write to a different row in
the same bank can be performed, the current open row has to be de-activated using a
PRECHARGE command. PRECHARGE is equivalent to closing the current file drawer in the
cabinet, it causes the data in the Sense Amps to be written back into the row.
Instead of issuing an explicit PRECHARGE command to deactivate a row, the RDA (Read
with Auto-Precharge) and WRA (Write with Auto-Precharge) commands can be used. These
commands tell the DRAM to automatically deactivate/precharge the row once the read or
write operation is complete. Since column address uses only address bits A0-A9, A10
which is an unused bit during CAS is overloaded to indicate Auto-Precharge.

Command Truth Table

I'm constantly referring to something called "commands" - ACTIVATE command, PRECHARGE
command, READ command, WRITE command. But in the very first picture of this article,
there is no "Command" input to the DRAM. So how are these commands issued?

Well, the DRAM interprets the ACT_n, RAS_n, CAS_n & WE_n inputs as commands based on the
truth table below.

Function Shortcode CS_n ACT_n RAS_n/A16 CAS_n/A15 WE_n/A4 A10/AP

Refresh REF L H L L H H or L

Single Bank Precharge PRE L H L H L L

Bank Activate ACT L L Row Address

Write WR L H H L L L

Write with Auto-Precharge WRA L H H L L H

Read RD L H H L H L

Read with Auto-Precharge RDA L H H L H H

Partial Command Truth-Table

The table above is only a subset of commands you can issue to the DRAM. The entire DDR4
command truth table is specified in section 4.1 of the JEDEC spec JESD79-4B.


Figure 8: READ Operation

Figure 8 shows the timing diagram of a READ operation with burst length of 8 (BL8) .

The first step is an ACT command. The value on the address bus at this time indicates
the row address.
In the second step a RDA (Read with Auto-Precharge) is issued. The value on the
address bus during at this time is the column address.
The RDA command tells the DRAM to automatically PRECHARGEs the bank after the read is

Figure 9: WRITE Operation

Figure 9 shows the timing diagram of a WRITE operation.

The first step activates a row

Then 2 WRITE commands are issued. The first one to address COL and second one to
COL+8 .
The second write operation does not need an ACT before it because the row we intend
to write to is already active in the Sense Amps
Also note that the first command is a plain WR , so this leaves the row active. The
second command is a WRA which de-activates the row after the write completes.

[Side Note: I sneaked something in here without much explanation. A16, A15 & A14 are not
the only address bits with dual function. The auto precharge command is issued via A10,
and select BurstChop4 (BC4) or BurstLength8 (BL8) mode is selected via A12, if enabled in
the mode register.]

DRAM sub-system
Now that we've had a sufficiently long discussion about the DRAM, it is time to talk about
what the ASIC or FPGA needs in-order to talk to the DRAM. This is called the DRAM sub-
system and it's made up of 3 components:

1. The DRAM memory itself, which comprises of everything described above

3. A DDR Controller
Figure 10: DRAM Sub-System

There's a lot going on in the picture above, so lets break it down:

The DRAM is soldered down on the board. The PHY and controller, along with user logic
are typically part of the same FPGA or ASIC.
The interface between the user-logic and the controller can be user defined and need
not be standard
When the user-logic makes a read or write request to the controller, it issues a
logical address
The controller then converts this logical address to a physical address and issues a
command to the PHY
The Controller and PHY talk to each other over a standard interface called the DFI
interface. You can download the DFI specification from here (http://ddr-phy.org).
The PHY then does all the lower level signaling and drives the physical interface to
the DRAM.
This interface between the PHY and memory is specified in the JEDEC standard JESD79-
49B specification (https://www.jedec.org/standards-documents/docs/jesd79-4a)

Think of the controller as the brains and the PHY as the brawns.

When you activate a row, the whole page is loaded into the Sense Amps, so multiple
reads to an already open page are lesser expensive because you can skip the first step
of row activation. The controller typically has the capability to re-order requests
issued by the user to take advantage of this. To do the re-ordering it uses a small
cache or TCAM and always returns the latest data, so you don't have to worry about
stale data or collisions occurring because of this re-ordering done by the controller.
The PHY contains the analog drivers and provides the capability to tweak registers to
increase drive strength or change terminations, in order to improve signal integrity.

In a Nutshell
Let's wrap this up

The DRAM is organized as Bank Groups, Bank, Row & Columns

The address issued by the user is called Logical Address and it is converted to a
Physical Address by the DRAM controller, before it presented to the memory
DDR4 DRAMs are classified as x4, x8 or x16 based on the width of the DQ data bus
You can depth cascade or width cascade DRAMs to achieve the required size
Read and write operations are a 2-step process. 1st step activates a row, 2nd step
reads or write to the memory.
The DRAM sub system comprises of the memory, a PHY layer and a controller

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