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TC - 2019 - 11 - 24

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East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church // Volume 5 // Issue 46 // 24 November 2019

THE Looking for simple


ways to give back to
ESUMC? Read Pastor
Jim’s article below for

quick ways to do so
this Holiday Season!

So far though, the trend is very encouraging, and we appreciate all who have returned
their cards and the financial gifts, gifts of talent and spiritual gifts each card represents.
Thank you so very much.

We were also greatly encouraged by the support and turnout for the Haiti Meal Pack. The
Mission Team was incredibly excited to meet and exceed our goal 50,112 meals!
According to the sign-ups, 163 members of ESUMC came to help pack, while several
others donated money to help fund those who could not contribute. Again, thank you for
your support for this huge project, and special thanks to the Mission Team of our church
for organizing it and helping to insure things went so smoothly. This is definitely
Two Sundays ago,
something we’ll want to do again!
we had our combined
As we quickly approach the Advent season, many of our thoughts turn to gifts for others.
service and called it First there is Black Friday followed by Cyber Monday. Let me address this to the Cyber
Monday crowd. Since many of your purchases are likely to be through Amazon, please
Celebration Sunday. remember that by first going to smile.amazon.com, you can support
We did indeed the ministry of our church through your purchase. I just checked,
and my purchases on Amazon have thus far generated about $8
celebrate many for our church. That may not be much, but if 125 people did that,
it would net $1000 for our church’s ministry. If you’ve never
things, including our
purchased through Amazon Smile before, they make it super
new members easy: go to the website I’ve listed above, and make you’re
supporting charity ESUMC. That’s it! As long as you remember
(picture in last (I’ve sometimes forgotten) to make your purchase through Smile,
week’s Trumpet Call) we will get a benefit.

and the Haiti Meal What if you don’t make your online purchases through Amazon? There’s still a way to
support our church, and the rewards have the potential to be far higher. If you go to
Pack. It was also a umcmarket.org, you can register your email address and when you go to sites such as
Sunday for members Walmart, Target, Sephora, buybuy Baby, etc. a little pop-up red shopping cart will appear,
asking if you want, through your purchase, to make a donation to ESUMC. That donation
and friends to bring can range from .5-5% of your purchase, and will not increase the cost of the item to you.
So, click “Yes!” and money will come our way through your purchase. In a separate
forward their article in this Trumpet Call, Robin Braun, chair of our Finance Team, lays out how you
Intention of Giving can support the church through gifts of stock. There are many ways to give in this season
of giving, and don’t forget the online ways including the app for your smartphone:
cards and Every GivePlus. Call the church office if you need more information, and thanks for all you do to
support the mission and ministry of our church!
Member Commitment
cards, which many
people did. If you did
not, don’t worry, as
we are still
processing them
through the end of
the year.

Church Family, this past Wednesday, November 2020 Stephen Ministry Leader Training
20th, one of our congregation members, Jean Eden, Course Dates & Locations
celebrated her 100th Birthday!!! Many have already
January 12th-18th, 2020 || Orlando, FL
reached out with birthday thoughts and wishes, but
Registration needed before 12/03/19
please join us in recognizing her special milestone
Birthday in whatever way you feel led to respond! June 7th-13th, 2020 || Orlando, FL
Registration needed before 04/28/20

August 16th–22nd, 2020 || Pittsburgh, PA

Registration needed before 07/07/20

“Lord, stir the hearts of those whom you desire

serve you as a Stephen Ministry Leader.”

Stephen Minister Training is not required to become a

Stephen Ministry Leader. If you have any questions,
please contact Peggy Strack at (570) 856-2131.

November 10th, 2019

ESUMC’s Older Kids’ Christmas Party

The O.K.’s will meet in the Fellowship Hall on
Thursday, December 12th at 11:30am for our annual
Christmas Party Luncheon (snow date: Wednesday,
December 18th, 11:30AM, Fellowship Hall).
A beverages and ham will be provided for the event,
but please be sure to bring one of your favorite
holiday dishes to share as well as (2) inexpensive
gifts to utilize for prizes! RSVP as soon as possible to
2 O.K. Coordinators, Karen Dudley or Erma Powell at
(570) 424-9896 (Karen) or (570) 421-1422 (Erma) to
let us know your party size and planned side dish.

All meetings are
held downstairs in
the Community Room of
the Education Building
*excluding GriefShare*

Keep It Simple
Thursdays & Saturdays

Serenity House

Just For Today

New Beginnings
(Women’s Group)

Pocono Cinema Special Event
Surviving the Holidays
Thursday, 11/14/19
church@esumc.net Official Church email
Weekly Seminars
communications@esumc.net Communications requests 01/09/20-04/02/20
3 Thursday Evenings
prayer@esumc.net Prayer requests (for our phone, text, or email prayer chains)
trumpetcall@esumc.net TC articles DEADLINE: Wednesdays, 12pm
Faith United Methodist Church
1160 Clause Drive, Stroudsburg, PA,

Saturday, December 14th, 5:30—7:30 PM Ushers & Greeters Needed

for ESUMC’s Christmas Eve Services
Experience a living nativity from the comfort of your
car and drive through illuminated scenes of the real Are you planning to attend the 4:00PM, 7:00PM or
Christmas Story. Nativity includes narrations, live 10:00PM Worship Service on Tuesday, December
animals and traditional carols. Hot cocoa and cookies 24th? If so, we’d like to invite you to consider serving
individually, as a couple, or as a family to greet and
served at the end! Monetary gifts for Faith UMC’s St. seat our church family & guests! Many first time
Stephen’s Fund as well as non-perishable food visitors seeking the real meaning of Christmas come
donations for Christ Episcopal Church’s Food Pantry to our Church for these special services, so please
welcomed! Rain/Snow Date of Sunday, Dec. 15th! help share ESUMC's hospitality and Christ’s love! To
volunteer to serve, contact Kathy Hinkey at (570) 236
-8183 or email k_hinkey@hotmail.com.

Dear Trumpet Call Readers, just a brief reminder that

there will not a Trumpet Call released next Sunday,
12/01, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, nor will there
be one for Sundays, 12/29/19 and 01/05/20, due to
Christmas and New Years. We look forward to
continuing the Trumpet Call again after the Holiday
Season. Thank you! - Administration & Staff

Olsen Christmas Wish Breakfast Fundraiser

Sunday, December 15th, 2019
Friends, if you’re interested in helping us support the
Olsen’s Christmas Wish Outreach this year, we invite
you to come to Church hungry on Sunday, December
15th! Breakfast will be served after both services that
Sunday, and all donations will benefit the charity!

Soul Sisters’ Ugly New GriefShare Sessions Announced

Christmas Sweater Party
ESUMC is pleased to announce a second round
Join the Soul Sisters for some GriefShare seminars to be offered on Thursday
fellowship and lots of holiday evenings from 6:30-8:00PM, January 9th–April 2nd,
cheer at the Beer House Café 2020. Please contact GriefShare facilitators: Ginny
Monday, December 16th from Levanowitz at (570) 992-7290, or Dick & Mary Jane
6:30-8:30pm!!! Wear your best
Lord at (570) 421-1188. As always, thank you for
Ugly Christmas Sweater and
helping us promote and share this vital ministry with
come ready to laugh and smile! those that are grieving.
Hospital Visitation Update 2020 Greeter Training
PLEASE READ & SHARE WITH OTHERS! Whether you’ve newly joined the team or have been an
usher/greeter for years, please join us on Sunday,
Do you know of a ESUMC congregation member January 19th in the Choir Room from 9:45AM -
who’s recently been admitted to the hospital? If so, 10:30AM for an informative session to review our 2020
please inform Rachel Thompson as soon as possible service description and share experiences that have
(rthompson@esumc.net, or 570-421-3280 ext. 1011). enhanced ESUMC's welcoming practices. Looking
forward to seeing you there!
This notification is especially important considering
the recent changes made by Lehigh Valley Hospital—
Pocono to honor HIPPA laws. Effective immediately
our Hospital Visitation Team will no longer have
access to the daily clergy book at either LVH-P or at
St. Luke’s, so we will need your assistance to keep
our team informed!!!

Thank you for helping us care for our church family!

We sincerely appreciate your efforts to help us stay
connected with our hospitalized church family.

Save on Your Income Taxes

by Donating Stock

ESUMC has established a brokerage account to receive

donations of stock. Stock donations are not only for the
rich. Anyone could see tax benefits.
The Dow is up about 20% through November this year.
When you donate stock that has grown in value, you will
likely bypass taxes on the gain, while you may also be
able to deduct the full value of the donation.

Come to the Table, Everyone Has a Seat If you are taking a Required Minimum Distribution
2020 Women’s Retreat (RMD) from retirement savings, the stock donation from
that account can count toward the RMD. That could
Saturday, January 25th, 2019 lower taxable income, and associated taxes. It could
8:30 AM—3:00 PM also potentially provide a deduction if you itemize
East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church deductions.
83 S. Courtland Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Everyone's situation is different, so please check details
Registration opens Sunday, December 1st, 2019 and with your investment or tax adviser. Detailed instructions
closes Sunday, January 12th, 2020. Admission $15. for making these donations are available from the
church office.
Tape Here


Esumc.net East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church EastStroudsburgUMC @ESUMC ESUMC

8:30 AM Traditional Worship 9:40-10:40 AM Equipping Hour 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship

Church Office Director of Student Ministries Director of Congregational Care

Monday-Friday, 9am-1pm Scott Kuhnle Rachel Thompson
church@esumc.net skuhnle@esumc.net rthompson@esumc.net
(570) 421-3280 Ext. 1013 Ext. 1011

Pastor Director of Children & Family Ministries Audio/Visual Technician

Jim Todd Erica Dorsch Charles Rajnai
jtodd@esumc.net edorsch@esumc.net charlesrajnai@gmail.com
Ext. 1014 Ext. 1017
Financial Secretary, Accts. Receivable
Church Administrator Director of Traditional Music (Volunteer) Christine Uporsky
Rich Poole Jenni Poole cuporsky@esumc.net
rpoole@esumc.net jhpoole@ptd.net Ext. 1012
Ext. 1015
Director of Contemporary Music Financial Secretary, Accts. Payable
Administrative Assistant Doug Malefyt Bruce Osbun
Kathy Ravago dmalefyt@esumc.net bosbun@esumc.net
kravago@esumc.net Ext. 1012
Ext. 1010 Organist
Jonathan Strack Weekday Sexton
Director of Communications jstrack@esumc.net Bob Lee
& Spiritual Life Development rlee@esumc.net
Bethany Mills Director of Bells
bmills@esumc.net Chris Perfetti Sunday Sexton
Ext. 1023 perfetti3@ptd.net Craig Banner

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