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ENGINEERING ECONOMY Example 2: Determine the (a) ordinary and (b) exact simple

interests on P 100,000 for the

the period January 15 to June 20 2012
Engineering Economy – is the analysis and eva luation of the factors if interest is 15%.
that will affect the economic success of e ngineering projects to the Ans. (a) P 6,541.67; (b) P 6434.43
end that a recommendation can be made which will ensure the Example 3: Calculated the exact interest on an investment of P
best use of capital. 2,000.00 for a period from January 30 to September 15, 2001 if the
rate of interest is 10%.
Interest  –  is the amount of money paid for the use of borrowed Example 4: If P 4000 is borrowed for 75 days at 16% per annum.
capital (borrower’s viewpoint) or the income produced by money How much will be due at the e nd of 75 days?

F = PP  I
which has been loaned (lender’s viewpoint). Ans. P 4,133.33
Example 5: How long will it take for a deposit of P 1, 500.00 to earn
P 186 if invested at the simple interest rate of 7 1/3%?
I = interest Ans. 1.6909 years
P = principal or present worth Example 6: If you borrow money from your friend with simple
F = accumulated amount or future worth interest of 12%, find the present worth of P 20,000 at the end of 9
Cash-Flow Diagrams Ans. P 18,348.60
Cash-Flow Diagram – is a graphical representation of cash flows Example 7: (CE Board) A deposit of P 110,000 was made for 31
drawn on a time scale. days. The net interest after deducting 20% withholding tax is P
↑ - receipt (positive cash flow or cash inflow) 890.36. Find the rate of return annually.
↓ - disbursement (negative cash flow or cash outflow) Ans. 11.75%
Example: A loan of P100 at simple interest will becomeP150 after Example 8: A man buys an electric fan from a merchant that
5 years. charges P1500.00 at the end of 90 days. The man wishes to pay
cash. What is the cash price if money is worth 10% simple
Ans. P 1,463.41
Example 9: What amount will be available in eight months if P
15,000.00 is invested now at 10% simple interest per year?
Ans. P 16,000.00
Example 10: P 1000.00 becomes P 1500.00 in three years. Find the
simple interest rate.
Ans. 16.67%
Example 11: An engineer borrowed a sum of money under the
Cash flow diagram on the viewpoint of the lender
following terms: P 650,000.00 if paid in 90 days, or P 600,000.00
if paid in 30 days. What is the equivalent annual rate of simple
Ans. 50%

Compound Interest
Compound Interest  –  the interest for an interest period is
calculated on the principal plus total amount of interest
accumulated in previous period.

Cash flow diagram on the viewpoint of the borrower

Simple Interest
Simple Interest  –  is calculated using the principal only, ignoring

F =I P=1Pni in
any interest that has been accrued in preceding periods.

I = interest Principal at
Interest Interest Earned Amount at End
P = principal or present worth Beginning
Period During Period of Period
of Period
n = number of interest periods
i = rate of interest per period 1 P Pi P(1+i)
F = accumulated amount or future wor th 2 P(1+i) P(1+i)i P(1+i)2
For Ordinary Simple Interest: 3 P(1+i)2  P(1+i)2i P(1+i)3
Interest period = 1 year = 360 days
For Exact Simple Interest: … … … …
Interest period = 1 year = 365 days (ordinary year) n P(1+i)n-1  P(1+i)n-1i P(1+i)n
= 366 days (leap year)

F = P 1  i
F⁄P = 1  i = (F⁄−P,i%,n)
Example 1: Determine the ordinary simple interest on P 20,000
for 9 months and 10 days if the rate of interest is 12%.
Ans. P 1,866.67
P⁄F = 1Pi=iF−1 =i i(P⁄F,i%,n)
Where: Example 9: Find the present worth of a future payment of P
F = accumulated amount or future worth 300,000 to be made 5 years with an interest rate of 8% per annum.
P = principal or present worth Ans. P 204,174.96
i = rate of interest per interest period Example 10: How long will it take money to double itself if
n = number of compounding periods invested at 5% compounded annually?
F/P = single payment compound amount factor Ans. 14.2 years
P/F = single payment present worth factor Example 11: The amount of P 50,000 was deposit in the bank
earning an interest of 7.5% per annum. Determine the total
Nominal Rate of Interest  –  specifies the rate of interest and the amount at the end of 5 years, if the principal and interest were not

i = mr
number of interest periods in one year. withdrawn during the period?
Ans. P 71,781.47

n = myr  Example 12: Compute the equivalent rate of 6% compounded

semi-annually to a rate compounded quarterly.
F = P1 m Ans. 5.96% compounded quarterly
Example 13: If P5, 000.00 shall accumulate for 10 years at 8%
compounded quarterly. Find the compounded interest at the end
of 10 years.
i = rate of interest per interest period
Ans. P 6,040.20
n = number of compounding periods
Example 14: A sum of P 1,000.00 is invested now and left for eight
r = nominal rate of interest
years, at which time the principal is withdrawn. The interest has
m = number of compounding periods per year
accrued is left for another eight years. If the effective annual
y = number of years
interest rate is 5%, what will be the withdrawal amount at the end
of the 16th year?
Compounding Period m
Ans. P 705.42
Compounded Quarterly 4
Example 15: By the condition of a will, the sum of P 2,000 is left to
Compounded Semi-annually 2
a girl to be held in trust fund by her guardian until it amounts to P
Compounded Monthly 12
5,000, when will the girl received the money if the fund is inv ested
Compounded Bi-monthly 6
at 8% compounded quarterly?
Ans. 11.57 years
Effective Rate of Interest  – is the actual or exact rate of interest on
Example 16: A student plan to deposit P1, 500 in the bank now
the principal during 1 year, or simply the ratio of accumulated
and another P3, 000 for the next 2 years. If he plans to withdraw

ER =  F PP r 
interest in one year to the principal amount.
P5, 000 3 years after his last deposit for the purpose of buying
shoes, what will be the amount of money left in the bank after one

ER = 1  i  1 = 1  m  1 year of his withdrawal? Effective annual interest rate is 10%.
Ans. P 1,549.64
Example 17: If the interest rate of a certain account is 6.5%,
SAMPLE PROBLEMS compute the (a) single payment present worth factor; and (b)
Example 1: The amount of P 20,000 was deposited in a bank single payment compound amount factor at the end of 18 years.
earning an interest rate of 6.5% per annum. Determine the total Ans. (a) 0.322; (b) 3.107
amount at the end of 7 years if the principal and interest were not
withdrawn during this period. Continuous Compounding Interest
Ans. P 31,079.73
Example 2: A man expects to receive P 25,000 in 8 years. How
F = P1 rm
From the compound interest formula for m periods per year:

much is that money worth now considering interest at 8%

compounded quarterly? Let
 = k m = rk
, then , as m increases, so must k:
r  1   1  
Ans. P 13,265.83
Example 3: How many years will P 100,000 earn a compounded 1 m = 1  k = 1 k 
interest of P 50,000 if interest is 9% compounded quarterly?
Ans. 4.56 years
Example 4: Find the effective rate of interest cor responding to 8%
The limit of1  F = Pe
 as k approaches infinity is e, thus:

compounded quarterly.
Ans. 8.24%
Example 5: Find the nominal rate, which if converted quarterly Where:
ER = e  1
The effective rate of interest for continuous compounding is:

could be used instead of 12% compounded semiannually? F = accumulated amount or future worth
Ans. 11.825% P = principal or present worth
Example 6: If money is worth 5% c ompounded quarterly, find the r = nominal rate of interest
equated time for paying a loan of P 150,000 due in one year and P y = number of years
280,000 in 2 years.
Ans. 1.6455 years e1⁄ 
e = Euler’s number
 = continuous compound amount factor
Example 7: Five years ago, you paid P 340,000 for a lot. Today you
sold it at P 500,000. What is the annual rate of appreciation?
Ans. 8%
e  = present worth of continuous compounding factor

Example 8: John borrowed P50, 000.00 from the bank at 25%
Example 1: P 100,000 is deposited in a bank that earns 5%
compounded semi-annually. What is the equivalent effective rate
compounded continuously. What will be the amount after 10
of interest?
Ans. 26.56%
Ans. P 164,872.13
Example 2: Money is deposited in a certain account for which Inflation
interest is compounded continuously. If the balance doubles in 6 Inflation – is the increase in the prices for goods a nd services from
years, what is the annual percentage rate? one year to another, thus decreasing the purchasing power of
Ans. 11.55%
Example 3: A man wishes to have P 40,000 in a certain fund at the
end of 8 years. How much should he invest in a fund that will pay

FC = PC1 f 
6% compounded continuously? FC = future cost of a commodity
Ans. P 24, 751.34 PC = present cost of a commodity
Example 4: If the effective annual interest rate is 4%, compute the f = annual inflation rate
equivalent nominal interest compounded continuously. n = number of years
Ans. 3.922% In an inflationary economy, the buying power of money decreases

F = 1 P f 
Example 5: What is the nominal rate of interest compounded as cost increases:
continuously for 10 years if the compound amount factor is
Ans. 3% If interest is computed as the same time that inflation is occurring:
Example 6: Deposits of P35,000.00, P48,000.00 and P25,000.00
were made in a savings account eight years, five years, and two
F = P11 f i 
years ago, respectively. Determine the accumulate amount in the Where:
account today if a withdrawal of P55,000.00 was made four years F = future worth of today’s present amount P
ago. The applied interest rate is 11% compounded continuously. f = annual inflation rate
Ans. P 113,330.66 n = number of years
i = rate of interest

P = 1 iF1 f  = 1Fi 

Discount If the uninflated present worth is to be determined:
Discount – is the difference between the future worth of a certain
commodity and its present worth.
2 Types of Discount:
Trade Discount  – discount offered by the seller to induce trading. SAMPLE PROBLEMS
i  = i f  if 
Cash Discount  – is the reduction on the selling price offered to a Example 1: A man invested P 130,000 at an interest rate of 10%
compounded annually. What will be the final amount of his

D = F P
buyer to induce him to pay promptly.
investment, in terms of today’s peso, after 5 years, if inflation
remains the same at the rate of 8% per year?
D = amount of discount Ans. P 142,491
F = accumulated amount or future worth Example 2: What is the uninflated present worth of a P 200,000
P = principal or present worth future value in two years if the average inflation rate is 6% and
Discount Rate – is the discount on one unit of principal per unit of interest rate is 10%.

d = F F P = 1  1 i−
time. Ans. P 147,107

FFd1=nddF FPor 1 year
If the commodity is discounted in a certain period of time:

PP ==F1 For n years
The relationship between discount rate and interest rate

i = 1d d

d = 1i i

d = discount rate for the period involved
i = rate of interest for the same period

Example 1: Mr. T borrowed money from the bank. He receives
from the bank P 1,340 and promised to pay P 1,500 at the end of
9 months. Compute: (a) Simple interest rate; and (b) Discount
Ans. (a) 15.92%; (b) 13.73%
Example 2: Find the discount if P 2,000 is discounted for 6 months
at 8% simple discount.
Ans. P 80
Example 3: Discount 1650 for 4 months at 6% simple interest.
What is the discount?
Ans. P 32.35
 Annuity – is a series of equal payments occurring at equal periods Example 1: Find the annual payment to extinguish a debt of P
of time. 100,000 payable for 6 years at 12% interest annually.
Ans. P 24,322.57
Ordinary Annuity Example 2: What annuity is required over 12 years to equate to a
Ordinary Annuity –  a type of annuity were equal payments are future amount of P 200,000? i = 8%.
made at the end of each period. Ans. P 10,539.00
Example 3: A man paid 10% downpayment of P 200,000 for a
house and lot and agreed to pay the 90% balance on monthly
installment for 60 months at an interest rate of 15% compounded
monthly. Compute the amount of monthly payment.
Ans. P 42,821.87
Example 4: Mr. Y bought a house and lot for $ 2,800,000 with a
downpayment of $ 300,000. Interest is 5% to be paid for 30 years
on a monthly basis. Compute the amount of monthly payment.
P = A1 i−  AA1i
1 i−−   A→1Eq.1i−3  ⋯A1 i−− Ans. $ 13,420.54
Example 5: A piece of machinery can be bought for P 10,000 cash,

 
Multiplying this equation by
P Pi = A A1A1i  1  i  i−  ⋯ A1i−+
, the equation becomes:
i  −+A 1 → Eq.2
or for P 2,000 downpayment and payments of P 750 per year for
15 years. What is the annual interest rate of the time payments?
Ans. 4.6%
Example 6: A man inherited a regular endowment of P 100, 000
Pi = A
Subtracting Eq. 1 from Eq. 2:
A  1 i − every of 3 months for 10 years. However, he may choose to get a

P = Ai 1 1 i− = Ai 1i1i  1 single lump sum payment at the end of 4 years. How much is this
lump sum if the cost of money is 14% compounded quarterly?

P⁄ A = 1i1i i  1 = (P⁄ ,A i%,n) Ans. P 3,702,939.73

Example 7: A service car whose cash price was P 540,000 was

The functional symbol P/A,i%,n is called the “uniform series

bought with a down payment of P 162,000 and monthly
installment of P 10,874.29 for 5 years. What was the rate of

A⁄P = 1i1ii  1 = (A⁄P,i%,n)

present worth factor”. interest if compounded monthly?
Ans. 24% compounded monthly

The functional symbol

fact or”.
A/P,i%,n is called the “capital recovery
Example 8: If P500.00 is invested at the end of each year for 6
years, at an annual interest rate of 7%, what is the total peso
amount available upon the deposit of the sixth payment?
Where: Ans. P 3,576.65
P = value or sum of money at present Example 9: A man purchased a car with a cash price of P 350,000.
A = series of periodic equal amount of payments He was able to negotiate with the seller to allow him to pay only a
i = interest rate per interest period down payment of 20% and the balance payable in equal 48 end of
n = number of interest periods/number of equal payments the month installment at 1.5% interest per month. On the day he
P/A = uniform series present worth factor paid the 20th installment, he decided to pay the remaining

Substituting P = F1 i− A 

A/P = capital recovery factor
 from the equation of P, it becomes:
balance. How much is the monthly payment and what is the
remaining balance that he paid?

F = i 1 i   1 Ans. P 8,224.99; P 186,927.02

Example 10: For having been loyal, trustworthy and efficient, the
company has offered a superior a yearly gratuity pay of P
20,000.00 for 10 years with the first payment to be made one year
after his retirement. The supervisor, instead, requested that he be
paid a lump sum on the date of his retirement less interest that the
company would have earned if the gratuity is to be paid on yearly
basis. If interest is 15%, what is the equivalent lump sum that he
could get?
Ans. P 100,375.37

F⁄A = 1 ii  1 = (F⁄ , A i%,n) Example 11: In anticipation of a much bigger volume of business
after 10 years, a fabrication company purchased an adjacent lot
for its expansion program where it hopes to put up a building
The functional symbol F/A,i%,n is called the “uniform series projected to cost P 4,000,000.00 when it will be constructed 10

A⁄F = [1 ii  1] = (A⁄F,i%,n)

compound amount factor”. years after. To provide for the required capital expense, it plans to
put up a sinking fund for the purpose. How much must the
company deposit each year if interest to be earned is computed at
The functional symbol
A/F,i%,n is called the “sinking fund 15%?
Ans. P 197,008.25 annual deposits
F = value or sum of money at some future time
A = series of periodic equal amount of payments
i = interest rate per interest period
n = number of interest periods/number of equal payments
F/A = uniform series compound amount factor
A/F = sinking fund factor
Example 12: A new office building was constructed 5 years ago by beginning of each year. How much should he deposit if the fund is
a consulting engineering firm. At that time the firm obtained the invested at 5% compounded annually?
bank loan for P 10,000,000 with a 20% annual interest rate, Ans. P 6,057.49
compounded quarterly. The terms of the loan called for equal Example 4: Determine the present worth and the accumulated
quarterly payments for a 10-year period with the right of amount of an annuity consisting of 6 payments of P120, 000 each,
prepayment any time without penalty. Due to internal changes in the payment are made at the beginning of each year. Money is
the firm, it is now proposed to refinance the loan through an
worth 15% compounded annually.
insurance company. The new loan is planned for a 20- year term
Ans. P = P 522,259; F = P 1,208,016
with an interest rate of 24% per annum, compounded quarterly.
The insurance company has a onetime service charge 5% of the Example 5: A farmer bought a tractor costing P 25,000 payable in
balance. This new loan also calls for equal quarterly payments. 10 semi-annual payments, each installment payable at the
a.) What is the balance due on the original mortgage (principal) if beginning of each period. If the rate of interest is 26%
all payments have been made through a full five years? compounded semi-annually, determine the amount of each
b.) What will be the difference between the equal quarterly installment.
payments in the existing arrangement and the revised proposal? Ans. P 4,077.20
Ans. (a) P 7,262,747.03; (b) P 120,862 Example 6: A certain manufacturing plant is being sold and was
Example 13: An annual payment is made for 10 years with an submitted for bidding. Two bids were submitted by interested
annual interest rate of 8%. Compute the following: buyers. The first bid offered to pay P 200,000 each year for 5 years,
(a) Uniform series present worth factor; each payment being made at the beginning of each year. The
(b) Capital recovery factor; second bid offered to pay P 120,000 the first year, P 180,000 the
(c) Uniform series compound amount factor; second year, and P 270,000 each year for the next 3 years, all
(d) Sinking fund factor payments being made at the beginning of each year. If money is
Ans. (a) 6.710; (b) 0.149; (c) 14.487; (d) 0.069 worth 12% compounded annually, which bid should the owner of
the plant accept?
 Annuity Due Ans. second bid, Present worth = P 859,727.18
 Annuity Due – a type of annuity were equal payments are made at
the beginning of each period. Deferred Annuity
Deferred Annuity –  a type of annuity were the first payment is

P = Ai 1i1i  1 1 i−

made several periods after the beginning of annuity.

 A 1 i 
P = A i  1 i−  1

P = value or sum of money at present
F = value or sum of money at some future time
A = series of periodic equal amount of payments
i = interest rate per interest period
n = number of interest periods/number of equal payments

F = Ai 1 i+  1  A m = number of interest periods when there is no payment made

P = value or sum of money at present Example 1: The present value of an annuity of R pesos payable
F = value or sum of money at some future time annually for 8 years, with the 1 st  payment at the end of 10 years is
A = series of periodic equal amount of payments P 187,481.25. Find the value of R if money if money is worth 5%.
i = interest rate per interest period Ans. P 45,000
n = number of interest periods/number of equal payments Example 2: A parent on the day that child is born wishes to
determine what lump sum would have to be paid into an account
SAMPLE PROBLEMS bearing interest of 5% compounded annually, in order to
Example 1: If money is worth 4% compounded semiannually, find withdraw P 20,000 each on the child’s 18th, 19th , 20th  and 21th
the present amount of an annuity due paying P 5,000 birthdays?
semiannually for a term of 3.5 years. Ans. P 30,941.73
Ans. P 33,007.15 Example 3: An asphalt road requires no upkeep until the end of 2
Example 2: A man agrees to make equal payments at the beginning years when P60, 000 will be needed for repairs. After this P90, 000
of each 6 months for 10 years to discharge a debt of P 50,000 due will be needed for repairs at the end of each year for the next 5
now. If money is worth 8% compounded semiannually, find the years, then P120, 000 at the end of each year for the next 5 years.
semiannual payment. If money is worth 14% compounded annually, what was the
equivalent uniform annual cost for the 12-year period?
Ans. P 3,537.58
Ans. P 79,245.82
Example 3: To accumulate a fund of P 80,000 at the end of 10
years, a man will make equal annual deposits in the fund at the
Example 4: A man wishes to provide a fund for his retirement such Continuous Compounding for Discrete Payments
that from his 60th to 70th birthdays he will be able to withdraw For an annuity compounded continuously, replace interest rate
equal sums of P18, 000 for his yearly expenses. He invests equal
amount for his 41st to 59th birthdays in a fund earning 10%
compounded annually. How much should each of these amounts
ER = e  1
with the effective rate for compounded continuously. Recall that:

Replacing the interest rate for the formula of ordinary annuity


P = e A 1 ee  1
with ER, the formula becomes:
Ans. P 2,285.25
Example 5: A lathe for a machine shop costs P 60,000, if paid in
cash. On the installment plan, a purchaser should pay P 20,000
downpayment and 10 quarterly installments, the first due at the
end of the first year after purchase. If money is worth 15%
F = e A 1 e  1
compounded quarterly, determine the quarterly installment.
Example 6: A man invests P 10,000 now for the college education Example 1: Determine the accumulated amount to an account
of his 2 year old son. If the fund earns 14% effective interest rate, paying P 5,000 annually (payments are made at the beginning of
how much will his son get each year starting from his 18th to the each period) for 18 years if money is worth 8% compounded
22nd birthday? continuously. Also determine the present worth.
Ans. P 20,791.64 Ans. P 209,452.57; P 49,625.13

Capitalized Cost
Perpetuity  –  a type of annuity in which payments continue
Capitalized Cost – is the sum of the first co st and the present worth
indefinitely. of all costs of replacement, operation and maintenance for a long
period of time of any property.
Capitalized Cost = First Cost + Present Worth of Perpetual
Operations and Maintenance + Present Worth of Perpetual

Present Worth of Perpetual Replacement = 1 iR  1

Replacement by Sinking Fund Method

R = FC  SV
P = Ai R = replacement cost
FC = first cost
SV = salvage value
P = value or sum of money at present i = interest rate per interest period
A = series of periodic equal amount of payments L = useful life in years
i = interest rate per interest period
SAMPLE PROBLEMS Example 1: The first cost of a certain equipment is P 324,000 and
Example 1: Find the present worth of perpetuity of P 5,200 a salvage value of P 50,000 at the end of its life of 4 years. If money
payable monthly if the interest is 16% compounded monthly. is worth 6% compounded annually, find the capitalized cost.
Ans. P 390,000 Ans. P 1,367,901.15
Example 2: Find the present value of a perpetuity of P 15,000 Example 2: Find the capitalized cost of a bridge whose cost is P
payable semiannually if money is worth 8% compounded 250M and life is 20 years. If the bridge must be partially rebuilt at
quarterly. a cost of P 100M at the end of each 20 years. i = 6%.
Ans. P 371,287 Ans. P 295.3076M
Example 3: If money is worth 8%, determine the present value of Example 3: A machine cost P 150,000 and will have a scrap value
a perpetuity of P 1,000 payable annually with the 1st  payment due of P 10,000 when retired at the end of 15 years. If money is worth
at the end of 5 years. 4%, find the annual investment and the capitalized cost of the
Ans. P 9,187.87 machine.
Example 4: If money is worth 8% compounded quarterly, Ans. P 324,793.85
calculate the present worth of the following: Example 4: A bridge that was constructed at a cost of P 7.5M is
(a) An annuity of P 1,000 payable quarterly for 50 years expected to last 30 years at the end of which time its renewal cost
(b) An annuity of P 1,000 payable quarterly for 100 years will be P 4M. Annual repairs and maintenance is P 300,000. What
(c) A perpetuity of P 1,000 payable quarterly is the capitalized cost of the bridge at an interest of 6%?
Ans. (a) P 49,047.35; (b) P 49,981.85; (c) P 50,000 Ans. P 13,343,260.77
Example 5: It costs P 50,000 at the end of each year to maintain a Example 5: Calculate the capitalized cost of a project that has an
section of Kennon road in Baguio City. If money is worth 10%, how initial cost of P 3,000,000 and an additional cost of P 1,000,000 at
much would it pay to spend immediately to reduce the annual cost the end of every 10 yrs. The annual operating costs will be P100,
by P 10,000? 000 at the end of every year for the first 4 years and P160, 000
Ans. P 400,000 thereafter. In addition, there is expected to be recurring major
rework cost of P 300,000 every 13 yrs. Assume i =15%.
Ans. P 4,281,936
Uniform Arithmetic Gradient  A contract has been signed to lease a building at
Uniform Arithmetic Gradient  –  is the increase by a relatively P20,000 per year with an annual increase of P1,500 for
constant amount each period. 8 years. Payments are to be made at the end of each
year, starting one year from now. The prevailing
interest rate is 7%. What lump sum paid today would
be equivalent to the 8-year lease-payment plan?

The cash flow above is equal to the sum of the two cash flows

A = P 1000, n = 5

We denote the difference between two preceding amount

(increase per period) as G, which is also known as uniform
gradient amount, in this case:
G = 500, n = 5
The formulas that may be used in this type of cash flow may be

P A=P1i  P  1
analyzed using this formulas:

P = i  1 i 

P = Gi 1ii   1  n 1 i−
P⁄G = 1i 1 ii   1 n 1 i−
PG/G = Gradient to present worth factor

Example 1: An individual makes 5 deposits that increase
uniformly by P 300 every month in a savings account that earns
12% compounded monthly. If the initial deposit is P 4,500,
determine the accumulated amount in the account just after the
last deposit.
Ans. P 25,984.67
Example 2: An amortization of a debt is in a form of a gradient
series. (a) What is the equivalent present worth of the debt if
interest is 5%. (b) Determine also the future amount of
amortization as well as the equivalent uniform periodic payment.
(c) What is the equivalent uniform annual cost?
Ans. P 15,178.34; P 18,449.37; P 4,280.47
SET 2: DEPRECIATION Example 5: A machine cost P 73,500 and has a life of 8 year s with
Depreciation – is the decrease in value of physical property with a salvage value of P 3500 at the end of 8 years. Determine the
the passage of time. book value at the end of 4 years using straight line method.
Book Value – is the worth of property as shown on the accounting Ans. P 38,500
records of an enterprise Example 6: What is the book value of electronic test equipment
Salvage/Resale Value – is the price that can be obtained from the after 8 years of use if it depreciates from its original value of P
sale of the property after it has been used. 120,000.00 to its salvage value of 13% in 12 years? Use straight-
Scrap Value – the amount of property would sell if disposed of as line method.
BVD  ==FCFCDSV Ans. P 50,400
Example 7: The initial cost of paint sand mill, including its
installation is, P800 000.00. The BIR approved life of this machine
Where: is 10 years for depreciation. The estimated salvage value of the
BVm = book value of a property at any time m mill is P 50,000.00 and the cost of dismantling is estimated to be P
Dm = total depreciation of a property at any time m 15,000.00. Using straight line depreciation, what is the annual
DL = total depreciation at the end of its useful life depreciation charge and what is the book value of the machine at
FC = first cost the end of six years?
SV = salvage or scrap value Ans. P 76,500; P 341,000
Example 8: An equipment has a salvage value of P1M at the end of
Straight Line Method 50 years. The straight line depreciation charge is P2M.
Straight Line Method  –a method which assumes that the loss in (a) What is the first cost of the machine?

d = d = ⋯ F=C dSV = d = d

value is directly proportional to the age of the property. (b) What is the book value after 25 years?
(c) At what year will its total depreciation be P30M?
d= L Ans. P 101M; P 51M; 15 th year

DD  == mdLd Sinking Fund Method

Sinking Fund Method  – a method which assumes that the sinking
fund established in which funds will accumulate for replacement.
The total depreciation that has been taken place up to any given
d = depreciation at any year
time is assumed to be equal to the accumulated amount in the
Dm = total depreciation of a property at any time m
sinking fund at any time.
DL = total depreciation at the end of its useful life
L = useful life in years
d = d = ⋯FC=dSVi = d = d
FC = first cost d = 1 i  1
SV = salvage or scrap value
D =  ddi 1  i  1
Example 1: A machine has an initial cost of P 50,000 and a salvage
value of P 10,000 after 10 years. Using Straight Line Method of
D = i 1  i  1
Depreciation: d = depreciation at any year
(a) What is the annual depreciation? Dm = total depreciation of a property at any time m
(b) What is the book value after 5 years? DL = total depreciation at the end of its useful life
(c) What is the total depreciation after 3 years? L = useful life in years
Ans. (a) P 4,000; (b) P 30,000; (c) P 12,000 FC = first cost
Example 2: An Engineer bought an equipment for P 500,000. He SV = salvage or scrap value
spent an additional amount of P 30,000 for installation and other
expenses. The salvage value is 10% of the first cost. If the book SAMPLE PROBLEMS
value at the end of 5 years is P 291,500 using straight line Example 1: Given FC = 100,000, SV = 10,000, L = 10 years, i = 5%.
depreciation, compute the life of the equipment in years. (a) Annual Depreciation, d.
Ans. 10 years (b) Book Value after 3 years.
Example 3: A machine which cost P 10,000 was sold as scrap after (c) Book Value after 8 years.
being used for 10 years. The scrap value is P 500. Determine the Ans. P 7,155.41; P 77,442.56; P 31,672.21
total depreciation at the end of 5 years. Example 2: An equipment cost P 100,000 with a sa lvage value of P
Ans. P 4750 5,000 at the end of 10 years.
Example 4: An engineer bought an equipment for P 500,000.00. Using Sinking Fund Method with interest rate= 4%.
He spent an additional amount of P 30,000 for installation and (a) Compute the annual depreciation cost.
other expenses. The salvage value is 10% of the initial first cost. (b) Find the book values at years 1 to 4.
Life = 15 years. Compute the following: Ans. (a) P 7,912.64; (b) P 92,087.36; P 83,858.21; P 75,299.90; P
(a) Annual Depreciation. 66,399.26
(b) Book Value after 6 years. Example 3: A plant erected to manufacture socks with a first cost
(c) Total depreciation after 10 years. of P 10,000,000 with an estimated salvage value of P 100,000 at
Ans. (a) P 31,800; (b) P 3 39,200; (c) P 318,000 the end of 25 years. Find the appraised value to the nearest 100
by sinking fund method at 6% interest rate at the end of
a. 10 years
b. 20 years
Ans. P 7,621,600; P 3,362,200
Example 4: A factory is constructed at a 1st  cost of P 8,000,000 and Ans. P 268,793.20
with an estimated salvage value of P 200,000 at the end of 25
years. Find its appraised value to the nearest 100 at the end of 10 Double Declining Balance Method
years by using sinking fund of depreciation assuming an interest Double Declining Balance Method  – a method which is similar to
of 5%. declining balance method except that the rate of depreciation k is
Ans. P 5,944,400 replaced by 2/L.
Example 5: A four-stroke motorbike costs P75 000.00. It will have
a salvage value of P10 000.00 when worn out at the end of eight d = FC1  2L−2L
years. Determine the annual replacement deposit using the SFM
at 5%. BV = FC1 2L
Ans. P 6,806.92
Example 6: A machine that costs P75 000.00 five years ago now Where:
D = FC  BV
cost P45 864.31, when 7% interest is applied using the sinking dm = depreciation at any time m
fund formula. Determine the salvage value of the machine for an BVm = book value of a property at any time m
estimated useful life of 10 years. Dm = total depreciation of a property at any time m
Ans. P 5,000 L = useful life in years
FC = first cost
Declining Balance Method (Matheson’s Method)
Declining Balance Method  –  a method which assumes that the SAMPLE PROBLEMS
annual cost of depreciation is a fixed percentage (k) of the salvage Example 1: A machine has a first cost of P 140,000 and a life of 8
value at the beginning of the year.
1 kk−k
dBV = =FCFC1 years with a salvage value of P 10,000 at the end of its useful life.
Using double declining balance method:
(a) What is the Book Value on the 3rd year?
SV = FC1 k (b) What is the depreciation charge on the 4th year?

k = 1   √  SFCV Ans. P 59,062.50; P 14,765.63

Example 2: An equipment costs P 500,000 and has a salvage value

D = FC  BV
Note: This method is not applicable if there is no salvage value.
of P 25,000 after its 25 years of useful life. Using Double Declining
Balance Method, what will be the book value after 8 years?
Ans. P 256,609.44
Where: Example 3: XYZ Company has an equipment that cost P 90,000.
dm = depreciation at any time m After 8 years, it will have a salvage value of P 18,000.00. Using
BVm = book value of a property at any time m Double declining balance method, find the book value at the end
Dm = total depreciation of a property at any time m of 5 years.
L = useful life in years Ans. P 21,357
FC = first cost Example 4: Given the following data for a construction equipment:
SV = salvage or scrap value Initial cost = P 1,200,000.00; Economic Life = 12 years; Estimated
k = rate of depreciation salvage value = P 320,000.00.
(a) What is the book value after seven years?
SAMPLE PROBLEMS (b) What is the depreciation charge on the 4th year?
Example 1: A machine costing P 720,000 is estimated to have a (c) What is the total depreciation charge at the end of the 10 th
book value of P 40,545.73 when retired at the end of 10 years. year?
Depreciation cost is computed using a constant percentage of the Ans. P 334,898; P 115,740.74; P 1,006,193.30
declining value. Example 5: A machine costing P 550,000 has an estimated scrap
(a) What is the annual rate of depreciation? value of P 85,000 at the end of its economic life of 8 years. Using
(b) What is the book value after 3 years? DDBM of depreciation:
(c) What is the depreciation charge at the 4th year? (a) What is the book value after 4 years of service?
(d) What is the total depreciation after 6 years? (b) What is the book value at the end of its life?
Ans. (a) 0.25; (b) P 303,750; (c) P 75,937.50; (d) P 591,855.47 Ans. P 174,023; P 55,062.10
Example 2: A machine having a certain 1 st  cost has a life of 10 years
and a salvage value of 6.633% of the first cost of 10 years. If it has

d = sumFCof the SVdigits reverse digit

Sum of the Years Digit Method
a book value of P 58,914 after 6 years, how much is the first cost
of the machine using Matheson’s Method?
Ans. P 300,049.23
Example 3: A machine has a current price of P 400,000. If its selling D = sumFCof the SVdigits sum of reverse digits
price is expected to decline at the rate of 10% per annum, what
will be the selling price after 5 years? sum of the digits = L2 L  1
Ans. P 236,196.00 reverse digit = L mm 1
Example 4: A radio service panel truck initially costs P 56,000. I
resale value at the end of the fifth year is estimated at P 15,000. By
sum of reverse digits = 2 2L m 1
means of the Declining Balance Method, determine the yearly Where:
depreciation charge for the first and second years. dm = depreciation at any time m
Ans. P 12,969.60; P 9,965.84 Dm = total depreciation of a property at any time m
Example 5: An engineer bought an eq uipment for P 800,000. Other L = useful life in years
expenses, including installation, amounted to P 50,000. At the end FC = first cost
of its estimated useful life of 10 years, the salvage value will be SV = salvage or scrap value
10% of the first cost. Using the constant percentage method of
depreciation, what is the book value after 5 years?
SAMPLE PROBLEMS to process 800,000 cu.m. during its life. During a certain year it
Example 1: An asset is purchased for P 9000. Its estimated life is processed 60,000 cu.m. If its scrap value is P 100,000, determine
10 years, after which is will be sold for P 1,000. Using SOYD the total depreciation during the year and the depreciation cost
(a) Find the book value during the 3rd year. chargeable to each batch of 50 cu.m. using the service output
(b) Find the depreciation during the 2nd  year. method.
(c) Find the total depreciation after 4 years. Ans. P 180,000.00; P 150.00
Ans. P 5,072.72; P 1,309.09; P 4,945.45
Example 2: Mr. Q purchased a Bulk Milk Cooler for P 480,000.00.
Shipping, tax, and installation costs amounted to P 25,000.00, P
20,000.00 and P 15,000.00. The machine has a useful life of 7 years SUPPLEMENTARY PROBLEMS
and salvage value of P 40,000. Example 1: A machine costs P 7,000 which last for 8 years with a
(a) Determine the book value after four years. salvage value at the end of its life of P 350. Determine the
(b) Determine the depreciation charge on its last year of service. depreciation charge during the 4 th year and the book value at the
(c) Determine the total depreciation after 3 years. end of 4 years by:
Ans. P 147,142.86; P 17,857.14; P 321,428.57 (a) Straight Line Method;
Example 3: A telephone company purchased microwave radio (b) Declining Balance Method;
equipment for P 6 million, freight and installation charges (c) SOYD Method;
amounted to 4% of the purchased price. If the equipment will be (d) Sinking Fund Method with interest of 12%;
depreciated over a period of 10 years with a salvage value of 8%, (e) Double Declining Balance Method
determine the depreciation cost during 5th year using SYD. Ans. (a) P 831.25, P 3,675; (b) P 710.96, P 1,565.25; (c) P 923.61,
Ans. P 626,269.10 P 2,197.22; (d) P 540.66, P 4,416.00; (e) P 738.28; P 2,214.84
Example 4: A company purchases an asset for P 10,000.00 and Example 2: A P 110,000 chemical plant had an estimated life of 6
plans to keep it for 20 years. If the salvage value is zero at the end years and a projected scrap value of P 10,000. After 3 years of
of the 20th year: operation, an explosion made it a total loss. How much money
(a) What is the depreciation in the third year? would have to be raised to put up a new plant costing P 150,000,
(b) What is the total depreciation at the end of 14 years? if the depreciation reserve was maintained during its 3 years of
(c) What is the book value of the asset at the end of 8 years? operation by:
Use sum-of-the-year’s digits depreciation. (a) Straight Line Method;
Ans. P 857.14; P 9,000; P 3,714.29 (b) Sinking Fund Method at 6% interest
Example 5: An equipment costing P 500,000.00 has a life Ans. P 100,000; P 104,359.08
expectancy of 5 years. Using some-of-the-year’s digit method of Example 3: A contractor imported a b ulldozer for his job, paying P
depreciation, what must be its salvage value such that its 250,000 to the manufacturer. Freight and insurance charges
depreciation charge for the first year is P 100,000.00? amounted to P 18,000; customs’, broker’s fees and arresters
Ans. P 200,000.00 services amounted to P 8,500; taxes, permits, and other expenses
which is 10% of the purchasing cost. If the contractor estimates
Service-Output Method the life of the bulldozer to be 10 years with a salvage value of P
Service-Output Method  – a method which assumes that the total 20,000, determine the book value at the end of 6 years using the:
depreciation that has taken place is directly proportional to the (a) Straight Line Method;

output = FC SV

quantity of output of the property up to that time. (b) Sinking Fund Method with interest at 8%;

Depreciation per uniFCtSV T (c) Matheson’s Formula;

(d) SOYD Method
D = T Q Ans. P 132,600; P 158,949.69; P 59,201.53; P 71,181.82
Example 4: An equipment costs P 10,000 with a salvage value of P
Where: 500 at the end of 10 years. Calculate the annual depreciation cost
Dm = total depreciation of a property at any time by:
FC = first cost (a) Straight Line Method;
SV = salvage or scrap value (b) Sinking Fund Method at 4% interest
T = total units of output up to the end of its life Ans. P 950; P 791.26
Q = total number of units of output at any time Example 5: A radio service panel truck initially costs P 56,000. Its
resale value at the end of the 5th year is estimated at P 15,000.
SAMPLE PROBLEMS (a) Determine the annual depreciation charge by SLM.
Example 1: A television company purchased machinery for P (b) By means of the Matheson’s Formula, determine the yearly
100,000 on July 1, 1979. It is estimated that it will have a useful of depreciation charge for the first, second and third year.
10 years, scrap value of P 4,000, production of 400,000 units and Ans. P 8,200; P 12,969.60, P 9,965.84, P 7,657.75
working hours of 120,000. The company uses the machinery for
14,000 hours in 1979 and 18,000 hours is 1980. The machinery
produces 36,000 units in 1979 and 44,000 units in 1980. Compute
the depreciation charge for 1980 using each method given below:
(a) Straight Line Method
(b) Working Hours Method
(c) Output method
Also compute the total depreciation at the end of 1980 using:
(d) Working Hours Method
(e) Service Output Method
Ans. P 9,600; P 14,400; P 10,560; P 25,600; P 19,200
Example 2: An asphalt and aggregate mixing plant having a
capacity of 50 cu.m. every hour costs P 2,500,000. It is estimated
Rate of Return Method (ROR)  Annual Worth Method  –  in this method, interest on the original
Rate of Return – is a measure of the effectiveness of an investment investment (sometimes called minimum required profit) is
of capital and its financial efficiency. When this method is used, it included as cost. If the excess of annual cash inflows over annual
is necessary to decide whether the computed rate of return is cash outflows is not less than zero, the proposed investment is

ROR = ncapiet annual profi t Annual cash inflowAnnual cash outflow ≥ 0

sufficient to justify the investment. justified.

net annual profit = annualtalrevenue

invested annual cost SAMPLE PROBLEMS
Example 1: An investment of P 270,000 can be made in a project
Annual cost includes depreciation, labor and material cost, that will produce a uniform annual revenue of P 185,400 for 5
overhead, rental, tax and insurances, etc. years and having a salvage value of 10% of the investment. Out of
pocket costs for operation and maintenance will be P 81,000 per
SAMPLE PROBLEMS year. Taxes and insurance will be 4% of the first cost per year. The
Example 1: An investment of P 270,000 can be made in a project company expects capital to earn not less than 25% before income
that will produce a uniform annual revenue of P 185,400 for 5 taxes. Using annual worth method, determine the annual cash
years and having a salvage value of 10% of the investment. Out of flow. Is this a desirable investment?
pocket costs for operation and maintenance will be P 81,000 per Ans. –P 3,509; It is not a desirable investment
year. Taxes and insurance will be 4% of the first cost per year. The Example 2: A man is considering investing P 500,000 to open a
company expects capital to earn not less than 25% before income semi-automatic auto washing business in a city of 400,000
taxes. Using ROR method, determine the rate of return of the population. The equipment can wash, on the average, 12 cars per
investment. Is this a desirable investment? hour, using two men to oper ate it and to do small amount of hand
Ans. ROR = 23.70%; It is not a desirable investment work. The man plans to hire two men, in addition to himself, and
Example 2: A young mechanical engineer is considering operate the station on an 8-hour basis, 6 days per week, and 50
establishing his own small company. An investment of P 800,000 weeks per year. He will pay his employees P 25.00 per hour. He
will be required which will be recovered in 15 years. It is expects to charge P 25.00 for a car wash. Out-of-pocket
estimated that sales will be P 800,000 per year and that operating miscellaneous cost would be P 8,500 per month. He would pay his
expenses will be as follows. employees for 2 weeks vacation each year. Because of the length
Materials P 160,000 per year of his lease, he must write off his investment within 5 years. His
Labor P 280,000 per year
capital now is earning 15%, and he is e mployed at a steady job that
Overhead P 40,000 +10% of sales per year
pays P 25,000 per month. He desires a rate of return of at least
Selling expense P 60,000
The man will give up his regular job pa ying P 216,000 per year and 20% of his investment. Using annual worth method, determine the
excess of annual revenue over the annual cost. Would you
devote full time to the operation of the business; this will result in
decreasing labor cost by P40,000 per year, material cost by P recommend the investment?
Ans. P 19,040; the man should invest
28,000 per year and overhead cost by P32,000 per year. If the man
expects to earn at least 20% of his capital, should he invest?
Present Worth Method
Compute for the actual rate of return.
Present Worth Method  –  this method is based on the concept of
Ans. The man should not invest; R OR = 6.6118%
Example 3: The ABC Company is considering constructing a plant present worth. If the present worth of all net cash flows is equal to
to manufacture a proposed new product. The land costs P or greater than zero, the project is justified. Cash inflow includes
annual revenue and salvage or scrap value. Depreciation is
15,000,000, the building costs P 30,000,000, the equipment costs
P 12,500,000, and P 5,000,000 working capital is required. At the
end of 12 years, the land can be sold for P 25,000,000, the building Present Worth of all net cash flows ≥ 0
excluded in cash outflow.

for P 12,000,000, the equipment for P 250,000 and all of the

working capital recovered. The annual disbursements for labor, SAMPLE PROBLEMS
Example 1: An investment of P 270,000 can be made in a project
materials, and all other expenses are estimated to cost P
23,750,000. If the company requires a minimum return of 25%, that will produce a uniform annual revenue of P 185,400 for 5
what should be the minimum annual sales for 12 years to justify years and having a salvage value of 10% of the investment. Out of
the investment? pocket costs for operation and maintenance will be P 81,000 per
year. Taxes and insurance will be 4% of the first cost per year. The
Ans. P 39,748,563.43
company expects capital to earn not less than 25% before income
Example 4: A man formerly employed as chief mechanic of an
automobile repair shop has saved P 1,000,000.00 which are now taxes. Using present worth method, determine the present worth
invested in certain securities giving him an annual dividend of of all net cash flows. Is this a desirable investment?
15%. He now plans to invest this amount in his own repair shop. Ans. –P 9,436.00; It is not a desirable investment
In his resent job, he is earning P 25,000.00 a month, but he has to
resign to run his own business. He will need the services of the Future Worth Method
following: 2 mechanics each earning P400.00 a day, and 8 helpers Future Worth Method  – this method is exactly comparable to the
each earning P200.00 a day. These men will work on the average present worth method except that all cash inflows and outflows
300 days per year. His other expenses are the following: are compounded forward to a reference point in time called the
Rental P30,000.00 a month
Sales tax
P25,000.00 a month
3% of gross income
Future Worth of all net cash flows ≥ 0
Insurance 2%
The length of his lease is 5 years. If the average charge for each car
Example 1: An investment of P 270,000 can be made in a project
repaired by his shop is P 1,000.00. Determine the number of cars
that will produce a uniform annual revenue of P 185,400 for 5
he must service in one year so that he will obtain a profit of at least
years and having a salvage value of 10% of the investment. Out of
20% on his investment?
pocket costs for operation and maintenance will be P 81,000 per
Ans. 2112 cars
year. Taxes and insurance will be 4% of the first cost per year. The
company expects capital to earn not less than 25% before income
taxes. Using future worth method, determine the future worth of
all net cash flows. Is this a desirable investment?
Ans. –P 28,796.50; It is not a desirable investment

Payback (Payout) Period Method

Payback Period  –  is defined as the length of time required to
recover the first cost of an investment from the net cash flow
produced by the investment for an interest rate of zero.

Payback Period = Investment Sal v age Valu e

Depreciation is not included in cash outflow.

Net annual cash flow

Example 1: An investment of P 270,000 can be made in a project
that will produce a uniform annual revenue of P 185,400 for 5
years and having a salvage value of 10% of the investment. Out of
pocket costs for operation and maintenance will be P 81,000 per
year. Taxes and insurance will be 4% of the first cost per year. The
company expects capital to earn not less than 25% before income
taxes. Determine the payback period.
Ans. 2.6 years
Example 2: A fixed capital investment of P 10,000,000.00 is
required for a proposed manufacturing plant and an estimated
working capital of P 2,000,000.00. Annual depreciation is
estimated to be 10% of the fixed capital investment. Determine
the rate of return on the total investment and the payout period is
the annual profit is P 2,500,000.00.
Ans. ROR = 12.5%; 4.8 years
Rate of Return on Additional Investment Method In comparing alternatives by this method, determine the present

ROR on additional investment = addi  annualtionalnetinvestment

The formula for the ROR on additional investment is:
savings worth of the net cash outflows for each alternative for the same
period of time. The alternative with the least present worth of cost

tional inetnvestment
renceiinncapiannualtal incostvested is selected.

Example 1: Example 1: A company is considering two types of
If the rate of return on additional investment is satisfactory, then, equipment for its manufacturing plant. Pertinent data are as
the alternative requiring a bigger investment is more economical follows:
and should be chosen. Type A Type B
First cost P 200,000 P 300,000
SAMPLE PROBLEMS Annual operating cost P 32,000 P 24,000
Example 1: A company is considering two types of equipment for Annual labor cost P 50,000 P 32,000
its manufacturing plant. Pertinent data are as follows: Insurance and property taxes 3% 3%
Type A Type B Payroll taxes 4% 4%
First cost P 200,000 P 300,000 Estimated Life 10 10
Annual operating cost P 32,000 P 24,000 If the minimum required rate of return is 15%. What is the present
Annual labor cost P 50,000 P 32,000 worth of Type A? Type B? Which eq uipment should be selected?
Insurance and property taxes 3% 3% Ans. P 651,689; P 632,643; Type B
Payroll taxes 4% 4%
Estimated Life 10 10
If the minimum required rate of return is 15%, which equipment
should be selected? What is the rate of return of return on
additional investment?
Ans. Type B; 18.79%

 Annual Cost Method

To apply this method, the annual cost of alternatives including
interest on investment is determined. The alternative with the
least annual cost is chosen.

Example 1: Example 1: A company is considering two types of
equipment for its manufacturing plant. Pertinent data are as
Type A Type B
First cost P 200,000 P 300,000
Annual operating cost P 32,000 P 24,000
Annual labor cost P 50,000 P 32,000
Insurance and property taxes 3% 3%
Payroll taxes 4% 4%
Estimated Life 10 10
If the minimum required rate of r eturn is 15%. What is the annual
cost of Type A? Type B? Which equipment should be selected?
Ans. P 129,850; P 126,056; Type B

Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost Method

In this method, all cash flows (irregular or uniform) must be
converted to an equivalent uniform annual cost, that is, a year-end
amount which is the same each year. The alternative with the least
equivalent uniform annual cost is preferred. When the EUAC
method is used, the equivalent uniform annual cost of the
alternatives must be calculated for one life cycle only.

Example 1: Example 1: A company is considering two types of
equipment for its manufacturing plant. Pertinent data are as
Type A Type B
First cost P 200,000 P 300,000
Annual operating cost P 32,000 P 24,000
Annual labor cost P 50,000 P 32,000
Insurance and property taxes 3% 3%
Payroll taxes 4% 4%
Estimated Life 10 10
If the minimum required rate of return is 15%. What is the EUAC
of Type A? Type B? Which equipment should be selected?
Ans. P 129,850; P 126,060; Type B
Break-Even Analysis

Example 1: The cost of producing a small transistor radio set
consists of P 23.00 for labor and P 37.00 for materials. The fixed
charges in operating the plant are P 100,000 per month. The
variable cost is P 1.00 per set. The radio set can be sold for P 75.00
each. Determine how many sets must be produced per month to
Ans. 7,143 sets
Example 2: A company has a production capacity of 500 units per
month and its fixed costs are P 250,000 a month. The variable
costs per unit are P 1,150 and each unit can be sold for P 2,000.
Economy measures are instituted to reduce the fixed costs by 10%
and the variable cost be 20%. (a) Determine the old break-even
(b) Determine the new break-even point.
(c) What is the old monthly profit at 100% capacity?
(d) What is the new monthly profit at 100% capacity?
Ans. 294 units per month; 208 units per month; P 175,000; P 315,
Example 3: Two machines are being considered for the production
of a particular part for which there is a long term demand.
Machine A costs P 50,000 and is expected to last 3 years and have
a P 10,000 salvage value. Machine B cos ts P 75,000 and is expected
to last 6 years and have zero sa lvage value. Machine A can produce
a part in 18 seconds; Machine B requires only 12 seconds per part.
The out-of-pocket hourly cost of operation is P 38 for A and P 30
for B. Monthly maintenance costs are P 200 for A and P 220 for B.
If interest on invested capital is 25%, determine the number of
parts per year at which the machines are equally economical.
Ans. 29, 544 parts
Benefit-Cost Ratio
Example 1: A non-profit educational research organization, is
contemplating an investment of P 1,500,000 in grants to develop
new ways to teach people the rudiments of profession. The grants
would extend over a ten-year period and would achieve an
estimated savings of P 500,000 per year in professors ’ salaries,
student tuition, and other expenses. The program would be an
addition to ongoing and planned activities, thus an estimated P
100,000 a year would have to be released from the other program
to support the educational research. A rate of return of 15% is
expected, calculate the B/C ratio. Is this a good program?
Ans. B/C = 1.34; It is a good program
Example 2: The National Government intends to build a dam and
hydroelectric project in the Cagayan Valley at a total cost of P
455,500,000. The project will be financed by soft foreign load with
a rate of interest of 5% per year. The a nnual cost for operation and
maintenance, distribution facilities and others would total P
15,100,000. Annual revenues and benefits are estimated to be P
56,500,000. If the structures are expected to last for 50 years, with
no salvage value, determine the B/C ratio of the project.
Ans. B/C = 1.41

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