Budgeting in CBE
Budgeting in CBE
Budgeting in CBE
MAY, 2012
I would like to great thanks give to almightily my Allah he has helped me in every
aspects of my life.
Next I would like to express my heart felt gratitude to my advisor Ato Eshetu
Yadecha his heart felt advice and helped me. I would also like to Jimma University
business and Economics College in general and department of Accounting
Generally the objective of this research paper is to assess the budget and its impact
on performance measurement on commercial bank of Ethiopia.
Specifically, this objective can be improving the banks budget and performance
measurement techniques by solving the problem of budget variance to much it
with the principle of activity based budget systems. The study also tried to answer
some questions such as what are the cause of variance, how the budgeting process
made? What are the bases for preparation of budget and so on. Data was collected
from both primary and secondary sources, primary data was collect at using both
unstructured interview and questionnaire. Interview was conducted from the banks
employees. Questionnaires was distributed to the selected employee’s related
leaders of the bank, secondary data had been used from published and non
published documents.
Finally, this paper concern on budgeting and related issues to address the occurred
variance and to check the banks performance. The research conclude from the
bank used budget and faces many problems. Based on this I would forward some
recommendations, the bank should be suitable, attract and control unforeseen
circumstances and externalities.
Title Page
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER ONE..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the organization...........................................................................1
1.2. Background of the study...........................................................................................3
1.3 Statement of the Problem...........................................................................................4
1.3 Objective of the Study...............................................................................................6
1.5. Significance of the Study..........................................................................................7
1.6 Scope of the Study.....................................................................................................7
1.7. Limitation of the study..............................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO.................................................................................................................8
2. LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................8
2.1 Origin of the budget...................................................................................................8
2.2. Definition of Budget and Budgeting.........................................................................8
2.3 The objective and role of budgeting..........................................................................9
2.4 Budgeting procedures..............................................................................................10
2.5. Relationship Between planning and Budgeting......................................................11
2.6. Performance measurement......................................................................................12
2.6.1. Performance evolution concepts......................................................................12
2.6.2. Performance reports and communication........................................................13
2.6.3. Using performance measurement to impalement corporate strategy..............13
2.7. Budget Classification..............................................................................................14
2.8. Types of Budget......................................................................................................15
2.8.1. Program Budgeting..........................................................................................15
2.8.2. Zero Base Budgeting (ZBB)............................................................................15
2.8.3. Activity Based Budgeting................................................................................16
2.8.4. Incremental Budgeting.....................................................................................17
2.8.5. Master Budget..................................................................................................17
2.8.6. Variable Budget................................................................................................17
2.8.7. Fixed Values flexible Budget...........................................................................18
2.9. Government Budget................................................................................................18
2.10. International control systems................................................................................18
3. METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................20
3.1 Study Area...............................................................................................................20
3.2 Method of Data Collection......................................................................................20
3.3 The Sampling design...............................................................................................20
3.4 Data analysis and preset...........................................................................................21
CHAPTER FOUR.............................................................................................................22
4.1 Data analysis and presentation.................................................................................22
4.2. Analysis of Questionnaires.....................................................................................22
4.3 Budget......................................................................................................................23
4.4. Types of budget.......................................................................................................25
4.4.1. Flexible Vs Fixed budget.................................................................................25
4.4.2. Variance analysis..............................................................................................26
4.4.3. Performance reports.........................................................................................28
4.4.4. Financial budgeting analysis............................................................................29
4.4.5. Balance sheet budget.......................................................................................35
4.4.6 Cash budget......................................................................................................38
CHAPTER FIVE...............................................................................................................40
5. SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.......................................40
5.1. Summary and Conclusion.......................................................................................40
5.2. Recommendation and suggestions..........................................................................43
The commercial bank of Ethiopia which is striving to embark into world class
commercial bank, rendering state of the art and reliable service to its million of
customers both locally and abroad. The business strategy of the bank was focus
on the stakeholders serves. The number of branches now a day reached 500 and
stretched across the length breadth of the country. CBE combines a wide capital
base with more than 10,000 talented and committed employees. In 2011 whom it
regard as it key assets fro banking development. The state owned commercial bank
of Ethiopia still dominates the market interms of asset deposit, capital and
customers base and branch network, deposit the growing competition from private
bank over the last 15 years. This make it one of the it one of the most reliable and
strong commercial bank in the country and the region. Its strong capital base
above 67 years of rich experience in the market and large branch network through
out the country on able the bank to accommodate large demand for banking
service, bank from private and public companies and to increase its over all
revenue on sustainable base.
To become world class c commercial bank. The term world class presumes
efficiency good cooperate with governance and move toward best international
banking practices.
We are committed to maximizing shareholders value through enhanced financial
intermediation and up parallel customer satisfaction we strongly believe that
reliability and public confidence are the base of our success. The fundamental
component of our mission statement include
- Customer:- our customers are our most important assets.
- Shareholders:- In order to optimally meet the need of our customers and
efficiently manage out business.
- Employees:- Quality customer service is possible only through motivated
and skilled employees for the will being of its employees it tries to develop
a work force that enjoys working for and prides it self in association with
the bank.
1.2. Background of the study
The purpose of this paper was to show the budgeting and its impact on
performance measurement of the commercial bank of Ethiopia on the Shashemene
branch. To assess the proper goals of the bank the employee in the budgetary
processes participants can give employees the feeling that “this is our budget”.
1.3 Statement of the Problem
A budgeting is a plan that out lines an organizations financial goals. So it can be
vehicle for addressing objectives, goals and problems in the most careful way. It
also defined as the formal expression of the plan objectives of management of the
bank which covers all phases of operation for a specific period of time. Budgeting
is a plan it helps to allocate resources, evaluate performance. It is a financial
document used to project future in come of expense. The budgeting process may
be carried out by individuals or by companies to estimate whether the
person/company can continue to operate with its project. Should not be regarded
as expression wish full thinking but it can a description of an attainable objective.
This is the real fact that motivate we to study the problem that attach with
budgeting control and evaluation activities that take place in commercial bank of
Ethiopia on Shashemene branch. In order to achieve the target activity, effectively
and properly budget is a crucial instrument for the bank. Almost all organization,
be governmental or not use budget for different projects and programs to enhance
efficient and effective utilization of the scarce resources. However, many of the
organizations would not prepare budget according to their plan and thus, faces a
series budget variance. The real purpose of budgeting should have several
advantages. It guides (monitoring) the flow of the banks activity at all. It also
enhances the quality of the service that was rendered by the bank, control and
accountability each participants through internal and external relations of
managers to its employees, customers, suppliers, creditors and the concerned
parties at a whole. Commercial bank was one of the widest governmental
organization, that is series and successive budget variance. Related factors that is
behind preparation of budget and the challenges faced in the implementation of the
planned activities their consequence creates great impact on the bank. Problem of
budgeting is not the only preparation., but also on implementation. In the current
global market environment customer is a key concern to be raised in order to
continue in the market. In this regard as ordinary customer is always come across
long customer guenon our service rendering branches.
From this point of view the researcher wants to investigate. Thus the them of my
questioner involves on concepts of the following.
How the organizations is employee the budget
How was the performance evaluation to address customers problem
Which would be attribute for financial service rendering business as a
What were the bases for preparation of budget?
What type of budget was used by the bank?
What are the challenges in the preparation and implementation of budget?
Who are responsible to prepare budget?
Does the bank effectively implant its budget?
Does the variance has impact on the banks performance.
1.3 Objective of the Study
1.4.1.General objective
The general objective of the study was to investigate the budgeting processes and
factors that affect the effective and efficient utilization of budget in commercial
bank of Ethiopia in Sheashemene branch
1.5. Significance of the Study
The significance of the study would be helps to makes the reliable decisions by
managers of the bank, to create aware of active participation of all workers.
- The study would be monitoring the manager to manage its responsibility
- They used the findings of the study feedback on the budget process,
implementation, preparation and changes.
- It helps to take corrective action by the manager
- The study would be laid down a starting point for other researchers in order
to incentive study on the budgeting and its impact.
Budget is an expression of a firms plan conversing all phases of operations in
financial form for a definite period of time in future. Budget spells out the policies,
plans, goals and objectives laid down in advance by top management for the
organization and for each sub- division of the same. It predicts income for a given
period as well as estimates costs and expenses, with the objective. of earning a
desired profit (Man Mohan, page: 957). It forces management to give early
consideration to what they plan to do in the future period.
The first objective consists of allocating resources between the various function
consumption and investment that between the pubic and private sector. The
distributional sector (objective) necessitates the consideration of public
expenditure and the income groups that are anticipated to be served. It is the policy
maker or government that decides who will be benefited how much from the
available resources among the society. This may by achieved by expenditure
policies such as, subsidies, pension or social welfare schemes as much as taxation
on income and capital
relating the programs and policies on the future costs and benefits, and lastly the
actual performance of the chosen program must evaluated.
‘To harmonize the budget with the plan, there must be a plan in existence, there
should be on annual plan with which budget could be harmonized, ….and there
must exist at least a set of short term targets and goals towards the attainment of
which the budgetary decisions could be oriented.
According to preme Hand (1989:pp 188) budgeting with out planning could to be
a plan of action and plans with out realistic detection of budgetary restraints have
little chance of implementation. Thus any appropriate plan can be meaningless and
the result my become paradox unless it is reelected in the budget.
Therefore, budget and plans are concerned with policy analysis and allocation fo
resources. The difference is that, in planning the economic aspects dominate,
where as, in budgeting more attention is paid for financial aspects.
The first one is special external reports. Here, reports are submitted to government
agencies such as regulatory commissions, creditors, investigative agencies and
other external groups. These reports are extensive and comprise a considerable
portion of the over all reporting. The next one is reports to owners. It refers to the
traditional annual report to the owners (to stock holders in the case of a business)
and other special reports got ready fro the owners. These reports based on
generally accepted accounting principles.
The last category, the internal reports are those secret reports are prepared in the
corporation for internal use only. They do not have to meet the needs of external
groups, nor the test of “Generally accepted accounting principle”. This category of
reports is subdivided in to three different sub qualifications. These are statistical
report, special report and performance reports.
All companies regardless of their size; have reporting requirements for all the
categories listed above. In small companies, most the basic reporting needs may be
accomplished by using a single general propose report; we are concerned
specifically with performance reports. This particular phase or reporting is an
internal part of a comprehensive budget program. (Ginna Welsch and etal 1997)
links strategic objective to functional tasks by focusing attention on the critical out
puts required by the strategy.
2.8. Types of Budget
Budget as a process and a system has different features and applications. Even
through many of them have common feature, they also manifest significant
differences. Since budget express plan and an organization may have a large
verity of plans: there are many type of budget. The classification of budget based
on their nature, coverage of function, characteristics of activity, period and
Its advantage falls in to the hands of mangers of respective institutions. More over
according to the method of zero base budgeting “decision packages; have to be
developed. They key to be zero base budgeting lies in the identification and
evaluation of alternative. This is favorable by ranking of decision package, the
most crucial stage in the application of this method. despite the obvious advantage
of ZBB, it has disadvantages.
- Given enough time and man power, there would not be controversy on the
application of zero base budgeting.
- How ever, if such problems exist, reviewing all programs every year would
be bulky and sometimes important.
- Another more serious problem is the ranking of problems.
- If there is in to way to continue with that inefficiency
- Activity in the future. (Anthony Robert 2004: PP 300)
Conversely, it is tiresome and time consuming to determine the demand for each
individual activity based on output budgeted, production, new product
development (Anthony Robert 2004: PP 309)
2.8.4. Incremental Budgeting
In this case the previous budget is considered as a base. The former budget figures
can be increased or reduced based on situations, particularly on the volume of
activity of the organization planned to be preformed. These types of budgeting
simplify the preparation of the budget because it needs adjustment of data from the
budget that had already been prepared. However, incremental budgeting is not
without drawbacks, particularly because the past period budget may include in
efficiency. (Anthony Robert 2004: PP 321).
The guidance is more specific for h coming year than it is for more distant year.
The plan for the coming years is called master budget. The master budget is also
known as the static budget, the budget plan or the planning budget. The master
budget indicates the sales level, production and cost level. here, income and cash
flows that are anticipated fro coming yar. However, it has its Owen limitations that
arise from its comprehensiveness which may result in wrong formulation of the
budget. (IAIN, Maritaland, 1997: PP 119).
2.8.7. Fixed Values flexible Budget
Fixed budget is a budget fro a specific or fixed total amount that many not be
exceeded due to changes in the demand for goods and services. Being prepared for
a particular planned action, it is suitable for activities whose resources utilization
does not materially vary in due course. It is most appropriate when changes in the
amount of goods and services obtainable directly affect availability of resources
and expenditure needs. (IAIN, Maritaland, 1997: PP 301).
The two main constituents of internal control system are the administrative and the
financial (Accounting: control
The administrative control comprises the procedures and records that are
concerned with decision making process leading to management’s authorization of
events . on the other hand, the financial control consists of the plan of an entity,
producers; and records that deal with protection of assets and the consistency of
financial records ascertains logical plan of an entity, new designed and accounting
configuration, an internal audit function, and quality and training of personnel’s as
among the indispensable factor to reinforce internal control arrangement.
The secondary data has been collected from different sources, such as the banks
pamphlets, manuals, reference books and other research materials, magazines,
personal documents, public and official documents:- such as records, journals and
magazines and news papers reports with exchange rate and interest rates. Among
personal documents letters, memories and diaries are an important secondary
knowledge and familiarity with the banks activity. I would be selected 20 sample
they are currently working in the bank.
Coding is a technical procedures by which data are categorized through coding the
raw data to transferred in to symbolic usually numerals. They may be tabulated
and counted. This can by specifying the categorizes in to which regains to be
place. The number would be depend up on the number of question on the
questionnaires. Coding is open ended questions. This can be done through
developing consistent set of standards to each questions.
Tabulation can be consists of simply counting the number facts that fall in to
various groups. It communication the result of the study, can be used for several
purpose (i.e to calculate summary statistic). Tabulation can be done by hand, it is
facilitated determining the empirical distribution. Variables and frequencies were
numerated in each table for calculation of various statistics and communicative
distributions would be employed to observer with less than or equal to specify
quantities determined.
Table 1: Demographic characterized & respondents and their educational level by
proportion of men and women.
Sex Second degree First degree Diploma Total
No % No % No % No %
Male 3 15% 8 40% 3 15% 14 70%
Female - - 2 10% 4 20% 6 30%
Total 3 15% 10 50% 7 35% 20 100%
(Source:- Data collected through questionnaires)
From the above table reflects the educational background of women as compared
to men is low female those graduate with first degree are 10% of the total
respondents. In the 2nd degree no one and in the diploma holders are 20% males
with second degree holders are 15% of total respondents and first degree holders
and 40% of the respondents and diploma holders are 15% out of respondents in
general academical level of female as compared with men was does not
proportional in the commercial bank employees of Shashemene branch.
4.3 Budget
Budget is the back bone of any organization to archive its objectives. The bank
was used budget. All respondents say the bank was use appropriate budget
procedure. The banks budgeting objective was on the different aspects. Among
this the cost gain and the cost lend funds. The major concerns of the budget was
projecting availability of the funds. Interest rates, lonable conditions, deposit
demand and operating expense and the bank uses flexible types of budget system.
Budget responsibility
The banks budget was prepared and take responsibility by the banks top level
officials. The respondents response shows that the budget was prepared by
corporate planning and business development department and the responsibility
taken by it. I would also asked to the respondents to investigate each branch that
are found on the bank are prepared their own budget and take responsibility at the
end most participates of budget preparation was the budget committee of the bank
and the concerned top to Lowe employees of the bank.
Table 3. Does all branches prepare their own budget and take responsible at
the end
Type of response No of respondent Percentage (%)
Yes 16 80%
No 4 20%
Total 20 100%
Based on the above table the bank was prepared and take responsible at the end
the majority of the respondents that is 16(80%) was said the organization properly
prepared and used. The remaining was that is 4(20%) was said the banks
preparation of budget is does not known by the lower level servants.
The problem that occurred on preparing of the banks budget was lack of
formalization between employees of the bank because the upper level officials are
does not concern to lower level servants.
- lack of activate flow of essential information from top to botton and vice
- unforeseen circumstance: change in market condition, customer awareness.
- thereat from exiting and potential competitors
- understand markets to obtain resources
- New markets exploit.
The procedure the bank follow up to prepare budget was bottom to up and vice
versa and most of the time quantitative procedure was used. It is the measurement
of quantity or amount that is the bankss activities. It is applicable for phenomenon
that can be expressed intermes of quantity.
The procedure followed by the bank was top to bottom and vice versa due to top
officials participate in budget processing activities and gave appropriate
instructions to concerned lower level worker. Bottom level workers ware
participated by supplying customer based information to upper level officials and
commented upper level officials when unnecessary action was occurred
Table 4: response on for how long the budget you prepared was run (used)
Respondents Amount of response For semi Percentage (%)
for a month For a quarter For a year
Yes - - - 20 100%
No - - - - -
Total - - - 20 100%
(Source: Data collected through questionnaires)
Based on the above table we can observe that the respondents reply concerning on
their response 100%(20) respondent are said the bank used its budget for a year.
applicable in the organization. to get appropriate answer for this question which is
taken 20 sample respondents from employees of the bank.
From the analysis of the above table we can understand that what looks like the
respondents reply to questions are the majority of the respondent says the bank
uses flexible budget due to the reality of the advantages. The response which is the
above table shows 18(90%) was flexible budget used the bank and the remaining
2(10%) said that the bank uses fixed budget. The reason flexible budget was
choosen by the bank was
- Flexible budget can adoptable to any given set of operational conditions.
- It is also more realistic
- Practical activity was achieved.
- Useful than fixed one.
Repleiants Response Percentage (%)
Yes 14 70%
No 2 10%
Neutral - -
May be yes 4 20%
Total 20 100%
(Source: From employees of the bank)
From the above table we can observe the majority of the respondents that is
14(70%) was said the bank used its budget appropriately. But the remaining was
which is 2(10%) are said that the bank does not implement its budget effectively
and 4(20%) was may be used said due to uncontrollable nature.
Schedule -6 Does variance occurred do you compared the actual with the budget
Respondents No Percentage (%)
Yes 20 100%
No - -
Total 20 100%
(Source: From the Data collected)
The variance that was occurred in the bank was favorable to the bank. The
respondents of the bank gave their response to this idea all of them are said that
20(100%) favorable to bank. Relating to this would like to investigate why
variance was occurred in the bank. The reason for occurrence of variance was
- unforeseen circumstance e.g. Unexpected revenue capital gain
- changes in the market condition
- improvement of the general administrative policy of the bank
- Increase civil servants participation in the bank and create awareness about
their responsibility.
difference of actual with the budgeted ones, Such types of reports showing
satisfactory or fair or unsatisfactory (unfair) variance from different budget angles
based on this for how may times does the bank prepared performance report with
in a year all respondents gave their response on the following table.
Table 7: Does how many times do you prepared performance report a year
Respondents Every Every Every Every year %
month quarter semi
A. Yes - 14 - - 70%
B. No - 6 - - 30%
Total - 20 - - 100%
Based on the above table we are concluded that the bank was prepared
performance with in a quarter. Because the respondent said that 14(70%) of males
are reply their response on a quarter and 6(30%) of female also said that the same
answer about the performance of the bank.
From this the essential features of performance report was the reporting of
variance among actual and planned results occurred. So that, I would like to know
when the bank takes the measure action in order to control the variance. To obtain
reliable answer for this issue would analysis the following tables and gain their
Based on the above table evaluating measure action is do not simple task, it needs
very critical and needs very high attention. Based on understanding of customers,
suppliers, creditors and employees of the bank and the nature of the job by it self.
Among the total sample of 15(75%) was said that taking measure action was
performed three months later from the variance occurred. On the other hand the
remaining 5(25%) of the respondent said that the occurred variance would be
measured and evaluate at semi annual. From the above table I would think that
variance was occurred in the bank and to know the degree of the variance was
positive or negative its impact on the performance of the organization concerned
respondents gave their response to this opinion positive one.
- Ultimately through the achievement of a goal for a profit generally in all
area of operations of the bank was customer based.
- They give quick and quality service to their customers
- To be better responsible to their task
- Built the over all preparation of the bank
- To award its customers and workers of the bank
- Share holders have special initiator on the profitability of the bank
because profit is the ultimate initiator of business oriented
- The contributor of each factor to the bank was consistently improve its
service and the demand of customer also shifted to this bank.
- Management activity to achieve the seated goals was played many
roles. He guide and control the banks essential activity by cooperating
with its employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders etc.
- The banks service giving performance was very interesting now day it
integrates and build up with computerized system and this computerized
system helps to customers to save time, energy and reduced unnecessary
time wastages and increase working speeds to workers and customers.
Table 9: Response on how the profit budget year of 2010 as it compared with actual
Number of Response Percentage
Very good Good Moderately No %
A 15 75% - - - - 75%
B - - 5 25% - - 25%
Total 15 75% 5 25% - - 100%
(source: Data collected through questionnaire)
From the above table we can understand how was the profit budget year of 2010
as it compared to actual. Majority of the respondents that is 75% said very good
and the remaining respondents that is 25% said good. In connection with this I
would try to asked to what about profit budget year of 2011. All of them are said
very good. Additionally I would also wanted to know in which year was the bank
more profitable the sample respondents all are said budget year of 2011 is more
preferable than 2010. based on the above table the researcher tried to checked the
income statement of the bank was whether it is positive variance or negative the
variance of the bank was positive one and I would have been seen the variance the
majority of the banks transaction was increased in actual as competed with
planned on.
To compare the profit budget of 2010 and 2011 with their actual the following
income statements are analysied.
In 2011 to compare profit budget with actual the following income statement are
Income Actual Planned Variance
Interest income 79,913,317 73,680,815 6,232,507 F Favorable
Interest expense (24,515,475) (26,420,213) (1,904,738) Favorable
Net interest income 55,397,842 47,260,602 8,137,240 Favorable
Commission fee, 39,176,276 36,252,957 2,923,319 Unfavorable
Net gain from leasing in 29,370,387 24,652,123 4.718.174 Favorable
foreign currency
Other operating income 1,280,673 1,223,970 56.703 Favorable
Net operating income 128,725,214 111,858,810 16.866.404 Favorable
Provision for doubtful 19,082,579 23,153,214 4.070.635 Unfavorable
loans and advances
Provision for doubtful 2,899,757 3,102,428 102,671 Unfavorable
debits other than loans
Net interest and other 106,242,886 85,203,178 21,039,710 Favorable
income after provision
for doubtful loans and
Operating expense
Salaries and benefits 20,070,095 20,000,000 (70,095) Unfavorable
General administration 22,655,141 19,986,540 (2,668,601) Unfavorable
Directors fee 124,500 125,005 505 Favorable
Audit fee 1000,000 101,480 1,480 Favorable
Total operating expense 42,949,736 40,213,025 2,736,711 Unfavorable
Net profit before tax 63,393,152 44,990,153 18,302,999 Favorable
Provision for profit tax (15,583,530)
Net profit after tax 47,709,622
Legal reserve (11,927,405)
Net profit after tax and 35,782,217
legal reserve
Earning per share of birr 478
Commercial bank of Ethiopia
Income statement
For the year ended June 30,2011
Income Planned Actual Variance
Interest income 122,697,352 135,257,216 12,559,864 Favorable
Interest expense (30,523,780) (34,553,832) (40,300,52) Unfavorable
Net interest income 92,173,572 100,703,384 8,529,812 Favorable
Commission fee & 418,635,975 422,411,42 3,775,445 Unfavorable
charge 0
Net gain from dealing in 42,502,390 46,379,629 3,877,239 Favorable
foreign currency
Other operating income 1,354,200 1,564,220 210,020 Favorable
Provision for doubt full 178,968,500 186,258,650 Favorable
loans and advance
Provision for doubtful 30,203,650 29,070,829 1,132,821 Unfavorable
debts other than loans
and advance
Direct write of other 409,630 370,850 38,780 Favorable
than loans and advance
Basic factors that affecting budgetary performance are different situations that are
involved in the organization from the above table observed that major factors
affecting budgetary performance is appropriate budget allocation to concerned
department and the banks civil servants mainly focus on the appropriate budget
allocation according to the organization principles.
The second factors that affecting the organizational variance was its manager. The
manager plays a significant role in the organizations performance and he
participates or concerns every aspects of the bank and communicate each
employees and civil servants. Also looks facilitation of budget with in the
The third factors that affecting the banks budgetary performance are employees of
the bank. Employees are major factor whether positively or negatively affecting
the organization performance by minimum involvement or not participate their
specific job accordingly. Based on this reason the banks work facilitation is low
and the movement of transaction whether revenue or expense is not accurately
recorded on time and vice versa.
The forth factor that causes to variance occurred was customers. The bank
formulates and stretch customer handling activity to satisfy its customers because
customer is the key factor for any activity. Based on this the bank arranges its
work on computer based for speed up purpose and time and economic wastages
are lower. The fifth factor that are satisfy the variance was sufficient fund to
achieve the seated goals whether investment or loans purpose. The bank was have
been enough budgetary transaction to achieve and lead the performance variance.
From the above income statement table of 2010 and 2011, it can be observed that
net profit before tax has shown an increase by 40% over the budgeted in 2010 and
2011. It also shows net profit before tax has been increased by 64% over the
budgeted one. In general a net income before tax of birr 94.2 million was recorded
in 2011, an increment of 40% from a level of 63.3 million in 2010 net profit after
tax of birr 70.9 million was register in the against the preceding years birr 47.7
Commercial bank of Ethiopia
Balance sheet
For the year ended June 30,2010
Assets Actual Planned Variance
Cash balances with 209,075,620 203,687,620 5,380,000 Favorable
Reserve with NBE 63,223,893 580,896,215 4,324,678 Favorable
Foreign bank deposit 35,522,0893 343896215 11324678 Favorable
Loan and advances 96,1027,335 935,652,253 25,375,082 Favorable
Stock of supplies 4,729,112 4,360,685 368,427 Favorable
Other assets 18,104,786 15,859,796 224,499 Favorable
Deferred changes 2,451,714 2,266,775 184,939 Favorable
Fixed assets 26,022,495 22,568,000 3,455,495 Favorable
Total assets 1,639,853,814 1,587,187,559 52,666,255 Favorable
Liabilities deposit 125,005,475 1,213,321,868 21,683,605 Unfavorable
from customer
Other liabilities 68,455,699 60,312,250 8,143,449 Unfavorable
Deposit from financial 87,773,518 83,677,815 4,095,703 Unfavorable
Margin held on letters 43,683,699 39,742,532 941,167 Favorable
of credit
Provision of or profit 16,583,630 14,224,186 2,359,444 Unfavorable
Total liability 1,451,502,019 1,411,178,651 40,223,368 Unfavorable
Capital and reserve
capital 112,384,000 10,8943,260 3,440,740 Favorable
Share premium 22,556,350 21,682,260 87,375 Favorable
Legal reserve 28,162,621 27,568,386 594,231 Favorable
Special reserves 3,657,722 3,535,998 91,724 Favorable
Retained earnings 41,891,897 40,260,440 1,631,457 Favorable
Total capital and 188,351,795 175,908,908 12,442,887 Favorable
Total liability, capital 1,639,853,814 1,587,187,559 5,266,255
and reserves
Commercial bank of Ethiopia
Balance sheet
For the year ended June 30,2011
Assets Actual Planned Variance
Cash balances with 318,670,756 27,4495,651 44,175,105 Favorable
Reserve with NBE 94,388,526 8,5642,506 8,746,020 Favorable
Foreign bank 248,294,591 20,8957,647 39,336,944 Favorable
Loan and advances 1,516,839,343 1296535774 220,303,569 Favorable
Stock of supplies 5,797,315 5,112,625 684,690 Favorable
Other assets 50,547,074 45,688,320 4,858,754 Favorable
Fixed assets 25,006,916 21,216,817 3,790,099 Favorable
Total assets 2,259,644,521 1,937,649,340 321,995,181 Favorable
Liabilities deposit
from customer
Deposit from 153,0944,846 1,281,410,567 249,534,279 Unfavorable
Deposit from 247,473,182 243,882,658 3,590,524 Unfavorable
financial institution
Other liabilities 118,428,665 109,345,785 9,082,880 Unfavorable
Margin held on 84,661,826 42,683,699 41,978,127 Favorable
letters of credit
Provision of or 23,367,734 20,385,412 2,982,322 Unfavorable
profit tax
Total liability 2,004,876,253 1,697,708,121 307,168,132 Unfavorable
Capital decrease
Paid up capital 14,7605,000 143,893,350 3,711,650 Unfavorable
Share premium 2,670,300 2,507,495 262,805 Unfavorable
Legal reserves 45,878,375 39,834,732 6,043,643 Favorable
Special reserves 5,367,333 5,125,413 241,920 Favorable
Retained earning 53,147,260 48,625,329 4,521,931 Favorable
Total capital and 254,668,268 239,946,219 14,682,049 Favorable
Total liabilities 225,9544,521 1,937,649,340 321,850,181
capital and reserves
From the above balance sheet budget year of 2010 and 2011, we can understand
that the total asset has shown as an increment of 3.3% over the budgeted year of
2010. and also in 2011 the balance sheet budget has shown an increment of 16.6%
over the budgeted. The total asset of the bank increased from birr 1.6 billion to birr
2.3 billion showing a 40% growth, during the fiscal year under consideration,
mainly as a result of an increase in loan and advances, where the volume of
economic loans reached 1.6billon, registering a close to 60% increased over that of
the preceding fiscal year (birr one billion). Like wise, aggregate deposits increased
from birr 1.3 billion to birr 1.8 billion, registering a growth rate of 3.8% over the
preceding similar period.
Does do you have customer handling system yes we have to handle our customer
we try to motivate by awarding permanent customers and by giving periodic
training to out servants.
Satisfaction is does not real tangible but we estimate our customers satisfaction by
judgmental way.
The bank retain its customer and increases the volume of its customer by
promotion to create initiation on its users and by attracting new users.
Table 10: Response on how was the cash budget of 2010 as in compared to its actual one
Respondents Response
no Very good Good Moderately Total %
A 4 20% 3 15% - - 17 - 35%
B 9 45% 1 5% - - 10 - 50%
C 3 15% - - - - 3 - 15%
Total 16 80% 4 20% - - 20 - 100%
From the above table the majority of the respondent said that 16(80%) very good,
the remaining 4(20%) said that good. In connection with this I would also what
about the cash budget of 2011, similar answer they game me for the question. It
was very good cash budget year of 2011 even it compared with 2010, it was better
in 2011.
In general I would competed budget year of 2010 and 2011, budget year of 2011 is
more successful than the preceding fiscal year.
5.1. Summary and Conclusion
To conclude this paper, the data which are collected, have been analysed and
interpreted with in the boundary of its constraints. So that the issues addressed in
this paper was shortly concluded in the following paragraphs.
Many business managers believe that it is neither necessary nor practical to
use budget in a service renduring company. From this point of view the
researcher conducted a research on service rendering company to support
or against this idea. However the researcher can concluded from the study
the bank used budget which budget was prepared many problems faced
such as: active flow of essential information from top management level to
bottom and vice versa It is important to managing, administrating and
control the over all activities of the bank.
Budget can be prepared by using quantitative or qualitative and both
procedures. However the bank uses both procedures.
Budget also prepared for aspane of a month, quarter, semi annual and
annual. In spite of the fact that the bank always used annual budget since
budget is the financial plan of a bank for the period the year and it enables
to predicting financial results and the operation of the financial statements
over the year. Therefore, effective implementation of the budget enables to
achieve the desired objectives as a result of this majority respondents,
which is 16(80%) believed that the effective implementation of budget,
where as the remaining respondents which is 4(20%) did not believe the
effective implementation of budget in the bank. From this it can concluded
that the bank effectively implemented its budget.
When budget was prepared it can be fixed or flexible. However, the bank
prepared flexible budget and still a flexible budget is a preferable one from
the bank’s point of view.
Even if the bank implements its budget effectively, variance were
observed, when compared actual results with budgeted estimation the
reason for the occurrence of variance was
o Changing of the market condition-externalities such s creditors,
customers, suppliers and users of the budget. Performance report
can be effective, specially if it is presented continuously. How ever,
the bank constantly presented the performance report every quarter.
When variance occurred, it is required to take measure action by informing
to all employees of the bank in order to achieve better result and the
desired objective. So that, majority of respondent that is 15(75%) known
when measure action was taken, the remaining respondents that is 5(25%)
are did not known when measure action was take. It would be concluded
that majority of the respondents of the bank known when measure action
was taken.
Regarding the impact of variance whether it was favorable or unfavorable
on the performance of the bank seemed as followed.
o Most of the time the variance observed on the bank was favorable
of the bank second as followed.
o Its impact was not as such series rather it motivates to all employees
to more participate on their position. The manager also supervise
and communicate vertical and horizontal integration of its workers
and customers as a result of that they enable to exceed the targeted
fixed result.
When compared the overall budgeted year of 2010 with the budgeted year
of 2011 the bank was shown more improvement in budget year of 2011, in
case of profitability, wise use of budget, increase in total asset, economic
growth and all activity respects. From this we can concluded that the bank
became profitable from year to year.
5.2. Recommendation and suggestions
Based up on the data findings and conclusions made, the researcher suggests the
following recommendation for the problem.
Every branches of the bank have responsibility to prepared their own
budget based on the instructions received from corporate planning and
business development department and then prepared the budget and sent to
corporate planning for the purpose of verification and from this also goes to
budget committee for the sake of approval. And returned to each branches
in such process. That is long and time taking process for the bank it may be
a reason for occurrence of ineffective flow of essential information among
branches and heads. It can be amendable by giving full authority to all
branches and to finalized on that.
20% of the banks respondents does not believe surely the effective
implementation of the budget. It is does not simple matter it is advisable to
exist clear and open communication among managers, customers
employees and as well as all concerned departments of the bank for better
performance and to become more profitable to the bank.
The banking environment should be suitable and attractive to controlled
some extent of unforeseen circumstances and externalities unless other wise
impossible to achieve the targeted goal of the bank.
Annual based budget has its own drawback to control variances and to
judge the performance level of the bank. So that the bank must be use semi
annual base budget may be taken as the supportive action to controlled the
occurred variance and to continue smoothly.
The bank presents the performance report constantly every quarter, but this
may not be sufficient enough to controlled the variance. It is advisable to
the bank to present the report monthly based in order to control the variance
and better achievement of the objective.
To take any measure action on the bank informing to all related
participants, that is mangers, employees, customers and all department
however 25% of respondents of the bank they do not know when measure
action was taken. Means unnecessary action can not be controlled by a
single manager or department. In connection with this is advisable to
reduce the delay of measure action and while variance was observed but
irrespective of the fact that the bank take measure action three months later
from the occurrence of variance. This delaying may be a reason for the
occurrence of other variance on the bank and it may be come a serious. So
that, it can be advisable to the bank to take measure action if possible
immediately, other wise a month later.
The bank should use activity based budgeting technique rather than
increments. Because it is used to allocate resources according to the
contribution of the activity to the over all achievement of the organization
To qualify its service, and to create good customer handling or customers
satisfaction, the bank should be design its strategy on follow up and quick
response base.
The banking industry should be established on the modern system.
The manager of the bank have been hire qualified and talented
professionals to avoid or minimize employee related problems and
customers need to get convinent service to save time, energy and human
Upper level mangers should give the chance to lower level servants to
participate with them.
The bank would be give periodic training to its workers to increase their
efficient, awareness about budget and to motivate their contribution to
financial service rendering on the bank.
Basic factor preparation of budget was many situations among them
o Previous year budget, whether it was occurred variance or not if
variance occurred corrective action made or vise versa.
o To expansion purpose that is existing bank have ideal cash it needed
to diversify its position (power).
o Market is the most critical factor to show (guide) budget.
o Customer:- what amount of cash worker time, quality and others are
needed to made budget.
The bank must use flexible budget, due to it has many advantages over
fixed one according to activity to check immediately the occurred problem.
The budget should be revise quarterly base, rather than annual base.
The bank should create awareness about budget utilization fo its employee,
and each budget holder should be insuring that all expenditure is with in
approved budget schedule.
Finally the employee of the bank should be work hard for attainment of
organizational goals and objectives. Demand and capacity may be balanced
based on customers need.
This questionnaire is designed primarily for soliciting information. which will be
used in writing up senior research paper entitled “Budgeting and its impact on
performance of commercial bank.
So you are kindly requested to give the right answer you thin, since it contributes a
lot for the success available of this study. And the final result may be available to
you up on your request so that it may be valuable information regarding the issue
of being researched since it offers afresh and independent observation.
I would also like to for ward my thinks in advance fro your corporation.
- There is no need of writing your name
- Make a tick in the box, which you think is an appropriate response
- Employees of the bank should fill this questionnaire
I. Respondents profile
Sex male Female
Qualification: 12 complete degree Diploma
Post graduate PHD
Current position ________________________
I. Question
1. Do you use a budget? Yes No
2. If your answer for Q1 is yes what type of budget do you use?
Flexible Fixed
3. Who is responsible to prepare budget?
Financial department Management department
Board or director all of together
Other bodies _________________________________________
4. Does all branches prepare their own budget ad take responsibility at end
Yes No
5. What problem face on preparing of your budget?
Specify ________________________________________________________
6. What procedure you follow to prepare budget?
Specify ________________________________________________________
7. for how long the budget you prepared it run?
For month For three month for semi annual
For year
8. How many time do you prepare a performance report in a year?
Every month every three month every six month
every year
9. Does the bank effectively implement its budget?
Yes certainly no many years neutral
10. Does valance occurred when you compared the budget with actual
Yes No
11. If your answer for Question No 10 is yes specify the reason for the occurrence
of variance __________________________________________________
12. If your answer for Question No 10 is yes does the variance fair
Yes No
13. If variance was occurred when did take the measure action?
Immediately 3 month later Six month later
At the end of year
14. When their variance is fair or unfair please specify certain points the impact of
your performance
15. How was the profit budget compared with actual?
Good very good moderate no satisfactory
16. How was the cash budget compared with actual?
Good very good moderately No satisfy
17. How was the balance sheet budget as it compared with actual?
Good very good moderately No satisfactory
18. When you compare cash budget with actual which year more successful for
19. Which type of budget system is more preferable for you?
Flexible Fixed other
20 Do you have customer handling system?
21. Do you have a system to measure customer satisfaction?
22. The bank concern about retaining your customer and increase your customer