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Daily Lesson Log in English

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Teaching Week: Oct 07-Oct 11, 2019 Quarter SECOND

Oct 07 Anahaw 7:45-8:45 Oct 09 Anahaw 7:45-8:45 Oct 10 Anahaw 7:45-8:45 Oct 11 Anahaw 7:45-8:45
Oct 07 Lagundi 8:45-9:45 Oct 08 Lagundi 8:45-9:45 Oct 10 Lagundi 8:45-9:45 Oct 11 Lagundi 8:45-9:45
Oct 08 Oregano 12:15-1:15 Oct 09 Oregano 12:15-1:15 Oct 10 Oregano 12:15-1:15 Oct 11 Oregano 12:15-1:15
Daily Lesson Log in Oct 07 Maple 2:15-3:15 Oct 08 Maple 2:15-3:15 Oct 09 Maple 2:15-3:15 Oct 11 Maple 2:15-3:15

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian literature as an art form inspired and influenced by nature;
relationship of visual, sensory, and verbal signals in both literary and expository texts; strategies in listening to long descriptive
and narrative texts; value of literal and figurative language; and appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to patterns
of idea development.
B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and creative entertainment speech featuring a variety
of effective paragraphs, appropriate grammatical signalsor expressions in topic development, and appropriate prosodic features,
stance, and behavior.
C. Learning Competencies/ EN8V-IIe-24:Discriminate EN8OL-IIg-3: Deliver a self- EN8OL-IIg-3: Deliver a self- EN8LT-IIc-2.2: Explain how
Objectives between literal and figurative composed entertainment composed entertainment the elements specific to a
language speech using all the needed speech using all the needed genre contribute to the theme
speech conventions. speech conventions. of a particular literary selection
Literal and Figurative Entertainment Speech Entertainment Speech Elements of Short StoryThe
Language Story of the Aged Mother:A
Japanese Folktale by Matsuo
A. References
K to12 Curriculum Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide K to 12 Curriculum Guide
(May, 2016) pp. 2. (May, 2016) p. 179 (May, 2016) p. 179 (May, 2016) p. 1782. Learning
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
Package pp. 45-46 & pp. 139-
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
www.google.com,www.eread http://www.jokes4us.com/picku http://www.jokes4us.com/picku http://www.cpalms.org/Public/
ingworksheets.com/figurative plines/sweetpickuplines.htmlhtt plines/sweetpickuplines.htmlhtt PreviewResourceLesson/Previ
B. Other Learning Resources
-language/ ps://www.youtube.com/watch? ps://www.youtube.com/watch? ew/48295
v=YZZkw33zkY0 v=YZZkw33zkY0
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Recall of previous lesson. Recall of previous lesson. Recall of previous lesson. Recall of previous lesson.
presenting the new lesson
The teacher will post pictures Task 1: The Art of Lying! Task 1: The Art of Lying! The students will answer the
on the board and let the The teacher will ask you to The teacher will ask you to following
students formulate phrases watch the video of Rhea watch the video of Rhea
based on them by filling out Abegail Fatogan entertainment Abegail Fatogan entertainment
the missing letters. speech: The Art of Lying. speech: The Art of Lying.

B. Establishing a purpose for the


Task: Pair Activity Once the students have Once the students have Silent Reading
The students will look for finished watching, they will finished watching, they will After reading the students will
their partner, then read and answer the following answer the following answer the vocabulary
answer the activity below.(1 questions: questions: development below.
minute will be allotted for this 1. What can you say about the 1. What can you say about the
task)Write DM on the blank if video? video?
the sentence before the 2. What kind of speech do you 2. What kind of speech do you
number is expressing a think it is? think it is?
direct meaning and HM if 3. What makes it an 3. What makes it an
C. Presenting examples/ there is a hidden or another entertainment speech? entertainment speech?
instances of the new lesson meaning.
_______1.I‘m so hungry, I
could eat a horse.
_______2. He was late to
_______3. The field is calm
and quiet.
_______4.The sky is full of
dancing stars.
_______5.I stayed up late
last night, I‘m so tired!
Students will answer the Process Questions: Process Questions: Task 3. WORD WATCH
following questions orally. 1. What do you think is the 1. What do you think is the Directions: In the middle of
1.How did you arrive with purpose of an entertainment purpose of an entertainment each Word Chart are words
your answers? speech? speech? found in the selection. In your
2.Do you have a clue in 2. Do you think that when 2. Do you think that when group, give the definition of the
D. Discussing new concepts and
identifying sentences with you give series of jokes it you give series of jokes it word in focus. Then, give
practicing new skills #1
direct meaning? If so, what is can be considered as an can be considered as an examples of words with similar
it? entertainment speech already? entertainment speech already? meanings (SYNONYMS) and
3.Do you have a clue in 3. Is it also giving moral lesson 3. Is it also giving moral lesson words that have opposite
identifying sentences with in life? in life? meaning (ANTONYMS).
hidden meaning? If so, what Finally, use the word in a
is it?
4.Compare the sentences sentence. Write in the circle
with direct meaning to the below.
sentences with hidden

Comprehension Questions.
(Pair work) Answer the
questions with a partner.
1.Who are the characters of
the story? Who is the
protagonist? Who is the
2.Where is the setting of the
3.What was the cruel
proclamation of the governor?
4.Why did the leader issue the
5.How does the poor farmer or
E. Discussing new concepts and
youth fell about the
practicing new skills #2
6.How did he carry the order?
What did he do with his
7.How does the mother feel
about her son?
8.How did the mountain of
Obatsuyama, which is one of
the settings of the story,
contribute to the solution of the
9.What is the conflict of the
10.How would you describe
the mother? Why?
11.How would you describe
the farmer? Why?
12.What is the theme of the
13.How did the story end?
Based from the discussion of Discussion of the lesson. Discussion of the lesson. The students will answer the
the lesson and the activities activity below:
given, differentiate literal
language and figurative

F. Developing mastery

Tell whether the Final Task: Stand and Deliver! Final Task: Stand and Deliver! Direction: Answer the following
underlined phrase in each The students will make an The students will make an questions in a half sheet of
number used literal or entertainment speech and entertainment speech and paper.
figurative language. Write will deliver it to the class. They will deliver it to the class. They 1.If you were the farmer,
will be graded with the will be graded with the what are you going to do
L on the space before the
following rubrics following rubrics with your old mother if the
number if literal and F if president of the Philippines
figurative. wants old mothers to die alone
in the mountain?
G. Finding practical applications 2.How would you compare the
of concepts and skills in daily mother with your own mother?

H. Making generalizations and Generalize the day’s Generalize the day’s Generalize the day’s Generalize the day’s
abstractions about the lesson discussion. discussion. discussion. discussion.
I. Evaluating learning Quiz Items 1-5 Quiz Items 1-5 Quiz Items 1-5 Quiz Items 1-5

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation

Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw:
A. No. of learners who earned 80% Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi:
in the evaluation Maple Maple Maple Maple
Oregano Oregano Oregano Oregano
B. No. of learners who require Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw:
additional activities for remediation Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi:
who scored below 80% Maple Maple Maple Maple
Oregano Oregano Oregano Oregano
C. Did the remedial lessons work? Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw:
No. of learners who have caught up Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi:
with the lesson. Maple Maple Maple Maple
Oregano Oregano Oregano Oregano
D. No. of learners who continue to Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw: Anahaw:
require remediation Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi: Lagundi:
Maple Maple Maple Maple
Oregano Oregano Oregano Oregano
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/ discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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